Music Theory From Beginner To Expert
Music Theory From Beginner To Expert
Music Theory From Beginner To Expert
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Third edition
Cover by Emir @Pulp Studio
Cheat Sheet
* * *
The aim of this book is to help you learn music theory in a structured way that is
easy to follow and understand. Music theory is universal and applies to all
instruments. Since piano is music theory heavily oriented instrument (one can
play as much as 10 notes simultaneously) all key concepts are usually best
explained on a piano keyboard — which I will do whenever there is something
important to demonstrate visually. So don’t worry if you’re not a piano player,
you’ll see just how applicable music theory is on any instrument and why it is an
essential means of communication between all kinds of musicians.
With this book you’ll easily learn the fundamentals of the notation system and
key signatures, clefs, staff elements, notes, how rhythms are written, solfege and
much more. There are also progressive exercises at the end in which you’ll be
required to apply everything you’ve learned in the book and actually sightread a
musical piece. It will also be very exciting to see how it all relates to what you
learn here and how many concepts complement each other.
Music as a Language
It is sometimes useful to think of music as a calculus, as a rigid system of
numerical relationships. It seems, when you think about the fact that everything
reduces to intervals and their relations, that fundamentally music theory is
mathematical. It is sometimes useful, but it isn’t entirely accurate to think about
music that way.
Music isn’t a calculus, music isn’t an abstract system of numbers, music is an
expression. It is creative in the same way that painting a portrait is creative, and
the difference between creative musical meaning and representing music
mathematically is the difference between painting deeply and creatively and
painting by numbers.
All of this is to say that music isn’t math, music is a language. And just like our
ordinary language, it is messy, subtle, complicated, expressive, nuanced and
sometimes difficult. There are things you can learn, rules if you like, that make
up the grammar of music. This is the system of notes, intervals, scales, chords
(which we will learn in this book), etc. But to make use of theory it is always
important to remember the way language works — you can’t learn a language by
learning a set of rules, you have to learn it by immersing yourself in it and
getting a sense of its practices.
To understand music as a language means to always make theory come alive,
never to let it sit and become stale. To live it and practice it by listening, playing,
singing, expressing, writing and thinking it. Intervals are only as good as the real
notes that compose them, and music is only as good as the linguistic expressions
that it comprises.
In Part 1 of this book we will setup the fundamental framework that constitutes
music language, namely notes and intervals.
In Parts 2 and 3 we’ll see how notes and intervals are used to create more
complicated structures, such as scales and chords.
Just like a language music doesn’t happen without time, which is why Part 4 is all
about time and rhythm, and how to understand this crucial component of music.
In Parts 5 and 6 you will learn about the types of harmony, how to approach
composing and manipulating musical structures, and how to be more expressive
musically—which goes beyond merely playing the notes or chords.
Finally, in Part 7 we will dive deep into harmony and examine some advanced
musical concepts that will give you a grander perspective about the wide scope of
music, and the possibilities you may not have even considered or knew they exist.
Notes in Music
When we see music as a language it is easy to realize that the notes in music are
like the alphabet of a language. The notes are simply the foundation of all music.
There are only 12 notes in Western music, which is historically derived from the
European music and is by far the most common music system that we hear
today. There are other music “systems” out there, like Indian, African, Chinese
and other traditional folk music, which are all different and make use of different
The 12 notes in Western music are as follows:
A, A# or Bb, B, C, C# or Db, D, D# or Eb, E, F, F# or Gb, G, G# or Ab
Here are those notes laid out on a piano keyboard:
In previous section it was mentioned that the term ‘tone’ is sometimes used as a
name for a particular music interval. This is that case—oftentimes the term
semitone (S) is used instead of the half-step, and tone (T) instead of the whole
step. These are just different names for the same thing. Half-steps or semitones
are equal to the distance from one piano key to the next, or one fret on guitar to
the next (which is why there are 12 keys or 12 frets per octave on those
Whenever you’re moving clockwise on the note circle (from left to right on
piano keyboard), you are ascending and the notes are becoming higher in pitch.
That’s the situation in which we would use ‘#’ symbol; for example, we would
use C# instead of Db to indicate that we’re ascending.
On the opposite, whenever you’re moving counter-clockwise (from right to left
on piano) the notes are becoming lower in pitch and hence we would use ‘b’
symbol — Db instead of C#, to indicate that we’re descending.
Figure 3: An octave with the middle C is called the Middle octave—it’s the 4th octave on a full
size piano keyboard
You may have seen before a note with a number next to it and wondered what
that number means. Unless we’re talking about a particular chord, that number
tells us what kind of registry range the note is in. Looking at the figure 4, you
can see that there are eight C notes on piano, and this number (1-8) tells us
exactly which C to play (in what registry/octave range). Same goes for any other
note; for example, D3 means that this D note is in the C3-C4 range, or the third
range. This is especially important when writing down music using notation
because it determines what kind of clefs we will use to best cover the range of a
piece, and minimize the use of ledger lines (this is explained thoroughly in How
to Read Music for Beginners book).
Octave Subdivision
One octave consists of 6 whole steps, one step consists of 2 half-steps, and one
half-step consists of up to 100 cents. What that means is that, for example, D
and D# are one half-step apart but between them there are up to 100 cents. Cents
in music are typically used to express microtones, which are very small
intervals—smaller than a half-step (which you can also call a semitone).
Figure 4: Most software programs that work with sound files allow you to change the pitch in
octaves, semitones and even cents
Beyond one semitone, rather than using hertz as a frequency measure unit
(which if you remember shows the amount of air pressure waves produced in a
given amount of time), we more often use cents which are a logarithmic measure
used for musical intervals. It is enough to say that they are simply more
convenient and easier to use for musicians. Human ear is very sensitive as it can
recognize up to only a few cent difference between two successive notes
(pitches), but the interval of one cent is too small to be heard between two
successive notes.
Your instrument can be in tune and still sound a little bit off, and that’s the case
when there’s a small pitch difference that can only be measured in cents.
Correcting these small differences is sometimes called fine-tuning and the tuners
that you can find today allow for this kind of super-accurate tuning (with even
less than one cent accuracy). The more “exactly” in tune your instrument is, the
better it will sound, especially on the recording. That’s why it is important to
keep it in tune.
