R1116010-00000-CI-SPC-0006-0A-Civil Works
R1116010-00000-CI-SPC-0006-0A-Civil Works
R1116010-00000-CI-SPC-0006-0A-Civil Works
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1. Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 5
3. Reference ............................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Project Engineering Standards ...................................................................................... 5
3.2 Client Standard: Thaioil Engineering Standard ............................................................ 5
3.3 Shell DEP......................................................................................................................... 5
3.4 AASHTO Standards ........................................................................................................ 6
3.5 Thai Standards ................................................................................................................ 6
3.6 American Concrete Institute Standards ........................................................................ 6
3.7 ASTM Standards ............................................................................................................. 6
4. Materials ................................................................................................................................. 8
4.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 8
4.2 Chlorides ......................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Sulphates ........................................................................................................................ 8
4.4 Alkali-Aggregate Reaction ............................................................................................. 8
4.5 Cement ............................................................................................................................ 8
4.6 Aggregate ........................................................................................................................ 9
4.7 Sampling of Aggregates ................................................................................................. 9
4.8 Water ............................................................................................................................... 9
4.9 Admixtures ...................................................................................................................... 9
4.10Concrete ........................................................................................................................ 10
4.11Reinforcement .............................................................................................................. 11
5. Handling and Storage of Materials ..................................................................................... 12
5.1 Cement .......................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Aggregates .................................................................................................................... 12
5.3 Reinforcement .............................................................................................................. 12
5.4 Other Materials.............................................................................................................. 13
5.5 Rejected Materials ........................................................................................................ 13
6. Concrete Workmanship ....................................................................................................... 13
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1. Scope
This Standard specifies the requirements for materials and workmanship to be attained
in the production and placing of concrete, including reinforcement, joints, materials and
2. Definitions
EMPLOYER : Thai Oil Public Company Limited.
ENGINEER : A nominated qualified representative of EMPLOYER
CONTRACTOR : A Specialist Design Contractor or Consultant or Fabricator
employed by EMPLOYER to carry out design/ fabrication/
construction/ erection work in accordance with this standard.
3. Reference
All concrete materials, testing and construction work shall comply with the requirements
of the latest revisions and amendments current at the time of Contract award of the
following Standards:
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4. Materials
4.1 General
All materials shall conform to the appropriate Standards and Specifications. Certificates
of compliance for all materials including proprietary materials shall be submitted to the
ENGINEER for approval.
4.2 Chlorides
Maximum limit for chloride ion content of aggregates for all concrete mixes shall not
exceed 0.03 expressed as percentage by mass of combined aggregates.
Maximum limit for chloride ion content of concrete shall be 0.2 expressed as percentage
by mass of cement.
4.3 Sulphates
The total water soluble sulphate content of the concrete mix shall not exceed 4% SO3 by
weight of the cement in the mix. The sulphate content, expressed as SO3 shall be
calculated from the sulphate derived from the cement, any other cementitious material,
the aggregate, any admixtures and any other source.
Maximum alkali content of the concrete mix shall not exceed 3kg/m 3. For procedures for
limiting and testing for alkali content refer to ASTM C289 and ASTM C150.
4.5 Cement
Unless otherwise specified, the cement shall be Ordinary Portland Cement that
conforms to ASTM C150 with tricalcium aluminate (C3A) content not exceeding 12%. All
cement shall be the same brand, manufactured at the same mill.
Manufacturer's certificates to the effect that the cement has been tested and found to
comply with the requirements of the appropriate American Standard and the above
additional requirements shall be submitted prior to the despatch of each consignment
from the manufacturers works.
The date, quantity of cement and the number of the relevant delivery note shall also be
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Cement may be rejected as a result of further tests thereon which may be conducted
notwithstanding the above-mentioned manufacturer's certificate.
After delivery of the consignment, the ENGINEER shall have access to the cement store
and samples may be taken for further tests to be carried out.
From the results of these tests, the ENGINEER may reject any consignment or part
consignment that does not comply with the relevant Standards.
4.6 Aggregate
The fine aggregates shall consist of natural sand or crushed stone and the coarse
aggregates of natural gravel or crushed stone. They shall all be obtained from sources
approved by the ENGINEER. Aggregates shall be hard, clean and free from any
substance likely to reduce the strength and durability of the concrete. The clay, silt and
fine dust content, the organic impurities and the aggregate crushing value shall be within
the limits specified in ASTM C33. The grading of fine and coarse aggregate shall be in
accordance with ASTM C33.
Sampling and testing of aggregates, when required by the ENGINEER, shall be carried
to in accordance with ASTM C33. If adequate laboratory facilities do not exist on site
samples shall be taken and sent to an approved testing laboratory. Samples of 0.015m3
and 0.03 m3 of fine and coarse aggregate respectively shall be sent in suitable air-tight
When aggregates have been approved by the ENGINEER the entire supply shall be
obtained from the approved source and regular testing shall be carried out to ensure that
the same quality and grading of the materials are being maintained.
