PROBLEM 11.80: V A / and A NTU C / U

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KNOWN: Compact heat exchanger with prescribed core geometry and operating parameters.
FIND: Required heat exchanger volume; number of tubes in the longitudinal and transverse directions,
NL and NT; required tube length.

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Negligible heat loss to surroundings, (2) Negligible KE and PE changes, (3)
Single pass operation, (4) Gas properties are those of air.
PROPERTIES: Table A-6, Water ( Tc = 325 K):  = 987.2 kg/m , cp = 4182 J/kgK; Table A-4,
Air (Assume Th,o  400 K, Th  550 K, 1 atm): cp = 1040 J/kgK.

ANALYSIS: To find the Hxer volume, first find Ah using the  -NTU method. By definition,
V A h /  and A h  NTU  Cmin / U h. (1,2)

Find the capacity rates, q, qmax and  :

Cc  m
 c c p,c  2 k g/ s  4182 J / k g K  8364 W / K

Ch  m
 h c p,h  1.25 kg/ s 1040 J / k g  K  1300 W / K  C min
Cr   0.155.
It follows that


Cc Tc,o  Tc,i  
8364W/ K 350  300 K
 0.804.
qmax 
Cmin Th,i Tc,i  1300W/ K 700  300 K

With  = 0.804 and Cr = 0.155, find NTU  1.7 from Fig. 11.18 for a single-pass, cross flow Hxer with
both fluids unmixed. Using Eqs. (2) and (1), find

A h 1.7 1300W/K/93.4W/ m2  K  23.7m2 V

 23.7m 2 /269m2 / m3  0.0880m3.

Continued …..
PROBLEM 11.80 (Cont.)

To determine the number of tubes in the

longitudinal direction, consider the tubular
arrangement in the sketch. The Hxer
volume can be written as
V  A fr  L (3)
L  NL 1  Df (4)
and NL is the number of tubes in the longitudinal direction. Combining Eqs. (3) and (4) and substituting
numerical values, find

NL  V/ Afr  Df /   1 (5)

where Df is the overall diameter of the finned tube, and

 
N L  0.0880m3 /0.20 m 2  0.0285m /0.0343 1 13.0  13. <
To determine the number of tubes in the transverse direction, compare the overall water flow rate m
 t. That is,
with that for a single tube, m
m t  c A t Vi
where At is the tube inner cross-sectional area

 D2 / 4 and Vi the internal velocity. Hence, (6)

 i

Nm  t   2 k g/ s  /987.2 k g/ m 3 
 c /m 0.0138m2  0.100 m / s  135.4  135.
The total number of tubes required, N, is 135; the number in the transverse direction is
NT  N/ NL  135/13  10.4  11. <
To determine the water tube length, recognize that the total area (Ah), less that of the finned surfaces
(Af), will be that of the water tube surface area. That is,
A h  A f   DoT  N.
From specification of the core geometry, we know Af/Ah = 0.830; solve for  T to obtain
T  Ah 1 A f / A h  /  Do  N (7)

T  23.7m2 1 0.830/  0.0164m 135  0.58m. <

COMMENTS: In summary we find that
Total number of tubes, N (NT  NL) 143
Tubes in longitudinal direction, NL 13
Tubes in transverse direction, NT 11
with a total surface area of 27.3 m . The length of the exchanger is
Length in longitudinal direction,  L 0.44 m
Length in transverse direction,  T 0.58 m.
KNOWN: Cooling coil geometry. Air flow rate and inlet and outlet temperatures. Freon pressure
and convection coefficient.
FIND: Required number of tube rows.

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Negligible fouling, (2) Constant properties, (3) Negligible heat loss to
-7 2
PROPERTIES: Table A-4, Air ( Th = 300 K, 1 atm): cp = 1007 J/kgK,  = 184.6  10 Ns/m , k =
0.0263 W/mK, Pr = 0.707; Table A-5, Sat. R-12 (1 atm): Tsat = Tc = 243 K, hfg = 165 kJ/kg.
ANALYSIS: The required number of tube rows is
NL  L  Df  / SL 1
L  V/ Afr V A h /  A h  NTU Cmin / Uh 
1/ Uh  1/ hc Ac / Ah  Ah Rw  1/o,h hh .
-5 2
From Ex. 11.6, (Ac/Ah) = 0.143 and AhRw = 3.51  10 m K/W. With
G 
1.50 kg/ s
 20.9 kg/ s  m2
 Afr 0.449 0.16m2

GD h 20.9 kg/ s m 2  6.68103 m

Re    7563
 184.6107 N s/ m2

and Fig. 11.20 gives jH  0.0068. Hence,

h j Gcp 20.9 kg/ s m2 1007J/k g K

 0.0068 180W/ m2  K.
h h
Pr2/ 3 0.7072/3
-6 2
With Lc = 6.18 mm and Ap = 1.57  10 m from Ex. 11.6, L 3/2
c hh /kA p  1 / 2 = 0.338 and, from
Fig. 3.19, f  0.89 for r2c/r1 = 1.75. Hence, as in Ex. 11.6, o,h = 0.91 and

