ME6019-Non Destructive Testing and Materials
ME6019-Non Destructive Testing and Materials
ME6019-Non Destructive Testing and Materials
Regulation – 2013
Prepared by Mr.R.SRINIVASAN
Assistant Professor/MECHANICAL
NDT Versus Mechanical testing, Overview of the Non Destructive Testing Methods for the detection of
Manufacturing defects as well as material characterization. Relative merits and limitations, Various physical
characteristics of materials and their applications in NDT, Visual inspection – Unaided and aided.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1 Describe destructive testing BT1 Remember
2 Describe non-destructive testing BT 2 Understand
3 List the advantages of NDT BT1 Remember
4 Demonstrate the methods of NDT BT 3 Apply
5 Differentiate destructive testing and non-destructive testing BT 2 Understand
6 Demonstrate the transformation or allotropic transformation BT 3 Apply
7 Define brittleness and hardness BT1 Remember
8 List the factors affecting mechanical properties BT 1 Remember
9 Classify the types of fracture in materials BT 4 Analyze
10 Describe brittle fracture BT 1 Remember
11 Describe ductile fracture BT 1 Remember
12 List the important destructive test carried out on material BT1 Remember
13 Discuss visual testing BT1 Remember
14 Demonstrate the visual testing techniques BT 3 Apply
15 Define direct viewing BT1 Remember
16 Define remote viewing BT1 Remember
17 List the application of visual inspection BT 3 Apply
18 What are the advantage and disadvantage of visual inspection BT 2 Understand
19 List out the service conditions that leads to material failure BT1 Remember
20 List the NDT method used to detect internal defects. BT1 Remember
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1 (i) Compare the destructive testing methods and non-destructive testing BT 1 Remember
methods with respect to following
(i) Based on its advantage and limitation. (10)
(ii) Based on its application (6)
2 Demonstrate the comparison between destructive and Non-destructive test. BT 3 Apply
6 Explain the testing procedure for liquid penetrant inspection with suitable BT 4 Analyze
7 (i) Explain in detail about types penetrants used for liquid penetrant BT 1 Remember
testing. (10)
(ii) Summarize the disadvantage of LPT. (3)
8 (i) Summarize the characteristics of liquid penetrant. (9) BT 2 Understand
(ii) Summarize the applications of LPT. (5)
9 (i) Describe in detail about types of developers used in LPT. (10) BT 2 Understand
(ii) Summarize the types of developer used in LPT. (3)
10 Explain with suitable sketch about the working principle of Magnetic BT 3 Apply
particle inspection
11 Explain with suitable sketch about following BT 4 Analyze
(i) Circular Magnetization. (7)
(ii) Longitudinal Magnetization.(6)
12 illustrate with suitable sketch about following BT 3 Apply
(i) Magnetization of irregular parts .(8)
(ii) Demagnetization. (7)
13 Discuss in detail about the general procedure of magnetic particle test. BT 2 Understand
14 Describe the following BT 1 Remember
(i) Residual Magnetization. (8)
(ii)Application of MPT. (5)
Thermography- Principles, Contact and non contact inspection methods, Techniques for applying liquid crystals,
Advantages and limitation - infrared radiation and infrared detectors, Instrumentations and methods, applications.
Eddy Current Testing-Generation of eddy currents, Properties of eddy currents, Eddy current sensing elements,
Probes, Instrumentation, Types of arrangement,Applications, advantages, Limitations, Interpretation/Evaluation.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1 Define thermography BT 1 Remember
2 Describe pulse thermography BT 2 Understand
3 List the advantage of thermography BT 1 Remember
4 Describe the characteristics of measuring instruments BT 2 Understand
5 Define liquid crystal BT 1 Remember
6 List the parameters which describe the liquid crystal BT 3 Apply
7 Classify liquid crystal nesophase topology BT 3 Apply
8 Summarize the application of liquid crystal thermography method BT 2 Understand
9 Describe the application of thermography BT1 Remember
10 Write short notes on Infrared radiation BT 3 Apply
11 Describe the principle of eddy current method BT 2 Understand
12 List the eddy current sensing elements BT1 Remember
13 Summarize are the disadvantage of eddy current inspection BT 2 Understand
14 Classify eddy current measurements BT 3 Apply
15 List the types of probe used in eddy current inspection BT1 Remember
16 Demonstrate the principle hall effect BT 4 Apply
17 Write the application of eddy current inspection BT 1 Remember
18 What are the disadvantage of eddy current inspection method BT 5 Evaluate
19 Write the PDM application BT 1 Remember
20 Summarize the limitation of eddy current inspection method BT 2 Understand
Q.No BT Level Competence
1 Illustrate with suitable sketch about types of thermography. BT 3 Apply
2 Demonstrate about contact and Non-contact inspection techniques used in BT 3 Apply
3 Write short notes on the following BT 1 Remember
(i) Color change thermography (8)
(ii) Characteristics of measuring instruments (5)
4 (i) Describe the advantage of non-contact inspection over contact BT 2 Understand
inspection techniques. (8)
(ii) Describe the parameter which consider for defining the liquid
crystals (5)
5 Write short notes on mesophases of liquid crystal BT 1 Remember
(i) Nematic phase (7)
(ii) Smectic phase (6)
6 Write short notes on mesophases of liquid crystal BT 1 Remember
(i) Cholesteric phases (7)
(ii) Columnar phase (6)
7 Describe with suitable sketch about working principle of Infrared Sensor. BT 2 Understand
8 Write short notes on the following BT 1 Remember
(i) IR transmitter (7)
(ii) IR receiver (6)
9 Illustrate with suitable sketch about working principle of Eddy current non BT 3 Apply
destructive testing.
10 Write short notes on the following BT 1 Remember
(i) Inductance (ii) Induction (iii) Inductive reactance
11 Explain with neat sketch about the types of eddy current instrument based BT 4 Analyze
on probes in eddy current non destructive testing.
12 (i) Write the application of eddy current non destructive testing (7) BT 1 Remember
(ii) Write short notes about Infrared detectors (6)
13 Illustrate with neat sketch about the infrared testing methods BT 3 Apply
14 Discuss about the various types of coils used for Eddy current inspection BT 2 Understand
Ultrasonic Testing-Principle, Transducers, transmission and pulse-echo method, straight beam and angle beam,
instrumentation, data representation, A/Scan, B-scan, C-scan. Phased Array Ultrasound, Time of Flight Diffraction.
Acoustic Emission Technique –Principle, AE parameters, Applications.