Server Port Forwarding Guidelines Rev O EN 12-2022
Server Port Forwarding Guidelines Rev O EN 12-2022
Server Port Forwarding Guidelines Rev O EN 12-2022
Contact us
Supporting documentation demonstrating TVU transmitters’
Related literature and media compliance with the applicable FCC regulations is available
upon request. Contact TVU Networks at +1.650.440.4812 for
The following list contains related literature and media:
assistance and questions regarding approved modem cards for
Product data sheets use with TVU transmitters.
• Refer to the latest appropriate TVU Server data sheet
Hardware Set up and Operating manuals
• TVU Server Port-Forwarding Guidelines, Models VS3100,
VS3200, VS3250, VS3500, VS3550, and VS3600
(This document, part number: Server Port Forwarding
Guidelines Rev O EN 12-2022)
• TVU Server Hardware Setup User Guide, Models VS3100,
VS3200, VS3250, VS3500, and VS3550 - TVU6.5
TVU Server Hardware Setup User Guide, Models VS3100,
VS3200, VS3250, VS3500, VS3550, and VS3600 - Linux
Software Set up and User manuals
• TVU Server Software User Guide, Models VS3100, VS3200,
VS3250, VS3500, and VS3550 - TVU6.5
• TVU Server Software User Guide, Models VS3100, VS3200,
VS3250, VS3500, VS3550, and VS3600 - Linux
• Not applicable
TVU Grid
TVU Grid (Producer)
50000-60000 X
8010, 10001 X
X Whitelist domains
TVU Transcriber 8570-8572 X Whitelist domains
TVU Updates 9418 X Domain Services
Video previews & VoIP 443 X X *. TVU Services
Video previews & VoIP 3478, 13478, X VoIP
13479, 19302 VoIP
Video previews & VoIP 60000-60200 X HTTPS upgrades
Sentry 9000 X
TVU Support 22 X
Decoder Encoder
Outgoing port configurations Outgoing port configurations
Outgoing traffic Decoder Outgoing traffic Encoder
Service Port UDP TCP Service Port UDP TCP
Status reporting 80 X Status reporting 80 X
NTP 123 X NTP 123 X
TVU Services 3970 X Video previews & VoIP 9001 X
Video previews & VoIP 9091 X X Video previews & VoIP 9091 X
TVU Command Center 10022 X VLAN 6532 X
Speed test 10010 X X
Incoming traffic Status 10009 X
Open and forward all traffic on the following ports to the TVU Sending transmission 10001 X
transceiver. TVU services 3970 X
TVU Command Center 10022 X
Incoming port configurations
Incoming traffic Decoder
Incoming traffic
Open and forward all traffic on the following ports to the TVU
Service Port UDP TCP
Receiving transmission 10001 X
Speed test
10010 X
Incoming port configurations
VLAN 6532 X Incoming traffic Encoder
Return video feed 10007, 10008 X Service Port UDP TCP
(RVF) Web control 80 X
Monitor client feature 20000-20005 X
Monitor client feature 20001-20006 X Whitelist domains
Monitor client feature 20002-20007 X
Whitelist domains
Monitor client feature 21000-21005 X
Domain Services
Note: To use the Monitor client feature, any 6 consecutive ports
*. TVU Services
must be opened between 20000-21000. VoIP VoIP
Note: For TVU Anywhere port configurations, refer to “TVU port- Incoming/Outgoing port configurations
forwarding requirements for TVU Anywhere” on page 8.
when Cloud Proxy enabled (replace
above requirements)
Incoming/Outgoing traffic
Service Start End UDP TCP
Access to signaling 8443 8443 X
Access to media 8001-8005, 8001-8005, X
service 4590-4600 4590-4600
Whitelist domains
Whitelist domains
Domain Services
* TVU Services
* RTIL services
Port requirements
TVU Producer browser interface:
Google Chrome version 86 or higher on Windows 10/ MacOS 10.
Outgoing traffic
Allow traffic to the following destination ports for TVU Services.
Note: Traffic is only required from a TVU Search user’s PC. Traffic is not required
for a TVU transceiver.
Outgoing traffic
These rules will allow TVU Partyline to be used from a browser
or with TVU Anywhere from behind a firewall with outbound
restrictions. If video is to be sent to a TVU Trasncevier, see the
setup rules for specific equipment.
Outgoing traffic
Allow traffic to the following destination ports for TVU Services.
Contact information
TVU Networks Corporation TVU Networks Corporation
857 Maude Avenue, 11030 Raven Ridge Road, Suite 117
Mountain View, CA 94043 Raleigh, NC 27614
Ph: +1 (650) 969-6732 Support Ph: +1 (650) 440-4812
Fax: +1 (650) 969-6747 Support E-mail: