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Dr.B.ADHAVAN,AsP- AY-(2022-2023)-OCH752-ET-IV CSE 1



Students will gain knowledge about different energy sources

Introduction to energy – Global energy scene – Indian energy scene - Units of energy,
conversion factors, general classification of energy, energy crisis, energy alternatives.


Conventional energy resources, Thermal, hydel and nuclear reactors, thermal, hydel and
nuclear power plants, efficiency, merits and demerits of the above power plants,
combustion processes, fluidized bed combustion.

Dr.B.ADHAVAN,AsP- AY-(2022-2023)-OCH752-ET-IV CSE 2

Solar energy, solar thermal systems, flat plate collectors, focusing collectors, solar water
heating, solar cooling, solar distillation, solar refrigeration, solar dryers, solar pond, solar
thermal power generation, solar energy application in India, energy plantations. Wind
energy, types of windmills, types of wind rotors, Darrieus rotor and Gravian rotor, wind
electric power generation, wind power in India, economics of wind farm, ocean wave
energy conversion, ocean thermal energy conversion, tidal energy conversion,
geothermal energy.


Biomass origin - Resources – Biomass estimation. Thermochemical conversion –
Biological conversion, Chemical conversion – Hydrolysis & hydrogenation, solvolysis,
biocrude, biodiesel power generation gasifier, biogas, integrated gasification.


Energy conservation - Act; Energy management importance, duties and responsibilities;
Energy audit – Types methodology, reports, instruments. Benchmalcing and energy
performance, material and energy balance, thermal energy management.

• Dr.B.ADHAVAN,AsP- AY-(2022-2023)-OCH752-ET-IV CSE TOTAL : 45 PERIODS

Understand conventional Energy sources, Non- conventional Energy sources, biomass
sources and develop design parameters for equipment to be used in Chemical process
industries. Understand energy conservation in process industries

1. Rao, S. and Parulekar, B.B., Energy Technology, Khanna Publishers, 2005.
2. Rai, G.D., Non-conventional Energy Sources, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1984.
3. Nagpal, G.R., Power Plant Engineering, Khanna Publishers, 2008.
4. Energy Management, Paul W.O‟Callaghan McGraw – Hill, 1993

1. Nejat Vezirog, Alternate Energy Sources, IT, McGraw Hill, New York.
2. El. Wakil, Power Plant Technology, Tata McGraw Hill, New York, 2002.
3. Sukhatme. S.P., Solar Enery - Thermal Collection and Storage, Tata McGraw hill, New
Delhi, 1981.
4. Handbook of Energy Audit by 7th edition Albert Thumann, P.E., C.E.M & William J
Younger C.E.M, Faiment Press 2008
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Dr.B.ADHAVAN,AsP- AY-(2022-2023)-OCH752-ET-IV CSE 5

• Introduction to energy –
• Global energy scene –
• Indian energy scene –
• Units of energy, conversion factors,
• general classification of energy,
• energy crisis,
• energy alternatives.

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Introduction to Energy
• Energy is the capacity for doing work.
• Such as the capacity to move or change in shape or change in forms of
an object (of a given mass) by the application of force.
• Energy may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical,
nuclear, or other various forms.
• The energy science deals with scientific principle,
characteristics, laws, rules, units/dimensions, measurements,
processes about various forms of energy and energy
• Energy science is mother of all science.
• The applied part of energy science for work and processes,
useful to human society, nations and individuals is called
Energy Technology.
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Energy Technology
• The common symbol for energy is the uppercase letter E. The standard
unit is the joule, symbolized by J.
• One joule (1 J) is the energy resulting from the equivalent of one
newton (1 N) of force acting over one meter (1 m) of displacement.
• 1 N is defined as that force necessary to provide a mass of one
kilogram with an acceleration of one metre per second per
• Energy technology is concerned with “demand” for various of
secondary energy ( Usable energy) and methods of “supply”.
• Various factors affecting the demand and supply are in the scope of
energy technology.
• Energy technology includes study of efficiencies and environmental
aspects of various process.
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Energy technology has the following energy route process

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Need for Energy Technology
• Increasing cost of energy sources is affecting
individual, social, national life and economy
• Decreasing energy sources of fossil fuels has produced
energy crisis
• Increasing energy consumption rate and decreasing
supplies all over world, It is increase energy shortage,
this is call energy crisis
• Large fossil power plant without emission control
devices are emitting flay ash, SOx, NOx, CO etc.
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Source of Energy
• Primary energy source (Raw energy)
• The resources available in Nature ( coal, petroleum, solar, wind, geo
thermal, etc.)

