EPA HQ OPP 2008 0440 0059 - Attachment - 2
EPA HQ OPP 2008 0440 0059 - Attachment - 2
EPA HQ OPP 2008 0440 0059 - Attachment - 2
We urge EPA to ban all uses of these seven neurotoxic organophosphate pesticides immediately:
chlorpyrifosmethyl, dicrotophos, dimethoate, ethoprop, profenofos, terbufos and tribufos.
This class of pesticides has been proven to cause neurodevelopmental harm to children and to poison farmworkers
and others in surrounding communities when they’re sprayed in agricultural fields.
After years of delay, your agency recently acknowledged the extensive evidence that exposure to these pesticides
damages development of children's brains. It's time to act to protect children from reduced IQ, delayed development,
autism and attention disorders associated with these dangerous pesticides. EPA should take immediate steps to ban
these braindamaging pesticides in order to:
Action on these toxic chemicals is long overdue. We urge you to ensure that your agency moves quickly to ban
these pesticides now.
Pesticide Action Network North America and United Farm Workers, and on behalf of the 22,452 below,
concerned citizens from all 50 states, Washington, DC and several Canadian provinces.
First Name Last Name Email Zip State Comment
sara knight sarasknight@gmail.com 94612 CA
Johnnae Nardone johnnae@panna.org 50501 IA
Kristin Schafer kristins@panna.org 95112 CA
Julie Ford jford29105@aol.com 90740 CA
Danyela Harting danyeharti@sbcglobal.net 63031 MO
Bruce Donnell b_donnell@msn.com 87506 NM
V. Walko v.j.walko@gmail.com 08012 NJ
Steven Andrychowski vvcsteve@yahoo.com 06051 CT
Nicholas Lenchner airbat@pacbell.net 95403 CA
Serena Cardini serenanicole07@gmail.com 93561 CA
It is long overdue to get
these toxins out of our
Gloria Cole gloriag808@gmail.com 36744 AL environment.
helena doerr helena.doerr@yahoo.com 20906 MD
Lynne Murphy-Miller willowbard@yahoo.com 98684 WA
Barry Weaver wvrbrry@yahoo.com 72641 AR
Bebe McCarthy bebesmc@yahoo.com 06877 CT
Heather E. Drees hethboo7@yahoo.com 58201 ND
elena knox eknox217@gmail.com 94602 CA
virginia broadbeck ginnybroadbeck1@verizon.net 22960 VA
David Lindsey DAVEKL69@AOL.COM 42320 KY
Louis Ostrach lostrach@gmail.com 20814 MD
letting chemical
companies hurt people
for profit!!!!! I implore
of big money and corrupt
Glen Anderson glenanderson@integra.net 98503 WA politicians!!!!!
Luz Carmenate carmenatel@yahoo.com 34239 FL
Tom Keys tkeyshike@msn.com 97080 OR
Larry Lapuyade larrylapuyade@earthlink.net 94979 CA
carol easton carol.easton1@gmail.com 95003 CA
james milnthorpe jmilnthorpe@hotmail.com 85053 AZ
Timothy Mullen timothy.mullen3@gmail.com 2AY MN
Arthur Chan aumtn@sbcglobal.net 94518 CA
Stephen Graham stephenwgraham@gmail.com 53711 WI
It's truly amazing that we
must pass legislation to
protect ourselves from
harmful chemicals
produced and used in the
name of profit. In a
Robert Krinsky rob@newell-construction.com 95983 CA word... disgraceful
chris granata cgranata224@gmail.com 08060 NJ
Cathy Brownlee serendipitycat@hotmail.com 72450 AR
T C matrixkittikat@yahoo.com 60403 IL
Lynn C. Lang lynn_lang@hotmail.com 56303 MN
robin nadel horsescats34@comcast.net 06405 CT
Robin Gotfrid robin@roguewebworks.com 97520 OR
Bridget O'Brien ob.bridget@gmail.com 98109 WA
ted porter tedporter26@hotmail.com 91601 CA
Annie McCuen mccuen7691@comcast.net 97302 OR
Maria Asteinza asteim@verizon.net 11375 NY
Brandon Bless angbra@gmail.com 05827 VT
Laura Neiman lneiman55@gmail.com 10034 NY
Tara Verbridge taraverbridge@yahoo.ca 48004 MI
Mary McGrath emaj02@gmail.com 55417 MN
Marie Rose mbrose1@comcast.net 60062 IL
Judy Uebelacker Uebeart@aol.com 56345 MN
Robert Burk bobbajo@aol.com 90024 CA
jerome milks jmilks@gmavt.net 05491 VT
Lynda Varner deedeevarner@hotmail.com 92111 CA
Wayne Cochrane w@1ai.us 24830 WV
Genevieve Miller .com 22180 VA
Nancy Porter-Steele sis.net 92020 CA
Jen Seely jenseely@usfamily.net 55047 MN
Sarr Blumson org 48104 MI
William Pritchett buffalo0743@msn.com 33710 FL
Harvey Spears Redmonkey2@mac.com 10002 NY
Kim Steven Waltz k.wz@att.net 15236 PA
Katherine Terhune kathie.ratcliff@mac.com 94062 CA
Lois White loeyw1@gmail.com 97527 OR
MaryEllen Seehafer 333mellan@gmail.com 20616 MD
Esther Weaver edw200@gmail.com 12528 NY
william Thornton wmthornton@yahoo.com 36555 AL
Theresa Gardner edantree@hvc.rr.com 12589 NY
Colleen Wheeler cwheeler@shrinenet.org 96816 HI
John Bartlett jkb686@hotmail.com 83873 ID Thank you!
Lin Griffith oak2acorns@yahoo.com 91001 CA
Donna Greenwell dgreenwell@nycap.rr.com 12866 NY
Raanan Katzir rannan@zahav.net.il 69362
lauren kattuah lauren777@icloud.com 90403 CA INSECTS
Carole Kunstadt ckunstadt@gmail.com 12491 NY
Connor Hansell landrovie@yahoo.com 84121 UT
EDITH LOBROT edithlobrot@gmail.com 92330 FL
Jody Gibson jodyg8@msn.com 50315 IA
James Glenn jrglennjr@gmail.com 95472 CA
Julia Wade dragongal35@yahoo.com 60004 IL
Jeffrey Bains jebains@gmail.com 32159 FL
This is totally
unacceptable. It is getting
to the point that it is
sounding like Flint's
governor deciding to save
$100,000 and ending up
poisoning the citizens of
Flint. Don't think that is a
comparison you are
Cheryl Kallenbach ckallenb@icloud.com 83555 ID interested in being made.
e p liz1952@gmail.com 95481 CA
Briann Matam Bbksn@gmail.com 34608 FL
Dova Wilson Dova_w@yahoo.com 20165 VA
susan zalon susan.zalon2162@gmail.com 93110 CA
Philip Noel philipnoel9@gmail.com 93422 CA
Michele Ham michelem47@coastaccess.com 98569 WA
I live in an agricultural
area and I'm also a
commercial beekeeper.
I'm struggling to keep my
hives alive due to the fact
that they are
continuously exposed to
pesticides. As you know,
without bees, we can't
pollinate crops. Please do
all you can to protect
humans and bees. Thank
Jennifer Coggins Coggins.jennifer@gmail.com 94571 CA you.