  
1 / Uh  1/ 5000 W / m 2  K 0.143  3.51105 m 2  K / W 1/ 0.91180 W / m 2 K 
Uh  133W/ m2  K.
Continued …..
PROBLEM 11.82 (Cont.)

 h cp,h = 1511 W/K,

With Cmin/Cmax = 0 and Cmin = m


Ch Th,i  Th,o  20 K  0.30
qmax 
Ch Th,i  Tc,i  67 K

NTU  ln 1    0.355

A h  NTU min  0.355 1511W/K  4.03m2.
Uh 133W/ m2  K

Ah 4.03m2
  0.0937m
 Afr
269 m 2
/m 3

L  Df  1 0.0652  1  2.9.
NL 
SL 0.0343m

Hence, three or more rows must be used. <

COMMENTS: For the prescribed operating conditions, the heat rate would be

 
q  Ch Th,i  Th,o 1511W/ K 20 K   30,220 W.
If R-12 enters the tubes as saturated liquid, a flow rate of at least
q 30,220 W
 c 
m   0.183 kg/s
hfg 165,000J/kg

would be needed to maintain saturated conditions in the tubes.

KNOWN: Cooling coil geometry. Air flow rate and inlet temperature. Freon pressure and
convection coefficient.
FIND: Air outlet temperature.

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Negligible fouling, (2) Constant properties, (3) Negligible heat loss to
-7 2
PROPERTIES: Table A-4, Air ( Th  300 K, 1 atm): cp = 1007 J/kgK,  = 184.6  10 Ns/m , k =
0.0263 W/mK, Pr = 0.707; Table A-5, Sat. R-12 (1 atm): Tsat = Tc = 243 K, hfg = 165 kJ/kg.
ANALYSIS: To obtain the air outlet temperature, we must first obtain the heat rate from the  -NTU
method. To find Ah, first find the heat exchanger length,
L  NL 1SL  Df  30.0343m   0.0285m  0.131m.
V  AfrL  0.16m 2 0.131m   0.021m3

 
A h   V  269m 2 / m 3 0.021m 3  5.65m 2 .
The overall coefficient is
1 1 1
  Ah R w 
Uh hc  Ac / Ah  o,hhh
-5 2
where Ex. 11.6 yields (Ac/Ah) = 0.143 and AhRw = 3.51  10 m K/W. With
G 
1.50 kg/ s
 20.9 kg/ s  m2
 Afr 0.449 0.16 m2

GD h 20.9 kg/ s m 2  6.68103 m

Re    7563.
 184.6107 N s/ m2

Fig. 11.20 gives jH  0.0068. Hence,

h j Gcp 20.9 kg/ s  m2 1007J/k g  K

 0.0068
h h
Pr 2/ 3 0.7072/3
hh  180W/ m 2  K.

Continued …..
PROBLEM 11.83 (Cont.)

-6 2
With Lc = 6.18 mm and Ap = 1.57  10 m from Ex. 11.6, L 3/2
c hh /kA p  1 / 2 = 0.338 and, from
Fig. 3.19, f  0.89 for r2c/r1 = 1.75. Hence, as in Ex. 11.6, o,h = 0.91 and
 3.51105 m 2  K / W 
1 1

Uh 5000 W / m2  K 0.143 
0.91 180 W / m 2  K 

Uh  133W/ m2  K.

 h cp,h 1.5 kg/ s 1007 J / k g  K  151 1W / K
C min  C h  m

2 2
NTU  h h  133W / m K  5.65m  0.497.
Cmin 1511W/K

With Cmin/Cmax = 0, Eq. 11.36a yields

  1 exp NTU   1 exp0.497  0.392.


 
q  qmax  Cmin Th,i  Tc,i  0.392  1511W/ K  67 K
q  39,685 W.
The air outlet temperature is
Th,o  Th,i   310 K  39,685 W  283.7 K. <
Ch 1511W/K
COMMENTS: If R-12 enters the tubes as saturated liquid, a flow rate of at least
q 39,685 W
 c 
m   0.241kg/s
hfg 165,000J/kg

would be needed to maintain saturated conditions in the tubes.

KNOWN: Cooling coil geometry. Gas flow rate and inlet temperature. Water pressure, flow rate
and convection coefficient.
FIND: Required number of tube rows.

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Negligible fouling, (2) Constant properties, (3) Negligible heat loss to

PROPERTIES: Table A-4, Air ( Th  725 K, 1 atm): cp = 1081 J/kgK,  = 346.7  10-7
Ns/m2, k = 0.0536 W/mK, Pr = 0.698; Table A-6, Sat. water (2.455 bar): Tsat = Tc = 400 K, hfg
= 2183 kJ/kg.
ANALYSIS: The required number of tube rows is
L  Df
NL  1
L V h A h  NTU min
Afr  Uh
1 1  Ah R w  .

