BCA 5th Sem Dec 2019
BCA 5th Sem Dec 2019
BCA 5th Sem Dec 2019
0947/FF-7652 2 4500
(i) Printed Pages: 3 Roll No.
(ii) Questions :9 Sub. Code :0 8
Exam. Code : 0 0
0948/FF-12502 2
6. Calculate the single-source shortest paths from A to every
other vertex in the following undirected, weighted graph :
7. What is a finite state machine ? Why is it required ? What
are the elements of FSM ? Design an NFA which does not
accept set of all strings with two consecutive zeros. 13
8. What is an algorithm ? What are its features ? How do
you determine the time as well as space complexity of an
algorithm ? Explain with examples. 13
(Compulsory Question)
9. (a) Given that A = {2, 4} and B = {x : x is a solution of
x2 + 6x + 8 = 0}. Are A and B disjoint sets ?
(b) Write the power set of the set A = {y : y e N and
I <y<3}.
(c) A Moore state machine usually has power states than
the equivalent Mealy machine. (True/False)
(<*) Define Travelling Salesman Problem.
(e) Define Recursive algorithm.
(f) What is regular expression in Automata theory ?
0948/FF-12S02 4500
(i) Printed Pages: 3 Roll No.
Note :— Attempt any one question each from Units I—IV. Unit V
is compulsory.
r j
4. (a) What are packages ? How do you create and use them in
Java ? 9
7. What is GUI ? How can you add text box used for accepting
passwords ? What is the difference between checkbox and
radio button ? Explain with Java program. 13
0949/FF-10896 2
8. What is the purpose of JDBC driver ? Write the steps to insert,
update and delete record in database using JDBC. 13
0949/FF-10896 3 4500
(i) Printed Pages : 2 Roll No.
0950/FF-7653 2 4500