EMS-SNPT V3.15.3 Installation Guide Linux

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Version 3.15.3

Installation Guide: Linux

Document Revision: 01
Published Date: April 2023
EMS-SNPT Installation Guide: Linux
April 2023

NPT-2300, NPT-2100A, NPT-1800, NPT-1300, NPT-1250, NPT-1200, NPT-1100, NPT-

1050, NPT-1022, NPT-1021, NPT-1020, and NPT-1010/1010D are CE2.0

NPT-2300, NPT-2100A, NPT-1800, NPT-1300, NPT-1250, NPT-1200, NPT-1100, NPT-

1050, NPT-1022, NPT-1021, NPT-1020, and NPT-1010/1010D are MEF3.0 Carrier
Ethernet certified/compliant for E-Line, E-LAN, E-Tree, E-Access, and E-Transit services.

Ribbon's qualification lab is accredited by A2LA for competence in electrical testing

according to the International Standard ISO IEC 17025-2017 General Requirements for the
Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.

Ribbon's management applications run on VMWare virtualization hypervisors.

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Catalog #: X66651

Drawing #: 426006-2401-014-A00
Useful Information .................................................................................................. iv
Related Documents ........................................................................................................................ iv
Contact Information ........................................................................................................................ iv
Revision History .............................................................................................................................. iv

1 Prerequisites for Installing EMS-SNPT .......................................................... 1

1.1 System Requirements ........................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Environment Requirements ................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Installation Plan .................................................................................................................. 2

2 EMS-SNPT Server Installation ........................................................................ 4

2.1 Install the EMS-SNPT Server ............................................................................................. 4
2.2 Start the EMS-SNPT Server in CLI .................................................................................... 5
2.3 Start the EMS-SNPT NMS Server in the GUI .................................................................... 5
2.4 Start the EMS-SNPT EMS Server in the GUI..................................................................... 7
2.5 Stop the EMS-SNPT Server in CLI .................................................................................... 9
2.6 Stop the EMS-SNPT NMS Server in the GUI................................................................... 10
2.7 Stop the EMS-SNPT EMS Server in the GUI ................................................................... 10
2.8 Uninstall the EMS-SNPT Server....................................................................................... 11

3 EMS-SNPT Client Installation ....................................................................... 12

3.1 Install the EMS-SNPT Client ............................................................................................ 12
3.2 Verify Client Installation ..................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Uninstall the Client ............................................................................................................ 15

Ribbon Communications Inc. Proprietary iii

Useful Information
This document provides instructions for installing EMS-SNPT. It is intended for:
 Technical support engineers
 System maintenance engineers
 Installation and test engineers

Related Documents
 EMS-SNPT User Guide
 EMS-SNPT Server Administrator Guide
 LCT-SNPT User Guide

Contact Information
Contact Telephone Email
IP Optical Documentation +972-3-9268145 techdoc.feedback@rbbn.com
IP Optical Customer Support +972-3-9266000 on.support@rbbn.com

Revision History
Revision Section Description
01 N/A New

Ribbon Communications Inc. Proprietary iv

1 Prerequisites for Installing EMS-SNPT
EMS-SNPT adopts the client/server (C/S) architecture by which the client and server can run on the
same PC or on different PCs. It is recommended to install client applications on individual PCs, so
that they can log in to one server via multiple clients.

1.1 System Requirements

The system requirements for Client/Server applications are as follows:

EMS-SNPT System Hardware Configuration

Network Scope PC Server Windows Platform

Small Network (less than 4000 equivalent NEs) • CPU: Xeon 4cores > 2.0 GHz
• RAM:32GB
• HDD:600GBx2

Medium Network (4000 to 8000 equivalent NEs) • CPU: Xeon 8cores > 2.4 GHz
• RAM:64GB
• HDD:600GBx2

Large Network (8000 to 15000 equivalent NEs) Server*2, each server is as follows:
• CPU:*Xeon 8cores > 2.4 GHz
• RAM:64GB
• HDD:600GBx4

EMS-SNPT System Software Configuration

Software System Operation System Version

EMS-SNPT Server • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server7.9 x86_64

EMS-SNPT Client • Windows10 Std./Pro

• Windows11 Std./Pro

NOTE: Configure the server based on the network scope and requirements, for example,
increase the RAM to 4G/8G.

1.2 Environment Requirements

You need to check the installation environment including the lab environment, cabling, and network
conditions. Verify that the following requirements are met:
 The PC must be located on a stable desktop with enough room for accessories such as the
keyboard and mouse. Reserve enough distance (at least 8cm) between the back side of the PC
and other objects for ventilation.

