Chapter 5 Metal TRY IN OF RPD
Chapter 5 Metal TRY IN OF RPD
Chapter 5 Metal TRY IN OF RPD
Chapter (5)
Fig. (5-2): The margins of the rests flush with seats margins
Chapter (5) : Metal Try- In of RPD
Fig.(3-5): Clasp arms should have the proper shape, diameter, and taper.
Chapter (5) : Metal Try- In of RPD
Fig. (5-4): Lingual plate major connector The tissue surface of the framework
should be in intimate contact to the should exhibit a fine matte texture.
2. Check the finishing & polishing of the framework: no evidence of pits, nodules
and scratches in the metal. Eliminate sharp edges that might impinge on the oral
a. Inner surfaces of the framework should be free from pits, scratches and
bubbles that may inhibit complete seating of the framework on abutment teeth or
traumatize soft tissue
Chapter (5) : Metal Try- In of RPD
b. The framework should be highly polished, except the fitting surface of the
maxillary major connector should be lightly polished.
c. Both internal and external finish lines should be sharp, definite and slightly
Grind the casting in these interfering areas & avoid excessive grinding.
Chapter (5) : Metal Try- In of RPD
The framework which fit the cast but does not fit in the mouth, due to:
A distorted impression
An improperly poured cast,
An abraded cast, and/or shifting teeth.
If the interferences are minor and can be located, one may be able to, with
care, adjust the framework into place.
a. Under rests
b. Rigid portions of direct retainers (e.g. above the survey line)
c. Inter-proximal portions of linguo-plate major connectors
d. Interproximal minor connectors
e. Shoulder areas of embrasure clasps
b. A probe may be used to check the close fit of any elements contacting the teeth.
Chapter (5) : Metal Try- In of RPD
Chapter (5) : Metal Try- In of RPD
If there is too little or too much retention, the clasps can be carefully
The clasp should be in passive contact with the tooth when the framework is
completely seated.
With over retentive clasps, tipping forces will cause a destructive effect on
the periodontal support tissues.
Each reciprocal arm should contact the abutment just prior, or at the same
time as the retentive arm.
This will brace the abutment against the force applied by the flexible
retentive arm.
5. Checking stability:
Stability of the framework should be checked by applying pressure on
various elements - rests, saddles and palatal connectors in particular – and
noting whether any rotational displacement occurs.
Chapter (5) : Metal Try- In of RPD
8. Checking occlusion:
Vertical dimension should remain unchanged by a removable partial denture
in almost all instances.
The framework should not interfere with normal centric and eccentric
contact Fig. (5-8)
Occlusion can be checked by articulating paper.
Any adjustment can be made wherever there is a premature tooth
framework contact.
A common site for such contact is on the occlusal rest areas.
Chapter (5) : Metal Try- In of RPD
Fig. (5-8):The framework should not interfere with normal centric and eccentric occlusion
9. Surface Imperfections
After the framework has been fit & occlusal adjustments have been made,
the surfaces of the ground metal must be finished and polished.
Surface defects that will interfere with seating should be removed
during finishing and polishing procedures and before placing the
casting on the master cast.
If one escape detection, it may retard seating the frame in the mouth.