Mary Wood mjkw31@gmail.com 93405 CA
Allen Rozelle allen.rozelle@gmail.com 95060 CA
Mark Brooker brooker.mark@gmail.com 60637 IL
Barbara Lauan bhjlaudan@comcast.net 98264 WA
Hillary Anderson hchoices@kirkanderson.com 83340 ID
Marc Massar greatcorners@aol.com 32765 FL
Dolores C. Pino, B.A., J.D. dcpino@yahoo.com 60053 IL
Tanja Lepikkö tanja.lepikko64@hotmail.com 33332 FL
Janet Cooke jcooke@craneschool.com 93022 CA
Dawn Lioutas dawnlioutas@hotmail.com 4W7
Heather Fox H216scrf@aol.com 01887 MA
Donna Sanders dbsepa@pacbell.net 93306 CA
Terry Sopher Sr tsopher@verizon.net 22003 VA
Barbara D'Emilio demilioba@gmail.com 20011 DC
Enrico Pelausa ricop2003@yahoo.com 20111 VA
Douglas McNeill peter.cares@wap.org 20770 MD
mohammad kazemi mohammkz@hotmail.com 22031 VA
Laine Stewart stewartlaine@yahoo.com 20110 VA
Laila Bertelli lailabertelli@yahoo.com.au 03875 NH
tlaloc tokuda tlaloctt@hotmail.com 96740 HI
Timothy Shivers tshivers72@gmail.com 75212 TX
ALL "Organophosphate
Pesticides" ARE
Robert M. Deems bdeems1@verizon.net 08648 NJ "Carcinogenic Herbicides!
Patricia Bojorquez earthseasky100@gmail.com 85710 AZ
Eric Lewis elewis@suddenlink.net 93514 CA
Nicole Marsh nikkimarsh80@gmail.com 30157 GA
Dan Tejeda Tejedadg@guilford.edu 02919 RI
George Fairfax MD fairfaxgt@comcast.net 98277 WA
Deborah Medina Mindfulsuccess@live.com 94931 CA
Melvin Bautista morenci62@hotmail.com 85044 AZ
Simone Schad Simone_a_s@hotmail.com 92024 CA
Susan Covey mizmadhatter@hotmail.com 94306 CA
Morley Schloss morleynaturist@hotmail.com 33470 FL
Andrew Frey arfrey00@gmail.com 91106 CA
Please help protect
human and insect, and
animal life from these
Ann Kaufenberg kaufenbergssnd@gmail.com 56001 MN toxins.
David Hammond tripper@wildblue.net 95490 CA
Nathan Allen nately7@gmail.com 33604 FL
Avery Musbach averythesauce@hotmail.com 55414 MN
Lyssa Danehy deHart Lyssadanehy@gmail.com 98110 WA
Richard and
Carolyn Robinson rdrandccr@gmail.com 92314 CA
I believe this to be of the
utmost importance!
Isaac Nyden wastepatrol@gmail.com 95945 CA Sincerely, Isaac Nyden
Joe DiSalvo joedisalvo04@yahoo.com 44301 OH
Linda Petrulias acmwc@comcast.net 95421 CA
Julia Gillett equanimous1@yahoo.com 93306 CO
Marilyn Page marilynpageviolin@gmail.com 94558 CA
Ronald Hill ron.hill.ski@verizon.net 01775 MA
Sheila Lumsden shelamlum@yahoo.com 56560 MN
Marcia Flynn marciaflynn@live.com 98070 WA
Ela Conner Pls_recycle@yahoo.com 83815 WA
We have noted a
neurotoxic of xenobiotics
especially pesticides
using freshwater fish as
an animal model.
Xenobiotics have a
positive role in
agriculture. But still in
some villages farmers use
natural fertilizers for
cultivation and received
good yield. People show
great interest on it, they
are ready to pay high. We
know pesticides save our
cultivation from
pathogens, yes of-course,
but we don't know that
pesticides are using crop
as a carrier to kill humans
and environment. There
is a parallel growth
between the pesticides
poopalramakrishanan@ymail.co and new diseases. Please
Poopal Rama Krishnan m 641046 say NO to pesticides.
Your leadership is
desperately needed to
encourage other
countries around the
world to follow suit. I
urge you to do the right
Janice Forsythe jforsythe@rogers.com 00000 ON thing for people's health.
Michael Congdon mcongdon67@gmail.com 33137 FL
Sarah colwell kramer1125@gmail.com 43123 OH
Maria Gonzalez tracyg36@gmail.com 60656 IL
Sherry Bowles sbowles@calwelllaw.com 25302 WV
L Wilson lkennedywilson@yahoo.co.uk 32084 FL
Michael Jackson michaelva1@verizon.net 23043 VA
David Klass dklass@verizon.net 10011 NY
karen milstein midbarnm@aol.com 87506 NM
Peter Cragg drpet.cragg@comcast.net 77381 TX
Steve Santos busman18184@yahoo.com 91762 CA
Paula Fischer pfischer@comcast.net 55406 MN
annmarie owen anno35@me.com 85755 AZ
Sharon L. Jenkins isis124@charter.net 54501 WI
Nancy Archibald m K2B8E3
George Spagna gspagna@rmc.edu 23005 VA
Irene Tsakiris chimera.952@gmail.com 07764 NJ
Gary Albright gary@wildlifecomputers.com 98296 WA
Frank & "PLEASE do your job!!
Coralee Poppie prosit13@aol.com 91755 CA STOP them!
Elizabeth A Trought batrought@gmail.com 03266 NH
micki bailes bmildred7@gmail.com 79912 TX
Paul Fung pyfung@yahoo.com 10025 NY
Holly Mosher hollywoodnt@sprintmail.com 90405 CA
Brenda Gaines brendad@pioneer.net 97412 OR
Timothy Schacht drtim@speakeasy.net 48230 MI
William Howald wnhowald@gmail.com 98271 WA
Dennis Feichtinger djfeich@gmail.com 48183 MI
It is time to the EPA stops
pandering to these
Michael Wade mike@BBBseed.com 80302 CO Chemical Comanpies
Sandra Lynn cresorchid@gmail.com 78620 TX
Julie Slater-Giglioli julierose.1951@gmail.com 90046 CA
Rebecca Oberlin roberlin37@gmail.com 74132 OK
Carol Rodriguez ms.dork@gmail.com 94549 CA
Gina Coker gina.coker@va.gov 19149 PA
Caroline Smith k dy8 1nl
Lilinoe Smith balihai7@hawaii.rr.com 96741 HI
The country is counting
on you to help protect
our people, especially
children, from toxic
substances such as these
chemicals. We have faith
that you will act based on
the science and not on
the pressures exerted by
these chemicals' users
Robert Wangsness rmwangs@gmail.com 55912 MN and manufacturers.
Judith Dupree adlib_pv@sbcglobal.net 91962 CA
Candace Batten candace@kaimanlaw.com 90031 CA
William Olson Billybra@aol.com 90292 CA
Or do we chase nasty's
these with water from
Jeffrey Watson evr_green@msn.com 98027 WA Flint Michigan?
Jeffrey Koppel jeff.koppel@gmail.com 33021 FL
Marilyn Mueller mmuelle7@hotmail.com 30004 GA
englishblondechick@yahoo.co.u YO11
Annette Waddington k 3RG
We are drowning in
chemicals, from Hawaii to
New York. We are not lab
rats, the health issues are
overwhelming, especially
in Americas children.
Stop pandering to
Gaylen Blankenship ebgb@comcast.net 94904 CA chemical companies!
