CPD 2023 Brochure v6

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2023 Programme

The Institution of Structural Engineers’ 2023 Continuing Professional

Development training programme is designed to support learning and
development at every stage of your career.

Why choose IStructE?

1. Variety of technical and 3. Flexible corporate training

business practice CPD solutions

The 2023 programme encompasses 70 Every organisation is different. In 2022

high quality training courses covering a we worked with more companies than
wide range of technical, professional and ever to deliver training that met their
business practice topics. Many of our unique needs. From Eurocodes to
courses are delivered live online to make Writing skills we can work with you to
them accessible to you wherever you are maximise your training budgets and
in the world. upskill your entire team.

New courses for 2023 include Structural If you would like to discuss in-house
Louise Tingley engineering for non-structural engineers. training, or if your organisation has
Head of Professional Development and Designed for built environment professional development needs not
Events, the Institution of Structural professionals that work with structural currently met by the 2023 programme,
Engineers engineers, this new course is intended to please do get in touch on training@
training@istructe.org develop an appreciation of the discipline istructe.org
How to book Useful information in order to support collaboration and
communication. 4. Expert tutors

Book online— 1. This icon indicates that a 2. Learning pathways and Our training is developed and delivered
www.istructe.org/cpd-2023 courses that work together through long-standing partnerships with
course takes place online. leading experts, elite academic
Many of our courses complement each institutions, and trade and professional
other and can provide a longer term organisations.
2. This icon indicates that a learning pathway. We can support you
course takes place in-person. We are grateful to all our tutors for their
Contact us from early career with introductory level
courses through to exam preparation expertise and dedication. We believe
and chartership then on to advanced that this is what continues to set our
3. Unless stated otherwise, in- CPD programme apart.
Email— and specialist learning.
person courses are held at our
London HQ. Last year we introduced a net-zero
structural design course and this year
Telephone— we are delighted to add a new course on
+44 (0)20 7235 4535 4. Unless stated otherwise, courses Infuencing and leadership skills, which
are a full day (10:00–17:30). we see as the next step – helping
engineers to influence the design brief
and advocate for change.
5. The programme is subject to
change. Please check the
website for latest information.

Welcome 1
Training calendar at a glance
January Date(s) Delivery format July Date(s) Delivery format
Eurocode 9: design of aluminium structures 31 January Online Contract law for engineers 04 July Online
Conceptual design for structural engineers: an introduction 05 July In-person, London
February Date(s) Delivery format Client appointments and terms of engagement: a legal toolkit 06 July In-person, London
Historic timber structures: assessment and reuse 02 February Online Eurocode 5: the essentials of timber design 11 July Online
Conceptual design for structural engineers: an introduction 02 February – 02 March Online Timber design through worked examples 12 July Online
Net-zero structural design 02 February – 09 March Online
Design and analysis of tall buildings 06 February Online September Date(s) Delivery format
Structural engineering for non-structural engineers 15 February In-person, London Using computational design in practice 05 – 06 September Online
Dealing with domestic clients 28 February Online Wind loading on structures to EN 1991-1-4 06 September Online
Eurocode 2: design of concrete structures 28 February In-person, London Net-zero structural design 07 September – 05 October Online
Design and analysis of tall buildings 11 September Online
March Date(s) Delivery format Eurocode 4: composite design 12 September In-person, London
Temporary works design 06 – 07 March Online Reliability, resilience and robustness in structural engineering design 14 September Online
Business and strategic planning 07 March Online Dealing with domestic clients 19 September In-person, London
Lateral stability to building structures 14 March Online Demolition and structural refurbishment 20 September In-person, London
Demolition and structural refurbishment 16 March In-person, London Structural engineering for non-structural engineers 20 September Online
Eurocode 3: structural steelwork design 21 March In-person, London Structural engineering with bamboo 26 September Online
Eurocode 8: an introduction to seismic design of buildings 28 March Online
Moving into engineering management 28 – 29 March In-person, London October Date(s) Delivery format
Eurocode 8: worked examples of the dynamic analysis and seismic
29 March Online Steel essentials: practical design of structural steelwork 02 October Online
design of buildings
Lateral stability to building structures 03 October Online

April Date(s) Delivery format Eurocode 6: masonry design 10 October Online

Net-zero structural design 20 April – 18 May Online Understanding structural design 10 – 11 October Online
Designing for blast resilience and resistance 25 April Online Deep basements 12 October Online
Rapid calculations for structural engineers 26 April Online Eurocode 7: foundation design for small practitioners 17 October In-person, London
Conceptual design for structural engineers: an introduction 27 April – 18 May Online Protect your designs – a practical guide to intellectual property 17 October Online
Financial fundamentals for small businesses 25 October In-person, London
May Date(s) Delivery format Writing skills for engineers 31 October Online
Drawing Gym for engineers 03 May Online
Digital sketching for engineers 09 May Online November Date(s) Delivery format
Understanding structural behaviour 09 – 10 May Online Drawing Gym for engineers 07 November Online
Expert Witness: an introduction 09 May – 04 July Online Net-zero structural design 09 November – 07 December Online
Eurocode 6: masonry design 10 May In-person, London Temporary works design 13 – 14 November In-person, London
Exam preparation 15 – 17 May In-person, London Expert Witness: going into court 14 November In-person, London
Design and analysis of tall buildings 22 May Online Historic timber structures: assessment and reuse 16 November In-person, London
Eurocode 3: structural steelwork design 23 May Online Advanced conceptual design for design team leaders 16 November – 01 December Online
Influencing and leadership skills tbc Online Conceptual design of bridges 20 – 21 November In-person, London
Rapid calculations for structural engineers 29 November Online
June Date(s) Delivery format
Seismic design of structures 05 – 06 June Online December Date(s) Delivery format
Project management for engineers 07 – 08 June Online Eurocode 2: design of concrete structures 05 December In-person, London
Structural robustness and disproportionate collapse 08 June In-person, London Exam preparation 11 – 13 December Online
Structural concepts – designing more efficient structures 13 June Online
Vibration serviceability of building floors 14 June In-person, London
Eurocode 5: the essentials of timber design 15 June Online
Eurocode 5: connections and advanced topics in timber design 16 June Online

2 The Institution of Structural Engineers Training calendar 3

Contents Business practice courses Technical courses
Business and strategic planning 8 Advanced conceptual design for design team leaders 22
Client appointments and terms of engagement: a legal toolkit 9 Conceptual design for structural engineers: an introduction 23
Contract law for engineers 10 Conceptual design of bridges 24
Dealing with domestic clients 11 Deep basements 26

Expert Witness: an introduction 13 Demolition and structural refurbishment 27

Expert Witness: going into court 14 Design and analysis of tall buildings 28

Financial fundamentals for small businesses 15 Design process management 30

Influencing and leadership skills NEW 16 Designing for blast resilience and resistance 32
Digital sketching for engineers NEW 33
Moving into engineering management 17
Drawing Gym for engineers 34
Project management for engineers 18
Dynamic response of wind-excited flexible structures 35
Protect your designs – a practical guide to intellectual property 19
Eurocode 1: actions on structures for buildings 36
Writing skills for engineers 20
Eurocode 2: design of concrete structures 37
Eurocode 3: structural steelwork design 38
Eurocode 4: composite design 39
Eurocode 5: connections and advanced topics in timber design 40
Eurocode 5: the essentials of timber design 41
Eurocode 6: masonry design 43
Eurocode 7: foundation design for small practitioners 44
Eurocode 8: an introduction to seismic design of buildings 46
Eurocode 8: worked examples of the dynamic analysis and
seismic design of buildings 47
Eurocode 9: design of aluminium structures 48
Exam preparation 49
Historic timber structures: assessment and reuse 50
Lateral stability of building structures 51
Net-zero structural design 52
Rapid calculations for structural engineers 55
Reliability, resilience and robustness in structural engineering design 57
Seismic design of structures 58
Steel essentials: practical design of structural steelwork 59
Structural concepts – designing more efficient structures 60
Structural engineering for non structural engineers NEW 61
Structural engineering with bamboo 62
Structural robustness and disproportionate collapse 63
Temporary works design 64
Timber workshop: design through worked examples 65
Understanding structural behaviour 66
Understanding structural design 67
Using computational design in practice 68
Vibration serviceability of building floors NEW 70
Wind loading on structures to EN 1991-1-4 71

Contents 5
Circular economy and reuse: practice
guidance for designers courses
This publication comprises four parts,
and provides actionable guidance for
incorporating circular principles on
engineering projects; enabling structural
engineers to take the initiative on this
critical transition by leading clients and
project teams through the process.

Pre-order now:
Business and Client appointments and
strategic planning terms of engagement:
a legal toolkit
Parag Prasad Rob Langley

Course date: Course date:

7 March 10:00 – 13:00 GMT 6 July

Aim Tutor Aim Tutor

A business plan provides a living blueprint for the Parag Prasad has been an award
winning business mentor to many of
This one-day course enables engineers to Rob Langley took an MA in Law,
then qualified both as a Barrister and
running and growing of a business in order to London’s elite entrepreneurs understand the complex commercial contracts, as a Solicitor, and has 40 years’
meet goals, financial targets and operational including: ProperCorn, the 5th
fasted growing company in Europe
analyse issues and possible legal implications, and experience of engineering and
construction law. Before specializing
milestones. The highly practical half-day workshop (Financial Times, 2017); Weston confidently formulate new negotiating strategies. in training and consultancy, he was
teaches the skills necessary in planning the Williamson, one of the leading
architecture firms behind TFL’s
a law firm partner practicing in this
expert field. He has been retained by
medium and long term growth of an SME. £15Bn Crossrail project, and numerous Professional Indemnity
Chilango, voted one of Britain’s 27 Learning outcomes Intended for insurers and has represented and
most disruptive companies by The defended hundreds of Engineers
Telegraph. By the end of the course, you should Owners, directors, commercial partners, and other design professionals. A
be able to: senior and middle management Fellow of the Chartered Institute of
Learning outcomes Intended for • Recognise issues around
personnel, and engineers growing into a Arbitrators, Rob is a busy
managerial role. The course will also be Construction Adjudicator, and a
By the end of the course, you should be SME practice owners and senior director misrepresentation, implied terms,
useful for junior engineers with a special CMC-registered Civil Mediator.
contractual ambiguity and
able to: level staff. Lots of tools for improving interpretation
interest in the commercial and
• Write financial and marketing plans in Price a business and direct contractual aspects of engineering
• Appraise and negotiate exclusion practice.
a practical and time efficient manner approach to identify natural and limitation clauses
• Organise your goals into annual, Member Standard weaknesses of engineers at Price
• Assert skill and care, and resist strict
quarterly and weekly objectives rate rate
running businesses. liability and warranty obligations
Book 4 weeks Member Standard
• Understand the different components in advance £225 + VAT £315 + VAT
• Identify the key issues recurring in rate rate
of a practical marketing plan
Book within client-led contract appointments Book 4 weeks
last 4 weeks £255 + VAT £355 + VAT £305 + VAT £435 + VAT
• Recognise the importance of a in advance
• Recognise the hidden risks of
cashflow forecast and use it to make
assignment, staff-naming, Book within
£345 + VAT £485 + VAT
important numbers-based decisions last 4 weeks
coordination, and third party design
• Appreciate the identity shift required to
prioritise these critical planning skills Contributes to IPD Core Objective 3.2, 3.5

Contributes to IPD Core Objective 3.1, 3.4


8 The Institution of Structural Engineers Business practice courses 9

Contract law Dealing with domestic clients
for engineers
Rob Langley Rob Langley

Course dates:
Course date: 28 February 13:00 – 17:00 GMT
4 July 19 September 13:00 – 17:00 BST

Aim Tutor Aim Tutor

Through case studies of practical issues arising Rob Langley took an MA in Law,
then qualified both as a Barrister and
This half-day course is intended for engineers Rob Langley took an MA in Law,
then qualified both as a Barrister and
from commercial contracts, this one-day course as a Solicitor, and has 40 years’ working in the domestic and small commercial as a Solicitor, and has 40 years’
outlines the essential terminology of commercial experience of engineering and
construction law. Before specialising
sectors. It provides a solid understanding of the experience of engineering and
construction law. Before specialising
contract, and explains the essentials of contractual in training and consultancy, he was specific contractual and legal issues that might be in training and consultancy, he was
relationships. a law firm partner practicing in this
expert field. He has been retained by
posed, and it outlines the common legal mistakes a law firm partner practicing in this
expert field. He has been retained by
numerous Professional Indemnity that can be avoided. numerous Professional Indemnity
insurers and has represented and insurers and has represented and
defended hundreds of Engineers defended hundreds of Engineers
Learning outcomes Intended for and other design professionals. A and other design professionals. A
By the end of the course, you should Middle and senior managers.
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Learning outcomes Intended for Fellow of the Chartered Institute of
Arbitrators, Rob is a busy Arbitrators, Rob is a busy
be able to:
Construction Adjudicator, and a By the end of the course, you should Owners, directors, managers and Construction Adjudicator, and a
• Interpret lawyers’ terminology
Price CMC-registered Civil Mediator. be able to: employees working in small practices or CMC-registered Civil Mediator.
as sole practitioners, particularly for the
• Identify which legal issues are critical Member Standard • Agree and record clear, enforceable
domestic sector and for non-commercial
in a negotiation rate rate agreements with non-professional
or non-professional clients.
Book 4 weeks clients – with no technical background
• Recognise how to use the contract £305 + VAT £435 + VAT
in advance and limited experience
during the progress of a project or Rob was very personable Price Extremely useful. I’ve set
delivery of a service Book within
last 4 weeks £345 + VAT £485 + VAT and obviously extremely • Recognise the ‘consumer protection’ aside half a day this week
knowledgeable. He gave Member
to amend my standard
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 3.2, 3.5
lots of examples with • Recognise and avoid
Book 4 weeks
proposal and pull together
misunderstandings around fees
construction industry and variations, delays, and your own
in advance £225 + VAT £315 + VAT
some stock answers to
specifics which was really and the contractor’s responsibility Book within
£255 + VAT £355 + VAT
common client questions!
last 4 weeks
helpful. • Respond to complaints correctly
• Communicate effectively and get
paid more easily
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 1.1, 1.2, 3.5