We’ve now covered the notes and the note circle. Before we dive any further, it
is essential that you understand and learn the intervals in music.
1. Major
2. minor
3. Perfect
Major and minor intervals are used a lot in Western music, while Perfect
intervals are generally used more in ethnic music all around the world.
1. First we have C to C.
Yes, there’s an interval between the Root and the Root (the exact same note played
two times), and it’s called Perfect Unison.
2. The next note, C#/Db, is a minor 2nd above C (and also a major 7th below it). This is
also the equivalent of one semitone (S).
3. D is a Major 2nd above C (and a minor 7th below). Also the equivalent of one tone
4. D#/Eb is a minor 3rd above C (and a major 6th below).
5. E is a Major 3rd above C (and a minor 6th below).
6. F is a Perfect 4th above C (and a Perfect 5th below).
Fourths and fifths are said to be “perfect” rather than major or minor because they
are the same in the major and minor scales, as well as most other diatonic scales
(don’t worry if you don’t understand this right now).
7. F#/Gb is Augmented 4th — also called a Tritone — above C (and a Tritone below
This is a strange interval. It is highly dissonant and often avoided. It sometimes
functions as a sharp 4th, and other times it is a flat 5th. The tritone is also the only
interval that is the inversion of itself — if a note is a tritone up from another note,
then it is a tritone down from it as well.
8. G is a Perfect 5th above C (and a perfect 4th below it).
9. G#/Ab is a minor 6th above C (and a major 3rd below).
10. A is a Major 6th above C (and a minor 3rd below).
11. A#/Bb is a minor 7th above C (and a major 2nd below).
12. B is a Major 7th above C (and a minor 2nd below).
13. And lastly, we have C which is a Perfect Octave interval above root C.
1. Ascending (lower note in pitch going to a higher note, for example C to D#)
2. Descending (higher note in pitch going to a lower note; for example, B to Ab)
3. Harmonic (when two or more notes are played simultaneously)
4. Played in Unison (the same note played twice)
You can say that B is a Major 3rd interval up from G, but that Eb is a Major third
down from G. So that means that intervals can be inverted — if B is a Major 3rd
up from G, then it is also a different interval — in this case, a minor 6th — down
from the G of the next octave.
In this way, intervals come in pairs. Every relationship can be defined by two
different intervals, one up and one down. That should explain the intervals in
parenthesis from the intervals list.
To explain it further, interval is a relative property of notes. For example, we
want to figure out what interval it is from A to C. We have 2 possible solutions.
C note is a particular interval away from A. If the C note is higher in pitch than
A, then this interval is ascending. So we can say that C is a minor 3rd up from A,
and that C is A’s minor 3rd interval.
A -> C = minor 3rd (ascending interval)
But if the note C is lower in pitch than A, then this is a descending interval. We
can now say that C is major 6th down from A.
A -> C = major 6th (descending interval)
When figuring out intervals, unless we don’t have any information on what kind
of interval it is (ascending, descending or harmonic), we always treat the lower
note as the root note, and we count intervals clockwise on the note circle from
the lowest note.
Try to do this yourself and see how easy it is. Here are some intervals to figure
E -> C (ascending) — ?
E -> C (descending) — ?
D -> A# (ascending — the sharp symbol tells you that this is an ascending interval)
— ?
D -> Bb (descending — again, the flat symbol indicates that this is a descending
interval) — ?
Gb -> Ab — ?
It is important to remember that when an interval is ascending you will see/use
sharp (#) symbol, and when it is descending you will use flat (b) symbol.
Like I said before, there is a different interval pair for every note of the note
circle. You can use the note circle and count the intervals there. The answers will
be provided at the end of this book.
Understanding intervals — truly understanding them and how they relate to one
another and learning to hear and use them — takes a lifetime. In a sense, all of
the other learning about scales and keys and chords is a way to make sense of the
wide-open space of the network of intervals in the 12-tone system. It is very well
worth always keeping an eye on your comfort level with this idea and training
your ear to recognize them.
1. Harmony,
2. Melody and
3. Rhythm.
Harmony and melody both describe the relationship between pitches (although
differently) without respect to their duration, whereas rhythm describes the
relationship between sounds and their durations without respect to their pitches.
Harmony is what happens when we combine notes in music. If you add one or
more notes to another note, and you play them at the same time or in a sequence,
then you’ve added harmony to the original note. This is one way to think about
the harmony.
Harmony is the vertical relationship between pitches. It is a structure, like a
lattice; a network. When you understand the relationship between two or more
notes harmonically, you are treating them as though they were happening at the
same time (even if they are happening one after another). It is possible in this
way to think about the way the overall harmonic structure of a piece moves and
changes. Harmony is the thing that most people mean when they talk about
Melody is like harmony in that it describes the relationship between pitches, but
it is a horizontal rather than vertical understanding. While still a matter of
relative structure, melody is all about the way that notes act in sequence, so that
the same 4 notes played in different orders have different melodic values, even if
those 4 notes taken together might have the same harmonic structure.
Melody could be considered simply as part of the harmony which focuses on
how notes sound together in a sequence. Usually we add harmony to a melody
line (which puts the melody in a certain context and makes it sound richer), or
we may add melody to the existing harmony.
Rhythm is the relationship, in time, between notes (or sounds in general)
regardless of pitch relationships. Rhythm describes the way sounds pulse (or
don’t pulse), their speed and regularity. Rhythmic structures describe the way a
piece moves according to a particular kind of time-based division. While not
generally the focus of as much theoretical attention, rhythm is equally as
important. An understanding of the role of time and duration in music is
essential since music is, after all, a time-based art form. That’s why there is a
whole section dedicated to rhythm in this book.
Scales and Modes
Types of Scales
There are basically only a few types of scales. One of them we have just covered
— the chromatic scale. The chromatic scale is the set of all other scales. It is the
master scale. But it doesn’t define a distinct harmonic space beyond the division
of harmony into 12 equal parts. For that, you need scales with fewer than 12
notes in them.
Commonly, there are 2 other scale types that make the foundation of harmony,
and those 2 types break up into a few others.
