1st Year Full Book Past Paper MCQS 100 With Key
1st Year Full Book Past Paper MCQS 100 With Key
1st Year Full Book Past Paper MCQS 100 With Key
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(C) P1 P2 Pv 2 Pv (D) v 2 2 g (h1 h2 )
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27. The frequency of waves produced in microwave oven is:
(A) 2250 MHz (B) 2450 MHz (C) 2650 MHz (D) 2850 MHz
28. The P.E. stored by a mass spring system at an extension of 2cm is 10J. The P.E. stored by the same
system at an extension of 4cm will be:
(A) 10 J (B) 20 J (C) 30 J (D) 40 J
29. The dimension of spring constant “K” are:
(A) [MLT-1] (B) [MT-2] (C) [MLT-2] (D) [MT-1]
30. At mean position during SHM:
(A) PE is maximum and K.E is minimum (C) PE is minimum and KE is maximum
(B) Both KE and PE are maximum (D) Both KE and PE are minimum
31. A body is executing SHM. What fraction of its total energy will be kinetic energy when its
displacement from the mean position is half of its displacement?
1 3 3 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 4 2 4
32. The value of “γ” for diatomic gas is:
(A) 1.67 (B) 1.40 (C) 1.29 (D) Infinity
33. For each degree Celsius rise in temperature of gas, the speed of sound through it increase by:
(A) 0.60 ms-1 (B) 0.61 ms-1 (C) 61 ms-1 (D) 6.1 ms-1
34. Appropriate range of audible frequency for younger person is:
(A) 20-200Hz (B) 20-2000Hz (C) 20-20000Hz (D) 2000-20000Hz
35. Velocity of sound in free space at 0oC:
(A) 332 ms-1 (B) 224 ms-1 (C) 76 ms-1 (D) 0
36. When two identical waves superimposed, which can change:
(A) Wavelength (B) Frequency (C) Velocity (D) Amplitude
37. The reflective index of water is 1.33. the speed of light in water is:
(A) 3 108 ms 1 (B) 1.8 108 ms 1 (C) 𝟐. 𝟑 × 𝟏𝟎𝟖 𝒎𝒔−𝟏 (D) Zero
58. In the third quadrant direction of resultant vector is (𝜱 = 𝒕𝒂𝒏−𝟏 𝑹 )
(A) 180 (B) 𝟏𝟖𝟎° + 𝜱 (C) 360 (D) 360