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Types of Tree Plantation

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I hereby declare that the project report entitled “Community Service

Project” submitted by me to MR. V. Sai Srinivas CSE-DS, Programme
Incharge; Department of CSE-AI, Chalapthi Institute of Technology; in partial
fulfillment of the requirementfor the award of the degree of B.tech. In
CSE department is a record of actual project
work carried out by me under the guidance of Mr. R.Sai Srinivas. I further
declare that the work reported in this project has not been submitted
and will not be submitted, either in part or in full, for the award of any
other degree in this institute or any other institute or university.
I wish to express my gratitude to those who extended their
valuable co-operation and contribution towards the project.
I would like to thank my project guide MR.V. Sai Srinivas for
his valuable time and continued assistance for the successful
completion of the project.
I would also like to express gratitude to MR.V. Sai Srinivas,
Coordinator of Chalapathi Institute Of Technology for
facilitating this project and providing his guidance throughout
the duration of the project.
I would also like to thank the faculty and staff of the institute
for their support.
Problem Statement
In many cases, however, the actual reason for the
low seedling survival at purok21 can be a result of
1.Poor planting technique

Many landscape plants die because they are planted in soil

that is too wet or too dry. Soil with good porosity throughout
the rooting depth allows large quantities of water to move
through the soil profile without affecting plant roots unless
there is a naturally high water table at the site. Typically, a
contains about 50 percent solid materials and about 50
percent pore space, filled by air and water. In poorly drained
soils, most of the pore space is filled with water for long
periods of time, leaving too little air.
2.Improper Planting Stock for the site

Improper planting is a very common cause of tree decline

stress in Utah. Improper planting includes selecting the
plant for the site, selecting a poor planting site, planting
bound/circling stock, digging an inadequate planting hole,
inadequately preparing soil, planting too deeply, not
non-biodegradable burlap or metal baskets from around the
trunk, improper staking, mulching too high, miswatering, and
not monitoring the tree after planting. Symptoms of
planting can take years to manifest and are often overlooked;
these, however, should be looked for first when diagnosing
plant health issues.

Executive Summary
The tree planting season is from October 1 to March 31"

All girdling roots must be corrected before planting and root

collars must be exposed to the root flair. Beyond removing
broken branches, no pruning shall be done to the tree within
the first year. Good soll leads to a successful landscape. All
construction compaction must be corrected, and soil
amended as appropriate. When trees are planted in a group,
prepare the planting bed instead of individual holes. All
tagging, flagging, wires, and other debris must be removed
from all of the trees before turnover. All trees Duke
University purchases must come with a 1 year warrantee
guaranteeing plants will be alive, disease free, and without
dead or dying branches and branch tips shall bear foliage of
normal density, size and color. Dead trees must be removed
immediately upon notification and replaced as soon as
weather conditions permit, and within the specified planting

Community Service Project is an experiential learning strategy that
integrates meaningful
community service with instruction, participation, learning and
community development

Community Service Project involves students in community

development and service activities and applies the experience to
personal and academic development.

Community Service Project is meant to link the community with the

college for mutual benefit. The community will be benefited with the
focused contribution of the college students for the village/ local
development. The college finds an opportunity to develop social
sensibility and responsibility among students and also emerge as a
socially responsible institution.
Community Service Project should be an integral part of the
curriculum, as a part of the 2 months of Summer Internships/
Apprenticeships / On the Job Training, whenever there is an exigency
when students cannot pursue their summer internships. The specific
objectives are, To sensitize the students to the living conditions of
the people who are around them. To help students to realize the
stark realities of the society.

