Metrology and Measurement
Metrology and Measurement
Metrology and Measurement
Academic Year 2021-2022(Odd Semester)
Prepared by
Sem / Year : V/III
Introduction to Metrology – Need – Elements – Work piece, Instruments – Persons – Environment –
their effect on Precision and Accuracy – Errors – Errors in Measurements – Types – Control – Types of
Q.No. BT
Questions Competence
1. What is the difference between allowance and tolerance? BT-2 Understanding
2. Distinguish between Line standard and End standard. BT-2 Understanding
3. Define primary measurement. Give an example. BT-1 Remembering
4. List the Seismic instruments. BT-1 Remembering
5. What are the factors affecting the measuring system? BT-4 Analyzing
6. Define legal metrology. BT-1 Remembering
7. Explain the role of N.P.L. BT-3 Applying
8. Summarize the basic components of a measuring system. BT-2 Understanding
9. Differentiate between repeatability and reproducibility. BT-2 Understanding
10. Explain the term Sensitivity of an instrument. BT-5 Evaluating
11. Differentiate between precision and accuracy. BT-2 Understanding
12. Define the term reliability and Traceability. BT-1 Remembering
13. Give any four methods of measurement. BT-2 Understanding
14. Define Span. BT-1 Remembering
15. Give classification of measuring instruments. BT-3 Applying
16. Explain the term parasitic and illegitimate error. BT-5 Evaluating
17. Point out the sources of error. BT-4 Analyzing
18. Illustrate the objectives of metrology BT-3 Applying
19. Compare the term correction and correction factor? BT-4 Analyzing
20. Differentiate between static and random error. BT-2 Understanding
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Explain the classification of various measuring methods. (13)
BT-4 Analyzing
2. Explain the need of standards of measurements in the modern
industrial system and describe the term traceability in BT-2 Understanding
connection with standards. (13)
3. What are the various elements of metrology? With examples, BT-3 Applying
explain how these elements influence the accuracy of
measurements. (13)
4. Give the structure of generalized measurements system and
BT-6 Creating
explain in detail. (13)
5. (a)Illustrate the desirable characteristics of precision measuring
BT-3 Applying
instruments. (6)
BT-2 Understanding
(b) Discuss the fundamental and derived units in details. (7)
6. Explain briefly about,(a) Uncertainty, (b) Reporting results. (13) BT-5 Evaluating
7. (a)With suitable example explain the difference between
BT-5 Evaluating
precision and accuracy. (7)
BT-2 Understanding
(b) Give an example for the Zero order system. (6)
8. Distinguish between and give appropriate examples in each
case, (13)
(a) Repeatability and Reproducibility BT-2 Understanding
(b) Systematic and random error
(c) Static and dynamic Response
9. Obtain the expression for the step response of a second order
BT-2 Understanding
system. (13)
10. Describe briefly about,
BT-1 Remembering
(a) Sensitivity and readability. (7)
BT-1 Remembering
(b) Calibration. (6)
11. Briefly explain the various types of input signals. (13) BT-4 Analyzing
12. Explain the various errors in measurements. (13) BT-5 Evaluating
13. What are the various possible sources of errors in
BT-5 Evaluating
measurements? Explain in detail. (13)
14. What is the need of calibration? Explain the classifications of
BT-4 Analyzing
various standards. (13)
1. Briefly explain the significance of Metrology and
BT-4 Analyzing
Measurements in industrial application.
2. Explain various errors observed in measuring any industrial
BT-4 Analyzing
3. Enumerate the desirable characteristics of precision measuring
BT-1 Remembering
4. Explain the steps to be followed in the measurement process. BT-5 Evaluating
Linear Measuring Instruments – Evolution – Types – Classification – Limit gauges – gauge design –
terminology– procedure – concepts of interchange ability and selective assembly – Angular measuring
instruments – Types – Bevel protractor clinometers angle gauges, spirit levels sine bar – Angle
alignment telescope – Autocollimator – Applications.
