SSC CPO 2024 (All 9 Set) (E-Book) PDF
SSC CPO 2024 (All 9 Set) (E-Book) PDF
SSC CPO 2024 (All 9 Set) (E-Book) PDF
6. The following table shows the classification of 100
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01) students based on the marks obtained by them in
1 1 Maths and Science in an examination.
(a) 4 (b) 2
fuEurkfydk ,d ijh{kk esa vkSj foKku esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa }kjk çkIr
a m
6 6
vadksa ds vk/kj ij 100 fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds oxhZdj.k dks n'kkZrh gSA
1 1
(c) 3 (d) 1
ty r a
6 6 Subjects Marks out of 100
28 80 and 60 and 40 and 20 and 0 and
2. If cot = , then find the value of (sin – cos). above above above above above
di g
Maths 12 35 80 94 100
;fn cot = gS] rks
(sin – cos) dk eku Kkr dhft,A
A le Science 16 43 76 88 100
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01) Average 14 39 78 91 100
45 7
(a) (b)
by T
53 53 marks in aggregate?
3. Two numbers are in the ratio of 3:7. If 11 is foKku esa dV&vk
WiQ vadksa ds :i esa 60 vad ds lkFk mÙkh.kZ gksus
hs oi
tk,] rks la[;kvksa ds chp dk vuqikr 7%20 gks tkrk gSA NksVh la[;k
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
dk eku Kkr djsaA (a) 6 (b) 3
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01) (c) 4 (d) 5
(a) 39 (b) 21 7. A hemispherical bowl is 88 cm round the brim.
(c) 36 (d) 27 Assuming it to be full, how many persons may be
4. 57% of Ranita’s weekly income is equal to 76% of served from it in hemispherical glasses, 7 cm in
Bhaskar’s weekly income. If Ranita’s weekly income
was reduced by Rs.400, while Bhaskar’s weekly diameter at the top? (Where = )
income did not change, the ratio of the weekly 7
incomes of Ranita and Bhaskar, respectively, would ,d v/Zxksykd kj dVksjs dh fdukjh 88 lseh gSA bls Hkjk gqvk ekurs
have been 6:5. What is Bhaskar’s weekly income (in gq,] blls fdrus yksxksa dks v/Zxksykdkj fxyklksa esa ijkslk tk ldrk
jfurk dh lkIrkfgd vk; dk 57» HkkLdj dh lkIrkfgd vk; ds gS] ;fn fxykl ds 'kh"kZ dk O;kl 7 lseh gS\ (tgka
= )
76» ds cjkcj gSA ;fn jfurk dh lkIrkfgd vk; 400 #i;s de SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
dj nh tkrh gS] tcfd HkkLdj dh lkIrkfgd vk; vifjofrZr jgrh (a) 74 (b) 68
gS] rks jfurk vkSj HkkLdj dh lkIrkfgd vk; dk vuqikr Øe'k% (c) 64 (d) 70
6%5 gSA HkkLdj dh lkIrkfgd vk; (#i;s esa) D;k gS\ 8. In an election between two candidates, one got 60%
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01) of the total valid votes. 25% of the votes were invalid.
(a) 2800 (b) 4000 If the total number of votes was 15,000, then find the
(c) 3000 (d) 3200 number of valid votes that the other candidate got.
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01) 22
(Take = )
(a) 3 (b) 4 7
(c) 5 (d) 2 fdlh o`Ùk ds pki ij cuh thok dh yackbZ o`Ùk dh f=kT;k ds
a m
10. Study the given graph and answer that question that cjkcj gSA ;fn o`Ùk dh f=kT;k 21 bdkbZ gS rks pki dh yackbZ -------
follows. The following bar graph shows the strength
of employees (in lakhs) in a company during five 22
= ( )
(bdkbZ esa) gSA
ty r a
different years. 7
fn, x, vkjs• dk vè;;u djds fuEufyf•r ç'u dk mÙkj nhft,A SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
fuEu naM vkjs• ik¡p fofHkUu o"kks± ds nkSjku ,d daiuh esa deZpkfj;ksa
(a) 20 (b) 22
di g
dh la[;k (yk•ksa esa) n'kkZrk gSA A le (c) 24 (d) 21
The strength of employees in a company during 14. From an external point A, tangents AP and AQ are
five different years/ik¡p fofHkUu o"kks± ds nkSjku ,d daiuh drawn to a circle with centre O. If APQ = 40°, then
esa deZpkfj;ksa dh la[;k find POQ.
,d cká fcanqA ls] dsaæO okys o` AP vkSj
Ùk ij Li'kZ js•k,¡
Number of employees (In lakhs)
by T
35 AQ •haph tkrh gSaA APQ
;fn = 40° gS]rksPOQ Kkr dhft,A
30 SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
15 15. A man wishes to cover 1 km distance in river water.
10 In still water he takes 12 minutes to cover it, but in
5 the flowing river he takes 13 minutes. The speed of
at J
17. A car covers 20 km in the first quarter of an hour, 21. The fourth proportional to 4, a and 16a is 81. What
25 km in the second quarter of that hour and 15 km is the value of a?
in the third quarter. The average speed of the car (in
4, a vkSj16a dk prqFkkZu
qikrh81 gSA
a dk ekuD;k gS\
km/h) over the entire journey is:
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
,d dk j ,d ?kaVs ds igys ,d pkSFkkbZ Hkkx esa 20 fdeh] nwljs13 9
,d pkSFkkbZ Hkkx esa 25 fdeh vkSj rhljs ,d pkSFkkbZ Hkkx
(a) esa 15
fdeh dh nwjh r; djrh gSA iwjh ;k=kk ds nkSjku dkj dh vkSlr 11 5
pky (fdeh@?kaVk esa) D;k gS\ (c) (d)
2 2
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01) 22. Study the given bar-graph and answer the question
(a) 70 (b) 75 that follows.
(c) 80 (d) 65 fn, x, ckj&xzkiQ
dk vè;;u dhft, vkSj fuEufyf•r ç'u dk
18. Ramanna purchased raw materials for a certain price mÙkj nhft,A
to manufacture a product. However, owing to shortage The bar-graph gives the sales and profit (both in Rs. cr.)
of labour, 22.5% of the raw materials could not be of company Z across four years.
utilised and got wasted. 80% of the cost of raw ckj&xzkiQ o"kks±
pkj Z dh fcØh vkSj ykHk (nksuksa
esa daiuh #i;s
materials used was added as the cost of djksM+ esa) n'kkZrk gSA
manufacturing. If Ramanna could sell his product at
a price to earn an overall profit of 20% after offering
a m
a discount of 20%, how many times of the total cost
of the raw materials purchased was the marked price
ty r a
of the product?
jeUuk us,d mRikn ds fuekZ.k ds fy, ,d fuf'pr dher ij
dPpk eky •jhnkA gkykafd] dkexkjksa dh deh ds dkj.k] 22-5»
dPps eky dk mi;ksx ugha fd;k tk ldk vkSj og •jkc gks x;kA
di g
mi;ksx fd, x, dPps eky dh ykxr dk 80» fuekZ.k ykxr ds
A le
:i esa tksM+k x;k FkkA ;fn jeUuk 20» dh NwV nsus ds ckn 20»
What was the approximate percentage profit margin
dk lexz ykHk vftZr djus ds fy, viuk mRikn csp ldrk gS] rks on revenue of company Z in 2016?
mRikn dk vafdr ewY;] •jhns x, dPps eky dh dqy ykxr dk 2016 esadaiuhZ ds jktLo ij yxHkx ykHk çfr'kr ekftZu D;k Fkk\
fdruk xquk Fkk\
by T
(c) 2.43 times (d) 2.40 times 23. The value of 52 – [18 ÷ 3 + 3 + (18 – 11) of 4] is equal to:
19. A shopkeeper offers 3 schemes of discounts to his 52 – [18 ÷ 3 + 3 + (18 – 11) of 4] dk eku fuEu esa ls fdlds
hs oi
(a) 22 (b) 18
(B) Buy 5 get three free.
(c) 21 (d) 15
(C) Buy 6 and get 10. 24. The base of a parallelogram is twice its height. If the
,d nqdkunkj vius xzkgdksa dks NwV dh 3 ;kstuk,¡ çnku djrk areagSA of the parallelogram is 338 cm², then find its
fuEufyf•r esa ls fdl ;kstuk ls U;wure NwV çfr'kr çkIr gksxk\ height (in cm).
(A) 24» vkSj27» dh nks Øfed NwVA ,d lekarj prqHkZqt dk vk/kj mldh ÅapkbZ dk nksxquk gSA ;fn lekarj
(B) 5 •jhnsa
] rhu eqÝr ik,aA prqHkZqt dk {ks=kiQy² gS]
bldh ÅapkbZ (lseh esa) Kkr djsaA
(C) 6 •jhnsavkSj 10 ik,aA SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(a) 13 (b) 11
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(c) 14 (d) 12
(a) A (b) C 25. What is the total surface area of a cone whose radius
(c) Both A and C (d) B r
20. A 12 litre solution of acid and water contains 30% is and slant height is 4l ?
acid. How much water (in litres) must be added to
get a solution having 20% acid? ,d 'kadq dk dqy i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy fdruk gS] ftldh f=kT;k
,flM vkSj ty ds 12 yhVj foy;u esa 30» ,flM gSA 20» ,flM vkSj fr;Zd ÅapkbZ
4l gS\
okyk foy;u çkIr djus ds fy, fdruk ty (yhVj esa) feykuk SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
gksxk\ r
(a) 8r(l + r) (b) r l
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01) 16
(a) 6 (b) 3 r
(c) r l (d) 4r(l + r)
(c) 5 (d) 4 4
26. The value of 35 – [28 – (60 ÷ 4 + 26 ÷13)] is equal to: 29. Find the single discount rate percentage equivalent
35 – [28 – (60 ÷ 4 + 26 ÷13)] dk eku fuEu esa ls fdlds to the successive discounts of 10%, 20% and 20%.
cjkcj gksxk\ 10»] 20» vkSj 20»dh Øekxr NwV ds lerqY; ,dy NwV dh
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01) nj çfr'kr Kkr dhft,A
(a) 27 (b) 26 SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(a) 42.4% (b) 54.6%
(c) 24 (d) 22 (c) 40% (d) 50%
27. A can complete a piece of work alone in 200 days, 30. Refer the below data and answer the following
while B can complete the same piece of work alone question:
in 100 days. In every three-day cycle, both A and B uhps fn, x, vk¡dM+ksa
dk vè;;u dhft, vkSj fuEufyf•r ç'u dk
work on day 1, only A works on day 2, and only B mÙkj nhft,%
works on day 3. This cycle continues till the work is
Present% share
completed. How many days in all does it take the duo lZ
Partners/ ikVZu
u» fgLlk
to complete the work?
Singh/ flag 10
A vdsys fdlh dk;Z dks 200 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrk gS] tcfd
B mlh dk;Zdks vdsys 100 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrk gSA çR;sd rhu Pandey/ ikaMs; 5
fnolh; pØ esa igys fnuA vkSjB nksuksa dk gSa] nwljs fnu
e djrs Anil/vfuy 15
dsoy A dke dj rk gS vkSj rhljs fnu dsoy
B dke dj rk gSA ;g Sunil/ lquhy 25
a m
pØ] dk;Z iwjk gksus rd tkjh jgrk gSA nksuksa feydj dk;Z dks iwjk
Varma/ oekZ 30
djus esa fdrus fnu ysrs gSa\
Rajesh/ jkts'k
ty r a
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
If the company has issued 8 lakh shares between its 6
1 2 partners and if Varma offers to sell 10000 of his shares
(a) 100 (b) 99
3 3 to Pandey, then how many shares will Pandey have?
di g ;fn daiuh usvius 6 Hkkxhnkjksa ds chp 8 yk• 'ks;j tkjh fd, gSa
(c) 100
A le (d) 100 vkSj ;fn oekZ] ikaMs dks vius 10000 'ks;j cspus dh is'kd'k djrk
28. Study the given table and answer the question that
gS] rks ikaMs ds ikl fdrus 'ks;j gks tk,axs\
follows. SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
The table shows the number of students studying in (a) 50000 (b) 40000
by T
okys fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k n'kkZrh gSA supported by 54% of all the voters in the list. He got
1456 more votes than his rival, Shravan. Find the
School total number of voters in the list.
at J
fo|ky; ,d p quko esa] ernkrk lwph esa 'kkfey 12» ernkrkvksa us viuk oksV ugh
P 152 160 145 156 147 144 Mkyk] tcfd 84 ernkrkvksa us vius eri=k •kyh MkysA dsoy nks mEehnokj]
Q 148 166 150 155 157 143 jkekKk vkSj Jo.k FksA fotsrk jkekKk dks lwph ds lHkh ernkrkvksa es
R 161 152 140 145 143 165
54» dk leFkZu çkIr gqvkA mls vius çfr}anh Jo.k ls 1456 oksV vf/
d feysA lwph esa ernkrkvksa dh dqy la[;k Kkr dhft,A
S 159 142 149 140 142 168
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
T 147 144 158 163 154 150 (a) 5690 (b) 6670
U 150 160 162 160 161 140 (c) 7860 (d) 6860
Total 917 924 904 919 904 910 32. How many metres of cloth will be required to make
a conical tent, the radius of whose base is 21 metres
The number of students studying in class X from and height is 28 metres. The width of the cloth is 5
school P forms approximately what percentage of the
total number of students studying in class X from 22
metres. (Where = )
all schools together? 7
,d ' kaDokdkj racw cukus esa fdrus ehVj diM+s dh vko';drk
LdwyP ls d{kkX esa i<+u
s okys fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k] lHkh Ldwyksa
gksxh] ftlds vk/kj dh f=kT;k 21 ehVj vkSj ÅapkbZ 28 ehVj gSA
ls feykdj d{kkX esa i<+u
s okys fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh dqy la[;k dk 22
yxHkx fdruk çfr'kr gS\ diM+s dh pkSM+kbZ 5 ehVj = )
gSA (tgk¡
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01) SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(a) 8% (b) 24% (a) 470 (b) 462
(c) 32% (d) 16% (c) 456 (d) 478
33. Find the value of/dk eku Kkr dhft,A 37. If the sum of two numbers x and y is 12 and their
12 + 24 ÷ 2 – 7 × 30 ÷ 6 + (5 + 4) × 8 + 8 ÷ 8 – 8. product is 27, then find the sum of their cubes.
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01) ;fn nksla[;kvksa
x vkSjy dk ;ksx 12 gS vkSj mudk xq.kuiQy 27
(a) 45 (b) 85 gS] rks muds ?kuksa dk ;ksx Kkr djsaA
(c) 54 (d) 58 SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(a) 657 (b) 576
2 1 1 3
The value of 3 2 1 2 is:/dk eku Kkr dhft,A (c) 765 (d) 756
3 5 4 1– 38. A sum of money at compound interest doubles itself
in 4 years. In how many years does the sum become
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
8 times of itself at the same rate of interest?
(a) 1
(b) 2
1 ,d /ujk f'k pØo`f¼ C;kt ij 4 o"kZ esa nksxquh gks tkrh gSA leku
4 2 C;kt nj ij fdrus o"kks± esa /ujkf'k 8 xquk gks tk,xh\
1 1 SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(c) 3 (d) 2 (a) 15 (b) 12
2 4
35. In ABC, P is a point on AB such that PB : AP = 3 : 4 (c) 8 (d) 10
and PQ is parallel to AC. If AR and QS are (143 13 x – 3 3)
39. The possible value of x satisfying = 1 is:
perpendicular to PC and QS = 9 cm, what is the length (6² – 7 5 x ²)
a m
(in cm) of AR? (143 13 x – 3 3)
ABC esa]AB ij ,d fcanqP bl çd kj gS fdBP : AP = 3 : (6² – 7 5 x ²)
= 1 q"V djus okyk
dks lar x dk laHko
4 gS vkSjPQ] AC ds leka rj gSA ;fnAR vkSjQS, PC ds eku D;k gksxk\
ty r a
QS = 9 lseh gS] rks
yacor gSa vkSj AR dh yackbZ (lseh esa) SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
fdruh gS\ (a) 1 (b) 3
(c) 2 (d) 4
di g
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(a) 28 (b) 35 1
Simplify/ljy dhft, %(1 + tan²A) + 1
(c) 21
A le (d) 14 40.
36. The percentage distribution of the number of tires
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
of different brands produced in a year by a certain
factory is shown in the given pie chart. The total 1 1
(a) (b)
by T
at J
question that follows.
pky ls 100 fdeh vkSj 120 fdeh@?kaVk dh pky ls vU; 140
k (fp=kvkys•) dk vè;;u dht, vkSj uhps fn, x,
nh xbZ rkfyd
fdeh dh nwjh r; djrh gSA iwjh ;k=kk ds fy, vkSlr pky Kkr
ç'u dk mÙkj nhft,A
dhft,A (fudVre iw.kkZad rd iw.kkZafdr dhft,A)
a m
The table (pictograph) shows the number of scouts
in a school. SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
rkfydk (fp=k
vkys•) ,d Ldwy esa LdkmV~l dh la[;k n'kkZrh gSA(a) 99 km/h (b) 105 km/h
ty r a
(c) 90 km/h (d) 115 km/h
48. The cost price of 36 articles is the same as the selling
Class/Number of Scouts = 15 scouts/ LdkmV~
mV~l dh la[;k price of N articles. If the profit is 20%, then the value
di g
of N is:
IV A le dk Ø; ewY;N oLrqvksa
36 oLrqvksa ds foØ; ewY; ds cjkcj gSA
;fn ykHk 20» gS]Nrks dk eku Kkr dhft,A
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(a) 25 (b) 42
(c) 40 (d) 30
by T
(x³ + y³ + z³) dk eku Kkr dhft,A
hs oi
What is the total number of scouts in classes VI to SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
VIII ? (a) 0 (b) 1
d{kkVI ls VIII rd esa LdkmV~l dh dqy la[;k fdruh gS\ (c) 2 (d) 3
at J
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01) 50. Simplify the given expression/fn, x, O;atd dks ljy
(a) 200 (b) 320 dhft,A
(c) 195 (d) 225 25 ÷ 5 × 7 of (5 + 7) – 13 (6 × 4)
46. The sum of two numbers x and y (where x is greater
than y) is equal to four times of their difference. Find SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(a) 112 (b) 108
5 xy
the value of 3(x ² – y²) (c) 126 (d) 138
1.(d) 2.(d) 3.(a) 4.(c) 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9.(c) 10.(b)
11.(b) 12.(a) 13.(b) 14.(d) 15.(b) 16.(d) 17.(c) 18.(c) 19.(d) 20.(a)
21.(b) 22.(a) 23.(d) 24.(a) 25.(b) 26.(c) 27.(b) 28.(d) 29.(a) 30.(a)
31.(d) 32.(b) 33.(c) 34.(b) 35.(c) 36.(c) 37.(d) 38.(b) 39.(a) 40.(a)
41.(a) 42.(c) 43.(c) 44.(c) 45.(d) 46.(a) 47.(a) 48.(d) 49.(b) 50.(b)
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02) SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(a) 145 (b) 165 (a) 17 (b) 16
(c) 180 (d) 99 (c) 13 (d) 14
a m
2. Study the given pie-chart and answer the question that 4. If (sin x + sin y) = a and (cos x + cos y) = b, then find
follows. the value of (sin x sin y + cosx cos y).
fn, x, ikbZ&pkVZ
dk vè;;u djsa vkSj vkxs fn, x, ç'u dk mÙkj
ty ra
;fn (sin x + sin y) = a vkSj(cos x + cos y) = b gS] rks
nsaA x sin y + cos x cos y) dk eku Kkr dh ft,A
The pie-chart shows the amount of money (in Rs.)