10 The Institution of Structural Engineers Business practice courses 11


Expert Witness:
an introduction

Become an IStructE
Expert Witness Course dates:
30 May – 2 June 09:30 – 13:30 BST

Aim Tutor

This four-half-day course is a comprehensive The Academy of Experts is the

professional society and accrediting
introduction to the roles and responsibilities of body for Expert Witnesses of all
an Expert. The practical training also concentrates disciplines. It is independently run
by Experts for Experts and those
on the Expert’s report and preparation for going using them. The training is
into court. conducted by a team of
experienced tutors. Although their
disciplines are all very different, they
all have practical experience of
working as Expert Witnesses and
Learning outcomes Intended for mediators or instructing them.
By the end of the course you should This course has been designed for those
Promote and demonstrate understand: wishing to become Experts and is also a
your experience as an Expert valuable refresher for the experienced
• What is required to perform as an
Witness Expert Witness
The course offered
• Terms of engagement Price many opportunities for
Unlike other registers, the interaction, facilitated
• What the Expert needs to know and
IStructE Expert Witness register do prior to writing the report Member Standard by the very competent
rate rate
includes details of your structural
• Witness statements
course presenters and the
Book 4 weeks
engineering specialisms in advance £565 + VAT £755 + VAT very good notes which
• Fact finding, early evaluation and
pre-trial advice Book within
accompanied it.
last 4 weeks £625 + VAT £845 + VAT
Achieve an internationally
• Codes of practice for Experts
recognised professional status as
an accredited Expert • The meeting of Experts – procedures
and problems
• How to get paid

Contributes to IPD Core Objective 1.2, 3.2


Join today:
12 The Institution of Structural Engineers Business practice courses 13
Expert Witness: Financial fundamentals
going into court
Penny Taylor

Course date: Course date:

14 November 25 October

Aim Tutor Aim Tutor

This course is designed to provide the knowledge The Academy of Experts is the
professional society and accrediting
This course provides an overview of accounting Penny Taylor has combined an
engineering career in the automotive
and experience of being in court. Cross- body for Expert Witnesses of all principles and an explanation of accounting industry and academia with
examination by a practising barrister in a protected disciplines. It is independently run
by Experts for Experts and those
terminology. It also covers how to understand key postgraduate qualifications in
teaching, coaching and psychology.
environment will be carried out to improve using them. The training is financial documents. She has been teaching Finance and
technique and increase confidence in the case of conducted by a team of
experienced tutors. Although their
Management to engineers for over
10 years, based on practical lessons
being called to give evidence. disciplines are all very different, they learned during her engineering
all have practical experience of Learning outcomes Intended for career.
working as Expert Witnesses and
mediators or instructing them. By the end of the course, you should Anyone who must interpret or produce
Learning outcomes Intended for be able to: financial figures in their role.
• Recognise how the three key financial
By the end of the course you should Suitable as both an introduction to the
documents (cash flow forecast, profit
understand: art of success and survival in court and
and loss account, and balance sheet)
as a refresher for those with experience. Member Standard
• How and when to prepare for court are constructed rate rate
• How to introduce yourself and your Price • Explain some key financial ratios that Book 4 weeks
£305 + VAT £435 + VAT
expertise inform the health of a business in advance

• How to give evidence Member Standard • Interpret financial data to set Book within
rate rate last 4 weeks £345 + VAT £485 + VAT
forward plans
• Lawyers’ techniques for cross- Book 4 weeks
£305 + VAT £435 + VAT
examination and how to handle them in advance • Use key financial terminology
Book within
£345 + VAT £485 + VAT • Identify what financial data is available
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 1.2, 3.2 last 4 weeks
in the public domain
• Work confidently alongside your
financial colleagues

Contributes to IPD Core Objective 3.4


14 The Institution of Structural Engineers Business practice courses 15

Influencing and Moving into engineering
leadership skills management
Nick Zienau Penny Taylor

Course dates: Course dates:

Begins 9 May 09:30 – 12:30 BST 28 – 29 March

Aim Tutor Aim Tutor

Develop powerful tools for leading and influencing Nick Zienau has worked as a
consultant facilitating organisational
Discover how to be successful in your Penny Taylor has combined an
engineering career in the automotive
the people you work with. This practical course, change, training leaders and management career and whether management is industry and academia with
to be delivered as 5 three-hour workshops across coaching executives in
communication and relationships for
the direction for you. This interactive two-day postgraduate qualifications in
teaching, coaching and psychology.
10 weeks, aims to develop awareness about the past 25 years – working in the course gives first time managers a toolbox of She has been teaching Finance and
yourself and your impact on others, helping you UK and many countries in Europe.
His passion is for work with socially
techniques to use for managing engineers and Management to engineers for over
10 years, based on practical lessons
to share your expertise and influence the engaged leaders and organisations. other technical staff. learned during her engineering
direction of a project. That often takes him back into
education, in work with NGOs and

other not-for-profit organisations,

and with enterprises who take their Learning outcomes Intended for
social impact seriously.
Learning outcomes Intended for By the end of the course, you should Anyone who is about to, or has recently, The Course was truly
By the end of the course, you should be This course is intended for senior
be able to: taken up responsibility for managing insightful and inspiring. The
people for the first time.
able to utilise tools of leading and engineers that wish to influence • Manage effectively team exercises were fun
influencing to: decision-making. It is a great follow up to
• Build and develop an effective team Price and engaging – difficult at
the net-zero design course and can help
• Gain and maintaining trust
you put the skills learnt into practice. • Delegate appropriately and effectively
times, but always focused
• Negotiate and agree goals and Member Standard on putting the material
• Set, monitor and achieve SMART rate rate
expectations Price goals for your team
into practice. Highly
Book 4 weeks
• Help people think things through in advance £565 + VAT £755 + VAT recommended.
Member Standard • Use performance management to
• Help people accept and work with rate rate get the best out of everyone Book within
£625 + VAT £845 + VAT
last 4 weeks
their feelings Book 4 weeks
£655 + VAT £855 + VAT • Understand what is expected of you
in advance
• Confidently give advice where it is as a Manager or Team Leader
really needed Book within
£725 + VAT £935 + VAT
last 4 weeks • Know the difference between
• Challenge the gap between intentions leadership and management, and how
and behaviours to be good at both
• Overcome resistance to constructive • Create a high-performing and
honesty happy team

Contributes to IPD Core Objective 1.2, 3.1 Contributes to IPD Core Objective 3.1

16 The Institution of Structural Engineers Business practice courses 17

Project management Protect your designs –
for engineers a practical guide to
intellectual property
Derek Bell Rob Langley

Course dates: Course dates:

7 - 8 June 17 October 13:00 – 17:00 BST

Aim Tutor Tutor

This two-day course addresses the challenges Derek Bell has over 25 years of
experience in delivering project,
This half-day online course will equip self- Rob Langley took an MA in Law,
then qualified both as a Barrister and
of managing projects in an engineering context. programme and risk management employed engineers with an understanding of as a Solicitor, and has 40 years’
It includes practical project management tools related consultancy and training. He
has worked in many different
the commercial value of their intellectual property. experience of engineering and
construction law. Before specializing
and techniques, that can be applied to all projects, sectors including the automotive, oil With practical training on protecting design in training and consultancy, he was
whether they be large or small. & gas, IT, finance and the public
sector and has supported clients
copyright, business name, confidentiality a law firm partner practicing in this
expert field. He has been retained by
such as Jaguar Land Rover, BP, HP, and inventions. numerous Professional Indemnity
Barclays and numerous police insurers and has represented and
forces. Derek is a firm believer that defended hundreds of Engineers
Learning outcomes Intended for the training process should be and other design professionals. A
By the end of the course, you should Existing or aspiring project managers
engaging and fun. Learning outcomes: Intended for: Fellow of the Chartered Institute of
Arbitrators, Rob is a busy
be able to: who wish to improve their ability to
By the end of the course, you should be This course is relevant to senior Construction Adjudicator, and a
achieve their project goals by acquiring
• Deploy a structured framework able to: executives and equity partners in CMC-registered Civil Mediator.
best practice tools and techniques.
for projects design firms, particularly engineers
• Understand your legal rights
and architects.
• Use a range of practical tools Price • Identify potential risks and exposures
and techniques to help scope,
plan and deliver projects • Know when to seek advice, and what
Member Standard
rate rate to ask
• Differentiate the roles and Member Standard
responsibilities in a project Book 4 weeks rate rate
in advance £565 + VAT £755 + VAT Contributes to IPD Core Objective 3.2, 3.4
environment Book 4 weeks
Book within in advance £225 + VAT £315 + VAT
• Manage project risks last 4 weeks £625 + VAT £845 + VAT
Book within
• Monitor and communicate last 4 weeks £255 + VAT £355 + VAT
project status
• Use the language of project
• Apply project management techniques
in an engineering context IN COLLABORATION
• Address the issues of managing
multiple projects

Contributes to IPD Core Objective 3.1, 3.4

18 The Institution of Structural Engineers Business practice courses 19

Writing skills
for engineers Technical
Penny Taylor
Course dates:
31 October

Aim Tutor

This course intends to help improve the quality of Penny Taylor has combined an
engineering career in the automotive
written reports and reduce time spent writing. It industry and academia with
covers how to adapt writing style for different postgraduate qualifications in
teaching, coaching and psychology.
documents and audiences. It will provide some She has been teaching Finance and
grammar best practice to help with clear and Management to engineers for over
10 years, based on practical lessons
concise writing. learned during her engineering

Learning outcomes Intended for

By the end of the course, you should This course is suitable for anyone who I automatically
be able to: has to communicate, whether through recommended the course
reports, articles, papers, proposals or
• Write in a direct and concise style via email.
to a colleague.
• Adapt your writing style to a
range of audiences Price
• Write efficiently and not waste time
Member Standard
rate rate
• Use digital tools for better writing
Book 4 weeks
• Evaluate where to put your effort in advance £305 + VAT £435 + VAT
to improve your writing
Book within
last 4 weeks £345 + VAT £485 + VAT
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 1.2

20 The Institution of Structural Engineers

Advanced conceptual design Conceptual design for
for design team leaders structural engineers:
an introduction
Oliver Broadbent Oliver Broadbent

Course dates:
Course dates: Begins 2 February 09:30 – 11:30 GMT
Begins 16 November 09:30 – 11:30 GMT Begins 27 April 09:30 – 11:30 BST

Aim Tutor Tutor

A series of interactive sessions designed to help Oliver Broadbent is the founder

and director of Constructivist. He
This popular course is delivered as a series of Oliver Broadbent is the founder
and director of Constructivist. He
experienced practicitoners take their conceptual works with leaders, teams and interactive online sessions supported by individual works with leaders, teams and
design skills to the next level. There will be a focus organisations to help them build
their creativity. He trains engineers
study. It provides a theoretical framework for organisations to help them build
their creativity. He trains engineers
on understanding client needs, generating, and and architects in conceptual design, understanding conceptual design in the context and architects in conceptual design,
iteratively developing ideas, effective decision and works with universities and
colleges to create innovative new
of structural engineering. and works with universities and
colleges to create innovative new
making in design, and managing design teams. approaches to engineering approaches to engineering
education. Oliver was appointed education. Oliver was appointed
1851 Royal Commission Fellow in 1851 Royal Commission Fellow in
Learning outcomes Intended for Regenerative Design in 2022 and Sessions Intended for: Regenerative Design in 2022 and
was awarded the Sir Misha Black was awarded the Sir Misha Black
By the end of the course, you should Structural engineers with at least five • Week 1 – Working with a brief Structural engineers who are working
Award for Innovation in Design Award for Innovation in Design
be able to: years’ experience in practice and towards taking the Institution of
Education in 2022. • Week 2 – Developing ideas Education in 2022.
experience of managing other people Structural Engineers’ Chartered
• C
 haracterise the design process and • Week 3 – Modelling and testing ideas Membership Exam.
as part of the design process.
describe how each stage requires
different skills and attitudes • Week 4 – Bringing it all together