Q.No. BT
Questions Competence
1. Point out any four precautions to be taken while using gauge
BT-4 Analyzing
2. Why rocking procedure is followed when measuring with a dial
BT-1 Remembering
bore gauge?
3. A vernier scale consists of 25 divisions on 12 mm spacing and
the main scale has 24 divisions on12 mm. What is the least BT-3 Applying
4. What is difference between gauging and measurements? BT-4 Analyzing
5. Summarize the various types of linear measuring instruments. BT-2 Understanding
6. What is the use of Feeler gauges? BT-2 Understanding
7. List out any four angular measuring instruments used in
BT-1 Remembering
8. A 100 mm sine bar was used to measure the tapper angle of the
specimen and the gauge block was 5.055mm. Calculate the BT-3 Applying
tapper angle.
9. List different types of fits. BT-1 Remembering
10. Define sine center. BT-1 Remembering
11. What are the construction requirements of a good sine bar? BT-2 Understanding
12. Explain Taylor principle in gauge design. BT-5 Evaluating
13. Illustrate briefly about wringing of slip gauges. BT-3 Applying
14. Name any four instruments used measuring internal diameters
BT-1 Remembering
in components.
15. Explain the concept of selective assembly. BT-5 Evaluating
16. Define clinometers. BT-1 Remembering
17. Describe the usage of autocollimator. BT-2 Understanding
18. Explain an angle alignment telescope. BT-4 Analyzing
19. List out the need of angle gauges. BT-1 Remembering
20. Explain the concept of interchangeability. BT-5 Evaluating
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Describe briefly about,
BT-1 Remembering
(a) Write notes on interchangeability. (6)
(b) Sketch the construction and working of solex pneumatic
BT-2 Understanding
comparator. (7)
2. i) Explain with suitable sketches measurements of straightness
BT-4 Analyzing
using suitable method. (7)
ii) Describe the GO and NOGO gauge design procedure with a
BT-2 Understanding
sketch. (6)
3. Explain the construction and working principle of an
BT-5 Evaluating
autocollimator with neat a diagram and its application. (13)
4. (a)Explain the classification of linear measuring instruments.(6) BT-3 Applying
(b) Explain the vernier height gauge with neat sketch. (7) BT-5 Evaluating
5. Explain the following with neat sketches. (13)
BT-4 Analyzing
(a) Differential screw micrometer and (b) Thread micrometer
6. (a) What is a slip gauge? Write notes on its classifications. (6) BT-3 Applying
(b) How slip gauges are manufactured? Write notes on slip
gauge accessories and its calibration. (7) BT-2 Understanding
7. (a)What is a comparator? Explain any two types of Mechanical
BT-5 Evaluating
comparator. (6)
(b)Describe the working principle, advantages and
BT-2 Understanding
disadvantages of optical comparator. (7)
8. Calculate the limits for a hole shaft pair designated 25
H8/d9.Show graphically the deposition of tolerance zones with
reference to the zero line. The lower deviation for a H type hole
BT-3 Applying
is zero. 25 mm lies in the diameter range 18mm to 30 mm.
Standard tolerance foe IT 8 is 25i and IT 9 is 40i, where "i" is
the standard tolerance unit in microns and is given as
i(µm)=0.45 3√D+0.001D, (D is in mm).The upper deviation for
d shaft is -16D0.44. (13)
9. Describe with the help of a neat, any two bevel protractors. (13) BT-2 Understanding
10. Define straightness. Describe any one method of measuring
BT-1 Remembering
straightness of the surface. (13)
11. Explain working principle of sine bar and why sine bars are not
BT-4 Analyzing
suitable for measuring angles above 450? (13)
12. Describe working principle of angle Dekkor with the neat
BT-1 Remembering
sketch and also write its application. (13)
13. Explain the following methods, (13)
(a) Measurements of angle by using rollers, (b) Checking the
BT-4 Analyzing
angle of taper plug gauge using roller, (c) Measuring of
included angle of an internal dovetail.
