EPA HQ OPP 2008 0440 0059 - Attachment - 2

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February 23, 2016

RE: Docket ID:


Dear Administrator McCarthy,

We urge EPA to ban all uses of these seven neurotoxic organophosphate pesticides immediately:
chlorpyrifos­methyl, dicrotophos, dimethoate, ethoprop, profenofos, terbufos and tribufos.

This class of pesticides has been proven to cause neurodevelopmental harm to children and to poison farmworkers
and others in surrounding communities when they’re sprayed in agricultural fields.

After years of delay, your agency recently acknowledged the extensive evidence that exposure to these pesticides
damages development of children's brains. It's time to act to protect children from reduced IQ, delayed development,
autism and attention disorders associated with these dangerous pesticides. EPA should take immediate steps to ban
these brain­damaging pesticides in order to:

* Protect children from learning and memory impairments

* Protect communities from pesticide poisonings when the pesticides drift off crops and into nearby neighborhoods
and schools
* Prevent contamination of drinking water with these pesticides
* Prevent worker poisonings and harm to their children

Action on these toxic chemicals is long overdue. We urge you to ensure that your agency moves quickly to ban
these pesticides now.

Thank you for your consideration of this important issue.


Pesticide Action Network North America and United Farm Workers, and on behalf of the 22,452 below,
concerned citizens from all 50 states, Washington, DC and several Canadian provinces.
First Name Last Name Email Zip State Comment
sara knight sarasknight@gmail.com 94612 CA
Johnnae Nardone johnnae@panna.org 50501 IA
Kristin Schafer kristins@panna.org 95112 CA
Julie Ford jford29105@aol.com 90740 CA
Danyela Harting danyeharti@sbcglobal.net 63031 MO
Bruce Donnell b_donnell@msn.com 87506 NM
V. Walko v.j.walko@gmail.com 08012 NJ
Steven Andrychowski vvcsteve@yahoo.com 06051 CT
Nicholas Lenchner airbat@pacbell.net 95403 CA
Serena Cardini serenanicole07@gmail.com 93561 CA
It is long overdue to get
these toxins out of our
Gloria Cole gloriag808@gmail.com 36744 AL environment.
helena doerr helena.doerr@yahoo.com 20906 MD
Lynne Murphy-Miller willowbard@yahoo.com 98684 WA
Barry Weaver wvrbrry@yahoo.com 72641 AR
Bebe McCarthy bebesmc@yahoo.com 06877 CT
Heather E. Drees hethboo7@yahoo.com 58201 ND
elena knox eknox217@gmail.com 94602 CA
virginia broadbeck ginnybroadbeck1@verizon.net 22960 VA
David Lindsey DAVEKL69@AOL.COM 42320 KY
Louis Ostrach lostrach@gmail.com 20814 MD

Susan Chaney Susan_Chaney@rocketmail.com 87507 NM

Tom Pyrek tompyrek@hotmail.com 54601 WI
jan kelley j4key1@yahoo.com 12901 NY
Russell Weisz russweisz@baymoon.com 95060 CA
Ashley Schutt aschutt3@yahoo.com 57719 AZ
Brian Waak paradox42@gmail.com 60505 IL
Ken Schefter purpleroc1@gmail.com 66062 KS
Brian Krupp wodney01@juno.com 84790 UT
Michael Gerber pastapusta@gmail.com 14226 NY
JUDY kozlowski judykoz@yahoo.com 54904 WI
Linda McDonald greydove24@hotmail.com 72956 AR
Nathalie Auger Nathalie.auger@me.com 94402 CA
Lisa Garcia lisatgarcia@gmail.com 22205 VA
Cathy Nieman, MS, RD, LDN cathy.nieman@gmail.com 28787 NC
Catherine Lambeau cat_lambeau@yahoo.com 25705 WV
Betty Beckmann bettybeckmann@yahoo.com 51050 IA
Todd Atkins taatkins@comcast.net 02760 MA
marcia king marciahking@gmail.com 90049 CA
Carol Kreck kreck2208@aol.com 80207 CO
John Paul Roy jpack9@usiwireless.com 55406 MN
It seems to me that the
EPA is not doing their job
to begin with, by allowing
such pesticide to be
produced in the first
Ronald Johnson rodejo2@msn.com 20151 VA place.
Kathryn Rose mizkate52@msn.com 80205 CO
Elaine Larson elainelars@gmail.com 94954 CA
Jamie Reifman jlr2416@sbcglobal.net 60660 IL
Pamela Magathan itsmusic@earthlink.net 90068 CA
Sara Hutchison sara@sarahutchison.com 91342 CA
Bill Polesnak bpolesnak@yahoo.com 48085 MI
Tim Shorkey tshorkey@gmail.com 48519 MI
Caridad Romaine Thefrogrules@aol.com 11706 NY
Brian Clifton arrrclifton@yahoo.com 70458 LA
Sister Gladys Schmitz gschmitz@ssndcp.org 56001 MN
John Walton jwtqn@sonic.net 95445 CA
Richard Jacobel bmccc2001@yahoo.com 93644 CA
Martha Bigalk marbigalk@hotmail.com 55414 MN
Carolyn Watts wattsca@ucmail.uc.edu 45209 OH
Our children's health
needs to be the priority
not Corporation profit.
When will corporations
learn that it is time for
them to change their
Sunnymountainrain1790@gmail. business strategy and
Vicki Kirsch com 80302 CO create healthy products?
Terri Coppersmith tacoppe@qis.net 21158 MD

letting chemical
companies hurt people
for profit!!!!! I implore
of big money and corrupt
Glen Anderson glenanderson@integra.net 98503 WA politicians!!!!!
Luz Carmenate carmenatel@yahoo.com 34239 FL
Tom Keys tkeyshike@msn.com 97080 OR
Larry Lapuyade larrylapuyade@earthlink.net 94979 CA
carol easton carol.easton1@gmail.com 95003 CA
james milnthorpe jmilnthorpe@hotmail.com 85053 AZ
Timothy Mullen timothy.mullen3@gmail.com 2AY MN
Arthur Chan aumtn@sbcglobal.net 94518 CA
Stephen Graham stephenwgraham@gmail.com 53711 WI
It's truly amazing that we
must pass legislation to
protect ourselves from
harmful chemicals
produced and used in the
name of profit. In a
Robert Krinsky rob@newell-construction.com 95983 CA word... disgraceful
chris granata cgranata224@gmail.com 08060 NJ
Cathy Brownlee serendipitycat@hotmail.com 72450 AR
T C matrixkittikat@yahoo.com 60403 IL
Lynn C. Lang lynn_lang@hotmail.com 56303 MN
robin nadel horsescats34@comcast.net 06405 CT
Robin Gotfrid robin@roguewebworks.com 97520 OR
Bridget O'Brien ob.bridget@gmail.com 98109 WA
ted porter tedporter26@hotmail.com 91601 CA
Annie McCuen mccuen7691@comcast.net 97302 OR
Maria Asteinza asteim@verizon.net 11375 NY
Brandon Bless angbra@gmail.com 05827 VT
Laura Neiman lneiman55@gmail.com 10034 NY
Tara Verbridge taraverbridge@yahoo.ca 48004 MI
Mary McGrath emaj02@gmail.com 55417 MN
Marie Rose mbrose1@comcast.net 60062 IL
Judy Uebelacker Uebeart@aol.com 56345 MN
Robert Burk bobbajo@aol.com 90024 CA
jerome milks jmilks@gmavt.net 05491 VT
Lynda Varner deedeevarner@hotmail.com 92111 CA
Wayne Cochrane w@1ai.us 24830 WV
Genevieve Miller .com 22180 VA
Nancy Porter-Steele sis.net 92020 CA
Jen Seely jenseely@usfamily.net 55047 MN
Sarr Blumson org 48104 MI
William Pritchett buffalo0743@msn.com 33710 FL
Harvey Spears Redmonkey2@mac.com 10002 NY
Kim Steven Waltz k.wz@att.net 15236 PA
Katherine Terhune kathie.ratcliff@mac.com 94062 CA
Lois White loeyw1@gmail.com 97527 OR
MaryEllen Seehafer 333mellan@gmail.com 20616 MD
Esther Weaver edw200@gmail.com 12528 NY
william Thornton wmthornton@yahoo.com 36555 AL
Theresa Gardner edantree@hvc.rr.com 12589 NY
Colleen Wheeler cwheeler@shrinenet.org 96816 HI
John Bartlett jkb686@hotmail.com 83873 ID Thank you!
Lin Griffith oak2acorns@yahoo.com 91001 CA
Donna Greenwell dgreenwell@nycap.rr.com 12866 NY
Raanan Katzir rannan@zahav.net.il 69362
lauren kattuah lauren777@icloud.com 90403 CA INSECTS
Carole Kunstadt ckunstadt@gmail.com 12491 NY
Connor Hansell landrovie@yahoo.com 84121 UT
EDITH LOBROT edithlobrot@gmail.com 92330 FL
Jody Gibson jodyg8@msn.com 50315 IA
James Glenn jrglennjr@gmail.com 95472 CA
Julia Wade dragongal35@yahoo.com 60004 IL
Jeffrey Bains jebains@gmail.com 32159 FL

We're being poisoned by

our government
agencies, decimated by
republican cuts, just to be
able to scream, "see, the
government doesn't
work, we need smaller
government" cause, Flint,
MI. Republicans are a
danger to our democracy
and to a government that
works for us all, not just
Russell Alcott russalcott@msn.com 34761 FL for the 1%.
Elaine Benjamin ebalpine@flash.net 91901 CA
Guenter Heinz gheinz@interbel.net 59917 MT
Wendi Cohen wcohen@mac.com 10562 NY
Io Pike Iochurch@yahoo.com 03301 NH
David Osinga wereoutthere@msn.com 94901 CA
Anna Narbutovskih narbutovskih@comcast.net 95446 CA
joe swierkosz joeswierkosz@sbcglobal.net 60067 IL
Tracey Mangus daveandtracey@windstream.net 16226 PA
Candace Frates candacegfrates@aol.com 74137 OK
Time for brain-harming
4306C pesticides to go nów &
J Ruigrok van der Werve info@debezem.nl M foréver!
Marya Zanders caravanz2@yahoo.com 52544 IA
John Pfersich zardon409@yahoo.com 89140 NV
Kim Messmer kimmessmerphoto@yahoo.com 95051 CA
William J Diehl williamdiehl6420@comcast.net 88012 NM
jeri pollock jeripollock@gmail.com 91001 CA
This so-called problem is
monumental. The use of
pesticides, herbicides
too, is killing some of us,
Cancer being the main
cause directly by
chemicals, compounded
by chemo, more
Carol Kite jibboscarol@hotmail.com 13037 NY chemicals.
Howard Cohen howard@cohensw.com 94306 CA
Megan Vaughn levis521girl@gmail.com 19701 MA
Shirley Powell magicquilter@charter.net 53038 WI
Why in the world havent
strangecatproductions0@gmail.c you banned these yet
steven odden om 55526 epa.
The brain you save might
Elaine Becker elainebecker@yahoo.com 24018 VA be your own!
Nancy Roemer nlromer@aol.com 96707 HI
Robert Hodge rhodge4477@msn.com 97212 OR
Barbara Kantola blkantola@comcast.net 49120 MI
Daniel DuBoise duboi001@gmail.com 90291 CA
Courtney Carpenter bodysnatcher_s@hotmail.com 64424 MO
Jodi Thomas jodithomas@outlook.com 98274 WA
Anabel Royer anabelhere@gmail.com 93428 CA
Jack Harmell jharmell@gmail.com 01760 MA
Margaret Kniffin mkniff@aol.com 10028 NY
Denise Romesburg mysa_nal@yahoo.com 85021 AZ
Mike Alperin imageryarts@gmail.com 95005 CA
Sara Gibson Sara7gib@mac.com 86001 AZ
Maryann Simpson om 22553 VA
Laird Lorenz Lairdlorenz@yahoo.com 32608 FL
gandharvananda@btopenworld. YO31
John Brogden com 8NP
Renee Masotti Renee.masotti@gmail.com 94952 CA
Barbara Jean Miller bjmiller@tiffinfranciscans.org 44883 OH
Kimberly Seger kimmiland@hotmail.com 16201 PA
These are damaging
chemicals and these
pesticides must not be
used because nobody
should be exposed to the
harmful effects that
cause permanent nerve
damage. This is
Barb Gajek binkieg@sbcglobal.net 92660 CA irresponsible .
Katherine Mouzourakis sogoodjazzie@yahoo.com 48185 MI
Devin Henry mrdsir@hotmail.com 14802 NY
No more pesticides! Quit
karl armens armensbooks@live.com 52245 IA poisoning people!
Paulo Nührich paulo.nuhrich@terra.com.br 90000 AK
Dirk Reed dirkdirkreedreed@gmail.com 95073 CA
Stop this pesticide
Jane Engelsiepen jane@viewstudio.com 93013 CA madness!
Maya Knowles maya@mayasage.com 95949 CA
Wesley Wada offers@info-fx.com 97701 OR
Jacqueline Crowell jcrowell10@msn.com 33611 FL
William Smith om 61759 IL
Jeanne Hochstatter jhochstatter@icloud.com 53207 WI
Gary Elshaw asituationist@gmail.com 60321
eric vance emoons@msn.com 85051 AZ
Urging EPA to ban all uses
of the seven OPs now up
Lisa Langbein llangbein@hotmail.com 60544 IL for review!
Celia O'Kelley celiaand@hotmail.com 35401 AL
Bradley Richardson vampirepoet@gmail.com 80303 CO
Sarina Amato sarina.ann@gmail.com 84123 UT
Elizabeth Sullivan sullivans@moscow.com 83843 ID
Karol Morton karolm1957@comcast.net 55076 MN
Ben Goodin ibedone@hotmail.com 83615 ID
dominic melita sordfisch32960@yahoo.com 12550 NY
Donna Lozano Donna.Lozano@sbcglobal.net 78552 TX
George Marsh mrickus@sbcgloal.net 44883 OH
Steven G. Kellman kellman1@gmail.com 78231 TX
steve schechter stevers57@aol.com 93923 CA
Gabriela Duarte gabicduarte@yahoo.com.br 01303
Colleen McGlone crmcglone@moose-mail.com 34655 FL
Karen Ratzlaff laughingrat@live.com 95404 CA
Liz Fife lmfife@gmail.com 20009 DC
Merideth Taylor mmtaylor@smcm.edu 20653 MD
Michael Tucker mtuck_2012@yahoo.com 43138 OH
Doug Flagg dwflagg@juno.com 23464 VA Please!!!!!
Sandra Newhouse jts108va@aol.com 22901 VA
Monitta Lowe mializ01@yahoo.com 44108 OH
Diana Horan dianasophia109@gmail.com 54665 WI
Leonard Silver lwsilver@alum.mit.edu 02476 MA
DJ Christian christianfam@earthlink.net 12449 NY
willy aenlle willyaenlle@yahoo.com 91001 CA
Nicky Shane nicky@nickyshane.com 91604 CA
Peter Mignano pmignano@austin.rr.com 78613 TX
james roberts jamesrroberts@hotmail.com 93436 CA
Lou Baxter loubaxter@optusnet.com.au 03068 ot
Lyn Lukich Mychloeangel@aol.com 99218 WA
Jamie Louis jlouis@hawaii.edu 96782 HI
Eva French loveeva@chartermi.net 49464 MI
Heather Florian heathershay.florian@gmail.com 54729 WI
Raquel Buxton iowyne@yahoo.com 77092 TX

Timothy McLaughlin Tmclaughlin1984.07@gmail.com 02360 MA

patti schultze benmike12@yahoo.com 33558 FL
Richard Rothstein richlroth@mac.com 34202 FL
allison zack agzack1@yahoo.com 33062 FL
Jaye Tompkins jayetompkins@gmail.com 97266 OR
Mary Murphy MKsunpath@gmail.com 97702 OR
Marian Reitzen auntie2000@cox.net 85284 AZ
William Dane williamzmail@yahoo.com 91701 CA
Katherine Tierney Katie.t.tierney@gmail.com 48116 MI
Marjorie Crockett yogawithmarjorie@gmail.com 02474 MA
jill redman jillredman@neo.rr.com 44278 OH
Anna Maria Brunner ambru@libero.it 20136 VA
Jen H JenMail7975@knology.net 32405 FL
This is the Sixth Mass
Extinction. Pesticides,
herbicides, and fungicides
should be banned. We
know less enviro-toxic
ways to control pests,
Carlee Singh carlee.singh@gmail.com 74055 OK "weeds", and fungi.
William Rutledge asomniac721@gmail.com 35603 AL
Ellen Hecht Ehecht@sbcglobal.net 94706 CA
Diane Calkins calkinsdm5@yahoo.com 19131 PA
leslie schriener lesliewhitehorse@msn.com 872 CO
Donald Singer pthg3@comcast.net 80501 CO
JoAnn Webb jwebb.vt@gmail.com 05067 VT
Mary Orr mvorr01@gmail.com 87533 NM
Meredith Hayward m 80210 CO
Mark Aziz mrkzz76@gmail.com 34232 FL
Alan Townsend alantech@gmail.com 94110 CA
Anja CURISKIS Anjakara@gmail.com 55408 MN
Mia Dravis miadravis@gmail.com 91730 CA
Peter Paget pagetpe@gmail.com 98926 WA
Robert Miles robertmiles@bellsouth.net 35802 AL
Carrie Schudda cschudda@frontier.com 53575 WI
HELEN Harshman-Edwards helenhey@aol.com 62092 IL
Paula Taccogna Ptaccogna@aol.com 97267 OR
Michael Shay m 52556 IA
brenna gutell brennagutell@yahoo.com 91377 CA
Raffaela Bartsch uwe.rae@verion.net 07062 NJ
Susan Rumburg SusanRumburg@msn.com 85615 AZ
Tim Bloch blochtim@hotmail.com 97405 OR
Judith Anderson Judynmn@aol.com 55345 MN
Brenda Kroupa bcrowpa@comcast.net 23146 VA
Rohana McLaughlin rohanamc@hotmail.com 94960 CA
Lori Navarro Lorilynnrankin@gmail.com 78232 TX
Debra Atlas debraatlas@gmail.com 96001 CA
Debra Shepler debbieshepler2207@gmail.com 17103 PA
We've been poisoned
Rosemary Jewkes Rosebudj@live.com 92637 CA long enough!
Renee Locks atelierrenee@sonic.net 94941 CA

Vic Norian vnorian@rogers.com K1b5g3

Nancy Brenner nancybrenner@verizon.net 92562 CA
Sharon Sullivan sierrasms@aol.com 96150 CA
Harry Corsover harry@corsazzi.com 80112 CO
Anne Normandin Annesananax3@aol.com 02896 RI

Zachary Corsetti zvescor@gmail.com L4L 4Z6

faith bremmer fbremmer@live.com 56537 MN
Connie Cotton naturewalktbc@juno.com 22903 VA
M.G. Pappaducas mgp25@hotmail.com 50021 IA
JOSEPH REEL jreel@pacbell.net 93950 CA
James Murphey jpmurphey@juno.com 59715 MT
Kathleen Peterson Olinobist@gmail.com 99518 AK
Bruni Boyden bmagnolia@cox.net 23606 VA
yvette fernandez y_fernandez02@yahoo.com 11368 NY
Jessica Cresseveur jmcress@gmail.com 47150 IN
Daniel R. Balogh manjursidan@aol.com 32205 FL
Kevin Darcy darcykevinj@gmail.com 98225 WA
Craig Hollander craighealth@yahoo.com 90025 CA
Ralph Drake rjd2798@gmail.com 98665 NV
patti krieger pkrieger1@yahoo.com 22306 VA
Arthur Torrey arthur_torrey@comcast.net 01862 MA
These poisonous
pesticides are not
necessary to crops BUT
they are known to be
harmful to humans.
Please do the right thing
and ban them now.
Patricia Frey tefpwf62@gmail.com 19939 DE Thank you.
SO..is this REALLY the
world we want to leave
cara clover c.clover@hotmail.com 84105 UT for our children????
Joan Peet apeet08@centurylink.net 32162 FL
Sheila Dempsey sdbrulee@aol.com 10463 NY
Jean Allgood allgood.jean10@gmail.com 52245 IA
Louise McGannon l.mcgannon@ymail.com 57301 SD
David DeQuasie brkbat3220@att.net 32708 FL
pollyt chisholm pollychris7@aol.com 33455 FL do the right thing
Judith Poxon jlpoxon@netscape.net 95816 CA

Anne Pinkerton annepinkerton800@comcast.net 19460 PA

Jessica Ramirez devotchkax@gmail.com 90045 CA
My daughter and I are
severely sensitive to
pesticides - their use
limits where we can go
and how we live our lives.
Isn't it time we cleared
Jill Iwaskow jiwaskow@gmail.com 80302 CO the air?
Linda Bumpas lindabumpas@msn.com 97405 OR
David Banker Dcb1966@yahoo.com 57032 SD
Russell Novkov rnovkov@gmail.com 53705 WI
Please take this message
seriously. Let's work
together to improve the
life of every American
Jazmin Alcazar jazmin.alcazar@trnty.edu 60623 IL child.
Cheryl Cook Ladyty01@hotmail.com 40511 KY
Eleanor Anderson moxietomcat@yahoo.com 08648 NJ
Jon Spitz plantbased.js@gmail.com 95454 CA
Dave Searles ecotopian@charter.net 53520 WI
Valerie Holland karma755@msn.com 96741 HI
It is the morally correct
Amy Kroeger princess73099@yahoo.com 73099 OK thing to do.
Valerie Weiss valerieweiss31@gmail.com 96746 HI
Dan Bainbridge dan@bainbridge-family.com 95032 CA
Rolf Friis rristrue4u@yahoo.com 40218 KY
Maria Veghte mariav@adnc.com 92166 CA
Deborah Elkin dselkin@gmail.com 06515 CT
Ann C. McGill mcgillannc@gmail.com 44212 OH
Arifa Goodman goodkaz@newmexico.com 87564 NM
Judy Greenfield judysgreenfield@gmail.com 80237 CO
Pat Thompson patthompson1@comcast.net 95678 CA
Elizabeth mercier bethmercier49@gmail.com 22630 VA
Please consider this of
Alexandra Moore Aecmoore72@icloud.com 48118 MI the utmost importance.
Jeri Jacobson jeri@berrypatchcottage.com 94956 CA
Julia West Westjk7@aol.com 33707 FL

Shannon Voyles Shannondawnlowe@yahoo.com 47167 IN

Rachel Hangley radchel0546@aol.com 02536 MA
Yvonne Rousseau yrousseau@live.com 3A6
Rodney Conklin Rodneypconklin@hotmail.com 48616 MI
Karen Bond kafibo7@gmail.com 33458 AZ
Ana Mallett blessingsmallett@gmail.com 85282 AZ
Art Smith arttsmith@hotmail.com 98144 WA

I am still not sure that I

understand why
poisoning people is not a
crime. Perhaps because it
Carol Mone cemone@reninet.com 95570 CA is done slowly?
Randy Brase sfmagoo@yahoo.com 94066 CA
Phyllis Chavez phyllis@phyllischavez.com 90405 CA
Fran Smith wm-smith@shaw.ca 3V1 BC
Pamela Miller pamz@pamelazmiller.com 76476 TX
robert luke coolhan_99@yahoo.com 95603 CA
Margaret Silvers marsilvers@gmail.com 28756 NC
Anne Autry anne116911@aol.com 41017 KY
Marcia Curry Curry_Marcia@yahoo.com 78641 TX
Louise Albrecht sereneturbulence@yahoo.com 54601 WI
Nikolaos Milonas nmilonas@yahoo.com 02090 MA
Ann Truyens at@iglide.net 00000
Amy DeSantis desantis.amy@gmail.com 90025 CA
Enrique Bava ebava@pacbell.net 97232 OR
Susan Dunham Dunham.susan@gmail.com 01098 MA
gary schenkel garyschenkel@hotmail.com 06782 CT
valerie Friedman valgale795@gmail.com 32819 FL
Katherine Mandel kmsaintlouis@aol.com 63139 MO
Jerry Rivers Jerry.rivers13@yahoo.com 11575 NY
Michael Walsh changeable1@verizon.net 18444 PA
Kimberly Wall lttlbit5117@hotmail.com 48051 MI
Ann Worden budwheezco@gmail.com 44223 OH
Jill Leite Jillleite@gmail.com 30019 GA
Melissa Keith mfletc11@kennesaw.edu 30064 GA
Kevin Vaught klvaught@bellsouth.net 37013 TN
Ginny Raines ginndubb@aol.com 95821 CA
Kelly Brannigan kbrannigan@cdfa.ca.gov 92058 CA
john golding ivang333@yahoo.com 94619 CA
Rhonda Marrone rmm164@yahoo.com 25302 WV
Philippe Charrier p.c.charrier.m@gmail.com 35000 ot
Sarah Murdoch s.murdoch@yahoo.com 90272 CA
Marguery Lee Zucker lee@thelocomotive.com 97403 OR
Freddie Johnson fpjohns@hotmail.com 32608 FL "First do no harm"
Robert Yunus ware2402@aol.com 23294 VA
Dan Conner bull@chartermi.net 56003 MN
Ken De La Rosa kdlr1@yahoo.com 92804 CA
Hart Squire unique@main.nc.us 28787 NC
Stephen Girard sjgirard@lycos.com 55401 MN
Rob Seltzer rsscpa@earthlink.net 90265 CA
Ellen Atkinson Jeanne184490@gmail.com 89503 NV
Anthony Pfohl runeoak@msn.com 20169 VA
Carey Boehmer tradercarey@att.net 60178 IL
Shirley Craine scraine@sbcglobal.net 95818 CA
Grant Rich grantrich88@gmail.com 94609 CA
Linda Mazak lindamazak@hotmail.com 02170 MA

This is totally
unacceptable. It is getting
to the point that it is
sounding like Flint's
governor deciding to save
$100,000 and ending up
poisoning the citizens of
Flint. Don't think that is a
comparison you are
Cheryl Kallenbach ckallenb@icloud.com 83555 ID interested in being made.
e p liz1952@gmail.com 95481 CA
Briann Matam Bbksn@gmail.com 34608 FL
Dova Wilson Dova_w@yahoo.com 20165 VA
susan zalon susan.zalon2162@gmail.com 93110 CA
Philip Noel philipnoel9@gmail.com 93422 CA
Michele Ham michelem47@coastaccess.com 98569 WA
I live in an agricultural
area and I'm also a
commercial beekeeper.
I'm struggling to keep my
hives alive due to the fact
that they are
continuously exposed to
pesticides. As you know,
without bees, we can't
pollinate crops. Please do
all you can to protect
humans and bees. Thank
Jennifer Coggins Coggins.jennifer@gmail.com 94571 CA you.
Mary Wood mjkw31@gmail.com 93405 CA
Allen Rozelle allen.rozelle@gmail.com 95060 CA
Mark Brooker brooker.mark@gmail.com 60637 IL
Barbara Lauan bhjlaudan@comcast.net 98264 WA
Hillary Anderson hchoices@kirkanderson.com 83340 ID
Marc Massar greatcorners@aol.com 32765 FL
Dolores C. Pino, B.A., J.D. dcpino@yahoo.com 60053 IL
Tanja Lepikkö tanja.lepikko64@hotmail.com 33332 FL
Janet Cooke jcooke@craneschool.com 93022 CA
Dawn Lioutas dawnlioutas@hotmail.com 4W7
Heather Fox H216scrf@aol.com 01887 MA
Donna Sanders dbsepa@pacbell.net 93306 CA
Terry Sopher Sr tsopher@verizon.net 22003 VA
Barbara D'Emilio demilioba@gmail.com 20011 DC
Enrico Pelausa ricop2003@yahoo.com 20111 VA
Douglas McNeill peter.cares@wap.org 20770 MD
mohammad kazemi mohammkz@hotmail.com 22031 VA
Laine Stewart stewartlaine@yahoo.com 20110 VA
Laila Bertelli lailabertelli@yahoo.com.au 03875 NH
tlaloc tokuda tlaloctt@hotmail.com 96740 HI
Timothy Shivers tshivers72@gmail.com 75212 TX

Chris Johns mega_ninski@hotmail.com 02130 MA EPA- please do your jobs!

Joseph Miller jhmiller07@yahoo.com 45202 OH
Steve Iverson ryeman4@aol.com 92625 CA
It should be criminal to
poison anyone, never
mind many people. Many
people do not protest
these dangerous
chemicals because the
cannot believe that any
sane, educated person
would knowingly poison
Kathleen Bobb Kmb328@hughes.net 12193 NY people.
I wonder about a link to
Alzheimer or other forms
Nadya Clark nadyaclark@hotmail.com 95476 CA of demensia.
Do Your Job! Ban this
Kathy OBrien cooperhenry00@gmail.com 95560 CA Poison NOW!
Joanne Fetting mfetting@msn.com 53217 WI
The video "Secrets Police
Don't Want You To
Know" at
by28 is 2.5 hours long but
it's totally worth your
time to watch the whole
entire thing because it
exposes how the cops,
judges, prosecution
attorneys, politicians, and
car insurance salesmen
have stolen BILLIONS
from the common people
as well as the secrets that
anyone can follow to
prevent them from
stealing that money. Also
check out the scripts
related to the video at
.com/tao/ This video can
help put a stop to tyranny
and in turn bring freedom
and higher consciousness
to all! So please help me
in my crusade to spread
this info like wildfire on a
Andrew Fisher fanof2012@gmail.com 19006 PA global scale.
Mark Tolpin marktolps@aol.com 07041 NJ
Janis Frazee janisfrazee@gmail.com 80132 CO
Kathleen Smyth Kfsmyth2@yshoo.com.au 04802 Kathleen
jerry druch jerrydruch@gmail.com 21218 MD
Jesse Hunter jessehntr@yahoo.com 94014 CA
We already have TOO
MANY TOXIC chemicals
which we are TOLD are
safe. That is what was
said about DDT TOO !!!
Our children are loaded
with these chemicals,
which are bad enough
one at a time, but in
combination are hurting
our children AND US in
ways we are just
beginning to see. AND
there is NO REVERSAL
Antje f elaan2@yahoo.com 06793 CT chemical !!
Alice Lewis lewisalice090@gmail.com 95370 CA
michelle Collins dmmmcollins@att.net 32780 FL
Justin Madia dallmodog@yahoo.com 07642 NJ
William Rizer rizerwd@gmail.com 97111 OR
Katy Wortel enviros@hickorytech.net 56001 MN
Rick Pendleton racefan_45@yahoo.com 64836 MO
Debra Swanson dms515@ymail.com 55372 MN
Kevin Freeman wolf59@cableone.net 39501 MS

ALL "Organophosphate
Pesticides" ARE
Robert M. Deems bdeems1@verizon.net 08648 NJ "Carcinogenic Herbicides!
Patricia Bojorquez earthseasky100@gmail.com 85710 AZ
Eric Lewis elewis@suddenlink.net 93514 CA
Nicole Marsh nikkimarsh80@gmail.com 30157 GA
Dan Tejeda Tejedadg@guilford.edu 02919 RI
George Fairfax MD fairfaxgt@comcast.net 98277 WA
Deborah Medina Mindfulsuccess@live.com 94931 CA
Melvin Bautista morenci62@hotmail.com 85044 AZ
Simone Schad Simone_a_s@hotmail.com 92024 CA
Susan Covey mizmadhatter@hotmail.com 94306 CA
Morley Schloss morleynaturist@hotmail.com 33470 FL
Andrew Frey arfrey00@gmail.com 91106 CA
Please help protect
human and insect, and
animal life from these
Ann Kaufenberg kaufenbergssnd@gmail.com 56001 MN toxins.
David Hammond tripper@wildblue.net 95490 CA
Nathan Allen nately7@gmail.com 33604 FL
Avery Musbach averythesauce@hotmail.com 55414 MN
Lyssa Danehy deHart Lyssadanehy@gmail.com 98110 WA
Richard and
Carolyn Robinson rdrandccr@gmail.com 92314 CA
I believe this to be of the
utmost importance!
Isaac Nyden wastepatrol@gmail.com 95945 CA Sincerely, Isaac Nyden
Joe DiSalvo joedisalvo04@yahoo.com 44301 OH
Linda Petrulias acmwc@comcast.net 95421 CA
Julia Gillett equanimous1@yahoo.com 93306 CO
Marilyn Page marilynpageviolin@gmail.com 94558 CA
Ronald Hill ron.hill.ski@verizon.net 01775 MA
Sheila Lumsden shelamlum@yahoo.com 56560 MN
Marcia Flynn marciaflynn@live.com 98070 WA
Ela Conner Pls_recycle@yahoo.com 83815 WA

Jonathan Daniel jonathandaniel_1@hotmail.com 84093 UT

michael langlais mikebike1@verizon.net 02903 RI
casee maxfield storyspice@yahoo.com 90028 CA
Mona Steinach otterstein@telus.net 98102 WA
Heilet Rudolph gjrudolph@gmail.com 00081 ot
Kat Balogh Kathnzz@yahoo.com 97203 OR
Kerry Burkhardt muddydog69@hotmail.com 14031 NY
Frank Graves gravyinmex@gmail.com 33441 FL
Cindy Brokaw cindyb9@charter.net 29690 SC
Daniel Hulseapple dlhulseapple@citlink.net 10940 NY
Amy Henry Aries4455@gmail.com 01060 MA
gin wilson ginwilson1@gmail.com 33063 FL
we need legislators like
Elizabeth Warren, who
care about people and
jeannette russell jeannetterussell@hotmail.com 14709 NY can't be bought.

Lakota Crystal hippiechick355@centurylink.net 98580 WA

George Phillips nctrack@gmail.com 27510 NC
A. Mervyn &
Marilyn CARSE mlcarse@yahoo.com 48103 MI
earlynn mcintyre earlynn1@att.net 78704 TX
karen edmund karen_edmund@yahoo.com 53593 WI
Alice G. Howard ahghoward@gmail.com 93402 CA
As a mother and a
concerned citizen, the
fact that these brain
damaging chemicals are
in our environment is one
of my primary concerns -
there is no place for this
anywhere in the world,
let alone in a first world
country. Our children are
oir future, and just
because they cannot vote
and don't hafe deep
pockets does not mean
that their welfare should
be such a low priority. It
is a travesty an must be
changed. This is but one
Kelly Peterson Kelly_Peterson@live.com 90272 CA step in that direction.
Ryan Garno garnorya@me.com 02817 RI
James Roberts jimrobj@yahoo.com 83864 ID
Elizabeth Lauder elizallens@yshoo.com 80540 CO
Marguerite Shuster mshuster@verizon.net 91024 CA
Patricia Schreiber pattigram98@gmail.com 60438 IL
Peter Arneson peterjarneson@gmail.com 13205 NY
Pat Dufau pjd92673@cox.net 92673 CA
David Miliotis ashtangayoga@gmail.com 92603 CA
Susan Sanocki suelynn727@hotmail.com 59911 MT
Emma Bartholomew emma@bartholomew.com 98108 WA
we have too many
poisons on the market
now we need to be aware
of the damage these
poisons do to our
environment and to the
people and animals who
must live with these
poisons,your job is to
regulate and protect the
U.S. and u have not done
ur job now is the time to
janie anderson geminirose78@hotmail.com 95123 CA start
Charles Wise chuckyxchess@comcast.net 19422 PA
Dee Czech dczech@frontiernet.net 55307 MN
Steve Rusk stvrusk@gmail.com 45891 OH
There are better
alternatives to toxic
pesticides. Stop allowing
corporations to poison
Leslie Keenan lnkeenan@pacbell.net 98026 WA people.
Joanne Macchia jmacchia@att.net 95405 CA
Bonnie Hearthstone bhearths@middlebury.edu 05491 VT
Margaret Ghuman mloprete@hotmail.com 94122 CA
Andrea Kingston kidzed@clear.net.nz 0479 ot
Sheila Kerrigan Oosheila@yahoo.com 90039 CA
Tom Gazik tom.gazik@gmail.com 44129 OH
An ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure--
an old one, but still a
James Donahue sagamon@hotmail.com 47282 IN good one.
Kerri Welch kerriswelch@yahoo.com 10606 NY
As a mom, I find it
horrifying that many kids
may not reach their
potential because of
being exposed to these
chemicals. Please ban
Kathleen Christensen kathnrose@comcast.net 80303 CO these pesticides.
Joan Yater jeyater@os2bbs.com 22308 VA
Susan Rankin srankin@uoregon.edu 97477 OR
Masako Okamoto masako.okamoto@gmail.com 90703 CA
mary bartlett marydbartlett@gmail.com 22747 VA

Diane Miranda Iamdianemiranda@hotmail.com 60450 IL

Joe Mulholland joe-mulholland@hotmail.com 80537 CO do your job
Lynne Teplin lynnet@lagcc.cuny.edu 10708 NY
Martha Sexton republicut@aol.com 92660 CA
Tracy S Troth moniqueleigh@lycos.com 39208 MS
Gordon Gerbitz gforce1@aol.com 93101 CA
Mija Gentes m.gentes@comcast.net 95070 CA
Susan Leach sleach51700@sbcglobal.net 76802 TX
Matthew Hartlieb mouse185@msn.com 85208 AZ
Jesse Williams arqwing@yahoo.com 45224 OH
Do not hurt our brains.
Iggy Makarevich iggymak@gmail.com 06807 CT We will be upset.
Richard Mackin richmackin@gmail.com 97202 OR
Maki Murakami makim@hiokiusa.com 08831 NJ
Dennis Schaef dshifdy@aol.com 16335 PA
These dangerous
chemicals shouldn't be
Randolph Willoby rwilloby@peoplepc.com 77598 TX approved.
Heidi Wood heidi_m_wood@aol.com 80631 CO
For the sake of our
Tom Cloud tlc@filareefarm.com 98855 WA children, please !!
Thane Harpole hungryharpole@yahoo.com 23072 VA
James Kruse misterkruse@gmail.com 90032 CA
Kerry Kruse kerrykruse33@gmail.com 90032 CA
Matt Larson mvforza@mac.com 91104 CA
Ruth Miller ruthmiller@me.com 27516 NC
Jesus Carpio believe3907@gmail.com 93313 CA
Adrienne Simmons Ajs89@humboldt.edu 96003 CA
Eve Olive eveolive@frontier.com 27705 NC
We must address these
issues now. Once the
damage is done, it is
monica nelson monacane@uvic.ca v8r 4n8 irreversible!
C Lenihan c.lenihan@gmail.com 98305 WA
Jean Day floraz@sprynet.com 98103 WA
George E Ryan george_e_ryan@msn.com 06371 CT
Robin Sundstrom robin@ironsideir.com 10023 ON
These chemicals affect
everyone. Even those
who make the decisions
to ban or keep a pesticide
on the market are
exposed in some way.
We are all in this
together. Please do what
Ann Lohrmann Amlohrmann@aol.com 53121 WI is right.
Amy Hart amyhart@me.com 94708 CA
Jane Galbraith janebgal5@gmail.com 55417 MN
Carmen Sebastian Keel.sebastian@gmail.com 59847 MT
Kathleen O'Connell koconne@iupui.edu 46227 IN
Kristina Lamons kmilgner@gmail.com 77008 TX
Cindy Meyers awakened2007@hotmail.com 95010 CA
Colonel Meyer RonM430@AOL.com 34286 FL
Harry Swensen kermit944@gmail.com 32534 FL
Steve Ford ravenskater69@aol.com 82601 WY
Greg Settle Settle@bendbroadband.com 97703 OR
Hera Gerber Krupuk@aol.com 63131 MO
Eileen Harrington m 94706 CA
charlene tonna charlene.tonna.05@um.edu.mt 2
Helen Greer helen2wheels@gmail.com 85705 AZ

We have noted a
neurotoxic of xenobiotics
especially pesticides
using freshwater fish as
an animal model.
Xenobiotics have a
positive role in
agriculture. But still in
some villages farmers use
natural fertilizers for
cultivation and received
good yield. People show
great interest on it, they
are ready to pay high. We
know pesticides save our
cultivation from
pathogens, yes of-course,
but we don't know that
pesticides are using crop
as a carrier to kill humans
and environment. There
is a parallel growth
between the pesticides
poopalramakrishanan@ymail.co and new diseases. Please
Poopal Rama Krishnan m 641046 say NO to pesticides.

How can we survive as a

civilization if we continue
to damage our children's
brains with these
chemicals? Human health
and safety MUST come
Irene Bensinger irene@trilliumwoods.com 98328 WA before profits. Please.
Meryle A. Korn meryle.korn@gmail.com 98226 WA
John Schreiber jfschreib@gmail.com 08690 NJ
NJ Brooks brooksadm@aol.com 14215 NY
Stacy Fredenburg stacyfredenburg@att.net 79414 TX
Ruth Harmon tashamail@comcast.net 97086 OR
Nick Mouzourakis Nickmouzo@yahoo.com 48154 MI
William Santagata w.santagata.ws@gmail.com 06511 CT
Christina Roman cmr002d@gmail.com 33415 FL
Pat Gardiner Pcgardiner@aol.com 77418 TX
M. Starr starrmarilyn2@gmail.com 2B0 BC
Greg Meyer ldsgreg@yahoo.com 84119 UT
Debra Lewinter Dslewinter@yahoo.com 27404 NC
Richard Schwager rspublic@yahoo.com 93105 CA Known neurotoxins fall
within the regulatory
requirement of "known
harm" and must be
removed from public use,
especially when non toxic
alternative chemicals and
practices are readily
available. Limitation of
exposure to known
neurotoxins is an urgent
issue for the most
vulnerable populations
(developing fetuses,
children, elderly, already
health impaired people).
However, in this day and
age, where exposure to
neurotoxins and toxins
that impair other biologic
systems is at such a high
level, all of us carry an
overly high,
unsupportable chemical
burden. It is now
common knowledge that
toxic chemical exposure
is so widespread across
the globe, that toxic
Sonia Skakich-Scrima, M.A. joejederman@msn.com 80012 CO chemicals are being
Dorlaina Fabianoc cf665@msn.com 07047 NJ
Haydee Felsovanyi shfelsovanyi@earthlink.net 94060 CA
Ryan Perl dogfishdiver@gmail.com 93940 CA
steve scheld newmexicosteve@outlook.com 87120 NM
Joy Mamoyac salmonberries@msn.com 97330 OR
B. Chan bettechan@gmail.com 92121 CA
bruce macleod bruce@macleodfamily.net 01438 ot
Timothy Gentle acousticsofa@aol.com 67600
Dee Varnon rdvarnon@comcast.net 97477 OR
Kailah Justice-Hall kailahjade@gmail.com 03337
Leopold Kinast leopold.kinast@gmail.com 03244 ot
Gloria Schneider jerryspe9@sbcglobal.net 90065 CA
Victoria Kempf kempfvictoria@aol.com 92026 CA
Katharine Clark hawikacey@gmail.com 96755 HI
Rucha Harde rucha_h@hotmail.com 440022 ot

Stop Monsanto poisoning

our kids with Cadbury
chocolate and Coca-Cola ,
nesle, Kraft, hungry jacks
, McDonald's my list goes
out ! How can they allow
this in Australia. Why are
they killing us like this. I
now have no more health
issues since I gave up
Monsanto foods. Go
figure. Seriously pissed
off with America why are
you selling us American
foods and why don't you
Katrina Allan Katrinaallan2014@gmail.com 06050 care!!!!
Shani Casella Miz_bob@yahoo.com 93035 CA
Greg Chakalian being@earthlink.net 90640 CA
philip smith ibeephilip@yahoo.com 97488 OR
Ruth White rebwhite33@gmail.com 01760 MA
Darren Frale darrenfrale@hotmail.com 90065 CA
arianesullivan Sullivan arianesullivan'@gmail.com 60107 IL
Abigail Howes abigail_howes@yahoo.com 02779 MA
jeffrey greene wheel1622@gmail.com 33040 FL
Troy Tackett ttackett131@yahoo.com 45669 OH
Janell Lundgren Tantrix4u@me.com 45219 OH
LARRY GUYER drguyer2002@yahoo.com 95472 CA
dorothy gates hamstringsrus@gmail.com 80222 CO
Michele Shimizu mesimizu@gmail.com 02114 MA
Richard McFatridge ricridge@gmail.com 17547 PA
Patricia Scott patriscott@gmail.com 9QY
richard kite coloneledamvc@aol.com 12345 NY
I voted for President
Obama twice and I am
extremely disappointed
in his failure to protect
the American public from
toxic chemicals. When I
was in college I took
courses in biology,
general chemistry,
organic chemistry,
zoology, math and
statistics. I have studied
the issues associated with
pesticides and am
extremely concerned
about the health effects.
When I took chemistry
courses, one of my
professors told us that
the effects of exposure to
chemicals might not
show up for decades. He
wanted us to be aware of
the fact that not all
actions have immediate
impacts. I am virtually
certain that this will be
the case with pesticides.
When I was in law school
Cheryl Mitchell MiLawOff@aol.com 99205 WA I was taught that the role
Desiree Penaranda homeloans333@yahoo.com 89074 NV
Kyo Yamashiro Kyoy@yahoo.com 90405 CA
Charlotte Preswood m 28604 NC
Lena Maristo leena.maristo@welho.com 00990 ot
eric janty konelch@hotmail.com 01500 AK

Devon Jones devon@ukgfsn.org CF35rp

Dr. M. Vries nl 33111 FL
Barbara Bennigson BBennigson@aol.com 94301 CA
Antonio Lentini antoniolentini@bellsouth.net 30039 GA
tiago thorlby ttscotvik@gmail.com ###### ot
judith@swain9301.freeserve.co. SA9
Judith Swain uk 2AP ot
James Balder jamesbalder@yahoo.es 21053 MD
Janice Brose Janice.brose@yahoo.com 20853 MD
Marie Depardon mariecle@yahoo.com 97203 OR
I. R. Heller hellermoto@yahoo.com 85381 NY
Amy Ferguson Crabbit12@aol.com 19734 DE
Linda Fay Sampson battlemaiden33@gmail.com 97405 OR
Andrea Dieringer andrea.dieringer@gmx.de 89183 VA
Nonni Verbrugge nonni.verbrugge@outlook.com 04750
Eric Stordahl wuffybruno@yahoo.com 49855 MI
Brian Thornton brian-thornton@talktalk.net 34714 FL
James Boroslawski jiedli@aol.com 11040 NY
NORMA JECKELN normajeckeln@yahoo.fr 37520
Patricia Pazos padpazos@gmail.com 18002 VA
Linnea Andersson lason@club.fr 13600
Richard Delaney n5del@aol.com 12345 NY
Margit Lindner maglindner@yahoo.de 60528 ot
Anna Brewer annekea1@hotmail.com 49410 MI
Merri Morgan mmorgan@blazingaccess.com 24945 WV
Gail Caswell sunshine4kid@yahoo.com 94109 CA
Susan Taylor susantaylor1@live.com.au 03201 CA
I am a child psychologist
and we see autism and
other developmental
problems on the rise.
Let's ban this class of
Liz WinshipEttinger Winshipliz@gmail.com 10025 NY chemicals
Those in power are
supposed to be
CARETAKERS. Instead you
have allowed man's
Unending GREED an
continue to destroy us.
Soon there will be
Marietta Scaltrito babylon135@aol.com 10312 NY nothing to protect.
Martin Gem marting.gem@gmail.com 8PY
To safeguard all human
health, these pesticides
Felicity Tanous ftanous2@aol.com 00000 must be eradicated
Gerard Schubert borthbeekeeper@gmail.com 54923 WI
Sandra Sumnall sand16@outlook.com 1GU ot
Sheila Miller efmiller2@verizon.net 01106 MA
Beverly Leonard bleonard@wsfcs.k12.nc.us 27104 NC
Nick Grantz nickgrantz@hotmail.se 26234 WV
monika freiling m.freiling@gmx.net 65388 DE
Denise Brown gnaturecenter@yahoo.com 11694 NY
Penny Burk penn2paper@gmail.com 22066 VA
Julie Grote jgroteosf@gmail.com 44883 OH
Delores Tyre delorest1@gmail.com 70115 LA
Brent Foret bmforet@yahoo.com 71360 LA
Marianne Schwartz marschw22@comcast.net 21757 MD
Debbie Gough debbiegough@me.com 2AQ
Betsy Burton beeline@comcst.net 03824 NH
Jim Newton fwbfig@gmail.com 32548 FL
Mike Rudnick 809814d4@opayq.com 14534 NY
Michelle Ghiggia clackamouse@yahoo.com 97024 OR
Ellen Phillips Parrotfreak@att.net 94704 CA
Kimberly Shaub 4purplewoman@gmail.com 08618 NJ
Kami Pierce um_rules@yahoo.com 48640 MI
Brian Rakita Briancricketrakita@gmail.com 23093 VA
This is an opportunity for
you to save our future as
our future is truly in your
hands. Please do your
part to make our future
Donna Miller donnabbott2008@yahoo.com 12074 NY safe.
Dameta Robinson dameta@gmail.com 54494 WI
Melissa Jarrett melissajarrett@live.co.uk 3SR
Nicola Tir rieg.nicola@gmail.com 76189
catherine eaton ekayeaton@aol.com 44129 OH
Dawn Unruh aerofit22@hotmail.com 75039 TX Treasure life.
Addie Bopf abopf@holmanauto.com 08052 NJ
Kenneth Fisher kfisher5050@yahoo.com 83837 ID
Walker Everette hairdryerdog@yahoo.com 10960 NY
Johnnie Prosperie jop49@live.com 75946 TX
gsprokkereefverhoeven@gmail.c 1566
Gerry Sprokkereef om EC ot
Rebecca Skalsky wolves54@gmail.com 50237 IA
Linda Jennings jenningsla@aol.com 33957 FL
William Sagna willyusa@tin.it 27020 ot
Sandra Garratt sandragarrattdesign@mac.com 92262 CA
Rob Gordon rcrob@juno.com 45309 OH
David Dwyer dave.dwyer22@icloud.com XA09 ot
Kate Kenner faunesiegel@gmail.com 02130 MA
Richard Longley riplongley@windstream.net 32038 FL
sandra HAZZARD shazzard@bestweb.net 33578 FL
Virginia Utt uttmost@live.com 32935 FL
It's a no-brainer! (No pun
intended) these harmful
pesticides are terrible for
people and the
environment so why on
earth are we still using
Julie Helman Helman.julie@gmail.com 15650 PA them?!?
Linda Hayes lhayesesl@comcast.net 08077 NJ
Teresa MASIA PERALES teresa_masia@hotmail.com 95600 ot
Terrie Williams yarddawg_1@att.net 77662 TX
Helen Hughes hhughes4274@msn.com 55416 MN
Why does EPA continue
to support the immoral
greed of the chemical
William Nichols williamnichols16@yahoo.com 28734 NC industry?
Paris Zarikos pzarikos@yahoo.com 15344 PA
Viviane Smet Closset viviane.smet@hotmail.com 01430
Judy Lemke Jhwlemke@me.com 95482 CA
Marie Perkins mtp51053@yahoo.com 60302 IL
Maureen Hung mprimerano1@sbcglobal.net 32909 FL
Rene Ritter dobes4us@gmail.com 60940 IL
janet oconnell joconn2955@hotmail.com 55042 MN
Ron Shepler scottshepler2207@gmail.com 17103 PA
My aunt, uncle and their
nine children used to
have a dairy farm and
fully half the family,
decades later, has health
problems like cancer that
their doctors think came
from pesticide use in the
1950s, 60s and 70s. In
our extended family, only
these have come down
with cancer and we have
a large clan. I could give
your their life stories, like
my cousin with a wife
and two young sons who
had to give up his PT
business to fight
pancreatic cancer at age
53, but please remember
it is real people being
poisoned by these
Virginia Mitchell ginger67snap@gmail.com 06447 CT chemicals.
Robert Agar ragar@tcq.net 55082 MN
Ken Scipione Cfdff.ken@gmail.com 03873 NH
Josie Hollowell josiehol@yahoo.com 77047 TX
Alison Flood aflood@easynet.co.uk 00000 NH
Michael Wichman michwichre@gmail.com 06511 CT
Timothy Raymond raymont@cityofrochester.gov 14607 NY
John Martin Martinjohn@yahoo.com 63379 MO
Pete JARLETT pjarlett@gmail.com 19144 PA
Michelle Fracasso Michellefracasso@aol.com 06883 CT
KL Paul jami_son@hotmail.com 19053 PA
Victor Kit victorkit@earthlink.net 21030 MD
Lois Porter lois.s.porter@gmail.com 12309 NY
Maritza Castillo maritzakfy@live.com 01453 MA
Mel Deo quetzcoatl.deo@gmail.com 9TU ot
Richard Owens xxowens@verizon.net 22003 VA
These 7 neurotoxins are
B3H very harmful to humans
Linda Lewis jinpaipema@yahoo.com 3H7 NS and animals.
James Hutchison Cobra3327@aol.com 02138 MA
Robert LeGault legault@charter.net 54481 WI
Doug Clithero douglas.clithero@gmail.com 05682 VT
CLAY MANTLEY og-min@msn.com 95446 CA
Katharina Nordmann kbnordmann@gmail.com 34990 FL
CC Shea Surfkitty@att.net 07020 NJ
Jacki Warren warrenjlm274@ail.com 22304 VA
stephanie rochat mazzy755@gmail.com 01203
Scott Hed scotthed@hotmail.com 57103 SD
Olaf Grauwinkel olaf.grauwinkel@gmx.de 42718 KY The word urge is not
strong enough, how
about DEMAND that you
ban these chemicals!! wtf
does it look like to other
countries when they have
banned all these
chemicals but the
GREEDY USA still uses
them to sicken and KILL
their PEOPLE??? We
know you scumbags don't
care about us only your
money you get for the
scum corporations who
own you!! So if you can't
or won't do this Gina
then fucking resign, it's a
s easy as that scumbag!!!
Yes you are a scumbag
for letting these
corporations run wild and
kill everything in their
path for profit, you make
me sick you bitch!!! I so
hope that all you
bastards get your karma
for killing all of us and our
wildlife, you filthy scum
Dianne Noblett deenoblett@yahoo.com 12118 NY who get paid to ruin the
Bob Brucker bobb.51@hotmail.com 34208 FL
Roberta Lorenz rloren29@aol.com 60513 IL
In the long run, what is
accomplished when
scientific evidence is
continually ignored? The
use of these pesticides
Ruth Roberts-Shepherd nytewalk@bellsouth.net 29485 SC must stop.
norris williams orchid@flmnh.ufl.edu 32605 FL
Raleigh Gould raleighgould@comcast.net 80550 CO
Debbie Koundry ddonofrio@snet.net 02452 MA
J Francis tasjlj99@yahoo.com 29732 SC
Christy Walters cwalters0703@gmail.com 19128 PA
Joe Snyder joesnyder@usfamily.net 55444 MN
Alessio Rivola alessiorivola@hotmail.com 50100 ot
Heather Warren hb33161@gmail.com 06117 CT
Jim Traweek jltraweek@gmail.com 22151 VA
Ashley Kay akay@wcchos.org.uk 1DA
Tristan Sophia tristan9593@gmail.com 59001 MT
For the health and well
being of the environment
goes hand in hand with
ours and future
generations ban these
dangerous, life
Myra Perez perezmyra1@gmail.com 60152 IL threatening pesticides.
Mark Koritz mkoritz2002@yahoo.com 30338 GA
Barry Anderson barry@gcp.com 27948 NC
Erma Lewis elewisny@hotmail.com 11204 NY
Melanie Geller melaniegeller3910@msn.com 10504 NY
Karen Peterson karenp735@att.net 60062 IL
joyce robinson orcawolf@cablespeed.com 21061 MD
Valerie Bengal valeriebengal@yahoo.com 95062 CA
Richard Peterson cornytunes@att.net 60062 IL
D Lewis bagheeraandoreo@yahoo.com 90809 CA
Liz Bode lizbode@gmail.com 49546 MI
Janis Thompson janthompson0817@gmail.com 88012 NM
Diane Clark diane718@centurylink.net 24185 VA
Beth Conrey Coconrey4@msn.com 80513 CO
Judith Paulos jypaulos@gmail.com 22203 VA
You've been given a very
important job, and the
whole country is counting
on you to protect
everyone not just big
business. We've known
for a long time how
dangerous these
pesticides are, now we
need you to step up and
Suzanne Michael snickers413@aol.com 48420 MI do something about it!
Elena Border Elenaborder@yahoo.com 95376 CA
Russell Skinner rskinner1100@new.rr.com 54136 WI
Linda McCrosky klmccrosky@gmail.com 28786 NC
Catherina Coppotelli goodshepherd@citcom.net 28718 NC
Dick Holmes dick_holmes@epi.sc.edu 29209 SC
D Alford librasleap@yahoo.com 33062 FL
Lorraine Gray llgray@umich.edu 02131 MA
Marcie Goldman marcieg@rogers.com 1
Stand strong for our
Robert Flores musicman64flores@gmail.com 00738 PR childrens!
Eirini Drakaki Eirinidrak@hotmail.com 15669
Diane Kozlowski kozlowskidiane@sbcglobal.net 43213 OH
Vaughan Shelby vshelby@bestweb.net 10598 NY
Adrian Dediu adediu@yahoo.com 43017 OH
We can solve all
problems organically as
nature has plants that
naturally repel insects.
Marigolds planted beside
other plants is just one of
Robynn DeWolfe robynndewolfe@yahoo.ca T0K1V0 many.
John Schleicher jds2448@gmail.com 68901 NE
Nancy Slocum nanc@ibew288.org 50644 IA
Veronica Vahsen veronicavahsen@comcast.net 03106 NH
brenda lee greenmomlee@yahoo.com 12590 NY
Wyman Whipple rwwhipple@grics.net 61428 IL
Dana Luchini danagirl44@hotmail.com 98329 WA
Linda McFarland 60lindamcfarland@gmail.com 97537 OR
Mark Sen Gupta sen.gupta@sbcglobal.net 77059 TX
Tressa McElroy tressaconifer@aol.com 80123 CO
A Puza adrimarie78@yahoo.com 17070 PA
Karen Spradlin wohlbold_2000@yahoo.com 36265 AL
Francine Sutton fsutton22@kc.rr.com 66213 KS
Tracy Brophy Mizbrophy@gmail.com 72712 TX
Matthew Burton mattheweburton@gmail.com 45202 OH
Terese Ferguson tferguson@dfpllc.net 78705 TX
Rhonda Manser rsm@nardiconstruction.com 17363 PA
rosae brown rbrownssnd@juno.com 56001 MN
Ann K Brady yarrow48@gmail.com 55104 MN
thomas warner warner.architect@fuse.net 45140 OH
Michael Lieberman michael1603@sbcglobal.net 33928 FL
E Robbins eloise.g.robbins@lmco.com 19087 PA
cheryl zell pchiroman@aol.com 22030 VA
Nancy French nan.french@gmail.com 95547 CA
Please, please do away
Kylie Edwards Kybearedwards@hotmail.com 73135 OK with this!
lathan lewis lathanlewis@gmail.com 75228 TX
janice parker edreams_5@msn.com 97338 OR
John Langevin johnnymoon51@hotmail.com 80907 CO
Beverly Rous bevspider@aol.com 60137 IL
Pamela Curtis pacurtis122765@gmail.com 14487 NY
Kat Thompson joyemc2@gmail.com 91360 CA
Cynthia Crittenton cynthia.crittenton@yahoo.com 91320 CA
Alice Timmons Heyoka00@aol.com 01301 MA
Kirsten Johnston kirstenjohnston@ferris.edu 49307 MI
C Pilat pilatc@salve.edu 02871 RI
Dannys Cody dannys_cody@hotmail.com 94510 CA
Ivan Risti? ivan007ristic@gmail.com 11000
Gary Hornfeld garybuffalo@charter.net 48604 MI
Mike Stahl yofoureyes@msn.com 98106 WA
Earl & Joanne Morse E_J_Morse@roadrunner.com 04088 ME
Susan Miller susanemiller@msn.com 33408 FL
Joan McKay oriole1j@yahoo.ca 2R4 ON
Carol Fouse carol@fouse.net 22603 VA
Nicholas Prychodko prychdk@yahoo.com 11932 NY
Emily Lethenstrom emojean@gmail.com 97215 OR
David Scherer dscherer2@cox.net 23185 VA STOP THE TOXIC!!
Brittany Ardito britsilver04@yahoo.com 75048 TX
Emma DARMOn darmonemma@gmail.com 93130 CA
Gabrielle King kigabby01@yahoo.com 48043 MI
Carole Smudin luvs2compost@comcast.net 02324 MA
Jean Nadeau jnadeau@freedoniagroup.com 44121 OH
dhijana scott-harmony dhijana@carolina.rr.com 28210 NC
Victor Afanasiev mariavic@inreach.com 95329 CA
art jacobson artworks101@q.com 80209 CO
Pat Wagner patwagner@nycap.rr.com 12018 NY
This is the only planet we
have. Let's heal it while
Julie Viergutz drvjsv@sbcglobal.net 44134 OH we still can!
David Clifford DCliff33@Charter.net 01516 MA
Kathryn Paddock kadalap@gmail.com 91302 CA
RM Krebs rmkrebs@ssndcp.org 56001 MN
Jane OMalley janeo123@comcast.net 77401 TX
Linda Bescript maxrules@cox.net 85747 AZ
Sabrina Mansfield sabrina_mansfield@yahoo.com 91607 CA
Anton McInerney antonmac3@gmail.com 01864 FL
Joyce Faulk imised1@msn.com 78749 TX
Jeff Frechtling frechtling@gmail.com 45013 OH
Gale Wallach inthesehours@yahoo.com 11743 NY
Leah Lavelle lm.lavelle@yahoo.com 86326 AZ
Line Taillade mirza15@laposte.net 63100 ot
Stan Phaneuf phaneuf@pshift.com 05051 VT
Mark Feldman happeevegan@gmail.com 95401 CA
Corey Schade coreyschade@hotmail.com 07711 NJ
Laurence McNamara m 33460 FL
Delores Long longj62@hotmail.com 57005 SD
David Crawford drdmcrawford@gmail.com 40207 KY
Graham Lingley glingley3@googlemail.com CB2 ot

Wojciech Zi?ba w.zieba@sprawiedliwyhandel.pl 60-850 ot

Rheta Johnson rheta.johnson@me.com 20854 MD
Diane Hanas beanmanbud2@suite224.net 44030 OH
Please protect ALL of us
Robert and from these dangerous
Paula Lund gramapaula@msn.com 56401 MN chemicals !
Michelle Fitch michelle.bob@msn.com 50109 IA
Sergio Padilla sergio.dc.pp@gmail.com 34000 ot
robert martin rjmgrande@gmail.com 92021 CA
Jane Harada jtharada@yahoo.com 94709 CA
leonard douglass snook@boyerpentek.com 15025 PA
Kyle Kennedy kylekenne@gmail.com 96819 HI
Kathleen Smith kjs@SmarterYellowPages.com 77399 TX
Anthony Mendousa amendousa@hotmail.com 02653 MA
Christina Frans morand5297@gmail.com 98022 WA
Ray Bustos rbustos@fullcoll.edu 92832 CA
seth anderson rightwith@yahoo.com 98595 WA
Nancy Erts nerts@ophope.org 10520 NY
Darrell Schmidt darpwich@gmail.com 67133 KS
Macrina Rodriguez rods97@sbcglobal.net 95835 CA
Robert II Hatfield robharch@hotmail.com 77255 TX
It has been way past the
time to act. Do your job
to protect the public and
the environment. Call out
pesticides for what they
Fred Jakobcic fjakobci@charter.mi.net 49855 MI are, poison.
Megan and N2J Pesticides hurt all living
Douglas Roberts droberts@wlu.ca 3W9 things including humans.
George F. Klipfel II, CLS gklipfel@msn.com 92234 CA
David Ceder daceder114@gmail.com 55304 MN
Jary Stavely jstavely@mcn.org 95437 CA
Lee Alexander lalexander101@gmail.com 80422 CO
Grace Tiessen gracetiessen@gmail.com 91103 CA
Stephanie E. LazyLinePainter@gmx.net 10065 NY

If the human adult

collective cannot provide
for a sane, healthy planet
at Peace for children
worldwide, WE ARE
Hal Anthony threepines@jeffnet.org 97526 OR MORALLY CRIMINAL.
Donna Pope donnapope_relo@yahoo.com 33629 FL
Carl Kohls Carlkohls@yahoo.com 13219 NY
Barbara Beam brbs0515@gmail.com 62704 IL
Denise Croft dcroft.bend@yahoo.com 92023 CA
Jennifer Harris Psychstudent09@yahoo.com 55443 MN
JoAnn Sternberg jhs900@q.com 55303 MN
ryan burger rburger@madonna.org 68507 NE
DAWN Carr mich7474@bellsouth.net 28207 NC
Bruce Hlodnicki bjh55@sbcglobal.net 46226 IN
Judy Ballou Sonshine17@msn.com 03038 NH
Janie Lucas janielucas@att.net 94110 CA
Margaret Quentin peggy.quentin@redcross.org 97213 OR
Diane Deutsch diane@preferredhomes.net 12791 NY
Robert Gondell rgondell@hotmail.com 94973 CA
Michael Dobson dobzilla@hotmail.com 63128 MO
Sarah Gooderham spdg72@gmail.com 19805 DE
Robert Wiehemeijer robertwiehemeijer@gmail.com 20004 DC
Suzanne Lindgren suzy.lindgren@yahoo.com 97381 OR
cathy kunkle cathykunkle@yahoo.com 15765 PA
J P jempernice@aol.com 01520 MA
mary frank mefrank01@aol.com 89147 NV
Natalie Van Leekwijck hoepagirl@gmail.com 68844 OR
sherry greenberg sherry.greenberg@gmail.com 44121 OH
April Dorey Choosebedoh@googlemail.com 1LG
William Cody codywpc9@hotmail.com 94510 CA
mari doming maridelsol34@gmail.com 95236 CA
kx bx trash3x@care2.com 93535 CA
Rosemary Alexander rkalexander78@hotmail.com 20782 MD
priscilla rocco om 92626 CA
Marilyn & Gord Harris mgharris@telus.net 5L7
Barbara Mintz bhava_dance@hotmail.com 92024 CA
Cindy Sauls cwsauls22@gmail.com 80207 CO
Jennifer O'Leary Jennifer_oleary@yahoo.com 94114 CA
Arlene Zuckerman arlenenyc@hotmail.com 11374 NY
Amanda Withrow mandybug18@gmail.com 97214 CA
sheeva lapeyre slapeyre@gmail.com 90291 CA
Matilda Avalos tavalos@csjla.org 90019 CA
Cherie L Tchick nyk20@sbcglobal.net 93950 CA
tina horowitz tinah53374@aol.com 19143 PA
Tracey Mangus tracey2@windstream.net 16226 PA
rosemarie k rkuhn@cvip.net 93711 CA
Juli Kring juli3@aol.com 77099 TX
Bartley Lawson llawson82@hotmail.com 45011 OH
Leslie Sharlock GetSharkware@aol.com 16057 PA
irene Beinor ibeinor@sbcglobal.net 60950 IL
Mary M. Casey memcasey@comcast.net 03102 NH
Marilyn Waltasti mwaltasti@msn.com 85138 AZ
Ronald Bogin bogin@sbcglobal.net 94530 CA
Donna Bonetti Donnambirdlady@yahoo.com 80303 CO
Nora Nelle nnelle@comcast.net 19460 PA
Randi Lorah rklorah@msn.com 17050 PA
Lori Misura lori.misura@yale.edu 06513 CT
lisa allarde toothlessinpa@hotmail.com 18054 PA
Rich & Eileen Heaning bumper8220@aol.com 11758 NY
Denise Lytle centauress6@live.com 08863 NJ
Gary Beckerman Rocksnfr@comcast.net 93460 CA
Peter Szymkowicz nhtaco@yahoo.com 81430 CO
Steve Tyler abc3dtd@gmail.com 92865 CA
Mark Wheeler mark@rootsrealty.com 97215 OR
Teresa Edmonds teresal@sonic.net 93924 CA
Shearle Furnish shearlefurnish@yahoo.com 72223 AR
Chad Van Dam chadvandam@hotmail.com 81301 CO
Jenny Goodnough Jenny@peak.org 97405 OR
We need to work with
our environment, not
Amy Becker aevebecker@yahoo.com 97333 OR against it.
Mary Mitchell tmmitch@yahoo.com 48430 MI
Greg Smart gpsmart2003@yahoo.com 95120 CA
Ellen Freeman Roth ellenfr@comcast.net 02493 MA
Elizabeth Hickman hickman.beth@comcast.net 98092 WA
Megan Ryan meganmeryryan@gmail.com 11218 NY
Jon Heiken jheiken@msn.com 94558 CA
Georgia Shankel georgia.shankel@gmail.com 60624 IL
john saponara john@saponara.net 08551 NJ
Lori Maas lorimaas@hotmail.com 97222 OR
Sharon Joy Vieth longlocks40@gmail.com 52403 IA
Lydia Henry Lydialouiseleman@hotmail.com 91202 CA
Carol Weston violetmay18@hotmail.com 50613 IA
Ronald Gelden ronaldgelden@yahoo.com 80502 CO
andrea f. and9930@yahoo.com 60099 IL
Nasrin Noori nasrinnoori@gmail.com 30608 GA

DOUGLAS STEVENSON douglas.stevenson@comcast.net 94555 CA

TUPEFAAVAE AUELUA tupeauelua@gmail.com 92392 CA
Jennifer Scott jjscott9@gmail.com 33908 FL
Arthur Thomas thomasad3@gmail.com 48740 MI
Natylie Baldwin natyliesb@gmail.com 94521 CA
Gustavo Gomes musketeiro@gmail.com 22819 IA
Cesar Raposo cgraposo@yahoo.com 13760 NY
Charlene Lauzon oceanlvr1111@hotmail.com 98036 WA
Stacey King Kinglepore@yahoo.com 95124 CA
Raymond Marshall raynavcad@hotmail.com 95631 CA
Stanley Charles srcharles1@comporium.net 29715 SC
C. M. Smiley c.morningsmiley@gmail.com 55431 MN
Joan Hansen jhansen715@shaw.ca 98270 WA
Yves Decargouet countzero100@gmail.com 95458 CA
janna piper jaqalthehybrid@yahoo.com 97293 OR
Catherine Boland Erkkila catherine.erkkila@gmail.com 07306 NJ
Andrew Politzer artsyone2566@att.net 06801 CT
Eileen Blaisdell eileeniscute@yahoo.com 97042 OR
Teresa Imbrunone imbrunonet@yahoo.com 48036 MI
william scharf wcscharf@charter.net 49686 MI
Liz Garratt erpeldinggarratt@gmail.com 46234 IN
Marian Hussenbux mhussenbux@btinternet.com 5LS ot
Gail Linnerson glinnerkin@aol.com 55414 MN
walter hollenberg wcmozart@aol.com 07041 NJ
Robin Craft pcqueen@gmail.com 43064 OH
Ram Duriseti ramduriseti@gmail.com 94025 CA
Gerald Shaia jtshaia@gmail.com 91352 CA
Claire Cohen clasico18@msn.com 97034 OR
Jamie Shultz hadleys1@hotmail.com 26508 WV
Laura Regan lregan@duluthmn.gov 55810 MN
Richard DeFazio bacchant@hotmail.com 16502 PA

Alice Bowron lupinsgalore@gmail.com 55429 MN Neurotoxins are heinous.

Kenneth Nash ken.nash@gm.com 48047 MI
kelly macarthur ksalchow@aol.com 48103 MI
Russel Deroche Jr vcamview@hotmail.com 70052 LA
Carol Miller Weidmanwoman@yahoo.com 48893 MI
Susan Allen su.allen50@gmail.com 27612 NC
bernardo alayza mujica beralmu@hotmail.com 51111 IA
Jerry Curow jerryc@inorbit.com 89046 NV
Carlos Nunez cnunez001@ca.rr.com 91335 CA
Bob Haugen crystalbobh@gmail.com 55422 MN
Rhoda Levine rhodadir@gmail.com 10003 NY
Beverly Williams bawielgo@yahoo.com 97504 OR
Bruce Anderson s.org 60008 IL
Richard Tregidgo norslope@gmail.com 17532 PA
As a new mom and
health worker (dietitian)
having access to healthy
food without pesticides is
especially important to
Tali Sedgwick talisedgwick@gmail.com 94618 CA me.
Barbara Ehrlich ehrlich71@gmail.com 10023 NY
Anita Kreager savymom@sbcglobal.net 91910 CA
James Skalsky energjames@yahoo.com 45701 OH
nancy lamb lambz1@hotmail.com 94904 CA
Ditch the bad pesticides!
We must protect the
people and the
Jim McElveen jmcelve@ufl.edu 32618 FL environment!
Robert Woods eu4ium@sbcglobal.net 91606 CA
Dr. M. K. Russell katalyst123@comcast.net 94941 CA
Ken Gibb kengibb@gmail.com 89448 NV
Ieva Berzins iberzins@alcoparking.com 15216 PA
Carol Otterstrom 4junkymail@comcast.net 84405 UT
Carol Devoss cadevo@gmail.com 60174 IL
James Dixon james@harehill.com 26764 WV
Janet Kennington janetk220@earthlink.net 90077 CA
Maria Morehead spiralmother@gmail.com 98106 WA
Bryce Verdier bryceverdier@gmail.com 95136 CA
Karl Koessel karl.koessel@gmail.com 95519 CA
Christine Traylor ctraylor630@yahoo.com 47591 IN
Robert Young robert_young26@hotmail.com 19096 PA
cherese buva buvas@hotmail.com 11385 NY
grant wilson grantcorvair@yahoo.com 84120 UT
Kathleen Moraski kmoraski45@gmail.com 55125 MN
Tami Phelps Tameow@att.net 96003 CA
Paul Massei paulmassei@hotmail.com 08332 NJ
JAMES BENNING jamesbenning@hotmail.com 78659 TX
Lisa Howell lisahowell100@hotmail.com 2K2 MA
m wilkinson mwilkinson@mhbg.com 79413 TX
Brian Mertan bmertan@gmail.com 91601 CA
B. Greene burtgreene@gmail.com 07306 NJ
Arnold Woolley arnoldwoolley@hotmail.com 2QF ot
B Miyano Young binhawaii1234@gmail.com 96838 HI
Jane Wilson wwbyjw@aol.com 97045 OR
mr.g. west kimly.west@gmail.com 98201 WA
Jared Howe jaredchowe@gmail.com 98108 WA
Greg Fisch gfisch9862@aol.com 92130 CA
Dale Boroviak Heprovides4me@gmail.com 60438 IL
David Ulibarri dulibarri@sbcglobal.net 60631 IL

Erik Mraz emraz1@my.bcit.ca v3j 2x4 BC

Adeline Emmons adeline.emmons76@gmail.com 49006 MI
Diane Fascione slicendice@earthlink.net 60302 IL
J. Fairchild Williams jfairchildw@yahoo.com 91711 CA
glenn Embrey gtembrey@hotmail.com 90278 CA
Pamela Brocious pam@citistaffing.com 10128 NY
Carrie Cammarano om 06840 NY
Richard Schertzer Richardaschertzer@gmail.com 20747 NY
s logan scott.logan@aon.com 33131 FL
Debra Hoven Debhoven@yahoo.com 18064 PA
Charlotte Tournay ctournay@gmail.com 81069 CO
Vafa Ansarifar Vafajun@gmail.com 01701 MA
Virginia Mendez Virginialefay@Gmail.com 33160 FL
Corey Kaup ckaup@nyc.rr.com 10003 NY
James Kimball jkimball@surcoast.com 95012 CA
Frank Blake frankblake@juno.com 77006 TX
Daniel Puetz d1puetz@comcast.net 60067 IL
Pamela Hamilton pamelahamilton@ymail.com 95605 CA
Joseph Alfano janyc237@aol.com 10022 NY
Raymond Nuesch renuesch@hotmail.com 20009 DC
Jeff Hansen jeffhansen_2000@yahoo.com 95460 CA
Luisa F. Rufin LR_realtyworld@hotmail.com 33176 FL
James Bustamante Jsbustaman@gmail.com 92103 CA
Bryan Campbell campbell.bbry@gmail.com 55430 MN
Mari Mennel-Bell mari471@aol.com 33304 FL
Susanna Levin sulevin@juno.com 10804 NY
mike dabrowski mdabrowski@dcsbiz.com 34685 FL
Patricia Fleetwood Patriciafleetwood@yahoo.com 47448 IN
Jessie Bourke jessiebourke@msn.com 86303 AZ
Craig Zimmerman dragonfly6160@yahoo.com 98o22 WA
Daniel Barclay danielbarclay@gmail.com 11214 NY
Caitilin Kane caitigumbo@gmail.com 57022 SD
James Hildebrand jrh906@gmail.com 36602 AL
Hana Lukacovicova HanaL@centrum.sk 90201 ot
The lives and brains of
our precious children
have to be prioritized
OVER profits for big
Perry Thomas perrysthomas@yahoo.com 47424 IN agribusiness.
James Deshotels jdesh@loyno.edu 63072 MO
sharon porter ssporter43@gmail.com 95969 CA
DoRi Miles dori@capital.net 12928 NY
Rob Heist rheist@verizon.net 19320 PA
Henry Weinberg whweinberg@gmail.com 93110 CA
Ryan Davis ryansdavis@yahoo.com 91502 CA
Joan Forman joanforman@earthlink.net 90278 CA
Will Moore crystalflowing@yahoo.com 30656 GA
audrey ross audreymross@msn.com 85712 AZ
Ron Smith RW69SMITH@GMAIL.COM 80107 CO
Gina Hinnegan com 19053 PA
Jesse Griffin tanktramp@yahoo.com 93536 CA
Nancy Robinson Nepr918@gmail.com 93555 CA
Rizzo Nathalie natou.rizzo@gmail.com 30900
Roberta Floden rbfloden@yahoo.com 94933 CA
Jim Conroy conroyjim@sbcglobal.net 44511 OH
Suzanne Menne suzannemenne@yahoo.com 93010 CA
Nicholas Conte nconte5@gmail.com 07747 NJ
Leslie Moma bleslie25@gmail.com 39759 MS
Holly McDuffie seeriuscat@yahoo.com 91606 CA
Martha Person mulberryme@hotmail.com 02645 MA
Andrew Scholten annejan@earthlink.net 86303 AZ
Roel Cantú roelcan2@gmail.com 78572 TX
Brenda James beastybren@yahoo.com 32960 FL
Laura Gandolfo lvampy@aol.com 11375 NY
Nancy &
Helmut Mueller helmutmueller@att.net 27516 NC
maurizio slanzi sansonebretone1970@libero.it 20078 DC
Annika Miller Mvswede@hotmail.com 94941 CA
angela humphries aqhumphriesins@yahoo.com 28056 NC
maya gorina mayagorina@gmail.com 20895 MD
Tracy Cole r1tbeach@aol.com 85302 AZ
Thomas Swimley tswimley@gmail.com 16928 PA
Ronald Drahos rdrahos@indiana.edu 47401 IN
Pippa Lawson pipcompany@aol.com 68502 NE
Karen Raccio kfraccio@aol.com 55311 MN
Fred Fall fred08034@whale-mail.com 08034 NJ
Marsha Malone marshamello9@hotmail.com 91710 CA
Nancy Stamm nancystamm@edc-inc.com 34945 FL
Gretchen Gilbert gcg4@cornell.edu 14817 NY
trina cooper trina.cooper@gmail.com 98023 WA
Irene Marsh irene36@closecall.com 20781 MD
Katie Wood kwood0484@yahoo.com 70458 LA

And get sewage sludge

out of compost/fertilizer.
These same pesticides
are in those products and
poisoning people through
Darlene Schanfald darlenes@olympus.net 98382 WA the food chain.
Twyla Meyer tmmacc15@aol.com 91767 CA
James Alexander jsteelealexander@hotmail.com 94703 CA
Judith Mersereau jmerse@unm.edu 87112 NM
Ms. Michal Schihl chalbelle@yahoo.com 54935 WI TOXIC = BAN IT ALL . . .
John Rede jorede@nmsu.edu 88007 NM
Paul Verzosa A4merbull@hotmail.com 33637 FL
Harriet McCleary mccleary@stolaf.edu 55404 MN
William Anderson robins45@gmail.com 19121 PA
Steven Hoff svh109294@yahoo.com 55429 MN
Elaine Eudy alpha_b@bellsouth.net 30344 GA
paul Runion paulrunion@yahoo.com 95005 CA
Lisa Koehl lkoehl@snet.net 32174 FL
Mary Pat Walker marypatwalker1@hotmail.com 83014 WY
Jawara Pittman seadartf200@yahoo.com 30309 GA
Noel Blythe noelblythe@charter.net 63303 MO
Carole Scott karowlee2012@yahoo.com 91360 CA
stephanie lewis slcribtoy@aol.com 32004 FL
Tammy Weatherly Tlw398@aol.com 44410 OH
james reynolds jlr4619@gmail.com 71901 AR
Barbara Kestenbaum bkestenbaum7@yahoo.com 10009 NY
Gregory Hall ghall92078@yahoo.com 92078 CA
patti rich patti.rich@cdph.ca.gov 94606 CA
Dominique renucci yogayantra@gmail.com 75019 TX
Ruthie Bernaert jimnruthie@hotmail.com 96727 HI
Elena Ryan Elenaryan8@hotmail.com 03730 ot
James Smith guitarsnrotts@hotmail.com 15613 PA
Nasir Ansari nasir214@yahoo.com 30324 GA
Alaeddin Hakam ala_hakam@yahoo.com 94707 CA
Andrew Mumford m 07701 NJ
Angela Plagge angela.plagge@gmail.com 08210 NJ
Paul Schmidt s.com 75214 TX
Rachael Hersey strobl_rm@hotmail.com 45212 OH
Lawanna Bean beansdolls@yahoo.com 75041 TX
lydia mathis lydiaandtodd@hotmail.com 77070 TX
David Ross om 95062 CA
Andrea Whitson whitsonandrea@yahoo.com 95118 CA
Madeleine Sinor Madeleine.sinor@yahoo.com 10013 NY
Tami Harvey Tmharvey76@yahoo.com 80026 CO
Patricia Keiller patkeiller1@gmail.com 3TN
David Ringle d.ringle@ieee.org 18062 PA
Help your children and
grandchildren to inherit a
world that's worth living
in !!! Show them our
generation's concern for
the rest of the world
doesn't end at the tip of
Bo Svensson bophoto@sonic.net 95401 CA our own noses !!!
Frank Kroger frankkroger@gmail.com 98122 WA
James Strickler com 97402 OR
Roberta Bray robbie3joan@yahoo.com 97302 OR
Lynne Campbell lynnecamp@earthlink.net 83860 ID
Douglas Luithly Douglas.E.Luithly@ul.com 80537 CO
Camron Wilson camronswilson@gmail.com 20194 CA
Jill Bohr Jacob bohr@kpunet.net 99928 AK
Jennifer Willis JenniferDaphne@netscape.net 94117 CA
Ev Ahlberg ebampls@yahoo.com 55403 MN
Carol Rideout cbr5311@hotmail.com 23185 VA
Georgiann Schulte geoschulte@sbcglobal.net 60302 IL
Matt Duckstein mgduckstein@gmail.com 33436 FL
Nathalie Gensac natgensac@gmail.com 93110 CA
Connie Hanson chanson8@roadrunner.com 04330 ME
william guthrie gar22205@aol.com 22205 VA

Alina Patterson silver_trumpets_inc@yahoo.com 96720 HI

Robert Chirpin gldlight@hotmail.com 91324 CA
Liz Black Piperstan@sbcglobal.net 93003 CA
anna boyiazis aboyiazis@earthlink.net 90045 CA
Jerome Schaack jerry.schaack@ucdenver.edu 80230 CO
Mari McShane mcshane@stat.cmu.edu 15218 PA
Barbara Lunn barbaralunn@gmail.com 10001 NY
Darlene Brown Dargordi@aol.com 95492 CA
Russell ziegler russziegler2003@yahoo.com 60516 IL
Curtis Eckstein curt.eckstein@gmail.com 54311 WI
Lynn Morris catmorris@live.com 60601 IL
tia Douglass tdouglass@ec.rr.com 28589 NC
we need safer methods
Gerry Ahrens mustang.shelby2@yahoo.com 71270 LA for all
Jesse Fillmore jfillmore66@gmail.com 97006 OR
Gabriela Aste rg 08016 NJ
ALAN VOIGT arvsaca@aol.com 94960 CA
Ian and
Janeane Moody jandimoody@gmail.com 94965 CA
Thomas Brenner Voohoo@aol.com 16648 PA
Carol Doty joshluvver281@yahoo.com 48809 MI
Sheri Henry Sheri3Star@aol.com 33947 FL
Julie Pan Stiebritz blinqtest@icloud.com 92660 CA
Jesse Gore jessegore@yahoo.com 37206 TN
cindi dean Cytom23@aol.com 10580 NY
Aimee Miller aimeeholden77@yahoo.com 89119 NV
Tammy Cahill rcahill@cox.net 02895 RI
Robert Johnson thebobj@aol.com 89134 NV
JeanLuc Bozzoli jeanluc@eyewithin.com 96750 HI
Gary Herwig garysherwig@hotmail.com 21234 MD
marie tremblay vtre142@hotmail.com 02118 MA
Nona Weiner nonaweiner@yahoo.com 95127 CA
David Bates david@discountteetimes.com 89002 NV
stop allowing these
horrid chemicals to be
ellen dorfman ejdorfman@comcast.net 98501 WA used!
gina hall gmhbasso@gmail.com 85262 AZ
judy sloniker judy.sloniker@gmail.com 98117 WA
norma harris sathya108.norma@gmail.com 11104 NY
Robert Jansen r_c_jansen@yahoo.com 92804 CA
David Friedman drfriedman@hotmail.com 11372 NY
Harriet Cohen yeehaw7@aol.com 10016 NY
Peter Sergienko petersergienko@gmail.com 97210 OR
Tani Watkins cat103woman@yahoo.co.uk 49685 MI
Charles Seiter seiter_charles@emc.com 94566 CA
Robert Holgate robert@rhdsf.com 94103 CA

Barrett Goldflies barrett.goldflies333@gmail.com 60630 IL

Julie Levine juliemagic2010@gmail.com 90290 CA
Janie Horowitz jsh51@live.com 07661 NJ
Anne Summers summers@uga.edu 30605 GA
Giorgio Bertoni Petitions.gvf@xoxy.net 7TB ot
Janice Clark janicerclark@gmail.com 97124 OR
Don Sparks donsparks@sbcglobal.net 91325 CA
Babs Marchand babbie@msn.com 34112 FL
I do not know why I am
even sending this email.
The people in charge of
the EPA have long since
DEVIL along time ago. I
can only hope with
TRUMP in office he will
clear the EPA of all the
TRASH and get honest
Deanne Daly dld@stanford.edu 94304 CA people in there.
Vivian Grisogono vivian.grisogono@st.ht.hr 21465
Astrid Keup astridkeup@mac.com 35469 ot
Robby Strozier shadierobby@aol.com 31204 GA
Jeffrey Stewart jeff12170@yahoo.com 96047 CA
Dorothy Stoner dorothystoner@sbcglobal.net 60103 IL
Susan Hurwitz Mommyleigh@aol.com 07661 NJ
Patricia Gregory pattiepie68@yahoo.com 21215 MD
Patricia Blair patriciablair@msn.com 96734 HI Stop killing!
Diane Miller dinchas@aol.com 34748 FL
Deborah Walsh deborah.walsh@tufts.edu 01921 MA
Lorraine Dumas spanishlo@twc.com 40511 KY
Christine Snyder c50snyder@aol.com 14225 NY
Michael Newport michaeljnewport@aol.com 80113 CO
Gail Bonaso Goodnose2@yahoo.com 95070 CA
Patricia Luck pat.luck2701@gmail.com 29455 SC
Cathy Schuett carpediem7@gmail.com 55126 MN
Adam Williams adamwz@umich.edu 48108 MI
It has to get terrible
before there is any push
back. Then it is hard to
get money makers
Mr. Shelley Dahlgren, PhD shelley@dahlgren.com 98029 WA attention. SDD
Paul Vilches pvilches06@gmail.com 33025 FL
Glenn Freeman glenn@ogreogress.com 49503 MI
Michel Croquet michelcroque@gmail.com 01200
Tony DeLaurie tdelaurie@gmail.com 60005 IL
Yvonne Johnson timberwolf_ymj@yahoo.com 43080 OH
Craig Warren craigwarren@comcast.net 94558 CA
Dwayne Munar dwayne_munar@yahoo.com 96792 HI
Steve Robey steve.robey@gmail.com 94708 CA
JT Hickey autumnsglory@hotmail.com 55384 MN
Joy Bryden jabryden@yahoo.com 97222 OR
Jeff Douglas respectpro@yahoo.com 07456 NJ
This review is urgent and
long delayed. Thank you
Roslyn Feldberg Roslynf@rcn.com 02467 MA for undertaking it!
Elisa Serikawa elisa.serikawa@br.ey.com ######
Kristin Masters kmasters2928@gmail.com 13846 NY
Toby Ann Reese Tobyareese@zoominternet.net 44280 OH
Stephanie Rodriguez star31884@prodigy.net 79903 TX
Linda Williard lwilliard@easternind.com 17857 PA
Save lives and protect
children and adults when
you ban all uses of the
seven toxic OP pesticides
now up for review. Thank
ruth amernick ruth.amernick@sfpl.org 94530 CA you!
Taylor Mentrum bayardsplace@hotmail.com 97292 OR
David Wiley the_kenosha_kid@yahoo.com 19143 PA
William Montgomery wmontgmery@comcast.net 19465 PA
Marsha Penner marsha@photon.com 92117 CA
Philip O'Dette philipodette79@gmail.com 14507 NY
John Livingston Livingstonjohn@att.net 96001 CA
Margaret Sweeton margiartgirl@gmail.com 67203 KS
relf star relfalison@yahoo.com 91763 CA
Enel Woods enelwoods@gmail.com 90016 CA
Jennifer Powell jenpea@pacbell.net 91208 CA
Sarah McKee smckee@post.harvard.edu 01002 MA
Marilyn Lee mblee1@una.edu 35630 AL
Marie DAnna Madanna102@aol.com 07657 NJ
Diana Stein dsteinonrt66@gmail.com 87020 NM
Valerie McCarty valmcc7@gmail.com 33166 FL
Rebecca MacKay bexcoz99@yahoo.com 03118 ot
Erasmo Joseph Erasmojoseph@hotmail.com 33166 FL
Camilla Torsander camillat@gmx.com 54130 l???_n
Lynette Ridder captain_nerful@yahoo.com 94521 CA
Suzanne Covello covellosl@citlink.net 25430 WV
Morris Sandel mosandel@gmail.com 78744 TX
Stephanie Honore stephaniehonore@aol.com 34759 FL
Deborah Barry barrydeborah@hotmail.com 92019 CA
Carol Wood pinecroftcw@aol.com 13480 NY
Michael Martin lessthansane00@yahoo.com 83647 ID
Deanka Grisham Deanka_Grisham@hotmail.com 30236 GA
Cori Fukuchi corifukuchi@gmail.com 76085 TX
Susan Evans susanhevans@cableone.net 83704 ID
jeanette zawacki jaeod3@yahoo.com 60134 IL
Diane West dwlorax@gmail.com 02762 MA

This is such a crucial

issue. Please do
everything in your power
to protect our children
Linsay Firman Ltfirman@yahoo.com 11226 NY from these contaminants.
Chris Wrinn cwrinn@optonline.net 06460 CT
Dave Less dless0305@gmail.com 48820 MI
Dan Esposito danjesposito@yahoo.com 90266 CA
Joy McRonald joysneatthings@logic.bm 37658 TN
DAWN SKINDZIEL dawn.skindziel@forrent.com 98082 WA
Thanks for taking this on.
Well overdue to get rid of
these dangerous
Alexandra Scranton alexs@womensvoices.org 59803 MT chemicals.
Keith Bein kjbein@ucdavis.edu 94602 CA
Vivian S. Valtri Burgess valtriburgess@yahoo.com 05753 VT
Mitra Fiuzat mfiuzat@ecoinc.info 92705 CA
Sheila Pratt shpr@vcn.bc.ca 2R3 BC
Ann watson annies5hounds@msn.com 07003 NJ
Ann Lickteig Annbrigette@mac.com 32746 FL
A healthy environment
and safe food water are
Liz Cain Lizocain2@yahoo.com 78247 TX basic human rights.
Pamela Jiranek pjiranek@comcast.net 22936 VA
Sarah Hampton hampton.sj@gmail.com 55116 MN
John Lopez Lopezjohn639@gmail.com 89509 NV
Harriet Grose Adgrose@verizon.net 07960 NJ
Lacey Hicks laceyhicks@hotmail.com 94587 CA
Carolyn Knoll clk5356@gmail.com 94563 CA
James Piech magjimp@frontiernet.net 18660 PA
Please ban these toxic
Carol Jurczewski cjurczewski@sbcglobal.net 60546 IL bee killing pesticides!
Harmon Greenblatt harmongreen@comcast.net 70125 LA
A Martin afton_kevin@verizon.net 75044 TX
Debra Lane dotartt@hotmail.com 95437 CA
John Lampson John@Lampson.co 85338 AZ
Madalyn Benoit Isabella_11372@yahoo.com 12106 NY
Betty Ware Bettybware@verizon.net 23226 VA
Carla Alzuro calzuro@yahoo.com 98101 WA
Michael Piotrowski tecumsehpt@yahoo.com 92065 CA
Tom Jarozynski Jarozynski@gmail.com 08054 NJ
Claudia Bird cabird50@aol.com 53092 WI
Mary Mutch mmutch@fspa.org 54601 WI
Roland England rolandleng@aol.com 21713 MD
Jordan Lewis jordan@allclassical.org 97230 OR
Gwendolyn Sky bluerider23@gmail.com 97523 OR
Peppi Enos Twheedle@aol.com 55387 MN
Matthew Reis zenprism@yahoo.com 90046 CA

This country has been

lulled into thinking
chemicals are okay and
they are NOT!! Time to
step up for radical change
and get back to basics,
and stop bowing to
corporate interests!
These companies should
be part of the solution,
NOT creating more and
more poisons. They need
to change their structure
just as all of our
government agencies
need to change to more
Sharon Intilli greenbe8@warwick.net 10990 NY radically SAFE behavior!
fabrizio convertino fabri.conver@arcor.de 81547
Jeannine Guerci J9g@me.com 10954 NY
Susan Leahy sleahy@sbcglobal.net 63144 MO
Christine Wordlaw chrisniner_49@yahoo.com 75229 TX
I full agree with the
banning of all O.P.
pesticides. If you
maintain their
registration, a full
statement of adverse
health condition should
Jack Dwayne Thrasher toxicologist1@msn.com 95610 CA be on all labels.
Kathy Woo kathy@kathywoo.com 94704 CA
Denee Kylma denee951@yahoo.com 92595 CA

F Sutton aesopin@gmail.com V7l 1p1

Piper Burch piperab@aol.com 70458 LA
Struan McArdle struan.mcardle@gmail.com 75228 TX
tom harris mchazy77@hotmail.com 08505 NJ
Jeany Zhao jeanyz@hotmail.com 90404 CA
This is an urgent matter
with already dire
Melanie Roman roman@avellindberg.com 06482 CT consequences.
L Adams lzdldy@att.net 92026 CA
Lynn Slonaker Slonman@aol.com 12564 NY
Alan DAvanzo alandavanzo@hotmail.com 98166 WA
valerie gilbert weareallone@verizon.net 10022 NY
Nadeen Bir nadeen.bir@duke.edu 27705 NC

U think that SHIT is so

great why don't u spray
William bonin billbonin52@yahoo.com 50126 IA the white house with it!!!
Trent Keller msucubbybear@yahoo.com 80110 CO
These chemicals are
harming our earth, and
all life on it. We have
already lost many of the
species and are to lose
Mountiansofpeace@hotmail.co more if we don't stop
Cynthia Christiansen m 85736 AZ using them.
James McConnell jimmcconn@gmail.com 85308 AZ
Conchi Barquin barquic@yahoo.com 77401 TX
Drew Cucuzza dcucuzza@snet.net 06515 CT
Thomas W. Cranston thomas.w.cranston@gmail.com 78621 TX
ordell vee otvee@hotmail.com 56062 MN
Deborah Finkelstein adl@18cards.com 22312 VA
Stop poisoning our
Marina Koval' marinakoval333@yahoo.com 20878 MD planet!
Charlene Knop cknop@catocorp.com 28277 NC
Venalda Gupta languageladki@yahoo.com 30040 GA
Caroline S???villa caronyna@msn.com 77420 NY
Richard Moller rmoller55@msn.com 98087 WA
Susan Sachs sachsfield@gmail.com 02879 RI
These pesticides must be
Marian Cruz marian.cruz2903@gmail.com 95023 CA banned!
Karl J Byam kupkakek6@yahoo.com 76114 TX
Michael Lee maleect@aol.com 85383 AZ
judith arayaes judyleon_77@yahoo.com 92103 CA
Beverly Antonio niloflightrn@msn.com 21617 MD
Michael Seager michael_seager@att.net 44060 OH
Diane Bolman dbmar@sonic.net 94949 CA
Katharine Abel kabelroom@yahoo.com 18437 NY
Donna Allison yearofleaping@yahoo.com 32312 FL
why in this day and age
poison for profit is still
legal is beyond me. is
money, profits worth
Bill Chockla schockla@gmail.com 80517 CO more than human life?
Ann Bennett abennett4@kc.rr.com 64138 MO
Judy Grosch KNGrosch@aol.com 34292 FL
Richard McIntyre rich1@startmail.com 96754 HI
Please make a stand to
stop the dangerous use
of these pesticides.
Shouldn't the health of
our children and those
exposed to these noxious
chemicals supersede
corporate profits? We are
so tired of these trade
Diana Cartwright equinejd@gmail.com 95065 CA offs!
Judith Bohler judy.bohler@alvernia.edu 17522 PA
W Jansen wj_mj@hotmail.com 20814 MD
katia convertino katia1510@arcor.de 81547
Vinayak Vinayak vinayakeha@gmail.com 96753 HI
Gina Paige glpaige@mac.com 23060 VA
I still suffer the Effects of
Agent Orange - I know
first hand what Toxic
Dale LINN daleathome@comcast.net 24112 VA Chemicals can do .
Jean Thornsbury jean_thornsbury@hotmail.com 98023 WA
james keats harpo52@netzero.com 01119 MA
Michael Tribble michaelt68@yahoo.com 97458 OR
Lee Margulies Lrm55@optonline.net 11790 NY
Linda Dunn ldunn@fchs.com 11358 NY
john deddy jmdeddy@aol.com 33176 FL
Pamela Scott pamrick@got.net 95006 CA
T Gegenheimer terihg@hotmail.com 70455 LA
Diana Dee Dianahtlne@aol.com 91606 CA
Margo Czinski mczinski@comcast.net 48191 MI
Wendy Pressoir wpresso1@tampabay.rr.com 33755 FL
Elizabeth Stoltz eastoltz@hotmail.com 98622 WA
Debbie King dking69186@aol.com 31904 GA
J Crawler moonspell67@hotmail.com s0k2a0
Mark Wemple markwemple@yahoo.com 21146 MD
Lauri DesMarais lauridesmarais@yahoo.com 63390 MO
Glenn Koehrsen gkoehrsen@prodigy.net 97042 OR
Jeffrey Hurwitz jahurwitzhome@cs.com 94121 CA
Briana Purcell brianaqueststar@yahoo.com 48127 MI
Carrie Langner calangner@yahoo.com 93405 CA
Priscilla Drake babyduck50@netzero.com 14527 NY
Margaret Remington Maggie44rem@yahoo.com 99354 WA
Heide Benveniste aratibv@yahoo.com 90025 CA
Deirdre Brownell Dbdc125731@aol.com 91504 CA
Gregg Johnson maverickghost4@gmail.com 95125 CA
Dennis Finn gridley@twc.com 13367 NY
Susan Mulcahy suz_deuce@yahoo.com 83354 AZ
tammy king hotjenday@aol.com 01440 MA
Myles Hunt myleshunt@gmail.com 10025 NY
STACIE CHARLEBOIS armostacie@hotmail.com 95472 CA
Jack Van Arsdale vanars@monmouth.edu 07712 NJ
David Osterhoudt dostermail@yahoo.com 92688 CA
Donna Caplan drdonna4health@gmail.com 96754 HI
james colado jccolado@myfairpoint.net 03878 NH
Galina Richards galiarich@yahoo.com 10038 NY
Susan Ireland smireland@att.net 06437 CT
Debbie Freiheit midevilmommy@netscape.net 80112 CO
Jerry Nokes gfn1939@msn.com 99025 WA
Geraldine Schick Gschick11@gmail.com 02458 MA
Dawn Havel dhavel2001@yahoo.com 90034 CA
Joseph Lilli joe_lilli@yahoo.com 90272 CA
Phillip Randall filipsamovichr@gmail.com 91367 CA
Romana Gardani romana.gardani@gmail.com 43124
Rhonda Johnson rdtgjohnson@hotmail.com 23009 VA
Roberta Brunelle vashabru@yahoo.com 02568 MA
Stefanie Ford Fordstefanie@gmail.com 89084 NV
Linc Conard lincconard@gmail.com 90210 CA
Mary Berrettini merribee@usa.net 95437 CA
Mark Grotzke garagekey2001@yahoo.com 60477 IL
Ferrell Stein ferrell@eidnoc.com 63122 MO
Robert Keller keller4384@aol.com 07054 NJ
A K blueff@hotmail.com 98125 WA
Andrea Bille ansbille@comcast.net 08108 NJ
Vivian Ehresman vehresman@gmail.com 91311 CA
Carol Dodson cdodson7@hotmail.com 29045 SC
Samuel Martin tryphongogo@yahoo.fr 29200 ot
Marianna Hartsong m.hartsong@gmail.com 86336 AZ
Monique Musialowski moirae07@att.net 48047 MI
Adriana Covell acs2003@hotmail.com 92122 CA
a L Aalisbin@gmail.com 14809 NY
Maxine Centala mcentala@peak.org 97376 OR
Virginia Dwyer gini_dwyer@yahoo.com 13321 NY
Susan Kozinski s.kozinski@icloud.com 53235 WI
Douglas Sedon sedond@yahoo.com 20839 MD
Stephanie Smith Stephssmith1201@gmail.com 20175 VA
Katie Johnstone katiej2@gmail.com 48080 MI
TERESA KOHL kohlfamily88@yahoo.com 60950 IL
cindy curran cindcurran@hotmail.com 04008 ME
Laura Cornetta Lalagen1999@aol.com 01740 MA
Heidi Myers binsca@gmail.com 22315 VA
michael smith albionau@gmail.com 30068 GA
Ruth Steenwyk ruth@mebtel.net 27302 NC
Mary Thibaudeau purplemaryt@aol.com 59403 MT
J. Byers jebbyers@gmail.com 30677 GA
Robert Feller robert5652@gmail.com 08332 NJ
Heidi Sikina heidisikina@gmail.com 01451 MA
Martina Patterson pattersonmatpatt@gmx.de 53909 CA
Gwen Hadland Mousery@comcast.net 97123 OR
Increasing urgency to
support organic methods
of farming and ranching.
The planet is awash in
BigChem's poisons, and
we're not the better for
Joanne Hedge hedgegraphics@earthlink.net 91201 CA it.
Sheila D policaudillon@hotmail.com 56201 MN
Pat Williamson powermacuser1@aol.com 07856 NJ
Andrea Wilson Csa.Andrea@gmail.com 94089 CA
Chris May chrismay@roadrunner.com 01201 MA
C. Wilcox cwilcox210@sbcglobal.net 60050 IL
Nancy Peterson nancy@baymoon.com 95066 CA
james clement jimclmnt@aim.com 91724 CA
Kathy Watson cvista3@icloud.com 85716 AZ
Violet Majpruz vicky.majpruz@cancercare.on.ca 1Y4 ON
Carl Van Dyke cvd@sonic.net 95462 CA
Jennifer Kardos jen94401@yahoo.com 94401 CA
Joseph Luchman jluchman@gmail.com 52246 IA
leah rock rockum22@hotmail.com 44320 OH