The use of any aggregates that do not meet the requirements of the relevant Standards
will not be permitted.
4.8 Water
Water used for mixing and curing of concrete shall comply with the requirements of
4.9 Admixtures
Admixtures shall be used only with the written approval of the ENGINEER, and shall
comply with ASTM C494.
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All admixtures used to modify one or more characteristic of the concrete shall be
accompanied by a certificate from an approved institute stating:
Where admixtures have not been used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's
instruction, or where admixtures are shown to have adversely affected the hardened
concrete, the affected work shall be treated in accordance with Clause 6.10 of this
4.10 Concrete
Unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEER all concrete used on this project shall be
ready-mixed in accordance with ACI 301 and shall be produced from a supplier in close
proximity to the site approved by the ENGINEER.
Special attention shall be paid to the curing of fresh concrete, the temperature of the mix
constituents and formwork, water/cement ratio and the procedure of placing/compaction
of concrete due to the hot weather, which is experienced at the site.
The requirements of ACI 301, 304, 305 and 318 shall be adhered to for all concreting
works. Concrete for all parts of the work shall be homogenous and, when hardened shall
have the required strength, resistance to deterioration, durability, resistance to abrasion,
water tightness and appearance.
Concrete used to retain liquids shall have a maximum permitted width of crack of 0.2 mm
and shall comply with any additional requirements of ACI 350.
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Concrete grades shall be as denoted on the drawings and listed in Table 1 below.
(kg/m3) RATIO SIZE (mm)
7 Day 28 Day
4.11 Reinforcement
b) Grade SR 24, plain round bars specified characteristic strength of 235 N/mm2 in
accordance with TIS 20 - defined by letter R on the schedule.
Note, this type of bar has only a limited use in accordance with ACI 318.
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5.1 Cement
1) Cement in sacks or bags shall be stored in waterproof, ventilated sheds, and the
floors of the sheds shall be kept clear of the ground or otherwise protected from
dampness. The cement shall be stored in such a way that the oldest deliveries are
used first. Bagged cement shall not be stored higher than 10 bags. Re-bagged
cement shall not be used.
2) If bulk cement is used it shall be stored in approved containers. Cement bags
containing lumps that cannot be broken by a light touch of the fingers shall not be
used. Cement shall not be kept on site longer than 3 months.
5.2 Aggregates
1) The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that adequate supplies of the approved aggregate
are available prior to commencing work and shall at all times maintain on site
quantities of each type of aggregate as are considered by the ENGINEER to be
sufficient to ensure continuity of work.
2) Each type of aggregate shall be separately transported and stored and shall not be
contaminated with any other type of aggregate or any other material. Where two
types of aggregate are stored next to each other, they shall be separated by a wall or
plate. The floor of storage areas shall be of concrete or other approved material
having sufficient slope to ensure drainage of surplus water. Regular cleaning of
aggregate bins shall be carried out to remove accumulated dust. Wet aggregate shall
be kept on site for at least 24 hours to ensure adequate drainage before being used.
3) Aggregate shall comply with ASTM C33.
5.3 Reinforcement
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All other materials shall be stored in an approved manner to protect them from
deterioration and contamination from whatever source.
All materials which are unidentified, or do not comply with this Standard shall be
removed from the site immediately.
6. Concrete Workmanship
6.1 General
1) All workmanship and placement of concrete shall comply with the requirements of
ACI standards 301, 305, 308 and 318.
2) All concrete foundations and piers shall be cast within formwork shuttering.
3) All reinforcement shall be bent in accordance with ACI Standards.
Fine and coarse aggregates, cement and water shall be measured by weight, by means
of a batching machine which shall be approved by the ENGINEER.
Due allowance shall be made of the weight of the water carried by the aggregates in the
stockpile before use. Aggregates for each batch shall be measured to within 2%
accuracy by weight.
The mixing water shall be measured to within 1% accuracy by volume or by weight.
Admixtures may be measured by volume to within 3% accuracy.
If the cement is supplied in bags, the batches for the various qualities of concrete shall
be proportioned in such a manner as to avoid the necessity of using part bags in any
batch. If the cement is stored in bulk the measuring device shall be approved by the
ENGINEER before use and shall be checked at least weekly.
Concrete shall be of such consistency that it can be readily worked into the corners and
angles of the formwork and around reinforcement without segregation of the materials.
Workability shall be measured by the slump of the concrete at the time of placing.
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The amount of water added to each batch of concrete shall be strictly controlled to yield
agreed slump values. The degree of workability shall be compatible with the type of
Concrete test specimens shall be made and cured in accordance with ASTM C192 and
tested in accordance with ASTM C39. A curve representing the relationship between the
water content and the average 28 day compressive strength for the proposed cement
content, or earlier strength at which the concrete is to receive its full working load, shall
be established for a range of values including the compressive strength called for on the
drawings. The curve shall be established by at least three (3) points, each point
representing average values from at least four (4) test specimens.
