BCA 5th Sem Dec 2019

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(i) Printed Pages: 2 Roll No.

(ii) Questions :9 Sllb. Code : 0

Exam. Code: 0 0 1

Bachelor of Computer Applications 5th Semester

Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 65

Note :— Attempt one question each from Sections A, B, C and D.

Section E is compulsory.
1. (a) Explain the features of LAN, MAN and WAN. 7
(b) Draw and describe various layers of TCP/IP model. How
is it different from OSI reference model ? 6
2. (a) What is the meaning of unguided transmission media and its
benefits over guided media ? Explain the working of microwave
transmission. 7
(b) What is multiplexing in computer networks ? Explain and
differentiate between FDM and WDM in brief. 6
3. (a) What are the design issues of Data Link Layer ? 7
(b) What is an error in Computer Networks ? Explain CRC
technique with the help of suitable example. 6

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4. (a) What are the various assumptions of static channel
allocation ? 4
(b) What are the Sliding Windows Protocols ? Explain
Go-Back-N and Selective-Repeat Sliding Windows Protocols
along with their advantages and disadvantages. 9
5. (a) What are the various design issues of Network Layer ?
(b) What do you understand by Subnetting ? 4
6. (a) What is congestion ? What are the factors that lead to
congestion in a network ? Explain the principles of congestion
control. 6
(b) Explain broadcast and multicast routing. 7
7. (a) Explain DNS and DNS servers. 6
(b) Explain terms HTTP and Network Security. 7
8. (a) Write short notes on the following terms :
(i) World Wide Web
(ii) File Transfer Protocol. 3*2-6
(b) Explain the architecture and services of an E-mail System.
9. Attempt all questions :
(a) Define modulation. 2
(b) What is IEEE 802.3 ? 2
(c) What is an IP address ? 2
(d) What are the light emitting sources used in Fiber Optics ?
(c) What are the limitations of SMTP ? 2
(f) What are the advantages of flooding ? 3

0947/FF-7652 2 4500
(i) Printed Pages: 3 Roll No.
(ii) Questions :9 Sub. Code :0 8
Exam. Code : 0 0

Bachelor of Computer Applications 5th Semester

Paper: BCA-16-502

Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 65

Note :— Attempt FIVE questions in all, including Q. 9 in Unit-V

which is compulsory and taking ONE each from
Unit-I to Unit-IV.
1. (a) Find f o g , g o f , fof and g o g compositions for the
following functions :

f(x) = x2 + 2, g(x) = i«?r—%«*!.

J. /Y

(b) Draw the graph of the function y = [x] - 2, where [x]

is the greatest integer < = x. 7,6
2. (a) Prove that f : R -> R defined by f(x) = x 2 + 3 is neither
one-one nor onto function,
(b) Let A = (1, 2, 3}, B = {4, 5} and C - {1, 4} be three
sets. Find A * B, B x A, A x (B LJ C) and (A n C) x B.

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3. (a) A sequence is defined by the recurrence relation

tB+l = a tn + b with t,1 = 4,' t2 = 3.2 and t, = 2,04. Find
the values of a and b.
(b) Find the sequence (tn) satisfying the recurrence relation
tn = 2tn-J, +1n-2, - 2tn-3',, n > = 3. and the initial conditions
tfl = 1, t, = 2 and t2 = 0. 7,6
4. (a) A sequence is defined by the recurrence relation
A1 = 0.6 t n + 4 with ini i = 1.

Calculate the value oft, and the smallest value of n for

which tn > 9.7.
(b) Determine the generating function of the sequence :
0, 1, 2\2, , n2, 7,6
5. (a) For each of the following, either give an example, or
prove there are none :
(i) A simple graph with 6 vertices, whose degrees are
*i 2
«i 2*-t 3->•> 4~» 4~«
(ii) A simple graph with 8 vertices, whose degrees are
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
(iii) A simple graph with degrees 1, 2, 2, 3.
(b) State Euler's formula for connected planar graphs. If a
connected planar graph had 6 vertices and 9 edges then
how many faces would it have ? 7,6

0948/FF-12502 2
6. Calculate the single-source shortest paths from A to every
other vertex in the following undirected, weighted graph :

7. What is a finite state machine ? Why is it required ? What
are the elements of FSM ? Design an NFA which does not
accept set of all strings with two consecutive zeros. 13
8. What is an algorithm ? What are its features ? How do
you determine the time as well as space complexity of an
algorithm ? Explain with examples. 13
(Compulsory Question)
9. (a) Given that A = {2, 4} and B = {x : x is a solution of
x2 + 6x + 8 = 0}. Are A and B disjoint sets ?
(b) Write the power set of the set A = {y : y e N and
I <y<3}.
(c) A Moore state machine usually has power states than
the equivalent Mealy machine. (True/False)
(<*) Define Travelling Salesman Problem.
(e) Define Recursive algorithm.
(f) What is regular expression in Automata theory ?

