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Question Bank - 2022-03-09

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• The decision of selecting the best optional subject is very crucial and it plays a
significant role in your in your final selection and position in IAS exam. One should
choose the subject wisely and must be able to cover its syllabus along with general
studies. Philosophy comes out to be one of the most favourite choices of Civil
Services Aspirants.

• Philosophy as a optional is one of the most popular optional. Philosophy optional

features as many toppers' optional subject regularly. It has given many spectacular,
wonderful and surprising result. One can take philosophy if he has logical aptitude.
The benefit of philosophy is concise syllabus and logical nature and it can be
prepared sufficiently and comprehensively in three months. It provides enough
time to prepare GS papers simultaneously.

• It can be opted by candidates from virtually any academic background. Students

do not require any prior background in the subject to opt philosophy as an optional

• Many topics covered under this subject are helpful for the essay paper. Such
topics are democracy humanism, secularism, corruption, empowernment, Capital
Punishment, Duties and Accountability, Justice, Multiculturalism etc.

• Studying philosophy is especially helpful in the Ethics, Essay as well as in the


• Ethics is one of the principal branches of Phillosophy, and therefore after studying
Philosophy, a student will be better endowed to deal with the challenges of ethics

• Philosophy can inculcate critical outlook towards life and can enable one to become
more insightful, self-reliant and original, Consequently, Philosophy can bring
about a remarkable improvement in the thinking and writing of the students, and
thereby can extend substantial help to the easy paper as well as interview.

• Philosophy can impart right orientation towards the life and, thereby, can enable
an aspirant to answer questions of interview more intelligently with profound
insights. Thus, Philosophy can metamorphose an aspirant in to an able IAS.

1 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

1. Plato and Aristotle : Ideas, Substance, Form and Matter, Causation, Actuality and Potentiality.
2. Rationalism (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz) : Cartesian Method and Certain Knowledge, Substance, God,
Mind-Body Dualism, Determinism and Freedom.
3. Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, Hume) : Theory of Knowledge, Substance and Qualities, Self and God,
4. Kant : Possibility of Synthetic a priori Judgement, Space and Time, Categories, Ideas of Reason, Antinomies,
Critique of Proofs for the Existence of God.
5. Hegel : Dialectical Method, Absolute Idealism.
6. Moore, Russell and Early Wittgenstein : Defence of Common sense, Refutation of Idealism, Logical
Atomism, Logical Constructions, Incomplete Symbols, Picture Theory of Meaning, Saying and Showing.
7. Logical Positivism : Verification Theory of Meaning, Rejection of Metaphysics, Linguistic Theory of Necessary
8. Later Wittgenstein : Meaning and Use, Language-games, Critique of Private Language.
9. Phenomenology (Husserl) : Method, Theory of Essences, Avoidance of Psychologism.
10. Existentialism (Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger) : Existence and Essence, Choice, Responsibility and
Authentic Existence,Being-in-the-world and Temporality.
11. Quine and Strawson : Critique of Empiricism, Theory of Basic Particulars and Persons.

12. Carvaka : Theory of Knowledge, Rejection of Transcendent Entities.
13. Jainism : Theory of Reality, Saptabhangi Naya,Bondage and Liberation.
14. Schools of Buddhism : Pratitya-Samutapada, Ksanikvada, Nairatmyavada.
15. Nyaya-Vaiseshika : Theory of Categories, Thoery of Appearance, Theory of Pramana, Self, Liberation, God,
Proofs for the Existence of God, Theory of Causation, Atomistic Theory of Creation.
16. Samkhya : Prakriti, Purusha, Causation, Liberation.
17. Yoga : Citta, Cittavrtti, Klesas, Samadhi, Kaivalya.
18. Mimansa : Theory of Knowledge.
19. Schools of Vedanta : Brahman, Ishvara, Atman, Jiva, Jagat, Maya, Avidya, Adhyasa, Moksha, Aprthaksiddhi,
20. Aurobindo : Evolution, Involution, Integral Yoga.

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 2

1. Social and Political Ideals : Equality, Justice, Liberty.

2. Sovereignty : Austin, Bodin, Laski, kautilya

3. Individual and State : Rights, Duties and Accountability.

4. Forms of Government : Monarchy, Theocracy and Democracy.

5. Political Ideologies : Anarchism, Marxism and Socialism.

6. Humanism, Secularism, Multiculturalism.

7. Crime and Punishment : Corruption, Mass Violence, Genocide, Capital Punishment.

8. Development and Social Progress.

9. Gender Discrimination : Female Foeticide, Land and Property Rights, Empowerment.

10. Caste Discrimination : Gandhi and Ambedkar.


1. Notions of God : Attributes, Relation to Man and the World (Indian and Western).

2. Proofs for the Existence of God and their Critique (Indian and Western).

3. Problem of Evil.

4. Soul : Immortality, Rebirth and Liberation.

5. Reason, Revelation and Faith.

6. Religious Experience : Nature and Object (Indian and Western).

7. Religion without God.

8. Religion and Morality.

9. Religious Pluralism and the Problem of Absolute Truth.

10. Nature of Religious Language : Analogical and Symbolic, Cognitivist and Non-cognitive.

3 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
flfoy lsok U.P.S.C. n'kZu'kkL=k
izFke i=k
n'kZu dk bfrgkl ,oa leL;k,¡
ik'pkR; n'kZu
1- IysVks ,oa vjLrw % izR;;] æO;] vkdkj ,oa iqn~xy] dk;Zdkj.k Hkko] okLrfodrk ,oa 'kD;rkA
2- rdZcqf¼okn (nsdkrZ] fLiukstk] ykbcfuRt) % nsdkrZ dh i¼fr ,oa vlafnX/ Kku] nzO;] ijekRek] eu&'kjhj }Srokn]
fu;rRookn ,oa Lokra=;A
3- bafnz;kuqHkookn (ykWd] cdZys] áwe) % Kku dk fl¼kUr] nzO; ,oa xq.k] vkRek ,oa ijekRek] la'k;oknA
4- dkaV % la'ys"kkRed izkxuqHkfod fu.kZ; dh laHkkouk] fnd~ ,oa dky] inkFkZ] rdZcqf¼ izR;;] foizfr"ks/] ijekRek ds vfLrRo
ds izek.kksa dh ehekalkA
5- ghxsy % }a}kRed iz.kkyh] ijeizR;;oknA
6- ewj] jlsy ,oa iwoZorhZ foV~tsULVhu % lkekU; cqf¼ dk eaMu] izR;;okn dk [kaMu] rkfdZd ijek.kqokn] rkfdZd jpuk]
viw.kZ izrhd] vFkZ dk fp=k fl¼kUr] mfDr ,oa izn'kZuA
7- rkfdZd izR;{kokn % vFkZ dk lR;kiu fl¼kUr] rRoehekalk dk vLohdkj] vfuok;Z izfrKfIr dk Hkkf"kd fl¼kUrA
8- mÙkjorhZ foV~xsaLVhu % vFkZ ,oa iz;ksx] Hkk"kk&[ksy] O;fDr Hkk"kk dh ehekalkA
9- lao`fr'kkL=k (glZy) % iz.kkyh] lkj fl¼kUr] euksfoKkuijrk dk ifjgkjA
10- vfLrRoijdrkokn (dhdsZxkMZ] lk=kZ] gkbMsxj) % vfLrRo ,oa lkj] oj.k] mÙkjnkf;Ro ,oa izkekf.kd vfLrRo] fo Üofulr~
,oa dkylÙkkA
11- Dokbu ,oa LVªkWlu % bafnz;kuqHkookn dh ehekalk] ewy fof'k"V ,oa O;fDr dk fl¼kUrA

Hkkjrh; n'kZu
12- pkokZd % Kku dk fl¼kUr] vrhfUnz; lRoksa dk vLohdkjA
13- tSun'kZu % lÙkk dk fl¼kUr] lIrHkaxh u;] ca/u ,oa eqfDrA
14- ckS¼n'kZu laiznk; % izrhR;leqRikn] {kf.kdokn] uSjkRE;oknA
15- U;k;&oS'ksf"kd % inkFkZ fl¼kUr] vkHkkl fl¼kUr] izek.k fl¼kUr] vkRek] eqfDr] ijekRek] ijekRek ds vfLrRo ds izek.k]
dk;Zdkj.k&Hkko dk fl¼kUr] l`f"V dk ijek.kqoknh fl¼kUrA
16- lka[; % izÑfr] iq#"k] dk;Zdkj.k&Hkko] eqfDrA
17- ;ksx % fpÙk] fpÙko`fÙk] Dys'k] lekf/] dSoY;A
18- ehekalk % Kku dk fl¼kUrA
19- osnkUr laiznk; % czã] bZ'oj] vkReu] tho] txr] ek;k] vfo|k] vè;kl] eks{k] vi`Fkd flf¼] iapfo/HksnA
20- vjfoan % fodkl] izfrfodkl] iw.kZ ;ksxA

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 4
flfoy lsok U.P.S.C. n'kZu'kkL=k
f}rh; i=k
lkekftd&jktuhfrd n'kZu
1- lkekftd ,oa jktuSfrd vkn'kZ % lekurk] U;k;] Lora=krkA
2- izHkqlÙkk % vkfLVu] cksnk¡] ykLdh] dkSfVY;A
3- O;fDr ,oa jkT; % vf/dkj] dÙkZO; ,oa mÙkjnkf;RoA
4- 'kklu ds izdkj % jktra=k] /eZra=k ,oa yksdra=kA
5- jktuSfrd fopkj/kjk,¡ % vjktdrkokn] ekDlZokn ,oa lektoknA
6- ekuookn] /eZfujis{krkokn] cgqlaLÑfroknA
7- vijk/ ,oa naM % Hkz"Vkpkj] O;kid fgalk] tkfrlagkj] izk.knaMA
8- fodkl ,oa lkekftd mUufrA
9- fyax Hksn % L=khHkwz.k gR;k] Hkwfe ,oa laifÙk vf/dkj] l'kfDrdj.kA
10- tkfr Hksn % xk¡/h ,oa vacsMdjA