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
spent (in degrees) on various sports by a school
di g
administration in a particular year. a 2 b2 – 1 a 2 – b2 – 2
ikbZ&pkVZ,d fof'k"V
esa o"kZ esa Ldwy ç'kklu }kjk fofHkUu •syksa
(a) ij
A le 2
•pZ dh xbZ jkf'k (#i;s esa) fn•kbZ xbZ gS (fMxzh esa)A
Amount of money (in Rs.) spent (in degrees) on various a 2 b2 – 2 a 2 b2 2
sports by a school administration in a particular year. (c) (d)
2 2
by T
ds dkj.k ,d xk¡o dh 5» tula[;k dh e`R;q gks xbZA
'ks"k tula[;k esa ls 20» Hk; ds dkj.k Hkkx xbZA ;fn orZeku tula[;k
at J
4655 gS] rks dksjksuk vkØe.k ls igys xk¡o dh tula[;k fdruh Fkh\
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(a) 5995 (b) 6125
(c) 6000 (d) 5985
6. A 255-m long train is running at a speed of 72 km/h.
It crosses a platform of length 745 m in:
,d jsyxkM+h 72 fdeh@?kaVk dh pky ls py jgh gSA
255&ehVj yach
;g 745 ehVj yackbZ ds ,d IysViQkWeZ dks ------------- esa ikj djsxhA
8. In a class, the numbers of boys and girls are in the 14. Simplify the following expression
ratio of 3 : 5. What is the percentage of boys in the fuEufyf[kr O;atd dks ljy hft,%
class? 25 × 25 + 9 × 9 + 6 × 6 + 2 × 25 × 9 + 2 × 9 × 6 + 2 ×
,d d{kk esa yM+dksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa dh la[;k dk vuqikr 3 %25
5 gSA
d{kk esa yM+dksa dk çfr'kr fdruk gS\ SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(a) 900 (b) 1200
(a) 37.5% (b) 60%
(c) 1600 (d) 2500
(c) 42.5% (d) 12.5%
15. Ashu can row 7.5 km an hour in still water. He finds
5 that it takes four times as much time to row
9. If sin = , then the value of cos.cosec.cot is
13 upstream, as it takes to row downstream. The speed
________ ? of the stream is:
5 vk'kq 'kkUr tyaes
7-5 fdeh çfr ?kaVk dh xfr ls uko pyk ldrk
;fn sin = 13 gS] rks
cos.cosec.cot dk eku D;kgksxk\ gSA og ikrk gS fd mls /kjk ds çfrdwy uko pykus esa] /kjk ds
vuqdwy uko pykus esa yxus okys le; ls pkj xquk vf/d le;
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
12 144 yxrk gSA /kjk dh xfr Kkr dhft,A
(a) (b) SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
5 25
5 25 (a) 3.5 km/h (b) 1.5 km/h
a m
(c) (d) (c) 4.5 km/h (d) 2.5 km/h
12 144
10. What is the length of the arc of a circle whose radius 16. Find the value of the given expression
ty ra
is 35 cm and whose arc subtends an angle of 72° at fn, x, O;atd dk eku Kkr dhft,A
the centre of the circle?
ml o`Ùk dspki dh yackbZ fdruh gS ftldh f=kT;k vkSj
35 lseh gS 1 4 5 1
ftldh pki o`Ùk ds dsaæ72° ij dk dks.k va
rfjr djrh gS\ 4 3 3 2
di g
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02) SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(a) 28 cm
A le
(b) 44 cm (a) 0.7 (b) 1.5
(c) 38 cm (d) 56 cm (c) 2.1 (d) 1.3
11. Three boys, on an average, are 25 years old, and their 17. The marked price of an article is 35% more than its
age are in the ratio of 3 : 5 : 7. What is the age of cost price. If a discount of 15% is given, what will be
by T
2 3
the number of days in which Arvind and Suresh can (c) 13 % (d) 14 %
together finish the work. 3 4
vjfoan] lqjs'k 4lsxquk rsth ls dke djrk gSA ;fn lqjs'k Lora=k
18.:i The volumes of two spheres are in the ratio of 512:
3375. The ratio of their surface areas is:
ls fdlh dk;Z dks 20 fnu esa iwjk dj ldrk gS] rks vjfoan vkSj
nks xksyksa ds 512 % 3375 ds vuqikr esa gSaA muds i`"Bh;
lqjs'k feydj ml dk;Z dks fdrus fnu esa iwjk dj ldrs gSa\
{ks=kiQy dk vuqikr Kkr djsaA
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(a) 6 (b) 3 SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(c) 5 (d) 4 (a) 64 : 225 (b) 49 : 325
13. A bus covers the first 50 km of its journey in 40 (c) 27 : 144 (d) 68 : 125
minutes and covers the remaining 75 km in 40 19. Aarav owns a watch worth Rs.10,000. He sells it to
minutes. What is the average speed (in km/h) of the Bhavin at a profit of 15%. After some days, Bhavin
bus? sells it back to Aarav at 15% loss. Find the percentage
,d cl viuh ;k=kk ds igys 50 fdeh dh nwjh dks 40 feuV esa r; profit or loss faced by Aarav.
vkjo ds ikl 10]000 #i;s dh dher dh ,d ?kM+h gSA og bls
djrh gS vkSj 'ks"k 75 fdeh dh nwjh dks 40 feuV esa r; djrh gSA
cl dh vkSlr pky (fdeh@?kaVk esa) D;k gS\ 15» ds ykHk ij Hkkfou dks csprk gSA dqN fnuksa ds ckn] Hkkfou bl
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02) 15» gkfu ij vkjo dks okil csp nsrk gSA vkjo dks gksus okyk
1 3 çfr'kr ykHk ;k gkfu Kkr djsaA
(a) 95 (b) 93
4 4 SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
1 3 (a) 17.25% Loss (b) 17.25% Profit
(c) 101 (d) 105 (c) 18.25% Profit (d) 18.75% Loss
4 4
10] 12 vkSj 15
dk prqFkkZuqikrh Kkr dhft,A 28. Study the given table and answer the question that
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02) follows.
(a) 16 (b) 20 nh xbZ ydk
rkf dk vè;;u djsa vkSj fuEufyf•r ç'u dk mÙkj nsaA
a m
(c) 18 (d) 22
The table shows the yearly production (in thousands)
23. Two circles with centers B and D have radii DA = 8
of scooters in five different factories (P, Q, R, S and T)
cm and BC = x cm, respectively. AC is tangent to both
from 1985 to 1989.
ty ra
circles. If DB and AC intersect the point E, AE = 12
cm and EC = 18 cm, then find the value of x (in cm). rkfydk esa 1985 ls 1989 rd ikap vyx&vyx dkj•kuksa
(P, Q, R, S
dsaæB vkSjD okys nks o`Ùkksa dh f=kT;k,¡ = 8 lseh vkSj
DAØe'k% vkS
j T) esa LdwVjksa dk okf"kZd mRiknu (gtkj esa) n'kkZ;k x;k gSA
Yearly production (in thousands) of scooters in
BC = x lseh gSaA AC nksuksa
o`Ùkksa dh Li'kZj•k gSADB vkSj
di g
different factories.
AC] fcanq E ij çfrPNsn djrs gSa]
AE = 12 lseh vkSjEC = 18
fofHkUu dkj•kuksa
esa LdwVjksa dk okf"kZd mRiknu (gtkjksa esa)A
lseh gS] rks
A le
x dk eku (lseh es
a) Kkr dhft,A
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02) Factory 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
P 20 15 24 13 17
(a) 13 (b) 10
Q 16 23 41 20 15
(c) 11 (d) 12
by T
R 14 21 30 16 12
24. Simplify/ljy dhft, A
S 25 17 15 12 22
5 × [14 ÷ 13 × {13 × 14 ÷ (14 × 14)}] T 40 32 39 41 35
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02) Total 115 108 149 102 101
(a) 10 (b) 5
In which year was the production of scooters in all
hs oi
22 – 1985
mRikfnr LdwVjksa dh okf"kZd vkSlr la[;k ds cjkcj Fkk\
32 + 2 + 2
;fn + + = 0 gS] rks 2 dk eku fdruk gksxk\ SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
2 – (a) 1986 (b) 1985
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02) (c) 1988 (d) 1987
1 29. Find the area of a minor sector of a circle whose
(a) (b) 1 circumference 88 cm and the length of its minor arc
1 22
(c) 2 (d) is 22 cm use .
4 7
Male : Female Male : Female
X 25 25 18 40 20 15 iq:"k % efgyk iq:"k% efgyk
Y 25 27 50 45 30 20 A 36 5 : 3 3 : 4
Z 25 27 15 25 30 20 B 27 6 : 7 4 : 7
Y 25 26 25 0 30 35
a m
C 46 2 : 3 3 : 1
Total/;ksx 100 105 108 110 110 90 D 32 1 : 2 2 : 7
In which month, did the company produce an equal If the population of states A and D is 18,000 each,
ty ra
number of all types of scooters? then what is the total number of females below poverty
fdl ekg esa] daiuh us lHkh çdkj ds LdwVjksa dk mRiknu cjkcj
line in these states?
la[;k esa fd;k\ ;fn A vkSjD çR;sd jkT; dh tula[;k 18]000 gS] rks bu jkT;ksa esa
xjhch js•k ls uhps efgykvksa dh dqy la[;k fdruh gS\
di g
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(a) May (b) January
A le SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(c) June (d) March (a) 6050 (b) 6250
32. eku Kkr
Find the value of/fuEufyf[kr dk dhft,A (c) 6120 (d) 6270
(13.49 + 12.51) × 13. 38. The value of 3 + 2 × [7 + (5 + 7) ÷ 2] is equal to:
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02) 3 + 2 × [7 + (5 + 7) ÷ 2] dk eku fuEu esa ls fdlds cjkcj
by T
(a) 39 (b) 65
(1 + cotA – cosecA) (1 + tanA + secA) –3(sin²A + cos²A). (c) 29 (d) 47
hs oi
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02) 39. Find the total surface area of a hemisphere with a
(a) –1 (b) 1 radius of 11 cm?
(c) 2 (d) –2 11 lsehf=kT;k okys vèkZxksys dk dqy i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy Kkr djsaA
at J
(a) –1 (b) 2 i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy vkSj ?kukHk ds dqy i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy dk vuqikr Kk
(c) 0 (d) 1
36. A doll is marked for Rs.2,500. A customer pays
Rs.1,800 for it. If the customer got a series of two SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
discounts and the rate of the first discount is 10%, (a) 23 : 13 (b) 24 : 13
then the rate of the second discount is: (c) 21 : 13 (d) 22 : 13
,d xqfM+;k ij #i;s 2]500 vafdr gSA ,d xzkgd blds fy, 1]800
41. The value of 30 + 180 ÷ 30 × 6 – 15 – 16 – 60÷ 3 – 15 is:
#i;s dk Hkqxrku djrk gSA ;fn xzkgd dks nks NwV dh ,d J`a•yk feyh
30 + 180 ÷ 30 × 6 – 15 – 16 – 60÷ 3 – 15 dk eku Kkr
gS vkSj igyh NwV dh nj 10» gS] rks nwljh NwV dh nj Kkr djsaA
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02) SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(a) 25% (b) 18% (a) 1 (b) 3
(c) 15% (d) 20% (c) 2 (d) 0
42. If x = 3y + 4, then what is the value of (x³ – 27y3 – 36 (a) 4000 (b) 3000
xy) ? (c) 2500 (d) 3500
;fn x = 3y + 4 gS] rks
(x³ – 27y3 – 36 xy) dk eku D;k gS\ 46. The length of the largest possible rod that can be
placed in a cubical room is 423m. The surface area
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(in m²) of the largest possible sphere that fit within the
(a) 27 (b) 64
(c) 1 (d) 8 22
cubical room is: (Use = )
43. The table represents marks obtained by students A, 7
B, C, D and E in five subjects in an examination. The ,d ?kukdkj dejs esa j[kh tk ldus okyh NM+ dh vf/dre laHkkfor
maximum marks for each subject are 100.
423 ehVj gSA ?kukdkj d{k ds Hkhrj fiQV gksus okys xksys dk
nh xbZrkfydk ikap Nk=kksa
A, B, C, D vkSjE }kjk ,d ijh{kk esa
vf/dre laHkkfor i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy
D;k gksxk\
ikap fo"k;ksa esa izkIr vadksa dks n'kkZrh gSA izR;sd fo"k; ds fy, iw.kkZad
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
100 gSA (a) 3590 (b) 4589
Student English Math Physics Chemistry Information
Nk=k (c) 2564 (d) 5544
vaxszth HkkSfrdh jlk;u foKku
~;ksfxdh 47. What annual instalment will discharge a debt of
A 94 100 97 100 100 Rs.10,192 due in 3 years at 10% simple interest?
B 87 93 85 96 95 3 o"kksZa
esa 10» lk/kj.k C;kt ij ns; #i;s 10]192 ds Í.k dks
C 92 100 98 95 100 fdrus #i;s dh okf"kZd fdLr ls pqdk;k tk,xk\
a m
D 79 92 91 76 97 SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
E 77 85 94 99 98 (a) Rs.3,144.48 (b) Rs.3,044.48
ty ra
(c) Rs.3,088.48 (d) Rs.3,188.48
In how many subjects have the students scored 100%
48. The given pie chart shows the percentage distribution
of a mathematics book in 5 different stores.
ksa es Nk=kksa us 100» vad izkIr fd, gSa\
fdrus fo"k;
fn;k x;kikbZ pkVZ 5 vyx&vyx nqdkuksa esa dh iqLrd dk
di g
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
izfr'kr forj.k n'kkZrk gSA
(a) 3 (b) 2
(c) 4
A le
(d) 5
44. A copper sphere of diameter 12 cm is drawn into a
wire of diameter 4 mm. What is the length (in cm) of
by T
rkj ds :i es [khapk tkrk gSA rkj dh yackbZ (lseh esa) D;k gS\
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-02)
hs oi
1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(c) 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(b) 8.(a) 9.(b) 10.(b)
11.(b) 12.(d) 13.(b) 14.(c) 15.(c) 16.(a) 17.(d) 18.(a) 19.(b) 20.(b)
21.(a) 22.(c) 23.(d) 24.(b) 25.(c) 26.(c) 27.(b) 28.(b) 29.(a) 30.(c)
31.(b) 32.(b) 33.(a) 34.(a) 35.(d) 36.(d) 37.(d) 38.(c) 39.(d) 40.(b)
41.(d) 42.(b) 43.(a) 44.(b) 45.(a) 46.(d) 47.(c) 48.(a) 49.(c) 50.(b)
a m
ty ra
di g
A le
by T
hs oi
at J
(a) 24 (b) 27
(c) 30 (d) 32 (c) 4 cm/lsae
h (d) 7 cm/lsae
2. A product was offered at a 10% trade discount on the
marked price. After a cash discount of 10%, the product 8. R reaches office from home in 30 minutes and comes
a m
back in 20 minutes. The distance to his office from
was sold for Rs.7,290. The marked price (in Rs.) is:
home is 12.5 km. What is his average speed (in km/
,d fuf'pr jkf 'k ij 4 o"kks± ds fy, 14» çfr o"kZ dh nj ls h) from home to office and then back home?
ty r a
lkèkkj.k C;kt leku jkf'k ij 8 o"kks± ds fy, leku nj ds lkèkkj.k
R ?kj ls 30 feuV esa dk;kZy; igqaprk gS vkSj 20 feuV esa okil
C;kt ls 6]160 #i;s de gSA jkf'k Kkr dhft;sA
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
vkrk gSA ?kj ls mlds dk;kZy; dh nwjh 12-5 lsaeh gSA crkb, fd
di g
(a) 9,000 (b) 8,900
?kj ls dk;kZy; rd tkus vkSj fiQj ?kj okil vkus esa mldh vkSlr
pky (fdeh@?kaVk esa) D;k gS\
(c) 8,510
A le(d) 8,720
Find the surface area (in cm²) of a sphere of diam- SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
22 (a) 20 (b) 25
eter 28 cm. (Use = )
(c) 60 (d) 30
28 lsaeh O;kl
okys ,d xksys dk i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy (lsaeh esa) Kkr
by T
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
527 520
(a) 561 (b) 526 (c) (d)
625 625
(c) 546 (d) 574
11. Simplify the following expression:
6. If 24 people can build 90 identical walls in 25 days,
then how many more days will 27 people require to fuEufyf[kr O;atd sdkljy dhft,%
build 162 such walls? (525 175)2 (525 175)2
;fn 24 O;fÙkQ
25 fnuksa esa 90 leku nhokjsa cuk ldrs gSa] rks ,slh (525 175)
162 nhokjksa dks cukus esa 27 O;fÙkQ;ksa dks vkSj fdrus fnu yxsaxs\
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(a) 350 (b) 700
(a) 16 (b) 14
(c) 15 (d) 13 (c) 2 (d) 4
12. 18 workers can complete a piece of work in 96 days. ds chp ,d pquko esa 10» ernkrkvksa us oksV ugha
nks mEehnokjksa
They start working together and after 26 days 10 more Mkys vkSj 75 oksV vekU; ik, x,A fotsrk dks visf{kr dqy oksVksa
workers join them. In how many days in all will the
ds 50» oksV feys vkSj og 170 oksVksa ls thr x;kA ernkrk lwph esa
work be completed?
fdrus ernkrkvksa dk uke ntZ gS\
18 deZpkjh ,ddk;Z dks 96 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrs gSaA os ,d SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
lkFk dke djuk 'kq: djrs gSa vkSj 26 fnuksa ds ckn 10 vkSj(a) 800 (b) 855
deZpkjh muds lkFk tqM+ tkrs gSaA dk;Z dks dqy feykdj (c) fdrus
850 (d) 950
fnuksa esa iwjk fd;k tk,xk\ 18. A rectangular sheet of metal is 60 cm by 25 cm. Equal
squares of side 5 cm are cut off at the corners and
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
the remainder is folded up to form an open rectan-
(a) 69 (b) 71 gular box. Find the volume of the box.
