Chinenye Ndulue CV
Chinenye Ndulue CV
Chinenye Ndulue CV
Dalhousie University
PhD. Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada 2019-Present
Thesis Advisor: Dr Rita Orji (Dalhousie University).
Work Experience
Graduate Teaching Assistant 2018–Present
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
CSCI 1120: Intro to Computer Systems (2 terms)
CSCI 6903: Persuasive Computing (3 terms)
CSCI 6610: Human-Computer Interaction (3 terms)
CSCI 3160: Designing User Interfaces (1 term)
Programmer 2016-2017
Abuja Clinics (Nig.) Ltd, Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria.
Development and maintenance of the Hospital management software and website.
Maintenance and Repair of computers in the hospital.
I was the head of the Department of Multimedia and taught 3 courses including Computer
Programing and Logic Gates.
2019: ‘Persuasive Gaming’ Computer Science Open Day at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.
2019: “Driving Persuasive Games with Personal EEG Devices: Strengths and Weaknesses” – Paper
presented at the 27th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization Adjunct
(UMAP’19 Adjunct).
2019: “Developing Persuasive Mobile Games for African Rural Audiences: Challenges implementing
the Persuasive Techniques” – Paper presented at the 27th Conference on User Modeling,
Adaptation and Personalization Adjunct (UMAP’19 Adjunct).
2018: ‘Persuasive Gaming’ Computer Science Open Day at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada
2018: “STD PONG: A Personalized Persuasive Game for Risky Sexual Behaviour Change in Africa.” –
Paper at the Personalized Persuasive Technology Workshop, Persuasive Technology 2018.
2018: “E-Commerce Personalization in Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Jumia and Konga.” – Paper
at the Personalized Persuasive Technology Workshop, Persuasive Technology 2018.
CHI 2021 Sub-Reviewer
Organizer, Summer Presentation series 2021, Persuasive Computing Lab
CHI 2021 Student Volunteer.
AfriCHI 2021 Student Volunteers’ Coordinator.
SMART ACCESSIBILITY 2020 Technical Program Committee.
CHI PLAY 2019 Full Papers Sub-Reviewer.
CHI 2018, Student Volunteer.
Exhibitionist at the Dalhousie Computer Science’s Open Day, every term from 2018 to 2019.
POE Volunteer 2018.
a. Published and Accepted
1. Chinenye Ndulue and Rita Orji. 2021. STD PONG 2.0: Field Evaluation of a Mobile Persuasive
game for Discouraging Risky Sexual Behaviours among Africans Youths. In SEGAH 2021
2. Chinenye Ndulue and Rita Orji. 2021. Gender and the Effectiveness of a Persuasive Game for
Disease Awareness Targeted at the African Audience. - ADAPPT workshop, UMAP 2021.
3. Chinenye Ndulue and Rita Orji. 2021. Heuristic Evaluation of an African-centric Mobile
Persuasive Game for Promoting Safety Measures Against COVID-19. In 3rd African Human-
Computer Interaction Conference (AfriCHI 2021), March 08-12, 2021, Maputo, Mozambique.
ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 Pages.
4. Chinenye Ndulue and Rita Orji. 2021. COVID Dodge: An African-Centric game for promoting
COVID-19 Safety Measures. In 3rd African Human-Computer Interaction Conference (AfriCHI
2021), March 08-12, 2021, Maputo, Mozambique. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 4
5. Anirudh Ganesh, Chinenye Ndulue, and Rita Orji. 2021. PERMARUN-A Persuasive Game to
Improve User Awareness and Self-Efcacy Towards Secure Smartphone Behaviour. In CHI
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI ’21 Extended
Abstracts), May 08–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.
6. Anirudh Ganesh, Chinenye Ndulue, and Rita Orji. 2021. The Design and Development of
Mobile Game to Promote Secure Smartphone Behaviour. (Behaviour Change Support System
Workshop at The 16th International Conference on Persuasive Technologies)
7. Oladapo Oyebode, Chinenye Ndulue, Dinesh Mulchandani, Ashfaq A Zamil Adib, Mona
Alhasani, and Rita Orji. 2021. Tailoring Persuasive and Behaviour Change Systems Based on
Stages of Change and Motivation. CHI 2021
8. Health, Psychosocial, and Social issues emanating from COVID-19 pandemic based on Social
Media Comments using Natural Language Processing – Submitted to Journal of Medical
Internet Research.
9. COVID-19 Pandemic: Identifying Key Issues using Social Media and Natural Language
Processing - IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.
10. Chinenye Ndulue, Oladapo Oyebode, and Rita Orji. 2020. PHISHER CRUSH: A Mobile
Persuasive Game for Promoting Online Security. . Springer, Cham, 223–233.
11. Oladapo Oyebode, Chinenye Ndulue, Mona Alhasani, and Rita Orji. 2020. Persuasive Mobile
Apps for Health and Wellness: A Comparative Systematic Review. 163–181.
12. Chinenye Ndulue and Rita Orji. 2019. Developing Persuasive Mobile Games for African Rural
Audiences: Challenges implementing the Persuasive Techniques; In Proceedings of UMAP
’19: 27th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, June 09-12, 2019,
Larnaca, Cyprus. ACM, New York, NY, USA. 6 pages.
13. Chinenye Ndulue, Rita Orji. 2019. Driving Persuasive Games with Personal EEG Devices:
Strengths and Weaknesses; In Proceedings of UMAP ’19: 27th Conference on User Modeling,
Adaptation and Personalization Adjunct (UMAP’19 Adjunct), June 9–12, 2019, Larnaca,
Cyprus. ACM, New York, NY, USA. 5 pages.
14. Ndulue C, Orji R 2018. STD PONG: Changing Risky Sexual Behaviour in Africa through
Persuasive Games. In Proceedings of AfriCHI conference (Windhoek’18).
15. Ndulue C, Orji R STD PONG: A Personalized Persuasive Game for Risky Sexual Behaviour
Change in Africa. In: Int. Work. Pers. Persuas. Technol. pp 1–7
17. Games for Change - A Comparative Systematic Review – Submitted to SEGAH 2021.
18. Personality-targeted Persuasive and Gamified Systems: Exploring the Impact of Application
Domain on the Effectiveness of Behavior Change Strategies – Submitted to UMUAI journal
An African-Centric Persuasive Game for discouraging risky sexual behaviour among African
Youths, developed in Adobe Animate CC.
An African-Centric Persuasive Game for discouraging risky sexual behaviour among African
Youths, developed in Unity.
Phisher Crush
A memory match up persuasive game for promoting online security, developed in Unity.
Rock Evaders
An EEG-Controlled persuasive game for supporting stroke rehabilitation, developed in Unity.
An African-centric persuasive game to raise awareness for social distancing after the COVID-
19 Lockdown, developed in Unity.
Food Runner (Supervised)
A persuasive game for encouraging healthy eating among children, developed in Unity.
Technical Skills
Game Development (Unity 3D).
Web Programming (ASP.Net, CSS, HTML).
Computer Animation (Adobe Animate CC).