Jan Bohre gjbohre@casema.nl 2907BC

Elisabeth Curtis granda.curtis@gmail.com 27516 NC
Diane Corrigan dianecorrigan@comcast.net 48316 MI
carol carlson carolc@wiktel.com 56751 MN
Anne Erikson terikson6@netscape.net 05039 VT
Arthur Riding sanayhah@gmail.com 00000
John Dehn john@bluemoonpro.com 55422 MN
My health was damaged
by an OP exposure 45
scott spiegel ssspiegs@gmail.com 80306 CO years ago
sally foti sjf0327@gmail.com 07731 NJ
Dana Silvernale dsilver@greens.org 95525 CA
John Niendorf Jrniendorf@cs.com 98250 WA
Angela Ortiz acmonteith@earthlink.net 20148 VA
susan carey whitestripessuzy@aol.com 11357 NY
Thomas Mannesto tmannesto@hotmail.com 49783 MI
Robin Kory rkory101@gmail.com 97007 FL
Linda Thompson Angsandm@aol.com 94546 CA
Lori Anders lori@anders.net 94549 CA
Heather Donovan bhdono@swbell.net 63010 MO
Brian Jeffery bcjeffery@gmail.com 95050 CA
John Burt 2ndchancejohn@gmail.com 84020 UT
Barbara Hankins bchankins@gmail.com 80015 CO
Brad van Scriver brad@heliodor1.com 80016 CO
Lynn Costa ldgcosta@gmail.com 02889 RI
Tina Ann 8tinaann@gmail.com 94924 CA
Jörg Gaiser joerggaiser@gmx.net 72270
Erin Harris erinharris@comcast.net 87120 NM
Dave Carlson davec5818@gmail.com 56449 MN
Steve Radcliffe steveradcliffe@peak.org 97527 OR
Claudia White cwhite254@tampabay.rr.com 34221 FL
p. schroeder sf.phaedra@gmail.com 94110 CA
Thomas Renninger t.renn@comcast.net 19711 DE
Abigail Crespo abgcres@aol.com 75708 TX
christine eardley cheardley@comcast.net 37075 TN
Jim Konicki jckonicki@charter.net 53913 WI
Mark Reback mark@consumerwatchdog.org 90042 CA
Paul Horne Paul33436@gmail.com 33436 FL
Hannah Gross Hgross@wellesley.edu 10128 NY

ellaina signorotto laliotis@shaw.ca v1a3h8

V Evan Agadog@mac.com 60660 IL
Dominique Edmondson dedmondson@cwa-union.org 20772 MD
Cori Bishop animeluvr666@hotmail.com 08215 NJ
Lindy Marrington lindymarrington@sbcglobal.net 93921 CA
Marianne Shanley shinethesky@yahoo.com 11209 NY
Dawn Mason dawn783121@yahoo.com 17901 PA
C.A. Buijs cabuijs70@gmail.com 00000
Sonia Goldstein msgoldfi@rcn.com 10011 NY
John Panko jpanko@msn.com 60645 IL
KATHLEEN MICHAELS wolflet45@yahoo.com 55428 MN
Carmen Nomann carmen_nomann@yahoo.com 55902 MN
Amy Heyneman amyheyneman@gmail.com 98110 WA
Joel Finley joel_finley2002@yahoo.com 13669 NY
Johnny Rice yungdaddie@gmail.com 28739 NC
Bruce Denny bruce_denny@mac.com 54166 WI
Robert Belknap rebelknap@sms.edu 27603 NC
Susan Ponchot Susanponchot@aol.com 33351 FL
Cathy Rowan rowan@bestweb.net 10462 NY
William Bader williambader@hotmail.com 18018 PA
Nathan Vogel doctorspook@hotmail.com 94131 CA
Joanna Schoettler joannals1313@gmail.com 98136 WA
Adam Stuart zymnpf@hotmail.com 01867 MA
Saun Rego-Ross saun41@aol.com 85742 AZ
Sof Kaye Sofkaye@yahoo.com 60136 IL
Maria Santos eco_woman@hotmail.com 003Ca
Carolyn Andre carolyn.a.andre@gmail.com 60618 IL
Yolanda Reynolds yolandar@att.net 95128 CA
Jonathan Nash jnash67@yahoo.com 10028 NY
Alexandra Skwara a_skwara@hotmail.com 92115 CA
John Novinson jmnovinson@gmail.com 60062 IL
Debbie Wagstaff miss_wag2000@yahoo.com 92395 CA
Brian Paradise bgparadise@comcast.net 32082 FL

Your leadership is
desperately needed to
encourage other
countries around the
world to follow suit. I
urge you to do the right
Janice Forsythe jforsythe@rogers.com 00000 ON thing for people's health.
Michael Congdon mcongdon67@gmail.com 33137 FL
Sarah colwell kramer1125@gmail.com 43123 OH
Maria Gonzalez tracyg36@gmail.com 60656 IL
Sherry Bowles sbowles@calwelllaw.com 25302 WV
L Wilson lkennedywilson@yahoo.co.uk 32084 FL
Michael Jackson michaelva1@verizon.net 23043 VA
David Klass dklass@verizon.net 10011 NY
karen milstein midbarnm@aol.com 87506 NM
Peter Cragg drpet.cragg@comcast.net 77381 TX
Steve Santos busman18184@yahoo.com 91762 CA
Paula Fischer pfischer@comcast.net 55406 MN
annmarie owen anno35@me.com 85755 AZ
Sharon L. Jenkins isis124@charter.net 54501 WI
Nancy Archibald m K2B8E3
George Spagna gspagna@rmc.edu 23005 VA
Irene Tsakiris chimera.952@gmail.com 07764 NJ
Gary Albright gary@wildlifecomputers.com 98296 WA
Frank & "PLEASE do your job!!
Coralee Poppie prosit13@aol.com 91755 CA STOP them!
Elizabeth A Trought batrought@gmail.com 03266 NH
micki bailes bmildred7@gmail.com 79912 TX
Paul Fung pyfung@yahoo.com 10025 NY
Holly Mosher hollywoodnt@sprintmail.com 90405 CA
Brenda Gaines brendad@pioneer.net 97412 OR
Timothy Schacht drtim@speakeasy.net 48230 MI
William Howald wnhowald@gmail.com 98271 WA
Dennis Feichtinger djfeich@gmail.com 48183 MI
It is time to the EPA stops
pandering to these
Michael Wade mike@BBBseed.com 80302 CO Chemical Comanpies
Sandra Lynn cresorchid@gmail.com 78620 TX
Julie Slater-Giglioli julierose.1951@gmail.com 90046 CA
Rebecca Oberlin roberlin37@gmail.com 74132 OK
Carol Rodriguez ms.dork@gmail.com 94549 CA
Gina Coker gina.coker@va.gov 19149 PA
Caroline Smith k dy8 1nl
Lilinoe Smith balihai7@hawaii.rr.com 96741 HI
The country is counting
on you to help protect
our people, especially
children, from toxic
substances such as these
chemicals. We have faith
that you will act based on
the science and not on
the pressures exerted by
these chemicals' users
Robert Wangsness rmwangs@gmail.com 55912 MN and manufacturers.
Judith Dupree adlib_pv@sbcglobal.net 91962 CA
Candace Batten candace@kaimanlaw.com 90031 CA
William Olson Billybra@aol.com 90292 CA
Or do we chase nasty's
these with water from
Jeffrey Watson evr_green@msn.com 98027 WA Flint Michigan?
Jeffrey Koppel jeff.koppel@gmail.com 33021 FL
Marilyn Mueller mmuelle7@hotmail.com 30004 GA
englishblondechick@yahoo.co.u YO11
Annette Waddington k 3RG

Time to take control of

the plutocrats and claw
back their schekels to
split between us slaves
after they have polluted
our countries farms, air
and land for their
Bob Check Bobcheck1@yahoo.com 06606 RI perverted persuit of geld!
Douglas Campbell doug.campbell@mail.wvu.edu 15474 PA


D O Y O U R J O B S !!!!
C Y !!! NOT
Stephen Bailey stilltruckinsb@yahoo.com 98244 WA U T I N G A G E N C Y!!
Jonathan Martinez .com 99205 WA
Nancy Taylor ntaylor125@live.com 48757 MI
Zach Kadar zachph7@yahoo.com 14610 NY
Barbara Thiffault barbara.thiffault@providence.ca 4W4
Kathy Sugarman kathysugarman@gmail.com 89012 NV
Donald Shaw donele@comcast.net 33703 FL
Tess Fraad Tessfraadwolff@gmail.com 10009 NY
Mariano Svidler msvidler@gmail.com 94403 CA
Julie Ming Jules.britt@gmail.com 95014 CA
Kathy Bilicke Scherkathy@gmail.com 90069 CA
Lawrence Green larrygnyc@mindspring.com 14223 NY
Sydne Keller sydnepage@hotmail.com 91361 CA
Kara Horstman karahorstman@yahoo.com 47715 IN
David Wood david.wood63@gmail.com 9LB
Angelique St.Pierre angelique_sp@yahoo.com 32935 FL
Frank Sabatini fpsabatini@aol.com 18643 PA
Frank Gonzales Jr. ydeepsg@yahoo.com 48170 MI
Mary Adams adamsmaryc@hotmail.com 95630 CA
Marilyn Welker mwelker@ctcn.net 43078 OH
Jonathan Hancock jbeahancock@sbcglobal.net 60622 IL
Neil Glaser Flneil@mac.com 11217 NY
Kelly Bowen kellybowen1@gmail.com 92116 CA
Linda Ellsworth sandboa51@msn.com 98245 WA
robert mayton maytonr@gmail.com 42303 KY
Amanda Goodman taber11@aol.com 10011 NY
Katie Barrett horseygirlkt@gmail.com 93010 CA
Bill Herman bill_herman@sbcglobal.net 92056 CA
Lawrence Cromwell slcromwell@gmail.com 33455 VA
Saab Lofton saablofton@hotmail.com 98104 WA
william glenn wglenn@nmbcorp.com 91106 CA
Iris Block iris.block@gmail.com 07701 NJ
Our environment and our
children's health is more
important than the
business of making these
toxins. Please shut them
Edward Temple ebtnyc@gmail.com 11215 NY down.
Are you even aware
where neurotoxic
pesticides got their
starts? As military grade
chemical weapons
agents. The difference
between a WMD and a
pesticide is quite often
DILUTION. A never agent
has an instantaneous
effect a pesticide has a
long term effect as
witnessed in those
military mildly exposed to
mustard agents. For the
rest of their lives with
Daniel Wiberg sttoad@comcast.net 29445 SC one exposure.
Christine Robinett chrisdc@flash.net 95117 CA
James Herther jnherther48@yahoo.com 55117 MN
Elena Perez eleartemis@yahoo.com 10463 NY
Linnea Thurston Latmanx@aol.com 85338 CA
Michael Abler mabler@sbcglobal.net 95062 CA
Karen Socher kssocher@hotmail.com 93001 CA
From my own research,
not clear that microbial
degradation pathways for
these compounds all that
efficient. Bear that in
mind, as clean-up actions
Ted K. Raab tkraab@carnegiescience.edu 94062 CA warrant.
Tony McClain tonymcclain1@gmail.com 21784 MD
Jean-Charles Tourneur jchtourneur@aliceadsl.fr 83420 ot
Why does the EPA
continue to let big ag
chemical companies
poison us? Money,
Anne and Murl Borts macborts@aol.com 50201 IA money, money....
Natalia Arcila crzydazy@tampabay.rr.com 33703 FL
That this has gotten this
far out of hand is
Richard Burger ruffburr2@Yahoo.com 93555 CA ridiculous!
It is up to the EPA to
protect people, animals &
the environment from
toxic substances, which
include these harmful
chemicals. Please do so;
we rely on your ban of
these toxins & not bow to
the influences of the big
chemical companies.
Elaine Gallagher eg@tltd.com 10036 NY Thank you.
Donna Blue donnablue@twc.com 40502 KY
Marjo and
Sander Schilstra m.en.s.schilstra@alice.nl 00000
We ALL NEED clean
water, food and air!! ALL
OF US! It couldn't be
more simple. It is time to
do the right thing, for ALL
Colette Taglieri mirageaquatics@gmail.com 85653 AZ OF US!!
Brian de Castro bdtrooper@aol.com 07079 NJ
Anne Kaeser saycheese@zno.de 95118 CA
Jonathan Marinoff jonathan302@hotmail.com 6 ON
Stupid kids won't be able
S0J to cope with the mess we
Bob Stuart bobstuart@sasktel.net 2M0 SK are making.
Charles Carroux carroux@ymail.com 94002 CA
Barry Medlin docmedlin@hotmail.com 37830 TN
Jessica Burlew jaburlew@wi.rr.com 53105 WI
Kathleen Hallal Kathalina@mac.com 92603 CA
Chris Jones christarjones@gmail.com 94501 CA
Lucia Calderon lu.calderon48@gmail.com 95111 CA
Margaret Weber weber@igc.org 48223 MI
james pszanka jpszanka@aol.com 60660 IL
barbara huggins serpentpriestess@hotmail.com 80011 CO
K. Arnone kahlilarnone@yahoo.com 11204 NY
Nanette Oggiono nanykat@aol.com 01568 MA
Celline Davis davisc@ohsu.edu 98631 OR
Linda Schmid Linda_Schmid@intuit.com 94043 CA
Richard Friesenhengst friesrc@yahoo.com 43227 OH
Christy Levine christylevine@me.com 84770 UT
Charles Happel cghappel2001@yahoo.com 46224 IN
Jim Freeberg jfreeberg0@aol.com 97520 CA
Marcelle Cole marcellecole@yahoo.com 37115 TN
Dimitar Dolnooryahov ddolnooryahov@abv.bg 05100 IA the Kyoto protocol ???
Simon Prince simonandtara@hotmail.co.uk 7HN ot

Pat Halter phalter@scholarshipamerica.org 56082 MN

Jerry Giefer jrbgie@windomnet.com 56101 MN
Hannah Osborne hannahco207@gmail.com 04937 ME
Cheryl Letson fhcheryl@gmail.com 93728 CA
Vera Brown verabrown3672@gmail.com 94065 CA
Guy Zahller gop.r.war.criminals@gmail.com 95003 CA
Rob Bagley rob-bagley@hotmail.com 92571 AZ
Hamed Hajibeik hhajibeik@gmail.com 92691 CA
Shea Harvey sheatanner@yahoo.com 94558 CA
William Lorch jetphixer@gmail.com 60435 IL
Andrew Trowbridge adtrowbridge@liberty.edu 24502 VA
Cara Brzezicki Carebear7154@yahoo.com 80125 CO
Elizabeth Fulmer elizabethafulmer@gmail.com 95616 CA
Annabelle Herbert annabelleh13@gmail.com 85719 AZ
Jorge Herrera texasjherrera@yahoo.com 78621 TX
Joanne Bunch jbunch@us.ibm.com 27587 NC
BrendaLee Lennick mrs.sapience@gmail.com 32301 FL
Paula Moerland paulasbodyshop@gmail.com 10025 NY
Geralyn Wrigley ghwrigley@gmail.com 85705 AZ
Irwin Hoenig irwinhoenigcst@gmail.com 20726 MD
Robert D. Missimer. Jr. bobm42249@gmail.com 19355 PA
Grace Burson gracepburson@gmail.com 03264 NH
Beverly Spiker bevss@hotmail.com 94061 CA
terry creech brunt dtbrunt@centurylink.net 80470 CO
gail thibault gbtebo@yahoo.com 92395 CA
Susan Jordan susanevansjordan@yahoo.com 28411 NC
Ronald Partridge raturon@sbcglobal.net 93063 CA
Anne Dugaw adugaw@pacbell.net 92627 CA
Carl Pflug Singleguy054@Optonline.net 07735 NJ

Heather Higgins heatherhigginsavon@yahoo.com 07419 NJ

As an RN, a mother, as
well as a person with a
neurological condition,
this is of vital importance
to me and truth be told, I
find it hard to understand
why we citizens would
even need to petition to
have these chemicals
removed from our world,
as it it your responsibility
and duty to protect us
from this very thing. But
be that as it may, I hope
you read all of our
comments and listen to
us as we once again,
implore you to do your
part in saving this world
and its citizens. Thank
Grace Booth sayge17@aol.com 12422 NY you.
Theodore Brazeau t2brz@yahoo.com 78620 TX
Abdallah Al-Khataybeh pink_flyer@hotmail.com 48170 MI
Kathy Colton kathymcolton@gmail.com 52403 IA
Dr. William and wmcbutlerphd@wmconnect.co
Nancy Butler m 80437 CO
william prokop jprokop40@gmail.com 14052 NY
Carol Facey krystalintentions@comcast.net 01109 MA
Leslie Young monkeys.org 92316 CA
Vera Elliott elliottvera132@gmail.com 47448 IN
Sally A Martin martinblacksheep@gmail.com 97045 OR
Jennifer Miller jen@termship.com 21221 MD
Brian Meadows anglohebraicus@gmail.com 38553 TN
Betty Smisek getpd2save@yahoo.com 55118 MN
It seems some are
determined to destroy
the earth and it's
inhabitants……….who are
helping to do so and for
how much money and
wendy allen wendears@yahoo.com 85321 AZ where do they live?
Paul Rice mwr2@cornell.edu 14886 NY
Alice Parra alice.e.parra@gmail.com 22963 VA
Phyllis Lager Phyllis@privateplanets.net 94550 CA
Nancy L. Anderson nancya@bisp.net 97520 OR
michelle_holdaway@hotmail.co RG4
M Holdaway m 7SU KS
Sabine Oberbach Sabine.oberbach@gmail.com 19046 NJ
Gerald Beever geraldh@q.com 97206 OR
laura kohn laurakohn@gmail.com 94062 CA
Beulah White bswhite@att.net 45044 OH
I don't understand how
our leaders can be
bought to poison us.
When will this madness
Donna Smith lwolf42gsd@live.com 19083 PA stop?
William Claiborn wclaiborn@hotmail.com 34285 FL
Karen Friederich flowerpowercats@hotmail.com 26907
Judy Bensinger judy@ed-n-judy.com 86327 AZ
David Bernstein bernyintally@yahoo.com 32304 FL
Anna Shenk ashenkpa@gmail.com 02143 MA this is sooo urgent!!!
Carole Mannino camann704@comcast.net 03038 NH
Christine Morrissey merryminion@tds.net 54911 WI
Brenda Norris BNnote@aol.com 19015 PA
Josie Kelly Jasunset@gte.net 90401 CA
Christopher Dowling cod188@outlook.com 78734 TX
Elizabeth Franz franz@qrpartners.com 11215 NY
Sooner or later... your
young family members
will suffer from these
Danny Dwinell dc_dwinell@comcast.net 98155 WA toxins, too!
lisa williams tnlisa@charter.net 37804 TN
Jackie Tryggeseth jtrygges@hotmail.com 53936 WI
Michael White mdwhite2@att.net 45044 OH

Monsanto and other

chemical companies are
poisoning the population
to make a buck. It is your
responsibility to protect
the public from these
Lourdes Garcia LGarcia973@aol.com 90505 CA toxins. DO YOUR JOB!
It has been a long time
since the publication of
"Silent Spring", but
pesticides are still
contaminating our
environment and people
Nancy Liedlich liedlich@earthlink.net 06488 CT as well.
kathleen kramer kramerkt@aol.com 60468 IL
Paul Rice per8@cornell.edu 14886 NY The Food Quality
Protection Act
(FQPA)signed by
President Clinton in 1996
was intended to make
our food supply safer
from the OP pesticides
and safeguard our
children too. But this has
not happened because
EPA's pesticide
registration program
exists to promote the
interests of agrichemical
and agricultural
stakeholders at the
expense of the American
public. This isn't about
sound science, this is
simply about
compromising the safety
of the American public
and our nation's
environment to appease
politically powerful
agricultural interests.
Enough with Atrazine.
Enough with the OPs.
And enough with the
Olivia Bravo oliviabravo17@gmail.com 22043 VA neonicotinoids killing our
eva thiemann eva.thiemann@gmail.com 97530 OR
Amalie Callahan Amalie.Callahan@gmail.com 61201 IL
V Shorr sidphofike@aol.com 90272 CA
Gail Kieler kielerg@ipfw.edu 46805 IN
Chemicals are not
natural, they are foreign
to nature and contrary to
it in every way. Their use
is to be condemned, not
supported for greedy
human profit motives.
Human beings are
destroying the planet and
everything n it, what a
legacy to leave your
children and
grandchildren, one of
total corruption,
dishonesty, greed and
immorality ;;; greed for
the gold. "The love of
money is the root of all
evil" and humans must
find God, the real God, in
order for change to
occur. God is a God of
Love, St. John plainly
states in in the Bible ...
look for ourself. We as a
society must do right and
our country is far from it
now, heading to its own
Jason McGuire jwm1@sbcglobal.net 94582 CA destruction
Ariel Shatz ariel.shatz@gmail.com 12569 NY
Alexis Pagoulatos alexispags@aol.com 07740 NJ
V.E. Perkins veperkins@gmail.com 80116 CO
Janet G Heinle janetheinle@yahoo.com 90403 CA
Jack Conklin jconklin17@aol.com 32803 FL
j angell jangell@earthlink.net 95672 CA
Rosalie Ratta rdella1981@aol.com 44040 OH
Nada Hana nada.hana@yahoo.com 60018 IL
Annamaria Ugolotti annamaria.ugolotti@gmail.com 18038 OK
Do the only logical and
moral thing.Everything
Dirk Rogers 1dog2dogs3dogs@gmail.com 75204 TX isn't money.
Jay Lee leejaycz@gmail.com 45440 OH
David Doering davedoering@hotmail.com 94109 CA
Cris G elgarza@yahoo.com 20152 VA
J Lasahn ceremony.com 94530 CA
Julia Schebach julia.schebach@ait.ac.at 07053
Mark Rausher markrausher@earthlink.net 12561 NY
Melissa Chitwood sockpuppet@aol.com 10960 NY
llyana landes landeslly@gmail.com 94609 CA
Michele Brophy hrb29966@yahoo.com 13081 NY
Elpida Bauman hopesdreams13@gmail.com 06810 CT
bill liddle bill.liddle@gmail.com 12306 NY
Alexander Schwartz fairholmk@gmail.com 87529 NM
Paul Dindy pvdindy@gmail.com 02035 MA Do the right thing!
Alan Cunningham alcunn@gmail.com 93924 CA
Wendy Krupnick wlk@sonic.net 95401 CA
Karl Schumaker karls@pobox.com 95006 CA
Victor Delgado delvique@sbcglobal.net 79905 TX

How could intelligent

beings seek to control a
few unwanted species by
a method that
contaminated the entire
environment and brought
the threat of disease and
death even to their own
kind? Rachel Carson,
Wendy Crandall Wendycrandall@yahoo.com 92626 CA Silent Spring

why does america lag so

far behind the rest of the
world in banning harmful
richard smith richard.smith49@yahoo.com 48122 MI pesticides? WHY?
Vincent Vignaly vincent.vignaly@state.ma.us 01583 MA
Please ban these terrible
pesticides that are
Robert J. Torielli rtorielli@pimcorp.com 08854 NJ harming our children.
Donna Zehring donnazehring@yahoo.com 01452 MA
Thais Harris thais@ceresproject.org 95405 CA
Eileen Massey eilmassey@yahoo.com 94608 CA
Melodie Huffman bobnmel5@yahoo.com 61832 IL
Miriam Baum miriambaum@aol.com 91701 CA
R Krulik richk3.14@Hotmail.com 10533 NY
Kaylah Sterling kaylahsterling@yahoo.com 94608 CA
Walter and
Susan Cudnohufsky walt@wcala.com 01330 MA
Maria Maher mmaher218@gmail.com 33467 FL
Diane Seaman dseaman@westmarkschool.org 90403 CA
Nina Utigaard Anin4creativity@yahoo.com 94804 CA

Pamela Reynolds pamgentlemedicine@yahoo.com 94703 CA

Gary Boren garybardo@gmail.com 94110 CA
Virginia Johnston tosskarl@comcast.net 15139 PA
In addition, I believe it is
also time to ban
glyphosate and its related
chemicals. The evidence
mounts. Please be on the
side of people's health
and not on the side of
Jane Taylor artteacher@hawaii.rr.com 96743 HI industry.
Susan Rawnsley srawnsley129@comcast.net 03102 NH
Roy Shitanaka rts5371@yahoo.com 96796 HI
Take a closer look at
what's causing the
Encephalitis that Zika is
Dane Bowen dbowen5@carolina.rr.com 28227 NC being blamed on.
Bruce Cozzini bruce.cozzini@sbcglobal.net 95010 CA
lance jimenez lanceflys@aol.com 33176 DE
Courtney England cocoa77055@yahoo.com 77043 TX
Gia Battista giabee@gmail.com 11726 NY

We are drowning in
chemicals, from Hawaii to
New York. We are not lab
rats, the health issues are
overwhelming, especially
in Americas children.
Stop pandering to
Gaylen Blankenship ebgb@comcast.net 94904 CA chemical companies!
Paul Ramos pauldramos@gmail.com 93460 CA
Suzanne Smith Suzannemary49@yahoo.com 14620 NY
Heather Rodman h_rodman@yahoo.com 83709 ID
dwayne dusa waynetusa@aol.com 10028 NY
Carolin Schellhorn schellho@sju.edu 19003 PA
Olga Speranskaya olga@ipen.org 3
Roe Jewell lenni2tuscany@hotmail.com 26003 WV
Joanna Welch jlasken22@gmail.com 95501 CA
Victor Martin vklm@sbcglobal.net 64131 MO
Steven Gilbert sgilbert@innd.org 98105 WA
Marian Rowland marianrowland@dejazzd.com 19504 PA
Laura Lawford Sunhoney326@yahoo.com 04079 ME
Gretchen Fitting Grfitting8@gmail.com 19808 DE
A. Todd todd87701@gmail.com 97404 OR
Valerie Romero valeriesioux@mindspring.com 95971 CA
Missie Smith missiestatts@aol.com 25071 WV
sandra lane slane78212@yahoo.com 78028 TX
E.S. Schloss ESS.007@RCN.COM 10128 NY
K Hanlon IPCHanlon@aol.com 20676 MD
Scott Bell m 761354 TX
mike butkiewicz sweetpea04@ecybermind.net 48314 MI
Steve & Linda Dorage sjdorage@gmail.com 30030 GA
Monica Firely firely@gmail.com 34236 FL

Nancy Huber nhuber@rogers.com L3Y 3S5 ON

Lucille Coz Brucksher@yahoo.com 37215 TN
Ilya Turov iturov@yahoo.com 92555 CA
Kathy Yeomans kathyyeo@hotmail.com 93001 CA
Gloria Shen gloshen@yahoo.com 28805 NC
Edna Mullen mullentim13@yahoo.co.uk 55972 MN
Elizabeth Meyer ems11586@yahoo.com 37042 WA Ban them!
Christopher Benjamin apostolicboylargo@yahoo.com 33774 FL
Lawrence East rstyeast@aol.com 28540 NC
David Walker walkercreations@verizon.net 93105 CA
Wendy Little Wlraven@aol.com 97045 OR
ROBERT PARKER STELLATO stbob22@yahoo.com 94063 CA
Cordale Brown c.nick.brown6@att.net 60827 IL
Joe Wiederhold jwiederhold47@gmail.com 98229 WA
Larry Branson MunichGermany2@Aol.com 91767 CA
Carla Weil-Martin NUJRZEgirl@gmail.com 86314 AZ
Holly Rawson hollyandbrian@gmail.com 06268 CT
David A Lawrence dalaw42@optonline.net 07950 NJ
Kristin Ross The.ross.family@me.com 53217 WI
David Sutton malamaourworld@gmail.com 96754 HI
Anita Faulkner at1faulkner@hotmail.com 75007 TX
Marcia Jacobs mjacobs1939@gmail.com 55057 MN
Something should have
been done decades ago
Frank Fredenburg flf1955@yahoo.com 18337 PA in regards to pesticides.
Virginia Pabst vpabst@hotmail.com 97759 OR
David Brookman brookman824@gmail.com 47670 IN
Dagmar Tolmanova dasa.tolmanova@seznam.cz 14000
Jeanne Koopman jkoopman@bu.edu 02139 MA
marie king marieobk@verizon.net 11779 NY
Fran Schwarzer davis_theatre@hotmail.com 64037 MO
Ana Maria Mora animora@berkeley.edu 94019 CA
Renee Hardy rkim.hardy@gmail.com 55403 MN
Carla Burke yocn2000@yahoo.com 60516 IL
Andrelene Babbitt mikicats2@hotmail.com 18069 PA
Marisa Strange strange523@yahoo.com 90803 CA
Rhetta Sapp rsapp@terracon.com 37115 TN
joyce shiffrin jshiffrin200111213@yahoo.com 11225 NY
Nivo Rovedo rovedonivo@optonline.net 12540 NY
debra espinoza dle266@yahoo.com 79936 TX
Barbara Stevenson bmstevenson@sbcglobal.net 06371 CT
Sarah Jacobs sarahkahn@hotmail.com 46805 IN
Earl Shimaoka eshimaoka@yahoo.com 94086 CA
tom van lear tomvanlear@yahoo.com 78155 TX
EDWARD MIKAN littleredhen21@yahoo.com 46310 IN MEMBER
Dear Administrator, We
need your action. We
have to protect our
Elizabeth Tuminski ftuminski57@gmail.com 06907 CT children. Thank you
Fred Martin fmartin@slc.qc.ca 4K2
Sharlene Strabley sharleneas@hotmail.com 95008 CA
Haydé Ardalan hayde@adn-design.ch 86351 AZ
Thomas Shields tlshields@up.net 49916 MI
Julia Hathaway Beaniebabylover@gmail.com 04401 ME
Anne Lazarus amlazarus@outlook.com 10009 NY
Maureen Pisani maureen_pisani@yahoo.com 94803 CA
Michelle Phillips shellbell_67@yahoo.com 28026 NC
My son suffered OP
poisoning at school in
first and second grade.
We wondered why he
had trouble learning and
test scores came out low.
The teacher said, "Don't
worry, they all came out
low." The whole class was
exposed and half had
chronic symptoms of OP
poisoning, although ours
was the only pediatrician
to do the RBC
cholinesterase test.
Therefore, he was the
only one properly
diagnosed. OPs have NO
PLACE in our food or
agriculture. Organic
Connie Eash cneash@gmail.com 19350 PA farmers do it right.
Christine Balint Fragmighty@aol.com 07747 NJ
Meryl Pinque merylpinque@yahoo.fr 04401 ME
Clark d clarkdeevers@yahoo.com 76137 TX

Stop the special for profit

Franco De Nicola fdenicol@rochester.rr.com 14534 NY toxic nonsense, now!
Julia Alletsgruber alletsgruber_j@yahoo.de 67500
Michael Hocevar michaelhocevar@comcast.net 80444 CO
Vladimir Drapkin vdrapkin@advanexusa.com 90630 CA
Edward Costello info@edcostello.com 90402 CA
Robert Linzmeier musicman690@hotmail.com 60074 IL
Joel Ogonowski joelogonowski@gmail.com 08753 NJ
K. Smith ksmith417@hotmail.com 14561 NY
Dave Lindblom dlindblom1@gmail.com 84647 UT
mark caso rsvpmcaso@yahoo.com 73701 OK
Margaret Bonnema Margaret@bonnema.net 38017 TN
Paola Hack paolahack@gmail.com 03461 NH
Susan Wilkie chris1986@comcast.net 98498 WA
Mariah Carlsen mariahvt@hotmail.com 05602 VT
Galen Brey drbrey@bellsouth.net 36532 AL
Guy & Joyce Weddle weddle@erols.com 33026 FL
Jessica Law Jeslaw8787@hotmail.com 08730 NJ
You are there to protect
Sandra Safran sandrasafran@mac.com 33436 FL us so please, protect us.
Lowell Palm evrettbgo@yahoo.com 43160 OH
Lynn Bengston Lynnb@psych.umass.edu 01007 MA
Barbara Bogard barbogard@gmail.com 94941 CA
Carrie Darling carrielynned@gmail.com 85022 AZ
Anna Whitby allanna@juno.com 84037 UT
Audrey Sommer Audreysommer@sbcglobal.net 32608 FL
Dan Postelnick Danpost3@sbcglobal.net 60634 IL
miriam aronoff rtasma@gmail.com 94402 CA
Anthony Tweedale ttweed@base.be 48021 MI
Andrea Gross andrea582001@yahoo.com 92058 CA
Susan Meeker-Lowry smeekerlowry@gmail.com 04037 ME
Scott Rubel scott@scottrubel.com 90031 CA

We are surviving damage

done to use by Oakleigh
Apt. last summer. The 4
organphosphates almost
killed us, made me blind,
and we are still sick. The
NIH said what we
absorbed through our
skin is equal to drinking
Michele Chamberlain Hale msynapse@yahoo.com 21221 MD the poison.
Rita Riley sister.rita7@yahoo.com 60967 IL
Norman Husser Jr wys-dad@hotmail.com 98115 WA
Carrie Competty Carriecompetty@hotmail.com 44646 OH
Margaret Franklin harbormarg@msn.com 38017 TN
Pamela Bartlett plb278@hotmail.com 83873 ID
Sandra Thompson bsand@bendbroadband.com 97703 OR
james holdman holdmanje@yahoo.com 55407 MN
Elizabeth Vitale lizvitale@gmail.com 06117 CT
Vonya Morris vonzie9@prodigy.net 94402 CA
Susan Gruber lejardin22@verizon.net 01983 MA
Jan Peddy rcpeddy@aol.com 85710 AZ

Barbara Coenraad coenr181@planet.nl 2592vv

Susan Pernot pernotcortez@gmail.com 81321 CO
Michael Downs kerazymike2009@gmail.com 65231 MO
Judith Lienhard lienjud@aol.com 97225 OR
Judy Moran timstarjudy@aol.com 32404 FL
Dawn Albanese dawnie_angel@hotmail.com 60007 IL
Larry Burgoon larry.burgoon@yahoo.com 75219 TX
Richard Reichmann rreichmann76@yahoo.com 02134 MA
chemicals have got to
pat warstler pwarstler420@aol.com 46528 IN !!!!!!!

we all need to act now to

reduce the destruction
that man has created.
Our children and beyond
joy edelman partyhelpers@comcast.net 19081 PA depend on us.
Tess Castell theresacastell@yahoo.com 60108 IL
Susan Forbes susanforbes@shaw.ca 3W3
Nicole Maschke mauricemaschke@gmail.com 44102 OH
Philip Crane Philipalan06@yahoo.com 63401 MO
Toby Dolinka tobykatlover38@sbcglobal.net 49506 MI
Pam Burton pamburton01@comcast.net 19460 PA
Matthew Scaglione mattscag@aol.com 11561 NY
sarah boucas neto sarahboucasneto@comcast.net 19066 PA
Libby Shaw elshaw@mit.edu 02472 MA
Emil Reisman ereisman@ca.rr.com 91436 CA
Valerie Ritter valritter@comcast.net 01740 MA
Lynne Glaeske lglaeske@comcast.net 80237 CO
Larry Wenberg larrywenberg@yahoo.com 96814 HI
Dan Pepin pdiverdan@aol.com 60510 IL
Melissa Cathcart melcathcart@hotmail.com 55406 MN
Isabel Araujo isabelaraujo09@yahoo.com 04360 ME
Jerome Probala japrobala@gmail.com 44149 OH
Judy Nye Jnye@swva.net 24091 VA
Jill Klein jillk123@hotmail.com 92056 CA
Cecilia Moller Cillamoller@gmail.com 44338 ot
K Taylor mrkc136@hotmail.com 34669 FL
Darlene Farrar dfarrar@cfl.rr.com 32169 FL
Allison Castle ajcastle@hotmail.com 52761 IA
Martha Pirrone marty8165@gmail.com 21769 MD
Dacia Murphy daciavu76@gmail.com 85295 AZ
Stephanie Tidwell stephanietidwell@yahoo.com 94606 CA
Kim Konte k7konte@gmail.com 92620 CA www.nontoxicirvine.org
Gertrude Crowley trudybull@comcast.net 02536 MA
James Sliger csliger47@hotmail.com 77065 TX
Thank you for respecting
all life on planet earth,
and therefore ban ALL
USES OF 7 OP'S. Kind
Phia Bouwmeester phiabouwmeester@gmail.com 5803JP ot regards, Phia
Gertrude Glazer freerangemusic@yahoo.com 08525 NJ
Mike Butche m-m-butche@att.net 60504 IL
Joseph Barreca Joe.Barreca@gmail.com 99141 WA

Joanne Manel joanne.manel@leememorial.org 33990 FL

Cynthia Liss cynliss88@yahoo.com 11228 NY
Carolyn Riddle riddlegame@gmail.com 78758 TX

We must start eliminating

Deb Bergstrom dizzyblond170@yahoo.com 32174 FL these toxic chemicals.
Carol Severe cj-properties-angel@msn.com 89149 NV
Wendy Esko wesko6@yahoo.com 49236 MI
Carrie Staton csstaton@gmail.com 95060 CA
Timothy V Jones satscan@psln.com 95971 CA
Joseph Kotlinski kotlin@ameritech.net 48150 MI
Carol Bruns carolmkt@aol.com 60401 IL
johnwatson632@googlemail.co HU7
john watson m 4HT ot
Michele Sievers micheleeagle@aol.com 19540 PA
richard taliaferro manguppy@msn.com 18617 PA
Lorraine Price Lorraineprice79@yahoo.com 38305 TN
Mihai C mihai@contagiousmusiq.com 33132 FL
Gabriel Sheets arkangyl-gabriel@comcast.net 95341 CA
Brian KITCHING brian@briankitching.com 97402 OR
Julie Wreford Juliewreford@ymail.com 7BN ot
Richard Geiger geigerricharde@sau.edu 52806 IA
Blaine Gott Pridemas@msn.com 84119 UT
Debra Havill debhavill@gmail.com 46056 IN
Maureen Burke jumby8@yahoo.com 33418 FL
Mary Jean Ewing maryjeanewing@earthlink.net 80304 CO

This is so important for

the health of our children
and for all life on Earth.
Diane Szymaszek deesmaz@gmail.com 00000 CT Please do the right thing.
Alan Harper rayeharper34@gmail.com 23225 VA
Brenda Walstrom walstrombrenda@yahoo.com 55014 MN
Mary OByrne ptahosiris7@yahoo.com 12771 NY
Susan Hayward shayward@optonline.net 10708 NY
Lisa Gilles momgilles@yahoo.com 44039 OH
Steve Hoelke s.hoelke@verizon.net 91711 CA
Becky Wood Becky@petenbecks.plus.com 43682 OH
Latika Young l_un_atika@hotmail.com 32303 FL
RACHEL Scarlata rachel.scarlata@gmail.con 80814 CO
Kathryn Posten katyposten@yahoo.com 59930 MT
Lindsey Caudill mrscaudill@hotmail.com 78749 TX

When are the EPA & FDA

going to be as concerned
about the health of the
humans as they are about
Robert Wallick bowalli27@gmail.com 49740 MI corporate profits.
Ted Clausen tjclausen@gmail.com 95448 CA
Margaret Butler megbutler@impulse.net 93067 CA
bob manna highvelg@yahoo.com 88240 NM
amy lagrone amy_lagrone@yahoo.com 78759 TX
Lorraine Carlson m 94602 CA
Barbro Lindgren barbroclindgren@gmail.com 44940 l???_n
Judith Robbert robbert3@bellsouth.net 32533 FL
Mary Vedovi mmvedo@sonic.net 95467 CA
Martha Klein Martha_B_Klein@Yahoo.com 11021 NY
Yvette Watt yvette.watt@gmail.com 07000 ot
Raylene Moreno raylenemoreno@gmail.com 90006 CA
Dale Sims dale@cleanfish.com 94117 CA
Mike Fairchild Fair10@aol.com 60564 IL
Rijul RR rijul.sec@gmail.com 37763 TN
Carol Brooks seabrooks68@gmail.com 35404 AL

Frea Plantinga fplantinga@online.nl 5803 JP

noenoe barney-campbell noenoebc@yahoo.com 96813 HI
Mana Iluna manailuna1@msn.com 98007 WA
Carol Fly carfly@workmail.com 78727 TX
Wesley Wolf wesley121077@azigo.com 75087 TX
Darlene Mahanke darlene@lecesse.com 32750 FL
James Lake roldo@mts.net 2R7
Politician Corporate Shills
Lee Schodnorf adventure_kayak@yahoo.com 97499 OR must be imprisoned!
Margaret Reeves mreeves@panna.org 94609 CA
Kathleen Bentley kbentley@sagallaw.com 21234 MD
j valentine faboo1028@yahoo.com 11762 NY
Kerry Kuhn kerrylkuhn@gmail.com 60193 IL
Barry Sato bsato@theavco.net 96701 HI
Barbara DelGiudice barbaradell1@comcast.net 98166 WA
Robin Gorges dcwkmv@gmail.com 05602 VT
We are killing people and
animals with the
residuals from these
chemicals. For example
When I was a child your
dog died one of two
ways...either died of old
age or got hit by a car.
Today we have Vetinary
Oncologist....what does
that tell you!? Stop
Marie Domenici Lirrcomm@aol.com 11901 NY posing our environment!
Dustin Henning Dustin.Henning@gmx.com 47403 IN
mindy maxwell mlmaxwell73@gmail.com 02139 MA
David Simpkin simmms@msn.com 03076 NH
Linda Gillaspy lgillaspy@charter.net 89506 NV
Melissa Sargent melissas@ecocenter.org 48211 MI
sergio sanchez sfsanchez1@msn.com 91789 CA
BRITTIANY Dubose brittidub@gmail.com 07305 NJ
Crickett Miller myluckycrickett@att.net 63117 MO
Barry Spielvogel bandl142@aol.com 10075 NY
I know after looking at
the evidence, you must
be concerned about
impact on all especially
children. Thanks for
Barbara Riley briley@mercyne.org 02915 RI taking action on this.
Jill Berkowitz-Berliner jillberliner@optonline.net 10549 NY
Susan Tjarks Susantjarks@yahoo.com 34238 FL
Mike Albar malbar2001@hushmail.com 08844 NJ
Joshua Dyson joshdyson@eircom.net X883
Parathion is especially
Dara Holliday hollida@umich.edu 48009 MI terrible!
Karen Vayda Kziovay@yahoo.com 01073 MA
Arlene Goetze photowrite67@yahoo.com 94087 CA
Elizabeth Peters Stormerz99@gmail.com 55123 MN
Donald Hyatt dhyatt3@columbus.rr.com 43221 OH
apryl lane apryl@netapp.com 94536 CA
Please don't bombard me
with email and money
Alan Langrall ablinil@hotmail.com 61761 IL requests
Shelley Minden shelleyminden@msn.com 98102 WA
Steve Hegge shegge86@gmail.com 41017 KY
Ted Kisiel kirok@roadrunner.com 16511 PA
Patsi Moffatt patsimoffatt1@gmail.com 97267 OR
Hashi Hanta hashihanta@hotmail.com 85634 AZ
hope you do better than
claudia devinney tippynine@yahoo.com 14530 NY in flint michagan
Mollie Tussing Mollietussing@gmail.com 21146 MD
Dolores Parra herreralavin@hotmail.com 34639 FL
Barbara Hughes frugal@cfl.rr.com 32771 FL
Our future will be in the
hands of our children
sooner than you think.
Protecting our children is
Sherrie Rozniecki bestmom686@aol.com 43015 OH protecting our future.
Michael McGregor mccheatham@comcast.net 37201 TN
Randy Johnson ranjohns@sbcglobal.net 46220 IN
jeff mcdermott profjrmvm@gmail.com 27607 NC
Wayne Kelly waynekins@hotmail.com 97520 OR
Please protect our
children and grand
children, not to mention
our crops and our bees
P7K by banning the OP
Ann McGoey beahoney1231@gmail.com 1N6 MN pesticides.
Don Pearce donsp@telkomsa.net 07800 ot
Louise Usechak louiseusechak@comcast.net 07702 NJ
Marya Friedman mfriedman@wesleyan.edu 10001 NY
KARL POINTER pointerkarl@yahoo.com 76133 TX
Robin Skeie skeie002@umn.edu 55102 MN

Please remove these

Steve Clemens Sclmens98@yahoo.com 78131 TX poisons from the market.
Robert Reed robtsreed@gmail.com 92651 CA
Alex Cordero acordero58@yahoo.com 32308 FL
Leslie G Baker leslie.g.baker@hotmail.com 01240 MA
Wendy Palmquist palm@mail.plymouth.edu 03264 NH
Janet Duran jan_duran@hotmail.com 10012 NY
diane libman stormyinchicago@hotmail.com 60626 IL
James Lowe jameslowe43@gmail.com 78653 TX
c brooks cathylyn@earthlink.net 92649 CA
Chase Holden chaseholden@gmail.com 92627 KS
di inscoe disonba35@aol.com 28403 NC
Elizabeth Reese mszippi406@yahoo.com 39576 MS
Jesse Reyes jessereyes@mac.com 07040 NJ
TERI HODGE excaliburgal2005@yahoo.com 80015 CO
Jim Hemmingsen hemming@cyber-dyne.com 97403 OR
Sheri White lotuswhitelight@gmail.com 97202 OR
Virgil Hutson virgil_hutson@yahoo.com 37343 TN
Hilary Mulligan hilarymulligan@gmail.com 95667 CA
Martha Knobler mwk@lmi.net 94707 CA
Janis McCallum cjmccallum@charter.net 53562 WI
Deborah Gallardo amito@well.com 96746 HI
Anthony Rosner arosner66@aol.com 02472 MA
Eric Schmitt eric@kincaidsmusic.com 45344 OH
Meredith Tucker mct048@ameritech.net 60067 IL
CJ James puma969@hotmail.com 97440 OR

Our children's and

grandchildren's wellbeing
must take precedence
over corporate profits!
They are, after all, the
future of this country.
Please, do the right thing
Ciry Null orbweaver@centurytel.net 97624 OR and ban these pesticides.
Sandra Michael Dakini20@gmail.com 85261 AZ
Linda Gioia chazcat@gmail.com 12524 NY
Steven Sugarman wrathchild62@gmail.com 90265 CA
Betty Anderson bwabg@bellsouth.net 42103 KY
Judy Clark ochsclark@frontier.com 49445 MI
Norma Molina nmolina1@tampabay.rr.com 33607 FL
Brad S. bradleyrschmidt@hotmail.com 55021 MN
Kim Sims kiahjk@gmail.com 93004 CA
henry sanchez hsanchez@thacher.org 93023 CA
Shari Bruun shari.bruun@gmail.com 98607 WA
Thomas Dahl tgdahl48@yahoo.com 34655 FL
Karla Frandson karla.frandson@ail.com 92128 CA
Melissa Sprouse Msprouse11@gmail.com 28327 NC
Elisa Randall randall.home@gmail.com 55406 MN
Chantal Comboni chantal.celon@sikorsky.com 06460 CT
Andrea Smith whitewolfyuki@yahoo.com 74012 OK
Dan Perdios Danpinps@apl.com 92262 CA
Cathy Weisz cathyweisz@me.com 60515 IL
Sigmund Finman f1@finman-lorrin.com 15317 PA
Elizabeth Guthrie lizguth1@frontiernet.net 14580 NY
Gayle Schuett cshoecrew@sbcglobal.net 43065 OH
darcy chevrette dar33y@gmail.com 55422 MN
matt geer mmevil2@aol.com 60480 IL
Robert H. Feuchter roberthfeuchter@me.com 11432 NY
Laurie Tsitsivas craig@unisol.com 92629 CA
Vicky Brandt brandtv@mac.com 10011 NY
Joyce Blumenshine joblumen@yahoo.com 61614 IL
Steve Drucker sdrucker@frontiernet.net 61281 IL
please, this has gone way
too far for way too long
and there are far superior
alternatives through soil
nand plant health thank
mark cohen markd.cohen@frontier.com 45711 OH you
David & Carol Shelton smytor@yahoo.com 28020 NC
Steven Handwerker peacewk@peacewk.org 33488 FL
Marc VEZIAN mejv@hotmail.com 95132 CA
Rose Wolny rosebud3918@hotmail.com 85128 AZ
John Scott john_lewis_scott@msn.com 95965 CA
Angélique Hertig angelique.hertig@bluewin.ch 08610 ot
Seemin Qayum sqayum@mac.com 10012 NY
Elaine Donovan donovaneb@frontier.com 14466 NY
Linda Kiernan linkiernan1@gmail.com 45140 OH
My daughter was
poisoned in a school from
monthly sprays of
Bifenthrin inside !! When
I saw the MDS sheet
WHAT A JOKE!!! 93% of
the ingredients are kept
secret, so how can they
say they are safe??? BAN
Time to protect or kids
future health and not the
chemical companies
Kristina Townsned kmtown2003@yahoo.com 85641 AK Kristina Townsend
it is time to stop using all
Corinne Lavallee mstootsie@cox.net 01521 MA these chemical
Sandy J. sj1183@yahoo.com 10019 NC

Pesticides are one of man

made environmental
hazards that cause
problems most serious in
children's developing
brains, and also to a
lesser amount but still
effects adult brains. We
need to work on these
pollutants one at a time,
so please start with
these. I'm a retired
chemist who has
analyzed for the
possibility of pesticides in
our municipal drinking
Josephine Hill josiedh@yahoo.com 92117 CA water.
uta gabler utagabler@yahoo.com 95401 CA
Mary n seagoddess75@hotmail.com 98683 WA
Noreen Lassandrello Noreenlas@yahoo.com 60521 IL
James Sollee bmsnca148@aol.com 33635 VA
Vincent Hardt vvince2001@hotmail.com 60555 IL
Robert Clark RAClarkPetersham@msn.com 01366 MA
greg perkins gperkins@glendale.edu 91208 CA

Robert Hillmann bob@renergyworld.com 94708 CA Our children are at stake.

cheryle schidek cheryle.schidek@blackbox.com 15057 PA
Anais deroint anaisderoint@live.fr 13090 NY
kathleen chippi oshalee1969@yahoo.com 80466 CO
James Brunton jimbrunton@yahoo.com 33612 FL
Christine Bassett cbass945@yahoo.com 95472 CA
Deborah Reeves debhead06@yahoo.com 84116 UT
Elin Defrin elindefrin@optonline.net 12501 NY
Donna Selquist dselquist@gmail.com 34987 FL
Laura Craig et 98499 WA

johanna pohjanen hollsten johannapohjanen@hotmail.com 28931

M McGillivary mountainsunsets@comcast.net 97408 OR
Patti Maisner ptajuggalette@gmail.com 91506 CA
Helen Hanna helenhanna@sbcglobal.net 95864 CA
Herb Zetley herb@zetleys.com 75080 TX
I am in continual shock -
disbelief, knowing that
these companies
distribute these toxic
chemicals like they were
candy. Is there a word for
this other than a - crime !
No, there is not.
They/need to pay for
their crimes and be held
accountable by 'we the
Cynthia Ward stardustcreations@me.com 95476 CA people' !
Janice Rudeen Janners2@hotmail.com 97045 OR
Marc Masto mlmasto@gmail.com 44512 OH
Clifford Ulrich chip.ulrich@gmail.com 84310 UT
John Csaszar jcsaszar@gmail.com 19522 PA
Sarah Schaefer sschaefer2@yahoo.com 60304 IL
C Hart Goldencircleoflight@gmail.com 98277 WA
Richard Jennings rcj11@cam.ac.uk 10468 NY
K P ksperlman@gmail.com 95003 CA
bonnie uffman bonuff@gmail.com 66044 KS
William Smith dougsmith411@gmail.com 37323 TN
Nadia Burguin nanoub91@neuf.fr 91160
Chris McGratty chris.mcgratty@gmail.com 28205 NC
Dwight Woods ddvincent2002@yahoo.com 30072 GA
Laura Long lauralynn7@gmail.com 60616 IL
Jerry Sawyer jfsawyer@optonline.net 06615 CT
CAROL GARBER clgarber55@comcast.net 17356 PA
John Kammer kammerjd@gmail.com 55378 MN
Ronald Le leronald@yahoo.com 95116 CA
frank florin florin@pressenter.com 54725 WI
Shari Petrie Zoolady92@icloud.com 95631 CA

Steve&Rachael Alvarezjett alvarezjett@icloud.com 90501 CA

Susan Sturgeon ssturgeon2@verizon.net 01960 MA
Amanda Clark 939aclark@gmail.com 97759 OR
Kim Hale Kimafoody@gmail.com 18045 PA
vicki leidner vleidner@astound.net 94110 CA
Toxic chemicals need to
be vetted BEFORE use
instead of AFTER damage
to people and
Darold Smith dsmith.csep@waldar.com 75402 TX environment.
Debra Wolf djwolf51@yahoo.com 48911 MI Health trumps profits.
L Stoland lstoland@gmail.com 90291 CA
Tirso Moreno tirsomoreno@hotmail.com 32703 FL
Carol Olwell maplejanef@gmail.com 97210 OR
Gregory Pfister gpfister21@gmail.com 55902 MN
Nicholas Hoover rootsmaneuver@gmail.com 54235 WI
David Gerke dggerke@hotmail.com 88301 NM
cris vandyke cris_vandyke@yahoo.com 01742 MA
Myria Fairbanks myrlon@yahoo.com 21204 MD
Lissa Wick Philovivere@yahoo.com 98370 CA
Barb Rogers barb_rogers@yahoo.com 50010 IA
Kristin Green Kmg_14@hotmail.com 49783 MI
Pam Currie Sidacra@aol.com 27513 NC
Robert Moran rmoran@atlanticbb.net 26753 WV
molly arthur molly6@pacbell.net 94920 CA
Joseph Szabo josbeck2001@yahoo.com 90045 CA
doretta miller dmiller110@verizon.net 33755 FL
These are NOT safe. Our
children are our future. It
is more important to
protect our children than
it is to protect the
obscene profits of
industries that care
nothing for people and
put profits above people.
Catherine Clark cccquilter@yahoo.com 60618 IL It is time.
Alan Wojtalik alan_wojtalik@hotmail.com 21234 MD
Joe Salzetti Salzetti@sbcglobal.net 90274 CA
mike corleone cappy711@msn.com 90240 CA
It is hard to believe that
JOB,most of these
terrible pesticides have
only been approved by
the people that are
making them,this is like
having a fox guarding the
hen house,I find it to be
ridiculous,& our children
are paying for this.Thank
David L Stermer Sr dstermersr@aol.com 17366 PA you.
George Stadnik gstadnik@hotmail.com 11103 NY
Jill Brotman jrbrotman@msn.com 44118 OH
Gregory Brown gbtrigeek@aol.com 33140 FL
Mark Shuman markandnc@gmail.com 93035 CA
Renee Reinero rreinero@comcast.net 95340 CA
jan salas jancsalas4@att.net 95010 CA
Elizabeth Floersch ktnaflac@aol.com 37072 TN
fritzi Cohen nahcotta2@aol.com 98637 WA
Vivian Schatz vivianschatz@earthlink.net 19119 PA
Loren Lugg loren03vette@yahoo.com 06419 CT
Edward Rowell eproakgrove@embarqmail.com 32696 FL
Tim Miller timmiller203@gmail.com 19130 PA
You need to do your job
Janice Ehrenhaft cabincreeks@hotmail.com 62864 IL and ban these poisons.
Carol Laverne laverne111@verizon.net 10001 NY

eusebio manuel
vestias pecurto vestias eusebiopecurto@Gmail.com 71501 DC

Elke Hoppenbrouwers ehoppenbrouwers@comcast.net 06512 CT

Laura Altman mooches@comcast.net 93611 CA

We must stop using toxic

chemicals in the name of
profits for some. It is time
we became true stewards
of the earth and start
protecting all life forms
calling it home. Ban toxic
Jo Gilbert go2joangilbert@yahoo.com 08867 NJ chemicals.
Katherine Wright katherine.wright@yahoo.com 48381 MI
Nezka Pfeifer nezkap@yahoo.com 18505 PA
Lorraine Lowry lmurphy_2006@hotmail.com 95688 CA
Theodora Vance teddiestls@aol.com 63109 MO
Greg Mintz gregmintz@gmail.com 97225 OR
Samuel Wong samtheveggieman@msn.com 91792 CA
Elizabeth Lengel lengels@mac.com 98221 WA
Karen Hedwig Backman madmaker13@comcast.net 98003 WA
Matthew John mjohn625@aol.com 90292 CA

Diana Sommerville dianasommerville@hotmail.com 13337 NY

CAROLE LONERGAN raylonergan@sky.com 6QA
Debra Evon daevon@stkate.edu 55403 MN
Jacqui Foster jacqui_c_foster@yahoo.com 62220 IL
Susan LaRue salhgm217@yahoo.com 30606 GA
matt malina mm1566@nyu.edu 10009 NY
Nancy & Errol Rubin nsrubin@hawaiiantel.net 96734 HI
Robin Bressler robinhbressler@yahoo.com 51108 IA
Amy Shannon amyshannon@earthlink.net 60304 IL
Brett Dennison brettwd6@gmail.com 92840 CA
Edmund Dornheim eddornheim@aol.com 19038 PA
Richard Jennings ezentrix@aol.com 87508 NM
Sheilah Schumann sheilah_s@yahoo.com 11725 NY
Barbara Hauck figarosings@yahoo.com 33778 FL
Cathrine McDonald Cfrederics@yahoo.com 01033 MA
Michelle Rabin michellerabin@gmail.com 97031 OR
Anne B aeb915@gmail.com 30096 GA
Eric Czerwony Czerwony@aol.com 44067 OH
Donald Bonenberger donb.bts@gmail.com 57005 SD
Cynthia Gong Meatpuppy0@yahoo.com 95118 CA
Rebecca Waddell rebeccapaige_w@hotmail.com 5H5
Herman S. Simms, Jr. hsimms49@live.com 48210 MI
Joan Peter joanpeter@comcast.net 98335 WA
Rob Schrock hightimberline@centurytel.net 59901 MT
April Jacob Apriljacob44@hotmail.com 07047 NJ
susan messerschmitt m 04005 ME
John Wierzbicki jtwcustomline@yahoo.com 19148 NJ
Karen Shedd Karensshedd@gmail.com 01201 MA
Alisa Battaglia innerdiamond@gmail.com 33904 FL
Barbara Mathews m 03037 NH
Christina Navarro nicaricua@gmail.com 94114 CA
Bonnie Lynn MacKinnon o.com 78626 TX
Elizabeth Fowler Smith lizzart@sbcglobal.net 94805 CA
Carolyn Bjorner Madambutterfly658@live.com 83704 ID
Robert Perry prryrbrt@yahoo.com 75708 TX
HUNTER WALLOF huntergatherer8@yahoo.com 94956 CA
Laurie Miller laur_miller@hotmail.com 21108 MD
Susan Inman inman.sue@gmail.com 49629 MI
Michelle Inere michelleinere@yahoo.com 32507 FL
David Halpern emanon@cruzio.com 98382 WA
Edward Bielaus ljbar@msn.com 20852 MD
Michael Worsham marylandmichael@yahoo.com 21050 MD Thanks!
TOM FUNNELL tlinuf@austin.rr.com 78726 TX
Molly Reilly Mollyreillyhealy@hotmail.com 30075 GA
Nick Rosania nrosania@mum.edu 52556 IA
if we are to be the
country we tell everyone
else we are then we
MUST follow thru in all
our actions, as individual
citizens & as a
government. We must
fight the temptation to
let MONEY be our major
cecelia doane cmtmhd58@hotmail.com 20876 MD decision-making tool.
Rich Speer Richncatz@yahoo.com 15090 PA
Narcia Corbin mcorbin@sopris.net 81612 CO
Brian Reynolds liberalbri@yahoo.com 08401 NJ
Teri Sonnenberg teristears@hotmail.com 0W6
Fred Granlund fgranlund@yahoo.com 91601 CA
Please fulfill your solemn
responsibility to protect
the health of Americans,
especially children, from
lindalouise701184951@yahoo.c these harmful
Linda Carroll om 70118 LA compounds.
judy allen judyallensf@gmail.com 94122 CA
Mary Jane Lean maryjane.lean@gmail.com 60706 IL
Yolanda Giraldo ymgiraldo@htmail.com 00927 PR
stop with all the man
made toxic chemicals in
Kristen Hilliard kristenhilliard@hotmail.com 12414 NY the environment already
Eric Andersen ericmj@dataex.com 54130 WI
jennifer minish lafemme34@hotmail.com 85710 AZ
Ed Frost frostupnorth@gmail.com 55057 MN
Marian Scena mangua.mrs63@gmail.com 60629 IL
Barbara Nosaka barbrick@hawaiiantel.net 96822 HI
Donald Clark clarkjd@frontiernet.net 38578 TN
Keir Sterling kbs1934@cs.com 23229 VA
Jedediah Parr jedd.parr@gmail.com 95503 CA
P. A. O'Connor merrymtgbay@gmail.com 17268 PA
Susie Petra susieqjaguar1969@aol.com 50010 IA
Debbie Imhoff johnbskdeb@gmail.com 53704 WI
Karen Orner korner365@yahoo.com 21236 MD
Donald Wallace donaldjwallace@yahoo.com 80127 CO
BRUCE Fischer bsafer@wi.rr.com 53209 WI ACTION!

Please consider your

constituents and our
request that there be a
katey sherbondy kateysherbondy@gmail.com 22556 VA ban on these chemicals!!
Helen Curtis critters6@hotmail.com 99208 WA
Patricia Harris pharris7700@yahoo.com 04217 NJ
Karin Shea karinshea@yahoo.com 34668 FL
Oya Simpson oya.simpson@gmail.com 20148 VA
Elaine Cavanaugh emc1.0@juno.com 01469 MA
Lisa Groenewold lgroenewold@sio.midco.net 57110 SD
Paul Schutt pls1helix@aol.com 80424 CO
Julie Schubert jschubertdesigns@gmail.com 86326 AZ
Julia Poirier julia.poirier@tufts.edu 02145 MA
Jeanette Phelps jeanettephelps@comcast.net 95472 CA
deanna horton dlh@dmsgs.com 85750 AZ It's time to stop
Donald Wilson djw22@verizon.net 19111 PA
Catherine Field taffyfield@gmail.org 04102 ME
Sally Small sallyasmall@att.net 46219 IN
Christy Kurtz kurtzchristy@yahoo.com 60103 IL

Harriet McNamara harrietmcnamara@hotmail.com 93004 CA

John Dieffenbach ernslinger@yahoo.com 32708 FL
Linda Ferland tibetsun1@gmail.com 03743 NH
sharon parker sharonparker13@yahoo.com 66616 KS
Michele May ambmay@sbcglobal.net 76017 TX
Paula Cohen Alohaphap@aol.com 96722 HI
edna anderson chaplainmamabear@aol.com 53511 WI
Kim Marais joki@yebo.co.za 07435 CO
Heidi Parvela heidi.parvela@pp.inet.fi 00530 NJ
Linda Causey skunkers08@gmail.com 93955 CA
CT Bross ctbis@sbcglobal.net 94597 CA
Luanne Alomair chowlover@me.com 97007 OR
Susan Dorchin sdorchin@comcast.net 33446 FL
Alejandra Salgado asalgadopantoja@yahoo.com 95776 CA
Mark Aman maman@comcast.net 18914 PA
Kerry Kovarik kerrykovarik@comcast.net 98133 WA
Vicki Malsbury vmalsbury@bcit.cc 08518 NJ
gene blick ggblick@frontier.com 97223 OR
Adaria A Armstrong dj3aaa@gmail.com 07605 NJ
donna farmer dfnppa2@yahoo.com 95482 CA
wendy mcmillan salvajewendy@gmail.com 14616 NY
Peg Futrell futrellpeg@gmail.com 20155 VA
Jennifer Walsh Jennifer.walsh_85@yahoo.com 68164 NE
Susan Wayne frdmsprtlvhrs@aol.com 92354 CA
Helen Renqvist hrenqvist@gmail.com 24128 VA
Claudia Cleaver claudia@morsecleaver.com 94952 CA Please do your job.
Margaret Rebecchi margaretrebecchi@gmail.com 95023 CA
Christopher Walker amrak63@outlook.com 72015 AR
Tracy Foster tarzafeen@yahoo.com 08234 NJ
TJ Thompson tjthompsonmd@centurytel.net 98335 WA
anthony matthews davidmatthews@isp.com 54022 WI
Michael Essex m_essex@comcast.net 95762 CA
Lisa Sons lisaahern@yahoo.com 60491 IL
Jeff Carlin boges612@aol.com 18940 PA
Edmond Green edgreen1@yahoo.com 90720 CA
Sheldon Koehler sheldon@olyhost.com 98362 WA
Carol Rosas mjcartpa@aol.com 33612 FL
Michael Fitzgerald m 12306 NY
Patricia Smith pattysegrestsmith@gmail.com 36106 AL
Dianne Alpern DAlpern702@aol.com 80025 CO
Nathalie Quesnel na.quesnel@laposte.net 62100 Calais
These are killing farm
Jim Stewart jim@earthdayla.org 90813 CA workers.
Melvin Bautista morenci622000@yahoo.com 86511 AZ
H. Fleishon hhardouf@gmail.com 02139 MA
David LaVerne backpack2@comcast.net 18519 PA
Aaron McGee aaronmcgee@yahoo.com 53704 WI
Bob Lichtenbert seekerofmeaning@yahoo.com 60641 IL
Joseph Bongiorno thesithempire@msn.com 11580 NY
WE can't allow lives to be
Joanne Bruno brunojoanne64@yahoo.com 15301 PA risked this way.
Janice Montgomery janmontgomery@cableone.net 86326 AZ
Bill Nygren walf54bud@comcast.net 06107 CT
Grace Payne gpay13@hotmail.com 03886 NH
Please ban these
chemicals, there are
other ways to control
Emily Coll Emerlilly@gmail.com 80104 CO insects.
Shannon Wenger shannon.zahnle@gmail.com 47404 IN
Delphine Costedoat delphine.costedoat@gmail.com 33000
Connie Oglesby conniej91@hotmail.com 50401 IA
Karla Corzatt corzatt20@netzero.com 45159 OH
Julien Yannick Perrette shepardjyp@comcast.net 02138 MA
Scott Zorc zorcman@yahoo.com 44092 OH
Melissa Simmons msimmons@huc.edu 45211 OH
Do you care at all about
the next generations and
the legacy you are
Cordia Sammeth CDWOOD@CYBERMESA.COM 87701 NM leaving?
Susan Galante rosered857@centurylink.net 27526 ND
John Kalina jkalina290113mi@comcast.net 48324 MI

Karen Dunson karen@containersunlimited.com 94546 CA

Patricia Fiedler pimar361@msn.com 19055 PA
Patricia de Garmo pldegarmo@comcast.net 97215 OR
Claire McKay clmckay53@gmail.com 78757 TX
Patrick Allocca patrickallocca@gmail.com 90065 CA
Gatha Pierucki obie49030@core.com 49030 MI
Brian Pappas brahimali@hotmail.com 23517 VA
Julie Sanford jksanford@sbcglobal.net 91406 CA
If we don't do this for our
Suzanne Saul Suzsaul@gmail.com 94619 CA children, who will?
judy Burnett goodaspects@gmail.com 87110 NM
Priscilla Martinez priscillamvaldez@msn.com 87120 NM
Chansovan Long Lovanchi@yahoo.com 43119 OH
Eric Folks ericfolksitc@gmail.com 76550 TX
Heather Williams hwilliams@pomona.edu 91711 CA
Dawn White aislinn111@aol.com 76014 TX
christine susi chriseysusi@aol.com 44121 OH
Wayne Wathen wwathen@msn.com 80130 CO
Tracy Benson tracybenson3@gmail.com 92122 CA
Linda McCarthy lmccarthy5@sbcglobal.net 60438 IL
Krissy Hughes hughes@bendbroadband.com 97701 OR
Sue Hinz smhinz@gmail.com 48815 MI
Karen Reggio misspretty79@yahoo.com 94546 CA
Richard Stevenson sly14u512@yahoo.com 32533 FL
John and Kay Bengston jkbengston@msn.com 80016 CO
Molly Rea rippeerea@att.net 94930 CA
Colleen Sheahon csheahon@yahoo.com 28607 NC
Joe Tilley jtilley1@columbus.rr.com 43062 OH
Robert Posch robertposch323@gmail.com 33305 FL
Elizabeth Bell obispa@sbcglobal.net 94110 CA
Shirley Miller h.smiller@cox.net 68117 NE
Barbara Fletcher bf8542@att.com 75235 TX
Lynne Preston bluelynne@sbcglobal.net 94107 CA
Sue Dunson-Reggio dunsonreggio1@llnl.gov 94550 CA
Delia Sadler deliasadler@gmail.com 31406 GA
Sherie Haines Sheriehaines@yahoo.com hq
Jennifer Gindt Jengindt@msn.com 99223 WA
Judith Greil greilj123@hotmail.com 85704 AZ
rebecca tippens rebecca_tippens@yahoo.com 01340 MA
MaryAnn Linehan mar1@mal-tlg.us 19087 PA
Brenda Eckberg barity@yahoo.com 61554 IL
Eric Robson eric.robson@hotmail.com 53703 WI
Richard B Maselow, CPA, CGMA Smartcard@EarthLink.net 91316 CA
Jonathan Gottlieb jhgottlieb@gmail.com 01760 MA
Elsa ramos eeva15@hotmail.com 94804 CA
Richard Harwood pharwood@richmond.edu 23238 VA
Dwayne Dassing Ddassing@gmail.com 76013 TX
Justin Lee Yufan98682@yahoo.com 98684 WA
Lindsay Southcombe Lindsay@headweb.co.uk H
Karen Ahern klahern@msn.com 98110 WA
Mark Heald mheald@frontiernet.net 38578 TN
Claudia Bosshammer-Bilimek redemmag@hotmail.com 66002 KS
Get this planet OF of it's
T5W Human imposed pesticide
Karin Nelson knelson3@outlook.com 0K5 addiction!
Elizabeth Butler littlegrove1110@gmail.com 42420 KY
John Steponaitis steponaj@takas.lt 94109 CA
David Houseman davidhouseman199@gmail.com 48837 MI
Mera Wolf gittwolf@gmail.com 87108 NM
David Chatfield dchatfield@igc.org 97206 OR
Paul Goedinghaus pgoeden@yahoo.com 91710 CA
machiko hollifield mhollifi@mail.smu.edu 75205 TX
Rex Kittle rkittle2256@gmail.com 48066 MI
Joan Miller 2jmillers@bellsouth.net 32428 FL
Ban them for my
Leon Spinka lspinka@okawvillek12.org 62221 IL grandchildren
J. Jackson princesstutu@comcast.net 19382 PA
Norman Traum dougiemacd67@gmail.com 80304 CO
Renee Janton jantonrenee@gmail.com 96714 HI
Harrison B Albert h.b.albert@mindspring.com 80305 CO
Gayle Pulley illusions@rainierconnect.com 98328 WA
Carol Marshall coffeecup22@gmail.com 28105 NC
Susan Wigfield susanwigfield@yahoo.com 55414 MN
John Holladay juandeere@gmail.com 28801 NC
keren Rosner rosner4@optonline.net 10981 NY
Angelita O'Connor angelita.oconnor@att.net 77550 TX
Linda Cottle linda.cottle@xtra.co.nz 03996 ot
Christine Needham herekittylv@gmail.com 89110 NV
Sheilagh Bergeron dss4@myfairpoint.net 03276 NH
jim&mary ann graeve jmgraeve@midco.net 56374 MN
Jerry Whitley jdtheman@cox.net 92653 CA
Amanda Smock addiesmock@yahoo.com 11216 NY
leona klerer leona@klerer.net 06902 CT
Anna Berg annaberg45@gmail.com 10011 NY
Maria Campos campos969@msn.com 77386 TX
Sarah Luth sluth33@yahoo.com 92116 CA
Rhonda Phillips rlprcs7@gmail.com 62234 IL
Gail McMullen gjmcm48@yahoo.com 90027 CA
Lance Polya lpvt14@gmail.com 05465 VT
Fritz Bachman cc07fb@yahoo.com 84532 UT
mary rotondo maryrotondo@comcast.net 49106 MI
rob fursich rof9038@nyp.org 10530 NY
Luciano Meoni lucianomeoni@libero.it 00174
Harold Robinson vtyankee@charter.net 35160 AL
Peter Menchini mactechs@me.com 94114 CA
Eric Rehnke eric.rehnke@gmail.com 92630 CA
Angela Elmore Zakskillermom@gmail.com 95973 CA
Dennis Oliver doliver923@yahoo.com 95451 CA
Greg Collins com 49404 MI
Susan Lannin susan82@earthlink.net 60626 IL
Pam Thomas-Hill pthomas33170@yhoo.com 77045 TX

Susan Stout spstout@telus.net v7g1v2

Thomas Matthews prreuben@gmail.com 32703 FL
sherrie walker tallthinlady2@yahoo.com 53705 WI

My nephew suffers a
severe case of autism. I
beg and plead with you
to please help put an end
to these toxic chemicals
so that no more parents
have to endure the
suffering of seeing their
children in diapers at age
8 and severely
developmentally disabled
for life as a result of
ingesting these poisons.
Thank you for
Nicole Garvey Nickiag96@gmail.com 55448 MN representing us.
sharon Bisset m 02563 MA
Susan Pacillo alaskafairie@yahoo.com 99511 AK
Glenna Lang lang.glenna@gmail.com 02138 MA
s mcnamee ladybugx@telus.net 92625 CA
Gina Kalama g-kalama@msn.com 60056 IL
Daniel Longstreth dlongstr@cotc.edu 43701 OH
Karen Schneider kmslcsw1@gmail.com 60657 IL
Martin Iseri iseri@sbcglobal.net 95628 CA
Annette Berghammer helenavtroja@aol.com 81539
Carolyn Almeida bajagal56@yahoo.com 94954 CA
Gloria J Howard gjhoward1@comcast.net 85653 AZ
Merissa Roberts merissa@snozzberries.net 98053 WA
Carol Pettit caswhimsey@Hotmail.com 14617 NY
Dixie Belcher dixiebelcher@hotmail.com 99801 AK
Lauren Vigna LaurenV1@Yahoo.com 10710 NY
Holly Riker hriker@klru.org 78632 TX
James Clark je.clark@btinternet.com 00000 ot
Allyson Unzen unzens@gotsky.com 83860 ID
Please eliminate these
william Castro billiam1969@gmail.com 21229 MD harmful chemicals!!!
Sanford Brown sanfordbrown@earthlink.net 30016 GA
Karen Ferguson Kmferguson.07@gmail.com 21042 MD
Carol Johnson rockymtn.girl64@gmail.com 60190 IL
Lisa Tiedeman Lmtiedeman@hotmail.com 60564 IL
They should never have
been allowed in the first
place. This country
shamefully works
Carolyn Villanova cvillanova820@gmail.com 01201 MA backwards.
Anna Sandfield taichianna@hotmail.co.uk 3JH
Anna Hamilton anna.hamilton@ncf.edu 32615 FL

If it's bad for the workers,

how can it possibly good
for consumers and their
children. It seems pretty
simple - harmful to the
farm worker, harmful to
us, the people that eat
those fruits and
vegetables! We can do
better! And we should!
Please BAN all uses of
these seven neurotoxic
pesticides immediately!
Kaleo Welborn kaleo10@att.net 92821 CA Thank you,
Mariu Suarez mariusita@aol.com 76123 TX
Jennifer Hall solitarydragon77@gmail.com 37745 TN
Janet Neihart janeihart66@aol.com 55016 MN
Tom Stukel tomjstukel@gmail.com 60302 IL
Leone Olson lolson9242@comcast.net 4514 MN
pat redner gtown5@myfairpoint.net 04730 ME
Barbara Lafaver blafaver@yahoo.com 91941 CA
Jill Kellogg dkellogg4104@comcast.net 60618 IL
Diane Brown huhnoz@epix.net 17339 PA
Peggy England biota1513@gmail.com 35953 AL
James Noordyk jnoordyk4sdhomes@aol.com 92109 CA
Carol Rahbari c.rahbari@comcast.net 48197 MI
Robin Rutan rutan@rof.net 81141 CO
Carol Hirth chirth@mac.com 94702 CA
Katherine Nelson nicoeli3@yahoo.com 98031 WA
Jason Nardell Jason.Nardell@gmail.com 80504 CO

Kari Martin karimartin61@hotmail.com T2J2T9

Diane Dunne dunnediane@gmail.com 91709 CA
GENE PLANES gplanes@hotmail.com 89031 NV
Mark Escajeda mark.escajeda@gmail.com 94549 CA
Gregory Griffin gs_griffin@yahoo.com 46176 IN
jeffrey, without
monroe edwin prejudice ucc 1-207 itbnla@gmail.com 74801 OK
Samuel Croft hillguy420@gmail.com 20002 DC
Honora-Bright Aere brightaere@live.com 97326 OR
Dawn Griffis Amoonracer@aol.com 89134 NV
Deborah Chevalier grannie4jasb@yahoo.com 03077 NH
David Hayes brzrkr99@yahoo.com 01821 MA
Meredith Needham pianohag@hotmail.com 43023 OH
Aneah Epshteyn gufdi420@yahoo.com 53005 WI
Carol Thompson mcact8@gmail.com 15129 PA
Nell Nieves nellnieves@gmail.com 10803 NY
jessica mitchell jejom@comcast.net 80129 CO
Patricia Armstrong patriciajane@gmail.com 97498 OR
salvatore cento sbnowball07@optonline.net 11234 NY
Paolo Pagotto paolo.pagotto@gmail.com 31043
Everett Halligan cause4paws2@hotmail.com 70461 LA
Lillyam Barberi Lillyambarberi@yahoo.com 33327 FL
s Silvia Rennie silvia.g.rennie@gmail.com 10280 NY
Jeffrey Taylor jstaylor@comcast.net 08223 NJ
This is a public health
Erin McRae McRae327@yahoo.com 78720 TX issue.
richard hogle dick.hogle@gmail.com 87532 NM
Forest Shomer inspass@whidbey.net 98368 WA
Lynn Driessen lawlady9@hotmail.com 54915 WI
Dea Smith theperfectsolution@ahoo.com 80538 CO
prairieorchardorganics@yahoo.c R0J
Mary Anne Nylen a 1H0
sue line sunigli76@yahoo.co.uk 8BH
Irina Golda Lamadrid irinitha@hotmail.com 07600 NY
Kristen Lowry lowrykristen@yahoo.ca 1C4 CA
Sheri Langham sheri.langham@comcast.net 22201 VA
Paul Merrell marbux@gmail.com 97477 OR
richard d dckydoo@yahoo.com 04911 ME
Janet Krawczyk jkrawczyk@rcminc.com 60439 IL
Timothy Moder PhD IrwinModer@aol.com 94703 CA
Patsy Ross patsyross79@gmail.com 30107 GA
PAMELA WINBERRY-THOMPSON pthompson613@htmail.com 38128 TN
Nate Metzker nmetzker@gmail.com 11216 NY
we need to continuously
make these kinds of
requests? What is your
job? Did you see where
China refused cotton
from the US? Sure it
Anita Cannata Nowell anitanowell@hotmail.com 75657 TX probably had pesticides.
Maureen Peterson moepeterson14@gmail.com 33707 FL

Pesticides are roving to

be a major source for
physical and mental
deformation of adults
and children. The toxins
in the drinking water
have caused the increase
in neural retardation in
many children. This is a
criminally dispicable act
and a crime against
Luise Perenne luise.perenne@gmail.com 92708 CA humanity!
Lawrence Lintner cloudspin11@aol.com 33954 FL
Vidya Sivan vsgac02@gmail.com 02114 MA
Helen Stewart hestewart@shaw.ca 1L6
Patrick Eggleston eggleston4444@hotmail.com 03031 NH
Elizabeth Morales elizamor1189@yahoo.com 92337 CA
john russell jtrussell13@gmail.com 04416 ME
sue white sww@spe.midco.net 57783 SD
Marina Morrone mmorrone85@gmail.com 10701 NY
Robert Lindberg buddhaseeker3@yahoo.com 98662 WA
Dat Tran dattr7@hotmail.com 19082 PA
Mike Kress wakeupandbord@gmail.com 48104 MI
Lisa Comfort lacomfort@hotmail.com 87108 NM
Lisa Gordon maamola@aol.com 37128 TN
Jennifer Will jennifer@hdfixer.com 95037 CA
Camilina Montanez camilinarawls@yahoo.com 94043 CA
Shirley Davis shirley.davis@umit.maine.edu 04473 ME
This ban is critically
urgent for the health and
well being of people and
Ronald Elmore ronelmoremusic@gmail.com 49686 MI other animals!
Pat and Gary Gover govers@bellsouth.net 36532 AL
JoAnne Larsen Jannlarsen13@gmail.com 01238 MA
pamela colony colonyop@cobleskill.edu 12043 NY
Mike Kappus mikek@rosebudus.com 94107 CA
Judy Cisney judyveta@gmail.com 80212 CO
Sophia Howerton showerton@rrps.net 87124 NM
Marilyn Steffen b_lamont5@hotmail.com 88029 NM
Christina Fong christina@ogreogress.com 49503 MI
Jim Clough jclough@depo.com 91204 CA
Ellen McMaster shorelover777@yahoo.com 08251 NJ
maria lasorsa marialasorsa@yahoo.com 10532 NY
Michael McCartin tchmm@aol.com 46804 IN
Kevin W. McAlister kevinwmcal@hotmail.com 11710 NY
It is past time to ban
these dangerous
Barbara Abersold abersold@aol.com 83702 ID chemicals.
stephan.timmermans@hortinov 5144C
Stephan Timmermans a.nl A
Michael Masley amenre.emhetep@yahoo.com 98104 NJ
Tom Phipps car01am@yahoo.com 62440 IL
Alexey Korzuchin alexey525@yahoo.com 94568 CA
Phil Klein phil-klein@uiowa.edu 52241 IA
Jerry Miller jermil64@hotmail.com 98683 WA
Michelle Schumacher Michelleislong@hotmail.com 92673 CA
cristina russo incantesimo1981@libero.it 80011 IN
Tiffany Snyder m 80305 CO
Kristen Cashman kriscashman@gmail.com 94949 CA
Debbie Balasko om 49345 MI
Jackie Pomies jbpomies@yahoo.com 94122 CA
Samuel Durkin samussr337@hotmail.com 94534 CA
Gerald Stratman zonker8012@comcast.net 95442 CA
M. Dürrenberg RubinaGh@gmail.com 22299 VA
Myron Montague myronmontague@me.com 4UJ
Sandy Lynn sandinista72@yahoo.com 63130 MO
Marge Schwartz marge105@verizon.net 93121 CA
Frances Emanuel wawatasi@yahoo.com 93063 CA
OVIDIU STROESCU nicolaes@hotmail.com 90210 CA
Laurie Tuttle laurie2224@hotmail.com 27409 NC
Christopher Kelly chris.j.kelly459@gmail.com 55448 MN
Patricia Soteropoulos pat@xikes.net 07928 NJ
Suzanne Murphy-Larronde Murphylarronde@gmail.com 34238 FL
Christopher Dill cdillfly@yahoo.com 90066 CA
Paul Breeden paulbreeden@roadrunner.com 04664 ME
Glennis Bunch glennis.bunch@comcast.net 80005 CO
richard parish richard.parish@comcast.net 60189 IL
P Scoville michael799@optonline.net 07421 NJ
Kim Kiriluk Kimsuki@me.com 33647 FL
William Truong hautruongvan59@yahoo.com 32828 FL
Sandra Briggs sandybr1234@att.net 92506 CA
Diana Schroeder dianaschroeder2@gmail.com 1E6
Randy Okamura randy.okamura@comcast.net 80538 CO
Robert Levi ben@dialogue.org 80304 CO
Camille Sturdivant-Daly majcam01@aol.com 99022 WA
Carol Latifa Amdur Latifawholehealth@yahoo.com 75223 TX
Chris Santos condors3@hotmail.com 1V0
Tina Patrick Tinaptrck@aol.com 85286 AZ
Mary Gamson maryedda@verizon.net 94610 CA
Margaret Sweet Margaretlsweet@gmail.com 01929 MA

pesticides tend to end up

in the water and/or in the
soil, its time to stop the
V0R1M use of anything harmful
william weldon voodoo63@telus.net 0 to us and the envioment
Joss Levy josslevy@gmail.com 5BQ
wesley rude rudefarm@msn.com 46280 IN
JUSTINE TILLEY spiritsoncall063@gmail.com 23188 VA
Laëtitia Petit old_mc@hotmail.fr 77100 ot
Chris Ducey Cducey@comcast.net 94973 CA
Nita Sembrowich sembro@verizon.net 02139 MA
Ron Carlson roncarlson345@comcast.net 08008 NJ
Margaret Jablonski tmjab@live.com 54403 WI
Jack Sparks jd94510@yahoo.com 94015 CA
Bryan Brunner brbrunner@yahoo.com 00606 PR
Caitilin Terfloth cterfloth@sasktel.net 1H8
Ben King kingbirdtours@earthlink.net 10025 NY
Jo Ann Johnson ja10johnson@yahoo.com 86327 AZ
There are way too many
toxic and unnecessary
Duncan vanArsdale dgvanarsdale@live.com 94010 CA pesticides !!
Benjamin A. searchbutton@yahoo.com 94560 CA
Daniela Kunz Dany@Kunz-Fam.com 37064 TN
Jody Furr Jofurr@aol.com 28001 NC
paula honkanen paula.honkanen@gmail.com 44494 NY
Hermina Kann hermiek@comcast.net 97128 OR
Charlotte Sines ladycatx@yahoo.com 80907 CO
janet forman giselle351@gmail.com 10011 NY
Marylyn Irrgang mirrgang@juno.com 56001 MN
Sherrie Truitt shepowers2002@yahoo.com 36360 AL
Roxi Smith roxismith@comcast.net 98126 WA
Robert Husbands dingus1942@hotmail.com 92117 CA
Frances Goff frananth@netzero.com 91107 CA
Melissa Gutierrez melissagutie@gmail.com 85014 AZ
Karin Wagner karin.wagner4@gmx.de 84177 DE
Linda Azzi linda@corsazzi.com 80112 CO
John Edman westonedman@yahoo.com 95051 CA
Nancy Barr muzicnancy@aol.com 98249 WA
Leanne Yerby lyerby@allenmatkins.com 92614 CA
Lori Otto loriotto63@yaho.com 03054 NH
George Perla gperla@gsu.edu 30306 GA

Michael Kavanaugh michael.kavanaugh@oracle.com 94115 CA

Maria Millar mkmillar@hotmail.com 10023 NY
I myself have been
permanently harmed by
these chemicals. Please
take them off the
Paula Matheson pkmathes@yahoo.com 99208 WA market!
Thomas Dannecker drdannecker@yahoo.com 90027 CA
liz Brady ljbrady@cox.net 93101 CA
Mick Alderman veriscollatum@hotmail.com 97103 OR
Laurie Millette nobluefood@gmail.com 45662 OH
Sondra Olson rahmyst@yahoo.com 53916 WI
judith hazelton pheralicious@yahoo.com 05201 VT

Michelle Cunningham michelle.cunningham@orange.fr 66600 MN

Brian Fraser maclean2uk@yahoo.co.uk 5PX
Lindsay Williamson Lindzli@gmail.com 28054 NC
Linda Rudman lindaru@neuf.fr 10025 NY
Sharon Barnes sharonlb88@gmail.com 91436 CA
Victoria Miller vemiller@earthlink.net 91436 CA
Please stop poisoning our
Lori Vallante llvall5@yahoo.com 03051 NH food
Darren Showers showersd@yahoo.com 14214 NY
Maryanne Scangarella marescang@gmail.com 07073 NJ
Thomas Scott tscott@rialto.k12.ca.us 92352 CA
Linda Johnson-Rubick RN lindaerubick@gmail.com 81419 CO
William Kenealy ursino1956@gmail.com 22150 VA
lonna richmond lonnajean@gmail.com 94965 CA
Margaret Buresh mburesh837@comcast.net 55102 MN
raymie roland roland.raymie@gmail.com 95404 CA
Jackie Foster Jfosterfolino@yahoo.com 12866 NY
Michelle Dugan mdugan1952@gmail.com 19082 PA
Terry Tedesco-Kerrick ttedesco49@cox.net 85016 AZ
Lisa Manni Lgermanowski@yahoo.com 01835 MA
Jeanette Snow jeanettesnw@yahoo.com 92058 CA
Alison Wasielewski alisonwas@aol.com 52556 IA
Ilona James ilonajames@frontier.com 97544 OR
John Wadsworth johnsonwadsworth@msn.com 97219 OR
Carol Erickson cerickson807@yahoo.com 55434 MN
Kathleen Williams jkewilliams@yahoo.com 02835 RI
T6A This is an injustice to our
Sheryl McCumsey mccumsey@shaw.ca 2R6 AB children!
Gary Gilardi gary.gilardi@gmail.com 97031 OR
julia schaletzky julia.schaletzky@gmx.de 94080 CA
Johanna Cummings jhcummings@frontiernet.net 14620 NY
Jean Cushman jean_cushman@comcast.net 21286 MD
John Gambriel jfg-drop@infomania.us 20722 MD
Peter Berquist pberq@hotmail.com 31328 GA

Brian Herman brian@turkeyhill.ca J0E 2K0

kathleen kestelyn kkestelyn@gmail.com 94952 CA
Stop allowing the
poisoning of the planet
and its inhabitants. How
Linda Nelson mizfits@earthlink.net 98661 WA stupid can we be?
Kim Sellon kimsellon@gmail.com 07974 NJ
Timothy Manring Tamanring@hotmail.com 98325 WA
Joshua Blackfoot joshuablackfoot@mac.com 43611 OH
Jeff Pelath jeffpelath@comcast.net 48060 MI
philip winkels nocaliman1@aol.com 95454 CA
Deborah Lincoln dabl152@hotmail.com 30281 GA

Andrew Turnham andyturnham@gmail.com K0L2H0

Timothy Post tpost7@live.com 64086 MO
Blair O'Neil hwy2happiness@gmail.com 89508 NV
Carol Greenberg cgreenberg@parkplace-rta.com 91723 CA
Sharon Fortunak srf7120@msn.com 55016 MN
Kay Schaser bkshaz@yahoo.com 95501 CA
JESSE CERASOLI jesse.cerasoli@gmail.com 80122 CO
Lana Henson lanarh@aol.com 73106 OK
Jesus Valenzuela health@mbclc.org 93905 CA
Maria Nowicki mnowicki45@yahoo.com 94116 CA
Carol B. Sills carolbsills@gmail.com 54202 WI
Our children need to be
Patrick and protected. They our the
Connie Berry connie.m.berry@gmail.com 87112 NM future.
Christina Meyer chmey52@yahoo.com 67401 KS
Noelle Winsor noellesws@aol.com 22101 VA
judith tuck jt_tuck@hotmail.com 85713 AZ
Nancy Wengert nkwengert@aol.com 49024 MI
LLYLA OLSON twocor133-r9@yahoo.com 95610 CA CONTROL, ETC.
Lara Sox-Harris larasox@yahoo.com 94301 CA
Lorraine Heagy lmheagy@ptd.net 17543 PA
Marion Jurchen marion_34@gmx.de 13409 DE
Elaine Sperbeck ejsperbeck@yahoo.com 13365 NY
K Mayers mayerskat@gmail.com 90050 CA
Michael Lucko michael.lucko@sbcglobal.net 46375 IN
David Brayfield urb_forest@hotmail.com 61821 IL
Melissa Rowe Farm.family@outlook.com 40489 KY
deanna munson deamun1967@gmail.com 97005 OR
Charles Price pricec@wharton.upenn.edu 19148 PA
Barbara Porter bporter315@yahoo.com 13329 NY
Ramsey Gregory ramseyg49@gmail.com 95758 CA
Irene Brown irenebrown@att.net 94024 CA
PJ Janowitz janopss@comcast.net 33014 FL
Mary Flynn godlymomma@gmail.com 08087 NJ
Jana Lynne
Webb Niernberger Muhar janarosa@sonic.net 95401 CA

Ruth MacEachern madraisnow@gmail.com V9J 1T6

Don't allow us to be
Tom Brink brinktom@hotmail.com 68467 NE poisoned.
Christiane Henker christianeh22@aol.de 04318 ot
PaMeLa MeInHaRdT p.meinhardt@hotmail.com 63123 MO
Sadie Bailey stalsky04@gmail.com 92648 CA
Susan Schmidt susanschmidt@rocketmail.com 44256 OH
Rita Kain tasc88@sbcglobal.net 60518 IL
Gaya Gustafson Gachagu@yahoo.com 07410 NJ
KeViN MeInHaRdT nivekpaul4@yahoo.com 63123 MO
Barbara Gross Barbara.gross48@gmail.com 98115 WA
Bruce Hallett bhallett@logic.bm 33126 FL
McKeown Gallicho monicaeve@astound.net 94521 CA
Gloria Everett Gloria.everett@gmail.com 01586
Amy Riddle amyhulsman3@gmail.com 45211 OH
Tammy B tdblom@sbcglobal.net 91301 CA
dan hedlund dan.hedlund@salosverige.se 60347
Mark Meinhardt mark7649@gmail.com 63123 MO
William Sharfman sharfman@umich.edu 10024 NY
debra west africandebs@gmail.com 08000
Marji Mendelsohn mgm507@gmail.com 45215 OH
yes stop them i keep
mike oligney cmoligney@sbcglobal.net 54482 WI losing bees
ellen walsh lightining@bellsouth.net 32561 FL
marissa lew marissalew1@gmail.com 33179 FL
Glenn Eklund glostluggage@hotmail.com 98277 WA
Graham Joy grahamjoy@hotmail.com 22066 VA
Deborah Geno dgeno4444@yahoo.com 63376 MO
Dana May obscureeng@yahoo.com 92840 CA
Catherine Ruggeri Cathrugg@gmail.com 95449 CA
Bob Babson babsonb001@hawaii.rr.com 96753 HI
Het Desai hetdesai86@gmail.com 08820 NJ
Christopher Lord clord4103@yahoo.com 11717 NY
Kathleen Lewis Katcat108@netzero.net 02169 MA
Jeffrey Jordan jrdnjffry@yahoo.com 45030 OH
PAMELA NATSJO pnatsjo@interfaithmedical.org 11213 NY
Darla Adams adams.darla@gmail.com 60201 AR
Elise Hoffsuemmer elh77@live.com 60134 MO
erin znidar znidar@mentorschools.org 44060 OH
Lynn Wilbur kalei.lw@gmail.com 99835 AK
James Trufan jwtrufan@gmail.com 32937 FL
Judith O'Callaghan devapress@aol.com 04627 ME

jesse ridgeway jesseridgeway1973@yahoo.com 17101 PA

Jesse Dellinger JBDellinger@msn.com 17552 PA
Jamie Delaney Sheslovinlifetoo@gmail.com 95005 CA
Andrea Bonnett aesabet11@yahoo.com 91001 CA
Ravinder Bajwa bajwa679@yahoo.co.uk 98052 WA
Antonio Bayona bayona5@yahoo.com 79936 TX
George Erceg rubot@comcast.net 15065 PA
Lilian Burch tiggerlil@comcast.met 20815 MD
Todd Wolf creatrdoc@aol.com 07054 NJ
rachel imholte tanner_molly59@hotmail.com 55417 MN
Sharon Longyear sharonmlongyear@gmail.com 10598 NY
Wayne Lensu lensway@sbcglobal.net 11096 NY
Richard Perras perras62@hotmail.com 12144 NY
Ceri Mcclellan enfys72@gmail.com 00000
Helen Drwinga drwingahl@hotmail.com 37069 TN
Penny Blakeney insideoutpilates@yahoo.com 97520 OR
Sonja Petrik sonja.petrik@yahoo.com 78260 TX
ed blanch panamajax69@hotmail.com 61611 IL
Carmen Kotting ckcarmencecilia@gmail.com 85640 AZ
Audrey Muller m 07093 NJ
Marilee Lampman marileell@outlook.com 55066 MN
Erika Weber momeri50@hotmail.com 18064 PA
michelle anthony carwoman@aol.com 80226 CO
Ellen Homsey ehomsey@yahoo.com 19707 DE
Florence Robin florence.robin133@orange.fr 95616 CA
Jackie Eldridge jackieeld@comcast.net 32211 FL
Jessica McGuire jessiemcg@hotmail.com 46201 IN
Fabienne OUBRAYRIE f.oubrayrie@free.fr 06100 TX
Sherri Long sherridl2004@aol.com 01027 MA
Marliese Bonk vidiva@comcast.net 15218 PA
Pat Repose patrepose@aol.com 94549 CA PLANET!!
Max Salt zelkovapress@gmail.com 02895 RI
Pauline Nortness nortpcjr1@aol.com 97132 OR
Lynne Kliman LKliman@aol.com 14052 NY
Dalila OUAI rebelledal888@yahoo.fr 75010 NY
Rick Russell Sand2469@yahoo.com 43402 OH
Maurizio Sini maurizio.sini@gmail.com 31030 GA
Karen KillianBaker killianbaker@bellsouth.net 31522 GA
Bill Ridgeway w.ridgewat@hotmail.com 18504 PA
Debora Sayre Sayredk@msn.com 94536 CA

Eleanor Porciello mrinsuranceservices@gmail.com 93003 CA

Ryan Robertson robertson2002@hotmail.com 27513 NC
Jean Norris Blujeans2@comcast.net 94602 CA
Maxine Haley maxine965@hotmail.com 72153 AR
A Patterson akpatt2003@yahoo.com 75218 TX
Kyle Peterson petersonk09@att.net 48313 MI
Sandy Dalcais Plutonique@aol.com 11377 NY
Jeff Burns jeffburns777@gmail.com 91406 CA
Jeffery McConaughy jefferator@hotmail.com 98225 WA
Jean Marie VanWinkle .com 24101 VA
Dav Skender dks@case.edu 47403 IN
Maureen Besancon mebesancon@aol.com 95959 CA
Lisa Arrington Galenpearl@hotmail.com 20818 MD
Linda Espino mslaespino@yahoo.com 92101 CA
Helene Harrison helener24@yahoo.ca 1G7
Kimberly Newton kjc.newton@gmail.com 60634 IL
James Glatz jimsjams0329@riseup.net 18426 PA
Holly McDonald mcdonaldh@optonline.net 08691 NJ
Therese Ryan mandm2872@earthlink.net 93550 CA
Ellen Pepich Butterfly0301@comcast.net 60056 IL
We live, breathe & eat
food grown in a chemical
Claudia Gibson claudiagibson@hotmail.com 94930 CA stew.
Zoe Christopher zchristopher@bcaction.org 94105 CA