1. First, there are 5-note scales. These are called “pentatonic” scales, meaning “5-per-
octave.” The variations of those simple scales are enough to produce a rich landscape
all by themselves. While there are a variety of different note patterns that can make
up pentatonic scales, there is one in particular, which define the minor pentatonic
scale as well as the major pentatonic scale, that is most often used.
These scales are found in blues and rock music, and variations of those simple scales
are enough to produce a rich landscape all by themselves. There’s a reason why
they’re called “minor” and “major” and it’s because they originate from the 7-note
scales that bear the same name.
There are also other pentatonic scales, especially in non-western music, which are
rarer but still sometimes useful. For example, Chinese scale used to compose
traditional Chinese folk music is a pentatonic (5-note) scale.
2. Then there are 7-note scales. 7-note scales have many forms, the most basic of which
are called “diatonic scales” (more on this later). The most common Major scale
(do-re-me…) and Natural minor scale are both 7-note diatonic scales.
The words “minor” and “major” refer to something like the mood of the scale, with
minor scales in general sounding sad, dark and thoughtful and major scales in
general sounding happy, bright, and lively (like minor and major chords).
Most blues, for instance, is played in a minor key, which means that it makes use of a
minor scale quite often, whereas most pop is played in a major key, which means it
makes use of a major scale.
There are two other varieties of 7-note scales that are used in classical music,
neo-classical, advanced rock, and jazz, and they are the harmonic minor scale
and the melodic minor scale (and their variations).
Beyond 5-note and 7-note scales, there are a few specialized 8-note jazz scales
(called bebop scales). Otherwise, it is always possible to produce new scales by
adding notes from the chromatic scale to an existing scale, resulting in scales
with as many as 11 notes (this is most often done in jazz).
It is also possible to create new scales by altering an existing scale
chromatically. In general, creating new scales by this chromatic alteration and/or
addition results in what we call “synthetic” scales or modes.
Keep in mind that there are 12 notes in music, so there are 12 harmonic centers
(or root notes) that a scale can start on. This goes for any kind of scale no matter
the number of notes it contains.
Minor Pentatonic Scale
While there are many different kinds of pentatonic scales that can be assembled,
there is really only one pentatonic structure that is used commonly in western
music. This structure has 2 variations in particular that are ubiquitous in blues,
rock, pop, country, jazz and bluegrass. Those two scales are the minor pentatonic
(which is the most familiar) and the major pentatonic.
The minor pentatonic scale is the foundation of most of the blues and rock that
most of us have heard. It is a simple, easy to remember scale with a very distinct
sound. It connotes a soulful, deep affect and can be made to sound quite sad.
This scale consists of notes that are all found in the natural minor scale, and so it
is of use any time the minor scale is called for.
It is possible to make an entire career out of this one harmonic collection, as
many blues, folk, bluegrass, funk and rock musicians have. Outside of the
Western world, this and similar scales are common in traditional Asian and
African music (the latter being the historical source of the minor pentatonic scale
in the American Folk tradition).
*NOTE: These are the 5 notes of the minor pentatonic scales. The distance between the last
note (the minor 7th) and the first note in the next octave is one full step.
Now check what is underlined above. These distances (intervals) can be used to
describe the scale in another, simpler, way:
or (same thing)
This is called a scale formula. In this case it’s the minor pentatonic scale
formula. A scale formula simply represents a unique set of intervals found
within each scale. It is written by using tones and semitones (and a combination
of the two — TS).
Just by knowing a scale formula you can start on any of the 12 notes on any
instrument, apply the formula, and easily figure out how to play any scale.
When put in context:
R — TS — minor 3rd — T — Perfect 4th — T — Perfect 5th —
— TS — minor 7th — T — R
For example, if we start from an A note we can then apply the formula: TS — T
— T — TS — T, and easily figure out the rest of the notes of the A minor
pentatonic scale. The notes would be:
A — TS — C — T — D — T — E — TS — G — T — A
A is the Root
C is the minor 3rd (above A)
D is the Perfect 4th (above A)
E is the Perfect 5th (above A)
G is the minor 7th (above A)
and lastly A is the Perfect 8th — Octave (O)
When applying a scale formula you can follow the note circle to find out the
notes easier.
What Is a Mode?
It is worth using the minor pentatonic scale to demonstrate an important concept.
We saw that this scale consists of a collection of 5 notes, and that when they are
oriented around the root, there is a particular set of intervals that define the scale.
But what if we take those same exact 5 notes — for instance, the A minor
pentatonic scale (A, C, D, E and G) — and re-orient them. In other words,
what if rather than calling A the root, we treat this same collection of notes as a
C scale, treating C as the root.
Now the notes have different names:
What we have created by re-orienting the scale is called a “mode”. We can say
that the major pentatonic scale is a mode of the minor pentatonic scale, or that
the minor pentatonic scale is a mode of the major pentatonic scale (we usually
say the major pentatonic is derived from the minor pentatonic because it is the
most used one in virtually all blues and rock).
So major pentatonic scale is derived from the minor pentatonic structure, only it
begins on what was the 2nd note of the minor pentatonic.
Like the minor pentatonic scale, the major pentatonic scale is simple and
recognizable, and most of us know it without realizing it. Because of the
different set of intervals, this scale sounds different — it has a brighter, happier
sound than its minor cousin, which is a result of the fact it being a “major” scale.
The notes of the major pentatonic scale are all contained in the major scale, and
so it is useful whenever that scale can be used.
Because there are 5 notes in the minor pentatonic scale, there are 5 different
notes that can act as the root of different modes. For each note in the collection,
there is a different mode, in which that note is the root and the 4 other notes are
defined with respect to it, resulting in 5 different sets of intervals with each note.
This is a very basic understanding of modes. As your understanding and
application in playing deepens, you will start seeing them as completely separate
scales rather than simple note re-orientations of the parent scales (that’s why you
can sometimes use the terms ‘scale’ and ‘mode’ interchangeably).
On a deeper level, modes show the relationships between chords and scales, and
they are completely relative to the chords that are playing underneath in the
background, or on the backing track. This concept will be extremely
important when it comes to 7-note scales, But first, let’s tackle the minor
pentatonic scale modes.