(c) 72 (d) 70 /krq dh,d vk;rkdkj 'khV 60 lseh× 25 lseh gSA 5 lseh Hkqtk
13. The population of a town increases 8% annually. If okys leku oxks± dks dksuksa ls dkV fn;k tkrk gS vkSj 'ks"k dks
its present population is 1,42,560, what was the
eksM+dj ,d •qyk vk;rkdkj cDlk cuk;k tkrk gSA cDls dk vk;ru
population one year ago?
Kkr dhft,A
,d d'cs dh tula[;k esa çfr o"kZ 8» dh o`f¼ gksrh gSA ;fn SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
bldh orZeku tula[;k 1]42]560 gS] rks ,d o"kZ iwoZ tula[;k(a) 2750 cm³ (b) 5750 cm³
a m
fdruh Fkh\ (c) 3750 cm³ (d) 4750 cm³
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
Simplify/ljy djsaA
ty r a
(a) 1,34,000 (b) 1,33,000
[{38 – (–6)) × (9 – (8 – 1)}] ÷ [4 × {6 + (–4)}].
(c) 1,32,000 (d) 1,31,000
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
di g
1 2 1 2 3 (a) 11 (b) 18
14. The value of + ÷ 2 2 5 – of is:
4 5 5
A le 3 5 (c) 22 (d) 14
20. Study the given table and answer the question that
1 2 1 2 3 follows.
+ ÷ 2 2 5 – of
4 5 5
dk eku Kkrdhft,A
3 5 nh xbZ rkfydk dk vè;;u djsa vkSj uhps fn, x, iz'u dk mÙkj nsaA
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03) The table shows the production of five types of cars P,
by T
1 2
(c) (d) Total
4 3 Type of Car
hs oi
(Where = ) Q 16 10 14 12 12 14 78
R 21 17 16 15 13 8 90
a ds i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy 9 % 49 ds vuqikr eas gSa] rks muds
;fn nks xksyks
vk;ru dk vuqikr Kkr djsaA S 4 6 10 16 20 31 87
find the percentage increase in its surface area. of types R and S together?
;fn ,d xksys dh f=kT;k esa 40» dh o`f¼ dj nh tkrh gS] rks
fdl o"kZ aesP vkSjQ izdkj dh dkjksa dk dqy mRiknu
R vkSjS
blds i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy esa izfr'kr o`f¼ dh x.kuk djsaA izdkj dhdkjksa ds dqy mRiknu ds cjkcj Fkk\
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03) SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(a) 96% (b) 85% (a) 1991 (b) 1992
(c) 1993 (d) 1989
(c) 92% (d) 88%
17. In an election between two candidates, 10% of the 3
21. If tan = , then find the value of
voters did not cast their votes and 75 votes were 10
found invalid. The winner got 50% of the total votes
(1 sin )(1 sin )
expected and won by 170 votes. How many voters
(1 cos )(1 cos ) .
were enrolled in the voters' list?
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
D;k gS\ (2 n'keyo LFkkuksa rd iw.kkZafdr) (a) 20 km/h (b) 18 km/h
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03) (c) 15 km/h (d) 22 km/h
(a) 45.29 (b) 52.25 27. In an election, A received 27% of the votes and B re-
a m
(c) 59.16 (d) 60.00 ceived 125,982 votes. 19% did not cast their votes.
23. Which of the following is true when x = sinA + cosA; Find the number of votes received by A.
ty r a
y = secA + cosecA?
,d pquko es
a]A dks 27» er feys vkSj
B dks 125]982er feysA
ij fuEufyf[kr esa
x = sinA + cosA; y = secA + cosecA gksus
A }kjk izkIr
19» us ernku ugha fd;kA erksa dh la[;k Kkr dhft,A
ls dkSu&lk fodYi lR; gksxk\ SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
di g
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(a) 44,327 (b) 1,88,973
(a) y(1 + x2) = 2x (b) y – 2x = x2y
(c) y + 2x = x2y
A le
(d) y(1 – 2x2 ) = x
(c) 57,827 (d) 62,991
The following table shows the number of delivery part-
24. A man travels some distance at a speed of 12 km/h
ners (in thousands) who joined five different compa-
and returns at a speed of 8 km/h. If the total time
nies during six different years.
taken by him is 3 hours and 45 minutes, then the
fuEurkfydk Ng vyx&vyx o"kks± ds nkSjku ikap vyx&vyx daifu;ksa
by T
le; 3 ?kaVs vkSj 45 feuV gS] rks r; dh xbZ dqy nwjh (fdeh esa) o"kZ Emazon/ Clipkart/ Twiggy Tomato/ Pyntra/
,estksu DyhivkWVZ fVOx
zh VksesVksfiurjk
hs oi
Kkr djsaA
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
2016 2.4 4.5 1.2 0.9 4.2
(a) 32 (b) 42 2017 1.8 5.4 1.5 1.2 5.6
at J
31. A grocer purchased 10 kg rice for Rs.700. He spends
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
some amount on transportation and then sells it for
Rs.1,400. If the percentage of profit made by the (a) 5241 (b) 4356
(c) 4881 (d) 4125
a m
grocer is 30%, then what is the amount (in) he spends
on transportation? (Round off to the nearest integer) 35. Simplify/ljy dhft,A
35 – [30 + 10 + {12 – 10 – 4)}].
,d ialkjh us 700 #i;s esa 10 fdxzk pkoy •jhnkA og ifjogu ij
ty r a
dqN jkf'k O;; djrk gS vkSj fiQj bls 1]400 #i;s esa csp nsrk gSA SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(a) –3 (b) 2
;fn ialkjh }kjk vftZr ykHk çfr'kr 30» gS] rks og ifjogu ij (c) –2 (d) 3
fdruh jkf'k (#i;s esa) O;; djrk gS\ (fudVre iw.kkZad rd iw.kkZafdr
di g
36. Two similar triangles of XYZ and LMN. If area of
dhft,) A le (XYZ) = 16 cm², area of (LMN) = 25 cm² and YZ =
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03) 2.4 cm, then the measure of MN is:
(a) 350 (b) 380 XYZ vkSjLMN nks le#i f=kHkqt gSA (XYZ)
;fn dk {ks=kiQy
(c) 300 (d) 377 = 16 lseh² (LMN) dk {ks=kiQy
= 25 lseh² vkSjYZ = 2.4 lseh,
32. The savings and expenditure of a family in a month gS] rks
MN eki D;k gS\
by T
on different heads is shown in the given pie chart. SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
The family saves Rs.8,000 per month.
(a) 1 cm (b) 3 cm
,d ifjokj dh ,d eghus esa fofHkUu enksa esa dh xbZ cpr vkSj
(c) 2 cm
(d) 4 cm
O;; dks fn, x, ikbZ pkVZ esa n'kkZ;k x;k gSA ;g ifjokj gj eghus 1 4 4
hs oi
8000 #i;s dh cpr djrk gSA 37. If x + = 2, then find the value of x 4
x x
3 4
at J
x – 3
1 4 4 3 4
;fn x + x = 2 gS] rks
x 4 x – 3 dk eku KkrdjsaA
x x
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(a) –15 (b) 15
(c) –10 (d) 10
38. Simplify/ljy dhft,A
22 × 10 ÷ 5 × 2 + 12.
40. The value of (42)2 + 4 × 4 ÷ 4 – 4 is: 43. Study the given table and answer the question that follows.
nh xbZ rkfydk dk vè;;u djsa vkSj uhps fn, x, ç'u dk mÙkj nsaA
(42)2 + 4 × 4 ÷ 4 – 4 dk eku Kkrdhft,A The table shows the number of students in various
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03) courses in various cities A, B, C, D and E in India
4 during the academic year 2022-2023.
(a) 4 (b) 43
rkfydk 'kS{kf.kd o"kZ 2022&2023 ds nkSjku Hkkjr ds A, fofHkUu 'kgjksa
(c) 4 (d) 40
B, C, D vkSjE esafofHkUu ikBÔØeksa esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k n'kkZrh gS
41. Study the given table and answer the question that
follows. Engine
City MBA Science -ering Medicine MCA Total
nh xbZ rkfydk dk vè;;u djsa vkSj uhps fn, x, ç'u dk mÙkj nsaA 'kgj ,ec h, foKku bathfu; ,el h, dqy
fjax vkS"kf/
The table shows the number of students in various A 1200 2560 4520 1100 960 10340
courses in various cities A, B, C, D and E in India B 1350 2650 5100 1050 850 11000
during the academic year 2022-2023. C 1250 2640 4580 1120 750 10340
D 1960 1250 3500 1850 1600 10160
rkfydk 'kS{kf.kd
o"kZ 2022&2023 ds nkSjku Hkkjr ds fofHkUu 'kgjksa
E 1200 2100 3500 1960 1540 10300
kUu ikBÔØeksa esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k
A, B, C, D vkSjE esa fofH Total
n'kkZrh gSA dqy 6960 11200 21200 7080 5700 52140
a m
City MBA Science Medicine MCA Total
-ering between the students of science and those of MBA?
'kgj ,ech, foKku bathfu; ,el h, dqy
fjax vkS"kf/ esa dqy feykdj foKku ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa vkSj lHkh 'kgjksa esa
lHkh 'kgjksa
dqy feykdj ,ech, ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds chp fdruk varj gS\
ty r a
A 1200 2560 4520 1100 960 10340
B 1350 2650 5100 1050 850 11000 SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
C 1250 2640 4580 1120 750 10340 (a) 4540 (b) 4340
D 1960 1250 3500 1850 1600 10160 (c) 4440 (d) 4240
di g
E 1200 2100 3500 1960 1540 10300 44. In a store, an item with marked price of Rs.82,500
Total is available at a discounted price of Rs.79,200. What
dqy 6960 11200
A le
21200 7080 5700 52140
is the percentage of discount given on that item?
,d LVksjesa] 82]500 #i;s vafdr ewY; okyh ,d oLrq cêðkÑr
What was the average number of students in Science
course in the all the cities altogether during the
ewY; ij 79]200 #i;s esa miyC/ gSA ml oLrq ij fdrus çfr'kr
dh NwV nh xbZ gS\
by T
(c) 1% (d) 2%
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03) 1
45. The value of 1 + is:
hs oi
(a) 2250 (b) 2240 1
(c) 2220 (d) 2200 5
at J
800 11 38
600 (c) 2 (d) 1
400 45 45
200 46. DEF is an equilateral triangle with a side length of
0 12 cm. If point G is the mid-point of side DE, what
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
is the length (in cm) of side FG?
The percentage increase in the recruitment of DEF ,d lec kgq f=kHkqt gS ftldh Hkqtk dh yackbZ
f=kHkqt 12 lseh
employees from 2017 to 2018 is: gSA ;fn fcanq
G] HkqtkDE dk eè;&fcanq gS] rksFG
dh yackbZ
8 rd deZpkfj;ksa dh HkrhZ es izfr'kr o`f¼ fdruh gS\(lseh esa) D;k gS\
2017 ls 201
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(a) 6 (b) 6 3
(a) 120% (b) 150%
(c) 12 (d) 3 6
(c) 130% (d) 100%
A vkSjB ds vadksa B vkSjC ds vadksa
dk vuqikr 3% 4 gS vkSj 3%1 gSA ,d ubZ feJ /krq cukus ds fy,] 80 fdxzk feJ A /krq
dk vuqikr 4% 5 gSAC;fn ds chp dk varj 30
vkSjA ds vadksa vkSj 100 fdxzkfeJ /krq B dks ,d lkFk feyk;k tkrk gSA ubZ
B dks fdrusvad çkIr gq,\
gS] rks feJ /krq esa fVu dh ek=kk (fdxzk esa) fdruh gksxh\
a m
SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03) SSC CPO 27/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(a) 52 (b) 64 (a) 90 (b) 55
ty r a
(c) 60 (d) 56 (c) 68 (d) 81.3
di g
1.(b) 2.(a)
A le
3.(b) 4.(a) 5.(a) 6.(c) 7.(b) 8.(d) 9.(d) 10.(c)
11.(d) 12.(b) 13.(c) 14.(c) 15.(d) 16.(a) 17.(d) 18.(c) 19.(a) 20.(c)
by T
21.(c) 22.(c) 23.(c) 24.(c) 25.(b) 26.(a) 27.(d) 28.(b) 29.(d) 30.(b)
31.(d) 32.(a) 33.(a) 34.(b) 35.(a) 36.(b) 37.(a) 38.(c) 39.(c) 40.(a)
hs oi
41.(b) 42.(d) 43.(d) 44.(a) 45.(d) 46.(b) 47.(b) 48.(c) 49.(c) 50.(b)
at J
A ds fy, lehdj.k gy (fMxzh esa) dhft,% 7. In an election between two candidates, the candidate
2cos2 A + 3cosA – 2 = 0, 0 < A < 90° who gets 35% of the votes polled is defeated by
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01) 15,900 votes. What is the total number of votes
a m
(a) 30° (b) 80°
(c) 60° (d) 45° nks mEehnokjksa 35% er izkIr djus okyk
ds chp ,d pquko esa]
Simplify/ljy dhft, mEehnokj tkrk gSA Mkys ,d erksa dh dqy
15,900 erksa ls gkj
ty r a
la[;k Kkr djsaA
13 91
1898 ÷ 35 45 – SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
4 4
di g
(a) 53,000 (b) 45,000
A le (c) 35,000 (d) 43,000
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
1 – cot 2
(a) 12 (b) 16 8. Find the value of .
tan2 – 1
(c) 8 (d) 4
4. One laddoo with a radius of 5 cm belongs to a 1 – cot2
by T
yM~Mw ls cm f=kT;k ds
2.5 fdrus yM~Mw cuk, tk ldrs gSa\ (a) tan2 (b) cot
(c) tan (d) cot2
hs oi
5. If x [– 5 { – 4 (–a)}] + 6 [ – 3 { – 3 (– a)}] = 6a, then the ,d ukfod /kjk ds vuqdwy 10 feuV esa2 km vkSj /kjkds
value of x is:
izfrdwy2 ?kaVs
a12eskm uko pykrk gSA
/kjk dh pky Kkr dhft,A
;fn x [– 5 { – 4 (–a)}] + 6 [ – 3 { – 3 (– a)}] = 6a gS] rks
x dk
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
eku Kkr dhft,A
(a) 3 km/h (b) 2.5 km/h
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(c) 4 km/h (d) 3.5 km/h
(a) – 1 (b) 0 10. A boat covers 24 km upstream and 36 km downstream
(c) – 3 (d) 2 in 10 hours, and 36 km upstream and 24 km
6. The following table shows the classification of 100 downstream in 12 hours. The speed of the current
11. If a + 2b + 3c = 0, then what is the value of (a3 + 8b3 14 lseh O;kl okys ,d xksykdkj crZu dks isaV djus dh ykxr
+ 27c3)? 21]560 #i;s gSA çfr oxZ lsaVhehVj isafVax dh ykxr (#i;s esa) D;k
;fn a + 2b + 3c = 0, gS] rks(a3 + 8b3 + 27c3) dk eku D;k gS\
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01) gS\ ( mi;ksxdjsa)
(a) 18 abc (b) 12 abc
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(c) 0 (d) 6 abc
(a) 30 (b) 32
12. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
(c) 28 (d) 35
fuEufyf[kraesls dkSu lk@ls dFku lgh gS@gSa\
16. The radius of the base and height of a cone are 5 cm
A. A triangle can have all angles less than 60°./,d and 6 cm, respectively, whereas the radius of the base
esa lHkh dks.k
f=kHkqt 60° ls de gksldrs gSaA and height of a cylinder are 2.5 cm and 3 cm,
B. A triangle can have one obtuse angle./,d f=kHkqt respectively. The ratio of the volume of the cone to
that of the cylinder is:
esa ,d vf/d dks.k gks ldrk gSA
C. A triangle can have two right angles./,d f=kHkqt esa (Where
nks ledks.k gks ldrs gSA 7
D. A triangle can have two acute angles./,d f=kHkqt ,d 'kadq ds vk/kj dh f=kT;k vkSj ÅapkbZ Øe'k%
5 cm vkSj6
esa nks U;wu dks.k gks ldrs gSaA cm gS] tcfd ,d csyu ds vk/kj dh f=kT;k vkSj ÅapkbZ Øe'k%
a m
2.5 cm vkSj3 cm gSAdq 'kads vk;ru vkSj csyu ds vk;ru dk
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(a) B (b) B and D vuqikr Kkr djsaA (tgk¡ )
ty r a
(c) A and C (d) A 7
13. A certain amount of money becomes thrice in 5 years SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
at compound interest. How many years it will take (a) 8 : 5 (b) 9 : 4
di g
to become 9 times?
(c) 8 : 3 (d) 3 : 5
,d fuf'pr /ujkf'k pØo`f¼ O;kt ij5 o"kks±
a rhu
es xquk gks tkrh
A le 17. The value of:/fuEufyf[kr dk
eku D;k gS\
gSA mls9 xquk us
gksesa fdrus o"kZ yxsaxs\
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
1 1
(a) 15 years/o"kZ (b) 8 years/o"kZ
by T
2 1
(c) 10 years/o"kZ (d) 25 years/o"kZ
14. The following table shows the gross turnover (in 2
By what percentage is the gross turnover of 2020 appearing in an entrance exam from four different
higher than the gross turnover of 2018? cities and the ratio of candidates passing and failing
in the same.