1- bZ'oj dh /kj.kk % xq.k] euq"; ,oa fo'o ls laca/ (Hkkjrh; ,oa ik'pkR;)A
2- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds izek.k vkSj mldh ehekalk (Hkkjrh; ,oa ik'pkR;)A
3- v'kqHk dh leL;kA
4- vkRek % vejrk] iqutZUe ,oa eqfDrA
5- rdZcqf¼] Jqfr ,oa vkLFkkA
6- /kfeZd vuqHko % izÑfr ,oa oLrq (Hkkjrh; ,oa ik'pkR;)A
7- bZ'ojjfgr /eZA
8- /eZ ,oa uSfrdrkA
9- /kfeZd 'kqfprk ,oa ije lR;rk dh leL;kA
10- /kfeZd Hkk"kk dh izÑfr % lkn`';ewyd ,oa izrhdkRed] laKkuoknh ,oa fuLlaKkuoknhA

5 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
mÙkj izns'k yksd lsok vk;ksx U.P.P.S.C. n'kZu'kkL=k (eq[; ijh{kk)

uohure ikB~;ozQe
iz'u i=k&I [kaM ^[k* (Hkkjrh; n'kZu)
n'kZu'kkL=k dk bfrgkl vkSj leL;k,¡ 1- pkokZd % Kku&ehekalk] HkkSfrdoknA
2- tSu n'kZu % lÙk~ dk fl¼kar] L;knokn rFkk lIrHkZxhu;]
[kaM ^d* (ik'pkR; n'kZu) ca/u rFkk eks{kA
1- IywVks % izR;; fl¼kar 3- ckS¼n'kZu % izrhR;leqRikn] {kf.kdokn] uSjkRE;okn]
2- vjLrw % vkdkj] æO;] dkj.krk ckS¼n'kZu ds lEiznk;A
3- nsdkrZ % i¼fr] vkRek] bZ'oj] eu&'kjhj }SroknA 4- lka[;&;ksx% izÑfr] iq#"k] dkj.krk&fl¼kar] eks{k] v"Vkax
4- fLiukstk % æO;] xq.k rFkk i;kZ;] losZ'ojoknA ;ksx] fpÙkHkwfe] bZ'ojA
5- ykbcfuRl % fpn.kq] bZ'ojA 5- U;k;&oS'ksf"kd % izek.k] vkRek] eks{k] bZ'oj rFkk bZ'oj
6- ykWd % Kku fl¼kar] tUetkr izR;;ksa dk [kaMu] æO; rFkk ds vfLrRo ds fy;s ;qfDr;ka] inkFkZ] dkj.krk &fl¼kar]
xq.kA ijek.kqoknA
7- cdZys% vewÙkZ izR;; dk [k.Mu (Refutation of Abstract 6- ehekalk % Kku fl¼kar] izek] izek.k] Lor% izkek.;oknA
Idea)] tM+æO; dk [k.Mu] ewyxq.k rFkk xkS.kxq.k osQ Hksn 7- osnkar % 'kadj] jkekuqt ,oa eèo (czã] bZ'oj] vkRek] tho]
dk [k.Mu] izR;;oknA txr] ek;k] vfo|k] vè;kl] eks{k)A
8- áwe % Kku fl¼kar] la'k;okn] vkRek] dkj.krkA
9- dkUV % izkxuqHkkfod vkSj vuqHkotU;Kku] fo'ys"kk.kkRed iz'u i=k&II
,oa la'ys"k.kkRed fu.kZ;] la'ys"k.kkRed izkxuqHkfod fu.kZ;
[kaM ^d* (lkekftd&jktuhfrd n'kZu)
dh lEHkkouk] ns'k&dky ,oa dksfV;ka] izKk (jhtu) ds
izR;;] bZ'oj osQ vfLrRo&lkèkd ;qfDr;ksa dh vkykspukA 1- lkekftd vkSj jktuhfrd vkn'kZ % lekurk] U;k;]
10- ghxsy % }a}kRed i¼fr] fujis{k izR;;oknA Lora=krk] 2- laizHkqrk] 3- O;fDr o jkT;] 4- yksdra=k% vo/
11- (a) ewj% lkekU;er dk leFkZu] izR;;okn dk [akMu kj.kk rFkk izdkj] 5- lektokn rFkk ekDlZokn] 6- ekuookn]
(b) jlsy% o.kZu fl¼kUr viw.kZ izrhd] vk.kfod rF; 7-èkeZfujis{krkokn] 8- cgqlaLo`Qfrokn 9- naM ds fl¼kar] 10-
(Atomic Facts)A
fgalk] vfgalk] loksZn;] 11- fyax&lekurk] 12- oSKkfud n`f"V
,oa izxfr] 13- ikfjfLFkfrdh&n'kZuA
12- foV~xsUlVkbu% ljy rdZokD;] vFkZ dk fp=k&fl¼kar]
dFku ,oa fun'kZu dk HksnA [kaM ^[k* (/eZ n'kZu)
13- rkfdZd Hkkookn % lR;kiu fl¼kar] rRoehekalk dk
fujlu] vfuok;Z rdZokD;ksa dk Hkk"kk;h fl¼karA 1- /eZ] /eZ'kkL=k rFkk /eZ&n'kZu] 2- /eZ rFkk uSfrdrk]
14- lao`fÙk'kkL=k % gqljZy&lao`fÙk'kkL=kh; iz.kkyh (Phenomo- 3- bZ'oj fo"k;d vo/kj.kk,a% oS;fDÙkd] voS;fDÙkd] izÑfroknh]
logical Method)] psruk dh fo"k;kis{kk (Intentionality 4- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy, izek.k] 5- vkRek dh vejrk]
of Consciousness)A 6- eks{k] 7- /kfeZd Kku% cqf¼] nsoh izdk'kuk rFkk jgL;okn] 8-
bZ'oj foghu /eZ] 9- v'kqHk dh leL;k] 10- èkkfeZd lfg".kqrkA
15- vfLrRookn % (fdosZQxkMZ ,oa lk=kZ)& vfLrRo ,oa lkj]
Lora=krk ,oa p;u] mÙkjnkf;Ro ,oa izkekf.kd vfLrRoA
16- Dokbu % vkewy vuqoknA
17- LVªkWlu % O;fDr fl¼karA

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 6
fcgkj yksd lsok vk;ksx B.P.S.C. n'kZu'kkL=k (eq[; ijh{kk)

uohure ikB~;ozQe

rÙoehekalk vkSj Kkuehekalk Metaphysics and Epistemology

mEehnokjksa ls vis{kk dh tkrh gS fd mUgsa fuEufyf[kr fo"k;ksa ds Candidates will be expected to be familiar with the
following Indian and Western theories of Epistemology
fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa Hkkjrh; vkSj ik'pkR; Kkuehekalk rFkk rRoehekalk
and Ontology.
ds fl¼kUrksa rFkk izdkjksa dh tkudkjh gks%&
Western Philosophy
ik'pkR; n'kZu Idealism, Realism, Absolutism, Empiricism, Rational-
vkn'kZokn] ;FkkFkZokn] fujis{kokn] bafnz;kuqHkookn] rdZcqf¼okn] ism, Logical positivism, Analytical Philosophy, Phenom-
rkfdZd izR;{kokn] fo'ys"k.kkRed n'kZu] lao`fÙk'kkL=k] vfLrRookn enology, Existentialism and Pragmatism.
vkSj vFkZfØ;koknA Indian Philosophy
Hkkjrh; n'kZu Pramanas and Pramanya, Theories of truth and error,
izek.k vkSj izkek.;] lR; vkSj =kqfV ds fl¼kUr] Hkk"kk vkSj vFkZ Philosophy of Language and Meaning. Theories of
dk n'kZu] n'kZu dh izeq[k i¼fr;k¡ (:f<+okn vkSj :f<+eqDr) Reality with special reference to main systems (orthodox
iz.kkfy;ksa ds lanHkZ esa ;FkkFkZokn ds fl¼kUrA and heterodox) of Indian Philosophy.
Social-Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion
lkekftd&jktuhfrd n'kZu vkSj èkeZ n'kZu
1. Nature of Philosophy : its relation with life, Thoughts
1- n'kZu dk Lo:i] bldk thou] fopkj vkSj laLÑfr ls
and Culture.
lacaèkA 2. The following topics in special reference of India,
2- Hkkjr ds vkSj fo'ks"kdj Hkkjrh; lafo/ku ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ more specifically in context of Indian Constitution-
esa a. Political Ideologies : Democracy, Socialism,
fuEufyf[kr fo"k;] ftuesa Hkkjrh; lafo/ku Hkh lfEefyr Fascism, Theocracy, Communism and
gks& Sarvodaya.
i. jktuhfrd fopkj/kjk,¡ & iztkra=k] lektokn] iQkflLVokn] b. Methods of political action-Constitutionalism,
èkeZra=k lkE;okn vkSj loksZn;A Revolution, Terrorism and Satyagrah.
ii. jktuhfrd fØ;kfof/ dh i¼fr;k¡&lafo/kuokn] Økafr] 3. Tradition, Change and modernity in context of Indian
vkradokn vkSj lR;kxzgA social institutions.
3- Hkkjrh; lkekftd laLFkkvksa ds lanHkZ esa ijEijk] ifjorZu 4. Philosophy of Religious Language and Meaning.
vkSj vk/qfudrkA 5. a. Nature and scope of Philosophy of religion.
b. Philosophy of Religion in special context
4- /kfeZd Hkk"kk vkSj vFkZ dk n'kZuA
of Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Islam,
5- /eZ n'kZu dk Lo:i vkSj {ks=k] ckS¼&/eZ] tSu&èkeZ] Christianity and Sikhism.
fgUnw&èkeZ] bLyke&/eZ] bZlkbZ èkeZ vkSj flD[k /eZ ds c. Theology and Philosophy of Religion.
fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa /eZ dk n'kZuA d. Basis of religious belief : Reason, Revelation,
d) /eZ'kkL=k vkSj /eZn'kZuA Faith and Mysticism.
[k) /kfeZd fo'okl ds vk/kj_ rdZu] jgL;ksn~?kkVu] fu"Bk e. God, Immortality of Soul, Liberation and the
vkSj jgL;oknA Problems of Evil and Sin.
x) bZ'oj] vkRek dh vejrk] eqfDr vkSj cqjkbZ rFkk iki f. Equality, Unity and universality of religions,
dh leL;kA religious conversion and secularism.
6. Moksha (Liberation) : aspects of Moksha.
?k) /eks± dh lekurk] ,drk vkSj loZO;kidrk] èkkfeZd
ifjorZu] èkeZ&fujis{krk
6- eks{k & eks{k izkfIr ds i{kA
7 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
fo"k; lwph (Contents)

