Python Lesson Plan
Python Lesson Plan
Python Lesson Plan
Teacher: Date/Period:
2. Start up the Python Console, explain what the prompt is. Start
up the Python Shell and compare. Try out basic print
statements in both. [5 - 10 mins]
Teacher: Date/Period:
Teacher: Date/Period:
Activities: 1. Brief review of prior lesson: the turtle module, and a module
being a unit of code that you can use in your programs [5
3. Have the student open the shell and get them to try
range(10) - then try list(range(10)). Brief discussion:
what is happening when they run the first function (perhaps
go into iterators), versus running the second function?
Variation: now try list(range(5, 10)) [5 mins]
for x in range(10):
print('Hello there')
6. Demonstrate that the for loop will also work with lists of things
(rather than just functions) by getting the student to try out the
following code:
Teacher: Date/Period:
Activities: 1. Discussion: Brief review of prior lesson: for-loops, the list and
range functions [5 mins]
3. Have the students open the shell and create a simple function
to print their name and then get them to run it. e.g.:
7. Have the student import the time module and print the result
of the asctime function. Then import the sys module and
use the readline function of the stdin object
(sys.stdin.readline()). Discussion: check student‟s
understanding of what‟s happening here (focus on the fact
that stdin is a variable in the sys module - don‟t go into
objects at this point) [10 mins]
9. Time zones
Teacher: Date/Period:
5. Tkinter programs
Teacher: Date/Period:
2. Environment Setup
3. Database Connection
5. Creating Tables
6. Insert Operation
7. Read Operation
8. Update Operation
9. Join Operation