14. Describe briefly on laser as a means of alignment checking.(13) BT-2 Understanding
1. Calculate the tolerances, fundamental deviations and limits of
sizes for the shaft designated as 40H8/f7.Standard tolerance for
IT 7 is 16i and IT 8is 25i. Where ‘i’ is the standard tolerance BT-3 Applying
unit. Upper deviation for ‘f’ shaft is -5.5D0.41,40 mm lies in
the diameter range 30-50 mm.
2. Design a workshop type progressive type Go-Not-GO plug
gauge suitable for 25H7, with following information:
i. 25 mm lies in the diameter step of 18-30 mm BT-3 Applying
ii. i = 0.453√D+0.001D
iii. IT7 = 16i
3. Explain the significance of Linear and angular measurements. BT-5 Evaluating
4. How laser is used in measurement? Explain the basic principle
BT-4 Analyzing
involved in anyone applications.
Basic concept of lasers Advantages of lasers – laser Interferometers – types – DC and AC Lasers
interferometer –Applications – Straightness – Alignment. Basic concept of CMM – Types of CMM –
Constructional features – Probes – Accessories – Software – Applications – Basic concepts of
Machine Vision System – Element – Applications.
Q.No. BT
Questions Competence
1. Name the different types of interferometer. BT-1 Remembering
2. Why is laser preferred in engineering metrology? BT-5 Evaluating
3. On what factor the accuracy of laser interferometer mainly
BT-1 Remembering
4. Point out the application of Laser Interferometry. BT-4 Analyzing
5. Give the advantages of laser interferometer. BT-2 Understanding
6. Why monochromatic light used in an interferometer instead of
BT-5 Evaluating
white light?
7. Name the various geometric checks made in machine tools. BT-1 Remembering
8. Differentiate straightness and flatness. BT-4 Analyzing
9. Discuss the applications of computer aided inspection. BT-2 Understanding
10. Define axial slip of a machine tool. BT-1 Remembering
11. Explain briefly about wavelength. BT-5 Evaluating
12. List any four possible causes of errors in CMM. BT-1 Remembering
13. Point out the applications of CMM in machine tool metrology BT-5 Evaluating
14. Describe the term “Qualifying the tip” in CMMs? BT-1 Remembering
15. Illustrate briefly about alignment test on machine tools. BT-3 Applying
16. Give the disadvantages of CMM. BT-2 Understanding
17. Briefly describe the term Machine vision. BT-1 Remembering
18. Describe the term CNC CMM? BT-1 Remembering
19. Point out the advantages of machine vision system? BT-5 Evaluating
20. List out any four application of artificial vision system in
BT-1 Remembering
manufacturing industries.
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. (a) Discuss the different types of light sources? (6) BT-2 Understanding
(b)Explain the working principle of DC Laser interferometer
with neat diagram. (7) BT-4 Analyzing
2. (a)Describe the different types of ACLI. (6) BT-1 Remembering
(b) Discuss the sources of errors in ACLI. (7) BT-2 Understanding
3. (a) Explain the construction and working of a laser Telemetric BT-5 Evaluating
system with a neat sketch. (7)
(b) Explain the working principle of laser scanning gauge. (6) BT-4 Analyzing
4. (a)With a neat sketch explain the dimensional measurements
BT-5 Evaluating
using laser gauge. (6)
(b)Summarize how to use laser interferometer to predict
BT-2 Understanding
machine tool accuracies. (7)
5. (a)With a neat sketch describe the working of AC laser
BT-1 Remembering
interferometer. (6)
(b)Explain the usage of laser interferometer in straightness
BT-4 Analyzing
testing. (7)
6. Explain the construction and working of various types of
CMM. (13) BT-5 Evaluating
7. (a) Discuss the working principle of the NPL Flatness
BT-2 Understanding
interferometer. (7)
(b) What is meant by alignment test on machine tools? Give its
BT-2 Understanding
importance. (6)
8. Describe the working principle of a dual frequency laser
