Rohan Jayawardene CV

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J J ROHAN JAYAWARDENE Principal/Senior Traffic Engineer 26 Campbell Street, Paddington, Queensland 4064, Australia Phone: +61 (0)422 633


QUALIFICATIONS Master of Engineering Studies Transportation Engineering - University of Auckland, New Zealand 1998 Postgraduate Diploma in Physics/Mathematics - Chelsea College, University of London, UK, 1980 Bachelor of Science (Physics) - University of North London, UK, 1978 AFFILIATIONS Member, Institution of Professional Engineers, New Zealand (MIPENZ) Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ) Registered Road Safety Auditor, Queensland Member, Urban Development Institute of Australia, Queensland (UDIA) Member, Transportation Group IPENZ), Auckland, New Zealand PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Registered Road Safety Auditor, Road Safety Audit and Investigation and Treatment of Crash Locations, Queensland University of Technology and Department of Main Roads, 1-week course, November 2007 Basic and September 2000 Advanced Courses in AIMSUN2, 1-week, Barcelona, Spain,

1995 1993

Road Safety Engineering Workshop organised by Transit NZ, Auckland, 1-week, Advanced Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering, 1-week, University of Auckland,

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE June 2010-Current Senior Traffic Engineer (Consultant), Moreton Bay Regional Council, Brisbane Australia 2007-May 2010 Principal Transportation Engineer, Adam Pekol Consulting, Brisbane, Australia 2003-2007 Senior Traffic Engineer, North Shore City Council, Auckland, New Zealand 2000-2003 Senior Transport Engineer, Sinclair Knight Merz, Auckland, New Zealand 1996-2000 Senior Traffic Engineer, Manukau Consultants Ltd (GHD Ltd), Auckland, New Zealand 1993-1996 Traffic Engineer, City Design, Auckland City Council, New Zealand 1979-1992 Physics Maths and Science teacher, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, UK FIELDS OF COMPETENCE Scheme Assessment Reports, Project Feasibility Reports, Project Evaluation, Road Safety Audits, Economic analysis, traffic modelling (AIMSUN micro-simulation), coordinated intersections and network assessment (TRANSYT software), bus priority scheme assessments, public transport modelling, traffic impact assessment, pavement impact assessments, intersection analysis (SIDRA), accident analysis, local area traffic management. ACHIEVEMENTS INGENIUM (NZ Local Government Engineers) Excellence Award (2005) Winning a Transfund NZ Research Grant for Developing an Integrated Traffic model of Micro-simulation and TRANSYT at the Interface between Urban and Motorway traffic. A Guide to Co-ordination and Optimisation of Signalised Intersections Using TRANSYT, Masters Project, University of Auckland, 1997 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

ITS Australia Conference, Melbourne, November 2009 Australian Transportation Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, November 2008 Project Manager Training, PSMJ Resources, Melbourne, 1-week course, 2007 Expert Witness, 2-day workshop, August, 2006 Effective Public Consultation, 1-day workshop, May 2004 Portfolio & Programme Management for NSCC, 2-day Short Course, Feb 2004 Transfund Allocation Process, 1-day workshop, Nov 2003 Infrastructure Auckland Multi Criteria Evaluation 1-day workshop, Feb, 2002 Traffic Management, High Capacity Highways, Operational workshop, Jul 2001 Presentations and attendance at Conferences, 1998, 2000, 2005 and 2006 1998 Project Evaluation workshops, Transfund New Zealand. Road Safety Workshop, Transit NZ, 5-days, 1995 MS Project, Excel, Word training, 1993-1995 RELEVANT EXPERIENCE June 2010 Current: Senior Traffic Engineer, Moreton Bay Regional Council, Strathpine, Brisbane, Australia NZ Transportation Group, Transport

Report Writing Courses, NZ Highway Institute & Auckland University, 1994 &

Undertaken Road Safety Audits of Existing Roads and Detailed Design stages to Austroads standards. Manage, mentor and organise training programmes for a team of eight road safety engineers, technical and safety officers Black Spot studies, Crash Reduction Studies Development Application assessments and reviews Expert traffic engineering advice to Infrastructure Planning division

