Cero Recipes - 20220901 - 0001

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handbook ol gl
- !
Frcezer Jellies & Joms . , poge 3-G !
Cooked Jellies, Jams, E
ond Other Recipes . 7-26 o
Handy Recipelndex, ., . . . 27-29 o
Decorative Gilt Labels After .
29 F
Recipe leoflet Ofrer . , 30 -l
gF Certo ir q regi:Iered trodemork of
Addrersl Whita Plsin& lly. U.S-A.
9625 Gelersl F@ds CoD. 1969



. Yieldr aboul I medium glasses U lbs. ielly)

3 cups juice (2th qts. ripe block rospberries)

7+ cup stroined lemon juice (2 lemons)
5 cups (2Y+ lbs.) sugor
Yz boltle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare juice. Crush thoroughly 2y2
quarts fully ripe berries. Heat crushed berries
the juice flows. Cover; simmer 10 minutes. Place in
jelly cloth or bag; squeeze out juice. Measure 3 cups
into a very large satcepan. Add t/a cup lemon juice,
Then follow directions at bottom of page 11.

Yield: obout I0 medium glosses(5 lbs.ielly)
4 cups iuice (obout 4 lbs. ripe plums)
6Yz cups l2lbs. l4 oz.) sugor
/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
Firstn prepare juice. Pit; then crush about 4 pounds
fully ripe plums, Add 1 cup water, bring to a boil
and simmer, covered, 10 minutes. Place in jelly
cloth or bag and squeeze out juice. Measure 4 cups
juice into a very large saucepan. (Sour clingstone
plums make best jelly. If sweet plums or freestone
prune plums are used, use only 3y2 cups of the
prepared juice and add, la cr,.p strained lemon
Iten follow direc{ions rt botaom of prge 11.

Yield: aboul I I medium glosses (5/z lbs. ielly)
5 cups juice (obout 4 lbs. ripe curronts)
7 cups (3 lbs.) sugor
7: bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare iuice. Crush about 4 pounds (3
quarts) fully ripe red currants. Add 1 cup water;
bring to a boil and simmer, covered, 10 minutes.
Place in jelly cloth or bag; squeeze out juice. Meas-
ure 5 cups ixllo a very large saucepan.
Then follow directions at bottom of page ll.

Ono, 0"tt17 Wof,nn -
Whether you are start-
ing your flrst batch of jelly or your hundredth-
you'il find the tips and recipes in this little Certo
handbook will take all the guesswork, and hard
work, out of jelly and jam making.
Recipes are important ...
To stort of{ your ielly moking lhe right woy, Certo
brings you o tested recipe for eoch fruit. This is
importonl becouse fruiis vory in their iellying obil-
ities. So, first, find the Certo recipe {or your fruit
(see index pages 27 ond 28). For some {ruits you
hove q choice between o new freezer (no-cook)
ond o modern cooked lelly or iom recipe.

Follou the recipe exactly...

Trust the recipe-it is your insuronce of perfect
ielly or iom. Reod it thoroughly before you stort
preporotion of the ielly or iom.

U se granulateil tugar. .,
Either gronuloted beet or cone sugor gives fine
results with Certo recipes. Brown sugor ond con-
fectioners' sugor should not be used os subsiitutes
in Cerlo recipes.

Use lully ripe lruit ...

When fruit is not tort, odd lemon iuice. In generol,
Certo recipes coll for lemon iuice when needed.
But sweef vqrieties of some fruits, like eorly plums
or cherries, often lock tqrtness. With such iruits,
substituie % cup lemon luice for /r cup of the pre_
pored iuice required.

Stote Certo in a cool place , . .

Since exireme heot snd humidity con qffect fhe
ielling quolity of pectin, keep Certo cool (60oF.
or lower). When only yz bottle of Certo is used,
recop the remoinder ond slore in the refrigeroror
for use within o month,
No jetly tastes like the kind you moke yoursell!
Neul Freezer
Jellies and Joms
Imagine jelly and jam as fresh as the fruit they're
made of because they aren't boiled! Just follow the
easy tips below and the recipes on pages 4,5, ar'd 6'
Your favorites are here-the most popular fruit jel-
lies and jams, those you enjoy year after year.

l, Prcpare lhe lruit. Select only fully ripe fruit'

Place it in a colander and wash we1I. Remove un-
sound parts. Then prepare exactly as the recipe
directs. To extract juice for je1ly, use a je11y bag or
a yard-square of cheesecloth, several layers thick.
Dampen and wring cloth well; spread over colan-
der. Rest colander in a bowl or pan. Place pre-
pared fruit in bag or cloth; bring corners together.
Twist and press with masher. (Freezer jellies are
slightly opaque.)

2. Prepare jors. Wash jars and lids in soapy water.

Rinse, scald, and drain. If tight lids are not avail-
able, cut rounds of freezer paper large enough to
fold over tops of jars and fasten with rubber bands.
Yields are based on Yz-pilt (1 cup or 8 oz,) jars.

3. Make the jelly or jom. Use level measures in

standard measuring cups (8 ounces) and spoons for
all ingredients. After stirring the mixture 3 min-
utes, a few undissolved sugar crystals will remain
without affecting the quality of the jelly or jam.