iz'u i=k-I / Paper-I

n'kZu dk bfrgkl ,oa leL;k,¡ (History and Problems of Philosophy)......................................9-71
ik'pkR; n'kZu..............................................9-42 Hkkjrh; n'kZu ..............................................43-71
1- IysVks ,oa vjLrw..................................................... 9-12 12- pkokZd................................................................. 43-45
2- rdZcqf¼okn (nsdkrZ] fLiukstk] ykbcfuRt)............. 13-18 13- tSun'kZu............................................................... 45-47
3- bafnz;kuqHkookn (ykWd] cdZys] áwe)....................... 18-23
14- ckS¼n'kZu laiznk;.................................................. 47-51
4- dkaV.................................................................... 23-27
15- U;k;&oS'ksf"kd....................................................... 51-56
5- ghxsy.................................................................. 27-28
6- ewj] jlsy ,oa iwoZorhZ foV~tsULVhu.......................... 28-32 16- lka[;................................................................... 56-59
7- rkfdZd izR;{kokn................................................. 32-34 17- ;ksx..................................................................... 59-60
8- mÙkjorhZ foV~xsaLVhu............................................... 34-35 18- ehekalk................................................................ 61-63
9- lao`fr'kkL=k (glZy).............................................. 36-37 19- osnkUr laiznk;....................................................... 63-69
10- vfLrRoijdrkokn (dhdsZxkMZ] lk=kZ] gkbMsxj)........ 38-41
20- vjfoan................................................................. 69-71
11- Dokbu ,oa LVªkWlu................................................ 41-42

iz'u i=k-II / Paper-II

lkekftd&jktuhfrd n'kZu$/eZ&n'kZu (Social Political Philosophy + Philosophy of Religion)........72-132

lkekftd&jktuhfrd n'kZu.......................72-103 /eZ n'kZu..................................................104-132

1- lkekftd ,oa jktuSfrd vkn'kZ.............................. 72-76 1- bZ'oj dh /kj.kk............................................... 104-108
2- izHkqlÙkk................................................................ 76-79 2- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds izek.k vkSj mldh ehekalk......108-112
(Hkkjrh; ,oa ik'pkR;)
3- O;fDr ,oa jkT;................................................... 79-81
3- v'kqHk dh leL;k.............................................. 113-115
4- 'kklu ds izdkj.................................................... 81-85 4- vkRek % vejrk] iqutZUe ,oa eqfDr.................... 115-119
5- jktuSfrd fopkj/kjk,¡........................................... 85-88 5- rdZcqf¼] Jqfr ,oa vkLFkk ................................ 120-122
6- ekuookn] /eZfujis{krkokn] cgqlaLÑfrokn............... 88-91 6- /kfeZd vuqHko % izÑfr ,oa oLrq...................... 122-123
7- vijk/ ,oa naM.................................................... 91-94 (Hkkjrh; ,oa ik'pkR;)
7- bZ'ojjfgr /eZ.................................................. 124-125
8- fodkl ,oa lkekftd mUufr................................. 94-95
8- /eZ ,oa uSfrdrk.............................................. 126-128
9- fyax Hksn.............................................................. 96-98 9- /kfeZd 'kqfprk ,oa ije lR;rk dh leL;k....... 128-130
10- tkfr Hksn........................................................... 99-103 10- /kfeZd Hkk"kk dh izÑfr .................................. 130-132

BPSC 60-62nd to 64th Exam (Question Paper)

Page No. 133-136

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 8
ik'pkR; n'kZu Notes


IysVks ,oa vjLrw% izR;;] nzO;] vkdkj ,oa iqn~xy] dk;Zdkj.k Hkko]
okLrfodrk ,oa 'kD;rk
1 Plato and Aristotle : Ideas, Substance, Form and Matter, Causation, Actuality
and Potentiality

IysVks (Plato)
1- fVIi.kh & IysVks dk izR;; fl¼karA (Plato's theory of Ideas – Notes.) (1990)
2- dgk tkrk gS fd laiw.kZ ik'pkR; nk'kZfud ijEijk IysVks dh f'k{kkvksa ij ikn&fVIi.kh gSA ;Fkko';d
mnkgj.k nsrs gq, mDr dFku dk vkykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft,A
It has been said that the entire western philosophical tradition consists of footnotes to plato's
teachings. Evaluate this statement critically with illustrations wherever necessary. (1993)
3- IysVks ds izR;; fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A
Explain and examine Plato's theory of ideas. (1998)
4- fVIi.kh & IysVks dk izR;; fl¼karA (Plato's theory of Ideas – Notes.) (2000)
5- ^tcfd IysVks dh rÙoehekalk LoIun'khZ gS] vjLrw dh rÙoehekalk o.kZukRed gSA* ;FkkFkZrk dh izÑfr ds
lEcUèk esa bu nks fopkjdksa dh n`f"V;ksa ds chp vR;ko';d erHksnksa dks crkrs gq, bl dFku dks iwjh
rjg ls Li"V dhft,A ('While Plato's metaphysics is a visionary one, Aristotle's metaphysics is
a descriptive one.' Explan fully giving the essential differences between the views of the two
thinkers regarding the nature of reality.) (2000)
6- IysVks dh vkÑfr;ksa dh fFk;ksjh dk dFku dhft, vkSj ml ij ppkZ dhft,A
State and discuss Plato's theory of forms. (2004)
7- jk; vkSj Kku ds chp foHksn & fVIi.khA
Distinction between opinion and knowledge - notes. (2005)
8- IysVks izf.kr Kku dk Le`frtU; fl¼kUr & fVIi.khA
(Plato's recollection theory of knowledge - Notes). (2005)
9- IysVks dk xqgk&lkn`'; vkSj Kku dh mldh fFk;ksjh esa mldk egRoA
Plato's analogy of the cave and its significance in his theory of knowledge. (2009)
10- IysVks izR;;&txr~ dks bfUnz;kuqHkfod&txr~ ls fdl izdkj lacafèkr djrk gS\ foospu dhft,A
How does Plato relate the world of ideas to the empirical world? Discuss. (15 Marks 2011)
11- IysVks ds vkdkjksa ds lÙkkehekalh; fl¼kar dks Li"V dhft,A D;k ^Kku* vkdkjksa esa ls ,d gS\ dkj.k
crkb,A (Explain Plato's ontological theory of Forms. Is 'knowledge' one of the Forms? Give
reasons.) (200 Words, 12.5 Marks 2013)
12- IysVks ds vuqlkj] Kku vkSj fo'okl esa Hksn dhft,A ;g mudh rRoehekalk ij fdl izdkj vkèkkfjr gS\
Li"V dhft,A (Distinguish between knowledge and belief according to Plato. How is it based
on his metaphysics? Explain.) (20 Marks 2014)