To bring about an attitudinal change in the students and help them

to develop societal To consciousness, sensibility, responsibility and
accountability To make students aware of their inner strength and
help them to find new /out of box solutions to the social problems.
make students socially responsible citizens who are sensitive to the
needs of the disadvantaged sections. To help students to initiate
developmental activities in the community in coordination with
public and government authorities To develop a holistic life
perspective among the students by making them study culture,
traditions, habits, lifestyles, resource utilization, wastages and its
management, social problems, public administration system and the
roles and responsibilities of different persons across different social


1 introduction
2 Types of tree plantation
3 Why to plant trees?
4 Survey report
5 Activities conducted
6 Outcome of the project
7 Survey form
8 Annexuru
9 Conclusion
10 References

A plantation is a long, artificially-established forest, farm or
estate, where crops are grown for sale, often in distant
markets rather than for local on-site consumption. Is formal
and not precisely defined.
Plantation agriculture grew rapidly in the early modern
period with the increase in international trade and the
relative decline of subsistence farming. Like every economic
activity, it has changed over time. Earlier forms of plantation
agriculture were associated with large disparities of wealth
and income, foreign ownership and political influence, and
exploitative social systems such as indentured labor and
slavery, especially with the southern American plantations.
Some of the problems with plantations come from the fact
that most are monocultures, that is there is only one kind of
crop that is grown there. This makes them vulnerable to
pests, for example. Among the earliest examples of
plantations were the latifundia of the Roman Empire. They
produced large quantities of wine and olive oil for export.
A plantation is a large farm which is usually specialized on
farming one type of crop. Plantations grow cash crops,
mostly for export, and less for local use. Crops grown on
plantations include banana, sugarcane, coffee, tea, cotton
and tobacco.

Types Of Tree Plantation

1.Industrial Plantation
To produce a high volume of wood in a short period of
time. Industrial plantations are made for the mercantile
production of paper-based products. This method is used to
satisfy the rising need for wood-based raw materials in the

A lot of people think that paper and paper-based products

are made by destroying forests. But most of the paper
manufacturers now, get their raw materials from industrial
forests. The trees in those forests are not planted for the
environment and clean air but are planted as an investment.
Any manufacturer, from wood furniture makers to tissue
paper producers, that uses wood to produce their goods can
take advantage of industrial forests.

2.Farm or home plantation

Nature is the gift to human kind. We are deeply connected to
the roots of nature. For basics of life we rely on natural
resources. Plants are one of the natural bodies. They provide
us what we need most, OXYGEN and FOOD. Having plants
within the house have a bucket of advantages along with the
beauty and aromatic fragrance they bring along.
All they need to be taken care of as to grow healthy however,
the effort is worth a thousand times for those blooming
colourful flowers and little petals.
HEALTH ISSUES: If you have anxiety, depression or any
mental stress related problem, plants are perfect for your
home. They not only release mental stress but also reduce
blood pressure problems. Not to forget, they improve your
sluggish heart rate.
3.Environmental plantations

-To established for watershed or soil protection.

-To established for erosion control, landslide stabilization and
-To foster native species.
-To promote forest regeneration.
-Trees contribute to their environment by providing oxygen,
improving air quality, conserving water, preserving soil and
supporting wildlife.
-during the process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon
dioxide and produce the oxygen we breathe.
Why To Plants Tress?

-Trees produces oxygen.

-Trees clean the soil.
-trees control noise pollution.
-Trees slow strom water runoff.
-Trees shade and cool.
-Trees act as windbreaks.
-Trees Fight Soil Erosion.
-Trees increase property value.

Stand densities and survival rates in general The PFP
instructed TGIS beneficiaries to plant seedlings at 3 x 3 m
intervals, which corresponds to a stand density (stocking) of
1,111 trees. The same spacing was recommended to
beneficiaries of the KVTC and NFC OSPs.Since the figures on
stand density reported below include both live and dead
trees, they should be interpreted with their respective tree
survival rates in mind. The mean stand density and survival
rates observed in the survey are summarised in Table 7 and
Table 8 respectively. The mean (and median) stand densities
fell below the targeted figure of 1,111 trees. With plantations
older than one year of age, lower than targeted densities are
partially explained by tree mortality as, over time, all traces
of dead trees disappear and the fact that they were planted
will not be accounted for in the stocking figures which later
surveys record. As less the PFP instructed TGIS beneficiaries
to plant seedlings at 3 x 3 m intervals, which corresponds to a
stand density (stocking) of 1,111 trees. The same spacing was
recommended to beneficiaries of the KVTC and NFC OSPs.
Since the figures on stand density reported below include
both live and dead trees, they should be interpreted with
their respective tree survival rates in mind. The mean stand
density and survival rates observed in the survey are
summarised in Table 7 and Table 8 respectively. The mean
(and median) stand densities fell below the targeted figure of
1,111 trees.
we have conducted the activities on plantation to get the awareness
and to save them from nature. some of them are:

plants are backbone of all life . our everyday life depends on
plants.without plants human life can’t exist. Plants are used
Tree plantation conducted in santaravur
Photographs with information:
Fig: This is our photograph with the students of seventh class
After completion of our Awareness
Summary: This is our photograph with the seventh class
school students of santaravuru. after the demonstration of
the project with the students and all the students are
responded very actively and all of them understood the topic
of plantation.


Fig: This is our photograph with the local area people

After completion of our awareness
Summary: This is our photograph with the local area people
of santaravuru. after the demonstration of the project with
the people are responded very actively and all of them
understood the topic of plantation.


Fig: This is our photograph with the family member

After completion of our awareness

Summary: This is our photograph with the family member of

santaravuru. after the demonstration of the project with the
people are responded very actively and all of them
understood the topic of plantation.

Fig: This is our photograph with the my friend

After completion of our awareness
Summary:This is our photograph with my friend of
santaravuru. after the demonstration of the project with the
people are responded very actively and all of them
understood the topic of plantation.

Learning Outcomes:
Bringing awareness among the people in the society on a
particular topic means that we should be the one to be with
and must gain more knowledge on that particular topic to
answer every question, in this view we are in the position
that we are able to answer most of questions raises in the
society. We are able to improve our communication skills and
able to think and finding solutions for the problem.

Personal Outcomes:
In personal, this community service project helped ourselves
to learn about our personal strengths and weaknesses and
this helped us to make our first step to defeat our weakness
in facing such situations in the society. For the first time we
have taken one step forward for a social awareness campaign
and we have known the importance of conducting awareness
campaign. The first experience was great and wishing to have
more such opportunities.
With this project we have developed greater sense of
personal efficiency, spiritual growth and moral development.
We have also improved communication skills very well.

Social Outcomes:
For the coming generations the energy resources like fossil
fuels, etc. will not be available. These resources are
exhausting day by day and in the coming, we will be in a
situation where there would be no resources available. Based
on this thought my batch members went to a school to bring
awareness on the renewable resources and the current
situations of the world. We thought that this would be more
helpful to students and they will be ready to face these
situations in their life. As the students are the future, we
have to be one step forward in conducting such awareness
Personally, we have requested the school management to
provide purified water facility. Through this project we have
developed great inter-cultural understanding of various
problems in society. We have improved our social
responsibility and citizenship skills. We have also decided, to
be more involved in community projects in our future.

Career Development:
While doing this project we have learnt a lot of career
development skills. Firstly, we have learnt about the team
work and we have to know the importance of it. We have
improved our communication skills by talking among
ourselves, college management and with the students. After
this project we are able to develop skills in leadership,
communication, working well with a team, and finding
solutions for problems.
Participating in more social activities to serve our society.
Helping poor people.
Giving awareness to public about various problems in society.

Relationship with the Institution:

We shared our ideas with our HOD and the Guide, in each
and every step they have supported us a lot. without their
support we might have not make a dent progress. They have
supported us by giving us the required confidence and they
have communicated in a very friendly way. In this project, the
relationship with the institution is so good. After, we decided
the project and approached HOD sir for confirmation of the
project, we got a positive response and some good
suggestions from the madam. Our supervisor also happy with
the project that we have decided. In this way, the institution
helped us so much. Even the Management approved our idea
and communicated with us in a friendly manner.
Survey Form
Planting more trees would not only help humans but it will
support the whole biodiversity. Planting trees makes the
environment immediately more beautiful. Trees help prevent
soil erosion. They also absorb different pollutants and thus
make the air-water and earth cleaner.
planting trees is one of the most important things we can do
to contribute to the health of the planet. Forests are the
lungs of our planet, drawing in carbon dioxide and breathing
out oxygen. And trees improve our lives both on a grand
scale and at the local level.
Trees are good for the soul. They're essential to the air we
breathe. And they provide a majestic example of strength
and perseverance in the face of adversity.

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