4. Pour, cover, and store. Pour quickly into pre-

pared jars, leaving about la-inch at top. Cover at
once with lids. Allow to set at room temperature
(takes up to 24 hours), Then store in freezer. For
use within 3 weeks, may be stored in refrigerator.

Yield: obout 6 medium iors (3 lbs. ielly)
2 cups iuice (obout 2 lbs. ripe Concord gropes)
4cups (13/+ lbs.) sugor
2 toblespoons woter
7z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare juice, Stem and thoroughly crush
about 2 pounds fully ripe Concord grapes. Heat
slightly to extract juice more easily. if desired.
Place in jeily cloth or bag and squeeze out juice.
Measure 2 cups juice into large borvl or pan.


Yield: qboul 5 me dium iors (231 lbs. ielly)

I 7+ cups iuice (obout I I/: qts. ripe strowberries)

4 cups (13/+ lbs.) sugor
2 toblespoons stroined lemon iuice (l lemon)
/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare juice. Thorougbly crush, one layer at
a time, about 7y2 qtarts fully ripe strawberries.
Place in jelly cloth or bag and squeeze out juice.
l\{easure lz/a ctsps juice into large bowl or pan.
Then follow directions at bottom of page 5.


Yield: obout 7 medium jors (31h lbs. letly)
2 /zcupsiuice (obout I% qts. ripe blockberries)
5 cups (2Y+ lbs.) sugor
2 tobl€spoons stroined lemon juice (l temon)
Yz bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare juice, Crush thoroughiy abatt llh
quarts fully ripe blackberries. place in jelly cloih
or. bag and squeeze out juice. Measure 212 cups
juice into a large bowl or pan.
Then follow directions at bottom of page 5.



Use recipe for Freezer Blackberry lelly (above),
substituting lr/2 quarts ripe red raspberries for the
blackberries and water for the lemon iuice.


Yieldr obout 5 medivm iorc 031 lbs. jan)
I7e cups prepored fruit (obout I gt. dpe strowberries)
4 cups (1,/t lbs.) sugor
2 toblespoons lemon iuice (l lemon)
/: bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
Flrst, prepre fruit Crush completely. one layer at
a time, about 1 quart fully ripe strawberries. Meas-
ure 174 cups into a large bowl or pan.
Then follow directioDs at botton of this page.


Yield: obout 6 medium iarc (3 lbs. iom)
2 cups prepored fruit (obout I qt. ripe berries)
4 cups (l/q lba.) sugor
2 toblespoons lenon iuice (l lemon)
!/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First,prepare fruit.Thoroughly crush about I quart
fully ripe berries. (If desired, half of pulp to
remove some of the seeds-this may requAe an-
other pint of berries.) Measure 2 cups prepared
fruit into large bowl or pan.
Then follow directions at bottom of lhis page.

Make Freezer lelly and,

measured sugar; mix well.

aod Certo well in a small
juice. Continue stirring 3 minutes. O few sugar crys-
tals will remain.) Pour quickly into jars. Corer at
once with tight lids. Allow to set at room tempera-
ture (takes up
For use within 3 weeks, may be stored in refrigerator.


Mahe Freezer Jelly and,

To measured juice or fruit in bowl or pan, add
measured sugar; mix well. Mix water or lemon juice
and Certo well in a small bowl; stir into fruit or
luice. Continue stining 3 minutes. (A few sugar crys-
tals will remain.) Pour quickty into jars. Cover at
once with tight lids. Allow to set at room tempera-
ture (takes up to 24 hours).fhen store in heezer.
For use within 3 weeks, may be stored in refrigerator.


Yield: obout 5 medium iors (3 lbs. jom)
l7+ cups prepored fruit (obout I pt. ripe strowberries
ond I/z lb. rhuborb)
4 ctps (13/c lbs.) sugor
I toblespoon lemon juice ( /z lemon)
/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare fruit. Thoroughly crush about 1 pint
fully ripe strawberries. Measure l/a cups into
large bowl or pan. Finely grind (do oot peel) about
12 powd rhubarb; measure rl cup, Combine with
Then follow directions at top of this page.


Yield: oSouf 5 medium iors (231 lbs. jom)
l7+ cups prepored fruit (obout I qt. ripe sour cherries)
4 cups (13/+ lbs.) sugor
I/+ cup lemon juice (2lemons)
I/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin

First, prepare fruit Pit; then grind about 1 quart

fully ripe sour cherries, Measure 13/a cups prepared
fruit into a large bowl or pan,
Then follow directions at top of this page.


Use recipe for Freezer Sour Cherry Jam (above),
substituting sweet cherries for the sour cherries.