9 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 13- IysVks ds vkÑfr&fl¼kar dh O;k[;k dhft,A D;k bl fl¼kar ls fdlh izdkj dk rÙookn fuxfer
Notes gksrk gS\ foospuk dhft,A (Explain Plato's theory of forms. Does it entail a kind of essentialism?
Discuss.) (20 Marks 2015)
14- D;k IysVksa dk ^vkdkj fl¼kUr* HkkSfrd æO; esa ^ifjorZu* vkSj ^laos|kFkZrk* dh O;k[;k dj ikrk gS\
vius mÙkj ds fy, rdZ izLrqr djsaA (Does Plato’s ‘Theory of Form’ explain the ‘change’ and
‘sensibility’ of matter? Give reasons for your answer.) (20 Marks 2016)
15- fdl vFkZ esa izR;; var;kZeh vkSj bafnz;krhr nksuksa gh gks ldrs gSa\ bl lUnHkZ esa IysVks ds lkekU; vkSj
fo'ks"kksa ds fl¼kUr dh foospuk dhft,A
In what sense can ideas be both immanent and transcendent? Discuss in this context Plato's
theory of universals and particulars. (10 Marks 2017)
16- D ;k IysVks osQ izR;; ,oa txr~ osQ chp lEcU/ dh O;k[;k rkfoZQd :i ls lqlaxr gS\ blosQ lEcU/ esa
vjLrw osQ fopkjksa dh foospuk dhft, ,oa vius mÙkj osQ i{k esa roZQ Hkh nhft,A
Is the relation between the Idea and the World as discussed by Plato logically consistent?
Discuss Aristotle’s views regarding this and also give arguments in favour of your answer.
 (15 Marks 2018)
17- vius ^xqiQk&:id* osQ }kjk IysVks D;k fl¼ djuk pkgrs gSa\
What does Plato want to prove by his ‘Allegory of Cave’? (150 Words/10 Marks 2019)
1- IysVks ds izR;;okn dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk mlds [k.MukFkZ vjLrw ds rdZ dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
(Explain plato's theory of ideas and evaluate Aristotle's argument against it.) (1999)
2- IysVks ds foKkuokn dh leh{kk dhft,A (Present a review of Plato's Theory of Ideas). (2004)
3- IysVks ds izR;; fl¼kUr dks le>kb;sA (Explain Plato's theory of ideas). (2006)
4- IysVks ds izR;;&fl¼kar dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft,A
Critically examine Plato's theory of Ideas. (40 Marks 2013)
5- IysVks ds izR;; fl¼kar dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A
Explain and examine Plato's theory of Ideas. (15 Marks 2015)
6- IysVks ds vuqlkj 'kqHk ds izR;; vkSj bZ'oj ds eè; lacaèk dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the relation between the idea of good and the god according to plato.
 (15 Marks 2016)
7- IysVks osQ izR;; fl¼kUr dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A
Give an account of Plato's theory of ideas. (10 Marks 2017)
8- IysVks dk foKkuokn mudh lokZf/d ekSfyd nk'kZfud miyfC/ gSA foospuk dhft,A
Plato’s theory of ideas is his most original philosophical achievement. Discuss.
(15 Marks 2018)
9- D;k IysVks dk foKkuksa dk fl¼kar muds rÙoehekalh; ,oa Kkuehekalh; fl¼kUrksa dk ewy vk/kj gS\
vius mÙkj ds i{k esa rdZ nhft,A
Is Plato's theory of ideas the fundamental basis of his metaphysical and epistemological
theroies? Provide arguments in favour of your answer. (15 Marks 2019)
10- IysVks ds izR;;okn dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A
Critically explain the idealism of Plato. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- izR;;ksa dk okLrookn (Realism of Ideas) & fVIi.khA
2- IysVks ds izR;;okn dh fo'ks"krk,¡ (Characteristics of Plato's Idealism) & fVIi.khA

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 10
3- izR;;ksa dh oLrqxr lÙkk flf¼ ds fy, IysVks ds rdZA (Plato's argument regarding the objective iz'u&laxzg
reality of ideas) Notes
4- vykSfdd oLrqokn (Transcendal Realism) & fVIi.khA
5- IysVks ds lkekU; dh rqyuk oS'ksf"kd ds lkekU; lsA (Compare Plato universal to Vaishesika's
6- What is Plato's theory of ideas? Give arguments for and against it.
7- What are universals or Forms according to Plato?
8- What are the various ways plato explains the relationship between the Forms and particular
9- IysVks ds n'kZu esa ^lr~* vkSj ^lEHkwfr* dh voèkkj.kk dks Li"V djsaA Explain the concept of 'Being'
and 'Becoming' in Platonian philosophy.
10- Show how the allegory of the cave illustrates both Plato's theory of knowledge and his view
of the importance of philosophy.
11- Why do you think we find it difficult to accept the view that there are degrees of knowing
correspoinding to degrees of realtity?

11 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg vjLrw (Aristotle)
1- fVIi.kh & rkfRod inkFkZ fo"k;d vius er ds fy, vjLrw ds rdZA
Aristotle's arguments for his theory of substance. (1999)
2- ^lkoZHkkSe dk vfLrRo dsoy fo'ks"k esa gksrk gSA* bl lacaèk esa] vjLrw ds lkoZHkkSe ds izR;; vkSj mldk
vuqlj.k djus okys nzO; ds fopkj ij ppkZ dhft,A
'A universal exists only in the particular'. Discuss in this connection Aristotle's notion of
universal and the idea of substance that follows it. (2003)
3- fVIi.kh& vjLrw ds vuqlkj ^HkkSfrd&nzO; dh fFk;ksjh* ij ppkZ dhft,A
Discuss the 'theory of matter' according to Aristotle - Notes. (2006)
4- vjLrw dh dk;Zdkj.k&Hkko dh iz;kstuijd ladYiuk & fVIi.khA
Aristotle's teleological conception of causation - Short Notes. (2008)
5- dk;Zdkj.k&Hkko dk vjLrw dk vfHkizk; fdl izdkj dk;Zdkj.k&Hkko ds vkèkqfud vfHkizk; ls fHkUu gS\
How does Aristotle’s notion of causation differ form the modern notion of causation?
 (150 Words 2010)
6- vjLrw ds rRoehekalh; fl¼kUr dk] IysVks ds izR;;ksa ds fl¼kUr ds [k.Mu ds :i esa] foospu dhft;sA
Discuss Aristotle’s metaphysical theory as a polemic against Plato’s theory of Ideas.
 (15 Marks 2012)
7- p pkZ dhft, fd fdl izdkj lkjoLrqvksa dh fofHkUu ladYiukvksa dk [kaMu djus ds }kjk vjLrw lkjoLrq
ds vius fl¼kar dks LFkkfir djrk gSA
Discuss how by refuting the different concepts of substances Aristotle establishes his own
theory of substance. (10 Marks 2013)
8- vjLrw ds dk;Zdkj.k fl¼kar esa iz;qDr] vkdkj ,oa nzO; ds fla¼kr ds egÙo dks le>k,A
Explain the significance of Aristotle's doctrine of form and matter in his theory of causation.
 (15 Marks 2014)
9- v
jLrq dk ^okLrfodrk* vkSj ^laHkkO;rk ds chp foHksnA
Aristotle's distinction between 'actually' and 'potentiality'. (10 Marks 2015)
10- D;k vjLrw HkkSfrd æO; dks ^rRo* ds :i esa Lohdkj djrs gSa\ vius mÙkj ds i{k esa rdZ izLrqr djsaA
Does Aristotle treat matter as a ‘Substance’? Give reasons for your answer. (20 Marks 2016)
11- vjLrw ds vkdkj vkSj HkkSfrd nzO; ds fl¼kar dh O;k[kk dhft;sA ;g vjLrw dks dSls ifjorZu (xfr)
,oa LFkkf;Ro dh leL;k ds lek/ku ds fy;s leFkZ cukrk gS\
Explain Aristotle's theory of form and matter. How does it help him resolve the problem of
change and permanence? (15 Marks 2017)
12- vjLrw osQ vuqlkj] nzO; esa fodkloknh ifjorZuksa osQ dkj.k D;k gSa\ foospuk dhft,A
What are the reasons for developmental changes in substance according to Aristotle? Discuss.
 (15 Marks 2019)
13- vjLrw nzO; ij vkdkj dh rFkk lEHkkO;rk ij ;FkkFkZrk dh ojh;rk osQ fy, fdl izdkj ;qfDr izLrqr
djrs gSa\ lekykspukRed foospuk izLrqr dhft,A
How does Aristotle argue for the priority of Form over Matter and Actuality over Potentiality?
Critically discuss. (10 Marks, 150 Words 2020)


iratfy ifCyds'kUl 12
1- fVIi.kh & dkj.krk fo"k;d vjLrw dk erA (Aristotle's theory of causality) (2000) iz'u&laxzg
2- vjLrw ds dkj.krk&fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k ikjEifjd fl¼kUr ds izdk'k esa dhft,A Notes
Explain Aristotle's theory of causation in the light of traditional theory. (2003)
3- vjLrw ds dkj.krk&fl¼kUr (Theory of Causation) dh vkykspukRed (critically) O;k[;k dhft,A
4- vjLrw vkdkj ,oa nzO; ds chp fdl izdkj dk lacaèk crkrk gS\ Li"V djsaA
What type of relation is conceived by Aristotle between Form and Matter? State clearly.
5- vjLrw ds vuqlkj vkÑfr rFkk inkFkZ dks le>kb;sA nksuksa esa ijLij lacaèkksa dks Hkh fu:fir dhft,A
Explain Form and Matter as per Aristotle. Also, bring out their mutual relations.(2011)
6- vjLrw ds vkdkj ,oa tM+Ro fl¼kar dk o.kZu dhft,A
Describe Aristotle's doctrine of from and matter.  (15 Marks 2016)
7- vjLrw osQ dkj.krk fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A
Explain and examine Aristotle's doctrine of Causality. (15 Marks 2017)
8- vjLrw osQ vkdkj vkSj nzO; osQ fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k dhft,A og oSQls ifjorZu (xfr) ,oa LFkkf;Ro dh
leL;k dk lek/ku djrs gSa\
Explain Aristotle’s theory of form and matter. How he solve the problem of change and
Permanence?(15 Marks 2018)
9- vjLrw ds ^dkj.krk fl¼kUr* ij ,d fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
Write a note on the 'theory of causation' of Aristotle. (15 Marks 2019)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- vjLrwokn] IysVksokn dk U;k;laxr fodflr :i gSA leh{kkRed foospuk djsaA
2- laHkkO;rk vkSj okLrfodrk (Potentiality and Actuality) dk }SrA fVIi.kh dhft,A (Distinguish
between potentiality and actuality).
3- ¶;|fi vjLrw us IysVks ds izR;;okn dk [kaMu fd;k gS] ijUrq og Lo;a blds izHkko ls vNwrs ugha jgs
gSaA¸ leh{kkRed foospuk djsaA
4- vjLrw ds vuqlkj ^rRo vkSj vkdkj* ds lacaèkksa dh foospuk dhft,A bZ'oj dks ^vizofrZr izoÙkZd* ekuus
ds rdks± dh foospuk dhft,A (What according to Aristotle, is the relation between 'Matter' and
'Form'? What are Aristotle's reasons for regarding God to be the Unmoved Mover? Discuss).
5- vjLrw ds nzO; fopkj dh ppkZ ,oa ewY;kadu djsaA (Discuss and evaluate the views of Aristotle
regarding substance).
6- nzO; ds lacaèk esa IysVks ,oa vjLrw ds fopkjksa dh foospuk djsaA (Explain Plato's and Aristotle's views
regarding substance).
7- IysVks ,oa vjLrw ds n'kZu ds vkèkkj ij leLr ik'pkR; n'kZu dh O;k[;k dh tk ldrh gSA (On the
basis of Plato's and Aristotle's philosophy the entire western philosophy can be explained).
8- vjLrw ds prq"dksfVd dkj.krkokn dh O;k[;k djsaA (Explain Aristotle's four-fold theory of
9- vjLrw dh 'kq¼ vkdkj dh èkkj.kk & fVIi.khA (Aristotle's concept of Pure form) - Notes.
10- Point out clearly the relation between particulars and universals according to Plato and
11- Explain Aristotle's concepts of Form and Matter. Is he successful in overcoming the difficulties