Paul Ramos pauldramos@gmail.com 93460 CA
Suzanne Smith Suzannemary49@yahoo.com 14620 NY
Heather Rodman h_rodman@yahoo.com 83709 ID
dwayne dusa waynetusa@aol.com 10028 NY
Carolin Schellhorn schellho@sju.edu 19003 PA
Olga Speranskaya olga@ipen.org 3
Roe Jewell lenni2tuscany@hotmail.com 26003 WV
Joanna Welch jlasken22@gmail.com 95501 CA
Victor Martin vklm@sbcglobal.net 64131 MO
Steven Gilbert sgilbert@innd.org 98105 WA
Marian Rowland marianrowland@dejazzd.com 19504 PA
Laura Lawford Sunhoney326@yahoo.com 04079 ME
Gretchen Fitting Grfitting8@gmail.com 19808 DE
A. Todd todd87701@gmail.com 97404 OR
Valerie Romero valeriesioux@mindspring.com 95971 CA
Missie Smith missiestatts@aol.com 25071 WV
sandra lane slane78212@yahoo.com 78028 TX
E.S. Schloss ESS.007@RCN.COM 10128 NY
K Hanlon IPCHanlon@aol.com 20676 MD
Scott Bell m 761354 TX
mike butkiewicz sweetpea04@ecybermind.net 48314 MI
Steve & Linda Dorage sjdorage@gmail.com 30030 GA
Monica Firely firely@gmail.com 34236 FL
eusebio manuel
vestias pecurto vestias eusebiopecurto@Gmail.com 71501 DC
My nephew suffers a
severe case of autism. I
beg and plead with you
to please help put an end
to these toxic chemicals
so that no more parents
have to endure the
suffering of seeing their
children in diapers at age
8 and severely
developmentally disabled
for life as a result of
ingesting these poisons.
Thank you for
Nicole Garvey Nickiag96@gmail.com 55448 MN representing us.
sharon Bisset m 02563 MA
Susan Pacillo alaskafairie@yahoo.com 99511 AK
Glenna Lang lang.glenna@gmail.com 02138 MA
s mcnamee ladybugx@telus.net 92625 CA
Gina Kalama g-kalama@msn.com 60056 IL
Daniel Longstreth dlongstr@cotc.edu 43701 OH
Karen Schneider kmslcsw1@gmail.com 60657 IL
Martin Iseri iseri@sbcglobal.net 95628 CA
Annette Berghammer helenavtroja@aol.com 81539
Carolyn Almeida bajagal56@yahoo.com 94954 CA
Gloria J Howard gjhoward1@comcast.net 85653 AZ
Merissa Roberts merissa@snozzberries.net 98053 WA
Carol Pettit caswhimsey@Hotmail.com 14617 NY
Dixie Belcher dixiebelcher@hotmail.com 99801 AK
Lauren Vigna LaurenV1@Yahoo.com 10710 NY
Holly Riker hriker@klru.org 78632 TX
James Clark je.clark@btinternet.com 00000 ot
Allyson Unzen unzens@gotsky.com 83860 ID
Please eliminate these
william Castro billiam1969@gmail.com 21229 MD harmful chemicals!!!
Sanford Brown sanfordbrown@earthlink.net 30016 GA
Karen Ferguson Kmferguson.07@gmail.com 21042 MD
Carol Johnson rockymtn.girl64@gmail.com 60190 IL
Lisa Tiedeman Lmtiedeman@hotmail.com 60564 IL
They should never have
been allowed in the first
place. This country
shamefully works
Carolyn Villanova cvillanova820@gmail.com 01201 MA backwards.
Anna Sandfield taichianna@hotmail.co.uk 3JH
Anna Hamilton anna.hamilton@ncf.edu 32615 FL
luc Melis luc.melis3@telenet.be 02960 Gewest Act now please
Amy Ryberg amyryberg@gmail.com 48334 MI
Don McKenzie dmckenzie1@zoomtown.com 2123 OH
Deanna Mousaw cutegirt@yahoo.com 34653 FL
Mervat soto mervissa@yahoo.com 93619 CA
Patricia Chambers frodokitty@hotmail.com 06098 CT
virginia mcfarland virginiabeatrice2@gmail.com 49613 MI
Nick Gaetano nic1@cox.net 92651 CA
Shari Sharp sharp_shari@yahoo.com 83616 ID
John 11:35 Jesus (GOD
B Maddigan bmaddigan@yahoo.com 02346 MA Himself) Wept.
Albert Gruswitz creativity.com 07821 NJ
Coleman Lynch colemanlynch321@gmail.com 32901 FL
Kathie Hurley duckieflew@outlook.com 89122 NV
Edward & Gail Laurson gglaurson@msn.com 80235 CO
Nancy Katz katzwein@comcast.net 98155 WA
Pat Vescio pat5vesc@aol.com 27513 NC
erin garcia airingrc2@aol.com 91403 CA
Evelyn Coltman evelyn3226@charter.net 28786 NC
louis reginato jr reginatojrlou@yahoo.com 23322 VA
Romola Newport rommyh6@gmail.com 07802 ot
Paul Dunne Pdonsax@gmail.com 18347 PA
Martha Booz mlbooz@calnatives.com 94803 CA
Ann Goodman agoodman@sandwalking.com 90631 CA
michele labrie michierx7@hotmail.com 32976 FL
It is so counterproductive
for a society to allow
these chemicals--the
costs down the road just
don't justify the agro-
business lobbying. Bring
back bio-diversity and
Anne Burnham annemburnham@comcast.net 15217 PA we'd all do better...
Madeline Rivera madelinx@yahoo.com 85704 AZ
Tonette Dire tonitiger666@hotmail.com 85051 AZ
Joseph Lawson josephglaw@aol.com 10023 NY
The science is very clear
now. There is absolutely
no excuse for allowing
this extremely damaging
chemicals to be in use.
They are harmful to our
children and therefore, to
Elizabeth H Horner BethHorner@earthlink.net 60201 IL our future.
Ron Katz ronaldkatz@ymail.com 48070 MI
hernan alzuro nalzuro@yahoo.com 75234 AZ
Lynne Dalleck Sealuver67@comcast.net 98642 WA
GABRIELA VARGAS vargasgabriela@hotmail.com 62300 PARÁSITOS.
Bonna Mettie bonna@jamadots.com 49768 MI
James Degner degner.james@gmail.com 55403 MN
Wesley Wolf cweswolf@yahoo.com 60010 IL
Joseph Phillips pmtjoe@yahoo.com 27284 NC
Dr. Peter Geidel drpg23@hotmail.com 07504 NJ
Tony Smith tonywendy88@gmail.com 5QU
David Harris open7oceans@gmail.com 93003 CA
Nansy Phleger nansyphleger@icloud.com 96761 HI
Arthur Kendy oscky@hotmail.com 10023 NY
Aixa Fielder aixa1@sbcglobal.net 90016 CA
Charlene 95136
Henley Henley judgemoo@aol.com 3608 CA
SW8 Please stop poisoning our
Jane Heany janeheany@btinternet.com 4LT planet
Susan Krawiecki susan.krawiecki@gmail.com 33710 FL
Susan Jolicoeur centrehealingeast@yahoo.com 06783 CT
Lisa Sugent Lisao1316@yahoo.com 30004 GA
Karen Kaser-Odor revko@juno.com 28025 NC
Donna Shroyer d_shroyer@yahoo.com 81641 CO
Richelle Kogan kodolphin@yahoo.com 85023 AZ
margaret keon peggykeon@gmail.com 94925 CA
Ronald Cheng rocheng888@gmail.com 95112 CA
Paula Frighetti willow5@mindspring.com 85710 AZ
Sandra Quick sandraquick19@ymail.com 93004 CA
Daryl Denning daryl.denning@stny.rr.com 14830 NY
Darlene Pirrello pakratmom@ca.rr.com 90745 CA
Lee Bible acadiahigh@yaho.com 17301 PA
Marjorie Joyner mhjoyner@yahoo.com 47304 IN
Constance Lombardo conlombardo@hotmail.com 28806 NC
Chris Mendel Camc987@yahoo.com 43214 OH
Prevent contamination of
drinking water with these
Simon Jonsson simon.jonsson6@gmail.com 97251 pesticides!