BT-2 Understanding
interferometer with a neat sketch. (13)
9. (a) List out the applications of CMM. (6) BT-1 Remembering
(b) Point out the advantages and disadvantages of CMM. (7) BT-4 Analyzing
10. (a) Discuss about the various causes of errors in CMM. (6) BT-2 Understanding
(b) List out the methods of operating and controlling a
Coordinated measuring machine. (7) BT-1 Remembering
11. (a) Briefly explain the important features available in CMM
software. (7) BT-4 Analyzing
(b) With neat diagram explain the working principle of tough
trigger probes. (6) BT-5 Evaluating
12. (a) Define machine vision. Name four types of machine vision BT-1 Remembering
systems. (6)
(b) Describe the functions of machine vision system. (7) BT-1 Remembering
13. (a) Illustrate the features of flexible inspection system. (6) BT-3 Applying
(b)Explain the various steps of machine vision system in
metrology. (7) BT-4 Analyzing
14. (a) Explain the applications of machine vision system. (6) BT-5 Evaluating
(b)Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Machine
vision system. (7) BT-2 Understanding
1. Explain any two advanced measurement techniques used in the BT-5 Evaluating
metrology and measurement.
2. Generalize the needs, types & constructional features of Co- BT-6 Creating
ordinated Measuring Machine.
3. A Machine Vision system recovers useful information about a
scene from its two dimensional digitized image. Explain the BT-5 Evaluating
Q.No. BT
Questions Competence
1. Define straightness of axes. BT-1 Remembering
2. Calculate the “best size wire” for checking a effective diameter
BT-3 Applying
of a M10 X 2.5 thread.
3. Define a) Lead and b) Pitch. BT-1 Remembering
4. Express the helix of M 50 x 3 2-start threads? BT-2 Understanding
5. List out the reasons for the occurrence of progressive errors in
BT-1 Remembering
screw threads.
6. Define straightness of a line in two planes. BT-1 Remembering
7. Explain the drunken error in screw threads. BT-5 Evaluating
8. Name the various methods for measuring pitch diameter. BT-1 Remembering
9. Summarize how Taylor’s principle is applied for screw thread
BT-2 Understanding
10. The outside diameter of a gear is 110 mm and the number of
BT-3 Applying
teeth is 20. Calculate the module of gear?
11. Describe the term back lash and run out in the spur gear? BT-1 Remembering
12. Discuss about “material ratio” with reference to surface finish
BT-2 Understanding
13. Give any four methods by which surface finish can be
BT-2 Understanding
14. Discuss about a profilometer. BT-2 Understanding
15. How surface roughness is assessed? BT-5 Evaluating
16. Name the devices used for roundness measurement. BT-1 Remembering
17. Point out any four methods of measuring roundness. BT-4 Analyzing
18. List out the sources of Out of roundness. BT-1 Remembering
19. How is roundness measured in the laser squared circle method? BT-3 Applying
20. Summarize the limitations of using V block to check lobes on
BT-2 Understanding
work piece.
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. (a)Define straightness. Explain the principle of testing
BT-1 Remembering
straightness using laser interferometer. (6)
(b)How will you test the straightness using Spirit level and
BT-5 Evaluating
autocollimator? (7)
2. Briefly explain the step by step procedure for determining the
BT-4 Analyzing
flatness of a surface with the neat sketch. (13)
3. (a)Explain gear tooth vernier method of measuring the gear
tooth thickness. (6) BT-5 Evaluating
1. With neat sketch explain the Talysurf measurement for surface BT-5 Evaluating
2. Explain how V block and 3 point probes are used for BT-4 Analyzing
measurement roundness.
3. What are the applications of surface roughness measurements BT-4 Analyzing
in productionindustry and its significance?