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EMS-SNPT Installation Guide: Linux Prerequisites for Installing EMS-SNPT

 The lab must meet the telecommunication standards, including for temperature, relative humidity,
and anti-dust.
 Proper power supply for the equipment.
 Proper network environment with the bandwidth between the server and the client more than 2
Mbit/s and package loss less than 0.1%.
 The communication port between the server and the client must be enabled on the firewall. The
ports available for EMS-SNPT include:


Port Number Description

3333 The port communicating with the NE

5506,5507 The Port used by the MySQL process

4444,4445 The port used by the JBoss service process

1098,1198 The port used by the JBoss service process

1099,1199 The port used by the JBoss service process

61616 The port used by the message server

61617 LCT internal ports: If this port is occupied, the port

number increases dynamically

8383 The port used by the SBI service process

22 The port used by LCT-EMS for sftp upgrading

1.3 Installation Plan

Prepare the installation plan based on specific requirements before the installation.

1.3.1 Plan the Hostname

When planning the EMS-SNPT hostname, adhere to the following rules:
 The EMS-SNPT hostname must be unique in the network.
 The maximum length of the hostname is 24 characters, with letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), and minus
symbol (-).
 The first character must be a letter. The last character must not be the minus symbol.
 The hostname does not support "--" string.
 The hostname is case-sensitive.
 The hostname must not include blank spaces.
 A single-character hostname cannot be used.

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EMS-SNPT Installation Guide: Linux Prerequisites for Installing EMS-SNPT

NOTE: The EMS-SNPT hostname should fit your rules or habits. You should set the
hostnames by yourself.

1.3.2 Plan the IP Address

When planning the EMS-SNPT IP address, adhere to the following rules:
 IP address must be unique in the network.
 The server can communicate with its devices.
 The server can communicate with the client.

1.3.3 Plan the Paths

 Software installation path: The available storage where the installation directory exists shall be
no less than 20GB.
 License storage path: The EMS-SNPT server needs to import the license separately. Store the
license where users can access it.

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2 EMS-SNPT Server Installation
This section describes how to install the EMS-SNPT Hierarchical Network Management server, which
includes install the EMS and the NMS servers.

2.1 Install the EMS-SNPT Server

 Prepare EMS-SNPT installation plans
 Linux operating system is installed, and is working properly
 License is uploaded to the Linux system in binary mode
 Install autoconf, such as:
# yum install autoconf
 To ensure that database libraries do not conflict, check if the /etc/my.cnf file exists. If it does,
remove it:
# mv /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf.bak
 Add the local host name to etc/hosts:
# vi /etc/hosts RHEL7a localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4

NOTE: The hostname RHEL7a is just an example.

1. Log in to the Linux system as root through remote login software.
2. According to the plan, create the installation path, such as:
# mkdir /Home/EMS-SNPT
3. Upload the installation package to the installation path in binary format through SFTP.
4. Unzip the installation package:
# cd <installation path>
# tar -zxvf EMS-SNPT_Server_V3.15.3_B1_x64.tar.gz
# tar -zxvf EMS-SNPT_EMS_Server_V3.15.3_B1_ems_x64.tar.gz

NOTE: Naming the package depends on the situation.

For example: EMS-SNPT_Server_V3.15.3_B1_x64.tar.gz

5. Open the package directory after unzipping it, and enable the .exe files. For example:
# cd <installation path>/ EMS-SNPT_Server_V3.15.3_B1/
# chmod 777 *.sh
# cd <installation path>/ EMS-SNPT_EMS_Server_V3.15.3_B1/

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EMS-SNPT Installation Guide: Linux EMS-SNPT Server Installation

# chmod 777 /*.sh

6. Run the auto_deploy.sh file:
# cd <installation path>/ EMS-SNPT_Server_V3.15.3_B1/
# ./auto_deploy.sh
# cd <installation path>/ EMS-SNPT_EMS_Server_V3.15.3_B1/

2.2 Start the EMS-SNPT Server in CLI

1. Run the startptn.sh file:
# cd <installation path>/EMS-SNPT_Server_V3.15.3_B1/sysManager
# ./startptn.sh <license path> <IP for user login in>
For example: ./startptn.sh /Home/license/
2. Run the ems_startptn.sh file:
# cd <installation path>/EMS-SNPT_EMS_Server_V3.15.3_B1/
# ./ems_startptn.sh <license path> <IP that connects to the Gateway NE >
For example: ./ ems_startptn.sh /Home/license/

NOTE: On the first run, the <license path> and <IP> parameters must be included.