jerry persky jpersky48@aol.com 90403 CA
David Dzikowski forest_guardian7@yahoo.com 15317 PA
nancy burger bmardigras@yahoo.com 01832 MA
Tracy Demkowicz tdemkowicz@yahoo.com 10998 NY
Richard Stern rsisyh@yahoo.com 10023 NY
Patricia Sorensen sorensenp@verizon.net 93556 CA
judy pizarro jxp411@yahoo.com 08052 NJ
Melinda Geiger mjgeiger@mac.com 15015 PA
Charlene Maker cmaker@mac.com 02837 RI
Susan Brown suebrown4@me.com 97404 OR
Judi Poulson judpeace@gmail.com 56031 MN
Diana Lunceford dianalunceford@gmail.com 33525 GA
Kenneth Brinnick cgenera1@maine.rr.com 04260 ME
Deanna Smith skullnzilla@msn.com 85251 AZ
Berenice Cedillo Berenicecedillo@hotmail.com 77504 TX
Alexandra McCardell alexandranicolem@gmail.com 08223 NJ
Alexis Fry ffstop2@aol.com 60050 IL
Susan Johnston screens235@aol.com 06118 CT
Alice Brenner abrenner@austin.rr.com 78669 TX
Erica Runge ebelling@sbcglobal.net 60563 IL
Diane Rohn rohn.diane@gmail.com 22101 VA
Carol Sears carolctc1@comcast.net 49546 MI
These are the same
chemicals that are
banned in Europe from
many years ago aren't
they? Well....that would
explain why Americans
are so dumb compared to
Jace Mande jace@casinojobcenter.com 89102 NV the rest of the world....
Bruce Johnson brucekjohnson@yahoo.com 89701 NV
Mary Trujillo m 92805 CA
Lois Heaston lsh2@comcast.net 60628 IL
Pesticides are
increasingly causing
illness and cancer
contributors - it is
sincerely long overdue
and urgent that Govt.
take action to ban ALL
harmful pesticides on our
V6G food and in all products
Monica Hromada monicah88@shaw.ca 1H4 BC we use.
Sibylle Schwarz ssn@rupertsland.com 99577 AK
Eugene Howard e.m.howard@comcast.net 37064 TN
Stephen Slivinsky teets66@aol.com 10509 NY
Dr. Virginia Jones jones1911@att.net 49004 MI
Bela Plum gold@doctorplum.com 60625 IL
Michael Brown mmbrown1@frontier.com 85901 AZ
robert davidson rdavidson51@hotmail.com 60131 IL
Sybil Malinowski Melody sybil@melodylife.com 86324 AZ
Anna Blake amblakea@hotmail.com 98178 WA
Elisabeth Pelham epelham@designworks2.com 77550 TX
Poisoning people in the
name of the "All Mighty
Profit"... Greedy and
Victoria Urias vickiurias@comcast.net 98125 WA Shameful!
Ellen Van Allen ellenlea@sonic.net 95404 CA
Stop corporations from
increasing their profits by
John Schwartz jbschwartz@frontiernet.net 13835 NY poisoning people
James Dwyer jamesdwyer@me.com 91711 CA
Monique TONET tonet.monique@neuf.fr 06300 PACA
L Cummings leslieannec42@yahoo.com 96761 HI
William Nusbaum wfnusbaum@comcast.net 55426 MN
Robert Charleston robert@robertcharleston.com 00830 VI
Hugh Ballem hballem@gmail.com 45241 OH
kathleen carico photosbykc@comcast.net 21230 MD
elizabeth walker walkerlady@sbcglobal.net 95688 CA
Karen Winslow karenwinslow1@yahoo.com 07028 NJ
Deborah Schechter DeborahSchechter@aol.com 60645 IL
Russ Cross russc_98@yahoo.com 47954 IN
Barbara Vieira edv710@outlook.com 10312 NY
lynn tor lynn167@care2.com sy11
William D. Prystauk wdpjcrash@rcn.com 18042 PA
It is urgently required
that we use the
precautionary principle,
banning these pesticides,
expecting to permanently
getting rid of them after
scientific evidence proves
their harmful effects on
Jan Heynen jantjeheynen@gmail.com K2B6Z8 people.
bev kelly bev@bevkellyphd.com 90803 CA
Philip Dennany fil777@live.com 46235 IN
We are being poisoned,
especially our children,
for the profit and greed
of chemical companies. I
am tired of corporation
putting the health and
welfare of American
citizens at jeopardy for
Kate Mullan mynicka@bellsouth.net 32404 FL their profit.
Jessica Murphy Jessica.puk@gmail.com 96734 HI
chris witting chriswitting@hotmail.com 11419 NY
natalie sunflower natalie.sunflower@yahoo.com 19064 PA
Heike Brown heike_brown@yahoo.com 79938 TX
Erica Himes bhimes2@tampabay.rr.com 33709 FL
Amy Skelton Amy008@live.com 07822 NJ
Barbara Bradford tygerboots@yahoo.com 95358 YT
Anna Nickelson Annaoleen@yahoo.com 32046 FL
Julie Griffith Julieg500@gmail.com 80304 CO
Allison Glancey aglancey@yahoo.com 15224 PA
Marco Garcia msbuster5@yahoo.com 90621 CA
CArol Ohlendorf laceepacee@yahoo.com 34202 FL
DEBRA LANCIA d.lancia@live.com 34652 FL
Lina Howard howardld_2000@yahoo.com 91706 CA
Cindy Iwen cindy.iwen@snc.edu 54115 WI
Betty Chan Betty44143@yahoo.com 37122 TN
Larry Bailey lbailey9693@sbcglobal.net 96099 CA
Jamie Caya lil_pumpkin@comcast.net 98664 WA
Alex Oshiro djrx.cares@hawaii.rr.com 96822 HI
Arlene Patoray arp1205@aol.com 07652 NJ
Renee Grant cadgreen@ptd.net 18072 PA
Robert Schoonmaker lihuebob@yahoo.com 32951 FL
Leonard Schoch mylogicisflawed@yahoo.com 14779 NY
Do we never learn or is it
lack of caring. We must
protect our children, and
our environment, which
includes wildlife, plant
life, the water we drink
Martha Pence Martihbp1905@gmail.com 61874 IL and the air we breathe.