The maximum allowable water content for concrete shall be determined from this curve
and shall correspond to a strength 25 per cent greater than indicated herein or on the
drawings. No substitutions shall be made in the materials used in the work without
additional tests in accordance herewith to show that the quality of the concrete is
satisfactory. In the field consistency shall be determined by slump tests in accordance
with ASTM C143. The slump shall, in all cases, be as low as possible, and shall fall
within the values given below:
Type of Construction Slump, in mm
Max. *Min
Reinforced foundation walls and footing 75 25
Plain footings, caissons, and substructure walls 75 25
Beams and reinforced walls 100 25
Building Columns 100 25
Slabs 75 25
Mass concrete 50 25
Workability shall be measured whenever a sample for strength is taken. If the limits of
workability are exceeded, actions that include, but are not necessarily limited to,
increased sampling rates for workability, insistence of more stringent control of batching
and mixing or rejection of the concrete shall be taken. The cost of such actions shall be
borne by the CONTRACTOR.
Concrete shall be mixed in a properly maintained batch mixer complying with ASTM C94
and approved by the ENGINEER. Mixing shall continue until there is a uniform
distribution of colour and consistency of the materials but for each batch of concrete the
mixing shall continue for at least 2 minutes after all the materials are in the mixer. The
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mixer shall be operated according to the manufacturer's instructions and the entire
content of the drum shall be discharged before recharging.
Hand mixing will be subject to the approval of the ENGINEER and may be used only in
exceptional circumstances for non-structural mass concrete work. Where this is
permitted the materials for each batch shall be gauged and mixed on a clean grout-tight
platform and long pronged rakes shall be used in addition to shovels. The amount of
cement used shall be 10% more than that as specified for machine mixing.
Cement and sand shall be first mixed together and turned over once in a dry state. They
shall then be passed through a sieve of 20mm mesh on to the coarse aggregate, spread
out evenly on the platform and the whole mass shall be turned over twice in a dry
condition and three times after the necessary amount of water has been carefully added
through a fine rose. Colour consistency and other provisions shall apply as for machine
Certification that each concrete mix is proportioned for the strength specified in Table 1
shall be provided to the ENGINEER.
A quality plan must be submitted at least two weeks before the start of testing indicating
the tests to be carried out on the individual materials and concrete composition and the
frequency with which these tests shall be taken, as well as the required test results.
This programme shall be adapted to the local conditions. These tests can, with written
permission of the ENGINEER, be restricted to spot checks providing the materials are
delivered with certificates and in accordance with the relevant Standards.
Test certificates for cement, aggregate, water and reinforcement are required to be
provided prior to the start of work.
Cylinder tests shall be carried out, at the expense of the CONTRACTOR, by an
independent laboratory which shall be approved by the ENGINEER.
All cylinders shall be made in accordance with ASTM C172, cured in accordance with
ASTM C31 and tested in accordance with ASTM C39.
Cylinders shall be clearly marked for identification purposes and a register of cylinders
taken shall be kept indicating the date and type and position of concrete sampled for
each set of cylinders. Reports of all cylinder test results shall be supplied to the
ENGINEER within 24 hours of being carried out.
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Cantilevers, Columns etc.
Beams, Slabs, Decks etc.
Foundations, Rafts etc.
This initial rate of sampling may be varied by the ENGINEER if either consistently high or
low qualities are achieved.
The minimum number of test cylinders to be prepared from each sample shall be nine
(9), three (3) for testing at age 7 days and three (3) at 28 days. The other three (3) to be
kept for reference at EMPLOYER's request. The average of each of the three results
being taken as the test result.
Acceptance criteria for both preliminary mix design test cylinders and construction quality
control test cylinders shall be as defined in ACI 318.
The CONTRACTOR shall maintain at site a complete and up-to-date set of records of all
control test results and these shall be made available to the ENGINEER as required and
shall be subject to his approval.
The required mixes shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of ACI 318.
Unless there is existing data showing that the proposed mix proportions will produce the
Grade of concrete required with adequate workability for full compaction by the methods
to be used, trial mixes shall be prepared under full-scale production conditions in
accordance with the requirements of ACI 318.
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The compliance of a designed mix shall be judged by the strength of the hardened
concrete in comparison with the specified characteristic strengths, together with the
cement content in comparison with the specified minimum cement content and the
maximum free water/cement ratio as specified in ACI 318.
Compliance with the specified characteristic strength will be judged by tests made on
cylinders at 28 days.
Fresh concrete shall be sampled and tested in accordance with ASTM C143, 172 and
One slump test shall be performed at the start of each section of the work and thereafter
repeated as shown in Table 2.
The frequency of sampling and testing air content in fresh concrete shall be each time a
slump test is performed, or as required by the ENGINEER.