• D
 escribe how conceptual design
The impact of what I have
Prefer to attend
differs from detailed design and the Member Standard learned on my future
Learning outcomes:
Member Standard in person?
consequences of these differences rate rate
By the end of the course, you should rate rate
practice is massive. It
for how design is carried out Book 4 weeks
in advance £485 + VAT £675 + VAT
changed my way of thinking
be able to: Book 4 weeks
in advance £275 + VAT £385 + VAT This course will be
• U
 se techniques for understanding the
underlying need behind a client brief Book within
£535 + VAT £745 + VAT
and provided me tools to
• Explain the design process as a
series of discrete steps Book within
£305 + VAT £425 + VAT
delivered in-person by
• D
 escribe a model for idea generation
last 4 weeks
do so. • Describe the characteristics of a good
last 4 weeks
Oliver as a one-day
and use this to lead a design team
25% discount on associated
design brief and use this knowledge
25% discount on associated
course on 5 July at
through the creative process
to write your own brief
publications: our London HQ.
• U
 nderstand the relationship between Conceptual design of buildings. • Describe and use techniques for idea Conceptual design of buildings.
modelling, testing and the design See p.31 for details. generation See p.31 for details.
brief, and use this to establish an
• Describe and use techniques for
effective iterative design process
modelling and testing your ideas
• U
 nderstand the nature of subjective
decision-making in design
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1
• D
 escribe strategies for building an
effective design team
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1

22 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 23

Conceptual design
of bridges
Ian Firth

Course dates: Master the conceptual

design process
20 – 21 November


This two-day course is an essential introduction to Ian Firth is a Past President of the
Institution of Structural Engineers.
the conceptual design process for bridges covers He is a world-leading expert in
two key areas; selecting a structural form to suit bridge design and construction.
During his career, Ian has been
the constraints of a site and arranging materials involved with the assessment and
and components to meet the demands of the strengthening of several famous
bridges. He is also responsible for
structure in an elegant and logical way. the design of many award-winning This guidance will help you:
bridges such as the Swansea Sail
• Generate and communicate
Bridge, the Third Way bridge in
Taunton and the Destructor Bridge ideas through sketching
Learning outcomes: Intended for: in Bath. and writing
• Prepare a brief
By the end of the course, you should Engineers with little or no experience of
be able to: conceptual design of bridges, those • Develop a structural scheme
• Identify how the conceptual design of wishing to explore conceptual design of • Rapidly size elements
a bridge is informed by physical and bridges from an architectural • Design sustainably
environmental site constraints, along perspective, and experienced engineers
with social, cultural and historical wishing to refresh their conceptual
factors. design thinking.

• Read a bridge design

• Explain basic structural systems
typically used in bridges Member Standard
rate rate
• Select appropriate structural forms
and materials Book 4 weeks
in advance £485 + VAT £675 + VAT

• Form, develop and communicate a Book within

concept last 4 weeks £535 + VAT £745 + VAT

Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1

Buy now:

24 The Institution of Structural Engineers

Deep basements Demolition and structural
Robert Millard

Course dates:
Course date: 16 March
12 October 20 September

Aim Tutors Aim Tutor

This course gives guidance on the key considerations Christina Mavrommati is a Project
Director at Mott MacDonald, with
This course provides guidance on specific aspects of Robert Millard has 24 years
construction industry experience
when planning the construction of deep basements. over 20 years’ experience in the demolition and refurbishment from an engineering both in the contracting and
It covers using both embedded wall bottom-up and geotechnical design of large-scale perspective whilst addressing safety, environmental consultancy sectors across many
civil engineering works in Greece sectors. Most recently the past 8
top-down construction in accordance with and the UK including metro stations, and sustainability influences. years have been spent leading an
Eurocodes 2 and 7. bridges and earthworks. engineering team providing
demolition / construction
Sivilay Sayavong is a Technical engineering support working across
Manager at Bachy Soletanche. With Learning outcomes Intended for many London demolition, structural
15 years’ experience in the refurbishment and new build
Learning outcomes Intended for construction industry, she brings By the end of the course, you should be The course Is not a design course but projects. As a chartered Engineer
with her a wealth of geotechnical able to: presents engineering principles behind and Chair of the Temporary Works
By the end of the course, you should be Civil or structural engineers (from
design experience and technical the “cut and carve” of structures, façade Forum Robert is a strong believer in
able to: contractors to consultants) with some • Identify structural construction types
problem solving; particularly in retentions, basement works, back knowledge sharing for the
understanding of the design process, and principles
• A
 pply performance criteria to heavy foundation engineering propping, stability bracing and betterment of our industry.
or those who wish to develop their
construction techniques and including piles and disphragm walls. • Evaluate practical options for the consideration of plant loadings on
design knowledge and experience,
structural form considering the demolition or refurbishment of major buildings. Whether a consultant, a
in both the technical and practical
intended use buildings contractor, a client or SHEQ professional
aspects of deep basement design
if you have an interest in the demolition
• D
 esign appropriate waterproofing and construction. • Identify specific structural hazards
and structural refurb sector then this
to achieve the desired environment that may occur in demolition
Price The course was very course is for you.
• P
 ropose structural form and informative. Real world • Understand temporary structural
sequence to match the
examples with associated support methods in demolition and Price
geotechnical conditions Member Standard refurbishment
rate rate
problems discussed and Member Standard
• P
 lan construction methodology • Gain more knowledge of CDM
and sequence, including estimating
Book 4 weeks
in advance £275 + VAT £385 + VAT explained. principles relating them to demolition
rate rate

schedule and costs and refurbishment works Book 4 weeks

Book within in advance £275 + VAT £385 + VAT
last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT
• A
 ssess the logistics and space • Enhance environmental and Book within
requirements of different equipment sustainable influences in your decision last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT
considering the construction process
methodology and ground conditions
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.5
• D
 esign deep basements taking into
account of all the above

Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2, 2.5

26 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 27

Design and analysis
of tall buildings
Dr Feng Fu

Course dates:
6 February | 22 May | 11 September

Aim Tutor

This popular course includes guidance Dr Feng Fu is a Fellow of IStructE,

ICE and ASCE. He is an Associate
on the design, stability, safety and performance Editor of the ASCE Journal of
of tall buildings. Performance of Constructed
Facilities; and recently became an
associate editor for the ASCE
Journal of Structural Engineering..
He has worked for several world
Learning outcomes Intended for leading consultancy companies and
on extensive prestigious
By the end of the course, you should Structural engineers who work in the tall
construction projects worldwide,
be able to: building design sectors.
such as the tallest building in
• R
 ecognise the performance of Western Europe, the Shard. He has
tall buildings
Entry criteria published more than 100 peer
Recommended reading: Feng, F (2018). reviewed technical papers and 4
• D
 esign effective lateral stability
Structural Dynamic. Design and Analysis textbooks.
systems for tall buildings
of Tall and Complex Structures. Oxford:
• D
 emonstrate how to design a tall Elsevier.
building under blast or impact loading
• D
 escribe how to design tall buildings Price
for fire safety
This had given me a solid
Member Standard foundation of knowledge
• U
 se different software to analyse
tall buildings
rate rate
from which to refer to in
Book 4 weeks
in advance £275 + VAT £385 + VAT designing tall buildings in
• Apply the relevant design codes
my future practice.
Book within
last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2

25% discount on associated

Safety in tall buildings and other
buildings with large occupancy.
See p.31 for details.

28 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 29

Design process
Richard Brooks Nick Francis Chris O’Regan

25% off manuals

and guides when you book
Aim Tutors an associated course
The highly interactive course is made up of three Richard Brooks is a chartered
structural engineer, with 15 years
two-hour modules that offer valuable training in experience working across a range
design process management. With a focus on of different sectors including
residential, commercial, education
design-and-build projects it is ideal for contractors and infrastructure. He is an
managing teams on site. Associate at Price and Myers, where
he is responsible for managing
Session 1: Design frameworks
multiple large-scale projects with a SECOND EDITION Many of our courses
team of engineers.
• Understand the RIBA Plan of Work (and IStructE Plan of Work) have an associated,
Manual for the design
• Practical application on design-and-build contract projects Nick Francis is a Chartered of building structures to Institution published
• Best practice in design management at each stage Structural Engineer, Chartered Civil
Engineer, and Chartered Manager.
Eurocode 1 and Basis of
structural design manual or guide which
Session 2: Consultant design responsibilities can be a valuable
He is the founder and director of
• Appointing a designer (PoW stage 4)
• Expectations of working with a consultant/designer
Imagine Engineering, a director of Manual to Eurocode:
supplementary resource.
GIRI Training and Consultancy, and
• Working with client-retained designers
teaches at the University of Sheffield.
Session 3: Design change management Nick specialises in the interface Claim your exclusive 25%
• Reasons for redesign between human behaviour and discount on the associated
• Assessing the impact of change technical engineering.
• Managing communication of change (with client and contractors) publication when you attend.
Chris O’Regan is a Chartered
Structural Engineer and an
Learning outcomes Intended for Associate Director at Mason Navarro Manual

Pledge. He has been working in the

By the end of the course, you should be This course can be tailored for on-site field of structural engineering for
able to: project engineers (civil and structural). over 30 years and draws from his
experience designing and inspecting
• Understand the responsibilities and
expectations of managing/working
Price structures for a large variety of
with a design consultancy on a On request.
design and build contract
• Understand RIBA Plan of Work and
how it interacts with IStructE Plan
of Work
• Manage design change
• Understand and manage the Email: library@istructe.org for more information or
emotional response to change to request a discount code.

30 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 31

Designing for blast resilience Digital sketching
and resistance for engineers
Bob Sheldon Piroozan Aminossehe Radu Axinte Trevor Flynn

Course date: Course dates:

25 April Begins 9 May 10:00 – 12:00 BST

Aim Tutors Aim Tutor

This course demonstrates how significant blast Bob Sheldon was formerly senior
lecturer in protective structures at
This interactive course provides a comprehensive Radu Axinte is an architect who
has worked on some of the most
resilience and resistance is possible with careful the Centre for Defence Engineering foundation in digital sketching for Windows office iconic architecture projects in
design, planning and detailing of a structure. at Cranfield University. Bob is now
an independent consultant for
and Apple users. The exercises are forward London. A highly skilled freehand
artist and watercolorist he combines
security engineering and protective looking, including how to use Google Earth co- a passion for sketching with an
ordinates to locate a structure, then produce appetite for digital image-making.

Learning outcomes Intended for Piroozan Aminossehe is an exploded sketch-over diagrams. The programme is Trevor Flynn is the Director of
independent consultant, who had a Drawing At Work and founder of
By the end of the course, you should Practising engineers who wish to gain an key role in the design of off shore synced for people to sketch digitally over to work The Drawing Gym. He designs and
be able to: insight into current methods of structural
analysis and design against blast loads.
structures (South Arne in North sea) with Revit, CAD, BIM Rhino systems to help with teaches courses at Dyson, Foster
and Sizewell ‘B’ nuclear power and Partners, The Design Museum
• D
 escribe structural responses to blast
station in UK as head of the efficiency and collaboration in the design process. London, UCL, Bath University and
loading with reference to ‘equivalent Price specialist analysis group as well as The Architectural Association.
single degree of freedom’ analysis
qualified MoD 200m jetty in Faslane
• U
 se pressure impulse diagrams for Member
against external and internal blast Learning outcomes Intended for
approximate response assessment and explosion.
Book 4 weeks
£275 + VAT £385 + VAT
By the end of the course, you should • Early career engineers and designers
• E
 mploy principles and guidelines in advance be able to:
for protective design against the • Practicing engineers who want to
Book within
effects of blast last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT • Draw confidently using digital develop digital sketching skills
• D
 esign reinforced concrete structures The presentations were • Senior engineers managing design
subject to blast loading full of expert content and • Use features of Sketchbook including teams that practice digital sketching
• A
 pply American Society of Civil delivered at a top expert layers, colour and line thickness
Engineers’ technical guidelines level. The course’s included • Make quick, professional sketch-
Entry criteria
to practical structural design of
blast-resistant facilities
real-life examples, which overs and annotation to communicate • Attendees must have access to
were used to explain the concepts and communicate a Sketchbook Pro software and an
process (e.g. construction sequence)
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2 concepts and show how Apple (recommended iPad) or
Windows (recommended Surface Pro)
to effectively carry out • Use the speed of digital tools to
device and stylus.
calculations. create and edit drawings

• Gain confidence using a tablet and Price

Member Standard
• Sketch over imported 3D models and rate rate
Google Earth Book 4 weeks
in advance £275 + VAT £385 + VAT

Contributes to IPD Core Objective 1.2 Book within

last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT

32 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 33

Drawing Gym for engineers Dynamic response of wind-
excited flexible structures
Trevor Flynn Dr Alessandro Palmeri Dr Giorgio Barone