1. Scale tones played up and down (starting and ending on the Root note) — this will
help to establish the scale’s tonal center in our ears.
2. A series of chords that belong to that scale. Since at this point in the book you may
not be familiar with how chords are built and generated by scales, just focus on the
sound of the chords, and notice how everything relates to the first chord that is
played. After you go through the chord section later in the book you can come back
to these scale audios again and it will be clear why those chords are played.
3. An improvisation excerpt over a drone note (a note, usually a low bass note, that is
sustained or is constantly sounding throughout the excerpt in the background). The
following example will be in A, so we’ll be using A note as the drone note over
which we’ll be playing scale tones for each mode separately, in a musical way
(improvise basically).
Hearing, distinguishing and using modes is a process that will take some time,
but once you do it, most of the things in theory will start to make much more
sense, the dots will be connected, and it will make you a much better musician.
So be patient and take your time with this. Let’s get to the modes.
Minor Pentatonic Mode 1 – Minor
Pentatonic Scale
The first mode of the minor pentatonic scale is just the minor pentatonic scale. It
consists of a:
Root, minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, minor 7th
In A, the scale is: A, C, D, E, G. Here’s how this scale, or mode 1, sounds:
Minor Pentatonic Scale Mode 1 audio example in A ->
Pay close attention how each of the notes played sound against the backing
drone note. Some will add tension, some will feel more pleasant and some will
provide resolution.
Try to do this for modes 4 and 5 by yourself when we get to them, it will be a
nice little mental workout.
Now again, D minor pentatonic mode 3 is relative mode to the A minor
pentatonic because they share the same notes, and A minor pentatonic is its
parent scale. But since our backing drone note is still A (in the audio example),
in order to hear the characteristic sound of this mode we need to use minor
pentatonic mode 3 in A.
So we just take the mode 3’s interval structure with the scale formula and apply
it starting from the A note again. This will give us the following notes:
A(R) – T – B(M2) – TS – D(P4) – T – E(P5) – TS – G(m7) – T – A(O)
Playing this set of notes and intervals in A, over the A backing drone note will
give us the sound of the mode 3 of the minor pentatonic scale.
Minor Pentatonic Mode 3 audio example in A ->
If you want a good workout you can try to fill out this table in a different key,
for example C (you would start with C as the Root note in the top left corner).
Table 3: Minor Pentatonic Interval Comparison
Notice on Table 3 how notes and their functions change with different modes.
Notice for example how modes 2 and 5 are similar — Mode 2 has a Major 3rd (3)
and Mode 5 has Perfect 4th (4). Look for patterns and notice the differences.
We will now move on to 7-note scales, but first...
The distance between the 7th note and the first note of the next octave is a half-
step, and the overall structure of the scale (you can also say ‘scale formula’) is:
whole, whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half
Tone, Tone, Semitone, Tone, Tone, Tone, Semitone
Figure 7: Major scale structure
So we have:
R — T — M2 — T — M3 — S — P4 — T — P5 —
— T — M6 — T — M7 — S — R (Octave)
This is the form of all diatonic scales (only since they’re modes of each other
they begin at different points in the structure).
Each scale has a starting note — called the Root note (R), which gives the scale
its name. Root note can be any of the 12 notes from the note circle.
If we say: “In the key of A major” (or you can just say “in A”, if it’s a major
key), it means we use A note as the root note and then apply from it the major
scale structure (T T S T T T S).
So “in A” the notes would be:
A — T — B — T — C# — S — D — T — E — T — F# — T — G# — S — A
Notice the similarities between this A minor scale and its relative major — C
major scale (It’s the same structure only the notes are re-oriented so that now A
is the starting note). Because of this, key of A minor is also without sharps or
flats. This goes for any mode of the C major key.
Also notice the similarities between this minor scale and minor pentatonic and
major and major pentatonic scale. Can you figure out which notes are left out?
Refer to the scale comparison chart should you have any trouble with this.
As an exercise you can try to figure out the relative minor scales of the following
major keys: G, D, A, E, B, F.
There are 12 notes in music, so there must be 12 Major scales — each starting
from a different note, right? Well, yes, but in music theory it’s not that simple.
We have to deal with both #’s and b’s.
In order to fill out the entire table correctly you have to follow a simple rule in
music theory which says that there can’t be two side by side notes with the
same name. In other words, you need to have each letter of the alphabet in a
scale key only once, and you just add #’s or b’s as necessary. A good practice
when figuring out the notes of a scale then is to first just write out the alphabet
letters from the starting note.
Let’s check out the key of A# as an example – a purely theoretical key and a
hard one to figure out. One tone after A# is C, one tone after C is D, and one
semitone after D is D#, etc. But we can’t have A# – C – D – D# because this
breaks the rule: B letter is missing and two D’s are side by side. That’s why we
use double sharps (or flats for flat keys) and we write this key in the following
A# — T — B# — T — C## — S — D# — T — E# — T — F## — T — G## — S — A#
On the table the first 7-8 keys are very commonly used in music. I’ve left the
theoretical keys like A# for you as a challenge and practice. Try to figure them
out and you’ll gain a much better understanding of major scale keys.
Note that for the keys starting on a note with sharp (#) you would use #’s, and if
the key starts on a note with flat (b), you need to use b’s. I’ve provided a
complete list of all notes in all keys at the end of this book so that you can
double check your work.
Relative Modes
Relative modes are what most of us think about when we think about “the
modes”, and it is the way the modes have been presented thus far. Relative
modes are scales that contain all of the same notes but begin at different
places. C major and A minor are relative scales, same as G major and E minor.
Coming back to the minor pentatonic modes, it was said that all of the modes of
the minor pentatonic are relative to one another because they share the same
notes, as we’ve seen: for example, A minor pentatonic and C major pentatonic
are relative scales, same as the mode 3 of A minor pentatonic in D and A minor
pentatonic, and so on.
Relative modes are useful when extending the range of a piece up or down the
harmonic space, on a guitar fretboard for instance. They are also useful when
figuring out which chords will substitute best for other chords, but we’ll get to
that later in the book.