Uh hc  Ac / Ah  o,hhh
From Ex. 11.6, (Ac/Ah)  0.143 and
D ln D o / Di  0.0138mln 16.4/13.8
A hR w  i   5.55104 m 2  K/W.
2k  Ac / Ah  2  15W/ m  K0.143
G 
3.0 kg/s
18.6 kg/ s  m2
 Afr 0.449 0.36m2

Re 
GDh 18.6 kg/ s m2  6.68103 m
  3576
 346.7107 N s/ m2
and Fig. 11.20 gives jh  0.009. Hence,

h j Gcp 18.6 kg/ s  m2 1081J/kg  K

 0.009  230W/ m2 K.
h h
Pr 2/ 3 0.6982/3
Continued …..
PROBLEM 11.84 (Cont.)

-6 2
With r2c/r1 = 1.75, Lc = 6.18 mm and Ap = 1.57  10 m from Ex. 11.6, L 3/2
c hh /kA p  1 / 2 = 1.52
and Fig. 3.19 gives f  0.40. Hence,
o,h  1 f 1f   1 0.831 0.4  0.50.
 5.55104 m 2  K / W 
1 1
1 
 


Uh 104 W / m2  K 0.143 
0.50 230 W / m2  K

Uh  100.5W/ m2  K.


 c hfg  0.5 kg/ s 2.183106 J / k g 1.092 106 W
qm 
Cmin  Ch  3.0 kg/ s  1081J/kg K   3243W/K

 
qmax  Cmin Th,i Tc,i  3243W/ K 500 K  1.622 106 W


q 1.092106 W  0.674.
 
qmax 1.622106 W

From Eq. 11.36b

NTU  ln 1     ln 1 0.674  1.121.

A h  NTU min  1.121 3243W/K  36.17m2
Uh 2
100.5 W / m  K

Ah 36.17m2
  0.373m

0.36m 2 269m 2 / m 3 
L  Df  1 373  28.5 1  11.06  11. <
NL 
SL 34.3
COMMENTS: The gas outlet temperature is
q 1.092 106 W
Th,o  Th,i   900 K   564 K.
C min 3243W/K

Hence Th = (900 K + 564 K)/2 = 732 K is in good agreement with the assumed value.
KNOWN: Cooling coil geometry. Gas flow rate and inlet temperature. Water pressure and
convection coefficient.
FIND: Gas outlet temperature.

ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Negligible fouling, (2) Constant properties, (3) Negligible heat loss to
-7 2
PROPERTIES: Table A-4, Air ( Th  725 K, 1 atm): cp = 1081 J/kgK,  = 346.7  10 Ns/m , k =
0.0536 W/mK, Pr = 0.698; Table A-6, Sat. water (2.455 bar): Tsat = Tc = 400 K, hfg = 2183 kJ/kg.
ANALYSIS: To obtain Th,o, first obtain q from the  -NTU method. To determine NTU, Ah must be
found from knowledge of L.

L   N L 1SL  D f 10 0.0343m  0.0285m  0.372m.

V  AfrL  0.36m2 0.372m   0.134m3

 
A h   V  269m 2 / m 3 0.134m 3  36.05m 2 .
The overall coefficient is
1 1 1
  Ah R w  .
Uh hc  Ac / Ah  o,hhh

From Ex. 11.6, (Ac/Ah)  0.143 and

D ln D o / Di  0.0138mln 16.4/13.8
A hR w  i   5.55104 m 2  K/W.
2k  Ac / Ah  2  15W/ m  K  0.143 
G 
3.0 kg/s
18.6 kg/ s  m2
 Afr 0.449 0.36m2

Re 
GDh 18.6 kg/ s m2  6.68103 m
  3576
 346.7107 N s/ m2
and Fig. 11.20 gives jH  0.009. Hence,

Continued …..
PROBLEM 11.85 (Cont.)

h j Gcp 18.6 kg/ s  m2 1081J/kg  K

 0.009
h h
Pr2/ 3 0.6982/3
hh  230W/ m 2 K.
-6 2
With r2c/r1 = 1.75, Lc = 6.18 mm and Ap = 1.57  10 m from Ex. 11.6, L 3/2
c hh /kA p  1 / 2 = 1.52
and Fig. 3.19 gives f  0.40. Hence,
o,h  1 f 1f   1 0.831 0.4  0.50.
 5.55104 m 2  K/ W 
1 1
1 
 


Uh 104 W / m2  K 0.143 
0.50 230 W / m 2  K

Uh  100.5W/ m2  K.


Cmin  Ch  3 k g/ s  1081J/kg  K   3243W/K

NTU  h h 

100.5 W/ m2  K 36.05m2  1.117.
Cmin 3243W/K
Since Cmin/Cmax = 0, Eq. 11.36a gives

  1 exp NTU   1 exp1.117  0.673.


 
q  Cmin Th,i  Tc,i  0.673 3243W/ K 500 K   1.091106 W

q 1.091106 W
Th,o  Th,i   900 K   564 K. <
Cmin 3243W/K

COMMENTS: (1) The assumption of Th = 725 K is good.

(2) If water enters the tubes as saturated liquid, a flow rate of at least
q 1.091106 W
 c 
m   0.50 kg/s
h fg 2.183106 J/kg
would be need to maintain saturated conditions in the tubes.

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