Super Dehydration Using TEG-1
Super Dehydration Using TEG-1
Super Dehydration Using TEG-1
, USA, demonstrates
how cryogenic gas can be produced using only triethylene glycol
alone, with significant cost and operational advantages over
mol sieves, using a case study as an example.
n the LNG production process, before gas can be sufficiently But, if the water-lean solvent is insufficiently dry, no amount
compressed and liquefied, it must: have heavy hydrocarbons of adjusting its flow rate and temperature and adding extra
removed, its carbon dioxide (CO2) content reduced to at least trays or packed depth will change the situation. The regenerated
50 ppmv CO2 to prevent solid CO2 from forming, and its moisture solvent must not contain too much water, a parameter that is
content reduced to below 0.1 ppmv to prevent icing, before controlled by the glycol stripper.
entering the cryogenic liquefaction process itself. There, it is A conventional, reboiled TEG stripper is hopelessly
liquefied at near-atmospheric pressure by cooling to -162˚C. In inadequate for producing truly dry, lean TEG. Removing water
most cases, dehydration is achieved in a sequence of two or from wet glycol by contacting it with steam presents some
three columns of molecular sieve desiccant (mol sieves) while a serious challenges, even conceptually. First amongst them is the
fourth column is being regenerated. The main challenge using fact that one is trying to transfer water into a vapour phase that
glycol is the regeneration of triethylene glycol (TEG) into a is already water saturated. What is the driving force that is
super-dry state. responsible for drawing water from liquid to vapour? The
In any glycol-based process for removing moisture from a answer: really, there is none. Beyond the heat being passed into
gas, the main factors controlling performance are: the liquid boiling in the reboiler, which is causing some of the
� Glycol flow rate. water and a little of the glycol to evaporate, there is no driving
force for mass transfer (water vaporisation) in the column itself
� Dryness of the entering lean solvent. – the vapour is already water-saturated. Therefore, even without
� Temperature of the wet gas. running any simulations or much further thought, it should be
apparent that attaching a column to the reboiler is unlikely to
� Number of trays, or depth and size of packing. be of much benefit. In fact, it is barely dry enough to produce
gas sufficient to meet pipeline specifications (water content of (labelled ‘super drier’ in the image) is a very short, small-diameter
approximately 7 lb/million ft3 or 148 ppmv). The crucial realisation packed or trayed column positioned between the reboiler and
is that there is no way to continually evaporate water into an the accumulator holding the lean solvent. A small slipstream of
already water-saturated gas just by mass transfer alone, without dried gas is diverted from the top of the absorber and enters the
continually supplying energy for further boiling. For the stripper regeneration section either into the base of the super drier (Stahl
shown in Figure 1, this fact is unequivocally demonstrated by the Column), or directly into the reboiler via Stream 21, should an
simulation results shown in Figure 2. actual column not be installed.
Although invisible in Figure 2, there are actually nine TEG No matter where it is injected into the stripping section, the
profiles plotted there, for three different reboiler duties dry gas is a diluent for the stripped water vapour. As the gas and
(1200, 1500, and 2000 Btu/h) and three different tray counts water vapour travel together up the Stahl Column and stripper, the
(6, 8, and 16). All profiles are nearly coincident. Trays 1 – 3 are diluent alleviates the otherwise hopeless struggle the water
reflux trays whose purpose is to recover TEG from the vapour vapour has being drawn into the vapour. The diluent creates a
before it reaches the condenser and is lost with the stripped water. concentration driving force, where before there was none. The
Apart from Tray 4 (which serves as a feed tray), there is no obvious focus of the patent is producing a dried gas suitable for
reason for including Trays 5 – 16 in the column at all; in fact, Tray transportation by pipeline, i.e., with water content no greater than
4 could be eliminated, too, by feeding the hot rich TEG directly to approximately 7 lb/million ft3 (~148 ppmv) – the goal for
the reboiler and allowing the column to function as a three-tray liquefaction is moisture not exceeding 0.1 ppmv.
