55-Article Text-372-1-10-20211008
55-Article Text-372-1-10-20211008
55-Article Text-372-1-10-20211008
Achmad Ismail1
International Relations Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas
Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Piracy and armed robbery are the real threat faced by each state, in particular, Indonesia as the
maritime (archipelagic) state. For facing Piracy and Armed Robbery, countries in Asia create
The Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships
in Asia (ReCAAP). Unfortunately, Indonesia is not joining into that regional cooperation that
makes this phenomenon is very interesting to investigate. This article aims to identify systemic
factors, societal factors, governmental factors & idiosyncratic factors as factors of Indonesian
foreign policy to postpone the ratification of ReCAAP regional cooperation. The findings of this
article among others the existence of similar cooperation, the developing narrative in society,
the interaction and political dynamics between the government and the HoR, and the rational
choice of the president to determine Indonesia to postpone the ratification of ReCAAP regional
cooperation. This article uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Data
collection techniques in this article use literature study where is sourced from several kinds of
literature. This article concludes that the four factors above that influenced Indonesian policy did
not ratify the ReCAAP regional cooperation.
Indonesian maritime security from piracy, illegal fishing, and armed robberies
are issues that must be considered by the Indonesian government because they
interfere with Indonesia's national interests. This is because Indonesia is a country with
a water area larger than the land area. In fact, according to the Indonesian Navy's
Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency, Indonesia is a country that is located
between 2 continents (Asia and Australia), 2 oceans (Indian and Pacific), 17,504
islands, and an area of 7.9 million km², consisting of 1, 8 million km² of land area and
6.1 million km² of water area (EEZ area and territorial area), so about 77% of
Indonesia's territory is water territory (Dishodros TNI AL, 2004).
Indonesia's geographical condition is one of the absolute advantages to be
managed for Indonesia's interests, especially for trading activities. At least, according
to Pasoroan Herman Harianja (Chairman of the Indonesian Maritime Pilots
Association/INAMPA) that the country's economic potential from the maritime sector is
more than 1,300 trillion per year by looking at the potential of the area in the Malacca
Strait and 3 Arus Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI) and noting that there are 200 ships,
where crosses the strait every day with the breakdown of 15.2% of the world's oil
vessels (Pencawan & Kristianto, 2017). Countries in East Asia (Japan, South Korea,
China, and others) will always pass through the Malacca Strait or ALKI to trade with
countries in the African or Middle East region. This condition is very crucial for
Achmad Ismail
Achmad Ismail
should be used wisely for Indonesia's national interests. Therefore, the research
question raised by the author in this article is, "why Indonesia did not participate in
ReCAAP membership?"
Since 2000, which was the peak of piracy activity, ReCAAP has effectively and
significantly managed to overcome the number of attacks in the Southeast Asia region
(Aprilia, 2017; Hribernik, 2013). This can be seen from the problem-solving capacity,
increased collaborative cooperation, changes in member behavior, and optimal
technical achievements. The existence of ReCAAP can also be an ideal opportunity for
European countries to increase their influence in Southeast Asia and gain a foothold as
a security actor in the region (Hribernik, 2013).
Several articles discuss the reasons for Indonesia not actively participating or
delaying joining ReCAAP regional cooperation. There are non-material factors (history,
values, and norms) that cause Indonesia to participate in ReCAAP (Swastika, 2018). In
addition, the values and norms brought by ReCAAP were not in line with Indonesia, so
Indonesia decided to cooperate with the existing ones. For example, ReCAAP carries
the values of transparency, openness and so on which are contrary to the non-
intervention values espoused by Indonesia (Swastika, 2018).
Furthermore, ReCAAP regional cooperation has the potential to violate
Indonesia's sovereignty with various factors of consideration. For example, Indonesia
must permit ReCAAP member countries to use and pass through Indonesian waters for
the benefit of ReCAAP (A. R. Putra, 2017). Indonesia, which is not part of ReCAAP,
stands on the argument that there will be interference from other countries, especially
having to report data to other ReCAAP member countries. Of course, this makes
relations between countries complex, especially in the ASEAN region (Andyva &
Burhanuddin, 2018).