0948/FF-12S02 4500
(i) Printed Pages: 3 Roll No.

(ii) Questions :9 Sub. Code : 0 9 4 9

Exam. Code : 0 0 3 1

Bachelor of Computer Applications 5th Semester




Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 65

Note :— Attempt any one question each from Units I—IV. Unit V
is compulsory.
r j


1. (a) Write any four characteristics of Java Programming

language. 4

(b) What is the use of constructors ? Explain the concept of

constructors in Java with a program. 9

2. (a) What is method overloading ? Write a program in Java

to illustrate the concept of method overloading. 9

(b) Explain the concept of dynamic method dispatch. 4

0949/FF-10896 1 [Turn over

3. (a) Write a program in Java to illustrate the implementation

of multiple inheritances through interfaces. 9

(b) Explain any two functions of String class. 4

4. (a) What are packages ? How do you create and use them in
Java ? 9

(b) How one dimensional and two dimensional arrays

' are
declared in Java ? 4
5. (a) What type of errors would you get at run time ?
How Exceptions can be handled in Java ? Explain with
suitable examples. 9

(b) How and when do you create a thread using Runnable

interface ? 4

6. What are the different types of Applets ? With the help of

diagram discuss the different stages in the lifecycle of an applet.


7. What is GUI ? How can you add text box used for accepting
passwords ? What is the difference between checkbox and
radio button ? Explain with Java program. 13

0949/FF-10896 2
8. What is the purpose of JDBC driver ? Write the steps to insert,
update and delete record in database using JDBC. 13


9. (a) What is access protection in packages ? 2

(b) What is the importance of paint ( ) method in Applet ?


(c) Why can't we use a keyword name as variable name ?


(d) What is the difference between finally and final ? 2

(e) What are the applications of OOP technology ? 2

(f) In what ways does a Switch statement differ from if

statement ? 3

0949/FF-10896 3 4500
(i) Printed Pages : 2 Roll No.

(ii) Questions :9 Sub. Code : 0 0

Exam. Code: 0 0 1
Bachelor of Computer Applications 5th Semester
Time Allowed : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 65

Note :— Attempt five questions in all, by choosing any one question

each from Units I-IV. Unit V is compulsory.
1. (a) State the differences between static website and dynamic
website development. 6
(b) Discuss the various looping statements used in PHP with
suitable example. 7
2. (a) How do you print the values of variables in PHP ? 4
(b) Discuss the if else statement and the conditional operators
with suitable example. 4
(c) Write a note on the file inclusion statements in PHP. 5
3. How do you define a function in PHP ? What is difference between
formal and actual arguments ? What happens when there is argument
mismatch during function call ? Create a PHP program which finds
the factorial of number recursively using functions. 13
0950/FF-7653 1 [Turn over
4. (a) Write a PHP program to rind the number of characters in the
string. " 6
(b) Discuss the functions for Inspecting arrays. 7
5. (a) Discuss the two methods used in HTTP to handle form data.
(b) Write a PHP code to connect to database 5
(c) Write a note on super global arrays. 3
6. How do you create a query in PHP ? How do you fetch the
dataset ? Discuss the four fetching functions in detail. 13
7. What are cookies ? Why are they used ? How do you create,
read and delete a cookie ? 13
8. (a) Discuss the PHP file permissions. 6
(b) How is file opened and closed in PHP ? Discuss the various
file opening modes. 7
9. (a) How do you configure PHP environment ? 2
(b) How do you include PHP section in HTML page ? 2
(c) What are the various ways to represent multi line and single
line comments in PHP ? 2
(d) What is static variable ? 2
(e) How PHP supports editing of data with HTML form ?
(f) How do you increase the session expire time ? 2
(g) Name any two directory functions. 1

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