Steps to Cooked
Jellies ond Jams
l, Prcparc ,he fruit. Select only fully ripe fruit.
Place in colander; wash
well. Remove unsound
parts. Then prepare the
fruit exactly as directed
in the recipe.
2. For jelly, exlract the iuice. Use a ora
yard-square of cheesecloth, several layers thick.
Wring dampened cloth
well; spread over colan-
der. Rest colander in a
bowl or pan. Pour fruit
into bag or cloth; bring
corners together. Twist;
press with masher. (For
clearest jelly, let juice
drip through bag with-
out pressing, For this,
use 1[ times as much fruit called for in recipe.)
3. Scold jelly glosses. Wash glasses and covers in
soapy water. Rinse, scald, and drain. If tin covers
are not available, cut rounds of paper'large enough
to cover tops of glasses and fasten with rubber
bands. (Yields are based on 6-oz. glasses.)
4. Melt parafrin in small container over hot rilater
and low heat. Over direct heat, the paraffin may
smoke or spatter.
5. Aleosure carelvlly. Use level measures in stand-
ard measuring cups (8 ounces) and spoons. For
jelly, if there isn't quite enough juice, prepare more
or.mix water with fruit pulp in bag and squeeze
again or add water. For jam, pack fruit and juice
solidly in cup. If there's a slight shortage, add
water, For softer-set jam, add y2 cup more fruit.
For fumer jam, use rl cup Iess fruit.
7o double rccipe, use an extra large kettle.
Double all amounts, but use same 1-minute boil.
6. Cook rupidly. For successful jelly, use a 4- to
8-quart kettle or pan. Pan should be less than half
full of fruit and sugar to permit a full rolling boil,
a tumbling boil that can't be stirred down. Place
over highest heat. Stir as mixture comes to a boil
and as it boils. (If heat is slow, cover pan after sugar
dissolves and until mixture comes to a boil.) To re-
duce foaming of jam,
you may add 12 tea-
spoon butter.
7, Add Certo, right
from bottle. Remove
cap and turn bottle
straight down. For r/2
bottle, let Certo drain
to /2-bottle mark;
turn upright.
8. For jelly, skim ond pour ot once. For j'am to be
paraffined, stir and skim 5 minutes to prevent float-
ing fruit. If 2-piece
metal caps are to be
used, skim and pour
jam at once. Pour
into scalded glasses,
leaving 12-inch
space for paraffin or
ls-inch space for 2-
piece metal caps.
9, Parcfrn at *ol al once. Cover hot jelly or jam
with r/s inch hot paraffin. A thin layer is better than
a thick or double layer-jellies contract and expand,
rhir paraffn "adjusts." Cool; then cover.
To seal without paraffin, use jars with 2-piece
metal caps. Quickly skim jelly or jam and pour at
once. Place lid-on one jar, screw oa band tightly,
invert jar. Repeat with leqrsieing jars. Then turn
jars upright and let cool, Gently shake janafter r/2
hour to prevent floating fruit.

Yield: obou! I0 medium glosses,5lbs,ielly)
4 cups juice (obout 3 lbs. ripe Concord gropes)
7 cups (3 lbs.) sugor
/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare fruit. Ste(l about 3 pounds fully ripe
grapes and crush thoroughly. Add 12 cup water;
bring to a boil and simmer, covered, 10 minutes.
Place in jelly cloth or bag and squeeze out juice.
Measure 4 cups into a very large saucepan- (lf wild
or other tight-skinned grapes are used, use ?t/2 cups
juice and add la cup strained lemon juice.)
Then follow directions at bottom of this page.

Yieldt aboul I 7 medium glosses (5% lbs. jelly)
4 cups.iuice (obout 2V2 qts. ripe berries)
7/2 cugs (3Vt lbs.) sugor
I bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First prepare juice. Crush zbolt 212 quarts fully
ripe berries. Place in jelly cloth or bag; squeeze out
juice. Measure 4 cups into very large saucepan.
(With blackberries or strawberries, use t3/4 cnps
juice and add la cup strained lemon juice.)
Then follow directions at bottom of this page.

To Make the Abor:e Jellies

To the measured juice in saucepan, add the exact
amount 0f sugar specified in the recipe. Mix well.
Place over high heat and bring t0 a boil, stirring
constantly, At once stir in Certo. Then bring to a
lull rolling boil ond boil hard I minute, stining
constantly. Remove from heat, skim off foam with
metal spoon, and pour quickly into glasses. Cover at
once with /o inch hot paraffin.

Yield, oboul 1 1 medium glosses (SYz lbs. ielly)
3 cups iuice (obout 3 lbs. ripe elderberries)
/z cup stroined lemon iuice (4 lemons)
7 cups (3 lbs.) sugor
- I bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare iuice. Remove large stems from
about 3 pounds fully ripe elderberries. Place in
saucepan and crush. Heat gently until juice starts
to flow, then simmer, covered, 15 minutes. Place
in jelly cloth or bag and squeeze out juice. Measure
3 cups into a very large saucepan. Measure y2 cup
strained lemon juice into pan with berry juice.
Then follow directions at bottom of this page.


Yield: obout 5 medium glosses Q/z lbs, jelly)
l7c cups mint infusion (l/z cups mint)
2 toblespoons stroined lemon juice (l lemon)
Green food coloring
3Yz ctps (lYz lbs.) sugor
/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare mint infusion. Wash lt/2 cups firmly
packed mint leaves and stems. Place in a large
saucepan and crush with a masher or glass. Add
214 cups water and bring quickly to a boil. Remove
from heat, cover, and let stand 10 minutes. Strain;
measure |t/a cups into saucepan. Add lemon juice
and a few drops green food coloring.
Then follow directions at bottom of this page.

To Make the Abooe lellies

To the measured juice in saucepan, add the exact
amount of sugar specified in the recipe. Mix well.
Place over high heat and bring to a boil, stining
constantly. At once stir in Certo. Then bring to a
lvll rolling boil ond boil hord ? minute, stirring
constantly. Remove from heat skim off foam with
metal spoon, and pour quickly into glasses. C0ver at
once with /a inch hot paraffin.

