Exp5 CPP Group1
Exp5 CPP Group1
Exp5 CPP Group1
TO: Marmy Roshaidah Mohd Salleh Code: CLB 10904 (Chemical Process Principles)
From: (Student Name/Section) ID Number
2) Rosmani Ruwaida Binti Mohd Yusoff 2) 55227121110
3) Norshahiera bt Mohamed Hanafi 3) 55223121134
4) Muhammad mirza irfan bin muzamil 4) 55223121145
5) 5)
6) 6)
Title of experiment: Distillation Process Date of experiment:
1 2 3 4 5
Date of Submission:
Group:LO1-P3 GROUP 1
Subject & Code:CLB 10904 (Chemical Process
Experiment title:Distillation Process
Distillation is the separation of the components of a solution using heat. Repeated boiling of
condensed vapours will eventually provide a product of desired quality. Distillation occurs in
a Distillation Column, which consists of a Boiler, a Column, and a Vapour Condensed. Vapor
produced by the Reboiler rises through the column and condenses in a Vertical
Water-Cooled Condenser. Reflux is returned to the column, and the product is routed to
either a receiving vessel that permits product removal while working under vacuum, or back
to the boiler. Distillation is the process of converting a liquid into vapour, which is then
condensed back into liquid form. Distillation is used to separate liquids from nonvolatile
solids, such as alcoholic liquors from fermented materials. Other industrial applications
include the processing of chemical products such as formaldehyde and phenol. The majority
of distillation methods used in industry and laboratory research are variations on simple
distillation. When a mixture of substances is heated, the most volatile or lowest boiling
substance distils first. Larger metal or ceramic equipment is used in industrial applications
for laboratory use.
Distillation is a significant unit activity in many chemical industries and has been
used since the beginning of the chemical and process industries. Distillation is a method of
separating ingredients from a liquid combination of volatile substances. The Distillation
Column is typically a vertical column in which the mixture's liquid and vapour phases are
mixed and approached equilibrium. The Bubble Cap Distillation Column offers various steps
for approaching such equilibrium.
Distillation is the separation of the components of a solution using heat when the
vapour formed by boiling the solution has a different composition than the solution. If the
generated vapour is condensed and then reboiled, it will yield a vapour with a different
composition. Repeated boiling of condensed vapours will eventually provide a product of
desired quality, high in concentration of one of the original solution's components.
Because this experiment involves a Batch Distillation plant, it can be stated that this is
a procedure by which a precise quantity of a liquid mixture is separated into its constituents.
The technique is widely employed in labs and small-scale manufacturing factories, where the
equipment is frequently used to separate multiple distinct combinations because if just one
mixture is separated, the mixture cannot be created constantly. Because of the relatively high
capital cost of Continuous Distillation Facilities with sophisticated control systems, smaller
enterprises frequently use Batch Distillation plants. Batch distillation is very beneficial for
separating liquid-solid mixes that might otherwise dirty a continuous plant.
Temperature determines the composition of vapor and liquid throughout. The device
has liquid and gas sampling ports at the top and bottom of the column. A condenser is a heat
exchanger with coils. At the top of the column, there is a Reflux Separator. Reflux is returned
to the column, and the product is sent via a cooler and a graded pipe section before being
routed to either a receiving vessel that permits product removal while working under vacuum,
or back to the boiler.
0 34 86 84 58 92 94 - 31 31 1.356 1.32
5 34 86 84 58 92 96 - 31 31 1.342 1.316
10 34 83 84 59 92 96 - 31 31 1.34 1.311
15 34 83 88 60 94 96 - 31 31 1.338 1.309
20 34 88 94 61 94 96 - 31 31 1.332 1.306
25 34 88 95 62 94 97 - 31 31 1.328 1.304
30 34 89 95 62 94 98 - 32 31 1.320 1.302
Table 2 : Data of mole fraction and refractive index based on lab manual
0.05 1.338
0.12 1.347
0.22 1.352
0.37 1.358
Figure 1: Graph of composition vs refractive index(RI) based on lab manual
Table 3: Data of refractive index and mole fraction for top product and bottom product
RI Bottom
Time(Min) RI Top Product Mole fraction Mole Fraction
25 1.328 0.086 1.304 0.70
The overall input rate for this distillation is 51.56 mol/min, with a mole fraction of
water of 0.9668 and an ethanol mole fraction of 0.0332. An equation was generated after
graphing the graph of mole fraction of ethanol versus refractive index from the lab handbook.