• Intermediate energy
• It is obtain from primary energy sources one or more process ( Steam,
chemicals )

• Secondary energy source ( Usable Energy)

• It is finally supplied to the consumer for final consumption ( Fuels,
electricity, etc.)
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Energy demand
• The annual demand growth rate increase 3% to 4% .
• The demand for energy is rising rapidly with growth of population and
• Increasing energy consumption with modern life style.
• Invention of large energy consumption machines.
• Increase in transportation.
• Energy need of a person vary with his life style.

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Energy demand of world

1 EJ = 1018 J.

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Global Energy Scene
• Access to energy is a key pillar for human wellbeing, economic
development and poverty alleviation.
• Ensuring everyone has sufficient access is an ongoing and increase
challenge for global development.
• Historical and current energy systems are dominated by fossil fuels
(coal, oil and gas) which produce carbondioxide (CO2) and other
greenhouse gases
• The fundamental driver of global climate change.
• Balancing the challenge between development and environment
• The ultimate goal of ensuring everyone has access to enough
sustainable energy to maintain a high standard of living
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Terawatt-hour (TWh), a measure of electrical energy, 1012 watt-hours.
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Indian Energy Scene
• To increase investment in renewable energy in a cost effective method
• India has introduced national competitive auctions for wind and solar
• Current situation show that wind power has developed at a much slower
than the solar PV.
• To ensure continuous progress in the growth of renewable, process
design, grid connections

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Indian Energy Scene
• The Government of India has set ambitious renewable electricity
targets for the short to medium term.
• By 2018 the country achieve of 227 GW (175 GW) of installed
renewable electricity capacity.
• In 2022 the country plan to achieve of 275 GW renewable electricity
• At the United Nations’ Climate Summit in New York on 23 September
2019, the Prime Minister of India announced a new target of 450 GW
of renewable electricity capacity in 2030.

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Total primary energy supply (TPES) Total Final Consumption (TFC)

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General Classification of Energy

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• 1950, Several system of measurement can be followed
different countries
• In 1960, (International Standards)IS introduced. All forms of
energy measured in terms of same unit Joule (J)
• Energy science and technology involves several physical
• Each quantity has certain basic dimensions in terms of length
(L), mass (M) and time (T).
• Each dimension can be measured of certain units.

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Various Quantities in Different Forms of Energy

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System of Units (SI)

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“Power” and “Energy”
• The words “power” and “energy” are often used interchangeably. While
energy in the ability to do work,
• Power is the rate at which energy is transferred, used, or transformed.

The approximate amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of
one gram of water by one degree Celsius. This unit is used for measuring
heat energy.
One calorie is equal to 4.184 joules. It is often used instead of joules
when dealing with the energy released from food.

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• A unit for measuring the rate of work (or power) equivalent to 33,000
foot-pounds per minute or 746 watts. The mechanical horsepower, also
known as imperial horsepower, of exactly 550 foot-pounds per second is
approximately equivalent to 745.7 watts.
Joule (J)
• A standard International System of Units of energy;
• 1055 Joules is equal to 1 BTU.
• The acronym stands for British Thermal Unit(BTU), which is the unit used
to measure thermal (heat) energy. Specifically, it is the amount of
energy needed to raise 1 pound of water 1°F at sea level.

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Kilowatt-hour (kWh)----Unit of electricity
• A unit of energy equal to one kW applied for one hour; running a one kW
equipment for one hour would dissipate one kWh of electrical energy as heat.
• The kilowatt-hour (symbolized kWh) is a unit of energy equivalent to one
kilowatt (1 kW) of power expended for one hour (1 h) of time.
• 1 kWh = One thousand watt hours.

Kilowatt (kW)
• One thousand watts of electricity.

Megajoule (MJ)
• One million Joules.

Megawatt (MW)
• One Million Watts; a modern coal plant will have a capacity of about 1,000 MW.
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Volt (V)
• The volt is the International System of Units (SI) measure of electric
potential or electromotive force. A potential of one volt appears across a
resistance of one ohm when a current of one ampere flows through that
Watt (Electric)
• The electrical unit of power. The rate of energy transfer equivalent to 1
ampere of electric current flowing under a pressure of 1 volt at unity
power factor.
Watt (Thermal)
• A unit of power in the metric system, expressed in terms of energy per
second, equal to the work done at a rate of 1 joule per second.
Watthour (Wh)
• The electrical energy unit of measure equal to 1 watt of power supplied to,
or taken from, an electric circuit steadily for 1 hour.