Karen Lozow woodelf3004@gmail.com 46260 IN
Charlotte Towey cetowey@gmail.com 49430 MI
Michael Watson bison@sonic.net 95476 CA
Kathani Perret kathanip@gmail.com 04843 ME
Gary Tonkin gwtonkin@charter.net 55803 MN
deborah fallender tauzi@aol.com 90405 CA
Michael Ahern redryder750mc@aol.com 44026 OH
Steven Fletcher ecojester@gmail.com 97405 OR
Judith Louvis JLouvis@aol.com 08302 NJ
Walter Schultz Graymetallic@gmail.com 61401 IL
james Rideout jimlu27@aol.com 85373 AZ
Marilyn Eppolite Nogmonj@gmail.com 08002 NJ
Earl Frounfelter efrounfelter@yahoo.com 93454 CA
Timothy Stewart tradeinf@fred.net 21795 MD
Dee Hilbert dlh180@aol.com 18049 PA
Barbara Brunckhorst wf137@comcast.net 33404 FL
the future of our children
is at stake as well as the
Tracy Ballard namastetoday@gmail.com 89048 NV health of our planet
Joseph Guzman joeguzzyy@aol.com 11421 NY
Madalyn Pickering Maddy.54@hotmail.com 29485 SC
Frederica Huxley fredericahuxley@mac.com 65203 MO
Mike Civitello yvonne_dent@comcast.net 06254 CT
paul tuscano paultuscano@hotmail.com 21044 MD
Shelley Williams s.williams99@hotmail.com 13760 NY
Hendricka Samytowski nanasamoldbird@hotmail.com 06062
Jeanine Fair fairjeanine@gmail.com 53578 WI
Marianne Currie currie@hargray.com 29926 SC
Leigh Yeoman lyeoman@carolina.rr.com 28277 NC
Marten Damgaard 5fdpress@gmail.com 21440
Patty Diana pecabo1338@cox.net 85301 AZ
Ross Heckmann RossS.Heckmann@gmail.com 91006 CA
Gordon Abrams t 05001 VT
Michelle Ash Ashmichelle99@gmail.com 49651 MI
Lesley Jorgensen hi2cherie@yahoo.com 87501 NM
Lorrie Edmonson nakumigirl@gmail.com 91030 CA
Ann McMullen atpm@comcast.net 84093 UT
nate marino bear_it999@hotmail.com 98226 WA
Jennifer Head jiffinerh@gmail.com 28612 NC
Madelaine Haberman Mjhaberman@gmail.com 10065 NY
Carolyn Pettis ecokare2@yahoo.com 91387 CA
Mary Palmer Marypalmer65@gmail.com 49326 MI
Michael Putrelo mikeaputt@gmail.com 13456 NY
Saliane Anderssen ducdrmoto@icloud.com 85743 AZ
Amy Griffin algriffin@hotmail.com 16801 PA
Ole Klammer ole@klammer.dk 2840 ot
Our environment is
bombarded with toxic
chemicals and this threat
to our health grows every
year with activity from
the likes of Monsanto
and a growing list of
chemical producers. So
many (if not all of them)
are unnecessary as there
are alternatives to all of
these highly toxic
materials if the EPA and
other governing bodies
would do their job and
demand that these
develop/employ harmless
Judith Maron-Friend judiemaronfriend@gmail.com 97220 OR alternatives.
Tanya Knappman Tanya.knappman@gmail.com 32953 FL
Vickie Hocking vickie5cats@juno.com 55435 MN
Listen to independent
science not the science
Dan Turman Rawitasca@hotmail.com 55744 MN that designs the chemical
kathh kestell jkestell@q.com 99208 WA
Michele Kibrick kibrick@cruzio.com 95060 CA
Paul Kerman paulkerman@hotmail.com 48091 MI
Leah Taylor llt203@aol.com 04660 ME
Denise Thomas denijthom2@gmail.com 55118 MN
Noel Barnes n2barnes@comcast.net 98058 WA
Kimie Fujimoto kimie.fujimoto@gmail.com 98926 WA
Amy Lund lund_amy@hotmail.com 14075 NY
Joan Smith joanesq93@gmail.com 94129 CA
Patricia Kolstad kolstadp@comcast.net 98502 WA
Tony Gray Ezekiel1st@sbcglobal.net 60601 IL
Laura Fetzer 83spicy04@gmail.com 91354 CA
Mark Beringer mpberinger@comcast.net 98021 WA
Robin Pinsof pin7rm@aol.com 60035 IL
terrybrookspen@googlemail.co EX38
Terry Brooks m 8DN
Elisa Donnadieu e_donnadieu@hotmail.com 85257 AZ
Nancy Anderson nranderson4@yahoo.com 80449 CO
Tim Guisinger guyzinger@aol.com 93010 CA
Gina Faber Pan@gbfaber.fastmail.fm 20141 VA
pesticides are all bad, ban
Ken Hoag kenhoag2@omcast.net 94530 CA them all!
David Klinke Lorddavud1@msn.com 10901 NY Nasty stuff. Ban it.
John Peeters peeterscsv@yahoo.com 60901 IL
Anna Engdahl annaengdahl@yahoo.com 12741 NY
Ronald Smith ronnine@comcast.net 60546 IL
Arthur Nussel sanussel@1955.usna.com 32696 FL
Amanda Collins m 75204 TX
Chemical corporations
have become rogue
companies that routinely
endanger the health and
welfare of people and
marcia.dale.lewinter@icloud.co nature around the world.
Marcia Dale-LeWinter m 94115 CA This must end now!
irina rutenburg irutenburg@qcc.cuny.edu 11365 NY
Not only are they in our
foods they are in our air
and water. Those who do
not learn from history are
doomed to repeat it. Are
you going to stand
behind half truths to save
face and lose our
Biosphere???? I am a
Veteran, Active Voter and
TaxPayer. As a Veteran I
put my life on the line for
Democracy. This missive
is Democracy in action. It
is a sad fact that national
socialist philosophy now
informs and drives the
James K Hadcroft jamzac@hotmail.com 02556 MA republican party.
Elaine Ritch elaineritch@yahoo.co.uk 5EZ
Peggy Roeske proeske15@aol.com 55124 MN
Virginia Linnell ginny@ginnylinnell.com 07738 NJ
Kara Beebee kleigh2001@yahoo.com 43202 OH
Edward Rubin lindaandedrubin@gmail.com 02067 MA
barbara hickman barbara.c.hickman@gmail.com 20886 MD
Terje Ness nesstj@gmail.com 55033 MN
Carroll Dartez cadartez@yahoo.com 77057 TX
Vadim Kalinin hashta@list.ru 19118 FL
Elizabeth Schwartz lizschwartz5@gmail.com 11106 NY
Barbara Trees psychobabs2001@yahoo.com 91042 CA
nancy herzog nherzog05@yahoo.com 93449 CA
Winston Tormos wtormos@yahoo.com 92308 CA
Donald Wiltsie chil4356@msn.com 12477 NY
l hurd savoe@comcast.net 17331 PA
Jo Rockett joannerockett82@hotmail.com 1SN
Annie Middleton yunganny@comcast.net 37064 TN
Christopher Kornmann chris@spitandimage.net 55104 MN
Veronica Adrover vadrover@gmail.com 95340 CA
b coniglio saucemops@yahoo.com 02215 MA
Mary Peterson mary.peterso@gmail.com 97365 OR
Elizabeth Asnicar Asnicar5@msn.com 80540 CO
Melissa Munoz mmunoz63012@gmail.com 80219 CO
Christine Berger nerthuschild@gmail.com 94610 CA
Karen Decker deckermandhani@yahoo.com 94114 CA
The use of these
neurotoxic pesticides is
like the lead poisoning of
children in Flint, MI. The
difference is it occurs
over a wider area so it is
easier to sweep under
the rug. In the end, it too
poisons people in
irreversible ways and is
unamerican and
Carol Tuveson ctuveson@msn.com 03824 NH unpatriotic.
insecticides are
extremely dangerous on
so many levels. there is
not much they don't
harm when sprayed into
the air or on the ground.
they penetrate what ever
they touch. the effects
are horrible and long
lasting. not good for the
earth,not good for
animals and bees and not
good for humans. just not
good for anything. they
are more harmful than
helpful. they cause more
problems than they solve.
there has to be a better
bertha mear mayfieldblv@yahoo.com 78224 TX way.