As a teacher in our public

schools, I see evidence of
the damage our toxic
environment imposes on
the brains of our youth
everyday. You can help
halt the the use of these
known poisons. What are
cynthia hathaway doorways@aloha.net 96749 HI you waiting for?
Amber Tidwell etoile90230@yahoo.com 90068 CA
Michael Rapp mike.rapp.sr@gmail.com 45385 OH
Joan Kaul Joankaul@gmail.com 94979 CA
Richard Kuntze richkuntze@yahoo.com 93940 CA
Teresa Austin awesomeaustin8@hotmail.com 78745 TX
Anthony Chrobak tchro1@hushmail.com 48111 MI
Donna Olsen iammunchkin@msn.com 55429 MN
doris stanley dorrie228@gmail.com 32814 FL
Dean Zimpfer dizbot@gmail.com 85120 AZ
David Doty politicos@dbdoty.com 87505 NM
Polly Deardorff pollydeardorff@yahoo.com 60187 IL
Steven Korson steven93541@sbcglobal.net 92503 CA
Donna Whitmire dww0817@gmail.com 30507 GA
Dudley and
Candace Campbell cdcampbl@roadrunner.com 91401 CA
suzanne otis sotis1212@aol.com 12545 NY
Richard Arthur richardarthur@gmail.com 85085 AZ
Erin Bergquist erinfeld1@yahoo.com 50201 IA
Bo Baggs bo5483@netscape.net 77642 TX
James Kitagawa jkitagawa777@gmail.com 93454 CA
Tina Mizhir tinamiz@yahoo.com 10573 NY
Ellen Hogarty hotdigdog11@hotmail.com 44240 OH
Irena Franchi bluabirdo@hotmail.com 33160 FL
susan bonney bonney.sm@gmail.com 95032 CA
Christy Carosella cacarosella@gmail.com 11417 NY
Lisa D'Ambrosio dambrosiofamily@yahoo.com 01523 MA
Tim Barrington Tim_barrington@hotmail.com 95126 CA
Michael Alexander msalexander1@hotmail.com 55101 MN
Sabrina Napolitano sabri_nappy32@yahoo.com 93004 CA
Wade Hyde Wade.hyde@gmail.com 30324 GA
sylvia Moritz sylviamoritz2119@gmail.com 10463 NY
Tasha Carpenter whitewaterotter@aol.com 97054 OR
A.G. Hansen rustyrange@aol.com 60445 IL
ina pillar aigheannach@yahoo.com 53575 WI
Cathy Laetz cathyocean@hotmail.com 98118 WA
Rebeca Steinberg rebeca.steinberg@gmail.com 11000 ot
Mary Nye 00mnye@gmail.com 98221 WA
Sydney Clemens sydney@eceteacher.org 94131 CA
Eugene Ryan gryanaz@gmail.com 85705 AZ
Dan Magee dan_magee@hotmail.com 30677 GA
Myra Nelson mynelson@mailmight.com 19610 PA
Philip Frey rightbrain80@hotmail.com 10954 NY
joe sans jsn353@aol.com 53703 WI
Sharon Holford watersong41@gmail.com 97222 OR
Kim Kimble Kim@kimble.com 12561 NY
I'm irritated that I even
have to sign a petition
asking the EPA to do it's
job and ban the OPS. We
know what they do and
it's bad. What's the
Mary Eliades eliadesmary@gmail.com 60201 IL delay?
Anthony Nicolau anthonynicolau@hotmail.com 11205 NY
Nancy Easterling njeaster@cox.net 92102 CA
Julie Kalisiak healthynut247@aol.com 92592 CA
Alberta Harbutt AHarbutt@aol.com 11201 NY
Dianna Hamilton dragondi@bellsouth.net 32216 FL
Diana Gradus drehgradus@aol.com 12090 NY
Margarita Gil mgil2000@hotmail.com 12355 Berlin
Chris Bouckaert FlikaSailor@gmail.com 91360 CA
June Hurst junehurst@yahoo.com 10128 NY
Catherine Whiteside cathy@whitesidenet.com 77450 TX
Janet Schockner rosetta@rosettasculpture.com 80537 CO
Ryan Ellis ryanellis2@hotmail.com 84414 UT
Grace Diemand gden20@msn.com 02534 MA
Kristie Koehler agentkoehler@gmail.com 94530 CA
Cannot believe our
Government and the
USDA allows this! Please
stop poisoning the
Dorothy Jordan flrider57@gmail.com 33714 FL American people!
Gisela Wykle wykle@frontiernet.net 24938 WV
Rebekah baharestan rebekahwb@gmail.com 94903 CA
rosemary sexton stellarealta@yahoo.com 55398 MN
Kelly McConnell prvt@2ezgroup.com 97223 OR
Michele Nihipali nihipalim001@hawaii.rr.com 96717 HI
john seeburger chakrawind@msn.com 98501 WA
Carol Stokrocki cstokrocki@corelogic.com 33004 FL
ettore pilato ettorepil73@gmail.com 00100 IN
meg gilman meggart@aol.com 03802 NH
Robert Icenogle Bicenogle@mac.com 68059 NE
Francine Ungaro fbungaro@cox.net 06489 CT
Daniel Lawrence dniaak@yahoo.com 34698 FL

Jacqueline Little lavoiesante@shaw.ca v9g 1l7

Amanda McNeill amcneill@dinecollege.edu 81321 CO
Kay Reinfried kmreinfried@gmail.com 17543 PA
Silvio Fittipaldi lambtrees@aol.com 19114 PA
jacqueline beeson norskennebraska@gtmc.net 68930 NE
charles weber lyleweb2000@yahoo.com 10918 NY
roger roosli rroosli@menlosupply.com 94025 CA
Roslyn Jones Buffjones@aol.com 92506 CA
Karina Black kblack.ot@gmail.com 80304 CO
Rita Hays rshays@pacbell.net 94547 CA
Peter Gunther avengethecathars@juno.com 60625 IL
Susan Watts susanmwr@aol.com 92506 CA
Jack Tull jacktull81@gmail.com 98221 WA
Laureen Mitchell laureenmitchell@mac.com 90019 CA
lenore lee lenorelef@yahoo.com 53202 WI
Brenda Priddy bspriddy@yahoo.com 87504 NM
Bettina Lorenz aliti05@aol.com 26899
Nancy Cushwa tenwa@jps.net 97217 OR
Thomas Gathman arthink@comcast.net 60546 IL
Mercy Drake mercy.drake@cox.net 85205 AZ
Ayesha Vavrek a.vavrek@gmail.com 94704 CA
Joanna Bonnheim hirschikiss@sbcglobal.net 94803 CA
J J jpdrifting@hotmail.com 4
D Huber dianemhuber@msn.com 80112 CO
Christopher Lopez judaspaladin@aim.com 05701 VT
Hal Murray hcm3@bellsouth.net 31405 GA
Sarah Raite Goddess52352@yahoo.com 13078 NY
Sandra Nelson nelsonsandy7772@gmail.com 92270 CA
Val Sanfilippo vsanfi@gmail.com 92111 CA
Gina Keener ginabanister@yahoo.com 34285 FL
Sammy Low cougarcreek7@gmail.com 98292 WA
Richard Bachman rjsbach@aol.com 77546 TX
Gina Orlando gina@ginaorlando.com 60302 IL
Pattie Meade plmsurf@cox.net 92672 CA
Eva Landeo e_landeo@yahoo.com 10024 NY
U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency:
American People are
tired to let you now that
(OP)Pesticides are
harmful for children's
developing brains and
lead to reduced IQ,
William G Gonzalez wgonzalezgarcia@yahoo.com 10901 NY TAKE ACTION!
Melissa Bryan hepatica2@comcast.net 94019 CA
Bianca Sodfried bianca.sodfried@gmail.com 07083
Judith Smith axisdance@comcast.net 94601 CA
John Keiser jlck@nyc.rr.com 10009 NY
Olga Castello OlgaCastello@yahoo.com 33126 FL
Brock Seaton brock_seaton@yahoo.com 91316 CA
John White geezerjohn1965@hotmail.co.uk 4AT NY
Mark King markxm@yahoo.com 10004 NY
Debbie Davis ddavis@gmail.com 91387 CA
Karen Drew abrc@mindspring.com 89019 NV
Christine Polson cnpolson@cox.net 68106 NE
Katherine Wright kmhgw@yahoo.com 92656 CA
Our children and
grandchildren deserve a
future free of toxic
chemicals in their food,
air, water, and in the
ground to reach their full
potential and live a good
Ruth Carlone rcarlon300@aol.com 22556 VA healthful life.
Giovanna Serenelli g_serenelli@alice.it 06081 CT
Elisabeth Wright, MD cdr8397@comcast.net 98029 WA
Jim Hill jimhill@grri.org 78716 TX
Anna Amorim parkeydog@yahoo.com 95076 CA
Gail Roberts igailroberts@gmail.com 91980 CA
Larry Morningstar manapranabanana@gmail.com 97520 OR
Ravi Shah qfg@yahoo.com 90024 CA
Nancy Walrath nancywalrath@cox.net 85635 AZ
Dr. Prisca Gloor priscagl@aol.com 90066 CA
Christina Roe christinaroe@hotmail.com 93705 CA
Caroline Ashurst Linalovesound@yahoo.com 19139 PA
Massimiliano Urso maurso@gmail.com 00000
Richard Ouren rlo98@centurytel.net 53573 WI
Jackie Stolfi jacqueline4sight@aol.com 11762 NY
Tehama Simonis henriettasimonis@yahoo.com 96069 CA
Joe Wilford jwilford65@gmail.com 52236 IA
Andie D andiediemer@yahoo.com 11215 NY
Daniel Lipson dnlipson@gmail.com 12561 NY
Alex Escott Alexbescott@gmail.com 02332 MA
Heather Ford Heatherfordhome@yahoo.com 20874 MD
Marty Mason martymoose05@hotmail.com 44143 OH
Kelli Lent 0661e93e@opayq.com 94501 CA
Sandra Dutcher dreamerri@yahoo.com 02832 RI
julie shames-rogan jmshames1@gmail.com 33437 FL
Karyn Collier karyncollier@earthlink.net 22152 VA
Don Thomsen don_a_t@live.com 99202 WA
Carrie Phyliky Rimes carrieleilani@gmail.com 97520 OR
patricia kanzler rivndell2@yahoo.com 95501 CA
Nicole Leaper Nicole.leaper@gmail.com 97266 OR
This should have have
happened b now! No
Sue Morem Slevmor@q.com 55442 MN delays.
Diane Salsitz ladyofdogs@aol.com 29803 SC
Nienkevanwanrooij@hotmail.co 3544
Nienke Van Wanrooij m DA
Rachel Wolf therachelswoof@gmail.com 95060 CA
We have to stop all
pesticides, because all of
them make damage to
our bodies and our
children future. Thanks .
Alla Grankina Allagran@sncglobal.net 94132 CA Alla
Alyssa Owens afowens1@msn.com 03431 NH
Jim Harger jim.harger@gmail.com 61107 IL
atlantis johnson tisthyme@aol.com 78380 TX the world is watching
Bean Corcoran Beancorcoran.cff@gmail.com 06883 CT
Mark Lusch mllb1@mac.com 84775 UT
Mary Cato mary.e.cato@gmail.com 76012 TX
Barbara Darvin babuda888@gmail.com 08502 NJ
Brenda Willoughby bjwill@gmail.com 94546 CA
Marilyn Brister poppopbrister@gmail.com 23455 VA
James Small jsmall47@embarqmail.com 37642 TN
Maria Höglander miahoglander@me.com 12633
Mark Meeks mkenosha@aol.com 80421 CO
Bonnie Bernstein Mbwehnau@aol.com 10522 NY
Farmworkers and their
children should not have
to bear the burden of
health issues as a result
of use of these
Jeri Idso jeriidso47@gmail.com 94609 CA pesticides!
WHY is it taking so long
to get you to respond to
katherine lindley sablesept@yahoo.com 32506 FL this problem???
John Miskelly wdstockjc@aol.com 21212 MD
Tama Becker-Varano Tamambv@msn.com 92122 CA
Faye Gregory jazzngems@yahoo.com 92324 CA
Hazel Poolos hazel@poolos.com 28137 NC
Paul Hunrichs hunrichs@cox.net 92071 CA
Andrea Rafferty lady_bevin@yahoo.com 48895 MI
These toxic chemicals
Rhonda Valdez rhondahvaldez@yahoo.com 87532 NM have got.to.go!
My child was affected
very badly (difficulty
breathing) by Naled, an
organophosphate, which
was placed on three trees
near his school
Caroline Bennet caroline54@gmail.com 33458 FL playground.
Alfred Griffith agriffith@igc.org 33172 FL
Geoffrey Wargo Jr Geoffwargo@yahoo.com 06825 CT
Mary Whitehead thewhiteheads@tyler.net 75703 TX
Chad Johnson ckenjohnson@gmail.com 90806 CA
Joseph Gilbert joeg4us@roadrunner.com 93023 CA

luc Melis luc.melis3@telenet.be 02960 Gewest Act now please
Amy Ryberg amyryberg@gmail.com 48334 MI
Don McKenzie dmckenzie1@zoomtown.com 2123 OH
Deanna Mousaw cutegirt@yahoo.com 34653 FL
Mervat soto mervissa@yahoo.com 93619 CA
Patricia Chambers frodokitty@hotmail.com 06098 CT
virginia mcfarland virginiabeatrice2@gmail.com 49613 MI
Nick Gaetano nic1@cox.net 92651 CA
Shari Sharp sharp_shari@yahoo.com 83616 ID
John 11:35 Jesus (GOD
B Maddigan bmaddigan@yahoo.com 02346 MA Himself) Wept.
Albert Gruswitz creativity.com 07821 NJ
Coleman Lynch colemanlynch321@gmail.com 32901 FL
Kathie Hurley duckieflew@outlook.com 89122 NV
Edward & Gail Laurson gglaurson@msn.com 80235 CO
Nancy Katz katzwein@comcast.net 98155 WA
Pat Vescio pat5vesc@aol.com 27513 NC
erin garcia airingrc2@aol.com 91403 CA
Evelyn Coltman evelyn3226@charter.net 28786 NC
louis reginato jr reginatojrlou@yahoo.com 23322 VA
Romola Newport rommyh6@gmail.com 07802 ot
Paul Dunne Pdonsax@gmail.com 18347 PA
Martha Booz mlbooz@calnatives.com 94803 CA
Ann Goodman agoodman@sandwalking.com 90631 CA
michele labrie michierx7@hotmail.com 32976 FL

Johanna Ryffel johannaryffel@gmail.com J0E 2K0 QC

Helen Tai htai888@gmail.com 18938 PA

Please let's go more

natural, take your time,
and check for alternatives
rather than brain
DONNA CORRADO DONNA@LANGLEY1.US 19046 PA destroying easiness
paul mefford psmpoweroftouch@hotmail.com 47713 IN
Cirila Diaz abuelajulie@gmail.com 06516 CT
birgitta fasth birgittahemma@gmail.com 34336
Sarah Sercombe m 48073 MI
Kathleen Alexander dogone1205@aol.com 77007 TX
debbie watkins dwatkins927@gmail.com 45176 OH
C Porrello pcep1@charter.net 06488 CT
Olimpia Baraini guidobaraini@gmail.com 50030 ot
Alexandra Meyer tann.meyer@t-online.de 82194
Cherie Connick cconnick@aol.com 95531 CA
Karen Liao Kaplioa@yahoo.com 94111 CA
Julia Howe juliahosie@hotmail.com 28723 NC
Kevin Webster KCW@kcwww.com 79605 TX
Carrell Kalland kallandc@bellsouth.net 30094 GA
Eleanor Dowson eleanordowson@comcast.net 98012 WA
Richard Lakein rlakein@comcast.net 20854 MD
Donna Thibodeau thibs_us@yahoo.com 48375 MI
Johnie Kemp eight@hotmail.com 49746 MI
James Kerr jkerr@pacific.net 95470 CA
Let's put the future of the
human race and the
planet above the
Arleen Wiley arleenwiley@gmail.com 71953 AR corporate greed!
Devlon Clouser Devlon@me.com 94949 CA
GOD IS Watching... Us
A Maddigan amaddigan@yahoo.com 02346 MA ALL.
Mary Mataja mataja2004@comcast.net 98038 WA
Cynthia Revello Revello157@gmail.com 08753 NJ CHEMICALS!

Katarzyna Wójcik wojka@vp.pl 01-046

Elizabeth Beckman liz@alpaca-farm.com 81226 CO
Wayne Parent m 27617 ON
Joy Hittner joyhittner@gmail.com 55962 MN
j talbot talbot@talbotworld.com 78704 TX
I don't agree with the
comment about "years of
delay" because I know
how busy you have been
on enviro issues. Please
keep up the great EPA
work while you are in
John Huerta Keena1st@hotmail.com 26241 WV office.
DC Katten mrpanashe@gmail.com 85331 AZ
Valerie Hildebrand vintgal009@gmail.com 44134 OH
Please, just stop these
Heather Smith Hmsforever@gmail.com 94536 CA evil chemical companies.
Kimberly McConkey tuffykim@aol.com 99508 AK
Anja Brauckmann domino1968@ymail.com 40225 ot
Shannon Matheson calibornmama@gmail.com 90066 CA
kathy haverkamp khaverka@courts.state.ny.us 14456 NY
Joyce cousino meanolebat47@msn.com 88030 NM
Linda Williams Warthog.mk1@gmail.com 20781 MD
Martin Melkonian ecomzm@hofstra.edu 11553 NY
Stephen Holler steveholler1@aol.com 77040 TX
Donna Brown donna@fvogelmann.com 60473 IL
Laurie Saggan kodiakgold@comcast.net 60477 IL
Mike Konopa mkonopa@juno.com 92612 CA
Jo Ann Gleason Joanngleason2@gmail.com 95409 CA
Robert Krueger robkrueger@att.net 60626 IL
Carol Henderson carol@chicago-op.com 60461 IL
Cathy Loewenstein Langpath@optonline.net 11702 NY
Colleen Calvarino ccalvarino@vitaminworld.com 11706 NY
William Armstrong notwwa@gmail.com 70816 LA
Teresa Iovino tmi_darktower@yahoo.com 38117 TN
David l longobucco@sbcglobal.net 06443 CT
Savanna Henke Savannahenke@gmail.com 32506 FL
Helgaleena Healingline helgaleenas@yahoo.com 53716 WI
Denise Gomolka dgomolka@jacksonsd.org 08533 NJ
Allison Odell allisonodell@yahoo.com 81435 CO


Dorothea Paiva pdorothea@hotmail.com 66208 KS
William Winstanley wpwin@genext.net 98801 WA
Tanya Roland jmenmO@yahoo.com 22042 DC
Christina Ortiz christy56702@yahoo.com 91732 CA
Please protect We the
Dianne Morrison dianne@morrisonmcnabb.com 94901 CA People...
Amber Lancaster ambermwpt@yahoo.com 80109 CO
Roxanna Smock pincushion2@sbcglobal.net 78731 TX
Joseph Kaleel joekaleel@yahoo.com 48759 MI
Kevin Leary kevinleary34@yahoo.com 44116 OH
Vivian Welton Viv4Evermore@yahoo.com 12464 NY
Bill Marvin wmarvin1@udayton.edu 45405 OH
Jill Wallace jwallace200@msn.com 75230 TX
brian cummings bajabozo96@yahoo.com 89060 NV
Cynthia Arnott White cynthiaarnott@yahoo.com 97035 OR
When will we start
protecting our children
Iona Singleton iona.sing41@gmail.com 86305 AZ from pesticides???
Jodi Rodar Hooppole@gmail.com 01108 MA

It is so counterproductive
for a society to allow
these chemicals--the
costs down the road just
don't justify the agro-
business lobbying. Bring
back bio-diversity and
Anne Burnham annemburnham@comcast.net 15217 PA we'd all do better...
Madeline Rivera madelinx@yahoo.com 85704 AZ
Tonette Dire tonitiger666@hotmail.com 85051 AZ
Joseph Lawson josephglaw@aol.com 10023 NY
The science is very clear
now. There is absolutely
no excuse for allowing
this extremely damaging
chemicals to be in use.
They are harmful to our
children and therefore, to
Elizabeth H Horner BethHorner@earthlink.net 60201 IL our future.
Ron Katz ronaldkatz@ymail.com 48070 MI
hernan alzuro nalzuro@yahoo.com 75234 AZ
Lynne Dalleck Sealuver67@comcast.net 98642 WA

Kris Hughes krjahu@yahoo.ca e2j2x6

Sandra Naidich kimera23@gmail.com 11215 NY
Liberty Brigner Libbybrigner@yahoo.com 43202 OH
Martha Easter-Wells Mm3second@aol.com 52753 IA
Acadia Cutschall acadia.experiment@gmail.com 11225 NY
Sharon Willeford Slwsurfing@yahoo.com 96740 HI
Amy Spude amy.spude@gmail.com 55358 MN
Etta Robin earob62@pacbell.net 93312 CA
Jan Landman jlandman@sonic.net 94931 CA

Maritte (Mara) Rahav ph7mr@hotmail.com 10036 NY

Hannah Coffman Hco528@yahoo.com 06484 CT

Marty Carlson marty.j.carlson@lesschwab.com 97754 OR

Jim Snee JimSnee@Mac.com 05736 VT
Pesticides are poison and
they have no place in our
Bridget Palecek labrpal@charter.net 54904 WI food.
Hal Forsen glassics1@cox.net 92672 CA
No sane society would
ever concede to put its
children at risk for
industry profit. Let us
please demonstrate a
Leila Zai green3pair@yahoo.com 92104 CA return to sanity.
Knud Padborg knudhpadborg@gmail.com 90731 CA
I have personal
experience with health
damage due to these
robin blake roloblake@hotmail.com 55406 MN pesticides. Ban them.
Doreen Koeckeritz doreenkoeck@telus.net 9P2
R. James Barnard jbarnard@physci.ucla.edu 90095 CA
Alan Goga gogamonster@sbcglobal.net 89523 NV
Mark Hurley greenrainforest@msn.com 84041 UT
romani bays romani.bays@yahoo.com 12345 NY
Our agriculture and
energy systems are not
sustainable. We must
transition to small to
medium scale organic
farming and renewable
energy as soon as
Hugh Sutherland hsutherland.v@gmail.com 93117 CA possible.
shoot yourselves you gd
evil worthless feds cant
make it in real world
waiting on your pensions
you bunch of fat ass
losers doped and
Michael Johnson senorpescado@gmail.com 29579 SC dumbed down sheeples
ray kim homegroan51@gmail.com 86305 AZ
William Bergen billb41@centurylink.net 55337 MN
Graciela Barajas gbarajas@yahoo.com 92102 CA
Virginia Bottorff lilly_white_lillith@yahoo.com 13205 NY
Michelle Cleave michelle@cleave.net 94019 CA
Karynn Merkel kelyrnn2001@hotmail.com 95503 CA
Alan Grant alantgrant@gmail.com None
Todd Akerley todd0237@att.net 06106 CT
Suzanne Newman ciaosue2000@yahoo.com 94563 CA
Robert Levers rlevers@levers.com 01742 MA
Susan Avery saveryy@gmail.com 98569 WA
We must be rationally
planning and providing
for our great-
grandchildren's great-
Jacob R. Raitt luvnstuff2@gmail.com 06605 CT grandchildren.
Dallas Windham medic4059@yahoo.com 75243 TX
BJ Solberg fruitfight@comcast.net 98221 WA
Rita D rido205@yahoo.com 10023 NY
Meredith West mawest06@gmail.com 60622 IL
Bruce Krawisz brucekra@hotmail.com 54449 WI
Patricia Scott triciascott727@gmail.com 12443 NY
Patty Viers awviers@yahoo.com 43615 OH
Marc Schoenberg mschoenberg@twmi.rr.com 48336 MI
Harley Price cheifpaleface@yahoo.co.uk 4NR
anna brigatti anna.brigatti@fastwebnet.it 20143 VA
Think about these
pesticides making
someone in your family
roxana_rlopezinsurance@msn.c ill, IT CAN HAPPEN YA
Roxana Lopez om 85621 AZ KNOW!
vanessa pellegrino vlpellegrino@gmail.com 91362 CA
Mitch Dalition mitchdsf@gmail.com 94117 CA
Please BAN all toxic
chemicals on our
environments. Thanks for
doing what is right for
our generations of
June Richardson Richardsonj@suddenlink.net 28590 NC Americans.
This is poison ! Please be
mindful of our
environment and our
Carmela Entsminger Carmients@aol.com 44106 OH children.
Gerlinde Grill GerlindeGrill@gmx.de 97421
Mike Gamble Sr. dpclub1@voicenet.com 18054 PA
Thomas Dawley tomdawley@hotmail.com 02652 MA
Anne Huibregtse anne@annescows.com 12594 NY
Rebekah O'Brien obrienr83@gmail.com 34653 FL
Roanne Lebrun rlebrun@hawaii.rr.com 96778 HI
Ela Gotkowska anandalodz@wp.pl 92517 CA
Adrianne Camero-Sulak drcamerosulak@comcast.net 48176 MI
Amy Edelen petes_mom@cox.net 85020 AZ
Virginia Vollmar ginger.vollmar@oracle.com 01450 MA
Carlene Estacion carlene@npgcable.com 86336 AZ
Elaine Holder elaineholder@att.net 93405 CA
Angela Parker angeladawnparker@yahoo.com 94903 CA
Yashira Aupont yashiracarrasco@aol.com 33157 FL
Suzanne Saunders segnbora@gmail.com 33702 FL
Rocio Luparello rocioluparello@hotmail.com 21702 MD
Susan Weems susanweems@gwi.net 04011 ME
Florencia Prado flopiprado@hotmail.com 4NR
Barney McComas barndoggy@gmail.com 94709 CA
Radko Vacek mystarlink@yahoo.com 43605 OH
Hilda Estrada Hilda_Estrada@yahoo.com 11210 NY
Alexander Dolowitz adolowitz@yahoo.com 84121 UT
Jay Atkinson jayatk40@gmail.com 94803 CA
Joan Moricca glennwoodec@yahoo.com 94564 CA
Linda Greene lgreene@bloomington.in.us 47468 IN
Kimberly Leeper s.com 98116 WA
Nelda Allan Allannellie@gmail.com 92103 CA
Sharon Maxson chesty1102@hotmail.com 85614 AZ
Christopher White cwhite5088@gmail.com 40208 KY
Ritva Saunders Nordic.bg99@gmail.com 2X5
I am the Director of
Stewardship at Clif Bar
and Company. We are a
company committed to
supporting sustainable,
organic farming systems
that do not put people's
health at risk due to the
use of toxic chemicals. I
urge you to do everything
you can to ban these
pesticides. There is a
healthier, safer and more
ELYSA HAMMOND ehammond@clifbar.com 10805 NY sustainable way to farm.
David White importedcar@myfairpoint.net 04609 ME
We MUST pretect against
Pamela Swallow pswallow612@gmail.com 08822 NJ toxic pesticides.
Jean Forsberg jtf3@me.com 16844 PA
Corinne Rider cmrcep@gmail.com 32174 FL
diana n asser diananas@sonic.net 95472 CA
TRAM PHAM tram_pham@yahoo.com 19086 PA
RJ Gallagher rj_gallagher@comcast.net 98501 WA
Victoria Yoon vicki.yoon@gmail.com 95813 HI
Brad Snyder bksnyder1@hotmail.com 55369 MN
mary grace marygrace92@yahoo.com 95492 CA
Margery Race mraceop@sbcglobal.net 78741 TX
Heidi Bean h.bean@att.net 92663 CA
Please stop selling these
nasty chemicals that are
Susan Lozoraitis suzeblue9@yahoo.com 01609 MA hurting us!
gareth bell garethgraeme@aol.com 07708 ot
Randolph Hogan rahogan12@yahoo.com 06031 CT
Bert Robinson brobinson@pmonts.org 08540 NJ
Linda Hartford nanalinxoxo@gmail.com 27516 NC
Mika Greathouse Mikagreathouse@hotmail.com 98926 WA
Doug Landau popcomic@tampabay.rr.com 33707 FL
Lindsay Mugglestone lindsmuggl@aol.com 94705 CA
Dorothy Johnson nursejohnson25@yahoo.com 20121 VA
Becky Hayek bhayek0580@gmail.com 86086 AZ
Charles Gaulke chuck_gaulke@bradycorp.com 53029 WI
Dan Towers wweye@mchsi.com 95423 CA
Irene Snavely peacefulfairie@yahoo.com 91724 CA
Catherine Garvey cgfree55@telusplanet.net 4C6
Michael Howells howellsm@earthlink.net 96822 HI Thank you.
That these constitute a
highly toxic category of
chemicals is not news:
enough w the studies,
enough with the
poisonings and the
bioaccumulation the
extent of which we will
never know for certain.
Ban organophosphates
christine harker charker@truman.edu 63501 MO (these 8 are a start).
ken mincin kenmincin@comcast.net 98052 WA
cindy yates yatescp2002@yahoo.com 28429 NC
macyle candela macylecandela@yahoo.com 17316 PA
Darlene Niman drcniman@aol.com 11373 NY
Ben C ben.cirrus@gmail.com 60647 IL
Malcolm Groome otorongo@earthlink.net 90290 CA
Janel Compton janelc@sbcglobal.net 60423 IL

Ann and Daniel Asnes annasnes@comcast.net 02472 MA

Miklos Bosarge Cardinalmick@aol.com 45239 OH
Charlotte York charlottey77@yahoo.com 24747 WV
Carolyn Hirsig carolynhirsig@me.com 93105 CA
Bob Bousquet bousquetrb@comcast.net 02327 MA
BJ Novitski bjn@efn.org 97402 OR
Tracey N DeSousa tracey@desousa.org 80516 CO

stephanie strickland stricky22@hotmail.com h9x 1z2 QC

Sandra Kerr kerrjb@comcast.net 23236 VA
DAWN HICKLE dhmanager@lvcoxmail.com 89128 NV
Guy Sadan guy_sadan@hotmail.com 07340 DE
Please ban these toxic
Diane Luck dianeluck@mac.com 97212 OR chemicals now!
Alexis Nazario anazario83@yahoo.com 19934 DE
Sue Ellen Lupien sueellenlupien@yahoo.com 72113 AR
Sarada Tangirala sara.tangirala@gmail.com 94605 CA
Lynn Karr lkrss@centurylink.net 80513 CO
Gudrun Dennis gdennis2@cox.net 32653 FL
Sarah Haynes sarah.haynes@mac.com 98103 WA
Al Miller almsurfer@yahoo.com 60015 IL
Michele Boyd giggle2much2@hotmail.com 59715 MT
Karen Scanlon karen@intuitnutrition.com 13203 NY
John Waitman john.daddy.57@gmail.com 80305 CO
Anne R annekatriner@gmail.com 06550
Joan Eukitis Jeukitis@gmail.com 33470 FL
David Aylward daylward@gmail.com 94061 CA
John Hess john.hess@umb.edu 02131 MA
John Cenc pokerguytony@aol.com 15902 PA
Patricia DeLuca et 34275 FL
Gabor Petry gdpsoia@hotmail.com 92054 CA
Joan Murray jsmurray24@gmail.com 90066 CA
John O'Connor jack611j@aol.com 08859 NJ
Ann-Britt Hornljung annbritthornljung@telia.com 38290
Tacey Conover taceyconover@yahoo.com 97405 OR
Elizabeth Ceron bethceron@yahoo.com 10573 NY
J Macfarland gapdog22@hotmail.com 85603 AZ
Regine Dieringer sheilab@gmx.net 89183 NV
I cannot believe how
many times I have signed
a petition to get rid of
this pesticide. I guess it is
govt. inaction over and
Bill Liebhardt wcliebhardt@ucdavis.edu 95616 CA over.
Ben Ruwe benruwe@hotmail.com 95018 CA
Henry Frank henrynco@comcast.net 19153 PA
Deborah Parker deborah.parker@bms.com 08638 NJ
Ian Wood iew101@hotmail.com 19444 PA
Carol Storthz Csthz@sbcglobal.net 72202 AR
Amy Mueller afogarty8@hotmail.com 14609 NY
Diane Cribley diane@falkorranch.com 80107 CO

Leotien Parlevliet leotien@gmail.com 9721JZ

It's about time that
regulations change!! Why
isn't it the manufacturers'
responsibility to PROVE
than The responsibility of
the public to employ
scientists and lawyers to
prove that the chemicals
are harmful?!?! (All the
while chemical
manufacturers are
making billions of dollars
and innocent people and
the environment are
being exposed and
harmed!!!!!) It is such a
simple solution. On
behalf of the American
people, I beg you to make
Nivale Lightfoot Nivale.lightfoot@gmail.com 81328 CO this policy!
John Brown jbrown@lisco.com 52556 IA
Kelly DeVine kdevine4407@gmail.com 11777 NY
jameson mc donnell jayones@live.com 19148 PA
Do Your Job EPA ... You're
not Protecting US... Gina
McCarthy You did not
Protect US when you
Turned off Radiation
Monitors..? and now
you're going to let
another industry Poison
our Children and the
George Duke GGDuke@msn.com 30116 GA World..?
Ed Parks rebeled@gmail.com 73505 OK
keith alstedter keith@deersong.com 931905 CA
Amit Shoham amit@tarantic.com 94606 CA
Do your job: protect us
David Dalton Davedalton3@aol.com 98374 WA NOT Big Ag's profits!!!
Please don't allow people
roger wiesmeyer bach2468@yahoo.com 37206 TN to be hurt.
Izabella Dabrowski izka_d@yahoo.com 78758 TX
Thomas Blackwell tblackwell@dscommunity.com 78749 TX
Gregory Rossi 5a5da8dc@opayq.com 48329 MI
constant albertson edu 04473 ME
Peter Burkard pmborganic@aol.com 34243 FL Am a beekeeper.
Julene Weaver trippweaver@gmail.com 98105 WA
Gloriamarie Amalfitano gloriamarie@gmail.com 92111 CA
Linda McKillip dragonwolf52@comcast.net 08081 NJ
Sharon Zayac jubilee.farm@comcast.net 62670 IL
Elaine Livingston livingsed@aol.com 13850 NY
martin folga mjfolga1@yahoo.com 14227 NY
David Atwood david-atwood@comcast.net 60643 IL
Michael Halloran mshalloran2605@gmail.com 97305 OR
Ellen Osborne Peaceeao@aol.com 27313 NC
Kathie Caflisch ksc1949@earthlink.net 60047 IL
Lynda Hegg Lhhegg@umich.edu 49423 MI
Gloria Linda Maldonado glmaldonado68@gmail.com 94062 CA

Bonnie Margay Burke b_margay@yahoo.com 92160 CA

James Hickman jimh652013@yahoo.com 34219 FL
David Kane Kane482@gmail.com 10016 NY
Mary Swenson Iposthaste@comcast.net 05482 VT
Karen Mitchell karenmpdx@gmail.com 98685 WA
leigh-ann renz leighannrenz@outlook.com 28786 NC

Pesticide exposure has

ruined my health. I can't
get anywhere near any
form of it now. Please
protect innocent children
Mona Dube dubem@salve.edu 02840 RI from these poisons!
Annette Ancel-Wisner Annette317@gmail.com 54871 WI
Yuka Persico yuka@persico.net 93065 CA
Mary Ellen Sperling sperlingpt@earthlink.net 94702 CA
Glenn Ross glenn@glennross.net 95502 CA WTF?
Ann Ewing annkewing@yahoo.com 38305 FL
Robert Oberdorf roberdorf@gmail.com 33322 FL
Estelle Voeller evoeller@charter.net 97501 OR
Anita Flagg anitaflagg@aol.com 85749 AZ
cindy cartwright sccecart@comcast.net 80303 CO
Hezikiah Johnson III hezikiahjohnsoniii@gmail.com 31721 GA
A Haley soleil2k2@yahoo.com 95223 CA
Ashley Lewis muse.akl@gmail.com 94930 CA
B.A. McClintock redahi@hawaii.rr.com 96815 HI
Clairone Delaney clairone@comcast.net 20708 MD
Dennis Hall denformation@yahoo.com 34949 FL
Mary Stone mstone5@att.net 27511 NC
Elisabeth Klein truebluenatural@shaw.ca 1n3
Paul Kalka pgkzo@yahoo.com 19428 PA
Mary Patricia Mood patriciamoodop@hotmail.com 43219 OH
Hilary Klein hdoleklein@gmail.com 93101 CA
Louise Thompson M 01085 MA

graziano siciliano acustica80@gmail.com sw9 8lq CA

Michaeline Hade mhade@luc.edu 60618 IL
Debbie Thomas 08shiloh@live.com 89408 NV
Andrea DiGeronimo andreadigeron@yahoo.com 23451 VA
Gail Veiby herathveiby@charter.net 01581 MA
sherrie munday jademermaid17@netzero.net 80503 CO
Harriet Edith Roberts hroberts@uoregon.edu 97403 OR
We don't need these
poisons and our children
and field workers and
farmers shouldn't have to
be exposed to them.
Never mind wildlife and
Leslie Cozad leslie.cozad@wellsfargo.com 94931 CA waterways, as well.
Richard Boyce richardboyce@fuse.net 45230 OH
Kirk Rhoads kirkrhoads@hotmail.com 72653 AR
F Corr newhotar@gmail.com 01351 MA
Carol Doud NannyLvsJ@aol.com 17050 PA
Kate Miller kamiller92020@yahoo.com 92116 CA
Barbara Carr barbca@aol.com 21087 MD
This is the work I expect
EPA to do to protect
people and the
Carl Woestwin carlherne@yahoo.com 98115 WA environment.
Kelly Irwin kellyir01@yahoo.com 19446 PA
Kevin Schmidt kevin@kevinschmidt.com 98110 WA
Jaye Brink dravenloft@gmail.com 01201 MA
Let's not make this
another example of
Shelley Gordon drshelleyg@aol.com 60654 IL "follow the money"....
Cecelia Samp ceceliasamp@triton.edu 60176 IL
James Soares soares6474@gmail.com 98247 WA

Food shouldn't make us

sick; ban infectious
pesticides, regardless of
the profits they generate
Karen Fabiane misty121@juno.com 12301 NY for their creators!!!!
Karen Donaldson kdonaldson@nccn.net 95945 CA
Bonnie Page fiabanfriends@hotmail.com 01801 MA
Daniel Rosmann daniel.rosmann@gmail.com 51537 IA
Marguerite Winkel pegartista@earthlink.net 99201 WA
Judy Slack Gardenfairy510@gmail.com 48858 MI
Patrick McCloskey pwmccloskey@yahoo.com 19083 PA
Robert Anderson mrbyte@charter.net 49676 MI
D.G. Sifuentes dream15x@rocketmail.com 93546 CA
andrew sessa andysessa@msn.com 11235 NY

Randall Daugherty randalldaugherty@sbcglobal.net 92868 CA

Jacqueline Jenkins jjenkins@volcano.net 97303 OR
Larry LaPointe penguin1944@hotmail.com 92589 CA
Charline Ratcliff c_e_ratcliff@yahoo.com 94596 CA
Bob Rosenberg endobob@earthlink.net 94904 CA
Bruce Sadowskas besad@ptd.net 19606 PA
Barbara Maness Maness5@yahoo.com 32168 FL
Karen Taylor ktay6327@hotmail.com 55119 MN
Mary Springer marystoy@gmail.com 54601 WI

Please take action now to

ban this known danger.
Living in an agricultural
state, our exposure to
the myriad of chemicals
Sue Wehrwein sw2322@gmail.com 68516 NE now in use is terrifying.
Karen Munro karenmunro111@yahoo.com 29681 SC
Don Barth donna.don@comcast.net 23005 VA
Stephen Craig Rolston craigrolston@frontier.com 98223 WA
MICHAEL SCHUMM mschumm@comcast.net 85737 AZ
christa wagner austriangipsy@gmail.com 96740 HI
Stephanie Cawley Stephcaw@gmail.com 08831 NJ
Pete Skach pskach@gmail.com 60142 IL
Gaetan Chevalier dlbogc@sbcglobal.net 92024 CA
Jon Nelson nelsonjonk@hotmail.com 10016 NY
Stephan Donovan StephanDonovan@aol.com 60625 IL
Robert Love relove333@aol.com 27314 NC
Frona Vicksell fronav@verizon.net 01742 MA
Rory Alden raw94704@yahoo.com 94704 CA
Barbara King Brb3Ki@aol.com 90029 CA
Conni McGraw Morris conni.l.mcmorris@wv.gov 25177 WV
Judy Fraley jkdaisyrose@att.net 92879 CA
Barbara schlitz bebar50@aol.com 94002 CA

NOTE: the Zika virus

outbreak is now being
investigated as a
response to the
combat mosquitoes...
another symptom of the
dangers of these
chemicals. STOP
Ellen Rubenstein Chelmis erubyc@aol.com 28804 NC MAKING/USING THEM!!!
The only future we have
is our children. If we
poison them we will kill
our own future. Protect
the children, protect the
Allen Jenne housecalls611@gmail.com 28715 NC future.
cathy crum cscanatomyarts@earthlink.net 91301 CA
Shannon Darsow sdarsow@gmail.com 55068 MN
Ceacy Henderson ceacy.henderson@gmail.com 01340 MA
Mary Ann Calvert mary14@cox.net 23452 VA
Marco Pardi MPardi@aol.com 30043 GA
Dinorah Hall deh5400@bellsouth.net 31708 GA
Anne Fenton anne_kf@yahoo.com 20146 VA
Marie Weis marieweis@yahoo.com 98333 WA
sue davies daviesue@gmail.com 95466 CA
Diane Hendricks ddhend@hotmail.com 76374 TX
Clara Morgan clara.mrgn@gmail.com 96732 HI
Chris MacKrell c.mackrell@yahoo.com 90813 CA
A. Gardner briannamackenzie@yahoo.com 27030 NC
Ruthie Selch rwselch@gmail.com 80516 CO
L. P. Rees lanny7289@aol.com 62966 IL
amanda struse astruse@yahoo.com 75218 TX
Jane Marquet janemarquet@yahoo.com 34223 FL
Jill Davine jsdavine@aol.com 90232 CA
Boyce Booth quantumpainter@yahoo.com 28160 NC
Terry Elliott jax@epix.net 18854 PA
These poisons should
have been banned a long
Nicole Rosa nicki@totalmath.net 80903 CO time ago.
It's time to do what's
Karen Reiter kayren3b@gmail.com 34233 FL right!
Kathryn Good Hanson oldwhitebirch@aol.com 01432 MA
Richard Creswell rickcreswell@yahoo.com 80227 CO
Deborah Walsh kolorkraze@gmail.com 55082 MN
William Lee Billlea@aol.com 48221 MI
Ms Kathleen L Lundy abm900@yahoo.com 84102 UT
Michael Grieco griecofamily@msn.com 30506 GA
John Nowlin JohnNowlin@msn.com 85254 AZ
Michelle Hayward kittyandmoose@yahoo.co.uk 11201 NY
Robert Mohr rmohr@tiwcorp.com 18040 PA
Paulette Allison Paulette728@gmail.com 65109 MO
Marian Meinen marianmeinen@web.de 10040 NY
Carolyn Collins grandmac39@hotmail.com 92128 CA
Carolyn Minert sistercm67@gmail.com 60631 IL
kathy grieves kgg007@aol.com 85383 AZ
Janice Mackanic janice1029us@msn.com 07305 NJ
Darryl Wilson snoopydancer@msn.com 98053 WA
Bret Sher bsher@oakton.edu 60061 IL
Mehdie Vakili mehdie.vakili@gmail.com 60085 IL
Cheryl Dzubak cadzubak@optimum.net 08620 NJ
Paul Densmore pmdensmore@gmail.com 55116 MN
Sarah Jamison sjamison@stmarys-ca.edu 94556 CA
Peter and
Marilyn Miess p.miess@sbcglobal.net 53705 WI
Carol Herzog carolherzog@verizon.net 01950 MA
Gary Schmoock lyngar@mindspring.com 27278 NC
Barbara Mallett mallettb7@gmail.com 73069 OK
Elizabeth Taylor emtseattle@gmail.com 98133 WA
kathleen king kaking2@wisc.edu 53705 WI
JERILYN DOWNING jddown@juno.com 94134 CA
Barbara Poulsen barbarapoulsen@earthlink.net 97330 OR
Janice Weeks janiceweeks@yahoo.com 46122 IN
Please do the right thing
Toni Genberg tonifromhawaii@yahoo.com 22046 VA for all life on earth.
Thomas Pintagro tjp1069@hotmail.com 14701 NY
Brook Caillouette sweetsugarchicken@yahoo.com 19805 DE
Letitia Dace theatrejoy@yahoo.com 66502 FL
Bonnie Kenny bonniebizbe@hotmail.com 80214 CO
raymond trozzo rtrozzo102@aol.com 33905 FL
Tom Rolofson trolofson@gmail.com 80906 CO
Alexis Basista alexis.basista@gmail.com 90034 OH
Michelle Profant michellescotts@aol.com 93117 CA
William Hutchings WHutc3712@aol.com 35213 AL
Aaron Ucko amu@alum.mit.edu 20850 MD
Donna Thelander dthelander@gmail.com 97211 OR
Ken Windrum kwindrum@earthlink.net 90004 CA
Adriana Micciulla iblea@msn.com 85255 AZ
Bruno Prata bruno.prata16@gmail.com 11230 NY
Bridget Spann bridget@caretakerfarm.org 01267 MA
Ella Reeves eilat@wildmail.com 7 BC
James Flanagan bubbasblues007@hotmail.com 78602 TX
Birgit Hermann Bhermannsf@aol.com 94117 CA
miguel angel lozano sanchez patxidonbenito@hotmail.com 06400 ot
Laura Del Gaudio laurelbay404@gmail.com 10463 NY
BARRY WILKINSON wilkinsb@telus.net 00000
Janet Ordway jordway1@maine.rr.com 04064 ME
Carolyn Coxon carolyncoxon@yahoo.com 93505 CA
Paul Vesper Pontiffp@comcast.net 94703 CA
holly westcott hollyw.bts@gmail.com 57105 SD
Lois Hemm digmedia207@yahoo.com 32835 FL

Karen White karen.kcwhite@gmail.com L37 2JL ot

Cynthia Hartofelis tilton20232003@yahoo.com 04345 ME

steve kent houseandcomfort.ca@gmail.com 45011 OH

Danielle Tran danishome@live.ca T3A3S4 AB

jim Gergat jkeaera@netzero.com 19505 PA

Mike and Susan RAYMOND knight_train@hotmail.com 48315 MI

Jim Devries j.devries@qkstream.com 3L4 MB
Tina Hurst tinasharley@hotmail.com 86335 AZ
Regina Alesso reginaalesso@yahoo.com 33331 FL
Monica Riedler mriedler48@gmail.com 20015 DC
The studies have all
shown these chemicals
are very dangerous. We
Kathleen Lovell Kathleenlovell@icloud.com 13021 NY need to stop using them.
Jim Coxon jimcartrucking@yahoo.com 93505 CA
Joy Rich joyrich@hotmail.com 11218 NY
Amber Rucker amberism@gmail.com 85306 AZ
Vic Bostock care4animals@hotmail.co.uk 91001 CA
Shona Goodridge goodridge501@gmail.com 65401 MO
Katherine Lawrence om 95110 CA
The era of corporate
reign over our lives is
coming to a close. Those
who continue to support
and promote their
criminal agendas will be
judged and sentenced
accordingly as crimes
against humanity. Please
choose to be on
Humanity's side. Thank
Anna Fleshler anna.fleshler@gmail.com 10701 NY you.
Chris Drumright astrohoops@aol.com 37130 TN
Marie koenig mkoenig84@gmail.com 11021 NY
Linda Martin linda@lindamartindesign.com 12144 NY
John Marzich tyvek@pacbell.net 93420 CA
Katherine Feuz knfeuz@gmail.com 97013 OR

Don Pew nobrainsurgeon022@yahoo.com 44420 OH

AnaLisa Crandall analisa_duran@yahoo.com 78101 TX
Nancy Pates-Riches nriches@conway.k12.wa.us 98292 WA
Please return to sanity
and protect us from this
mad poisoning of our
Karl Hermansen klhermansen@verizon.net 20112 VA population.
Glenn Hufnagel gphufnagel@hotmail.com 14215 NY
Dan Sherwood dan@dansherwood.com 97214 OR
Stephen Yelich fixinghands@hotmail.com 91006 CA
Susan Vogt bias@alaska.net 99712 AK
Laraine Lebron lstarwood1@msn.com 13502 NY
Axel Vogt vogt@ub.uni-freiburg.de 79117 TX
Charles Byrne charles-byrne@rocketmail.com 60540 IL
Honz Zondorgh goldom@yahoo.com 85701 AZ
martha halla mmsgr8ful@aol.com 88044 NM
Echo Zebo zebo49@msn.com 66607 KS
Constantine Bogios costabass@hotmail.com 94597 CA
Mary Axle Maxle10@comcast.net 48357 MI
Kathryn Carroll rtkm@comcast.net 94611 CA
lorraine lewis ellenrainbow@mail.com 9rx ot
Cheryl Jennings Pinkiej@msn.com 60035 IL
Mary DeCraemer Mary5frances@gmail.com 48348 MI
Randi Holt holt@net.elmhurst.edu 60067 IL
Claudia Wornum claudiawornum@comcast.net 94605 CA
robin mulligan robinallenmulligan@gmail.com 92708 CA
Craig Figtree craig.figtree@gmail.com 60614 IL
Marilyn Katz samandvenu@mindspring.com 90069 CA
Otmar Jonas cruising@hotmail.com 97027 OR
Robert Weaver weaver.bert@gmail.com 30341 GA
Wm Scott heyou@ptd.net 16933 PA
Brenda Selvig brendaselvig@msn.com 55347 MN
Rebecca McDonough beckymcdonough@gmail.com 98245 WA
Shireen Parsons pachamama3@gmail.com 20011 DC Just DO IT NOW!!!
Joan Zawaski jzawaski@alnella.com 94602 CA
Kathy Blaustein k.l.blaustein@gmail.com 97330 OR
Beatrice Haas beatricehaas@hotmail.com 11746 NY
Dawn Florio florioski@yahoo.com 44133 OH
Ron Rodgers ronrodgersstudio@yahoo.com 95472 CA
Barbara McCarthy bobbi713@hotmail.com 34741 FL
Rebecca Morrison booper122@me.com 19804 DE
Luis Fuentes Luisgfuentes10@gmail.com 92262 CA
Carolyn Ridpath carolyn_ridpath@yahoo.com 05602 VT
T Mo Shredbetty70@gmail.com 55076 MN
Florence Sandok fsandok@charter.net 55906 MN
Jeff Komisarof du 20854 MD

Mary Garcia maryagarciaa@sbcglobal.net 91601 CA Children First profits last.

Sara Miller saramiller16@yahoo.com 53149 WI
the danger might not be
immediately obvious
paul heloskie pheloski@optonline.net 11783 NY better to be careful
shiela cook beadbox342@gmail.cpm 97219 OR
Laura Herndon laura.herndon@disney.com 91505 CA
Sarabeth Matilsky sara@cheeber.com 14850 NY
Ann Brochhagen om 11757 NY
With pediatric
problems soaring in
incidence, it is time to
reduce the risks to this
most vulnerable
population whenever
possible. Here is your
chance to protect our
patricia wood pjw@grassrootsinfo.org 11050 NY future.
William Maynard wlmaynard@eldergnome.com 20715 MD
Michael and
Miriam Kurland mimbck@yahoo.com 06250 CT
Laurie Smyla lmsmyla@aol.com 10974 NY
Jeff Odell Jeff@jeffodell.com 92612 CA
Kevin Metcalf bigbrometcalf@gmail.com 60056 IL
Susan Spencer susiekspencer@yahoo.com 30133 GA
Karen the
Ottawa Valley karen@ottawavalleydogwhisper K0G
Dog Whis Rosenfeld er.ca 1R0
J. Michael
"Mike" Henderson mhenderson13@gmail.com 92129 CA
Marie DesJarlais gatemex@gmail.com 54601 WI
d carr draak1702@gmail.com 03755 NH
William McFadden wgmcfadden135@gmail.com 31404 GA
Jan Vanbart poetiskdans@yahoo.se 26942
Marijke Rowney Mrowney1@aol.com 8ap TX
Cassie A. Murphy camellis725@charter.net 93465 CA
Zachary Ferketich zacharyferketich@gmail.com 18073 PA
Brian Ainsley Brian.Ainsley@gmail.com 32714 FL
Julie Mock juliemmock@gmail.com 52240 IA
Tracy Boyle nishistarr@yahoo.com 60646 IL
Barbra Bergstrom bmarkham1@aol.com 94904 CA
Wolfgangg Gerber gerberw@hotmail.com 6b7

steve ricci steve.ricci@emersiondesign.com 45152 OH

Krystie Podwoski Livetruth13@yahoo.com 85296 AZ
Ina Lippard orbsofmerlin@gmail.com 03585 NH
ALSO. it is imperative that
the Office of Waater
issue a MCLG ofZero for
fluoride. The status quo is
allowing lead poisoned
Flint, Michigan children
to be fluoride poisoned
Cynthia Gill perville@aol.com 17603 PA as well- both neurotoxic.

Pauline Rosenberg paulinerosenberg@hotmail.com 19151 PA

Kathleen Watson kwatson1069@sbcglobal.net 95436 CA
Christine Roeffen Christib@gmx.net 66978 GA
Frank Rouse redpaintpeople@gmail.com 97017 OR
It is so important that we
end the use of these
Mary Barbezat mary.ellen.barbezat@gmail.com 60124 IL chemicals. Let's do it!
Merlyn Rock mbrock_44281@yahoo.com 44281 OH
Amy Daugherty adaugherty@davidedward.com 21227 MD

Christine McDonald christine.mcdonald@state.de.us 19734 DE

Jennifer Lanham photojourno2003@yahoo.co.uk 53711 WI

Would you walk out your

front door and spray DDT
where your grandchildren
play? What we are
dealing with here isn't
much better. Think about
it. The money those
chemical companies are
slipping you, is it worst
the health of YOUR
Jen Messina jjnmessina@yahoo.com 89301 NV grandchildren?
Rebecca Brown becca159159@gmail.com 95124 CA
Tom Falvey tefalvey@gmail.com 92104 CA
Richard E Cooley richardecooley@gmail.com 87111 NM
Leanne Tucker sunkissxoxo@live.com 32935 FL
Stacey Tegtmeier .org 15237 PA
John Wiesner jcwiesner@ieee.org 94546 CA
Ted Fishman ted10000@yahoo.com 95123 CA
Beverly Simone beverly.simone@verizon.net 10994 NY
Ken Staiger kenstaiger@cox.net 24012 VA
The action one takes
today has direct effect on
challenges one meets
Kris Waara vaara@comcast.net 95006 CA tomorrow.
barbara knight 4barbaralw@comcast.net 37830 TN
Russ Wagner om 60134 IL
Donald Eddinger dukedog5371@yahoo.com 14424 NY
natasha pushkina natasha-pushkina@list.ru 195426 AK
Ginny Nichols ginnynichols@yahoo.com 95032 CA
Laura Napoleon lnap252@aol.com 11362 NY
Georgia Mattingly glmattingly@earthlink.net 80504 CO
Denise McConnell dns_mcconnell@yahoo.com 78210 TX
Ann Bein abein@ucla.edu 90064 CA
Lawrence Kitay fxstrider@yahoo.com 85251 AZ
Debora Appel Epkatt@aol.com 07945 NJ
Karen Perry itsearthma@yahoo.com 92284 CA
cathy arnett arnttcat@aol.com 26554 WV
Kris Strate klslla@yahoo.com 84629 UT
jordan Kaplowitz jewpanesekid@aol.com 90272 CA
martin Marcus abba_eama@yahoo.com 92120 CA
Audrey Fairchild-Ehm aafairchild@gmail.com 55113 MN
April Tarabocchia littlebug716@yahoo.com 07849 NJ
Lori Alaniva lorialaniva@yahoo.com 78028 TX
Barclay Hauber barclay.hauber@gmail.com 64111 MO
Tim Owens tim.owens@email.org 95864 CA
Isaac Salazar izzycmt@gmail.com 90019 CA
Donna Kowzan dkowzn@gmail.com 93021 CA
Mary Zentkovich mzentkovich5@gmail.com 33527 FL
Andrea Gardener Andgie27@hotmail.com 96722 HI Please!!
Joanna Katz joanna07@sonic.net 94702 CA
Jeanne Doherty jeannefdoherty@yahoo.com 60634 IL
marilyn ledbetter mclmtl@aol.com 29926 SC
Todd Beasley Beasleyt@heathwood.org 29201 SC
Carl Pribanic cpribanic@verizon.net 75025 TX
Kevin Brewster kbrewster8@yahoo.com 54806 WI
Please - Please - Please -
Pray about this and do
what you know in your
heart is the best for our
people's health and for
Helen Cizerle HelenC@ec.rr.com 28584 NC our earth.
Patricia Dierickx jersey73@gmx.com 07333
Jen Odom jenzgot14@gmail.com 33064 FL
Jennifer Fleming jenflem7@yahoo.com 80026 CO
Ted Lemon Ttecm@me.com 78253 TX
It's time. The right people
are on the case and they
already know in their
hearts what they must
Judy Mason ajudymason@hotmail.com 98008 WA do.
David Arntson dchristiemusic@hotmail.com 98012 WA

CLAUDIA BASSI clabsi-action@yahoo.co.uk E5 0NJ

Marina Sagardua sagarzazu@gmail.com 02135 MA
Jean Cameron j-cameron@suddenlink.net 77845 TX
Two of my precious,
innocent grandchildren
are autistic because of
the selfish greed of big
polluters whose chemical
toxins destroy lives.
PLEASE stand up for the
Elizabeth Snyder~Baldonado tapcitymama@gmail.com 27107 NC good of ALL!!!!!
Francis S. NCE1988@Yahoo.com 60515 IL
Daniel Hughes danny@ry.org.il 30035 ot
Linda Vietz linvietz@sbcglobal.net 43229 OH
Johnnie Smart sugi529@gmail.com 44106 OH
Neurotoxins should be
Linda Iannuzzi liannuzzi@hotmail.com 20874 MD banned. Period.
Anne Henry Cindalou6@yahoo.com 34210 FL
Ruth Clifford ruthcliff@aol.com 95126 CA
Jan McCreary cascabel@gilanet.com 88062 NM
L B lb234@cam.ac.uk 1RL ot
walter bolcon walter@globalworldboats.com 02840 RI
John Jolley jolleymon@earthlink.net 74104 OK

Melinda Suelflow melinda@organicconsumers.org 55603 MN

Bonita Black doloresblack@comcast.net 97202 OR
Marilyn King StardustMK@Comcast.net 94945 CA Enough!
Iana Jones ianakiri@mail.om 94901 CA
Jen perlaki jenperlaki@gmail.com 10011 NY
Kathleen Medina k_medina@hotmail.com 01240 MA
Jenny Hancey jenny@hanceydesign.com 80470 CO
Reed O'Brien reed+pan@reedobrien.com 94530 NY
Our future generations
are already broken.
Thanks EPA....do your
Dianne Crossno dragonfish@cox.net 67218 KS job!
Pennelloppe Allee pennelloppe99@yahoo.com 97003 OR
Gary Brant lindylou777@hotmail.co.uk 1HY
Deborah Cunningham Deborah21209@yahoo.com 21209 MD
Jim Bartholomew jimatdel6@yahoo.com 95472 CA
Shannon Minor poot1_98@hotmail.com 33703 FL
Linda Spanski hgfd9876@yahoo.com 92054 CA
Patricia Althouse pra366@aol.com 91604 CA
Lilly Knuth knuth07@verizon.net 11530 NY
Shari Vanden Berg sharsterfootball@yahoo.com 47507
Jink Huge jink_s@yahoo.com 91362 CA
Jack Stansfield jstansfield8981@gmail.com 98292 WA

Think about your children

Christina Sheppard christina_dawn06@yahoo.com 43207 OH or grandchildren
kellie barcelon kelliebarcelon@yahoo.com 85653 AZ
a. marino amydmarino@yahoo.com 27519 NC
Gloria Picchetti picchetti707@sbcglobal.net 60613 IL
Glen A Twombly gatwombly@suddenlink.net 95521 CA
Jessica Sevilla jsevill3@yahoo.com 48073 MI
Gigi Falvai gfalvai@msn.com 80130 CO
Floyd O'Brien fobrien1@comcast.net 95204 CA
Sterling &
Louise Proffitt scproffitt@comcast.net 22947 VA
Karri Schlegel sprouts4@me.com 84105 UT
Lanier Hines theplantman@mac.com 96002 CA
Kimberly Rigano krigano2009@my.fit.edu 98516 WA
Christopher Henry christopherah@outlook.com 80403 CO
Daniel Rebson drebson@gmail.com 77005 TX
Terri Hastings terrihastings@charter.net 28658 NC
jeff hopkins jhop-90@earthlink.net 60046 IL
Bill Gilbert otto4x@gmail.com 99362 WA
Erin Switalski erin.switalski@gmail.com 59802 MT
andrea macgregor andreamacg@hotmail.com 07010 ot
ed barber edbarber@flash.net 60516 IL
sue hoffman volvosue49@yahoo.com 32724 FL
Harlan Scott harlan963@cox.net 85021 AZ
Barbara Lehman lehman.barbara@yahoo.com 91350 CA
Douglas Stevick dlstiewig@yahoo.com 63109 MO
James Gallardo gallardosbull@yahoo.com 80212 CO
Robert Chimis bobsee149@hotmail.com 60707 IL
Gary Cronin gcroninsf@yahoo.com 87505 NM
Lynn Artz lynn_artz@hotmail.com 32326 FL
Carol Costello caroljcostello@gmail.com 48138 MI
Lori Mulvey tlkangel@charter.net 49321 MI
Gerald Weber g.weber@att.net 76108 TX
Kate Neuschaefer kateneuschaefer@mac.com 80424 CO
Dandelo Waters dannygirlish@hotmail.com 94703 CA
Pamela Nordhof pamnordhof@gmail.com 49419 MI

Your action on banning

these substances will
save farmworkers,
children and
communities from
illnesses that will
Marjorie Hendrickson Lilly2010@earthlink.net 12572 NY eventually cost taxpayers,
Greg Meyer gregmick70@hotmail.com 63139 MO
W. Andrew Stover asmakeup@embarqmail.com 17201 PA
George Stradtman gstradtman@juno.com 19027 PA
Annika Lundberg savannah_annika@ymail.com 31405 GA
Deborah Raley sewunique111@comcast.net 95005 CA
Claire Chambers csc2938@verizon.net 92563 CA
Carol Collins ccollins54@msn.com 19904 DE
karl novak kavon95@gmavt.net 05461 VT
Susan Boyce summer68@frontiernet.net 97457 OR
David Christman dgxmn@yahoo.com 45056 OH
Steve Kiffmeyer torkenflogger@gmail.com 44077 OH
geoffrey saign geoffreysaign@centurylink.net 55116 MN
Timothy Spurlin xenoview@gmail.com 63701 MO
Lynda Pauling lmp5812@comcast.net 55082 MN
Olga Trojakova olga.trojakova@gmail.com 90501 CA
T L lenzts@gmail.com 98115 WA
Kaitlin Raver kaitlinraver@gmail.com 43065 OH
Mary Bristow mf57902@bellsouth.net 37027 TN
Alan Gonzalez alangonzalez705@gmail.com 55417 MN
Katrina & don't allow this any
William Dresbach katiescleaning10@gmail.com 44054 OH longer
Jane Merkel janemerkel@sbcglobal.net 95503 CA
Thomas Canning tmcanning@aol.com 91302 CA
Ban these pesticides, we
don't need them. We got
along fine without them
for years. Now they're
Deborah McCloskey mcnoodledoodle17@aol.com 92637 CA poisoning us.
Do the right thing, save
children from these
Denise Akom dakom@comcast.net 48315 MI toxins. Please
Catherine Ayoub Malificent59@yahoo.com 89178 NV
Lance and
Jenny Peterson Roseyrose316@hotmail.com 53718 WI
Karen Lawler irish_hope03@yahoo.com 55060 MN
T Cho bronxtc@aol.com 11217 NY
karl tupper ktupper@co.slo.ca.us 93401 CA
Jan Harrison jharrison@hvc.rr.com 12401 NY
Mark George jorge8212@hotmail.com 01501 MA
OK, EPA, it's time to do
something that is
better than classifying
CO2 as a Hazardous Gas;
when we would all die
without it! Ban all of
Chemicals... Do what is
right! Thank you very
Joseph Lyddon wb6ufx@earthlink.net 91701 CA much!
Zoe Chapman wolf@asis.com 95589 CA
We can find (have
found?) better ways to
produce food than
resorting to this toxic
Jessica Kramer Jessica1016kramer@gmail.com 80304 CO mess. Let's do it.
Linda Novenski Makebelieveart@gmail.com 10018 NY
Linda Pawlisz energeticoils@gmail.com 60174 IL
L. D. Pratt totemtree@hotmail.com 94710 CA
james curtis james.j.curtis@usps.gov 63032 MO
I find it very disturbing
that the EPA listens to
closely to the Chemical &
Agricultural businesses,
which profit greatly from
the sale & usage of
chemicals while crops are
raised with them, which
then enter into our "food
chain". Consumers'
health is the priority --
not the ease of bringing
crops to harvest, no
matter what their after-
effects might be on our
Virginia Bennett vbennett@hawaii.edu 96822 HI health!!
Catherine McNamara cdmcnamara@msn.com 32828 FL
Abigail Gindele agindele@gmail.com 03801 NH
Margaret Merino pmerino@sandiego.gov 92105 CA
Denise Kobylarz denisekoby@optonline.net 07440 NJ
Juanita Hepler dylanhepler@icloud.com 83712 ID
Jean Bertelsen jeanbertelsen@hotmail.com 95472 CA
Amy Immel Smilepath22@hotmaiil.com 87110 NM
Faith Strailey kantor@digitalpath.net 95971 CA
stephanie landa trenchi33@gmail.com 92591 CA
Olga Grushko elga@inbox.ru 65405 ot

My grandson lives next to

a Roundup Ready corn
field that is sprayed with
numerous chemicals. He
is making progress but his
speech is delayed. Please
put the health of our
children first in your
Catherine Bailey cat@freedoment.com 82201 WY considerations.
Lauren Caslin Georockstar@aol.com 99352 WA
Patrick Keiser jagodoggo@yahoo.com 56601 MN
Diana Franco dianafranco1@aim.com 20148 VA
Arleen Weiss Terrieweiss@yahoo.com 94580 CA
Please ban these
Maureen Kurtz ztruk-m@cfl.rr.com 32935 FL chemicals!! Thank you.
Jeannette Alt Jeanmalt@AOL.com 87114 NM
Irina Volchansky volchani@georgetown.edu 20121 VA
Ban all of these brain
gerry collins temcu@verizon.net 92563 CA damaging pesticides now.
Sara Posluszny poslu005@d.umn.edu 55803 MN
Kathleen McAfee kmcafee@sfsu.edu 94602 CA
martin_philip_stradling@hotmail L7M1
Martin Stradling .com M1
Leticia Tirrez-Gorshen leticia.tirrez@gmail.com 94565 CA
Rebecca Calhoun beckycalhoun@gmail.com 24201 VA
martha schwartz activist@cruzio.com 95060 CA
Renata Fetter R.COM 23662 NY
Protect people, not
Margaret C McHugh mcmchugh60@hotmail.com 07871 NJ corporations!
Stuart Lynn stuartlynn352@gmail.com 01602 MA
Susan Bingham binghamrs4@gmail.com 49686 MI
Volker Albrecht albrvol@yahoo.de 49324 MI
Julie Herrlinger jmulchinator@gmail.com 95975 CA
Darryl Mack dmack@hotmail.com 92557 CA
maya goya goya8888@gmail.com 10431
Don't you see and
understand that this
method of so called
"farming" is highly
injurious to our food and
our children? We won'd
want to live in a sea of
pesticides. My bees can't
function and they die in
such an environment.
Ban these damned things
already! ENOUGH IS
Cécile Stelzer-Johnson frenchieonspyder@gmail.com 54494 WI ENOUGH!!!
Jeannie Mckenzie jeanniemck@yahoo.com 94611 CA
Dear PAN, In my home
city of Los Banos
California, Newspaper
reporters as well as clean
water Activist like Erin
Brokovich, warned us of
the toxic Hexavelant
Chromium in our water
for many months. The
city knew about the crisis
long before. Hence... I
just started a Care2
petition: Demand Los
Banos, CA toxic drinking
water clean up now!.
Please help me get more
people to sign my
petition. Right now I've
got 11 signatures — will
you help me collect more
and then use the link
below to share it on site
or on your Facebook
Twitter followings?
Here's a link to the
And here's a link to share
Edmund Gutierrez eddie.gutierrez1@yahoo.com 93635 CA it on Facebook:
Greg Allbee fender777@gmail.com 76021 TX
Action by the federal
government or by our so
called representatives to
protect our children and
families is almost non
existent. The corporate
being can poison our
children with chemicals
for years or decades ,
drugs with inadequate
testing by the drug
companies are allowed
onto the market place
and cause over 100,000
deaths from adverse
reactions in the United
States alone heaven
knows how many die in
other nations and big
agriculture businesses are
allowed to continue to
overuse antibiotics and
take us back to a time
where a simple scape on
a child’s knee could mean
death or a mother dying
after child birth and these
are only three examples
of probably hundreds. It
anne wolf wolfmdst@sonic.net 95405 CA is way beyond time to
Paula Huisman pj.huisman@yahoo.ca 1G8
Amy Williams Amyclairewilliams@gmail.com 06037 CT
We need to see real and
true regulations for
safety with these
chemicals, not support of
the chemical-creating
Gwen Lambert yardarice33@hotmail.com 45440 OH industry itself.
Barbara Good barb_579@yahoo.com 28803 NC
Bev Thomas bevtomt@att.net 30338 GA
Chris McCarty reson8tor@mac.com 80206 CO
Sandy Jackson yogamama44@gmail.com 92029 CA
Aisha F mingamoomu@yahoo.com 98105 WA
C. Morrison semperfelix76@gmail.com 08540 NJ
Paige May paigebmay@comcast.net 18612 PA
Eva Kranjc evanascent@gmail.com 02891 RI
John Benschoter john63ben@yahoo.com 85044 AZ
Loretta Holscher Lorettaholscher@gmail.com 34482 FL
Elise Drake drake2c@verizon.net 15241 PA
Roxanne Williams angiecbc@gmail.com 33765 FL
Dixon Withers-Julian cellowalla@aim.com 29582 SC
Robert Kemper germaname@msn.com 93063 CA
Dove Shientag-Betts dbetts333@gmail.com 85024 AZ
Charles Phleger rick@gmail.com 96761 HI
Diana Bain cdbain@gmavt.net 05734 VT
pat mace patwithcats@hotmail.com 23185 VA ONLY EARTH!
Barb Van Dusen bvds4ever@yahoo.com 65747 MO
Shanti Hixon Shantihixon@hotmail.com 10024 NY
Nancy Dubuc nancedubuc@att.net 91104 CA
Lou Lasher lou_lasher@yahoo.com 08829 NJ
Harvey Metzger hdmgolf@yahoo.com 33437 FL
Asdur Triff Suliman57@hotmail.com 33135 FL
jill alibrandi jillalibrandi@gmail.com 06897 CT
There is no need for
these poisons. If food is
grown as it is meant to be
it is nutritious and safe.
The monetary greed of
agribusiness has to be
stopped. You accept only
the "evidence" of
research conducted by
the very people
benefiting from it. This is
not science. It is fraud
and greed. Stop the
Monsanto Monsters
V9N before the whole planet
Greta Jansen abichar@shaw.ca 6H5 is poisoned!
The harm these
chemicals do far
outweighs the 'good' and
they should all be
Dianne Williams pelican@trappedintime.com 29579 SC unconditionally banned.
Geri Collecchia Gericolle@aol.com 33027 FL
Dianna MacLeod dmacleod@msn.com 98260 WA
Sherry Weise Sherryweise@gmail.com 98033 WA
Dawn Zitzka Jimmysgirl9999@yahoo.com 47963 IN
The health of children
must be protected fro the
effects of these
pesticides. I believe that
minority and poor
W Kent Wilson wkentw@gmail.com 60025 IL children are most at risk.
Kellie Smith kelf.nh@live.com 03244 NH
Mario Velarde MarioV769@gmail.com 33015 FL
Jennifer Curran jlkc01@yahoo.com 48306 MI
Carol Bentley-Iverson bwcaco@gmail.com 52101 IA
Peter Romilly peter.romilly@greenisp.co.uk 8JF
Anne Watts anne.aishikan@gmail.com 95401 CA
Katie Hauke kt.hauke@gmail.com 53217 WI
Charesa Harper charleighh78@yahoo.com 95442 CA
Gerald Brown jerryforu720@aol.com 48219 MI
Kathleen Carr tuesint@gmail.com 81413 CO
Debbie Brawner debbrawner@att.net 37211 TN
Trish Bunyard trishb62@qwestoffice.net 97266 OR
Kristin VanHorne Kkv4@cornell.edu 13081 NY
Dale Kashner Drkashner@comcast.net 17360 PA
David S. Nichols Davemult@aol.com 97213 OR
Christins Mendoza Christina5152@hotmail.com 77449 TX
Don Hoernschemeyer dh1618meyer@cruzio.com 95003 CA
GRACIELA MONTINI grmontini@yahoo.com.ar 01233 CABA
Barbara Sullivan barbara808@fkash.net 60004 IL
John Hofland drawerjohn@gmail.com 99223 WA
Paul Petruccelli ppetrucc@optonline.net 11727 NY
ruth Berlin mpnberlin@gmail.com ###### MD
Theodore Lynn tblynn@dexsil.com 06514 CT
Hussein Mourtada hmourtada@yahoo.com 33544 FL
Sharon Stermer sstermer1217@aol.com 17366 PA
Michael Bondoc mikeybondoc@yahoo.com 10013 NY
Suzanne a'Becket 8pawprints@sbcglobal.net 95014 CA
Carolyn Pereyra cyberredpt@aol.com 08010 NJ
françois charpenay fcharpenay@laposte.net 42270 ot
Karenna Love dreamavalon@gmail.com 94941 CA
Thank you for your
consideration on this
Mary Jo DeLavan mj_d@msn.com 79703 TX important topic.
Miriam Blatt miriam.blatt@oracle.com 94025 CA
Becky Moder Beck613@aol.com 94501 CA
Christiaan Siano cxiaan@hotmail.com 78723 TX
Jane &
Valdemar Vieira janevieira@comcast.net 02740 MA
marcel bastide bastide@aol.com 04474 ME
Gabriella Garofalo grrz2001@yahoo.it 20100 ot
Pamela Evans gardenqueen@gmail.com 75143 TX
Catherine Corwin catcorwin@gmail.com 90404 CA
JEEYON ROSLIE jroslie@mac.com 97206 HI
Roxanne Warren rwaa@erols.com 10025 NY
Eileen Dailey eileendailey@cox.net 85213 AZ
Rick Hart rick@rickhart.com 78752 TX
Thomas D. Herzog tzog@optonline.net 10590 NY
Linda Stuart lindabridge@bellsouth.net 32259 FL
Dianne Prevost dmcdp@yahoo.com 29605 SC
Marta Dawes marta@steveandmarta.com 68005 NE
rick frigo ib2mad@charter.net 54935 WI
Angie Bray angie@angiebray.com 90291 CA
Nancy Wiens nsw333@gmail.com 94901 CA
Brent Curry Brent28779@gmail.com 40515 KY
Claudia Shapiro cshap26@yahoo.com 11746 NY
Robin Lorentzen robinlorentzen@gmail.com 83607 ID
Pamela Bayless allblonde737@gmail.com 64153 MO
Johnny Sauter johnnysauter@yahoo.com 90601 CA
Michael Misquez michaelmisquez@yahoo.com 90660 CA
Patricia Chelmecki patchel@gmail.com 60119 IL
Madeline Shaw mshaw13@frontiernet.net 10973 NY
Scott Messick scott.messick59@gmail.com 87557 NM
Alexis Silver glassbeadgarden@hotmail.com 90023 CA
kathleen spencer kaspencer2@yahoo.com 55806 MN
Bernadette Jones ehbbjones@comcast.net 01002 MA
Cassandra Browning rechildes@netscape.net 97302 OR
Patricia Ridgley patricia.ridgley@emich.edu 49233 MI
Dana Dodge Dmdshopper@yahoo.com 65625 CA
ruth carlson ruthcassilly@hotmail.com 21028 MD
Rosemarie Wiegman danceinmygarden@yahoo.com 98404 WA
Virginia Watson Virginiawatson5@icloud.com 90026 CA
Amy Zink adzink29@hotmail.com 94606 CA
Deborah Marion deborahm66@hotmail.com 42539 KY
We don't need all these
toxic chemicals! There
are plenty on non toxic
alternatives that work as
Erika Miller healer36@hotmail.com 64855 MO well or better.
Susan Washington m 01081
Charles Lynch loco17insul8er@yahoo.com 60404 IL
Linda Brunner grnthumb@windstream.net 65785 MO
Chuck Graver cgraver@msn.com 08088 NJ
Art Wagner a@zollerwagner.com 21122 MD
Melanie Lemay Lemay.melanie@gmail.com 96722 HI
George Anderson georg_anderson@yahoo.com 22305 VA
Sue Bradley sbcoasterfan@gmail.com 60515 IL

GABRIELA VARGAS vargasgabriela@hotmail.com 62300 PARÁSITOS.
Bonna Mettie bonna@jamadots.com 49768 MI
James Degner degner.james@gmail.com 55403 MN
Wesley Wolf cweswolf@yahoo.com 60010 IL
Joseph Phillips pmtjoe@yahoo.com 27284 NC
Dr. Peter Geidel drpg23@hotmail.com 07504 NJ
Tony Smith tonywendy88@gmail.com 5QU
David Harris open7oceans@gmail.com 93003 CA
Nansy Phleger nansyphleger@icloud.com 96761 HI
Arthur Kendy oscky@hotmail.com 10023 NY
Aixa Fielder aixa1@sbcglobal.net 90016 CA
Charlene 95136
Henley Henley judgemoo@aol.com 3608 CA
SW8 Please stop poisoning our
Jane Heany janeheany@btinternet.com 4LT planet
Susan Krawiecki susan.krawiecki@gmail.com 33710 FL
Susan Jolicoeur centrehealingeast@yahoo.com 06783 CT
Lisa Sugent Lisao1316@yahoo.com 30004 GA
Karen Kaser-Odor revko@juno.com 28025 NC
Donna Shroyer d_shroyer@yahoo.com 81641 CO
Richelle Kogan kodolphin@yahoo.com 85023 AZ
margaret keon peggykeon@gmail.com 94925 CA
Ronald Cheng rocheng888@gmail.com 95112 CA
Paula Frighetti willow5@mindspring.com 85710 AZ
Sandra Quick sandraquick19@ymail.com 93004 CA
Daryl Denning daryl.denning@stny.rr.com 14830 NY
Darlene Pirrello pakratmom@ca.rr.com 90745 CA
Lee Bible acadiahigh@yaho.com 17301 PA
Marjorie Joyner mhjoyner@yahoo.com 47304 IN
Constance Lombardo conlombardo@hotmail.com 28806 NC
Chris Mendel Camc987@yahoo.com 43214 OH
Prevent contamination of
drinking water with these
Simon Jonsson simon.jonsson6@gmail.com 97251 pesticides!
jerry persky jpersky48@aol.com 90403 CA
David Dzikowski forest_guardian7@yahoo.com 15317 PA
nancy burger bmardigras@yahoo.com 01832 MA
Tracy Demkowicz tdemkowicz@yahoo.com 10998 NY
Richard Stern rsisyh@yahoo.com 10023 NY
Patricia Sorensen sorensenp@verizon.net 93556 CA
judy pizarro jxp411@yahoo.com 08052 NJ
Melinda Geiger mjgeiger@mac.com 15015 PA
Charlene Maker cmaker@mac.com 02837 RI
Susan Brown suebrown4@me.com 97404 OR
Judi Poulson judpeace@gmail.com 56031 MN
Diana Lunceford dianalunceford@gmail.com 33525 GA
Kenneth Brinnick cgenera1@maine.rr.com 04260 ME
Deanna Smith skullnzilla@msn.com 85251 AZ
Berenice Cedillo Berenicecedillo@hotmail.com 77504 TX
Alexandra McCardell alexandranicolem@gmail.com 08223 NJ
Alexis Fry ffstop2@aol.com 60050 IL
Susan Johnston screens235@aol.com 06118 CT
Alice Brenner abrenner@austin.rr.com 78669 TX
Erica Runge ebelling@sbcglobal.net 60563 IL
Diane Rohn rohn.diane@gmail.com 22101 VA
Carol Sears carolctc1@comcast.net 49546 MI
These are the same
chemicals that are
banned in Europe from
many years ago aren't
they? Well....that would
explain why Americans
are so dumb compared to
Jace Mande jace@casinojobcenter.com 89102 NV the rest of the world....
Bruce Johnson brucekjohnson@yahoo.com 89701 NV
Mary Trujillo m 92805 CA
Lois Heaston lsh2@comcast.net 60628 IL
Pesticides are
increasingly causing
illness and cancer
contributors - it is
sincerely long overdue
and urgent that Govt.
take action to ban ALL
harmful pesticides on our
V6G food and in all products
Monica Hromada monicah88@shaw.ca 1H4 BC we use.
Sibylle Schwarz ssn@rupertsland.com 99577 AK
Eugene Howard e.m.howard@comcast.net 37064 TN
Stephen Slivinsky teets66@aol.com 10509 NY
Dr. Virginia Jones jones1911@att.net 49004 MI
Bela Plum gold@doctorplum.com 60625 IL
Michael Brown mmbrown1@frontier.com 85901 AZ
robert davidson rdavidson51@hotmail.com 60131 IL
Sybil Malinowski Melody sybil@melodylife.com 86324 AZ
Anna Blake amblakea@hotmail.com 98178 WA
Elisabeth Pelham epelham@designworks2.com 77550 TX
Poisoning people in the
name of the "All Mighty
Profit"... Greedy and
Victoria Urias vickiurias@comcast.net 98125 WA Shameful!
Ellen Van Allen ellenlea@sonic.net 95404 CA
Stop corporations from
increasing their profits by
John Schwartz jbschwartz@frontiernet.net 13835 NY poisoning people
James Dwyer jamesdwyer@me.com 91711 CA
Monique TONET tonet.monique@neuf.fr 06300 PACA
L Cummings leslieannec42@yahoo.com 96761 HI
William Nusbaum wfnusbaum@comcast.net 55426 MN
Robert Charleston robert@robertcharleston.com 00830 VI
Hugh Ballem hballem@gmail.com 45241 OH
kathleen carico photosbykc@comcast.net 21230 MD
elizabeth walker walkerlady@sbcglobal.net 95688 CA
Karen Winslow karenwinslow1@yahoo.com 07028 NJ
Deborah Schechter DeborahSchechter@aol.com 60645 IL
Russ Cross russc_98@yahoo.com 47954 IN
Barbara Vieira edv710@outlook.com 10312 NY
lynn tor lynn167@care2.com sy11
William D. Prystauk wdpjcrash@rcn.com 18042 PA

Jodee Rebecca Davey daveyjodeerebecca@yahoo.com 38668 MS

Sha Torres storres13@aol.com 85298 AZ
Chris Simmons 7714simmons@gmail.com 12516 NY
Steve Garrett smgmkg@gmail.com 97411 OR
James L Wolcott mr_james_l_wolcott@live.com 47150 IN
Jenni Kovich jjkov1ch-charity@live.com 25123 WV
Geary Jones jones.geary@yahoo.com 49504 MI
Silvie Kenova Sibila77@yahoo.com 80424 CO
Clarice Hutchens clarice.j.hutchens@pfizer.com 63021 MO
Tammy Steffen Loberg2@hotmail.com 56475 MN
I am a retired Public
Health Nurse and have
seen ill effects on
farmworkers and their
Suellen Rowlison, R.N. suellen@garlic.com 95928 CA children.
Kathryn Mosher kmosher3@yahoo.com 55122 MN
Barbara Bezjak barbara.bezjak@guest.arnes.si 00000
Maureen Mehler gramamo@hotmail.com 92637 CA
Denny Thorson dennythorson@msn.com 55303 MN
P.Jacquelyn Schmidt jacq234@comcast.net 01826 MA
Michael Eisenberg mikeeeisen@yahoo.com 27613 NC
Kathi Ridgway ridgkathi43213@msn.com 43147 OH
Mark Fraser scotsman@airmail.net 63122 MO
Sybil Morgan Sybilmorgan349@gmail.com 78230 TX
Marion Geiges Fulbounty@bellsouth.net 33021 FL
Bernadette Espinoza bespinoza@cortez.k12.co.us 81321 CO
Robyn Fisher Robyn92177@hotmail.com 94535 CA
Jean Saltzman saltz.jean@charter.net 48446 MI
carl Smith cwa9smith@gmail.com 21045 MD
Aaron Gayken agayken75@yahoo.com 57105 SD
Ronald Howard evergreen5201@tds.net 49046 MI
Mary Wamby mwamby@aol.com 33134 FL
Kathy Compagno perfectmekc@aol.com 94559 CA
Jean Frederick jeanf1923@gmail.com 80904 CO
Geri Williams gerilynwilliams@yahoo.com 37777 TN

sheila haigh sheila-h@hotmail.co.uk w3 0ab ot

Karen Geahlen winddancer4@charter.net 62061 IL
Sowa Colyer alnwyck@icloud.com 19320 PA
Sam morrison catshifi@gmail.com 12758 NY
Eduardo Schroder eschroder5596@yahoo.com 00680 PR
Jackie Adam adamja@mts.net 0A0 ND
Sarah Epstein sallyepstein@aol.com 20015 DC
Vicki Kruschwitz vkruschwitz@grandecom.net 76712 TX
Jamie DesChenes jdcrazyacres@aol.com 18426 PA
There has to be a better
Thomas Rose tr4302@gmail.com 47371 IN way!
Adriana Di Cecco adicecco@mindspring.com 01983 MA
Jonathan Boyne boyne@hawaii.edu 96822 HI
Lorraine Parker zzlorr@yahoo.com 94302 CA
Abraham Rozman pirate54321@yahoo.com 14411 NY
Darlene O'Grady darlene@turtletraxx.com 98272 WA
Linda Thompson lgtprof@yahoo.com 77074 TX
Linda Brebner lbbreb@aol.com 14620 NY
Ellin Baskin ellinsart@att.net 29170 SC
Polly Pitsker pdp422@yahoo.com 89460 NV
. , ZekeAA@Lycos.Com 92057 CA
Gisela Lichtgarn gmamirabailic@sbcglobal.net 06085 CT
celeste del vecchio delvecchio.celeste@yahoo.it 00177
Glenn Gawinowicz glenntaxcwf@gmail.com 19075 PA
David Hurley hurld55@gmail.com 21015 MD
Pat Kane pkane@osfphila.org 19014 PA
Cynthia Purcell purcey@hotmail.com 98822 WA
Pamela Nickell nickellpam@yahoo.com 60046 IL
Sarah Weekley sarahw_msu@yahoo.com 45439 OH
Bill Francois bill.francois@free.fr 75116 TX
Becky Arney becky.arney@sbcglobal.net 49120 MI
R seif ronaldsma@hotmail.com 49506 MI
sanda logan sandalogan@sbcglobal.net 94062 CA
Hillary Ostrow hillaryostrow@yahoo.com 91316 CA
John Lang Johnalang@yahoo.com 94114 CA
Nico Gumbs numbs@nfwm.org 32808 FL
All poison is poisonous to
all life, and deployment
and use of poison has
enduring harmful affect
Terry Jess Terry.E.Jess@gmail.com 97202 OR and effect.
Arline Fass airfeline@aol.com 85614 AZ
Pasquale Carbone passki@outlook.com 98229 WA
Eliana Uretsky goeliana@yahoo.com 92123 CA
Laurie Bounsall lgbounsall@gmail.com 94515 CA
Deborah Brown dbrown1@fairpoint.net 32449 FL
Please make good
josh pucci drjpooch@msn.com 23223 VA decisions.
Ken Sharp sharpville21@comcast.net 08223 NJ
Albert Bechtel bigjbechtel4711@msn.com 85614 AZ
Caroline McMahon jmjtj@charter.net 30271 GA
Joe Byers jbyers@spp.org 72223 AR
Marianna Mejia lamarianna@aol.com 95073 CA
Susan Wooster Pace srw@nycap.rr.com 12054 NY
Sherman Lewis sherman@csuhayward.us 94542 CA

Jim Marsden jamesmarsden1130@gmail.com 55109 MN

John Keyser johnmkeyser@yahoo.com 97206 OR
Lisa Goldman perfiktangel@yahoo.com 46071 IN
Ellen Gold ellengold0@gmail.com 33141 FL
David Brultz dbrultz@sbcglobal.net 53212 WI
Meya Law zardiva1@aol.com 20747 MD
Robert Gall rgall17@comcast.net 26003 WV
Al Krause akguiness@aol.com 10025 NY
Brent Rocks brent_rocks@comcast.net 97201 OR
Johanna Woodchild woodchild@va.net 22903 VA
Sheetal Bhatia bhatia@njaes.rutgers.edu 07310 NJ
Mary Hamilton mham53@juno.com 19038 PA
Jenna Fallaw jenna_grimm@hotmail.com 59715 MT
Daniel L. Harris youthgoji@yahoo.com 11763 NY
joyce schwartz disneyfan01@yahoo.com 32714 FL
Melva Lacher melval@q.com 55432 MN
Barbie Scott bscott@voicemeansbiz.com 97219 OR
Independent research
should be weighed over
chemical company-
Deborah Tenner tennermedia@yahoo.com 55346 MN sponsored research!
Viviane Lerner vlerner2011@gmail.com 96721 HI
Mohammad Nazihi momixer@hotmail.com 94609 CA
Randy Herrington herrtri@aol.com 12094 NY
Frankie DeMarco frankiedemarco@hotmail.com 10014 NY
Peggy Fugate westernbabe001@yahoo.com 45056 OH
Sarah Townsend stownsend88@gmail.com 94086 CA
Jenny Gillespie Jenny.Steves@gmail.com 37664 TN
Scot Phillips scotphillips76@gmail.com 64110 MO
Tina Risley tinaandkerry@frontier.com 46062 IN
Janet Berketa janetberketa@gmail.com 3J7
Let me express this again:
We really, really need the
bees to help in our
Barb Holtz barb595@yahoo.com 10010 NY agriculture.
Steve Overton steveo2857@yahoo.co.uk 3GP ot
Mary Ann Barrett ma8barrett@verizon.net 18042 OR
Lloyd Macklem Lloydmacklem@gmail.com 48910 MI
Paul Riley rileypw@gmail.com 07871 NJ
Sandra McLuckie Sa.mcl67@yahoo.com 80526 CO
George Milkowski gmilkowski@sbcglobal.net 60645 IL
Keith Johnson keithd.johnson@comcast.net 47408 IN
Louis Berndtson bill.berndtson@gmail.com 06512 CT
j howse jhowse@cox.net 74145 OK
sheri minix sheri@cabrillomortgage.com 91916 CA

Liliana Ruiz ligrar@hotmail.com h2a2z6 QC

Toddy Perryman tperryman@bitterroot.com 59828 MT
Susan Brown SusanStopit@gmail.com 91942 CA
If you don't take action
soon, your agency will no
longer need to exist
because there will be
Kamia Taylor bigblackdogrescue@gmail.com 65732 MO nothing left to protect!!
joan milford joanmilford@gmail.com 76063 TX
Brandie Deal laughsalot0579@yahoo.com 98021 WA
Ron Pallack rpallack@comcast.net 15342 PA
Marilyn Levine mlevine917@gmail.com 94041 CA
Christina Riegel christina_riegel@yahoo.com 80118 CO
JESSE COUNTERMAN jessecount09@live.com 51104 IA
Bryan Bennett bryan.a.bennett@gmail.com 30144 GA
COLLEEN McMULLEN colleen@kanab.net 84741 UT
David Undlin davidu03@frontiernet.net 55124 MN
Neil The-Hippy hippyweb@btinternet.com 5BE
Judy Fairless 8wildcat@optonline.net 07059 NJ
Alaina Reed arbailey12@yahoo.com 33064 FL
Robert Oestreicher grizzlyb@charter.net 53551 WI
karen preuss photokaren@sonic.net 94931 CA
Donna Pedroza donnageorge2@gmail.com 94501 CA
Lisa Pearson lisaspearson@att.net 28112 NC
Jim Gallagher 4807jim@gmail.com 19087 PA
melissa harris ation.com 37215 TN
Earthlings to U.S.
Government: STOP THE
thereof and lack of
enforcement thereof.
Anita Merrigan Anitamerrigan@rocketmail.com 70433 LA YOUR HANDS.
Robert Boettcher boettrae@ttc-cmc.net 59520 MT
Sally Williams gardenlit@gmail.com 04041 ME
Timothy Ott timothyott777@hotmail.com 80504 CO
Sabra Morton sabramorton@gmail.com 03755 NH
Elisa Abel cranberry@eabel.com 02420 MA
I'm praying that money
will stop influencing
people to allow
others,from Congress
down to rich rediculos
people, down to farmers
who kill not only bugs but
people animals and
Bonnie George bonniemolaygeorge@gmail.com 95111 CA plants.
Don Schwartz tempdhs@yahoo.com 94939 CA
Mark Wolf wolfentmedia@yahoo.com 91306 CA
shirley burga sburga@umich.edu 48137 MI
Jane Church janechrch@yahoo.com 27517 NC
Wayne Wilkinson rudywdw@hotmail.com 63116 MO
Rebecca Klemme Eliceiri rebecca@biblioministry.org 63119 MO
Terese Buchanan achyacres@comcast.net 08559 NJ
Jacqueline Brown yackky114@aol.com 48219 MI
penni steinberg pennisteinberg@gmail.com 91356 CA
Alan Young alyguy@yahoo.com 95720 HI
Willow Hutt Willow.hutt@gmail.com 9
Linda Garfinkel lrgarfinkel@gmailc.om 07006 NJ
J.P. Sherman jps3844@gmail.com 02645 MA
Kimberly Brandimarte kimbacat9@hotmail.com 48089 MI
Tricia Vaughan psvaughan22@yahoo.com 28211 NC
Wendy Wade iwendylea@yahoo.com 92530 CA
Tracy Arcure tracyarcure@yahoo.com 33936 FL
Charlie Biel CharlieBiel@gmail.com 47135 IN
Jack Ray jack.ray.ii@verizon.net 19702 DE
Adam Loomis adamloomis61@gmail.com 13092 NY
Claire Coleman claireecoleman@aol.com 75214 TX
Audrey Temelini Audreyct66@hotmail.com 29450 SC
e neiman e.neiman@web.de 21209 MD
Lael Jackson laeljackson@msn.com 92014 CA
Please protect children,
ag workers, and
communities by banning
these highly toxic
Joan Benjamin ajbenjamin@earthink.net 65203 MO pesticides.