May 2007 May 2010: Principal Engineer, Adam Pekol Consulting, Brisbane, Australia Traffic Impact Assessment residential and industrial subdivisions, office and commercial developments, schools and child care centres, transport planning of subdivisions Road Impact developments Assessments quarry development applications, feedlot

Secondment to Moreton Bay Regional Council Traffic engineering advice, development application TIA report audits Micro-simulation of traffic for development assessments Co-ordinated signalised assessments Road safety barriers May 2003 May 2007: Senior Traffic Engineer, North Shore City Council, Auckland, NZ Responsibilities include:

To provide expert advice as required on North Shore Citys roading and traffic projects Investigate safety and operational improvements and review proposed designs Manage Consultants and Council engineers (a team of 6) in the traffic engineering areas of the Resource Consent applications Manage, design and report on City improvement projects Mentor / coach graduate and junior Engineers Project Manager, Scheme Assessments Investigate, design and supervise Verbena/Verran/Waipa Street Intersection Safety and Operational Improvements. This project won two awards: runner up in the 2005 Hynds Paper of the Year and the INGENIUM (Local government engineering association) Excellence Award 2005 for projects under NZ$200,000.

Led a team of engineers and Transport Planners in the Resource Consent assessment of the largest mall development (2003-current) in a green field site in Auckland, NZ. Tristram Avenue Safety Improvements, a 1-km long road section on motorway on-ramps and four signalised intersections in a busy part of the city. My involvement included investigation of options, scheme assessment report. Micro-simulation traffic model (Paramics) to assess the impacts of Albany Centre, a proposed major retail centre in North Shore City on the surrounding road network. The network included a motorway interchange a bus station and bus lanes, new roads, signalised and roundabout intersections generating traffic volumes in the order of 25,000 vehicles a day on the main roads and pedestrian movements. city. Developed and implemented a system to prioritise traffic safety projects in the

City Council road safety team member and team member of nationwide team to formulate Safety Deficiency database. Developed processes and guides for management of Traffic Impact Assessment process for (Council and developers) resource consent approvals May 2000 May 2003: (SKM), Auckland, NZ Senior Traffic Engineer, Sinclair Knight Merz

Auckland City Council, Symonds Street Bus Priority Project A strategic route to city Bus priority, cycle and pedestrian routes schemes, intersection improvements TRANSYT analysis of network containing ten signalised intersections Scheme assessment, accident analysis, economic evaluation, B-C analysis 25yr design period. Waitakere City Council, Southern Corridor Study A major southern corridor in Waitakere City Network consisting of New Lynn Transit Station (bus-train), intersections, 6 signal intersections, a level crossing, car parks AIMSUN Micro-simulation of network Scheme Assessment accidents analysis, economic evaluation for 25-year design period. West Coast Road Safety and Operational Improvements Network consisting of four signals and priority intersections including a proposed new road extension of the State Highway and bridge widening TRANSYT traffic analysis Scheme assessment report - economic valuation / B-C analysis, accident analysis. Manukau City Council, Hunters Corner Safety and Operational Improvements A 3-km road section with five signalised and priority intersections TRANSYT analysis Scheme assessment report - economic evaluation, accident analysis, 25-year analysis period existing and improvement options. Transit New Zealand, Central Motorway Junction, ($250M) Safety and Operational Improvements - AIMSUN Micro-simulation Network of three motorways into Auckland city consisting of four grade separated sections, 20 on-off ramps, three interchanges, 11 signalised intersections, a bypass tunnel and a traffic volume of over 200,000 vehicles per day Developed AIMSUN Micro-simulation model of network with optimised signal timings obtained from TRANSYT traffic programme Attended a one-week AIMSUN course in Barcelona Options included bypass tunnels, new road sections, motorway bridges, on-off ramps Economic analysis, B-C for a 25-year analysis period existing plus options. priority