Vivian Newman newviv@roadrunner.com 04858 ME
Sharon Morris skmorris101@gmail.com 94541 CA
Edwin Turcios undertakerawwe@hotmail.com 01018 ot
Steven Koz hydrostream@hotmail.com 32666 FL
Dorothy Rowell rowell_rowell@juno.com 56560 MN
Robert Clyne clyne@mich.com 48097 MI
Richard Rosenthal rrla@sbcglobal.net 90019 CA
Natacha Lascano natachalascano@hotmail.com 95678 CA
DeeAnn Stenlund Deeannstenlund@hotmail.com 55113 MN
Philip Rampi prgconsulting@prodigy.net 55105 MN
Patricia A Lenzen patlenzen@yahoo.com 98684 WA
b edwards greenbee79@gmail.com 94973 CA
Bobbie Watilo r14rwatilo@gmail.com 87508 NM
Anthony Simmons guy@corani.org 1BH UK
alena jorgensen aj.1156@yahoo.com 91780 CA
geoffmccorquodale@yahoo.co.u AB43
Geoffrey McCorquodale k 6TN
Stephen Keast sck11@cornell.edu 14881 NY
Cheryl Holzle c.holzle@sbcglobal.net 89509 NV
Jon singleton photoniqueer@gmail.com 10118 NY
shelley frazier fshell1602@yahoo.com 27705 NC
Fann Harding, Ph.D. fannharding@gmail.com 20009 DC
carol fraser cfraser9@comcast.net 77069 TX
Timothy Hagerman timothyhagerman7@gmail.com 48910 MI
Joan Garnier jag723k3@gmail.com 60481 IL
lucia kayambu kkayambu@yahoo.com 23234 VA
Cindy Hoffer indy_Hoffer@hotmail.com 19530 PA
Madge Miller madge-miller@sbcgobal.net 92780 CA
Henry Ruby henbird9@hotmail.com 17552 PA
Noreen Wheller redwolf91@mindspring.com 11788 NY
Chiu Cheng chc09@my.fsu.edu 32301 FL
Steven Andrews stevenandrews004@aol.com 60645 IL
Bernadine Young bernadineyoung@hotmail.com 28805 NC
Joseph Polansky jpola1015@hotmail.com 18509 PA
Greg Schmitt gregcssr@yahoo.com 60614 IL
Randy Martin drrandymartin@gmail.com 91316 CA
Dori Cole dpernicka@yahoo.com 60189 IL
Stop covering for and
protecting the chemical
industry. Farmers in the
1930's and 1940's had 4%
weeds. Now, after 60
years of dumping
hundreds of billions of
tons of toxic chemicals,
the weed problem is
between 28-32%. No
progress to be seen, and
the total destruction of
Susan Lea suelea5@yahoo.com 81236 CO our soil and people.
richard fairfield rafairfield12@yahoo.com 95407 CA
Mary A Carroll carroll2828@earthlink.net 60657 IL
Rike Wesendahl tanith1470@gmx.de 59821 MT
Mary Neumann theneumanns@wi.rr.com 53226 WI
Anton Krycuk akrycuk1@comcast.net 55110 MN
deborah hagerman deborahhagerman@gmail.com 48906 MI
S. E. Williams Shashannah@yahoo.com 77477 TX
This is, as usual, a
question of profit versus
people. A society that
chooses profit does not
Arthur Sturm a_sturmjr@juno.com 18428 PA survive.
Pamela Unger prairieroots@yahoo.com 43229 OH
Chuck Donegan chucknet@optonline.net 10704 NY
Bianca Benincasa bianca.benincasa@gmail.com 20910 MD
Ian Yaretsky iany@ozemail.com.au 03161 MI
Joyce Cooper joycecooper27@gmail.com 02852 RI
Kerry Schindl cowtacus@yahoo.com 53115 WI
Mary s rphccn2000@yahoo.com 85003 AZ
julianna robinson julesgracie007@gmail.com 90403 CA
Linda Howe lhowe@verizon.net 02478 MA
Brad McDonough bmcdonoughh@gmail.com 01801 MA
Marsha King kshistarch@att.net 66614 KS
Stephen Keener kaara07@yahoo.com 66215 KS
Micah McIntyre justaprimate@yahoo.com 92082 CA
Irene Sysak irenesysak@yahoo.com 10003 NY
pat thorne sedonamermaid@msn.com 86336 AZ
Kirsten Jones kirstenjones64@yahoo.com 18301 PA
Hector reillo hector_reillo@yahoo.com 00923 PR
Barbara Danese b.danese@att.net 95667 CA
Lana Touchstone lanatouchstone@hotmail.com 94591 CA
Wilfredo r. Santiago Freddy11220@aol.com 11220 NY
Amelia D. Hopkins amelho@ameritech.net 60090 IL
America needs to get the
most potential from all
citizens. Pesticides harm
the body and brain.
Please ban these
Dorothea L. Stoep ddvstoep@yahoo.com 77079 TX pesticides NOW.
Meli Fraser meli.fraser@yahoo.ca 3E2
Steve Graff stevegraff12@hotmail.com 90025 VA
Deirdre Frank dafrank78@msn.com 98363 WA
Sonia Zainko smzainko@gmail.com ###### ot
Isabel M. Fuica vilu53@gmail.com 10573 NY
kellie f keldawg8@hotmail.com 97306 OR
Luanne Mierow rm843575@hotmail.com 97004 OR
paula xiberras paulajx2001@hotmail.com 70011 LA
Jennifer Graham leonesse56@yahoo.com 33919 FL
J Chu jchurcher@hotmail.com 98611 WA
Pati Jio randp123@yahoo.com 94546 CA
agriculture using natural
pest controls, cover
crops, crop rotation and
sustainable, organic
practices leads to healthy
soil, healthy people and a
Anne McManus annegmcm@gmail.com 55003 MN much healthier planet.
Lisa Q Tablag@cox.net 92656 CA
Diana Tiessen dianatiessen@gmail.com 1H0 ON
Patricia Packer pattiac@nycap.rr.com 12302 NY
LYNNE GREENWOOD lynne.greenwood@doj.ca.gov 95822 CA
Randy Murphy randywmurphy@gmail.com 45213 OH
Stephanie Gaspar earthnatural@Hushmail.com 34744 FL
ernest boyd ernestboyd@gmail.com 94087 CA
Jenny Kiesel kieseljr@gmail.com 63069 MO
Dara Murray daralynn_10021@yahoo.com 10065 NY
Kathleen Garcia kkathygarcia@hotmail.com 53713 WI
Gayle Warner gmfw2@netzero.net 41031 KY
Cathy Geist cathy.geist@minneapolis.edu 55406 MN
Elizabeth Peterson Bassaxhorn@aol.com 68504 NE
We've got to stop
poisoning our people so
that corporations can
Carol Woodruff carolaw41@aol.com 07005 NJ make profits.
Nancy Rittenhouse nrittz@yahoo.com 34761 FL
Michele Pedrini michele_pedrini@hotmail.com 91007 CA
Sybil Ortego stortego@fuse.net 45214 OH
Elvira Elizer elviea@prodigy.net 30534 GA
Faye Nieuwendorp fayetex@gmail.com 98226 WA
john cevasco johncevasco@comcast.net 01360 MA
Jon Charkiolakis jonc714@yahoo.com 37110 TN
leave a scare on nature
that may prove worse
than what they are trying
to get rid of. What are
the natural alternatives
Doris Inslee dlanins@aol.com 01867 MA to have an impact?
Brian Murphy bdarbito@sbcglobal.net 91423 CA
To not ban these
chemicals forever is not
doing your job! These
david.enevoldsen@kla- killer concoctions simply
David Enevoldsen tencor.com 95133 CA have to go.