13 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg of Plato's dualism?
Notes 12- Why does Aristotle reject Plato's view of the Forms? How is Aristotle's view of form similar
to and different from Plato's view?
13- What does Aristotle mean by potentiality and actuality? What role do they play in his view of
the world?
14- How does he use the notions of form and matter to explain the nature of things?

rdZcqf¼okn (MsdkVZ] fLiukstk] ykbcfuRt)% MsdkVZ dh i¼fr ,oa

vlafnXèk Kku] nzO;] ijekRek] eu&'kjhj }Srokn] fu;rRookn ,oa Lokra=;
2 Rationalism (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz : Cartesian Method and Certain
Knowledge, Substance, God, Mind-Body Dualism, Determinism and Freedom)

MsdkVZ (Descartes)
1- fVIi.kh & MsdkVZ dh lansg&i¼frA (Descartes Method of Doubt.) – Notes. (1990)
2- fVIi.kh & czãkaM esa izR;sd oLrq iw.kZr;k vius le;?kfVr gksrh gS vkSj iw.kZr;k lkeatL;iw.kZ gSA vr% bZ'oj
vo'; gh ,d xf.krK gSA (Everything in the universe is so perfectly timed and so harmonious :
God must be a mathematician.) – Notes. (1992)
3- fVIi.kh & ¶eSa lksprk gw¡ blfy, eSa gw¡A¸ ("I think, therefore I am.") – Notes. (1996)
4- fVIi.kh& ,d loZlaiw.kZ] loZO;kIr lÙkk ds izR;; dk vFkZ ;g Hkh gS fd mldk vfLrRo gSA (The idea
of an all-perfect, omnipotent being implies also that it or He exists.) – Notes. (1997)
5- fVIi.kh & ¶eSa lksprk gw¡ blfy, eSa gw¡A¸ ("I think, therefore I am.") – Notes. (1997)
6- fVIi.kh & varfozQZ;koknA (Interactionism.) – Notes. (1998)
7- nsdkrZ dh n'kZu iz.kkyh (fVIi.kh)A Descartes' method of Philosophy - Notes. (2001)
8- fVIi.kh & ¶eSa lksprk gw¡ blfy, eSa gw¡A¸ ("I think, therefore I am.") – Notes. (2004)
9- eu vkSj 'kjhj nks vU;ksU;dkjh inkFkks± ds :i esa & fVIi.khA (Mind and Body as two interacting
substances - short notes). (2005)
10- M sdkVZ ds }Srokn ij ppkZ dhft,A (Discuss Descarte's Dualism). (2006)
11- n'kZu ds lanHkZ esa vU;ksU;fØ;koknA (Interactionism in the philosophical context). (2009)
12- MsLdkfVZl dk eu&'kjhj }Srokn vkSj mlds izfr LVªklu dh vuqfØ;kA Descartes' mind-body dualism
and Strawson's response to it. (2009)
13- MsdkVZ bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ij lansg D;ksa ugha djrk gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A (Why does Descartes not
doubt the existence of God? Explain (15 Marks 2011)
14- MsdkVZ dk ^dksftVks ,jxks le* fdl izdkj áwe rFkk dk.V ds bfUnz;krhr n'kZu dks izHkkfor djrk gS\
Li"V dhft,A
How does Descartes’ Cogito Ergo Sum’ affect Hume and Kant’s transcendental philosophy?
Explain. (12 Marks 2012)
15- MsLdkfVZ dh lansg&iz.kkyh dks Li"V dhft,A D;k bZ'oj ds vfLrRo esa mlds fo'okl dks fl¼ djus ds
fy, bl iz.kkyh dk bLrseky fd;k tk ldrk gS\ vius mÙkj ds i{k esa rdZ izLrqr dhft,A (Explain
Descartes' method of doubt. Can this method be used to justify his belief in the existence of
God? Argue your case.) (12.5 Marks 2013)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 14
16- nsdkrhZ; }Srokn (dkVhZfl;u Mwvfy”e) ds fl¼kar dks Li"V djrs gq, mldh leFkZd ;qfDr;ksa dh iz'u&laxzg
vkykspukRed leh{kk dhft,A Explain the doctrine of Cartesian dualism and examine critically Notes
agruments in favour of it (15 Marks 2014)
17- D ;k nsdkrZ ds ^fpar;s vrks vfLe* fl¼kar ls ;g fuxfer fd;k tk ldrk gS fd os ,d rÙooknh gSa\
foospu dhft,
Does Descartes Cogito principle entail that he is an essentialist? Discuss. (15 Marks 2015)
18- MsdkVZ }kjk izLrkfor vkRe&fl¼kar ds er ij dkUV dh vkykspuk dh leh{kk djsaA
Examine Kant's criticism on Descartes' view of Self. (10 Marks 2016)
19- nsdkrZ ds vuqlkj ,d ^Li"V vkSj lqfHkUu izR;;* D;k gS\ Li"V vkSj lqfHkUu izR;;ksa dh Kkuehekalh;
fLFkfr D;k gS\ D;k ;g fooj.k HkkSfrd inkFkks± ds vfLrRo dks fl¼ djus esa nsdkrZ dk lgk;d gS\
O;k[kk dhft,A
What, according to Descartes, is a 'clear and distinct idea'? What is the epistemological status
of clear and distinct ideas? Does this account help Descartes prove that material objects exist?
Explain. (15 Marks 2017)
20- L o;a ,oa bZ'oj ls fHkUu vU; oLrqvksa dh lÙkk dks nsdkrZ fdl izdkj fl¼ djrs gSa\ foospuk dhft,A
How does Descartes prove the existence of things other than himself and God? Discuss.
 (10 Marks 2019)
1- dkVhZft;u i¼fr dh O;k[;k dhft, vkSj ekuo Kku ds fodkl esa bl i¼fr ds ;ksxnku dk ewY;kadu
dhft,A (Explain Cartesian method and evaluate its contribution to the development of human
knowledge.) (1998)
2- f VIi.kh & MsdkVZ dh la'k; fofèkA (Descartes method of doubt.) – Notes. (2000)
3- nsg&vkRek ds }Srokn dks fl¼ djus ds fy, MsdkVZ }kjk nh xbZ ;qfDr;ksa dk foospu dhft,A D;k os
vkidks fo'oklksRiknd yxrh gSa\ ("Discuss the arguments given by Descartes to establish mind-
body dualism. Do you find them convincing?") (2001)
4- n sdkrZ dh nk'kZfud fofèk le>kb;sA Explain Descartes' philosophic method. (2002)
5- vkRek vkSj 'kjhj ds dkrhZth }Srokn ds [k.MukFkZ LVªkWlu ds rdZ dh O;k[;k dhft;sA Explain
Strawson's argument against the Cartesian mind-body dualism. (2002)
6- nsg&vkRek ds }Srokn dks fl¼ djus ds fy, nsdkrZ }kjk nh xbZ ;qfDr;ksa dk foospu dhft,A D;k os
vkidks fo'oklksRiknd yxrh gSa\ foospu dhft,A (Discuss the arguments given by Descartes to
establish mind body dualism. Do you find them convincing? Discuss. (2006)
7- D;k MsdkVZ dh nk'kZfud i¼fr lansgoknh gS\ vius mÙkj dks laxr rdks± ls iq"V djsaA (Is the Cartesian
Method skeptical? Substantiate your answer by cogent arguments). (2007)
8- MsdkVZ ds ^ekul&'kjhj* dh vkykspukRed foospuk dhft;sA (Critically discuss Descarte's view of
'Mind-Body' dualism). (2008)
9- ^eSa fpUru djrk gw¡ vr% eSa gw¡*A nsdkrZ ds n'kZu ds bl vkèkkHkwr fu;e dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
' I think therefore I am'. Evaluate this fundamental principal of Descartes philosophy. (2011)
10- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo dks izekf.kr djus ds fy, nsdkrZ }kjk nh xbZ izR;; lÙkkewyd ;qfDr dk foospu
dhft,A dk.V us bldh vkykspuk fdl izdkj dh gS\
Discuss the ontological argument given by Descartes to prove the existence of God. How has
Kant criticised it? (2014)
11- MsdkVZ ds fØ;k&izfrfØ;kokn dk foospu dhft,A Discuss Cartesian interectionism.(2015)

15 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 12- MsdkVZ us bZ'oj dh lÙkk dks fdl izdkj ls izekf.kr fd;k gS\ le>kb,A
Notes How Descartes has proved the existence of God? Explain. (10 Marks 2016)
13- nsdkrZ eu rFkk nsg dks fdl vFkZ esa nzO; ekurs gSa\ os eu rFkk nsg osQ chp laca/ dh LFkkiuk oSQls
djrs gSa\ laca/ dh LFkkiuk djus esa D;k os liQy gks ikrs gSa\ foospu dhft,A
In what sense Descartes consider mind and body as substance? How does he establish relation
between mind and body? Is he successful in solving the problem? Discuss. (15 Marks 2017)
14- MsdkVZ osQ ckSf¼d Lor% fl¼ roZQokD; & ^eSa lksprk gw¡ blfy, eSa gw¡A dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the Descartes’ rational, self evident proposition – ‘I think, therefore I am’.
(10 Marks 2018)
15- D;k nsdkrZ dh nk'kZfud i¼fr n'kZu dh leL;kvksa dk leqfpr lek/ku izLrqr djrh gS\
Does the philosphical method of Descartes provide appropriate solution for philosophical
problems? (10 Marks 2019)
16- nsdkrZ ds lUnsgkRed i¼fr dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the method of doubt of Descartes. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- D;k MsdkVZ dks ^vkèkqfud n'kZu dk firk* dgk tk ldrk gS\ (Can we say that Descartes is the
'Father of Modern Philosophy').
2- MsdkVZ dk lR;rk lacaèkh ekun.M D;k gS\ og ^eSa lksprk gw¡ blfy, eSa gw¡* ls bls dSls izkIr djrs gSa\
What is Descartes criterion of truth? How does he derive it from 'cogito ergo sum'?
3- MsdkVhZ; i¼fr xf.krh; i¼fr (Mathematical Method) gS & fVIi.khA
4- bZ'oj dh lÙkk dks fl¼ djus ds fy, nsdkrZ }kjk fn;s x;s dkj.k ewyd ,oa lÙkkewyd izek.kksa dh
vkykspukRed leh{kk dhft,A (Critically examine the Casual and Ontalogical arguments given
by Descartes to prove the existence of God).
5- nsdkrZ dh nk'kZfud i¼fr dh foospuk dhft,A D;k ;g fuxeukRed gS vFkok vkxeukRed vFkok
nksuksa gSa\ (Discuss the philosophical method of Descartes. Is it deductive or inductive or both?)
6- nsdkrZ ds bZ'oj lacaèkh rdks± esa fojksèk ,oa iwjdrk nksuksa gSaA bl dFku dh leh{kk dhft,A (There are
both contradiction and Supplementation in the Descartes' arguments of the existence of God.
Comment on this statement).
7- How does Descartes regain his confidence in the existence of the external world?

fLiukstk (Spinoza)
1- 'kjhj vkSj eu ds ckjs esa ijEijkxr ;wjksih; n'kZu 'kkL=k ds fofHkUu fl¼kUrksa dk mYys[k djsa vkSj mUgsa
Li"V djrs gq, mudh O;k[;k djsaA (State, explain and discuss the various theories in traditional
European philosophy regarding the relationship of body and mind.) (1997)
2- fLiukstk ds vuqlkj nzO; dh izo`fÙk vkSj fo'ks"k.kksa ls mlds lacaèk dh O;k[;k dhft,A (Explain the
nature of substance and its relation to attributes according to spinoza.) (1997)
3- fLiukstk ds lÙo] bZ'oj vkSj izÑfr ds vfHkKku ds fl¼kUr dk dFku dhft, vkSj mldk lekykspukRed
ijh{k.k dhft,A (State and critically examine Spinoza's doctrine of the identity of Substance,
God and nature.) (2002)
4- fLiukstk dk ije inkFkZ dk laizR;; & fVIi.khA (Spinoza's conception of the Ultimate Substance
- short notes). (2005)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 16
5- f Liukstk ds lkj&fl¼kUr dks Li"V dhft,A (Explain Spinoza's theory of Substance). (2006) iz'u&laxzg
6- Lora=krk ij fLiukstk vkSj lk=ksZ ds fopkjksa dh rqyuk dhft,A Compare the views of Spinoza and Notes
Sartre on Freedom. (2008)
7- fLiukstk ;g D;ksa lksprk gS fd dsoy bZ'oj gh ije okLrfod gS\ Li"V dhft,A
Why does Spinoza think that God alone is absolutely real? Explain. (200 Words 2010)
8- fLiukstk ds fu;rokn ds fl¼kUr ds lkFk d;k Lora=krk dh voèkkj.kk laxr gS\ vius mÙkj ds leFkZu
esa rdZ nhft,A
Is the concept of freedom consistent with the theory of determinism of Spinoza? Support your
answer with arguments. (30 Marks 2011)
9- ;fn ^izR;sd fu;frdj.k fu"ksèkhdj.k gS* rks nzO; ds xq.k dSls gks ldrs gSa\ Li"V dhft;sA
If ‘every determination is negation’ then how can substance have attributes? Explain.
 (15 Marks 2012)
10- O;fDr dh Lora=krk dh fLiukstk dh ladYiuk ij ,d y?kq lekykspukRed fucaèk fyf[k,A
Write a short critical essay on Spinoza's conception of freedom of the individual.
 (12.5 Marks 2013)
11- fLiuks”kk osQ bl dFku dk D;k rkRi;Z gS fd tks gS] og mlosQ vfrfjDr oqQN vkSj ugha gks ldrk gS\
O;k[;k dhft,A
What do you understand by Spinoza's statement that what is, cannot be other than what it is?
Explain. (150 Workds/15 Marks 2019)
12- ¶bZ'ojh; Lo:i dh vfuok;Zrk ls vuUr oLrqvksa dk vuUr izdkj ls izfriQyu gksuk vo';EHkkoh gSA¸
fLiuks”kk osQ bl dFku dh oqQN lEHkkfor vkykspukvksa lfgr O;k[;k dhft,A
“From the necessity of the divine nature there must follow infinitely many things in infinitely
many ways.” Explain this statement by Spinoza along with some possible criticisms.
(15 Marks 2020)
1- fLiukstk ds ^fujis{k* rRo dh voèkkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft, vkSj 'kadj ds czã ls bldh rqyuk dhft,A
Explain Spinoza's concept of the Absolute and compare it with the Brahman of Samkara.
2- fLiukstk ds nzO; dh voèkkj.kk dks le>krs gq, ;g Li"V dhft, fd mudk n'kZu losZ'ojoknh D;ksa gks
tkrk gS\ (While explaining the concept of Substance in Spinoza explicate why his philosophy
turns out to be pantheistic). (2004)
3- fLiukstk ds losZ'ojokn dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain Spinoza's pantheism. (10 Marks 2015)
4- fLiukstk ds vuqlkj nzO; ds izR;; rFkk xq.k ,oa i;kZ;ksa ls blds vUr%lacaèk dh Li"V O;k[;k dhft,A
As per Spinoza discuss clearly the concept of substance and its interrelation of attributes and
modes. (15 Marks 2016)
5- fLiukstk osQ xq.k fo"k;d fl¼kUr dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain critically Spinoza's theory of Attributes. (15 Marks 2017)
6- nsdkrZ ds eu&'kjhj }Srokn dh O;k[;k dhft,A D;k fLiukstk bl leL;k dk larks"ktud mÙkj izLrqr
djrs gSa\
Explain the mind-body dualism of Descartes. Does Spinoza present a satisfactory answer to
this problem? (15 Marks 2019)
7- fLiuksT+kk ds ^losZ'ojokn* dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate Spinoza's 'Pantheism'. (15 Marks 2019)

17 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 8- fLiukstk ds nzO; ,oa xq.k fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Notes Explain the substance and attribute theory of Spinoza. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- ^fLiukstk dk bZ'oj èkeZ dk bZ'oj ugha gSA* vkykspukRed foospu dhft,A ('God of Spinoza is not
the God of religion'. Discuss critically).
2- fLiukstk dk ^vewÙkZ ,drRookn* (Abstract Monism) µ fVIi.khA
3- fLiuksT+kk dk losZ'ojokn & fVIi.khA (Spinoza's pantheism) - Short Notes.
4- fLiuksT+kk ds ,drRookn dh foospuk dhft,A mudk xq.k fl¼kUr fdl izdkj nzO; dh fufoZ'ks"krk ds
laxr gS\ (Discuss Spinoza's Monism. How far is his doctrine of attributes consistent with
indeterminate nature of Substance? Explain).
5- ^bZ'ojksUeqDr euq";* (God intoxicated man) & fLiukstkA (fVIi.kh)A
6- ^izR;sd fuèkkZj.k fu"ksèk gS* & fLiukstk (fVIi.kh)A (Every determination is nagation) - Spinoza
(Short Notes).
7- nzO; ds lacaèk esa MsdkVZ vkSj fLiukstk ds fopkjksa dh ppkZ djsaA D;k muds fopkj larks"ktud gSa\
(Discuss the views of Descartes and Spinoza on substance. Are their views satisfactory?
8- fLiukstk ds n'kZu esa O;fDr ds bPNk&Lokra=; dk D;k LFkku gS\ iwjh rjg foospu djsaA (What is the
position of freedom of the individual will in the Philosophy of Spinoza. Discuss fully).
9- fu;rRookn ,oa Lora=krk µ fLiukstk (fVIi.kh)A (Determinism and Freedom - Spinoza (Notes).
10- fLiukstk dk bZ'oj ds izfr ckSf¼d isze (Intellectual Love of God) & fVIi.khA
11- fLiukstk dk nzO; (bZ'oj) ,d ,slh xqiQk ds leku gS ftlesa vUnj tkus okyksa ds infpg~u rks fn[kkbZ
nsrs gSa] ijUrq ckgj vkus okyksa ds ugha & fVIi.khA
12- fLiukstk fdl izdkj HkkSfrd txr dh oLrqvksa dh O;k[;k djrs gSa\ (How Spinoza explains the
objects of this universe).
13- varfØZ;kokn ,oa lekukUrjokn esa vUrj Li"V djsaA (Distinguish between interactionism and
14- What is the position of the freedom of the individual will in the philosophy of Spinoza?
Discuss fully.
15- How would Spinoza respond to Descartes's view that the mind and body are completely