Auckland City Council, St Lukes Centre Expansion, Safety and Operational Improvements A 60,000m2 shopping centre redevelopment on a major western corridor from the city Design of new signalised and priority intersections and signal co-ordination TRANSYT analysis, accident, economic evaluation existing and future schemes. Auckland City Council, Queen Street Bus Priority, June 2000 TRANSYT analyses of a 4-km route in Auckland CBD including three signalised intersections, for implementing bus priority measures. Economic evaluation, B-C analysis for 25-year period. Dec 1999 - Mar 2000: Traffic Engineer, Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA), Sydney, Australia Contract Three month, Dec 1999-Mar 2000, contract in the Guidance & Delineation Unit of Road Traffic Authority, New South Wales, Australia. Developed signs and road markings for road events, eg marathon. The assignment included the development and implementation of transport systems and management of traffic and safety improvement schemes and day-to-day traffic engineering issues. Also traffic management projects for the Sydney Olympics. 1996 - May 2000 GHD Ltd. Auckland (Formerly Manukau Consultants Ltd) Senior Traffic Engineer Transit NZ and Manukau City Council, Wiri Station Road Safety and Operational Improvements Road network consisting of major motorway interchange, on-off ramps, signals and priority intersections; Design of new signals and study coordination affects; TRANSYT analysis and economic evaluation of existing and future for 25-year period; Consultant to Auckland City Council Officer/Traffic Engineer - Secondment Traffic Services, Customer Services

Providing expert traffic engineering advice and dealing with daily traffic issues; Approving and preparing Traffic Management schemes for road works by utility services and developers; Preparing, assessing, implementing and monitoring LATM measures in the City; Initiating and managing traffic investigation projects as required; Supervising maintenance contractors; On-road problem solving; Preparing traffic resolutions and liaising with Community Board members and local residents in Council traffic projects.

Transit NZ, Hoteo-Dome Safety and Operational Improvements (1999) 1.6-km rolling and mountainous section of State Highway 1, north of Auckland Issues included poor accident history and lack of passing lanespassing lanes. Testing of seven options including realignment to simple surface treatment in terms of economics and traffic operation TRARR software from ARRB was used for the passing lane assessment. Transit NZ, Napier, Transportation Strategy Studies: State Highways 2, 38 and 50 (1999) The study involved a reviewing and preparing report - traffic management, highway improvements, accident analysis, logging truck usage, public consultation of reports prepared for this section of road during the last five years. Manukau City Council, Improvements (1998) Smales Road Realignment, Safety and Operational

A network of 20 kilometres of roads in the commercial area of the city consisting of six signalised intersections, priority intersections Traffic assignment existing and future SIDRA analysis, accident analysis, economic evaluation Transit NZ, Hamilton (1998), Normandy/Cobham Intersection SH-1

A major intersection 100-km south of Auckland; Investigation of intersection improvements, signals vs. roundabout; Scheme Assessment Report including economic evaluation for 25-year design period Transit NZ, Hamilton, Kahikatea Drive (SH-1) Traffic Study (1998): A 7-km State Highway-1 section including signalised intersections. Investigation of improvements schemes, SIDRA traffic analysis, accident analysis Economic evaluation and B/C analysis. Transit NZ - New Plymouth (1998) Three Transit NZ projects involving road realignment, bridge widening and intersection improvements;

Risk analysis for 100-year flood; Scheme Assessment, economic evaluation, accident analysis and B-C analysis. Manukau City Council - Turanga Hill Safety Improvements (1998)

Safety improvement study a hilly winding road section with three fatal accidents within a five year period; Option investigation including passing lanes, realignment; Scheme Assessment Report passing lanes, economic evaluation, accident analysis, 25-year design period. Transport Project Peer Reviews (1997/98) Peer reviews of Auckland City Council and Transit NZ projects for National Road Funding Programme; Review scheme options, benefits and costs, traffic analysis, accident analysis; Projects reviewed include: SH-16 Western Springs On-ramp slip lane SH-4 North of Kaimatira Road safety improvements realignment ($623k) report by Opus International Consultants Ltd. Waitahi Saddle realignment ($200k) report by Opus International Consultants Ltd. Urenui Bridge Reconstruction ($2m) report by Bloxam Burnett & Oliver Auckland City Council Projects (1997/98) Green Lane Improvements ($2.8m) A complete revaluation of project and review traffic and economic analysis. Obtained the necessary criteria required for funding and construction; Khyber Pass Improvements ($2.5m) Khyber Pass Improvements ($2.5m) Gillies Avenue Improvements ($1.7m Golf/Walmsley/Mangere Intersection Improvements - traffic signals study Church/Neilson/Beasely Road Intersection Improvements ($940k) Transit NZ, (SH 45) Gover/Courtnay Street Intersection Safety and Operational Improvements (1997) Consultation (Council and residents) regarding land acquisition, utility services; Scheme Assessment report, economic evaluation, accident analysis, SIDRA, BC. Manukau City Council, Mangere Motorway "Before" Study (1997) After Study of a new 4-km motorway section of State Highway 20 travel patterns; Investigations included travel time, traffic volume. Manukau City Council, Eastern Access (to Airport) Transportation "After" Study A 3-km section of new State Highway 20; Travel time surveys, traffic volumes, intersection counts and reporting.