1) Should any cylinder test fall below the specified strength requirement the ENGINEER
will decide whether the concrete in the work represented by those cylinders can be
accepted. Failing acceptance the CONTRACTOR shall carry out one or more of the
following actions at its own expense:
a) Drilling and testing of cored cylinders in accordance with the procedures laid
down in ACI 318 & ASTM C42.
b) Carrying out of load tests, or other non-destructive tests, in accordance with the
procedures laid down in ACI 318.
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6.11 Records
Records shall be kept by the CONTRACTOR and a copy supplied to the ENGINEER, of
the position in the Works of all batches of concrete, their Grade and of the results of all
test cylinders, cores and other specimens taken from them.
Ready-mixed concrete may be used with the prior approval of the ENGINEER, provided
that it is produced at an approved plant, and that it complies with ACI 318 and ASTM
Unless otherwise approved by the ENGINEER, the concrete shall be supplied from only
one approved plant. The ENGINEER shall be afforded access to all parts of the ready
mixed concrete plant during working hours.
The ready-mixed concrete supplier's statements on the cement content per unit volume
of compacted concrete and on proposed admixtures shall be communicated in writing to
the ENGINEER before any concrete is delivered.
All delivery notes shall be retained by the CONTRACTOR for inspection by the
ENGINEER throughout the duration of the Contract.
6.13 Transporting
Concrete shall be transported in accordance with ACI 304 to ensure that at the point of
deposition it is of the correct quality and consistency.
Concrete delivery trucks to be used for transporting concrete shall incorporate means of
agitating the concrete during transport to site.
Containers used for the transporting of concrete made from Portland Cement shall be
free from any concrete or mortar containing either of the other types of cement.
6.14 Placing
Concrete shall be compacted in its final position as soon as practicable after mixing.
Compaction shall take place within 30 minutes from the time when agitation of the mix
has ceased. When ready mixed concrete is supplied in purpose made agitators the time
between the introduction of cement to the mix and compaction shall not exceed 2 hours
and shall not exceed 1 hour when air temperature exceeds 25C.
Water shall not be added to the mix after the concrete has left the mixer.
Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to all joints. The sequence of placing
shall be such that trapped bays are not formed which could result in cracking due to
drying shrinkage.
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Concrete shall not be placed in any part of the structure until the formwork, staging,
reinforcement and any built in items have been inspected and approved by the
ENGINEER. Spaces to be occupied by concrete shall be clean and free from standing
water. Not less than 24 hours notice shall be given to the ENGINEER prior to placing
Concrete shall not be dropped freely from a distance of more than 1.5m to avoid
segregation, displacement of reinforcement, built in items, or movement of, and damage
to faces of formwork.
The use of chutes, spouts or pumps will be permitted as approved by the ENGINEER.
When flexible chutes are used they shall be kept free from coatings or hardened
Concrete shall be placed in layers that are approximately horizontal and not exceeding
450mm in depth. The height of lift and the rate of placement shall be determined by the
CONTRACTOR in consultation with the ENGINEER, consideration being given to the
interval between successive layers, air temperature, method of compaction and
temperature rise due to the heat of hydration.
At all times when concrete is being placed, a competent steel fixer shall be in continuous
attendance to adjust and correct the position of any reinforcement which may be
Placing of concrete shall not be carried out in heavy rain, unless special precautions
agreed by the ENGINEER are put into force.
The CONTRACTOR shall so organise his work that the placing of concrete is efficient
and continuous between specified or approved construction joints. When vertical lifts of
concrete are interrupted and delayed for more than one hour, but less than three hours,
the surface of the unfinished concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned by air/water spray
under pressure and concreting operations commenced immediately. The first layer of
new concrete placed shall not exceed 150mm in depth and particular care shall be taken
with compaction of this layer to ensure a good bond between the already cast concrete
and the first new layer of concrete.
If concreting is interrupted for more than three hours the concrete surface shall be
prepared as for Clause 6.18 Construction Joints.
If an interruption of more than one hour occurs, or is anticipated, during the concreting of
a long horizontal member, a stop-end shall be installed at a location approved by the
ENGINEER, to provide a clean vertical surface of the joint.
Laying of thin sections such as floor slabs in two courses shall not be permitted except
where specified or required by the ENGINEER.
Reinforced concrete shall not be placed directly upon the ground. Where blinding
concrete is used as a base it shall be Class 140, not less than 50mm thick, or as stated
on the drawings, and laid over the ground immediately after excavation to provide a
clean working surface.
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Under yard paving, 0.15 mm thick heavy duty polythene sheet or waterproof building
paper may be used instead of concrete blinding. Polythene sheet or waterproof building
paper shall be laid in the longest lengths and widest widths available with overlaps not
less than 150mm at all joints and intersections. Polythene sheet or waterproof building
paper shall be laid on a surface free of hard spots or projections likely to cause a
Structural concrete may only be cast against open excavated faces where detailed on
the drawings, or in specific cases as approved by the ENGINEER.