2020 dk ldy dkjksckj]2018 ds ldy dkjksckj ls fdrus izfr'kr
vf/d gS\ rkfydk,¡ pk
j vyx&vyx 'kgjksa ls ,d izos'k ijh{kk esa mifLFkr
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
gq, mEehnkjksa dh la[;k (yk[k esa) rFkk mlesa mÙkh.kZ vkSj vuqÙ
(a) 5% (b) 25%
gq, mEehnokjksa dk vuqikr n'kkZrh gSA
(c) 20% (d) 13% City/'kgj P Q R S
15. The cost of painting a spherical vessel of diameter Number of candidates
14 cm is Rs.21,560. What is the cost of painting (in 1.10 2.26 2.12 1.46
mEehnokjkas dh la[;k
Rs.) per square centimetre? (use ) Ratio of candidates passing and failing within the
7 city:
gS (nks n'keyo LFkku rd iw.kk±fdr)\ 3
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01) 1
(c) 30% loss/gkfu % loss/gkfu
(d) 25
(a) 12.93% (b) 10.70% 3
a m
(c) 11.25% (d) 9.77% 24. A and B together can complete a piece of work in 25
days, B and C together can complete the same piece
19. Anwesha's marks in a class test of Sanskrit were
of work in 36 days, while C and A together can
ty r a
incorrectly entered as 99 instead of 66. If there are complete it in 30 days. If A, B, C, and D together can
55 students in the class, then what is the increment complete this piece of work in 18 days, then in how
in the average marks of the class in Sanskrit because many days can D alone complete this piece of work?
of this typing error?
A vkSj B fey dj fdlh dk;Z dks 25 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrs
B gSa]
di g
laLÑr dh ,d d{kk ijh{kk esa vUos"kk ds vad xyrh
66 dsesa vkSjC fey dj mlh dk;Z dks 36 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrs gSa] tcfd
ctk; 99 ntZ dj fn, x, FksA ;fn d{kk 55
esaNk=ka]gSrks bl
A le C vkSj A fey dj mlh dk;Z dks 30 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrs gSaA ;fn
Vkbfiax =kqfV ds dkj.k laLÑr esa d{kk ds vkSlr vadksa esa A, fdruh
B, C vkSj D fey dj bl dk;Z dks 18 fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrs gSa]
o`f¼ gqbZ gS\ rksD vdsyk bl dk;Z dks fdrus fnuksa esa iwjk dj ldrk gS\
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01) SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
by T
(cm2 esa
) Kkr dhft,A[ yhft, ] fdlh oLrqds ykxr ewY; esa 7-5» dh deh gksus ij ,d nqdkunkj
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
7]400 #i;s dh jkf'k ls igys dh •jhnh tkus okyh oLrq dh rqyuk
(a) 231 (b) 289
esa 15 fdxzk vf/d oLrq •jhn ldrk gSA oLrq ds dVkSrh ls iwoZ ds
(c) 302 (d) 245
Ø; ewY; ij 32-5» dk ykHk çkIr djus ds fy,] oLrq dks fdl
21. A sum of Rs. 17,600 was divided between Jeevan, ewY; (#i;s esa) izfr fdyksxzke ij cspuk gksxk\
Praveen and Kanan, such that the ratio of the sums SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
received by Jeevan and Praveen was 5 : 8, while the (a) 54 (b) 53
ratio of the sums received by Praveen and Kanan was (c) 52 (d) 51
3 : 2 How much many did Jeevan receive as his share? 26. The given pice chart shows the budget estimated by
Find the difference between the budget amount for ls fØdsV •syus okys fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh dqy la[;k vkSj
lHkh Ldwyksa
grocery and electricity to the amount spent on grocery lHkh Ldwyksa ls Vsful •syus okys fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh dqy la[;k ds chp
and electricity, if the family actually spent Rs. 18,875
on both grocery and electricity.
dk varj Kkr dhft,A
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
;fn ifj okj us okLro esa fdjkus vkSj fctyh nksuksa ij 18]875 #i;s
(a) 150 (b) 120
•pZ fd, gSa] rks fdjkuk ,oa fctyh ds fy, ctV jkf'k rFkk fdjkuk (c) 100 (d) 80
,oa fctyh ij •pZ dh xbZ jkf'k ds chp varj Kkr dhft,A 30. Find the natural number obtained when the number
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01) 13 is subtracted from the mean proportional of 75 and
(a) Rs. 3,547 (b) Rs. 4,573 12.
(c) Rs. 3,745 (d) Rs. 4,375
tc la[; k 13 dks 75 vkSj 12 ds ekè;kuqikrh ls ?kVk;k tkrk gS] rks
27. Ravi and Sanju together can do a job in 2 days, Sanju çkIr çkÑfrd la[;k Kkr dhft,A
and Mahesh can do it in 4 days, while Ravi and SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
Mahesh can do it in 2 days. What is the number of (a) 14 (b) 30
days required for Ravi to do the same job alone? (c) 27 (d) 17
jfo vkSj latw
,d lkFk feydj fdlh dk;Z dks 2 fnu esa dj 31. The radius of a hemispherical bowl is 9 cm. The
ldrs gSa] latw vkSj egs'k bls 4 fnu esa dj ldrs gSa] tcfd jfo 22
vkSj egs'k bls 2 fnu esa dj ldrs gSaA jfo dks mlh dk;Z dks capacity of the bowl is: (use )
a m
vdsys djus esa fdrus fnu yxsaxs\ yh; dVksjs dh f=kT;k
,d v/Zxks sjs dh {kerk (vk;ru)
9 cm gSA dVk
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
ty r a
Kkr dhft,A ( ysa)
8 7
(a) 9 days/fnu (b) days/fnu
3 SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
di g
(a) 1527.43 cm3 (b) 1428.78 cm3
5 3
(d) 1821.47 cm3
days/fnu (d) 4 days/fnu (c) 1625.37 cm
A le 32. The following bar graph indicates the demand and
28. Simplify the following expression: production (in hundreds) of 5 companies A, B, C, D
and E. X-axis indicates the demand and production
fn, x, O;atd dks ljy dhft,% (in hundreds) and Y-axis indicates the companies.
by T
13 17
(a) (b)
djrk gSA ckj xzkiQ dk è;kuiwoZd vè;;u dhft, vkSj fuEufyf•r
ç'u dk mÙkj nhft,
at J
11 19
(c) (d)
15 15
29. The following table gives the information of number
of students from various schools playing various
games: (one student play one game only)
fuEufyf•r rkfydk esa fofHkUu •syksa dks •syus okys fofHkUu Ldwyksa
ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k dh tkudkjh nh xbZ gS% (,d fo|kFkhZ
dsoy ,d •sy •syrk gS)
s@LdwyA B C D E
Cricket/fØdsV 100 150 200 300 200
Tennis/Vfs ul 200 220 210 210 230 Find the difference between the average demand and
Football/iQq Vcky
W 150 170 130 150 150 average production of the five companies taken
Basket Ball/ckLdsV ckWy
180 170 150 130 120 together.
daifu;ksa dh vkSlr ekax vkSj vkSlr mRiknu ds chp varj Kkr
S feVa u100 150 120 130 150
The difference between the total number of students
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
playing cricket from all the schools and the total
number of students playing Tennis from all the (a) 500 (b) 400
schools is: (c) 2000 (d) 1000
169 40
a m
(d) 20
Simplify/ljy dhft,% 0
ty r a
34. A B C D E F
20 5 of 4 × 8 + 6 24 of 3 × 48 – 6 18 × 9. 2021 2022
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01) What percentage of the total sales of branch F for
di g
(a) 9 both years is the total sales of branch C for both
years? (round your answer up to two decimal places)
(b) 6
A le nksuksa ds fy, 'kk[kkF dh oqQy fcØh] nksuksa o"kks± ds fy,
(c) 4 (d) 1.125
'kk[kkC dh oqQyfcØh dk fdruk izfr'kr gS\ (vius mÙkj dks
35. Of the three angles of a triangle, one is twice the n'keyo ds nks LFkkuksa rd iw.kk±fdr dhft,)
smallest and another one is thrice the smallest. Find
by T
(a) 2 (b) 6
(c) 60° (d) 45°
(c) 1 (d) 4
36. Two trains 230 m and 270 m long are running in
40. Simplify/ljy dhft,A
opposite directions at speeds of 42 km/h and 48 km/
h, respectively. They cross each other in: cos13 sin13
230 ehVj vkSj 270 ehVj yach nks jsyxkfM+;k¡ Øe'k% 42 fdeh@?kaVs
cos13º sin13
vkSj 48 fdeh@?kaVs dh pky ls foijhr fn'kkvksa esa py jgh gSaA os SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
,d nwljs dks____ esa ik
j djsaxhA (a) cot 58° (b) tan 32°
(c) tan 58° (d) cos 26°
3 4 (a) 3680 (b) 2760
(c) 5 % (d) 3 %
5 5 (c) 1765 (d) 1980
44. A seller offers a discount of 12% if the total sale price 48. The value of 64 [44 – (8 of 3 – 16) 4 × 20] is equal
of different products purchased by a single customer to:
a m
is below Rs.3,000, and discount of 15% if the total 64 [44 – (8 of 3 – 16) 4 × 20] dk eku fuEu esa ls fdlds
sale value of all the products exceeds Rs. 3,000. A
shirt costing Rs. 900 was sold to Anand after earning
cjkcj gS\
ty r a
a margin of 9% and also a jacket costing Rs. 1,900 SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
was sold to him after a margin of 6%. How much does (a) 12 (b) 18
Anand have to pay (in Rs.) for the final settlement (c) 16 (d) 15
di g
of the bill?
49. The value of 29 – [(48 12) + 2 × (8 4 + 4)] is equal
;fn xzkgd }kjk •jhns x, fofHkUu mRiknksa dk dqy foØ; ewY;
A le to:
3]000 #i;s ls de gS] rks ,d foØsrk 12» dh NwV çnku djrk gS] 29 – [(48 12) + 2 × (8 4 + 4)] dk eku fuEu esa ls fdlds
vkSj ;fn lHkh mRiknksa dk dqy foØ; ewY; 3]000 #i;s ls vf/dcjkcj gS\
gS] rks 15» dh NwV çnku djrk gSA vkuan dks 900 #i;s ewY; dh SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-01)
,d 'kVZ 9» dk ekftZu vftZr djus ds ckn csph xbZ vkSj lkFk gh
by T
(a) 13 (b) 15
1]900 #i;s Ø; ewY; okyh ,d tSdsV Hkh mls 6» ds ekftZu ds(c) 21 (d) 19
ckn csph xbZA fcy ds fuiVku ds fy, vkuan dks fdruk (#i;s esa)
(a) 1 : 2 : 3 (b) 1 : 2 : 3 43 47
(c) 2 (d) 2
(c) 1 : 2 3
: (d) 1 : 3 :2 120 120
1.(a) 2.(c) 3.(c) 4.(d) 5.(c) 6.(a) 7.(a) 8.(d) 9.(a) 10.(c)
11.(a) 12.(b) 13.(c) 14.(c) 15.(d) 16.(c) 17.(c) 18.(d) 19.(d) 20.(a)
21.(d) 22.(b) 23.(a) 24.(c) 25.(b) 26.(c) 27.(b) 28.(b) 29.(b) 30.(d)
31.(a) 32.(b) 33.(d) 34.(a) 35.(b) 36.(c) 37.(a) 38.(c) 39.(c) 40.(c)
41.(a) 42.(b) 43.(b) 44.(d) 45.(d) 46.(b) 47.(b) 48.(c) 49.(a) 50.(c)
(a) ±3 (b) ±6 rkfydk mu yksxksa dh la[;k n'kkZrh gS ftUgksaus laxhr dh viuh
(c) ±4 (d) ±2 ilanhnk 'kSyh ds ckjs esa ,d loZs{k.k esa çfrfØ;k nh gSA
2. The below table shows the number of trees of 3
different fruits, planted during 2018-2022. Study the Age/vk;q
a m
25-30 31-50 51+
table carefully and answer the question based on it.
uhps nh xbZ
rkfydk 2018&2022 ds nkSjku yxk, x, 3 vyx&vyx =kh; 2
Classical/'kkL 9 16
ty r a
iQyksa ds isM+ksa dh la[;k n'kkZrh gSA rkfydk dk è;kuiwoZd
Pop/ ikWi
vè;;u 10 16 8
dhft, vkSj mlds vk/kj ij fn, x, ç'u dk mÙkj nhft,A Hip-Hop/fgi&gkWi 4 7 6
Year Jackfruit Mango Butter Fruit
14 17 14
di g
o"kZ dVgy vke eD•uiQy
2018 35000 40000 A le 55000 Ambient/ifjos'k 7 13 20
2019 38000 48000 58000
37 62 64
2020 42000 52000 62000
2021 45000 55000 65000
What percentage of respondents aged 31-50 indicated
2022 48000 58000 68000 a favourite style other than Pop music (rounded off
by T
(c) 30% (d) 23.08% 6. A cylinder has a radius of 7 cm and the area of its curved
3. A person covers 11 km with a speed of 7 km/h, 25
surface is 396 cm2. The volume of the cylinder is:
km with a speed of 10 km/h and 30 km with a speed
of 20 km/h. What is the average speed of the person? ,d csyu dh f=kT;k 7 lseh gS vkSj bldk oØ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy 396
dh gSAyu
dh pky ls 11 fdeh] 10 fdeh@?kaVklseh cs dk vk;ru D;k gksxk \
,d O;fÙkQ fdeh@?kaVk
pky ls 25 fdeh vkSj 20 fdeh@?kaVk dh pky ls 30 fdeh dh nwjh SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(a) 1396 cm3 (b) 1381 cm3
r; djrk gSA O;fÙkQ dh vkSlr pky D;k gS\ (c) 1386 cm3 (d) 1391 cm3
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
7 11 7. Ramnarayan's salary was reduced by 3 % , and then,
(a) 3.03% less (b) 4.04% more 12. In an election between A and B, every fifth vote polled
(c) 4.04% less (d) 3.03% more was marked as invalid by the machine. In the
remaining votes, A wins the election with a margin
8. A cylinder of radius 7 cm has a curved surface area
of 2500 votes or 10% of the total votes polled, over
22 B. If 90% of the invalid votes would have been in
of 2200 cm². Find its total surface area. Use 7 favour of B, then which of the following would have
been the result of the election?
7 lseh f=k gSA lseh
T;k okys csyu dk oØ&i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy 22200
A vkSjB ds chp ,d pquko esa] Mkys x, çR;sd ikaposa er dks
bldk laiw.kZ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy Kkr dhft,A
e'khu }kjk vekU; ds :i esa fpfÉr fd;k x;kA 'ks"k erksa esa]
dk mi;kxs dhft, 2500 erksa
ds varj ls ;k Mkys x, dqy erksa ds 10» ds varj ls
7 B ls pquko thrtkrk gSA ;fn vekU; erksa esa ls
B 90»]
ds i{k esa
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02) gksrs] rks fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu lk fodYi pquko dk urhtk gksrk\
(a) 2508 cm² (b) 2260 cm² SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(c) 2550 cm² (d) 1580 cm² (a) B would have won by 8%/B, 8» ls thr t krk
(b) B would have won by 3%/B] 3» ls thr tkrk
9. Study the given table and answer the question that
follows. The table shows the number of eggs produced (c) A would have won by 3%/A] 3» ls thr tk rk
in five farms.
(d) A would have won by 8%/A] 8» ls thr tk rk
nh xbZ rkfydk dk vè;;u dhft, vkSj uhps fn, x, ç'u dk mÙkj
a m
13. The following table shows the population (in
nhft,A rkfydk ik¡p iQkeks± esa mRikfnr vaMksa dh la[;k n'kkZrh gSA of five different cities (A, B, C, D and E)
categorised by gender.