Parent scales
This is the scale that other modes are derived from. As we’ve seen, for all 5
modes of the minor pentatonic, the first mode — the minor pentatonic, is
considered the Parent minor scale, since other modes are derived from it.
It is important to be able to tell quickly what is the parent scale of each mode
that you encounter. For example, can you figure out what is the parent scale of
minor pentatonic mode 4 in C#?
You would need to list out the notes first by applying the minor pentatonic mode
4 formula starting from C#:
C#(R) – TS – E(m3) – T – F#(P4) – TS – A(m6) – T – B(m7)
We know that relative modes are just re-orientations of the parent scale, so after
which note C# comes as the 4th?
It’s F# (F#, A, B, C#, E). So the parent minor scale of the minor pentatonic
mode 4 in C#, is F# minor pentatonic.
There are quicker methods to figure out the parent scales which usually involve
using your instrument, although this is something that will come naturally with
time as you continue to use modes in your playing. On guitar fretboard for
instance, there are physical shapes you can derive from the notes and their
positions relative to one another, and you can visualize this shape anytime you
want to recall the Parent scale and other relative modes of a mode, quickly.
Tonal center
Tonal center is like the center of gravity – it is usually the chord or a note (as in
our case with audio examples) that the mode is played over. When we use a
mode, there are some notes that will help define the tonal center in our solo.
These are the good notes, or you could also call them the home notes. These
notes are usually the notes of the chord that is playing in the background at the
moment, and the strongest of them is the Root note (it is usually the safest one to
land on during playing).
Then, there are some notes that pull away from the tonal center, establishing a
movement, and there are some that will add lots of tension which tends to be
resolved to a home note. There are also bad notes, which can really clash with
the tonal center or other notes playing in the background, and they usually won’t
sound good at all.
Parallel Modes
A parallel mode or scale is simply a scale that shares its root with the original
scale in question. In other words, the modes that share the same tonal center
are parallel modes. For instance, A major and A minor are parallel modes, B
minor pentatonic and B major pentatonic are parallel modes, same as E Locrian
and E Lydian (don’t worry about the fancy names for now), or any other
mode/scale with the same starting note. In audio examples for the minor
pentatonic modes we played parallel modes against the A drone note.
Relative modes share the same parent scale — they have the same notes, ordered
differently, but they have different Roots, which means they have different tonal
centers. Parallel modes on the other hand share the same root — the same tonal
center, but they have different Parent scale. This distinction is important to
understand and remember.
Parallel modes are quite useful in modal harmony, when it is not uncommon to
alter the harmony of a piece by substituting one parallel mode for another. This
is called modal interchange. More on this much later in the book.
The key we’ll be using is C Major and all of the improvisation excerpts will be
played over C drone note.
Ionian Mode
The first mode is the normal Major scale. This is called the Ionian mode. In C,
its notes are: C, D, E, F, G, A, B.
It consists of a:
Root, Major 2nd, Major 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Major 7th
This mode has a happy, melodic, consonant sound. We have already examined
this scale/mode in the previous sections. In the improvisation excerpt we will
play this mode over C drone note so we will use C Ionian mode, you could just
say regular C major scale.
Ionian mode audio example in C ->
Dorian Mode
The 2nd mode of the Major scale is the Dorian mode. It starts on the 2nd note of
the Major scale. The Dorian mode is a minor mode (though it is not “the minor
scale”) since its 3rd is minor and not major (this is how scales are divided
between major and minor in general).
In D, its notes are: D, E, F, G, A, B, C.
It has a:
Root, Major 2nd, minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, minor 7th
How did we get this intervals? Easy, just for this mode let’s do a quick recap.
D Dorian is relative to C Major scale because, as we can see, they share the same
notes but have different tonal centers. Since we know the notes in C Major, we
know them in D Dorian as well, and it’s easy to figure out the intervals from
D is the Root
E is the Major 2nd up from D
F is the minor 3rd up from D
G is the Perfect 4th up from D
A is the Perfect 5th up from D
B is the Major 6th up from D
C is the minor 7th up from D
Another way to get to this interval structure without the tonal center, is to take
the major scale formula:
— and re-orient it like we did with the notes. Since this mode starts on the 2nd
note of the Major scale, we start on 2nd ‘T’ (bolded).
So the scale formula for Dorian mode is:
Now we just start from the Root (which could be any note) and continue from
R – T – M2 – S – m3 – T – P4 – T – P5 – T – M6 – S – m7 – T – R (O)
The Dorian mode is darker than the Ionian mode because of the minor 3rd, but it
sounds a little brighter than the minor scale because of the Major 6th. It is a
common scale in jazz and especially blues. Make sure to consult the Scale
Comparison Charts afterwards to look for these differences.
Now like with the pentatonic modes, we will play this mode in parallel since our
drone note is C. That means that we will play C Dorian mode over C in the
improvisation excerpt.
First we need to figure out the notes in C Dorian, which is super easy because
we can just apply its Dorian scale formula or its interval structure, both of which
we’re familiar with:
C – T – D – S – Eb – T – F – T – G – T – A – S – Bb – T – C (O)
Can you explain why we used b’s to write out these notes and not #’s?
Phrygian Mode
The third mode is the Phrygian mode. It starts on the 3rd note of the Major
scale. It is a minor mode (because of the minor 3rd), though again it is not the
natural minor scale. In E, its notes are: E, F, G, A, B, C, D.
It has a:
Root, minor 2nd, minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, minor 6th, minor 7th.
The Phrygian mode is dark sounding and due to its minor 2nd, is very exotic
sounding. The minor 2nd note is just a half-step above the Root, so this note adds
a lot of dissonance because it naturally wants to resolve to the nearest tonic (the
Root). This mode is used in some jazz, metal, as well as Latin and Indian-
influenced music.
In the audio example we use C Phrygian over the C drone note. The notes in C
Phrygian are:
C (R) – Db (m2) – Eb (m3) – F (P4) – G (P5) – Ab (m6) – Bb (m7)
Phrygian mode audio example in C ->
Lydian Mode
The fourth mode is the Lydian mode. It starts on the 4th note of the Major scale.
This is a major scale because it’s 3rd is major, and its notes in F are: F, G, A, B,
C, D, E.
