Fluid 4

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Example 2
The compressed air requirements of a manufacturing facility are
met by a 150-hp compressor that draws in air from the outside
through an 8-m-long, 20-cm-diameter duct made of thin galvanized
iron sheets. The compressor takes in air at a rate of 0.27 m3/s at the
outdoor conditions of 15C and 95 kPa. Disregarding any minor
losses, determine the useful power used by the compressor to
overcome the frictional losses in this duct.
Properties The properties of air at 1 atm = 101KPa,  = 1.80210-5

kg/ms. galvanized iron. The density of air is  = 1.149 kg/m 3 .

Assumptions 1 The flow is steady and incompressible. 2 The entrance

effects are negligible, and thus the flow is fully developed. 3 Air is an
ideal gas. 4 The duct involves no components such as bends, valves, and connectors, and thus minor
losses are negligible. 5 The flow section involves no work devices such as fans or turbines.

Properties The properties of air at 1 atm = 101.3 kPa and 15C are 0 = 1.225 kg/m3 and  =
1.80210-5 kg/ms. The roughness of galvanized iron surfaces is  = 0.00015 m  = 1.149 kg/m 3 .

Analysis The mean velocity and the Reynolds number are

Q Q 0.27 m 3 /s 0.27 m3/s

Vm = = = = 8.594 m/s
Ac D 2 / 4  (0.20 m) 2 / 4 95 kPa

Vm Dh (1.149 kg/m 3 )(8.594 m/s)(0.20 m)

Re = = = 1.096  10 5
 1.802  10 −5 kg/m  s 20 cm
which is greater than 4000. Therefore, the flow is turbulent.
The relative roughness of the pipe is 150 hp

1.5  10 −4 m
e/ D = = 7.5  10 −4
0.20 m

It gives f = 0.02109. Then the pressure drop in the duct and the required pumping power
L Vm
8 m (1.149 kg/m 3 )(8.594 m/s) 2  1N  1 Pa 
P = PL = f = 0.02109    = 35.8 Pa
D 2 0.20 m 2  1 kg  m/s 2  1 N/m 2 
 

 1W 
W pump,u = QP = (0.27 m 3 /s)(35.8.0 Pa)  = 9.66 W
 1 Pa  m /s 

Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics (Dr. Hameed Alawadi) 94

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