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Webinar typically take place over the course of a few days and involve cooperative discussion, multiple
speakers and opportunities to share perspectives and issues related to the topic. Attending a webinar
has numerous benefits, including improving communication skills, gaining expert knowledge and
renewing motivation and confidence.
The aim of the webinar is to have a productive discords of the emergent issues that where dealing right
now the rule of the building in current climate crises and the magnitude to consequences of climate
changes and the effect of source COVID -19 on various regions on a fast few years as required re-
evaluation of a current planning strategy. With this event It is how research is very important in place
important rule in build of architecture and how it is applied in our built environment.
Ar./L.Arch. Joshua Cuanan, Research proposal “Praxis changes in the design and use of urban open
spaces as influence by Covid-19 Pandemic: A case study of Metro Manila, Philippines”
The goal of his research was the study aims to identify the intervention that were implemented by the
local government to open spaces and response with COVID-19 and his objectives is to document the
practice that were promulgated by LGU As response to COVID-19, To the open spaces, to examine the
challenges and the initial design, to develop design guidelines or recommendation that is suitable on
open spaces and Metro Manila that can be adapted.
Ar. Paolo Andrew Hascagaw, Research proposal, “Kapitolyo: Architecture democracy”
He is master research and currently focus on the heritage of Philippine capital buildings, he discussed
where democracy began. Origins of democracy is a leadership originating from the people. American
democracy has been considered for the architecture of government and state buildings in the United
States of America this has called the federal designs. Philippine setting is over 20 of the 80 provincial
capital building were still built during the American colonial.
Ar. Angelica Isabel Castro, Research proposal “Disaster Resilient Philippines”
He tackled the vision of disaster resilient to the Philippines it said that the climate of tropical country like
the Philippines is not going to change anytime soon the Philippine is disaster prove country mostly Due
to its geographic location he examples the disaster caused by Yolanda and Tacloban and also, he
discussed the effect of typhoon Yolanda in Agriculture, Education Sector, Economy and Workforce,
Health and Public Safety, Infrastructure and Properties.
Ar. Annie C. Pugeda, Research proposal “Less is More: Syncing the Filipino House Interior”
He tackled the spaces around the house knowing the interior of the Filipinos in terms of spaces where it
typical Filipino houses the presence of too many decors and too furnishings and add-ons the reason for
this 3 is somewhat in a way to improve their level of social status.
He concludes that the architecture recommendation on how to “declutter” the interior elements are to re
orient or assist in organizing these memories and harmonious architectural ways better than the de-
cluttering them of their filipino-ness, not necessarily deleting from each filipino the memories of love,
success and achievement that are very much effort of Filipino culture.
Ar. Eden Gay M. Deabanico, Research proposal “Advocating the Urban Nexus of Water, Food and
Energy Through Laguna Lake: The Case of Sta.Rosa”
The Urban Nexus was created to tackle issues on the exhaustion of land food, water, energy and
sanitation caused by ever rising Asian Population Urban Nexus is defined as “an approach to the
design of sustainable Urban Development solution” Using the Nexus conceptual framework this
analyzed the challenge that a specific community encounters relating to water, food and energy and
how these 3 different issues were address in an interconnected manner.
Ar. Analiza DC. Gattoc, Research proposal “Water Sensitive Urban Design of Barangays: The Case of
Public Open Space in Aduas Sur, Cabanatuan City”
Rapid growth and urbanization, cities are becoming more exposed and vulnerable to the effect of the
wide spectrum of disaster and with the Aduas Sur is one of the Barangay in cabanatuan city which is
classified as a flood prone area. The design solution was the improvement of drainage system bio
retention swale along the roads.
Ar. Mark Kenly A. Castañeda, Research proposal “EQUILIBRIUM: The First Person Sustainable
Municipal Complex in Aurora”
The project Is about to provide new face of a government complex in Aurora which will begin the
entrance of sustainable types building and also a disaster resilient building in the province.
Ar. Susanti M. Naiggolan S.T. M.Ars. Research proposal “The Relationship Between Human and Park
Promote a Pro Environmental Behavior in Habitation”
This is study can prove that humans who are connected to parks will tend to have environmental care
behaviors that appear in the context of their residence. So that their existence of park becomes
something that is important to note it's existence in order to support the application of sustainable
architecture through one's environmental care behavior.
During the webinar I observed that the speaker has enough knowledge about the topic he is discussing.
I also observed that all students are interested to the topic discussed and participating with the speaker
and listen enough to learn even I also interested to the topic the they discussed because it is big help
for me to become more knowledgeable with this kind of topic.

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