Yieldr obout '11 medium glosses(5/z lbs.jelly)
3/z cups juice (oborit 3Il: lbs. ripe peoches)
t/+ cup stroined lemon juice (2 lemons)

71h cuos (3Y+ lbs.) sugor

I bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
Flrst, prepare iulce. Pit (do not peel) abolt 312
pounds fully ripe
peaches. Crush thoroughly. Add
!2 bring to a boil and simmer, covered,
cuip water;
5 mioutes, Place in bag, squeeze out juice; measure
3l2cups into very large saucepan, Add lemon juice.
Then follow directions at bottom of page 13.


Yield: about I I medium glosse s (5h lbs. ielly)
3Yz cupsiluice (obout 3 lbs. ripe sour cherries)
7 cups (3 lbs.) sugor
I bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare juice. Stem and pit about 3 pounds
fully ripe sour cherries and crush thoroughly. Add
12 cup water; bring to a boil and simmer, covered,
I 0 minutes. (For a stronger cherry flavor, add a few
crushed cherry pits during the simmering.) Place in
jelly cloth or bag and squeeze out juice. Measure
312 cttps juice into a saucepan.
Then follow directions at bottom of page 13.

Yield: obout 9 medium glasses U/z lbs. jelly)
3 cups juice (obout 3Vz lbs, ripe cherries)
6/z cups (2 lbs. l4 oz.) sugor
I bottle Certo Fruit pectin

Then follow directions at bottom of page 13.

Yield: oboul I I medium glosses$% lbs.ielly)
,1 cups juice (cbout 3 lbs. ripe moy[ows)
r/r cup stroined lemon iuice (2 lemons)
lVz cups l3Y+ lbs.) sugqr
/: bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
FH, prepare julce. Crush about 3 pounds fully
rip€ mayhaws. Add 4 cups wats; bring to a boil
and simmer, covered, I0 minutes. Place in jelly
cloth or bag and squeeze out juice. Measure 4 cults
into a very large saucepan. Add lemon juice.
Then follow directions at bottom of this page.

Yield: obout l0 medium glossesG lbs. ielly)
3Vz cuc,siuice (obout 3 lbs. rhuborb)
7 cups (3 lbs.) sugor
I bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, pr€pare fuice. Cut in f-inch pieces (do not
p€el) about 3 pouDds red,stalked rhubarb. Grind.
Place ln jelly cloth or bag and squeeze out juice,
Measure 3r/2 cups into a very large saucepan.


Use recipe for Rhubarb Jelly (above), decreasing
sugar to 5 cups. Cut and grind 1tl2 pounds rhubarb.
Crush 1/2 quarts fully ripe strawberries. Combine
fruits in jelly bag and squeeze out juice.

To Make tlw Abooe lellies

To the measured juice in saucepan, add the exact
amount of sugar specilied in the recipe. Mix well.
Place over high heat and bring to a boil, stining
constantly. At once stir in Certo. Then'bring to a
lull rolling boil ond boil hord I minute, stirring
constantly. Remove from heat, skim off foam with
metal spoon, and pour quickly into glasses. Cover at
once with Ye inch hot paraffin.

Yield: obout 9 medium glosses (1!A lbs. ielly)
3/z cups juice (cbout 2 qts. ripe beoch plums)
6 cups (2 lbs. l0 oz.) sugor
/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin'
Firsg prepare juice. Pit; then thoroughly crush
about'2 quarts fully ripe beach plums. Add 2y2
cups water; bring to a boil and simmer, covered,
30 minutes. Place in jelly bag; squeeze out juice,
Measure 3y2 cups into a vely large satcepan.
Then follow directions at bottom of page 15.

Yieldr o6out 7 I medium glosses 6Yz lbs. ielly)
4 cups luice (obout 3 lbs. ripe quinces)
7+ cup stroined lemon iuice (2 lemons)
lYz cups (3Yt lbs.) sugor
/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare juice. Remove cores and blossom
and stem ends from about 3 pounds fully ripe
quinces. (Do not peel.) Grind. Add 412 cups water;
bring to a boil and simmer, covered, 15 minutes.
Place in jelly bag; squeeze'out juice. Measure 4
cups into a very large saucepan. Add lemon juice.
Then follow directions at bottom of page 15.

Yield: obout l0 medium glosse s (5 lbs. ielly)
372 cups iuice (obout 2 lbs. ripe guovos)
!/: cup stroined lemon iuice (4 lemons)
7 cups (3 lbs.) sugor
/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
Flrst, prepare juice. Slice thin about 2 pounds fully
ripe guavas. Add2y4 cups y/ater aDd simmer, cov-
ered, 5 minutes. Crush fruit thoroughly. Place in
jellycloth or bag and squeeze out juice. Measure 3/2
clps into a very large saucepan. Add lemon juice.
For a deeper color, add a few drops red coloring.
Ihen follow directions et bottom of tr)age 15.

Yield. obout I I medium glosses (51/z lbs.ielly)
4 cups iuice (10 to l2 ripe pomegronotes)
7/z cups (3V+ lbs.) sugor
I bottle Certo Fruit Pectitr
First, prepare juice. Cut i0 to 12 fully ripe pome-
granates in half: ream on an orange juice squeezer.
Place in jelly cloth or bag and squeeze out juice.
Measure 4 cups into a very large saucepan.
Then follow directions at bottom of this page.