Year Farm/[ksr
ty r a
fuEufyf•r rkfydkfyax ds vk/kj ij oxhZÑr ik¡p vyx&vyx
o"kZ P Q R S T
'kgjksaA,( B, C, D vkSjE) dh tula[ ;k (lSdM+ksa esa) n'kkZrh gSA
2010 1020 1418 1630 1740 1580
di g
2011 1260 1390 1460 1530 1620 City Population Men : Women
'kgj tula[; k iq#"k efgyk,a
2012 1120 1765 1480 1515 1640
A le A 2340 1:2
2013 1465 1555 1746 1418 1545
B 900 3:1
What is the respective ratio of the dozens of eggs C 1510 3:2
produced by farm P to farm T in the year 2011? D 2010 2:3
o"kZ 2011a es P }kjk mRikfn
iQkeZ r vaMksa (ntZu esa) vkSj T iQkeZ
by T
E 1750 4:3
}kjk mRikfnr
vaMksa (ntZu esa) dk lacf/r vuqikr D;k gS\ What is the total number of women (in hundreds) in
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(c) 7 : 9 (d) 9 : 7
fdruh gS\
10. If x – y = 25 and xy = 444, compute the value of x³ – y³.
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
;fn x – y = 25 vkSjxy = 444 gS] rks
x³ – y³ ds eku dhx.kuk
at J
Øe esa lekuqikr esa gSa] rks fuEufyf•r esa ls dkSu&lk fodYi lgh 12000
ugha gS\ Salary and wages/ osru vkSj etnwjh8000 12000
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02) Advertising/ foKkiu 10000 20000
(a) b, a, d and c, in the order given are in proportion
Find the difference between the least percentage
b, a, d vkSjc fn, x, Øe esa lekuqikr esa gSaA increase and the highest percentage increase in year
(b) c, d, b and a, in the order given are in proportion. 2019-2020.
c, d, b vkSja fn, x, Øe esa lekuqikr esa gSaA o"kZ 2019&2020
esa U;wure çfr'kr o`f¼ vksj mPpre çfr'kr o`f¼
(c) d, c, b and a, in the order given are in proportion. ds chp varj Kkr dhft,A
d, c, b vkSja fn, x, Øe esa lekuqikr esa gSaA SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(d) d, c, b and a, in the order given are in proportion. (a) 80% (b) 50%
d, c, b vkSja fn, x, Øe esa lekuqikr esa gSaA (c) 60% (d) 70%
15. Manish, Nakul and Pintoo alone can complete a 20. If the radius of a sphere is increased by 125%, then
certain work in 21days, 28 days and 15 days, by what percentage will its surface area increase
respectively. Manish and Pintoo started the work (correct to two decimal places)?
together while Nakul joined them after 5 days and ;fn fd lh xksys dh f=kT;k esa 125» dh o`f¼ dh tkrh gS] rks blds
worked with them till the completion of the work. For
i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy esa fdrus çfr'kr dh o`f¼ (nks n'keyo LFkku rd
how many days did Nakul work?
iw.kkZafdr) gksxh\
euh"k] udqyvkSj fiaVw vdsys fdlh dke dks Øe'k% 21 fnu] 28
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
fnu vkSj 15 fnu esa iwjk dj ldrs gSaA euh"k vkSj fiVw us ,d lkFk
(a) 506.25% (b) 509.54%
dke 'kq: fd;k tcfd udqy us 5 fnu ds ckn muds lkFk dke
(c) 409.76% (d) 406.25%
djuk 'kq: fd;k vkSj dke iwjk gksus rd muds lkFk dke fd;kA
21. Simplify the given expression./fn, x, O;atd dks ljy
udqy us fdrus fnu rd dke fd;k\
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
[{9 × 81 + (142 2) + 350 – 155 + 5] [(25 × 25) – 125]
1 1
(a) 3 (b) 2 SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
2 2
(a) –1 (b) 2
1 6 (c) –2 (d) 1
(c) 5 (d) 2
2 7 22. The value of 66 [34 – (32 of 2 – 4) (4 × 15)] is
a m
16. Shiya invests Rs.1,53,000, which is 30% of her equal to:
annual income, in mutual funds. What is her monthly 66 [34 – (32 of 2 – 4) (4 × 15)] dk eku fuEu esa ls
income (in Rs.)?
ty r a
fdlds cjkcj gksxk\
y iQaM esa 1]53]000 #i;s dk fuos'k djrh gS] tks mldh
f'k;k E;wpqv
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
okf"kZd vk; dk 30» gSA mldh ekfld vk; (#i;s esa) Kkr djsaA
(a) 2 (b) 1
di g
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(c) 0 (d) 3
(a) 52300 (b) 45800
23. The area of sector of a circle having radius 14 cm is
(c) 42500
A le (d) 55600 231 cm². Find the degree measure of the
17. If 4 sin² = 3(1 + cos), 0° < < 90°, then what is the
4 corresponding central angle. Use 7
value of 15 tan + sin + 2sec?
by T
sin + 2sec dk eku D;k gS\ 22
dk i;z kxs dhft,
hs oi
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02) ,d vkneh] jsyxkM+h }kjk 80 fdeh@?kaVk dh pky ls 1200 fdeh
(a) 24 (b) 34 dh nwjh r; djrk gS] tgkt }kjk 40 fdeh@?kaVk dh pky ls 1600
(c) 20 (d) 22 fdeh dh nwjh r; djrk gS] gokbZ tgkt }kjk 400 fdeh@?kaVk dh
19. On the tag price, a seller offers a 10% discount and pky ls 1000 fdeh dh nwjh r; djrk gS vkSj dkj }kjk 50
a cashback of Rs.250. He still earns 10% profit. If fdeh@?kaVk dh pky ls 200 fdeh dh nwjh r; djrk gSA laiw.kZ nwjh
the cost price is Rs.1,200, then the tag price (rounded
ds fy, vkSlr pky fdruh gS\ (nks n'keyo LFkku rd iw.kkZfdr)
off to 2 decimal places) is Rs.______.
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
,d foØ srk vafdr ewY; ij 10» NwV vkSj 250 #i;s dk dS'kcSd
(a) 75.40 km/h (b) 68.14 km/h
çnku djrk gSA og vHkh Hkh 10» ykHk vftZr djrk gSA ;fn Ø;
(c) 72.40km/h (d) 65.04 km/h
ewY; 1]200 #i;s gS] rks vafdr ewY; (n'keyo ds nks LFkkuksa rd
25. Simplify/dks ljy dhft,A(4 4) × (4 4) × (4 × 4).
#i;s gSA
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(a) 144 (b) 130
(a) 1447.44 (b) 1777.44
(c) 128 (d) 124
(c) 1744.44 (d) 1774.44
(c) 22.25% (d) 23.85% Øe'k% 10 lsehvkSj 6 lseh ds ckgjh vkSj vkarfjd O;kl ds ,d
27. In a class, there are 60 students. The average weight
of the entire class is 42 kg. If there are 36 boys in
•ks•ys xksys dks fi?kyk;k tkrk gS vkSj 10 lseh ds vk/kj O;kl
the class and the average weight of all the boys is okys ,d yEc o`Ùkh; 'kadq ds vkdkj esa <kydj ,d vkSj Bksl
a m
cuk;k tkrk gSA 'kadq dh Å¡pkbZ Kkr dhft,A
50 kg, then what is the average weight (in kg) of all
the girls? SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
,d d{kk esa 60 fo|kFkhZ gSaA laiw.kZ d{kk dk vkSlr otu 42 (a)
ty r a
13.68 cm (b) 14.68 cm
gSA ;fn d{kk esa 36 yM+ds gSa vkSj lHkh yM+dksa dk vkSlr (c)otu 50 cm
16.68 (d) 15.68 cm
fdxzk gS] rks lHkh yM+fd;ksa dk vkSlr otu (fdxzk esa)33. – cos²A) sec²A is equal to/dk eku D;k gS\
di g
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02) SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(a) 30 (b) 32 (a) cos2A cot2A (b) tan2A
(c) 36
A le (d) 34 2
(c) cot A (d) cosec2A
28. Two towns P and Q are 275 km apart. A motorcycle 34. The population of a city increases every year at the
rider starts from P towards Q at 10:00 a.m. at the
rate of 5%. If the population of the city is 16000, what
speed of 25 km/h. Another rider starts from Q towards
will be the population after 2 years?
by T
P ls Q dh vksj pyuk 'kq: djrk gSA ,d vU; lokjQ ls P (a) 17640 (b) 17000
hs oi
ldrh gSaA mUgksaus Ng fnuksa rd lkFk dk;Z fd;k vkSj fiQj (c) jkSud
d = 36t (d) d =
dk;Z NksM+dj pyh xbZA dk;Z dks iwjk djus ds fy, fj;k36.
fy;k the given expression.
x;k le; Kkr dhft,A fn, x, O;atd dks ljy dhft,A
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02) 1000 × 100 – 1000 + 4000 200
(a) 3 days (b) 6 days
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(c) 5 days (d) 7 days
30. If 855 15 – k + 32 × 5 = 1152 16 × 111 37, then (a) 99235 (b) 99980
the value of k is: (c) 99020 (d) 99999
rks 37.
;fn 855 15 – k + 32 × 5 = 1152 16 × 111 37 gks] What is the length (in cm) of chord PQ in a circle
with a radius of 7 cm, where a diameter AB and non-
k dk eku Kkrdhft,A diameter chord PQ intersect perpendicularly at point
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02) C, and the ratio of AC to BC is 4 : 3?
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02) integer, then find the number of possible values of x.
(a) Rs.154 (b) Rs.144 ;fn fd lh f=kHkqt dh Hkqtk,¡ 7] 12 vkSj
vkSjx ,d iw.kkZad
x gSa]
(c) Rs.15.40 (d) Rs.14.40 gS] rks
x ds laHkkf
or ekuksa dh la[;k Kkr dhft,A
a m
39. Study the given table and answer the question that SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
follows. (a) 14 (b) 13
nh xbZ rkfydk dk vè;;u djsa vkSj uhps fn, x, ç'u dk mÙkj nsaA(c) 15 (d) 12
ty r a
The table shows the number of students in various 44. Simplify the following expression./fuEufyf[kr O;atddks
courses in various cities A, B, C, D and E in India ljy dhft,A
during the academic year 2022-2023.
di g
(6 + 6 + of 5 ÷ 5) ÷ 6 of 5 + (24 ÷ 2 of 3 – 6 of 5 + 4)
o"kZ 2022&2023 ds nkSjku Hkkjr ds fofHkUu 'kgjksa
rkfydk 'kS{kf.kd
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
A, B, C, D vkSjE esa fofH
kUu ikBÔØeksa esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k
A le
n'kkZrh gSA (a) –26
(b) –17
5 5
3 1
by T
ls ;k=kk djrs gq, Vªsu ,d ?kaVs esa fdrus fdyksehVj dh nwjh
djsxh\ SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02) (a) 2500 (b) 3000
(a) 67.5 (b) 69 (c) 4580 (d) 3240
(c) 68 (d) 67.2 47. If sinx + cosx = 2 sinx, the the value of sinx – cosx is:
41. Find the value of/dk eku Kkr dhft,A ;fn sinx + cosx = 2 sinx gS] rks
sinx – cosx dk eku Kkr
15% of 1.5 + 0.15 ÷ 0.1 + 0.01 of 1.1 × 0.5 + 2.5 × 25. dhft,A
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02) SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(a) 77.2305 (b) 64.2305 (a) sinx (b) 2sinx
(c) 62.2305 (d) 6.42305 (c) – 2 cosx (d) 2 cosx
48. A spherical box has surface area 528 cm². Find the The number of females in colleges A and D together
radius of the spherical box. is what percentage of the number of males in colleges
,d xksykdkj cDls
dk i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy 528
lseh ml xksykdkj B and C together (rounded off to two decimal places)?
cDlsdh f=kT;k Kkr dhft,A dkWystA vkSjD esa feykdjefgykvksa dh la[;k] dkWyst
B vkSj
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02) C esa feykdjiq#"kksa dh la[;k dk fdruk çfr'kr gS (nks n'keyo
(a) LFkku rd iw.kkZafdr eku)\
37 cm (b) 42 cm
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(c) 29 cm (d) 35 cm
(a) 80.95%
49. The following table shows the total number of (b) 80.84%
employees in 4 different colleges and the percentage
(c) 91.95%
of female employees and that of male employees.
Study the table carefully and answer the question (d) 90.86%
that follows. 50. Find the simplified value of 5055 – (1002 ÷ 20.04).
fuEufyf•r rkfydk 4vyx&vyx dkWystksa esa deZpkfj;ksa dh dqy 5055 – (1002 ÷ 20.04) dk ljyhÑr eku Kkr dhft,A
la[;k vkSj efgyk deZpkfj;ksa vkSj iq#"k deZpkfj;ksa dk çfr'kr n'kkZrh SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-02)
gSA rkfydk dk è;kuiwoZd vè;;u dhft, vkSj fuEufyf•r ç'u dk (a) 4050
mÙkj nhft,A (b) 5005
a m
College Total Number Percentage of Percentage of (c) 50.05
dkWyst of Employees Female Employees Male Employees
ksa dh efgyk deZpkfj;ksa iq#"k eZpkfj;ksa
d (d) 5050
dqy la[;k dk çfr'kr dk çfr'kr
ty r a
A 700 35% 65%
B 550 30% 70%
di g
C 600 40% 60%
D 800 A le 55% 45%
by T
1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(b) 4.(a) 5.(d) 6.(c) 7.(b) 8.(a) 9.(c) 10.(a)
11.(b) 12.(a) 13.(d) 14.(a) 15.(d) 16.(c) 17.(a) 18.(b) 19.(c) 20.(d)
hs oi
21.(b) 22.(a) 23.(d) 24.(d) 25.(c) 26.(d) 27.(a) 28.(b) 29.(a) 30.(b)
31.(a) 32.(d) 33.(b) 34.(a) 35.(c) 36.(c) 37.(b) 38.(d) 39.(d) 40.(c)
at J
41.(b) 42.(c) 43.(b) 44.(c) 45.(b) 46.(b) 47.(d) 48.(b) 49.(c) 50.(b)
a b a 3 b3 4
1. If
b a
= 1, a 0,b 0, the find the value of . 4. Let a be a positive number and b =
.What is the
mean proportional of a and b?
a b a 3 b3
;fn = 1, a 0,b 0 gS] rks dk eku KkrdjsaA 4
b a 3ab ;fn a ,d /ukred la[ ;k gS vkSj
b =
gS] rks
a vkSjb dk
ekè;kuqikrh D;kxk\gks
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
a m
(c) 2 (d) a
2. In an election between P, R and S, of the total 5. Study the following table chart carefully and answer
ty r a
the question that follows.
votes polled are invalid. Votes polled in favour of R
and S are half of the total votes polled, and they get fuEufyf•r rkfydkpkVZ dk è;kuiwoZd vè;;u dhft, vkSj uhps
equal votes. Due to a fault in the machine, half of fn, x, ç'u dk mÙkj nhft,A
di g
the votes of S and half of the invalid votes are counted
additionally in favour of R. What is the overall
A le The table given below shows the number of registered
voters and the percentage of the people who voted
percentage of votes secured by R due to the fault?
among them in different voting centres.
1 uhps nh xbZ
rkfydk fofHkUu ernku dsaæksa esa iathÑr ernkrkvksa dh
P, R vkSjS ds chp ,d pquko esa Mkys x, dqy erksa esa ls
10 la[;k vkSj muesa ls ernku djus okys yksxksa dk çfr'kr n'kkZrh gSA
by T
7. If the number of school going children in a town is 12.The cost of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) per litre
64000 and it is increasing annually by 10%, then what is increased by 65%. By what percentage must
will be the number of school going children in the Manish reduce his consumption of CNG so as not
town at the end of 3 years? to increase his expenditure? (correct up to two
decimal places)
;fn fdlh uxj esa Ldwy tkus okys cPpksa dh la[;k 64000 gS vkSj
laihfMr çkÑfrdl xS(CNG) dk ew
Y; çfr yhVj 65» c<+ x;k
blesa çfro"kZ 10» dh o`f¼ gks jgh gS] rks 3 o"kZ ds var esa uxj esa
gSA euh"k CNG
dks dk miHkksx fdrus çfr'kr de djuk pkfg,]
Ldwy tkus okys cPpksa dh la[;k fdruh gksxh\
rkfd mldk O;; u c<+s\ (nks n'keyo LFkkuksa rd)
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(a) 85100 (b) 85184 (a) 39.39% (b) 30.13%
(c) 85000 (d) 80000 (c) 45.13% (d) 25.39%
8. A vessel contains 18 litres mixture of milk and water 13. If 56 4 + p × 3 – 24 12 + 4 = 21 3 + 3 then the
in the ratio 5: 1. If 3 litres of milk is added to the value of p is:
vessel, then how much water (in litres) should be ;fn 56 4 + p × 3 – 24 12 + 4 = 21 3 + 3 rksp dk
added to the vessel to have milk and water in the eku gS%
ratio 9: 2? SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
,d crZu esa 5 % 1 ds vuqikr esa nw/ vkSj ikuh dk 18 yhVj (a) 2 (b) –1
feJ.k gSA ;fn crZu esa 3 yhVj nw/ feyk;k tkrk gS] rks crZu(c)esa1
a m
(d) –2
fdruk ikuh (yhVj esa) feyk;k tkuk pkfg, rkfd nw/ vkSj ikuhA trader sells pulses at a 32% profit and uses weights
20% less than the actual measure. Find his gain
dk vuqikr 9% 2 gks tk,\
ty r a
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03) ,d O;kikjh32» ykHk ij nky csprk gS vkSj okLrfod otu ls
(a) 2 (b) 1.5 20» de otu dk mi;ksx djrk gSA mldk ykHk çfr'kr Kkr djsaA
di g
(c) 0.5 (d) 1 SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
9. The distance between the parallel sides of a (a) 65% (b) 58%
A le
trapezium is 18 cm. If the area of the trapezium is (c) 72% (d) 62%
1188 cm², then what is the sum of the lengths of the 15. Find the value of/dk eku Kkrdhft,A
parallel sides?
