Spelling Test SSC With Answer
Spelling Test SSC With Answer
Spelling Test SSC With Answer
6 (d) Perpetuate
(b) Cousin is the correct spelling. you really are) is the correct
(c) Nepehw Sol:7.(c) Vicious (cruel; done
in order to hurt Sol:14.(b) Aquarium (a glass
(d) Uncle
container filled with water,
somebody/something) is the
correct spelling. in which fish and water
(a) Plough animals are kept) is the
Sol:8.(d) Withdrawal (moving
(b) Playright or being moved back or
(c) Plagiarise
Sol:15.(d) Vividly(In a way your surroundings clean, people) is the correct spelling
that produces powerful especially in order to prevent
Sol:26.(b) Calendar (a list
feelings or strong, clear illness or the spread of that shows the days, weeks
images in the mind) is the diseases) is the correct
and months of a particular
correct spelling. year) is the correct spelling.
Sol:20.(b) Scorpion (a
Sol:16.(a) Cashier (the person Sol:27.(c) Dictionary (a book
creature which looks like a
in a bank, shop, etc. that that contains a list of the
customers pay money to or words in a language in the
insect and lives in hot
get money from) is the order of the alphabet and
countries. A scorpion has a
correct spelling. long
tells you what they mean, in
Sol:17.(a) Address (the curved tail with a poisonous
the same or another
number of the building and sting in it) is the correct
the language)is the correct
name of the street and place
Sol:21.(a) Professor (a
where somebody lives or Sol:28.(b) Advisable (that is a
teacher at a college or
good thing to do;
works) is the correct spelling. university)
sensible) is the correct
Sol:18.(a) is the correct spelling.
Camouflage(concealment by
Sol:22.(c) Receipt (a piece of
means of Sol:29.(d) Disappoint (to
paper that is given to show
make somebody sad because
disguise) is the correct
that you have paid for
spelling what he/she had hoped for
something) is the correct
has not happened or is less
good, interesting, etc. than
Spelling Correction Sol:23.(c) Helicopter (a small
he/she had hoped) is the
Questionsfor Upcoming SSC aircraft that can go straight
Exams correct spelling.
up into the air. Helicopters
Page 7 of 8 have long thin metal parts on Sol:30.(b) Occasion (a
particular time when
Get High Standard Mock Test top that go round) is the
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happens) is the correct
If there are any suggestions/ Sol:24.(a) Subsequently
errors in our PDFs Feel Free (after something else) is the
to contact us via this email: Sol:31.(c) Petite(small and
correct spelling.
admin@exampundit.in thin in an attractive way) is
Sol:25.(b) Consensus
Sol:19.(b) Hygienic (the the correct spelling
(agreement among a group
practice of keeping yourself
of Sol:32.(c) Escalator (a moving
staircase in a shop) is the
correct spelling. Spelling Correction
Questionsfor Upcoming SSC
Sol:33.(a) Precious(of great
value) is the correct spelling.
Page 8 of 8
Sol:34.(d) Vaccine( A
preparation that is used to Get High Standard Mock Test
Series for all Bank Exams
stimulate the body's immune
response against diseases) If there are any suggestions/
errors in our PDFs Feel Free
is the correct spelling
to contact us via this email:
Sol:35.(d) Perceive (to notice admin@exampundit.in
or realize something) is the
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correct spelling Click Here