Granite Rate

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Cost Index 0.


Providing and laying flamed finish Granite stone flooring in required designand patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear
DSR portions of the building all completeas per the architectural drawings with 40 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm(average)
REF thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid andjointed with cement slurry and pointing with white
11.55 cement slurry admixed withpigment of matching shade including rubbing, curing and polishing etc. allcomplete as
specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge :

11.55.1 Flamed finish granite stone slab Jet Black, Cherry Red, Elite Brown, Cat Eye orequivalent.

Code Description Unit Rate Amount
Details of cost for 10 sqm.


40mm thick - Flamed finish granite ( as per MR)

slab = 10.00 sqm+Add for wastage

15% =1.50 sqm, Total 11.50 sqm

1239 40 mm thick Flamed finish granite stone slab ( As per MR) sqm 11.5 1398.8 16086.2
2216 Carriage of Stone blocks white & red sand stone & Kota stone slab tonne 0.67 145.72 97.6324
3.9 Rate as per item Number3.9 of SH: cum 0.224 4355.22 975.56928

367 Portland Cement tonne 0.05 5000 250
874 Black colour dark shade pigment kilogram 4.5 70 315
2209 Carriage of Cement tonne 0.05 145.72 7.286

9999 Sundries-Mortar for pointing in white cement L.S 25.35 2.12 53.742

124 Mason (brick layer )2nd class Day 1.2 714 856.8
114 Beldar Day 1 645 645
115 Coolie Day 1 645 645
139 Skilled Beldar (for floor rubbing etc.) Day 5 714 3570
9999 Sundries- L.S 208.13 2.12 441.2356
TOTAL 23943.46528
Add Water Charges @ 1% 239.4346528
TOTAL 24182.89993
Add CPOH @ 15% 3627.43499
TOTAL 27810.33492
Cost of 10.0 sqm 27810.33492
Cost per sqm 2781.033492
Say 2781.04
Cost Index for DSR items 0.0
Add GST @ 12% 333.7

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