Lumina Greenway luminag@gmail.com 02879 RI There's no excuse for this

Taylor Smith taylorsmith1051@gmail.com 45344 OH
James Whisler jamesers_99@yahoo.com 89820 NV
Lynne Jones bcco1@sbcglobal.net 92630 CA
Marlena Lange mar32123@gmail.com 10940 NY
Robert Applebaum bobnroz@gmail.com 95135 CA
Felicia Williams badger5@operamail.com 20016 DC
Jasper Lucas jgridlock@hotmail.com 08081 NJ
Randy Harrison ran6711@comcast.net 97402 OR
paulline bedford bedfordpeggy@yahoo.com 92252 CA
Joan Caiazzo Joancaiazzo@yahoo.com 11365 NY
Randall Esperas resperas@gmail.com 97707 OR
Ami Evans amievans@att.net 35242 AL
David Brooks poppaotter1@icloud.com 95630 CA

Brenda Cooper bgcooper45@gmail.com L1S3X4 TX

Joseph Masnyk josephmasnyk@yahoo.co.uk 33009 FL
william mcgunagle acelticone@aol.com 99207 WA
Anita Coolidge anita@angelbase.com 92007 CA
Shauna Haines slhaines@gmail.com 94703 CA
Valerie Guinan vguinan@gmail.com 97707 OR
Janet Zampieri jlz@psconsult.com 85713 AZ
Nathalie Paven npaven@earthlink.net 94117 CA
dorene gray dorenea@localnet.com 14227 NY
Everything one country
decides affects all other
countries, their people,
and the entire world. I
beg you to do the really
SANE and wisest thing,
and ban ALL of these
harmful chemicals NOW,
before it's too late to
T1S undo the cumulative
D. Hadley reach_me@telus.net 1K8 harm they cause.
Eugenia Economos Earthgreek@yahoo.com 32804 FL
Alan Martin rochndil@att.net 30071 GA
We must get these
harmful chemicals out of
our environment at all
costs. If the chemical
companies need
something to work on,
have them support
healthful, natural
substances that don't
mary chieffe marychieffe@gmail.com 90266 CA harm the planet.
Gillian Wilkerson gwilkerson67@att.net 94941 CA
Laurie Jurs planetjurs@mac.com 85622 AZ
Barbara Knauf barbaraknauf@icloud.com 64114 MO
Ralph Lopez santiago-69@att.net 90012 CA
Kimberly Kavanaugh kavanaughkimberly@gmail.com 44053 OH
Erin Lindquist ealproductions@hotmail.com 92008 CA
Carol Raftis ccraftis@yahoo.com 07090 NJ

christina bueno buenochristina@rocketmail.com 60201 IL

Gabriel Bobek GabrielBobek520@gmail.com 10012 NY
Connie Irwin cirwin@brookings.net 57006 SD
Janet London jlondonswain@hotmail.com 02652 MA
Kathy Kibbie kkibbie@umich.edu 48169 MI
This is up to you. Please
Neilia Pierson nbpierson71@hotmail.com 97523 OR do the right thing for us.
Dominic Libby libb_00@yahoo.com 03851 NH
Peggy Burgin WebBrowzer@aol.com 45036 OH
Dawn Bartok dawnb47@hotmail.com 48173 MI
Carol Bostick lunagata8@yahoo.com 94949 CA
Kristin Farmer kristinfarmerky@gmail.com 40067 KY
sheila andres shela@lmi.net 94708 CA
Mona Perrotti monap414@yahoo.com 13323 NY
karen steele karensteele@juno.com 95501 CA
Michael McCree blackbox@xtra.co.nz 00600 ot
Robert Wells biocharsource@gmail.com 02642 MA
Diane Young dianeyoung07@gmail.com 27285 NC
Bob Atwood bobatwood60@gmail.com 96003 CA
Joanie Thomas joaniethomas88@gmail.com 30307 GA
Milly Guill mguilly@yahoo.com 28513 NC
Emily McDonald emilymacmc@yahoo.com 18505 PA
Rebecca Baker rbaker6505@charter.net 97366 OR
Juliann Rule schugrule@aol.com 56310 MN
Barbara MacAlpine bmacalpi@trinity.edu 80517 CO
Claudio Casali casaclau@tin.it 47838 IN
Adam Trauger AdamT9@gmail.com 90815 CA
Carlene Knowlton callieknowlton@gmail.com 04096 ME
Jeff Cole jefazos@aol.com 85716 AZ

No logical reason to allow

the continued use of
dangerous chemicals that
Chris Garwood chrisgarwood@comcast.net 21212 MD negatively impact health
John Karish jkarishhse@yahoo.coim 77493 TX
Karen Edney karenedney@gmail.com 90032 CA
Dave Karrmann davekarrmann@hotmail.com 32233 FL
Pati Tomsits PatiTo12@att.net 92620 CA
Enld Rosenblatt murrayandenid@comcast.net 08057 NJ
Adrienne Fong afong@jps.net 94115 CA
Kristine Powers aniwaya1@yahoo.com 24523 VA
Do everything and
anything to restore
health and vigor of all
honey bees in all states of
Piotr Sliwka pleiadesoonx303@gmail.com 20109 VA U.S.A.
Marc Lionetti theface514@gmail.com 78745 TX
Steve Wise elsavio43@yahoo.com 30317 GA
Rose Reina Rosenbaum Reina.rosenbaum@comcast.net 08845 NJ
Bryon Biesman bzz073@hotmail.com 57701 SD
Maria Studer rstuder@optonline.net 11756 NY
Brad Hahn brad.h.is@gmail.com 53235 WI
Phil Miller phpemiller@gmail.com 64093 MO
Robert A Reinhart rar823@hotmail.com 33441 FL
Keith D'Alessandro keith_dalessandro@outlook.com 48187 MI
Tracey Connell traceyconnell1647@gmail.com 52802 IA
Janet Falcone janf1907@gmail.com 40205 KY
Richard Spratley sprat24@comcast.net 80020 CO
andreas ohland androsoh@gmail.com 33141 FL
Susan Wolf susanwolf3@gmail.com 08002 NJ
David Stephens davidstn@wowway.com 35801 AL
Susan Farro sfarro@outlook.com 08701 NJ
Joe Landwehr joelandwehr@socket.net 65548 MO
Nancy godwin jgodwin6@cox.net 85748 AZ
Linda Cirillo lac1119@aol.com 10530 NY
Kiesha Pearson kmwest@prodigy.net 75115 TX
Linda Hendrix bendher63@gmail.com 97702 OR
joelle Evrard joellevrard@hotmail.com 01050
Barbara Singer bsreadsalot@aol.com 33351 FL
Noam Eisen 3153iv@gmail.com 15208 PA
Sara Fisch Sar768@aol.com 85260 AZ
Eric Miller ericmill@melbpc.org.au 03193
Louise DiGiulio ienjoythemoment@aol.com 10305 NY
Maxxcell Higdon Bluebelt1235@yahoo.com 48360 MI
joe gutierrez jgman639@yahoo.com 97062 OR
Susan Kirkpatrick snoozie@sbcglobal.net 60148 IL
Kimberly Thomas kim_one@yahoo.com 92119 CA
Charlie Stuart charlielstuart@gmail.com 01436 MA
Matthew Moresi highlander94@sbcglobal.net 60616 IL
Gena Crow gena56@gmail.com 77901 TX
Cynthia Launer cynlauner@gmail.com 55408 MN
Mireille Urbain mirurbain@numericable.fr 00000 ot

It is urgently required
that we use the
precautionary principle,
banning these pesticides,
expecting to permanently
getting rid of them after
scientific evidence proves
their harmful effects on
Jan Heynen jantjeheynen@gmail.com K2B6Z8 people.
bev kelly bev@bevkellyphd.com 90803 CA
Philip Dennany fil777@live.com 46235 IN
We are being poisoned,
especially our children,
for the profit and greed
of chemical companies. I
am tired of corporation
putting the health and
welfare of American
citizens at jeopardy for
Kate Mullan mynicka@bellsouth.net 32404 FL their profit.
Jessica Murphy Jessica.puk@gmail.com 96734 HI
chris witting chriswitting@hotmail.com 11419 NY
natalie sunflower natalie.sunflower@yahoo.com 19064 PA
Heike Brown heike_brown@yahoo.com 79938 TX
Erica Himes bhimes2@tampabay.rr.com 33709 FL
Amy Skelton Amy008@live.com 07822 NJ
Barbara Bradford tygerboots@yahoo.com 95358 YT
Anna Nickelson Annaoleen@yahoo.com 32046 FL
Julie Griffith Julieg500@gmail.com 80304 CO
Allison Glancey aglancey@yahoo.com 15224 PA
Marco Garcia msbuster5@yahoo.com 90621 CA
CArol Ohlendorf laceepacee@yahoo.com 34202 FL
DEBRA LANCIA d.lancia@live.com 34652 FL
Lina Howard howardld_2000@yahoo.com 91706 CA
Cindy Iwen cindy.iwen@snc.edu 54115 WI
Betty Chan Betty44143@yahoo.com 37122 TN
Larry Bailey lbailey9693@sbcglobal.net 96099 CA
Jamie Caya lil_pumpkin@comcast.net 98664 WA
Alex Oshiro djrx.cares@hawaii.rr.com 96822 HI
Arlene Patoray arp1205@aol.com 07652 NJ
Renee Grant cadgreen@ptd.net 18072 PA
Robert Schoonmaker lihuebob@yahoo.com 32951 FL
Leonard Schoch mylogicisflawed@yahoo.com 14779 NY

Please ban pesticides

with toxic chemicals. We
must protect our children
from the harmful effects
Rene Robinson rene.r@shaw.ca V9S4X3 of these poisonings.
Nancy Dinsmore Dinsmorenancy@gmail.com 97527 OR
Barbara Rosenkotter skye@ucdavis-alumni.com 98244 WA
Janice Vranka javranka@gmail.com 97219 OR
Mary Loomba maryloomba@mac.com 10595 NY
mark march markdmarch@yahoo.com 27106 NC
Elizabeth Werner bethwerner@snet.net 06514 CT
Katherin Balles kab2632@netzero.net 98310 WA
Dana Sklar sklartech@verizon.net 08034 NJ
Dianne Miller dianne918@att.net 92103 CA
Anni Gossmann anni_dream69@yahoo.com 60069 IL
Barbara Brockway bbrock432@comcast.net 55126 MN
Joseph Lindsay jmlslc@gmail.com 84121 UT
Evelyn Pietrowski-Ciullo kisadancer@comcast.net 97301 OR
Gary Sanders gary@sandersdata.com 94303 CA
helen gooddspeed nellsands7@gmail.com 10601 NY
Olga Abella olgafox@hotmail.com 62454 IL
Wendy MARKWELL wmarkwell@yahoo.com 33441 FL
Juliet Johns Pearson julietjohns@mac.com 95949 CA
Linda Smith lastminutelinda@yahoo.com 81612 CO
Susan Clifford susieq601@verizon.net 34655 FL
Karen Hare karenhare234@gmail.com 80521 CO
Tobacco, alcohol, coal
dust mercury, leaded
water, now your
insecticides to kill and
maim children and
destroy the environment -
real good, profiteering
Timothy Gilmore gilmore930@comcast.net 94109 CA Capitalists.
Wells Hively drwellshively@yahoo.com 63357 MO
Carol Sidofsky fsds@rkymtnhi.com 80482 CO
Patricia Bennett patriciajb@aol.com 93704 CA
David Dinner gentlewave@hawaii.rr.com 96714 HI
Steve Karges kargess@uww.edu 53545 WI
Jo-Ann Savoia inbliss7@yahoo.com 91104 CA
aviva shliselberg ashliselberg@gmail.com 11374 NY
Sharon LaLond frogladysharon@gmail.com 85716 AZ
MARCEL LIBERGE pmasiac@yahoo.com 03103 NH
Monica Bonualas gotnewfs@outlook.com 13905 NY
Jean Saja jtsaja@yahoo.com 39154 MS
Tine Hertmans tinehertmans@hotmail.com B9070
calum traveler ctraveler69@yahoo.com 80401 CO
Glenn Knoblock glenndndy1@yahoo.com 60436 IL
Elizabeth Miszlay Lvmiz@yahoo.com 89141 NV
Joan Weaver hoansw@yahoo.com 91311 CA
john bock jbokikeo@aol.com 32809 FL
Joe Phillips joephil282@yahoo.com 27235 NC
Kerby Miller MillerK@missouri.edu 65203 MO
Adrienne Naylor cyd.grayson@gmail.com 02139 MA
Patricia Crim pcrim@lisco.com 52556 IA
arnold roman arnieromer@gmail.com 37215 TN
Alex Barnes alexbarnes1234@gmail.com 46256 IN
Yes it is time to ban all
Teresa Richardson NewChinaDoll@gmail.com 33609 FL brain harming pesticides
You've got the evidence-
Sarah Hanley yrpalsal@copper.net 44106 OH please act now!
Petra Lent McCarron petra.lent@gmail.com 02568 MA
William Donnelly Wjdonnelly@maryknoll.org 60615 IL
Stephen Berg hwsberg@gmail.com 58265 ND
Stop killing babies and
Ellen Barron surfn@mac.com 95060 CA children!
Aideen Vega-Van Auken radiant_lily@yahoo.com 52556 IA
Patricia Baley patricia.mcrae@unlv.edu 89121 NV
Jesse Calderon ohjesse14@yahoo.com 91706 CA
Charles Webb webbdnc@aol.com 27510 NC
Wayne Flick waflick@yahoo.com 81220 CO
Dr. Jim Hanson hansonj@hansonmed.com 32789 FL
Kenneth Clark clarknws@juno.com 37180 TN
Mary Daniels maryj.daniels@yahoo.com 98502 WA
craig clark cclark2854@gmail.com 07010 NJ
Scott Crockett smc320@msn.com 97439 OR
Tina McBride tina_mcbride2@hotmail.com 02420 MA
Mary Beth Kohl Marybethkohl@aol.com 44107 OH
Walter Klockenbrink analyticalman@cebridge.net 65714 MO
martha potter kim marthapotterkim@gmail.com 02540 MA
Maureen Harris m 14301 NY
Tammy Nogles tnogles@comcast.net 19103 PA
Mia Moss miabmoss@gmail.com 30135 GA
Sigrid Krause krause_si@web.de 02782
Teri Sahm terisahm@hotmail.com 98024 WA
Adina Parsley dickandpat3@gmail.com 98292 WA
Frances Stefanski bella0804@att.net 48239 MI
Becci Greene beccigreene@gmail.com 94952 CA
Let's give People a
chance, over business
Profits. Let's do the right
Lani Jacobsen lanijacobsen@outlook.com 55122 MN thing.
Barbara S. Nadel Bsnbsn16@gmail.com 24551 VA
Stephanie Walton Provence1111@gmail.com 46160 IN
Paula Rock paulaaz45@msn.com 85120 AZ
Rakesh Chandranatha rchandranatha@geosociety.org 80401 CO
David Katz dskatz@me.com 60015 IL
Juliann Pinto julianne.pinto@comcast.net 19136 PA
Martin Horwitz martin7ahorwitz@yahoo.com 94122 CA
Donald Garlit donaldgarlit@yahoo.com 48187 MI
we must stop using
poisoning our world. Go
Cheryl Adame chered29@yahoo.com 85226 AZ organic !!!
Katherine Patterson feorapatterson@outlook.com 95482 CA
Scott Species sspecies@yahoo.com 98101 WA
Chemen Ochoa chemenochoa@msn.com 87508 NM
Francine Brown julyfrancine@yahoo.com 10037 NY
Leanna Weetman l_rauenzahn@yahoo.com 94588 CA THANK YOU.
Megan Wood mwood1@rochester.rr.com 14618 NY
suzy evans foundhorn@hughes.net 97429 OR
elissa faye xelissafayex@yahoo.com 91601 CA
Kimberly McFadden m 60060 IL
Jamie Turner Smoothiekisses84@gmail.com 55121 MN
Doris Miller dorismiller546@yahoo.com 65712 MO
These toxins are just like
the ones that are
responsible for much
chronic illness. Please let
our children grow up in a
world that is not full of
toxins that will destroy
Krishna Murphy Krishna@main.nc.us 28711 NC their lives!
Heather McKenna hcohenmckenna@yahoo.com 80305 CO Please do the right thing
Patricia Blochowiak pblochowiak@gmail.com 44112 OH
Donna Austin billaus376@aol.com 02043 MA
June Stewart jstewart8@nycap.rr.com 01201 MA
Conrad Plonski conrad_plonski@bellsouth.net 38852 MS
PJ Maceo maceostudios@aol.com 78757 TX
Please stop harming
katherine Stack pkstack@hawaiiantel.net 96766 HI everyone and everything
Dan Mckenzie Dhmckpdx@comcast.net 97330 OR
Fernanda Ramires fefaramires@yahoo.com.br ######
Armando A. Garcia mondopwr@aim.com 90723 CA
Shirley Crowell scrowell56@yahoo.com 42445 KY
Gary Verville gaverv@flash.net 30188 GA
beverly herbert bsherbert@msn.com 93110 CA
Devin Horne devh@me.com 95831 CA
Sam Holm sambo12322@hotmail.com 53207 WI
Vila Ana ana_vila@calpers.ca.gov 95758 CA
The corruption of the for
profit alphabet agencies
is astonishing but it will
Nathalie Dalrymple natdalrymple@yahoo.com 10536 NY come to an end.
Cynthia Arnold cadogdazed@aol.com 21776 MD
Barbara Lamb barbcal@sonic.net 94610 CA
Willa O'Connor m 94708 CA
Thomas Morse timorse@aol.com 93105 CA
Sergio Rivera meatbag21@gmail.com 60641 IL
n fregin nmmgcl@aol.com 60078 IL
Tim Deller timdeller@yahoo.com 20782 MD
Governments surely
should exist to protect
ME13 their citizens welfare and
ann welch ann.j.welch@gmail.com 0QA health .
Marcia Kaminski Makamin55@yahoo.com 14218 NY
colin Evans scorcherbsa@yahoo.co.uk G
Gail Nichols gewnichols@comcast.net 48855 MI

Pamela Letourneau pamelaletourneau5@gmail.com 95403 CA

Richard Bowen richardabowen1@yahoo.com 53005 WI
Kay Ware kayware01@yahoo.com 30043 GA

Dr Nansea Tomalty drtomalty@gmail.com b2g 2l1 NS

mr. & mrs.
terry cadwallader buddapapa@aol.com 63138 MO
Tsee Lee TseeNoEvil@gmail.com 10001 NY
Arturo Franco bathorynasdasdy@hotmail.com 33310 FL
Helen Hillebrand helen.hillebrand@gmail.com 20910 MD
Aaron Choate aaronnchoate@gmail.com 98105 WA
Pamylle Greinke pamylle1@gmail.com 11958 NY
Sarah Wildwood sarahwildwood@yahoo.com 93105 CA
Brian Debasitis bdebasitis@mauby.com 95123 CA
Matthias Doellert doellies@freenet.de 51069 DE
Patricia Clark patriciaannclark70@gmail.com 00000
Calleen Bohl calleenbohl@gmail.com 53222 WI
Brown Kaye kayebrown@pctechguys.net 29420 SC
Steven Tempelman stempelman@me.com 80124 CO
MaryAnne Muller brooklynbluebird@gmail.com 11229 NY
Anthony Moore mooreanthony64@yahoo.com 53224 WI
Brunhilde Merk-Adam bmerkadam@gmail.com 48462 MI
Tsalika Rich tsalika@gmail.com 52353 IA
Anne Bastian Bastian.anne@gmail.com 21409 MD

katia scaglia scaglia eccoti.finalmente@gmail.com 37100 Veneto

robin reinhart robinreinhart1@gmail.com 92104 CA
ken hargesheimer minifarms@gmail.com 79408 TX
Chris Worcester chris@solarwindworks.com 96160 CA
Jonathan Gaarlandt Jdgaarlandt@gmail.com 32765 FL
Mary Puckett 2212puckett@charter.net 89434 NV
Susan Porter howsue@ptd.net 18428 PA
Sylvia Baldwin sylviab@hawaii.rr.com 96734 HI
Sue Chard Chard60@comcast.net 37148 TN
David Lunde davelunde@earthlink.net 97459 OR

P.E. Lee leepame@yahoo.ca V0R2Y0

Louis Hurd 883557hur@ames.k12.ia.us 50010 IA
bob hammond bobortrout@yahoo.com 97759 OR
Myrna Fisher mmf1066@yahoo.com 84109 UT
Sylvia Duncan sduncan1949@gmail.com 75075 TX
Richard Kurz rkurz@rochester.rr.com 14625 NY
Roberta Desalle lvicdes@aol.com 10024 NY
traudlinde Aigner t.aig@aon.at 00000
Christina Rutkaus Crutkaus@gmail.com 87514 NM
Noel Crim chednlc@gmail.com 85375 AZ
cecily kohler cecilyk@juno.com 20003 DC
Carla Behrens yayacarlita@comcast.net 80503 CO
Dimitri Lefever dimitrilefever@yahoo.com 30030 GA
Tim Collingwood tc71087@hotmail.com 44107 OH
tina endicott schatsilove@att.net 33035 FL
Joan-Marie Bauman joanmariebauman@hughes.net 12701 NY
Stan Fitzgerald fitzgstan@aol.com 95135 CA
Lee Binswanger fluffy@igc.org 94110 CA
Diane Hardee Diane.hardee@gmail.com 98272 WA
M Langelan mjlangelan@gmail.com 20815 MD
Chelsea Swick Pinkcatmints@gmail.com 95524 CA
Neil Puckett npuckett@charter.net 89434 NV
miguel yuste migyus@gmail.com 28030
Danny Ellsworth dellsworth53@yahoo.com 92111 CA
Suzanne Smith ssmith96@cox.net 02871 RI
Alexis Grone mwiherbal@msn.com 85206 AZ
Phillip Sorrells flip_web@earthlink.net 77379 TX
RL Lennon rlfl@iglide.net 00000
Kim Fanelly kimfanelly@aol.com 28227 NC
David Simone lightworks@mindspring.com 97405 OR
Jim Browne jebparis@aol.com 96778 HI
Kathryn McKinney mackeroni000@yahoo.com 37334 TN
Please protect our
children!! Thank you,
Miriam Wingfield merrywing@gmail.com 94705 CA Miriam
Brenda Stewart jstewart204@hotmail.com 03304 NH
Polly O'Malley loislow@earthlink.net 90025 CA
Mark Bedard mbedard5150@gmail.com 48066 MI
Dee Halzack dee.halz@ix.netcom.com 01854 MA

Junko Nakai junko.nakai@stanfordalumni.org 95129 CA

Esther Garvett egarvett@gmail.com 33186 FL
As an Organic Farmer for
our small, family farm, a
mother and a consumer, I
am greatly concerned
about the usage of OPs!
They should never have
been allowed on any
Lana Kitchel lanak@theskybeam.com 96055 CA farms!
Sue Jarrard suejarrard@hotmail.com 98611 WA
Richard C. Perl RichP48@aol.com 11375 NY
Lewis Hotchkiss my.lew.hotchkiss@gmail.com 55433 MN
elaine c elaineconway67@yahoo.co.uk a
Debra Rehn BibleeoGirl@aol.com 97202 OR
SJ Lenko sjlk@iglide.net 00000
carol lyon cl7433@hotmail.com 22307 VA

Why are dangerous

pesticides legal?????
Linda Rollins birdstones@aol.com 94619 CA Please ban these. PLEASE.
Karen Stickney kstick35@gmail.com 04240 ME
Lesley Skelly grandmaskell1957@live.com 05116
Margareta Maxon Margaretamaxon@gmail.com 52101 IA
Rene Suarez quiet_mail@hush.com 90620 CA
Denise Berezonsky dberezonsky@gmail.com 94608 CA
donna commey donnacommey@hotmail.com 10040 NY
Laura Sides Laurasides1@comcast.net 19320 PA
Michael Iltis mgiltis@hotmail.com 53715 WI
Our tax dollars can only
support so many disabled
people. If we can't count
on the government to
protect the children then
Lee Stevenson iamajuicer@gmail.com 16137 PA who can we count on?
Nancy Biscardi Nrwbpind@hotmail.com 01520 MA
Nicholas Metheny procellateryx@gmail.com 21788 MD
Roger Messenger messenge@fau.edu 33487 FL
Annie Houston Annihouston@gmail.com 20003 DC
Mishia Hunwick mfhunwick@hotmail.com 48082 MI
Kay Olan ionataiewas14@hotmail.com 12831 NY
Michael Wohlleb michaelwohlleb@gmail.com 40222 KY
david hollister ddhollister@yahoo.com 33706 FL
donna johnson aquamarinedlj@aol.com 01776 MA
Crystal Vassil Cmvassil79@gmail.com 92057 CA
Pauline Burak artistliveshere@gmail.com 36271 AL
Do what's right for the
R. David Goldberg hoplite9@comcast.net 98668 WA kids!
Why? Why approve any
chemical for widespread
use which endangers
Evan Jane Kriss samesamejane@gmail.com 94965 CA living beings? Why?
Vincent Ferri g 10941 NY
Laurie Brekke Lrbrek@gmail.com 96816 HI
Charlee Graham Findyourvoice2@gmail.com 38125 TN
Elaine Parker parkereleit@aol.com 94708 CA
Michael Acanfora NJChiro1@AOL.com 08742 NJ
Nancy Ward nancyward520@gmail.com 10028 NY
john griffith jpgriff54@gmail.com 98382 WA
Michael Garitty garitty@nccn.net 95959 CA
Jon Wyss huck727@wowway.com 48195 MI
stephen ekholm ekholm33@yahoo.com 98110 WA
Maryann Piccione strayanimal2@msn.com 34690 FL
Mairin Barclay mairinbarclay@hotmail.com 6 BC
Grace Morsberger morsbergerg@gmail.com 20815 MD
Randolph Schoedler randyss12@gmail.com 53208 WI
Jim Corriere Jimcorriere@yahoo.com 92227 CA End phosphate use.
Craig Murray cewenm@hotmail.com 9 ON
Eric Silberman XmanEDS@hotmail.com 20901 MD
Wendy Teran neza.teran@gmail.com 93030 CA
Susanna Askins tlknkr@gmail.com 97230 OR
Robyn Jorgensen queenofgeekdom@yahoo.com 84015 UT
Anya Todd anyatodd@gmail.com 90027 CA
doug krause dougkrause@mts.net 58108 ND
Tamara Myers Tazam300@gmail.com 95501 CA
giuliano rigotti giulio71it@yahoo.it 38061 ot
Lisa Leech l_leech@yahoo.com 43015 OH
Avis Ogilvy lanivet@gmail.com 70118 LA
Pamela Long pamelaelong@gmail.com 20726 MD
Ann Battson abattson0@gmail.com 2DE
Alec Hendrickson alechendrickson@mac.com 55410 MN
Jada Smith Rfa5693118@aol.com 32506 PA
Matthew Schaut mschaut22@yahoo.com 55406 MN
Marlene Knight mbd@epix.net 18853 PA
Jerry Kessinger jerrykessinger@me.com 98203 WA
Adam Keller Boomkit@mindspring.com 11216 NY
Jane Leslie janeleslie1@msn.com 55119 MN
Flora Pino García florapino@bme.es 00000 ot
russell ziegler russellziegler73@yahoo.com 60516 IL
Jean Teach jteach@webtv.net 98661 WA
Alan Oresky rosindebow@aol.com 20707 MD
Lea Morgan kleamor@gmail.com 01201 MA
Patricia Savage patriciasavage@suddenlink.net 93546 CA
T D ifionyknew@aol.com 92078 CA
Karen Mayer 73khmom73@gmail.com 95503 CA
Ban these Pesticides
Myrna Morrow mdmorrow@gwi.net 06790 CT NOW !!!!!!
Michele St Peter Mstpeter01@comcast.net 48134 MI
Gretel Clark Gretel@milesriver.com 01936 MA
Patricia Cachopo patriciaccdce1@att.net 95050 CA
Bonnie Bliszack bbliszack@hotmail.com 48341 MI
Barbara Miller bmiller@cuesta.edu 93442 CA
Doctors like me educate
patients to avoid these
exposures but they are
too ubiquitous to avoid.
They must stop being
Raquel Feroe Rferoe@telusplanet.net 19041 PA used.
Richard Crozier riccrozier@embarqmail.com 17082 PA Work for us not BIG AG!
Janis Todd jbtodd26@verizon.net 08550 NJ
Rita Bogolub rbogolub@mail.com 54519 IL
Carol Maghakian carol.maghakian@gmail.com 29588 SC
Gina Stiff uvamomma@cox.net 23188 VA
Walter Brendemuehl jr2913@hotmail.com 54476 WI
marlene powers marlene1820@comcast.net 60056 IL
Gale Espinosa galeny13@gmail.com 85023 AZ
Giancarlo Di Mizio chefrita63@aol.com 46142 IN
john kelley ocscwhrr94@yahoo.com 48653 MI
Susan Browne susanbrowne09@comcast.net 94028 CA
Robert Rosen rrosen@crownci.com 22182 VA
Michelle Mitchell michelle@mitchellart.com 91711 CA
Gary and
Seraphina Landgrebe gary@seraphina.com 95073 CA
Kevin Hanlon kevin@kevinhanlon.com 06488 CT
Georgina Ramos crhon1157@gmail.com 91340 CA
jerry katz jerrylkat@aol.com 90404 CA
Susan Shaak mgsatmsc@gmail.com 19606 PA
Sara Tanz saratanz@gmail.com 90048 CA
Suzanne Hamer tedsuza@gmail.com 98072 WA
Ann Marie Ferro-Bialog Annedbialog@yahoo.com 11758 NY
suzanne schaem suzannemls@yahoo.com 10150 NY
Lori BAUMGARD Lbaumgard@comcast.net 33156 FL
Eileen Karzen ekarzen25@yahoo.com 90064 CA
Dianne Reynolds Toodycakes1@yahoo.com 23002 VA
Celeste Boggs celesteboggs@gmail.com 95614 CA
Why are you allowing the
deliberate poisoning of
E C Cecebop1@gmail.com 91724 CA our land, aair and ri
David Randall lightfoot_32@yahoo.com 11777 NY
Barbara Rippey bbusybees@yahoo.com 97130 OR
Nicole Casebolt njones1@wvstateu.edu 25159 WV
Come on... these are all
of our kids... stand up for
Douglas McGruter info@icon7.org 02346 MA them!
Ted Schettler tschettler@igc.org 94924 CA
ROBERT NERGER southernbobs@gmail.com 96772 HI This is long overdue.
Nancy Enz Lill meglill@msn.com 99201 WA
Fred Grieco fredgrieco@hotmail.com 55407 MN
valerie clark vclark1947@gmail.com 02494 MA
Steven Schafer steven.schafer@gmail.com 97075 OR
Maralyn Crook mummaz50@gmail.com 6BS
Lane Rolland lrollan69@sbcglobal.net 65610 MO
We have to go back to a
more natural state or the
Earth will die and none of
Margaret Weant-Leavitt coolincornville@yahoo.com 86325 AZ us will survive
victor tovar tovcoinc@gmail.com 33437 FL
Karen Holman k_e_holman@yahoo.com 48198 MI
Jason Bartell panna@jasonoutdoors.com 80301 CO
Barbara Andrew teep1@me.com 08540 NJ
Valerie Shore valerieshore@yahoo.com 94303 CA
sharon chang lovesbaby57@outlook.com 70072 LA
It's a commonwealth in
trouble that allows this to
Robert Morton robertmorton359@gmail.com 43420 OH happen.
Linda Kane dlkane1@cox.net 85208 AZ
Duncan Brown dbuteob@hotmail.com 85710 AZ
Kate Jamal katejamal73@yahoo.com 19801 DE
Joyce R. Farber jfarber77@gmail.com 94115 CA
Susan Davenport suedcpa@hotmail.com 93063 CA
Ulrich;Registered Nurse
George of Montana ulrich.george54@gmail.com 59417 MT
Eithne Clarke eithne_clarke@hotmail.com 32821 FL
Judith Sheppard judith_sheppard@otmail.com 1HB
C Day cls3333@yahoo.com 32960 FL Stop poisoning us.
William Hess enkido1@charter.net 62025 IL
Emily Gianfortoni ewellsgian@gmail.com 23229 VA
barbara hoehn gulfside7007@yahoo.com 06488 CT
It is time to ban these
chemicals once and for
Maren Kentfield mkentfield36@gmail.com 85748 AZ all.
Matthew Hackler sa_86@hotmail.com 30309 GA
Heidi Berman tesolwhiz@aol.com 10510 NY
James Lin jlin712@earthlink.net 87111 NM
Shari Krueger wendybetter@rocketmail.com 60515 IL
julie hamilton kainhassi@gmail.com 98105 WA
William Welkowitz bwelkowitz@gmail.com 22202 VA
Craig Peariso craigpeariso@yahoo.com 83702 ID
The end of the road
needs to be clean and not
a death sentence. We are
destroying human life
and planet life. Why do I
want to eat my future
Jennifer Walters jjwalters2@windstream.net 41141 KY Cancer! I don't & I won't.
Oregonfieldmowing@hotmail.co Toxins are always
James Tyree II m 97225 OR unacceptable!
Linda Klein kleinjohnson@sbcglobal.net 90245 CA
Erika Hunt erikahunt@live.com 85711 AZ
Holly Garland garland.holly@yahoo.com 97123 OR
Janet H. oregonsoma@peak.org 97459 OR
Trina Aurin trina_dk@yahoo.com 92610 CA
Mark Winslow mwinslow58@gmail.com 22152 VA
L Sherman suzsherman@comcast.net 97229 OR
LaRoy and
Mary Seaver lmseaver@gmail.com 80517 CO

Molly Hansen mollyshealinghands@gmail.com 89703 NV

Elizabeth Moore efm1011@yahoo.com 20877 MD
Everyone needs to
reconsider ... & clean up
G Hardiman ghardiman@fafmc.com 30084 GA the mess we've let occur
grace seif awitjoy@yahoo.com 49506 MI
Margie Borchers margieborchers@gmail.com 93101 CA
Robert Johnson rljldk@sbcglobal.net 90245 CA
darynne jessler darynnej@yahoo.com 91607 CA
Alanna Evans lanagratis@gmail.com 94402 CA
Nicole Lust nikkilust10@yahoo.com 20707 MD
Adam Boudreaux trekadam30@yahoo.com 39466 MS
Rita Mullis ritamullis@gmail.com 28227 NC
Denis Hillman denis.hillman@bigpond.com 43501 OH
Janice Phillips janp931@yahoo.com 27284 NC
Vi Ligenza argus3@adelphia.net 40475 KY
Ellen Schatz emschatzie@hotmail.com 94117 CA

Laurine Celeste Fox lcfox@nyct.net 10021 NY

Emily Holcomb holcomb.emily@gmail.com 87111 NM
Paula De Angelis paulamdeangelis@gmail.com 10989 NY
James Williams cluckhut@yahoo.com 97128 OR
Anthony Capobianco acapobia1@verizon.net 15102 PA
Crystal Reamer crreamer@yahoo.com 52501 IA
Sherry Monie sherry.monie@gmail.com 97089 OR
Paula Aaronson-Krell krellpa@yahoo.com 60634 IL
Susan Wolinsky soraleya@hotmail.com 80202 CO
Judy DiAgosta judithaugust@msn.com 08080 NJ
dave alexander dalexander3@raytheon.com 90706 CA
Robert Bokor bbokor@umsiinc.com 07060 NJ
Shirley Matulich Matulich_2@msn.com 95928 CA
Suzanne Deerlyjohnson suzannedj3@gmail.com 90806 CA
Connie Beck holisticgardener@hotmail.com 92019 CA
Donald Dimock dond@minetfiber.com 97361 OR
Jo Harvey cailinfili@yahoo.com 98047 WA
Pretty soon there will be
poisons everywhere .
What is their ultimate
plan ? Makes Many
Lance Wilson wtool128@aol.com 43731 OH Wonder...?
Michael Elkins mikensd@yahoo.com 92054 CA
Linda Myers horsefarm85@gmail.com 16669 PA
Ann Thompson cookiekins40@yahoo.com 95531 CA
Jessica Rogers beautifulpheonix@hotmail.com 37075 TN
Carol Rosseland carol@melrosema.com 02176 MA
james sipocz jljsipocz@aol.com 46628 IN
Ernest Rylander rylock4699@aol.com 02828 RI
Heather Cross Trashwoman@hotmail.com 11222 NY
Janice Cleary Babamoon1@gmail.com 91360 CA Simply just do your job
josephine coatsworth m 94705 CA
Pamela Hall pamelahall13@yahoo.com 59041 MT
angelo sturino sturino.ernest28@yahoo.com 60068 IL
Birth defects on the rise
exponentionally, learning
disorders, autism,.......it is
time to call a halt
tonprotect the next
Nicki Penaluna Charentebees@gmail.com 16210 PA generation.
Robyn Little robynglittle@netspace.net.au 92277 CA
Karen Vanek karen.vanek@gmail.com 60565 IL
Sarah Sheets ladyofthelibrary@comcast.net 95341 CA
Norman Leslie normankiwi2@aol.com 70115 LA
Holiday Houck holidayh@aol.com 02116 MA
Laura Berner Bernerbabies@hotmail.com 33772 FL
Gerald Lysne glysne@aol.com 92024 CA
Cindy Rose iamcindyrose@yahoo.com 76021 TX
Chris Young bbfc3216@opayq.com 33803 FL
Stephen Rosenblum pol1@rosenblums.us 94301 CA
Peggy Leviton peggyleviton@hotmail.com 95519 CA
Andi Shotwell andreia_shotwell@hotmail.com 80033 CO
Darren Page drpage1@gmail.com 26508 WV
Robert Jehn marseillejg27@hotmail.com 16314 PA
Steve Allison steveallison@myself.com 4QU
Alexandra Richards alexandra.richards@ymail.com 08540 NY
Efrain Sanchez camelpr@yahoo.com 00660 PR
Robert Beilin thanxcdc@gmail.com 97341 OR
Leslie Druss lesliedruss@gmail.com 93035 CA
Jacqueline Carter leighperson@gmail.com 75007 TX

These noxious chemicals

should have been banned
long ago - we need to
remember Rachel
Carson's "Silent Spring,'
BA10 because we are on the
Jane Craig jane@shirlaw.eclipse.co.uk 0AS ot way to the final silence.
Ernst Mecke ernstmecke@yahoo.com 00150 ot
Chaitanya Diwadkar cdiwadkar@hotmail.com 94545 CA
Janet Martucci auntigen58@aol.com 24015 VA
Megan Faber m 80210 CO
Thomas Peel tjpeel@yahoo.com 33907 FL
Nancy Taiani nancytaiani@gmail.com 07028 NJ
Sonja Myllymaki shardrol@hotmail.com 1P6
Dan Hubbard Danielhubbard@peoplepc.com 03867 NH
Rick Shreve forestrecon@yahoo.com 95571 CA
arleen whitmore arleenw0@gmail.com 94977 CA
Deb Fritzler dafritzler@sbc.edu 24521 VA
Alix Keast Alixk3@gmail.com 10025 NY
Earl Kuon kuonzaa@yahoo.com 92054 CA
annette kattau kattauannette39@gmail.com 11772 NY
Joris Hines jorishines@yahoo.com 32952 FL
Paul Lifton paullifton89@gmail.com 94530 CA
Kenneth Lapointe hawkvision@live.ca 90210 ON
Barry Zuckerman b_zuckerman@yahoo.com 10940 NY
Neil Freson nfreson@aol.com 14467 NY
Kristen Lightbody hororbiz@epix.net 18053 PA
Laurence Margolis margolislaurence@gmail.com 55345 MN
Joe Wos Josephwos@yahoo.com 30115 GA
Valerie Lonneman Vlonneman@gmail.com 98118 IN
Diane Knight knightdiane@att.net 91307 CA
K Holmdahl swedess@gmail.com 81301 CO
Alina Morales amcllc07@aol.com 33166 FL
sid Jennings omega_tiger@cox.net 34471 FL
Gail Burns gailburns33@yahoo.com 11735 NY
Camille Gilbert camillegilbert@aol.com 93101 CA
Kent Karlsson kentkcomposer@yahoo.com 91607 CA
Gary Kuehn frump55@earthlink.net 91321 CA
If this doesn't stop our
world will be too
poisoned for future
generations. All for
money..man is too
Carol Schmidt believejn316@yahoo.com 48744 MI greedy for his own good.
D Berl dianedianekb@gmail.com 18080 PA
Heather Maxwell blkshire@yahoo.com 22152 VA
Cecile Cecile Lemay kwatleca@shaw.ca 5B7
Gillian Brown avidwriter01@gmail.com 20715 MD
Danielle White m 95945 CA
Anne Moir angels7477@gmail.com 2qg
Dorothy Parshall dorothyp@whidbey.com 98260 WA
Kathy Oppenhuizen salzberryhill@gmail.com 49460 MI
it makes since to ban
these pesticides now.
there has been a lot of
disorders like ADD and
gail stamps ggs1951@wowway.com 47713 IN autism lately.
Helen Goldstein goldsteinh@live.com 52246 IA
S.G. Hurlburt pawsawhilesharon@gmail.com 8 ON
Patricia Monacella Pmonacella@cox.net 22031 VA
Tim Hill Uilleanner@gmail.com 94608 CA
Elizabeth Milliken beth@spottswoode.com 94574 CA
Jill K. Weaver jillkillerweaver@hotmail.com 15208 PA
Ellen Halbert ellenhalbert@hotmail.com 20630 MD
Jessica Boyer Maboyerks@yahoo.com 17111 PA
WILL BRODERICK brodewd1@yahoo.com 21042 MD
Kenneth Bird Birdman@rochester.rr.com 14622 NY
Joanne Aubrey jaubrey@columbus.rr.com 43209 OH
Your agency already
knows how toxic these
chemicals are, SO, Take
Action to ban these
C. Schuett bluberry987@gmail.com 56345 MN pesticides now !
Dione Chanslor dchanslormn@gmail.com 55720 MN
Mark Whitaker kd7kun@yahoo.com 98007 WA
Martin Henderson beechcleener@gmail.com 93117 CA
Briana Sherry briana.sherry@gmail.com 80305 CO
Robin Allen Wwoa0308@aol.com 29541 SC
Priscilla Mitchell mizivy0409@gmail.com 45013 OH
Theresa Perenich tperenich@yahoo.com 30606 GA
Judith Moore moore.judith@uwalumni.com 55426 MN
Dennis Stevens dennis4occ@hotmail.com 46940 IN
Peter Dachs daxo666@mac.com 98125 WA
Larry Williamson jlarrywill@hotmail.com 29615 SC
mariannes strader mari2040@yahoo.com 93504 CA
Anita Waters anita406@yahoo.com 40206 KY
Kirk Ramble karamble@comcast.net 17404 PA
Louise Goldstein louise.arsenal@gmail.com 16652 PA
Elizabeth OHara crickett49@surewest.net 95678 CA
Jennifer Salhus jsalhus@hotmail.com 02056 MA
Alexis Moore alexis.d.moore@outlook.com 33486 FL
Steve Aydelott staydelott@hotmail.com 97701 OR

Peter McCumber peter.mccumber@mail.wvu.edu 26501 WV

Jessica Fielden, MD jesigata@yahoo.com 94611 CA
Barbara Krulik barbaraauto3@gmail.com 12534 NY
Fern Rosenstiel fernnygirl@yahoo.com 96746 HI
Stuart R. Shaw stubonshaw@comcast.net 97304 OR
Heidi Waddell aslhw111@yahoo.com 53593 WI
Ann Tait anntait@mac.com 91104 CA
Ralf Lee ralf-lee@hotmail.com 28753 NC
stanley sayer sayer207@yahoo.com 02130 MA
Mary Chastang Mchastang84@aol.com 77005 TX
Laura Rice Lauracrice@aol.com 48334 MI
Philip Toomey p.xyz@verizon.net 02169 MA
Gayle Countryman-Mills gaylelcm@gmail.com 20852 MD
Linda Heagy a0005835@airmail.net 76012 TX
jeannie pham jtranberkeley@gmail.com 94530 CA
Pamela Lau kokothegorillarocks@gmail.com 95126 CA
Jeff McCollim mdc12c1@yahoo.com 44077 OH
Judith King jbeegee@yahoo.com 32968 FL
Colleen Carr ccarr@colleencarr.com 92128 CA
craig walker craignancy@gmail.com 91206 CA
linda uttaro luttaro@gmail.com 01960 MA
Eden Wild m 95759 CA Wake up, do this now!!!
Susan Black Suantique@hotmail.com 33618 FL
Scott Taylor staylo84@hotmail.com 94303 CA
Shetyl Reese sherylreese3457@yahoo.com 87507 NM
Barb Bittenbinder Bbittenbinder@gmail.com 29630 SC
Imagine if your children
were exposed to these
Robert McCombs bobmcc@humboldt1.com 95518 CA chemicals.
Elizabeth Smith Lizziemuir66@hotmail.com 64138 MO
Anthony P. Vessicchio anthonyvess@aol.com 06512 CT
Linda Freeman lindaf121@hotmail.com 95991 CA
Charles Phillips ozark-wild@att.net 65233 MO
Ronald Brown conbro.32578@gmail.com 80501 CO
York Quillen yorkq@comcast.net 37923 TN
nadav shalev nadavajra@gmail.com n/a ot
Don Gawronski dgphoto@sbcglobal.net 53207 WI
Pat Watts patwatts2002@yahoo.com 84123 UT
M.E. Scullard mes@mescullard.com 12581 NY
Tanya Wilson scootergrrl@pacbell.net 91202 CA
Lesley York Lesleyyork@hotmail.co.uk d
Raymond Santiago Jr. rsantiago_jr_@hotmail.com 11369 NY
Susan Ford Fords208@gmail.com 12062 NY
Lena Gibson lenasgibson@yahoo.com 98406 WA
Nicole Loh nicying@gmail.com 53050 WI
Michael A Moriarty Sr mam19582@gmail.com 08884 NJ
Elaine Livesey-Fassel livesey-fassel@sbcglobal.net 90064 CA
David Collet colletdavid@att.net 49423 MI
This has gone too far! It is
now time to not only stop
toxic chemicals but to
launch a class action law
suit against companies
that have done this
Gene Lawson genehlawson@comcast.net 98036 WA damage.
Ruthann Ovenshire rovenshire@yahoo.com 55414 MN
Tina Stassens 55beegirl55@gmail.com 99503 AK
Cynthia Young cky1947@yahoo.com 78757 TX
Anthony Bodenmiller arboden@yahoo.com 94702 CA
William D flydutchmotel@aol.com 08051 NJ
Aren't you sick of cancer
damage to our kids, and
violence from chemically
damaged brains.
Pesticides and herbicides
play a big role--they're a
one way road to
betterfoodforbetterkids@gmail.c superbugs, superweeds,
Laraine Abbey RN, MS, CNS om 08831 NJ and super-sick people.
Ban them - our life
depends on the health of
Linda Biglow lindarealtor@shaw.ca v9k1b1 our ecological system.
Woody Thomas woodythomas70@hotmail.com 30021 GA
Rosalia Casals masorc@hotmail.com 08980 ot
LOIS SAYERS loiej@comcast.net 15068 PA
Jennie deBeausset jdebeausset@yahoo.com 48138 MI
Paul Tappenden rocklandforager@gmail.com 10960 NY
Scott Akridge Sbakridge@gmail.com 72020 AR
Nicoleta Sava nicoleta.sava@yahoo.com 800742
K R grrlfriday@mac.com 94117 CA
Mary Zack mlzack@web.de 43085 OH
Paulo Pereira pbp720@yahoo.com 10705 NY
Ben Welborn ben@kauaistyle.com 96714 HI
Sharon Baker skb38goshen@gmail.com 80133 CO
Kyle Jessiman k_jessiman@hotmail.com 55605 MN
Ruth Martin scorp3700@hotmail.com 06010 CT
James Fendya jgfendya@ptd.net 08055 NJ
Kristy Rotermund krotermund@earthlink.net 95959 CA
Diane Mojica dianemmojica@ymail.com 91006 CA
leo lieber llieber@leolieber.com 94520 CA
neuro means 'nerves';
toxin means 'poison'. so
why are we allowing
'nerve poisons' to be
used around living beings
unless we mean to harm
Carol Neill clneill6312@att.net 66223 KS or kill them?
Susie Barton bartonsusie@yahoo.com 95133 CA
Marcella Hudson 2hudson@comcast.net 37189 TN
Zola Packman zmpackman@att.net 27605 NC
Shannon Milhaupt Smmilhau@yahoo.com 80211 CO
Roxanne Darrow rcdarrow11@gmail.com 20002 CA
James Mulcare xsecretsx@cableone.net 99403 WA
Elaine Hogan elainehogan_2003@yahoo.com 95521 CA
Tamara Cain fourdogs1950@hotmail.com 95826 CA
ted fill tedfill2@aol.com 02540 MA
Jared Sacco jsacco76@gmail.com 95519 CA
Sally Hinshaw Sphinshaw@twc.com 43221 OH
Wally Richards wallyjr@gardenews.co.nz 44401 OH
Bente Petersen Bentepmail@gmail.com 00000 OH
Franca Fiori ffffiori@gmail.com 27043 NC
Lauren Murdock murdock_ls@hotmail.com 93110 CA
Donna Boland donna.boland@gmail.com 94912 TX
Tamra Gutshall tamglee@yahoo.com 81428 CO
Tammera Hinshaw jetfueled@comcast.net 97338 OR
Stephen Dickstein plutonstitch@cfl.rr.com 34711 FL
robin vogler vogler_robin@yahoo.com 59911 MT
I am SO GLAD you are
taking steps to
investigate these harmful
chemical pesticides - it is
Barbara Mauk kariit@bluebottle.com 96046 CA you!
Jeffrey Kline kline.jb@gmail.com 94130 CA
Pat Bilbrey pbilbrey@gmail.com 38501 TN
Caroline Duley cvduley@yahoo.com 37208 TN

carole klumb lylecaroleklumb@centurytel.net 53119 WI

Ruth Mutchler ruthmutchler@aol.com 48653 MI
Camille Tyler camillet7777777@gmail.com 98382 WA
Pam Wilbourn Pilovecats5@yahoo.com 48066 MI
Debra Nimetz thenimleys@comcast.net 01066 MA
Loisann Lounsbury loisann19@gmail.com 19425 PA
Piilani Akina ainaopiilani@gmail.com 96786 HI
Mary Detrick mary13ld@yahoo.com 33763 FL
Betsy Germanotta betsydanteg@gmail.com 02140 MA
martina hainke tinatae11@sbcglobal.net 44118 OH
If your intention was
population control (high
rates of infertility,
miscarriages and birth
defects); the neural
impairment of our
children; the killing of our
pollinators and
endangering our food
supply; bringing
numerous species of
wildlife to the brink of
extinction; and
consigning the rest of us
to suffer a myriad of
diseases at ever
increasing rates,
massively driving up
medical costs, then
you're doing a bang-up
job! If any or all of the
above was not your
intention, then I suggest
that you finally take steps
towards banning these
toxic chemicals. Anything
Donna Profeta brynnab@aol.com 12019 NY less is unconscionable.
eric pash epash@diamondpharmacy.com 15701 PA
Taylor Brown baskta@yahoo.com 33993 FL
Rebecca Mochocki roehmen@gmail.com 53711 WI
James Henriksen amazinghendo@yahoo.com 86314 AZ
Ana Oliveira aninhas.mariaa@gmail.com 812 AK
LOIS HAMILTON paullois10@satx.rr.com 78154 TX
Bert Greenberg bertli@sbcglobal.net 95135 CA
Mark Lundholm mtlundholm@yahoo.com 60074 IL
janet Aptaker jma212@hotmail.com 10026 NY
Kathryn Gill Kathrgi@aol.com 95821 CA
What more can be said?
Poisons need to be
reigned in or eliminated
entirely from our food
and water and air and
everywhere. We need to
do better on protecting
the environment. Oh yeh!
Donald Walker donwalkerjr@comcast.net 01341 MA That's your job.
Frank Reuter fmreuter@hughes.net 72616 AR
Ken Dalwin k.dalwin@yahoo.com 94602 CA
Peter Guzman petg6@netscape.net 11752 NY
Trisha Hillier trisha.hillier@gmail.com 90210 CA
John Rhoades jr@rhoadesinc.com 75220 TX
Colleen Kelly Col6272@yahoo.com 19809 DE
Rebecca Rodriguez Rjmojica29@gmail.com 96706 HI
Jaime Alcoba jalcoba@windfall.ca 33129 FL

Do we never learn or is it
lack of caring. We must
protect our children, and
our environment, which
includes wildlife, plant
life, the water we drink
Martha Pence Martihbp1905@gmail.com 61874 IL and the air we breathe.
Karen Lozow woodelf3004@gmail.com 46260 IN
Charlotte Towey cetowey@gmail.com 49430 MI
Michael Watson bison@sonic.net 95476 CA
Kathani Perret kathanip@gmail.com 04843 ME
Gary Tonkin gwtonkin@charter.net 55803 MN
deborah fallender tauzi@aol.com 90405 CA
Michael Ahern redryder750mc@aol.com 44026 OH
Steven Fletcher ecojester@gmail.com 97405 OR
Judith Louvis JLouvis@aol.com 08302 NJ
Walter Schultz Graymetallic@gmail.com 61401 IL
james Rideout jimlu27@aol.com 85373 AZ
Marilyn Eppolite Nogmonj@gmail.com 08002 NJ
Earl Frounfelter efrounfelter@yahoo.com 93454 CA
Timothy Stewart tradeinf@fred.net 21795 MD
Dee Hilbert dlh180@aol.com 18049 PA
Barbara Brunckhorst wf137@comcast.net 33404 FL
the future of our children
is at stake as well as the
Tracy Ballard namastetoday@gmail.com 89048 NV health of our planet
Joseph Guzman joeguzzyy@aol.com 11421 NY
Madalyn Pickering Maddy.54@hotmail.com 29485 SC
Frederica Huxley fredericahuxley@mac.com 65203 MO
Mike Civitello yvonne_dent@comcast.net 06254 CT
paul tuscano paultuscano@hotmail.com 21044 MD
Shelley Williams s.williams99@hotmail.com 13760 NY
Hendricka Samytowski nanasamoldbird@hotmail.com 06062
Jeanine Fair fairjeanine@gmail.com 53578 WI
Marianne Currie currie@hargray.com 29926 SC
Leigh Yeoman lyeoman@carolina.rr.com 28277 NC
Marten Damgaard 5fdpress@gmail.com 21440
Patty Diana pecabo1338@cox.net 85301 AZ
Ross Heckmann RossS.Heckmann@gmail.com 91006 CA
Gordon Abrams t 05001 VT
Michelle Ash Ashmichelle99@gmail.com 49651 MI
Lesley Jorgensen hi2cherie@yahoo.com 87501 NM
Lorrie Edmonson nakumigirl@gmail.com 91030 CA
Ann McMullen atpm@comcast.net 84093 UT
nate marino bear_it999@hotmail.com 98226 WA
Jennifer Head jiffinerh@gmail.com 28612 NC
Madelaine Haberman Mjhaberman@gmail.com 10065 NY
Carolyn Pettis ecokare2@yahoo.com 91387 CA
Mary Palmer Marypalmer65@gmail.com 49326 MI
Michael Putrelo mikeaputt@gmail.com 13456 NY
Saliane Anderssen ducdrmoto@icloud.com 85743 AZ
Amy Griffin algriffin@hotmail.com 16801 PA
Ole Klammer ole@klammer.dk 2840 ot

Michelle MacKenzie michellehmackenzie@gmail.com 94070 CA

Patti Windeknecht bluervoice@gmail.com 37919 TN
Kathy Flocco-McMaster flockster@austin.rr.com 78725 TX
Lavonne Engelman manekicrazy@hotmail.com 28754 NC
A healthy society
deserves nothing less
M3N than a total ban of these
John Balatinecz j.balatinecz@rogers.com 1R2 poisons!
Natasha Brenner 2brenners@gmail.com 10002 NY
Diane Hoffman hoffman_diane@yahoo.com 94930 CA
cindy brewer 1cindybrewer@bellsouth.net 37421 TN
Heidi Oleszczuk HeidiRain@gmail.com 11963 NY
David Landskron davidlandskron@hotmail.com 33884 FL
bret polish brednjam1@yahoo.com 90034 CA

dorothy kornelis silenrokbouviers@talktalk.net hx2 8sy

Paula Neville Commonprayer28@gmail.com 14626 NY

Anne And John Hedberg annie.hedberg@comcast.net 80401 CO

Please consider that our
actions today, will make
or break the future of our
Janet Chafey small_planet@earthlink.net 85284 AZ children.
Matthew Hinton thewhinton@yahoo.com 70123 LA
Lorren James Lorrenj99@gmail.com 80016 CO
d g dgeare@sbcglobal.net 93258 CA

Our environment is
bombarded with toxic
chemicals and this threat
to our health grows every
year with activity from
the likes of Monsanto
and a growing list of
chemical producers. So
many (if not all of them)
are unnecessary as there
are alternatives to all of
these highly toxic
materials if the EPA and
other governing bodies
would do their job and
demand that these
develop/employ harmless
Judith Maron-Friend judiemaronfriend@gmail.com 97220 OR alternatives.
Tanya Knappman Tanya.knappman@gmail.com 32953 FL
Vickie Hocking vickie5cats@juno.com 55435 MN

Barbara Klemm baklemm@hotmail.com 02134 MA Hurry, before it is to late!

john johnson rockfordj6@aol.com 61103 IL
caroline affield com 60098 IL
I would also like to see a
ban of herbicides such as
Roundup and Rodeo in
our parks, golf courses
Ann Cantrell Anngadfly@aol.com 90808 CA and on our food.
B. Rose loganrosebud668@yahoo.com 43766 OH
You know what harm
they do, now just STOP
Cynthia Folit cfolit85@gmail.com 34235 FL them.
jean oybkee jeanpublic1@yahoo.com 08822 NJ
Alexis Azcárate alexaz2006@gmail.com 62767 IL
Rita-Ann FitzGerald rfg111@wildblue.net 12936 NY
Andra Heide ajheide@yahoo.com 32571 FL
Camille D'Ascoli dsyodacam@aol.com 29063 SC

Marjorie Rosenfeld marjorierosenfeld@earthlink.net 75024 TX

Nicole Amato m 95688 CA
phil vanasse pava58@comcast.net 08829 NJ
Ray Kalinski raykalinski@gmail.com 34770 FL
jennifer prevost jennifermprevost@gmail.com 78213 TX
Lynda Moon lyn.joy@hotmail.com 99654 AK
Stephen Evans outhouse161@yahoo.com 07652 NJ
Richard Bourne rickbourne@earthlink.net 33931 MA
mark Levin jaguarkpr@comcast.net 19462 PA
Georgeanne Samuelson bgsamuelson@gmail.com 97463 OR
Ronney Berinstein ronney007@aol.com 10021 NY
Phyllis Erwin perwin1943@gmail.com 05301 VT
Heidi Cusworth hcusworth@gmail.com 95405 CA
Ellen Powers lntpowers@yahoo.com 83261 ID
Leo Dyksman steelbreeze2@gmail.com 84091 UT
Nola Zito and Family nzt123@Yahoo.com 11791 NY
Valeriya Efimova viy46@yahoo.com 07302 NJ
Chuck rocco crocco1250@aol.com 93065 CA
Joe Serpico joeserp@topsoffers.com 33764 FL
Fluoride is also a brain
damaging chemical and
admitted by the EPA. It's
time to stop adding
fluoride chemicals into
the water supplies in a
failed effort to reduce
carol kopf ckopf2@optonline.net 11756 NY tooth decay
Amanda Gordon gordonsgoods407@gmail.com 32773 FL
David Williams taraiti@gmail.com 00482
Carol Gold carolgold@earthlink.net 94930 CA
Marie Mock marie@peak.org 97324 OR
Autumn Gonzalez autumnrg@gmail.com 95623 CA
Bert Leysath bleysath@comcast.net 01930 MA
Jan Balazs Jb92646@gmail.com 92646 CA
Nash Norris nashnorris@gmail.com 67550 KS
Johanna Wermers johannawermers@gmail.com 20850 MD
Dylan Nguyen dustinnguyen@yahoo.com 95035 CA
Doris W. doris.warnstedt@yahoo.de 50996 ot
Kristin Enoch s_k_enoch@sbcglobal.net 59715 MT
Caryn Graves caryn@lmi.net 94702 CA
Timothy Baures tbaures6@yahoo.com 84106 UT
pam ward pl.ward@tds.net 03082 NH
ann sanders nexugar@comcast.net 98117 WA
Peter Beatty pbeatty1948@peoplepc.com 82604 WY
Christina Cunningham sisterchristina@outlook.com 3RW
Jani Saari janisa@hotmail.com 20100 ot
Richard Allen rallen2001@yahoo.com 10011 NY
Gerald Bednar jerrybednar@cfl.rr.com 34744 FL
K Walla ktwalla@hotmail.com 60118 IL
robert rohner flyboy2.rob@gmail.com 78728 TX
Linda Lillow llillow@comcast.net 87105 NM
Tammy Lusciatti tglusci@me.com 60564 IL
J. David Scott scott0547@rogers.com 4Z6 OR
Steven Urquhart SRUrquhart@aol.com 24015 VA
Michael Camp madmiker5d4@yahoo.com 05401 VT
Lorenzo Ramero ramero@math.univ-lille1.fr 91120
Rebecca Casstevens rebecca.casstevens@gmail.com 13905 NY

Jose Leroux joseleroux@me.com h3y1g4 QC

John Palenik johnpalenik@gmail.com 07065 NJ
Behnoosh Armani shassam99@gmail.com 92821 CA
Isabel Martins .ca 90220 CA
barbara stamp bestamp7@yahoo.com 55438 MN
Lindsay Scheinberg dscheinberg@ameritech.net 48167 MI
theodora kerry thekerry@comcast.net 95060 CA
Steven Steele tempou812@hotmail.com 55311 MN
Leila Walters leiwact@gmail.com 20853 MD
michael &
jackie mason masonfamily@centurylink.net 34769 FL
Crimson Rising phoenix_indira@yahoo.com 29365 SC
Brian Wilson scbrian@pacbell.net 95123 CA
Jennifer Schaffer Mariposa.jennifer@gmail.com 78702 TX
Wilmalyn Puryear qwkpuryear@yahoo.com 21093 MD
Sue Hustead shed2@charter.net 97527 OR
Stephen Dutschke sdutschke@gmail.com 40207 KY
D.B. Pope msdbpope@fastmail.fm 29944 SC
Susan P. Vessicchio susancarolpvess@aol.com 06512 CT
Bernadette Methven irish_wildflower@yahoo.com 08904 NJ

maria manuela lopes manuelalopes1949@gmail.com 02750 ot

Diane Berliner canyongal@aol.com 90046 CA
Ann Marie Ross kamots73105@yahoo.com 02720 MA
George Holloway hollowaygl@yahoo.com 91381 CA
pam zimmerman pzimmer946@comcast.net 95404 CA
Rachel White Rachelann2211@yahoo.com 11969 NY Stop the poisen
gary goldner garyg1957@att.net 44647 OH
Sally Abrams perigrey@netscape.net 94110 CA
Jay Russo stellarjay1@gmail.com 98648 WA
Jana Perinchief janasg@gmail.com 95821 CA
Sheila Morris redtruck911@gmail.com 98109 WA
Alan Brown a.lamont@bresnan.net 81212 CO
Susan Walls Trskcam@yahoo.com 16102 PA This is a no brainer.
lois nottingham rosie2639@gmail.com 85142 AZ
Jarryd Audette Jrod3412@yahoo.com 05489 VT
Jennifer Childers Jchildersw@gmail.com 97540 OR
Vicki Manor manorvicki@yahoo.com 63017 MO
Our country needs to be
protected from harmful
chemicals, especially in
MARY EMMONS memmons@mcdougallfruit.com 98826 WA our drinking water.
Elsie Pope e.pope@at.net 38115 TN CORPORATIOONS.
Lynn Offutt lynnoffutt@hotmail.com 98208 WA
Reisa Gould-Donath reisagd@yahoo.com 12866 NY
Michael McMurtrey skyking918@verizon.net 75007 TX
Marilyn Oakley oakley.marilyn@gmail.com 53941 WI
We are being poisoned
every which way from
Sunday. Please take swift
action to change this
unfortunate reality.
carol lanigan cl041@yahoo.com 44142 OH Thank you!
Dorota Gaukstad dorotagaukstad@hotmail.com 00475
Sarah Reed Thehusbandsrule@gmail.com 94590 CA
Andrea Saunders a_jamison@hotmail.com 18015 PA
Cynthia Madak cynthmaeve@aim.com 48092 MI
Deborah Spencer kodashila1@verizon.net 01821 MA
Dorothy Wilkinson deegee43@gmail.com 90027 CA PROTECT US!!!!!!
Thomas Dorsey solidfurniture@aol.com 02478 MA
B Bergeron bbergeron@windor.com 74128 OK
Roberto Romo neospyder316@gmail.com 94121 CA
Susan Baehr suebaehr@yahoo.com 06371 CT

Doreen Forbes catzndoe@rogers.com N5Z4Z6

loni stein hhshmsltd@aol.com 11566 NY
Laurie Eisler leisler@sonic.net 94931 CA
Jessica Abousemaan Jeb14364@aol.com 33325 FL
Debbie Slack gdhmetal@aol.com 24502 VA
iris rochkind hemabug@aol.com 11370 NY
J Hague joyswede3@yahoo.com 33710 FL
Emily Metz ztem@mindspring.com 14534 NY
M Eades mee1171@aol.com 98027 WA
Elise Schlaikjer roselise@verizon.net 01301 MA
Anca Vlasopolos vlasopolos@sbcglobal.net 02632 MA
Roger Oborn rocascade@aol.com 98036 WA
Jerry Hodges jerry@mindbodyhealth.com 80003 CO
Christopher Grundy Chrstphrgrundy@yahoo.com 63119 MO
Patricia Thomas pattythomas@cox.net 89134 NV
Roger &
Marilyn Meythaler rmmeythaler@mabeltel.coop 52165 IA
Linda Headley parrotheadley@aol.com 32628 FL
Gretchen Offord gretchen.offord@yahoo.com 96019 CA

Leonard Gray lg255555@hotmail.com 34113 FL Thank you very much. -LG

kathy Mastrandea kathy@wilhelminarochester.com 14467 NY

Please don't be
Monsanto's patsy. Round
Sheldon Hines skhines1949@gmail.com 01742 MA Up's day is over.
Robert Gates bsetag@aol.com 01960 MA
Patti Fink warpedstar1@aol.com 95687 CA
Gayle Edelman-Tolchin mommy725@aol.com 33498 FL
Maureen Kamiya mkamiya@sbcglobal.net 94706 CA
Allan D. Gagnon allandgagnon@aim.com 06516 CT
Jeffrey Kelly jeffk2407@comcast.net 19468 PA
J M planetjulija@yahoo.com 80440 CO
Ian Shelley ianjs@comcast.net 97225 OR
Marrisha Abbot marrishaa@gmail.com 95006 CA
Kate DeCanto Katedecanto@yahoo.com 60631 IL
Nancy Boyce nancy_marinlink@comcast.net 94903 CA
Christopher Riff chrisriff@aol.com 60657 IL
Kristin Olnes Furlyfreckles@gmail.com 94605 CA
Mandy Tshibangu Mandytshibangu@gmail.com 19333 PA
Robert Berry r.berry10@yahoo.com 02738 MA
Debbie Gubala gubalad@comcast.net 48383 MI
Crystal WOlf cawolf79@gmail.com 87505 NM
Judy Martin jsweetbasil@gmail.com 94403 CA
Tatyana Cabage tnagorna@yahoo.com 37919 TN
Patricia Klun patklun7@gmail.com 60559 IL
Gregry Loomis gregryloomis@msn.com 98117 WA
Lindsey Fine lindsey@lindseyfinehomes.com 95746 CA
Barbara Basham bbbasham55@gmail.com 97045 OR
Cheryl Carnahan crcarnahan@frii.com 14626 NY
Jerry Mawhorter head424@wowway.com 48073 MI
Lynne Brimecombe lbrimec@gmail.com 48103 MI
Dennis Underwood om 98404 WA
k mcdonald mermc@aol.com 91206 CA
Robin Peterson rpeterson1117@gmail.com 32210 FL
Pete Klosterman petek@accesscom.com 10025 NY

Valerie Urquhart valurq@telus.net V0E2Z0

Christine Becker kikgirl8@yahoo.com 48428 MI
The Chemical Industry is
as conscienceless as Big
Tobacco, Big Oil, et al--
putting profits above
human and planetary
health. Its high time they
are severely regulated
and reined in. Thats the
role of Government: to
protect the many from
the wealthy, powerful
Mary Bull Chalicefarm@gmail.com 94117 CA few!!!
Helen Hadfield Helenhadfield@live.com 02026
David Knight KnightNocturnal@msn.com 33898 FL
Mary McGann mmcgann@rscj.org 94709 CA
Use of these poisons
Kathleen Mireault kam8897@comcast.net 02130 MA must stop!
Patti Barclay pattib@datapapers.com 17756 PA
Patricia Paul paulbrutus2@hotmail.com 15610 PA
Stephen Locke txlonewolf903@gmail.com 75418 TX
David A. Woolsey il.com 04605 ME
Eleanor Roehl eliroehl@gmail.com 80517 CO
Grace Padelford gapadelford@hotmail.com 90064 CA
Christine Bryant ckb777@outlook.com 33804 FL
Danuta Hart danuta_ghart@hotmail.co.uk 4LQ
James Vlazny vlaz@us.ibm.com 55902
Chris Scholl m 07753 NJ
Carol Nagle carolnagle@sbcglobal.net 94558 CA

Listen to independent
science not the science
Dan Turman Rawitasca@hotmail.com 55744 MN that designs the chemical
kathh kestell jkestell@q.com 99208 WA
Michele Kibrick kibrick@cruzio.com 95060 CA
Paul Kerman paulkerman@hotmail.com 48091 MI
Leah Taylor llt203@aol.com 04660 ME
Denise Thomas denijthom2@gmail.com 55118 MN
Noel Barnes n2barnes@comcast.net 98058 WA
Kimie Fujimoto kimie.fujimoto@gmail.com 98926 WA
Amy Lund lund_amy@hotmail.com 14075 NY
Joan Smith joanesq93@gmail.com 94129 CA
Patricia Kolstad kolstadp@comcast.net 98502 WA
Tony Gray Ezekiel1st@sbcglobal.net 60601 IL
Laura Fetzer 83spicy04@gmail.com 91354 CA
Mark Beringer mpberinger@comcast.net 98021 WA
Robin Pinsof pin7rm@aol.com 60035 IL
terrybrookspen@googlemail.co EX38
Terry Brooks m 8DN
Elisa Donnadieu e_donnadieu@hotmail.com 85257 AZ
Nancy Anderson nranderson4@yahoo.com 80449 CO
Tim Guisinger guyzinger@aol.com 93010 CA
Gina Faber Pan@gbfaber.fastmail.fm 20141 VA
pesticides are all bad, ban
Ken Hoag kenhoag2@omcast.net 94530 CA them all!
David Klinke Lorddavud1@msn.com 10901 NY Nasty stuff. Ban it.
John Peeters peeterscsv@yahoo.com 60901 IL
Anna Engdahl annaengdahl@yahoo.com 12741 NY
Ronald Smith ronnine@comcast.net 60546 IL
Arthur Nussel sanussel@1955.usna.com 32696 FL
Amanda Collins m 75204 TX

Ban these chemicals; my

husband and a neighbor
got lymphoma from
Round-up,sprayed on the
path by our house, year
after year, by the city we
live in. I know Round-up
is another one of your
favorites. Jane Goldman
RN Rob Macdonald MS
Jane/Rob Goldman-Macdonald goldmacd@comcast.net 94019 CA Jane Goldman RN
Michael Coon michaelandjenica@gmail.com 96756 HI
Paul Dupuy paul.dupuy.jr@gmail.com 98072 WA
Patricia Wolongevicz wolo102@aol.com 02339 MA
Mary Anne Combs macombs42@yahoo.com 28752 NC
Asphodel Denning asphodeldenning@hotmail.com 98104 WA
Margaret Jensen mcj5152@verizon.net 14048 NY
Lynn Schneider whadifmarco@comcast.net 34108 FL
Fran Watson daherlover@yahoo.com 91977 CA
Alek Williams alek.will@aol.com 32839 FL
Judy Bryan judybryan819@gmail.com 22306 VA
Andrew Becker becker33@yahoo.com 54701 WI
Padma Dyvine dyvinepadma@gmail.com 28710 NC
Ron Gary dans5843@aol.com 60626 IL
Sandra Murray horsnhound@gmail.com 80922 CO
Rebecca Hass rebecca.hass@gmail.com 55114 MN
Koll Ellis kollellis@sbcglobal.net 94707 CA
Joel Malkerson malkchocolate@gmail.com 34285 FL
Katherine Murdock kmurdock@cox.net 72737 AR
Debbie Friesen dfriesen@email.arizona.edu 85743 AZ
Kiu Leung kiuleung@msn.com 53562 WI
Thomas A. Guaraldi wolftalker7799@yahoo.com 77071 TX
I urge you to ban all
seven nuerotoxins
chemicals now, to protect
children , farmworkers
and our fragile
Joseph Wasserman joewass64@yahoo.com 06117 CT environment.
William Stewart wstewart@nvcc.edu 22207 VA
toni bowman tbowman@m-mcpa.com 07930 NJ
Donna Carr, M.D. DonnaCarrMD@aol.com 92024 CA
laura mccollum toastslc@yahoo.com 44333 OH
Louise Quigley chuckgyver@aceweb.com 02184 MA
Robert Banever bbanever@earthlink.net 91010 CA
Christopher Loch christopherloch@hotmail.com 55405 MN
Susan Babbitt philad49@att.net 19107 PA
Meredith Stone tystone2@gmail.com 19130 PA
David Bryan rramjet00@gmail.com 10512 NY
Lisa Buehler chipmunk5@centurytel.net 59922 MT
Dr. Alexander Henrich alexander.henrich@gmail.com 22457 ot
Russ Pilato rpilato2@rochester.RR.com 14432 NY
Please take this into
KIMBERLEY HUDACKO khfagan@cox.net 32605 FL serious consideration.
Paul Szymanowski pszymanowski@earthlink.net 43412 OH
Hilary Kennedy bluemoon93@sbcglobal.net 94523 CA
Brian Henning bhenning2200@gmail.com 55431 MN
Beatrice Nelson Riciepets@gmail.com 94541 CA
Sharon Ailstock sharonailstock@yahoo.com 23518 VA
Julie Skelton julieskelton@msn.com 48111 MI
Jack Milton nospray@omsoft.com 95616 CA
Sharon Castro ed411cas@yahoo.com 90638 CA
Mary Keithler mkeithler@yahoo.com 80111 CO
Andrew Olsen andrewolsen76@gmail.com 90027 CA
Marjorie Wing wingmarj@gmail.com 48823 MI

Uwe Kreis ukreis@sfu.ca V5A1S6

Ray West rawest70@centurylink.net 97103 OR
kent lennox kentlennox@yahoo.com 94134 CA
Joe Maffei joe.r.maffei@gmail.com 94618 CA
Helene Lanz helenelanz@bluewin.ch 04900
The health of children is
more important than
Thomas Phillips thp146@yahoo.com 81526 CO corporate profits.
Anatoliy Shanin tosha_ut@yahoo.com 84093 UT
Carole Chowen carole_chowen@yahoo.com 81502 CO
Anne ProudFire m 14611 NY

B Johnson becky.mcgilljohnson@gmail.com 98604 WA

Michelle Rose tuckersmom03@gmail.com 12414 NY
Steve Green islandsounds@att.net 29455 SC
Please! Our children's
future health and mine
demand these chemicals
to be banned! Thank you,
Kristyn Hewitt Tonkabaybe@yahoo.com 55364 MN Kristyn Hewitt
Richard Chambers richch1@roadrunner.com 04473 ME
Mary Pat White mwhite@rscj.org 94709 CA
Shawn Bogard sbogard1@yahoo.com 30519 GA
GILLES dubois akuna123@xplornet.ca 1A0 TX
Megan Norton menorton1123@gmail.com 21228 MD
Bernadine Wessel wesselb@adorers.org 67213 KS
Nancy Wedow nvwedow@sbcglobal.net 60067 IL
Donna Knipp knipp.donna@gmail.com 10034 NY
Richard Solomon risolom@gmail.com 94611 CA
Ivy Buchanan curlyib@hotmail.com 78745 TX
p chou pamchou@aol.com 23606 VA
Chris Dacus chriscat2014@hotmail.com 37020 TN
Greg Nielson gxn11@yahoo.com 44136 OH

Jesse Morpaw Ilovegorillas2@hotmail.com K1y 0l9

It cannot be right to use
poisonous chemicals
which then poison the
people, their children,
and the land, Please,
Please be responsible and
STOP poisoning the
crops, the wild life - birds,
bees and animals, the
drinking water. the
planet and all the living
beings on it. The health
and and happiness of
future generations of
IP137N human beings is at risk.
janet horvath jayantiji@gmail.com Y BE RESPONSIBLE.
John Lis lissjohn47@gmail.com 4
Scott Bishop sbishop@oly-wa.us 98502 WA
Deborah Morrison debsbox2001@yahoo.com 90027 CA
Dennis Allen dallen4191@aol.com 93101 CA
Anne lebas masabel1@yahoo.com 94903 CA
James Cooke iago@james-cooke.com 87106 NM
Lawrence Montford lwlmon@aol.com 37341 TN
A. McGarry ange.mcgarry@gmail.com 48111 MI
Hans-Peter Heinrich hp_heinrich@yahoo.de 60435 IL
daniel autard daniel.autard66@gmail.com 66000
Iris Rizzi U.rizzi@att.net 33914 FL
Ashley Chrisinger ashleychrisinger09@gmail.com 54481 WI

Jimmy Graaf graa2616@hetnet.nl 2981av ot

We are ALL exposed to
these chemicals! Illegal in
other civilized countries.
Is it any wonder why the
US ranks so low in overall
health & longevity & so
high in disease? We need
to take back control of
our food sources & go
back to supporting small
organic farming & our
communities. Do you
know what you're eating?
Most people don't, since
big agro lobbyists
discourage proper
labeling of foods & sway
research in their own
favors. What a conflict of
Kim Kramar Kim_kramar@yahoo.com 84070 UT interest & a huge joke.
Jacqueline Woolsey woolsjacq@aol.com 95445 CA
Benjamin Joannou Jr benjr@jbi.bike 33156 FL
Would you work under
conditions that were
Katherine Everest everestkatherine@gmail.com 02300 harmful to your health?
Ellen Gold pauladrake@gmail.com 94306 CA
martin mc donnell martinmcdonnell@gmx.net 07100
Susan/Robert Puscheck spuscheck@tds.net 48198 MI
claude alliot cmjalliot@yahoo.fr 75015 TX
Rhonda Bradley rgbradley@charter.net 38555 TN
Please protect human
and environmental
zelma fishman zelmafishman@sbcglobal.netn 93402 CA health!!!!!

Chemical corporations
have become rogue
companies that routinely
endanger the health and
welfare of people and
marcia.dale.lewinter@icloud.co nature around the world.
Marcia Dale-LeWinter m 94115 CA This must end now!
irina rutenburg irutenburg@qcc.cuny.edu 11365 NY
Not only are they in our
foods they are in our air
and water. Those who do
not learn from history are
doomed to repeat it. Are
you going to stand
behind half truths to save
face and lose our
Biosphere???? I am a
Veteran, Active Voter and
TaxPayer. As a Veteran I
put my life on the line for
Democracy. This missive
is Democracy in action. It
is a sad fact that national
socialist philosophy now
informs and drives the
James K Hadcroft jamzac@hotmail.com 02556 MA republican party.
Elaine Ritch elaineritch@yahoo.co.uk 5EZ
Peggy Roeske proeske15@aol.com 55124 MN
Virginia Linnell ginny@ginnylinnell.com 07738 NJ
Kara Beebee kleigh2001@yahoo.com 43202 OH
Edward Rubin lindaandedrubin@gmail.com 02067 MA
barbara hickman barbara.c.hickman@gmail.com 20886 MD
Terje Ness nesstj@gmail.com 55033 MN
Carroll Dartez cadartez@yahoo.com 77057 TX
Vadim Kalinin hashta@list.ru 19118 FL
Elizabeth Schwartz lizschwartz5@gmail.com 11106 NY
Barbara Trees psychobabs2001@yahoo.com 91042 CA
nancy herzog nherzog05@yahoo.com 93449 CA
Winston Tormos wtormos@yahoo.com 92308 CA
Donald Wiltsie chil4356@msn.com 12477 NY
l hurd savoe@comcast.net 17331 PA
Jo Rockett joannerockett82@hotmail.com 1SN
Annie Middleton yunganny@comcast.net 37064 TN
Christopher Kornmann chris@spitandimage.net 55104 MN
Veronica Adrover vadrover@gmail.com 95340 CA
b coniglio saucemops@yahoo.com 02215 MA
Mary Peterson mary.peterso@gmail.com 97365 OR
Elizabeth Asnicar Asnicar5@msn.com 80540 CO
Melissa Munoz mmunoz63012@gmail.com 80219 CO
Christine Berger nerthuschild@gmail.com 94610 CA
Karen Decker deckermandhani@yahoo.com 94114 CA
The use of these
neurotoxic pesticides is
like the lead poisoning of
children in Flint, MI. The
difference is it occurs
over a wider area so it is
easier to sweep under
the rug. In the end, it too
poisons people in
irreversible ways and is
unamerican and
Carol Tuveson ctuveson@msn.com 03824 NH unpatriotic.

I have never understood

how a government
agency with a names
such as yours, finds ANY
pesticides to be
protective of the
environment. Surely this
MaryJane Brown mjbmsw@hotmail.com 98052 WA makes your name a joke!
Ellen Davis ellentd@aol.com 90025 CA
Carole Hartleb caralena@embarqmail.com 32744 FL
Shelly Wallace shellywallace2269@yahoo.com 80233 CO
Darrell Jones d.d.jones@comcast.net 97403 OR
Joanne Neale jmneale@gmail.com 02494 MA
susan kendall susan-kendall@charter.net 37738 TN
Randy Barbera Joshusmu@gmail.com 11717 NY
Mireya Espana pulga.espana@gmail.com 60634 IL
Donald Williams frisbeerick@gmail.com 02144 MA
marge dakouzlian mom 10301 NY
Nancy Bishop npbishop@gmail.com 97217 OR
Maria Palmer maria.palmer@mac.com 10960 NY
Thomas Rose tommyrose123@msn.com 19382 PA
Linda Clinger llclinger1@yahoo.com 42001 KY
Alan Brown alanbrown3584@gmail.com 10024 NY
Karl Mortimer Karlmm@Bigpond.com 05012 SA
Laurie Bramlage laurie.caird@gmail.com 94086 CA
Dario Morell dariomorell@aol.com 33184 FL
Judy Whitehouse jkwhitehouse@cox.net 85008 AZ
Laetitia Benador lbenador@gmail.com 92117 CA
Lisa Horn kwanipikid@prodigy.net 60004 IL
Alan Michels ammichels@fsu.edu 32303 FL
Michael and
Barbara Hill theElbeHills@gmail.com 98330 WA
Carla Albers carlaalbers@yahoo.com 55331 MN
Ricky Bielawski islandlighthouse@msn.com 02364 MA
Steve Malafy smalafy@gmail.com 26218 WV
Paul Palla paulpalla69@yahoo.com 17225 PA DO IT!!
LEELA BEAUDRY leelabai@hotmail.com 84119 UT
Sally Bright twinny72@hughes.net 83123 WY
Andrew &
Kathleen Wittenborn wittenbn@westnet.com 10570 NY
Lisa Ann Kelly & Family bluesunflowersb@gmail.com 93101 CA
Kelly Choi kellymchoi@gmail.com 07940 NJ
Anne Easterling akeasterling@att.net 76051 TX
David Dorn Davdorn@gmail.com 94551 CA
Brian Kuru kuru.1@osu.edu 43202 OH
Linda Townill ltownill8@comcast.net 60544 IL
k h kelliehuynh@yahoo.com 11213 NY
Marilyn Mooshie mmooshie@frontier.com 97538 OR
Rich Moser m 93111 CA
Gene Burke burkegene@msn.com 91365 CA
On the evening of
November 25, 1960, the
Columbia Broadcasting
System broadcast the
final documentary for
CBS by legendary
broadcaster Edward R.
Murrow, an installment
of their series "CBS
Reports," entitled
"Harvest of Shame"
). Much has changed of
course in the fifty-five
years since that
documentary first aired,
but working conditions
for migrants -- and many
other workers -- remain
shameful today
harvest-of-shame), with
our technology now a far
greater contributor.
Originally developed in
the 1940s as highly-toxic
A.J. Averett AJAverett@outlook.com 91942 CA warfare agents,
Arch McCulloch arch_mc@yahoo.com 92256 CA
Stacy Chang stacersc@gmail.com 90620 CA
jill harmer jharmer81@hotmail.com 40205 KY
Jim Schneider jrschnei@mts.net 0V5
Stop poisoning people
Linda Watts lindawatts@cableone.net 64870 MO and the planet.
Pat Carozzo pcarozzo@igc.org 11377 NY
Dale Beasley im2ez2c@yahoo.com 93291 CA
Mary Bushur joanbushur@yahoo.com 63010 MO
Deb Hahn Hahn_debhahn@yahoo.com 75240 TX
Jennifer Biswas jennifer@netcaffeine.com 90232 CA
Francyne Willby francynew@aol.com 30606 GA
Stanley Barreto barretostanley@yahoo.com 79415 TX
Hasn't Monsanto done
enough harm to this
world? Now we have the
mess they made in
Columbia and Brazil with
the mosquito larval
disruptor chemical that is
causing microcephaly and
they want MORE chances
to poison us and the rest
of the world? We have
had enough of their profit
driven greed. Their
profits are NOT more
important than the
health of the entire
Barbara Loe funyfarm@riverview.net 49327 MI world!
Rhonda Green nannyg@gmail.com 90212 CA
JH M jhmwvav@aol.com 25314 WV
Tia Peterson tpeterson1011@gmail.com 84414 UT
Jackie Burckhard MJBURCKHARD@msn.com 91010 CA
Ernest Canning ea.canning47@gmail.com 91362 CA
Sandra Sobanski dragonsandy1@yahoo.com 11218 NY

Maria Susana Garcia mariasusanaggarcia@gmail.com 02152

Kevin Rolfes kevin@rolfes.org 78737 TX
Sima BAKALIAN a_bakalian@msn.com 20852 MD

Please care more about

the citizens then about
Naomi and the corporations that
Martin Cramer Brandy9539@hotmail.com 07666 NJ produce these pesticides.
Mike Seyfried mseyfriedjr@msn.com 89005 NV
Bill Boyd whboyd@mac.com 30265 GA
anthony montapert amontapert@roadrunner.com 93004 CA
Andria Herron chefandria@yahoo.com 89506 NV
rachel chaput rachel_chaput@yahoo.com 18328 PA please act
Judy Adomavich judyadomavich@yahoo.com 53081 WI
Vicki Bassett eovbak@gmail.com 99801 AK
Walter Schmitt wjs621@comcast.net 61115 IL
andrea brower andrea@malamakauai.org 96703 HI
David Laing davidlaing@aol.com 04981 ME
Kim Smith kimmizip@yahoo.com 13039 NY
E Elkins elkinsel1@aol.com 20855 MD

Diana Yun honeysuckledreams@gmail.com 20850 MD

ursula beaudry ursiebear55@gmail.com 17113 PA
Lana Schmitt wally21953@hotmail.com 61115 IL
Petra Stang p.stang@gmx.de 22415 DE
Steven Hoffman stevehoffman99@gmail.com 94605 CA
Susan Kay classicalsculptor@msn.com 98070 WA
Shame on you!! This
MUST stop NOW! thank
Marilyn Valant marilyn@satnamyogaspa.com 12747 NY you.
Magdalena Najwer maggienaj@gmail.com 07054 NJ
Brenda Nelson breleenel@hotmail.com 55379 MN
Don Rubin Mr.Popper@comcast.net 02367 MA
Lora VanNoord loravannoord@gmail.com 34684 FL
marie riccardi mariericcard59@yahoo.com 08043 NJ
Thomas and
Nancy Brady Placerminer@me.com 99208 WA
Kate Smith writesmith@astound.net 94521 CA
K Scott katycscott@gmail.com 76092 TX
Nancy Wall nanwll@aol.com 85716 AZ
Kathleen Ortiz kath3gs@yahoo.com 80017 CO
Sandy Maranesi sandymaranesi@yahoo.com 33313 FL
Vic Mandarich vmandarich@wi.rr.com 53120 WI
Randolph Murray jwrmurray@gmail.com 1X6 ON
Travis Freiermuth trfreier@aol.com 74135 OK
Marion Marsh Mmarsh1937@gmail.com 53122 WI
Janet Sanchez jhjks1955@yahoo.com 46368 IN
marie valentin marie.wildcat@yahoo.com 33534 FL
Corinne Pettey petteyc@yahoo.com 95842 CA
Ellen Wasfi EWasfi@aol.com 19904 DE
Kevin Branstetter kevinbran@yahoo.com 95703 CA
laura harness lsharness@gmail.com 86336 AZ
Sandra Alves thatsandragirl@hotmail.com 2Y9 NY
Robert Ayers ayerskb@gmail.com 85641 AZ
Erin Stuart Jennings e.stuart.jennings@gmail.com 94112 CA
Kathairne Christie kchristie5@comcast.net 03750 NH
daniel lewis turbodan@hotmail.com 32953 FL
Bronwyn Spark bronwynspark@gmail.com 03228
Jan Klein Jank88@hotmail.com 01746 MA
quintin ortiz augustomartha@q.com 85719 AZ
Letitia Noel tishnoel@aol.com 60610 IL
P Horter lacengh@yahoo.com 97231 OR
cathy stansell lbcat1960@yahoo.com 93225 CA
BAN this terrible stuff
now! Don't ruin brains!
Caroline Mead cpmead@comcast.net 60025 IL Thanks.
Ricki Newman rickinewman@yahoo.com 47630 IN
Let's work on not
chris brazis cbrazis@mac.com 94110 CA harming for now.
Adolfo Bermeo today.com 90290 CA
Dr. April Modesti Serenitychiro@sbcglobal.net 94061 CA
Lee Sutton lee.mail@mac.com 5NZ
Gene Binder bruisevane@aol.com 10471 NY
Bryon Steiner bryonsteiner@hotmail.com 95864 CA
Suzanne Watson watsonbukosky@aol.com 44637 OH
Richard Hieber ritschi999@web.de 87700 ot
Cheri Moore Pooky33@comcast.net 34292 FL
Jon Grutman grutman@sbcglobal.net 90036 CA
Joelle Porter joellefraser@yahoo.com 96130 CA
Vivian Bergenthal vfbergen@aol.com 10603 NY
Phillip J Crabill crab430@me.com 75068 TX
Denie English denie@att.net 78801 TX
William Hassig williamhassig@yahoo.com 60056 IL
Diane Hashem dhashem8@gmail.com 03285 NH
Michelle Collar Revlon72@aol.com 02760 MA
shawn johnson shawninbarca@gmail.com 92024 CA
Let's be more conscious
of the impact we have on
our environment and our
own futures. Profit is NOT
everything. Our health,
our food supply, and our
very future is at risk due
to our shortsightedness.
Please stop the
Diane Fuhs dfuhs@aol.com 60123 IL madness...
Kenneth Scarpelli kenneth.r.scarpelli@gmail.com 67217 KS
Rogers Turrentine rturrentine@hotmail.com 92054 CA
Pat Bryan Paturodel@yahoo.com 91945 CA
Joanne Dixon jvdix@yahoo.com 80911 CO
Lynda Barondes lyndabarondes@hotmail.com 85603 AZ
Teresa Mays tlmays@hotmail.com 85308 AZ
Since 1976 these
chemicals have been
ruining our health, the
soil, the water and the
air. These chemicals are
poison destined to
Susaan Aram mermaidlaguna@aol.com 92651 CA destroy all life.
George Joseph animals_not_ours@yahoo.com 72764 AR
Colleen Melendrez cmelend@yahoo.com 98604 WA
Gillian Devine gillian.devine@gadens.com 10185 MA
Dennis Wolff d_wolff59@yahoo.com 72718 AR
Dorothy Felton norjean36@gmail.com 95610 CA
tracy mclarnon tjroman@optonline.net 07603 NJ

John David AKA Browning diogenesx15@gmail.com 75020 TX

This pesticides have been
proven to be dangerous
neurotoxins. They must
Joanne Luongo luongo.joannei@gmail.com 87505 NM be banned.
k o ko.Ashley0815@yahoo.com 63136 MO
Susan Striepling sstriep@yahoo.com 13210 NY
Sean Sheeley spsheeeley@hotmail.com 75070 TX
Obiora Embry oe99_beyond@mail2world.com 40505 KY
Carolyn Gabriel henrygabe@wowway.com 44070 OH
Mike Ferguson draconiandruid@gmail.com 56001 MN

I wish I could afford more

expensive food certified
as not having some of
these pesticides, but I am
barely able to feed my
family with all the
increases in expenses and
no increases in income.
Poor people should have
some assurance that food
will not kill, but now we
Bobbie Knight edgarbyknight@hotmail.com 80239 CO don't.
Evie Hoffman hoffy17@comcast.net 01970 MA
Michael King kingms@jmu.edu 24401 VA
John Gavis jmgavis@gmail.com 02908 RI
Jeane Buer gjbuer@hotmail.com 56220 MN
Gary Rash grash@carolina.rr.com 28147 NC
Diana Saxon moondaughter72@hotmail.com 97301 OR
Matthew Reid matt.reid@att.net 94515 CA
Jennifer Pritchard mpritch735@aol.com 89074 NV
Relish and not kill off all
the beautiful life that God
Jeff Hand hand_jeff@hotmail.com 10065 NY bestowed upon us.
diana horowitz tupug@aol.com 91367 CA
Timothy Martin timmartinsr@gmail.com 94062 CA
S A shockmasterstealth@gmail.com 54303 NJ
Lorraine Gauthier lgranny2u@yahoo.com 04280 ME
Deirdre Morris kittyhawk12348@earthlink.net 02155 MA
Richard Johnson jazzpacnw@yahoo.com 98227 WA

Anna Jasiukiewicz irbis77@wp.pl 63-400

The EPA is supposed to

protect our environment,
period! The EPA should
never take any funding
from corporations you
are supposed to be
protecting the
environment from. The
citizens of The United
States depends on the
EPA to do its job... but
sadly the EPA is failing us!
Do something and make
an unwavering stand
against these companies.
Ashley Beasley abeaz22@gmail.com 32046 FL Thank you.
sonja chan sonjwal@gmail.com 60901 IL
James McIntosh JAMacAA@gmail.com 48105 MI
Sandra Cobb smcobb@beechmere.com 44022 OH
Virpi Loomis vloomis@htva.net 14889 NY
Stewart Rosenkrantz srosenkr@yahoo.com 33062 FL
Larry Brandt brandtlarr@aol.com 80543 CO
James Hubbard jvh47@yahoo.com 90018 CA
Dabra Grant dabragrant@yahoo.com 98846 WA
This remains a vexing
problem primarily due to
industry's ability to curry
favor with elected
officials. The corrupting
influence of money in our
political system is
undermining our
democratic traditions and
discouraging Americans
from voting and/or
running for office. This
ominous development
may well end our
experiment in
democracy unless we
alter this decades-long
trend. For the sake of the
republic, we must amend
the US Constitution to
state that corporations
are not people (and do
not have constitutional
rights) and money is not
speech (and thus can be
regulated by state and/or
federal campaign finance
laws). Short of
James Klein jeklein64@yahoo.com 78411 TX accomplishing this, no
Mikael Svanström miksva44@hotmail.com 46162 IN
Marie Garescher marfogar@gmail.com 10591 NY
Alan McAfee alm@loylangebox.com 63105 MO
a c anthonyhelps@gmail.com 11105 NY
Avril harville aaharvy@yahoo.com 76126 TX
Quentin Fischer fischerq@yahoo.com 24018 VA
Dennis Presson dennispresson@comcast.net 94109 CA
jorge gonzalez jorgeluis007@mac.com 33178 FL
Steven Goldman Semelg@aol.com 10065 NY
Tracy Zickur ruca_trz@hotmail.com 56326 MN
We've known for years
that many pesticides are
neurotoxins - how come
we haven't put 2 & 2
together earlier to ban
Dr. Linda Silversmith, biologist lindas@capaccess.org 20850 MD them?
Sharon Mullane smullane@gmx.com 90066 CA
Jess Bernstein richandjess@gmail.com 53593 WI
Laura Silverman lgsilverman@optonline.net 10994 NY
A Bonvouloir ra3ajw@sbcglobal.net 94086 CA
debbie wilson muchgoodluck777@yahoo.com 26105 WV
Diane Vandiver dianev72@aol.com 60440 IL
Diane Faircloth dcfaircloth@care2.com 19953 DE
yvonne Irvin irvinjoell@cs.com 20640 MD
Mathias van Thiel mvthiel@sbcglobal.net 1223 CA
Karlene Gunter K0Karlene@gmail.com 14618 NY
michele gourd rmrgourd@ftml.net 30143 GA
Susan Jacobson suejacobson@gmail.com 20850 MD
Christine Curtis cgcurtis@sbcglobal.net 44116 OH
Gloria McClintock gammerglo@aol.com 98274 WA
Rev. Dan dwh323@msn.com 19310 PA
Sibyll Gilbert rg5285@comcast.net 12564 NY
Sara Nason odetteysn@aol.com 53122 WI

gaetano andrea amato gaetano-80@live.it 92100 ot

Mary Poor marypoor@netzero.net 94903 CA
Jinger Pulkrabek jnpul@hotmail.com 55076 MN
Erin Marshall erinm319@gmail.com 12208 NY
Mahlah Holden mahlahamber@sbcglobal.net 95971 CA
Andrea Reimers adm0822@yahoo.com 28215 NC
If an average American
harm another person
using any instrument is
taken to court, fined and
jailed. Why don't the law
is equally applied to
companies that used
chemicals as an
instrument to cause
grave damage to
everybody? Maybe
because they generate
profit? The law is
perverted by these
misinterpretations and
we all suffer this
Graciela Huth pesceto@gmail.com 90045 CA prostitution of the law!
The future generation is
dependent on your
ethical decision making
process - thank you Donis
Donis Eichhorn, RN, PhD donis.eichhorn@prodigy.net 95608 CA Eichhorn, RN, PhD
Constantina Karageorge ckg62@optonline.net 06824 CT
luigia salvadori solenelblu@alice.it 38123 ot
Michelle Krupkin mkrupkin@mindspring.com 90066 CA
Amy Lashinski amlashinski@stcloudstate.edu 56301 MN
Jason Crawford jrobcrawf@aol.com 17601 PA
Ann Thryft athryft@earthlink.net 95006 CA
Stephen Zecher zecher@alum.mit.edu 02143 MA
Douglas Quaintance douglasquaintance@gmail.com 16901 PA
Gene Ulmer gulmer@mcn.org 84121 UT
Yes, please look into
these pesticides and
many others. Also
chemical air pollutants
and Methane gas here in
Los Angeles air. Quality of
the air here is still a big
problem... having air
quality alerts all the time.
Burt Durfee brdlac@aol.com 91107 CA Thank you!
Gary Brooker garybrooker@hotmail.com 87501 NM
I am a teacher who
teaches at a school with a
state air monitoring
device that had
registered levels of
pesticides at above
cancer risk. I am also
concerned about learning
difficulties I see in
students who are
exposed to a cocktail
pesticide applications
across the street from
Melissa Dennis ms.mdennis@gmail.com 95062 CA our school.
Cary Okoro cary@moltenblue.com 49506 MI
Helmut Brath helmut.brath@gmail.com 01010
Bill Gee Zbill35@gmail.com 60305 IL
Ann Carranza Positivelyann@sonic.net 95448 CA
Stop this poisoning of our
children! This is
Kalita Todd kalitatodd@hotmail.com 95945 CA unconscionable .
Pamela Searfoss psearfoss@hotmail.com 78631 TX
Denise Woods dbwoodsluv@hotmail.com 96746 HI
Anisa Ferguson marijntaj@gmail.com 32246 FL
Maureen Havey fieryearthart@gmail.com 87505 NM
Julie Finn seedmoney@embarqmail.com 27958 NC
Nancy Berger noberger@aol.com 23112 VA
Lee Beaty leebeaty@visi.com 55406 MN
Joyce Grajczyk jag4848@comcast.net 98031 WA
Let's make a better world
Annick Wilting annick.wilting@gmail.com 00000 together!
Peter Osborn pgosborn@comcast.net 07090 NJ
Suzanne Zook suez51@yahoo.com 97523 OR
Dr. Kristi Dunn mekrisd@hotmail.com 29631 SC
Dianne Baublitz diannebaublitz07@gmail.com 17019 PA
John Ohlin jkohlin@frontier.com 44256 OH
Nora Sotomayor nssotomayor@gmail.com 02026 MA
Emily Sagovac emily.tabri@gmail.com 33414 FL
Barbara Olson Pasqualino bop151@yahoo.com 00151 CA
Ed Vieira edvjr63@aol.com 10312 NY
Jeanette French widdle9876@gmail.com 22153 VA
Gudrun Benkendorf Gudrundance@yahoo.com 07836 NJ
Trevor Shury Trshury@yahoo.com 30022 GA
Sylvia Schippers sylschip@yahoo.ca 4R6 ON
william napoli bocci29@gmail.com 84339 UT

Sarah Foster onelovepeacespirit@yahoo.com 53955 WI

George Dion unclegeorge@ozemail.com.au 75206 TX
Judy Moll jpmoll@we-email.net 61820 IL
charlene nevill om 94110 CA
Charity Moschopoulos charity.rome@hotmail.com 22003 VA
Suzanne Enser svetromile@gmail.com 02879 RI
Allen Salyer salyerallen@hotmail.com 48085 MI
Jamie Beckett jamish_3@hotmail.com 41543 KY
Jane Winn jane@thebeatnews.org 01201 MA
Pamela Shaw pamelas51@yahoo.com 45216 OH
wendy hinsberger gemaura415@hotmail.com 92705 CA
Scott Coahran scoahran@hotmail.com 93635 CA
Barbara Ellmaker bellmakerb@aol.com 19425 PA
John Schroeder jes24york@aol.com 10598 NY
Please, no more
Greg Steuck gsteuck@aol.com 80401 CO excuses...just do it!!
gabriele holland hollandgabbie@gmail.com 03884 NH
Shannon Williams om 47905 IN
michael bordenave mbordenave5467@att.net 93728 CA
Elizabeth Carman ecarman@execulink.com 2M1
Cynthia Vega darvinvega@gmail.com 08816 NJ
lisa kingsley lisajok@hotmail.com 23507 VA
Bob Segal beelzeblob@yahoo.com 85705 AZ
David H Braun om 78247 TX
bruce sims urrightto@cox.net 92027 CA
Katherine Barnhart kate_barnhart@yahoo.com 11209 NY
John W Mark jwmark668@aol.com 11954 NY
margaret conway megconway@live.com 44140 OH
Cristina Llorente crisllor@hotmail.com 28035 NC
margot VanEtten campusminister1@aol.com 14624 NY
m may mmp2u@cox.net 92008 CA
Julianne Fountain relaydivajuli@comcast.net 94552 CA
J Beverly jbeverly@illinois.edu 61801 IL
eric nylen enylen@gmail.com 20814 MD
Pamela Olson nicholassw@aol.com 94118 CA
steven hoffman orcadog85@gmail.com 21208 MD
Tim Duda timduda@aol.com 78209 TX
Eric Edwards eeguinness@hotmail.com 60185 IL
Paul Burke journeyhome@cox.net 23455 VA
Christa Hladky colomebabe65@yahoo.com 57401 SD
Dorothy &
Richard Chamberlin dottiechambe@earthlink.net 80905 CO
Walter Koch wdkoch3@hotmail.com 93117 CA
Alice Dugar adugar@ndec.org 44131 OH
Barbara Gurtler bbgurtler@sbcglobal.net 61614 IL
Patsy and
Glenn Nitta psnitta@hawaii.rr.com 96796 HI
Ann Crothers anncroth@aol.com 55406 MN
Christine Simpson cAscraps1@comcast.net 60515 IL
Don Craig craig_family@internode.on.net 93446 CA
Paul Eisenberg eisenber@indiana.edu 47401 IN
WALTER TRAXEL waltertraxel@yahoo.com 53115 WI
David and Geri Turnoy davidgeri@centurylink.net 98245 WA
Pamela Kedderis pamjkay@comcast.net 06032 CT
Joe Buhowsky jbuhowsky@sbcglobal.net 94582 CA
Larry Ulrey larryulrey@yahoo.com 46219 IN
John F Delgado jdquarterhorses@earthlink.net 95046 CA
Teresa Cambridge ricelaw@sbcglobal.net 46254 IN
Mal Gaff malgaff@gmail.com 93436 CA
Tony Greiner applebuoy@me.com 87110 NM
Isn't governments job to
protect it citizens? People
Stephen Leone sleo9479@aol.com 11787 NY before profits.
Aida Sheets aida@tampabay.rr.com 33710 FL
Julie Squire jksdls2@att.net 64133 MO
Why do poisons that can
hurt people continue to
be approved to be
released into the
environment? Seriously?
What jackass allows this
Sam Black hermitmonk@comcast.net 23233 VA to happen?
to Monsanto and THEIR
Maja Ramirez valkyrry@yahoo.com 60614 IL poisons!
Thomas Smith tom@bajabb.com 84780 UT
Ellen Allen ellenallen122@yahoo.com 32609 FL
Wade McCallum Kingcat11@gmail.com 40213 KY
mike kaufman mrmikek63@hotmail.com 55107 MN
Tim Milam broncstim@hotmail.com 78572 TX
Doug Gibson dgm@wvi.com 97346 OR
Andrea Yakovakis ayakovakis@yahoo.com 02140 MA
Ming Ong ongmingh@hotmail.com 30097 GA
Dennis Dougherty dmdfct@gmail.com 94903 CA
Sue Schoetker lee4sue@msn.com 85658 AZ
d o dawnomail@lycos.com 60613 IL

irene walker ladyofthelakes@uwclub.net la9 4je

Lorraine Akiba Lhakiba@gmail.com 974 HI
CarolAnn DePalma csd1946@att.net 06068 CT
These toxic chemicals are
causing the demise of the
human race; they have to
Lois Stubley lois@stubley.net 03099 go!
Stephanie C. Fox scfjdqueenbee@yahoo.com 06002 CT
Please consider the
damage being done to
humans, animals and the
Julie Holmberg Fergus5@aol.com 12866 IL environment.
Linda Prostko lprostko@gmail.com 49316 MI

