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Automatic Viscosity Control
And Measurement System

2016 Models

L Automatic Viscosity Control
For Inks,Coatings and Adhesives
The best selling viscosity control and measurement system
for the past 30years. Meisei has more than 80%of the Japanese
market share. More than 17,000 systems have been sold to coating,
gravure and flexo companies in Japan, and 19 countries.
Meisei’s excellent customer support provides impeccable service after the sale !
Demo-device available on request.

ET ◆ Functions and Features ◆

ARK ! ① Single unit performs four functions: ink circulation, ink agitating,
viscosity measurement and viscosity control.
L E ② Improves product quality and color consistency. Decreases losses
and customer claims. -Guranteed !
③ By providing uniform viscosity, waste is minimized and ink
consumption is reduced by 15 ~ 20%
④ Non leak and safety by pneumatic diaphragm.
⑤ Easy to wash by only half a gal of solvent, takes 3 minutes.
⑥ Automatic oil lubrication and recycling system extends pump life
by 3 times longer.
⑦ Kink-free, solvent resistant hoses are soft and easy to handle.
⑧ Compact and lightweight, the system is easy to move, setup and
⑨ Make operators free to adjust viscosity level, Operator can now
devote their attention to other matters.

【VG-10 Type】 ◆Viscosity display◆

① Stainless steal box ・・・・・・・ Easy care

② Sealed electric room ・・・・・ Safe maintenance
③ Unique top board ・・・・・・・・ No solvent invasion
④ Exhaust cleaner ・・・・・・・・・ Clean exhaust air and less noise
⑤ Digital pressure switch ・・・ More accurate and less noise ★ The controller LED display is
⑥ Interlock system ・・・・・・・・ Pump works only while main switch is ON large, bright and easy to read.
⑦ Compact box ・・ Approximately 15% less volume compared with GP-15 ★ Viscosity is displayed in cup-
⑧ Detachable backboard ・・・ Easy maintenance seconds.
⑨ Demountable pump ・・・・・・ Easy maintenance
②Sealed electric room ③Unique top board ④Exhaust cleaner ⑤Digital pressure switch

①Stainless steal box ⑦compact box ⑨Demountable pump ⑥Interlock system ⑧Detachable backboard

These viscosity controller systems are controlled by sensing viscosity through the loads placed on the diaphragm
(The evaporation of solvent in the tank causes the liquid viscosity is thickening.
As the liquid viscosity thickens, the load on the pump is also increased. Then the pump cycle is getting slow.
As the liquid viscosity thins, the load on the pump is also decreased. Then the pump cycle is getting fast.)

①The system detects the diaphragm pump ②The liquid viscosity thickens and the load on ③The solenoid value will open and feed the
pulse times that the liquid is circulating the diaphragm pump is increased. solvent after it catches the electric signal
through. Then Viscosity Present Value becomes higher. from the sensor.
Vicosity Present Value is displayed. ④The sensor detects that Viscosity Present
Set up this value as the upper limit. Value is getting small by pump air exhaust.
⑤The Viscosity Present Value returns the
beginning value.

We are explaining how to install in case of using Inks by the following illustrations. But if you would like to use
Adhesives, Coatings or Varnish, you can install in the same condition as inks.

①Direct circulation ②Circulation through ink-tank ③Circulation through ink-tank

with using circulating pump

④Circulation through ink-tank with circulating ⑤Circulation through ink-tank for Ink chamber
pump for Roll coater

Model No. VG-10-S11 VG-15-S11
Appearance box type of stainless steel mono-block box type of stainless steel mono-block

Dimension 260mm x 230mm x 670mmH 260mm x 230mm x 720mmH

Net weight 15 kg 16 kg

Control range 13~30 sec ( Rigosha Zahn Cup No.3) 30~100 cps 13~30 sec ( Rigosha Zahn Cup No.3) 30~100 cps.

Solvent tank 11 liters made of Stainless Steel 11 liters made of Stainless Steel

Suction hose O/D 12mm x I/D 8mm x 2,500mmL O/D 16mm x I/D 11mm x 2,500mmL

Delivery hose O/D 10mm x I/D 6.5mm x 2,500mmL O/D 12mm x I/D 8mm x 2,500mmL

Circulation volume 1.8~3.9 liters/min 3.2~8.8 liters/min

Air consumption 40 liters/min 90 liters/min

Working pressure 0.3MPa 0.3MPa

Working voltage AC100-120V/40W ( Option 200-240V) AC100-120V/40W ( Option 200-240V)

Max. volume of Sub-tank 10~20 liters 21~50 liters

The liquid circulating quantity and air consumption stand for the maximum quantities while Viscosity controller is operating.
Supply the compressed air more than 1.5 times as quantity as air consumption.

【VG-10 Type】 【VG-15 Type】

Select the viscosity range for the inks,
paints or adhesives, etc. that you are
using : within 13~30 sec
(Rigosha Zahn Cup No.3) 30~100 cps ?

Select the capacity of the sub tank NO

(over-flow tank) : within 10~20 liters ?

Within 21~50 liters ?

Contact to us.
Fill out the form at final page,
VG-10 Type VG-15 Type and fax to 81-574-65-1666.


①VA-10-M Type ②VS-15 Type

Controlled viscosity range: 100~300 CPS Separated steel boxes, controller and pump unit.
Solenoid valve for solvent supply is made use of Steel box for pump unit can be set up at even
flameproof type of explosion-protected construction. dangerous area, but steel box for controller
Solvent tank is made of stainless steel, capacity : cannot be set up dangerous area.
8 liters.