Course dates:
Begins 3 May 10:00 – 12:00 BST Course date:
Begins 7 November 10:00 – 12:00 GMT 14 June

Aim Tutor Aim Tutors

The course takes place as a series of two-hour Trevor Flynn is Director of
Drawing at Work and founder of
This course covers the theoretical background, Dr Alessandro Palmeri leads
the Structures and Materials Group
interactive sessions over four weeks supported by The Drawing Gym. He teaches technical aspects and Eurocode provisions for at Loughborough University.
independent study. The course introduces a drawing at University College
London and runs the architectural
the analysis and design of flexible structures His research focuses on applications
of structural dynamics, including
number of drawing techniques and systems. It will and spatial drawing module of the exposed to wind loads. bridge, earthquake and wind
increase your confidence in your sketching Architectural Association foundation
course. Trevor is a visiting lecturer
engineering, and probabilistic
methods, including reliability-
abilities. at the School of Architecture at the Learning outcomes Price and performance-based design.
University of Bath and is a drawing
By the end of the course, you should
instructor in several architectural Member Standard Dr Giorgio Barone is a lecturer
be able to: rate rate
and engineering offices. in structural engineering at
Learning outcomes Intended for • D
 istinguish between and simulate Book 4 weeks
in advance £275 + VAT £385 + VAT Loughborough University.
dynamic wind loads on structures His research, expertise and
By the end of the course, you should Engineers and designers, including Book within interests include structural
• D
 escribe vortex shedding last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT
be able to: product designers, architects and set dynamics, with emphasis on
phenomena on tall structures
• D
 raw confidently using a repertoire
designers, who are seeking 2D and 3D Trevor was a fantastic (such as chimneys and tall buildings)
earthquake and wind engineering,
of techniques and drawing systems
strategies to help visualise spatial teacher; his passion for and their design implications
25% discount on associated as well as lifecycle engineering
concepts. publications: and maintenance optimisation
• D
 raw simple geometric forms,
sketching is inspiring and • P
 ropose means to suppress Manual for the design of timber building of ageing structures.
building details in isometric, Price everything he taught was wind-induced responses structures to Eurocode 5 (2nd edition).
axonometric, section and simple useful and communicated (wind-resistant design and See p.31 for details.
perspectives Member Standard so well as to be absorbed various damping solutions)
rate rate
• E
 xpress a broad range of concepts easily. Intended for Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.2
It was all very useful as it
and forms through drawing Book 4 weeks
£275 + VAT £385 + VAT
in advance
Civil or structural engineers with an provided me with a great
• Draw assuredly from your ‘mind’s eye’ Book within
£305 + VAT £425 + VAT interest in the analysis and design overview on structural
last 4 weeks
• U
 se non-verbal communication of wind-excited flexible structures, dynamics.
professionally such as chimneys, tall buildings and
transmission towers.
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 1.2

34 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 35

Eurocode 1: Eurocode 2:
actions on structures design of concrete
for buildings structures
Dr Gerard Canisius Emily Halliwell Jenny Burridge

Course dates:
28 February
Contact: training@istructe.org 5 December

Aim Tutor Aim Tutors

This course will give a brief introduction to the Dr Gerard Canisius is a Chartered
Structural Engineer and Fellow of the
This course covers the design of common Emily Halliwell is a structural
engineer for The Concrete Centre,
relevant sections of EN 1990 (Basis of Structural IStructE who works as a Risk structural elements to Eurocode 2. Participants will where she promotes efficient
Design) before familiarising you with EN 1991 – 1 Management Consultant. He is an
experienced trainer and was a
be introduced to concrete material properties and concrete design and construction.
Her role includes work on the
– actions on structures, which primarily relates to member of the recent CEN Project learn about designing for durability and fire. The development of Eurocode 2 and
buildings. It will cover densities, self-weight and Teams for revising EN 1990 and
developing guidance on robustness
course considers how Eurocode 2 approaches for providing technical guidance to
designers. Prior to joining The
imposed loads, snow loads, wind loads, thermal of structures. He is the Convenor of flexure, shear, axial load and deflection can be Concrete Centre, she worked on a
actions (other than fire), actions during execution the CEN Working Group responsible
for the development/revision of ENs
used to design concrete beams, slabs and wide range of challenging
engineering schemes, including
and accidental actions. 1991-1-1, 1991-1-6, 1991-1-7 and columns. stations, stadia and commercial
1991-3 and was also the Convenor buildings. She is a Chartered
of BSI’s Working Group for those Member of the ICE and IStructE.
standards and EN 1990.
Jenny Burridge leads the team of
Learning outcomes Intended for Learning outcomes Intended for structural engineers at The Concrete
By the end of the course, you should be Chartered and graduate civil and By the end of the course, you should be Practising structural engineers who are Centre. She is a chartered civil and
able to: structural engineers. It will also be of able to: looking to start designing to Eurocode 2. structural engineer with more than
interest to building control officers, 30 years’ experience in the
• Recognise the parts relating to • Describe Eurocode 2
actions in Eurocode EN 1990: Basis
architects and chartered surveyors. Price construction industry. She has
• D
 esign concrete for beams, slabs and previously worked for Arup and
of Structural Design, which is the
head material-independent code.
Price columns Member Standard
AECOM, designing award winning
rate rate buildings in both the UK and
On request. • Determine cover for a typical element mainland Europe. She is the UK
• Describe the parts and clauses Book 4 weeks
£275 + VAT £385 + VAT representative on the CEN task
relating to buildings in EN 1991-1 • D
 esign elements for bending, in advance
deflection, shear and axial loads group, looking at revisions to the fire
• Explain the UK National Annexes for 25% discount on associated Book within
last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT part of Eurocode 2, and chairs the
EN 1991-1 publications:
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.2, 2.3
BSI Advisory Committee for
Manual for the design of building
• Distinguish the main differences Engineering Design and
structures to Eurocode 1 & Basis of
between EN 1991-1 and BS 6399 25% discount on associated Construction.
Structural Design (Second edition).
Parts 1, 2 and 3 publications:
See p.31 for details.
Manual for the design of concrete building
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.2, 2.3
structures to Eurocode 2 and Standard
method of detailing structural concrete:
4th edition.
See p.31 for details.

36 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 37

Eurocode 3: Eurocode 4:
structural steelwork design composite design
Professor Dennis Lam Bob Benton Professor Dennis Lam

Course dates:
21 March Course date:
23 May 12 September

Aim Tutors Aim Tutor

This course provides an introduction to structural Professor Dennis Lam presents

the in-person course. He is a
This course supports the practising designer with Professor Dennis Lam is a
Chartered Civil and Structural
steelwork design to Eurocode 3 for building Chartered Civil and Structural composite design to Eurocode 4. It will enable an Engineer and Chair in Structural
design. Engineer and Chair in Structural
Engineering at the University of
understanding of the essential requirements of Engineering at the University of
Bradford. He has extensive practical
Bradford. He has extensive practical this code in structural design and how the experience in structural design and
experience in structural design and
analysis, with particular expertise in
code operates. analysis, with particular expertise
in steel and composite structures.
Learning outcomes Intended for steel and composite structures. He He is the leading author of Structural
is the leading author of Structural Steelwork: Design to Limit State
By the end of the course, you should Civil and structural engineers who
Steelwork: Design to Limit State Theory and has published widely
be able to: design, or supervise the design,
Theory and has published widely on Learning outcomes Intended for on structural design and analysis.
of steel buildings or structures.
• Design simple building structures to structural design and analysis.
By the end of the course, you should Civil and structural engineers who
Eurocode 3
Price Bob Benton presents the online be able to: design, or supervise the design,
• Navigate effectively around parts of course. He is a Chartered Structural of composite building structures.
• N
 avigate effectively around parts of
Eurocode 3 necessary for the design Member Standard Engineer with experience of Eurocode 4 for the design of steel
of steel structures rate rate
designing building and civil concrete composite structures
• Understand the basic differences of Book 4 weeks
£275 + VAT £385 + VAT
engineering structures and
in advance motorway projects. He is a visiting • Understand the basic principles of Member Standard
design to BS5950 and Eurocode 3
Book within lecturer at the University of the West composite construction rate rate
• Design tension members last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT
of England, where he teaches • Understand the basic differences of Book 4 weeks
£275 + VAT £385 + VAT
undergraduate, postgraduate and in advance
• Design compression members design to BS5950-3 and Eurocode 4
mid-career engineers. He has also Book within
• Design restrained and unrestrained 25% discount on associated • Design composite slabs with metal last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT
authored educational material for
beams publications: deck flooring
The British Standards Institution.
Manual for the design of steelwork
• Design column base plates building structures to Eurocode 3. • Design composite beams with metal
See p.31 for details. deck flooring
• Design simple joints
• Design composite columns
• Identify the practical issues in steel
buildings design The course was well • Identify the practical issues in
presented and well explained composite structures designing to
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.2, 2.3 by Professor Lam. Eurocode 4.

Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.2, 2.3

38 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 39

Eurocode 5: Eurocode 5:
connections and advanced topics the essentials of
in timber design timber design
Dr Keerthi Ranasinghe Dr Keerthi Ranasinghe

Course dates:
Course date: 15 June
16 June 11 July

Aim Tutor Aim Tutor

This course introduces timber connections in Dr Keerthi Ranasinghe is the

Principal Engineer for Structural
This course offers an introduction to timber design Dr Keerthi Ranasinghe is the
Principal Engineer for Structural
detail and several other advanced topics in timber Timber at BM TRADA and to Eurocode 5. Topics covered include, but are not Timber at BM TRADA and
design to Eurocode 5. Topics covered include: Warringtonfire. Formerly an
academic with research and
limited to: solid timber and engineered timber Warringtonfire. Formerly an
academic with research and
connections with dowel-type fasteners, nails, teaching experience both in the UK products; material properties and modification teaching experience both in the UK
screws, dowels and bolts; timber composites; and abroad, Keerthi has delivered
these timber courses at the
factors; design of beams, columns and and abroad, Keerthi has delivered
these timber courses at the
notched members and slots and holes in timbers; Institution since 2008. Keerthi is the connections; and discussions on deflections and Institution since 2008. Keerthi is the
splitting of timber and other brittle failures; design author of several TRADA
publications, including the Span
vibrations. A quick introduction to loading and author of several TRADA
publications, including the Span
for durability; introductions to the fire and bridges Tables to Eurocode 5, and the Eurocodes is also given. Tables to Eurocode 5, and the
parts of Eurocode 5. Institution’s Manual for the design of
timber building structures to
Institution’s Manual for the design of
timber building structures to
Eurocode 5, 2nd edition. Keerthi sits Learning outcomes Intended for Eurocode 5, 2nd edition. Keerthi sits
in British and European in British and European
Standardisation Committees related By the end of the course, you should Graduates through to senior structural Standardisation Committees related
Learning outcomes Intended for to timber design and was also a be able to: engineers. to timber design and was also a
project team member that wrote the project team member that wrote the
By the end of the course, you should Graduates through to senior structural • R
 ecognise the basics of designing
be able to: engineers.
connections chapter to the second
timber elements to Eurocode 5
Price connections chapter to the second
edition of Eurocode 5. edition of Eurocode 5.
• A
 ssess the intricacies involved in
• D
 esign basic and more intricate Entry criteria designing timber elements to
timber connections to Eurocode 5
Participation at the Eurocode 5: The Eurocode 5 Book 4 weeks
• A
 ppreciate the fracture mechanics in advance £275 + VAT £385 + VAT
essentials of timber design course may • A
 ppraise the wood technology and
aspects of wood behaviour and
be advantageous. scientific research behind certain Book within
This course was an incredibly
scientific research behind certain £305 + VAT £425 + VAT
clauses of Eurocode 5 clauses of Eurocode 5
last 4 weeks thorough and insightful study
Price Discount
of structural timber design.
• A
 ppreciate the use of dowel-type Savings are available when you book • U
 se the peripheral standards and
fasteners and contemporary both Eurocode 5 courses. further commercial information to Discount It’s impressive what we got
Member Standard
connectors for practical applications rate rate See p.31 for details. design with Eurocode 5 Savings are available when you book through in two days - now
both Eurocode 5 courses.
• U
 se the connections chapter of Book 4 weeks 25% discount on associated • U
 se Eurocode 5 for practical See p.31 for details.
I feel confident to practice
£275 + VAT £385 + VAT
Eurocode 5 for practical design
in advance
publications: design situations problems and approach
situations Book within
£305 + VAT £425 + VAT Manual for the design of timber 25% discount on associated design work on my own.
last 4 weeks publications:
building structures to Eurocode 5 (2nd Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Manual for the design of timber
Plus, if your degree didn’t
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.2, 2.3
See p.31 for details. building structures to Eurocode 5 (2nd include this as a course, it’s
edition). well worth it.
See p.31 for details.