This is about nothing less

than unconscionable
greed, power and
deliberate destruction of
Patty Barga pnbarga1@yahoo.com 46240 IN human life.
adi s aa28aa@hotmail.com 28804 NC
Ronnie Rouse rouse803@att.net 67068 KS
Susan Levin sclevin18@att.net 70002 LA
Grosbois Sophie sophielaseyne@hotmail.fr 83140 FL
Deviani Segal me@deviani.com 03070
Brenda Lahm brenda.lahm@yahoo.com 68017 NE
Donald Ragsdale Sr. donragsdale01@gmail.com 37122 TN
Elizabeth Edwards Lisalinkedwards@hotmail.com 78660 TX
Denise Foures-Aalbu dfouresaalbu@gmail.com 95762 CA
Lawrence Padilla larrypadilla@tiscali.it 95678 CA

steve calder steven.calder1@ntlworld.com cf372re ot

Mark Martin mark_martin@sbcglobal.net 06810 CT
Jeffrey Bronfman JeffreyUDV@aol.com 96708 HI
Carla Leeder leeders4@yahoo.com 29369 SC
Why are you allowing
Natalie Jarnstedt atia.uno@gmail.com 06830 CT ANY poisons?
Amy Johannnesen ajohannesen13@gmail.com 10014 NY
Carol Warren carol.nnm@gmail.com 87043 NM
west rock westaceae@gmail.com 85601 AZ
Victor Stamboulian vstambo@nyc.rr.com 10024 NY
Gerald Kresge expolorewld@fiberpipe.net 82836 WY
Peter Larimer pete.larimer@gmail.com 03824 NH
Charlene Woodcock charlene@woodynet.net 94709 CA
James Laughlin jwl@lcom.net 52358 IA
A F deathgoddess@peacemail.com 98337 WA
Frances Alet fmalet@sbcglobal.net 91302 CA
Art Jessee artjessee@gmail.com 97405 OR
Russell Bair kd9k@sbcglobal.net 43128 OH
Luisa Memore lmemore@inwind.it 10134
Eileen McCorry mccorry@gmail.com 10024 NY
Pam LeBlanc wildfan3040@yahoo.com 55129 MN
Ariel Howlett arielhowlett16@gmail.com 07417 NJ
Madria Everson madria11@gmail.com 48076 MI
David Allen daveallen@wildblue.net 14867 NY
Darnell Barsness d.barsness@att.net 55033 MN
No acceptable levels of
neurotoxins in
foods/water. Zero is the
Malc Moore unclemeathead@hotmail.com 96122 CA acceptable level.
Gloria Love love_gloria@msn.com 29630 SC
Mary Kalinowski kalimarynowski@gmail.com 10032 NY

You have the vote to

better life. Please "be the
change you wish to see in
the world -Mahatma
Gandhi." Please vote on
Suzette Jennings Bernheims@yahoo.com 39157 TN the side of humanity.
Francesca Fleming mariafrancescaf@netscape.net 43201 OH
Chris Micolucci chrismicolucci@yahoo.com 28031 NC

Silvia Alonso Silvia.Alonso@alumni.iae.edu.ar 01643

Domenico Mastrototaro reditalia@mac.com 02116 MA
Linda Taylor lindabt@bigpond.net.au 02093 ot
LUCY TYNDALL beaverfalls1@yahoo.com 27265 NC
Miguel Torres miguel-torres@gmx.net 11709 NY
Mary McMahon marymcmahon@greynun.org 19111 PA
Ginger Hill glhendersonville@yahoo.com 29365 SC
Nina Barry nmoore9017@aol.com 21793 MD
Melissa Hillen melissahillen@ymail.com 26757 WV
Sue DiCara sdbookgal@mac.com 79924 TX
J. Barry Gurdin gurdin@hotmail.com 94122 CA
Judith Davidson davidsonartists@mac.com 02653 MA

Keith Manegre kj@manegre.com T6R2A6

Lindsay Hanley lindsayhanley@hotmail.com 37204 TN
Donna Newman dnewman27606@yahoo.com 27606 NC
Poisoning our own
children for corporate
profit is outrageous--it
Sarah Wood sbwood@kwic.com 85268 AZ must be stopped!
Pat Bergh patbergh@gmail.com 55109 MN
Michelle Waters flyingcat95033@yahoo.com 95033 CA
Alicia Zody uhlishuh@yahoo.com 62441 IL
Albert Matheny matheny2@bellsouth.net 32605 FL
Pesticides are dangerous
neurotoxic chemicals that
should be banned from
use because of exposure
to farm workers, their
families and children who
suffer needlessly from
Barry LeBeau blebeau123@yahoo.com 02893 RI their debilitating effects.
Mary Kosnar ghettogammy294@yahoo.com 80027 CO
Sandra Givens givensrealtor@gmail.com 95336 CA
Do your job! Protect
Jan Conley Janlconley@gmail.com 54849 WI people's health!
Ban these poisons and
encourage the farming
industry to find healthy
81413- ways to increase their
Rosalind Berg rberg1@tds.net 057 CO production.
Arne Bold boldarn@hotmail.com AU
Joe McKamey jbmckamey@gmail.com 47834 IN
Ronald Warren ronw@imageiv.com 91206 CA
Terri Henry territude001@gmail.com 55066 MN
ingeborg glier inggli64@mac.com 89084 NV
Barb Drake worldpeace7@comcast.net 98133 WA
Roger Shady rshady@stny.rr.com 13903 NY
Joanne Barber Justjo566@aol.com 28763 NC
Banning chlorpyrifos in
the US may help getting it
banned in Australia as
well. It was used in the
sand pit and playground
at my son's kindergarten
school to combat
Rob Bonar bonarob@bigpond.net.au 02489 termites.
Dita Holcmannova Dholcmannova@seznam.cz 53705 WI
Lynn Kouzel lynnkouzel@yahoo.com 92831 CA
Audrey Lassiter audlassiter@cox.net 23704 VA
Beatriz Pallanes ez2beawith@yahoo.com 92704 CA
John Jumonville jobeville@yahoo.com 78258 TX
Christine Sepulveda simianchrissy@gmail.com 92802 CA
Gertrude Gebin gcgebin@yahoo.com 94015 CA
Cee Ceedon kayoed6667@mypacks.net 34223 FL
Sarah Lanzman lanzman.sarah@gmail.com 22935 VA
Janeth Mallory janandgary18@yahoo.com 83501 ID
Ron Giddings rands1625@charter.net 93402 CA
Matt Ragsdale mrags@comcast.net 60115 IL
Angelene b. angelene13@msn.com 18301 PA
richard sanchez richard.sanchez6@outlook.com 07010 NJ
Please, let's protect the
Jane White Janedovidio@gmail.com 03222 NH Earth!
Kerry Klutka kklutka@cybermesa.com 87505 NM
K Dieter Kinelin1010@yahoo.com 19087 PA
Richard Morgese rmorgese@comcast.net 94114 CA
Marlene Warkoczewski warkom@msn.com 19320 PA
Frances Blythe francesb5601@att.net 95620 CA
Sharon Koller slkbrooke@aol.com 32707 FL
carolyn suchenicz carolyn2368@cox.net 06076 CT
Margaret Rangnow rangnowcm@gmail.com 03223 NH
Elizabeth McCullough boofi60@gmail.com j0j1c0 QC
Virginia Winter vkwmd@yahoo.com 97045 OR
Lorri Redmon soshiny@cox.net 73162 OK
Dena Lenard Dena@yahoo.com 77501 TX
S. Jensen dbeanieb@att.net 93065 CA
Heath Post dragonlinch666@gmail.com 48906 MI
janet kregelstein jkfk100@comcast.net 6779 UT
Michael Valdez Mikecvaldez@yahoo.com 89704 NV
Sandra Leaper sandyleap@hotmail.com 34432 FL
Mogens Brandt mogensbrandt.dk@gmail.com 08220 ot

chris ness ephemeristheway@yahoo.ca k2h8j7 NY

Mark Hollinrake mark.hollinrake@ntlworld.com 10026 NY
Bruce Higgins kbrucehiggins@comcast.net 30318 GA
Rebecca Kimsey rkimsey68@gmail.com 97385 OR
Harriette Frank lfrank1999@aol.com 27707 NC
Sylvia Cardella sylviadeer@yahoo.com 95547 CA
Loren Miller Troublemaker125@yahoo.com 44146 OH
Kevin Kriescher kjkriescher@hotmail.com 21218 MD
Michael Keepper mwk1309@gmail.com 62948 IL
I. Engle 1ieengle@gmail.com 88352 NM
S Spencer sheraspencer@earthlink.net 97080 OR
Lisa Stone lestone@aya.yale.edu 77096 TX
Sara Powell Sarpowell@verizon.net 10003 NY
mary boyle mary14boyle@gmail.com 12208 NY
Melody Japinoski Pilot0822@aol.com 34983 FL
Gerald Kelly kelly.gerald@gmail.com 90403 CA
Nancy L. Lutz rotnkd@att.net 60466 IL
Rita Pesini remap1@verizon.net 19454 PA
Alison Zyla barral11@att.net 06413 CT
virginia green youngtiger54@aol.com 01520 MA
A Wilson imflotep@hotmail.com 60628 IL
Rich Panter rpanter@gmail.com 94923 CA DO IT...PLEASE!
Mary Engel engelme@sbcglobal.net 53150 WI

Kortney Jackson kortneyjackson217@yahoo.com 44691 OH

Marie Videka mvideka3@comcast.net 60638 IL
Patricia O'Leary Psoleary@msn.com 20740 MD

Please use pesticides that

are friendly to humans
and animals, not harmful
D B sunrisemom_2000@yahoo.com 33301 FL to anyone except bugs!
Ashly Bargman gratefulashly@gmail.com 24966 FL
I have no belief you'll do
anything to protect
Americans.The record
Paul Albrecht philadrummerpaul@juno.com 19128 PA shows the opposite.
Lynn Wilson lbwilson@webfishpacific.com 96797 HI
Iris Noren catfancier1986@comcast.net 95624 CA
v paglia vic_paglia@hotmail.com 12533 NY
Mike Peale mikepeale@msn.com 19014 PA
Steph Trujillo sotrujillo@dmgov.org 50320 IA
Bonnie Duman Bozziebear@aol.com 60015 IL
John Cartwright gboat6670@yahoo.com 16101 PA
a mogavero ammmjm@aol.com 12306 NY
Arthur Connor abconnor62@gmail.com 92549 CA
Barbara Anderson auntdan76@yahoo.com 29412 SC
mary tulloch absoultemonarch@aol.com 60442 IL
meghan follansbee follansbeem@gmail.com 02446 MA
John Crosby John@MoveWithCrosby.com 01945 MA
Cheryl Shushan cherylhasmail@gmail.com 02478 MA
Linda Reilly lindareilly@q.com 98502 WA
Marilyn Klingbeil marilynklingbeil@q.com 97470 OR
Gina Johansen gina01880@yahoo.com 01880 MA
Perry Harris perryharris1@gmail.com 10918 NY
Karen Dickerson krd14000@sbcglobal.net 89511 NV
Elizabeth Grant kundrol@gmail.com 95482 CA
Paula Zerzan pzerzan@comcast.net 95476 CA
Miranda Leiva MWolfL@aol.com 91423 CA
Kathie Free kfkf2009@aol.com 53704 WI
Boris Rappoport sergeychyb@rambler.ru 51280
Amy Gewirtzman Amygewirtzman@gmail.com 19002 PA
MARIE CURTIS dandmcurt@optonline.net 07755 NJ
Lee Bennion lbennion@mac.com 84662 UT
Shirley Smith m 97487 OR
Sandra Lambert slambert03@snet.net 06250 CT
Dorothy Anderson gramdot@hotmail.com 02191 MA
Martha Yoshida mmybands@earthlink.net 10024 NY
Juan Humbert Jo.humbert55@yahoo.com 94110 CA
Lawrence Daniell larrydaniell@yahoo.com 95132 CA
Ali Thomas alirthomas00@gmail.com 82001 WY
Merijule Washington merijule@yahoo.com 91107 CA
Alexandra Sweitzer lexy281983@yahoo.com 60439 IL
Cheryl Denis fishnwater2@gmail.com 04103 ME
Javier Rivera Diaz javierocker@aol.com 11249 NY
Portland Coates portlandcoates@sbcglobal.net 94122 CA
Diane Weinstein diane_weinstein@msn.com 98029 WA
Carol Walker carwalker@comcast.net 02152 MA
Laura DePreta Laurer@optonline.net 06903 CT
Bettie Reina bjbr935@hotmail.com 08340 NJ
Lisbeth Alvarado Sanchez lisr24@yahoo.com 00000
sarah sarah joiefivecents@gmail.com 28787 NC
Pamela Richard treetep@peaceail.com 53208 WI
Janet Smith janet_p_smith@yahoo.com 30605 GA
Lincoln SIlls lsills81@gmail.com 37912 TN
We are also planting
'milkweed seeds' to aid
the monarch butterflies.
Bees need help too!
Chemicals are poisoning
all of us! Something must
be done before it is too
late. Sincerely, Mrs.
Anne Robbins anne.j.robbins@verizon.net 76248 TX Robbins
Alana Mawson alanamawsonvi@gmail.com 00801 VI
Andrea Nutley handrea@turtle.com 77581 TX
Ban these chemicals
today and earn back the
public's trust that you are
actually protecting our
Tawnya Laveta tlaveta@gmail.com 87501 NM health.
Lisa Kramer lisabondkramer@yahoo.com 35803 AL
WES LUKASZEK wesorder2@earthlink.net 94062 CA
Scott Teel scottkl@twcny.rr.com 14850 NY
Moto Sugai motonaris@yahoo.com 67203 KS
Brian Gray bgraystar@sbcglobal.net 95628 CA
eleni papakonstandinou epap3318@yahoo.com 17501 ot
Charlie Graves cgraves1@twcny.rr.com 13053 NY
Please act now to save
our children from future
unneccesary, greed
Tamela Thomas tamelat@wac.net 98126 WA driven harm.
Joyce Hudson ljoyce45@gmail.com 27909 NC
k g kimgroom@hotmail.com 98360 WA
c fisher swordfish_1099@yahoo.com 15717 PA
Holly Photenhauer hollymom4@gmail.com 90064 CA

insecticides are
extremely dangerous on
so many levels. there is
not much they don't
harm when sprayed into
the air or on the ground.
they penetrate what ever
they touch. the effects
are horrible and long
lasting. not good for the
earth,not good for
animals and bees and not
good for humans. just not
good for anything. they
are more harmful than
helpful. they cause more
problems than they solve.
there has to be a better
bertha mear mayfieldblv@yahoo.com 78224 TX way.
Vivian Newman newviv@roadrunner.com 04858 ME
Sharon Morris skmorris101@gmail.com 94541 CA
Edwin Turcios undertakerawwe@hotmail.com 01018 ot
Steven Koz hydrostream@hotmail.com 32666 FL
Dorothy Rowell rowell_rowell@juno.com 56560 MN
Robert Clyne clyne@mich.com 48097 MI
Richard Rosenthal rrla@sbcglobal.net 90019 CA
Natacha Lascano natachalascano@hotmail.com 95678 CA
DeeAnn Stenlund Deeannstenlund@hotmail.com 55113 MN
Philip Rampi prgconsulting@prodigy.net 55105 MN
Patricia A Lenzen patlenzen@yahoo.com 98684 WA
b edwards greenbee79@gmail.com 94973 CA
Bobbie Watilo r14rwatilo@gmail.com 87508 NM

Linking pesticides is one

reason for my own family
history of Autism, in
addition we are
experiencing immune
disturbances that are
being linked to this as
well. Interfering with
thyroid, leading to leaky
gut, and ultimately
preventing proper sex
hormone production is
our latest concern. It's
bad enough that the
medical community can
only lean on more
chemically induced
medications to assist, as
naturopathic medications
aren't covered. This must
be done in regard to
prevention of these
medical issues and
genetic predispositions
that will only bring more
Nicole Johnson nicolemjohnson13@yahoo.com 84009 UT health concerns to light.
Sara Schmidt sarajschmidt@gmail.com 63010 MO
marie Scherbaum scherbaum7@q.com 52302 IA
Joan Landman jhollybeach@yahoo.com 92584 CA
Marie Yerardi wyarewe@aol.com 01721 MA
Elmo Dunn russdunn63@yahoo.com 32779 FL
d b debrodis@gmail.com 80104 CO
Maureen A Absten RN angiehrn@hotmail.com 43214 OH
Peter Curia pgeometro@yahoo.com 85257 AZ
Andrea Stish andreastish11@gmail.com 55906 MN
Amanda Yoder ayyogurt@yahoo.com 23325 VA
MARC TASLIT marctaslit@verizon.net 34655 FL
Sandra Burson humblepie247@yahoo.com 77396 TX
david trask retnavylt1@yahoo.com 14211 NY
Sally Seastead Sbseastead@gmail.com 22427 VA
John Comella john.comella1@gmail.com 19103 PA
Linda Cave thecavewoman@comcast.net 06438 CT
Marjorie Elkin marjelk@cox.net 93105 CA
Michael O'Neill com 91786 CA
Jan Buckwald jbuckwald@mac.com 94611 CA
Joan Sitnick joansitnick@yahoo.com 91436 CA
Levin Kinsey levsewkin@gmail.com 71051 LA
Anne Pieper bluesilk9@aol.com 94518 CA
Joan Mortenson joanmortenson@hotmail.com 92648 CA
ROBERT G WILSON SR rollingeagle@yahoo.com 62563 IL
Amie LaRouche estoile@paradise.net.nz 80903 CO
Mark Bales markbales@hotmail.com 73071 OK
jeannie roberts jeannier@tds.net 53705 WI
oscar bird tip.bird@yahoo.com 30075 GA

Please, Do the right thing

Julie Carlson Carlson.juli@gmail.com 94941 CA for or land and people.
Margaret Mogg sheepdog1@wcta.net 56464 MN
Beatrice Simmonds brownsugar3@verizon.net 10462 NY
Janice Macaulay jmacaulay@aol.com 21012 MD
Daniela Honorato dani.honoratoz@gmail.com ###### ot
Step it up and protect the
Kelly Wood Kdwood211@yahoo.com 45420 OH people!
Stephanie Clark Sclarkenterprises@gmail.com 01506 MA
Mary Davis cysliders@aol.com 97206 OR
Annette Pirrone pirronecenter@gmail.com 94960 CA
There are too many
known dangerous and
potentially dangerous
chemicals in production
today. Why do we let so
many chemicals loose in
society without verifying
there long-term potential
Jeff Thomas jkthomas56@centurylink.net 22973 VA for harm.
Mark Alexander anonymooseguy@gmail.com 22407 VA
Cheryl Meister cmeister1961@neb.rr.com 68450 NE
Michel Goulet amanokarar@hotmail.com 3H7
MR. & MRS.
Miss Novella` Adoue adoue_novella@yahoo.com 05255 VT
James Brydon jebrydon@gmail.com 21550 MD
Heather Buchanan brmarcanan7@gmail.com 84404 UT
Joanne Snyder 2dancingcats@gmail.com 92123 CA
Anabel Nunez anabelnunez4321@gmail.com 32220 NY
Cynthia Simms choldersimms@yahoo.com 92677 CA
christiane collienne net 01410 ot
Ruth A. Yacko Ruhann@cox.net 92019 CA
Carol Lee Myers 2geezerette62@gmail.com 16028 PA
Anna Rincon Rinconanna@yahoo.com 30152 GA
Peggy Brown pabrown20@yahoo.com 02138 MA
Phyllis Arist lesmotsdujour@sbcglobal.net 60202 IL
Michael Ristig ristigm@aol.com 92865 CA
Eliana C. echavkin@brynmawr.edu 19010 PA
Gary Boyers g.boyers@yahoo.com 48212 MI
Cary Provol caryprovol@gmail.com 97405 OR
Lois Dunn dunnlois@yahoo.com 84041 UT
V8B Hasn't enough damage
Don Callard gubbings@gmail.com 0R7 been done already?
Marilyn Shepherd marilynshepherd@gmail.com 95570 CA
Marjorie Ivey m_ivey@sbcglobal.net 63124 MO
Marty Landa marty@faceuptopeace.com 86351 AZ
Teresa Johnson hedgewitch3@earthlink.net 80904 CO
Jessica Pessot Dimply34@hotmail.com 7 ON
Toni Caldwell-Clark m 66103 KS
Daniel Goldberg dano41d@comcast.net 95060 CA
Stephen Gladstein gladstephen@yahoo.com 86340 AZ
Donna Galetovich dgaletovich@ndec.org 44131 OH
Deborah Carroll carrolldeborah8@gmail.com 10032 NY
Ray Goldsberry goldy@interlinc.net 64763 MO
Angela Martinez angela2bella@yahoo.com 94089 CA
Albert Nickerson ilvflrs@gmail.com 04005 ME
Jennifer Claunch-Meyers jclaunchmeyers@gmail.com 53212 WI
gail alford galford58@comcast.net 95403 CA
Jan Modjeski jangenem@sccoast.net 29576 SC
suzanne hunter suzanne.hunter@live.com 85020 AZ
Jane Dow janedow@hickorytech.net 56001 MN
Andrew Mead la-calm@msn.com 46368 IN
Rachel Krucoff rkru@att.net 60615 IL
Lisa Bonenberger lisam.southplace@gmail.com 57005 SD
pam Roussell proussell@me.com 77008 TX
Susan Swolinski a28tsh-umwelt@yahoo.com 78717 TX
Susan Peirce speirce@prodigy.net 80540 CO
andrea caine agc36@aol.com 33417 FL
Jeannie Finlay-Kochanowski clannadrocks@aol.com 43608 OH
Cinthia Davey dreamingrose@wcwcw.com 54638 WI
If we truly want our
nation to have a secure
future, we must make
certain that the children
of today are healthy and
strong enough to learn
effectively in school and
be prepared to lead our
nation when they are
adults. We also have a
responsibility to keep our
adult population healthy
and productive today in
the interest of national
Gloria Clements thistle809@yahoo.com 31204 GA security.
Jill Goldreyer Jillgoldreyer@comcast.net 95472 CA
ina Zec inazec17@aol.com 90035 CA
Kenneth Althiser kalthiser@riversideca.gov 92223 CA
Judy johnson jujojo43@hotmail.com 95667 CA
Mara Griebeler maragriebeler@hotmail.com 2TN ot
Regina Lee reginaohlin@hotmail.com 28031 NC
Hilary Malyon hmalyon@mindspring.com 07436 NJ
Marly Wexler marlywexler@cox.net 92103 CA
Nitish Agrawal nitish1@gmail.com 86001 AZ
Kirsten Strom stromk@gvsu.edu 49503 MI
carl seitz dolphinman@roadrunner.com 44047 OH
Cindy Hatcher greenmomx7@yahoo.com 37028 TN
Thomasin Kellermann Kthomasin2@aol.com 02864 RI
Diane Patnode dpatnode02@yahoo.com 12009 NY
Edward Fay tedfay@juno.com 80130 CO
Ted Mann mannt067@gmail.com 4 ON
Ann Zahner annazahna@aol.com 92037 CA
Flavio Averbach flavioaverbach@hotmail.com ###### ot
Richard Beaulieu RichardDBeau@aol.com 33317 FL
Gavin Dillard gavco@me.com 28711 NC
William Schmidt Bill@Turn-of-the-Century.com 44906 OH
We know these
pesticides are harming
us. You can't lie to us
now. Do the right thing
for once and HELP people
to live healthy lives,
instead of helping
corporations make
money that they then pay
Jacque G. dragonluckfarm@earthlink.net 78662 TX to you.

Too many very dangerous

chemicals still allowed in
the US.Why are we not as
efficient and timely as
Europe in recognizing and
addressing these
environmental poisons?
Could it be related
industry influence? Lets
Stephanie Felton gluegoyle@comcast.net 21716 MD clean it up!
Naomi Taniguchi naomi.lunaflower@gmail.com 91403 CA
Tracy Johnson tkjohnson19@yahoo.com 45242 OH
jim sweeney sweeneyjim7@yahoo.com 97444 OR
Vera Loewer veraloewer@sbcglobal.net 94044 CA
David B. Brooks goofotografx@gmail.com 93436 CA
James McGuire jmcguirejr@kc.rr.com 64145 MO
Lisa Benson benson_lisa@hotmail.com 01025
MARY PELIKANT marpelik@aol.com 33325 FL
Thomas Friedland 96victor@gmail.com 98926 WA
joyce flaherty richflaherty1@yahoo.com 60423 IL
Scott Wagner cascadewaterrat@yahoo.com 97601 OR
Maria Gilardin tuc@tucradio.org 95418 CA
Lee Hutchings lehut@live.com 76301 TX
Steve LeVine steve@stenro.com 11218 NY
Susanne Brown sbrown@mtaonline.net 99623 AK
Mark Landers silver030303@yahoo.com 60194 IL
Brieaux Poche Brelulz@me.com 70454 LA
Michael E. Mizell birdmizell@msn.com 76209 TX
Sharron Zee Sharronzee@hotmail.com 30047 GA
Fatima Baker Bakerstarchick5@aol.com 21613 MD
Laura Combs luckystar2619@yahoo.com 19083 PA
rich c crich00@hotmail.com 91911 CA
What kind of civilized
society knowingly
poisons its people and it's
Gunta Alexander guntale@comcast.net 07028 NJ children?
Abigail Bates abbiebates@hotmail.com 90034 CA
Jane Christian Jchris1346@aol.com 07928 NJ
Chris Schmitthenner chriswhf@yahoo.com 20659 MD
Joseph Pluta jpluta2@att.net 93301 CA
Ian Magargee ian.magargee@gmail.com 60657 IL
chemicals unfortunately
were created without
forethought of the
consequences- the only
way to deal with them
tony young tmjoint69@yahoo.com 60515 IL now is to ban them.
Laurie Gershgorn com 10567 NY
Rui Moreira rfsmoreira@yahoo.com 07756 NJ
Christine Dahlman christinedahlman@hotmail.com 55304 MN
Deborah Voves dkvoves@gci.net 99516 AK
I would think that even
the chemical=company
representatives would
think of sparing children,
especially their own, from
the insidious effects of
pesticides. There are
better ways to control
Carol Moyer clmphoto@verizon.net 21140 MD pests.
Liz Kirkwood lizkirkwood2002@yahoo.com 49686 MI
Gretchen Waldenberg gratefulberg@gmail.com 80303 CO
what is the matter with
Elaine Gross elinford@gmail.com 87187 NM EPA?

It's scary that women

could eat these pesticides
and then give birth to
Sarah Matthias khan24sarah@aol.com 30078 GA babies with disorders.
Patty Moukas pmoukas@aol.com 10471 NY
mamta tuli mamtavora@gmail.com 02145 MA
Kevin Hurley kmhurley@mail.usf.edu 33611 FL
Matthew Tarpley matthewtarpley@msn.com 30253 GA
Gary Hayes hayes21@optimum.net 11795 NY
Henry Berkowitz hlemc@verizon.net 16943 PA
Ryan Bradley Cellq7@yahoo.com 20770 MD
Janice Hubers justj@wino.net 11743 NY
Jennifer McNally Nikkinorfolk@aol.com 48239 MI
Gerri Baesemann Gbaesemann@yahoo.com 94588 CA
Darlene Jakusz jdjakusz@wi-net.com 54407 WI
Susan Campbell SusanCFP@msn.com 32162 FL
Katherine Schock rswkate@gmail.com 82901 WY
Rita M Biddle witch-1972@hotmail.com 01007 MA
Sonia Oved soniaorly@aol.com 91403 CA
Mary Wellington mary@wellingtonfarm.com 85704 AZ
dia tsung diatsung@yahoo.com 80211 CO
Janice Rocke jrocke5@aol.com 93940 CA
.may O'Neal Mayoneal@yahoo.com 78209 TX
Nelson Nunes nsantananunes@gmail.com 41250 TX
Maria Miller miller8528@att.net 49505 MI
Tibor Gacs gacs.tibi@gmail.com 01222 ot
Jeff Reynolds wutsup1@yahoo.com 04401 ME
Cindy bushway cindybushway@gmail.com 34953 FL
Timothy Mieyal tmieyal@aol.com 44134 OH
Pesticides are
poisonous.! Period.
Exclamation Point! We
need growers to use
natural means to kill the
pests. Whatever the
pests' natural enemy is,
that is what should be
used. Killing the bees that
pollinate our food supply
is like slow death to us
Guy Harrison hobbitscomics@hotmail.com 32725 FL all.
Eliane RICHARD e-liane@orange.fr 75020 ot
Gene Massion gene@massion.net 95003 CA
Artur Bodenmüller artur_bodenmueller@yahoo.de 72764 AR
Gail McCredie gail@massion.net 95003 CA
Chevalier Guy etris@skynet.be 01340 MA
Renata Aranibar renata.sevillano@gmail.com 30640 MG
Jeff Zittrain ztrane@earthlink.net 94702 CA
Jon Michael Willson debrouillard777@hotmail.com 98119 WA
Carolyn Wacaser cjspirit2000@yahoo.com 80227 CO
Justin Chambers allstarchambers@yahoo.com 76148 TX
Claudia foster fostergals@aol.com 06460 CA
Patricia Carpenter pac1pac2@yahoo.com 01915 MA
Marck Oconnell moconnell5001@yahoo.co.uk 34668 FL
Jeanne Schuster jeanneschuster@aol.com 91791 CA
Deborah Friend monzanet@yahoo.com 03858 NH
Jane Marcellus jane.marcellus@gmail.com 37128 TN
Johnny Nesslinger surfpunk@gmx.at 60200 ot
Beth Herndobler bherndobler@gmail.com 91001 CA
Bradley Mefford bradster128@aim.com 42339 KY
Kerry McNeil kerry.mcneil@yahoo.com 32405 FL
Nelson Ridgway Leatherman69@comcast.net 95350 CA
Bobbiejo Winfrey tombeedesnues@yahoo.com 40219 KY
Mario Salgado msaddemar@hotmail.com 92801 CA
Michelle Wood meeshellwood@gmail.com 97218 OR
Rita Lemkuil chick669@gmail.com 54220 WI
MaryAnna Foskett maryanna@foskettco.com 02476 MA
Arthur Fore art.fore@gmail.com 87935 NM
Elizabeth Jackson ejackson263@gmail.com 95624 CA
Amabilia Wanderley amabiliamw@yahoo.com.br 22620 VA
John Gargiulo gargiulos@att.net 06790 CT
Christina Fullard flowerchildga@yahoo.com 31503 GA
Susan J Llorca susanjllorca@aol.com 32407 FL Please.
We need to protect our
children or we have no
future. These toxic
chemicals need to go.
There are alternatives
that are safer for people
Judy Schriebman judy@leapfrogproductions.com 94903 CA and other living things.
Suzanne Hodges hodgess@sutterhealth.org 95816 CA
Greg Kimber gkimber33@hotmail.com 04984 ME
Misty McIntyre meowkitty15@yahoo.com 94501 CA
Charles Wolfe cawolfe@verizon.net 91342 CA
Alexandra Mummery alex_mummery@yahoo.com 94501 CA
Katherine Zavala katherinezavala@gmail.com 94108 CA
B. Thomas Diener texasbtdiener@gmail.com 87123 NM
Gina McCulloh gems@bresnan.net 82801 WY
susan sutton susansutton_21@hotmail.com 48176 MI
Paula Tompkins tompkins.paula@yahoo.com 56303 MN
Wendy Oser woser@comcast.net 94702 CA
Linda Hartman namtrahadnil@yahoo.com 14072 NY
Robert Johnston r.johnston@mac.com 2K0 FL FOREVER.

Every growing season in

rural Minnesota I witness
the inappropriate
application of chemicals
to farm fields. This will
probably not change
soon but the banning of
the most hazardous
chemicals will surely help
protect our vulnerable
children and our dear
families. THANK YOU!
David Krause krause@eot.com 56453 MN David Krause RPh
Shirley McNall sjmcnall@yahoo.com 87410 NM
Marilyn Coronado marilyn_coronado@yahoo.com 33162 FL
Shauna Sparlin shauna.k.sparlin@gmail.com 67235 KS
Beth Jane Freeman bethjane1220@netscape.net 11793 NY
Sue Halligan tokyosue@yahoo.com 55125 MN
Roger P m 94703 CA
p beach pbeach@unm.edu 87196 NM
KURT CRUGER cruginator@yahoo.com 90803 CA
AIDA CONTRERAS alsilone328@hotmail.com 10001 NY
Stephen Demos sdemos@ihcdesign.org 04108 ME
Dianne Douglas dddouglas7@juno.com 85042 AZ
Heidi Furman hfurman11@comcast.net 08618 NJ
Robin Davis davis8364@comcast.net 97233 OR
It is bad enough that
theze toxins in our
environment, but are
now used multiple times
during the growing
season and before
harvest, especially for
GMO crops! Our food
supply, water, and air
should be free of these
harmful toxins and
Joanne Sieck jpsieck@gmail.com 55906 MN PERMANENTLY BANNED.
Caryn Cowin caryn_cowin@yahoo.com 91030 CA
Lisa Thomas lrhody@msn.com 98027 WA
Molly Moriarty mmoriarty15@gmail.com 51503 IA
Linda Melski lmelski@charter.net 54449 WI
Laura Tennen ten@theriver.com 85728 AZ
Bradley Adams Btadams0226@yahoo.com 61615 IL
K Lucas drluke0079@gmail.com 92683 CA
peter zorn przorn@hotmail.com 60062 IL
Please listen protect and
prevent us from these
pesticides harmful
Marcia Blaine marciablaine@comcast.net 97230 OR reactions.
Tony Canzoneri tonyc88@frontier.com 45788 OH
Nina Bohn ninabohn@comcast.net 98058 WA
Steven Rayle biobotanikos@yahoo.com 85750 AZ
louise raymond wezecapecod@msn.com 02532 MA
Robin Patten aweeble25@netscape.net 73115 OK
We just CAN'T continue
to have "money", the
"bottom line" be our
decider on things. We'll
be continuing the true
degrading, & sickening of
ourselves, all the other
creatures, the Earth's soil
& waters...all creatures.
Do we really want to go
that route?? I know I
Maurita Bernet mbernet@fslf.org 56345 MN surely don't. TY
John Markham jpm790@gmail.com 42445 KY
Geniene Wilson gena.elena@gmail.com 12015 NY
diane des rochers didero.ddr@gmail.com 2L1
Elizabeth Shanklin eshanklin@optonline.net 10463 NY
Rosiris Paniagua Rosiris_paniagua@yahoo.com 91001 CA
Todd Gukelberger toddguk@optonline.net 06825 CT
Susan Porter susansporter@hotmail.com 91103 CA
Brian Gagnon brianggnn76@gmail.com 02038 MA
w l blabrdac@yahoo.com 00006 IL
Sylvia Tennen zen@theriver.com 11040 NY
Mary TRUE streamgirlll@yahoo.com 96783 HI
Vittorio Tedesco Zammarano vtz@hotmail.com 85024 AZ
Jelica Roland jroland@email.t-com.hr 11111 ot
Ralph Delfino rdelfino@uci.edu 95501 CA
judith peter pete22roc@aol.com 33948 FL
KEVIN OLDHAM koldham61@gmail.com 11967 NY
Hilarie Gade piggator@together.net 05472 VT
Britney Nucci Britney.loren@gmail.com 90266 CA
K Holt kccholt@aol.com 92067 CA
Brian yanke muzic2umann@yahoo.com 53719 WI

There are many natural

ways to control insects
other than pesticides -
soap for example. Why
Elaine Brown lannyb1@aol.com 91040 CA would we use chemicals?
Shane Worth tatzanx@hotmail.com 20011 DC

Haven't our children

been through enough
already? Why compound
it with pesticides that
Kathryn Burns kathrynburn@gmail.com 78727 TX cause people harm?
jan moore bluztime@yahoo.com 97405 OR
Kathleen Lawless griffakathy@hotmail.com 19438 PA
Betsy Slack betsyslack@yahoo.com 20901 MD

Dimitra Algeri nz4ever@windowslive.com W9 2JZ

Who, do you work for?
Stop this bullshit of
protecting the petro-
chemical industry ... I
Larry Goodman agoodcruz@aol.com 95003 CA have Grandchildren!
Mary Price fatcatpa@sbcglobal.net 77002 TX
Akankha Perkins akankhap@gmail.com 05091 VT
Norda Gromoll gromoll@nnex.net 54521 WI
Cecilia Fogarty cgmfogarty@gmail.com 55068 MN
Deanna Nakosteen deanna@west.net 93023 CA
Kathy Grabowski K_grabowski@hotmail.com 18428 PA
Veronica Qwek ver_qwek@yahoo.com.sg 543205
Barbara Arlen grammabarb01@comcast.net 97330 OR
Carla L carla2276@yahoo.com 84020 UT
Gordon Seyfarth gordonseyfarth@aol.com 49095 MI
Lin Tynes Lincharlestynes@sbcglobal.net 94619 CA
Judith FORD jaford2@comcast.net 03053 NH
Rebecca Bohmsach chevygirl25@gmail.com 54494 WI
Bill Shumway musicheals2@joimail.com 98661 WA
Doris Kelsey lester@ckt.net 66701 KS
Donna Connor donnaconnor@comcast.net 08037 NJ
Barry Kaufman barrykaufman@earthlink.net 91506 CA
Jessica Gonzalez jgdd16@yahoo.com 85283 AZ
The love of money
dave labish yknot456@prodigy.net 08807 NJ corrupts!!
Jean Ricci Jeanricci@ymail.com 94920 CA
Deborah Wagner dwagner0602@gmail.com 20833 MD
Jacqueline pace jsamara13@bellsouth.net 32605 FL
mark rist mjristah@gmail.com 08050 NJ
Toni Russell toni_russell@sbcglobal.net 94044 CA
Lynelle Perry Lynelleperry@hotmail.com 30005 GA
Charlotte Maloney charm71@comcast.net 97405 OR
Joanne Rist jristsurfs@comcast.net 08050 NJ
Luis Limon beatahora@hotmail.com 92103 CA
Edward Butler epb223@gmail.com 10021 NY
Pierre Schlemel PFSchlemel@verizon.net 11804 NY
Mary Ann Evans cymru@kuhncom.net 17241 PA
Kristyn MacPhail kristyn377@yahoo.com 80123 CO
Candace LaPorte Candiphantom@aol.com 98315 WA
Emily Hall emily21479@yahoo.com 35209 AL
Victoria McGrady Victoria.mcgrady@att.net 78231 TX
James Croteau bjc_jcroteau@yahoo.com 77043 TX
Liz Tymkiw liztymkiw@gmail.com 19711 DE
Cindy Borske clborske@yahoo.com 50659 IA
Nick Chrisos nick.chrisos@gmail.com 60004 IL
Maria rosaria Bruscia mariarosariabruscia@yahoo.it 05016
gaile carr bgcarr@finestplanet.com 96067 CA
erin karp erinkarp15@gmail.com 07666 NJ
Sonja Malmuth malmuth@aol.com 93460 CA
Claudia Saporiti Claudiasaporiti@yahoo.com 90250 CA
Billy Kemp bkemp@healthpointchc.org 98411 WA
Nicole Schildcrout nicole.sail@comcast.net 01913 MA
Leslie Cassidy leslie_cassidy@hotmail.com 10028 NY
Michelle Billmaier michelle.billmaier@gmail.com 98077 WA
Cheryl Young cher7007@gmail.com 75212 TX
Rachael Hawkes Inugirl19@Yahoo.com 02144 MA
William Gardner drogonfly_01@yahoo.com 49622 MI
gail St. Denis stdenisgail@gmail.com 96789 HI
Gary and judy ewald COM 13166 NY
Amina Baker Aminabaker@yahoo.com 10705 NY
anne veraldi anneveraldi@hotmail.com 94110 CA
Marina Zlatin marzlatin@gmail.com 03801 NH
Candice Lowery pickleberry00@aol.com 10550 NY
Annie Potter annie_kenny@yahoo.com 53704 WI
anne luck annescaping@gmail.com 27539 NC
Tamara Shurling angelwolfstorm@aim.com 31312 GA
Rev Bradford k Graves revbradgraves@gmail.com 96150 CA
Alexa McMahan irishlady86@yahoo.com 92649 CA
Please promote organic
Caroline Bishop Carolinabis@yahoo.com 34997 FL farming and gardening.
Thomas Grill tmgrill@aol.com 06478 CT
Simone Oliver Simoneheals@gmail.com 95404 CA
james jackson mickeydog-358@hotmail.com 80421 CO
Vicki kopinski vrkopinski@gmail.com 92584 CA
Michelle Murphy murph121@verizon.net 08610 NJ
tim jackson had2muchtodream@gmail.com 19140 PA
Myla Howard myla@panna.org 94607 CA
Mary Lebert Mlebert@umich.edu 48116 MI
Jennifer Strauss jeneliz74@aol.com 80023 CO
Susan Tarrant sltarrant@alumni.ou.edu 77381 TX
dorothy warren kenleedeemedia@aol.com 19072 PA
Jill Nicholas jlnicholas@rochester.rr.com 14526 NY
Shannon Selz s.selz@comcast.net 55120 MN
Charlotte Bolinger char_6@sbcglobal.net 95945 CA
Lou Plocher louthetorch@yahoo.com 08332 NJ
Allison Bening allison.bening@gmail.com 43614 OH
Judy Day juday48@comcast.net 80443 CO
Aggie Monfette aggiemonfette@wowway.com 48073 MI
mayra comacho blackbooks2@juno.com 19140 PA
C.A. Rose critterland26l@sbcglobal.net 06611 CT
F G fg@ptd.net 17901 PA
Bosley Hiss boslseyh@buddhamail.net 02130 MA
Caroline McFarland carolineq1@aol.com 06070 CT
Robb Mottl rcmottl@hotmail.com 84103 UT
anne dannenberg acd@gmavt.net 05462 VT
virginia jastromb vjastromb@yahoo.com 01060 MA
jean ritchie jeanclauderitchie@yahoo.com 13210 NY
Nalei Kahakalau haloa@kalo.org 96727 HI
Sharon Ketcherside ketch07@hotmail.com 95648 CA
Vii Wee Veryweary@att.net 79902 TX
Elise Margulis elisemar@hotmail.com 07039 NJ
Alice Tobias alicetobias@msn.com 98105 WA
David King m 03072 NY
ms. sandra silva ssilva1@rcn.com 60657 IL
Mary Tarallo esfarms@gmail.com 46310 IN
Dana Bleckinger wooflevi@yahoo.com 97498 OR
Please ban the use of
harmful chemicals in
which humans and the
environment is exposed
and do not support big
business special interest
Kate Mabry kate_mabry@bellsouth.net 39183 MS groups!
Mike Bessler mbessler@wavecable.com 98528 WA
Martha Cruz hojarasca33@yahoo.com.mx 54600 ot
Randy Gyory rgyory@ptd.net 19529 PA
Barbara Heiser heiser_95203@yahoo.com 95203 CA
Jon McKenzie mcklock@aol.com 80128 CO
Indira Smith Indiratime@hotmail.com 90069 CA
Chris Gordon sonofhereward@gmail.com 80001 CO
I am working in the
Central American
Institute for Studies on
Toxic Substances of the
Universidad Nacional, in
Costa Rica. Also our
research has contributed
to a better understanding
of the risks for human
beings and the
environment of several of
these pesticides, among
others used in crops like
banana and pineapple. A
ban on these pesticides in
the US will also
contribute to more
critical use or even a
prohibition in countries
3000 like Costa Rica. Thanks
Clemens Ruepert clemens.ruepert@una.cr CR and best regards
Do your job and protect
ray bellamy ray.bellamy@med.fsu.edu 32303 FL us from poisons.
Rita Caruso Santamaria rcwhitgr@smumn.edu 55106 MN
Leif Mullican Leif_mullican@yahoo.com 91306 CA
Philip Drumm prdrumm@gmail.com 07503 NJ
Joan Bleu joansbleu@yahoo.com 91941 CA
Robert Fritsch RFRITSCH1@myfairpoint.net 04930 ME
Susie Marty susiemarty@comcast.net 55419 MN
Jeff Bielski palmhort@aol.com 07758 NJ
Kathleen Basman kbasman@aol.com 02282 NY
Najat AGUIDI najataguidi@gmail.com 34090 AA
Dale Goodin dalegoodin@yahoo.com 80227 CO
Anjelina galbadores polkadotpandaz05@yahoo.com 85298 AZ
David Burkhart merlinbirdhawk@yahoo.com 97306 OR
Blythe Clark-McKitrick m 97201 OR
Lynn Prigge et 08033 NJ
mark glasser mark7glasser@ca.rr.com 90066 CA
Lynne Colvig lynnechristopher@hotmail.com 89431 NV
Susan McCarthy mstfmbl@gmail.com 22603 VA
Cris branca cristian@clear.net.nz 03110
Kay Ross Kaylaross@q.com 97223 OR
Rocio Ungaro versusmoll@yahoo.com 33604 FL
Lonnie Albrecht lonniealbrecht@hotmail.com 33538 FL
Cynthia Kobak bilcinkob@comcast.net 06437 CT
Fabienne Kaufman fabulousfab@optonline.net 11530 NY
Sarah Lee sarahhookelee@yahoo.com 02467 MA
Herb Shelton herbie_323@yahoo.com 32303 FL
karen donofrio kdonofrio22@yahoo.com 19104 PA
Dorniece Stephen sdorniece@yahoo.com 11720 NY
Judith Lovdal Jalovdal@gmail.com 04090 ME
Eva-Lena Persson evalenap48@gmail.com 00686
Ambre Olsen Ambreo@uw.edu 98118 WA
Michael Henderson m 92649 CA
pat dellitalia panevino@optonline.net 11784 NY
Rich Martini Riches2go@gmail.com 94123 CA
Guillermina Aguirre mam47us@yahoo.com 80030 CO
Wanda Berry web429@yahoo.com 60430 IL
Jason Green protectanimals7@yahoo.com 22551 VA
Lucretia OToole lucretiao@bellsouth.net 35023 AL
Paul Horne Paul46217@gmail.com 33436 FL
Elanne Palcich epalcich@cpinternet.com 55719 MN
c Hope irisherbal@yahoo.com 87556 NM
Sarah Kennedy Hellopussycat@live.com 03076 NH
Deborah Zwerner dzwerner@mac.com 94112 CA
Stephanie Yesner yesner1@comcast.net 02130 MA
J Ferguson Plantdoc4@yahoo.com 48362 MI
Steve MCArthur stevemcarthur@aol.com 59804 MT
William Magee william-magee@msn.com 17268 PA
Ashlee Webb Alwaysawebb@gmail.com 83646 ID
Ken Wenzer kwtasha@verizon.net 20707 MD
Jim Lambeth jim.lambeth@att.net 29036 SC
Barbara Albert barbara.albert@att.net 94117 CA
Freya Goldstein goldsteinfreya@hotmail.com 10025 NY
Curtis Hughes burbled@cfl.rr.com 32771 FL
Patricia Montague patriciamontague@gmail.com 84017 UT
Barbara Schwartz vallabha@cox.net 34470 FL
Mary Ferraro ferrarmt@hotmail.com 80010 CO
Patty Haley pattyhaley77@hotmail.com 40353 KY
Betty Oliveira betty@oliveira.com 234 CO
Josh Karan joshkaran2@mac.com 10033 NY
David Birks dbirks@savemart.com 94566 CA
John Kirchner train462@aol.com 46807 IN
Stephanie Story sdstory2000@yahoo.com 23451 VA
Anne Jackson Buggarden@dejazzd.com 19543 PA HARM US LIKE THAT !!!
Vivianne Mosca-Clark vivianneglorian@yahoo.com 97544 OR
Judi Cunningham cunning29@yahoo.com 44124 OH
Joseph Dadgari dadgarijm@gmail.com 90049 CA
Helene Wehtje shivasana@me.com 00000
Angelica Reimold undertherose11@hotmail.com 18202 PA
Darrell Dean darrellndean@yahoo.com 25504 WV
Helen Stayna hstayna@hotmail.com 11238 NY
Caroline Hair carahai@bellsouth.net 29229 SC
Joseph Ponisciak jppon4@comcast.net 08046 NJ
Bonnie Gallik blgallik2@gmail.com 44092 OH
James Seramba Jseramba64@yahoo.com 27284 NC
Lorraine Katz Logrem@aol.com 06032 CT Save our children!
Karen Sawicki Queenkings@aol.com 32174 FL
Scott Barlow scott_w_barlow@yahoo.com 94087 CA
Eric Bare Trebares@juno.com 13850 NY
Barbara Bonfield bgbonfield@gmail.com 98407 WA
Melissa Elder melissa.elder@hotmail.com 17032 PA
Betsy Curlin betsycurlin@rocketmail.com 28105 NC
Sharon Sheehan ilynne@yahoo.com 99652 AK
Kenneth Richards kerj@comcast.net 80439 CO
Janet Maker jamaker2001@hotmail.com 90024 CA
Joan Kendall jkaykendall@gmail.com 49935 MI
Jessica Beaudry jessica11beaudry@gmail.com 94952 CA
McCarthy doesn't give a
tinkers dam. She is not in
her seat to help the
Patsy Lowe patsylowe@gmail.com 93065 CA public at large.
Virginia Collins Sixseven49@aol.com 94577 CA Now, please!
Tom Price tprice_1987@hotmail.com 02103
Donna Browne dsbh25@gmail.com 08080 NJ
Dr. N.W. Eddy n.eddy@shaw.ca 1G0 BC
Sally Gergely DSGerg@Windstream.net 44057 OH
Chris OBrien Chrisbauerobrien@yahoo.com 33040 FL
Robert Veralli Verallir@hotmail.com 07480 NJ
Denise Lenardson Tupper.ladie@gmail.com 91040 CA
Kostis Papaioannou kostevi@otenet.gr 15452 ot
Hollis Polk Hollis@888-4-Hollis.com 94942 CA
John Nelson jngqrn@aol.com 12758 NY
Jan Stewart truebluejan@gmail.com 90254 CA
Linda Mccaughey mccaughey45@gmail.com 66204 KS
Edy Toledo edcel55@yahoo.com 78610 TX
john o'sullivan johnsully57@gmail.com 10003 NY
Pat Magrath Phatmcass@gmail.com 91767 CA
Lillian Nordin lncookie44@gmail.com 54636 WI
Marilyn Fujiyoshi Tmchikbe@gmail.com 97217 OR
Dale Wright dwramona@gmail.com 92065 CA
"natural" dos NOT equal
g clemson sclemson@adsrm.org 89166 NV safe
Daniel Zelter danielzelter@hotmail.com 90046 CA
Brian Venable brainscience2003@yahoo.com 98133 WA
Debra Herzig debhcats@gmail.com 89511 NV
Scott MacDougall turasoir@gmail.com 07302 NJ
Kathleen Starr mer.kat88@gmail.com 94931 CA
Robert Lombardi bob532@aol.com 11234 NY
Lee Patrizzi leepatrizzi@yahoo.com 32766 FL
Caused my husband to go
V9K1M acutely into kidney
Barb McKee behaven1@telus.net 4 failure!!!!
Rachel Scott r.s.boston@gmail.com 53190 WI
Rosemary Scully RMLAS@aol.com 32258 FL
Ea Eilimo ea.eilimo@wippies.com 01300 ot
Jason Balgavy jbalgavy@yahoo.com 49301 MI
Frank Tobias frankstobias@gmail.com 79356 TX
Thanks for your
Maria Funicello mariafuni444@gmail.com 85297 AZ consideration!
Susie Cox bodhihealth@optusnet.com.au 04272 OH
Hamish Fairbrother hamitbud_17@hotmail.com 04812 OR
Bonnie Hughes Bonniewalsh@cox.net 85266 AZ
Diane Lamont dnlamo@yahoo.com 90064 CA
Elina Stanley estanley@icsnets.com 20176 VA
Hannah Dressel hannahjane8195@hotmail.com 21234 MD
When are we going to
wake up to the fact that
putting lots of deadly
chemicals into the
environment is going to
Ed Stahl edstahl@swbell.net 75082 TX come back and bite us.
Emily Boliver senilenurse@yahoo.com 39443 MS
Scott Cottrill nme.talon@gmail.com 87123 NM
D Matsuda dmatsuda@hhsc.org 96793 HI
Rachel Lindsey rwlindsey25@gmail.com 60619 IL
donna ellis donnaaellis@gmail.com 95825 CA
Sharon Bramblett sbramblett@utexas.edu 78751 TX
Neela Sheth Neela@aheth.com 92808 CA
Michele Capra mishcap@hotmail.com 10469 NY
Andrea Saad annsaad2012@gmail.com 24121 VA
Grace Byrne Dewdrop000@yahoo.com 08701 NJ
Ronald Yeomans ryeomans@everestkc.net 66212 KS
Tracey Katsouros traceycsmallwood@gmail.com 20601 MD
Kate Sornberger kate_sornberger@yahoo.com 94559 CA
Randy Tennen RTennenLaw@aol.com 91202 CA
Alva Crom acrom13@aol.com 55104 MN
joe glennon joeg92021@hotmail.com 92021 CA
Liana Stanton valentinstanton@att.net 33155 FL
Arlene Ruksza-Lenz arlenerl@netscape.com 60707 IL
Chuck Marcovecchio guitarmarco@comcast.net 81005 CO
This is so important to
our environment and the
health of all citizens
please ban these
Robin Thomason rrthomason@yahoo.com 92009 CA pesticides.
Jeanne Butler djbu@juno.com 85207 AZ
Ted Neumann wineshopted@yahoo.com 12009 NY
Paul Groh pjgroh43@yahoo.com 32563 FL
Tony Lorito tmlorito@gmail.com 90046 CA
M. Searle, R.N. amieo7@msn.com 85749 AZ
Sherry Korthals sherryssk@sio.midco.net 57110 SD
Eileen Macmillan eileenmacmillan@comcast.net 94549 CA
Joanna Williams prusty@berkeley.edu 94705 CA
Lorraine Klein cyberlor@aol.com 11566 NY
Gregory Fite greg.fite@gmail.com 94546 CA
Daniel Eyink daneyink@gmail.com 01950 MA
David Dvorak Jr. bigskydvor@aol.com 44118 OH
Joan Reilly Joanreilly1462@yahoo.com 32725 FL
Vivian Sherman vivsherm@teleport.com 97217 OR
Susan Strom susanstromnm@yahoo.com 96746 HI
Marilyn L mjafra@q.com 85250 AZ

Anthony Simmons guy@corani.org 1BH UK
alena jorgensen aj.1156@yahoo.com 91780 CA
geoffmccorquodale@yahoo.co.u AB43
Geoffrey McCorquodale k 6TN

Our HOA grounds

workers apply these
pesticides without
protection because it isn't
"common knowledge"
that such protection is
needed. We need you to
take these steps now.
Please. Our children,
pets, aquatic life, insect
life, the very life of our
Nancee Foglesong ncaye@aol.com 92010 CA world depends on this.
Tricia Hamilton trish20@optonline.net 11967 NY
Stacy Bell designpro.sb@gmail.com 23462 VA
Peter Dauel pdauel@sbcglobal.net 67203 KS
Janet G. White sailinsolarwinds@comcast.net 02536 MA
Allen Gibas ahgibas@yahoo.com 55410 MN
cindy small cindy.healthwealth@gmail.com 3
Please,save our food
products so we can be
Angela Neugebauer neugy@aol.com 10570 NY healthy
Bruce Ross brucetwin62@yahoo.com 77449 TX
Tara Meehan tara@meehan5.com 94920 CA
Why does the
government allow
agricultural toxins to
enter our food chain in
the first place without
rigorous scientific
evidence that they are
harmless to humans and
Geoff Dutton blinks-81905@mypacks.net 02478 MA fauna?
James Cleek cleeks@prodigy.net 75081 TX
If we don't ban these
chemicals, we cost
ourselves more money
and many more problems
in the long term. Let's
Marcia Bailey wilmarc83@gmail.com 34698 FL ban them now!
jilayne gouvion jilaynegouvion1027@gmail.com 92373 CA
Ron Tergesen rtergesen@optonline.net 11730 NY
Kristine Kowalchuk kristinekowalchuk@gmail.com 1R3
Maarit Luck maaritluck@gmail.com 7EN
Joseph DeGruchy Joe@jfreemanassoc.com 37013 TN
Jimi Logsdon jimilogsdon@yahoo.com 95928 CA
Don Lowery phoobarnvaz@gmail.com 80909 CO
Janice Speed speedandspeed@msn.com 80906 CO

These chemicals demand

Diane Bloom History13@aol.com 87144 NM banning and extinction
Anna Wieder anycgirl@aol.com 10014 NY
Valerie Sanderson valeriepomerson@hotmail.com 50450 IA
Constance Heym conhey@mail.com 11954 NY
Sophia McAskill sbcm39@gmail.com 60074 IL
Lucas Klein LKlein@cipherjournal.com 60661 IL
Jerry Amos jerrylamos@netscape.net 03049 NH
Too many harmful effects
are connected to these
harmful chemicals. BAN
gwen irish gc10@comcast.net 01701 MA them.
Ken Wooley wooleyken@gmail.com 54016 WI
Natasha Colthirst ncolthirst@yahoo.com 21754 MD
David AND
Carol Butler dacabutler@hotmail.com 37076 TN
Colleen Bergh colleenbergh@hotmail.com 92704 CA
Time for these chemicals
Edward Fontaine eddors@hotmail.com 80021 CO to go
Deborah Boomhower housershoney@yahoo.com 12205 NY
Quit the poisons. Not
Yvetta Williams yvettawill@cox.net 90275 CA good for nature or us.
David Manning dmannjustice@yahoo.com 91031 CA
Robert McFarland bobbymcfly418@hotmail.com 33305 FL
Yong Boone Yong.boone@gmail.com 78256 TX
Ying Cooper ying-surveys@wijjo.com 97209 MA
George Leddy gleddy@mac.com 91401 CA
Jean Thompson Jtt432@gmail.com 28001 NC

Stephen Keast sck11@cornell.edu 14881 NY
Cheryl Holzle c.holzle@sbcglobal.net 89509 NV
Jon singleton photoniqueer@gmail.com 10118 NY
shelley frazier fshell1602@yahoo.com 27705 NC
Fann Harding, Ph.D. fannharding@gmail.com 20009 DC
carol fraser cfraser9@comcast.net 77069 TX
Timothy Hagerman timothyhagerman7@gmail.com 48910 MI
Joan Garnier jag723k3@gmail.com 60481 IL
lucia kayambu kkayambu@yahoo.com 23234 VA
Cindy Hoffer indy_Hoffer@hotmail.com 19530 PA
Madge Miller madge-miller@sbcgobal.net 92780 CA
Henry Ruby henbird9@hotmail.com 17552 PA
Noreen Wheller redwolf91@mindspring.com 11788 NY
Chiu Cheng chc09@my.fsu.edu 32301 FL
Steven Andrews stevenandrews004@aol.com 60645 IL
Bernadine Young bernadineyoung@hotmail.com 28805 NC
Joseph Polansky jpola1015@hotmail.com 18509 PA
Greg Schmitt gregcssr@yahoo.com 60614 IL
Randy Martin drrandymartin@gmail.com 91316 CA
Dori Cole dpernicka@yahoo.com 60189 IL
Stop covering for and
protecting the chemical
industry. Farmers in the
1930's and 1940's had 4%
weeds. Now, after 60
years of dumping
hundreds of billions of
tons of toxic chemicals,
the weed problem is
between 28-32%. No
progress to be seen, and
the total destruction of
Susan Lea suelea5@yahoo.com 81236 CO our soil and people.
richard fairfield rafairfield12@yahoo.com 95407 CA
Mary A Carroll carroll2828@earthlink.net 60657 IL
Rike Wesendahl tanith1470@gmx.de 59821 MT
Mary Neumann theneumanns@wi.rr.com 53226 WI
Anton Krycuk akrycuk1@comcast.net 55110 MN
deborah hagerman deborahhagerman@gmail.com 48906 MI
S. E. Williams Shashannah@yahoo.com 77477 TX
This is, as usual, a
question of profit versus
people. A society that
chooses profit does not
Arthur Sturm a_sturmjr@juno.com 18428 PA survive.
Pamela Unger prairieroots@yahoo.com 43229 OH
Chuck Donegan chucknet@optonline.net 10704 NY
Bianca Benincasa bianca.benincasa@gmail.com 20910 MD
Ian Yaretsky iany@ozemail.com.au 03161 MI
Joyce Cooper joycecooper27@gmail.com 02852 RI
Kerry Schindl cowtacus@yahoo.com 53115 WI
Mary s rphccn2000@yahoo.com 85003 AZ
julianna robinson julesgracie007@gmail.com 90403 CA
Linda Howe lhowe@verizon.net 02478 MA
Brad McDonough bmcdonoughh@gmail.com 01801 MA
Marsha King kshistarch@att.net 66614 KS
Stephen Keener kaara07@yahoo.com 66215 KS
Micah McIntyre justaprimate@yahoo.com 92082 CA
Irene Sysak irenesysak@yahoo.com 10003 NY
pat thorne sedonamermaid@msn.com 86336 AZ
Kirsten Jones kirstenjones64@yahoo.com 18301 PA
Hector reillo hector_reillo@yahoo.com 00923 PR
Barbara Danese b.danese@att.net 95667 CA
Lana Touchstone lanatouchstone@hotmail.com 94591 CA
Wilfredo r. Santiago Freddy11220@aol.com 11220 NY
Amelia D. Hopkins amelho@ameritech.net 60090 IL
America needs to get the
most potential from all
citizens. Pesticides harm
the body and brain.
Please ban these
Dorothea L. Stoep ddvstoep@yahoo.com 77079 TX pesticides NOW.
Meli Fraser meli.fraser@yahoo.ca 3E2
Steve Graff stevegraff12@hotmail.com 90025 VA
Deirdre Frank dafrank78@msn.com 98363 WA
Sonia Zainko smzainko@gmail.com ###### ot
Isabel M. Fuica vilu53@gmail.com 10573 NY
kellie f keldawg8@hotmail.com 97306 OR
Luanne Mierow rm843575@hotmail.com 97004 OR
paula xiberras paulajx2001@hotmail.com 70011 LA
Jennifer Graham leonesse56@yahoo.com 33919 FL
J Chu jchurcher@hotmail.com 98611 WA
Pati Jio randp123@yahoo.com 94546 CA

Why, WHY?, do we have

to keep demanding clean
living conditions from the
air we breathe, the water
we drink, to the food we
eat? Why is our own
government so reluctant
Leslie Spurling Lesliespurling@yahoo.com 78124 TX to take action, do its' job?
Melanie Minnich myredrose1974@gmail.com 44055 OH
Arthur Gregorian raffi_g@yahoo.com 94602 CA
Elise Marks elise_create@yahoo.com 05408 VT
Robert Veltkamp rveltkamp@cox.net 33477 FL

Rodney Sprague spraguerodney1943@gmail.com 03135

Michelle Webb mdwebb10@gmail.com 08071 NJ
Dolly Sutherland royanddolly@gmail.com 98466 WA
Take action on several of
these harmful chemicals
Sandra Brand sandybrandusa@yahoo.com 28270 NC at a time.
Leanne Burns LeanneBurn@aol.com 95204 CA
Morgan Kirkham morgan.kirkham@comcast.net 61704 IL
LARA SCHUCHAT rubyredrider13@gmail.com 98125 WA
Kathy Moore-Gregory kathymoore987@gmail.com 87059 NM
Sharon Frank featherlover59@gmail.com 75077 TX
Michael Kirkby kirkbymichael@gmail.com 3C2 ON
Andrew Mix AndyDMix@gmail.com 19335 PA
Eugene Keitzer Ekeitzer@comcast.net 60504 IL
Cara Ammon clammon@yahoo.com 60640 IL

permaculture and nature

is what we need -- not
Tara Chambers tara0928@gmail.com 10023 NY stuff that destroys nature
Cynthia Sherman-Jones hushiepie@yahoo.com 49816 MI
Gregory Malueg greenandgold50@gmail.com 53511 WI
Steven Esposito slesposito@optonline.net 11776 NY
Alison Taylor act222@earthlink.net 20650 MD
donald taylor cplii@sbcglobal.net 95628 CA
Morgan Shelhorse Captain1971@msn.com 75104 TX
Joanne Lofthouse joannelofthouse@me.com 94025 CA
Linda Trevillian linda-in-alhambra@sbcglobal.net 91803 CA
Mark Hanisee markhanisee@charter.net 92506 CA
Linda Morgan donlindamorgan1@gmail.com 83607 ID
No excuses. Ban these
poisons that harm
millions. We can do
Carl Doll boatdoll@gmail.com 20112 VA better.
Sandra F Wilson gryph@msn.com 98250 WA
Jacki Hileman msmollimizz@yahoo.com 92345 CA this isn't right !!!
Cheryl A High highvnwrt@gmail.com 45891 OH
semena curlik scurlik@gmail.com 04614 ME
Janice Dlugosz gjjak52@comcast.net 08722 NJ
William Korbel williamkorbel@gmail.com 13165 NY
Florence Leto floleto@yahoo.com 94610 CA
Vanessa Dubetsky vdubetsky@gmail.com 12487 NY Please Consider!!!!!

Children's brains must be

Carol Fletcher cefletch@umich.edu 48103 MI protected, not poisoned.
Patricia Yorke patsy@yorke.eu 8NQ NY
Christyl Lane 25silverleaf@gmail.com 23462 VA
JL Burns chef_cathi@yahoo.com 66064 KS
Brice Breard brice.breard@gmail.com 27210
madeleine mccristal madycristal2@hotmail.com 03461
Elsa Petersen Tracksnrhythm@aol.com 18914 PA
Don't be responsible for
the deaths of millions of
people by approving
these pesticides for
continued use. You must
become conscious of the
damage you are
MC Hagerty mc@matrixmasters.com 92013 CA responsible for!
Susan Redeford rejer1@aol.com 47130 IN

agriculture using natural
pest controls, cover
crops, crop rotation and
sustainable, organic
practices leads to healthy
soil, healthy people and a
Anne McManus annegmcm@gmail.com 55003 MN much healthier planet.
Lisa Q Tablag@cox.net 92656 CA
Diana Tiessen dianatiessen@gmail.com 1H0 ON
Patricia Packer pattiac@nycap.rr.com 12302 NY
LYNNE GREENWOOD lynne.greenwood@doj.ca.gov 95822 CA
Randy Murphy randywmurphy@gmail.com 45213 OH
Stephanie Gaspar earthnatural@Hushmail.com 34744 FL
ernest boyd ernestboyd@gmail.com 94087 CA
Jenny Kiesel kieseljr@gmail.com 63069 MO
Dara Murray daralynn_10021@yahoo.com 10065 NY
Kathleen Garcia kkathygarcia@hotmail.com 53713 WI
Gayle Warner gmfw2@netzero.net 41031 KY
Cathy Geist cathy.geist@minneapolis.edu 55406 MN
Elizabeth Peterson Bassaxhorn@aol.com 68504 NE
We've got to stop
poisoning our people so
that corporations can
Carol Woodruff carolaw41@aol.com 07005 NJ make profits.
Nancy Rittenhouse nrittz@yahoo.com 34761 FL
Michele Pedrini michele_pedrini@hotmail.com 91007 CA
Sybil Ortego stortego@fuse.net 45214 OH
Elvira Elizer elviea@prodigy.net 30534 GA
Faye Nieuwendorp fayetex@gmail.com 98226 WA
john cevasco johncevasco@comcast.net 01360 MA
Jon Charkiolakis jonc714@yahoo.com 37110 TN

leave a scare on nature
that may prove worse
than what they are trying
to get rid of. What are
the natural alternatives
Doris Inslee dlanins@aol.com 01867 MA to have an impact?
Brian Murphy bdarbito@sbcglobal.net 91423 CA
To not ban these
chemicals forever is not
doing your job! These
david.enevoldsen@kla- killer concoctions simply
David Enevoldsen tencor.com 95133 CA have to go.
Henry Laureano hl9@prodigy.net 10036 NY
Ralph Jones raffa603@gmail.com 48197 MI
Corey E. Olsen ceolsen@execpc.com 53018 WI
Hilarie Ericson hilariee@hotmail.com 98115 WA
James Arthur jdarthur736@comcast.net 03057 NH
Rob Weinberg 9210rbw@att.net 60190 IL
Eleanor Hauck ehauck@shcj.org 19010 PA
Thomas Reynolds 1941train@nycap.rr.com 12186 NY
Evan Eisentrager evaneis@yahoo.com 01027 MA
Nancy Herlinger n_herlinger@hotmail.com 77493 TX
Peggy La Point tnplapiont@msn.com 80526 CO
Hildy Ismail Babybark959@aol.com 33009 FL
LAM WEISMAN baba_lam@yahoo.com 73118 OK THEM SAFE OR NOT?
steve lucas slucas78704@gmail.com 78704 FL
Please help save our
nations future,,our
environment,, global
warming,,stop the
harmful usage of all
pesticides and
weedkillers in
Patrice Strong kittysmew077@yahoo.com 93023 CA communities..schools..
Ingrid Jones jones@socket.net 65270 MO
Rick Auman rfauman@hotmail.com 89101 NV
Cynthia Small csmall103@comcast.net 80401 CO
Hugh Lenz Halenz68@gmail.com 55029 MN
Christina Forman formanfamily4@comcast.net 95136 CA
Carlo Popolizio c_popolizio@yahoo.com 08319 NJ
Keely Perez Carriles2000@gmail.com 78501 TX
Marianne van Ophuijsen marianneadack@hotmail.com EE NH
Jim Bell jimbellelsi@cox.net 92107 CA
Wendy Roberts wendolynr@earthlink.net 94550 CA
Donald Morrison vox4pax@comcast.net 05089 VT
Walter Loquet Taranaki@skynet.be 23320 VA
Catherine King cnscrfan24@aol.com 34769 FL
Stop allowing the
poisoning of our citizens
and our environment, for
the profit of the toxic
pesticide industry.
Because that is what it's
come to. It is time to get
some of the poison off
the market, please take
action to make this
Sherrie Moore ssmoore72@gmail.com 96778 HI happen.
marty whittle Martywhittle@rocketmail.com 06419 CT
bernard czech bjczech@yahoo.com 17866 PA
Mary Robert c_m_robert_939@q.com 87114 NM
Ruhee Baltz ruheef@hotmail.com 00000
Sylvia Lew slew34@yahoo.com 90034 CA
R W rebeccawillms@live.ca 4G1
James Berkey ezrajberkey@gmail.com 49744 MI
Paul Martin omg.wtf.itsfate@gmail.com 01923 MA
Rita Glasscock ritalorena@q.com 87506 NM
Robert Anderson robertan@corecomm.net 60605 IL
Chad Anderson tishado@hotmail.com 68831 NE
Annette Pieniazek anoushka5@comcast.net 77006 TX
Daniel Maddux danielmaddux@npgcable.com 86336 AZ
Jai Parekh jaiparekh@hotmail.com 10128 NY
Todd Everett todd@everetts.us 60190 IL
Susan Kutz catloversusan@gmail.com 88012 NM
Betsy Zielinski tiffani023@yahoo.com 48165 MI
mauricio carvajal carvaggro666@hotmail.com ###### ot
Mario Finateri Mfinateri@yahoo.com 12508 NY
sue aldridge sue4loans@gmail.com 94901 CA
Margaret Blakley mbblakley@gmail.com 80120 CO
Gail Ernevad gail_ernevad7@msn.com 05495 VT
Julia Vetrie jvetrie@att.net 91387 CA
Terry Young terryoung@mac.com 94903 CA

Elma Tassi elma_itkahs@yahoo.co.uk 112 52 0

Charles Arnold qdv2000@aol.com 03105 NH
Don Mayne dmayne@shaw.ca 3T4
John Montgomery j.montgomeryiii@juno.com 94903 CA
Janet Grogan jan60gro@yahoo.com 07661 NJ
Janet Matthews jisabellam@gmail.com 11570 NY
Marty Hanson martyhanson74@hotmail.com 55422 MN
Faith Franck ffranck1@yahoo.com 89135 NV
Denise McDermott t 08051 NJ
What about your
Jason Wall canyonwalldesign@yahoo.com 83686 ID children?
Diana Shepard diana.shepard@gmail.com 80303 CO
dennis kreiner djkreiner2@comcast.net 60110 IL
Marilyn Cramer MarilynCramer@bellsouth.net 30189 GA
Angela Batto ap216@verizon.net 12065 NY
Kathy Wright katw@nc.rr.com 28315 NC
Matthew Vorstermans matthew81@rogers.com 27560 NC
Cassandra Treppeda ail.com 10523 NY
Kay Sedlak kaysedlak@yahoo.com 21158 MD
Cinzia B. picchina@ymail.com 13047 IL
John Krumrein ann-john@artisansart.com 04849 ME
Amber Butler aacord526@gmail.com 32068 FL
Linda Millman jdm73@phreego.comm 03302 NH
Arkady Vyatchanin arkadyv84@gmail.com 32607 FL
Art Wilkinson aawilkinson@prodigy.net 55119 MN
Theodore Voth III tedvoth3@uwalumni.com 53704 WI
John Viacrucis catchaway@yahoo.com 56560 MN
Marcie Brewster Marciebrewster@comcast.net 80303 CO
Gail Padalino gpadalino@gmail.com 12196 NY
Joanna Weber joanna.franz@gmail.com 96740 HI
Melissa Jenkins obe1kenobe@msn.com 80120 CO
linda smyth lsmyth8606@aol.com 06082 CT
Brandon Liebig Bgliebig@gmail.com 60622 IL
Kathleen Hering kathleen4bees@gmail.com 97520 OR
Dagmar Meyer Steiger du.au 04879
Charmaine Larsen Yoginicharmaine@yahoo.com 95453 CA
Javier Mendez mendezj@hawaii.edu 96817 HI
Matt Brzezinski Bonoone@aol.com 48081 MI
Gary Wray wraygary@yahoo.com 78023 TX
Wendy McGowan ramblin@rosenet.net 97404 OR
Evelyn Verrill im2valla@gmail.com 86305 AZ
Jan Peterson janpeterson87@gmail.com 48084 MI
Jeff Goll jeffgoll@comcast.net 60025 IL
As a native Vermont farm
girl and a career of
teaching youth, I'm very
invested in protecting
both our earth and the
children. There is no
excuse to delay. Please
take action to ban these
Cherry Westerman cwesterman@comcast.net 48104 MI poisons now!
Vic Berry vberry1@charter.net 93442 CA
Mary Anne Orlich morlich@att.net 63017 MO
Richard Pierce piercerap@comcast.net 48198 MI
Joel Blumert joelblumert@yahoo.com 06068 CT
Robert Fuerst rfuerst@kc.rr.com 64086 MO
Phillip Mixon pmixon@gru.edu 30907 GA

Cindy Campbell-Carney snickerscampbell@sbcglobal.net 95628 CA

Claire Russell jessamyn_russell@yahoo.com 53066 WI
Linda Schermer lschermer@yahoo.com 86336 AZ
Paul Ghenoiu peghen3@operamail.com 12901 NY
Liv Biron sweetpea11639@gmail.com 06250 CT
Kate Skolnick Krs1123@gmail.com 11238 NY
Jean Dibble littlejean2005@yahoo.com 34713 FL
Miraculous how these
chemicals do catch up to
us. They degrade all living
Paul Richey parchey@gmail.com 15217 PA creatures.
sara sales sarasales@sarasales.plus.com 4PY
Mary McGeary mbmcgeary@hotmail.com 11201 NY
Annapurna Moffatt annapurna@xplornet.com 04619 NB
Rory and Stacy O'Neil roryoneil@plateautel.net 88220 NM
Anne-Marie Neckebroeck aneckebroeck@yahoo.fr 09230 ot
Siamak Vossoughi siamakv@yahoo.com 94115 CA
We must make a start in
reducing and eliminating
ARIANA BAKEMAN bruceandariana@gmail.com 95747 CA pesticides, now!
PJ Dines ep@healthyworld.org 95472 CA
Laura Polvino-Alamprese lpolvino@gmail.com 01581 MA
Tawnya Shields moonglo33@comcast.net 15332 PA
Bhavani Param bhavani@astound.net 94518 CA
Robert Fingerman bobbytheburner@charter.net 37356 TN
Mox Ruge Moxaruge@aol.com 91403 CA
Patricia Monahan pmonahan4988@gmail.com 28734 NC
Lisa Kellman s-sage@sonic.net 94131 CA
Dan Parillo dan.parillo@gmail.com 07013 NJ
Kristen Witt kristenawitt@gmail.com 84020 UT
Sarah Salter ssalter11@comcast.net 98036 WA
We need to have these
toxic chemicals REDUCED
in our food and our
environment.....NOT the
approval for more!!!
There are safer and
effective ways to raise
the food we eat, while
cleaning up and
protecting the world we
live in. Trying to feed a
sick and dying population
is not an objective any
government should be
supporting!....but feed
Richard Snook Greenace7@gmail.com 98683 WA healthy people IS!
Susan Brouse suebrouse@yahoo.com 64055 MO
Erika Szymanski szymanskiea@hotmail.com 80534 CO
Chung-Wei Chan chungwei.chan@gmail.com 95116 CA
kim alexander kimalexander@comcast.net 08098 NJ
Carl Zimmerman carlandjuliez@cox.net 89122 NV
O Lewis ovl@att.net 90009 CA
Roy Hess royhess_2000@yahoo.com 86326 AZ
Brody Beyer brodybeyer@gmail.com 54241 WI

Judy Orange jcorange@xplornet.ca K0A1L0 ON

Kathy Bradley khayb55@aol.com 29078 SC
Paula Deslauries pdelory@comcast.net 55014 MN
Jessica Likens leobufyfan@aol.com 90620 CA
Julie Zimmerman jz1234us@yahoo.com 89122 NV
Wm Smith icomratt@yahoo.com 65548 MO
Kay Peters kaypeters2000@yahoo.com 89122 NV
Joy LaClaire forthrightradio@gmail.com 59718 MT
Sandy Kucinski windsor914@att.net 43606 OH
Ned Bowers sharonb8565@yahoo.com 34772 FL
Jane August janeaugust100@yahoo.com 90290 CA
Our farmworkers have
suffered for far too long
from dangerous
Nancy Farrell nfarrellwa@gmail.com 98406 WA pesticides.
Mary Phillips mlouisep@comcast.net 08234 NJ
Gregory Smith pudgywonder1@hotmail.com 41502 KY
Joan Kinn nniknaoj@aol.com 55369 MN
Jonathan Wilsnack grandforksboy@gmail.com 55121 MN
Sarah Lincoln slincoln556@gmail.com 05473 VT
Eva Havas eva.havas@yahoo.com 02809 RI
Kathryn Murdoch murdoch.jeffery@knology.net 35811 AL
PJ Rochforte Murphy pjrm2@bigpond.com 03184 VT
Susan Lantow Lantow1@comcast.net 60586 IL
Thousands of pesticides,
Janice Gintzler jgintzler@hotmail.com 60445 IL mo oversight?
Ava Venturelli syrn8y@gmail.com 93455 CA
Edwin Padilla epblackie3@gmail.com 01844 MA
Sandy Bell actionvpmdnow@aol.com 20732 MD
Sarah Rubin Sarahr227@yahoo.com 23503 VA
Larry Hannon ms03923@gmail.com 28270 NC
Betty J. Van Wicklen g10121@care2.com 12189 NY
William Roberson roberson_bill@yahoo.com 11226 NY
Vicki Shulof vjshulof@yahoo.com 12125 NY
Antony Chapman kayakchap@gmail.com 93012 CA
Shawn Knudeson shawnsmail@mac.com 99503 AK
Natalie Mannering onawah@gmail.com 72632 AR
Kerrie Shisila ksdaisies@aol.com 44134 OH
Lisa A. Pace lisa39@uakron.edu 44224 OH
Cary Semit ballinakil@aol.com 13350 NY
Larisa Long larisa.long@icloud.com 60098 IL
Brianna Kohlenberg itsbri01@q.com 98390 WA
Otmar Neuhoefer ipecacuanha@t-online.de 66292 ot
patricia stamm stammlp@gmail.com 48661 MI
felicia colvin fcolvin@peak.org 97376 OR
Catherine Holzman catherine290@hotmail.com 53913 WI
Ellen Sanford esanford@q.com 59711 MT
R. Mesavage rmesavage@rollins.edu 32789 FL
ANDRE DUMOUCHEL andredumouchel@gmail.com 78250 TX

The city of Edmonton in

Alberta has sprayed
chlorpyrifos (dursban,
pyrate) for mosquitoes
for 40 years and does not
wish to stop. They are the
T6G1A only city left in north
Elisabeth Beaubien e.beaubien@ualberta.ca 8 AB america that does this.
Isabelle Zomer ceridwen1964@gmail.com AT GR
Kathy Newman txkbn@yahoo.com 78250 TX
Stephanie Mory pocanthill@yahoo.com 29940 SC
Satya Vayu satyavayu@gmail.com 97206 OR
Ellen Edwards-Thrasher cantonellen@aol.com 76462 TX
Roger &
Georgia Dykhuis rogerld@mchsi.com 50313 IA
Joyce Angleberger greenwayld@yahoo.com 21734 MD
keri bennett keribennett@msn.com 11580 NY
Angie Crawford angie01@cox.net 02874 RI
Janice Briggs janbriggs@valleymedia.com 94553 CA
John Ferrari jp_mm@yahoo.com 91711 CA
vicki matheny vicki_matheny@hotmail.com 34473 FL
Julie Richards bawdymaudy@charter.net 97501 OR
Wayne Langley wlangley88@msn.com 75050 TX
Sue Wikman suewikman@gmail.com 53934 WI
The facts are
Karen Christian kcaz1@cox.net 85641 AZ overwhelming.
Brenda Hayes vberrini@gmail.com 27278 NC
cheryl cusella cpannelli@hotmail.com 33484 FL
Nancy McBride nancytmc2@hotmail.com 37327 TN Have a blessed day.
Donny Seals sealsknox18@aol.com 47130 IN
Richard Brooke-Powell Rbp588@hotmail.com 63074 MO
Lauren Richie Lmr0107@aol.com 35127 AL
Aloysius Wald ajwaldtwo@yahoo.com 43214 OH
Eddie Benavides xaoxomoxoax@gmail.com 87109 NM
Della Lepold Fdlep@verizon.net 21014 MD
Alva Pingel AFPing3@charter.net 55068 MN
Preston Huey phuey@aaas.org 20005 DC
Tony Buch Maritoni_buch@yahoo.com 98115 WA
Diane Zeitlin Dianecz@yahoo.com 10024 NY
Jon Read mnjonread@msn.com 55105 MN
alwen bauer alwenbauer2013@gmail.com 90274 CA
James A Clark Jr jcindyin@aol.com 80911 CO
Do it! Let's put people
before profit for once in
Jeanne Yawney jgyawney@hotmail.com T0K2S0 this mixed up society.
Patricia Banes PhD banes_cons@yahoo.com 48350 MI
Kristen Deschino kkdeschino@gmail.com 91384 CA
This situation should
never have reached this
point, and it must CEASE
now. There are already so
many brain damaged
people; then add in the
additional environmental
LK Woodruff lkw777@charter.net 55068 MN damage....
Bruce D Burleigh bdburleigh@gmail.com 63366 MO
Debbie Williams debb1023@gmail.com 04092 ME
Nancy Silver byebye1961@comcast.net 60035 IL
Roger Harrison sdrr@jcom.home.ne.jp 16864 PA
Ron Price larana762@hotmail.com 91762 CA
Hanna Petros hanna.petros@gmail.com 98115 WA

Audrey Hanson audreyhanson1x1@netzero.com 94705 CA

Barbara McMahan b.mcmahan@epbfi.com 37421 TN
Nancy Bengtson ninais@npgcable.com 86351 AZ
Deborah Ramini genesio.ramini@virgilio.it 62012 IL
Susan Gardner susan.gardner@att.net 64055 MO
Joann Koch jmjkla@yahoo.com 06249 CT
Kathy Hart Kathyyhart@gmail.com 08752 NJ
Stephanie Trudeau strudeaupta@gmail.com 33460 FL
Alexander Fulton franziska316@hotmail.com 97702 OR
Jan Church termite2@comcast.net 22193 VA
María del Pilar Barranco gerpikim@yahoo.es 28004 VA
Before approving such
products for market,
please make sure they
are safe before allowing
their use, instead of the
other way around. Put
people before
Kathleen Krasenics kkrasenics@yahoo.com 91360 CA corporations.
Carl Estes dharma.estes@gmail.com 95006 CA
Lorne Beatty lbeatty@blue-chip.us 48114 MI
Cynthia Carr ccyoga1@aol.com 94112 CA
Margarita Wandschneider margawand@mail.com AUJ
Michael Krahn krahn_m@yahoo.com 48169 MI
Cheyenne Russo iadorepink8@aol.com 24219 FL
jason weinstock jpw0990@aol.com 99201 WA
Cathy Caveney Appinrd@gmail.com 04842 ME
Karin Haag bakonlove@yahoo.com 97068 OR
Chris Stiff nasspeed@cox.net 23188 VA

Christopher & OUR WATERS, OUR SOIL,
Laura Calise cindy.guarnieri@hotmail.com 11234 CT AND OUR WILDLIFE.
Stella Bennett ladylacyjane@yahoo.com 98250 WA
Cristi Vlas cvlas.cv@gmail.com 3600
Dianne Moore diannemoore@comcast.net 19072 PA
E. James Nedeau elden1948@aol.com 49441 MI
Jerry Orr yeager13@comcast.net 19610 PA
Maureen DeNunzio milano3031@yahoo.com 06854 CT ALL.
Deb Muse dmuse771@comcast.net 15601 PA
Ruth Agius latifa.agius@gmail.com 87501 NM
Regina Phillips regine.phillips@sbcglobal.net 91306 CA
Antonio Triana r10triana@gmail.com 13045 NY
Pesticides make us all
Paul & Jackie Bogacki jackiebogacki@gmail.com 06825 CT SICK.
Michele Ledesky daisyme13@aol.com 11783 NY
Marty Adams madams32931@frontier.com 98258 WA
Cynthia Call cynthia.call23@gmail.com 32904 FL
Margaret Johnson msj8947@yahoo.com 80401 CO
Hollie Hollon catlver5@att.net 32806 FL

Pesticides and toxic

chemicals are NO GOOD
for anybody. Not good
for our environments, our
Dorothy Marciano dorothymarciano@gmail.com 06850 CT soil, and our animals.
Leah Berman mysofteyes@yahoo.com 95003 CA
Elizabeth Patterson sufikat@yahoo.com 95482 CA
Barbara Drinkwater BDrinkwater@comcast.net 98070 WA
Wrong side of history to
allow continued use of
BK Bellamy bkbella@sbcglobal.net 95694 CA these pesticides.
Obviously, EPA,you have
been infiltrated by
em[ployees who are
corporate schills. You are
not fooling the American
people. We know you
Jacquelyn Fay itisi_08543@yahoo.com 44321 OH have been bought off.
These destroy our wild
animals, our plants, our
Slowomir & soil, our waters and
Irene Przybysz p0land81@hotmail.com 06897 CT rivers, and our health.
Raymond Gibson rgib1138@yahoo.com 33020 FL
Ric Bernat ric@brinydeep.net 97212 OR
Don Thompson thompson_don@comcast.net 02139 MA

James & Leslea Kunz jimkunz44@gmail.com 28560 NC

GERALYN LLOYD geralynlloyd@hotmail.com 92886 CA
Jill Hissom jill.hissom@eku.edu 40475 KY
Jim Kerner jkerner0214@optoline.net 07621 NJ
esther lawson laws6398@msn.com 97520 OR
David Laramie dglaramie@yahoo.com 01604 MA
Deb Lincoln deb.lincoln@gmail.com 50322 IA
chrissie mitchell chrissied@ymail.com 6rq
Jim Nordstrom basso17@yahoo.com 07307 NJ
Helen Jones shej@mind.net 97520 OR
Bryan Harrell bryanharrell@yahoo.com 94114 CA
Christa Neuber seamusminnie@gmail.com 90069 CA
Belen Munoz Garcia blm9818@yahoo.com 78363 TX

Gina Bonanno-Lemos gina@360healthconnection.com 92887 CA

Saundra Cowell saundramargot@optonline.net 11787 NY
Judy Wyeth Judy@wyethdigital.com 53555 WI
Lucy Bruce daisy_bluebird@yahoo.com 01202 MA
Thane Boden spamalottamus@gmail.com 82009 WY
Cathy Houseknecht frankhouse@comcast.net 17737 PA
Diane Marks shenyen@wavecable.com 98362 WA
Querido Galdo querido@queridomundo.com 32162 FL
Elizabeth Roberts robertsliz9@gmail.com 60657 IL
Vivian Wood vivianlwood@aol.com 67209 KS
June Green juneon170@aol.com 94002 CA
James McConkey mcconkeyjames@gmail.com 60115 IL
Nicole Shaffer camarofox24@msn.com 80917 CO
Gisela Zech gzech@gmx.com 83706 ID
This is too important to
ignore. Please take
Thomas Mathews mathtom@netzero.net 29412 SC action.
Hannah Maria goatama8@gmail.com 03460
Leila Zaharopoulos leilanizam@gmail.com 91304 CA
Susan Yanta yanta2@msn.com 55038 MN
Caroline Miller cmiller1049@outlook.com 33710 FL
Kate Lunn 13sunrise@charter.net 93420 CA
Joshua Seff mv9508@sbcglobal.net 75070 TX
Rita Eilenberg rita@vegan101.com 28031 NC
Mandy DeVine mandycdevine@gmail.com 22310 VA
Andrew Gold rosemount@newmexico.com 87701 NM
Baker Smith bakerjsmith@comcast.net 98168 WA
kris b selkiensam@yahoo.com 12069 NY
joos branders derwisj@skynet.be 03200
rita hogan rita@farmdognaturals.com 98502 WA We are better than this.
Felicia Riedel f_riedel@hotmail.com 99573 AK
Tamara Kreimerman soyconciente@gmail.com 11000 TX
Jamila garrecht jamila@sonic.net 94952 CA
Grayle Harlequin cocoa.genesis@gmail.com 02484
Myra Hefner myrahefner@aol.com 32960 FL
Marcia Sherman mcsherman@gmail.com 93110 CA
Monard Sandra monard.sandra@gmail.com 59400
Camie Rodgers rodeogyrl@aol.com 27332 NC
Carol Gottesman carolgotte@yahoo.com 44425 OH
Stephany Browne starwalker2k@yahoo.com 54165 WI
Lana Kelley lkk.greenplanet@verizon.net 75067 TX
C. Renee Emrick aloha57@sbcglobal.net 43623 OH
Nancy Brodersen poempaint@sbcglobal.net 91201 CA
Kate S k8keighty@yahoo.com 01906 MA
Donald Cronin donald.cronin@gmail.com 02143 MA
John Theobald johnnygoatboy@yahoo.com 07712 NJ
August Scheer augustscheer@optimum.net 10502 NY
Miriam Barton miriamacquired@hotmail.com 81302 CO
Leslie Harper ldharperot@gmail.com 14610 NY
Elisabeth Ruby elisabeth.beam@yahoo.com 56345 MN
Joan Brandmeier Joanredhed@aol.com 55424 MN
Jen Hazen Stresskitty@yahoo.com 97004 CA
Gregory Duncan grdunc@gmail.com 46804 IN
Karen Giles fernwoods@aol.com 15946 PA
Dale Carpenter dcarpman@yahoo.com 48138 MI
Luke Balanda spacechimp357@gmail.com 18964 PA
rebecca koo memoriesjc@hotmail.com 92108 CA
Lorraine Grasso Destiny9156@aol.com 10590 NY
Eva-Maria Brancewicz Polpriness@yahoo.com 01085 MA
lyn capurro datura101@excite.com 11021 NY
carrie ousley ousleyc@yahoo.com 94605 CA
jeanette fossum hamnhorse@aol.com 92860 CA
michael gertz michaelgertz@yahoo.com 94117 CA
Marianne Hines mariannehines@live.com 12836 NY
wendy fadness wfadness817@yahoo.com 52001 IA
James Stamos jstamos@alum.mit.edu 95070 CA
margo wyse bodica6086@yahoo.com 88041 NM STOP POISONING US!!!!
marcia bailey marciabcelo@hotmail.com 28714 NC
Brian Stokes exley_99@yahoo.com 32207 FL
Randall Nerwick rnerwick@gmail.com 97222 OR
sweetyee ling sweetyee@live.com 52100
Aleks Kosowicz guerillawordfare@yahoo.com 54843 WI
Clifford Provost provost-draper@earthlink.net 10011 NY
Celeste Anacker celesteanacker@gmail.com 93105 CA
Nancy Hartman bikegirlnancy@aol.com 94549 CA
Allen Larson alarson@brainerd.net 56473 MN
Erma Lewis elewisnyc@yahoo.com 11204 NY
Rick Geyer rkgyr513@gmail.com 43082 OH
Bianca Molgora biancamsf@yahoo.com 94110 CA
Martha W D Bushnell marthawdb@comcast.net 80303 CO
Scott Mann smannmd@msn.com 17403 PA
We all need protection
from corporations that
want to make money for
selling what is not good
to be used. Our climate,
water, health, and
welfare need to have our
politicians working for us,
Carmen Nichols starflame_2000@yahoo.com 85225 AZ not against us.
Christopher Angell c.angell@gmail.com 92075 CA
PATRICIA CARCASSES pcarcasses@hotmail.com 97236 OR
Lori McBride bawsum@aol.com 94062 CA
Holly Crawford hollycrawfordb@hotmail.com 33701 FL
Virginia Krutilek g.krutilek@att.net 94501 CA
Laurie Ulrop k9bigdogs@gmail.com 33983 FL
Joe Tutt Jtbass456@verizon.net 75088 TX
Daniel Malta danielmalta@yahoo.com 92706 CA
Please ban these harmful
pesticides as soon as
Suzanne Lepple lepples@verizon.net 22306 VA possible! Thank you.
Michael Crowden mcrowden@aol.com 64701 MO
Patricia Tran patriciamtran@aol.com 77373 TX
Patrick Conn conntactme@earthlink.net 98031 WA
Maxime Buck elrian.buck@gmail.com 73000
Julie Bush Bushjulie92@yahoo.com 78414 TX
Nohemi Gomez nohemi_gomez@hotmail.com 07300
Carrie Williams betera@yahoo.com 13088 NY

Phil Tompetrini captearth@hotmail.com 34442 FL get rid of these pesticides

Linda Kollmar Lindakollmar@aol.com 07865 NJ
Mary Wheeler mwheeler1881@gmail.com 76022 TX
g g geneophotos@hotmail.com 98360 WA
James Stone choice@choiceimaging.com 32459 FL
Keiko Barrett moikadiekat@gmail.com 91950 CA
Ronald Clayton se-larvae@hotmail.com 27203 NC
gloria bimonte jactgo1950@gmail.com 03445 NH
John Hammel jhammel77@gmail.com 38401 TN
Denny Boehm dennygboehm@aol.com 54455 WI
Drew Pelton drew_pelton@yahoo.com 80305 CO
Felicity Hohenshelt licy75@aol.com 32246 FL
L. Glasner lyngla1@gmail.com 10025 NY
Betty Fischer huntressbetts@yahoo.com 58103 ND
Virginia Nelson jenny492003@yahoo.com 79331 TX
Gaby Roth sparkle_colors13@mail.com 55378 MN
I live in a rural farming
district and have for over
40 years. beginning in the
mid to late 1990's brown
bats, honey bees and
much native flora has
disappeared from our
landscape directly due to
the GMO farming
practices of using
glysophate and
neonictiniods on the corn
and soy crops. Milkweed
is a thing of the past and
so are butterflys. Please
stop this madness and
erradification of plant
and animal species. Are
Randy Stettler stettlerfamily@frontier.com 18343 PA we next?
Please do not allow to
10120S poison this organic
punyawardana Gallege Alvis shf@slt.lk ri L ot environment.
Virgie Gresham travelonislandtime@gmail.com 30316 GA
AniMae Chi wolfgangbear1@gmail.com 93023 CA
Loretta Herger dogy330@gmail.com 85351 AZ
BOGDAN BILYK bogdanbilyk@yahoo.com 50219 IA
suzie ross suzie.e.ross@gmail.com 10562 NY
Sandra Needham sandra.l.needham@gmail.com 87105 NM
Chris Washington cwashington@wlrk.com 10019 NY
Rene Ontivero Jr 5926716d@opayq.com 33010 FL
Robert Snyder bobsnyder_86@msn.com 13212 NY
Devon Benton devo1afi@gmail.com 60660 IL
theresa porterfield tport@ix.netcom.com 90732 CA
Diane Sacchetti dgsproperties@gmail.com 10022 NY
Clive Smith CliveSmith@aol.com 07901 NJ
Peg McArdle Hapuna22@aol.com 96740 HI
Susan Materer susan.materer@sbcglobal.net 60005 IL
Herb Allenson herballenson@comcast.net 33025 FL
Wayne Goin goinminion@yahoo.com 81403 CO
C Pearson divegold@core.com 60185 IL
Alonzo Morado Apurple1@juno.com 98271 WA
Pat Rose patrose253@comcast.net 60077 IL
Marianne Amann amannm@yahoo.com 32129 FL
Susan Knutsen sask1932@gmail.com 07875 NJ
Nicole McAtee niceppst@umich.edu 32720 FL
Sally East eastfam2@gmail.com 41017 KY
Patricia Lewis pattyl400@yahoo.com 3682 TX
Pastor Larry Vandever lavandever@gmail.com 18064 PA
Kelley Scanlon SunGlowAura@aol.com 13206 NY
Bryan Bell bryanbell72@gmail.com 98362 WA
Genie and Bob McCombs ItmatrsNot@aol.com 37763 TN
Alexander Erdman alexander@erdman.me 80304 CO
Please help us put a stop
Barbara gabrielsen barblove@gmail.com 10560 NY to this.
Kay Randall kmrandall64@gmail.com 56560 MN
Craig Lee Burket craigleeburket@gmail.com 02140 MA
Eugene Mariani eugene508@verizon.net 15217 PA
Marilyn Fuller mdfuller1@aol.com 95033 CA
Jeanette Barney pawnshoplady53@hotmail.com 40517 KY
Kim Dickey 1plainkim@gmail.com 98826 WA
Laurel Temple ltemple07@gmail.com 97223 OR
Randi Klein randi@crocker.com 01060 MA
David Wilde Davidswilde@aol.com 95130 CA
Elizabeth Stange kabrah2@att.net 60636 IL
Deborah Dahlgren dadahlgren@earthlink.net 06118 CT
Dian Hardy themis@sonic.net 95472 CA
Margo Margolis margo.margolis@gmail.com 98229 WA
Dale LaCognata dalelacognata@comcast.net 46256 IN
Nadine Duckworth hellof_amom@yahoo.com 28681 NC
Kim La Chance ceo@bwtonline.com 90278 CA POISONING!!!!!!!
Todd Lipcsey nctml@aol.com 22193 VA
Terry Pavletic tpavlet@hotmail.com 53228 WI
This is the most
important issue for the
future. Please. Please
Diana Krystofiak dianakrystofiak@gmail.com 52556 IA think of the future.
Eleanor Cohen ellie-co@lycos.com 94602 CA
Sally McDermott jfmcd@verizon.net 16801 PA
Madeleine Bateman M.ibateman@yahoo.com 97230 OR
My wife works at a school
that largely works with
children of farm laborers.
During her time there she
says there is a noticeable
difference between the
kids of families who work
in agriculture and those
who do not. Safer
alternatives need to be
Noah Doughty Nwdoughty@gmail.com 93445 CA found.
susanne berntsson t 92880 CA
Pamela Green pamgreen11@yahoo.com 97527 MT
Sharon Leton aamalei5@yahoo.com 96714 HI
Helen Plourde h8m8p@usfamily.net 55116 MN
Melissa Craig katgrl26@comcast.net 98501 WA
Michael Lombardi mike.lombardi@rcn.com 19054 PA
Robert Fischoff robertfischoff@gmail.com 85719 AZ
t m tamymayer@shaw.ca 55001 MN
Michol Stelma dogrunguru@hotmail.com 18640 PA
art trenholme artiii65@msn.com 83544 AK
Stop poisoning people
and animals and the
Paige Arnholt paigearnholt@sbcglobal.net 44102 OH environment
cate renner flamingpi6@aol.com 45403 OH
Ken Box kbox7@austin.rr.com 78703 TX
John Parsons kauaibrad@hotmail.com 96722 HI
Tal Kinnersly tal@kinnersly.com 94913 CA
jose arteaga kodiakjoe@att.net 90023 CA
Deanna Bialczak deannabialczak@yahoo.com 60455 IL
Claire Maddlone clairemaddlone@gmail.com 33411 FL
Ibn-Umar Abbasparker mubarak0512@hotmail.com 08872 NJ
Randall Foreman rkforemanapllc@yahoo.com 70005 LA
louis fox louis@freerangestudios.com 94963 CA
Janet Best JK-Best@wiu.edu 53949 WI
June Cattell cattellmail@hotmail.com 29169 SC
The harm these
chemicals have done is
criminal!! Quite being
hostages to these
chemical companies and
do the right thing!!! Sue
them into oblivion since
they were never honest
about their research
concerning the safety of
these harmful
Jane Petz msu6880@gmail.com 49068 MI chemicals!!!
Elizabeth Tobier elizabethtobier@gmail.com 10467 NY
Cecelia Fortune spiritguides21@hotmail.com 11212 NY
Leigh Hill leighsure@sbcglobal.net 95018 CA
John Grillo john.grillo@maine.edu 04473 ME
Lynne Gordon-Watson budlyn4@juno.com 10028 NY
Mary F rmfinn@netins.net 52033 IA
Beverly Janowitz-Price bevjano@msn.com 85014 AZ
Kathleen Beavin kbeavin@frontier.com 98021 WA
Arlene Wolk awwcan@yahoo.com 15217 PA
Teresa Gingras dharmama1@yahoo.com 48906 MI
Iris Cromartie Cromartie9@att.net 76262 TX
Virginia Mariposa vmariposa@cox.net 93110 CA
Karen Hardin foggybottomgal@me.com 37743 TN
David Luxem Daluxem1@yahoo.com 98166 WA
Susan Proietta sproietta@msn.com 19111 PA
Peter Cummins peter_ac@bigpond.net.au 04878 ot
Charles Mullen c.b.mullen@sbcglobal.net 44718 OH
Linda Mulder mulder.linda643@gmail.com 48167 MI
I have 6 young
grandchildren and am
very concerned. Please
do take these very toxic
chemicals off the
marketplace. Thanks,
Roland Bleu rolandabbableu@yahoo.com 91941 CA Roland Bleu
John Dymesich credo@soliddesigninc.com 95370 CA
Rev. Dr. Ronald chiefgreyeagle2003wolfclan@ya
L. Sims hoo.com 65713 MO
Helen Cox options@mtco.com 61614 IL
Linda Kourtis Lbkour@aol.com 92117 CA
Evelyn Fraser Evelynsfraser@hotmail.com 20018 DC
Cheryle Steele cherylesteele@hotmail.com 90631 CA
Dan Morgan nasaduck@gmail.com 93560 CA
John Moszyk Johnmoszyk48@hotmail.com 63129 MO
Chris VanDerhoof scooter_37211@yahoo.com 25403 WV
Jennifer Bowman jkrencs@gmail.com 32205 FL
Greg Rosas thesro15@yahoo.com 94546 CA
Connie Simeri conniesimeri@gmail.com 46530 IN
Teresa) Jones tkettle49@gmail.com 62454 IL
Gael Faller jgq.4402@yahoo.com 91401 CA
Jeffrey Phillips jeffmphillips@me.com 05482 VT
valerie brown valerie@parrotkisses.net 21032 MD
Georgia and
John Locker grlocker@outlook.com 80525 CO
sue schümmer suestar_120@msn.com 89077 DE
Christina Babst seamusminnie@hotmail.com 90069 CA
Veronica DeLuze threequilt59@yahoo.com 24551 VA
Ralph Notaro guitaralph@aol.com 07067 NJ
Andy Berkvist berkvist@comcast.net 01060 MA
Sharon Dolleman sharonorlee@gmail.com 04289 ME
Lisa Butler lbutlerco@gmail.com 80026 CO
Giuliano Monachini logos.magno@gmail.com 00013
klouise cook lizziekay41@hotmail.com 98125 WA
Bernadette Belcastro bell20@hotmail.com 11001 NY
Black, RN, FNP, MSN,
Janet MPH ecochristian@yahoo.com 28715 NC
Esteban E musicalguest86@hotmail.com 33145 FL
Nan Corliss ncorliss41@aol.com 55437 MN
Mary O'Donnell Mtorpr@comcast.net 08067 NJ
Please do not sell out the
American people to the
interests of toxic
Rose Najia rosenajia@hotmail.com 95031 CA producing corporations!
Virginia Hilker vthnews@verizon.net 90277 CA
Ricardo Pacheco deadlift305@yahoo.com 44134 OH