3. To check if EMS-SNPT is in running state, run the following command:

# ps –e|grep ptn
4. Verify that the output is as follows:

2.3 Start the EMS-SNPT NMS Server in the GUI

1. Run the startIms-1000.sh file:
# cd <installation path>/EMS-SNPT_Server_V3.15.3_B1/sysManager
# ./ startIms-1000.sh

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EMS-SNPT Installation Guide: Linux EMS-SNPT Server Installation

2. From the System Management list, select License Import.

The Import License window appears.

3. Click Browse to browse to and select the license directory, and click Import.
4. From the System Management list, select IP Address.
The Server IP Address list appears.

5. Select the server IP Address, and click OK.

6. From the System Management list, select Startup and click One-key Start/Stop.

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EMS-SNPT Installation Guide: Linux EMS-SNPT Server Installation

7. Verify that the EMS-SNPT Server is in Running state.

2.4 Start the EMS-SNPT EMS Server in the GUI

1. Run the startIms-1000.sh file:
# cd <installation path>/EMS-SNPT_EMS_Server_V3.15.3_B1/sysManager
# ./ startIms-1000.sh

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EMS-SNPT Installation Guide: Linux EMS-SNPT Server Installation

2. From the System Management list, select License Import.

The Import License window appears.

3. Click Browse to browse to and select the license directory, and click Import.
4. From the System Management list, select IP Address.
The Server IP Address list appears.

5. Select the server IP Address, and click OK.

6. From the System Management list, select Startup and click One-key Start/Stop.

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EMS-SNPT Installation Guide: Linux EMS-SNPT Server Installation

7. Verify that the EMS-SNPT EMS Server is in Running state.

2.5 Stop the EMS-SNPT Server in CLI

 Run the stopptn.sh file:
# cd <installation path>/EMS-SNPT_Server_V3.15.3_B1/sysManager
# ./stopptn.sh
# cd <installation path>/EMS-SNPT_EMS_Server_V3.15.3_B1/
# ./ems_stopptn.sh

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EMS-SNPT Installation Guide: Linux EMS-SNPT Server Installation

2.6 Stop the EMS-SNPT NMS Server in the GUI

1. From the System Management list, select Startup and click One-key Start/Stop.

2. Verify that the EMS-SNPT NMS Server is in Stopped state.

2.7 Stop the EMS-SNPT EMS Server in the GUI

1. From the System Management list, select Startup and click One-key Start/Stop.
2. Verify that the EMS-SNPT EMS Server is in Stopped state.

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EMS-SNPT Installation Guide: Linux EMS-SNPT Server Installation

2.8 Uninstall the EMS-SNPT Server


1. Log in to the Linux operating system as user root.

2. Verify that the EMS-SNPT Server is in Running state.
3. Stop the EMS-SNPT NMS Server and the EMS-SNPT EMS Server.
4. Delete the installation directory, and uninstall EMS-SNPT using the following commands:
# rm -rf <installation path>
# rm -rf usr/local/mysql

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3 EMS-SNPT Client Installation
This section describes how to install the client.

3.1 Install the EMS-SNPT Client


1. In the CD-ROM, browse to and open the EMS-SNPT_Client_V3.15.3_B1.exe file.

The Welcome page appears.

2. Click Next.
The License Agreement page appears.

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EMS-SNPT Installation Guide: Linux EMS-SNPT Client Installation

3. Click I Agree.
The Choose Install Location page appears.

4. Select the target directory and click Next.

The Choose Start Menu Folder page appears.

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EMS-SNPT Installation Guide: Linux EMS-SNPT Client Installation

NOTE: In the installation folder name, only English letters, spaces, underscores, and
parentheses are allowed.

5. Select the Start menu, and click Install.

A confirmation page appears.

6. Click Finish to complete the installation and exit.

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EMS-SNPT Installation Guide: Linux EMS-SNPT Client Installation

3.2 Verify Client Installation

After the client is installed on Windows, verify that the installation was completed successfully.


1. Verify that a shortcut icon appears on the PC desktop.

2. On the menu, select Start > Programs > EMS-SNPT Client and verify that the following menu
items are displayed:
 EMS-SNPT Client
 Uninstall
3. (Optional) Double-click the shortcut icon on the PC desktop, and verify that the client opens

3.3 Uninstall the Client

Before uninstalling the EMS-SNPT Client, make sure all EMS-SNPT processes are terminated.


1. On the menu, select Start > Programs > EMS-SNPT Client > Uninstall.
A confirmation message is displayed.
2. Click Yes to uninstall the client.

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