40 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 41

Eurocode 6:
masonry design
Professor John Roberts

Manuals supporting Course dates:

the design of structures 10 May


to Eurocodes Aim Tutor

This course provides participants with detailed Professor John Roberts is an

independent consultant and the
SECOND EDITION SECOND EDITION knowledge of masonry design to Eurocode 6 Principal of the Technical Innovation

Manual for the design Manual for the Manual for the design and the National Annexes. Consultancy, which specialises in
supporting innovation in construction.
of building structures to design of steelwork of plain masonry in
Eurocode 1 and Basis of building structures to building structures to He currently chairs the UK panel for
structural design Eurocode 3 Eurocode 6
Eurocode 6 and is the UK project

1 3 6
team member for the revision of the
Learning outcomes Intended for
Manual to Eurocode: Manual to Eurocode: Manual to Eurocode:

Eurocode. He is President of the

International Masonry Society and
On completing the course participants Structural engineers interested in the
Chairman of the International
will have: design of masonry to Eurocode 6.
Production supported by: Advisory Panel for Masonry
• A
 n overview of the design of masonry International.
to the Eurocode
• An understanding of masonry Member Standard
materials rate rate

• Been introduced to the standards Book 4 weeks

in advance £275 + VAT £385 + VAT
supporting the use of masonry
Book within
Manual for the
• An understanding of how to design last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT
geotechnical design
of structures to for vertical load
Eurocode 7 Comprehensive reference tools
for practicing structural engineers
• Completed design examples for 25% discount on associated
Manual to Eurocode:
vertical load and concentrated load publications:
Manual for the design of plain masonry
Sold separately or as a seven- • An understanding of how to design
for lateral load in building structures to Eurocode 6.
volume package See p.31 for details.
• Completed a design example for
lateral load
Available in print or PDF formats
• The knowledge to find relevant
information to support their future

Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.2, 2.3


42 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 43

Eurocode 7:
foundation design for
small practitioners On-demand
Bob Benton

Review Interview
Course date:
preparation course
17 October
A new practical online course to help you
maximise your interview preparation, build
Aim Tutor your portfolio and increase your chances of
success in an accessible and flexible way.
This course covers aspects of the geotechnical Bob Benton is a Chartered
Structural Engineer with experience –––
and structural design of spread and piled of designing building and civil With this course, you will learn to:
‹ Develop your portfolio
foundations. It is tailored for engineers working engineering structures and
motorway projects. He is a visiting
‹ Understand how to prepare for the interview
‹ Learn valuable interview techniques
in small practices. The content is compliant lecturer at the University of the West ‹ Grow your confidence for interview

Price: £295 + VAT

‹ Identify any gaps in your preparation
with Eurocodes 2 and 7, with opportunities for of England, where he teaches
undergraduate, postgraduate and
comparisons with relevant British Standards. mid-career engineers. He has also www.istructe.info/PRI-course
authored educational material for
The British Standards Institution.

Learning outcomes Intended for

By the end of the course, you should Graduate engineers who wish to develop
be able to: practical design skills, and mid-career
engineers, particularly those working
• D
 evelop suitable foundations using
in small practices, who are designing
ground investigation material
foundations and making the transition
• P
 repare scheme designs for spread
and piled foundations
to Eurocodes. CM Exam on-
• A
 nalyse the practical problems
Price demand preparation
involved in the construction of
foundations Member
Prepare for your Chartered Membership Exam wherever
Book 4 weeks
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2
in advance £275 + VAT £385 + VAT you are in the world. Our course contains engaging
videos, sample answers & supporting information from
Book within Chartered members & exam experts that has helped
last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT hundreds achieve chartership
Price: £295 + VAT
25% discount on associated
publications: –––
With this course, you will learn to:
Manual for the geotechnical design ‹ Plan your own preparation for the exam
of structures to Eurocode 7. ‹ Recognise what is required to pass each module
See p.31 for details. ‹ Create viable solutions to exam questions
‹ Use conceptual tools to develop answers
‹ Identify any gaps in your preparation Buy now for
12 months access

44 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 45

Eurocode 8: Eurocode 8:
an introduction to seismic worked examples of the
design of buildings dynamic analysis and seismic
Professor Costas
Georgopoulos design of buildings Professor Costas
Dr. Kong Kian Hau

Course date: Course date:

28 March 29 March

Aim Tutor Aim Tutor

This course delivers key advice and guidance on Professor Costas Georgopoulos
is Chair of Structural Engineering
This course delivers practical advice through the use Professor Costas Georgopoulos
is Chair of Structural Engineering
seismic design of structures to Eurocode 8 as well Practice at Kingston University of worked examples on dynamic analysis, conceptual Practice at Kingston University
as the application of the Eurocode. Emphasis is London. He is also a practising design for earthquake resistance and seismic design London. He is also a practising
engineer with many years’ unique engineer with many years’ unique
placed on reinforced concrete buildings although multi-sector experience in seismic of structural elements to Eurocode 8. Emphasis is multi-sector experience in seismic
the concepts are widely applicable. design such as conventional based on concrete and steel buildings although the design such as conventional
buildings in Greece and state-of-the-
concepts are widely applicable. buildings in Greece and state-of-the
Learning outcomes Intended for art structures in the UK (Trident art structures in the UK (Trident
Submarine Refitting Facility at Submarine Refitting Facility at
By the end of the course, you should Practicing structural and civil engineers Rosyth and Sizewell B Nuclear Learning outcomes Intended for Rosyth and Sizewell B Nuclear
be able to seeking guidance on the application of Power Station). Costas is also author Power Station). Costas is a member
Eurocode 8, graduates undertaking their of the IStructE’s Examples for the By the end of the course, you should Structural and civil practising engineers of BSI B/525/8 expert committee on
• D
 escribe E/Q damages and identify
Initial Professional Development, and seismic design of steel and concrete be able to seeking guidance on the application of Eurocode 8.
their causes
post graduate students, researchers and buildings to Eurocode 8. Eurocode 8, graduates undertaking their
• Understand the dynamic analysis of Dr. Kong Kian Hau is a Senior
• A
 pply principles of conceptual design academics with limited seismic design Initial Professional Development, and
buildings Lecturer with the Department of Civil
of E/Q-resistant structures in practice experience. post graduate students, researchers and
• Carry out the dynamic analysis of a academics with limited seismic design & Environmental Engineering at the
• A
 ppreciate ground motions and
geotechnical aspects in structural
Price 2DOF frame by hand experience. National University of Singapore

seismic design
Costas has such a wealth • Appreciate the principles of
(NUS). Awarded the NUS President
Member Standard of experience and familiarity conceptual design of E/Q-resistant
Entry criteria Graduate Fellowship in 2002, his
• A
 pply performance requirements and rate rate PhD thesis focused on far-field
compliance criteria for various types
with the subject, it was structures For direct entry to day 2, it is expected effects of long-distance earthquake
Book 4 weeks
of buildings in advance £275 + VAT £385 + VAT honestly incredible. I honestly • Describe the provisions of Eurocode 8 that attendees have some experience in tremors from Sumatra to buildings in

• S
 elect models and methods of analysis Book within
believe that we could have • Apply the performance requirements
dynamic and seismic analysis. Singapore. Dr. Kong is a practicing
£305 + VAT £425 + VAT qualified engineer who specializes in
of buildings for seismic actions
last 4 weeks gone for hours more. The and compliance criteria of Eurocode 8 Price Buildings & Infrastructure Projects
• C
 arry out equivalent static analysis of
course notes were incredibly • Carry out building element design to (including bridges) with more the 15
simple buildings Discount considered and informative. Eurocode 8 by hand Member Standard years of experience. Dr Kong is

• Carry out safety verifications

Savings are available when you book Highly recommended. rate rate co-author of the IStructE’s Examples
both Eurocode 8 courses. Book 4 weeks for the seismic design of steel and
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2 £275 + VAT £385 + VAT
• C
 arry out simple structural element See p.31 for details. in advance concrete buildings to Eurocode 8.
design and detail Book within
25% discount on associated last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2
Manual for the seismic design of steel
and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8
and worked examples.
See p.31 for details.

46 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 47

Eurocode 9: Exam preparation
design of aluminium structures
Dr Meini Su

Course dates:
Course date: 15 – 17 May
31 January 11 – 13 December

Aim Tutor Aim Tutors

The aim of this course is to help attendees use Dr Meini Su is a Senior Lecturer in
Structural Engineering at the
This comprehensive three-day course is designed Paul Toplis is a consultant at Price
& Myers consulting engineers with
structural aluminium. It introduces basic University of Manchester. She to prepare you for the IStructE’s Chartered over 30 years’ experience of
considerations as well as giving guidance on studied at The University of Hong
Kong and Imperial College London.
Membership exam; enabling you to approach the designing buildings. He is personally
involved in producing sketch
using Eurocode 9. It includes design examples. Her principal research interests lie in exam with confidence. drawings, calculations and
the areas of structural testing, specifications for projects – bringing
numerical modeling and the ‘hands on’ experience to the course.
development of design guidance for
Chris Smaller is a Chartered Civil
Learning outcomes Intended for aluminum alloy structures and Learning outcomes Intended for and Structural Engineer with over 30
reinforced concrete structures in
By the end of the course, you should The course is primarily intended for marine environment. She is serving By the end of the course, you should Anyone who is preparing to sit years’ experience, including the
be able to: structural engineers who will use in the British Standard Institution be able to: The Institution of Structural Engineers design of high profile buildings in all
Eurocode 9 for the design of buildings (BSI) B/525/9 - Structural use of Chartered Membership Exam and who structural materials. Chris works in all
• L
 ist the considerations necessary • P
 lan your own preparation for sectors and is involved with new
and other civil engineering and structural aluminum. intends to answer non-bridge questions.
when deciding to design in structural the exam commercial, industrial and retail
works including bridges. The basic
aluminium rather than in steel
principles and content will also be useful • R
 ecognise what is required to pass Price developments, refurbishments and
• D
 etermine how to select the most for engineers who will use aluminium in each element of the exam conservation work.
appropriate aluminium alloys for a other applications. Member
• F
 ormulate distinct and viable solutions Victoria Edmondson is a
structural application rate
to exam questions Chartered Structural Engineer with
• E
 xamine the pros and cons of
Price over 15 years’ experience in the UK
Book 4 weeks in advance £595 + VAT
• E
 mploy conceptual tools to develop
different material forms and jointing and abroad. She is passionate
Member Standard efficient solutions to exam questions
methods rate rate Book within last 4 weeks £655 + VAT about coaching the next generation
of structural engineers.
• Perform limit state calculations in Book 4 weeks
£275 + VAT £385 + VAT
accordance with the Eurocode in advance Matt Goswell has worked for a
Book within Contributes to all IPD Core Objectives number of London-based structural
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.2, 2.3 last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT
consultants on projects such as the
Oval cricket ground, KPMG Canary
Wharf and The Shard. To broaden
his horizons, Matt moved into the
energy sector, predominately
working as a lead engineer on
onshore facilities across the world.

All the tutors are marking examiners

for The Institution of Structural
Engineers Chartered Membership

48 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 49

Historic timber structures: Lateral stability of
assessment and reuse building structures
Dr Keerthi Ranasinghe Chris O’Regan

Course dates: Course dates:

2 February 14 March 14:00 – 18:00 GMT
16 November 3 October 14:00 – 18:00 BST

Aim Tutors Aim Tutor

This course introduces timber as an engineering Dr Keerthi Ranasinghe is the

Principal Engineer for Structural
This half-day course covers the methods Chris O’Regan is a Chartered
Structural Engineer and an
material, with a focus on its use in historic Timber at BM TRADA and by which the lateral stability of a building Associate Director at Mason
structures. It covers non-destructive techniques Warringtonfire. Formerly an
academic with research and
structure is achieved. Navarro Pledge. Chris created this
highly interactive course in 2017 and
for condition assessment and strategies for the teaching experience both in the UK has been delivering it ever since.
reuse of heritage structures. and abroad, Keerthi has delivered
these timber courses at the
Chris has been working in the field
of structural engineering for over 30
Institution since 2008. Keerthi is the Learning outcomes Intended for years and draws from his
author of several TRADA experience from developing
By the end of the course, you should Graduate structural engineers who are
publications, including the Span structures for a large variety of
be able to: expected to develop their understanding
Learning outcomes Intended for Tables to Eurocode 5, and the
of the stability of complex, real world
buildings ranging from music halls
Institution’s Manual for the design of • D
 escribe the methods of achieving through to stadia and everything in
By the end of the course, you should Graduates through to senior structural building structures.
timber building structures to lateral stability in buildings between.
be able to: engineers. Eurocode 5, 2nd edition. Keerthi sits
in British and European • R
 ecognise how robustness impacts Price
• R
 ecognise timber as an engineering
material and explain the inherent
Price Standardisation Committees related on lateral stability
Member Standard
strengths and weaknesses of this to timber design and was also a • Identify second order effects on rate rate
organic and ‘living’ material Member Standard project team member that wrote the building structure frames
rate rate Book 4 weeks
connections chapter to the second in advance £205 + VAT £285 + VAT
• Identify the cellular structure of Book 4 weeks edition of Eurocode 5. • Illustrate development and projection
£275 + VAT £385 + VAT
timber in relation to softwoods in advance of load paths in frames Book within
last 4 weeks £225 + VAT £315 + VAT
and hardwoods Book within
Mr. Philip O’Leary is the section
£305 + VAT £425 + VAT • Identify and exploit vertical and
last 4 weeks leader for Timber Technology
• A
 ppreciate the timber grading rules horizontal stability systems
Investigations at BM TRADA, the 25% discount on associated
to softwoods and hardwoods,
25% discount on associated technical authority behind TRADA. publications:
and employ the rules and strategies Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2
publications: With around 30 years of post- • Stability of buildings Parts 1 and 2:
in assigning strength classes to
Manual for the design of timber building qualifying experience, Phil has General philosophy and framed bracing
timber used in existing structures
structures to Eurocode 5 (2nd edition). published in local and international • Stability of buildings Part 3: Shear walls
• L
 ist the non-destructive testing See p.31 for details. journals about wood science. Phil is • Stability of buildings Part 4:
techniques available in assessing the leading authority at TRADA for Moment frames (These titles may also
timber used in historic structures Visual Strength Grading and is also be purchased as a three volume
the Assessor for Qualified Visual package.)
• D
 istinguish the simple structural
Strength Graders. • Practical guide to structural
forms of constructions used in historic
robustness and disproportionate
collapse in buildings
See p.31 for details.
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.3