,d leyac prqHkZqt dh lekarj Hkqtkvksa ds chp dh nwjh 18 cm 9 gSA
3 – 2 4 – 4 81 9 81 9 3 – 9 9.
by T
gS] lseh
;fn leyac prqHkZqt dk {ks=kiQy 1188 rks
lekarj Hkqtkvksa
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
dh yackbZ dk ;ksx D;k gS\ (a) 0 (b) 6
How many students are there in class X in the 21. Simplify the following/fuEukafdr eku Kkr dhft,A
Ldwy esakk
d{X esa fdrus
fo|kFkhZ gSa\ 1 15
2 3 3
2 – 18
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03) 4 20 3
(a) 256 (b) 226 2(4 20 4)
(c) 286 (d) 206
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
17. A gear 15 cm in diameter is turning a gear 21 cm in
diameter. When the smaller gear has 105 revolutions, 7 4
(a) (b)
how many has the larger one made? 18 9
15 lseh O;klokyk ,d fx;j 21 lseh O;kl okys fx;j dks ?kqek 5 11
(c) (d)
jgk gSA tc NksVs fx;j us 105 pDdj yxk, gSa] rks cM+s fx;j us9 18
fdrus pDdj yxk, gSa\ 22. The following table shows the number of new
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03) employees added to different categories of employees
in a university and also the number of employees from
(a) 75 (b) 100
these categories who left the university every year:
(c) 85 (d) 90
18. The simple interest on a certain sum for 4 years at fuEufyf•r rkfydkesa ,d fo'ofon~?;ky; esa deZpkfj;ksa dh fofHkUu
14% per annum is Rs.6,160 less than the simple Jsf.k;ksa esa HkrhZ fd, x, u, deZpkfj;ksa dh la[;k vkSj bu Jsf.k;ksa
a m
interest on the same sum at the same rate for 8 esa çR;sd o"kZ fo'ofo|ky; NksM+us okys deZpkfj;ksa dh la[;k dks
years. Find the sum. n'kkZ;k x;k gS%
fdlh fuf'pr jkf'k ij 4 o"kZ ds fy, 14» okf"kZd C;kt nj ls
ty r a
Professor Assistant Associate Peon
feyus okyk lk/kj.k C;kt] mlh jkf'k ij 8 o"kZ ds fy, leku nj çkè;kid Professor Professor pijklh
lg&çkè;kid lg&çkè;k
ls feyus okys lk/kj.k C;kt ls 6]160 #i;s de gSA jkf'k Kkr l gk;d çkè;kid
di g
New Left New Left New Left New Left
u, s oky
NksM+us u, NksM+us okys
u, NksM+us
s oky
u, NksM+us okys
2018 80 – 100 – 90 – 60 –
25. Consider the data of a certain number of activities 27. If x = 11, then the value of (x5 – 12x4 + 12x3 – 12x2 +
of type P, Q, and R in the percentage of the total 12x – 1) is:
activities of the cities B, C, D. and K in the table ;fn x = 11 gS] rks
(x5 – 12x4 + 12x3 – 12x2 + 12x – 1) dk
below. eku crkb,A
uhps nh xbZ P, Q vkSjR çdkj dh xfrfof/;ksa dh ,d
rkfydk esa SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
C, D vkSjK dh dqy
fuf'pr la[;k ds vkadM+ksa dksB,'kgjksa (a) 10 (b) 8
xfrfof/;ksa ds çfr'kr esa fopkj dhft,A (c) 9 (d) 14
City/'kgj 28. The sum of any two sides of a triangle is:
Activity B C D K ,d f=kHk
qt dh fdUgha nks Hkqtkvksa dk ;ksx fdruk gksrk gS\
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
P 45 30 25 35
(a) less than or equal to third side/rhljh Hkqtk de
Q 25 30 35 30 ;k mlds cjkcj
R 30 40 40 35 (b) equal to third side/rhljh Hkqtk cjkcj
If the total activities of B and C are 500 and 400, (c) greater than the third side/rhljh Hkqtk vf/d
respectively, then what is the difference in activity
(d) less than the third side/rhljh Hkqtk de
R of B and C?
a m
29. Ashish covers 72 km at a speed of 45 km/h by bike,
;fn B vkSjC dh dqy xfrfof/;k¡ Øe'k% 500 vkSj 400 gSa]
B rks 28 km at a speed of 4 km/h by bicycle, and another
rj tkr dhft,\
vkSjC dh xfrfof/ R esa va 160 km at a speed of 20 km/h by car. Find his average
ty r a
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03) speed (in km/h) for the whole journey. (Rounded off
to two decimal places)
(a) 10 (b) 20
vk'kh"k ckbd ls 45
fdeh@?kaVs dh pky ls 72 fdeh] lkbfdy ls
di g
(c) 30 (d) 15
26. Study the given table and answer the question that 4 fdeh@?kaVs fdeh dh pky ls 28 fdeh vkSj dkj ls 20 fdeh@?kaVs
dh pky ls 160 fdeh dh nwjh r; djrk gSA iwjh ;k=kk ds nkSjku
A le
The table shows the yearly production (in thousands) mldh vkSlr pky (fdeh@?kaV esa) Kkr dhft,A (nks n'keyo LFkkuksa
of scooters in five different factories (P, Q, R, S and rd iw.kk±fdr)
T) from 1985 to 1989. SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
by T
nh xbZ rkfyd
k dk vè;;u djsa vkSj fuEufyf•r ç'u dk mÙkj nsaA (a) 15.66 (b) 25.25
rkfydk esa 1985 ls 1989 rd ikap vyx&vyx dkj•kuksa
P, Q, ( (c) 28.33 (d) 27.65
fofHkUu dkj•kuksa
esa LdwVjksa dk okf"kZd mRiknu (gtkjksa esa)
D;k gS\
Factory SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
2 2
P 20 15 24 13 17 (a) 5 (b) 4
3 3
Q 16 23 41 20 15
R 14 21 30 16 12 1 1
(c) 5 (d) 4
S 25 17 15 12 22 3 3
T 40 32 39 41 35 31. The curved surface area of a cone is 308 cm2, and its
(a) 4 : 3 (b) 2 : 3
(c) 75 : 1 (d) 3 : 4 2
2cos 3 cos
34. The area of the canvas cloth needed to erect a right sin 2sin3 1 dk eku Kkr dhft,] tgk¡ 45 gSA
conical tent of height 20ft. and circular base of
a m
circumference 30 ft. is: SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
ty r a
,d yac o`Ùkh; 'kaDokdkj rEcw dks •M+k djus ds fy, vko';d(c) cosec
(d) cot2
dSuokl diM+s dk {ks=kiQy Kkr djsaA 41. The table below shows employees of a company in 5
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
different towns over the period of 5 years.
di g
(a) 455 sq.ft. (b) 375 sq.ft. rkfydk 5 o"kks± dh vofèk esa 5 vyx&vyx 'kgjksa esa
uhps nh xbZ
,d daiuh ds deZpkfj;ksa dks n'kkZrh gSA
(c) 589 sq.ft.
A le
(d) 470 sq.ft.
35. Find the perimeter of a triangle with sides equal to Town/'kgj
13 cm, 12 cm and 5 cm.
Year Hyderbad Punjab Pune Kolkata Delhi
13 cm, 12 cm vkSj5 cm Hkqtkvksaf=kHkqt
okys dk ifjeki Kkr o"kZ gSnjkckn iatkc iq.ks dksydkrk fnYyh
by T
36. Tarun is twice as good as Tripti in doing a work. Note: All figures are fictitious.
Together, they can complete the work in 16 days. In è;ku nsa%
lHkh vkadM+s dkYifud gSaA
how many days can Tripti alone complete the same
at J
43. Simplify the following expression. 47. The volume of a right circular cone is 150 cm3 and
its height is 18 cm. Find its slant height (in cm)
fuEufyf[kr O;atd
dks ljy dhft,A
(correct to 2 decimal places).
(4.2 of 2.5 ÷ 3.5) – (3.6 ÷ 2.4 + 2.5 of 3 ÷ 7.5) + (6 – 3
,d yEc o`Ùkh; 'kadq dk vk;ru
150 cm3 gS vkSj bldh ÅapkbZ
of 2 + 4 of 3 ÷ 6)
18 cm gSA bldh fr;Zd ÅapkbZcm( esa)Kkr djsa (n'keyo ds
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03) ckn 2 LFkkuksa rd x.kuk djsa)A
(a) 2.5 (b) 4.5 SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(c) 3.5 (d) 1.5 (a) 18.68 (b) 25.35
(c) 28.68 (d) 15.25
44. The marked price of a table is Rs.5,980. If the
48. The percentage of marks obtained by six students in
shopkeeper offers a discount of 18%, what is its five different subjects in an examination and the
selling price (in Rs., to the nearest rupee)? maximum marks in each subject (in parenthesis) are
fdlh est dk vafdr ewY; 5]980 #i;s gSA ;fn nqdkunkj 18» dh given in the following table.
NwV çnku djrk gS] rks mldk foØ; ewY; (#i;s esa] fudVre #i;s,d ij h{kk esa ik¡p vyx&vyx fo"k;ksa esa N% fo|kfFkZ;ksa }kjk çk
rd iw.kk±fdr) fdruk gS\ vadksa dk çfr'kr vkSj çR;sd fo"k; esa vf/dre vad (dks"Bd
esa) fuEufyf•r rkfydk esa fn, x, gSaA
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
Hindi English Geography Mathematics Physics
(a) 4,490 (b) 4,940 Student
fgUnh axszth
v Hkxw ksy HkkSfrdh
a m
(c) 4,904 (d) 4,094 (150) (100) (175) (120) (75)
P 85 56 65 82 90
45. If the polynomial (2x3 + ax2 + 3x – 5) and (x3 + x2 – 2x
Q 76 84 52 84 76
ty r a
+ a) leave the same remainder when divided by (x –
R 89 98 67 60 56
2), find the remainder. S 82 64 56 70 80
di g
– 2) ls foHkkftr djus ij leku 'ks"kiQy izkIr gksrk gS] rks 'ks"kiQy
What was the aggregate of marks obtained by S in
Kkr djsaA
A le all the five subjects?
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03) lHkh ik }kjkçkIr vadksa dk dqy ;ksx fdruk Fkk\
¡p fo"k;ksaS esa
(a) 4 (b) 3 SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(c) 2 (d) 5 (a) 429 (b) 356
by T
work is: 13 {6 6 (7 9) 8 9}
,d dke dks 30 fnu esa vkSj
Q] 40 fnu esa dj ldrk gSA os 5 5 5 5 of 5
hs oi
Q NksM+
4 fnu rd feydj dke djrs gSa vkSj fiQj nsrk gSA 'ks"k SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
dke dks iwjk djusPesa
dksfdrus fnu yxsaxs\ (a) 13 (b) 39
at J
1 1
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03) (c) (d)
18 2
(a) 23 days/fnu 50. Simplify/ljy dhft, A
(b) 28 days/fnu 13.5 – [5 + 0.5 × (9 – 3 × 2)]
SSC CPO 28/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(c) 30 days/fnu
(a) 6 (b) 8
(d) 7 days/fnu (c) 5 (d) 7
1.(b) 2.(d) 3.(d) 4.(c) 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(b) 8.(d) 9.(d) 10.(a)
11.(a) 12.(a) 13.(d) 14.(a) 15.(c) 16.(c) 17.(a) 18.(c) 19.(b) 20.(d)
21.(b) 22.(c) 23.(b) 24.(c) 25.(a) 26.(a) 27.(a) 28.(c) 29.(a) 30.(c)
31.(b) 32.(d) 33.(d) 34.(b) 35.(d) 36.(b) 37.(d) 38.(d) 39.(c) 40.(c)
41.(a) 42.(b) 43.(a) 44.(c) 45.(d) 46.(a) 47.(a) 48.(a) 49.(c) 50.(d)
5. The following table shows the yearly production of bags
(in thousands) by different companies.
fuEu rkfydkfofHkUu daifu;ksa }kjk FkSyksa ds okf"kZd mRiknu (gt
P 152 160 145 156 147 144
esa) dks n'kkZrh gSA
a m
Q 148 166 150 155 157 143
R 161 152 140 145 143 165 Company / daiuh 2012 2013 2024 2015
ty ra
A 29 37 38 42
S 159 142 149 140 142 168
T 147 144 158 163 154 150 B 30 38 40 39
U 150 160 162 160 161 140 C 35 30 45 43
di g
Total / dy
q 917 924 904 919 904 910
A le D 37 35 42 45
The number of students studying in class VII from The total production of company A over the given years
school U forms approximately what percentage of the is what percentage of the total production of company
total number of students from all the classes together D over the given years?
from that school? fn, x, o"kks± es A dk dqy mRiknu fn, x, o"kks± esaD daiuh
a daiuh
by T
(a) 17% (b) 19% 6. In a 100-km journey, the average speed of S is 40 km/
(c) 15% (d) 21% h. He covers the first 60 km in 40 minutes and the
at J
2. In a school, the total number of boys is 20% more than next 20 km in 50 minutes. What is his speed in the
the total number of girls. What is the ratio of the last 20 km (in km/h)?
number of boys to that of girls in the school? 100 fdeh dh ;k=kk esa]
S dh vkSlr pky 40 fdeh@?kaVk gSA og
,d Ldwy esa yM+dksa dh dqy la[;k yM+fd;ksa dh dqy la[;k igys
ls 60 fdeh dks 40 feuV esa vkSj vxys 20 fdeh dks 50 feuV
20» vf/d gSA Ldwy esa yM+dksa dh la[;k vkSj yM+fd;ksa dhesa
r; djrk gSA rks crkb, fd vafre 20 fdeh eas mldh pky
dk vuqikr fdruk gS\ (fdeh@?kaVk esa) D;k gS\
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01) SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(a) 6 : 5 (b) 5 : 6 (a) 20 (b) 40
72 ÷ 8 × 4 + 40 – 35 ÷ 5 + 15 ldrh gSA ;fn /kjk dh xfr 3 fdeh@?kaVk gS] rks uko dks /kjk ds
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01) çfrdwy 84 fdeh dh nwjh r; djus esa fdruk le; (?kaVksa esa) yxsxk\
(a) 24 (b) 84 SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
a m
(c) 48 (d) 9
(a) 6 (b) 13.5
10. Find the curved surface area (in cm2) of a cone of (c) 6.22 (d) 7.5
radius 3 cm and height 4 cm. 15. Amita can build a room in the same amount of time
ty ra
that Bina and Sita working together can build. If Amita
3 lseh f=kT;k vkSj 4 lseh Å¡pkbZ okys 'kadq dk oØ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy
and Bina together could do it in 25 days and Sita alone
(lseh2 esa) Kkr djsa
A in 35 days, then how many days are required for Bina
di g
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01) alone to do the same work?
(a) 12 A le(b) 7 vferk mrusgh le; esa ,d dejk cuk ldrh gS] ftrus le; esa
(c) 15 (d) 14 chuk vkSj lhrk ,dlkFk feydj mls cuk ldrh gSaA ;fn vferk vkSj
11. Two trains, 140 m and 120 m in length, are running chuk ,dlkFk feydj bls 25 fnu esa dj ldrh gSa vkSj lhrk vdsys
35 fnu esa dj ldrh gSa] rks chuk dks vdsys mlh dk;Z dks djus esa
in the same direction at the speed of 60 km/h and
78 km/h, respectively. In how much time will they fdrus fnu yxsaxs\
by T
le; esa os ,d nwljs dks iwjh rjg ls ikj dj ysaxh\ 16. Simplify the given expression.
fn, x, O;atd dks ljy dhft,A
hs oi
Subjects @fo History Maths Economics Hindi English
ijh{kk,a bfrgkl vFkZ'kkL=kfganh
vFkZ'kkL=k vaxzsth
Students @fo|kFkhZ 250 200 250 150 150
1 80 69 91
2 94 79 85 Vikas @fodkl 60 80 90 60 95
3 88 81 95 Shyam @';ke 90 70 80 70 40
4 92 76 90 Sohan @lksgu 70 90 95 80 75
5 96 90 84 Mohan @eksgu 80 60 70 95 80
Mohit @eksfgr 90 50 85 85 80
The ratio of the average marks obtained by the student
in test 2 to the average marks he got in Maths in all The marks obtained by Sohan in maths are _____than
tests, is: that obtained by Shyam in maths.
fo|kFkhZ }kjk lksgu
ijh{kk 2 esa çkIr vkSlr vadksa dk lHkh ijh{kkvksa esa}kj
k esa çkIr fd;k x;k vad] ';ke }kjk esa çkIr esa çkIr vkSlr vadksa ls vuqikr Kkr dhft,A fd, x, vadksa ls gSA
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01) SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(a) 40 more/vf/d (b) 40 less/de What was the percentage increase in employees in
2020 over 2019?
(c) 30 less/de (d) 30 more/vf/d
18. In the following table, the achievement of 10 boys and 2019 dh rqyuk esa 2020 esa deZpkfj;ksa dh la[;k esa fdrus izfr'kr
10 girls in Math has been given. Study the table and dh o`f¼ gqbZ\
select the correct statement. SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
esa esa 10 yM+ds vkSj 10 yM+fd;ksa dh 1
fuEufyf[kr rkfydk 3
5 % (b) 6 %
miyfC/ nh xbZ gSA rkfydk dk vè;;u dhft, vkSj lgh dFku dk (a) 4 4
p;u dhft,A 1 3
(c) 6 % (d) 4 %
4 4
Boys/yM+d k Girls/ yM+dh 21. A school has two rectangular playgrounds, which are
56 35 similar in shape. If the length and the breadth of the
75 88 first playground are given as 224 m and 160 m,
respectively, then which of the following options cannot
34 95 be the dimensions of the second playground?
49 99 ,d Ldwy esa nks vk;rkdkj [ksy ds eSnku gSa] tks vkÑfr esa leku gSaA
89 67 ;fn igys [ksy ds eSnku dh yackbZ vkSj pkSM+kbZ Øe'k% 224 ehV
99 82 vkSj 160 ehVj nh tkrh gS] rks fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk fodYi
94 97 nwljs [ksy ds eSnku dh foek,a ugha gks ldrk gS\
a m
59 63 SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(a) Length = 273 m; Breadth = 195 m
82 79
yackbZ = 273 ehVj_ pkSM+
kbZ= 195 ehVj
ty ra
79 81
(b) Length = 168 m; Breadth = 120 m
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
yackbZ kbZ
= 168 ehVj_ pkSM+ = 120 ehVj
(a) The average achievement of the boys and girls is
di g
(c) Length = 210 m; Breadth = 150 m
same./yM+ds vkSj yM+fd;ksa
dh vkSlr miyfC/ leku gSA
A le yackbZ kbZ
= 210 ehVj_ pkSM+ = 150 ehVj
(b) The average achievement of the girls is more than
(d) Length = 343 m; Breadth = 255 m
dh vkSlr miyfC/ yM+dksa dh
that of the boys./ yM+fd;ksa
yackbZ kbZ
= 343 ehVj_ pkSM+ = 255 ehVj
rqyuk esa vf/d gSA
22. The height and radius of a cone-shaped storage tank
(c) The given data is insufficient to draw any are 9 ft. and 7ft., respectively. Find the volume of water
meaningful conclusion./fn;k x;k MsVk dksbZ lkFkZd fu"d"kZ
by T
19. Determine the value of the product (4a + 3b) (16a2 – SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
12ab + 9b2) for a = 2 and b = 3. (a) 462 cubic fit. (b) 527 cubic fit.
a = 2 vkSj
b = 3 ds fy, xq.kuiQy
at J
(4a + 3b) (16a2 – 12ab + (c) 1386 cubic fit. (d) 1423 cubic fit.
9b ) dk eku fu/kZfjr ft,A
dh 23. Simplify/ljy dhft,%
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
3 5 9 4 3 1
(a) 1131 (b) 1141 – + .
4 4 5 5 2 2
(c) 1231 (d) 1241
20. The given bar graph shows the strength of employees
(in lakhs) of a company during four different years. SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
fn;k x;k ckj xzkiQ pkj vyx&vyx o"kksZa ds nkSjku ,d daiuh(a)
ds 2 (b) –1
(c) –2 (d) 1
deZpkfj;ksa dh la[;k (yk[k esa) n'kkZrk gSA
24. A shopkeeper gives a discount of 24% on the marked
The strength of employees in a company during price. On a special sale day, he offers a coupon of
four different years/pky vyx&vyx o"kksZa ds nkSjku ,d additional 30% discount after the first discount. If the
daiuh esa deZpkfj;ksa dh la[;k item is sold for Rs. 7,700.70, what is the marked price
Number of employees (in lakhs)
;fn a + b + c = 15 vkSjab + bc + ca = 35 gS] rks
a³ + b³ +
fy, lger gSA çR;sd fd'r dh jkf'k Kkr dhft,A (mÙkj dks fudVre
c³ – 3abc dk eku KkrdjsaA
iw.kkZad rd iw.kkZafdr djsa)
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
a m
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(a) 2100 (b) 1500
(a) Rs.20,167 (b) Rs.40,167
(c) 1200 (d) 1800
(c) Rs.10,167 (d) Rs.30,167
ty ra
27. The breadth of a room is twice its height and half its
length. The volume of the room is 1728 m3. The length 33. A trader sells an article at 16% below its cost price.