Full compaction of the concrete shall be achieved throughout the entire depth of the
layer. It shall be thoroughly worked against the formwork, around the reinforcement and
successive layers shall be thoroughly worked together, to form a solid mass free from
Unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER, approved power driven vibrators shall be
inserted at such distances apart or applied in such a manner as will ensure that the
concrete is satisfactorily and uniformly compacted.
Immersion vibrators shall penetrate the full depth of the layer, and when the underlying
layer is of fresh concrete, shall enter and revibrate that layer to ensure that successive
layers merge together.
Vibration shall be carried out in a manner which does not promote segregation of the
Immersion vibrators shall be withdrawn slowly to prevent the formation of voids. Vibrators
shall not be used to work the concrete along the forms, or in such a way as to damage
formwork or other parts of the work, or displace the reinforcement.
Whenever vibration has to be applied externally the design of formwork and disposition
of vibrators shall receive special consideration to ensure efficient compaction and to
avoid surface blemishes.
Prior to the commencement of the works the CONTRACTOR shall demonstrate the
efficiency of his proposed method of compaction, to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER,
on a trial section of the construction. Sufficient vibrators in serviceable condition shall be
on site so that spare equipment is always available in the event of breakdowns.
Compaction shall not be achieved by vibration of the reinforcement.
Protection and curing shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of ASTM
C171. Immediately after finishing or removal of formwork, the exposed surfaces of the
concrete shall be protected during hardening from the effects of sun, drying winds, rain
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or running water. Until after the initial set of the concrete the means of protection used
shall not be supported from the concrete.
Curing of concrete after the initial set shall be by a method such that adequate water is
available for full hydration of the cement. This may be attained by keeping the surfaces
of the concrete wet by covering with a layer of sacking, or a similar absorbent material,
such as sand, which must be kept soaked with water applied as a fine spray.
Alternatively, after thoroughly wetting the surfaces they shall be covered with an
approved waterproof paper or plastic membrane kept in contact with the concrete, or
immediately after placing of the concrete or removal of the forms applying to the concrete
surfaces an approved liquid curing membrane, containing a dye, strictly in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions. Liquid curing membranes shall not be applied to
surfaces which will later receive grout.
Concrete shall be cured for a minimum period of 7 days or as approved by the
ENGINEER. During the curing cycle the concrete shall be protected from damage by
shock, vibration, water or any agent likely to interfere with the process of setting and
hardening. Loads of any kind shall not be placed on the concrete during the curing period
without permission from the ENGINEER.
The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that heat of hydration during curing of concrete shall
not cause a temperature differential between the interior of the concrete and any outside
face greater than 250C. This requirement shall apply to large blocks which are those with
cross sectional dimensions of 1.5 x 1.5m or larger and minimum volume of 20 m3.
Prior to pour approval the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER details of
temperature differential control procedure. When required by the ENGINEER the
CONTRACTOR shall prove the differential using embedded thermocouples for at least
10 days after the concrete pour and also the anticipated differential by calculation.
Where uniformity of colour is important all materials shall be obtained from single
consistent sources. The aggregates shall be durable and free of any impurities which
may cause staining. The mix proportions and the grading, particularly of the fine
aggregate, shall remain constant.
Construction joints shall only be placed at the positions shown on the drawings, and
elsewhere only with the approval of the ENGINEER.
Vertical construction joints shall be prepared by careful stripping of the stop end as soon
as possible, within 12 hours, and the surface of the concrete immediately brushed with a
wire brush to expose the aggregate. Care shall be taken only to remove the latency and
not to loosen the aggregate.
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Horizontal joints shall be prepared while the concrete is still 'green'. The surface skin
shall be removed by means of an air-and-water jet to expose the aggregate and the
surface left clean to receive further concrete. This operation shall be carried out between
one and three hours after compaction, depending upon weather conditions.
When it is impractical to carry out the above procedures the joints shall be prepared by
needle gun to remove the surface skin and latency. Hacking of hardened surfaces shall
be avoided. Before commencing with the fixing of reinforcement or shuttering for the new
concrete, the surface of the hardened concrete shall be inspected and approved by the
On completion of the fixing of reinforcement and the erection of formwork for the next lift
of concrete, the horizontal and vertical construction joints shall be thoroughly cleaned of
all dirt and debris.
Immediately before concreting is resumed, the joint shall be wetted with clean water. All
surplus water shall be removed by airspray before start of concreting.
Reinforcement shall run continuously through construction joints unless noted otherwise
on the drawings.
Vertical and horizontal construction joints in liquid retaining structures shall be provided
with water bars.
Extra care shall be taken at joints where a water bar is inserted. Care shall be taken not
to damage or perforate the water bar by mishandling or nailing. Water bars shall be
securely held in place so that they do not move during the placing of the concrete. The
concrete shall be carefully placed and vibrated around the water bars and a complete
bond formed between the concrete and all embedded areas of the water bar. Water bars
shall be protected from the sun and the weather if the adjoining concrete is not to be
placed within two weeks.