50 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 51

Net-zero structural design
I haven’t attended such an
interactive and engaging
Will Arnold Oliver Broadbent
online course before. Will
and Oliver’s enthusiasm and
Course dates: energy really came across.
Begins 2 February 14:00 – 16:00 GMT
Begins 20 April 14:00 – 16:00 BST
Begins 7 September 09:30 – 11:30 BST
Begins 9 November 14:00 – 16:00 GMT

Aim Tutors

This popular course is delivered as a series of Will Arnold is Head of Climate

Action at the IStructE. He leads the
interactive online sessions across five weeks, Institution’s response to the climate
supported by individual study. It will enable you to emergency, bringing this action into
all aspects of the organisations work
design structures with net-zero emissions. including the publication of best-
practice emergency guidance. Prior
to his current role, he was a
Learning outcomes Intended for practising structural engineer at
By the end of the course, you should Near-chartered and chartered structural Arup for over ten years. He sits on
be able to engineers, involved in structural design the Structural Awards Judging Panel
on a day-to-day basis. and is a member of the Editorial
• Communicate what net-zero means Advisory Group for The Structural
and how to achieve it
Entry criteria Engineer.
• Identify opportunities for reducing
Must have completed the Embodied Oliver Broadbent is the founder
carbon in design, including through
Carbon Basics on-demand course. and director of Constructivist. He
reimagining briefs
works with leaders, teams and
• Specify materials in a way that is Price organisations to help them build
beneficial for the industry, not just their creativity. He trains engineers
your project and architects in conceptual design,
Member Standard
rate rate and works with universities and
• Think holistically beyond just
colleges to create innovative new
structure, towards low carbon overall Book 4 weeks
£485 + VAT £675 + VAT
in advance approaches to engineering
Book within
education. Oliver was appointed Topic discussions with Will,
• Understand the basics of offsetting, £535 + VAT £745 + VAT 1851 Royal Commission Fellow in
its limitations and opportunities
last 4 weeks
Regenerative Design in 2022 and
Oliver and all participants
was awarded the Sir Misha Black were useful. The course has
Award for Innovation in Design delivered all the items that
Education in 2022. I hoped it would and more.
It has installed a foundation
from which I can go away
and build on. I have a better
understanding of how to
communicate low carbon
ideas with the design team
and clients.

52 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 53

Rapid calculations for
structural engineers

Course dates:
26 April 10:00 – 13:30 BST
29 November 10:00 – 13:30 GMT

Aim Tutors

This half-day online course provides a theoretical Rachael De’Ath has more than 19
years design experience. She
framework for rapid problem-solving concept worked at Arup for the majority of
calculations. Applying this to practical exercises’ this and has recently started a new
role with Marbas, a smaller
attendees will learn how to undertake rapid engineering consultancy, to open
calculations for different structural members using a their new Bristol office. She also
small scheme as an example and considering spent 3 year lecturing at the
University of Bristol and continues to
deflection, limit, and materials. be a guest lecturer. She prefers
working on re-use projects, where
the existing structure is creatively
Learning outcomes Intended for re-imagined into something new.
She was names as one of the
By the end of the course, you should This course is suitable for early career
Women’s Engineering Society’s ‘Top
be able to structural engineers and those preparing
50 female engineers’ in 2018.
for the Chartered Membership Exam.
• Understand the difference between
rapid concept calculations and
detailed design calculations
• Employ a useful framework for rapid
calculations using typical structural
Rachael De’Ath hosted
design problems Book 4 weeks
brilliantly. It was really well
• Use your own experience to inform
in advance £205 + VAT £285 + VAT
paced and engaging, with
your rapid design calculations Book within
£225 + VAT £315 + VAT
good examples of when we
last 4 weeks
• Consider the types of questions to
can use these tricks. I feel
ask and have the confidence to like it will be very helpful for
answer others quickly the Structures Exam, as well
as general use.

54 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 55

Reliability, resilience and
robustness in structural
engineering design
Caroline Field Dr Alessandro Palmeri

Course date:
14 September

Should you be Aim Tutors

This interactive online course will share current Prof Caroline Field is a Partner at

getting CROSS? state-of-the-art frameworks for the adoption of

resilience-based design in professional practice,
PA Consulting and leads their
resilience business. Caroline has a
background in asset and
infrastructure resilience with over 26
demonstrating advantages compared to a years of professional experience
traditional prescriptive design and providing including 12 years in counter
terrorism, blast mitigation and
examples of how they benefit the client. physical security and 7 years in
earthquake engineering and
Learning outcomes Intended for Dr Alessandro Palmeri leads
the Structures and Materials Group
By the end of the course, you should Practising civil and structural engineers
CROSS (Collaborative Reporting for Safer Structures) be able to: who are keen to achieve resilience and
at Loughborough University.
His research focuses on applications
shares knowledge to help create a safer built • D
 ifferentiate between reliability, risk
robustness in structural design beyond
of structural dynamics, including
the application of prescriptive codes of
and resilience when quantifying bridge, earthquake and wind
environment. Information is freely available structural performance
practice. It will also be of interest to
engineering, and probabilistic
those from other construction disciplines
methods, including reliability-
and covers fire and structural safety. • Appreciate the role of robustness and who wish to obtain a basic introduction
and performance-based design.
resilience in the design of structures to performance-based structural
engineering and the concept and
Find lessons learned, improve your knowledge, and confidentially • Understand the role of aleatory and
practical application of resilience in
report safety concerns. Sign up to CROSS and you’ll receive epistemic uncertainties in the design
design practice.
of structures
regular Newsletters and updates on emerging safety issues.
• Decide which design situations are Price
best suited for the adoption of
Helping you create a safer built environment performance-based approaches, and
justify their use in the professional
practice Book 4 weeks
in advance £275 + VAT £385 + VAT
• Break down the application of
performance-based design into Book within
£305 + VAT £425 + VAT
last 4 weeks
sequential stages, from assessing the
relevant hazards to estimating the
resulting losses

 Visit www.cross-safety.org or • Recommend a range of structural and

non-structural solutions to enhance


scan the QR code to find out more resilience and robustness
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2

56 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 57

Seismic design Steel essentials:
of structures practical design of
structural steelwork
Dr Agathoklis Giaralis Prof Konstantinos Dr Panagiotis Mergos Richard Dixon
Daniel Tsavdaridis

Course dates: Course date:

5 – 6 June 2 October

Aim Tutors Aim Tutor

This course introduces seismic design of civil engineering Dr Agathoklis Giaralis is the Director
of the Research Centre for Civil
This course presents practical guidance on key Richard Dixon is a chartered
engineer who has worked in the
structures. It builds on the basics of structural dynamics and
Engineering Structures at City, aspects of preliminary scheme development and steel industry for the last 25 years.
engineering seismology. The course focusses on seismic
loading and design codes, conceptual seismic design principles
University of London (CUoL). His
research output documented in over
detailed scheme design in structural steelwork. Before partnering with Steel for Life,
he worked for British Steel/Corus/
and analysis for seismic loading, and design and detailing of 90 peer-reviewed articles are in Tata Steel for 16 years in number of
structural dynamics and earthquake different roles. Latterly, he led the
structural members.
engineering with a focus on Structural Advisory Service at Tata
probabilistic seismic analysis Learning outcomes Intended for Steel in the joint venture with the
Learning outcomes Intended for methods and on vibration control
By the end of the course, you should Primarily structural engineers, but the
BCSA, leading the team of
devices for high seismically structural engineers responsible for
By the end of the course, you should Practising structural design engineers be able to: course has been structured to
performing structures. the promotion of efficient design in
be able to: and consultants seeking guidance on concentrate on good practice in steel
• C
 ompare steel construction options structural steelwork to the
seismic design of structures, graduates Prof Konstantinos Daniel construction rather than focus on how
• Identify situations where earthquake available at preliminary scheme construction industry in the UK.
undertaking their Initial Professional Tsavdaridis is Professor of Structural to complete design calculations.
loading must be included in the development and determine the
Development, and post graduate Engineering in the Department of Civil
design of structures and how to
students, researchers and academics Engineering at City, CUoL. His
optimum design solution Price
define this loading
with limited seismic design experience. research is centred around steel and • A
 pply a simple methodology for
• U
 nderstand the basic principles of steel-concrete composite structural preliminary sizing of members to Member Standard
seismic design and select appropriate Price systems and he has published over enable budget costing to be developed rate rate

performance requirements for 160 peer-reviewed articles. He Book 4 weeks

£275 + VAT £385 + VAT
• J udge the significance of steel grade in advance
structures subjected to earthquake Member Standard specialises in the design of seismic-
and subgrade for structural steelwork
loads rate rate resistant connections and he has Book within
and their suitability for specification last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT
Book 4 weeks performed full and large-scale
• S
 elect an appropriate structural £485 + VAT £675 + VAT
in advance experiments and advanced • R
 esponsibilities for different parties
configuration for a building situated in
computational modelling. under UKCA Marking
a seismic zone Book within
£535 + VAT £745 + VAT 25% discount on associated
last 4 weeks
Dr Panagiotis Mergos is Senior • D
 escribe key aspects of robustness publications:
• Analyse a building for seismic loading
Lecturer in Structural Engineering and and corrosion protection Manual for the design of steelwork
• D
 esign and detail reinforced concrete 25% discount on associated the Programme Director of the MSc in building structures to Eurocode 3.
• D
 esign for fire and assess the benefits
structures publications: Civil Engineering Structures at CUoL. See p.31 for details.
of critical temperature calculation for
• A
 ppreciate seismic design and Manual for the seismic design of steel He has worked for 18 years in seismic fire protection
detailing of steel and steel-concrete and concrete buildings to Eurocode 8 design and assessment of structures
and worked examples. as a researcher and as a consultant • Identify resources available to assist
composite structures
See p.31 for details. and he is panel member of the UK with the use of structural steelwork
• A
 ppreciate seismic design of highway Mirror Group MG2 developing the in construction
bridges next interation of Eurocode 8, Part 1.
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2

58 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 59

Structural concepts – Structural engineering for
designing more efficient non-structural engineers
Dr Tianjian Ji Chris O’Regan

Course dates:
Course date: 15 February
13 June 20 September

Aim Tutor Aim Tutor

This course provides engineers with an enhanced Dr Tianjian Ji is a Reader in

Structural Engineering at the
A guide to the field of structural engineering in Chris O’Regan is a Chartered
Structural Engineer and an
intuitive understanding of four structural concepts University of Manchester. He relation to buildings for construction industry Associate Director at Mason Navarro
and their implementation routes and measures for developed “Seeing and Touching
Structural concepts” for gaining an
professionals. Pledge. Chris created this highly
interactive course in 2017 and has
creating desirable distribution of internal forces intuitive understanding by using been delivering it ever since. Chris
and for achieving more efficient structures. simple physical models and
appropriate practical examples. He
has been working in the field of
structural engineering for over 30
is the author of two books, Learning outcomes Intended for years and draws from his experience
“Understanding and Using from developing structures for a
By the end of the course, you should Construction industry professionals and
Structural Concepts” and large variety of buildings ranging
Learning outcomes Intended for “Structural Design Against
be able to: those who might need an understanding
from music halls through to stadia
of structural engineering in their day-to-
Deflection”. • Appreciate how forces due to gravity and everything in between.
By the end of the course, you should Graduate engineers approaching day job, but are not trained structural
and other effects are resisted in a
be able to: chartership. The course is also relevant engineers.
building’s structure
for experienced engineers who wish to
• Identify and analyse four key
structural concepts and their
enhance their holistic comprehension of • Demonstrate a knowledge of the tools Price
structural design against deflection. available to the structural engineer to
implementation The course will enable me counter these effects Member Standard
• Recognise intuitive ways to interpret Price to provide more efficient rate rate
• Appreciate the concept of efficient
structural behaviour designs based on basic design and its impact on embodied Book 4 weeks
£275 + VAT £385 + VAT
• Appreciate innovative engineering Member Standard concepts rather than energy
in advance
rate rate
solutions for reducing deflections complex computer analysis. • Appreciate finite element analysis
Book within
£305 + VAT £425 + VAT
Book 4 weeks last 4 weeks
• Identify physical measures embedded in advance £275 + VAT £385 + VAT Especially important at methods
in existing structures which effectively Book within
initial design stage where • Develop an appreciation of key
£305 + VAT £425 + VAT
reduce deflections last 4 weeks limited time is available engineering concepts and terminology
• Recognise the interaction between to provide solutions to
structural concepts and design structural problems. Contributes to IPD Core Objective 3.1

Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1

60 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 61

Structural engineering Structural robustness
with bamboo and disproportionate
David Trujillo Seb Kaminski Gavin Knowles

Course date: Course date:

26 September 8 June

Aim Tutors Aim Tutor

This course will equip attendees with practical David Trujillo has been researching
bamboo for over 23 years and has
This course equips practising engineers to Gavin Knowles is a lecturer at the
University of Bath and prior to this
knowledge about structural design with bamboo authored or co-authored more than undertake the full structural design of a building, has worked in practice as a
stems (culms). The course considers aspects of 30 publications on the subject,
including the IStructE Technical
including designing a robust building to avoid Chartered structural engineer. His
previous projects including many
concept design, detailed design and durability Papers on bamboo within The disproportionate collapse. The course covers education and office buildings, along
by design. Structural Engineer. He is a member
of the committee that drafted four
designing buildings of Class 1 – 2B and with conservation and refurbishment
projects, interweaved with diverse
ISO standards for bamboo (some of alterations/change of use of existing buildings. structures, such as rammed
which are now British Standards). chalk-walled houses, recycled
Learning outcomes Intended for material stages at WOMAD Festival
Learning outcomes Intended for Seb Kaminski is a structural and the odd sculpture. He now
engineer in Arup’s Specialist By the end of the course, you should Newly chartered or almost chartered teaches Structural Design,
By the end of the course, you should Structural engineers in global north Structures Team and a specialist in be able to: engineers who are independently doing Conservation and leads on student
be able to: who work with glulam and timber and the use of bamboo, especially for the outline, scheme and detailed design
• D
 escribe the layout and structure of design projects.
are exploring alternatives. Structural housing in seismic areas.. He led the of buildings.
• D
 escribe the structural characteristics a robust building and explain what
engineers working in global south with IStructE Technical Papers on
of bamboo culms makes a building vulnerable
an interest in building with sustainable bamboo within The Structural Price
• List and interpret the advantages and materials. Engineer and was also involved in • S
 ummarise which legislation is
limitations of using bamboo culms as the revision of ISO 22156 (Structural relevant to disproportionate collapse Member Standard
a structural product Price Design of Bamboo). and identify key clauses rate rate

• Identify where and how bamboo • C

 lassify buildings into their types, Book 4 weeks
£275 + VAT £385 + VAT
Member Standard in advance
culms may be used appropriately rate rate with respect to building use and size
within a building structure Book within
• O
 utline different approaches for last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT
Book 4 weeks
£275 + VAT £385 + VAT
• D
 etermine the capacity of bamboo in advance achieving robustness
culms and their connections through Book within
£305 + VAT £425 + VAT • D
 etermine a strategy for robustness 25% discount on associated
basic calculations last 4 weeks
compliance for buildings of different publications:
• E
 xamine the state-of-the-art of material types, use and size Practical guide to structural robustness
structural design with engineered and disproportionate collapse in
bamboo • Have an appreciation of fire protection buildings and Manual for the systematic
of different building materials and risk assessment of high-risk structures
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
how fire safety plays a role in all against disproportionate collapse. Also
building design available as a two-volume package.
See p.31 for details.
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2

62 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 63

Temporary Timber workshop:
works design design through worked examples
Dr Keerthi Ranasinghe

Course dates:
6 – 7 March Course date:
13 – 14 November 12 July

Aim Tutor Aim Tutor

This two-day course provides participants with Ray Filip has over 35 years’
experience in the field of temporary
This advanced practical workshop will teach Dr Keerthi Ranasinghe is the
Principal Engineer for Structural
an understanding of the basic principles of works design and management and complex timber engineering through worked Timber at BM TRADA and
temporary works design. is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil
Engineers. He has spent 20 years
examples. It encourages problem-solving through Warringtonfire. Formerly an
academic with research and
working for contractors in the UK teaching tools and group discussion. teaching experience both in the UK
and abroad and is a member of the and abroad, Keerthi has delivered
committee responsible for revising these timber courses at the
Learning outcomes Intended for BS5975 (British Standard for Institution since 2008. Keerthi is the
By the end of the course, you should Civil or structural engineering graduates
temporary works). Ray is currently Learning outcomes Intended for author of several TRADA
a self-employed consultant having publications, including the Span
be able to: from contractors to consultants with
formed RKF Consult Ltd in 2007. By the end of the course, you will learn Graduate and entry level engineers Tables to Eurocode 5, and the
some basic understanding of the design
• D
 escribe the principles of basic about: wishing to fast track their timber design Institution’s Manual for the design of
process, or those who wish to further
temporary works design methodologies experience. timber building structures to
their design knowledge and experience. • Member sizing Eurocode 5, 2nd edition. Keerthi sits
• E
 xplain temporary loads, potential Experienced engineers with current in British and European
modes of failure and practical Price The best course I have
• Tapered and curved members
projects wishing to refresh their timber Standardisation Committees related
considerations • C
 onnections, moment connections knowledge.
Member Standard
been on, very useful. Ray and avoiding brittle failures
to timber design and was also a
• C
 alculate concrete pressures and project team member that wrote the
design formwork, falsework and
rate rate presented brilliantly and left Entry criteria connections chapter to the second
• Fire design
back-propping Book 4 weeks
£485 + VAT £675 + VAT
no stone unturned. edition of Eurocode 5.
in advance Attendance at the Eurocode 5: The
• Design a simple trench support scheme
— • Stability and vertical diaphragm walls
Essentials of Timber Design course or
Book within
last 4 weeks £535 + VAT £745 + VAT Ray was very good at • Vibration analysis familiarity with timber engineering to
• A
 pply basic wind loading and design
a site hoarding
explaining the various • S
 trength and stiffness of cross- Eurocode 5.
topics and was able to laminated timber
• D
 esign outrigger spreader pads for
answer all questions. Price
mobile cranes • Glued-in rods

• Design a simple needling scheme Member Standard

Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 rate rate
• A
 pply the principles behind temporary Book 4 weeks
£275 + VAT £385 + VAT
works for demolition, facade retention in advance
and structural propping, basement Book within
construction and scaffolding design last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT

• Discuss loads and modes of failure

25% discount on associated
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.2, 2.5 publications:
Manual for the design of timber building
structures to Eurocode 5 (2nd edition).
See p.31 for details.

64 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 65

Understanding Understanding
structural behaviour structural design
Mark Moppet Mark Moppet

Course dates: Course dates:

9 – 10 May 10 – 11 October

Aim Tutors Aim Tutors

This two-day course shows engineers how to Mark Moppett has 37 years of
experience and was Senior Partner
This two-day course extends the principles Mark Moppett has 37 years of
experience and was Senior Partner
arrive at a qualitative solution to both create a and then Managing Director at Booth developed in the Understanding structural and then Managing Director at Booth
structure and check computational results. King from 2006 to 2021. He is now
Director and remains a fully practising
behaviour course. It covers more complex real King from 2006 to 2021. He is now
Director and remains a fully practising
engineer, committed to the training structures and failures; and the important skills of engineer, committed to the training
and development of engineers. Prior
to his role at Booth King, Mark was an
approximate analysis for checking computational and development of engineers. Prior
to his role at Booth King, Mark was an
Learning outcomes Intended for Associate with international output and member sizing. Associate with international
consultancy Arup in London, Hong consultancy Arup in London, Hong
By the end of the course, you should Recent graduates from BEng or MEng
Kong and latterly Manchester, Kong and latterly Manchester,
be able to: courses. As the course is non-numerical,
delivering projects both nationally and delivering projects both nationally and
it will also be of interest to those from
• A
 pply a qualitative approach to the other construction disciplines who wish
internationally. Learning outcomes Intended for internationally.
solution of a range of framed structures to obtain a basic introduction to
By the end of the course, you should Recently qualified graduates under
• A
 pply checking protocols for structural engineering.
be able to: training who wish to improve their skills
computational output and establish a in structural modelling. The course
reliable interpretation of the results Price The level of interaction, • Review the modelling process will also be of interest to experienced
• A
 pply the qualitative approach to
Member Standard
course content and delivery • R
 ecognise the fundamental behaviour engineers who are returning to the
structural design office.
the approximate analysis of structures rate rate quality of the course was of structural elements
as an aid to the creation of the
structural model
Book 4 weeks
£485 + VAT £675 + VAT
excellent. • Appreciate overall structural equilibrium The course is excellent preparation for
in advance The Institution of Structural Engineers’
• Describe the behaviour of 3D structures
• D
 etermine appropriate protocols Book within Chartered Membership Exam.
last 4 weeks £535 + VAT £745 + VAT
for the development of these skills in • Interpret and explain the behaviour
the design office of real structures Entry criteria
• R
 educe complex structures to Attendance at the Understanding
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2
simpler forms structural behaviour course is
• C
 omprehend the approximate analysis recommended.
of sub-frames for member sizing
• D
 escribe the case studies:
Swiss Re HQ, London, and
Member Standard
Centre Pompidou, Paris rate rate

Book 4 weeks
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.1, 2.2 in advance £485 + VAT £675 + VAT

Book within
last 4 weeks £535 + VAT £745 + VAT

66 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 67

Using computational
design in practice
Harri Lewis

Course dates:
5 – 6 September 10:00 – 17:30 BST

Aim Tutor

This practical course introduces engineers to Harri Lewis is an expert in applying

and teaching computational
various computational design methods and methods for structural design. He is
systems. You will experiment with visual the co-founder of Mule Studio, an
award-winning design studio who
programming (using Grasshopper) and text-based specialise in computational design,
programming (using C#). You will see how industrial design, architecture and
teaching. He is a chartered engineer
automation can improve engineers’ workflows. who previously worked in the
No previous experience of computational design is Specialist Modelling Group at Foster
+ Partners and Ramboll
required. Computational Design.

Learning outcomes Intended for

By the end of the course, you will have: Professional engineers.
• G
 enerated parametric structural
• S
 een and implemented various Member Standard
options for parametrically analysing rate rate
structures Book 4 weeks
in advance £485 + VAT £675 + VAT
• E
 xplored the differences between
visual and text-based programming Book within
£535 + VAT £745 + VAT
last 4 weeks
• R
 ecognised how and why various
data structures are used
25% discount on associated
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.2
Computational engineering.
See p.31 for details.
I enjoyed very much
the overall course
structure. Particularly,
the introduction of
software and plugins
set the scene of the

68 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 69

Vibration serviceability of Wind loading on structures
building floors to EN 1991-1-4
Professor Aleksandar Dr Paul Reynolds John Owen

Course date: Course date:

14 June 6 September

Aim Tutors Aim Tutor

The current demand for many floors is open plan, Professor Aleksandar Pavic is a This course introduces EN 1991-1-4 for John Owen is Associate Professor
Professor of Vibration Engineering at the University of Nottingham,
slender and lightweight. As such, vibration and not at the University of Exeter, with determining wind actions on structures. It outlines where he has taught structural
strength govern their design. This course will expertise in vibration serviceability the basic principles behind the code and covers analysis and design since 1993. He
of building floors. His co-authorship has research interests in wind
equip engineers to appreciate state-of-the-art or contribution has been recognised each step of the procedure for calculating the engineering and structural dynamics
vibration serviceability design and assessment for in state-of-the-art design guidelines wind loads on structures. Attention is given to and has conducted research on
pertinent to floor vibration tubular structures and structural
low-frequency, high-frequency floors, cross- serviceability which are currently important features introduced by the UK NA. health monitoring. John is a Fellow
laminated timber and other lightweight floors and used in the UK and internationally of the UK Wind Engineering Society,
for checking floors, footbridges and where he was also Chair from
best practice in testing and mitigation. grandstands. He is also the
Learning outcomes Intended for 2009-2012.
Managing Director of Full Scale By the end of the course, you should Recently graduated civil and structural
Dynamics Ltd, a 15-year old
Learning outcomes Intended for university spin-off company
be able to: engineers who wish to study wind
effects on structures in greater detail.
By the end of the course, you should Structural and civil engineers dealing specialising in commercial testing, • D
 escribe the basic principles of
be able to: with the pervasive problems of building monitoring and performance EN 1991-1-4 Price
floor vibration, including low-frequency, assessment of full-scale civil
• D
 etermine site-specific wind data
• Master the basic terminology used in high-frequency, mass timber and engineering structures.
for a site in the UK Member Standard
floor vibration serviceability modular floors. rate rate
Dr Paul Reynolds is an expert in • D
 etermine the design wind loads
• Undertake basic vibration civil engineering vibration with Book 4 weeks
serviceability checks of a typical floor Price specialism in structural vibration
on a typical building structure and in advance £275 + VAT £385 + VAT
its cladding
structure control. He is CEO of FSD Active Book within
last 4 weeks £305 + VAT £425 + VAT
Member Standard Limited, an innovative technology
• Appreciate the vibration mitigation rate rate Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.2
technologies available to reduce company who have brought to
Book 4 weeks market CALM®FLOOR, which is the
embodied carbon pertinent to floor in advance £275 + VAT £385 + VAT 25% discount on associated
vibration serviceability world’s first volume produced active publications:
Book within
£305 + VAT £425 + VAT mass damper product for floors. He • Manual for the design of timber
• Carry out basic vibration serviceability last 4 weeks
was previously Professor of building structures to Eurocode 5
check for a floor featuring an active Structural Dynamics and Control at (2nd edition).
mass damper the Universities of Sheffield and
Exeter and still holds an honorary • Manual for the design of building
Contributes to IPD Core Objective 2.2 Professorship in Exeter. structures to Eurocode 1 & Basis of
structural design (2nd edition).