TEG recovery column. Only the reboiler itself is directly able to Figure 4 shows the TEG dehydration unit using a
transfer water to the vapour phase. The question then is, apart Stahl Column. The vapour feed (Stream 31) to the bottom of the
from boiling harder, what can be done to strip more water from Stahl Column is a small slipstream (0.033%) of the
the solvent? The answer to this enigma is a Stahl Column. well-dehydrated gas (47 ppb water by ProTreat® simulation)
originally destined for liquefaction. Based on what has been
The Stahl Column gleaned about the ineffectiveness of a reboiled stripper when used
The Stahl Column was described in US Patents3,105,748 to dry TEG, this stripper contains only four trays, with wet glycol
issued to Willi Stahl in 1963, and assigned to fed to Tray 4.
The Parkersburg Rig & Reel Company, Houston, Texas, the US. As Visually, the Stahl Column shown in Figure 3 has the
shown in Figure 3 (taken directly from the patent), a Stahl Column appearance of a very short column (or even no column at all, in
which case stripping gas would be fed directly to the reboiler via
Stream 21). The present implementation of a Stahl Column is
perhaps unusual in that it is fairly tall, using 15 m of Mellapak
M250.X structured packing. As will become apparent, the packing
size and bed depth are important parameters in setting system
performance. Similar parameters in the contactor are the packing
type, size (Mellapak-Plus M452.Y), and bed depth (10 m). The water
entering with the wet gas amounts to 827 ppmv. This could vary
quite a bit in actual operation so it would be important to know
something about what control measures could be taken to
accommodate variation in the water content of the wet gas, for
Figure 1. Gas dehydration using TEG with solvent example, or its flow rate. It would also be valuable to identify
regeneration in a single reboiled stripper.
those parameters to which expected performance is most
sensitive. Clues to answering such questions are to be found in
part in absorber and Stahl Column composition and temperature
profiles, and in part in a sensitivity study.
The contactor is the only vessel where the dry gas is actually
produced by contacting wet inlet gas with the dehydration agent.
The performance of the contactor itself is directly affected by
the moisture content of the wet gas, its flowrate, and the dryness
of the TEG solvent. Performance is measured by the dryness
of the dehydrated gas; however, this metric also affects the
performance of the Stahl Column simply because dried product
Figure 2. How TEG concentration varies with tray number in a gas is responsible for producing the dry solvent in the first place,
reboiled stripper. and this plays back into the contactor’s performance. The Stahl
Column and the contactor are intimately connected through both
Stahl Column
The Stahl Column removes the remainder of the water from the
solvent by using a small volumetric flow of dry stripping gas
borrowed from the final product. In fact, in the base case here, the
stripping gas amounts to less than 0.06% of the total product gas,
and 100% of it is recycled from the stripper overhead after being
Figure 3. Stahl Column (super drier) as shown in original
used in the Stahl Column – no hydrocarbons and almost no glycol
patent US 3,105,748.
are lost.
Figure 6 details how
water is stripped in the Stahl
Column, and how TEG is
concentrated there. In the
stripper, and particularly
across the reboiler, water
falls from 3.2 to 0.65 wt% (a
net decrease of 2.55 wt%). In
the Stahl Column, it falls
from 0.65 to 0.0001 wt% (net
decrease of 0.65 wt%). The
reboiler removes 80% of the
water entering the
regeneration section while
the Stahl Column removes
just 20%, but to an extremely
low level.
A standard contactor and Figure 4. Gas dehydration using TEG and a Stahl stripping column.
reboiled regenerator scheme
1. For more information, see ‘Moisture measurement
in the production of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)’,
Michell Instruments, (2016),
2. Cost figures were independently provided by personal
communication from Chris Villegas, CEO, Reset Energy,
3. WEILAND, R.H., et al., ‘Stahl Columns – an Alternative to
Molecular Sieves?’, PTQ Gas, pp. 22 – 25, (June 2022).