It has a:
Root, Major 2nd, Major 3rd, Augmented 4th (Tritone), Perfect 5th, Major 6th, Major 7th
The Lydian mode is a very pleasant sounding mode — similar to the major scale
(it differs from it only by one note: the Tritone), only slightly more exotic. There
is a subtle dissonance in this mode, though it is a major mode, and so it tends to
sound rather complex, even sophisticated. It is widely used in jazz in place of a
major scale and over certain jazz chords.
Since we’ll be using C Lydian mode to play over the C drone note, we’ll need
the notes of the C Lydian scale:
C (R) – D (M2) – E (M3) – F# (Aug4) – G (P5) – A (M6) – B (M7)
Lydian mode audio example in C ->
Mixolydian Mode
The fifth mode is the Mixolydian mode. It starts on the 5th note of the Major
scale. It is a major mode and its notes in G are: G, A, B, C, D, E, F.
It consists of a:
Root, Major 2nd, Major 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, Major 6th, minor 7th
The Mixolydian mode is a great blues scale and has a round, stable sound. Like
with the Lydian mode, the only difference to the Major scale is one note — the
minor 7th.
In the audio example we will use C Mixolydian to play over C note. Its notes
C (R) – D (M2) – E (M3) – F (P4) – G (P5) – A (M6) – Bb (m7)
Mixolydian mode audio example in C ->
Aeolian Mode
The sixth mode is the Aeolian mode. This is the Natural minor scale. In A, its
notes are: A, B, C, D, E, F, G.
It has a:
Root, Major 2nd, minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, Perfect 5th, minor 6th, minor 7th
The Aeolian mode is quite dark, even sad sounding, though it is not altogether
dissonant, and it is widely used in virtually all types of music. We have
examined this scale in the minor scale section.
In the improvisation excerpt we will use C Aeolian mode, or C Natural minor
scale. Its notes are:
C (R) – D (M2) – Eb (m3) – F (P4) – G (P5) – Ab (m6) – Bb (m7)
Aeolian mode audio example in C ->
Locrian mode
The seventh and the final mode is the Locrian mode. It starts on the 7th note of
the Major scale. In the case of C Major, it starts on B; so in B, its notes are: B,
C, D, E, F, G, A.
It contains a:
Root, minor 2nd, minor 3rd, Perfect 4th, diminished 5th (Tritone), minor 6th, minor 7th
This mode is strange, and rarely used. It is a minor scale, but both its 2nd and 5th
notes are flat. It is the only diatonic mode without a Perfect 5th, the Locrian
mode thus is highly unstable. Historically, this scale was avoided altogether. Its
sound is heavy, dissonant and unstable.
We’ll be using C Locrian in the improvisation excerpt over the C drone note.
The notes in C Locrian are:
C (R) – Db (m2) – Eb (m3) – F (P4) – Gb (dim5) – Ab (m6) – Bb (m7)
Locrian mode audio example in C ->
Diatonic Modes Comparison Charts (Plus
PMS Exercise)
I hope that you can see by now how modes are easy once you understand them
To sum up, here’s a table showing the diatonic modes:
And here’s a table showing all modes with their respective intervals and notes.
Table 5: Diatonic modes with their intervals and notes.
Study this chart. It is very important chart for the diatonic modes and you will
need to memorize it if you want to use modes in your playing efficiently. Also,
take some time to answer the following questions:
How b’s appear after the Ionian mode? Notice that Dorian adds b’s on the 3rd and
the 7th, and Phrygian adds flats just behind those — on the 2nd and the 6th.
What is the only mode with a ‘#’ and where?
What is the mode with only one ‘b’ and where?
What is the mode with the most flats and where are they located?
What is the one big difference between Aeolian and Phrygian modes and why?
Why does Locrian mode sound obscure and why is it difficult to use?
Why have we written b5 for the Locrian mode instead of #4?
Dorian is just one whole step up from its relative PMS Root, or 10 half-steps down
from the root octave. So in any Dorian key you can just count two half-steps or
semitones back in your head. For example, PMS of D# Dorian is C# Major scale.
Phrygian is two whole steps up from the PMS root or 4 half-steps. In the opposite
direction, it is 8 half-steps down from the root octave.
Lydian is 5 half-steps up from the root, or 7 half-steps down from the root octave.
Mixolydian is 7 half-steps up from the root, or 5 half-steps down from the root
Aeolian is 9 half-steps up from the root, or 3 half-steps down from the root octave.
Locrian is 11 half-steps up from the root, or 1 half-step down from the octave.
Ionian is zero half-steps up or down from the root.
But what if we have a mode that is in the middle of the PMS, namely: Phrygian,
Lydian, Mixolydian or Aeolian, and we don’t want to bother with counting the
For that, let’s determine the PMS of F Lydian. The process which can be done
for any mode, is as follows (it was described briefly earlier in the Parent scale
First, we list out the notes of F Lydian (you can use Table 4 – Diatonic modes
with their intervals, for this):
F (R) – G (M2) – A (M3) – B (#4) – C (P5) – D (M6) – E (M7) – F (O)
Since we know that Lydian is the 4th mode of its PMS, we look at the notes and
see to which note the F comes as the 4th?
It’s C.
C (1), D (2), E (3), F (4), G(5), A(6), B(7).
So PMS of F Lydian is C Major scale.
As an exercise try to figure out the Parent Major scale of the following modes:
1. G Dorian?
2. F# Mixolydian?
3. E Phrygian?
4. A# Aeolian?
5. G Lydian?
6. D Locrian?
7. B Ionian?
8. Db Mixolydian?
There will be answers provided at the end of the book in the Cheat Sheet section.
1. Play a drone note (on guitar, the E string would be most natural), which will establish
your key, your tonal center. Then you can play various scales and modes in that key.
So play an E note for example and let it drone (sustain), and then play an E Ionian,
and then an E Dorian, and then an E Phrygian, and so on. Play all of the modes that
share the same tonal center. This is what we have done for the Pentatonic and
Diatonic modes’ audio examples, but you should be able to do it on your own now.
