Rohini 72059953910
Rohini 72059953910
Rohini 72059953910
Factors that should be considered in evaluation of onsite
processing include capabilities, reliability, environmental effects, ease of operation,
B. On- Site Storage
The first phase to manage solid waste is at home level. It requires temporary
storage of refuse on the premises. The individual householder or businessman has
responsibility for onsite storage of solid waste.
For individual homes, industries, and other commercial centers, proper on-site storage
of solid waste is the beginning of disposal, because unkempt or simple dumps
are sources of nuisance, flies, smells and other hazards. There are four factors that
should be considered in the onsite storage of solid waste. These are the type of container
to be used, the location where the containers are to be kept, public health, and the
collection method and time.
1. Storage containers:
Garbage and refuse generated in kitchens and other work areas should be
collected and stored in properly designed and constructed water-proof garbage
cans (waste bins). The cans or receptacles can be constructed from galvanized iron
sheet or plastic materials. They should have tightly fitting covers. They must be of
such size that, when full, they can be lifted easily by one man. They should be located
in a cool place on platforms at least 30 centimeters above ground level. After
putting in garbage, they should be kept covered. The bins must be emptied at least
daily and maintained in clean conditions. A typical example of garbage can,
constructed from galvanized iron sheet, dimensions: diameter 45 cm and height 75
cm, is shown in figure 1 below. An adequate number of suitable containers
should be provided with proper platforms with receptacles stand. The number may
depend on the amount, type and establishments where the need arises. Suitable
containers should be watertight, rust - resistant, with tight-fitting covers, fire-resistant,
adequate in size, light in weight, with side handles and washable.
(ii) Hauled containers: These are used for contents to be directly transferred
to a processing plant, transfer station or disposal site for emptying before being
returned to the storage site.The desirable characteristics of a well-designed container
are low cost, size, weight, shape, resistance corrosion, water tightness, strength and
durability (Phelps, et al.,1995).
For example, a container for manual handling by one person should not weigh more
than 20 kg, lest it may lead to occupational health hazards such as muscular
strain, etc. Containers that weigh more than 20 kg, when full, require two or more crew
members to manually load and unload the wastes, and which result in low collection
efficiency. Containers should not have rough or sharp edges, and preferably have a
handle and a wheel to facilitate mobility.
Containers should be provided with a lifting bar, compatible with the hoisting
mechanism of the vehicle. The material used should be light, recyclable, easily
molded and the surface must be smooth and resistant to corrosion. On the
one hand, steel and ferrous containers are heavy and subject to corrosion; the
rust peels off exposing sharp edges, which could be hazardous to the collection crew.
On the other, wooden containers (e.g., bamboo, rattan and wooden baskets)
readily absorb and retain moisture and their surfaces are generally rough, irregular
and difficult to clean.