APPTE JELLY using conned

GRAPE JEI.LY fruit iuices
Yield: abovt 5 medium glosses (2/t lbs, jelly)
2 cups conned (or bottled) iuice'r'
)Yz cups (lYz lbs.) sugor
/: bottle Certo Fruit P*tin
''Add few drops red food coloring to apple

Yieldr obout 5 medium glosses (2/z lbs, ielly)

2 cups wine
3 cups (l/+ Ibs.) sugor
/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
Mix wine and sugar in top part of double boiler.
Place over boiling water; stir until sugar is dis-
solved. Remove from heat; at once stir in Certo,
Pour into glasses. Cover with t/s inch hot paraffin.

Tb Make the Aboae Jellies

To the measured juice in saucepan, add the exact
amount of sugar specified in the recipe. M1x well.
Place over high heat and bring to a boil, stirring
constantly. At once stir in Certo. Then bring to a
Iull rolling boil ond boil hord I minute, stirring
constantly. Remove from heat, skim off foam with
metal spoon, and pour quickly into glasses. Cover at
once with /a inch hot paraffin.

Yield: obout I0 medium glosses (5 l6s. iom)
,l cups prepored fruit (obout 2 qts. ripe berries)
7 cups (3 lbs.) sugor
/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare fruit. Crush completely, one layer at
a time, about 2 quarts fully ripe berries. (If desired,
sieve half of pulp to remove some of the seeds.)
Measure 4 cups into a very large saucepan. (With
strawberries, or other berries lacking tartness, use
3% cups fruit and addla cup lemon juice.)
Then follow directlons at bottom of page 17.

Use recipe for Blackberry Jam (above), decreasing
the sugar to 6y2 cups. For Gooseberry las\ use
only 6 cups sugar, Remove blossom and stem ends
from gooseberries and grind instead of crushing.

Yieldr oboul 12 medivm glosses 6lbs. iam)
5 anps prepored fruit (obout 3% lbs. ripe gropes)
7/2 erys (3Y+ lbs.) sugor
7z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
Flrst, prepare fruit Slip skins from about 3h
pounds fully ripe Concord grapes. To pulp add 7z
cup water. Simmer, covered, 5 minutes. Sieve to
remove seeds. Chop or grind skins; add to pulp.
Measure 5 cups fruit into a very large satcepan.
(For tight-skinned grapes, stem, crush, and simmer
with /2 cup water 30 minutes. Sieve, Uso 4r/4 ctJps
prepared fruit and yd cup Iemon juice.)
Then follow direcdous at bottom of psge 17.

Y ield: qbout I I medium g/osses 6t/z lbs. iom)
4t/z cups yeporcd f ruit (obout 3 lbs. ripe piums)
7Yz cups (|th lbs.) sugor
/: bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare fruit. Pit (do not peel) about 3 pounds
fully ripe plums. Cut in small pieces and chop. Add
r/2 cr:p water; bring to a boil and simmer, covered,
5 minutes. Measure 4t/2 cups into a very large
saucepan. (Sour clingstone plums give best color
and flavor. If sweet plums or freestone prune
plums are used, substitute rl cup lemon juice for
1/2 cup of the prepared fruit.)

Then follow directions at bottom of this page.

Yield; oSoul I 1 medium glosses (5/z lbs. iom)
4 cups prepored fruit (obout 3 lbs. ripe fruit)
lzt cup lemon iuice (2 lemons)
lVz cups (3/* lbs.) sugor
7z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin

I First, prepare fruit. Peel and pit peaches; or core

pears. Grind or chop very fine. Measure 4 cups into
a very large saucepan. AdrJ cup lemon juice.
For Spiced Peach Jam, add 12 to I
each cinnamon, cloves, and allspice, or any desired
combination of spices.
Then follow directions at bottom of this page.

Make the Abooe

To the measured fruit in saucepan, add the exact
amount of sugar specified in the recipe. Mix well.
Place over high heat, bring to a full rolling boil,
ond boil hord 1 minute, stirring constantly. Re.
move from heat; at once stir in Certo. Skim off foam
with metal spoon. Then stir and skim for 5 minutes
to cool slightly, to prevent floating fruit. Ladle into
glasses. Cover at once with /e inch hot paraffin.

Yield: aboul l2 medium glasses 6 lbs.iom)
4/2 cups prepored fruit (obout lll2 qts. ripe berries)
2 toblespoons lemon juice ( I lemon)
7 cups (3 lbs.) sugor
I bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare fruit. Crush thoroughly abott 1,12
quarts fully ripe blueberries. Measure 412 crtps in-
ta a very large saucepan. Squeeze the juice from 1
medium-sized lemon and measure 2 tablespoons
into saucepan with blueberries.
Then follow directions at bottom of page 19.


Yield : obout I I medium glosles (SVz lbs. ion)
. 4 cups prepored fruit (obout 3 lbs. ripe cherries)
7 cups (3 lbs.) sugor
I bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare fruit. Stem and pit about 3 pounds
fully ripe sour or sweet cherries. Chop fine. With
sour cherries, measure 4 cups chopped fruit into a
very large saucepan. With sweet cherries, use only
374 cups chopped fruit and add la crtp lemon juice.
(For a stronger cherry flavor, add r/4 teaspoon of
almond extract after cooking jam.)
Then follow directions at bottom of page 19.