Had he sold it for Rs.192.20 more, he would have
of the room is:
gained 15%. The new selling price (in Rs.) of the article
,d dejs dh pkSM+kbZ mldh Å¡pkbZ dh nksxquh vkSj yackbZ
is: dh vk/h
di g
gSA dejs
gSA dejs dk vk;ru 1728 lseh dh yackbZ Kkr djsaA ,d O;kikjh fdlh oLrq dks mlds Ø; ewY; ls 16» de ewY; ij
A le
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01) csprk gSA ;fn mlus bls 192-20 #i;s vf/d esa cspk gksrk] rks mls 15»
(a) 20 m (b) 24 m dk ykHk çkIr gksrkA oLrq dk u;k foØ; ewY; (#i;s esa) D;k gS\
(c) 34 m (d) 28 m
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
28. Simplify the given expression.
by T
7 7 7
(tan + sec + 1)(cot – cosec + 1) =?
1 7 4 4
hs oi
48]500 #i;sdk ,d fgLlk 15» çfr o"kZ ds lk/kj.k C;kt ij (a) 24 (b) 14
fuos'k fd;k tkrk gSA igys fuos'k ds 2 o"kZ ckn] 'ks"k /ujkf'k 10»
(c) 16 (d) 18
okf"kZd lk/kj.k C;kt dh nj ls fuos'k dh tkrh gSA igyh /ujkf'k
41. Simplify:/ ljy dhft,A
ds fuos'k ds le; ls 5 o"kZ ckn] C;kt dk vuqikr 5% 3 gSA 10» 1 2 4 2 4 16
lk/kj.k C;kt dh nj ij fuos'k fd;k x;k nwljk fgLlk (#i;s esa) 7 – 5 5
4 5 5 9
fdruk gS\
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01) SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(a) 9.3 (b) 3.1
(a) 20,940 (b) 29,100
(c) 5.8 (d) 7.4
(c) 24,900 (d) 19,400
42. If m × 7 + 4 – 6 ÷ 3 – 7 + 45 ÷ 5 × 4 + 49 = 87, then
37. The following table shows the marks obtained out of
the value of m is:
100, by four students in four different subjects.
;fn m × 7 + 4 – 6 ÷ 3 – 7 + 45 ÷ 5 × 4 + 49 = 87 gS] rks
fuEu rkfydkpkj fo|kfFkZ;ksa }kjk pkj vyx&vyx fo"k;ksa eas 100 esa
m dk eku Kkr dhft,A
ls izkIr vadksa dks n'kkZrh gSA
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
Hindi Maths Science Social (a) 7 (b) 14
Students / fo|kFkhZ
fgUnh foKku lekt & 'kkL=k (c) 0 (d) 1
Arnav / vuZo 83 87 90 92 43. A 320 m long train completely crosses a 240 m long
a m
Ronak / jkuS d 75 89 79 82 train, coming from the opposite direction, in y seconds.
Shivam / f'koe 88 95 90 87 If the first train is travelling at the speed of 44 km/h
Sonu / lksuw
ty ra
92 85 90 88 and the second train is travelling at 56.8 km/h, then
The total marks scored by Ronak in all the subjects what is the value of y?
is what percentage of the total marks scored by ,d 320 ehVj yach Vªsu foijhr fn'kk ls vk jgh 240 ehVj yach Vªsu
dksy lsdaM esaiwjh rjg ls ikj dj tkrh gSA ;fn igyh Vªsu 44
di g
Shivam, Sonu, Arnav together in all the subjects?
esa jkSud }kjk izkIr fd, x, dqy vad] f'koe] lksuw] fdeh@?kaVk dh xfr ls ;k=kk dj jgh gS vkSj nwljh Vªsu 56-8 fdeh@?k
lHkh fo"k;ksa A le
vuoZ }kjk lHkh fo"k;ksa esa izkIr fd, x, dqy vadksa dk fdruk dk eku D;k gS\
dh xfr ls ;k=kk dj jgh gS]yrks
izfr'kr gSa\ SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01) (a) 21 (b) 18
(c) 20 (d) 22
by T
sold at a profit of 12% and the other article for fdlh oLrqdh 25» vkSj 25» dh nks Øfed ewY; o`f¼ fuEufyf[kr
Rs.3,600 more than the first. If the net profit is esa ls fdl ,dy ewY; o`f¼ ds cjkcj gSa\
hs oi
47. 42% of Ranita’s weekly income is equal to 56% of 49. A cone of slant height 4.2 units has a lateral surface
Bhaskar’s weekly income. If Bhaskar’s weekly income area 13.2 units2. The radius of the base is:
was raised by Rs. 200, while Ranita’s weekly income did
not change, the ratio of the weekly incomes of Ranita fr;Zd Å¡pkbZ 4-2bZ ds ,d 'kadq dk ik'oZ i`"Bh; {ks=kiQy 13-2
and Bhaskar, respectively, would have been 5 : 4. What bdkbZ
f=kT;k Kkr dhft,A
gSA vk/kj dh
is Ranita’s weekly income (in Rs.)? SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
jfurk dh lkIrkfgdvk; dk 42» HkkLdj dh lkIrkfgd vk; ds (a) 1 unit (b) 1.5 units
56» ds cjkcj gSA ;fn HkkLdj dh lkIrkfgd vk; esa 200 #i;s dh
(c) 2.5 units (d) 2 units
o`f¼ gksrh] tcfd jfurk dh lkIrkfgd vk; esa dksbZ ifjorZu ugha
50. If two kinds of rice which cost Rs.25 a kg and Rs.40
gksrk] rks jfurk vkSj HkkLdj dh lkIrkfgd vk; dk vuqikr Øe'k%a kg are mixed in the ratio of 3 : 2, then find the cost
5% 4 gSA jfurk dh lkIrkfgd vk; (#i;s esa) D;k gS\ of the mixture per kg
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
(a) 4200 (b) 3600 25 #i;s çfr kg vkSj40 #- çfr kg dher okys nks çdkj ds
(c) 3000 (d) 4000 pkoyksa dks 3% 2 ds vuqikr esa feyk;k tkrk gS] rks ifj.kkeh feJ.k
48. The value of (cosec – sin)(sec – cos)(tan + cot) is: dh çfr kg dher dh x.kuk djsaA
(cosec – sin)(sec – cos)(tan + cot) dk eku ----- gksxkA SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01)
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-01) (a) Rs.32 (b) Rs.33
(a) –3 (b) 3
a m
(c) Rs.31 (d) Rs.30
(c) sec cosec (d) 1
ty ra
di g
1.(a) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.(c) 5.(b) 6.(a) 7.(b) 8.(b) 9.(b) 10.(c)
11.(a) 12.(c)
A le
14.(c) 15.(b) 16.(d) 17.(a) 18.(b) 19.(d) 20.(c)
21.(d) 22.(a) 23.(d) 24.(a) 25.(b) 26.(d) 27.(b) 28.(c) 29.(a) 30.(b)
by T
31.(b) 32.(a) 33.(c) 34.(a) 35.(b) 36.(b) 37.(d) 38.(b) 39.(d) 40.(a)
41.(c) 42.(d) 43.(c) 44.(c) 45.(a) 46.(c) 47.(d) 48.(d) 49.(a) 50.(c)
hs oi
at J
(c) 3 (d) 0 dqy vk; esa f'k{kk ij fd, x, O;; dk çfr'kr fdruk gS\
2. The population of a town increases annually by 20%. SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
If the present population is 80 lakh, then what is the (a) 30% (b) 20%
difference between the population three years ago and
a m
(c) 60% (d) 40%
2years ago? 8. Rajan and Rajat can do a work in 64 days and 48
,d 'kgj dh tula[;k esa çfr o"kZ 20» dh o`f¼ gksrh gSA ;fndays, respectively. Starting with Rajat, they work on
ty ra
mldh orZeku tula[;k 80 yk• gks] rks 3 o"kZ iwoZ dh] vkSj 2 alternate
o"kZ days. In how many days will the work be
iwoZ dh tula[;k ds chp dk varj Kkr dhft,A
jktu vkSj jtr fdlh dk;Z dks Øe'k% 64 fnu vkSj 48 fnu esa iwjk
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
di g
dj ldrs gSaA jtr ls 'kq: djrs gq,] nksuksa ,dkarj fnuksa esa ckjh&ckjh
(a) 75592.6 (b) 85592.6
ls dk;Z djrs gSaA dk;Z fdrus fnuksa esa iwjk gksxk\
(c) 65592.6
A le (d) 925925.93
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
3. Find the value of the following expression.
fuEufyf[kr O;atd dk
eku Kkr dhft,A (a) 55 (b) 55
by T
(c) 2 (d) tan dk vè;;u djsa vkSj fuEufyf•r ç'u dk mÙkj nsaA
nh xbZ rkfydk
Simplify/ljy dhft,A
hs oi
(a) 3 : 2 (b) 2 : 3 14. The height of a cylinder is 8 cm, and its area of the
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 2 : 1 base is 20 cm2. Find its volume?
10. Sapna is double efficient as compared to Rakesh. If ,d csyu dh Å¡pkbZ
8 cm gSvkSj blds vkèkkj dk {ks=kiQy
they both work together on a project and complete it
cm gSA bldk ;u
vkKkr dhft,A
in 48 days, then the number of days in which Sapna
alone can complete the project is: SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(a) 180 cm3 (b) 80 cm3
jkds'k dh rqyukliuk
esa nksxquh dq'ky gSA ;fn os nksuksa ,d ifj;kstuk 3
(d) 100 cm3
ij ,d lkFk dk;Z djrs gSa vkSj bls 48 fnu esa iwjk djrs gSa] (c) rks 160 cm
15. If a + b + c = 13 and ab + bc + ca = 22, then the value
liuk vdsys ml ifj;kstuk dks fdrus fnu esa iwjk dj ldrh gS\
of a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc is ____.
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
;fn a + b + c = 13 vkSjab + bc + ca = 22 gS] rks
a3 + b3 +
1 c – 3abc dk eku____ gSA
(a) 72 (b) 69
2 SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(c) 68 (d) 52 (a) 1911 (b) 1225
11. The breadth of a rectangular lawn is decreased by 8% (c) 1625 (d) 1339
and its length is increased by 15%. Find the 16. Taking any three of the line segments out of segments
percentage change in the lawn area. of length 2 cm, 5 cm, 7 cm and 8 cm, the number of
a m
,d vk; rkdkj ykWu dh pkSM+kbZ 8» de dh tkrh gS vkSj bldh
triangles that can be formed is:
yackbZ esa 15» dh o`f¼ dh tkrh gSA ykWu ds {ks=kiQy esa 5 cm, 7 cm vkSj8 cm yackbZ
2 cm, okys js•k•aMksa esa ls fdUgha
ifjorZu Kkr dhft,A ___ gksxhA
rhu js•k•aMksa dks ysus ij] cuus okys f=kHkqtksa dh la[;k
ty ra
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02) SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(a) 8.5% increase/o`f¼ (b) 8.5% decrease/deh (a) 2 (b) 4
di g
(c) 1 (d) 3
(c) 5.8% decrease/deh (d) 5.8% increase/o`f¼
17. Find the volume (in cm3) of a hemisphere of radius 18
A le
(275 275 275 725 725 725) 22
12. The value of (275 275 725 725 725 275) × cm. (Use = ) (Rounded off to two decimal places)
(275 275 275 725 725 725) 18 cm f=kT;k okys ,
d v¼Zxksys dk vk;ru
cm( 3 esa) Kkr dhft,A
by T
(275 275 725 725 725 275) (275 275 725 725 725 275) SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
dk eku Kkr djsaA (a) 11250.25 (b) 12219.43
hs oi
yhVj ikuh vkSj2x yhVj twl
tkrk gSA ;fn 160 yhVj is;xesa
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
feyk;ktkrk gS] rks u;k vuqikr 13 % 15 gks tkrk gSA is; dh ek=kk
(yhVj esa) Kkr djsaA 66
% 66
a m
(a) (b)
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
13 13
ty ra
(c) 66 % (d) 66 %
(c) 300 (d) 260 13 13
22. 18 students of a class took part in a quiz. If the 26. A dishonest dealer sells an article at a 10% loss on
number of girls is 8 more than the number of boys, the cost price but uses a weight of 40 gm instead of
di g
find the product of the number of boys and girls. 50 gm. What is his percentage of profit?
,d csbZeku foØsrk Ø; ewY; ij 10» gkfu ij ,d oLrq csprk gS
A le
,d d{ kk ds 18 fo|kfFkZ;ksa us ,d ç'uksÙkjh esa Hkkx fy;kA ;fn
yM+fd;ksa dh la[;k] yM+dksa dh la[;k ls 8 vf/d gS] rks yM+dksa 50 xzke dsLFkku ij40 xzke dkck¡V mi;ksx djrk gSA
vkSj yM+fd;ksa dh la[;k dk xq.kuiQy Kkr djsaA mlds ykHk çfr'kr dh x.kuk djsaA
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
by T
11 11
(a) (b)
20 30 The expenditure (in Rs.) on Infrastructure is:
baizQkLVªDpkj ij esa) ____ gSA
O;; (#i;s
a m
21 7
(c) (d) SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
20 40
30. The in-radius of triangle is 8 cm, and the sum of the (a) Rs.1,694 crores (b) Rs.6,089 crores
ty ra
lengths of its sides is 125 cm. The area of the triangle (c) Rs.6,098 crores (d) Rs.1,649 crores
(in cm2) is: 35. A person bought two buffaloes for Rs.11,520. One is
,d f=kHkqt dh var%f=kT;k
8 cm gS]vkSj bldh Hkqtkvksa dhyackb;ksa
sold at a loss of 15% and the other is sold at a gain
di g
dk ;ksx125 cm gSAHkqt f=k dk {ks=kiQy
A le ( D;k
cm2 esa) gS\ of 19%. If the selling price of both buffaloes is equal,
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02) find the cost price of the first one.
(a) 480 (b) 1000 ,d O;fÙkQ us 11]520 #i;s esa nks HkSalsa •jhnhaA ,d HkSal dks 15» dh
(c) 250 (d) 500 gkfu ij cspk vkSj nwljh HkSal dks 19» ds ykHk ij cspkA ;fn nksuks
31. The value of 264 ÷ 8 – 1 – 32 × 2 + 80 ÷ 5 × 40 ÷ 20
HkSalksa dk foØ; ewY; cjkcj gS] rks igyh HkSal dk Ø; ewY; Kkr
by T
264 ÷ 8 – 1 – 32 × 2 + 80 ÷ 5 × 40 ÷ 20 dk eku Kkr
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
18 + 15) is:
2cos15 sin15
dk eku Kkr dhft,A
(12 + 18) ÷ 2 – 11 + 16 × 4 – 28 + 13(–18 + 15) dk eku cos 2 15 sin2 15
Kkr dhft,% SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(a) 3 (b) 1 1
(a) (b)
(c) 0 (d) 2 3
33. If sin(x + y) = cos {3(x + y)}, then, the value of cot {2(x
+ y)} is _______. 5 1
(c) (d) 3
;fn sin(x + y) = cos {3(x + y)} gS]rkscot {2(x + y)} dk eku
5 1
_____ gSA 37. The marked price of an immersion rod in an electronic
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02) store is Rs.900. The store offers a discount of 12% on
(a) –1 (b) 1 its sale. At what price (in Rs.) can a customer buy it
(c) –2 (d) 2 from the electronic store?
34. Study the given pie-graph and answer the question ,d bysDVªkWfud LVksj esa] ,d be'kZu jkWM dk vafdr ewY; 900 #i;s
that follows.
gSA LVksj bldh fcØh ij 12» dh NwV çnku djrk gSA xzkgd bls
fn, x, ik bZ&xzkiQ dk vè;;u dhft, vkSj fuEufyf[kr iz'u dk
bysDVªkWfud LVksj ls fdl dher ij (#i;s esa) •jhn ldrk gS\
mÙkj nhft,A
In a certain company, allocations to various sectors SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
of the yearly budget per Rs.7,200 crores are (a) 787 (b) 792
represented by this pie-diagram. (c) 782 (d) 797
38. Simplify the given expression. Find the percentage of the total number of educated
females to the total number of females over all the
fn, x, O;atd dks ljy dhft,A
years (up to 2 decimal places).
12.3 – [7 + 0.8 of (5.6 – 3.8 × 1.03)]
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
lHkh o"kks±
esa f'kf{kr efgykvksa dh oqQy la[;k dk oqQy efgykvksa dh
(a) 5.2314 (b) 7.8539 la[;k ls izfr'kr Kkr dhft,A (2 n'keyo LFkkuksa rd)
(c) 1.2368 (d) 3.9512 SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
39. If x + 4y + 2x + 1 = 0, then find the value of x39 + y36.
2 2
(a) 0.9233 (b) 0.8333
x39 + y36 dk eku Kkrdhft,A
;fn x2 + 4y2 + 2x + 1 = 0 gS] rks (c) 0.8923 (d) 0.8623
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02) 43. A man rows 48 km and back in 48 hours. He can row
(a) –1 (b) –2 4 km with the stream in the same time as 3 km
(c) 2 (d) 1 against the stream. The speed of the stream (in km/
40. Study the given table and answer the question that follows. h) is:
nh xbZ ydk
rkf dk vè;;u djsa vkSj fuEufyf•r ç'u dk mÙkj nsaA ,d vkneh 48 km uko pykrk gS vkSj 48 ?kaVs esa okil vkrk gSA
The table shows the production of five different types og /kjk ds vuqdwy 4 km dh nwjh mrus gh le; esa r; dj ldrk
of cars by a company from 1989 to 1994. gS ftrus le; esa /kjk ds foijhr
3 km dh nwjh r; djrk gSA /kjk
a 1989 ls 1994 rd ,d daiuh }kjk ikap fofHkUu çdkj dh pky ( km/h esa) Kkr jsaA
rkfydk es d
dh dkjksa ds mRiknu dks n'kkZ;k x;k gSA SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
a m
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Total 5 7
Type (a) (b)
21 21
ty ra
P 8 20 16 17 21 6 88
Q 16 10 14 12 12 14 78 7 3
(c) (d)
R 21 17 16 15 13 8 90 24 29
di g
S 4 6 10 16 20 31 87 44. If the simple interest on a certain sum of money for
T 25 18 19 30 14 27 133 20 months at the rate of 19.2% per annum exceeds
Total 74 71
A le
75 90 80 86 476 the simple interest on the same sum for 15 months
at the rate of 11.2% p.a. by Rs.2,920, then what is
Which type of car constituted 25% of the total
the sum (in Rs., to the nearest hundreds)?
production of all types of cars in 1993?