Sharon Saunders Sharonsaunders391@gmail.com 98465 WA

We create the medical
conditions with deadly
pesticides. Stop killing us
ban the pesticides that
harm our population and
John McBrearty johnmcbrearty@sbcglobal.net 89433 NV kill our children.
Marianne Corona mjcorona@comcast.net 06455 CT
Carol Montague camoontag1226@comcast.net 08559 NJ
Laura Prestridge lprestridge1@comcast.net 38104 TN
Debbie Evans d1b1evans@yahoo.com 64060 MO
Mark Grzegorzewski esrucdesrever@yahoo.com 33762 FL
Leah Froemsdorf leahlynell@yahoo.com 98503 WA

I am aghast that so many

chemicals are routinely
approved without
exhaustive study. Does
nobody remember
Chamundi Sabanathan chamundi@sonic.net 96746 HI Thalidomide???
Tanya theobald peach913@yahoo.com 44039 OH
Lorelei Stierlen gator.clips@gmail.com 75075 TX
Mark Kapec wolfrsq@gmail.com 44095 OH
Valerie Beard vebeard@gmail.com 95818 CA
Claudia Richner claudia.richner@yahoo.com 78028 TX
Michelle Kofler mlkofler@hotmail.com 01373 MA
Lily Lee lilyleelie@yahoo.com.hk Nil
Nikisha Ross Npross19@yahoo.com 39206 MS
Jeanne Held-Warmkessel Jheldwarmkessel@yahoo.com 19454 PA
Karen Hauck Thegram3@verizon.net 07735 NJ
Lindsay Johnson lindsayejohnson@comcast.net 32092 FL
Anna Gates annamgates@yahoo.com 44057 OH
Thank you for taking
Trisha Lee trishale@sonic.net 95501 CA action.
Janet Moser janet630@optonline.net 11510 NY
Jamee Warfle Buffy12242@aol.com 28704 NC
Carl Oerke Jr carl_oerke@yahoo.com 07661 NJ
Janet Dietrich jdietrich@cinci.rr.com 45069 OH
kelvin hobson klh58215@msn.com 21236 MD
Michele Coakley mygacky@gmail.com 95670 CA
takako Ishii-Kiefer takiishii@hotmail.com 07747 NJ
Kathlene Rohm kathy.rohm@gmail.com 17815 PA
Roxana Allen roxanaallen@gmail.com 55738 MN
Barbara Casey barbaraandjack@yahoo.com 94010 CA
John and Linda Peck jandlpeck@cloudnet.com 56301 MN
Drena LaPointe drena_lapointe@hotmail.com 85250 AZ
Carole Mathews carole.mathews1@gmail.com 30338 GA
Liora Davis lioraart@aol.com 33317 FL
Rebecca Clark bjclark@siderial.com 97203 OR
Rachel Buckner nypeach24@gmail.com 37042 TN
Dakin Emerson dakin1313@yahoo.com 53212 WI
Debbie Nelson hotwasabi21@gmail.com 21093 MD
rachel lindberg rachelindberg@gmail.com 98662 WA
Cheryl A. Villante hugsoflaughter6@gmail.com 28469 NC
Carri Perani-Welsh carri_belle@hotmail.com 26037 WV
I was in the chemical
business and know the
Douglas Clark Dcacclark@live.com 85255 AZ dangers
Patsu Mason dimason750@gmail.com 79762 TX
Evelyn McMullen fahdutnik@charter.net 03609 AL
Michael Webb mmwebb53@hotmail.com 45102 OH
Darlene Lovell dlovell8@att.net 93301 CA
Ana Picanco a.picano@ca.rr.com 90066 CA
Anne Knoll anneknoll@yahoo.com 80501 CO
Jeanne Schlatter sionyx@hotmail.com 43812 OH
Susie Cassens susiesart56@gmail.com 34954 FL
Jessica Russo Missdenora@gmail.com 10312 NY
gwenn meltzer gwenn2006@hotmail.com 19094 PA
Eric Simpson etjs721@yahoo.com 45233 OH
Alicce Speers alicespeers@gmail.com 98115 WA
Rhona Ory rhonaory@yahoo.com 94597 CA
Robert MacLuskie macluskie@verizon.net 20715 MD
Barbara Peterson Vieuxb@aol.com 32931 FL
carol jagiello cjags91@optonline.net 07403 NJ
lynn henderson lynnhend@yahoo.com 08885 NJ
Dennis Magulick dennu48@msn.com 15332 PA
Audrey Doocy adoocy@pacbell.net 93950 CA
Oliver Yourke oryspin@earthlink.net 11215 NY
Elizabeth Cano Elizabethcano18@gmail.com 33174 FL
Angela Smith enlitened@earthlink.net 98166 WA
Reid Larimore reiders46@yahoo.com 82001 WY
Dawn Quillin marloquillin@yahoo.com 89448 NV
Laurel Przybylski brujitabizalt@gmail.com 94605 CA
Carmine Coppola carminecoppola1@gmail.com 06512 CT
Dale Hillard hillard@salinas.net 93908 CA
Bradley Smith wileyonez@hotmail.com 33909 FL
Robert Brosius brosius@usa.net 97526 OR
Art Hanson ahanson47@comcast.net 48917 MI
Zack Hall hall.zack@gmail.com 90068 CA
Lee Wiggam lwiggam@att.net 46112 IN
George Casner fitnstrongat73@gmail.com 85023 AZ
John Stewart foodtopia@humboldt.net 95560 CA
Joshua Capps joshuacapps@hotmail.com 22079 VA
grace ramirez twotonetia@yahoo.com 95503 CA
Anthony R. Lopez arlopez36@gmail.com 85351 AZ
Deb Lincoln deb_lincoln@yahoo.com 50322 IA
Betsabe Reyna mx 54040 IA
Susan Cox coxsuz@hotmail.com 10021 NY
Chris Morrow C.morrow@frontier.com 49071 MI
Leroy Gebhart kendooman@msn.com 32606 FL
Albert Laya alaya15@aol.com 60466 IL
G. Simmons tkochamp417@yahoo.com 06451 CT
Rich Goldberg rgclimber@sbcglobal.net 94951 CA
Sil Reynolds silreyn@gmail.com 10960 NY
Devi Ramanan ramanan.devi@gmail.com 94306 CA
Suzanne Gordon sgordon454@gmail.com 34135 TX
Laurel Covington angelasaurous@hotmail.com 33548 FL
Mike Krouse bluebaseballeyes@yahoo.com 44107 OH
Elyse Furlong Elysediane@gmail.com 33446 FL
Please Enough poisoning
Brenda Druilhet brendacarol1228@gmail.com 91406 CA our kids!!!
Molly Huff seventhbloom@yahoo.com 80301 CO
Robin Matthews revolte49@yahoo.com 94703 CA
John Neal heyjohnnyray@gmail.com 48185 MI
jeffrey plotnik jeffreyplotnik@ymail.com 92543 CA
Sheryl Rose sherylr@sonic.net 94702 CA
Richard Hughes rlhughes@kmabyoyo.com 97531 OR
Michael Kwitt mikek47@sbcglobal.net 48089 MI
Shelley Smith contact@dogsonly.org 72225 AR
Dave Fronske davefrons@hotmail.com 86001 AZ
Nick Berezansky nick@acereprographic.com 07450 NJ
Rona Kagawa sunbeam2005@comcast.net 94702 CA
CASSIDY BOULAN casstech@umich.edu 48073 MI
Glenn Davis glennbet@Comcast.net 15613 PA
Linda Shirey lrs0670@yahoo.com 34974 FL
Sara Beattie saracellogirl@yahoo.com 26505 WV
Dulcey Simpkins dulceysimpkins@gmail.com 98122 WA
Bethany Cardone b.cardone@hotmail.com 22015 VA
Jeff Wells hznfrst@yahoo.com 92115 CA
Graciela Zumaeta chotata@yahoo.es 00029 ot
c k aromiee@yahoo.com 30097 GA
eileen collins soutterbri@hotmail.com 20171 VA
jon gordon jongordonmusic1@gmail.com 11209 NY
Arden Green ardenj13@yahoo.com 23060 VA

Sarah Savage spieb85@hotmail.com L0S1N0

nan buckley ufoshearus@aol.com 46077 IN
...And to the plutocracy
Mitchell Diamond rainmac@sonic.net 94086 CA for which it stands...
Adam brockest adambrockest@hotmail.com 8
Steven Freiman stevefree123@gmail.com 01341 MA
Nannette Taylor nannette.taylor@gmail.com 97089 OR
Marci De Sart mjdesart@hotmail.com 63125 MO
Magdeline Primrose wagthemag@gmail.com 93436 CA
Zach Fried zachfried@hotmail.com 01002 MA
is money more important
to you than watching
your children and
grandchildren become
extremely sick or even
die.. this is no joke..
inform yourselves of the
donna lee tillthestars@sbcglobal.net 85120 AZ truth!
Barb Wilson Barbatfarm@hotmail.com 4E0
JD Mateja jdavidmateja@hotmail.com 94109 CA
Shelley Driskell sdriskell@netzero.com 34607 FL
Kelly Mckenley Cmckenley@yahoo.com 14626 NY

Barbara Daiana Devito daidvito@yahoo.com.ar 01631

Sharon Wood sharon.wood@centurylink.net 80631 CO
Paula Smith paulasmith055@gmail.com 54751 WI
Christina Nillo seamusminnie@att.net 90069 CA
Sharon Whitmore sharonwhitmore1@gmail.com 27572 NC
Elizabeth Gremillion lizindia@flash.net 78766 TX
Christina Sabin christina.sabin@gmail.com 95945 CA
Families are entitled to
safety and health...these
pesticides provide
Jennifer Downing zoppo3@ptd.net 07460 NJ neither!
Barry Eshkol Adelman snortar@yahoo.com 32967 FL
Andrew Collver acollver@optonline.net 11790 NY
Carmen Druke cbdruke@gmail.com 77008 TX
Ginger Souders-Mason ginger@seajay.org 94904 CA
Michael lampi politics@lampi.us 98008 WA
Joe Torres jtorres55901@gmail.com 55901 MN
Mark Soenksen m 52742 IA
Carlos Mares carloscmares@netzero.com 91750 CA
David Mitchell dave2mkh@gmail.com 80218 CO
Cheryl Morgan Chitowncm@yahoo.com 97386 OR
Jean Perkins jean_perkins@yahoo.com 04562 ME
Ann Hundley hundl7@yahoo.com 48336 MI
Sara Lazarus saralazarus@comcast.net 07041 NJ
Elaine Davis edavis1680@centurylink.net 33903 FL
Melissa Sklar silverair@sbcglobal.net 48108 MI
brenda wyrick crwyrick19@yahoo.com 75034 TX
Wendy Fast ttouch22@me.com 14437 NY
Lori Dennis Bluemoon2860@Msn.Com 97402 OR
Elizabeth Veillette newenglandgirl01@yahoo.com 01040 MA
Aaeron Robb antigonemydear@gmail.com 21218 MD
Leland Brun penguinpix@aol.com 14472 NY
Nancy Beers nanb38@wildblue.net 14821 NY
Matthew Baucco mbaucco@gmail.com 47403 IN
Paula Rosser pablum84@yahoo.com 37921 TN
blake wu skbkms@mail.com 94549 CA
Elizabeth Chiodini bqini59@gmail.com 63049 MO
Catherine Scott starslight83@hotmail.com 95467 CA
Rhonda Watts-hettinger sidesaddle5@yahoo.com 03086 NH
Mylee Khristoforov Myleemk@icloud.com 80231 CO
Mary Brehm mjbrehm1@juno.com 60455 IL
Victor Nepomnyashchy VicNep@AOL.com 91343 CA
Keith LaPointe kalwalak@yahoo.com 85206 AZ
Susan Spilecki writerspilecki@comcast.net 02135 MA
Pat Pfeiffer Patpfeif@comcast.net 95032 CA
maureen lynch ohbirdpoop@gmail.com 14432 NY
Marcia Kellam marciakellam@hotmail.com 93940 CA
Bill Hutchinson oo.com 03431 NH
Ed Kraynak edkraynak@hotmail.com 80231 CO
Ben Teaford superiorityman@yahoo.com 06040 CT
achilleas stamatiadis stageo19ach@gmx.net 34698 AE
scoot snapper jbateni@hotmail.com 95453 CA
RY MORAN rymoran@gmail.com 84111 UT
Mark Gallegos wstcstltn@yahoo.com 90033 CA
nancy loddengaard m 03070 NH
Gayle A'Harrah gaharrah@earthlink.net 18901 PA
Kevin West jug@utexas.edu 78723 TX
Gilly Burlingham gillygb@yahoo.com 97214 OR
Marie LoParco hand2heartstudio@yahoo.com 13045 NY
Danny Dyche tolarian@juno.com 97123 OR
Shannon Taylor shan880@sbcglobal.net 61607 IL
Cheryl8th Henley wildonionyoga@live.com 60202 IL
Barb Flynn barbarae.flynn@yahoo.com 37013 TN
Nico Murrieta Pharroh93@gmail.com 96768 HI
Richard Waldo richardwaldo83@comcast.net 84405 UT
Leona Bochantin lbochantin88@att.net 63129 MO
Reevyn Aronson reevyn@comcast.net 94061 CA
Julie Takatsch 56jules@optonline.net 12771 NY
ken canty attycanty@aol.com 01571 MA
C K dudette53147@yahoo.com 53147 WI
Andy Lynn ascottlynn@yahoo.com 32561 FL
Julie Horan jvhoran@gmail.com 33323 FL
Alice Clark erdaite@yahoo.com 84013 UT
Thomas Patterson t.c.patterson@comcast.net 94306 CA

Further, I am hoping you

will join Europe in
banning neonics very
soon, not after many
more years of delay. Our
pollinators need non-
toxic blossoms in order to
Dr Gaylord Skip King skipking@eastlink.ca 97266 OR help produce our food.
Cynthia Groves be@taotoearthpmpubs.com 95409 CA
Richard Fuller wld.flwr4gp@gmail.com 07730 NJ
Ed Jackson edjackson624@gmail.com 36109 AL
Elaine Silk silkelaine@gmail.com 48323 MI
Aaron Dukes aarondukes@yahoo.com 97031 OR
Warren Gresham greshamarc@aol.com 28786 NC
Thomas Craig tacraig@hawaii.edu 96768 HI
Mary Dehart micheledehart@hotmail.com 73018 OK
Cassandra Auerbach cassandra1444@verizon.net 91360 CA
William Hulme wrh147@gmail.com 48170 MI
CHARLES GARNER encoreint@msn.com 98023 WA
Elaine Costolo Picayunegardener@gmail.com 39466 MS
Caryl Speck caryl.speck@earthlink.net 32934 FL

Thanks 4 all U do!! U’ll

like my song: “Evolution”
John Eddy woodymcfarley@yahoo.com 98406 WA 3-412/6-evolution
Caroline Elman celman@verizon.net 91343 CA
Kathy Grant hilgrant@sbcglobal.net 95959 CA
trescs behling trescabehling@gmail.com 94619 CA
Sharon balzano luvpeace99@comcast.net 80033 CO
Jackie Barnes jacabarnes@gmail.com 94662 CA
Ma. Elena Guillermo megapeon1@prodigy.net.mx 00000 OR
Ron Goodman rongo324@aol.com 20008 DC
Joan McCormick joandouglas@att.net 60012 IL
APRIL Burchardt silver.wolf530@gmail.com 95963 CA
Vernon and
Mary Joyce Dixon vandmjdixon@windstream.net 30546 GA
Daniel Aunkst dan1955@windstream.net 17777 PA
kim peterson rose_5823@yahoo.com 95425 CA
Gisela Eder gismon22@yahoo.com 44903 OH
morgan staggers mgstaggers@gmail.com 75660 TX
James Huffman jhuffmannwe@hotmail.com 43614 OH
Mary Anne Kornbau mkornbau@gmail.com 22206 VA
Lisa Mazzola lmazzola@tampabay.rr.com 33612 FL
MICHAEL KAIBEL michaelkaibel@centurytel.net 97633 OR
John Teevan jptrugger@gmail.com 07701 NJ
Thomas Vogen tomvogen@yahoo.com 55073 MN
Mike Lu nihaomike@aggienetwork.com 78737 TX
Raya Engler Misiput1000@gmail.com 33162 FL
Carolyn Young westofthemoonaz@aol.com 86001 AZ
T. F. tacfig@yahoo.com 10016 NY
Emily Brandt ebrandt76@gmail.com 93722 CA
Anthony Golden sweetmeat.tg@gmail.com 90013 CA
John Edminster john.edminster@gmail.com 47374 NY
Kristine Tack kvanwi032@yahoo.com 91324 CA
Karl Lohrmann karllohrmann@sbcglobal.net 90245 IN
Gerald Lorenz gjlorenz@aol.com 97306 OR
Lisa Klepek Lklepek@yahoo.com 60137 IL
Brenda Psaras Sashagrl30@aol.com 11940 NY
John Nettleton jpn5710@yahoo.com 97202 OR
Philip Shook huisbaas@yahoo.com 85281 AZ
These days we cannot
afford to lose of our
ability to think, then to
act in the right fashion.
Help keep us healthy in
Kathleen M Brown paintedfern@aol.com 38483 TN body and mind!

Khristine Robinson Seafoamgreen_225@yahoo.com 68007 NE

Pat Johnson m 43119 OH
Get poisons out of our
Susan Wunsch crainstreet808@ymail.com 89703 NV communities.
Tiffany Wilburn-Meek pomfan@gmail.com 41139 KY
John Herberg herberjw@yahoo.com 97405 OR
Igor Tandetnik igor@tandetnik.org 11375 NY
Micah Celene micahtrans@yahoo.com 98505 WA
Sue Roche savannah2001us@yahoo.com 80104 CO
Elizabeth Evenson taylor_serenil@hotmail.com 78224 TX
Wesley Meeker meeker75@hotmail.com 06461 CT
Dorian Atchison dorianatchison@gmail.com 33021 FL
Jennifer Mortenson jmortenson1@san.rr.com 92109 CA
Joan DeLauro joandelauro@gmail.com 44118 OH
Sarah Stewart sarahbstewart@yahoo.com 02138 MA
William Sherman cen22939@centurytel.net 72653 AR
Lynn Perdzock Lzoc628@yahoo.com 45459 OH
Douglas Risedorf docrisedorf@gmail.com 98237 WA
Marita Woods marita.woods97@gmail.com 32404 FL
Jane Nachazel antjn4tprch@sncglobal.net 90026 CA
john brusen johnbrusen@iinet.net.au 06004 ot
Chris Johnson christopher135@yahoo.com 57701 SD
Erline Towner etownr@aol.com 03055 NH
Karen Mclaughlin antkirin@yahoo.com 08757 NJ
Jennifer Johnson jasmine200t@yahoo.com 57701 SD
leslie spoon tikibirdgreen@yahoo.com 93402 CA
Tom Walsh tomwalsh10@hotmail.com 54751 MN
Jennifer Toth toes2toes2011@att.net 91350 CA
Karen Waltman karenwaltman@yahoo.com 34481 FL
Kristin Anthony kanthony1@hotmail.com 77489 TX
Suzanne Miller suzertoo@hotmail.com 44118 OH
Kim Kryder denver@bnin.net 46553 IN
KM Smith concreteblonde27@gmail.com 46256 IN
Joe Salazar houseofsavoy2000@yahoo.com 95407 CA
It is time to protect the
American public from all
the pesticides in our
Linda Desmond Linda.desmond@icloud.com 38558 TN food.
Tom Wenzel tomwenzel@hotmail.com 86303 AZ
Charlene Leland Angel412b@yahoo.com 17370 PA
Patrick Stroud plstroud@msn.com 27284 NC
Maggie Costigan Magonmaui@gmail.com 96708 HI
Stephen Marshall t 08012 NJ
Cammy Colton curby38@hotmail.com 66224 KS
Vi Winstrom viwinstrom@comcast.net 49508 MI
Karen Kindel k.kindel@att.net 44718 OH
Sharyn St Clair ssc1@att.net 06606 CT
Rev. Allan B. Jones revabjones@att.net 95404 CA Thank you.
Linda Thompson lirenebc99@gmail.com 95407 CA
MR Charles slednutz@netzero.net 14427 NY
Annie Caton amamato12@gmail.com 77833 TX
Evie Stambler Eviemaui@yahoo.com 91316 CA
John Bayer johnbayer10@yahoo.com 98671 WA
Robin Renor rexrenor@gmail.com 53202 WI
David Gardner dgardner@aol.com 90405 CA
Len Greenwood nestwood@sonic.net 97538 OR
Debbie Sequichie-Kerchee galacticcherokee@gmail.com 73527 OK
N Houghton tallyho4617@hotmail.com 86305 AZ
Melissa Elbrecht catlady1991@yahoo.com 45005 OH
It is our moral duty to
protect our children, our
water, our crops, our
pollinators, birds and
environment. We know
this, why delay, why
allow more damage to
our community for the
profit of these
corporations- what does
that say about us as a
society? How do we sleep
Mary Ting dingweijin@aol.com 10009 NY at night?
lina poskiene lposkiene@yahoo.com 33484 FL
evan white trismus@aol.com 92106 CA
Kade Ariani kadeariani@yahoo.com 22307 VA
Elizabeth DellaValle bethdellavalle@hotmail.com 04103 ME

Andrea Chitouras andrea_chitouras@hotmail.com 02144 MA

Janet Handford handfordjn@gmail.com 02893 RI
Michael Markic markicmj@pacbell.net 44111 OH
Kathryn Null Kathryn.null@gmail.com 55419 MN
Gerry Martin mecoviper@hotmail.com 98466 WA
eleanor swanson eswanson@regis.edu 80215 CO
Marsha Schaub marshaschaub@gmail.com 34113 IN
Richard Pasichnyk rpasichnyk@hotmail.com 97402 OR
Vivien Aulenbach vaulenbach@verizon.net 19610 PA
M W Mikealswoods@gmail.com 70123 LA
Janet Wyllie jwyllie1@sbcglobal.net 94591 CA

caroline cunningham dianacunningham62@gmail.com 95060 CA

george stevens synergy67@hotmail.com 95573 CA
Agrochemicals should be
subjected to the same
safety standards as
pharmaceuticals. A claim
to safety is not enough
when masses of people
are being exposed to
toxins. Drugs to treat
cancers & other life
threatening illnesses
caused by these
agrochemicals will take
decades of careful
research & medical trials
before they are brought
to market. It is absurd
that a new agrochemical
can be brought to market
without the same
research. Over the years
there have been plenty of
terrible events to prove
that a claim to safety is
not enough. The effects
of these chemicals are
unknown until water is
undrinkable, land is
infertile, birth defects are
discovered, & other
Sarah Wilson Sarah.wil05@gmail.com 50324 IA illnesses & diseases are
Mary Anne Adams maryanne329@comcast.net 60110 IL
Kara Larson karawolfer37@yahoo.com 55720 MN
Toxic chemicals should
have NO place in our
Kathy Bowers ksbd@mac.com 80517 CO food chain!
Phyllis McIntyre Fliscnyc@aol.com 08831 NJ
Tom Pitman thomaspitman@gmail.com 91506 CA
ginger brewer twinkly2@cox.net 32506 FL
Andrea Deal mrsdeal@gmail.com 2
lynda leigh lynda.leigh1@gmail.com 95062 CA
Michael John Smith mike.smith@siol.net 01000 ot
William Cruz wcruz2000@gmail.com 10011 NY
Please take action to ban
Allen Muchnick muchnick@capaccess.org 20110 VA these neurotoxins.
antonio buensuceso antoniobuensuceso@gmail.com 92064 CA
Matthew Boguske mboguske@yahoo.com 98034 WA
Richard Booth om 48138 MI
Julien Kaven Parcou jkparcou@seychelles.net 00248 ot
Steve Chandler stevekapha@gmail.com 94043 CA
Stephen Boucher steveboucher@pobox.com 06119 CT
sandra l lawrence catlady@ktc.com 78028 TX
Holly Chisholm jhchisholm@charter.net 48371 MI
Christel Gezels cjgezels@hotmail.com 49623 MI
jeri brain fleabrain2u2@aol.com 48302 MI
Dianne Winne dmwinmd@earthlink.net 94602 CA
Angela Nelson Anelson976@gmail.com 60119 IL
Lydia Morken lmorken2@yahoo.com 55304 MN

martha majik nobleview48@yahoo.com l0g1n0 ON

jane mather janehm7@gmail.com 20782 MD
Susan Hough dodger_bullet@hotmail.com 30066 GA
Michael Parenti mp@michaelparenti.org 22 CA
James Pilewski jimpilewski@ameritech.net 44095 OH It's time...
Maureen Sheahan masheahan@aol.com 48033 MI
M OConnor Joemarsn@comcast.net 23111 VA
Jean Terry pjeanterry@yahoo.com.au 04551 ME
Joann Ramos joannspa@yahoo.com 08830 NJ
Lisa Nilli Lisa6of11@yahoo.com 40014 KY
Jess Graffell boxerguy@roadrunner.com 92399 CA
Apryl Mefford-Hemauer aprylmh@gmail.com 90405 CA
Matthew Palmer mattpalm@gmail.com 90808 CA
debbi pratt debbi77777@hotmail.com 98199 WA
Shellie VerMeer svermeer1@att.net 92653 CA
Nuno Beja nunobeja@gmail.com 00000
Croitiene ganMoryn adanto@jps.net 34480 FL
Jon Hayenga jdhayenga@gmail.com 55976 MN
Stacy Maurer stacymaurer@natel.net 52556 IA
Take action against toxic
Carol Lobel Lobelcolle@aol.com 32751 FL chemicals.
judith ackerman ackerperson@yahoo.com 10024 NY
Sarah Watt mrswatt@gmail.com 02302 MA
Gail Botic gbotic@wi.rr.com 53118 WI
Paul Servizio prservizio@yahoo.com 87110 NM
zoe cohen zcohen@efn.org 97403 OR
Barry Draper bgd@metrocast.net 03256 NH
Pam Ronin Pgronin@hotmail.com 60048 IL
Sara Semmes Sdegerer@gmail.com 93422 CA
Phyllis Miller jeanmiller.miller37@gmail.com 02115 MA
Professional landscaper
22 years. 95%organic,
NEVER used Round Down
Colleen. ---- leaningcrow@earthlink.net 02446 MA sic
Christine Wojewoda cmcerone326@yahoo.com 07026 NJ
Kim Yates kseeds59@gmail.com 05093
Robin Rysavy rrysavy@aol.com 64034 MO
Addie Lucas Ajjlucas@aol.com 54873 WI
Krista Munster kristamunster@gmail.com 55413 MN
Janice Banks jabanks@tds.net 03225 NH
Kathy Kramer et 94806 CA
london bridge neibghs@gmail.com 15433 PA
mira bolsakov bolsakov@cox.net 92691 CA
Oscar Gutierrez blackrosestudios@icloud.com 92122 CA
Gerald Walle gerald@geraldwalle.com 07043 NJ
Philomena Easley Phil505e@verizon.net 19030 PA
Hey EPA, when you allow
pesticide you ARE failing
everyone in the world.
That stuff spreads around
Kyle Webb wildfirewebb1990@gmail.com 02538 MA the world
Kathleen Doyle caseydkcd@aol.com 80403 CO
Carol Corethers Box corethers@cox.net 92021 CA
As a nurse it is a known
Marcia Oreilly Mroreilly51@hotmail.com 48302 MI neuro toxin
Sumner Roper sgroper@comcast.net 03062 NH
kelly gyllenskog kellygyllenskog@comcast.net 30114 GA
Laurel Facey lfacey88@crocker.com 01349 MA
Gary Kupersmith gakgary@gmail.com 10583 NY
ACE HULL yellowrabbit66@gmail.com 85086 CA
Marc and Jill Klosner maklosner@hotmail.com 07079 NJ
lisa jacobson sheltergate@gmail.com 95318 CA
Larry McDaniel will110@hotmail.com 52349 IA
Valerie Bloom vatbloom@wildmail.com 19038 PA
Frances Milne milnefrances@hotmail.com 02170 MA
Andrea Doukas avdoukas@hotmail.com 02446 MA
Eliot Schickler ESchickler@aol.com 02446 MA
Dr. Scott Simmerman simmermn@aol.com 29615 SC Regulate. Protect.
Cathy Barton cj_bart_2000@yahoo.com 21401 MD
elizabeth Winkler stlwink@yahoo.com 63026 MO
Debbie Tenenbaum debnbietenenbaum@aol.com 94703 CA
LEW CAMPBELL yosemite.falls@yahoo.com 95473 CA
Sounds like these
neurotoxins would be the
21st century version of
Marsha McCroden memccroden@aol.com 44126 OH Thalidomide.
John Pasqua killself5150@yahoo.com 92025 CA
Amanda Overstreet mandaoverstreet@yahoo.com 98501 WA
G.W. Cheney gwcheney@ymail.com 28607 NC
Jameson Bergen jbergen18@hotmail.com 06013 CT
Deb Hooley hoooley@att.net 95969 CA
Carol VanDeVeire carol10306@aol.com 60510 IL
Bruce Cutts brucecutts13@gmail.com 80634 CO
Frank Ayers Fastormrider1@aol.com 16648 PA
Jeanne Anderson janderson41@charter.net 96001 CA
Paul McDermott pmmcdermott@hotmail.com 90065 CA
Lauren Haley fairygurl2006@yahoo.com 24089 VA
Ellen Bardo ellen.bardo@yahoo.com 17756 PA
Joao Soares j_luis_soares@msn.com 02970
Lynn Glesne Glesn001@gmail.com 56354 MN
Mark Weisser dyg765@aol.com 28217 NC
Yvonne Bickerton Vonnyb@hawaii.rr.com 96791 HI
Elaine and
Jeremiah Johnson haimerej@cox.net 89130 NV
Elsy Shallman gomerlu@yahoo.com 33470 FL
James Hedgecock flowergitha@yahoo.com 96778 HI
Jamie Lynn Guy-Ostrowski JmeGO222@gmail.com 70068 LA
Donald Schwartz DRSRay54@cs.com 21209 MD
Wanda Plucinki wandatravels@comcast.net 08512 NJ

Lisa Sanning lsanning_finallyfree@yahoo.com 63376 MO

Don Hon dphon4@aol.com 55418 MN
Thirty years ago I began
working in the pest
control industry. At that
time organo phosphates
were the new improved
pesticides and I was
assured by mgt.that
when they were applied
properly they were much
safer than other
pesticides. However
many of the pesticides
that the pesticide
industry assured me were
safe are now considered
too dangerous to use.
Fortunately I stopped
working in the pesticide
industry 6 years later and
I was rarely exposed to
them. However in my
opinion any pesticide that
must have a label with a
Danger Keep out of
Reach of Children
warning is simply too
dangerous to children
gary dayton gdblue123@gmail.com 98665 WA and the environment.
Nora Robicheau laroseauvent@yahoo.com 2L0 NS
Adam Yomtov m 10523 NY
Joan McGrath joanfmcgrath@comcast.net 02038 MA
Gaia Cooksey martiandogstars@gmIl.com 80906 CO
Seth Snapp sethsnapp@gmail.com 98225 WA
Mark Tolley tolleymm@yahoo.com 37215 TN
Roxie Newberry maluhialoa@yahoo.com 12498 NY
Kimberly Owens kimberly.owens@hotmail.com 06514 CT
Carolyn Somer csomer@q.com 84414 UT
Melissa Campbell-Langdell Melissa.Langdell@gmail.com 93035 CA
My child has mental
disability,no genetic
problems in our family-it
is food,water,pollution.
Please protect next
Jolanta Moore bjlk.moore@gmail.com 20181 VA generations.
Jonelle Reynolds rjonelle@aol.com 84791 UT
Amy Bogart Amybogart79@hotmail.com 71106 LA
Patricia Copenhaver patcope@ymail.com 50126 IA
Lanelle Lovelace ellel7@yahoo.com 81131 CO
kat thomas kathomas206@yahoo.com 98122 WA
Jeffery Dorer jeffdorer2002@yahoo.com 90042 CA
jane crowley jlu.sew@comcast.net 61704 IL
Urmila Padmanabahn urmila26@yahoo.com 94538 CA
Frances Ostempowski fran2454@gmail.com 14086 NY
Justin McCullough Endon9@hotmail.com 92104 CA
Lauren Thompson lbthompson3@gmail.com 97045 OR
Mary Ann Leitch maleitch@live.com 19147 PA
Marie Keung mkeung@umwafunds.org 20850 MD
Sarah Garrett twilightfalcon@gmail.com 14486 NY
Lesley Edwards spikenscoobs@hotmail.co.uk 1M5
Christopher Tuch christophertuch@yahoo.com 78130 TX
Ruthann Hilland rfatlanta1@aol.com 08093 NJ
Belinda Colley bizzebee_58@yahoo.com 97410 OR
Katherine Holmes cookieblondie@gmail.com 48104 MI
Kellie Pilgreen pokethebear@att.net 33009 FL
Jorge J Tamargo dutchelm@netzero.net 33165 FL
jeanette fitzsimons jeanette@pakaraka.net 03577
Ross S. landbase@gmail.com 40415 IL
Ruth Kay Souder ruthkays@gmail.com 18076 PA
vicki call pennypenze2000@yahoo.com 92071 CA
Vijay Tankha vijaydenise2@yahoo.co.in 700016 WB
Ruth Boice rlboice2@yahoo.com 08088 NJ
sheilah barry dragonfly@plateautel.net 87560 NM
Michael Martin seraphmichael@hotmail.com 60435 IL
Anna Radziszewski nklasa@shaw.ca 0A7
Sidney Robles ansrobles@sbcglobal.net 94558 CA
emilio leone emilyoo@libero.it 48100 ot
Aanda Phillips kepajp@hotmail.com 54965 WI
Christopher Lee CLeeEnterprises@aol.com 60626 IL
Anderson Burch burchmanx@yahoo.com 30312 GA
Ian Bier ian@diamondbier.com 03824 NH
Mary Rossi silvarado448-info@yahoo.com 92071 CA
Terry Shippy mashippy2001@yahoo.com 81007 CO
Cheryl Arthur cheryj414@hotmail.com 22901 VA
Anthony Mehle amehle123@gmail.com 44406 OH
Nicolas Caballero nick_rongo@hotmail.com 41702 ot
Margery Schiff margies929@yahoo.com 10605 NY
Richard Meyer Richardsbook@sbcglobal.net 53711 WI
Peter SIGMANN peter@sigmann.net 54235 WI
Carol Licini carollicini@me.com 87501 NM
Kathie E Takush ktakush@yahoo.com 19533 PA
Teachers need protecting
Shar Goods goodsshalar@gmail.com 60619 IL to.
Emily Townsend listemily@eml.cc 20912 MD
Antonio Fernandez happyantonio@aol.com 11372 NY
K Lyle Dklyle@centurytel.net 98335 WA
Rob Endelman chefrob@cookwithclass.net 10024 NY
Cheryl Williams cannw2006@att.net 60543 IL
Johanna Schroth joschroth@gmail.com 70816 LA
Lara Lorenz laralorenzkastner@gmail.com 98117 WA
Danielle J ddmjudd@aol.com 84017 UT
Deb Stringham stringham2000@yahoo.com 02067 MA
Theodore Cole tedhcole@yahoo.com 75062 TX
Ann Nevans annnevans1@yahoo.com 94133 CA
Judy Scriptunas script@embarqmail.com 17202 PA
Our society has a choice.
Do we treat our fellow
creatures with cruelty
and callousness? Or with
compassion, respect, and
justice? As humans, we
have the freedom to
make that choice. With
this freedom comes the
moral obligation to make
responsible decisions.
Animals have no such
Julie Golden waa4ar@gmail.com 94117 CA choice.
Nancy Larsen evergreenanj@gmail.com 2L7
Julie du Bois julesdubois84@hotmail.com 91304 CA
Kristina Harper wow_kz@hotmail.com 33306 FL
Patricia Wiley Pattywiley@yahoo.com 44240 OH
Elizabeth Merz merz@prtel.com 56537 MN
Julie Ostoich jostoich@hotmail.com 95826 CA
John Nagel freestylin257@yahoo.com 99801 AK
Quit being a dumbass
and being controlled by
Bill Davis bwdavis4444@gmail.com 87015 NM the special interests
Richard Gibson ragibson3@yahoo.com 14870 NY
Paolo Bressanin brssnn@yahoo.ca 2P3 AB
Lori Cornish Elle_k26@hotmail.com 59803 MT
Michael Olenjack stcknstl@att.net 63109 MO
Saroja Ilangovan saroilangovan@yahoo.com 18966 PA
dea wells deawells1@gmail.com 44060 OH
Dustin Barca barca808@hotmail.com 96754 HI Stop the madness
Connie Cranford conniecranford@yahoo.com 67060 KS
Ron Hubert rhubertaz@gmail.com 86001 AZ
carolyn massey archie_101@hotmail.com 62301 IL
Ania Serafin aniastruckin@hotmail.com 80521 CO
Nan Hunter nanrhunter77@outlook.com 30306 GA
Ronald Taliano guesswho@centurytel.net 44012 OH
Brian Moore bluechromeloon@gmail.com 19145 PA
Katherine Farago kitf@cox.net 85210 AZ
Peter Reynolds p.j.reynolds@earthlink.net 27703 NC
Sherry Schnebel schnedbels1@gmail.com 36272 AL
Pauline Parker lionhesse.forest@gmail.com 11758 NY
Louise Perini lep56078@yahoo.com 22151 VA
Alan Linn 3rdrockbiz@embarqmail.com 28602 NC Please help !!
Shirley Hoyle hojoyful@yahoo.com 98597 WA
Sumana Raychaudhuri sraychaudhuri@gmail.com 10025 NY
Julie Pewitt Julie.pewitt@gmail.com 11238 NY
Jim and Mary Abendroth abenfam@verizon.net 12913 NY
Well, let's look on the
bright side. We won't
need to worry anymore
about the high cost of
higher education,
because all of our
children will be so brain
damaged that they will
no longer be able to take
advantage of a higher
Drew Lindhoff axl1@bellsouth.net 30047 GA education.
Please do what's right for
all of us, especially our
Anthony Galati robotsandmonsters@yahoo.com 07874 NJ children.
Rosita Aranita rra8665@yahoo.com 96819 HI
Daryl Ann Neubecker Kdneubec@gmail.com 06032 CT
Robert Ford Hando1964@msn.com 82009 WY
Paula Greenland pcg2468@gmail.com 33565 FL
Poisons sprayed on crops
Leslie Brady dougcashen@hotmail.com 98021 WA is just wrong.
Nichole Diamond Nic777d@yahoo.Com 07054 NJ
hannah looney hlooney@reed.edu 64506 MO
Catherine Williams dairyqueen@uwalumni.com 85719 AZ
Annette Straubinger annstrau@yahoo.com 20121 VA
I'm seeing more ariel
spraying of crops and
that is scary. My state
had an article about
teenagers on a field trip
being accidental sprayed
by a crop dusting plane.
This just to easy to drift
and blow anywhere and
hurt innocent people.
Children are especially
vulnerable. These need
Donna Estes destes76@hotmail.com 62468 IL banned!
D. Rowe dianamite920@gmail.con 99403 WA
Roxann Pool ssrsv@aol.com 70037 LA
Nelleke Bruyn bruynn@yahoo.com 46260 IN
Cherie Tindale cherie.tindale@bigpond.com 02578
Do we really have to
petition you to do this???
Do your job...BAN
Nancy Matthews Info@sedonaschool.com 86336 AZ POISONS,
M Port m_port@hotmail.com 33472 FL
B. Grech bbgrech@aol.com 80138 CO
Lori Beth Kidd lbkflorida@gmail.com 33912 FL
Russell Riley rrriley71@att.net 32506 FL
Joel Isaacson joelisaac@earthlink.net 94709 CA
J R griach1@hotmail.com 55614 MN
Jon Hubalek jonnyh@bresnan.net 83014 WY
The developing brains
should take precedence
over any other
considerations. Let's give
the kids a chance and, in
so doing, make it better
Helen Naumann hgnaumann@frontiernet.net 38578 TN for ALL of us.
Anne-Marie Mitchell annemarie.mitchell@9online.fr 13005 ot
Russell Kelnhofer russk2001@charter.net 54467 WI
Kathy Lindler kathylindler@bellsouth.net 29036 SC
Joseph Graziose joepiano@optonline.net 11703 NY
Katherine O'Sullivan xkosullivan@hotmail.com 10034 NY
Dr William M Smith Jr cudjoebillblogs@yahoo.com 33042 FL
Duane Gustafson degustaf@aol.com 55723 MN
Don't let your greed
overcome your ethical
Steve Jackson stevenejackson@gmail.com 63017 MO and moral judgement.
Paul Ramirez paul.ramirez@outlook.com 21401 MD
Dina Balatti dinabalatti@comcast.net 95136 CA
Daniel Carrillo spike4385@yahoo.com 94066 CA

I agree, there's too many

toxins (and way, way too
Paul Howard bird041167@yahoo.com 97333 OR many Homo Sapiens).
s b birthpagan@earthlink.net 94901 CA
Ethel Karavasileiadis Ethelk1976@yahoo.com 02093 MA
Sharon Callahan sharonmcallahan@gmail.com 08512 NJ
john eschen ip@hotmail.com 99133 WA
I am a nurse and know
how vulnerable children's
(and adults) brains are to
dangerous chemical
Linda Ray dadaray2002@yahoo.com 94110 CA exposures.
n kaluza natashakaluza@hotmail.com 94803 CA
Phil Shephard philshephard@live.com 78681 TX
Tracy Strickland tamyers_@hotmail.com 80123 CO
Katherine Tildes tildesk@gmail.com 02631 MA
Carmen Chacon starrose1@live.com 83202 ID
Jean Marr jean_marr@hotmail.com 97333 OR
Piero Soligo iam_data@hotmail.com 00985 PR
Van Knox vwk4@comcast.net 17543 PA
Pierre Miron Pierremiron54@hotmail.com 03576 NH
pamela rogers rogerspamela6969@yahoo.com 90706 CA
Craig Bert bert_craig@hotmail.com 80104 CO
Samantha Turetsky samituretsky@gmail.com 32176 FL
Linda Yancey whimzical@live.com 62086 IL
Gracinda Rodrigues gracindagr@me.com 21144 MD
Diane Clark zurclark@bellsouth.net 27235 NC
Lawrence Lugones larrylugones@icloud.com 33029 FL
Rosalind Andrews rozyandrewsms@bellsouth.net 37919 TN CITIZENS.
silvana zelmanovich dulcesanimalitos@yahoo.com.ar 90211 na
Michele Paxson michelepaxson@gmail.com 11554 NY
Robert Book rbook1816@gmail.com 75240 TX
Katherine Brown katieb9d8@yahoo.com 10038 NY
c Beauregard christabeauregard@yahoo.com 02864 RI
Kathleen Hunt jai@samadhi-yoga.com 98108 WA
ursula heinz heinzu001@hawaii.rr.com 96744 HI
P Perron patriciaperron@hotmail.com 98117 WA
Dan Dunn dandunn99@yahoo.com 08034 NJ
Wallace Elton wally.elton@earthlink.net 12866 NY
M G Meagen@brown.edu 94702 CA
Dorothy Mikos ddddmm@aol.com 01984 MA
Ann McCabe amccabe4@aol.com 60625 IL
Tom Johnson tj56537@yahoo.com 56537 MN
Donna D Varcoe dmdv45@hotmail.com 16803 PA
Mary Taylor Mctaylor4@comcast.net 25701 WV
Kristin Ziama theladysings@charter.net 53095 WI
Dorothy Savage dorothyswy8@yahoo.com 82901 WY
Patricia Hilde milnair03@yahoo.com 56584 MN
Claudia Reed claud2re@aol.com 33945 FL
Ann Khambholja candyannkhams@yahoo.com 85756 AZ
Marian Cooley mariancooley@att.net 47304 IN
Cydney Henderson crhcan@lightspeed.net 78640 TX
We must protect the
health of our children as
well as all of us who
Dorothy Varellas djvarellas@comcast.net 94124 CA share this planet.
Melitta von Abele melitta65@gmail.com 94523 CA
Laura Turzo fiery@mindspring.com 11222 NY
Jennifer Brooks jenannebrooks@yahoo.com 94022 CA
Barbara Puett barbarapuett1@gmail.com 78746 TX
Tess Cramer clairalient@mail.com 68108 NE
Jody Perrecone jperrecone@comcast.net 61111 IL
hope roberts hoperoberts64@gmail.com 95019 CA
lynnette andetrson lianderso@hotmail.com 98119 WA
Helen Moissant hmoissant@aol.com 97502 OR
Margaret Goodman messgwg@gmail.com 19342 PA
Robert Ruff bobbybob13@meritel.net 97392 OR
Angela Kelly angiesfemail@yahoo.com 98501 WA
Amy DeWitt puffery1@yahoo.com 80033 CO
Carole Wilmoth clwilmoth@aol.com 76059 TX
Ricardo Navarro foeelsalvador@hotmail.com o
Neal Steiner nrspacific@yahoo.com 90034 CA
Suzanne Challinor schallfa@hotmail.com 80238 CO
Beverly Conroy Beverlyannconroy@icloud.com 60304 IL
Charles Wittman cfw86@aol.com 11701 NY
Ronlyn Schwartz ronlyn53@earthlink.net 98260 WA
Thomas Sarelas valtom1@sbcglobal.net 60630 IL
susan foley susietwin001@aol.com 01085 MA
Sheila Tran sheilabearry@yahoo.com 51346 IA
Barbara Frances veganbarb@yahoo.com 95004 CA
Jim Melton eagledriverjm@aol.com 29707 SC
Bonnie Hemauer drbhconsulting@aol.com 90405 CA
Roberta E. Newman robertaellengold@gmail.com 94941 CA
Chad Halsey chadiwicker@gmail.com 97301 OR
Ed Descault keldarironfist@hotmail.com 06042 CT
Hector Parra Hector.parra@yahoo.com 94043 CA
Sandi Covell scovell@earthlink.net 94112 CA
Gloria De la Peña gloriadelpenia@yahoo.com 49340 MI
Alan Goggins goggins@cal.berkeley.edu 94546 CA
joan Cominos gruenbergcominos@gmail.com 94553 CA
DIANE DESPER deesgifts46@aol.com 19341 PA
Keith Thompson kaminsp@usgo.net 55104 MN
Mary Gmaz marygmaz@yahoo.com 20616 MD
Linda Roe & Family of 6 Votes LindaRoe27@aol.com 19030 PA
Linda Ellis Lk_47e@yahoo.com 30512 GA
Linda Barnes lkb94015@yahoo.com 94015 CA
Nathaniel Hammerli nhammerli@yahoo.com 81658 CO
We need to be
responsible for keeping
our Earth's environment
Veronica Cruz coyotecreek46@yahoo.com 95454 CA Clean & Healthy
kat libert catliberta@gmail.com 14020 NY no bees no food
R Temple fuzzybuddy3@hotmail.com 30308 GA
Mary Jones-Giampalo rivereye@gmail.com 53950 WI
Reena Shadaan reena.shadaan@gmail.com L6Y4J2 ON

Does the EPA work FOR

the people or just to
benefit corporate profits?
Isn't it time to work for
the "common good?" Do
people matter? Do you
have grandchildren?
Julie Giessler jgiessler@hotmail.com 14469 NY MCCARTHY!
Juls Robertson robertsonjuls@gmail.com 96707 HI
Poisons are never okay.
Never. We want a clean,
wholesome world; the
planet wants to be clean,
Linda Chamberlin chamberlinda@gmail.com 87544 NM too.
Maria Aragon aragon64@yahoo.com 20784 MD
Cristina Sherer cshererrex@hotmail.com 43334 OH
Glennis Whitney fatso1@clubtelco.com 94931 CA No more poisoning.
John-Mark Pawlowski jm_pawlowski@yahoo.com 55102 MN
Olivia Eielson olivia2@sonic.net 94611 CA
Bruce Shilling bruceshilling@yahoo.com 98103 WA
Lib Smith tigann210@bellsouth.net 29003 SC
Lawrence Scrima lscrima@gmail.com 80012 CO
A.J. Brown siegwald@shc.edu 36609 AL
Susan Pennington sujpenn@sbcglobal.net 46151 IN
Janet Robinson bocacatlover@gmail.com 33433 FL
These build up in cells
over time, and childrens
immune systems,
particularly in the early
years, have not
developed to be able to
cope with them. It is
crucial you protect the
Allan Post amrethus@gmail.com 84123 UT public and the youth.
Geraldine Proctor quiltingrev47@aol.com 63122 MO
Richard Bartkowicz richbart7078@att.net 60169 IL
George Sinclair georgeid2@yahoo.com 62703 IL
Carolyn Bennatti cbennatti@gmail.com 04472 ME
s hogg recordsandjunksh@gmail.com 97365 OR
Joseph Miller engineer.twr@gmail.com 85020 AZ
Alexia Tsakiris vet.acup@gmail.com 07764 NJ
Carol Cooperrider ccooperrider@earthlink.net 87105 NM
John Terry Deepmuddyriver@yahoo.com 64734 MO
Ellen Middleditch middleditch.ellen@gmail.com 87544 NM
Yazmin Gonzalez evaunit2001@yahoo.com 90706 CA
Joyce Nies joycenies@hotmail.com 77802 TX
David Motz davidlmotz@yahoo.com 47714 IN
S. Rovin srovin@aol.com 19073 PA
Chuck Wieland casper55@hush.com 94583 CA
Mary Morris m2morris@sbcglobal.net 94901 CA
Jeff Schwefel jrschwefel@yahoo.com 02134 MA
Amy Pine rgc@cruzio.com 95060 CA
Jean Thomas jean.thomas1@comcast.net 98155 WA
Kristo K krsnan11@yahoo.com 34997 FL
Alyce Fritch alycej@u.washington.edu 98125 WA
Kenneth W Johnson isokenj@yahoo.com 07755 NJ
Denise Visintine visintine@gmail.com 63376 MO
Jason Kelly knosaj69@yahoo.com 4P8 BC
Bruce Berryhill bberryhill@yahoo.com 97703 OR
Robert Jones buckets65@yahoo.com 07860 NJ
Melinda Keith-Singleton Mkscss@aol.com 60180 IL
Jean Phillips-Calapai jcalapai@verizon.net 01757 MA
harold meyer jr hamnlwez@yahoo.com 06794 CT
Mitchell Eubank mme206@email.vccs.edu 22407 VA
Lis Farrell lisfarrell@kimbla-mantana.com 00100 ot
Guru Dev Khalsa gurudevkaur@aol.com 90019 CA
For once do your job. You
have failed so often. Do
Penelope King pennybuys@delhitel.net 13806 NY this.
William Briggs megamax2@roadrunner.com 90254 CA

Protection is part of the

name of the organization.
Protect the citizens that
pay your salary from
harmful substances in
their environment. Do
your job without delay.
Allowing harm to the
health an well-being of
US citizens is
Charlene Davies charlene4047@gmail.com 99201 WA unacceptable.
Mary Dosch maryvineeta@gmail.com 60119 IL
Rosetta Lunceford luncefordrose@aol.com 37643 TN
Janet Dougherty wbu05grad@satx.rr.com 78154 TX
Lenore Reeves lerves@gmail.com 60448 IL
Maureen O'Neal momoneal77@gmail.com 97223 OR
Lorenz Steininger schreibdemstein@posteo.de 86558 VA
Jim Yarbrough jyarbro2003@yahoo.com 91030 CA
Holly Dowling hollyd1225@gmail.com 94567 CA
Dennis Shivers dpsmarkia@optonline.net 11961 NY
SANDRA CONLEY stratmom@bellsouth.net 37066 TN
Tammy Lettieri tammylettieri@aol.com 33442 FL
Jo Hamby johamby2@bellsouth.net 30021 GA
arlene drucker nosaadzoetal@gmail.com 92122 CA
Linda Rossin lindarossin@mac.com 07849 NJ
Ashley Kopeck Forensis21@gmail.com 18705 PA
Benjamin Wimmer wimmerben@gmail.com 60615 IL
k duran kduran2@cox.net 85716 AZ
Sandra DeSimone sandra.desimone@yahoo.com 91602 CA
Elizabeth edwards luedwards444@hotmail.com 29486 SC
Aggie Beletsky aggiebele@hotmail.com 21631 MD
Kimberly Lewis Kslred24@gmail.com 97477 OR
Jennifer Cunningham sensei.jc@gmail.com 60506 IL
I have asked before, and
I'll ask again. Has
everyone read Silent
Spring? If you have, think
about what was written;
and if you have not, then
you need to read it as
part of your continued
employment with the
Allen Terrill aterrill@flash.net 16652 PA EPA!
Debra Parker Horseedebra@gmail.com 92008 CA
Amy Blake ajblake1blakelaw@aol.com 33496 FL
Paula Yurkovitch paula_belle@hotmail.com 43062 OH
Diana Kahn dianak234@gmail.com 53209 WI
sheila gaby srpgaby@aol.com 33143 FL
Patrick Browne peb243@gmail.com 11106 NY
Hilary Capstick hkcapstick@yahoo.com 32309 FL
Robert and
Marion McHenry bob-marion@hawaiiantel.net 96722 HI
Purnima Barve purnima.barve@gmail.com 19406 PA
Ellen Koivisto offstage@earthlink.net 94122 CA
Al DeRoy akd1@comcast.net 15235 PA
Raymond Bissonnette Raymondtb@q.com 55115 MN
Jerry Kranz jrkranz@mail.com 32765 FL
Gail Staples Gailstaples62@gmail.com 02747
ewen kloas ewie99@hotmail.com 00000
Yvette Tapp yvette@mountainairfilms.com 87506 NM
Helga Guequierre hguequierred@sbcglobal.net 53202 WI
Bob Edgerly bobe7@mac.com 92234 CA
Gloria Wurst gwurst@weber.edu 84403 UT
Wayne Hansen figuredane@aol.com 16844 PA
sara carroll uawildcat702@aol.com 89005 NV
Catherine Livingston happymom007@yahoo.com 78736 TX
Elliott Sernel esernel@pacbell.net 92263 CA
Dana Banks dana.banks@gmail.com 75062 TX
george craciun gcraciun1@verizon.net 33592 FL
Cheryl Ivey agapai80631@mypacks.net 60640 IL
sheldon friedland spf16750@yahoo.com 33162 FL
Avis Segedy treefrogy@hotmail.com 44266 OH
Dan Schneider danny83@q.com 98115 WA
Abigail Jahiel ajahiel@iwu.edu 61761 IL
Janet Wyatt janetwyatt@comcast.net 94509 CA
Roxane Dow roxanedow@yahoo.com 89108 NV
Sandra Huey sandyannn@yahoo.com 78745 TX
Susan Kulis susankulis@msn.com 06518 CT
In the interest of public
health, please ban these
Susan Longosky mamasue84@gmail.com 16701 PA toxic pesticides now!
Deborah Arneson m 60610 IL
vinayak mahajan vinayak@mahaajan.in 415712 ot
Susie Johnson susiessrcks@aol.com 92117 CA
Michael Terry michaelgterry@hotmail.com 90402 CA
Delorma Morton mrtnd@aol.com 03431 NH
Beth Baker anelegantoffense@mail.com 97267 OR
Cynthia Elia,RN cindyelia3@gmail.com 34715 FL
The alleged Zika virus
debate is a WAKE UP
Dona LaSchiava dslaschiava@comcast.net 85741 AZ UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keith Robillard keith.robillard@gmail.com 04282 ME
Stephan Loubere sloubere@gmail.com 60640 IL
Derek Gendvil dgendvil@gmail.com 89117 NV
Jolie Misek joliemisek@hotmail.com 60097 IL
Theo Giesy tedslioness@yahoo.com 23508 VA
Linda Schaetzel lindaschaetzel@yahoo.com 55407 MN FOOD.
Casey Matthews Caselmatt@gmail.com 80206 CO
Each day, countless
people are unknowingly
exposed to these harmful
toxins. For the sake of
ourselves, our children,
our future - please ban
them now! Be on the
right side of history, and
of Mother Earth. Thank
Elizabeth Barnes Liz0819@gmail.com 11222 NY you.
Susannah Gelbart gelbartsusannah@yahoo.com 89149 NV
Catherine Bowerman Snorkurling@hotmail.com 0B9 ON
Shirley Bensetler ammi333@yahoo.com 07626 NJ
Lawrence Abbott lawrencerabbott@aol.com 94577 CA
Stop killing people with
your pesticides
Monsanto, DOW and so
Amelia Reese amy3reese@icloud.com 93428 CA many others! Stop!
V ketch vladoketch@gmail.com 07306 NJ
gilberto mello versla2@aol.com 90068 CA

Olga Villegas kalimando03col@yahoo.com.mx 57500 WY

Mercedes Lackey helloelsie@gmail.com 74017 OK
Gina Mondazze Gdazze@gmail.com 33021 FL
Kathleen Serrano kate3182004@yahoo.com 19083 PA
Phillip Schaffer philday@citlink.net 86409 AZ
John Kuentzel jdk82951@verizon.net 08536 NJ
B. Mason Trice727@aol.com 33713 FL
Betty A. Gosselin pathbg@ne.rr.com 03581 NH
Barbara Hegarty Babshegarty40@gmail.com 11104 NY
Norma Odell normaodell480@gmail.com 95928 CA
Anthony McCradic smiles@yahoo.com 76011 TX
Mary Heller maryheller211@hotmail.com 12603 NY
Mark Hayduke Grenard m 85022 AZ
todd fletcher tdd1976@hotmail.com 60060 IL
Mikail Barron icebear@cruzio.com 95018 CA
Joseph Wenzel josephwenzel@msn.com 55117 MN
Kerri Stroupe stroupe_kirsch@hotmail.com 80211 CO
Tika Bordelon tikab1@gmail.com 98101 WA yes
Kathryn McKenzie kamck@chartermi.net 54880 WI
Pamela Schaberg pamscha@sbcglobal.net 48732 MI
Richard Martin coyotemarten@gmail.com 97330 OR
Hitomi K hitomi@gatech.edu 30096 GA
William Resseguie aquiver99@yahoo.com 85003 AZ
Carla Williams carlalea@comcast.net 32256 FL
Roberta Koeppe r_koeppe@hotmail.com 80305 CO
Mary Kirkpatrick patchworkmaryj@msn.com 52245 IA
Kenneth Lokke kwlokke@hotmail.com 22204 VA
John Oda Jandjoda@aol.com 94115 CA
Eileen Hufana ejhufana@msn.com 97212 OR
Jacqui Bradshaw Bobomom61@yahoo.com 93581 CA
Richard Cardinal dick_cardinal@excite.com 56378 MN
Milenna Rosa milennarrosa@gmail.com ######
Rebecca Picton sevenswans7@gmail.com 97330 OR
Isabel Ortiz ortizi1992@hotmail.com 97224 OR
Karen Kawszan kkawszan@comcast.net 77379 TX
Heidi Ludwick hludwick84@yahoo.com 68046 NE
sarosh patel sapatel1@sbcglobal.net 94087 CA
Dan Brook brook@brook.com 95192 CA
Trigg Wright fivedogsdad@yahoo.com 77379 TX
Bruce Higgins Bhiggins14@comcast.net 94551 CA
Cathie Glenn cathieglenn@bellsouth.net 29615 SC
Amanda Zangara amandarosy@yahoo.com 95472 CA
Please save our children
from unnecessary toxic
Gina Leathers Ginaleathers@gmail.com 23233 VA exposure!
Maryann G. Strain mgs2400@aol.com 60201 IL
Julia Brayshaw alchemia33@gmail.com 98506 WA
Sheri Bresson sheribresson@gmail.com 06801 CT
Margaret Dumas pegdumas@hotmail.com 81401 CO
Barbara and
Jim Dale nonrev909@neitel.net 52101 IA
Dr. David L. Smith d3smith@uwsp.edu 54482 WI
Carolyn Brown Eliana_b68@yahoo.com 61820 IL
Carol Metcalf greathywy@yahoo.com 94558 CA
J. K. Fort jenmar2010_20@frontier.com 55765 MN
Theresa Reiff tmrhome@aol.com 19403 PA
Gerald St. Germaine gerald1951@sbcglobal.net 79901 TX
Jon Hiesfelter redbeard@riseup.net 98121 WA
Roy Pearson rpears0314@earthlink.net 87016 NM
Christina Maris maris.christina@yahoo.com 87107 NM
Kay Lowe saki13@att.net 80233 CO
Mary Jo Sanchez mjlafrance@hotmail.com 34683 FL
Vesna Glavina vglavina@hotmail.com 52556 IA
Donna Fabiano dlfabiano@yahoo.com 95436 CA
Susan Deane-Miller Susiemuse@verizon.net 12601 NY
Leigh Clark leighwyattclark@gmail.com 91344 CA

Way too many chemicals

in our food and water.
Tenney Singer tenneysinger@centurylink.net 98563 WA PLEASE stop this!
Bruce Martin Williesaves@gmail.Com 27410 NC
deb padilla padilla.deb@gmail.com 55075 MN
Stefan Taylor ststevectaylor8@gmail.com 33604 FL
It is well past time for the
EPA to start working for
the people, not for
corporations. They are
Janice Barnes rascal182@juno.com 32226 FL killing us.
Marianne Frusteri biagiobingo@aol.com 44116 OH
Edie Bruce sheshell2@comcast.net 94530 CA
bill holt bill.holt@netzero.net 78736 TX
JAMES GODFREY quarternary4@yahoo.com 97217 OR
fay forman fayf355@yahoo.com 10001 NY
Joyce Smith smith.joyce96@yahoo.com 33624 FL Thank you for your time.
Marie Travis Speedymri@yahoo.com 75227 TX
Crystal Hart pirates0171@yahoo.com 20176 VA
Beatriz Fanton bia_fh@hotmail.com ###### SP
Kimberly Willis thekimberlywillis@gmail.com 78704 TX
Elaine Alfaro tilda1217@yahoo.com 95018 CA
You know their dangers,
Saran Kirschbaum sarank@mac.com 90035 CA ban them NOW please.
Nick Downey downey214@sbcglobal.net 71743 AR
Laurel Hieb hesper79@gmail.com 86005 AZ
Bridget Koch-Timothy Tegdirbsc@aol.com 95818 CA
Judith Green greencardz@comcast.net 98225 WA This is a "no brainer"!
George Heupel gandjheupel@windstream.net 41102 KY
Nancy Kelley Ndk47@sbcglobal.net 43119 OH
Faye Bennett mfayebennett@comcast.net 97214 OR
Kenneth Bickel kenb0969@gmail.com 15227 PA
Corey Parker iblamemysister@yahoo.com 60194 IL
Sabrina Sarne sab_nysa@hotmail.com 94526 CA
Jerry Byrd dimmitttx@yahoo.com 80401 MT
Susan Brown suznmars1@mac.com 28754 NC
debbie mannion irish.eyes14@yahoo.com 63005 MO
Mary Lang hankisabelle@comcast.net 06409 CT
Deborah Gorsline deborahgorsline@hotmail.com 05667 VT
Michael Johnson mlsdj@hotmail.com 20017 DC
richard smith smithrd50@gmail.com 80231 CO
Shelly Jenson tumblingseashellys@gmail.com 84117 UT
Kris Head lwzahed@hotmail.com 92843 CA
Capitalism's short-term
profit motive is
incompatible with long-
term public health and
safety, and/or long-term
John and environmental health and
Martha Stoltenberg jpstolten@frontier.com 53020 WI safety!
Holly Cohen hgcohen408@yahoo.com 10509 NY
Sue Velez flimsysue@gmail.com 08075 NJ
Bronwen Evans bronwynnevans@hotmail.com 98101 WA
Tomas Monter tomasmonter@hotmail.com 97520 OR
Pat Blackwell-Marchant patmarchant@comcast.net 94552 CA
Steven Kranowski skranowski@aol.com 24060 VA
Rikey Hale 3rhale@gmail.com 38701 MS
Suzanne Pena iamsaturnine@yahoo.com 92835 CA
DIANORA Niccolini dianoran@aol.com 10075 NY
Rachel Simpson-Loizou rachlou90@hotmail.com 16123 PA
Cyrus Picken IClaudius7@comcast.net 21114 MD
Brent Lund Themixerguy@gmail.com 91101 CA
Beverly Beard beverlybeard475@yahoo.com 19803 DE
Nathaniel Vose navose@gmail.com 95472 CA
Randall Webb lawrkw@comcast.net 97210 OR
Michael Peterman alertboom@yahoo.com 80138 CO
Dorothy Hammer djhammer_81@msn.com 55057 MN
Hank Hodes hank.hodes@gmail.com 94123 CA
Carol Barr cbarr_carol@aol.com 68467 NE
RoxAnne r destiny_rox@hotmail.com 85308 AZ
Dominique Boulanger sunny_d62@hotmail.com 33316 AB
jorge belloso-curiel jbcuriel@aol.com 94801 CA
Timothy Wong twong@asu.edu 85226 AZ
Jennifer Nitz grizzalo@hotmail.com 59802 MT
Audra Soulias audrasoulias@aol.com 60108 IL
Richard Dockter bdockter@aol.com 32084 FL
Nancy Vedovi goodthoughtspot@yahoo.com 80907 CO
Tamara Ashley tamara.m.ashley@gmail.com 46546 IN
judy wilburn wilburn6@gmail.com 41139 KY
Wendy Howes wendy.innerspaces@gmail.com 75230 TX
Christine V Fink cfink@hotmail.com 95207 CA

yvette Dominguez yvettemdominguez@yahoo.com 91745 CA

Barbara Doucet 1celticwomyn@gmail.com 30263 GA
Gordon MacDonald gmacdon232@aol.com 48864 MI
david taggart aletterteeheehee@aol.com 22193 VA
Kathey Moore Katjoe22@gmail.com 44221 OH
Sabrina Eckles biner@swbell.net 79416 TX
Jane Beattie rbmt80@yahoo.com 83340 ID
Please help protect our
Lynn Terrill lterrill29@hotmail.com 75062 TX children and us.
Richard Griggs griggs_richard@yahoo.com 28081 NC
Claudia Karll claudia.karll@gmail.com 98070 WA
pam mettier mettier.pam@gmail.com 93428 CA
Rick Luttmann rick.luttmann@sonoma.edu 94928 CA
Hugh Halliday annahugh@slingshot.co.nz 04936 ot
Judith Galterio jmgalterio@gmail.com 80021 CO
Mark Lohnes Akmalohnes@gmail.com 99840 AK
william stanton wsbayonne@yahoo.com 07718 NJ
Pam OBryan pamme@neo.rr.com 44231 OH
Nigel Crawford oxfordmail-other@yahoo.com 92093 CA

Please consider the great

risks that these
organophosphate share
placing on all of our
health! Our past, present,
and future depends on
good decisions made FOR
Tiffany Cutlip Tiffany@cutlip.us 30107 GA our health:
Michael Handforth mhandforth@gmail.com 92115 CA
Susie Hart Featherbush@cybermesa.com 87508 NM
Andrew Kurzweil ackurz@optonline.net 11229 NY
Lynn Colson Lmmcemail@yahoo.com 98229 WA
linda faste lindafaste@yahoo.com 94305 CA
My son has toxic
encephalopathy with
temporal lobe epilepsy as
a result of years of public
school ground spraying in
JeanAnn Hurst belovedgender@gmail.com 93612 CA Fresno County.
David Balan davidbalan@hotmail.com 46074 IN
marie grenu grenu.dominique@neuf.fr Fr
Steve Uyenishi suyenishi@yahoo.com 98178 WA
Steven Zien bugslrc@yahoo.com 95610 CA
amrit khalsa amritemt@khalsa.com 90278 CA
Sue Geurkink suegeurkink@live.com 54660 WI
frank belcastro fpbelcast@gmail.com 52001 IA
Ryan Nestler rkspooky91@hotmail.com 61063 IL
Dennis Miller blackguard71@yahoo.com 35622 AL
Tracy Feldman tracysfeldman@yahoo.com 27713 NC
Lynn Dirk lydi@cox.net 32605 FL
Diane Lilly dlillyartist@msn.com 18301 PA
David Peterson pete23152@aol.com 92116 CA
And we wonder why the
medical system is
overloaded and our
friends are getting ill and
dying. Let's get real and
Diane MacInnes Storyscapes@verizon.net 87505 NM stop this abuse.
Karen Laakaniemi klaakan@gmail.com 32534 FL FIASCO!!!!!
John A Beavers beavgodzilla@yahoo.com 60625 IL
Alma Sills suneluna@sbcglobal.net 93277 CA
Rosemary Graham-Gardner liaisonsus@aol.com 90266 CA
Raymond Mlynczak rmlynczak@hotmail.com 19044 PA
Rosemary Fujimoto ealohae@hawaii.rr.com 96706 HI
Jane Ahrens stellalunadog@comcast.net 94707 CA
Peter DiSpigno pdispigno1@msn.com 02825 RI
Grace Rutledge zella1912@msn.com 94606 CA
Robin Tyner Rpjazl2@yahoo.com 22003 VA
Judy Emmett hokupaa@hawaii.rr.com 96741 HI
Stephen Marshall Orion4964@aol.com 94558 CA
Ellen McNeirney ellen.frank@verizon.net 20814 MD
Reeta Roo roocooncardoon@comcast.net 95465 CA
Mike Schutt fishincoug@yahoo.com 98249 WA
Joy Ortman ortmanj@zoomtown.com 41017 KY
Peggy McConnell mpgmc1@aol.com 80126 CO

Mary Mobley marymobley1919@gmail.com 32060 FL Please, this MUST STOP!!

Gertrude Battaly merlin@pipeline.com 10603 NY
Michael Kurokawa mlkurokawa@me.com 94114 CA
How can any person who
has even a SMALL
amount of compassion
and humanity develop a
product that could be
toxic to any unintended
being? I could not call
that individual anything
J Stufflebeam jstufflebeam@gmail.com 97045 OR except a monster.
Janine Iyer janine_iyer@yahoo.com 48306 MI
Elizabeth Sidamon-Eristoff leased85372@mypacks.net 22932 VA
CJ McCarter chippymc@gmail.com 94541 CA
Ronald Stone e.rcs@sbcglobal.net 94541 CA
Charles White hawkz99white@aol.com 91324 CA
R Roy Johnson rroylois@aol.com 85730 AZ
Karen Berger kareneliseberger@gmail.com 91020 CA
Joanna Stanford Stanfordjoanna@yahoo.com 92260 CA
Virginia Davis eovkey@hotmail.com 23503 VA
Lisa Musa Musadl@aol.com 32766 FL
Gloria Kegeles chromephotos@yahoo.com 01379 MA
There are more natural
ways of discouraging
bugs than using life-
Suzanne Bremmer skb6@cornell.edu 13053 NY threatening pesticides.
Marc Wischkaemper wbfog@suddenlink.net 79424 HI
Kristin Walden kristinnicole1@aol.com 91320 CA
Art Van Kampen nygirls@sbxglobal.net 91104 CA
A. Zamudio akzamudio@yahoo.com 46373 IN
Keith Augusto Koontz.205@hotmail.com 89131 NV
Marc Conrad marcarthur@comcast.net 60613 IL
Ben F. Garcia, Ph.D.-ABD bfgarcia@ecentral.com 80206 CO
Lori Snyder secretfilly@gmail.com 17350 PA
Robyn Nolta robyn.nolta63@gmail.com 95762 CA
David Shore Davidmshore@yahoo.com 10562 NY
Diane Sullivan dianealida@mac.com 98277 WA
Anna Driskill akonzak@aol.com 64068 MO
Karina Oleynikov Madamekarinka@yahoo.com 91406 CA
Linda Fielder malankad@hotmail.com 75006 TX
Pamela Reinking leozzflower@yahoo.com 67203 KS
Michael Wallace mmwfile@hotmail.com 95062 CA
Larry Johnson ljohnson@glenmary.org 37083 TN
Dominick Falzone dominick3@roadrunner.com 90005 CA
Susan Sinkowski Susinkowski@gmail.com 18074 PA
Jane Bunin buninj@hotmail.com 80305 CO
Anna Dayton annalynndayton@yahoo.com 95616 CA
Ingrid Edstrom, FNP, M.Ed ingrid.edstrom@earthlink.net 97404 OR
emily ong eggroll12@gmail.com 78757 TX
Meg Rosenfeld PEARL213@aol.com 94122 CA
Heather Berk hlberk@yahoo.com 92612 CA
Diane Schrack Schrack@econata.com 80126 CO
Elizabeth Stillman phx_chameleon@yahoo.com 85029 AZ

Claire Mortimer, RN, FNP, MSN clairebearcfm@gmail.com 04616 ME

Sandra Shilko sandra_shilko@yahoo.com 64152 MO
Bonnie Chichester bchichester@yahoo.com 30062 GA
brad kalita .com 97624 OR
Roberto Fazio ficaexpo@aol.com 33325 FL
Ramon Trumbull raytrumbull@gmail.com 49505 MI
Sherry Krider phillieswin2004@yahoo.com 19075 PA
Karla Ortiz Truce.Ortiz@yahoo.it 79912 TX
Graham Boffey bofco39@gmail.com 2M2 BC
george floyd georgefloyd@vodamail.co.za 01120 ot
Sherry Cushman oneangel4u11@yahoo.com 78247 TX
Mike Dotson snorlaxmd@yahoo.com 62918 IL
Alicia Monteagudo alymonele@hotmail.com 11800 ID
David Curtis onewildb@yahoo.com 97524 OR
Kim Tran kmt02@yahoo.com 92707 CA
Julie Kramer jekramer@gmail.com 94114 CA
Robert J. Petrusa bobpet.usa@gmail.com 02138 BC
Patricia Stevenson pmsteven@telus.net 3W5 AB
Peter J. Keiser peterjkeiser@yahoo.com 13104 NY
Daniel Klein dlmkn@yahoo.com 11215 NY
Zoe Harris zoehzoeh@yahoo.com 94979 CA
Denise Bunge dbunge@woh.rr.com 45840 OH
pesticides are
permanently harming our
greatest resource-our
children. It is critical to
act immediately and ban
these substances
Terry Forrest terrylforrest@yahoo.com 37620 TN permanently.

Javier Del Valle jdelvalle@dvacommercialre.com 90640 CA

Diana Aylward dianaaylward@mac.com 91367 CA
Jennifer F endeavour105@yahoo.com 84015 UT
Carie Fuller Carie@jakeandcarie.com 55005 MN
O. Ruiz osiel2001@yahoo.com 07013 NJ
Barb Olson barbieolson@yahoo.com 53705 WI
Jerry Dunson jerrydunson@comcast.net 30223 GA
Jean Gillespie jhgmagick@frontier.com 53578 WI
Christine Cerqueda catcaley@ymail.com 01703 ot
Mona Callahan mona194@comcast.net 15317 PA
Deb M dsarnsmcd@yahoo.com 85086 AZ
Rosemary Battaglia fbattaglia8@gmail.com 94945 CA

Will the EPA finally do the

right thing and get these
dangerous presticides off
the market, or will they
continue to dawdle
knowing that they make
people sick and poison
the environment but
make the chemical
Gayle Janzen cgjanzen@comcast.net 98133 WA industry millions.
LynMarie Berntson rlbernt@earthlink.net 55346 MN
Jonathan Memmert jonathanmemmert@aol.com 10027 NY
Sabrina Van-Phanz Sabrina.van@gmail.com 11109 NY
Linda Schoppert lsmamabear@gmail.com 94559 CA
Anda Friedman andikfr@yahoo.com 02139 MA
Patty Bonney pattybonney@hotmail.com 97223 OR
Please stop poisoning
Rosemarie Schmidt roses7@sbcglobal.net 92081 CA us!!!!!
Jennifer Gough jengough246@gmail.com 95628 CA
David Pierson Dtpierson@gmail.com 94510 CA
Willoe Traver willoelove@yahoo.com 55414 MN
Perry Johnson pwj227@comcast.net 60053 IL
Jonathan Mitchell throwaways@yahoo.com 35757 AL
Joseph Rhoades jprhoades1979@hotmail.com 95688 CA
Kay Foster fostera1@juno.com 45013 OH
Edith Isidoro eaim@phonewave.net 89406 NV
Darcy Love biggly1uk2000@hotmail.com 34604 FL
Environmental Protection
Agency- what part of
"Protection" do you not
Carol Fusco earthdiamond4@gmail.com 94708 CA understand?
George Latta ghlatta3@comcast.net 93277 CA
Jeanie Bein drjeanie@comcast.net 80915 CO Fourhundred thousand
tons of pesticides are
sprayed on California soil
each year. Science now
has proof for the first
time with the study done
by Berkeley in
partnership with
farmworkers and their
children, that this
massive amount of
chemicals affect childens
cognitive development
because of drift and
proximity to fields
sprayed. The fields
around elementary
schools are sprayed up to
twenty thousand pounds
of chemicals during
recess with no
notification to the
schools administration.
How can this be allowed?
Please regulate these
chemicals. The farmers
are victims as well
because of the extremely
high prise monetarily yet
Christie Turano clturanorose@gmail.com 93942 CA when it comes to OUR
Rose Marie Beimler beimlerb@aol.com 14043 NY
Geoffrey Doman gdoman4603@aol.com 91405 CA
June Maselbas junebugcares@aol.com 94939 CA
Patricia Nazzaro pasn201@yahoo.com 41091 KY
Antonio Navarro Tnav58@aol.com 93722 CA
Sheila Ward asopao@yahoo.com 00927 PR
Joanna Stiehl js_lemur@yahoo.com 97202 CA
Kayden Burkholder Kaydenburk@gmail.com 80020 HI
Nina Aronoff nlaronoff@gmail.com 02130 MA
toni siegrist tsiegrist12@comcast.net 02116 MA
Harold Watson watsonh1956@gmail.com 65802 MO
dorinda kelley dorindask@gmail.com 97220 OR
Alexandra Tufnell alex@tufnell.net 98021 WA
Donna Davenport donnadav2000@yahoo.com 30033 GA
Beverly Bullock bbullock2000@hotmail.com 10036 NY
Kathy Krol kathykrol@cox.net 89052 NV
Liz Wijk info@lansredovisning.se 68597 NY
Ruwan Salgado rnsalgado@comcast.net 20852 MD
Lisa Hansen orchidnanny@gmail.com 32901 FL
Dave Roehm roehmdl@charter.net 98640 WA
DK Weamer dweamer@kc.rr.com 66203 KS
debra poscharscky debforevers@gmail.com 97233 OR
Barbara Scholl spirit_guide1252@hotmail.com 43130 OH
Angus Macqueen angusm71@gmail.com 04054 ME
Joan Hoeborn hobojoann@yahoo.com 85018 AZ
Anne Eneman aeneman@saol.com 04001
Brenda Hill mrsmrhilltop@aol.com 64034 MO
B. Newman bongobop23@gmail.com 02139 MA
663,000 litres of Foray
48b over west Auckland
2002- 2004 opened my
eyes to the harm even
organic pesticides can
Janita Boulton jjkboulton@gmail.com 00610 do...

I think that pesticides will

be the death of us all,
which makes your job
one of the most
important in the nation.
Please recognize that we
are all connected, and we
are poisoning ourselves
when we use toxic
Carol Nelson calmcats4@comcast.net 94903 CA pesticides and herbicides.
Guadalupe Yanez lupe.yanez49@gmail.com 79938 TX
Jonathan Peter yachtpj@hotmail.com 13905 NY
jennifer McPhee jwallers99@yahoo.com 85282 AZ
Janet Walton jwalton@astound.net 94553 CA
Andrea Tong-Dickson andreatd@comcast.net 94568 CA
M Menendez billmelani@comcast.net 94530 CA
Karol Jiménez karol.jimenezb@yahoo.es 1100
Shelley Strohm sdy@sdy.org 90025 CA
Debra Nix nix@lifeislight.com 96753 HI
James Hipp jrhipp010@gmail.com 98226 WA
Dave Swihart azpacificbrown@yahoo.com 85225 AZ
Sheila Martin missusmoose@lonetree.com 57730 SD

Kaatje Adams kaatjeplanet@gmail.com 5555ab ot

Paul Nasuti paulnasuti@yahoo.com 19130 PA
Kathleen Smaluk-Nix ksmaluknix@bellsouth.net 40214 KY
Gianna de Graaff giannadegraaff@hotmail.nl 11515
Lindy Lincoln Elephin22@wavecable.com 98267 WA
mike gautherat mgauth@lisco.com 52556 IA
Joanne Willis joannew2@verizon.net 76244 TX
Jeff Mattsson jeffmattsson@gmail.com 70117 LA
Donald Leisman dleisman1@yahoo.com 63021 MO
Regina Jentzsch-Lenser Jele15@aol.com 24159
Ellen P Ayalin alaska1896@att.net 60618 IL
stephanie doucette stephanierada@yahoo.com 90720 CA
Janny Hazelaar degans@comcast.net 94117 CA
Elizabeth Conlan lizcon2009@hotmail.com 04740 land
John Kotarski jekot2@msn.com 18944 PA
melanie fisher melanie.fisher@sbcglobal.net 91302 CA
Randi Andersen Randersen39@aol.com 11566 NY
Chandra Woodhouse cdw@telus.net 3H1
Warren Parks mtnboy95338@gmail.com 95338 CA
Donna Milbourne moneypenny@metrocast.net 04073 ME
Lascinda Goetschius lascindag@Yahoo.com 07410 NJ
Nancy Price nancytprice39@gmail.com 95616 CA
Robert Kwiecinski rkwiec7372@gmail.com 08879 NJ
Donna Hanson donnahanson@pullman.com 99163 WA
J. Atwell jenniferandlisa@yahoo.com 91506 CA
Marlen Hdz. marlepotter31@gmail.com 14438 NY
Eva McGilvery lmcgilvery@san.rr.com 92014 CA
Maggie Smithh magsflowers@earthlink.net 95018 CA
Robert Candelmo bobcande@warwick.net 07462 NJ
audrey nichols msgracefla@bellsouth.net 32174 FL
Richard Fish fishrg@yahoo.com 55417 MN
Karen Hewelt et 48051 MI
Jennifer Mannning jennman30@gmail.com 97477 OR
Jamie Kitson jamie.kitson@yahoo.com 98258 WA
Catherine Carlin cathielc1@att.net 44126 OH
barbara sharma barbarasharma@yahoo.com 90029 CA
Anne Elkins rustyanne1@yahoo.com 98221 WA
Alexandra Sale alexandra42@q.com 80501 CO
Francine Dessoy dessoy.francine@gmail.com 04190 DC
Audrey Jin audrey62jin@aol.com 90274 CA
I am concerned about our
massive use of pesticides.
Our children, all
Americans need
Karen Genest karen.genest@gmail.com 98683 WA protection.
Matt Johnson northfalke@gmail.com 98118 WA
Judith Carlson judiecar@comcast.net 55369 MN
Charlene Crudup Charlenecrudup@gmail.com 60559 IL
Laurie Miner minervt@sover.net 05301 VT
Michael Mac Carthy m.mike@mweb.co.za 04285
Marc Gregory mg_arles@yahoo.com 90209 CA
Cheryl Fisher graceelohim@juno.com 97222 OR
Jeffrey Shuben jeffreyshuben@yahoo.com 19114 PA
Mary Lynn Parodi mlwp1@comcast.net 97223 OR
Janae Bailie janaecbailie@gmail.com 86409 AZ
when are we going to
wake up? nothing
matters more than our
health and environment,
everything else is
Kate Sherwood kt3632003@yahoo.com 11561 NY secondary, period.
The science is clear.
pesticides don't belong in
our lives, particularly our
Duncan Baruch c25cle@gmail.com 97219 OR children's lives.
David Brodnax edu 60304 IL
Jennifer Bullock mjbullk@yahoo.com 78749 TX
Nicole Mikals N_vitale@yahoo.com 91320 CA
Natalie Hanson nhanson48@comcast.net 48917 MI
Lisa Merchant llittlelucylou@yahoo.com 27932 NC
Jerry Hansen joyce66@ceturytel.net 54628 WI
Amanda Fisher afisher3151@gmail.com 43026 OH
James I Fraser jifraser@southcom.com.au 07170
elyette weinstein elyette_w@yahoo.com 98501 WA
Marc Rubin marcrubin1@aol.com 08690 NJ
Kimberly Whalen freedom2cruz@hotmail.com 95060 CA
Joyce Hansen jerry521@ceturytel.net 54628 WI
Lynn Merle Rigojancsi@aol.com 08360 NJ
Ken Mauney kennethdmauney@yahoo.com 27703 NC
Lori Lyles loril_48501@yahoo.com 48507 MI
Please do the right thing
by not poisoning the
human race!!! We don't
Siu Kwan Cheng ualsiu@aol.com 90703 CA deserve this! Thank you.
CARL wirz positivity4all@gmail.com 30126 GA
Patricia Hoare patricia_hoare@telkomsa.net 50026 NC
dean esch esch.djesch.dean@gmail.com 89183 NV
Erma Gluck egbgcats@optonline.net 11727 NY
J S snoodledoo@yahoo.com 98072 WA
Kristine Andarmani k_andarmani@yahoo.com 95070 CA
Robert Edwards rle11wb@yahoo.com 18702 PA
Jena Reid jena.hallmark@yahoo.com 92592 CA
Eleanor Kidd o2bakidd@aol.com 91606 CA
James L. Holman HolmanJLGW@gmail.com 60148 IL
Aggie Lukaszewski agski48@gmail.com 94610 CA
kimberly bowman kimbowman06@comcast.net 94947 CA
David Zaccagnino davezackgmac@aol.com 91786 CA
Virginia Nesmith virginianesmith@gmail.com 63121 MO
Mika Godzich mika.godzich@gmail.com 98855 WA
gary bennett GaryeuniceBennett@msn.com 98229 WA
June Jarka rm1000@xtra.co.nz 01060 ot
We are what we eat --
Loretta Dodd lswd.box@gmail.com 30563 GA including poisoned.
Nancy Gathing gathingn@yahoo.com 53714 WI
Denise Trafford trafforddenise@gmail.com 3N6 AB
Gwen Richards ladygwen400@yahoo.com 93101 CA
Abby Hamilton ab40@pacbell.net 95695 CA
Stephen Bartlett-Ré revsbr2@gmail.com 94109 CA
Stuart Nezin stunezin@juno.com 11372 NY
Karen Kaysen kaysen46@comcast.net 46327 IN

Charles and Luz Thompson Chasluz@aol.com 92647 CA

Mark Aflatooni markaflatooni@yahoo.com 78755 TX
Suzanne Marienau suzannemarienau@gmail.com 65721 MO
Walter Goldman walt120@att.net 77057 TX
Bruce Young jobrunn@hawaiiantel.net 96754 HI
sandy vanpelt moodswing40@optimum.net 07728 NJ
Gabriel kirkpatrick g_kirkpatrick@yahoo.com 76207 TX
Charles Ross charlesr@sonic.net 95471 CA

In most cases we do not

need to resort to
chemicals to protect
crops from disease and
insect damage. Chemicals
should be our last resort,
especially neurotoxic
pesticides. It is clear that
these harmful chemicals
should be banned
altogether. Thank you for
listening. Sincerely, Jan
Janet Pappas jpappas60@gmail.com 96701 HI Pappas Aiea, Hawaii
Tracy Kamara tracykamara@comcast.net 97330 OR
Gloria-Jean Berberich Gloj29@hotmail.com 11501 NY
Adam D'Onofrio bigadfromlb@comcast.net 23803 VA
Shauna Pickett-Gordon Shauna0829@hotmail.com 94037 CA
Linda Gazzola xenafan431@aol.com 10465 NY
Christine Popovich kiki.popovich@hotmail.com 02133
Diane M Andrews andrewsdiane@sbcglobal.net 60481 IL
Bryna Fuchslocher brynaf_76@yahoo.com 91360 CA
Bonnie German bgerman054@yahoo.com 48309 MI
Roger Richardson osoyoosguy@yahoo.ca 1V5
Allan Widmeyer arwidmeyer@yahoo.com 97520 OR
Wanda Klimek wanda_k6@yahoo.com 75023 TX
D'Anna Fortunato rosebearer@aol.com 02130 MA
margaret shekell mshekell@sbcglobal.net 90034 CA
Gerri Baer gerribaer@comcast.net 19355 PA
AMY CUSICK amylcusick@yahoo.com 55405 MN
Jeremy Baptist jebaptist@kc.rr.com 66207 KS
Karen Kravcov Malcolm kkmalcolm@msn.com 85262 AZ
S Engel Sengel17@aol.com 77096 TX
Stop allowing
corporations to poison us
Sharon DeMedeiros frufrufancypants56@gmail.com 02747 MA and the planet
Ken Greenwald ken.filmman@gmail.com 90404 CA
Tysu Jung tysuyoga@comcast.net 80439 CO
Lisa Cubeiro lisacubeiro@gmail.com 08050 NJ
John Platt Exlaw94@cox.net 73116 OK
Celeste Bianco gaiaone@sbcglobal.net 95817 CA
Ahmet Elmaci elmaciahmet35@gmail.com 35550 AL
Todd Fisk toddf99@yahoo.com 92131 CA
Carol Stevens animalfreak98037@yahoo.com 98037 WA
Nothing is more
important than our
health. Yet industry's
greed for money seems
to be more powerful than
anything else. This greed
assumes criminal
proportions because it
ends in killing people.
marilyn berkon marbkn@aol.com 11201 NY Stop it.
Gary Thaler 4gary4thaler4@gmail.com 02151 MA
Patricia White mvtile@comcast.net 97321 OR

Tony Cochrane toenee4@shaw.ca v9a5r7 BC

Gavin Bornholtz gbglide@comcast.net 48439 MI
Hartson Doak hartson.doak@gmail.com 96782 HI
P. Feinblatt pepi1655@att.net 91104 CA
Linda Meisinger meisf@embarqmail.com 66030 KS
Paula Allen froggyz49@yahoo.com 83830 ID
Philip Dooley philip.dooley@snet.net 06084 CT
Sonia Alvarez-Oppus sonia@oppusfamily.com 95110 CA
Robert Stop poisoning us and our
&Sharon Hilgenberg bghilgenberg@juno.com 98203 WA earth.
David Neevel lolaatbay@gmail.com 98225 WA
Leonard Chandler len.chandler@usa.net 95116 CA
Bec Massell bec.massell@gmail.com 95404 CA
James Knott ja.knott@hotmail.com 15104 PA
Laurie Schmidt lk6793kl@gmail.com 43515 OH
Bruno Milone bmilone@micron.com 95022
Shari Kelts sharikelts@sbcglobal.net 63122 MO
Jack Hanke jackhanke@comcast.net 01950 MA
Robert Weingart rowbair386@hotmail.com 43065 OH
Kristine Metzner om 97113 OR
yesim sancar yesimsr@gmail.com 34000
Lyn Younger ekcbsnan@yahoo.com 95111 CA
Marian Feldman marianf1158@gmail.com 20878 MD
Catherine Foley cathslne99@aol.com 11790 NY
VERONIQUE VIALA veroviala@hotmail.com 33170 FL
The sooner that crap is
Henry Schwartzman lotechdowndate@gmx.com 14830 NY eliminated the better.
Jerry Spets jerryspets@aol.com 33141 AZ
Joanna Morgan jo@joannamorgan.com 93109 CA CHILDREN.
Marianne Hoffman marianne1127@hotmail.com 98312 WA
Robert Thornhill robertthornhill14@yahoo.com 94551 CA
Nora Davidson tigers@islandnet.com 98311 WA
No plan B when we kill
Janelle Tuero janelletuero@yahoo.com 02573 off this planet
Sandra Woodall lswoodall@gmail.com 78212 TX
Sonja Stone freedomcalling@aol.com 92283 CA

Please start acting to

protect the victims of
these dangerous
pesticides, not the
companies that don't give
a damn who they poison
or how much suffering
and environmental
destruction they cause.
I'm sick of your failure to
Karen Jacques threegables@macnexus.org 95811 CA act.