Henry Laureano hl9@prodigy.net 10036 NY
Ralph Jones raffa603@gmail.com 48197 MI
Corey E. Olsen ceolsen@execpc.com 53018 WI
Hilarie Ericson hilariee@hotmail.com 98115 WA
James Arthur jdarthur736@comcast.net 03057 NH
Rob Weinberg 9210rbw@att.net 60190 IL
Eleanor Hauck ehauck@shcj.org 19010 PA
Thomas Reynolds 1941train@nycap.rr.com 12186 NY
Evan Eisentrager evaneis@yahoo.com 01027 MA
Nancy Herlinger n_herlinger@hotmail.com 77493 TX
Peggy La Point tnplapiont@msn.com 80526 CO
Hildy Ismail Babybark959@aol.com 33009 FL
LAM WEISMAN baba_lam@yahoo.com 73118 OK THEM SAFE OR NOT?
steve lucas slucas78704@gmail.com 78704 FL
Please help save our
nations future,,our
environment,, global
warming,,stop the
harmful usage of all
pesticides and
weedkillers in
Patrice Strong kittysmew077@yahoo.com 93023 CA communities..schools..
Ingrid Jones jones@socket.net 65270 MO
Rick Auman rfauman@hotmail.com 89101 NV
Cynthia Small csmall103@comcast.net 80401 CO
Hugh Lenz Halenz68@gmail.com 55029 MN
Christina Forman formanfamily4@comcast.net 95136 CA
Carlo Popolizio c_popolizio@yahoo.com 08319 NJ
Keely Perez Carriles2000@gmail.com 78501 TX
Marianne van Ophuijsen marianneadack@hotmail.com EE NH
Jim Bell jimbellelsi@cox.net 92107 CA
Wendy Roberts wendolynr@earthlink.net 94550 CA
Donald Morrison vox4pax@comcast.net 05089 VT
Walter Loquet Taranaki@skynet.be 23320 VA
Catherine King cnscrfan24@aol.com 34769 FL
Stop allowing the
poisoning of our citizens
and our environment, for
the profit of the toxic
pesticide industry.
Because that is what it's
come to. It is time to get
some of the poison off
the market, please take
action to make this
Sherrie Moore ssmoore72@gmail.com 96778 HI happen.
marty whittle Martywhittle@rocketmail.com 06419 CT
bernard czech bjczech@yahoo.com 17866 PA
Mary Robert c_m_robert_939@q.com 87114 NM
Ruhee Baltz ruheef@hotmail.com 00000
Sylvia Lew slew34@yahoo.com 90034 CA
R W rebeccawillms@live.ca 4G1
James Berkey ezrajberkey@gmail.com 49744 MI
Paul Martin omg.wtf.itsfate@gmail.com 01923 MA
Rita Glasscock ritalorena@q.com 87506 NM
Robert Anderson robertan@corecomm.net 60605 IL
Chad Anderson tishado@hotmail.com 68831 NE
Annette Pieniazek anoushka5@comcast.net 77006 TX
Daniel Maddux danielmaddux@npgcable.com 86336 AZ
Jai Parekh jaiparekh@hotmail.com 10128 NY
Todd Everett todd@everetts.us 60190 IL
Susan Kutz catloversusan@gmail.com 88012 NM
Betsy Zielinski tiffani023@yahoo.com 48165 MI
mauricio carvajal carvaggro666@hotmail.com ###### ot
Mario Finateri Mfinateri@yahoo.com 12508 NY
sue aldridge sue4loans@gmail.com 94901 CA
Margaret Blakley mbblakley@gmail.com 80120 CO
Gail Ernevad gail_ernevad7@msn.com 05495 VT
Julia Vetrie jvetrie@att.net 91387 CA
Terry Young terryoung@mac.com 94903 CA
Christopher & OUR WATERS, OUR SOIL,
Laura Calise cindy.guarnieri@hotmail.com 11234 CT AND OUR WILDLIFE.
Stella Bennett ladylacyjane@yahoo.com 98250 WA
Cristi Vlas cvlas.cv@gmail.com 3600
Dianne Moore diannemoore@comcast.net 19072 PA
E. James Nedeau elden1948@aol.com 49441 MI
Jerry Orr yeager13@comcast.net 19610 PA
Maureen DeNunzio milano3031@yahoo.com 06854 CT ALL.
Deb Muse dmuse771@comcast.net 15601 PA
Ruth Agius latifa.agius@gmail.com 87501 NM
Regina Phillips regine.phillips@sbcglobal.net 91306 CA
Antonio Triana r10triana@gmail.com 13045 NY
Pesticides make us all
Paul & Jackie Bogacki jackiebogacki@gmail.com 06825 CT SICK.
Michele Ledesky daisyme13@aol.com 11783 NY
Marty Adams madams32931@frontier.com 98258 WA
Cynthia Call cynthia.call23@gmail.com 32904 FL
Margaret Johnson msj8947@yahoo.com 80401 CO
Hollie Hollon catlver5@att.net 32806 FL
Prevention of illness
caused by this group of
pesticides will save many
of our children and their
families from having to
deal with the effects of
these pesticides on their
development and their
Carole Plourde witching9green@yahoo.com 01913 MA lives.
Vicky Moraiti vicky.morab@yahoo.gr 12242 NY
Stephanie Diestelkamp diestelkamps@gmail.com 63368 MO
Patricia Freewoman Trishtreats@aol.com 42124 KY
Kenton Lindley ken_kc_959@yahoo.com 77381 TX
Elizabeth Anderson libby@painterhill.com 18801 PA
Katherine Johnson katherinejohnson1@cox.net 93110 CA
Gita Barbezat gita_barbezat@yahoo.com 01609
Amy Greer gotardbk@gmail.com 11238 NY
Paula Colby paulawog17@hotmail.com 92084 CA
Jean Forward jforward@anthro.umass.edu 01379 MA
ann schnaidt ann.schnaidt@frontrange.edu 80524 CO
Dan Wicht wicht_dan@yahoo.com 55432 MN
This is important. Do the
Vicki Earls Violettsun@aol.com 32766 FL right thing.
Stephen Bauser stephen-b@sbcglobal.net 60605 IL
Mlou Christ Mnortie@yahoo.com 92801 WA
Mike Fluck mfluck@freedommedical.com 19530 PA
LaRue Sloan Laruesloan@gmail.com 71270 LA
Julie Stull Julie.stull@yahoo.com 23435 VA
Beverly Branaman bbranaman@nc.rr.com 27539 NC
Organic agriculture
renders these type of
pesticides pointless,
because organic plants
are more robust, have
better immune systems,
thus don't even need
crap like this to thrive.
These destructive useless
chem companies can't go
bankrupt fast enough for
Justin Folts justin@giantfriday.com 01050 MA my liking.
Mirtha Cole lyzcole@yahoo.com 34953 FL
Daniel Shively shively@iup.edu 15601 PA
Roberta Stedfield rstedfield@aol.com 89502 NV
Laurie Sudol merlin520122@hotmail.com 86324 AZ
Patty Navarrete j-pnavarrete@cybermesa.com 87571 NM
Nancy Hauer Nancy@Rookhouse.org 55110 MN
Annick Somerville annicksom@hotmail.com 91300
tony moore lm_stokes67@yahoo.co.uk 5px
Mike McGilaway mmcgilaway@yahoo.com 63119 MO
Jeff Garner jeff@ququ2.net 98227 WA
Judy Atterholt jatterholt@comcast.net 94041 CA
Debra Zamudio debra2489@comcast.net 77502 TX
Chip Phillips cphillips5@earthlink.net 90065 CA
Midge Tuley midge.tuley@yahoo.com 41143 KY
Jeri DiPietro ofstone@aol.com 96756 CA
Ben Sulzberger 680463sul@ames.k12.ia.us 50010 IA
Bob Ramlow artha@wi-net.com 54406 WI
Stewart Smythe stu99smythe@gmail.com 84532 UT
Stuart Allison stuartkallison@gmail.com 9SQ
Sarah Anthony Irishpenn29@yahoo.com 48033 MI
Robyn DeVoist rcdvlove@gmail.com 14612 NY
Tiffany Newton tifster23@hotmail.com 55442 MN
Don't use a chemical until
it is proven safe for
John Gomolka johng13579@msn.com 44212 OH humans.