Arifin & Damanik explained that there were 3 reasons for Indonesia not to
participate in the ReCAAP collaboration. First, the condition of the Malacca Strait does
not require new cooperation, because there are already MALSINDO and EiS who will
coordinate sea patrols and air surveillance. Second, the representative of the
Indonesian Foreign Minister reasoned on his experience, in which Indonesia had
experienced a misinterpretation of data where there had been a piracy attack on the
IMB list in Malaysian territory belonging to Indonesia since the IMB reporting center
was in Malaysia. Third, the postponement of the ratification of the ReCAAP agreement
related to issues of sovereignty following Japan's growing intention to internationalize
the Malacca Strait (Arifin & Damanik, 2020).
The articles above explain several reasons for Indonesia's postpone ReCAAP
regional cooperation from various perspectives. However, there has been no article
addressing this issue through James Rosenau's concept of foreign policy.
The research method in this article uses a qualitative research method with a
case study approach. Neuman states that case study research intensively investigates
one or a small group of cases, focusing on many details in each case and context
Achmad Ismail
(Neuman, 2014). In this article, the author focuses on the case of Indonesian policies
that postpone the ratification of the ReCAAP agreement, especially in 2006 – 2019.
In the first phase of this article, the authors collected some secondary literature
related to Indonesia's policy towards ReCAAP from books, scientific journals,
documents, and articles from related online media. The data obtained will be forward
through processing, the data classification process until it continues into the
triangulation process. Triangulation is one source of data collection techniques for
compiling data from different factors using the same technique (Sugiyono, 2012). This
process aims to ensure the validity and reliability of the data, which leads to in-depth
To answer the reason why Indonesia has postponed the ratification of ReCAAP
regional cooperation is foreign policy. By definition, foreign policy is a strategy that can
be taken by governments in determining their actions in the international world
(Goldstein & Pevehouse, 2014). This article draws on James Rosenau's concept of
foreign policy. James Rosenau explained in more detail also divided it into 4 major
input factors that became influences, such as (Rosenau, 1976):
First, First, systemic factors are a factor from the external environment of a
country, such as the structure of relations between developed countries, patterns of
alliances formed between countries, and situational factors. On the other hand,
international values and norms, opinions of other actors are also important to be
notified (Setiawan & Yani, 2019). In this context, if a country already has cooperation in
certain fields, it will be a consideration when that country undertakes similar
cooperation with other parties.
Second, societal factors, which are a factor that come from the internal
environment, including cultural and historical factors, economic development, and
social structures also public opinion. For societal factor focuses more on the narratives
that are built-in society (public opinion). Of course, this can be started from some
statements from experts who understand the issue.
Third, governmental factors are a factor that describes politics and structures in
government. In terms of governmental factors, the dynamics between the government
and the HoR on an issue. When the two agree, it will be easy to achieve it, and vice
versa when they agree, there will be political lobbies that must be carried out.
Fourth, idiosyncratic factors are an internal factor of a policymaker/political elite
by looking at experience, education, personality, and other factors in the life of political
elites. No less important when looking at the idiosyncratic factor of a president. It can
be seen when his education, experience, personality, and even the rational choice of
the president is also determined. Therefore, this article analyzes the reasons why
Indonesia, as a unit of analysis, postponed the ratification of ReCAAP regional
cooperation using the 4 factors described above as an analytical tool.
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The maritime security field is one of the fields in which it regulates piracy and
armed robbery against ships. That action started in 2002 when the incidence of piracy
and armed robbery were increased. IMO is also doing cooperation with regional
cooperation in related fields, namely ReCAAP. IMO also issued several resolutions as
a guide in decreasing piracy and armed robbery, one of which is by establishing IMO's
Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), which aims to highlight adequate self-protection as
the most appropriate prevention for acts or attempted acts of piracy and armed robbery
(IMO, n.d.-c). To provide effectiveness in eradicating piracy and armed robbery, IMO
MSC issued investigative guidelines that listed in MSC.1/Circ.1404 and resolution
A.1025 which regulate the existence of coastal state legislation, investigator training,
investigative strategies, protection from crime, and so on (IMO, n.d.-b).