Yield: obout I0 medium glosses (5 /5s. re/ish)
4 cups prepored fruit (obout 2 qts. ripe curronts)
7 cups (3 lbs.) sugor
l/r bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare fruit. Stem and crush 2 quarts ful-
ly ripe currants. Add 1 teaspoon each cloves and
cinnamon, y4 c]up water, and la cup apple vinegar.
Bring to a boil; stir constantly. Simmer, coveied,
10 minutes. Measure 4 cups into large satcepan.
Then follow directions at bottom of page 19.



Yield, obout 24 medium glosses (6 lbs. eoch
ielly and butler)
Requires: oboul 4 lbs. ripe opples,6/z lbs.
sugor, I bollle Cerlo Fruit Peclin, spices
First, prepare fruit. Remove blossom and stem ends
from about 4 pounds fully ripe apples; cut in
small pieces. Do not peel or core. (With soft, very
sweet apples, add 2 tablespoons lemon juice.) Add
6/2 cups water: bring to a boil and simmer, cov-
ered, 10 minutes. Crush with masher and simmer,
ccvered, 5 minutes longer. Place in a large sieve
lined with a double thickness of cheesecloth. Drain.
Use 5 cups of the juice to make the jeiiy; use fruit
pulp in sieve to make butter. (Recipes below.)


Y ield: obout 1 2 medium glosses G lbs. ielly)
5 cups juice (os prepored obove)
' 7Vz cups (3/a lbs.) sugor
I/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin

To make the jelly, Mix juice and sugar in sauce-

pan. Place over high heat nnd bring to a boil, stir-
ring constantly. At once stir in Certo, Then bring
to a lull rolling boil and botl hard I ntinute, stir-
ring constantly. Remove from heat, skim ofi foam
with metal spoon, and pour quickly into glasses.
Cover jelly at once with r/s inch hot paraffin.


Yield: obout i 2 nreaium g/osse s (6 lbs. butler)
5 cups fruit pulp (os prepored obove)
7Yz cups (3Y+ lbs.) sugor
/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
To make the butter. Put fruit pulp through sieve.
Measure 5 cups into a very large saucepan. Add
I teaspoon allspice and I teaspoon cinnamon.
Then follow directions for jam, bottom of page 23.

Yieldr about 70 medium glossesielly (.5lbs.)
ond l2 medium gloses butler (6 lbs.)
Regukes: oboul 5'/z lbs. ripe Concord grapes,
6% lbs. sugor, I bottle Cerlo FruiI Peclin
FH, prepare froit. Stem 5y2 pounds fully
ripe Concord grapes and crush^botrt
thorougbly. Add t/2
cup wateri brirg to a boil and simmer, covered, 10
minutes. Place in a large sieve lined with a double
ttickless of cheesecloth. Drain. Use juice for mak-
ingjelly;use pulp in sieve forbutter, (Recipes below.)
Folloh directions for Apple Jelly (above), using 4
cups grape juice, 7 cups sugar, and l2boltle Cerlo.

Follow directions for Apple Butter (above), using
5 cups grape pulp, 7r/2 cups sugar, and tl bottle
Certo. Omit the spices.


Yield, ohoul I medium glosses Q lbs. preserves)
5 cups prepored cherries (obout 2tl: lbs.
ripe sveet cherries)
5 cqs (Zr/a lbs.) sugor
7: cup lemon iuice (2 or 3 lemons)
/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
Flrst prepore frult Stem and pit about Zl2porunds
fully ripe sweet cherries. Measure 5 cups (firmly
packed without crushing) into a large saucepan.
Add sugar. LetstaodYz hour, stirring occasionally.
Then place over high heat and bring to a full roll-
ing boil, stirring carefully. Remove from heat and
let stand 3 to 4 hours.
Then mahe preserves. Squeeze lemons; measure r/3
cup juice into saucepan with fruit. Place over high
heat, bring to a tull rolling boil, and boil hard 2
mtnutes, stirring carefully, Remove from heat and
at once stir in Certo. Skim oft foam with metal
spoon. Then stir and skim for 8 to 10 mitrutes.
Ladle into glasses. Top with t/s inch hot parafrn.

Yieldr oboui 10 medium glosses (5 lbs. preserves)
6 cups smoll whole berries (obout 2 qts. berries)
Yz cug wotet
7 cups (3 lbs.) sugor
7z bottle Certo Frsit Pectin
First, prepare fruit. Hull about 2 quarts of firm
ripe small strawberries. Measure 6 cups whole
berries (firmly packed without crushing) into a
very large saucepan. Add water and sugar.
Then make the preserves. Place over high heat
and bring to a Jull rolling boil, stirring carefully
to keep fruit whole. Reduce heat and boil gently
3 minutes, Remove from heat and at once stir in
Certo. Skim off foam with metal spoon. Cool about
t hour to help prevent floating fruit. Ladle into
glasses. Cover with /s inch hot paraffin.