All junctions in water bars shall be formed using factory made intersections. Butt jointing
only, between similar sections shall be carried out on site using the manufacturer's
special jig strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's written instructions.
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Concreting in hot climates shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations
in ACI 305.
This requirement shall apply to large pours with thickness greater than 1500 mm and a
minimum volume of 20 m3.
The Contractor shall submit, for the approval of the Engineer, details of the concrete mix
together with a method statement for large concrete pours prior to the start of
The method of construction shall ensure that the heat of hydration during the curing of
the concrete shall not cause a temperature differential between the interior of the
concrete and any outside face greater than 20C.
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The method statement shall include details of temperature differential control procedure
by the use embedded thermocouples together with thermal quilts necessary to maintain
the required external temperature.
The concrete differential temperature control shall be monitored for 10 days after the
concrete pour.
7. Reinforcement Workmanship
7.1 Placing
The number, size, form and position of all reinforcement shall be strictly in accordance
with the drawings, unless otherwise authorised by the ENGINEER in writing.
All reinforcement shall be free from loose rust, mill scale, oil and any other substance
likely to reduce the strength or durability of the bond between the steel and concrete.
Black annealed steel binding wire of 1.5mm thickness shall be used for fixing the
reinforcing material. The ends of the binding wire shall be tucked in to prevent corrosion
spots in the concrete.
Bending schedules, prepared by the CONTRACTOR, shall comply with ACI 318
(Chapter 7).
7.3 Fixing
Steel reinforcement shall be erected such as to form a rigid cage within the formwork,
with every intersection being bound together with an approved binding wire which shall
be tied in such a manner that the ends of the wire point inward to maintain the full
specified cover. Steel stools of an approved diameter and spacing shall be provided
between layers of reinforcement where necessary to maintain the required positions.
Specified concrete cover shall be maintained by the use of precast concrete spacer
blocks of the same 28 days strength as the concrete in which they are to be used.
Any other method of maintaining the concrete cover shall be submitted to the
ENGINEER for approval, prior to work commencing.
Two adjacent sheets of fabric reinforcement shall overlap by at least 300 mm or 40 times
the diameter of the wires lying at right-angles to the edges to be lapped, whichever of
these dimensions is the greater. Laps shall be tied together on both the longitudinal and
transverse wires.
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7.4 Welding
Welding of reinforcement shall be carried out only with the prior approval of the
ENGINEER, and shall comply with ACI 318 (Clause 3.5). Field welding of crossing bars
is not permitted.
7.5 Testing
One sample of three test pieces per bar diameter per consignment received on site or
fabrication works shall be tested for tensile, bending and rebend properties. Sets of the
Records of the results of these tests shall be sent directly to the ENGINEER.
8. Formwork Workmanship
8.1 Design
Formwork shall be designed and constructed in accordance with ACI 318. The
CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER, for review, calculations and drawings of
the formwork before formwork construction commences.
Formwork shall take due account of the surface finish required, and shall be sufficiently
rigid and tight to prevent loss of grout from the concrete, and for the method of placing
and compacting.
Choice of materials to construct formwork shall depend on climatic conditions and
expected heat of hydration.
All edges of exposed concrete member shall have a 45° chamfer of approximately
8.2 Construction
All formwork shall be set out accurately from datum and benchmarks. The correct
position, level and alignment of all parts of the work shall be ensured by the
CONTRACTOR at all times during the execution of the works.
Formwork (including props) shall be so constructed that the forms are maintained in their
correct position, and to correct shape and profile, so that the final concrete member is
within the dimensional tolerances required by Clause 10.0 of this Standard.
Formwork shall be so designed as to be readily dismantled and removed without shock,
disturbance or damage to the concrete. Where necessary, formwork shall be so
arranged that the soffit form, adequately supported on props only, can be retained in
position for such period as may be required by curing conditions or specification.
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No part of any formwork tie or spacer, remaining permanently embedded in the concrete,
shall be less than 50mm from the finished surface. Ties which when removed leave a
through hole in the member shall not be permitted in liquid retaining structures.
Type of ties to be used in constructing the formwork shall be subject to approval by the
All rubbish shall be removed from the interior of the forms before the concrete is placed.
Temporary openings shall be provided to facilitate cleaning and inspection of deep
Formwork shall be inspected and approved by the ENGINEER before any concrete is
All formwork shall be removed in accordance with ACI 318 in a manner such that the
concrete is not damaged in any way. Table 3 below gives a guide to the minimum time
period which will generally be required between placing the concrete and removing the
formwork for Ordinary Portland Cement concrete. Notwithstanding compliance with these
minimum times, the CONTRACTOR shall be held liable for damage caused by
premature removal of props and formwork.