See p.31 for details.

70 The Institution of Structural Engineers Technical Courses 71

Frequently asked

Q. How can I get 25% discount Q. Are there reduced rates Q. Can live courses be
on associated publications? for students or those that are recorded to watch back on-
unemployed or on low demand?
The Institution’s manuals and guides act
as a valuable supplementary resource incomes? No. Our courses are run as workshops
to the live teaching – and where with a limited number of participants.
The CPD programme is generally aimed
relevant, are identified in the course This is so we can give tutors the
at postgraduates and those further on in
description. An exclusive 25% discount opportunity to build hands-on, individual
their careers. It is therefore not suitable
is available to course participants. Email and group work into the day and give
for undergraduate students, and so we
library@istructe.org to claim your participants the chance to ask questions.
have not set a student rate. However,
discount code. This format doesn’t lend itself to
any Institution member who is paying
the Low Income Reduction (LIR) livestreaming or filming in the same way
Q. Why are some courses membership subscription fee can claim as a lecture.
more expensive than others? the same percentage reduction on
course bookings. The LIR rate is often Q: I have booked on a
IStructE members pay circa 30% less
than the standard (non-member) rate.
an option for postgraduate students, or course. What happens now?
those on low incomes or not in
employment, etc. If you believe this You will receive a booking confirmation
If you book more than one month prior to
applies to you, please contact when you book then joining instructions
the course date you can take advantage
training@istructe.org. and further information two weeks prior
of the lower early booking rates.
to the course date.
Our pricing is benchmarked against Q. Are the courses mostly If you have any queries please get in
training offered by other professional in London? touch with training@istructe.org at any
engineering bodies.
The 2023 professional development
Any surplus generated is Gift Aided programme will be delivered primarily
back to the Institution to further its online with some courses held at our
Q. I’m interested in attending
charitable aims. London headquarters. a course pair. How do I get the
Alternatively, many of our courses can
be delivered to your teams on your Some of our one-day courses are paired
premises, at a place and time that suits with another relevant course and can
your organisation. form a two day course. If you are
interested in attending courses marked
as a pair you can claim a 20% discount
on the second course when booking.
Please email training@istructe.org to
request a discount code.

72 The Institution of Structural Engineers Frequently Asked Questions 73

Terms and

By booking your place on a Continuing “we”, “us” and “our” means IStructE The price does not include any travel costs In proving the service of any notice, If we haven’t received a minimum such failure or delay was caused or
Professional Development Course you Limited, a company registered with or any costs of accommodation. The price it will be sufficient to prove, in the case number of bookings, we may need to contributed to by an act or omission
are entering into a binding agreement. Companies House and incorporated relates solely to attendance at the course, of a letter, that such letter was properly cancel a course. We will offer a full by you or any Participant.
Your booking is confirmed as soon as in England and Wales (registered (which includes refreshments and a buffet addressed, stamped and placed in the refund or a transfer to a future date.
payment is received. If you request an number 2444141). IStructE Limited is lunch for full day face-to-face courses post and, in the case of an email that The exclusions and limitations of liability
invoice to pay by BACS, your booking will the wholly-owned trading subsidiary of only). such email was sent to the specified The Course shall not apply to any loss suffered by
not be confirmed until payment has The Institution of Structural Engineers. e-mail address of the addressee. any person arising out of:
Special requirements A substitution of a Participant named
reached our account. The registered address for IStructE
All notices given by you to us must be on your booking can be requested by the fraud and/or fraudulent
Limited is 47-58 Bastwick Street,
If you are attending in-person training Special requirements must be requested given to The Institution of Structural giving written notice to us. We reserve misrepresentation of the person seeking
London, EC1V 3PS
you are advised to take out appropriate at least five working days prior to the Engineers, 47-58 Bastwick Street, the right to accept or deny your request. to rely on the exclusion or limitation; and
travel insurance, as we will not accept “you” and “your” means, if you are acting Course. Any requests made after London, EC1V 3PS, UK, or by email
this date cannot be guaranteed and During the Course the presenter may death or personal injury resulting from
any liability for travel, accommodation as a consumer, the person named on to training@istructe.org.
additional charges may apply, including, use their own copyrighted material. negligence on the part of the person
or other expenses incurred as a the Course booking and if you are acting
but not limited to vegan or kosher Cancellations Any unauthorised recording, copying seeking to rely on the exclusion or
consequence of a possible Course as a business, the organisation named
menus; special access requirements. or posting of this material is an limitation.
cancellation or postponement. In any as the “Company” on the Course booking.
Cancellations can be requested online or infringement of their copyright.
event, The Institution of Structural You are responsible for taking
Price and Payment Communication by email. If you cancel on or before one
Engineers will not accept liability We reserve the right to refuse entry appropriate insurance cover in
month before the Course date, we will
for any loss, including incidental You accept that communication with us to the Course to any Participant if, connection with your attendance at the
Ticket prices are exclusive of VAT. refund your booking fee in full or cancel
or consequential damages, etc. may be electronic. We may contact you in our opinion or the opinion of the Course. Where a Participant is travelling
your invoice. If you cancel less than one
Bookings should be made online and by email or provide you with information month before the Course no refund will presenter, the Participants’ behaviour from outside of the United Kingdom
paid via Visa or Mastercard. You can by posting notices on our website. be given. If an invoice was requested is considered inappropriate. In this case to attend the Course, appropriate
For the purposes of these terms and also request to pay by BACS. An invoice For contractual purposes, you agree to and you request a cancellation less than they may be refused entry or asked to travel insurance should be purchased
conditions: will be supplied within two working days. this electronic means of communication a month before the Course, you will still leave and excluded from the Course independently and in advance of any
and you acknowledge that all contracts, be liable to complete payment. without refund or compensation. travel or travel bookings.
the “Course” refers to the Professional Payment must be received by notices, information and other Reasonable security searches at
Development workshop or lecture The Institution of Structural Engineers communications that we provide to If we cancel the course, we will refund the Venue may take place. The views expressed by any presenter
within 14 days of the invoice date or you electronically comply with any legal all booking fees paid. We do not, at the Course are representative of the
“Participant” means a person for 48 hours before the start of the course, requirement that such communications however, accept liability for travelling, Liability presenter’s own opinions and cannot
whom you have ordered or purchased whichever comes earlier. be in writing. This condition does not accommodation or any other expenses in any way be attributed to us. We are
a place to the Course including yourself The Institution of Structural Engineers not liable for the content of the Course,
affect your statutory rights. incurred as a result of any cancellation
(if you are an individual) Your place on the Course is confirmed shall not be liable to you or any although we take reasonable checks
or postponement of the Course.
once payment has been received We may give notice to you at either the Participant (whether such liability arises to ensure that it is appropriate.
“Venue” means The Institution of in cleared funds. You will receive email or postal address you provide to Our liability for loss or damage in contract, tort (including negligence)
Structural Engineers, 47-58 Bastwick confirmation of your booking by email. us on booking, or in any of the ways incurred as the result of cancellation or or otherwise for: Correspondence Address:
Street, London, EC1V 3PS, UK (unless specified. Notice will be deemed postponement of the Course is limited
otherwise stated). We reserve the right to change (for a any loss of profit, loss of or damage to Professional Development Courses
received and properly served immediately to the amount of your booking fee.
reasonable alternative) the delivery reputation or goodwill or any indirect, IStructE Limited
when posted on our website, 24 hours
format, start and finishing times, dates, If the Course is postponed for reasons special or consequential damages, loss, 47-58 Bastwick Street
after an email is sent, or three days
speaker or presenter and the venue of beyond the direct control of the organisers costs, claims or expenses of any kind; London EC1V 3PS
after the date of posting of any letter.
the Course without incurring any liability (Force Majeure), this booking will be and/or
to you. Email: training@istructe.org
transferred to the revised date of the
any loss or damage arising from a failure
Course and all these Terms and
or delay in performing our obligations
Conditions shall apply to any such
under the Contract to the extent that
transferred booking.

74 The Institution of Structural Engineers Terms and Conditions 75

In-house training
Tailored training to help you achieve individual, The team at IStructE were
team and organisational objectives. instrumental in helping us
achieve a fully re-vamped training
programme that delivers the very
best in available technical training
For many of our courses, we can offer Tailored prices
to our staff. We have been able to
delivery to your teams in your premises,
In-house training prices are based on adapt the course offerings to suit
at a place and time that suits your
the unique training solution that you our own timetable and also to
require. Costs are negotiated when deliver the courses successfully
There are two possibilities: one is that our we discuss and agree your requirements in an online environment. Our
trainer can deliver an identical course to with you. Contact us if you require employees have been hugely
the one they deliver as part of the more information on how our tailored impressed by the quality of the
Institution’s Professional Development pricing works. teaching and the professionalism
course programme. The trainer can also of the delivery team. I am very
design and deliver a more bespoke training@istructe.org grateful to the team at the
course, based on your teams’ and IStructE for their assistance
organisations’ specific needs. and flexibility and for helping us
develop an exciting and diverse
We’ve highlighted the courses that have training programme.”
the in-house training option by featuring
this tag on the course page, although we
may be able to deliver other courses
from our programme in-house also. The
offer is subject to the courses’ relevant
trainers’ availability

Book your course:

Visit www.istructe.org/cpd-2022

Take advantage of our Consider other great

discounts— ways to gain CPD—
10% off all courses when you book Read The Structural Engineer
more than a month in advance www.istructe.org/thestructuralengineer

25% off a course’s associated Watch technical lectures

publication where listed on our Youtube channel:
Big discounts when you book theinstitutionofstructuralengineers
pairs of complimentary courses
(where stated) Stream interactive webinars
from our new technical webinar
series. Or, watch the recording on-
demand for accessible and easy to
consume content.

76 The Institution of Structural Engineers How to Book 77

Take a step closer to
becoming professionally
Join Instant savings on Professional
Development courses

the Affiliate Become an Affiliate for just £50 and

you’ll save an average of £75 for each
in structural
An internationally recognised mark
of competence

Scheme day-long CPD course you attend.

Other benefits include: behaviour

Show employers and clients your understanding
in this key area

• Digital subscription to of The Structural Engineer Contribute to your IPD and CPD
• Discounts on publications
• Access to Institution events Streamline your Professional Review Interview
• and much more

“The certificate helped me improve “It’s the only qualification that gives
my skills in approximate analysis students the opportunity to achieve
and drawing bending moment and professional goals during their
force diagrams. As a result, I was higher education. It gave me an
given the opportunity to work on extra edge over other candidates
new multi-billion dollar projects.” and helped me get a new job.”
Hemant Gor, Tarun Mittal,
Chartered Member Student Member

Join today: Register:

www.istructe.org/affiliate www.istructe.org/sbcertificate
CPD mandatory
reporting scheme
Structural engineering is constantly evolving and
keeping up to date with technical and professional
developments is essential.

If you’re a practising, professionally Attending one of our CPD courses

qualified member of the Institution is a great way to demonstrate CPD
(Fellow, Chartered, Associate, but there are many other options.
Associate-Member or Technician
Member) we may contact you and You can demonstrate your development
ask you to submit a CPD Record by working with Institution committees,
as part of the Mandatory Reporting panels and study groups; watching
Scheme. Your record should outline recorded lectures and conferences;
how you have accumulated 30 CPD reading The Structural Engineer
‘hours’ per annum. If you don’t submit and other Institution publications;
a record upon request, you may be volunteering your time for education
removed from membership (although and careers activities; and through
we would always consult with you your own practical experience.
first and mitigating circumstances can
be taken into account).

Find all the CPD information you need at:


80 The Institution of Structural Engineers Professional Development Courses 81

Book online:

The Institution of Structural Engineers

47-58 Bastwick Street

T +44 (0)20 7235 4535

E training@istructe.org

Founded 1908 and incorporated by Royal Charter 1934. Registered Charity No 233392

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