Yield: about 9 medium glosses (4t/t lbs. iom)
3 cups prepored tomotoes (obo* 2Y+ lbs, ripe tomotoes)
I /z teospoons groted Iemon rind
I/a cup lemon juice (2 lemons)
6Yz cups l2lbs. 14 oz.) sugor
I bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare tomatoes. Scald, peel, and chop about
2/a poutds fully ripe tomatoes. Bring to a boil and
simmer 10 minutes. Measure 3 cups into a large
saucepan. Add 1y2 teaspoons grated lemon rind
andla crtp lemon juice to the tomatoes.
Then follow directions at bottom ot page 23.


Yield: obout 12 medium glosses (6 lbs. jom)
4 cups prepored fruit (obout 3 lbs. ripe figs)
/z cup lemon iuice (4 lemons)
7Vz cups (3Vq lbs.) sugor
I/: bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare fruit. Remove the stem ends and
gdnd about 3 pounds fully ripe black or white figs.
Measure 4 cups into a very large saucepan. Add tl
cup lemon juice to the fruit.
Ihen follow directions at bottom of this page.

Yield, oboul 12 medium glosses 6 lbs. jon)
4 cups prepored fruit (obolt5 ripe mongoes)
2 toblespoons lemon juice ( I lemon)
lYz cups (3V+ Ibs.) sugor
I bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare fruit. Peel and remove seeds from
about 5 medium fully ripe mangoes. Crush thor-
oughly or grind. Measure 4 cups prepared fruit into
a very large saucepan. Add 2 tablespoons lemon
juice to the fruit.
Then follow directions at bottom of this page.


Yield: oboul I0 medium glosses (5 lbs. jom)
4 cups prepored truit (/4 lb. dried opricots ond
20-oz. con crushed pineopple)
Yt cup lemon iuice (2 lemons)
6llz cups (2 lbs. l4 oz.) sugor
7z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare fruit. Add 2 cups water to /a pound
dried apricots. Cover and let stand 4 hours or over-
night. Drain, reserving liquid. Grind apricots or
chop fine; mix with liquid. Add pineapple; measure
4 cupi into very large saucepan. Add lemon juice.
Then follow directions at bottom of this page.

To Make the Abooe Jams

amount of sugar specified in the recipe. Mix well.

Place over high heat, bring to a full rolling boil,
ond boil hord 1 minule, stirring constantly. Re-
mwe from heati at once stir in Certo. Skim off foam

to cool slightly, to prevent floating fruit. ladle into

glasses. Cover at once with /a inch hot paraffin.

Yield: oboul I I medium glosses(5% lbs, mqrmolade)
4Vz crgs preporcd fruit (l oronge, 2 lemons, ond
obout 2 lbs. ripe peoches)
7 cups (3 lbs.) sugor
7: bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
Flrst, prepare frult. Cut 1 orange and 1 of the lem-
ons in quarters. Remove seeds. Grind, chop fine, or
slice crosswise wafer thin. Squeeze the juice from
the second lemon. Measure 2 tablespoons lemon
juice into saucepan with the fruit. Add I cup water
and simmer, covered, 20 minutes. Peel and pit
about 2 pounds fully ripe peaches. Chop very fine
or grind. Combine peaches and citrus fruits and
measure 412 cups into a very large saucepan,
Ihen follow dlrections at bottom of pege 25.

Yield, oboul T medium glosses Bt/z lbs. marmalode)
3 cups prepored fruit (3 oronges,2 lemons)
5 cugs (21* lbs.) sugor
l/: bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
First, prepare fruit. Remove skins in quarters from
3 medium-sized oranges and 2 medium-sized lem-
ons. Lay quarters flat; shave off and discard about
half of white part. With a sharp knife or scissors,
slice remaiaing rind very thin, or chop or grind.
Add 1y2 cups water and r/s Easpoon soda to rind;
bring the mixture to a boil and simmer, covered,
20 minutes, stiring occasionally. Section or chop
the peeled fruit; discard the seeds. Add this pulp
and juice to the undraitred cooked rind, Simmer,
covered, for 10 minutes longer. Measure 3 cups
fruit mixture into ayery large saucepan.
Then follow directions at bottom of prge 25.

Follow recipe for Orange Marmalade (above), us-
ing I medium-sized orange, 1 small grapefruit, and

Yield: oboul I I mediurn glosses (5/z lbs. mormolade)
5 cups prepored fruit (2 oronges, I lemon, ond
I Ib. ripe cronberries)
6Vz cups (2 lbs. l4 oz.) sugor
7z bottle Certc Fruit Pectin
First, prepare fruit. Cut 2 medium oranges and 1
medium lemon in quarters. Remove seeds. Grind
the fruit, chop fine, or slice crosswise wafer thin.
Add I r/2 cups water and f'! teaspoon soda. Simmer,
covered, 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add 1
pound fully ripe cranberries; simmer, covered, 10
minutes, Measure 5 cups into very large saucepan.
Then follow directions at bottom of this page.

Yield: oboul 12 medium glosses (6 lbs. conserve)
4 cups prepored fruit (3 lbs. ripe gropes)
/+ cup lemon juice (2 lemons)

7: bottle Certo Fruit Pectin

First, prepare fruit. Slip skins from 3 pounds fully
ripe grapes. Bring pulp to a boil; simmer. covered,
5 minutes. Sieve. Chop skins; add to pulp. Measure
4 cups into a very large saucepan. Add juice, rind,
raisins, and nuts,
Then follow directions at bottom of this page.