Provided the concrete strength is confirmed by tests on cylinders stored as far as
possible under the same conditions, formwork supporting cast in situ concrete in flexure
may be removed when the cube strength is 10 N/mm2 or twice the stress to which it will
then be subjected, whichever is the greater, provided that such earlier removal will not
result in unacceptable deflections due to shrinkage, creep, etc.
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160C 350C
Vertical formwork to
Columns, walls and 12 hours 9 hours
Large beams
Release agents for formwork shall be carefully chosen for the particular conditions they
are required to fulfil. Where a concrete surface is to be permanently exposed the same
agent shall be used throughout the entire area. Release agents shall be applied evenly
and shall not be allowed to come in contact with reinforcement. Where the surface is to
receive an applied finish, care shall be taken to ensure the compatibility of the release
agent with the finish.
Generally surface finishes of formwork will be Type A, Type B or Type C. Type A being
used below grade level and Type B above grade level. Type C may be required in
Administration and Control Buildings.
Smooth off-the form and board-marked finishes are not recommended for external use,
but where they are specified for interior use the following types may be quoted for the
guidance of both designers and contractors. It should be appreciated that it is virtually
impossible to achieve dense, flat smooth, even coloured, blemish-free concrete surfaces
directly from the formwork. Some degree of making good is inevitable, even with precast
a) Type A Finish : This is obtained by the use of properly designed formwork or
moulds of timber, plywood, plastics, concrete or steel. Small
blemishes caused by entrapped air or water may be expected, but
the surface should be free from voids, honeycombing or other
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b) Type B Finish : This finish can only be obtained by the use of high quality concrete
and formwork. The concrete should be thoroughly compacted and
all surfaces should be true, with clean arises. Only very minor,
surface blemishes should occur, with no staining or discoloration
from the release agent.
c) Type C Finish : This finish is obtained by first producing a Type B finish. The
surface is then improved by carefully removing all fins and other
projections, thoroughly washing down and then filling the most
noticeable surface blemishes with a cement and fine aggregate
paste to match the colour of the original concrete. The release
agent should be carefully chosen to ensure that the concrete
surface will not be stained or discoloured. After the concrete has
been properly cured, the face should be rubbed down, where
necessary, to produce a smooth and even surface.
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The sides of the moulds may be removed, with the approval of the ENGINEER,
not less than 12 hours after casting, provided the concrete has thoroughly set to
the satisfaction of the ENGINEER.
All concrete surfaces shall be kept thoroughly wetted for at least ten days during
which time the surfaces shall be kept covered with hessian or other approved
Slinging, transporting and stacking may take place ten days after casting, or as
particularly specified. Building or setting into the works shall not be permitted until
28 days after casting.
The time periods specified above may be reduced where special techniques are
adopted such as vacuum or pressed concrete, steam curing or when a rapid
hardening cement is used, all as approved by the ENGINEER.
10. Grouting
c) Types G3: A proprietary epoxy grout which shall be mixed and installed in
accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions.
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baseplate shall be clean and freed of all foreign matter. Concrete including bolt holes
shall be saturated with clean water for 24 hours prior to grouting. All free water shall be
removed from concrete and bolt holes before grouting. All trapped pockets shall be
vented to allow full penetration of the grouting material. Where vent holes have been
provided in baseplates these shall be used. All shuttering shall be of adequate strength
and securely fixed to withstand the pressure of the grout and be sealed to prevent
10.3.1 Type G1
The mix proportion shall be determined by trial mixes. The grout shall be adequately
mixed in a paddle-type mortar mixer or by other suitable mechanical means. The water
content and consistency shall be determined by trial mixes to the satisfaction of the
The sand-cement mix shall be such that the compressive strength of the grout at 7 days
2 2
shall be not less than 25 N/mm for the 1 : 1 mix and not less than 20 N/mm for the 1 : 2
mix as determined by tests on 50 mm cubes in accordance with BS 1881.
Neat cement grout shall not be used.
The water-cement ratio shall not greater than 0.50 by weight and limited fluidity as
agreed with the ENGINEER.
“Damp pack” grout shall only be used after trial sections have been carried out and with
written agreement from the ENGINEER.
The mix shall be 1 : 1 for bedding thicknesses not greater than 25 mm and 1 : 2 for
bedding thicknesses not greater than 50 mm. Where bedding thicknesses are greater the
mix shall contain coarse aggregates. Unless otherwise specified the proportions,
consistency, etc. shall be as for Grade 40 concrete, maximum aggregate sizes 10 mm.
Other special grout, eg. rapid hardening or quick setting, shall only be used with written
agreement from the ENGINEER and to an agreed specification.