③VG-10-A Type ④VG-10-FH Type

The equalizer can defuse the exhaust pulsation. The dusts and dregs in the ink are filtered and
eliminated by the cartridge filter.

⑤VTD-10 Type ⑥VG-10-W Type

The ink temperature is displayed. Hybird Automatic Washing Sytem


①Moisture eliminator in the compressed air. ②Double structure hose.

M-Drain Super flexible, kink-free and solvent-proof
99.5% of the moisture in the compressed air can be Size: External diameter X Internal diameter
eliminated. 10mm X 6.5mm,12mm X 8mm
16mm X 11mm,21mm X 15mm
25mm X 19mm
【Bending】 【Return to former state】

③Special lubricating oil for Viscosity controller ④Pneumatic driving agitator.

MEISEI Super 1000 VF-03 type
The durability of the diaphragm pump is improved. Ink in the tank is agitated. Available for drum tank.
Capacity: 4 liters

⑤Circulating pump.
SP -Dtype
The liquid is suctioned, delivered and circulated by this pump.

⑥Zahn cup (measuring cup of viscosity). ⑦Pouring nozzle.

ZC-2・3・4・5・6・7 type SN-40 / SN-50 type
Easy to measure the viscosity. These pouring nozzles are used to fix at the
mouth of pail can.
40mm dia. and 50mm dia. for the pouring mouth
are available.

MS Filter
Mesh count Aperture Width Height
Filter № size (㎜) (㎜)

MPE45-1 45 0.34

MPE70-1 70 0.21

MPE85-1 85 0.18 100 145

MPE100-1 100 0.15

MPE140-1 140 0.11

MPE45-2 45 0.34

MPE70-2 70 0.21

MPE85-2 85 0.18 120 170

MPE100-2 100 0.15
① Solvent-proof net is processed like a bag.
② Filter mesh has the mesh count No. 45, 70. 85, 100 and 140. MPE140-2 140 0.11
③ Filter mesh has trapezoid shape No. 1 and No. 2, MPE-kaku45 45 0.34
also rectangular shape. In case of used at the pump has big
exhausting ink quantity and many dusts are contained, MPE-kaku70 70 0.21

No.2 or rectangular shape is used. MPE-kaku85 85 0.18 150 200

④ In case of Gravure printing, No. MPE70-1 is usually used.
MPE-kaku100 100 0.15
The magnet in the filter eliminates iron powder and prevents
to produce the printing defective. MPE-kaku140 140 0.11
⑤ 1 set: 500 pcs. (per a unit)
【Reference】 The aperture size of nylon stockings is between 0.5mm and 0.8mm. Sample is MPE70.

Agitating roller for Gravure printing

【In order from top in the above photograph:

S-Roll, P-Roll, AMT-Roll, AMR-Roll and AF-Roll】
S type P type, AMT type, AMR type, AF type
① As the external diameter is 36mm, it can be used
① P-Roll is the type of lightweight plastic pipe that has the external
in the even shallow ink-vat.
diameter 48mm. AMR-Roll, AMT-Roll and AF-Roll are the type of
② Light weight type: the weight is reduced about
Aluminum pipe that have the external diameters 54mm, 52mm and
45% than P-Roll.
③ High speed revolving: the revolving speed is 2.5
② Possible to produce by 10mm of pitch from 300mm to 1,700mm of
times of P-Roll.
total length.
④ The magnet is fixed at the center, lets the iron
③ P-Roll is kept to hang down by the hook in order to prevent to be
powder adhere at the space among the spiral tape
bent.Not to be bent so that AMR-Roll, AMT-Roll and AF-Roll are
and prevents to make the flaw at the cylinder plate.
made of Aluminum.
⑤ Possible to produce by 10mm of pitch from 200mm
④ P-Roll, AMR-Roll and AMT-Roll touch the revolving cylinder by
to 800mm of total length. Keeping to hang down by
magnet. AF-Roll is fixed with the cylinder by metal fitting, and touched
the hook in order to prevent to be bent.

Demo-device available on request. DATE: .

Company Name
name: & title

City, State: Fax:

Type of process at this location (Check all that apply):

□Flexography □Gravure □Coating □Laminating □Marking □Other( )

The name of liquid which is used: □Ink □Paint □Adhesive

Base: □Solvent or □Water

The name of material (Printed matter) which is used printing or coating:

□Paper □Film □Metal □Wood □Others( )

Your products:

Number of lines and colors:

( ) colors x ( ) lines, ( ) colors x ( ) lines, ( ) colors x ( ) lines

Ink consumption: liters/hour liters/day gal/hour gal/day

Voltage: system voltage is □100v □120v □220v □240v □Others( v)

Select suitable installation style from the examples on page 3:

□No. 1 □No. 2 □No. 3 □No. 4 □No. 5 □Others( )

Ink vat capacity: liters ( gal)

Ink tank capacity (if applicable): liters ( gal)

Range of ink viscosity cup: from Sec to Sec.

Manufacturer’s name of measurement cup & Number:

Cup/Sec of solvent: Sec. (measured by the above cup)

Circulation pump: □Equipped □Not equipped

Pump circulation volume: liters/min. gal/min

Mixer: □Equipped □Not equipped

Adaptable Model (This space is used by Meisei):

762-8, Ima Aza Tatsuno, Kani City, Gifu Pref.,
Japan 509-0246
Phone: +81-574-65-1666 Fax:+81-574-65-1667


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