To Make the 4l[armalad,es, etc.

To the measured fruit in saucepan, add the exact
of sugar specified in the recipe. Mix well.
Place over high heat, bring to a full rolling boil,
ond boil hard 1 minule, stirring constartly. Re-
move from heat; at once stir in Certo. Skim off foam
with metal spoon. Then stir and skim for 7 minutes
to cool slightly, to prevent floating fruit. Ladle into
glasses. Cover at once with /a inch hot paraffin.

To Make lelly
Using Frozen, Juice
Measure the amount of sugar and water specified
in the recipe into a /orge saucepan. Mix well.
Place over high heat, bring to a fult rotling boit,
ond boil hord 1 minute, stirring constanily. Re-
move from heat and stir in thawed juice and lemon
.juice, if specified in recipe. Add Certo; mix well.
Pour quickly into glasses. Paraffin at once. 0r, for
short storage, cover and keep in refrigerator-


Yield: about 5 medium glasses (2Yz lbs. lelly)
37q cups (l lb,7
oz.) sugor
cup woter
1/+ cup (6-oz. conl frozen concentroted
oronge juice, thowed
3 toblespoons lemon juice ( I h lemons)
. Y, bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
Follow directions at top of this page.

PEACH JAM (using frozen fruit)

Yield: aboul9 medium glosses ({Vz lbs. iam)
3/: cups (three l2-oz. boxes) frozen
sliced pecches, thowed ond crushed
7+ cup lemon iuice (2 lemons)
472 cups (2 lbs.) sugor
I bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
Follow directions at top of page 27.

STRAWBERRY JAM (using frozen fruit)

Yield: obout 9 medium glosses (4lz lbs. jam)
4 cups (four I0-oz. boxes) quick-frozen
sliced strowberries, thowed
2 toblespoons lemon juice (l lemon)
5 cups (ZVq lbs.) sugor
I/z bottle Certo Fruit Pectin
Follow directions at top of page 27.

To Make the Aborse Jams
Place thawed fruit in a very lorge saucepan. Add
sugar and mix well. Then add lemon juice.
Place over high heat, bring to a lull rolling boil,
and boil hord I minule, stirring constantly. Re-
move from heat; at once stir in Certo. Skim off foam

floating fruit" Ladle into

/g inch hot paraffin.

Handy Recipe lndex

See other side, too!

Freezer Jellies and Jams

Poge Poge
BlockberryJom .,, . 5 RedRospberryJelly 5
BlockbenyJelly ..,. 4 StrcwberryJom .. 5
Cherry Jom. Sour 6 Strowberry Jelly . . . . +
CherryJom,Sweet . . . 6 Strovberry-Rhuborb
Grope Jelly . . .....4 Jom 6
Red Rospberry

Cooked Fresh
Apple Jelly . 20 Logonberry 9
BeochPlumJelly. . . . 14 MoyhowJelly. . ....
BlockRospberryJelly . l0 MintJelly,Fresh . . . . Il
BlockberryJelly .... 9 PeochJelly....... 12
BoysenberryJelly..-. 9 PlumJelly . .. .. .. I0
CherryJelly,Sour . I2 Pomegrcnote Jelly. , . l5
ChokecherryJelly ... 12 QuinceJelly ...... 14
Crob Apple Jelly . . . . 20 Red Rospberry Jelly . . 9
Curront Jelly l0 Rhuborb ond Strowberry
DewberryJelly ..... 9 Jelly ......... 13
ElderberryJelly . .. . ll RhuborbJelly.. .... 13
GropeJelly 9StrovberryJelly.... 9
Guovo Jelly 14 Youngberry Jelly . ; . . 9
WildChenyJelly. . . .12

Cooked Fresh Fruit Jams

ApricotJom 19 BlueberryJom,.... 18
BlockberryJom. . . . . 16 BoysenberryJom . ., . 16

Hondy Recipe lfidex,,o,t.
See olher side, Ioo!

Poge Poge
CherryJom.......l8 PeorJom........17
DewberryJom ... .. 16 PlumJom . ,...... 17
GooseberryJom .... 15 RedRospberryJom... 16
GropeJom ....... l5 Rhuborb Strowberry Jom l9
FigJom,Fresh . . . . .22 RhuborbJom......l9
LogonberryJom....16 StrowberryJom .... 16
MongoJom.......23 TomotoJon . . . . . .22
PeochJom . -..... l7 YoungberryJom .. . . 16

Cooked Fresh Fruit Preseroes

CherryPreserves ... - 2l StrovberryPreserves. 22

Marmalades, Conseroe, E Relish

Cronberry Mormolode. 25 Peoch Mormolode . . . 24
. , , . 25 Spiced Curront Relish . I8
Grope Conserve
OrongeMormolode . . 24 Three-FruitMormolode 24

Cooked Dried E Conned

Fruit Jams E Jellies
Apple(juice)Jelly . . . l5 Grope(juice)Jelly . . . I5
Apricot (dried) ood WineJelly . . . . . . . l5

Jellg E Butter Combinotions

Combinotion Apple Jetly Combinotion Grope Jelly
ondButter...... 20 ondButter ..... .21

Frozen Fruit Jams E Jelly

OrongeJuiceJelly . . . 26 PeochJom 26


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