10.3.3 Type G2
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The following points, together with the appropriate sections in this Standard for mixing,
placing, curing and concreting during hot weather, shall apply to both types of grouts:-
Grout shall be mixed adjacent to the area being grouted and sufficient manpower,
materials and equipment shall be available for rapid and continuous mixing and
After mixing is completed, the grout shall not be remixed at any time for any
o o
Mixing water above 80 F (27 C) shall not be used. Placing of grout shall be at a
o o
temperature between 45-70 F (7-24 C), for foundations, baseplate and grout
material. This temperature shall be maintained within this range for 24 hrs
o o
following installation and thereafter above 40 F (4 C) until strength exceeds 28
N/mm . Cold water shall be used to extend working time in hot weather. Care
shall be taken to ensure that the grout completely fills the void to be grouted, is
thoroughly compacted, and free from air pocket.
Any area or pocket which has not to receive grout shall be sealed with an
approved material.
Grout may be placed by either pouring pumping. Grouting placed by gravity flow
shall be applied continuously under a head of not less than 300 mm and worked
until the space is completely filled. Vibration shall not be used. The grout shall not
be overworked. All bolt holes and sleeves shall be adequately filled and pressure
grouting used where directed by the ENGINEER.
The grout shall be properly and adequately cured in accordance with Clause 3.4
of this Standard. Compressive strength tests on cubes shall comply with BS1881.
Three test cubes shall be prepared and tested for each 1 m of grout used.
Where Type G1 grout is to be applied over a large area a plasticiser approved by the
ENGINEER may be added. Plasticisers shall be used in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Baseplates shall be kept shaded during grout curing. Exposed surfaces of grout shall be
covered with either polythene, damp hessian or damp sand. At no time should be wind or
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sun be allowed to affect the curing process. THE CONTRACTOR shall submit his
proposals for the curing of grout for approval by the ENGINEER before grouting.
Where a Field Service is offered by the manufacturers Type G2 Grout shall be utilized.
The manufacturer’s guarantees may be dependent on such involvement.
Grout shall be cured in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
After an initial set has taken place, the work shall be neatly pointed and trowelled
off and left in a workmanlike manner.
Exposed edges shall be protected against damage during the curing period.
Where shims are to be removed, or if wedges were used, they shall be removed
after 3 days. On removal of the shims or wedges, the resultant spaces shall be
filled with grout. Foundation bolts should then be pulled for tightness.
Where drawings specify painting of grout this shall be applied when grout is
completely dry and this shall consist of two coats of an approved oil and alkali
resistant coating.
If the total depth of the machine base frame (including the thickness of grout) is less than
150 mm the whole void shall be filled to the top of the base frame with sand/cement
grout Type G1 as specified above.
If the total depth of the machine base frame (including the thickness of grout) is equal to
or more than 150 mm the whole void shall be filled to the top of the frame with concrete.
The filling of voids within a machine base frame shall only be carried out after the grout
under the base frame has reached the design strength.
All exposed surfaces of concrete for both rotary and reciprocating machinery shall be
given two coats of oil and alkali resistant coating.
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Pockets in Foundations
Maximum variation in size +10 mm
Maximum deviation from specified location +6 mm
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Construction material
Item of construction Location In situ Precast
concrete concrete
(mm) (mm)
Size and Walls Height up to 3m - -
shape Thickness +8 -
Of elements Straightness in 5m +9 +6
and Abrupt changes in a continuous +4 +3
components surface +11 +8
Verticality up to 2m +17 +11
up to 3m +22 +14
up to 7m NA NA
Level of bed joints
Beams Depth
(Perimeter beams) up to 600mm +13 -
over 600mm +20 -
(Internal beams) up to 600mm +12 -
over 600 mm +16 -
Variation from target plane +22 +23
Straightness in 6 m +10 +8
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Construction material
Item of construction Location In situ Precast
concrete concrete
(mm) (mm)
Overall size Building Length or width up to 40m +26 +38
on plan
Ground Length or width +28 -
Floor slab
Position on plan in relation to the nearest reference line at the
same level:
(a) Foundations
Mass concrete (as (a) above) +50 NA
Reinforced concrete (as (a) above) +50 +10
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Construction material
Item of construction Location In situ Precast
concrete concrete
(mm) (mm)
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Overall Length
size up to 2m +6 +6 +18 +15
2m to 6m +9 +9 +18 +15
6m to 10m +2 +12 +18 +15
10m to 20m - - - +25
20m to 30m - - - +35
Length up to - - - -
12m - - - -
Height to apex
Width or height
up to 250mm +4 +8 +8 +8
250mm to +6 +8 +8 +12
1.25mm +8 +14 - +16
1.25m to 4.0m
Thickness or
depth +6 +7 +17 +17
up to 0.5m +8 - - +17
0.5m to 1.5m
Shape Position and
size of cut outs
and extensions
up to 0.5m +6 - +17 +17
0.5m to 10m +12 - - +17
up to 1.2m +6 - - +12
1.2m to 1.8m +9 - - -
over 1.8m +12 - - -
Flatness 6 over a 1.5m - - -
Position of
internal holes
up to 10m +15 +15 - +15
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