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Mechanical Energy
• Mechanical work is related with macro-scopic quantities,
• Work is force into displacement in the direction of force. (W=F x L cosø )
• Work has same unit if energy Joules(J)
• Heat is the thermal energy, it is measured by Calories, It is another forms
of energy. ( 1 cal = 4.18 Joules)
• Mass and energy are correlated by Einstein's equation (E=mc2)
• 1 J = 1 W.s = 1 N.m
• 1kWh = 3.6 MJ
• 1 kWh = 860 kcal
• 1 kgm = 9.81 J

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• Kinetic energy
Kinetic energy is the energy an object has because of its motion.
The energy in the body by the action of motion is called Kinetic Energy.
• Kinetic energy =1/2( mv2). It’s unit is J
• m = mass in kg
• v = velocity m/s
Potential Energy
• The energy in the body by the position of object in the gravitational field is
called Gravitational potential energy
• Potential energy = mgh. It’s unit is J
• Where
• m = mass in kg
• g = acceleration due to gravity m/s2
• h = Height above reference level m
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• Power is the time rate of work done by the force
• Power=Work / Time ( W/J)
• 1 joule =1 Watt Sec = 1 Newton meter
• 1 J = 1 W.s = 1 N.m
• Joule is relatively small unit with multiples and prefixing for
expressing large measurement.

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Energy in Matter at Rest
• The energy in the body rest alone is called Rest Energy.
• Energy in matter at rest (E = mc2)
• The matter energy is in addition to the kinetic energy and potential
energy which is enjoined with the matter.
• In normal situation, matter energy is not released but during nuclear
fission reaction, the matter energy is released.

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Rotational Energy
• Rotational energy calculations are necessary with hydro energy, wind
energy, mechanical to electrical energy conversion in turbine
generators, energy storage by flywheel
• Here displacement is along circular path (Radians or degree)

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Electrical Energy
• Electric current is the flow of charged particles due potential
• Electrical potential (V)
• Electric current (A)
• Electrical power (P) = VI = I2R = V2/I ,It’s unit is Watts(W).
• Electrical energy (J)
• Electric energy is in the form of electric current flowing electrical
circuits and electrical apparatus.

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Electrical quantities
• Units of electrical energy and mechanical energy are same (J)
• 1 j=1 W.s
• Electric current I amperes A
• Electric current is rate of flow of charge (Q/t)
• 1 ampere current is equal to flow of 1 coulomb charge in 1 second

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• Electric energy
• By definition electric potential is work per unit electric charge.
• When the charge Q moved through the potential difference V, then
we get certain electrical work ( W=QV)
• Electric power is the time rate of flow of electric energy
• Power = Energy/Time (Watt)

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Chemical energy

• Chemical energy in substance is in the form of bond energy caused

micro forces between atoms, molecules in the form of bond
• Types of fuel
• Heat of combustion of the fuel
• Quantity of fuel
• Energy utility factor

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Thermal energy
• SI unit of thermal energy is J
• Heat : The energy required by the substance for transformation
• Enthalpy: A measure of energy content in the system per unit mass.
• Entropy: A measure of energy content in the system to perform work
when the system under going change.

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Energy Conversion factors
• Energy cannot be newly created
• Energy cannot be destroyed
• In closed system the total mass and energy remains unchanged
• The law does not differ useful and wasted energy and also neglected

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Generalized equation for conservation

• The total energy in a closed system is the algebraic sum of component

• We need to aware following aspects for calculations
• Law of conservation of energy
• Generalized energy equation
• Particular energy equation

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First law of thermodynamics

• Energy exits many forms ( Electrical energy, thermal energy,

mechanical energy, chemical energy)
• In a energy conversion process one from of energy is transformation
to another Energy cannot be created newly, energy cannot be
• In closed system, total energy remains unchanged

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Second law of thermodynamics

• The second law of thermodynamics states that form of energy

possesses certain quality.
• The quality of various forms of energy differs.
• In an energy conversation process, some energy is converted into
useful and worthless

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Newton’s law
First law of motion: Body at rest continues to be rest unless a force acts on it.
• Body in motion continues to be motion at constant velocity unless a force
acts on it.

Second law of motion:

Net force acting on a body is proportional to the product of mass and
acceleration of a body
• F=m x a ( Mass x Acceleration) N

Third law of motion:

• For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
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Energy Crisis
• An energy crisis or energy shortage is any significant bottleneck in
the supply of energy resources to an economy.
• The future scarcity of the energy sources on the earth due to the
over population,urbanization and industrialization is called energy

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• The causes of energy shortage are:
• 1.Overpopulation and population rise
• 2.Over reliance on non-renewable energy resources.
• 3.Poor energy infrastructure.
• 4.Some countries siphoning energy off from others.
• 5.Poor energy efficiency.
• 6.Overuse of energy.
• 7.Unexplored Renewable Energy Options
• 8. Delay in Commissioning of Power Plants
• 9.Wastage of Energy
• 10Poor Distribution System
• 11.Major Accidents and Natural Calamities
• 12.Wars and Attacks
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• 13.Miscellaneous Factors
Tax hikes, strikes, military coup, political events, severe hot summers
or cold winters can cause a sudden increase in demand for energy and
can choke supply. A strike by trade unions in an oil-producing firm can
cause an energy crisis.