Patricia Hawkins patricia.hawkins406@gmail.com 59865 MT

Jim Steitz jimsteitz@mac.com 37738 TN
Johan Blockeel johanblockeel@outlook.com 08045
Cynthia Frederick fargosmom1@gmail.com 91104 CA
Michelle Daddy design@ltprinters.co.za 03245
Kathleen Nelson fordcoupe29@yahoo.com 80220 CO
Karen Sharp Karenms@pacbell.net 94805 CA

Piero Zoro astarkas@gmail.com 77088\ TX

Thomas Nelson twnelson@erols.com 19050 PA
Rich Yurman ryurman@newsguy.com 94618 CA
Marion Tidwell marilat@aol.com 46410 IN
Jesse Rusoff blur3737@aol.com 19003 PA
Jodi Guenther jg150891@umconnect.umt.edu 59802 MT
Gretchen Goodman ghoefsg@aol.com 55337 MN
Lauryn Slotnick lauryn.slotnick@gmail.com 11361 NY
Jack Schonewolf jack.schonewolf@gmail.com 10031 NY
Caro Anderson rattlebrat92@yahoo.com 72653 AR
Frank Ackerman ackermanjay@juno.com 94595 CA
Judy Rees judrees@hotmail.com 00000 VT
Kristin Isenberg kristin30@hotmail.com 70115 LA
I have always thought
that is why so many
children have autism and
sa15 why it is such a wide
sue Higgins longskinnycat@aol.cm 5at spectrum .
Jennifer Morski jmorski1@yahoo.com 60452 IL
Kerry Moore kdmoore@toledotel.com 98591 WA
Devaki Holman devaki@hawaiian.net 96714 HI
Shelley Tea steaparty98199@yahoo.com 98118 WA
Leonard Wainstein leonardaok@yahoo.com 98106 WA
David Skolnick motorgoober@yahoo.com 94710 CA
Andrew Costigan andrewcostigan08@gmail.com 02062 MA
Garret Trehy Jr. gmtrehyjr@hotmail.com 29803 SC
Joyce Sortland joysortland@hotmail.com 95945 CA
Tobin Jacobson aaabondpro@yahoo.com 33437 FL
Diana Covington ladyofthelake_9@yahoo.com 98465 WA
guy corvers e 15047 PA

Susang-Talamo Family wpanet@comcast.net 15632 PA

Errol Gunn errolsgunn@gmail.com 00181
Have we forgotten the
research and words of
David Kagan dbkagan@comcast.net 17740 PA Rachel Carson?
Alicia Addeo gmail.com 33702 FL
Ying Chiang yinguae@gmail.com 94598 CA
Erv Amdahl eamdahl@aol.com 85650 AZ
John Seckel johnpseckel@hotmail.com 54153 WI
Sharon Fetter sfetter@earthlink.net 98371 WA
Chloe BARBIER chloe.barbier@talktalk.net 5TY ot
Richard Andrews rich@zeoponix.com 80308 CO
terry clark taclark351@att.net 63034 MO
Kinney Evitt killemall76@hotmail.com 79761 TX
John Seider jseider@stny.rr.com 13820 NY
Veronika Garcia Del Solar vero4112@hotmail.com 76542 TX
Thad D. Solloway Jd scutmotor@hotmail.com 92627 CA
Allison Anderson alliesw@yahoo.com 39305 MS
Daniela Rossi danieladdt@hotmail.com 83210 ID
Michael John Mayo mjmayo72@hotmail.com 13206 NY
Maria Freitas Fiegedefreitas.juim@gmail.com NA
Dennis Faulkner appleimacdude@mac.com 92040 CA
Grace Feldmann morgainele@gmail.com 93105 CA
Steph Glasgow fragmentdesign1@gmail.com 06111 ot
Anne Earhart Alunita1@me.com 92651 CA
Marilyn Markley rhio.gabriel@hawaiiantel.net 96778 HI
Amy Roberts homerjim82@gmail.com 97321 OR
Kathleen Griffy cakgriffy@yahoo.com 91016 CA
Michael Tomczyszyn mtomczyszyn@hotmail.com 94132 CA
Nicholas Rulli ohioboyla@aol.com 90026 CA
Susan Apgar susanapgar9@yahoo.com 91042 CA
Shelley Meals Shelleyandkurt@mac.com 90068 CA
Laura Messbauer lauramessbauer@hotmail.com 98030 WA
Fallon Hume fallonh@gmail.com 07856 OK
Please protect all of us
from neurotoxic
Simone Meeker simone.meeker@gmail.com 92342 CA chemicals.
Sandra Meyer sandram9@comcast.net 61108 IL
teofan tomescu teofanul@gmail.com 310273 ot
Kathleen Kuczynski katski47@cox.net 92630 CA
William wroot wrootsy1@gmail.com 80538 CO
Rebecca Crowder bjcoast@gmail.com 97405 OR
Kim Rouse kimberlyrouse@sbcglobal.net 92103 CA
Amy Klein Thorobred14@msn.com 11793 NY Ban all pesticide's!!!!
Olena Feddorova fedorova.olena@yahoo.com 07441
Julius Anderson jfamkt@hotmail.com 11218 NY
Adrian Shiva adrian.shiva.care2@gmail.com 00000
Jens Hansen jhrose@posteo.de 21224 MD
Mirjan Loriers mirjanloriers@telenet.be 02275
You need to start taking
care of the American
Lorna Paisley lpaisley@sbcglobal.net 91406 CA people
Anneli Blomqvist anneli_blomqvist@ymail.com 12151 NY
Albert and
Marcia Hertz casperlory@yahoo.com 60657 IL
Robert Conner bobbycee55@gmail.com 92342 CA
Jill Hartman Jehart58@aol.com 07458 NJ
Jack Pliskin jcpliskin@aol.com 11217 NY
Ann Murray ann.murray@bbctech.co.za 01685
Cheryl Greene cherylgreene32@gmail.com 60016 IL
Edward Conte stageguy@hotmail.com 89052 NV
Lauren Schiffman crackmagazine@hotmail.com 94530 CA
Carl Sunshine sunshineucsf@yahoo.com 94044 CA
Alison Massa massa_alison@yahoo.com 94947 CA
Maria Beatrice Mori tatis1962@yahoo.it 43123 ot

Andrew Altamirano andrew_altamirano@yahoo.com 90026 CA

Elke Girrbach egirrbach@t-online.de 66583
Marco de la Rosa m 98034 WA
Martha Utz utzmartha@gmail.com 95120 CA
Robert Keevers robert_keevers@hotmail.com 02220
Corrina Parker corrina.parker@gmail.com 04350
Serena Fuschini Cenerellanaples@hotmail.it 80026 ot
Kathy Tonegawa kathytonegawa@gmail.com 97219 OR
A.L. Hern originalthinkr@sbcglobal.net 90049 CA
K Curtis houseofcurtis@netscape.net 92832 CA
Bruce Cook dutchman317@hotmail.com 34234 FL
Bob Senko bobsenko1@aol.com 33155 FL
Cynthia Simpson knw0201@gmail.com 66205 KS
Diane Rowe dianer7@hotmail.com 12345 NY
Elizabeth ODear ekodear@gmail.com 77401 TX
marisa acuna merajones2@yahoo.com 76039 TX
clarence bolin balein@q.com 83702 ID

The chemicals are greatly

affecting ALL living
species especially the
"friendly" insects which
pollinate flowers. There is
more harm exposed
within our OPEN air and
environment from these
K Summerfeldt kt_summerfeldt@yahoo.com 85743 AZ ongoing pesticides.
Tricia Lyn Clemons tlcbodyworks@gci.net 99564 AK
Bonnie Faith-Smith whiteowl1@comcast.net 02139 MA
Melissa &
Steven Lawrence mellovesparis@gmail.com 12140 NY
Sean Stanyer Helen.sean.maysie@gmail.com 03463
Jo Bracanov jolla.doo@hotmail.com 10000 ot
I support this petition as
a family physician and
Jean Naples jeannaples7@gmail.com 10993 NY public health advocate.

kerstin murr schranzprinzessin@hotmail.com 95505 AK

teseo staffilani tesilibeo@hotmail.it 64018 MO
Elke Kloos elkekloos@gmx.net 89195 BW
John Rokas boobalina@yahoo.com 48021 MI
Florence Le Blan florenceleblan@yahoo.fr 07250
andreas vlasiadis avl5787@gmail.com 17778 ot
mike Klauss bigblacksun@hotmail.com 97062 OR
Elliot Mason gamingaddict09@gmail.com 78752 TX
Ruth Sutherland sutherlandruth45@gmail.com 7dB
Jason Bowman xyamuchax@care2.com 95667 CA
Lisa Elsea Joycepug@yahoo.com 92107 CA
Doris Telles tellesdoris@yahoo.com 92561 CA
THEODORE SPACHIDAKIS theo_spachidakis@yahoo.gr 18535
yes it is about time the
system stands up to
these chemical
companies and not ta
take the corruption that
they get paid for to allow
Phillip Westbury squirephill59@gmail.com 32146 TX there dirty deeds
Joshua Sirt joshsirt@gmail.com 60614 IL
Janet Lavis m.au 02478 ot
susan jones ragasusan60@gmail.com 2ST
Christina Burton chmatiya@charter.net 92308 CA

John Woods john.woods5@blueyonder.co.uk 10041 NY

Jeff Engel jeffengelyoga@yahoo.ca 0X8
marina jirotka marina.jirotka@cs.ox.ac.uk 4LU

Silvia Bertano silvia.bertano@comune.torino.it 10129 NY

Alan Haggard quantumcipher@gmail.com 92105 CA
John Zielinski john.r.zielinski@rrd.com 60131 IL
TAO Foundation taofoundation@xs4all.nl 5712CK ot
Sandra Smith 7schipperkes@gmail.com 98122 WA
William Ramsay ozinet1@bigpond.com 02478 MA
Dale Prillaman dprllm@hotmail.com 33021 FL
Kera U just_kera@yahoo.com 91755 CA
Helene Rouyer helenerouyer13@hotmail.fr 57530
Jennifer Cohen jen.cohen@pobox.com 60173 IL
ISABEL CERVERA isabellacer@hotmail.com 28041 NC
nick mclaughlin madlabcap@ymail.com 90250 CA
Tory Ewing torysewing@cox.net 68135 NE
Audrey Mannolini Audreyspuppy@aol.com 92646 CA
Brice Beckham bbeckham@drama34.com 90046 CA
barret flavie kinkenebot@hotmail.fr 75016 0
Kalliopi Grafakou popigraf51@yahoo.gr 19003 PA
Miro Krajnc miromni@gmail.com 02363 ot
Tanja Bigler tanja.bigler@gmx.at 08430
nikki spijkman nspijkman@hotmail.com 06076 WA
Herbert Staniek herbert.staniek@hotmail.com 01060
donna adams donnaadams6778@yahoo.com 2HP MO
Oscar Revilla 43587029@opayq.com 28024 NC
P Armstrong 7fa4484f@opayq.com 00000
The world needs state of
the art Inregrated Pest
Management! All toxic
chemicals must be
banned, NOW! Our Earth
is so poisoned that to add
more is TOTAL
Mary McGaughey marymcgaughey@yaoo.com 97030 OR INSANITY!!
Robert Gabriel doctorob@gmail.com 98506 WA
Emmanuelle Legrand emmaleg@hotmail.com 01471
Gianna Cernuschi gianna.cernuschi@gmail.com 10100
Adrienne De neergaard m 18263 .
Judy Strack jstrack47@gmail.com 53011 WI


c s csoragha@hotmail.com 92107 CA YOUR PEOPLE!!
Daniela Pardo Daniela.pardo@sbcglobal.net 93551 CA
Rax Green mabukkit@gmail.com 8RF ot
C. Harvey charvey111@gmail.com 97702 HI
Tammy Bittler tammers.jammers@gmail.com 97206 OR
S Harrell spottyma@aol.com 80524 CO
Flora Worth floramarie@hawaiiantel.net 96766 HI
Sean Sullivan ogrady60@yahoo.com 61517 IL
GREG D. vgd33@yahoo.com 70001 LA
Tania Llewellyn gastan@talktalk.net 8ne ot
michael sexton mteepee_99@yahoo.com 14715 NY
Michelle Pavcovich ladiabla333@hotmail.com 98125 WA
Mary Will mkwill2010@gmail.com 91786 CA
Vivien Smith smithvivien@yahoo.com.au 25177 WV
Eric Voorhies ericv63@msn.com 96746 HI
Kari Walters kariw310@gmail.com 90272 CA
Lori Pellizzari loripea@sbcglobal.net 92627 CA
judith cohen jctcohen@yahoo.com 98112 WA
Lorraine Elletson elletson@hotmail.com 20012 DC
Phillippa Lusty phillippalusty@hotmail.com 3ND
Katrin Sippel katrin_sippel@yahoo.es 01040
Henrik Dusek henrik.dusek@post.com 41139 KY
Agnes Murray 68agnesm@gmail.com 13850 NY
sharon george swag333@aol.com 92583 CA
Cristina Fiorillo littleflower@blueyonder.co.uk 10128 NY
Veronika Bajwa Kauaimagic@mac.com 96722 HI

Faith Wall fwwall@mcsnet.ca T0A2C2

Richard Fasano chiefieastoria@nyc.rr.com 11101 NY
hilary Griffiths Hilarygriffiths@hotmail.com 60203 IL
Senard Corinne tatiecoco1968276@gmail.com 76300
Elaine Dodge edodgesa@gmail.com 02198
Tony Lentini tlentini@webtv.net 30039 GA
Matthew Ennis mennis8@gmail.com 05404 VT
Martha Spencer spencer_martha@hotmail.com 28712 NC
Vicente Iranzo viranzof@gmail.com 08028 NJ
Marjorie Sovey marjoriesovey@comcast.net 85755 AZ
Laura Orsini Laura1853@aol.com 19520 PA
Anne Jardon screamflickchick@yahoo.com 08867 NJ
James Levitt jimlevitt@igc.org 98105 WA
pam gapper pamgapper@hotmail.co.uk 8ph
jean normandin dereckflint@gmail.com 3m7
mitzi frank mitzif59@yahoo.com 44274 OH
Maureen McCauley maureent40@yahoo.com 78212 TX
Ron K roadroverk@aol.com 16365 PA
Laurel Brewer magickhours@gmail.com 90069 CA
Lynette Belew mbelew@cox.net 85224 AZ
sundriya grubb sundriya@hotmail.com 98168 WA
Miriah Reynolds mlr5037@gmail.com 19508 PA
Julie Gendrier doublejude@yahoo.fr 26740
Carol Eberling caroleberling@snowcrest.net 95926 CA
Jacqueline Rilly jacqueline.rilly@yahoo.fr 74000
Sara Cecoro sasci81@libero.it 41015 KY
LEO G YOUNGER mp1z_b-n@pacbell.net 95841 CA
Mick Robinson mrrobins@msn.com 93455 CA
Gregory Evans greeva_65@yahoo.com 60614 IL
this is 21st cent and
humans have inflicted
ba134d enough damage on our
david thomas d.thomas369@btinternet.com b planet
Robert W McAllister bobmca@centurylink.net 80210 CO
Isabelle Jumaux Locomotoys@gmail.com 77710 TX
It's inhumane for
chemicals to be used in
mass towards Americans.
Whether this is in the
form of agriculture,
clothing, food, bedding,
and home furnishing. It's
shameful that Americas
allowed and promoted
for these toxins to be
used as "safe" towards
people. When I imagine
the people who allowed
for this toxic
environment to exist or
passed these toxins to be
used for consumerist
needs, must of had no
soul or children.
Poisoning Americans is
beyond shameful, it's
sick. All people deserve
to know their resources
are safe, and susitainable
accessed. Big business
needs create new jobs to
obliterate this last wave
of toxic production on
consumer goods and
Erica Brown Shweetiebrown63@aol.com 95249 CA agriculture. If there is any
Graziana Vola grvola@gmail.com 23018 VA
Change your reputation
Jean Grace jean4grace@gmail.com 09077 for a good reputation.

Stephanie Stout marquessademuret@yahoo.com 77057 TX

jennifer.warden1@mpostoffice.c NR19
Jennifer Warden o.uk 1LU
Barbara Rosenthal bbarb9@gmail.com 90066 CA
emanuela sala emanuela.sala@fastwebnet.it 90066 CA
Please protect our
Mel S Stark mels999@comcast.net 60552 IL children
Viola Gary breadlady2@gmail.com 07017 NJ
S. Janet Payne janetpayne@windstream.net 31047 GA
Iris Waters archivistiris@gmail.com 94509 CA
Steven Hernandez stevenhjr@hotmail.com 90802 CA
tia pearson tia.pearson@gmail.com 96786 HI
Paul Moss paul@themailpath.com 55110 MN
Hilke Osika hilke.osika@brevet.nu 14639 ot
Ruth Mizrachi ruthm@bezeqint.net 69125 NE
patty senger sugarbaby2563@cinci.rr.com 45231 OH
melek korel melekkorel@hotmail.com 99999 ot
veronica matteucci veronicamatteucci@yahoo.it 59100
N Beaman nbeaman1@yahoo.com 01077 MA
Sue Jackson sue_jackson@optusnet.com.au 02125 ot
Beth O'Brien beobrien25@gmail.com 14617 NY
zoe michou zojasphere@yahoo.gr 11741 NY
barbara jannicelli barbar6305@aol.com 34606 FL
Ana Costa anacnevescosta@gmail.com 383
jan golick golick@efn.org 97405 OR
Rebecca Meloy Rebecca@rebeccameloy.com 98225 WA
Sara Mauri grigio.gattone@yahoo.com 11238 NY
maria kavvoura vio_maria_lator@yahoo.gr 15342 PA
Anne Bekkers anne_bekkers@hotmail.com 00000 NB
Julie Bond uk N5 2PA ot
Linda Collins Skybluepink5@hotmail.com 33914 FL
anne b ninner1099@hotmail.com 48243 MI
Steven Todd steventdd447@gmail.com 65453 MO
Pat Gellert pnb@alphacomm.net 54540 WI
Luis Tuninetti comunica@eco-sitio.com.ar 05900 ot
Heike Feldmann HeikeFeldmann@gmx.de 94122 CA
Peter Beves pbeves@yahoo.com 01473 MA
Steven Nielsen kcee@pacbell.net 95403 CA
manda hodson reignbeau113@outlook.com st3 6lx ot
Frances Bell Binkie.sanday@gmail.com bp
Mafalda Castro m 41503 KY
Using natural predators is
Madeline Macanka madelinemacanka@yahoo.com 06840 CT a healthier choice
Kandace Eaton fridamaejones@yahoo.com 67214 KS
Julia Broad juliarbroad@aol.com 92804 CA
Ellen Sharkey Ellensharkey@ymail.com 60030 IL
Doris Maha dori14020@yahoo.com 14020 NY
constance stephens grancon2@aol.com 43081 OH
Sarah Hamilton bigguy287@twcny.rr.com 13032 NY
Philip T Johnson pjphilip12@gmail.com 27517 NC
A.L. Steiner asteinerny@gmail.com 12418 NY
Stephen Sheen stephenandlibby@fastmail.fm BP
Annie Wei travel_pet2@hotmail.com 04870 QC
edie molaver edie@molaver.org 06410 CT
Paula Rusterholz paularusterholz@gmail.com 55113 MN
Thomas Hoover thoover@me.com 46037 IN
Aaron Libson aali4919@aol.com 19141 PA

Quitn poisoning our

environment !!!!! How
many times do people
need to tell you all how
dangerous this is!!!!!
Want your grandchildren
Mary Hewth Hawkgt61@aol.com 21705 MD to survive ?
Victor Wittmann wittmann17@verizon.net 07746 NJ
Michael Carney mcarneyv@aol.com 08078 NJ
catherinebrennanssl38@gmail.c D06
Catherine Brennan om HE65
bob Nace robertnace512@gmail.com 94523 CA
Shawn Tays s_tays@hotmail.com 06040 CT
judith van horn judihannaford@gmail.com 32168 FL
Dorothy Sucato dspitt@yahoo.com 15208 PA
jan svendsen jansvende@gmail.com 01665
Tyler Owens SkoomaMonster@gmail.com 56001 MN
Jean Goetinck jfgoet@email.arizona.edu 85746 AZ
Elizabeth Cocker lizinlondon42@yahoo.co.uk 3AQ
Petruta Mureseanu atzurtep@yahoo.co.uk 21253 ot
Phyllis Newbeck phyl@together.net 05465 VT
Gay Williamson gaywilliamson@hotmail.com 45013 OH
Suzanne Gosselin srgosselin@comcast.net 01930 MA
Salome Argyropoulos salomesathyasai@gmail.com 03171 AK
Steven Freise sfreise@hotmail.com 11762 NY
Jane Whiteside janewhiteside@earthlink.net 54769 WI
Leigh Sands kleighsands@gmail.com 21629 MD
Andrea Alexander andidalex@gmail.com 70769 LA
Antonia Vassila tvassila@gmail.com 11522 ot
randy oravec randyoravec@shaw.ca t0k0t0 AB
Ann Mullen annmullen60@gmail.com 04915 ME
Stephen Spaulding spaulding.stephen.j@gmail.com 03049 NH
Kristen Howard jandkhoward0420@gmail.com 49712 MI
Susan Mudrey chessie@juno.com 02038 MA
Faye Littlewood fayesgardn@aol.com 08865 NJ
Debra Moore ilenem_1@yahoo.com 48420 MI
Les Spark les@lesspark.org.uk 0PR
Adrian Smith adsmith57@charter.net 27559 NC
Barbara Thomas Btmamamoonbeam@aol.com 08107 NJ
Rosmari Andersson ros-varg@hotmail.com 54494 WI
julia waller polan@tiscali.co.uk 9LR ot
Monique La Roche monique.la-roche@sky.com 10706 NY
Edie Colon zuma1019@aol.com 33993 NY
Jennifer Jones jennie.jones@gmail.com 97217 OR
Candy Bowman canbowring@yahoo.com 95823 CA
jeffrey thomas jethomas@gru.edu 30904 GA
Joya Newcombe joya@linuxmail.org 1SJ
amy valdez avaldez1113@gmail.com 49091 MI
Hector MacNeil hectorj102@gmail.com 0 NS
dave delson daveiscrazy@hotmail.com 33487 FL
Elizabeth Weldon epd7@hotmail.co.uk 8YS
Judith Winter wwinter@prodigy.net 63025 MO
Rev Gregory Yaroslow gcantory@aol.com 92373 CA
JANICK SANSON janick7@wanadoo.fr 58230 ot
Ayn craciun ayncraciun@gmail.com 92603 CA

Sallie Park wildwindsk@earthlink.net 22901 VA Children, not profits first!

Richard Lamb rlamb2@outlook.com 55422 MN
Susan Dobbelaere susan.dobbelaere@gmail.com 66012 KS
Anna-Marie Soper-O'Rourke amsoper9@hotmail.com 30329 GA
Amy Tajdari a.tajdari@hotmail.com 32224 FL
Cara Kulwicki doublefantasy@gmail.com 14623 NY
bud johnston bud@alliancecom.net 57030 SD
Diane Sparks ds.tx123@hotmail.com 76061 TX
Howard Vlieger studentofthesoil@mtcnet.net51036 IA
Dean Camfferman dean.camfferman@gmail.com 1E9 BC
lynn coffey-edelman lce454@yahoo.com 11746 NY
Chanda Farley Raptured_Night18@Yahoo.com 28716 NC


Dennis Ledden lcs5779@gmail.com 95656 CA
Dia Schumacher mrs.schu@yahoo.com 33756 FL
Audrey, Emma Jarry djfarmsup@comcast.net 12570 NY
David M modeler762@aol.com 34286 FL
Brian Spako brian.spako@sni.org 14779 NY
Joanie B bronmacm@aol.com 02445 MA
Doris Verkamp Vad11_11@yahoo.com 61920 IL
Richard Heinlein muhwase@yahoo.com 53179 WI
ray derrickson rderrickson98@gmail.com 27604 NC
Aida Williams Aidawellington@gmail.com 14905 NY
Kelly Everhart Kellydelight3@yahoo.com 27370 NC
Arlete Anderson inkpanther@msn.com 89041 NV
Oliveira Souza de 28300-
Gilay Azevedo gilay-@hotmail.com 000 CA
Susan Pederson susanhhpederson@gmail.com 11101 NY
Richard Han richan@umich.edu 48103 MI
Brian Kelly Bkelly1976@hotmail.com 19044 PA
Tiffany Witmer t_witmer@yahoo.com 06902 CT
Patricia Rodriguez rogp2001@yahoo.com.mx 14420 NY
Rob Stonecipher rstone71@icloud.com 97205 OR
Janet Cavallo squirrelbuddy@aol.com 19018 PA

Bev Watson bevandchris@talktalk.net tq33na

Edith Borie e.borie@ieee.org 12561 NY
robert seiple seiple2000@yahoo.com 19023 PA
Tim Phillips tim.m.phillips@gmail.com 55407 MN
Iris Weaver rootsheal@juno.com 01984 MA
Colleen Beck Msbeck6067@aol.com 94596 CA
Lynn Thelen thelenly55@hotmail.com 48879 MI
Yvonne Pratt mindandbody@optonline.net 11772 NY
Elizabeth Boise hdhobo@hotmail.com 13460 NY
Jon Graham theleme@comcast.net 05767 VT
Deanne O'Donnell hottdeanne@hotmail.com 15627 PA
Melissa Hochstetler hochstmj@hotmail.com 55416 MN
Maja Klapsic maja.klapsic@yahoo.com 00000
Michael McGrath om 58203 ND
David González Quesada davidgq@hotmail.es 08032 NJ
Cathy Rayner crayner72@gmail.com 1
Joseph Lampka buflam52@hotmail.com 32003 FL
kitt troncone kitt_troncone@yahoo.com 07506 NJ
Paula Dugin paula.dugin@gmail.com ###### VA
M. Lou Orr youandmekid@comcast.net 98155 WA
Eva Novotny en@en.eclipse.co.uk 3NG ot
Ban these pesticides and
1018 leave a legacy for the
Kerry Fowler kerry_fowler@yahoo.co.uk ZC 0 future generations.
Joyce O'Rourke Joyceor@yahoo.com 10471 NY

We must stop using

pesticides before all the
people have cancer/other
health issues, and all our
bees and butterfies are
gone. When that happens
humans will soon be
Barbara Washburn Ggary61@msn.com 97302 OR gone also!
Bob Renshaw Jr bobrenshawjr@hotmail.com 48174 MI
leisha monet leishafm62@hotmail.com 70819 LA
Louise Bikoff lrbikoff@gmail.com 11746 NY
we must save the would
david campbell campbelldavid61@hotmail.com 47460 IN for are kids
Wojciech Rowinski grawojro@charter.net 01027 MA
ravenel bennett ravenelbennett@gmail.com 03581 NH
Cindy Shoaf cindshoaf@yahoo.com 28146 NC
Merle Dockendorff merleddc@yahoo.com 52556 IA
Melissa Whitaker Mjswhit@gmail.com 44303 OH
Steffen Schwarz steffensmailbox@gmail.com 97999
Kathy Coffman Kathymerry45@gmail.com 85739 AZ
Kathy Smith kittkatt2074@yahoo.com 72472 AR
Lynda Johnston johnston_lynda@ymail.com 47630 IN
Kelsey Sampson kelsey.sampson@gmail.com 01522 MA
john thomas jrtbird1@yahoo.com 33955 FL
Dan Lawlor windsongfl@gmail.com 3
Randy Diner randydiner50@gmail.com 87123 NM
Jane Rhodus jrhodus0546@sbcglobal.net 63021 MO
Brian Boettcher bboettcher@madisonwater.org 53703 WI
Paula Boardman pbboardman@yahoo.com 70437 LA
Michael Russell m.p.russell26@gmail.com 08807 NJ
Ogden Mitchell Aponic@m0m0.org 19139 PA
Paula Bushkoff webquit@aol.com 08540 NJ
joyce heyn louheyn@aol.com 92064 CA
paola stella stella_paola@libero.it 36100
Michael Mattson rohanmarley@hotmail.com 58075 ND
Leslie Yolen Leslie.yolen@nysed.gov 12234 NY
Angela Esslinger angieesslinger@hotmail.com 67211 KS
Amy Kubin akubin@tampabay.rr.com 34691 FL
Joseph Klein djoesefk@gmail.com 94510 CA
linda boyce lb28jerrry@gmail.com cb12nf REALLY
Rita Thomas ritakthomas@yahoo.com 76107 TX
Anne Rutten anne.rutten@skynet.be 01325
Marguerite White candyshop54@hotmail.co.uk T ot sign and share
Per Almgren per.almgren@soceng.se 60369
Angelika Leissl aleissl@hotmail.com 10538 NY
Joey Poundstone japoundstone@yahoo.com 22903 VA
Irma de Vries gemdevries@hotmail.com 48683
C. Kasey omni_girl@hotmail.com 23116 VA
Laura Muñoz lauraandreamz@gmail.com 11121 AK
Fuller Caton diddlysquizzot@live.com 27537 NC
Paul HOCHBERG devinah@aol.com 34135 FL
Stephen Farmer spfarmer@roadrunner.com 45662 OH
Jai Bourgerie Jai.n.bourgerie@gmail.com 21231 MD
Tuule Ingel tuueingel@gmail.com 74116 ot
ann/stan sprayregen/sperber asprayregen@aol.com 19933 NY
Tabitha McQuade tabithamurphy11@yahoo.com 11971 NY
Pamela Boger pamboger@hotmail.com 45133 OH
Suzanne Bores Heartcoach@sbcglobal.net 06611 CT
I see no ethical reason for
these toxic chemicals to
Antoinette Ten Brink toni10b@yahoo.com 48043 MI even exist!
Bayrex Matos bayrexmc@gmail.com 00927 PR
Marion Bienemann-Vogel BulldogNero@aol.com 95691 CA
Ellen Madarasz luvthgirls@gmail.com 19380 PA
wanda louise fwanda@cox.net 92625 CA
Detlef Mix mixlef@yahoo.de 79837 TX
George Bourlotos mcgb50@hotmail.com 07950 NJ


MR-MRS R ODOM rgo33062@comcast.net 33062 FL IS CORRUPT
wendy fears wendyfears@gmail.com 92604 CA
lynne george george.lynne@gmail.com 92660 CA
Robert Knauber jr silverruns@aol.com 14225 NY
susan patrone susan.patrone@yahoo.com 19147 PA
Eric Vanacore vanacore.eric@hotmail.fr 94130 NY
Robert Sargent rsargent116@comcast.net 03079 NH
Terri Knauber teri2736@aol.com 14225 NY
Susan Mullins mullsr@comcast.net 07003 NJ
nancy badura nancav39@hotmail.com 69337 NE
ai a ailinchooi@gmail.com 50000
George Pate Drgeorgepate@aim.com 75766 TX
Lori Fallace lorifallace@verizon.net 92649 CA
ai a Leroy@gmail.com 50000
ai a Nicolelee@gmail.com 50000
ai a tiffanylee@gmail.com 50000
Irene Lloyd dlloyd1@comcast.net 32211 FL
Richard Alloway rmalloway@comcast.net 19154 PA
Aliyah Ramdin aliyah_lee@hotmail.com 00000 NY
David Stewart lildstew@live.com 03868 NH
Virjeana Brown jbrown89531@live.com 59714 MT
Claudia Joseph permie@earthlink.net 11215 NY
Dawn ODonnell dmarie@nycap.rr.com 12833 NY
Environmental Action Now mossville4ej@yahoo.com 70669 LA
Katalin Kónya-Jakus jakuskatalin@gmail.com 676é
Kerri Piazza kpiazza@charter.net 54603 WI
jimi hammerly hammerly2003@yahoo.com 68137 NE
carla karel timkarel@comcast.net 49418 MI
Michael Sackin mjs@leicester.ac.uk 2EG ot
William Knauber Bigknobs6@aol.com 14225 NY
arthur kummer arthur22@gmx.de 13353 NY
Debra Gleason misshuganah@gmail.com 60634 IL
Mark inda mark_inda@me.com 33572 FL
Vincent DiTizio m 10312 NY
Kristina Fedorov kmfedorov@aol.com 12116 NY
Kimberly Jensen kimberlychristines@yahoo.com 89139 NV
Mark McClune mmsteelers@gmail.com 15129 PA
Kristine Moy kmoy819@gmail.com 48230 MI
Maria Allan Mandieallen13@yahoo.com 29615 SC Let's do this!
mark lotito mrbad80@hotmail.com 11530 NY
Raymond Britton arunacala@btinternet.com 2DY
Quinn Eurich Quinn@QuinnEurich.com 06109 CT
Kelly Frisby ksfrisby@hotmail.com 80538 CO
Will Sloan waveworksllc@gmail.com 03429 FL
Dorothy Jordan dorriewolf@earthlink.net 98264 WA
Misti Kane mkane@pitt.edu 15209 PA
Sarah Johnson sohj@mindspring.com 10009 NY
Ellen Domke domkone@yahoo.com 60660 IL
Susanne Rowell susannerowell@orange.fr 22350 VA
Maggie Hawk arizonaroma@gmail.com 98257 AZ
allison alberts aaalberts@hotmail.com 18054 PA
Kamilah Gilbert sourpink.apples@yahoo.com 07522 NJ
Kathy Alter kninemom@twcny.rr.com 13409 NY
Danamarie Izzo daizzo@msn.com 60542 IL
Leland Long lee.lplong@gmail.com 80206 CO
Lynne Atherton-Dat lynneadat@aol.com 22204 VA
Bastian Thomas room_21@t-online.de 89231
Orchid Ra raorchid@gmail.com 28461 NC
Travis Israels l tisraels@hotmail.com 51301 IA
Michael Freeman csd64@yahoo.com 45236 OH
Tove Hassel tove_hassel@hotmail.com 05122
MaryLee Hicks maryleeot@yahoo.com 78744 TX

Linda Forsythe lindajforsythe@gmail.com V5C5Z4

It is truly frightening to
think of the future of our
earth if we are poisoning
our children so that they
are born with mental
deficiencies or other
chronic problems. Who
will look after the next
generation? The use of
harmful chemicals in
agriculture as well as for
pest control in general
has increased so much
during my lifetime. It was
not so much of a concern
when I was young but
usage began to rise when
my children were teens. I
personally have
developed multiple
chemical sensitivities and
have been increasingly
isolated because of this
condition. I worry for the
health of my children and
Brenda Storey brendastorey5@gmail.com N4Z1E7 their children's health.
Catherine Badgley cbadgley@umich.edu 48118 MI
Roger Little rolitt1@aol.com 33710 FL
I know, monoclonal
agribusiness will not like
H. Suzanne M. Elliott suzkeywest10@yahoo.com 32317 FL this. Sorry.
Elizabeth Ramsey Katyblue@cal.net 95616 CA
James Chambo jmchambo@bellsouth.net 27516 NC
Patrick Jordan patrickjordan@att.net 07302 NJ
Carl ink Austin craustin37@yahoo.com 95633 CA
Mary Helen King maryhelen.k@comcast.net 30071 GA
K J Abc@hotmail.com 85251 CA
Phyllis Brault phybrault@aol.com 14450 NY
Michael Stella michael-stella@comcast.net 33040 FL
Gwen Young cookiecop17@yahoo.com 01468 MA
JUDITH MURRAY JAM6860@hotmail.com 61753 IL
Laura Ricci laura817@live.com 11209 NY
Klaus Rupprecht kwr@nefkom.net 90469
Kiku Dong Kikuye18@yahoo.com 94588 CA
Sean King kingfarm555@gmail.com 21842 MD
Ellen Blackmore ellenblackmore@hotmail.com 80306 CO
JL Charrier jcharrier21@gmail.com 55391 MN
William Drake sirwilly7@yahoo.com 44133 OH
Tina Barger tina.barger@navistar.com 60181 IL
Michael Norden nordy@bright.net 43512 OH
Llew Taylor future_worlds@live.com 16115 PA
Gulnara Yunusova gulnara.yun@gmail.com 140003
The dumbing down of
America shouldn't be
blamed on teachers. Not
only Fox News either. It is
the lead and the 80,000
or so chemicals in our
environment that are
causing us to be less
smart, to give us cancers
and auto immune
diseases, and to make
this country become
more violent, to give
children cancers and
Shirley Rice scr@empacc.net 14818 NY ADHD.
Karen Elsohn Kelsohn@yahoo.com 08215 NJ
caroline oliveira caroline.r.oliveira@gmail.com 08540 NJ
Myra Silver myrarachael@yahoo.com 37660 TN
Beth Ehle Bethers707@gmail.com 30041 GA
Marilyn Duerbeck Mduer71704@aol.com 85020 AZ
C Furlan cfurlan123@yahoo.com 60440 IL
virginia pepper vstine@hotmail.com 01938 MA
Babette Bruton bbruton3@yahoo.com 33707 FL
Decency and Compassion
for our earth and all the
beings who call earth
their home. Search your
soul and do what is
Jane Bonkoski jbnbonkoski@comcast.net 08069 NJ humane.
lenore Greenberg lenoreg@nyc.rr.com 11201 NY
Kristi Collins collins.kristi@gmail.com 76012 TX
Susan Ullum susiebell7600@yahoo.com 44647 OH
Adrienne Brietzke brietzke1817@att.net 72116 AR
leslie smith tangelt@live.com 78666 TX
Adarsh Ayyar adarsh_ayyar@hotmail.com 85253 AZ
Katrin Buettner amun-ana-me@web.de 63755 ot
Immaculate Wesley mackiewesley@gmail.com 81101 CO
Jennifer Spiecker jennyfar8@aim.com 08753 NJ
Catherine Jones catej@comcast.net 03801 NH
Manny H. trgt_lvl@yahoo.com 33414 FL
Carol J. Painter, Ph.D. cpainter1@twcny.rr.com 14850 NY
Connie Hicks send2connie@gmail.com 65810 MO
Brad Jarvis bjarvis324@yahoo.com 86426 AZ
makebelievecollective@gmail.co NG2
Daniel Silburn m 2GA
matthew genaze aquarover@hotmail.com 02139 MA
Randal James rj62856@yahoo.com 43910 OH
Research indicates the
harm is widespread
including cancer and the
Brooks mitchell brooksmitchell744@gmail.com 33694 FL death of bees.
Bert Phillips ebertp@hotmail.com 19403 PA
Garry Taroli gtaroli@rjglaw.com 18711 PA
Mary Timmons-Babcock mtbnj@sharontc.net 52235 IA
Thomas Bain tbain117@yahoo.com 14580 NY
Marianne Tornatore mat5504@yahoo.com 92672 CA
"After years of delay",
perhaps the Republican
candidates are right to
suggest the elimination of
agencies that can't or
won't do the work they
are charged to do.
Corporate profit should
NOT be a consideration in
any decision made by the
Tom Sloan Sloantj@yahoo.com 12986 NY EPA.
Alicia Guevara aliciaguevara2015@gmail.com 00000
christine tendle tine@ineye.com 55113 MN
Tobias Vargrim tobias.at.paws@gmail.com 87501 NM
matthew snowden snowden.matt@gmail.com 96796 HI
Joanna Ward joannaw39@hotmail.com 31216 GA
Sarah Dorwin sallydorwin@comcast.net 47401 IN
stephanie silva ssilva52913@gmail.com 02726 MA
Tytti Oittinen tytti.oittinen@kolumbus.fi 00930 PR
Thomas Friedrich t.a.friedrich@gmail.com 03307 NH
Stephanie Hill Alexander salexand@ivytech.edu 47374 IN
On behalf of lymphoma
survivors and those who
have lost loved ones to
blood cancer, less is more
when it comes to
pesticides and herbicides.
We need less harmful
chemicals and
consequently, less blood
Michelle Paterson m.paterson@ymail.com 92656 CA cancer.
michael walters com 02000 ot
Chad Fuqua Fuqua24@gmail.com 77080 TX
Penelope Williams saiwillpen@att.net 32955 FL
Carson Rector Jr. ccr4nd@msn.com 23060 VA
Debra Beck dbeck@fontenelleforest.org 68005 NE
Maria Schiller schillermaria@yahoo.co.uk 00000
Kimball Cutler kkcutler@yahoo.com 21206 MD
Marlene Wulf mlwulfie@gmail.com 30577 GA
Carol Miller carolh1030@aol.com 48108 MI
Jim Petkiewicz peckos@me.com 95125 CA
Valerie Ralston varalston@gmail.com 95346 CA

Lori Kisling lorikisling@baldwin-telecom.net 54016 WI

Margaret T.M. Petkiewicz margarita.p830@gmail.com 95125 CA
John Rusterholz john.rusterholz@att.net 55113 MN

William Dilcox o.ranger@yahoo.ca T0A0T0 AB

Peter Lee peterboothlee@hotmail.com 94118 CA
barbara achey jimandbobbi@live.com 18470 PA
Charlotta Heurlin charlotta.h@tele2.se 21427
Cheri Fleming jrtsrule@gmail.com 98272 WA
Ed Misicka edmisicka@netscape.net 32818 FL
Sharon Cook sharon054@centurytel.net 72076 AR
Anna Davis Davisa386@aol.com 70470 LA
Alyssa Steinberger alyssasteinberger@gmail.com 80301 CO
Melissa Hopkins gizzypeach@gmail.com 20732 MD
Jeff LaFlamme jlaflamme2002@comcast.net 87508 NM
Pablo Llobera paulloberaserra@gmail.com 28021 ot
Gina Badalaty ginabad@gmail.com 18062 PA
Kait Reisner reisner.kait@gmail.com 87111 NM
Steven Kostis steventhechipmunk@mac.com 10001 NY
Susan Crenshaw crennybs@gmai.com 27530 NC
Kay Hall m 25252 WV
Janet Hoover janwhovar@aol.com 92845 CA
John Davies john.davies@foe.co.uk 00000
Deborah DeSimone deblav53@aol.com 28078 NC
Joy Torrenga tomjoycricket@yahoo.com 48823 MI
Catherine Galietti cathygalietti@aol.com 34102 FL
Faith Ullrich f.ullrich@axonpatent.com 04147
walter lewis barbnleon@q.com 99208 WA
Theresa Flinck tflinck@yahoo.com 56301 MN
JANELL Smith jsmi777@frontiernet.net 62074 IL
mary ellen weiner maryellenweiner@aol.com 00000 CT
It is time that we accept
only responsible and
sustainable practices
agriculturally and
Vicki Phillips Vickimphillips@gmail.com 38947 MS environmentally.
Helen Smith Helengsmith3@gmail.com 49071 MI
Susan Humphress om 40206 KY
Joyce Csatlos Joyce.csatlos@yahoo.com 16509 PA
Marilyn Siddiqi cs1713@sbcglobal.net 60626 IL
John Concannon bashes54077@mypacks.net 01940 MA
Randy Ragon ragonr@hotmail.com 60641 IL
Scott Hamilton idotherock@yahoo.com 96003 CA
Brenda Seals bcseals@msn.com 34668 FL
Dawn Picard d.picard@comcast.net 46350 IN
Paul Rickard primodem@live.com 12065 NY
val Kerry vkerry@live.co.uk P ot Pesticides are wrong ?
Nona Backer cleocatra25n@msn.com 12533 NY
Richard Bello richardbelloart@gmail.com 33127 FL
R PALM yersubconscious@hotmail.com 78620 TX
Mary Rose McCrate mmccrate@cppsdayton.org 45416 OH
Instead of allowing
chemicals to be freely
introduced into the
environment, it is time to
require that their safety
be established over years
of testing instead of the
present uncontrolled
experiment on innocent
people, especially our
Judith Abel mohawkwoman2@ymail.com 66054 KS children.
Sandra Uribe viajera.uribe18@gmail.com 78249 TX
What is the point of
Nancy Hiestand nancya0624@aol.com 95616 CA harming our children?
Norbert Langer njl3@aol.com 07035 NJ
cenie cafarelli mollyclelia@aol.com 14534 NY
john scahill johnpatrickscahill@yahoo.com 15203 PA
Sharon Narushoff sleen44@hotmail.com 17331 PA
bosma norma normajeanbosma@gmail.com 52101 IA
Please save our children
Jerri Patton jerriowen@gmail.com 91384 CA and ban these.
Cathy Bassett catvsearth@gmail.com 97266 OR
Katie Stansell sarokee@hotmail.com 98102 WA
Martha Strother gogreen7@yahoo.com 72204 AR
Lynn Cleary Lynn.cleary@att.net 83333 ID
Alexandra Schulz avila@gmx.li 53757 NRW
sheila connolly sjc13699@yahoo.com 60007 IL
sia c melankoly_597@yahoo.com 03000
Our water is getting
contaminated with those
pesticides and it is
Wally Nass Wallyandlois@yahoo.com 53094 WI effecting our children.
Susan Calvin scat49@comcast.net 47304 IN
Charles Alexander ch_a_alex@hotmail.com 21093 MD
Oliver Lu oliverlu70@gmail.com 17601 PA
Linda Wallace linwallace@comcast.net 60430 IL
So much damage to
health has already been
done. It's imperative for
foods to be free of
dangerous, health-
robbing pesticides to
contaminate foods and
affect of our future
generations and destroy
their inherent potential
by having serious health
Shirley Rubin shirub12@comcast.net 08022 NJ issues.
Sara Paoluzzi daiaki@libero.it 33077 FL
Jinx Hydeman jh.creativeecho@hotmail.com 92679 CA
Randy Nies rnies99@earthlink.net 55408 MN
Dr Deborah Rinzler psnuski@rcn.com 10023 NY
Montie VanNostrand montie@mountain.net 26222 WV
Thomas Avery tomak66@aol.com 40299 KY
Jody Schulman Kids.mail0601@gmail.com 21075 MD
jo wiest gojojorn@gmail.com 33770 FL
Rosa Salazar Joplin7bodhi@gmail.com 53219 WI
camelia Mitu cooldoberman@yahoo.com 00000 IL
Karlene Dancingwolf kdancingwolf@yahoo.com 80026 CO
Sue Stengel sstengel@mdch.com 80465 CO
Dorothy Poppe dotpoppe@bellsouth.net 40241 KY
taylor belshaw AutumnMists@live.com 75287 TX
LISA HEY heylisahey@hotmail.com 06098 CT
Elizabeth Seltzer ees91@earthlink.net 19015 PA
Peggie Jo Vincent vincent1tl@netscape.net 85745 AZ
lynne stokes lynnestokes39@yahoo.co.uk 5px
Pamela Kersting pamela.kersting@gmail.com 60440 IL
Gill Simpson gillsimp@mweb.co.za 06670
Clifford Phillips cliff119@gmail.com 01360 MA
Rebecca Dixon Rebkatdixon@gmail.com 80550 CO
June Maselli 0070june@att.net 06512 CT
Kevin Sayegh kasayegh@aol.com 89141 NV
Teri Bollweg uktabteri@msn.com 11561 NY
Sandra Lee sandyraelee@comcast.net 01966 MA
michael chase mchase1@bellsouth.net 32207 FL
Alicia Guevara om 00000
Angie Mackey asarrault@hotmail.com 80123 CO
Sr. Sue Kilduski skilduski@osbchicago.org 60645 IL
Lexi Loch Lloch@europharmausa.com 54301 WI
Kevin Campbell kevman371@comcast.net 60605 IL
mike robinson pinetreemike@aol.com 97405 OR
C Reilly curl219@aol.com 12020 NY
Fred Lavy fred-cheryl@msn.com 22802 VA
Tiffany Hayden thayden28@gmail.com 85029 AZ
Mary Price pricegirl3@cimtel.net 74020 OK
Lisa Canning Rosehead852@gmail.com 92126 CA
Daniel Jacobs danjacobs@swbell.net 63074 MO
Jamie Hieronimus mommiejamie@gmail.com 95664 CA
Joanna Stalker stalker1607@aol.com 33063 FL
Ronald Stone ronaldstone7@msn.com 60657 IL
Dana Bordegaray dbordegaray@att.net 93430 CA
George Sindeband greenchef12@gmail.com 24558 VA
Sarah Deumling sdeumling@gmail.com 97371 OR
David J. Wilson djw1ls0n@sbcglobal.net 48111 MI
Jeffrey Anne Jones jjones11749@aol.com 91423 CA
Gloria Aguirre Jujuglo25@aol.com 91384 CA

Prevention of illness
caused by this group of
pesticides will save many
of our children and their
families from having to
deal with the effects of
these pesticides on their
development and their
Carole Plourde witching9green@yahoo.com 01913 MA lives.
Vicky Moraiti vicky.morab@yahoo.gr 12242 NY
Stephanie Diestelkamp diestelkamps@gmail.com 63368 MO
Patricia Freewoman Trishtreats@aol.com 42124 KY
Kenton Lindley ken_kc_959@yahoo.com 77381 TX
Elizabeth Anderson libby@painterhill.com 18801 PA
Katherine Johnson katherinejohnson1@cox.net 93110 CA
Gita Barbezat gita_barbezat@yahoo.com 01609
Amy Greer gotardbk@gmail.com 11238 NY
Paula Colby paulawog17@hotmail.com 92084 CA
Jean Forward jforward@anthro.umass.edu 01379 MA
ann schnaidt ann.schnaidt@frontrange.edu 80524 CO
Dan Wicht wicht_dan@yahoo.com 55432 MN
This is important. Do the
Vicki Earls Violettsun@aol.com 32766 FL right thing.
Stephen Bauser stephen-b@sbcglobal.net 60605 IL
Mlou Christ Mnortie@yahoo.com 92801 WA
Mike Fluck mfluck@freedommedical.com 19530 PA
LaRue Sloan Laruesloan@gmail.com 71270 LA
Julie Stull Julie.stull@yahoo.com 23435 VA
Beverly Branaman bbranaman@nc.rr.com 27539 NC
Organic agriculture
renders these type of
pesticides pointless,
because organic plants
are more robust, have
better immune systems,
thus don't even need
crap like this to thrive.
These destructive useless
chem companies can't go
bankrupt fast enough for
Justin Folts justin@giantfriday.com 01050 MA my liking.
Mirtha Cole lyzcole@yahoo.com 34953 FL
Daniel Shively shively@iup.edu 15601 PA
Roberta Stedfield rstedfield@aol.com 89502 NV
Laurie Sudol merlin520122@hotmail.com 86324 AZ
Patty Navarrete j-pnavarrete@cybermesa.com 87571 NM
Nancy Hauer Nancy@Rookhouse.org 55110 MN
Annick Somerville annicksom@hotmail.com 91300
tony moore lm_stokes67@yahoo.co.uk 5px
Mike McGilaway mmcgilaway@yahoo.com 63119 MO
Jeff Garner jeff@ququ2.net 98227 WA
Judy Atterholt jatterholt@comcast.net 94041 CA
Debra Zamudio debra2489@comcast.net 77502 TX
Chip Phillips cphillips5@earthlink.net 90065 CA
Midge Tuley midge.tuley@yahoo.com 41143 KY
Jeri DiPietro ofstone@aol.com 96756 CA
Ben Sulzberger 680463sul@ames.k12.ia.us 50010 IA
Bob Ramlow artha@wi-net.com 54406 WI
Stewart Smythe stu99smythe@gmail.com 84532 UT
Stuart Allison stuartkallison@gmail.com 9SQ
Sarah Anthony Irishpenn29@yahoo.com 48033 MI
Robyn DeVoist rcdvlove@gmail.com 14612 NY
Tiffany Newton tifster23@hotmail.com 55442 MN
Don't use a chemical until
it is proven safe for
John Gomolka johng13579@msn.com 44212 OH humans.
Dawn Mason mason_dawn@comcast.net 17901 PA
Mary Ann Kirby,R.N. Kirbytimj@aol.com 15238 PA
Michelle Carter michelle@carterfries.com 94110 CA
sue parsell sneboysk@umich.edu 48108 MI
Barbara Porter bobbip37912@live.com 37912 TN
Dave Renaud Sledhauler1@gmail.com 21703 MD
Marsha Lowry Ms.Marsha-V-L@Pacbell.Net 94803 CA
shirley s wart53@hotmail.com 37853 TN
Gail Lucidi Gelucidi@gmail.com 11709 NY
TA Adams tomalxsgt6@gmail.com 89060 NV
Debbie Aide kestralaide@yahoo.ca 2H1 ON
felisa hitchcock felisa2134@yahoo.com 94110 CA
Douglas Lass dabigdoodah@yahoo.com 52742 IA
Susan VanMeter wolfmoon@citlink.net 25434 WV
Judy Goldman jgolsdca@aol.com 92127 CA
Jeff Richardson jeffrichardson@juno.com 91387 CA
laura prav lauraprav@hotmail.it 33100 ot

Leslie Slack Pacificveggie@gmail.com V4k2j4

Tom Schock tschock1@hotmail.com 44070 OH
We have left industry to
'self regulate' far too
long! Chemicals need to
be tested for safety
Terry Dailey terrylaos@yahoo.com 58103 ND BEFORE release.
Lora Schwartzberg watr3colr@yahoo.com 10590 NY
andy tomsky atomsky@yahoo.com 92079 CA
Tabatha Sieracki tabbyday@wowway.com 48089 MI
Sherry Lewis sllnmhi@gmail.com 87594 NM
Susanne Murray firetopaz100@yahoo.com 99223 WA
Nazarius Cavan sportscalendar@hotmail.com 10016 NY
Bettina Freelund dbfreelund@comcast.net 02632 MA

Spencer Berglund spencerberglund750@gmail.com 53214 WI

Cheri Clark Sunbow@peak.org 97333 OK
Tom Massey t_l_massey@hotmail.com 57701 SD
Joan Jordan tangledbramble@gmail.com UU
Sofie Løve Forsberg sofie.loeve@gmail.com 00000 MN
Michael Weaver mikeweaverabq@msn.com 87104 NM
Nadya Tichman nadyatichman@gmail.com 94602 CA
Margaret O'Connor joconnorssnd@yahoo.com 56001 MN
John Eckler j.eckler@hotmail.com 80226 CO
Kathryn Wells krobats@hotmail.co.uk 9AH
Ed Kowalski racejunkie29@aol.com 60415 IL
Maureen Stephenson l.com 95222 CA
valentina arbab valarbab@gmail.com 92037 CA
Brenda Korte bkorte@dor.ca.gov 95821 CA
Janet Lyon webmaster@3sisters.org 59807 MT
Laura Dame damelaura04@yahoo.com 12983 NY
Karen Bravo ironmatron@comcast.net 60068 IL
Ara Call annemarieandara@aol.com 95121 CA
Roger McQuown rogermcquown@juno.com 33813 FL
Stephen Baker swbunjardinier@gmail.com 87144 NM
Angelika Engels ottilie10@web.de 60435 ot
Robert Buckner bbuckner1@verizon.net 91024 CA
Men and their greed are
basically destroying this
Lee Pesce pesce@phy.syr.edu 13244 NY planet!!!
Evelyn Gomez evelyn.gomez@ujc.org 08534 NJ
Diane Arnal diane_arnal@msn.com 84790 UT
michele b mlb935935@aol.com 08210 NJ
LouRene Fitzsimmons yevoc7da@gmail.com 96122 CA
Diane Nowak dianemnowak@msn.com 86324 AZ
Bettina Bowers bettinaatwaldens@aol.com 37216 TN
Marta Calleja jlbiggs@att.net 70115 LA
Pamela Martin lookup1959@yahoo.com 49010 MI
Veronica Bourassa rorlowske@gmail.com 37332 TN
Jeeannine Mendrola Mendrola@yahoo.com 19008 PA
Jeremy Hance jlhance@gmail.com 55103 MN
That something has yet
to be done to prohibit
known dangerous
pesticides in an effort to
protect our children and
environment can only
mean that one hand is
washing the other and it's
a "win-win" for both
sides, while the rest of us
pay a high price for this
Lee Johnson LeePunkyJ@aol.com 60940 IL wanton negligence.
rhonda lawford rhondalawford@hotmail.com 60474 IL
Henry Murillo murilloph@koppert.com 32714 FL
jane Lanzoni catloverjl@yahoo.com 02360 MA
Please, please take this
requested action under
Heike Rockhold heiker@roadrunner.com 93003 CA consideration.
Ban all pesticides! Ban all
Herbicides! Poisoning
mother earth results in
poorer health for every
jim lawrence warbler13@wildmail.com 97814 OR living thing!
Sonya Myers sonyamyersdvm@yahoo.com 32960 FL
Lawrence Crowley magic@ecentral.com 80027 CO
Cheryl Karmia ckarmia@gmail.com 60634 IL
Y. Pena jacobs06y@yahoo.com 59937 MT
Diane Chatigny dchatign@northshore.edu 01950 MA
Olin and Diane Bray odbray@msn.com 80228 CO
Melissa Mulvihill m 44236 OH
Frieda Dragif hwdrealty@aol.com 33021 FL
Michael Sarabia shakydog808@sbcglobal.net 95207 CA
Robert Stell roberto.stell.d@gmail.com 91748 CA
Barbara Norton bdnorton@comcast.net 94588 CA
There is no distinction
between a country that
uses its military to poison
its citizens and one who's
government works comp-
licitly with agribusiness to
poison its citizens.
Methods and motive
notwithstanding, the
Alan Wall alakingpin@yahoo.com 55906 MN results are the same.
I have suffered with a
limited life for years
because of reactions to
chemical exposure; from
what are considered
more mild things such as
personal care and
laundry products and
especially pesticides,
herbicides, etc. Please do
the right thing to protect
us and ban these poisons.
Protect life and our Earth.
Mary S. Kloss msk655@infonline.net 16150 PA Thank you.
Ingrid Alpha m 47933 IN
Betsy Wilson Betsy_travel@yahoo.com 92673 CA
Janet Martinez janetm77@bellsouth.net 33134 FL
Gary Toms vantuylsearch@yahoo.com 64055 MO
Carol Poleno cpoleno@yahoo.com 16105 PA
jamie topp j2new2002@yahoo.com 92110 CA
Patricia Eves patriciaeves1@hotmail.com 78412 TX

Rebecca Canright rebeccagroovypeace@gmail.com 08802 NJ

Fred & Sara Krauthamer sarakr@dslextreme.com 91754 CA
Joan Peckham jcpeckham2@aol.com 94089 CA
Richard Smythe Dick.smythe@yahoo.com 54234 WI
Deborah Crump-Doyle dkcrump@aol.com 63031 MO
Susan McMullen slmcm57@gmail.com 91945 CA

We wonder why so many

of our kids are born with
these behavior
disabilities, theres
evidence that exposure
to chemicals in the womb
and infancy can cause
diseases like
schizophrenia in
adulthood, ADD, ADHD,
Autism, learning
disabilities, psychological
Kyle Bracken kylebracken@yahoo.com 90066 CA problems etc.
Chester E Atkins II rancorii@suddenlink.net 95503 CA
Diana Law dianalaw@hotmail.com 98198 WA
Johnny Appleseed ebboroch@yahoo.com 19002 PA
Tina Bailey caloosa1928@gmail.com 33905 FL
Dan Faucher danf03@hotmail.com g1j5k7 QC
Linda Jadach lindajad@aol.com 08812 NJ
Marilyn Lorenz lorenz_marilyn@yahoo.com 48801 MI
Daniel Hutka danielhutka@centrum.cz 79376 ot
Eric Wiggin Ericwiggin14@hotmail.com 92114 CA
Billita Jacobsen foxpathorg@aol.com 60110 IL
Harriet Parsons parsonsharriet@att.net 48103 MI
Kim Nero Kimonic@knac.com 92627 CA
Julie O'Shea juliemoshea@gmail.com 11050 NY
Jesse Ritrovato jesse24.ritrovato@gmail.com 19382 PA
Jon Hager stormcrow60@xmission.com 84065 UT
please use your good
tamara best throughbareeyes@yahoo.com 34237 FL conscious mind***
Megan Tunstall megazen22@yahoo.co.uk 5DG
Gregory Pais paisnd@yahoo.com 80466 CO
nancy simon nesimon@aol.com 93101 CA
Lillemor Dahlgren rallymor@hotmail.com 90626 ot

Admin McCarthy - Harm

cannot be undone.
Children look to adults
for protection. My wife
and I sacrificed our
retirement and our home
to rescue an neglected
and abused grandchild. If
we (adults collectively)
are not willing to stand
up to the forces of greed
in order to protect the
most vulnerable among
us, then we are derelict
in our duties. I am an
honors graduate of
Harvard, Yale, and
Georgetown. My wife is
equally educated. A child
is worth more than
personal wealth and
advancement -- they are
entrusted to us. Do your
duty to future
Tobias Meeker tobiasmeeker@gmail.com 92342 CA generations.
Katherine Babiak kmbnyc@aol.com 20677 MD
John Walker rsjow@aol.com 20677 MD
Kimberly Bouchard-Shapiro shapiro@dlne.us 06422 CT

Gretchen Nassar gretchen@foodsforyoursoul.com 80521 CO

william snyder eandbsnyder@cox.net 92057 CA
Sharon Head head.james@wildblue.net 63020 MO
Jeannine Gorman poisonousrabbit@hotmail.com 12052 NY
Danielle Miele danirond@hotmail.com 01845 MA
jay lazerwitz geno@artandarch.net 98115 WA
Gayle Pfaucht gpfaucht@sjm.com 91042 CA
Jotham Acuff JothamAcuff@hotmail.com 45107 OH
Katherine Mendenhall kate.mendenhall@gmail.com 51360 IA
Sarah Jordan sair.foltz@gmail.com 55371 MN
John Tucholski stratcat@eisw.net 48658 MI
Laurel Hughes ljhughes22@gmail.com 98026 WA
Rick Garrett Rickgarrett@live.com 98122 WA
Valerie Allison eirelavttocs@gmail.com 9SQ
Carmen Grech Cgb4433@yahoo.com 49220 MI
Zoe Strassfield Zpstrass@bu.edu 11976 NY
Sue D. Torreyson sdt937@gmail.com 94523 CA
kay ahaus kayahaus@yahoo.com 62293 IL
Claudia Stahl cstahl760@gmail.com 80026 CO
Bonnie Kirkwood clarebonne@yahoo.com 83864 ID
Barry Edw Silverman III stelring1010@aol.com 95945 CA
Lorraine Barrie lbarrie@mac.com 96753 HI
Gina Geiler rcglr@twcny.rr.com 13208 NY
Parker Brown-Nesbit pbnesbit@gmail.com 29483 SC
As a former teacher, this
Patricia Orlinski bikerpat@mindspring.com 85351 AZ is very important to me.
Kira Reoutt kiwiroot2000@yahoo.com 94708 CA
Leslie Steele dovewhiteraven@yahoo.com 95240 CA
Beth Stanberry rdtrtle@gmail.com 28802 NC
Susan Dimmock susandimmock@frontier.com 06067 CT
Kathleen Eaton sce9590@verizon.net 19709 DE
Gary Hull realcheap60@yahoo.com 84405 UT
Stacy Tang stacy440@me.com 96701 HI
Tom Nulty Jr tnultyjr@yahoo.com 92629 CA
Karen Naifeh karenaifeh@sbcglobal.net 94402 CA
It doesn't take a diploma
to know you shouldn't
drink bleach, or ingest
fertilizer. What are you
Leslie Kerr scotland_station@yahoo.com 82516 WY waiting for?
Alek Hyra 886426@gmail.com 22152 VA
Wally Bubelis wbubelis@gmail.com 98136 WA
Antonella Nielsen antonellanielsen@hotmail.com 02400 ot
Melissa Peters mb.peters@comcast.net 23238 VA
vance arquilla vancetango@yahoo.com 90066 CA
Vanna Pichel swpvcp@aol.com 94952 CA
cynthia murphy cindy19601@cox.net 32503 FL
Pesticides have no place
Tanya Pierce bobokitty123@comcast.net 32736 FL in our environment!!!
Nancy Woodwell-Freedman nancywoodwell@aol.com 06482 CT
Evelyn Haas oldleft@hotmail.com 19152 PA

In fact, there would be

much less need to rely on
these dangerous
chemical products if
proven best management
practices were endorsed
and recommended by the
Harold Voege halvoege@yahoo.com 95470 CA EPA.
Gerry Cunningham convergence@usa.com 92545 CA
Martha Izzo marthalovesoso@gmail.com 80439 CO
rc dutra rdutra@nhusd.k12.ca.us 94587 CA
s richards 2argyle2@gmail.com 01880 MA
Lauren Jennings ljashlee@yahoo.com 95219 CA
Mr. and Mrs.
Dan A. Gates dgates12@juno.com 92708 CA
Laura Lugo screativos@imaac.com.mx 20342
Linda Pluschke Lindapluschke@gmail.com 65010 MO
Jennifer Hodges Jenhodges92@gmail.com 75023 TX
We need to stop
pretending that toxic
chemicals can be used
once and counted on to
disappear harmlessy from
Mary Hecker maryahecker@aol.com 28731 NC the environment.
Claude Robert Ldruide@hotmail.com 00000 QC
Dave Nuetzel Davenuetzel@hotmail.com 99835 AK
Erika Wanenmacher ewanenmacher@gmail.com 87505 NM
Delene Hanson delenehanson@sbcglobal.net 53130 WI
Jane Lucas-Robinson jalucas143@hotmail.com 49046 MI
Mary Hatcher hatcherm@ameritech.net 44121 OH
Janie Martinez jgfm1969@att.net 77429 TX
Annita Halladay aandmnana@windstream.net 73095 OK
Donna Su donnasu85@gmail.com 70433 LA
Joseph Daraio joedotdar@comcast.net 33467 FL
Robert Miller zyor2010@hotmail.com 59105 MT
Mary Fraser mizmerrymac@yahoo.com 94941 CA
Tina Tine' tina.m.tine@gmail.com 37919 TN
Carol Taylor ctaylor@ewu.edu 99223 WA
Linda Waine lmwaine@comcast.net 02780 MA
Jason Ziemba jasonpziemba@gmail.com 60607 IL
Daniel Giesy dpgiesy@netscape.net 23508 VA
karen gruber mail4ufromme@icloud.com 89156 NV
Antoinette Daab 4evermimi@centurylink.net 33914 FL
Stanley McDonald, Jr. stanmm@verizon.neet 01770 MA
John Ota johnota@sbcglobal.net 94501 CA
Mrs. Sharon Lorenz sharonlorenz78@comcast.net 60555 IL
James McVey mcvey@colorado.edu 80466 CO
Kirsten Sadler Freddylucy@nyc.rr.com 10024 NY
Cynthia Andre Bullcreek65721@gmail.com 65721 MO
Ann Stickel snoopae@earthlink.net 49090 MI
Paula Ivey Henry piveyhenry@gmail.com 02467 MA
Juanita Hull utahkittymom@yahoo.com 84405 UT
The existence of the
human race is what is at
Peggy Salas oha122050@hotmail.com 49056 MI stake.
Russell Green greenruss@hotmail.com 60604 IL
Miriam Green mgreenchicago@gmail.com 60604 IL
Sara Salas salas.s@gmail.com 49056 IL
Cheryl Dare cmdare38401@yahoo.com 38104 TN
LINDA BRANT linda.brant@hotmail.co.uk 1HY
Gary Arnold garhead1st@hotmail.com 74075 OK
Neville Bruce ninepence@hotmail.com 00000
Lucille Friscia Lucillefriscia@verizon.net 10305 NY
Dianne Richardson yoyoda67@hotmail.com 02660 MA
Nancy DiNovo ndinovo@shaw.ca 2h3
Kim Waldrep Kwaldrep@HOTmail.com 97386 OR
Henry Schlinger hschling@hankschlinger.com 91201 CA
Ellaine Lurie Janicki simkal@att.net 06516 CT
Susan Strelec susanstrelec@gmail.com 02130 MA

Kathy Harrop kathleenmayharrop@gmail.com dj3 3lu

Joe Faris drschwa@gmail.com 90405 CA
jennifer Bradford jennac@rocketmail.com 91977 CA
Ron S 2cougar2@att.net 93446 CA
Carey Weeks carey_1959@yahoo.com 93422 CA
Lisa Gordon LisaGordon@iusd.org 92782 CA
Harriet Jernquist hjernquist@yahoo.com 07041 NJ

Joyce Ligthart djoidjoi@hotmail.com 1086XZ ot

Kathleen Shabi shathorpe@aol.com 32137 FL
Paul Homeyer phomey1@gmail.com 78724 TX
Logan Hylton om 77597 TX
Dolly Marshall Dolly4bats@me.com 97477 OR
Litsa Katsarou li.katsarou7@gmail.com 12242 NY
Rev. Phoenix Hawelu-Hills phoenixfireeye@yahoo.com 14222 NY
dan bench danbench25@gmail.com 80304 CO
David Speakman kspurplesage@gmail.com 66046 KS
Margaret Walker magwalker50@hotmail.com 40004 KY
Andrew Coyle drudynjnh@yahoo.com 07605 NJ

This may directly affect

me and my family, but I
have no way of knowing
which pesticides are
being sprayed on the
fields less than a mile
from my house. I'm the
mother of 3, the
youngest of whom is still
an infant. I'm deeply
concerned about the use
of these pesticides
because of their potential
detrimental neurological
effects on my children.
Most importantly, we
need to take a proactive
stance by discontinuing
use of these pesticides,
with the studies in mind,
until long-term,
combination use studies
Colleen Chapman Collardgreen@gmail.com 96791 HI can be performed.
Mark M Giese m.mk@att.net 53403 WI
Alaina Schwartz alaina.schwartz7@gmail.com 12075 NY
As a physician, I know
there is a lot of data
looking at these
pesticides, and it must be
Margaret Sowerwine lalamusic130@aol.com 27804 NC looked at.
laura divenere ldinteriors@me.com 90014 CA
Carol Patton carol.patton@comcast.net 94708 CA
Richard Mell `4peterson69@gmail.com 89005 NV
David Hubert davehubert@gmail.com 95472 CA
Leslie Brunett lbrunett@charter.net 96002 CA
Debby Strauss debby.strauss@yahoo.com 53221 WI
roland d'amour theputridexistence@gmail.com k2h6t7
michael bertrams michael_bertrams@yahoo.com 95817 CA
Jaime Blasingim j.blasingim@yahoo.com 43605 OH
Heather Benac Hbenac1219@yahoo.com 49006 MI
Judy Walker judyw976@hotmail.com 01845 MA
Maureen Hicks mhicks928@yahoo.com 48888 MI
James Willsey jwillsey@chartercare.org 02864 RI
Peter Haroutian anush1@msn.com 01602 MA
Pam Griffin griffin.pamela.s@gmail.com 93012 CA
Derinda Nilsson derindanilsson@hotmail.com 13502 NY
Gloria La Fleur bab631@msn.com 48125 MI
If it is harmful to our
children, we must all
T4C work for the good and
Harlend Brisdon hbpresence@gmail.com 1K3 stop the insanity.
Kristine Holasek Keh@hawaii.rr.com 96822 HI
Elizabeth Lewis-Cracknell liz@lewiscracknell.plus.com 3DW
Karen Ross mmtwinkid@aol.com 07869 NJ
Gregory Freeman ashcreekgreg@yahoo.com 85625 AZ
Carter Neal Cartercamden@live.com 78756 TX
Todd Ihrig toddling67@hotmail.com 40214 KY
Marcella Hammond shyviola@gmail.com 53711 WI
Kelly Riley khanlon74@yahoo.com 19440 PA
Larraine Roulston larraine.roulston@gmail.com 1Z0
S.A. Lambertson salwow@aol.com 32778 FL

Toxic chemicals shouldn't

Ernest Montoro montoroe43123@yahoo.com 44134 OH be in our environment.
Anna Steinhart anna.steinhart@providence.org 97056 OR
nathalie chatain chatain.nathalie35@hotmail.fr 22500
Gretchen Clay clay488@gmail.com 98225 WA
Joan Gussow jeg30@tc.columbia.edu 10968 NY

The contamination of our

world frightens anyone
who is not a science
denier or otherwise in
the tank for big chemical
Steven Horneffer shorneffer@me.com 80108 CO companies/profiteers.
G. Cruz Binky42204@yahoo.com 23188 VA
Erik Booth ekbooth@yahoo.com 49938 MI
Cindy Terrell gemcat539@aol.com 31543 GA
Patricia Vincent Patriciavincent@tds.net 05669 VT
Kimberly Frey mikyerf@comcast.net 19707 DE
Debby Cash tyrchaos@yahoo.co.uk 6LP
Nina Noble ninalouisenoble@yahoo.com 92024 CA
Robin Rigoli rulikeminded2@yahoo.com 93117 OR
marjorie King mbetsyking@gmail.com 85350 AZ
Cybele Wolf twostones9@yahoo.com 95073 CA
Jason Hann jbhann@gmail.com 98073 WA
Karen Toran karent846@gmail.com 94121 CA
Daniel Brant dnlbrant@gmail.com 98368 WA
Mitchell Cholewa Philovance@hotmail.com 54636 WI
Ozell Murray ozellm1@miamidade.gov 33313 FL
Loraine Ferrara lferrara340@hotmail.com 02184 MA
Michael Callaway mikeinupland@hotmail.com 91786 CA
Ronald Garnet samson1961@verizon.net 10468 NY
Susan Davis soozendavis@yahoo.com 11730 NY
Eileen Thompson eileenmctom@yahoo.com 98245 WA
Tracey Kleber Tracey.Kleber@gmail.com 90049 CA
David Councilman MD david.councilman@hcmed.org 55408 MN

Don Ross Ecodonross@care2.com K0K2P0

Dorothy Neff neffd99@yahoo.com 48618 MI
Christian major Christianmajor@hotmail.com g9t2r9
Lara Wright, MD lara.wright@sonic.net 94706 CA
Dolores Cohenour doloresviola@yahoo.com 92106 CA
francine ledbetter francinel@sonic.net 97317 OR
Heather Ross m K0K2P0
Louis Asher lbashernow@iphouse.com 55127 MN
James Keeley jkeeley36@earthlink.net 98662 WA
Paula Myles paulamyles49@yahoo.com 02645 MA
Patrick Bonner pkbonner@earthlink.net 90280 CA
Sherry E sherrye1@mac.com 98801 WA
Stewart Hinze StuHinze@mac.com 43615 OH
Eileen Roberts dragonflydaisy@gmail.com 12302 NY
Madeline Seveland bansc002@umn.edu 55345 MN
Daniel Valente dvalente107@yahoo.com 11501 NY
Thomas Libbey thomas_Libbey@hotmail.com 98122 WA
Alexander Gaya alexgaya@me.com 94303 CA
angela House ahouse811@att.net 45432 OH
Ana Teresa Monteiro m.anateresa@gmail.com 04490
Jaime Grimwood jaime_909@hotmail.com 85015 AZ
Joseph Rosta joseph_rosta@yahoo.com 11215 NY
Daniel Rowen panna@bofis.net 11226 NY
Eleanor Bowen egbowen@aol.com 92058 CA
We already have enough
petrochemicals, mining
and food processing
waste, etc., in our water
and soil. Please do
something about this
Michael Berndt mberndt@excite.com 47401 IN ecological catastrophe.
marcos velez marcosv1948@gmail.com 92021 CA
Joseph Dominick jjjgain4@aol.com 06825 CT
Otto Peter otto.peter@ggaweb.ch 8123
jack Paulson samshine@q.com 80227 CO
For 25 years I was Chief,
Agricultural and
Environmental Sciences
at the Smithsonian Inst.,
at the Smithsonian
Science Information
Exchange. This was a
national governmental
database on the
collection and analysis of
On-Going, Un-Published
Research at all Federal
and State supported
levels. I was initially hired
because of my collegiate
and professional
experience with
pesticides, with an initial
introduction to early IBM
computers. In this
capacity I was familiar
with the dangers of
pesticides, their uses and
dangers, -- in spite of the
claims made by the
chemical companies. I
strongly recommend your
immediate attention and
action to controlling
Bill Carlson mefarmboy@myfairpoint.net 04079 ME these dangers with

Elizabeth Grammenou posercat@yahoo.gr 174 55

Tayira Mora Black tachi_mora@yahoo.com 02100
Karissa Silver Ksilver47@hotmail.com 20015 DC
Mary Johannsen moonrubytuesday@yahoo.com 55411 MN
Brad Baier zythral@sbcglobal.net 92832 CA
Jan Stewart stewartjr_5@hotmail.com 98155 WA
Theresa H Deery thdeery@gmail.com 33706 FL
Dimitris Dallis healarioum@zoho.com 00000 WI
Ellen Jarrar ecourtney49@yahoo.com 47125 IN
Jane Macdonald jhmdesignworks@sympatico.ca 1E7
Kathleen Burke kathleen_kmb@hotmail.com 85258 AZ
Do you not have a moral
compass to tell you how
wrong this is? Please,
leave the politics out of it
and stand up for all God's
Diane Helt Diane471@Cox.net 74135 OK children. Thank you.
John Limbach vutava@gmail.com 53703 WI
Michael Barany mb54dec@epix.net 18944 PA
Pamela Cramer pamelasbgb@yahoo.com 44711 OH
Barbara Richters barbara.richters@yahoo.com 92590 CA
Dorothy Lynn Brooks amberitha@hotmail.com 76013 TX
Larry Olson olsonskinner@aol.com 55417 MN
Michael Cozad zadrad21@yahoo.com 98446 WA

Monika Martin monika_martin84@hotmail.com 90732 CA

RICH STRASSBERG rstrassberg23@gmail.com 7002 CA
A. McDonald carrol@npgcable.com 86336 AZ
J Deem mjandeem@gmail.com 94941 CA
William Fast wkirkfast@gmail.com 66070 KS
Bill Rakowski e080c5@yahoo.com 21213 MD

These chemicals are

causing too many
illnesses that are UN-
necessary and can be
Prevented. Please do
your part in erradicating
them from our
Eileen Weilbacher erdsigns@optonline.net 11778 NY environment. Thank you.
Mike Nypaver mn351607@ohio.edu 44093 OH
Elvis Cayford e.elvis@sbcglobal.net 76380 TX
Sherry Knoppers sknopper@gmail.com 49345 MI
Timothy Dunn timdunn@optonline.net 11702 NY
Sybille Crafts longviewdressage@gmail.com 02539 MA
Bruce Alden Bruce.Alden@att.net 49024 MI
Sabina Ubell jedantz2@sbcglobal.net 94608 CA
Lisa Krausz lisalkrausz@comcast.net 94920 CA
This is important to me,
Therese MacKenzie terrishcj@aol.com 60626 IL and I always vote.
Kaji Kirupanithy skajanthini@gmail.com 9 ON
Ingrid Boehl cat_rescue@hotmail.com 07840 NJ
Arthur Delgadillo ferro56@ca.rr.com 90715 CA
Janice VrMeer katevrmeer@hotmail.com 86336 AZ
licia crawford licia.crawford@park.edu 66204 KS
Adair DeLamater adairdelamater@gmail.com 04530 ME It is past time to do this.
Leslie Cirigliano fireangel@comcast.net 84015 UT
Tracy Marotta tracyrocks@gmail.com 11214 NY
Susan Mitchell sue.yorkie@gmail.com 55024 MN
S Rodack jasparmom@aol.com 10003 NY
Peggy Evans maevans@twlakes.net 38506 TN
Austin McDougal Austin.mcdougal55@gmail.com 80304 CO
Madalena Dixon madalena.dixon@yahoo.com 85122 AZ
J. Moreira jaydiam@cox.net 02806 RI
kimberly rosa krosa@igc.org 93444 CA
Ann Adams annieadams99@gmail.com 06517 CT
mary turcotte maryturcotte7@gmail.com 30102 GA
Melinda Lundgren freeatree@yahoo.com 95062 CA
Walter E Reed wereed01@att.net 93225 CA
Mike McLean calvino80@gmail.com 36862 AL
Mesha Wright Meshawright@hotmail.com 28203 NC
susan russell suerussell@cantal-gite.co.uk 15210 PA
Jen Richmond Jennern@sonic.net 96721 HI
Richard Hendricks rh_ii2003@yahoo.com 14580 NY
Catherine Gould Drcg_cnc@sbcglobal.net 93022 CA
Kathleen Loughlin kathy917@optonline.net 11706 NY
Stacy Lupori Ayeayebear@yahoo.com 75228 TX
Charles Froelich frodaddy125@yahoo.com 28806 NC
Ruth Litton ruth.litton@comcast.net 02664 MA
Carrie Brummette texascarrie@msn.com 84098 UT
Marie Pierre Boucherat fr 03600 ot
Azia Singh aziasingh@hotmail.co.uk 00000 ot
Linda Johnson lj1015@charter.net 28803 NC
Francisco Diaz mariposa34@sbcglobal.net 94804 CA
GINA BILWIN ginmonbil@gmail.com 93463 CA
Jennifer Berman jenbermandiaz@gmail.com 33141 PA
Julia Morgan juliam@ecovillage.ithaca.ny.us 14850 NY
Debbie Neimark neimark@sbcglobal.net 60659 IL
Lawrence Logue lawrencescott2@yahoo.com 32505 FL
Jamie Heath wheelerja10@students.ecu.edu 27834 NC
Douglas Maccomb dmaccomb@live.com 97051 OR
Julie Clayman claymanjulie@yahoo.com 44023 OH
Having been diagnosed
with a "neurological
disorder of unknown
etiology" that has left me
disabled, this issue is of
tremendous concern to
me. My doctor told me
that so many more
neurological conditions
are cropping up
nowadays that don't fit
into the usual categories,
and they attribute them
to "environmental
causes" but don't know
how to treat them. Scary
Martha Atkinson marcieatkinson@hotmail.com 99181 WA stuff!
Maryline BLANCHARD maryb28@hotmail.fr 31490
Charles Alexander malex_52@dslextreme.com 92376 CA
Cinzia Caporali cici4ever@hotmail.it 20051 DC
Amanda Evans amandaruthevans@gmail.com 95350 CA
Aaron Smucker adk01@hampshire.edu 10040 NY
Cornelia Shearer keelabear@q.com 98092 WA
Shannon Catt cattshannon@yahoo.com 97007 OR
Delinke Freed delinke@sonic.net 94928 CA
Now that you know the
ramifications of using
these pesticides, it would
be criminal for you not to
ban them. Do the right
thing; protect all of the
barb sommerfeld crittermaker@charter.net 53705 WI people.
Sherrill Futrell safutrell@ucdavis.edu 95618 CA Protect us, Gina!
Robert Bridy r.bridy@comcast.net 19083 PA
Ellen Stern estern@mi.rr.com 48335 MI
John Nowak diver0013@yahoo.com 92704 CA
Anna Baier anna_facee@hotmail.com 90638 CA
Stephen Lum steve.lum.brampton@gmail.com 1P7 ON
Beth Stanton bms_avenues@yahoo.com 37814 TN
Douglas p dougjpeterson@hotmail.com 60085 IL
Tia Ha Pandabluu@gmail.com 95124 CA
Antonella Zuppini lellannabis@hotmail.it 25125 WV
Grace Golata ggolata@sbcglobal.net 53215 WI
Frederick Cliver fcliver@gmail.com 90815 CA
Jeffrey Vesci jeffreyvesci@gmail.com 96815 HI
Julia Hustad julia.hustad@jefferson.edu 19444 PA
Anna Nichols annaruth3@yahoo.com 90278 CA
Jacob Werker jacobwerker@gmail.com 1C8
Terry Friedman terry.belnay@gmail.com 07645 NJ
joan fabiani joanfabiani@icloud.com 15243 PA
Jennifer Gleeson Jsgleeson@yahoo.com 21227 MD
Diana Ricci diana@realoaxaca.com 93277 CA
Jim Dixon jedxonx3@cox.net 24018 VA
jackie swift swiftlyme@yahoo.com 14850 NY
mandi t formandi@care2.com 94022 CA
Alejandra Morales mexicana0608@yahoo.com 96734 HI
Florie Rothenberg frothenberg@comcast.net 98126 WA
claire morgan carley_bluemel@hotmail.com 85142 AZ
Rhonda Fishman fishman_rhonda@yahoo.com 02460 MA
Chris Calabrese glickfix1@yahoo.com 06488 CT
Cheryl Petrone sassaquin@gmail.com 01742 MA
Thomas Bean Lilleyb22@yahoo.com 32909 FL
Craig Antrim ckantrim@pacbell.net 90731 CA
Brooks Obr brooks-obr@uiowa.edu 52241 IA
These chemicals cause
my son and I severe
asthma. Stop killing us
Julie Wilson julesawilson@hotmail.com 02832 ot please?
Susan Schlessinger schlessingers@bellsouth.net 34953 FL
Dr. M.G, Carbone mgc77@comcast.net 22207 VA
Robyn Stone robfork@yahoo.com 95032 CA
Mark Hallett mahallett@gmail.com 47408 IN
J Anderson jadaar@gmail.com 84660 UT
Jim Stuart santajim6969@gmail.com 52141 IA
Cathy Smith stortion@aol.com 7NH
Catherine Carnes catherine.carnes@gmail.com 92311 CA
karen howard howard.k.newton@gmail.com 98230 WA
Ken Wolf kandswolf@frontier.com 97224 OR
Patricia Brooks pdb879@yahoo.com 77074 TX
Elisse De Sio elissedesio@yahoo.com 94404 CA
Patricia Lasek daisyl376@gmail.com 13304 NY
Doris Wibmer boristiger@aol.com 86157
Patricia McDonald patmcdonald@cfl.rr.com 32792 FL
Susan Pelakh magratgar1ick@yahoo.com 32931 FL
Shannan Johnson Shannanj44@yahoo.com 34744 FL

Stephen Miller starshipvixen@hotmail.com 54220 WI Food shouldn't be poison.

Georgia Braithwaite georgiabraithwaite@yahoo.com 86326 AZ

Lydia Levinson levinsonlr@gmail.com 48202 MI
Michelle Sewald masewald@yahoo.com 80202 CO
Nancy Orons nancy_810@yahoo.com 15090 PA
Lori Ryales Esperanza_hoy@yahoo.com 19422 PA
Joseph Seliga seliga1@optonline.net 08690 NJ
Jean Ames sundaralyn@yahoo.com 22630 VA
Kendra Klein kleinkec@yahoo.com 94703 CA
Jill Frandsen Majikflowers@mac.com 93109 CA
vicki rammel vrammel@yahoo.com 43044 OH
Paul Perkal pperkal@yahoo.com 55422 MN
K Hieber kymba29@hotmail.com 03054 NH
Susan Mann susan.mann@yahoo.com 83702 ID
Nancy White net 99216 WA
The planet and ALL its
inhabitants deserve to be
Laura McGowan lmcgowan50@aol.com 77041 TX free of these killers.
Emily Taylor emily.r.taylor@gmail.com 90034 CA
There have to be better
James Degen Dre241@juno.com 34470 FL choices!
Chris Wright cahippie1@yahoo.com 91351 CA
Morgan MacConaugha-Snyder theosophy369@yahoo.com 99507 AK
Christine Anderson chris@lafmore.com 94549 CA
Robin Kearney rgkearney@yahoo.com 92604 CA
Mary Nevins mfngrmere@aol.com 19010 PA
Franca Marchese francameotti@gmail.com 20125
Let's get real and keep
pesticides away from
people, bees, water and
Rand Case randcase@yahoo.com 96756 HI earth.
protect our future
ELLEN KARPINSKI ellen@uniserve.com 81623 CO generations
jacki masar jackimasar@gmail.com 37932 TN
scott finamore finamors@gmail.com 34433 FL
Barbara Greenwood m 94596 CA
Linda Ferrandino lindayoga1@gmail.com 34637 FL
Katherine Gorell kgorell@gmail.com 97086 FL
Audrey Collins birdwomanak@gmail.com 97624 OR
Karen Vincent krnvincent@yahoo.com 98233 WA
Dana Perls dperls@foe.org 94704 CA
We need to get this crap
out of our environment
especially out of our food
Bob Fountaine Indawindbob@aol.com 92584 CA source !
Bernie Smith bernielynne10@yahoo.com 80863 CO enough already
Europe bans 1100 toxic
chemicals, the US bans
11. Companies oversees
need to prove that
chemicals are safe for
citizens. In the US,
citizens need to prove
that chemicals are not
safe, wherein lies the
Cathy Caldie ccaldie@tls.net 47201 IN problem!

Please move quickly to

update your toxic
substances requirements
Barrie Stebbings barriemom@aol.com 94924 CA for the sake of our future.
Elaine Barrette elmaybhappybme@gmail.com 32216 FL
h kirk halmakirk@yahoo.co.uk iv47ht 0
v l sirquickwit@aol.com 32765 FL
Jane Neave jane.neave@yahoo.com 67203 KS
Cindy Grochowski Cindygrochowski@comcast.net 55125 MN
steve tyndall swtyndall@gmail.com 92111 CA
Mariette Grobler mwmettie@mweb.co.za 01709
Remember you are the
last line of defense
between our health, the
health of our world and
corporate destruction.
This is a war, a war
between education and
ignorance, a war
between choosing the
right path or ignoring the
right path. This is our
time to find out, treat
and prevent any future
problems that will arise
from greed, selfishness
and corruption. Your
actions of today shall be
judged by those of
tomorrow. People
shouldn't have to suffer
or die because
corporations wanted to
ignore the facts and earn
more profits. We need
your help, our world
needs your help, please
choose to do what's right
Andrew Weaver rcweaver2@aol.com 91384 CA and let's finish the fight.
Amanda Freitas mumanda@hotmail.com 94707 CA
Elaine Finase emf0208@gmail.com 02762 MA
Janice Hayne bbowlz@msn.com 55082 MN
mercy myers aylantisioi@yahoo.com 55105 MN
Andrew Robbins arobb1017@aol.com 10023 NY
Howard Moore papaoso@mac.com 92115 CA
Also, please stop the
"fluoridation" of our
municipal water! It also is
Becky Claborn bclaborn@sbcglobal.net 92122 CA a neurotoxin.
Lois Jordan lmjor@aol.com 85749 AZ
Rosine Page rosinepage@yahoo.ca 3
Derek Andersen tvc15tvc15@rambler.ru 97212 OR
Rachael Zur rachaelzur@gmail.com 11205 NY
Sally Schwartz jakeslives@gmail.com 94952 CA NOW! PLEASE.....
Ilse Peetz ilsepeetz@gmail.com 93553 CA
Dorian Solot dorian@bluehattery.com 12202 NY
Ralph Elias trinculo@gmail.com 91910 CA
David Henning dghenning@tds.net 54449 WI
Tania Lillak Lillakefam@gmail.com 01907 MA
Dave Elder delderado@mail.com 13850 NY
Susanne Kratz susannekratz@gmx.de 26409 ot
Max Kaehn citizenkaehn@amurgsval.org 94086 CA
Joanna Neff jxneff@gmail.com 07306 NJ
Laura Horowitz 12newmoons@gmail.com 15217 PA
Patricia Auer patricia.auer51@gmail.com 63021 MO
Iris Robledo irisrobma76@gmail.com 77067 TX
Clarence Hagmeier hagmeier60@hotmail.com 95558 CA
james flint jimdandy58@suddenlink.net 95519 CA
Sieglinde Prior Sieglindeute@gmaol.com 50010 IA
Tom Koors tomkoorstrk@gmail.com 55414 MN
Jodi Wright JodiWright1966@gmail.com 44601 OH
Vic Burton cvburton@swbell.net 64113 MO
eric polczynski ericski75@yahoo.com 81147 CO
Tamim Sookoor om 02210 MA
Cristy Coleman Colemanfam9@gmail.com 95358 CA
Kent Wright pyewright@mchsi.com 50702 IA
Justin Maltry jmaltry@gmail.com 98103 WA
Jennifer Lowans ezrawey@gmail.com 17222 PA
Nancy Fifer guss46@verizon.net 19958 DE
Birgit Walch birgitwalch@gmail.com 56201 MN
Astrid Giese-Zimmer Coolast87@aol.com 94705 CA
Thomas Maginniss BoboboFan@gmail.com 22720 VA
alicia divens alickadivens@gmail.com 21742 MD
April Haupt Aclmtqt619@yahoo.con 92117 CA
margaret scripp peggy7989@yahoo.com 14167 NY
Article 4 section 4” the
United States shall
guarantee to every state
in this union a republican
form of government, and
shall protect each of
them from invasion”. This
places the entire
democratic party and all
its members involved
with use of position in
governmental regulation
with governmental
control of life with
legislation engaged in
treason. The world can
no longer stand the
damage and destruction
by any group club,
religion or individual that
promotes or tolerates
murder, theft and
extortion of another.
Socialism, communism,
talmudism and its two
social parasitism scam
scam creations judaism
and islamism are illegal in
any form in these United
k michael dean nekroluma@yahoo.com 48084 MI States of America.
Andrea Hunt alhfaith@optonline.net 11946 NY
manuel rodriguez mars734@yahoo.com 13753 NY
Karen Rubino rubino113@aol.com 11746 NY
Barbara Byron bellenbyron@gmail.com 62025 IL
Please regulate the use of
Annie Milne anio13@live.com 60565 IL these neurotoxins!
Diane Black di4an8@q.com 97317 OR
Andrea Lewis Alewis@copper.net 08690 NJ
Dorothy Anderson Dorothy@farmerstel.net 56256 MN
Leuise Crumble butterflypeace94@me.com 60624 IL
Kerry West kerry.west4@gmail.com 02135 MA
Martha Medrano martha.medrano@ymail.com 80219 CO
Antoinette Imus toniimus@gmail.com 92630 CA
Catherine Bisnett catzrule40@yahoo.com 20850 MD
As a mother I am greatly
concerned for this
finding. Please let's do
something for the sake of
Ira Gerard iragerard@hotmail.com 60177 IL our children
wendy leigh-bell rossleighbell@gmail.com 3Z2 ON
Susan LoFurno smooch@frontiernet.net 14580 NY
efrain munoz jr. jasonuplifting12@gmail.com 60950 IL Organic love
Ambrosia Danu ambrosiad@movetoamend.org 89512 NV
Please be responsible and
help those who put their
Ann Incardona Globe1966@aol.com 60048 IL trust in you.
David Romain servearth@comcast.net 94803 CA

Debbie Biere anglophile_db@mindspring.com 63012 MO

marle vane marlevane@sbcglobal.net 95831 CA
I am a farmer and know
first hand the terrible
impact these chemicals
have on farmers and farm
workers. Why do we
think it is OK to poison
the very people we
depend upon to put safe
Terry Allan Terrykisan@yahoo.com 95401 CA food on our tables?
Mary Hickey maryhickey@earthlink.net 44691 OH
Kathy Fish kf262wisconsin@gmail.com 53090 WI

Veronica Cantu cantu.veronica@rocketmail.com 78594 TX

Lisa Cates Lisascates@gmail.com 49415 MI
Martha Barrett mebarrett6608@att.net 75230 TX
Elizabeth Simpkins reiki-woman@hotmail.com 08028 NJ
Lori Walker webwalker2010@hotmail.com 99027 ID
Alexandra Rappaport ALEXandra3318@aol.com 89052 NV
Kelsey Remeikis kremeikis89@gmail.com 60060 IL
Leda Slattery lslat11396@aol.com 83404 MT
Colleen Herning lillius@hotmail.com 99712 AK
Elizabeth Patten tubby5759@comcast.net 03258 NH
Dan DeGooyer ddegooyer@yahoo.com 02144 MA
Zeamora Pablo Zeamora@cox.net 91911 CA
david will dwill207@satx.rr.com 78130 TX
Frances Krohn d5kro@aol.com 11581 NY
Diane McEwan dhmcewan45@comcast.net 30040 GA
Margery Stone pelstone@windstream.net 15774 PA
Jessica File jesfile@gmail.com 63303 MO
Margarita Ruiz Margarita@alphaseven.com 08034 NJ
Clyde Williams II ccw2crl@gmail.com 97267 OR
Natalie Rosen nerosen@gmail.com 91364 CA
Joe Browning Joebchillin@homail.com 25311 WV
Nicolas Huber greenglassgallery@gmail.com 1N4 ON
John AND Jean Fleming om 55044 MN
Kathleen Hollingsworth kitkat5568@comcast.net 61114 IL
Joyce Dixon kcc2jhd@aol.com 75219 TX
Angie Bahris ang_bahris@hotmail.com 90405 CA
Joyce Dadouche Jdadouche@hotmail.com 60047 IL
Beverly Gorsline bevy.gorsline@yahoo.com 96746 HI
Gail Graff gailgraff99@yahoo.com 91361 CA

Rebecca Gorsline shinyhappyislandgrl@yahoo.com 96746 HI

Douglas Olson djo819@hotmail.com 56401 MN
Mary Hebold herboldmari@gmx.de 50858 IA
Chittaranjan Reddy chittar99@yahoo.com 2R3
Rhonda Silver arunachala@icloud.com 02541
kay morgan dandydojen@yahoo.com 98814 WA
Caryn Corriere corrierecl@gmail.com 46324 IN

Do you have children or

relatives with children?
Just take some
meaningful action and no
more long term studies -
we do not have the
luxury of more time to
study this issue-the
Margot Monson mpmonson.insx@gmail.com 55108 MN science is there right now
Jene Starr jms2552@msn.com 80501 CO
cynthia ziegler cynazie@yahoo.com 81428 CO
Maria Gartland mariagartland@comcast.net 60546 IL
Ed Bennett edbennett@comcast.net 98660 WA
Wilson Chin wchinedu@juno.com 98144 WA
mary m. mason mickey3ms42net@aol.com 92649 CA
Patrice Johnson pmjrdm@suddenlink.net 79413 TX
Roark Vane neonclock@sbcglobal.net 95831 CA
Sharon Stoneback sastoneback@yahoo.com 08648 NJ
Linda Cronin Fleming lcronin@rochester.rr.com 14617 NY
Lori Gingras lorigoodwing@gmail.com 04330 ME
Matthew Franck cnjmatt@optonline.net 08904 NJ
laura furman laura_furman@yahoo.com 08551 NJ
S.B. McClary sedona_sue@yahoo.com 86335 AZ

Howard Neville Rolls hrolls117@gmail.com 12309 NY Just do it

Maria Tourino Mtourino@bellsouth.net 33173 FL
Alicia Salazar lola.salazar@gmail.com 90032 CA
mark blandford oblomov237@gmail.com 79124 TX
Jon frasz j.p.frasz@centurylink.net 55057 MN
Robyn DeCiccio rad502@ymail.com 02886 RI
Joan Yates releasebooksalot@gmail.com 04092 ME

Vicki Johnson vickikristinejohnson@gmail.com 64137 MO

Deborah Beck billadeb@netzero.net 10566 NY
Sara Koopman sara.koopman@gmail.com 98225 WA
Stacy Pasetta Stacypasetta@gmail.com 90068 CA
Dakota Newbry Dakotanewbry@yahoo.com 45177 OH
Valentina Mamut Sosa valenms@arnet.com.ar 33139 FL
Laura Perez laura@perezweb.net 70123 LA
Sherilyn Coldwell shericoldwell@att.net 78212 TX
The "P" in EPA means
"protection." Start
Philip Ratcliff skazz999w@hotmail.com 97302 OR protecting.
R-Laurraine Tutihasi laurraine@mac.com 85623 AZ
Nichole Long kenyetta@care2.com 36105 AL
Dan Cumberledge dekace17@gmail.com 44460 OH It has to be done.
Donald Bqumgartner doninmt@gmail.com 59801 MT
Lauren Linda laulind714@gmail.com 92637 CA
Nelson Baker onegoldeneagle@yahoo.com 43719 OH
cheryl erb canne826@hotmail.com 97301 OR
Paula Minklei paulamin@localnet.com 14224 NY
Andrea Link phantompaws@msn.com 80110 CO
A. Herniday ahernday@sonic.net 95409 CA
Karen Kimbrell karen.kimbrell@gmail.com 96734 HI
Carol Tenaglia cftenaglia@yahoo.com 37355 TN
Brian Dunn bad965@hotmail.com 23233 VA
Linda Mason lrmason@hotmail.com 03275 NH
Michelle Osborne com 76118 TX
Christine Radau goveggiecr@gmail.com 11803 NY
Georgia Libbares glibbares@yahoo.com 60611 IL
E Smith Epsmith62@gmail.com 15071 PA
bordercollies.greatestfan@gmail L4C5W
Anne Kaufmann .com 1 ON
Tamara Dreier Tdreier@hotmail.com 62269 IL
Sabrina Wojnaroski 616sabrinafedel20@verizon.net 15238 PA
Ronen Hartfeld ronen4@hotmail.com 94117 CA
stephanie smedley m 21655 MD
Clare Puskarczyk cpuskarczy@aol.com 44504 OH
Ruth Helfeld Ruth.helfeld@rcn.com 02026 MA
Pat Murphy pmurphy76@AOL.com 07961 NJ
Elizabeth Ross thorntree99@hotmail.com 94577 CA
Christin Dahl dahlschance@msn.com 98203 WA

Scott McIntyre scottrmcintyre@roadrunner.com 78253 TX

Daniel Driver old1one@hotmail.com 08096 NJ
Michelle Hamilton four4me2@hotmail.com 98270 WA
Brian Larson rocnoggin@gmail.com 98117 WA
Ellen Segal videostreams@me.com 92262 CA
Jared Cornelia jaredc1200@gmail.com 19804 DE
John Ruhl jhn_ruhl@yahoo.com 08822 NJ
Kelly Allison kma36@hotmail.com 21811 MD
Prescot McCurdy prescott_mccurdy@yahoo.com 04079 ME
Erica Munn ericamunn@hotmail.com 90028 CA
Gro Torsethaugen gro@fatula.net 16841 PA
Ben Dickson bendickson66@hotmail.com 02604
Ruth Cooper rhcahimsa@yahoo.com 54656 WI
Heather Tyson hat257@yahoo.com 44141 OH
Cara Schmidt cmst3@hotmail.com 30021 GA

Margarine was invented

to feed turkeys which it
kills. We had the sense to
stop feeding it to them.
We don't have the sense
James Ridlon Jr jrid@frontiernet.net 13122 NY to stop using pesticides?
Sharon Nicodemus bream@omsoft.com 95821 CA
Linda Barnhart rbarn34435@gmail.com 92037 CA
caroline ely carolineely@sbcglobal.net 94702 CA
Arden Leslie ardenleslie@shaw.ca 4K7
A. Wolf dragonfruit6@gmail.com 92007 CA
Anne Swain apswain@msn.com 08318 NJ
Elizabeth Trujillo jane.trujillo@icloud.com 87531 NM
Rebecca Rea rebeccarea@yahoo.com 23405 PA
Becky Hursh oldgirl1974@gmail.com 43078 OH
Rosemary Jones rmjones39@comcast.net 95301 CA
Oksana Becker Kisulya@hotmail.com 22308 VA
Anne Horn Aj2horn@sbcglobal.net 48864 MI
Denise Reiser 18princes@gmail.com 4P6
Patrick O'Meara pat_omeara@hotmail.com 33755 FL
Josette Jackson josiet2010@yahoo.com 08851 NJ
Roy McCollum roy3lovessarah@gmail.com 37312 TN
Dianne Stephens Diannestphns@gmail.com 3H6
Victor Sudik mapleguy58@hotmail.com 44062 OH
Gloria Villa yogloriosa@hotmAil.com 04040 ME
Lisa Smith llauritzen@bresnan.net 83002 WY