Try it. Listen for differences in harmonic effect and feel for differences in overall
2. Once you have done this, it is useful to move on to playing over a single chord or
entire chord progressions. Make or find a backing track for each mode and play over
those progressions using those modes. You will develop a sense for the differences
between scales. However, if you’re not familiar with chords and chord progressions
yet, you will be able to do this after you go through the Chord section later in the
3. Finally, begin substituting scales and modes for each other over the same chord or
progression. If you are playing over a minor progression, for instance in A minor,
you can perhaps begin by playing in A Aeolian (natural minor scale) and end by
playing in A Phrygian. This takes time to truly understand and be able to do, but it is
well worth the effort! By the end of this book you will have a much better
understanding of how to go about this.
You might also choose a single chord: a Major 7th chord for instance, and play
by cycling through all of the various modes of the pentatonic, diatonic, harmonic
minor and melodic minor scales. You can even use scales that don’t make any
natural sense — like a Dorian over a Major 7th chord — just to hear what it
sounds like. Doing this sort of substitution will help you really learn to feel the
differences between scales and will encourage you to remember certain
harmonic techniques and exotic sounds that you enjoy and want to incorporate in
your style.
Because of the structure like this (step and a half between 6th and 7th note)
harmonic minor scale is not a diatonic scale.
In A Dorian #4 the notes are: A, B, C, D#, E, F#, G, and these are the notes
we’ll be using to play over A note.
Harmonic minor mode 4 –
Dorian #4 audio example in A ->
In A Phrygian #3, the notes are: A, Bb, C#, D, E, F, G, and these are the notes
we’ll be using to play over A note.
Harmonic minor mode 5 –
Phrygian #3 audio example in A ->
1. It is sometimes called an Altered scale, since it is the Major scale with each of the
scale degrees flatted (altered). Though this is not the real Altered scale since we have
bb7. The Altered scale is actually the 7th mode of the Melodic minor scale and we’ll
get to that soon.
Regular Major scale: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7.
Harmonic minor mode 7: 1 – b2 – b3 – b4 – b5 – b6 – bb7.
2. It is also sometimes called Super Locrian which is a fancy name but that’s because
it is the same as diatonic Locrian, but it goes one step further. Locrian has the Perfect
4th, while in Super Locrian that note is flatted (diminished 4th) and the b7 note is
flatted once again.
Diatonic Locrian: 1 – b2 – b3 – 4 – b5 – b6 – b7.
Super Locrian: 1 – b2 – b3 – b4 – b5 – b6 – bb7.
3. It is also sometimes called Mixolydian #1, but why?
Let’s take our G Major scale and G Mixolydian scale (whose Parent Major scale is
C), and list out their notes.
G Major has: G(1) – A(2) – B(3) – C(4) – D(5) – E(6) – F#(7)
G Mixolydian has: G(1) – A(2) – B(3) – C(4) – D(5) – E(6) – F(b7)
Now the 7th mode of the harmonic minor scale in this context (when compared
against G Mixolydian) looks like this:
G Mixolydian #1: G#(1) – A(2) – B(3) – C(4) – D(5) – E(6) – F(bb7)
The problem here is that there is one extra flat on the 7th, making it function as the
Major 6th in this context.
So we have three different names for the same thing. It’s important to understand
each name and its context (what is it telling you?), because as we said, the names
describe a mode’s relationship to other scales. Knowing these relationships is
what will help you with understanding and using modes in your playing. You
can use any name that you like just as long as you know how it’s related to other
scales and modes. In my opinion the best name to use here would be Super
In A, the notes of this mode are: A, Bb, C, Db, Eb, F, Gb, and these are the notes
we’ll be using to play over A drone note in the backing track.
Harmonic minor mode 7 –
Super Locrian audio example in A ->
Note that HM modes can have different names depending on their context, this is
something that is open to interpretation. What I’m presenting here is the most
logical way that these modes are (usually) named by.
And here’s a table showing all harmonic minor modes with their respective
intervals and notes.
Table 7: Harmonic minor modes interval structure.
As with the diatonic and harmonic minor modes this structure defines a series of
scales (modes), each with one of the seven notes as the root. Some of these
scales are used widely in jazz, and their sound is, while not as exotic as the
harmonic minor modes, still quite pronounced.
What is a Chord?
Some instruments are single-note instruments, capable of only playing one note
at a time. Other instruments, however, like guitars and pianos, are capable of
playing chords.
A chord, at its most basic, is simply a music unit consisting of more than one
note being played at the same time. In other words, it is the sound we get when
we combine any two (or more) notes and play them at the same time.
Chords come from scales. In fact, they are made up from notes in a scale. Each
scale implies a certain list of chords; once you have a scale in mind, it is easy to
produce chords that are contained in that scale. We’ll get to this soon.
Chords are, like scales, defined by a set of intervals relative to the root note. This
is how chords are named — the name of a chord tells us what kind of notes it
contains; it tells us what is the root note (could be any of the 12 notes), and from
which intervals that chord is made of. The intervallic structure of a chord — the
way the notes in the chord relate back to its root note — is called the “spelling”
of that chord, and if you know the name of the chord then you know, because of
its spelling, the notes that are contained in it.
If we have a Major 7th chord, for instance, then by the end of this chapter you
will learn how it consists of some Root, a Major 3rd, a Perfect 5th and a Major 7th
note (all relative to the root). This is the spelling of a Major 7th chord. If we
assign this chord a specific root note, for example G note, then the name of this
chord would be: G Major 7th; and if we then look at the G major scale, we would
know that the other notes in the chord, because of its spelling, are: G (R) B (M3)
D (P5) F# (M7).
It is possible, simply by naming the intervals contained in the chord, to create
highly complex chords (such as a Major 13 flat 9 chord). These chords are most
often used in jazz and they create sophisticated harmonic spaces. Their use is
highly specialized, with certain chords only being played in very specific
This is why C major 7th chord consists of the notes: C (Root — gives the chord
its name), E (Major 3rd), G (Perfect 5th) and B (Major 7th). Chord formulas and
chord spelling are very similar and useful concepts that give us a way of
analyzing the chords. We’ll explore this a lot more in further sections.