ykbcfuRt (Leibniz)
1- fpn.kq uked nzO;ksa ds ckjs esa ykbcfuRt ds erksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A (Explain the views of Leibniz
concerning substances, called monads.) (1990)
2- ykbcfuRt dk eksukM dk vfHkizk; Li"V dhft,A D;k eksukM dks LVªklu] vFkks± esa ,d vkèkkfjr fof'k"V
ekuk tk ldrk gS\ (Explain Leibniz's notion of monad. Can monad be regarded as a basic
particular in the Strawsonian sense? (2008)
3- lkj dh ladYiuk ij ykbcfuRt vkSj áwe ds fopkjksa dh rqyuk dhft,A
Compare the views of Leibniz and Hume on the concept of substance. (2009)
4- D;k ykbcfuRt txr ds ;kaf=kd vkSj ifj.kkeoknh n`f"Vdks.kksa dks feykus esa liQy gq, gSa\ muds
iwoZ&LFkkfir lkeatL; fl¼kUr dks Li"V dhft;sA
Does Leibnitz succeed in combining the mechanical with the teleological view of the world?
Explain his theory of Pre-established Harmony. (15 Marks 2012)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 18
5- D;k fpn~.kqokn nzO; ds Lo:i dh i;kZIr O;k[;k djrk gS\ D;k fpn~.kq ,d&nwljs ls Lora=k gSa\ le>kb;sA iz'u&laxzg
Does monadology sufficiently explain the nature of substance? Are monads independent of Notes
each other? Explain. (15 Marks 2012)
6- vfoHksnkas ds rknkRE; ds ykbcfuV~t ds fl¼kar dk ,d lekykspukRed fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A
Give a critical account of Leibnitz's' principle of the identity of indiscernible.
 (12.5 Marks 2013)
7- D;k ykbcfuR”k dk iwoZ&LFkkfir lkeatL; dk fl¼kar vfuok;Zr% fu;rRookn (fMVfeZfu”e) dh vksj
ys tkrk gS\ ppkZ dhft,A Does Leibniz's theory of pre-established harmony necessarily lead to
determinism? Discuss. (10 Marks 2014)
8- y
kbfCuV~t }kjk izfrikfnr ^vHksnksa dk rknkRE;* fl¼kar dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain Leibnitz's principle of 'identity of indiscernible's. (15 Marks 2015)
9- y
kbcfu”k tc ^iwoZ&LFkkfir lke×tL;* dh ckr djrk gS] rc mlosQ n'kZu esa LorU=krk osQ fy, dksbZ
LFkku gS D;k\ foospu dhft,A
Is there any place for freedom in Leibniz’s philosophy, when he speaks of ‘pre-established
harmony’? Discuss. (10 Marks 2018)
10- M sdkV~Zl] fLiuks”kk vkSj ykbcfu”k dh nzO; dh ifjHkk"kkvksa ,oa oxhZdj.kksa esa fHkUurk dk D;k dkj.k gS]
bl rF; osQ ckotwn fd os lHkh roZQcqf¼oknh lEiznk; ls rkYyqd j[krs gSa\ foospu dhft,A
What is the reason for the difference in the definitions and classifications of substances made
by Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz in spite of the fact that they all belonged to the rationalist
school of thought? Discuss. (20 Marks 2018)
11- ykbCuh”k dh fpn.kq dh vo/kj.kk muosQ fu;frokn rFkk Lora=krk lacaf/r fopkjksa dks
fdl izdkj izHkkfor djrh gS\ viuh fVIi.kh osQ lkFk foospuk dhft,A
How does Leibniz's conception of monads bear upon his view on derterminism
and freedom? Discuss with your own comments. (10 Marks 2020)

1- ykbcfuRt dk fpn.kqokn ik'pkR;&cqf¼oknh fparu dh ijkdk"Bk gSA fopkj dhft,A ("The monadism
of Leibniz is the climax of the western rationalistic thought." Present your own view after
discussing this statement.) (1999)
2- ykbcfuRt dk vfoHksnksa ds lkFk rknkRE; dk fl¼karA (Leibniz's theory of identity of indiscernibles.)
3- ykbcfuRt ds fpn.kqokn fl¼kar dk dFku ,oa ijh{k.k dhft,A
State and examine Leibnitz's theory of monadology. (40 Marks 2014)
4- bZ'oj dks fpn.kqvksa dk fpn.kq dgus ls ykbcfuRt dk D;k vfHkizk; gS\
What does Leibnitz mean by calling God as Monad of Monads? (15 Marks 2016)
5- ykbfCuR”k osQ iwoZ&LFkkfir lkeatL; osQ fl¼kUr ij ,d iw.kZ fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
Write a full note on Leibnitz's doctrine of Pre-established Harmony. (15 Marks 2017)
6- MsdkVZ] fLiukstk vkSj ykbcuhRt dh nzO; dh vo/kj.kk esa fHkUurk dk dkj.k D;k gS\ ;|fi os lHkh
cqf¼oknh nk'kZfud gSA foospuk dhft,A
What is the reason for the difference in the concepts of substance of Descartes, Spinoza and
Leibnitz? Although they are all rational philosopher. Discuss. (15 Marks 2018)
7- bZ'oj osQ fy, ykbcuhRt osQ rdks± dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain critically Leibnitz’s arguments for God. (15 Marks 2018)

19 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 8- ykbcfuRt ds ^fpn.kqokn* dh ewy fo'ks"krkvksa dh O;k[;k djsaA
Notes Explain the basic features of Leibnitz's monadology. (10 Marks 2019)
9- ykbcfuRt ds fpn.kqokn dh O;k[;k djsaA
Explain the monadology of Leibnitz. (10 Marks 2020)
laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)
1- ykbcfuRt ds vuqlkj nzO; fopkj & fVIi.khA
2- eu vkSj 'kjhj esa u nzO;kRed vUrj gS vkSj u gh xq.kkRed vUrj gS & fVIi.khA
3- ykbcfuRt dk vkè;kfRed cgqrRookn & fVIi.khA (Leibnitz's spiritual pluralism) - Short notes.
4- ^xq.kkRed v}Srokn* (Qualitative Monism) (ykbcfuRt)A & fVIi.khA
5- ^ifjek.kkRed cgqrRookn* (Quantitative Pluralism) (ykbcfuRt) & fVIi.khA
6- Discuss the nature of substance in the philosophy of Descartes, Spinoza and Leibnitz. Which
of these is more acceptable to you and why?
7- Trace the development of the idea of substance in the philosophies of Descartes, Spinoza and
8- How does Leibniz argue that we are both free and determined? Why could his position be
called "compatibilism"?

bafnz;kuqHkookn (ykWd] cdZys] áwe)% (Kku dk fl¼kUr] nzO; ,oa

xq.k] vkRek ,oa ijekRek] la'k;okn)
3 Empiricism (Locke, Berkeley, Hume) – (Theory of Knowledge, Substance and
Qualities, Self and God, Scepticism.)

ykWd (Locke)
1- fVIi.kh & ykWd ds vuqlkj Kkuehekalk dks Li"V dhft,A
(Explain the theory of knowledge according to Locke) - Short notes. (2006)
2- nzO; fo"k;d ykWd ds fopkjksa dk dFku dhft, vkSj ml ij ppkZ dhft,A
State and discuss Locke's views on Substance. (2007)
3- vuqHkookfn;ksa ds vuqlkj nzO; dh D;k voèkkj.kk gS\ foospuk dhft,A What, according to Empiricists
is the concept of Substance? Discuss. (20 Marks 2011)
4- tkWu ykWd us dgk fd & ¶fdlh Hkh O;fDr dk Kku mlds vuqHko ls ijs ugha tk ldrkA¸ bl dFku
ds fufgrkFkZ dk vkykspukRed foospu dhft;sA
John Locke said that ‘No man’s knowledge can go beyond his experience’. Discuss critically
the implication of this statement. (12 Marks 2012)
5- tkWu ykWd }kjk izLrqr izkFkfed vkSj xkS.k xq.kksa ds Hksn rFkk mÙkjdkyhu vuqHkookfn;ksa ds fy;s blls
mRiUu leL;k dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft,A
Critically examine John Locke’s categorisation of primary and secondary qualities and explain
the problem it posed to Later Empiricists. (15 Marks 2012)
6- tkWu ykWd ds lkjoLrq ds fl¼kar dk ijh{k.k dhft,A
Examine John Locke's theory of substance. (200 Words, 12.5 Marks 2013)
7- ykWd ds lanHkZ esa f}rh;d xq.kksa dh voèkkj.kk dks ykxw djus dh rkfdZd vko';drk D;k gS\ dkj.kksa
lfgr mÙkj nsaA What is the logical necessity for Locke to introduce the concept of secondary