Please protect us from

dangerous chemicals. We
are depending on. I
believe that the chemical
companies should have
no say, when it comes to
the good health of the
American people. Thank
you for working to
Barbara Schwartz sunsunnyday222@comcast.net 21012 MD protect us.
Debora Baranowski deborabaranowski@live.com 33068 FL
Erin Keraghan ek_peanut18@yahoo.com 03833 NH
Lori Erbs lorieji@cs.com 98220 WA
kevin orme ovaltinelatte@hotmail.com 98103 WA
John La Stella starspecialties@carolina.rr.com 28212 NC
Diane Houle dwhoo@att.net 06705 CT
Virginia Woolridge Gingerwoolridge@comcast.net 21401 MD
We have to stop
poisoning our children
Jean Martin farmergran60@yahoo.com 44704 OH and ourselves.
Matt Richmond rudabussy@hotmail.com 97006 OR
Cay White yac22@msn.com 80260 CO
Harold Johnsen arwhy@yahoo.com 46324 IN
Kriss Wells kriss444@aol.com 52753 IA
Arlene Forwand aforwand@optonline.net 11743 NY
Himavat Ishaya himavat@thesagestouch.com 45209 OH
angelo delgiudice adel826@sbcglobal.net 60002 IL
Pesticides contaminate
the air we breathe and
the water e drink. Please
Graciela Downey gracielad@bellsouth.net 33134 FL ban them forever!!
Christeen Anderson hope4daisies@gmail.com 32539 FL
Dwain Harris blazeaglory@hotmail.com 92683 CA
Maureen Shea moshea2010@live.com 85140 AZ
If we want to have
healthy children and
leave them and their
children a world that is
not poisoned and toxic,
we look to you to ban
pesticides and chemicals
Yvette Oldendorf oldendorfy@aol.com 55042 MN that poison our world.
Kenneth Robertson kcrmusic@kc.rr.com 64151 MO
ALVERA PRITCHARD alvera99@bellsouth.net 33139 FL
We have known the
toxicity of these highly
dangerous and persistent
chemicals for years now.
It is time to protect our
Madronna Holden holdenma@comcast.net 97405 OR children!
Lorrie Montgomery itslorrie@hotmail.com 26505 WV
HeatherR Nord heathernord01@hotmail.com 56215 MN
J Eddy jeddyacim44@hotmail.com 40059 KY
Patricia Marlatt patriciamarlatt@me.com 90068 CA
Larry Olivier oilviela@gmail.com 37369 TN
Marcy Meachum mmeachum@hotmail.com 29492 SC
kathie piccagli kpiccagli@gmail.com 94112 CA
Joan Cardiff Joshjoan89@yahoo.com 92382 CA
Beata Harasim beatka820@yahoo.com 06067 CT
Brad Nelson bwnSSurfn7@hotmail.com 93035 CA
It's NOT Just MY
Eric Johnson mr_natural692003@yahoo.com 95437 CA Also...just sayin
Lawrence Merlino comicguytoo@aol.com 12477 NY
Laura Aldridge crazyred_49849@yahoo.com 49849 MI
Carol Metzger aa4kp@genset.com 20384 VA
Lisa Koerner baffsis@yahoo.com 95553 CA
Adrienne Moumin m 20902 MD
Curt Hofmann loki1456@aol.com 44321 OH
Veronica Falcon verofalcon@hotmail.com 25000
Pamela Wood Taffytownpam@yahoo.com 91306 CA
Susan Ebershoff-Coles suzieec@indy.net 46122 IN
Kent Minault getkent@roadrunner.com 91423 CA
Lisa Telomen Revlisat@yahoo.com 60525 IL
kim english greatspeller@hotmail.com 46947 IN
Chad Phyle Chadpstar7831@aol.com 80247 CO
g m gaby.mayer@shaw.ca 55001 MN
Laurie Fisher lauriefisher55@gmail.com 97224 OR
margaret murray rosielily@aol.com 80110 CO
jo ann abate jaabate@gmail.com 48375 MI
Mike Strawn mjs55@juno.com 48093 MI
Steve Bloom bloomworks@hotmail.com 10026 NY
Cindy Black blazecin@rcn.com 18040 PA
Public health is your
mission. These chemicals
affect workers and
nearby residents
especially children. They
are not safe and need to
Jo Ann Duman jduman@juno.com 75503 TX be banned.
Karen Young Kareny1107@yahoo.com 60464 IL
Jane Davison Jane1brutus2@gmail.com 14456 NY
Alisha Sprangers Rylerayna2009@aol.com 54129 WI
Robert Samuelson rjsamuelson2@icloud.com 22101 VA
Ric Stacey ric@automagic.co.nz 01025
Pat Rorex Fibseq@aol.com 85637 AZ
Deborah Gaudet Deborah.alissa@gmail.com 16803 PA
Veronica Poad vpoad@yahoo.com 8JY ot
Saralyn Romanishan Sararomanishan@yahoo.com 55405 MN
john deltognoarmanasco jrdta1010@yahoo.com 85142 AZ
Michele Langston faeryraindancer@otbp.org 72076 AR
Tim Oswald timoswald@mail.com 33334 FL
Joel Libman joellibman1@yahoo.com 60640 IL
Charles LaRue laruecharles@gmail.com 91711 CA
Erica Johanson stoneybrook50@comcast.net 08525 NJ
Ardeth L. Weed frogdog13@comcast.net 98020 WA
As an elementary school
teacher, I can attest to
the fact that each passing
year shows an increase in
learning disabilities and
attention deficit
disorders in young
children. Please put a
stop to our exposure to
Cathy Carter cathy_carter19@cobridge.tv 75672 TX these harmful pesticides.
Kay Bowers Wyndthyme@yahoo.com 17257 PA
Theresa Horvat Terriahorvat@gmail.com 55303 MN
stuart greenburg flugel@socal.rr.com 91381 CA
G. Paxton gregpaxton2001@yahoo.com 10009 NY
Ed Billeaud edva@earthlink.net 80424 CO
This shouldn't even be up
for debate. All these
chemicals are poisonous
to ALL living beings; it's
time to get rid of them
Sheila Desmond sheila_desmond@att.net 95682 CA all.
Lynn Juozilaitis chasinglight2@aol.com 60505 IL
Janet Chase JanetChase108@gmail.com 86336 AZ
Cynthia Bauer Crazyladycb@yahoo.com 15229 PA
Angela Hayden send_ange@yahoo.ca 90310 CA
Robin Parker Geniusinaskirt6@gmail.com 93644 CA
Carolyn Boor ctboor909@charter.net 91730 CA
Aldana Santto aldana_santto@yahoo.com 10031 NY
Drew Martin DMandCH@aol.com 33460 FL
Joan Kolessar joanniecool@gmail.com 18080 PA
Davids Graube d_graube@msn.com 49008 MI
Kevin Bannon yankeefan11791@yahoo.com 07461 NJ
Joe C ilraptoro@yahoo.com 19426 PA
Eric Pihl scubadive1@prodigy.net 60005 IL
Steve Schildwachter spschildwachter@yahoo.com 34787 FL
Suzanne Kruger soozikruger@yahoo.com 25425 WV
pat rains rains4@grm.net 64683 MO
Frank Asturino tt.id70@yahoo.com 15136 PA
Jean Frederick FrederickAudits@aol.com 94221 CA
Ruth Siekevitz Siekevitz@yahoo.com 10023 NY
Our little town is
surrounded by crops
sprayed with 'only God
knows' how many toxic
chemicals.....Do we need
MORE? or the synergistic
effects of one TOXIN
mixed in spraying with
another? I DON'T THINK
S Allison Sh0shanna@aol.com 52253 IA SO!
Barbara Gibson bgNiamh@comcast.net 19116 PA
Health concerns should
take priority over
Gabriela Romanow gabiromanow@gmail.com 02138 MA industry profits.
David Amrod bendybubble@yahoo.com 13027 NY
Ronald Krieg rkrieg@twcny.rr.com 14850 NY
Sandy Dumke scdumke45@msn.com 57020 SD
Allen Royer algroyer@yahoo.com 95125 CA

One less thing to worry

about and my grandsons,
TY and Payson. They are
3 yrs. and just 03 months.
Michele Adams Madams1852@gmail.com 82004 NJ Help me protect them!
Elizabeth Mensforth emensforth@yahoo.ca 1P7
Greg Sells gsells@austin.rr.com 78741 TX
Carol Ruth carolruth1@gmail.com 94305 CA
Donna Roberts m 80911 CO
Daniela Herloff Danielaherloff@hotmail.com 91007 CA
Norene Bailey nbailey44@sbcglobal.net 95062 CA
Ruth Sheldon ruthsheldon@juno.com 94005 CA
Nick Hood foamyislord42@gmail.com 27012 NC
Juanita Dawson-Rhodes Balance210@aol.com 10590 NY
deborah cady ddcady3013@sbcglobal.net 06042 CT
stephanie clark scrayess@gmail.com 94520 CA
deirdre downey deirdree06@gmail.com 99701 AK
Barbara Andrew barbaralandrew@yahoo.com 85014 AZ
Barbara Lytle barbara704@gmail.com 77081 TX
Sandra Reynolds sreynolds48@yahoo.com 95492 CA
Bronwyn Olsen bronwynolsen@att.net 96118 CA
Wendy Weldon wendylweldon@yahoo.com 33446 FL
Barbara Crayne bacrayne@yahoo.com 57106 SD
Nancy Lines louandnancylines@gmail.com 66210 KS
Janet Laur janetharasz@gmail.com 91311 CA
John Frey jwfrey2@aol.com 02420 MA
Christine Laverty sheflower@mail2artist.com 11757 NY
Yvette Doublet-Weislak yweislak@yahoo.com 95037 CA
brooke martin bmartin5599@gmail.com 12450 NY
Don't let big business
poison us just to make a
Steve Johnson johnsons7@yahoo.com 37087 TN buck.
Don McKelvey donmckelvey38@gmail.com 44123 OH
Denna Bowman Bowmandenna@gmail.com 40223 KY
Marie Michl loveapeke@yahoo.COM 27804 NC
David Nohr Xcht93@gmail.com 92123 CA
Stacey Osborne poipu53@gmail.com 96727 HI

As a biologist, I worked
for an environmental
biochemist for nearly a
decade. I know the
dangers toxic chemicals
have on the environment
and all the living
organisms that come in
contact with them. None
of my great grandparents
or grandparents died of
cancer. Then with my
parents generation, born
in the 30s, we started
seeing multiple cancers
starting in their
generation. We lost my
father , and two of his
sisters, and my brother
and cousins and uncles.
ENOUGH!!!! Please stop
this trend by removing
Peggy Detmers peggydetmers@gmail.com 57702 SD toxic chemicals from use.
Craig Shisler craig_shisler@ekit.com 45419 OH
Steve Wendt stevew@shocking.com 95928 CA
We are saturated,
Patsy Kelley dpkelleywilson@citlink.net 83638 ID enough already!
Sandy Barnard sandy.barnard7@gmail.com 04011 ME
Lisa Lester lsunshine15904@aol.com 15904 PA
Thomas Barry tbarry@macapital.net 55055 MN
Paul W. Rea paulrea@sbcglobal.net 94560 CA
Ruth Olafsdottir rutholaf@me.com 90404 CA
Gian Dodge dcbanumber25@yahoo.com 55812 MN
francine urey fruok@aol.com 19810 DE
Joey Stevenson stevenson2686@yahoo.com 42754 KY
Terry Ring tjringring@gmail.com 48088 MI
Deborah Parker firstplanetarian@hotmail.com 98229 WA
Nancy Chismar nanlc999@optonline.net 08817 NJ
Marjorie Spina Marjoriespina@yahoo.com 33626 FL
Alan Schenck aschenck771@gmail.com 94087 CA
carol uschyk cuschyk@hotmail.com 94515 CA
Let's do without these
Robert Burwell rrandolphburwell@gmail.com 97302 OR harmful chemicals.
Edmund Swiger juneandedmund@gmail.com 15044 PA

Ban lawn care companies

from applying pesticides
jeff mulloy jeffmullou@gmail.com 53121 WI in city neighborhoods.

corinne Parks corinnepa@gmail.com V9J 1S8

Brent Mitchell sekha.n2@gmail.com 92069 CA
Joann Fechner Skyearthcatdog@yahoo.com 97239 OR
Debra Bruegge debruegge@zoomtown.com 45069 OH
Stephanie McCarren FaithWickedSlayr@aol.com 30044 GA
Mark Tarpey-Schwed tarpeyschwed@gmail.com 94941 CA
Jamie Zazow jzazow@roadrunner.com 90405 CA
Bernice Zazow jzazow@adelphia.net 19130 PA
Salimuddin Salimuddin dynamic.435@gmail.com 01207
Judy Lukasiewicz jsteel@cruzio.com 95065 CA
patricia yee yeepat1@gmail.com 94507 CA
Emma Ruggiero cascadian14@yahoo.com 98253 WA
E Moreno Estelamb2@yahoo.com 10977 NY
Janet Rutigliano jrutiglia@earthlink.net 81621 CO
Kate S ksmithmn@yahoo.com 55075 MN
D Kaye email2too@gmail.com 90049 CA
Sudhir Sajwan sajwan.sk@gmail.com 110023
Olive Balabanov olivempipe@shaw.ca 4H7
roth woods roth.woods@emich.edu 48103 MI
sharon lacy earthhrt@gmail.com 95472 CA
susan delles sdelles@jeffnet.org 97537 OR
KIM MCDONALD macke496@hotmail.com 98271 WA
Stu Farnsworth yukostu@gmail.com 55121 MN
Claudia Linhares mentalfloss46@aol.com 94501 CA
Maryellen Redish mredish@aol.com 92264 CA
Lorraine Gilmore Quizgil@aol.com 87508 NM
Allan Campbell soupuno@aol.com 95132 CA
Marilyn Borchardt Marbor@foodfirst.org 94618 CA
Beata Thomas Bwyczesany@hotmail.com 08823 NJ
Jamie Green springhead@qnet.com 93004 CA

Barbara Weinstock barbara_weinstockde@yahoo.de 85283 AZ

Dina Leonhardt Dinahardt@aol.com 49120 MI
Colleen Lobel clobel1@san.rr.com 92126 CA
DK Bolen dkbolen@gmail.com 33709 FL
Claire and
Hilkka Egtvedt chegtvedt@comcast.net 98275 WA
Margaret DeMott louisfeldman@sbcglobal.net 95822 CA
Brad Cleavenger bradcleavenger@gmail.com 80020 CO
Mary Pouliot tmjpouliot@gmail.com 55431 MN
Angela Schnell psychicmed@gmail.com 40203 KY
John Costello cruisair@gmail.com 14086 NY

Put an end to the damage

these horrendous
chemicals are doing to
our chilldren and our
Patty Pasquini dppwine@aol.com 94901 CA environments.
Why do we even have to
ask?? Please do your job
tara score tarasnuts@hotmail.com 32765 FL and protect us!
Jon Anderholm xunbio@hotmail.com 95421 CA
Kelly Landreth klandreth39@comcast.net 80232 CO
Donna Barrett mjb146@aol.com 60089 IL
Nevena Barberic nevenabarberic@gmail.com 11211 NY
Jennifer Knapp Jennifercknapp@msn.com 90720 CA
Sonya Sanford clueles74@aol.com 55309 MN
Gary Hunter garyhuntor@gmail.com 3
Robert Krikourian krikour@comcast.net 95762 CA
Stephanie Somers jhs_thespian@yahoo.com 25414 WV
Tania Malven tmalven@yahoo.com 85719 AZ
Patricia Poole poolegln@aol.com 91206 CA
Jane Yater jayater@texas.net 78704 TX
John Culloty sculloty@hotmail.com 95005 CA
PATRICIA KEMP patriciakemp49@gmail.com 00000

It's about time we take

our collective heads out
of the sand and protect
our children, our planet
and our future. Corporate
Kristin Stahl-Johnson oceanpeople@peaceaction.org 96817 HI profits are not an excuse!
Mandy Keane avalon54@adam.com.au 05113
Andrew Delaney Operations.section@gmail.com 10469 NY
CRYSTAL A MOURAD C.Mourad65@yahoo.com 95926 CA
Suzanne Nash suzanne.d.nash@gmail.com 06025
Linette Schreiber twilightgold@comcast.net 19003 PA
Sharon Lebon sherrilsherrid@hotmail.com 15228 PA
Stephanie Pierce scswatwork@yahoo.com 90670 CA
Pat Wolff partwolff@yahoo.com 91006 CA
Michaela Rohr micharoh@web.de 60598 IL
Nancy Neumann NancyNeumann@t-online.de 55270 ot
Jerry Tobe tagchai@gmail.com 90034 CA
Linda Hubbard lchdeen@gmail.com 91117 CA
Mari T. Echevarria mte0420@aol.com 37909 TN
JAYNE Sophie jaynesophie6@gmail.com 80000
Pat Scowen Pat.scowen@icloud.com 7ap
John Zahos subzerohc@yahoo.com 60076 IL
Vince Mendieta vinceofdarkness@hotmail.com 78745 TX

Desiree Atkinson desiatkinson25@hotmail.com G3 8LQ

Raleigh koritz tabbykat728@q.com 55442 MN
Suzanne Case Anandaloha@aol.com 61748 IL
sandra carter sandycat7@juno.com 97330 OR
Tiffany Baker Tanchella@AOL.com 40356 KY
Jean Nick Jmanick@yahoo.com 18930 PA
Ian Gray igray6@gmail.com 15216 PA
camille cardinale bsugarpinup@yahoo.com 90049 CA
Alison Storer aldoogle@hotmail.com 9hx
Grant Campbell bon.org 33312 FL
Margaret runfors murun53@hotmail.com 70346 LA
Sally Davis davisgsally48@gmail.com 83713 ID
Margaret Rogers Peggysong@yahoo.com 94062 CA
barbara Rizzo rizzopb@aol.com 97376 OR
SIOW WAI WONG vivienwsw@gmail.com 540182
shirley mills shirleymills12@ayhoo.co.uk 9au
Laurie Williams Wmswtrkt@aol.com 15112 PA
Robert Klein bo9@speakeasy.net 519 NY
Noel Orr tepeefortwo@comcast.net 98155 WA
Ann Berndt annberndt@gmail.com 02478 MA
Ricardo Hernandez rhgv@hotmail.com 48080 MI
Omar Boumali omar.boumali@gmail.com 79901 TX
Chris Thomson hammertoe27@yahoo.com 63126 MO
Suzanne Feltyberger Sqberger@optonline.net 11967 NY
Erna Beerheide b_erna@hotmail.com 80206 CO

Jane Fuller i.katie-6@hotmail.com L9P1R1

Mark Rossetti belowthemark@gmail.com 01832 MA
Maureen Aviles maviles2644@gmail.com 18040 PA
Andrea Shuman Homner77@yahoo.com 07666 NJ
Elizabeth K Williams ekw777@gmail.com 22924 VA
Carina Knutas cknutas51@gmail.com 14833 ot

Mike Maplan Mikethejunkman@sbcglobal.net 44113 OH

Rolinda Ricketts allbottledup@shtc.net 29741 SC
Gerald Mcnellis gerrrysprairie@sbcglobal.net 60510 IL
Kathryn Hoffman Kdh6572@ail.com 60505 IL
pat griffey pagriffey12@yahoo.com 19018 PA
Jim Christiansen jcanuck@the-wire.com 3Z1 ON
Janet Parlett janetclara@hotmail.com 19320 PA
Jill House Jillb16@gmail.com 60441 IL
shirley mccarthy shirley.mccarthy@yale.edu 06405 CT
Denise Sandole Dsandole9@aol.com 07087 PA
Marcela Ondrackova macecha@volny.cz 00000
Rebecca Noonan Heale noonanheale@yahoo.com 84102 UT

Lets get this country back

to smaller family farms
and not use chemicals,
large factory farming is
Paula Dobbins pfbrown22@yahoo.com 04220 ME not the way to go..
Deborah Martin debmartin@comcast.net 08021 NJ
Maria Gonzales mygirl916@yahoo.com 85340 AZ
chenie kaur cheniebraich@gmail.com 50480 ot
Ben Oscar Andersson oscarsito1057@wildmail.com 11166
Norman Rolfe normanrolfe@blueyonder.co.uk 12345 NY
Linda Rust larustmfg@yahoo.com 65793 MO
Dr. F Taylor fintaylor@hargray.com 29926 SC
Ainga Dobbelaere ainga-d@hotmail.com 07303 GR
Kenneth Ruby kennethgem@yahoo.com 03079 NH
Candy LeBlanc telvari9@care2.com 95667 CA
Egan Green ekgreen@lycos.com 24162 VA
Dorrine Norby m 51030 IA
Ava Peattie avapeattie@yahoo.com 07459 TX
Carol Bell Cbell3389@yahoo.com 57702 OH
Dennis Crowley Localpres2667@aol.com 19070 PA
Please protect our
children and cement your
Kristen Martin Fitgabrielle@googlemail.com 60134 IL legacy.
michele gutierrez mmitchell_inc@msn.com 07945 NJ
Robert Foley Jr foleyjrc@live.com 02703 MA
Please do the humane
Jo Ingman Jo2mac@me.com 48430 MI thing!
Michelle Thompson michellem@uwalumni.com 53151 WI
Brenda Sanders sandwebb@cox.net 85338 AZ
Marketa Anderson Nolenz@aol.com 45036 OH
roberta adam robertany2002@gmail.com 10980 NY This is your job
Melissa Matson melissa.matson1@gmail.com 95403 CA
Cara Rodriguez aprimeracara@msn.com 55057 MN
Anna Tangi tangianna@lycos.com 19148 PA
Edmund F Armstrong edarmstrong@verizon.net 19054 PA
Michael McCauley mjm6591@yahoo.com 52405 IA
Brian Mays brianmays1@yahoo.com 55345 MN
Shirkey Webb Sanne44@aol.com 79414 TX
C. Alexander Cohen sascha2@aol.com 03820 NH
Laura Gafford Snoop0852@gmail.com 36695 AL
merle Dack petesmc2000@yahoo.com 69024 NE
Becky McKibben Beckyann31@aol.com 98391 WA
Julie Schaedel Juliz.e101@gmail.com 44266 OH
Matt Freedman drmatt@yahoo.com 97405 OR

storme watson storme@storme.fsnet.co.uk EN! 4SL

I know the powers and
pressures and
appointments and how
the government works
and I say unto you ......I
render unto Caesar that
which is Caesar's and I
stand for all of that which
is not ....these children
are not to be harmed any
longer I pray that the
comes into your hearts
.....and that this stops
now here with us and it is
written ....that they
awoke as a people and
did this no more to their
treasure to this most
precious gift of life .....our
own children IT MUST
STOP NOW ......it must
Daniel Betts bettsdaniel@yahoo.com 50010 IA stop with us
Sarita Vij Vij.sarita@yahoo.con 110048

As a retired chemist for

the Federal Government,
who worked in pesticide
residue chemistry, I
believe that sufficient
data exists to support
banning all
pesticides as safer
pesticides are currently
on the market to control
the pest pressures
previously controlled by
Janet Doyle janetdoyle422@gmail.com 20111 VA the OP pesticides.
Amy Wiesner Amersw11@gmail.com 06905 CT
Pesticides kill, it's time
Katherine Croney katkorbel06@yahoo.com 32003 FL we get rid of them.
Nadine Urwin nadinecpt@gmail.com 23192 VA
Ian Brown ianbodgerbrown@gmail.com 3HA
Marina Parfenova mar28361008@yandex.ru 115547
zaneta garratt zgarratt@hotmai.com 23170 VA save lives now
Marilyn King mernparsons@yahoo.com 26178 WV
john seamon seamon.john@comcast.net 85741 AZ
Donald Harland dharland@bellsouth.net 28715 NC
Audrei Chaney chan.aud3@yahoo.com 63110 MO
monique scheurer shayeneart@gmail.com 01154
Joan Doucette mainedoc21@aol.com 92115 MA
Martin Sheehan carpentermarty@hotmail.com 32920 FL
Patricia Bransugh Truciabranaugh@yahoo.com 95667 CA
Marcia Ouellette m 47901 IN
Daniel Fernandes dpf_1982@hotmail.com 033 ot
Cindy Jensen cindyjensen9290@comcast.net 60021 IL
Enzo Barrios noirhammer@gmail.com 10022 NY
Karen Greenleaf kikigreenleaf@gmail.com 02138 MA
Gerrylea Ferriter gertinkerstrs@aol.com 60477 IL

Chris Howe chris_howe44@hotmail.com Ct88da ot

Sheri Cohen sheri00700@yahoo.com 07724 NJ
Russell Burke russellburke@comcast.net 95446 CA
Elizabeth Hegarty elizabethmhegarty@gmail.com 11385 NY
Lillian Demo lilliansue@sbcglobal.net 29621 SC
Lynn Thornton zoey48@comcast.net 02130 MA
Ann Rudd olohena12@gmail.com 96746 HI
Linda Gilbert lsg1991@att.net 06040 CT
Brian Fink bfink@prodigy.net 19130 PA
Jan Kampa happykampas@cruzio.com 95073 CA
Susanne Darby theaandme@gmail.com 2W0
John Byland johnbyland@yahoo.com 02536 MA
Eric Wollscheid ewoll8@hotmail.com 60525 IL

Gabriele Reinhart sandyspringsteen@hotmail.com 01230 ot

Jason Steadmon jasonsteadmon@hotmail.com 89005 NV
Laura Odonnell odonnell411@gmail.com 43215 OH
neil preister preineil@gmail.com 80401 CO
Nadine Reynoso nadinerey27@gmail.com 10032 NY
James Bagwell jbaggs17@yahoo.com 62841 IL
Frank Sennett frankrsennett@gmail.com 59457 MT
Susannah Peel suzyspaniel@hotmail.com 1PW ot
M.A. Kinnaman rancherfromhell@yahoo.com 81050 CO
Robert Beggs robertdbeggs@yahoo.com 44307 OH
Anna Hebner wolfhebner@verizon.net 22205 VA
Alan Bundy laandy1@yahoo.com 44121 OH
Magali Lachot lachotmagali@hotmail.com 85345 AZ
Gabriel Corza gacomo7660@hotmail.com 60077 IL
Grace Huang statesofgrace@yahoo.com 98199 WA
Virginia Keyes keyesginny@gmail.com 5AR
Peggy Cope peggycope@gmail.com 78664 TX
Leslie Winston winstonl@humnet.ucla.edu 90278 CA
brad van dbrider128@gmail.com 85027 AZ
Chris A. Marcus cam.man1956@gmail.com 72937 AR
Daphne Lambright daphne.lambright@verizon.net 33647 FL
Regina Ribeiro realevictor@gmail.com 08180
Carole Pooler runher1@sbcglobal.net 60625 IL
David Sarricks sarricks@hotmail.com 92382 CA
Heidi Baruch hbbuffalo@yahoo.com 80302 CO
We need you to act
please for the good of all
Pattie Hyde phyde@ctc.net 28083 NC humanity.
Vincent Santaiti vinny121@juno.com 10950 NY
Susan Drucker sdrucker@gwi.net 04008 ME
David Leithauser Leithauser@aol.com 32724 FL
Robert March obobmike79@yahoo.com 44483 OH
Haven Knight havennoche@aol.com 48306 MI
Joyce Pusel jpusel@mindspring.com 27713 NC
Betsy Ruhe Bruhe@bellsouth.net 40214 KY
lynda austin lyndaaustin7@aol.com 95821 CA
william Ackerman daveackerman@cox.net 92019 CA
Carla Torti carla.to@virgilio.it 27058 ot
rand groh randgroh@hotmail.com 95971 CA
Milton Ruiz mdruiz06@gmail.com 38139 TN
Regina Flores wilemina@hotmail.com 92532 CA
David Carey-Kearney david1221@comcast.net 32082 FL
Veerle DS causes@yahoo.co.uk 02650
maria gosnell maria3282222@yahoo.com 32751 FL
Peggy Malone pegodouble0@gmail.com 74855 OK
Dorothy Tennies tenniesdot@gmail.com 87112 NM
Janis Millu ijanis51@yahoo.com 16343 PA
Jennifer Mccomb Mccombhoney@gmail.com 63139 MO
Debora Harika raindeb2@yahoo.com 95403 CA
Valou PICHON-RUPP valpichon@googlemail.com 81377 DE

carina souare carinasouare@yahoo.com 147 53

Fern Schlesinger fern.schlesinger@gmail.com 11385 NY
Virginia Davis ginny1218@yahoo.com 98072 WA
Bruce Wille Graywolf99@msn.com 73107 OK
Phillip Cripps pcripps@roadrunner.com 92234 CA
Alicia Akin Al_akin@yahoo.com 45244 OH
Boguslaw Kulesza bogdanku@gmail.com 11010 NY
Holiday Sloan holidayw2@gmail.com 99362 WA
Alicia Schoolman namaste4a@yahoo.com 60071 IL
Duane M Benton dbenton@moonstar.com 23901 VA
Kari Flores Karif@ix.netcom.com 94558 CA
Jane Burnes Leverenz jacrispi@hotmail.com 55063 MN Stop the use!!!
Reginald Griffith healthyclot1938@yahoo.com 30328 GA
Stephanie elliott schlerethtiffany@yahoo.com 30905 GA
John Finazzo johnfinazzo@yahoo.com 55364 MN
Mary Belle Kral msboo@q.com 80134 CO
lisa dunphy lkcoffey@verizon.net 02339 MA
Erica Sohl 81irving@gmail.com 01721 MA
Kalinke ten Hulzen kalinke9@gmail.com SL
Patricia Flournoy pmfaction@yahoo.com 71270 LA
Mei-Ling Stefan peterandmeiling@yahoo.com 94087 CA
KAREN MIGNONA kmignona@gmail.com 44202 OH
Tamara Diamond m 94403 CA Please and Thank you!
Luc Watelet Lucwatelet@fastmail.fm 14608 NY
phillip hope phillip.hope@gmail.com 11215 NY
les roberts hobo17pollie@gmail.com 93704 CA
Laura Adams lauraellen52@yahoo.com 28678 NC
Jerry Porter jpcarpentry@comcast.net 61615 IL
Steven Young ssyoung144@gmail.com 11542 NY
J Alexander Jexander@yahoo.com 20781 MD
Rachel Allen rachel151275@hotmail.com 1HB

Linda Loving lindaloving48@gmail.com 23102 VA No more poison for profit

EPA, Do the right thing to
Vi Waghiyi vi@akaction.org 99507 AK protect our children!
Colette Ingram cocoanders@hotmail.com 84404 UT
Mary Mahoney mar_mah@msn.com 02114 MA
Laurie Elmore l_leibel@hotmail.com 57724 SD
Vivian Bruno bruno379@att.net 91780 CA
Ken Maurice kenjosephmaurice@aol.com 99501 AK
Josephine Harrison harrisonjb@live.com 79925 TX
Asano Fertig asanof@comcast.net 94702 CA
Alex Harris Alex.Harris@mcckc.edu 64081 MO
Brian Tolzmann btolzmann12@gmail.com 56082 MN
Elisa Mace Elisamace913@gmail.com 84037 UT
Kate Benicki Ur2lo2c1@gmail.com 95401 CA
Roger Adams roger19@suddenlink.net 25276 WV
Cindy Carper cindy18@suddenlink.net 25276 WV

James Adams James.L.Adams@usace.army.mil 25428 WV

Sharon Adams sibutlerbabe@hotmail.com 25428 WV
Jann Stauffacher jannboot@aol.com 53703 WI
Nick Barcott nbarcott@msn.com 98087 WA
Laurie Puca rclp@optonline.net 10956 NY
Linda Hayes lindahayes92@yahoo.com 55430 MN

Bug-free food isn't

necessary (plants will
survive an amazing
amount of chewing, if
they're grown in nutrient-
and humus-rich soil!) and
the prettiest food in the
world won't help a brain-
Sandra Dudley sandy.dudley@ymail.com 97225 OR damaged child.
Poisoning the taxpayer
and poisoning all of life
spells inevitable doom for
James 'Gordon' Padier umbroussoul@gmail.com 76901 TX all.
matthieu nappée matthieunappee@yahoo.fr 48000 KY
Melani McReady Melanimcready@yahoo.com 60534 IL
Mariana Bedesco Zampieri marianabzampieri@gmail.com ###### ot
Ernest Peitso ernepeitso@gmail.com 94609 CA
Greg sigler gregsglr@gmail.com 90048 CA
Darcel Kashmark catnipkash@midco.net 56560 MN
Beatriz Perez beatrizperez144@hotmail.com 03006 ot
Natalie Batovsky nat121874@yahoo.com 17331 MD
Jillian Prusa jillian.prusa@gmail.com 43212 OH
Lisa Larsen Lisalarsen323@yahoo.com 93536 CA
hella steurbaut hellasai@hotmail.com 12463 NY
I personally suffered from
a pesticide overexposure
from a perfectly legal
pesticide. These
substances are not safe,
and the protections that
are in place are woefully
insufficient and
Carrie Carrier guest9823@yahoo.com 91104 CA ignored/not enforced.
Margaret Smith farrellyrainbow@hotmail.com 49686 MI
Michele Ramirez mickr4@aol.com 80521 CO
Juliet Menditto julesnyc420@yahoo.com 11385 NY
silvana comacchio silvana.comacchio@teletu.it 10010 NY STOP PASTICIDE!!!!!!!
Stop the poisoning of
Bea Dewing bea.dewing@yahoo.com 08879 NJ people for profit.
Monica Schwenke jones322@comcast.net 94085 CA
Mary Fineran yarmaf0@gmail.com 00011 PA
Randi Perkins randi.perkins@charter.net 93422 CA
silvana borrelli silbor13@verizon.net 19004 PA
Juliet E. Callalily1@gmail.com 02445 MA
Elizabeth Lieberman liebermanlizard@aol.com 12533 NY
Kimberly Hewitt kaijai46@att.net 94610 CA
Federico Bortoletto federico.bortoletto@alice.it 35020 0
Michael Burt burtmichaelburt@yahoo.com 34986 FL
Emily Withnall emilywithnall@gmail.com 59801 MT
safia gravel safia_gravel@hotmail.com 14607 NY
Maria Rosa Nogueras Mata mrnogueras@hotmail.es 08015 NJ
Janeene Porcher janeene52@gmail.com 80401 CO
Pat Pascual pascualpat001@gmail.com 12563 NY
Sara Eldridge seeldridge22@hotmail.com 98115 WA
Douglas Draper double_dbrew@yahoo.com 97391 OR
Aviva Myers-Taylor Jeselle89@hotmail.com 92107 CA
Tom Palmer Tompalmer23@yahoo.com 03230 NH
Susan Proffitt Xrtrat@yahoo.com 60614 IL
mark novotny mnovotny17@hotmail.com 60525 IL
bob Mathews bobm@bti.tv 37027 TN
NM Porter nmp_yellowsub@hotmail.com 48197 MI
Jennifer Becker jdb1989@comcast.net 19355 PA
Tammy Fait tammyfa42@gmail.com 92345 CA
The risks of these
pesticides outweighs
Judy Coleman jacoleman@peacemail.com 68114 NE their potential benefits.
ROBIN BAKER circe131313@yahoo.com 85719 AZ
Emi Ashida eminator01@hotmail.com 94804 CA
Angela Stuebben Stuebben3@msn.com 08844 NJ
Amy Wobig amywobig7288@yahoo.com 55987 MN We urge EPA to ban all
uses of these seven
pesticides immediately:
dicrotophos, dimethoate,
ethoprop, profenofos,
terbufos and tribufos.
EPA should take
immediate steps to ban
these brain-damaging
pesticides in order to: *
Protect children from
learning and memory
impairments * Protect
communities from
pesticide poisonings
when the pesticides drift
off crops and into nearby
neighborhoods and
schools * Prevent
contamination of drinking
water with these
pesticides * Prevent
worker poisonings and
harm to their children
Action on these toxic
chemicals is long
Robert Buck biobob60@hotmail.com 62220 IL overdue.
If it kills pests it will kill us
David Trione renewabledavid@gmail.com 97370 OR also just slower.
George Boggs GBoggs@suddenlink.net 25071 WV
Bennie Scott benniesuzan@gmail.com 78957 TX
Linda Gordon lalinda327@aol.com 11234 NY
Beth Verbiar b.verbiar@gmail.com 44146 OH
Christi Dillon racegirl1971@yahoo.com 28117 NC
Lucas Souza lucasdaschagas@yahoo.com.br -
john rogers vidsolve@gmail.com 96734 HI
EPA, has been absent on
many fronts when it
comes to addressing the
complexities of all the
companies that are using
these toxic chemicals for
profit, harming us and
the enviornment from
which we all depend and
can we say the honey
bees and other food crop
pollinators for mankind
as the very bright
scientist Albert Einstien
once proclaimed without
the bees, mankind would
cease to be or die in 4
years. Neurotoxics affect
their tiny brains too and
recently as the EPA and
you are or should be well
aware, the World Health
Organization has labeled
glycophosphates aka
Ready-Round-Up and a
host of others as known
carcinogens but that has
not stopped Monsanto
trying to sue California
Remy Gessinger Remyloo@cox.net 92057 CA from labeling them as
Harry Garner Hgbigbeat@gmail.com 60525 IL
Sara Paulson sarapaulson2@yahoo.com 10573 NY
Kitty Edson patriceds8@aol.com 23227 VA
Ema e emacamaracruz18@gmail.com 133
Pamela Osmand pammie.marna@gmail.com 37922 TN
Vicky Matsui vickymatsui@hotmail.com 98122 WA
Joseph Quirk jq66@earthlink.net 10009 NY
Beverly Thompson bevthompson1545@gmail.com 24430 VA
Judit Roig Astor judit_roig@yahoo.es 08620 NJ
Pesticides are
unneccesary if healthy
soil biology exists. Dr.
Elaine Ingham knows it,
all farmers should too.
Correcting mass farming
practices to nourish soil
life instead of killing it will
require less work by
farmers and result in
healthier crops with
V8K2H higher crop yields... And
April Mckenzie april.d.mckenzie@gmail.com 7 reverse desertification
Suzanne Cerniglia suzannecerniglia@hotmail.com 33460 FL
Anna Roland anna3077@aol.com 82007 WY
Jean Hall the4halls1@gmail.com 44647 OH
Mary Price mryprice@juno.com 27713 NC
Ellen S. Ennis jiggs@inteliport.com 27939 NC
Jennifer DiRenzo foxescreek@aol.com 65464 MO
William Ramsay williamramsay@gmail.com 12473 NY
Frank Tsh aimaple@aim.com 98230 WA
Judith Griffen jagblueheron@hotmail.com 13159 NY
Patricia Herbert sequoia592000@yahoo.com 98070 WA
Megan O'Malley momalley77@gmail.com 19608 PA
Natalie A. Carter ncarter79@hotmail.com 43055 OH
Mary Johnson bykova83@yandex.ru 01001 KS
Lynne Weiske movieblonde@hotmail.com 90048 CA
Fred Albach albach88@yahoo.com 91510 CA
Barbara Garris barbara.garris@web.de 90419
Janet Petermann deadkittys@web.de 78756 TX
Angela Clark clarkhanify@yahoo.com 80013 CO
David Buesch dbuesch@intermind.net 94061 CA
Mary Guard guard52@yahoo.com 98250 WA
Anastasia Otero dnaotero@hotmail.com 11716 NY
Hunter Hayes hh122092@hotmail.com 29687 SC
Stephanie Town stephanietown@hotmail.com 55124 MN
Dan Mortenson mortensondan@hotmail.com 99901 AK
Doreen Lebel lebel_da@yahoo.com 06469 CT
Paul Sanchez m 95815 CA
Shelley Fritz shelley.ruth.fritz@gmail.com 64114 MO
Andrew Campo re.define@yahoo.com 19015 PA
Catherine Ross ross.catherine05@gmail.com 98026 WA
Helen Stuehler hastuehler@gmail.com 89508 NV
Marsha Hoff manicmarsha@gmail.com 95204 CA
Fidelma Bourke eirinnselbows@yahoo.co.uk 00000 ot
José Almeida jose.almeida.se@gmail.com n
K Cruit-Salzberg k@sixbones.com 55125 MN
Jillian Forschner jillian234@aol.com 01749 MA
lorraine brabham tweety336@gmail.com 07030 NJ
Andre Walter konzentrisch@web.de 78756 TX
BOB COWLING bobc66@live.com 71923 AR
Randy McNea rjmcnea@gmail.com 91977 CA
Richard Doyas rjdoyas@ymail.com 96778 HI
Carla Babrick carlajeanbabrick@outlook.com 63301 MO
Kathy Behl-Whiting behlwhiting@yahoo.com 33322 FL
Are profits of the
agrochem industries so
very important that we
are willing to sacrifice the
brains of vulnerable
children? Just
Ann Lopez AnnLopez7@gmail.com 95018 CA disgraceful!!
mike arthur mkarthur@mchsi.com 50322 IA
Judith Barnes barnhr95@verizon.net 20782 MD
The American people
have your back, it is time
for the right thing to be
Diana Henderson dianah_9@yahoo.com 24401 VA done.
Anthony Straka atstraka@juno.com 12590 NY
Martha E. Martin mauimartha@gmail.com 96779 HI
Our children are our
future. These protective
steps are long overdue so
please do all you can to
expedite the removal of
these pesticides from the
Monica Keady mmkeady@gmail.com 06820 CT marketplace.
Jude Misurelli jude3465@mac.com 28712 DE
paul buttaccio pbuttaccio@gmail.com 14505 NY
Georgina Wright gxwrigh99@cox.net 89032 NV
Steve Savitch savi@q.com 85741 AZ
KJ Linarez kjlinarez@yahoo.com 95608 CA
Sarah Bellem hilleigh@sbcglobal.net 95018 CA
Kenneth Gakeler klg@kc.surewest.net 66210 KS
James Nowack JNowack@Lycos.com 12528 NY
George Gaasvig ggaasvig@aol.com 56619 MN
Kaydell Gaasvig kgaasvig@paulbunyan.net 56619 MN
Barry Spitzer spitzerbarry@yahoo.com 55376 MN
Dan Anderson Anderson_d@hotmail.com 95747 CA
Dawn Foster dawnfoster84@comcast.net 87043 NM
Linda Messatzzia Linda.messatzzia@gmail.com 18966 PA
Stephanie McCarter smccartermd@gmail.com 75472 TX
Daniel Cavanaugh whoppop@juno.com 48111 MI
Tina Lemke tinalemke@earthlink.net 55420 MN
Susan Dow suzidow@gmail.com 92660 CA
Peg LeClair leclairp@gmail.com 01238 MA
Joseph Hoess josephhoess@yahoo.com 46574 IN
Louise SHOEMAKER leg31les33@hotmail.com 93292 CA
Sandra Watts Kennedy skmkennedy@yahoo.com 32615 FL
Joan Mitchell justjoan10@hotmail.com 37076 TN
Debra Cronin debracronin@cox.net 06410 CT
Linda Cook Lindylou2@live.com 53189 WI
Kimberly Pettit info@dreamkeeperinn.com 84532 UT
C Rathwell crathwell2@yahoo.com 3G0

Karen Gill southbranch1250@hotmail.com 60146 IL

joe kozy kozyjoe@starspath.com 61615 IL Ashamed of our Leaders

This is 2016. We ALL

know about how
destructive and deadly
toxic chemicals are. It
amazes me that these
products are still being
mary benson pollpoll@comcast.net 19807 DE used! It must be stopped!
Michelle Richards mitchierichards@yahoo.com 11231 NY
Please protect our
Joanne Ehrhardt jehrhardt1@gmail.com 54911 WI children.
Andy Munoz jesterride1@yahoo.com 81615 CO
Linda Groves m 14624 NY
Carrie Watson hillcountrycarrie@gmail.com 77340 TX
Kathleen Soehl woodlandfaie@yahoo.com 55041 MN
Ariel Moore starrie98@hotmail.com 92019 CA
Margaret Keene mgrtkeene@gmail.com 97503 OR
Frank Florianz frank754@gmail.com 18702 PA
Sheri Perini dearestguardian1@aol.com 20708 MD
Priscilla Meckel Priscillameckel@yahoo.com 94703 CA
Valerie Carlisle valeriecarlisle@yahoo.com 12569 NY
Marcia Hoodwin Marcia@accentsaway.com 34238 FL
Martha Krikava krikava.family@me.com 55082 MN
Dennis Bourret dbourret@cox.net 85710 AZ
Christine Pado Chpado@gmail.com 60030 IL
Jan Stautz-Hamlin integrity@tampabay.rr.com 33756 FL
JoAnn Murphy Mowak1@aol.com 11208 NY
B. Conelley bgcisoarhed@live.com 21701 MD
Hunter Aldrich hunteraldrich@gmail.com 01239 MA

Carole Osborn longing4desertskies@gmail.com 06098 CT

Heidi Handsaker onwingsofsong@aol.com 59102 MT
Monica Wood Monicawood@me.com 91304 CA
Maria Muschio Lawomyn@sbcglobal.net 95682 CA
Mary and Rev.
Robert Reader mary.reader@comcast.net 08251 NJ
Edwin Quigley Equigley3@comcast.net 35661 AL
susan earle susand.earle@gmail.com 02139 MA
Melissa Hastings princess_ryoko@msn.com 28570 NC
Robin Boynton robin2200@centurytel.net 98014 WA
Linda Hillman lghillman@earthlink.net 93012 CA
Lindra Brockett lindraelaine1@gmail.com 83704 ID
Margie Egan Slave2bart@aol.com 95124 CA
Lisa Witham lisa4809@att.net 44060 OH
Rkachea Carpenter rkachea@aol.com 68106 NE
Julie Lonneman Lonneman.julie@gmail.com 45224 OH

Pesticide is a crime to
mankind, to the animals,
to the environment and
Vibeke Bond veebcool@aol.com 35803 AL MORE PESTICIDE. V. Bond
jennifer see nimmzy13@yahoo.com 30501 GA
Rachel Michaels mckenzie135@hotmail.com 40324 KY
Jami Scurlock Jamiallysa@gmail.com 95757 CA
Nicolina Sposaro NicolinaS@cox.net 91950 CA
Jacqueline Robinson jacquelinermike@yahoo.com 30127 GA
Kathy Keough kdkeough@outlook.com 96001 CA
Katie Lempola mothermongoose@yahoo.com 56601 MN
Debra Douglass Blackfocus58@yahoo.com 13317 NY
Jennifer Quick soindebt@hotmail.com 17036 PA
Joan Reynolds reynolds.joan258@gmail.com 95822 CA
Lawrence Westenberg Radiater@aol.com 60189 IL
Linda Brammer gorlin@psci.net 47585 IN
Linda Barbosa lbarbosagarlic@gmail.com 95037 CA
McKenna Eckerline veghead95@gmail.com 55391 MN
Jean Toler topcat45nj@hotmail.com 08753 NJ
Judith Hayner edpals2@aol.com 60123 IL
Shelley Snow morsno@sbcglobal.net 93446 CA
Lisa Stevenson et 78245 TX
Maxine Jaffee jaffee@att.net 60630 IL
Vicki Dahl reinigreinig@hotmail.com 93420 CA
lynn marcus lynn.marcus@gmail.com 93940 CA

Ann Henriquez Elephanthomestead@gmail.com 91335 CA

Tina Doolen tina.doolen@wowway.com 47630 IN
K. Chung chungkat@gmx.com 96816 HI
Debra Combs DebiC743@mac.com 30033 GA
Neil Bleifeld Procrastus@gmail.com 10036 NY
Barbara Kuehn rosebudd63@aol.com 94550 CA
Exposure, and especially
involuntary exposure
(think in the womb), to
toxic chemicals should
not be tolerated. The
overall cost to society is
Francoise La Monica franswas.lamonica@yahoo.com 02459 MA too great.
I know people who have
been harmed by these
Arthur Bond artrbond@aol.com 35803 AL pesticides.
Alison Schleck Alison.schleck@gmail.com 40207 KY
Anthony Fleury anthony60f@aol.com 80227 CO
Miriam Koren mimithek@optonline.net 10605 NY
Patrice Boyd patrice@reedsoftware.com 81241 CO
josef Klein jktopq007@aol.com 11435 NY
David Van Deusen nitehowl@earthlink.net 12067 NY
ElsaMarie Butler elsamariebutler@aol.com 98032 WA
Patricia J Winn inflight137@aol.com 17837 PA
John Sosa Sosa@cortland.edu 13045 NY
Pat Johnson Patmurphyj@sbcglobal.net 90710 CA
Mary Ann Harwell maryannharwell@yahoo.com 10980 NY
Ron Kuykendall rlkuykens@comcast.net 85704 AZ
Roxanne Domini hellorox@comcast.net 55112 MN
Yuana Blanke ylblank@yahoo.com 70123 IL
John Klum johnsklum@earthlink.net 47025 IN
M. Steere msteere6@gmail.com 95436 CA
Lori Mossberg Iltka@aol.com 06518 CT

Alexander Mark Stavis ams64@juno.com 10128 NY

Tracy Holthaus tholthaus@sbcglobal.net 64152 MO
We have known about
the ramifications of
pesticides since before
the 1960's. It is passed
time that we banned
Crystal Griffin yocrystal@yahoo.com 95531 CA them. So do it now!
Thomas Gillespie tlgillespie@ca.rr.com 90638 CA
Debra Clayton-Curtis debra.j.clayton@gmail.com 42211 KY
Christian Hansen marcuschristian@hotmail.com 03602 NH
Johanna Elias fuzz0624@optonline.net 11229 NY
Linda Schrader lschra@iowatelecom.net 50049 IA
Pesticides are poisoning
and killing every living
being on this earth. We
ask ourselves, why do
humans and animals all
have these strange
diseases, and bees are
dying, and the answer is,
why not? Ask yourself,
would you drink or eat
anything that has been
sprayed with pesticides
knowingly? We have to
protect our ecosystem.
Each and every being has
an important part in the
health of our world, be it
the sea, air and land. We
have to protect, not
destroy with the greed of
man. Let's be the
generation that begins
the healing of our world
and all that lives here.
Thank you. Man did not
weave the web of life - he
is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the
web, he does to himself."
Kim Harris harriskim3@gmail.com 97478 OR -Chief Seattle "The things
Sandra Sobek s.sobek@comcast.net 01341 MA
debbie thorn thorndebbie@comcast.net 98033 WA
sheedy dedashti sheedysd@aol.com 92014 CA
Jamie Burks jburks@philabundance.org 19038 PA
Terry Moss terry@mossfam.net 66043 KS
Stop subjecting the
American people to a
continuous deluge of
deadly chemicals! We are
Brian Gingras briangin54@beld.net 02184 MA drowning in them!
Stacy Grossman stacygandadamg@gmail.com 43209 OH
so…WHO are you going
to test on when all the
humans are
Curtine Metcalf violastowe@aol.com 80306 CO COMPROMISED?????
jodi wick jodi20f@gmail.com 20906 MD
Beverly Linton thessada@comcast.net 02476 MA
Surely there are other
pesticides that can be
used. The process of
growing food should not
be harmful! I grown my
own without using those
Sherry Tankersley sherrytankersley23@yahoo.com 95215 CA pesticides.
Marsha Adams adams_marsha@fastmail.fm 98057 WA
Linda Dragavon traiga@hotmail.com 94114 CA
Stacy Croan stacycroan@yahoo.com 62221 IL
Frances Shure franshure@estreet.com 80210 CO
Erica Stanojevic ericast@gmail.com 95060 CA
Carol Stamets Ckstamets@gmail.com 12477 NY
Arnold Ruiz rhythmchaser12@cox.net 85043 AZ
yoshi miyamoto yoshiloop@hotmail.com 94610 CA
edith zahn eykilen@wiktel.com 56738 MN
Susan Selbin sselbin@hotmail.com 87107 NM
Gerry Milliken dolphin@communitynet.org 86324 AZ
Sandi Billington sandibil57@gmail.com 52002 IA
Renate Chaudry renate_chaudry@yahoo.com 1LW

Jennifer Miramonti Jennifer_miramonti@yahoo.com 60074 IL

Barbara Dunkley bvd9701@gmail.com 20816 MD
Christine Pikala cpikala04@gmail.com 55417 MN
M Kimberly Dalinowski crowmerriweather@gmail.com 48310 MI

Kristina Glover crusty_kristi@hotmail.com S7k1G6

Shelley Brown curiousr@me.com 90016 CA
Frank Curtis tulldrivefrank@yahoo.com 12180 NY
Jennifer Sumiyoshi bignarutofan19@yahoo.com 89031 NV
Rebekah Mullins ikizuna@yahoo.com 40229 KY
Jan Repp Jcr2510@icloud.com 91706 CA
Karen Baker kb3162@gmail.com 02296
Justyna Wojciechowska justynahulskie@gazeta.pl 37230 TN
Kerry Grimshaw com 00630 ot
James Lane thelanes4@sbcglobal.net 44060 OH
Elaine Reise ereise@yahoo.com 32931 FL
Roselle Gaybbit u 422615 CA
joyce kegles joycekgls@aol.com 01602 MA
sharon jones shazzyshazz111@outlook.com 0at ot
davud parker dparkercsw@aol.com 07268
Robert Holder michmedici@hotmail.com 37091 TN
Barbara Ripa Littlesun8888@yahoo.com 17851 PA
Francesco Tammone Franco.tammone@tiscali.it 85100
Ben Stafford brassmonkey72@hotmail.com 06175
paulmichaeltarrant@yahoo.co.u WF2
Paul Tarrant k 9HF
Lisa Walder lisawalder73@hotmail.com 0JZ

It's time that we admit

that these chemicals are
poisonous to people, it
sickens me to know that
these big corporations
are allowed the harm not
only the lives of people
but the lives of other
animals and insects as
well.by continuing to turn
a blind eye to the reality
of this problem. we are
making the planet
uninhabitable and all for
Jennifer williams jw6813104@gmail.com 92307 CA the sake of money.
Pedro Villa peluvimi@yahoo.es 28029
Priscilla Marion pmfinance.04@gmail.com 33853 FL
frederic labarthe frederic.eb@gmail.com 06520 ot
Yuriko Hazlett ynmnh@hotmail.com 93036 CA
murielpassmore@btinternet.co RH5
muriel passmore m 4PL
Susanna Purucker spurucker@bellsouth.net 33139 FL
Donatella Rossotto donatellar2@hotmail.it 20881 DE
Joann Stoltz Shotseygirl@aol.com 68731 NE
Ewa Piasecka ewapias@gmail.com 01562 ot
chris wright scrambled.legs@hotmail.co.uk g
Suzanne Shanedling Suzanngold@aol.com 55344 MN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pam McKenna pammcknn@yahoo.com 55422 MN
L R lcr@larsrosager.com 94952 CA
White Michelle Michellewhite916@gmail.com 33594 FL
Aileen McEvoy dudeob321@aol.com 14892 NY
Marta Styczynska marta_styczynska@yahoo.it 97101 OR
Julian Goodare jgoodare@aol.com 2HE
The epa is a sick, twisted
enabler for corporate
amerika! How can any of
you who shill for the
murderous poison
pedro guevara anillopedro@gmail.com 37700 ot pushers carry on?
Barry Greenhill barrygreenhill@comcast.net 20191 VA

Lorrie Gren Lorrie_paul@mts.net R2p0h8 NY

Arlene Keener akeener21@aol.com 23454 VA
Ralph Hobbs ralph.hobbs@tesco.net 00000 ot
The health of people,
particularly vulnerable
children, is of utmost
Nancy & Frank Friedwald nancyfriedwald@comcast.net 80304 CO importance.
Marcia Stauffer marciastauffer@gmail.com 44278 OH
Michele Villeneuve mvilleneuve44@hotmail.com 37660 TN
John Hechtman jhecht@ix.netcom.com 10036 NY
Bruce Weaver ararboin@gmail.com 68777 NE
Beth Caravella bethcaravella29@yahoo.com 53189 WI
Brian Simurdiak briansimurdiak@sbcglobal.net 54303 WI
Marissa Ferraro Msconzo@hotmail.com 11758 NY
Daniel Wilson daniel.wilson53@verizon.net 07920 NJ
Wanda Huelsman paigeturner45066@yahoo.com 28409 NC
Mary Fitzgerald mimifg@sbcglobal.net 91101 CA
Elizabeth Brown carolwilliamsbrown@gmail.com 28429 NC
Lily Maisky lilchka@hotmail.com 01060
Emily McDonald egmcdon@gmail.com 67215 KS
Lilla Woodham Lwoodtheis@gmail.com 02131 MA
Jennifer Keys jenniferk123@hotmail.com 20147 VA
Joyce Murray joycemurray@dsl.pipex.com 6NE
Wynne Queen Wynnepqueen@yahoo.com 28053 NC
misty blythe misty_sunshine@sbcglobal.net 95020 CA
Lisa Fenstermacher lisamacdonald78@yahoo.com 75041 TX
Amy Frochtzweig acfroch@gmail.com 53527 WI
People before profits
please!!! I have
Cathy Kubik kubikcat@yahoo.com 46613 IN grandchildren I love.
Diane Pease wapdap@gmail.com 03561 NH
Casey Olson Sunleaf28@yahoo.com 55803 MN
Layla Aguilar Aguilar.layla@gmail.com 95476 CA
Sean Stoerrle Sstoerrle@gmail.com 33050 FL
Rina Behson peterina9@gmail.com 18052 PA

Laurel Spisak onehorsestampede@yahoo.com 44028 OH

Ruth Smith rzxsmith@hotmail.co.uk 3TN ot
Carol Blaney clblaney@yahoo.com 92373 CA
Lisette west lrlisette@yahoo.com 98332 WA
Julia Deasley jamcg-@hotmail.com 92308 WA
Theodore Wuerslin twuerslin@wi.rr.com 53186 WI
Micaela Salinas micaela_salinas@hotmail.com 92555 CA
Teresa Manzella temafiki@comcast.net 55109 MN
Joseph Magid jsm33@cornell.edu 19096 PA
Joanne Edsall jody_mac21@hotmail.com 14840 NY
Jocelyn Miller jm@jocelynmiller.net 90034 CA
Dawn Hendry hendryrd@q.com 80127 CO
Please listen to the
citizens and not
Janie Smieszek Jksmieszek@sbcglobal.net 86351 AZ Monsanto
emilia boccagna emiliaboccagna@virgilio.it 88100
Chris spas cpsspas@gmail.com 13031 NY
Shane Pyles littleslip@yahoo.com 19050 PA
Donna Roth d_roth@telus.net 9 BC
C Withers jessimo@cox.net 92630 CA
Emma Bradshaw emmabradshaw@comcast.net 60532 IL
DM Graminski dmg71727@hotmail.com 12866 NY
Nancy Crane nlcrane@comcast.net 16801 PA
Jen Scibetta Bebebird6@yahoo.com 14225 NY
mihai grigoriu mihai.grigoriu@web.de 79117 TX
Stephanie Stokes stephastokes@hotmail.com 36609 AL Please and thank you
David Guleke dguleke@yahoo.com 19013 PA
Pamela Polizzi windrider61@outlook.com 30560 GA
Peter Franklin Davis Bushveldhaus@live.com 01301 MA ???
Michele Sammeth msamkhill@gmail.com 98027 WA
Aletha Vengco oceanforest7@gmail.com 95818 CA
Laura Riley lauradriley@surewest.net 95610 CA
Brandy Schumacher m 95610 CA
Jenifer Bliss blisssearcher8@gmail.com 95960 CA
Callie Riley callie_riley@hotmail.com 95610 CA
Sean G seanpgoughru@gmail.com 07060 NJ
Lorraine Gosselin Lo2re@yahoo.com 33565 FL
Maria Nunez yunuenx3@yahoo.com 60152 IL
Ava Bookman abfree10@hughes.net 31801 GA
elena lacroix e.lacroix.jaeggy@wanadoo.fr 60300
Emanuela Bedendo emanuela.bedendo@poste.it 20133
Stephanie Harmon Puffysnack@yahoo.com 17038 PA
Robert Burnett robert.burnett8@gmail.com 81224 CO
Ja Grace Janella444@yahoo.com 97401 OR
Victoria Baker vbaker002@twcny.rr.com 13078 NY
Sandra Jordan sandragjordan@aol.com 11211 NY
Charlene Williams rags2blues@yahoo.com 94519 CA
Thomas Cope chimpanzo@aol.com 44256 OH
Julia Jahns Jjahns@yahoo.com 94061 CA
Ken Benoit kenbenoit@yahoo.com 98087 WA
Sharon Wojno wojnosharon@yahoo.in 29466 SC
Barbara Langan barbaralangan@hotmail.com 16652 PA
Jen Malkoun Jenmalkoun@gmail.com 19063 PA
Eva Schachinger eva.schachinger@gmx.at 00001 ot
Elizabeth Hurlbut echathome@aol.com 46240 IN
sara Livingston rowlette3@yahoo.com 97405 OR
sharon mulkey skhite1@hotmail.com 93445 CA
Janice Gloe rainglo@msn.com 94602 CA
Jane Twtimyer rjmtwit@yahoo.com 22967 VA
Sue Andrews sueandrews10@hotmail.com h
Thomas Perrette perrettet@bellsouth.net 36695 AL
Rebecca Kornick rkornick2@yahoo.com 60614 IL
David Soares vidro_de_color@sbcglobal.net 95726 CA
Margaret Vickers magsvickers@yahoo.com 94116 CA
Donna Smith smitlit@juno.com 08723 NJ
Tanner Klemetson mallardvacation.tk@gmail.com 96941 FM
Brian Kidd briankidd.deal@gmail.com 9NY
Ban all uses of the seven
organophosphate (OP)
Miso Novakovic misonova069@gmail.com 20850 MD pesticides now
Tom Barrett Tj.barrett@verizon.net 19007 PA
Ernest meraz taylors650r@yahoo.com 91710 CA
Vera Vögele corifee@gmx.net 76185 TX
Please help us I live next
to a farm with my family
.Why dont we make
mike McNeace bigmacmike@hawaii.rr.com 96791 HI organic foods .
Alessandra Tomczak aletomczak@yahoo.com.br 83601 ot
Kimberly Musselman kim.musselman@gmail.com 80135 CO
Kay Brainerd Klbrainerd@gmail.com 48111 MI
Jona Petrikowski jonapetrikowski@gmx.de 33161 ot
Agnetha Broecker agnethabroecker@yahoo.de 33161 FL
Claudia Petrikowski jpetrikowski@gmx.de 33161 ot
Ingrid Broecker ibcrazyhorse04@yahoo.de 33161 ot
Burkhard Broecker burkhard.broecker@t-online.de 33161 ot
Jausen Hyldahl Jausen3200@gmail.com 98144 WA
Kat Shield ktshield@gmail.com 76878 TX
Joseph Battaglia Teembattaglia@gmail.com 01880 MA
Susan Cox vanda999999@hotmail.com 10021 NY
Carrie L. cnluofa@aol.com 85710 AZ
Marie Sacks Msacks{@verizon.net 20902 MD
Emily Ogle OhappydayM@aol.com 18058 PA
Marla de Vries m.de.vries@live.nl 99999
John Tissot jtissot@sprynet.com 10036 NY
Betty Trentlyon bettysvat@gmail.com 10011 NY
Simão Botelho simaobot@hotmail.com 01100
Stephen Cardwell stephen-cardwell@talk21.com 00000 ot
marianne Brucker mmarta54@comcast.net 94507 CA
Holly Wells holly_wells_nw@yahoo.com 60616 IL
Thanks for your service to
our democracy, and for
listening to this message
from concerned
Tyler Arbour tyler.arbour@gmail.com 94702 CA citizens/voters!
Pamela Williamson wickedplaything@hotmail.com 92307 CA
Rawan Almomani almomani.r@gmail.com 91755 CA
Francis Donnelly jimdonnelly888@gmail.com 90078 CA
Joyce Benson joyceab123@gmail.com 19038 PA
Mary Garbett mary.garbett@btopenworld.com 4JH
Donna Pagan freeaftr30@gmail.com 10703 NY
Kim Aynedter girlpower43g@aol.com 89448 NV
Ellen Weininger eewgrassroots@aol.com 10606 NY
Thea Hetzner theahetzner@gmail.com 11377 NY
Raymond Collins Raycollins3@bellsouth.net 33177 FL
Susan Glenn sgln40@hotmail.com 49080 MI
This ever increasing use
of pesticide use is
dangerous for our
environment and our
Alice Mangum alykatma@aol.com 23455 VA health.
Carol Kommerstad-Reiche cmkr@cox.net 93108 CA
Barbara Hacker barbhacker@gmail.com 54562 WI
Faye Soares faye.soares@sbcglobal.net 95726 CA
alana willroth alanawillroth@gmail.com 55110 MN
Garu Weaver letsplaytwoeb@yahoo.com 80116 CO
Martin Kornbluh mskornbluh@gmail.com 11050 NY
Kim McClure kimrm64@gmail.com 17601 PA
Marsha Shuman marshapiano@gmail.com 00851 VI
Roger Crazy Wolf rcrazywolf@att.net 80015 CO
Harvey Tjader hdtjader@gmail.com 56601 MN
Joel Johnson greenplanter@hotmail.com 95060 CA
Catharine McEachern catiemce@yahoo.com 55105 MN
Bill Brady wm_brady@yahoo.com 60185 IL
Marcey Lachance mlachance@gmmsda.org 04003 ME
Melissa Kamhout M.serpico@me.com 60642 IL
Sylvia Zade-Routier zade_routier@yahoo.com 10014 NY
marla maleski mmski@solarus.net 54494 WI
Gina Gatto gattopaws16@aol.com 94546 CA
Kathy Basios Kgavriel@aol.com 11501 NY
Steve Downing stevedowning@cox.net 93109 CA
Al Creighton alcreighton@talktalk.net 8BN ot
Katherine May katcmay@hotmail.com 77498 TX
Lauren Fenenbock shainablue@gmail.com 79902 TX
Tiffany Vanderslice Tvanderslice@att.net 75035 TX
Charles Connolly gladeglass@windstream.net 30627 GA
Ariana Saraha arianasaraha@gmail.com 80304 CO
john pastis jo_neas@hotmail.com 11358 NY
Catherine Chambers chrysal@bigpond.net.au 03039 GA
emme g lumijulitink@gmail.com 90210 CA
Glenn McCaslin glenn.mccaslin@gmail.com 80126 CO
D Holewinski star-smile@snail-mail.net 14052 NY
Diane Dawson ddawson766@msn.com 95073 CA
MIchele Johnson goldw36@aol.com 10598 NY
Anne Smith annejs@comcast.net 55109 MN
Joann Lininger jodyesl@yahoo.com 80634 CO
Will Yeager gardenbeekeeper@yahoo.com 90250 CA
John Flater lfthemole@yahoo.com 21093 MD
Murrietta Lee erehwon@earthlink.net 12775 NY
Steve Webster stevew831@gmail.com 05489 VT
Maria D. Zequeira marydolly33@yahoo.com 00985 PR
s pasricha sinpas18@yahoo.com 08816 NJ
Forest Frasieur frforest@sbcglobal.net 94510 CA
Ana-Paula Fernandes m 94065 CA
Tim Adams elpis77@hotmail.com 92009 CA
Nicole Navratil nnavratil1969@gmail.com 80002 CO
Adriana Saldana adriana.salguzman@gmail.com 07890 NJ

Bryan Beattie 1964bryan@gmail.com T0B0J0

Wanda Sheaffer lhs@nmax.net 17094 PA
manmeet toor heymunny@gmail.com 90024 CA
Mina Blyly-Strauss digitalmyths@aol.com 55408 MN
Susan Griffiths susmick@shaw.ca 3W4

Siddharth Mehrotra siddharthmehrotra@verizon.net 93010 CA

Karen Slote wzardglick@roadrunner.com 14120 NY
Diane DeFeo dsdefeo13@gmail.com 10710 NY
Andrea Pellicani artspace@sonic.net 97524 OR
Patricia Tehan patricia.tehan@gmail.com 13403 NY
Janis Keller earthladyj@aol.com 34479 FL
Stephen Bohac stephenbohac56@gmail.com 95383 CA
For my children and my
Cherie Young Soulseed@msn.com 20194 VA childrens children.
Maria Martinez Maria_cris13@yahoo.com 93012 CA
RAY PETERS rp630@msn.com 54982 WI
Joel Meza jdemeza@yahoo.com 94121 CA
Steven Eyerman Steven.eyerman@gmail.com 44128 OH
Ed Somers jr Fishermaned1@gmail.com 08332 NJ
Karen Seale kseale0604@gmail.com 45239 OH
Andrew Bigelow bigelow.andrew@gmail.com 01844 MA
Claire Comte comte.claire@yahoo.com 6HR
sarath weerasena weesarath@yahoo.com 20400
LJ Lanfranchi org 01531 MA
Mary Dzitrie marydzitrie@yahoo.com 11213 NY Please save our Brain.
Geralyn Farwell ggfarwell@comcast.net 80919 CO
Cynthia Harris cjharris5@hotmail.com 03468 MA
Marilyn Hoff marigayl@netzero.com 87529 NM
for the sake of children
and wildlife and other life
chessmastergardener@yahoo.co please stop this
Dan Mostek m 50461 IA nightmare
Mariel Q Davis emmicue@gmail.com 61726 IL
Miguel Checa m_a_checa@yahoo.com 93013 CA
Joanne McClelland joannemcclelland@att.net 67208 KS
Daniel Mink et 17110 PA
Constance Walker walkerc3@sfusd.edu 94117 CA
Rosa Ramal otuzcos@yahoo.es 00031 ot
Why are ANY of these
pesticides approved at
all?? We don't need
these poisons applied to
our food or in our
environment. People can
eat a few fruits and
vegetables with minor
spots. We are being
POISONED by large
agricultural firms. We've
lost our frogs, bats,
butterflies. We're losing
our birds too. This has to
stop somewhere. Your
agency is Environmental
Protection. Then why
Loretta Lehman lllehman@rocketmail.com 17020 PA approve poisons??????
Crystal Monroe crystal.a.monroe@gmail.com 32952 FL
Sheryl Samuel haysamsongs@gmail.com 96727 NY

Pat Brown pdmaloneybrown@hotmail.com 01930 MA

Nicole Fountain nicmasterflash@yahoo.com 94536 CA
Michelle Parsons chiarianite@hotmail.com 04218 ot
John Bremer johnpaulbremer@gmail.com 98229 WA
Eric Jones Ermobina@yahoo.com 94044 CA
Joshua Aransky jlaransky@cox.net 06489 CT
Mercedes Armillas miarmillas@gmail.com 11216 NY
Adriana Galvez rayvnluv@gmail.com 91501 CA
Judy Bezjak jlbezjak@hotmail.com 60439 IL
Deborah Hirsch debzhirsch@aol.com 92264 CA
Margaret Lenahan Peggycmt@yahoo.com 18707 PA
linda Bessler Lkholden1957@Gmail.com 19111 PA
Julie Dulude Duludeja@yahoo.com 55535
Chris Winkley winkleychris@yahoo.com 78746 TX
dawn turner dturner29@comcast.net 21921 MD
Ariane Jonassen arianejonassen@gmail.com 7
Ann Marie Sardineer acynk@yahoo.com 15085 PA
Heidi Snead ghsnead@gmail.com 94965 CA
Michele Mercer michelem555@gmail.com 85122 AZ
Daniel Heasley dsheaz@aol.com 16037 PA
Janet King janetthornking@yahoo.com 02482 MA
Pam Lynn pambolynn@netzero.com 07438 NJ
Ginger Labelle-Brown labellebrown@yahoo.com 53704 WI
ageha priest agehapriest@yahoo.com 70113 LA
Karen Couch Kcouch56@gmail.com 54871 WI
The continued use is
Lisa Smith mrslsmith3663@gmail.com 21234 MD criminal
theresa bauer tabscb@aol.com 53578 WI
Pamela Gibberman pgibberman@gmail.com 91402 CA
Sheila Hitchcock dobbyjuly4@zoomtown.com 45215 OH
Dana Toliver gsgrl2000@yahoo.com 91103 CA
fabiola schlessinger fbschlessinger@gmail.com 33156 FL
Rio Love riolovebodywork@gmail.com 83705 ID
Vera Grab Veragrab@comcast.net 94122 CA
how many people need
to incur brain and other
damage before we put
their welfare over that of
greedy chemical
companies. Kick their
lobbyists to the curb
christina warrington dogsnbikes@gmail.com 17331 PA already
Jake Pelton jakepelton97@gmail.com 50010 IA
April Hose aprilhose@mail.com 50050 IA
Daniel Tainow Dantainow@hotmail.com 10002 NY
penny DiPuma pennymd1@hotmail.com 33445 FL
Jerome Roth jerome_roth@cox.net 85281 AZ
Beth DePlanty bethanyrn0214@gmail.com 60124 IL
Mart's Munger Moonlightfav@aol.com 54755 WI
I think there are just too
many unstudied
chemicals circulating in
our environment. I think
it is time that the EPA
begin to regulate them
and ban ones that are
dangerous or
carcinogenic. Thanks for
considering my
Laura Nowack wackless@yahoo.com 10509 NY comments.
Adrian Shanker Aes1987@yahoo.com 18045 PA
Carolyn Pomeroy kpterra@gmail.com 96743 HI
jim wayne jimwayne96@comcast.net 95003 CA
Poison kills. It doesn't ask
your name. It doesn't ask
how big or small you are.
Joseph Vincent conrua@juno.com 70058 LA Get rid of it!
Rachael sadley rachaelsadley@yahoo.com 32931 FL
Cynthia Lee uscdlee@yahoo.com 98662 CA
patricia brody pybrody@gmail.com 02128 MA
Nancy Juskowich nej917@gmail.com 15301 PA
Carol McMahan carolmcmahan@ymail.com 45211 OH
Jane Abrams luckyjane9@yahoo.com 76207 TX
Kraig and
Valerie Schweiss schweiss@thewisp.net 61081 IL
Gilbert singh gilbert.singh@ymail.com 93727 CA Stop The Chemtrails !!!
Cathy Johnston ca.johnston@rogers.com 12111
Anne Froelich asfroelich@cinci.rr.com 45208 OH
Daren Black daren.black@artofliving.org 90064 CA

milen yordanov milenko_79@abv.bg H3J1P2

Emily Green-Tracewicz emilytracewicz@hotmail.com 99163 WA
James Martin jm14224@verizon.net 14224 NY
Marcia Wagaman m.wagaman@verizon.net 33715 FL
Myrna Castaline myrnac@earthlink.net 80305 CO
Charis Rosales charisrosales@gmail.com 97008 OR
Madalena Hutcheson luvmypet@bellsouth.net 37148 TN
Stefanka Ilieva Stefanka_ilieva@yahoo.com 11598 NY
betsy baumgartner bettyboop734@netzero.net 03246 NH
Lorrie Ogren lorriekayo@gmail.com 554308
AnnaMaria Riedinger annariedinger@gmail.com 95380 CA
Yolanda Clay yolanda-clay@earthlink.net 96745 HI
Kate Goetz kgardnergoetz@hotmail.com 60645 IL
L Dufresne lisa_du_fresne@yahoo.ca 80521 CO
Hope Boije hboije@gmail.com 94611 CA
guilebaldo martinez oo.com 91030 CA
Karen Fedorov karen.fedorov@gmail.com 22712 VA
Helen Dickey hwdretired@gmail.com 94530 CA
Aimee Morein photochk1@aol.com 90813 CA
Ann Beynon annkush@hotmail.com 18447 PA
Maria McGlashan mslizziebug@yahoo.com 44254 OH
elizabeth ayer lizzieayer@gmail.com 48103 MI
Jamie Gwynn Jamiecrouse@yahoo.com 78660 TX
D P pdesai@care2.com 33301 FL
Andrew McClure burningthebushes@yahoo.com 81125 CO
Rhett Lawrence rhettlawrence@yahoo.com 97217 OR
D Bello dbello.silk@att.net 20009 DC
Steven Markgraf smgraf@yahoo.com 53558 WI
Carol Robelia suerobelia@yahoo.com 54736 WI
Lauren Jusek laurenjusek@hotmail.com 44231 OH
Miriam Goldberg com 90035 CA
Chelsea F healingbliss@att.net 96001 CA
Diane Colis ddcollis@aol.com 98443 WA
Ban all uses of the seven
OPs now up for review
because it is the right
Frank Daversa newworlds25@yahoo.com 77084 TX thing to do.
Matilda Lorenzo Love_jada_4_ever@yahoo.com 08831 NJ
PIER BLANDON pierablandon@yahoo.com 94804 CA
Brenda Hartman hartman_brenda@yahoo.com 19604 PA
Jody Isenberg Jodyleei@aol.com 92404 CA
Diane Rooney dianeroone@aol.com 94530 CA
Lorinda Roland lorand@rockisland.com 98279 WA
Anne-Marie Eklund amroonie@hotmail.com 97703 OR
Maya Kurtz mayachristine@ymail.com 81601 CO
Jaylen Schmitt jaylen123@comcast.net 97211 OR
Lourdes Best lourdesloves@yahoo.com 94303 CA
Thomas Talbot tntalbot56@gmail.com 88021 NM
Melissa Rubin specialmelissa2@gmail.com 93035 CA
cathy Sims cathyennis1972@aol.com 45244 OH
Anita Fust Anita_fust@web.de 16552
Anne Moeller afmoeller@mac.com 04200
Tamara Voyles tamaravoyles@gmail.com 95472 CA
After reading Theo
Colborn's book about
endocrine disruptors, and
how important it is to
understand how even
micro-amounts of these
chemicals can effect
developing fetuses (in
many animals, not just
humans), it's been
apparent that what ISN'T
KNOWN about these- and
many ag chemicals-
requires a great deal
more study. While I
realize that industry is
heavily invested in "what
works" (for crop
production), the broader
negative effects of these
chemicals can't simply be
foisted off on the greater
environment as a
"necessary cost of doing
successful farming"; but,
if that IS the case, it's
even MORE important
that our government act
to protect species-
John Browne jbrowne001@centurytel.net 98070 WA including humans- from
Jacqueline Hamilton Stardreamer2468@yahoo.com 95820 CA
Bruce and
Wendla Duncan hatter@calweb.com 95621 CA
Andrea Wilson Suburbanguerilla@yahoo.com 22407 VA
melanie grech melaniegrech1@yahoo.com 1100
Frank Avagliano farnk57@hotmail.com 12477 NY
Shaun Dabare u 03977
Birthe Henriksen b_henriksen@mail.dk DK
Rhonda Holt tereholt@hotmail.com 45426 OH
Gay Weller gayweller@hotmail.com 3NB
Matt Miksys mmiksys@aol.com 60559 IL
Probyn Gregory probyngregory@gmail.com 91042 CA
konstantina balaska konstabal@yahoo.gr 542 49 ot
MaryAnn Burch maryannils@hotmail.com 13026 NY
Kerstin Kress KerstinSu@web.de 46244 ot
Petra Tas petra.tas@bioforumvl.be BE
Lola Jaramillo Lolsterj@aol.com 87104 NM
Staci Genet iskiair@gmail.com 99676 AK
chris lavin deiophobus3@yahoo.com 06484 CT
Deb Wood dk1wood@hotmail.com 55126 MN
Stephen Bellomo sjbellomo@gmail.com 14609 NY
Consider the monetary
cost as well as the
damage these chemicals
are doing to our future. If
America is to remain
strong we need to invest
in our future by
Diane Chase d.m.chase15@gmail.com 03054 NH protecting our children. .
Carisa Dalton Carisa.dalton@yahoo.com 63376 MO
What is wrong with you
Roseann DiVicino Rdivicino@tampabay.rr.com 29505 SC greedy....disgusting
Glenda Shepard smmrhwk@yahoo.com 27597 NC
Jill Capriccio taurusjmc@yahoo.com 03038 NH
Colleen Wood cmhw@aol.com 18914 PA
Michauna Balkovic michauna@live.com 83714 ID
a a ditto75@hotmail.com 29307 SC
Keira Fernandez o.es 24830 ot
Marilyn Bidrawn marilynbidrawn@gmail.com 08048 NJ
SNIEDZE RUNGIS srungis@yahoo.com 49008 MI
If we support life;let
people live without fear
of pesticides that harm
Tom Dudzik TDudz@aol.com 54301 WI them and their children.
Anne Mathot apmathot@hotmail.com 06600 NY
Debra Kraus dnkraus@hotmail.com 54449 WI
Colin Lindsly dlca1325@comcast.net 94957 CA
Ursula Gumlaw gumlawursula@hotmail.com 29710 GA
joyce alexander jwa42@outlook.com e
Patricia Ogborn pogborn88@gmail.com 55082 MN
Guillaume LAURENCIN guillaume.laurencin@orange.fr 21800
Daniela Popovici dana_p@upg-ploiesti.ro 100618
irwin rapoport irwinrapoport@sympatico.ca 1s2
Orlin Konstantinov orvikon@gmail.com 60187 IL
Eireann Doyle-Aucoin eireann@montytech.net 01453 MA
JESSE FOSTER jessefoster08@gmail.com 72205 AR
Sanda J. masterlessgrain@gmail.com 11000
Aaron Elman coyote@spiritone.com 97213 OR
joe whitmore jr whitmorej@etown.edu 17022 PA
John Eckler jeckler@adcogov.org 80226 CO
sylva lin sylva.lin@gmail.com 21223 MD
Chad Armijo darkcide311@gmail.com 81632 CO
Esther Allman palinc2@aol.com 60423 IL
John Cohen jcohen7323@gmail.com 01060 MA
Alex Karl alexanderkarl@hotmail.com 00000
Joseph +
Sandra Windwalker josephwindwalker@gmail.com 14830 NY
Eric McManus emac610@aol.com 28215 NC

This should never have

occurred in the first
place. Our government
needs to start doing their
job as a government for
Laura Cassanova-Wells staarfire01@yahoo.com 78669 TX the people.
Ann Marie Kipp annmariekipp@gmail.com 33952 FL

Clean air is a right, not a

want. Clean air is a
necessity, not a luxury.
Clean air is life, dirty air
is....... Every living thing
on Earth depends on
clean air to thrive and
survive. And clean air is a
necessity so that our
waters and lands thrive
and survive too. The EPA
can and must be allowed
to protect all of us. Our
JAKE HODIE skicopmtn@aol.com 81611 CO lives depend on it!
dana Williams danamite@gmx.com 95916 CA
Janet Walker Spooky7@frontier.com 97538 OR Thank you
James Rainbolt jhdrlfr@gmail.com 52632 IA
janet romine odeesden@gmail.com 50315 IA
Ashley Kachka A_hartman83@yahoo.com 44060 OH
Donna Desjardins fortunecookies@juno.com 01923 MA
Jayne Lowry jaynel33@gmail.com 27312 NC
elaine furman furman.elaine@att.net 32217 FL
Liz Spencer buffyannjones@hotmail.com 75248 TX
Hal Trufan htrufan@gmail.com 28226 NC
Sally Yost sally.yost@comcast.net 21212 MD
Lyn Leeuw lleeuw2002@yahoo.com 32448 FL
Barbara Young babsiam100@outlook.com 08087 NJ
Dale Riehart Dale@daleriehart.com 94107 CA
Monica Escamilla duendes4@yahoo.com 08521
Heather Illg heatherillg@gmail.com 50111 IA
Margaret Bollini fengshuicarole@yahoo.com 28607 NC
It's time to help the
people and not the big
Lisa Lechuga Ldlechga@gmail.com 91505 CA corporations.
Ed Fiedler sparkplug2525@gmail.com 78758 TX
Elizabeth Holland Eholland0710@gmail.com 43420 OH
Dominic Marino dmarino@hartford.edu 06107 CT
Ann Albrecht ann_albrecht@hotmail.com 32732 VA
Connie Hansen jandchansen@tx.rr.com 75080 TX
Cheryl Carney carneyc86@hotmail.com 78201 TX

Its wrong and I bet you

would feed ur own
children this. And later
discover issues and label
thst child as having
psychological problems
which wouldn't have
occurred if they are given
food without this poison.
U should b jailed for
attempted murder in the
first degree. But ur afyer
the god calked money.
Karen jones bigmomma24@hotmail.com 06053 CT Not a conscience in sight.
Barbara Meislin et 94920 CA
Richard Macklin rockymtnhigh101@gmail.com 80907 CO
more experimentation on
Jaklyn Hutchins radicalgranny@gmail.com 56085 MN our children....
Timothy Scerra harveymon@yahoo.com 03275 NH Ban them already ..!
J Bocchino jacklou77@gmail.com 10310 NY
John Griesen john@highpeakshostel.com 12946 NY
Jess Summers JessicaS0615@msn.com 12047 VA
James Trembulak tatashady@aol.com 86314 AZ
Audrey Jordan ladyapj@gmail.com 76011 TX
Violetta Rodigari violetta.rodigari@gmail.com 20851 ot
Dawn Cumings dmcumings@hotmail.com 48184 MI
Sue Meyers sue.norm.meyers@gmail.com 61602 IL
Selma Goode detroitjlc@aol.com 48239 MI
Linda Wallender wallenda.linda@yahoo.com 49663 MI
susan betourne betourne1967@yahoo.com 98055 AZ
Michael Hogan mghogan82@yahoo.com 92014 CA
Eileen Wunderlich blackheadset@web.de 77002 TX
LIN GREER lingreer7@gmail.com 02703 MA
peter ch r4tl@hotmail.com 32660
Jaimie Dinow Jaindin@aol.com 33414 FL
Andrea Zinn andreazinn050@aol.com 11210 NY
Loretta Fisher swtangl1013@hotmail.com 02324 MA
Noel Larock justice7300usa@aol.com 01077 MA
Nancy Hilden Nancy.hilden@yahoo.con 95618 CA
Glenda Gray Gg_gray@yahoo.com 30114 GA
Mark Weller mark@pesticidereform.org 95064 CA
Ann Boyce ann.windus1@btconnect.com 1AH
Dorina Spinelli dori.mi@alice.it 20019 MI
Goran Abramic goranvlp@hotmail.com 31550 ot
Greg LeVan greglevan@yahoo.com 93551 CA
ronald messina ronaldmessina@hotmail.com 70739 LA
Mary Kelly marylynnkelly@yahoo.com 52556 IA
Bernard Rafferty brafferb@gmail.com 12542 NY
Carol Leonis cleonis@cinci.rr.com 45244 OH
Erin Quiles minton_erin@hotmail.com 98503 WA
Elizabeth Blood bloodlizmrs@gmail.com 52202 IA
Denise Scholz dababico@ix.netcom.com 07002 NJ
Ashley Goodson redefine2d@aol.com 70003 LA

Keith Morris doctorkeithmorris@hotmail.com 90027 CA

Helen Kummer helenkummer@btinternet.com 6QW
Charleen Kubota ckubota@library.berkeley.edu 94611 CA
Sergio Cortina-Villar scortina45@yahoo.com 78146 SC
Myra Dewhurst Mdewhurst@bellsouth.net 33176 FL
Peter Cohen petercohen2@me.com 10025 NY
cecilia nevel cecilia.nevel@yahoo.com 33755 FL

It's time to stop the

Posioning on the Planet
june ribert`RIBALDI Donatotwins@yahoo.com 92661 CA Humans an ENVIORMENT
Robert Keiser skeiser2@bellsouth.net 33143 FL

Marianne Devine Mdevineart@gmail.com 11207 NY We can do without them.

Caleb Marcus Tango_world@yahoo.com 10128 NY
Sara Roy ser_55555@hotmail.com 33011 FL
Elizabeth clapp elizabethclapp01@outlook.com 94591 CA
People's health and
wellhess over corporate
Susan Toy susan@toyland.org 91401 CA profits please
Christa Feingold arista30@msn.com 91709 CA

Harmful pesticides we
Grace Matos grechy1957@Msn.com 17111 PA don't need in our bodies.
High time these
Dr. Gardiner john.l.gardiner@gmail.com 97523 OR chemicals were banned!
Thank you for finally
taking steps to ban this
entire class of extremely
dangerous chemicals! I'm
so tired of meeting
children on the autism
spectrum and with
Beth Grahn anybeth@gmail.com 58103 ND attention disorders!!!
Knowingly harming
tom gingell tomgingell@gmail.com 95661 CA innocent life is evil.
KAREN LEFSKY klefsky@cox.net 23188 VA
Charles Fox cfox@aviandesign.net 87505 NM
Mariana Lopez mlpcrazy@hotmail.com 77077 TX
Robin Wilson rjrumpus@msn.com 60304 IL
Xochitl Hernandez-Hill xochitlrwhill@yahoo.com 97455 OR

The poisoning of America

can not continue, we are
angry!!Let us know the
EPA is for our protection,
not corporate
Debra Nordgaard dsndante@aol.com 55369 MN advancement.
mary mckenzie mary.gaye.n@cox.net 86303 AZ
David Reimers dreimers@globalccs.org 14139 NY
Peggy Schramm crazymonkeyinc@sbcglobal.net 60085 IL
Marc Calicchio Dr_calicchio@hotmail.com 19608 PA
Gerda Brasser blije-sara@hotmail.com 1561AE NH AND NATURE
Andrew Gambill chicagoflyguy78@yahoo.com 60640 IL
kari sievers kri428@yahoo.com 46383 IN
Virginia Pillman vjp610@gmail.com 60657 IL
Janice Hallman jrhallman2@gmail.com 55110 MN
Jenni Blomqvist jenni.blomqvist@gmail.com 00630
Kevin Doyle Doygranat@aol.com 10025 NY
vianey nunez vianeyyedithza@yahoo.com 95817 CA
Mary Ann De Nicolo adenicbvm@comcast.net 33983 FL
Brenda Michaels brenda@conscioustalk.net 98027 WA
Kristin Cook kristingamzoncook@gmail.com 20854 MD
Elisa Llamido m 32828 CA
Karen Barnes dktbarnes@comcast.net 20657 MD
Angela Orozco angelag.orozco@gmail.com 94117 CA
Lindsey Nielsen Lnielsen_86@hotmail.com 53066 WI
John Tsevdos thelegend99@hotmail.com 11209 NY
Ashley Stewart ashleyfallis21@aol.com 75243 TX
Marisa Covantes mictmx@yahoo.com.mx 8 BC
Rodney Borkovec rborkovec4@frontiernet.net 61250 IL
Thomas koven tomkoven@gmail.com 08827 NJ
Lynda Charlebois ytt@prodigy.net 48446 MI
saul schreier eieios3@comcast.net 08873 NJ
matt woodward mattwoodward@hotmail.com 90740 CA
Erika Larsson-Hall Singinggum@hotmail.com 94706 CA
Kendra Brooks kendrakbrooks@gmail.com 90740 CA
j brown julesliz@aol.com hr11jj NY
Paul Craciunoiu paul@craciunoiu.net 94804 CA
judith pope judithapope@hotmail.com 90291 CA
Please don't release any
more of this into Our
Sean Folsom seanthepiper@yahoo.com 62854 IL Environment.
Theodore Marszalek tdmarz3@gmail.com 60656 IL
Ryan Esparza ryanjesparza@gmail.com 54025 WI
Kym Waugh lilly1875@comcast.net 80203 CO
Stella Ardire wcs.dancer@hotmail.com 85351 AZ
Lisa Gee inion@earthlink.net 91224 CA
Mary Grace mgrace@healingclinic.org 94947 CA
Larry Hendrickson larshendrickson@gmail.com 93727 CA
Angelika Braxton angelikasbraxton@gmail.com 78109 TX
Patricia Benward pbenward@att.net 07080 NJ
fred karlson fkarlson@frontier.com 98248 WA
Chris Simmons cbs1974@hotmail.com 28273 NC
karen young youngatart1@yahoo.com 97401 OR our future !
Susan Fasten smfasten@aol.com 02482 MA
I feel we need to re-
evaluate application
processes for all
pesticides, as drifting is
taking place so often in
Brenda Knox brenknox@gmail.com 52625 IA rural America.
Carol Joan Patterson joanie.patterson@yahoo.com 72632 AR
Jim Peyton jpeyt71@hotmail.com 85340 AZ
Valeska Gann valeska1@aol.com 85254 AZ
Robert Jones robertjj47@yahoo.com 10570 NY
Laura Podrasky glassartbylaura@gmail.com 48357 MI
mary rivas rv221@aol.com 08077 NJ
Geraldine Ring geraldine_ring@hotmail.com 12345 NY
Andrew Bradford c@snork.us 80026 CO
Debbie LeBlanc debslbnc@yahoo.com 32164 FL
Suzanne Hoedemaker butterflygrrrL13@yahoo.com 17013 PA
Mika Stonehawk mikachu51@hotmail.com 92782 CA
Joy Wood jarwoodsc@msn.com 95060 CA
Cheri Vasek cherivasek@mac.com 96816 HI
Mary Aktay maryaktay@gmail.com 07444 NJ
Larissa G. aniu15228@gmail.com 15228 PA
Debbie Peel debbiepeel54@gmail.com 63941 MO
Please help remove these
Janet Dinstbier Dinstbier@att.net 62269 pesticides.
Penelope Mazza cyber_soiree@yahoo.com 52556 IA
Rob Soxsmith chook_toad@hotmail.com 02600 ACT
Laura White afanafrog@yahoo.com 95965
Sherrie Pizzo u2lvr2005@aol.com 14904 NY
Ellen Gurtner ellengurtner@aol.com 41189 KY
perri glass periglass@hotmail.com 90068
Howie Hartman quercus3@aol.com 60630 IL
Jessica McGratty Jessica.mcgratty@gmail.com 28205 NC
Wendi Postma iforget77@hotmail.com 49503 MI

Richard Steele richard.halsey.steele@gmail.com 87123 NM

Carole Connet connet108@gmail.com 52556 IA
Christina Stemwell Stemfam@yahoo.com 53235 WI
Lisa Martinez lisamartinez680@gmail.com 60532 IL
Jennifer Davis davisjenndavis@gmail.com 10014 NY
James Sullivan midknight6@lycos.com 60630 IL
Anne Swigart Ahsocean@aol.com 19380 PA
Paul Lapidus plapidus@ebold.com 95004 CA
Pamela A. Lowry aynlowry@protonmail.ch 94704 CA
T Cattell vortecsix@aol.com 33513 FL
Sharon Cali scaliwag@cox.net 92027
Marc Silverman dhalgrn@pacbell.net 90068 CA
Karma Waterman Karma_Hansen@yahoo.com 77450 TX
Debbie McBride debbmc2000@yahoo.com 77098 TX
Charlotte De Waal cdwaal@yahoo.com 00000
Phyllis Kaczynski phyllisgk@comcast.net 02771 MA
Jennifer Johnsrud-Farmer farmjd07@yahoo.com 54220 WI
Leslie Mercer m.lesliekaren@yahoo.com 95476
Dorothea Artinian d_artinian@msn.com 97361 OR
K. Christensen epona4@verizon.net 91706 CA
Barbara Haynes bhaynes14@gmail.com 55920
janet rupp jan.rupp@comcast.net 80301 CO
Jeff Stewart Axum11811@hotmail.com 97520 OR
Please ban all uses of all
pesticides, now. Thank
Frances Hinckley francesbiz@yahoo.com 94925 CA you.
Brigitte Von Budde briges@i29.net 58102 ND
Michael Davis mandcdavis@gmail.com 50322
Michelle Okeefe Mokeefe2@gmail.com 95125 CA
Jeanne Graffin jeanne.graffin@charter.net 53719 WI
Kerri Allen allenkerril@gmail.com 15216
Elizabeth Flynn eliza.flynn@yahoo.com 92057 CA
Our children deserve the
right to be free of
Heather Hebert del Cuadro hhebertdelcuadro@gmail.com 92007 chemical toxins!
Ana Alvarez aairis@aol.com 34711 FL
We must begin to care
more about people &
their health and well-
being than profits for
large multi-national
Jan MacWilliams janmacwill@gmail.com 97213 OR corporations.
Vanessa Skantze serpentpariah@hotmail.com 98134 WA
L. Parrish lparrish@toast.net 93923 CA
Chara Riegel Charajoy@yahoo.com 91602
Victoria marr vic7012y@gmail.com 90024 CA
Kate Ague kateague@earthlink.ent 94025 CA
Michael L. Lovely enchantedforest@coinet.com 97702 OR
Peter Altman peteroa04@yahoo.com 95616 CA
Erika Somlai serika@operamail.com 01163
Lissa Coleman lcol7@hotmail.com 94063 CA
Sheri Delaine delaine7@hotmail.com 54701 WI
Shane Nodurft s_nodurft@hotmail.com 60641 IL
Sophie Galleymore Bird oysoph@yahoo.co.uk 7RZ

Lester and Judy Hoyle jalh2@frontiernet.net 97523 OR

Kelly Brown kelly31_no@yahoo.com 69101
laura semboli laurasemboli@gmail.com 53019 WI
Stefanie Sellars Stefanie.sellars@yahoo.com 93065 CA
The time has been too
long that nothing has
been done Please get this
Elizabeth Robinson Rokn7@hotmail.com 12508 NY done!!!
rita meuer ritameuer@yahoo.com 53704 WI
Janet Robinson janetrobinson74@yahoo.com 83262 ID
john furlong jjFU@aol.com 19053 PA Protect the population
Jayne Chase jayne.chase@gmail.com 03455 NH
Valerie Yockey Val.yockey@gmail.com 15239 Long overdue!
Steven Skal sskal@aol.com 43214 OH
Shannon Thor sthor53@gmail.com 49080 MI
I'm sure there's plenty of
safe and effective
alternatives to these
dangerous poisons
waiting to be discovered.
If we can put a man on
the Moon, it should be
Gary Jones g.jones1965@att.net 60436 IL easy.
Deborah Harvey Weepingfaerie@yahoo.com 11385 NY
Carole Conatser cjconats@zoominternet.net 44512 OH
Laura Jackson laura20000406@gmail.com 04001
Carol Minnick carol@minnick.com 14031
Lynne Yourick lynne.yourick@gmail.com 21703
Alice Lehman genelehman@frontier.com 18848 PA
nancyjo martens nancyjomartens@gmail.com 91935
Enough is enough. STOP
the use of these toxic
Dorothy Rodriguez dottierodr@aol.com 48304 MI chemicals!
Susan Meles smeles@comcast.net 19027 PA
Anna Steffen Steffen.anna@gmail.com 90808
Willa Paton-Smith willa@patonsmith.com 30306 GA
Why would you even
consider harming another
human, most of all
Margaret Paddock ciati2012@gmail.com 86326 AZ children?
Karen James karenjames77@gmail.com 06573 ot
Dr Charles Turner chassturner@aol.com 3AG ot
Debra Henriksen flowingfeathers@yahoo.com 59047 MT
Robert Bennett angstrom90@hotmail.com 41190
donald plaut donaldplaut88@gmail.com 92672 NOW!
micheal erickson ohmakwa69@hotmail.com 55406 MN
Bridget Scott Bridgecsi@gmail.com 96822 HI
Its time to take the
priority of corporate
profits and replace it with
the health of our
REBECCA DUDLEY pareidoliette@gmail.com 55437 children.
Summer Johnston sumdrum@gmail.com 91786
DEBBIE BOCHERT bochertfilthy@comcast.net 80233 CO
Roland Bosse rb03585@gmail.com 03585 NH
Alexandra Minksova sasamin@seznam.cz 62300 CA
It's time for you to
protect the public and
not the corporate bottom
Barry Swedlow bubbawitz@comcast.net 24501 VA lines.
Ronald Voorhies rvv01@msn.com 84310 UT Save the children
It is time to put a stop to
the chemical cocktails we
are continually exposed
Kimberly Porlier deanki79@hotmail.com T8R1C5 to.
Renya Sabosch renya@sabosch.de 24837 VI
john buchanan slothman1@gmail.com 97380 OR do it, do it now!

jean wichowski jeanwichowski@outlook.com T8R1B7

Ed Morrison Layzriver@yahoo.com 19543
consuelo Vargas cvargas1891@gmail.com 46324 IN
My elderly parents and I
experience muscle
problems, short term
memory impairment, and
mental confusion when
the farm fields around us
are being sprayed. Please
protect the public, not
Joan Olive alarsen@webbwireless.net 51360 the corporations.
Magy Ehrler Gayamo@hotmail.com 10318

If conclusive/empirical
evidence exists showing
damage related to this or
these chemicals then
T5T there's no question about
Jody Perritt jody.perritt@gmail.com 4H7 banning application.
Tiffany Haverfield gabbystf@hotmail.com 02108 MA
Mondee Door mondeedoor@yahoo.com 21032 MD
Ingrid Johansson Ingridskier@yahoo.com 53129 WI
T Alvino taracirone@hotmail.com 91384 CA
Vickey Baker doghaven@harlannet.com 51537 IA
Isalien Jamar isa_jam@msn.com 01390 ot
Andrea Brodkin Archappell@hotmail.com 90405 CA
Dianne Selwood selwood@irtc.net 62638
joanna grinberg-ayala szalonatasia@gmail.com 11354 NY
joe placucci kellygreenspartan@yahoo.com 48864 MI
Gerald Kuhn garykkuhn@gmail.com 24014 VA
Jane Carroll janebrain@hotmail.com 91311 CA
Patricia Townsend Spiritrt@optonline.net 12533 NY
jason Smeltzer jason_smeltzer@yahoo.com 54702 WI
John Schaefer jcschaef@igc.org 95521
Kate Stanley kate@katestanley.net 94515 CA
Cheryl Sloan csloan777@cox.net 85029 AZ
Its time to realize that we
have learned so much in
the last fifty years. Its
also time to acknowledge
that we cease utilizing
products like this. Lets
stop the production and
use of organophosphates,
we are slowly killing our
selves and our planet and
we can do something
Steve Walker walkersplanet@gmail.com 94513 about it.
mindi arcoleo mbarcoleo@yahoo.com 07753 NJ
Julie Radmacher Julieradmacher@yahoo.com 93434
Margaret Petrillo Megpetrillo@yahoo.com 19083 PA
Karen Kirschling kumasong@excite.com 94117 CA
mary lopez lamagg11@sbcglobal.net 95610 CA
Alejandra Anderson andersona.mx@hotmail.com 05100 NM

Erica McWilliams mcwilliamse@hendrichtitle.com 47805 IN

Salvador Sanchez Ssm10002@hotmail.com 04389
Cheryl Rosquist Cherirosquist@yahoo.com 53402 WI

Claudia Ricard claudiahricard@telus.net T8R1R9

Ariel Gomez aktiv8hope@gmail.com 53212
Diana Frank lendianafrank@aol.com 34109 FL
Susan Rubin suerainbowskies@yahoo.com 96754 HI
Benita Crow benitacrow@cox.net 23323 VA
Blackberry Farm blackberry@mosaictelecom.net 54772 WI Support local organic!
Joanne Poole eicare@yahoo.com 52556
Jessica Lederman jlederman1027@gmail.com 07302 NJ
Nancy Berman robinsgaia@att.net 94707 CA
Iffat Abbas iffatabbas@gmail.com 92618 CA
Dan Cadzow Daniel.mindaugas@gmail.com 14214
B Ruzicka mrswhiggins@gmail.com 34983 FL
Alan Clapper abclapper@yahoo.com 01226 MA
Amanda Melrood aevens87@gmail.com 53207 WI
Karen Hartstein kayhart3@yahoo.com 95608 CA PLEASE!!!
Angela Makki ang849@gmail.com 7EZ
Samantha Courtois samanthacourtois@yahoo.com 93292
Joanne Mizwicki mzwck@yahoo.com 60451
save our planet... its
people...it is the moral
babs sams othershoreclub@gmail.com 00000 thing to do
Melissa Moore chinacatsunlover@yahoo.com 95490 CA
Elizabeth Rahn erahn2004@yahoo.com 57004 SD
Eugene Cai Euginieland@hotmail.com 94539
Scott Grinthal sgrinthal@yahoo.com 94402 CA
sherri fulmer sherrifoor@yahoo.com 08867 NJ

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