Not only IMO, but also Indonesia has cooperated with the International Maritime
Bureau (IMB) for a long time. IMB, which is a special division of the International
Chamber of Commerce (ICC), has the objective to act as a focal point in fighting all
types of crimes and maritime malpractice. IMO resolution A 504 aims to urge the
government, all interests, and organizations to cooperate and exchange information
with each other and the IMB to maintain and develop coordinated action in combating
maritime fraud (IMB, n.d.-b). Therefore, the organization that was founded in 1981 can
be said to have the main task of IMB is to protect the integrity of international trade by
looking for fraud and malpractice. One of the IMB's main areas of expertise is in
suppressing piracy. Concerned with the development of this alarming phenomenon,
this led to the creation of the IMB Piracy Reporting Center in 1992 (IMB, n.d.-b). This
information center is based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It organizes travel on world
shipping lanes, reports pirate attacks to local law enforcement and issues alerts about
piracy hotspots.
In 1992, the IMB Piracy Reporting Center (IMB PRC) in work 24 hours as the
main contact for ships attacked by piracy and armed robberies which were collected
and followed up on patrol boats, even providing a danger signal pattern for colleagues,
besides, information received is also disseminated to IMO, government, IGOs and
related law enforcement agencies, as well as the funding made by IMB, is in the form
of donations which is a reflection of trust in the work of IMB (IMB, n.d.-a). As the result,
the patrol cooperation between the IMB and the Indonesian marine police has shown
positive results by maximizing data sources and providing the best protection to ships.
The IMB report for the year (2017) lists several incidents in a row, at least 79 incidents
in 2013, 29 incidents in 2014, 56 incidents in 2015, and 26 incidents in 2016.
Besides IMO and IMB, Indonesia also has cooperation, namely Littoral State
(Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia). Indonesia still respects the sovereignty of the 3
coastal countries where Indonesia believes that the cooperation of the 3 coastal states
is still capable and responsible for securing the territorial waters of the 3 countries,
especially the Malacca Strait. As a statement from the Director-General of Defense
Strategy of the Ministry of Defense, Maj. Gen. Dadi Susanto, who argued that, if the
ISC (Information Sharing Center) ReCAAP was intended only to secure the Malacca
Strait under Japanese control, it would also disrespect the sovereignty of the three
coastal nations, especially if the patrols were already underway maximum, so there is
no need for control from countries outside the 3 coastal countries (Priyambodo, 2006).
Therefore, it is worried in which this ReCAAP regional cooperation will be more
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This article answers that there are several reasons for Indonesia's postpone to
ratify in the regional cooperation of ReCAAP. The ratification of the IMO, IMB and
littoral state cooperation has made Indonesia postpone the ratification of the RECAAP
regional cooperation because it has the same goal. It is feared that there will be
overlapping of information and it will become ineffective and inefficient, one of which is
in terms of cost, which becomes a systemic factor. Some narratives in the community
argue that the government has to postpone the ratification of ReCAAP regional
cooperation because it makes this cooperation ineffective, inefficient, and sacrifices
national interests to become a societal factor. However, the government also need not
be afraid to ratify other collaborations.
In addition, the dynamics and political interactions that occur between the
government and the HoR through meetings must be passed before ratifying the
cooperation which results in delaying the ratification of the ReCAAP regional
cooperation because there have been several similar collaborations. These political
dynamics and interactions become governmental factors. Idiosyncratic factors, namely
educational background, family, experiences, etc. President SBY and Jokowi instilled a
high sense of nationalism since childhood. This convinced them to postpone the
ratification of the ReCAAP regional cooperation seeing that the losses received
outweighed the benefits for Indonesia.
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