• The energy crisis is a result of many different strains on our natural

resources, not just one. There is a strain on fossil fuels such as oil,
gas, and coal due to overconsumption – which then, in turn, can put a
strain on our water and oxygen resources by causing pollution.

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Effects of Energy Crisis
• The consequences will likely range from periods of energy-driven
inflation, exacerbating income inequalities, to the looming threat of
power outages and lost economic growth and production.
• 1. Environmental Effects
• Energy is produced by the burning of non-renewable fossil fuels. This
does not only affect the global resources of fossil fuels, but it also
affects the environment. The burning of fossil fuels releases
greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and others. These gases create a
blanket on the earth’s surface, which prevents the release of the short
rays of the sun by night. Thus, the energy crisis facilitates making the
earth a warmer place by promoting global warming.

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2. Increasing Prices of the Fuel Resources
• As the use of fossil fuels increases, the cost of these resources increases too. We must
remember that the quantity in which these fossil fuels are available is limited. As we
keep on using these resources, the amount of these fossil fuels further decreases.
• With every passing day, the demand for these fuels increases daily while their available
quantity decreases every day. This leads to an immense increase in the price of fossil
fuels, causing the price to increase day in and day out. This creates a huge economic
disturbance across the globe.
3. Political Disturbances
• The fact that the energy crisis creates some socio-economic disturbances, also tells us
that this global energy crisis also creates a lot of political disturbances across the globe.
The quest for fossil fuels is one of the major causes of the same.
• Besides, with the failure of the energy markets, we see a crash in not only the global
economy but also a crash of the energy available. All these are enough to give rise to
the various socio-political disturbances.
4. The Effect on the Tourism Industry
• The tourism industry is largely dependent on the rise and fall of fuel prices. The
tremendous rise of the fuel prices that comes as a result of the energy crisis affects the
tourism industry pretty adversely.
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Possible Solutions to the Problem of Global Energy Crisis
1. Move Towards Renewable Resources
• The best possible solution is to reduce the world’s dependence on non-
renewable resources and to improve overall conservation efforts. Much of the
industrial age was created using fossil fuels, but there is also known
technology that uses other types of renewable energies – such as
steam, solar, and wind.
• The major concern isn’t so much that we will run out of gas or oil, but that the
use of coal is going to continue to pollute the atmosphere and destroy other
natural resources in the process of mining the coal that it has to be replaced
as an energy source.
• This isn’t easy as many of the leading industries use coal, not gas or oil, as
their primary source of power for manufacturing.
2. Buy Energy-Efficient Products
• Replace traditional bulbs with CFLs and LEDs. They use fewer watts of
electricity and last longer. If millions of people across the globe use LEDs and
CFLs for residential and commercial purposes, the demand for energy can go
down, and an energy crisis can be averted.
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3. Lighting Controls
• There are a number of new technologies out there that make lighting
controls that much more interesting, and they help to save a lot of
energy and cash in the long run.
• Preset lighting controls, slide lighting, touch dimmers, integrated lighting
controls are few of the lighting controls that can help to conserve
energy and reduce overall lighting costs.
4. Easier Grid Access
• People who use different options to generate power must be given
permission to plug into the grid and getting credit for the power you
feed into it. The hassles of getting credit for supplying surplus power
back into the grid should be removed. Apart from that, subsidy on solar
panels should be given to encourage more people to explore renewable
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5. Energy Simulation
• Energy simulation software can be used by big corporates and corporations
to redesign the building unit and reduce running business energy costs.
Engineers, architects, and designers could use this design to come with
most energy-efficient buildings and reduce carbon footprint.
6. Perform Energy Audit
• The energy audit is a process that helps you to identify the areas where your
home or office is losing energy and what steps you can take to improve
energy efficiency.
• Energy audit, when done by a professional, can help you to reduce your
carbon footprint, save energy and money, and avoid energy crisis.
7. Common Stand on Climate Change
• Both developed and developing countries should adopt a common stand on
climate change. They should focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions
through an effective cross border mechanism.
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Energy Alternatives
• Alternative energy sources are renewable and are thought to be
"free" energy sources. They all have lower carbon emissions,
compared to conventional energy sources.
• These include
• 1.Biomass Energy,
• 2.Wind Energy,
• 3.Solar Energy,
• 4. Geothermal Energy,
• 5.Hydroelectric Energy sources.

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