;fn ,d fuf'pr /ujkf'k ij 20 eghus ds fy, 19-2» dh okf"kZd
by T
(a) R (b) P
/ujkf'k (#i;s esa] fudVre lSdM+s rd iw.kk±fdr) fdruh gS\
(c) Q (d) S SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
hs oi
41. Melting a metal ball of radius 3 units, 27 identical dice (a) 16,620 (b) 12,660
and a ball of radius 1 units are made. What is the side (c) 16,200 (d) 16,660
at J
answer the question. 46. A 234 m long train passes a person running at 9 km/
k o"kZ 2016&2020 ds nkSjku ,d xk¡o esa iq#"kksa]
fuEufyf[kr rkfyd h in the opposite direction, in 6 seconds. In how much
efgykvksa] f'kf{kr iq#"kksa vkSj f'kf{kr efgykvksa dh la[;k iznf'kZr djrhseconds) will it pass another person who is
time (in
gSA rkfydk dk è;kuiwoZd vè;;u djsa vkSj iz'u dk mÙkj nsaA moving at 23.4 km/h, in the same direction?
Year / o"kZ 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 234 m yach,d Vªsu foijhr fn'kk 9esa
km/h dh pky ls py
Males / iq#"k 1050 1200 1250 1300 1400 jgs ,d O;fÙkQ dks 6 lsdaM esa ikj dj tkrh gSA Vªsu leku fn'kk esa
Females / efgyk 900 1000 1020 1100 1200 23.4 km/h dh pky ls py jgs ,d vU; O;fDr dks fdrus
Educated males le; esa (lsdaM esa) ikj dj ysxh\
850 1000 1100 1150 1200
f'kf{kr i#q "k SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
Educatedfe males (a) 8 (b) 7.8
600 820 950 980 1000
f'kf{kr efgyk (c) 7.2 (d) 8.4
48. A hostel had food provision for 300 students for a the ratio 3:4:5. The perimeter of the triangle is:
month. After 20 days, 50 students left the hostel. How qt dk {ks=kiQy
,d f=kHk 486 cm2 gS vkSj bldhHkqtk,¡ 3%4%5 ds
long would the remaining food last? (1 month = 30
vuqikr esa gSaA f=kHkqt dh ifjf/ Kkr djsaA
a m
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
,d Nk=kk
okl esa ,d eghus ds fy, 300 fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy, Hkkstu
(a) 105 cm
dh O;oLFkk FkhA 20 fnuksa ds ckn 50 fo|kfFkZ;ksa us Nk=kkokl NksM+
ty ra
(b) 218 cm
= 30 fnu)
fn;kA cpk gqvk •kuk dc rd pysxk\ (1 eghuk
(c) 108 cm
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-02)
(d) 308 cm
A le
1.(a) 2.(d) 3.(c) 4.(a) 5.(c) 6.(a) 7.(a) 8.(d) 9.(c) 10.(a)
by T
11.(d) 12.(a) 13.(b) 14.(c) 15.(d) 16.(a) 17.(b) 18.(b) 19.(d) 20.(a)
21.(b) 22.(d) 23.(c) 24.(d) 25.(a) 26.(a) 27.(c) 28.(b) 29.(a) 30.(d)
hs oi
31.(a) 32.(b) 33.(b) 34.(a) 35.(c) 36.(a) 37.(b) 38.(d) 39.(a) 40.(d)
at J
41.(c) 42.(b) 43.(c) 44.(c) 45.(d) 46.(b) 47.(d) 48.(c) 49.(d) 50.(c)
(c) –2 (d) 2
(c) 17 (d) 19
2. The quantity of milk in a mixture of milk and water 7. Simplify the given expression
fn, x, O;atd dks ljy dhft,A
a m
is of the volume of the mixture. After adding 1 liter
5 1 1 1 1 3
55 3 2 2
of milk to 5 liters of the mixture, the percentage of 3 5 2 3 5
ty r a
water in the mixture is:
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
nwèk vkSj ty feJ.k
ds esa nwèk dh ek=kk feJ.k ds vk;ru
dk (a) 25 (b) 35
di g
(c) 20 (d) 15
gSA 5 yhVj feJ.k esa 1 yhVj nwèk feykus ds ckn] feJ.k esa ty
8. Simplify 45 ÷ 5 × 5 + 10 – 5.
dk izfr'kr fdruk gksxk\
A le 45 ÷ 5 × 5 + 10 – 5 dks ljy dhft, A
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(a) 17.5% (b) 15% SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
200 100 (a) 40 (b) 50
by T
actual cost (in Rs.) to the shopkeeper of a dairy square units, then the radius of the cone is ___ units.
product marked Rs.420? ,d 'kaoq
Q dh fr;Zd Å¡pkbZ vkSj Å¡pkbZ dk vuqikr 4%3 gSA ;fn
hs oi
15 5
A vkSjB FksA fotsrk
esa dsoy nks mEehnokj A us dqy erksa dk
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
75» er çkIr djds vius çfr;ksxhB dks 550
0 erksa ls gjk fn;kA
(a) 57.426 (b) 60.456
pquko esa ernkrkvksa dh dqy la[;k Kkr djsaA
(c) 65.234 (d) 70.225
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
11. If the radius of a sphere is increased by 20%, then
(a) 11,000 (b) 10,000
find the percentage increase in its volume.
(c) 13,000 (d) 12,000
5. Simplify 250 + [100 – {50 – (30 + 15)}]. ;fn ,d xksys dh f=kT;k esa 20» dh o`f¼ dj nh tkrh gS] rks
250 + [100 – {50 – (30 + 15)}] dks ljy dhft,A blds vk;ru esa çfr'kr o`f¼ dh x.kuk djsaA
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03) SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(a) 280 (b) 255 (a) 70.6% (b) 75.5%
(c) 345 (d) 360 (c) 72.8% (d) 68.5%
(c) 1 : 3 (d) 2 : 3
15»] nwljs o"kZ esa 25» dh o`f¼ gksrh gks vkSj rhljs o"kZ
17. esa If
the length and breadth of a cuboid are increased
tula[;k 6» ?kV tkrh gks] rks 3 o"kks± ds ckn bldh tula[;kby 6% and 8%, respectively, then the percentage
fdruh (iw.kk±fdr la[;k esa mÙkj nhft,) gksxh\
a m
increase in its volume (correct to two decimal places)
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
;fn fd lh ?kukHk dh yackbZ vkSj pkSM+kbZ esa Øe'k% 6» vkSj 8»
ty r a
(a) 20269 (b) 15269
o`f¼ dh tkrh gS] rks blds vk;ru esa çfr'kr o`f¼ (nks n'keyo
(c) 25269 (d) 28269
LFkku rd iw.kk±fdr) gS%
14. The side PR of a PQR is extended to S such that
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
di g
QR = RS. If PRQ = 86°, then find the value of PSQ.
(a) 13.96% (b) 12.96%
,d PQR dh Hkqtk PR dks S rd bl çdkj c<+k;k tkrk gS
A le (c) 14.48% (d) 11.48%
rkfd QR = RS gksA
;fn PRQ = 86° gS]rksPSQ dk eku 18. Find the mean from the following table (rounded off
Kkr dhft,A to two decimal places).
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03) fuEu rkfyd
k ls ekè; Kkr dhft, (n'keyo ds nks LFkkuksa rd
by T
22 1
Show room / 'kk# 19 5
Years / o"kZ
23 1
2016 220 230 250 280 240 260 24 2
2017 310 300 320 340 330 350
2018 400 380 410 420 440 430 SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
What will be the average number of mobile phones are made into two right circular cylinders, one by
sold by all the show rooms in the year 2020? rolling the paper along its length and the other along
o"kZ 2020 esa lHkh 'kks:eksa }kjk csps x, eksckby iQksu dh the
breadth. The ratio of the volumes of the two
cylinders, thus formed, is:
la[;k fdruh gksxh\
dkxt ds nks vk;rkdkj 'khVksa ls] ftuesa ls60çR;sd
cm × 36
cm ds gSa] ls ,d 'khV dks mldh yackbZ ds vuqfn'k vkSj nwljs
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(a) 405 (b) 420 'khV dks mldh pkSM+kbZ ds vuqfn'k eksM+dj nks yac o`Ùkh; c
(c) 410 (d) 415 cuk, tkrs gSaA bl çdkj cus nksuksa csyuksa ds vk;ru dk vuqikr
16. The following table gives information of Panchayat Kkr djsaA
elections held in four villages P, Q, R and S.
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
fuEufyf[kr rkfyd P, Q, R vkSjS esagq, iapk;r
k esa pkj xk¡oksa (a) 5 : 6 (b) 8 : 3
ds pqukoksa dh tkudkjh nh xbZ gSA (c) 7 : 4 (d) 5 : 3
25. Sumit and Rajiv, working together, can do a job in
20. If cosA = , then find the value of (8 + sinA) (3 – 20 hours whereas Sumit alone can do the same job
5 in 25 hours. In how many hours can Rajiv alone do
tanA). the job?
4 lqfer vkSj jktho] feydj dke djrs gq,] fdlh dke dks 20 ?kaVs esa
;fn cosA = 5 , rks(8 + sinA) (3 – tanA) dk eku Kkr djsaA
dj ldrs gSa tcfd lqfer vdsys mlh dke dks 25 ?kaVs esa dj ldrk
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03) gSA jktho vdsys ml dke dks fdrus ?kaVs esa iwjk dj ldrk gS\
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
373 367
(a) (b) (a) 70 (b) 90
20 20
(c) 80 (d) 100
387 381
(c) (d) 2 1 1
20 20 61 75 6 3 6
5 3 6
21. Simplify the given expression. 26. The value of is:
fn, x, O;atd dks ljy dhft,A 5 (58 37)
53 of 63 9 2 1 1
7 61 75 6 3 6
2 5 3 6
72 of (96 31) dk eku D;k gS\
a m
5 5 (58 37)
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03) 3
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
26 11
ty r a
(a) (b) (a) 19 (b) 11
23 23
(c) 3 (d) 57
13 7 27. If 2a + 2b + c = 0, then find the value of
(c) (d) 4a 2 4b2 4c 2
di g
23 23 .
22. A man travels some distance from his house to the
A le 5c 2 8ab
exhibition ground by an auto at a speed of 30 km/h 4a 2 4b2 4c 2
and returns by a cab at a speed of 50 km/h. What ;fn 2a + 2b + c = 0, rks dk eku Kkr djsaA
5c 2 8ab
is his average speed (in km/h)?
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
,d O;fDr vius ?kj ls çn'kZuh eSrd ,d vkWVks ls 30 fdeh@?kaVs
by T
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03) 28. In a sweet, one-third is sugar. If the price of sugar
(a) 38 (b) 28
hs oi
(c) 40 (d) 37.5 now is of the previous price, what is the effective
23. A shopkeeper sold 3 wristwatches for Rs.2,800 each. 6
If he has sold the watches with 40%, 25% and 12% percentage increase in the cost of the sweet?
,d f eBkbZ esa ,d frgkbZ phuh gSA ;fn phuh dh dher vc fiNys
at J
30. A student goes to his school by cycle. The distance 35. Simplify the following expression.
from his house to school is 5 km and he covers this fuEufyf[kr O;atd sdkljy dhft,A
distance in 1 hour. While going he stops twice for 5
minutes each. Find his average speed (in km/h). 1 4 2 1
3 1 3 of 2 2.5 2.4 3 4 of 3
,d Nk=klkbfdy ls vius Ldwy tkrk gSA mlds ?kj ls Ldwy dh 7 7 3 3
nwjh 5 fdeh gS vkSj og bl nwjh dks 1 ?kaVs esa r; djrk gSA tkrs SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
le; og nks ckj 5&5 feuV ds fy, #drk gSA mldh vkSlr pky 2 4
(fdeh@?kaVs esa) Kkr dhft,A (a)
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(a) 5.5 (b) 6.5 1 3
(c) (d)
(c) 6 (d) 4.5 5 5
31. Ramesh spent Rs.30,000 on Diwali shopping and 36. In a circle, the chords AB and CD intersect each other
Rs.45,000 on buying a TV set, and the remaining 40% at point L (internally). If AL = 8 cm, LB = 6 cm and
of the total amount he had as cash with him. What LD = 5 cm, then find the CL.
was the total amount (in Rs.)? ,d o`Ùkesa thok
AB vkSjCD ,d nwljsdks fcanq
L ij (vkarfjd
jes'k usnhokyh dh •jhnkjh ij 30]000 #i;s vkSj Vh-oh- lsV •jhnus:i ls) dkVrh gSaA AL
;fn = 8 cm, LB = 6 cm vkSjLD = 5
ij 45]000 #i;s •pZ fd, vkSj 'ks"k 40» jkf'k mlds ikl udn CL dk eku Kkr dhft,A
cm gS] rks
a m
ds :i esa FkhA dqy jkf'k (#i;s esa) fdruh Fkh\
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(a) 10.6 cm (b) 9.6 cm
ty r a
(a) 1,22,000 (b) 1,25,000
(c) 7.6 cm (d) 8.6 cm
(c) 1,35,000 (d) 1,10,000
37. If 12 people can print 540 identical books in 10 days,
3 then how many more people will be required to print
1 1
di g
32. If a =
2 1 3 , then the value of a 3 a
a a
720 such books in 8 days?
;fn 12 O;fDr540 leku iqLrdksa dks 10 fnuksa esa eqfær dj ldrs
A le gSa] rks 8 fnuksa esa ,slh 720 iqLrdksa dks eqfær djus ds fy, fdrus
1 vkSj O;fÙkQ;ksa dh vko';drk gksxh\
;fn a =
2 1 3 , rks a 3 a dk eku Kkr
a a SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
by T
(a) 2 (b) –2
(c) (d) 2
2 k dk vè;;u djsa vkSj fuEufyf•r ç'u dk mÙkj nsaA
nh xbZ rkfyd
hs oi
33. The length of a side of an equilateral triangle is 18 The table shows the production of five different types
cm. The area (in cm2) of the region lying between the
of cars by a company from 1989 to 1994.
at J
S 4 6 10 16 20 31 87
3 1 T 25 18 19 30 14 27 133
(a) 254 (b) 254
7 7 Total 74 71 75 90 80 86 476
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(a) 52% (b) 40%
(c) 48% (d) 55%
a m
The value of sin215° + sin225° + sin235° + sin245° +
sin255° + sin265° + sin275° is:
sin215° + sin225° + sin235° + sin245° + sin255° + sin265° The expenditure on rent, medicines and electricity
ty r a
together is what percentage of the expenditure on
+ sin275° dk eku Kkr djsaA
groceries and education together?
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
ksa vkSj fctyh ij ,d lkFk feydj dqy O;;] fdjkus
fdjk;k] nokb;
(a) 4 (b) 7
dk lkeku vkSj f'k{kk ij ,d lkFk feydj dqy O;; dk fdruk
di g
7 7
A le(d) çfr'kr gS\
2 3
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
42. The area of a circle is 256 square cm. The length of
(a) 70.82% (b) 82.22%
its longest chord (in cm) is:
(c) 80.22% (d) 76.52%
,d o`Ùkdk {ks=kiQy256 oxZ lse h gSA bldh lcls yach thok45. A man borrowed Rs.29,000 for 3 years and Rs.45,000
by T
dh yackbZ (lseh esa) fdruh gksxh\ for 5 years at the same rate of simple interest. If he
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03) paid a total interest of Rs.62,400, then what was the
(a) 34 (b) 36 rate of interest?
(d) production of cement by company Z in 2022 together
is what percentage of the production by company W
48. A seller marks an item for Rs.500 and sells it at a in 2021?
discount of 25%. He also gives a gift worth Rs.65. If lhesaV
dk mRiknu (yk• Vu esa) daiuh
a m
he still makes 24% profit, then the cost price of the
item (in Rs.) is: X }kjklhesaV dk mRiknu vkSj 2022 esa
2020 esa daiuh Z daiuh
,d foØ srk ,d oLrq ij 500 #i;s dk ewY; vafdr djrk gS vkSj }kjk aV
lhes dk mRiknu dqy feykdj 2021 esa
W daiuh
ty r a
mls 25» dh NwV ij csprk gSA og 65 #i;s dk migkj Hkh nsrk dk fdruk çfr'kr gS
;fn og fiQj Hkh 24» ykHk dekrk gS] rks oLrq dk ykxr ewY; @ SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
(a) 275 (b) 250
Ø; ewY; (#i;s esa) Kkr djsaA
di g
(c) 220 (d) 180
SSC CPO 29/06/2024 (Shift-03)
50. A scalene triangle ABC has two sides whose
(a) 280
A le measures are 3.8 cm and 6 cm, respectively. Which
(b) 270 of the following CANNOT be the measure (in cm) of
(c) 250
its third side?
(d) 320 ,d fo"keckgq f=kHkqt
ABC dh nks Hkqtkvksa dh eki Øe'k% 3-8
by T
at J
1.(c) 2.(d) 3.(a) 4.(b) 5.(c) 6.(a) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9.(c) 10.(b)
11.(c) 12.(a) 13.(a) 14.(c) 15.(b) 16.(c) 17.(c) 18.(d) 19.(d) 20.(c)
21.(c) 22.(d) 23.(b) 24.(b) 25.(d) 26.(c) 27.(c) 28.(c) 29.(c) 30.(c)
31.(b) 32.(b) 33.(d) 34.(d) 35.(c) 36.(b) 37.(a) 38.(d) 39.(c) 40.(a)
41.(c) 42.(d) 43.(d) 44.(b) 45.(d) 46.(b) 47.(d) 48.(c) 49.(c) 50.(d)