Artikel Reading Vocabulary
Artikel Reading Vocabulary
Artikel Reading Vocabulary
Arranged by :
Annisa anggiani : 60403100320093
Moch Firman Asmianto : 60403100320068
Neng Deril Fahrisa : 60403100320099
Supervior : Taufik Hidayat, M.Pd
A. Vocabulary Using Context
Context is part of a description or sentence that can support or add clarity to
the meaning of a situation related to an event.
Learning Vocabulary in Context is One of the most important strategies to
help build your vocabulary, increase your reading speed and how much you
understand is by learning vocabulary in context. “In context” means using the
situation that you understand in the sentences you have read so far to guess the
meaning of new vocabulary without depending on a dictionary constantly.
Guessing the meaning of new words using the context of the situation also
means using a dictionary less. When you are reading something, if you stop and use a
dictionary every time you come across a new word, not only do you use more time,
but you may forget what you learned from the reading and you won’t remember the
new vocabulary as well. In addition, many words in English have several different
meanings depending on the context. As much as possible, try to guess the meaning of
the vocabulary using context clues. You could make a note of the new word and look
up the meaning in a dictionary after you read, just to confirm your guess against the
dictionary definition, but wait until you have finished reading a page or two before
you use a dictionary. Also, of course you should use a dictionary if what you are
reading becomes confusing and it is difficult to understand.
There are many different strategies you can use to help you build your vocabulary
without becoming dependent on a dictionary.
The following practice questions for each strategy contain both vocabulary
you have read or will read in future stories and GRE vocabulary words–ones that are
more commonly used in English. (Except “hydrangea” and “enchilada.” I just like
those words.)
Before you guess the meaning of the new vocabulary, you need to know how
it functions in the sentence. Is it an action (a verb)? Is it a thing or a person (a noun)?
Is it trying to describe something (an adjective)? Is it trying to describe an action
(adverb)? You can also use your knowledge of word roots, especially suffixes, to
guess its part of speech. That will be practiced later.
B. Vocabulary Using Word Part
Word part is an Important aspect in comprehending a text Many words can be
broken into several parts When you know the meaning and function of
some common word parts, you can:
1. guess the meaning of some new words
2. remember the meaning of new words better
3. increase the number of words you know.