Manukau City Council, Botany/Millhouse Drive Intersection Improvements (1997) Capacity and safety improvements of an intersection; Scheme Assessment Report, roundabout and signal investigation; SIDRA analysis, economic evaluation, 25-year design analysis. Manukau City Council, Fencible Drive / Moore Street Roundabout Upgrade, Kolmar Rd / Wilmay Avenue / Omagh Avenue Traffic assessment of urban intersection Roundabout design and evaluation SIDRA traffic software and B-C evaluation Holmes Group, Roscommon/Langley Road Intersection Upgrade (1997) Safety and capacity improvement study of intersection for heavy vehicle usage Signalisation and roundabout issues; Scheme Assessment Report, SIDRA analysis, economic evaluation, 25-year analysis period. Auckland City Council, Shape Correction for 15 Road sections (1996) Benefit- cost calculations for 15 urban and rural road rehabilitation projects in Auckland. Manukau City Council, Wairou Peninsula Traffic Study Arterial road linking a large industrial sub-division with the Southern Motorway Traffic investigations of internal road system intersections, traffic assignment, leading to the motorway interchange Manukau City Council, East Tamaki Corridor Arterial Intersection Analysis and Design (1996) East Tamaki Corridor Arterial project ($52m), new 7-km high capacity arterial road; Tasks - define improvements required to achieve acceptable operational standards to the existing seven intersections on the route, existing and future traffic, accidents (25-yr perios). The intersections were studied using the INTANAL traffic program to determine the optimum intersection design for opening year and design year traffic flows and recommend appropriate intersection controls. Franklin District Council, Waiuku Traffic Management (1996) Network consisting of two signal intersection TRANSYT analysis, economic evaluation.

Transit NZ Orewa Link Road (1996) 8-km long new road Link Road, connecting Northern Motorway (SH-1) with Orewa township consisting of signals, roundabouts and priority intersections in north of Auckland; Operational performance, intersection controls, holiday traffic; SIDRA intersection analyses; Local Area Traffic Management; Auckland City Council, Wheturangi Road "After" Study (1996) Conducted and managed an after study to assess the impact of a traffic management plan and implementation of traffic management devices to reduce speed, traffic volume on a residential street in Auckland. The work involved analysis of traffic flow patterns and comparison with the "before" Study. Auckland City Council, Hillsborough/Dominion Road Intersection Safety Audit (1996) The project was to perform a Transit NZ Stage 3 Safety Audit on final design for safety improvements at the intersection. The audit included a desk-top analysis of accident history and traffic engineering investigations, B/C for rehabilitation works for Auckland City Council, Manukau City Council, Franklin District Council and Waikato District Council. 1993-1996: Traffic Engineer, City Design, Auckland City Council, NZ

Auckland City Council, Transportation Section, Analysis of Schemes for CBD Transportation Study (1994/95) The study involved undertaking manual traffic counts of some 120 signalised intersections, on a lane-by-lane basis for both am and pm peak hours in Auckland CBD. Using these counts and SCATS data, a traffic assignment was completed for network. TRANSYT was used to, analyse network performance and to develop options. These options included new road links, new traffic lanes, turn restrictions at intersections, one-way streets, bus routes. A total of 5 schemes were analysed. Ngakaroa Crawler Lane Scheme Assessment for Transit New Zealand (1996) Several realignment options were investigated. The objective was to find the most appropriate solution that was cost effective and efficient. Work involved obtaining engineering estimates, economic analysis and liaison with local landowners with regard to land take, service authorities and regular update and presentation meetings with TNZ staff ($1.3m). Auckland City Council, St Lukes/Wagener Place Intersection Improvements (1995) The project involved the assessment of the two intersections, St Lukes/ Wagener and St Lukes/Morningside in relation to the St Lukes Centre carpark entrances and exits. The proposal included improvements to the internal vehicle circulation, road widening and intersections improvement. Traffic Plan for Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference (CHOGM-1995)