From the refractive index recovered from the experiment data between 0 and 30 minutes, the
equation was used to calculate the mole fraction of ethanol. The refractive index of the top
product after 30 minutes is 1.320, and the mole fraction after calculation is 0.21, while the
balance is mole fraction of water, which is 0.79.The bottom product was calculated using the
same approach; the mole fraction for ethanol is 0.51, while the mole fraction for water is
0.49. The mol total for both the top and bottom products was calculated using material
balance calculations, yielding 81.95 mol total/min and -30.39 mol total/min, respectively. The
concentrations of ethanol at the top and bottom products are 0.574 mol/L and -0.52 mol/L,
respectively. Finally, the higher the reflux ratio, the more vapor/liquid contact can occur in
the distillation column. So higher reflux ratios usually mean higher purity of the distillate. It
also means that the collection rate for the distillate will be slower
As previously stated, the purpose of this experiment is to evaluate mass balance and
energy balance in the distillation process, as well as to determine the experimental results and
the predicted results from software. Furthermore, as the mixture is heated in the batch
distillation plant, its temperature rises until it approaches the boiling point of the ethanol. The
ethanol will evaporate and condense in the bubble cap column while the water remains in the
heater chamber. In conclusion, the experiment's objective was not met. The distillation
process is used to separate the solution from its chemical compound. This is due to a mistake
made during the reflux process. This is due to a temperature error during the experiment,
which causes the reflux ratio to be off-scale. A good reflux ratio should be obtained. The
molar for the top product in this experiment is 81.95 mol, and the molar for the bottom
product is -30.39 mol. There are a few ways to improve to experiment’s data. To begin,
experimenters should thoroughly read their lab manual to avoid any misconceptions or
misunderstandings and to ensure the experiment runs smoothly. Aside from that, proper
inspections should be performed prior to the experiment, particularly on the machine's
condition. It is to ensure that no damages or leakages occur during the experiment in order to
obtain accurate results. Finally, experimenters' eyes must be parallel to the measuring
apparatus to avoid parallax error and ensure the accuracy and precision of the results.
In industry, distillation is used for a variety of purposes, including oil refining, water
purification, and the production of alcoholic beverages. Distillation is a physical process that
extracts desirable pure chemicals from an original source using heat and other methods. Other
industrial applications include the processing of chemical products such as formaldehyde and
phenol, as well as seawater desalination. The earliest experimenters appear to have used the
distillation process. Aristotle (384–322 bce) stated that pure water is created by evaporating
● Because gas/vapour travels through the pool of liquid, excellent mixing occurs.
● Weeping is extremely unlikely. Weeping occurs when the gas flow rate is very low
and the liquid flow rate is very high, causing the liquid to simply run through the plate
downwards without mixing with the gas.
2. Write a one-paragraph summary of any journal article that studies distillation process.
The article must have been published within the last 5 years. Explain on the distillation
process type used in the study and its significance to the study done.
Distillation is the process of converting a liquid into vapour, which is then condensed
back into liquid form. It is simplest when steam from a kettle is deposited as drops of distilled
water on a cold surface. Distillation is used to separate liquids from nonvolatile solids, such
as alcoholic liquors from fermented materials, or two or more liquids with different boiling
points, such as gasoline, kerosene, and lubricating oil from crude oil. Other industrial
applications include the processing of chemical products such as formaldehyde and phenol,
as well as seawater desalination. The earliest experimenters appear to have used the
distillation process.The evaporation of seawater, according to Aristotle (384–322 bce),
produces pure water. Pliny the Elder (23–79 ce) described a primitive method of
condensation in which the oil obtained by heating rosin is collected on wool placed in the
upper part of an apparatus known as a still.The majority of distillation methods used in
industry and laboratory research are variations on simple distillation. This fundamental
operation necessitates the use of a still or retort to heat a liquid, a condenser to cool the
vapour, and a receiver to collect the distillate. When a mixture of substances is heated, the
most volatile or lowest boiling substance distils first, followed by the others later or not at all.
This simple apparatus is perfectly adequate for purifying a liquid containing nonvolatile
material and for separating liquids with widely divergent boiling points. The apparatus for
laboratory use is typically made of glass and connected with corks, rubber bungs, or
ground-glass joints. Larger metal or ceramic equipment is used in industrial
applications.Larger metal or ceramic equipment is used in industrial applications.
2. What is the difference between bubble cap tray, sieve tray and valve tray in
distillation column? (n.d.). Quora. Retrieved June 12, 2022, from