Dawn Mason mason_dawn@comcast.net 17901 PA
Mary Ann Kirby,R.N. Kirbytimj@aol.com 15238 PA
Michelle Carter michelle@carterfries.com 94110 CA
sue parsell sneboysk@umich.edu 48108 MI
Barbara Porter bobbip37912@live.com 37912 TN
Dave Renaud Sledhauler1@gmail.com 21703 MD
Marsha Lowry Ms.Marsha-V-L@Pacbell.Net 94803 CA
shirley s wart53@hotmail.com 37853 TN
Gail Lucidi Gelucidi@gmail.com 11709 NY
TA Adams tomalxsgt6@gmail.com 89060 NV
Debbie Aide kestralaide@yahoo.ca 2H1 ON
felisa hitchcock felisa2134@yahoo.com 94110 CA
Douglas Lass dabigdoodah@yahoo.com 52742 IA
Susan VanMeter wolfmoon@citlink.net 25434 WV
Judy Goldman jgolsdca@aol.com 92127 CA
Jeff Richardson jeffrichardson@juno.com 91387 CA
laura prav lauraprav@hotmail.it 33100 ot
As a biologist, I worked
for an environmental
biochemist for nearly a
decade. I know the
dangers toxic chemicals
have on the environment
and all the living
organisms that come in
contact with them. None
of my great grandparents
or grandparents died of
cancer. Then with my
parents generation, born
in the 30s, we started
seeing multiple cancers
starting in their
generation. We lost my
father , and two of his
sisters, and my brother
and cousins and uncles.
ENOUGH!!!! Please stop
this trend by removing
Peggy Detmers peggydetmers@gmail.com 57702 SD toxic chemicals from use.
Craig Shisler craig_shisler@ekit.com 45419 OH
Steve Wendt stevew@shocking.com 95928 CA
We are saturated,
Patsy Kelley dpkelleywilson@citlink.net 83638 ID enough already!
Sandy Barnard sandy.barnard7@gmail.com 04011 ME
Lisa Lester lsunshine15904@aol.com 15904 PA
Thomas Barry tbarry@macapital.net 55055 MN
Paul W. Rea paulrea@sbcglobal.net 94560 CA
Ruth Olafsdottir rutholaf@me.com 90404 CA
Gian Dodge dcbanumber25@yahoo.com 55812 MN
francine urey fruok@aol.com 19810 DE
Joey Stevenson stevenson2686@yahoo.com 42754 KY
Terry Ring tjringring@gmail.com 48088 MI
Deborah Parker firstplanetarian@hotmail.com 98229 WA
Nancy Chismar nanlc999@optonline.net 08817 NJ
Marjorie Spina Marjoriespina@yahoo.com 33626 FL
Alan Schenck aschenck771@gmail.com 94087 CA
carol uschyk cuschyk@hotmail.com 94515 CA
Let's do without these
Robert Burwell rrandolphburwell@gmail.com 97302 OR harmful chemicals.
Edmund Swiger juneandedmund@gmail.com 15044 PA
Pesticide is a crime to
mankind, to the animals,
to the environment and
Vibeke Bond veebcool@aol.com 35803 AL MORE PESTICIDE. V. Bond
jennifer see nimmzy13@yahoo.com 30501 GA
Rachel Michaels mckenzie135@hotmail.com 40324 KY
Jami Scurlock Jamiallysa@gmail.com 95757 CA
Nicolina Sposaro NicolinaS@cox.net 91950 CA
Jacqueline Robinson jacquelinermike@yahoo.com 30127 GA
Kathy Keough kdkeough@outlook.com 96001 CA
Katie Lempola mothermongoose@yahoo.com 56601 MN
Debra Douglass Blackfocus58@yahoo.com 13317 NY
Jennifer Quick soindebt@hotmail.com 17036 PA
Joan Reynolds reynolds.joan258@gmail.com 95822 CA
Lawrence Westenberg Radiater@aol.com 60189 IL
Linda Brammer gorlin@psci.net 47585 IN
Linda Barbosa lbarbosagarlic@gmail.com 95037 CA
McKenna Eckerline veghead95@gmail.com 55391 MN
Jean Toler topcat45nj@hotmail.com 08753 NJ
Judith Hayner edpals2@aol.com 60123 IL
Shelley Snow morsno@sbcglobal.net 93446 CA
Lisa Stevenson et 78245 TX
Maxine Jaffee jaffee@att.net 60630 IL
Vicki Dahl reinigreinig@hotmail.com 93420 CA
lynn marcus lynn.marcus@gmail.com 93940 CA
Harmful pesticides we
Grace Matos grechy1957@Msn.com 17111 PA don't need in our bodies.
High time these
Dr. Gardiner john.l.gardiner@gmail.com 97523 OR chemicals were banned!
Thank you for finally
taking steps to ban this
entire class of extremely
dangerous chemicals! I'm
so tired of meeting
children on the autism
spectrum and with
Beth Grahn anybeth@gmail.com 58103 ND attention disorders!!!
Knowingly harming
tom gingell tomgingell@gmail.com 95661 CA innocent life is evil.
KAREN LEFSKY klefsky@cox.net 23188 VA
Charles Fox cfox@aviandesign.net 87505 NM
Mariana Lopez mlpcrazy@hotmail.com 77077 TX
Robin Wilson rjrumpus@msn.com 60304 IL
Xochitl Hernandez-Hill xochitlrwhill@yahoo.com 97455 OR
If conclusive/empirical
evidence exists showing
damage related to this or
these chemicals then
T5T there's no question about
Jody Perritt jody.perritt@gmail.com 4H7 banning application.
Tiffany Haverfield gabbystf@hotmail.com 02108 MA
Mondee Door mondeedoor@yahoo.com 21032 MD
Ingrid Johansson Ingridskier@yahoo.com 53129 WI
T Alvino taracirone@hotmail.com 91384 CA
Vickey Baker doghaven@harlannet.com 51537 IA
Isalien Jamar isa_jam@msn.com 01390 ot
Andrea Brodkin Archappell@hotmail.com 90405 CA
Dianne Selwood selwood@irtc.net 62638
joanna grinberg-ayala szalonatasia@gmail.com 11354 NY
joe placucci kellygreenspartan@yahoo.com 48864 MI
Gerald Kuhn garykkuhn@gmail.com 24014 VA
Jane Carroll janebrain@hotmail.com 91311 CA
Patricia Townsend Spiritrt@optonline.net 12533 NY
jason Smeltzer jason_smeltzer@yahoo.com 54702 WI
John Schaefer jcschaef@igc.org 95521
Kate Stanley kate@katestanley.net 94515 CA
Cheryl Sloan csloan777@cox.net 85029 AZ
Its time to realize that we
have learned so much in
the last fifty years. Its
also time to acknowledge
that we cease utilizing
products like this. Lets
stop the production and
use of organophosphates,
we are slowly killing our
selves and our planet and
we can do something
Steve Walker walkersplanet@gmail.com 94513 about it.
mindi arcoleo mbarcoleo@yahoo.com 07753 NJ
Julie Radmacher Julieradmacher@yahoo.com 93434
Margaret Petrillo Megpetrillo@yahoo.com 19083 PA
Karen Kirschling kumasong@excite.com 94117 CA
mary lopez lamagg11@sbcglobal.net 95610 CA
Alejandra Anderson andersona.mx@hotmail.com 05100 NM