The work involved identification and investigation of affected city intersections and routes. A traffic management plan was developed that would have the least impact on the road network. The work also involved investigating road closures, diversions, and investigating alternative parking areas and the impact on local businesses. As well as the analysis of intersections, my responsibility included coordinating the project team, which involved survey people and Traffic Operations staff of the Council. Auckland City Council, Remuera/Market Road Intersection Safety and Operational Improvements (1995)

The object of the brief was to find a solution to excessive delays and queues formed at this intersection. Involved an area study and travel patterns. Several options were investigated to improve intersection operation and traffic management of the area, reduce "rat running" through residential (local) streets. Tasks included traffic analysis, organising survey work, co-ordinating traffic counting teams, liaison and consultation with Council staff and local residents, undertaking origin-destination studies and preparation of report. Project manager. Auckland City Council, Traffic Operations, Khyber Pass/Claremont/Motorway On and Off Ramps Intersection Improvements (1996)

This study arose from concerns expressed over the high rate of accidents at the intersection. The study soon developed to involve three major signalised intersections on major corridor and involved an area-wide study. Work included undertaking Origin-Destination surveys, traffic assignments, consultation with residents and council officers. Project manager. Auckland City Council, Rosebank/Patiki Road Intersection Improvements (1994)

Liaison with national and local authorities, roundabouts vs signalised intersections, proximity to motorway interchange and on and off ramps, cycle routes and industrial traffic. Project manager. Traffic Impact Report for Glen Innes Retail Development (1993)

The single storey shopping mall in Glen Innes was to be improved and a fourstorey complex erected containing car-parking floors, drive-through restaurants and extra retail and office areas. This project involved investigating impacts on street network, on/off-street car and taxi parking, vehicle crossings, circulation areas of car parks and other traffic engineering issues. The work involved proposing measures to mitigate impacts on street and maintain safety standards by modifying/introducing pedestrian crossings, safe operation of parking areas, design of central medians and other street furniture to meet Auckland City Council consent criteria. Auckland City Council, Ayr/Shore/Basset Intersection Improvements for TNZ Funding (1994)

The intersection had a poor safety record and severe congestion with build-up of long queues during peak hours. Argued the case for a two-lane roundabout instead of the favoured traffic signals. A roundabout was constructed. The project involved design, analysis and estimation of construction and service costs. Liaison

meetings with various sections within Auckland City Council were also held. protected trees issues complicated the design.


Auckland City Council, Traffic Engineer for Development Applications (1993/94/95) Involved with development application processing work, which included preparation of traffic engineering impact reports for parking complexes, residential apartments, offices and warehouses, educational institutes, small business ventures, private driveways and garages. Experience was gained in District Plan mechanisms and Resource Management Act procedures. 1980-1992 Teacher of Physics, Mathematics and Science in UK, Zimbabwe and NZ RESEARCH Transfund (NZ) Project: "An Integrated Traffic Model for Auckland Cities Using AIMSUN2 and TRANSYT-10", 1999-2000 Transfund Research Project. The aim of the study is to develop an integrated approach to traffic signalisation and management across jurisdictions and motorways/urban/rural interfaces, using modern traffic models and selected test sites in Auckland. The study will span a two-year period and is estimated to cost $85,000. Masters Project: "A Guide to Co-ordinating and Optimising Signalised Intersections Using TRANSYT" (1997). The guide was prepared as part of the Master of Engineering Studies course at Auckland University, and consist of a 14 hands-on tutorials. Student Assistant to Traffic Noise L10 levels: Imperial College of Science & Technology, London (1973-1975, f/t and p/t). (Non-Traffic) Student Assistant to Laser Triggered Spark Chamber Project: Rutherford High Energy Laboratory, Berkshire, England (1974 - 1975). HOBBIES & INTERESTS Photography, Golf, Aquarium fish, Table tennis, Travel

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