4. Explain roundness measuring methods. BT-5 Evaluating
Force, torque, power - mechanical, Pneumatic, Hydraulic and Electrical type. Flow measurement:
Venturimeter, Orifice meter, rotameter, Pitot tube – Temperature: bimetallic strip, thermocouples,
electrical resistance thermometer – Reliability and Calibration – Readability and Reliability.
Q.No. BT
Questions Competence
1. Describe the working principle behind strain gauges. BT-2 Understanding
2. Name any four methods employed for measuring torque. BT-1 Remembering
3. Distinguish between force and torque. BT-2 Understanding
4. Describe the term “bourdon tube”. BT-1 Remembering
5. Explain why measuring instruments are calibrated? BT-5 Evaluating
6. Describe the working principle of thermocouple. BT-1 Remembering
7. Point out any two advantages of thermocouples. BT-4 Analyzing
8. Describe the principle behind electrical resistance thermometer. BT-2 Understanding
9. Generalize the function of load cells. BT-6 Creating
10. Name any four instruments used for measuring temperature. BT-1 Remembering
Explain the principle of temperature measurement using
11. BT-4 Analyzing
12. Illustrate the principle of bimetallic thermometer? BT-3 Applying
13. Give the applications of a bimetallic strips. BT-1 Remembering
14. Differentiate primary and secondary transducers. BT-4 Analyzing
15. Define the principle of electrical resistance thermistor. BT-1 Remembering
16. Explain the principle involved in fluid expansion thermometer. BT-5 Evaluating
17. Explain the principles of hot wire anemometer. BT-5 Evaluating
18. Examine how flow in a draft is measured? BT-1 Remembering
19. Illustrate the principle of optical pyrometer? BT-3 Applying
20. Generalize the use of pyrometer. BT-6 Creating
Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. (a)Explain the method of measuring force using strain gauge BT-4 Analyzing
load cell. (7)
(b)Explain how an eddy current dynamometer works. (6) BT-4 Analyzing
2. (a)Explain the working principle of an electrical resistance BT-5 Evaluating
thermometer. (7)
(b)Explain thermocouples? State its applications. (6) BT-5 Evaluating
3. (a)Describe briefly how the following are used to measure the BT-1 Remembering
temperature. (7)
(i) Thermocouples
(ii) Pyrometer
BT-1 Remembering
(b)Describe briefly the following, (6)
(i) Venturimeter
(ii) Rotometer
4. (a)Describe with a neat sketch the proving ring for force BT-2 Understanding
measurement. (7)
(b)Describe the working principle of hydraulic dynamometer for BT-2 Understanding
measuring the shaft power. (6)
5. (a)With a neat sketch explain the torque measurement using BT-5 Evaluating
strain gauges. (7)
(b)With neat sketch explain how metallic strips are used
BT-5 Evaluating
for temperature measurements. (6)
6. (a) Explain the following with neat sketch. (6) BT-4 Analyzing
(i) Pitot Tube
(ii) Optical Pyrometer.
(b)Explain the working principle of electrical resistance Evaluating
thermisters. (7)
7. (a)With neat sketch explain the velocity measurement BT-4 Analyzing
using of hot wire anemometer. (7)
(b)Explain with neat sketch the construction and working of a BT-4 Analyzing
McLeod gauge. (6)
8. (a) Illustrate briefly the working of Pressure thermometer. (6) BT-3 Applying
(b) Illustrate briefly the working of Resistance thermometer.(7) BT-3 Applying
9. (a) Explain the following, (6) BT-4 Analyzing
(i) Reliability
(ii) Calibration
(b) Explain readability and reliability. (7) BT-4 Analyzing
1. With neat sketch explain different types of torque measurement
BT-4 Analyzing
techniques and explain any two.
2. Discuss the significance of Power flow and temperature
BT-4 Analyzing
measurement inmetrology and measurements.
3. Write a detailed note on calibration of temperature measuring
BT-3 Applying
4. Explain the working of a bimetallic strip type temperature
BT-4 Analyzing
measurement system with industrial application.