It is possible, and not uncommon, to alter chords that have been built by stacking
thirds — by moving one or more of the notes up or down, by inverting the
chords (rearranging their notes) so that a new chord is produced, or by adding a
note from the scale you’re working with to a pre-existing chord. It is also
possible to create chords by stacking intervals other than thirds — for instance,
fourths or fifths, although this is far less common. Generally speaking, however,
chords are generated in the way we have described — by stacking thirds above a
root note according to a particular scale.
In the case of triads (which are most used chord-types in rock, pop and other
genres) and quadads, it is usually the case that the chords are built of stacked
thirds (as previously discussed).
In the case of dyads, however, any interval can be used. In fact, any Chromatic
interval (see Table 1) is also a dyad chord; so they can be any kind of: major,
minor, perfect, augmented or diminished dyads. The most common dyads in
rock, are dyads produced by playing two notes a 5th apart — Root and the
Perfect 5th (sometimes followed by another Root — an Octave, on top). These
are usually called “Power chords”, and are commonly used by guitarists in rock
and metal genres.
It is possible to play a chord consisting of only 2 notes (and even of only 2
tones) and also of more than 4 notes. It is not uncommon for a jazz musician to
play chords consisting of 5 or 6 different notes, and piano players have the
ability to play as many as 10 distinct notes at one time. In most cases this is
avoided because the more distinct notes are added to a chord the more they will
clash with each other, and the chord will sound more and more dissonant. Most
pop songs have very simple harmony consisting of simple chords with very few
notes, whereas jazz on the other spectrum is usually very advanced harmony
with more complex chords.
Triad Chords
We’ll start with 3-note chords first because they are the simplest and easiest to
understand. They’re the most common chords today. It is worth repeating that
generally, when we talk about triads, we are talking about those triads that are
composed of two 3rds (usually either major 3rd or minor 3rd interval) stacked on
top of one another, or that are simple modifications of those stacked-3rd triads.
Triad chords are as follows:
Major triads — these chords consist of a: Root, a Major 3rd and a Perfect 5th.
This means that they are composed of a root, a major 3rd above that root and a
minor 3rd above that second note. Notice here that the distance from a Major 3rd
to a Perfect 5th is 3 semitones — which is a minor 3rd interval.
The chord formula for a major triad is: 1 3 5.
In C, the C major triad would be: C E G.
Minor triads — these are composed of a minor 3rd interval and a major 3rd
interval stacked on top of that (the inverse of the composition of major triads).
That means that they consist of a Root, a minor 3rd and a Perfect 5th.
As for the minor triad chord formula — first we have a root — 1, then we have
minor 3rd instead of a major 3rd. These two intervals are one semitone apart, so
that means in order to get the minor 3rd we just have to flatten the major 3rd note
by a semitone, so we simply write: b3. And then we have a perfect 5th as usual.
Also, note that the distance between the minor 3rd and perfect 5th is 4 semitones,
which is a major 3rd interval.
So a minor triad chord formula is simply: 1 b3 5, and from our C major chord
consisting of notes: C E G, we would get C minor with the notes: C Eb G.
You can see here how only one note difference as little as one semitone apart
changes the mood of the chord dramatically. It goes from happy sounding
(major) to sad sounding (minor). We can conclude that 3rd in a chord is a very
important note that makes a huge difference to its sound.
When it comes to triads, there are also:
Augmented triads — these are major triads with a sharp 5th. That means they
are built from two major thirds stacked on top of one another and contain the
notes: Root, Major 3rd, Augmented 5th (same as minor 6th). Their sound is jarring
(sometimes a good thing) and these are rarely played.
The augmented triad chord formula is: 1 3 #5.
#5 tells that we simply have to raise the perfect 5th note by one semitone.
As for the notes, C Augmented, or just Caug, would be: C E G#.
Diminished triads — these are minor triads with a flat 5th (Tritone). They are
composed of two minor thirds stacked on one another, which means they consist
of a Root, a minor 3rd and a diminished 5th.
The diminished chord formula is: 1 b3 b5, which tells that we have to flatten
both 3rd and 5th note of the parent scale.
The C diminished chord, or just Cdim, would then be: C Eb Gb.
All of these four basic triads are composed of two intervals — major and
minor 3rds — stacked on top of one another in various permutations.
Suspended Chords
It is common, however, to alter those triads slightly and arrive at chords that are
derived from stacked 3rds but that contain other intervals. This is done by altering
the second note in those triads — the 3rd, whether it is a major 3rd or a minor 3rd.
These new chords are called Suspensions, and there are two types of them. First,
there are suspended chords in which the 3rd is lowered to a 2nd. These are called
Suspended 2nd chords, or just sus2.
Suspended 2nd triads — If you begin with a major or minor triad and lower the
3rd to a major 2nd, then you will have a sus2 triad. It consists of a Root, a Major
2nd and a Perfect 5th, and it is built from a perfect 4th stacked on top of a major
2nd interval.
The chord formula for a sus2 chord is: 1 2 5.
This means that the notes of Csus2 chord would be: C D G (we just take the 2nd
note instead of the 3rd from the C major scale).
Suspended 4th triads — The second kind of suspended triad is one in which the
3rd is raised to a 4th (rather than lowered to a 2nd). These are called: Suspended 4th
chords, and are commonly used in jazz as well as in rock and pop to add specific
color to major and minor triad progressions, that is neither major nor minor.
Beginning with a major or minor triad, Sus4’s are derived by raising the second
note in the chord (major or minor 3rd) up to a perfect 4th. It is built from a major
2nd interval stacked on top of a perfect 4th (the opposite of sus2), and it is
composed of a Root, a Perfect 4th and a Perfect 5th.
The chord formula for a sus4 chord is: 1 4 5.
The notes of Csus4 chord would be: C F G.
This concludes all forms of triad chords... Almost.
It is also possible to talk about suspensions of diminished and augmented
chords — although these are very rarely used. In these cases, the suspended
chords have the same qualities as before, only the fifth is either flatted (in the
case of a suspension of a diminished chord) or sharped (in the case of a
suspension of an augmented chord).
These chords are shown in the following way:
dimsus4 (1 4 b5),
dimsus2 (1 2 b5),
augsus4 (1 4 #5),
augsus2 (1 2 #5).