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 20
qualities? (10 Marks 2016) iz'u&laxzg
8- ykWd fdl izdkj ewy xq.kksa vkSj xkS.k xq.kksa ds chp Hksn djrk gS\ D;k og ewy xq.kksa ds izR;; vkSj Notes
ewyxq.kksa ds lkFk lkFk xkS.k xq.kksa ds izR;; vkSj xkS.k xq.kksa ds chp Hkh Hksn djrk gS\ foospuk dhft,A
How does Locke draw a distinction between primary and secondary qualities? Does he also
draw a distinction between the idea of primary qualities and primary qualities as well as the
idea of secondary qualities and secondary qualities? Discuss. (20 Marks 2017)
1- lgtkr izR;; fl¼kUr dh ykWd }kjk dh xbZ vkykspuk dh foospuk dhft, vkSj ykWd ds mijkUr
ik'pkR; n'kZu esa vuqHkookn ds fodkl dks js[kkafdr dhft,A (Discuss Locke's criticism of theory
of innate ideas and trace out the development of empiricism in the western philosophy after
Locke.) (1998)
2- D;k ykWd lgt izR;;ksa dk [k.Mu dj ikrs gSa\ foospuk dhft,A (Does Locke succeed in rejecting
Innate Ideas? Discuss.). (2003)
3- ykWd dSls tUetkr izR;;ksa dk [k.Mu djrs gSa\ le>kb;sA (2009)
How does Locke refute innate ideas? Explain.
4- ykWd }kjk tUetkr izR;;ksa ds [k.Mu dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Make an evaluation of Locke's rejection of innate ideas. (40 Marks 2011)
5- ykWd ds vuqlkj Kku dh lhek dk o.kZu dhft,A
Explain the limit of knowledge according to Locke. (10 Marks 2016)
6- ykWd o`Qr lgt izR;;ksa osQ [k.Mu dk o.kZu ,oa ijh{k.k dhft,A
State and examine Locke's refutation of Innate ideas. (10 Marks 2017)
7- ykWd osQ tM+okn osQ [k.MukFkZ coZQys }kjk nh x;h ;qfDr;ksa dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A
Explain and examine the arguments given by Berkeley to refute Materialism of Locke.
 (15 Marks 2017)
8- ¶ykWd vuqHkooknh gSa fdarq lqlaxr ugha gSa¸ & foospuk dhft,A
“Locke is an empiricist but not a consistent one” – Discuss. (15 Marks 2018)
9- ykWd ds Kku&fl¼kar dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{k.k dhft,A
Explain and examine Locke's theory of knowledge. (15 Marks 2019)
10- ^lgt izR;;ksa* ds [k.Mu gsrq ykWd }kjk iznÙk rdksZa dh foospuk dhft,A
Describe the arguments for rejection of 'Innate Ideas' according to Locke. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- ykWd dk izfrfufèkewyd oLrqokn (Representative Realism) & fVIi.khA
2- ykWd dk nzO; fopkj & fVIi.khA
3- What is the nature of substance according to Locke?
4- ykWd rFkk cdZys esa ewyxq.k rFkk mixq.k dk izR;; & fVIi.khA (Concept of Primary & Secondary
Qualities in Locke and Berkeley) - Notes.
5- D;k ykWd lqlaxr vuqHkooknh gSa\ vius mÙkj ds leFkZu esa ;qfDr;k¡ nhft,A (Is Locke a consistent
Empiricist? Give reasons to support your answer).
6- ykWd ds ^Kku ds fl¼kUr* (Theory of knowledge) ij ,d laf{kIr fucaèk fyf[k,A
7- MsdkVZ ds vuqlkj dqN izR;; tUetkr gSa] ykbcfuRt ds vuqlkj lHkh izR;; tUetkr gSa tcfd ykWd
ds vuqlkj dksbZ Hkh izR;; tUetkr ugha gSA O;k[;k djsaA

21 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 8- fVIi.kh & ¶eu ,d dksjh ifV;ka gS¸ (Mind is a tabula rasa) & ykWdA
Notes 9- Explain that according to Descartes some, according to Locke none, and according to Leibnitz,
all ideas are innate.
10- How does Locke define knowledge? How does he distinguish between intuitive, demonstrative
and sensitive knowledge?
11- What does Locke mean by "substance"? Why does he believe that there must be substances
underlying everything we experience?

cdZys (Berkeley)
1- fVIi.kh & lÙkk n`';rk gSA (Esse est percipi.) – Notes. (1998)
2- fVIi.kh & lÙkk n`';rk gSA (Esse est percipi.) – Notes. (2000)
3- fVIi.kh & gksus dk eryc gh izR;{kKku gksrk gSA (To be is to be perceived) - Notes. (2003)
4- ¶?kfVr gksus dk rkRi;Z izR;f{kr gksrk gSA¸ & ppkZ dhft,A
"To be is to be perceived." - Discuss. (2009)
5- cdZys ds ^,sls ,sLV iflZlh* dFku ls dkSu ls rRoehekalh; fufgrkFkZ O;qRiUu fd, tk ldrs gSa\
What metaphysical implications can be derived from Berkeley’s statement ‘esse est percipi’?
 (300 words 2010)
6- ;fn ^n`'; gksuk gh lr~ gksuk gS* rks cdZys oLrqvksa ds LFkkf;Ro dh fdl izdkj O;k[;k djrs gSa\
If ‘To be is to be perceived’ then how does Berkeley explain the permanence of things?
Explain. (15 Marks 2012)
7- n`';rs bfr orZrsA esse est percipi. (10 Marks 2015)
8- coZQys ;g oSQls LFkkfir djrk gS fd osQoy eu ,oa blosQ fopkj gh okLrfod gSa\ ewj ,oa jlsy] coZQys
osQ bl er dh oSQls izfrfozQ;k djrs gSa\ ewj ,oa jlsy dh bl izfrfozQ;k eas D;k vkidks dksbZ fHkUurk
feyrh gS\ foospuk dhft,A
How does Berkeley established that Mind and its ideas alone are real? How do Moore and
Russel react to Berkeley’s view in this regard? Do you find any different between Moore’s
reaction and Russell’ one? Discuss.  (20 Marks 2018)
1- vuqHkookn ds Kku fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A (Explain and examine Empiricist theory
of Knowledge.) (1994)
2- ¶gksuk izR;{k fd;k tkuk gSA¸ bl dFku ds vk'k; dks HkyhHkkafr le>kb;sA D;k ;g fo"k;fu"B izR;;okn
dh vksj ys tkrk gS\ ;qfDr lfgr mÙkj nhft,A
"To be is to be Perceived." Elaborate the import of this statement. Does it lead to subjective
idealism? Support your answer with argument. (1995)
3- fVIi.kh & tM+&rRo ds fo#¼ cdZys ds rdZA
Barkeley's arguments against matter – Notes.

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- ykWd ds ewy xq.kksa dk cdZys }kjk [k.MuA (Refutation of primary qualities in Locke by Berkeley)
- Notes.
2- cdZys ds HkkSfrd txr ds [k.Mu lacaèkh rdks± dh foospuk dhft,A (Discuss Berkeley's arguments
for the rejection of material world).
3- fVIi.kh& ¶lÙkk n`';rk gS¸& cdZysA ("Esse est Percipi" - Berkeley (Short Notes).
4- From within Berkeley's philosophy, what does it mean to say "There is a book on my table"?
5- When asked how to refute Berkeley, Samuel Johnson kicked a stone and said, "I refute him
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 22
thus." Was this really a refutation of Berkeley? Why or why not? iz'u&laxzg
6- How would you criticize Berkeley's assertion that all we know are ideas? Give reasons for Notes
your answer.

áwe (Hume)
7- dksbZ vkuqHkfod izfrKfIr dHkh fu'p;kRed ugha gks ldrh gSA bl dFku ij fVIi.kh dhft,A (No
emperical proposition is ever certain. Comment.) (1990)
8- fVIi.kh& dkj.krk ds fo"k; esa áwe dk erA (Hume's doctrine of causality.) & Notes. (1993)
9- fVIi.kh& áwe ds vkxeu fojksèkh rdZA (Hume's arguments against induction.) & Notes. (1995)
10- fVIi.kh& vgaek=kokn ,oa la'k;okn esa HksnA (Distinction between solipsism and scepticism.) &
Notes. (1996)
11- oS;fDrd vuU;rk fo"k;d áwe ds er dk ewY;kadu dhft,A (Evaluate Hume's theory of personal
identity.) (1999)
12- f VIi.kh & ¶oS;fDrd vuU;rkA¸ (Hume's analysis of personal identity.) – Notes. (2001)
13- fVIi.kh & ¶áwe dk n`';&izi×poknA¸ (Hume's phenomenalism) – Notes. (2002)
14- fVIi.kh & vkxeu ij áwe ds fopkjA (Hume's views on Induction.) – Notes. (2004)
15- áwe ds la'k;okn ij ppkZ dhft,A (Discuss Hume's Scepticism). (2006)
16- lkj dh ladYiuk ij ykbcfuRt vkSj áwe ds fopkjksa dh rqyuk dhft,A
Compare the views of Leibniz and Hume on the concept of substance). (2009)
17- D;k áwe Kku dh laHkkouk ls bUdkj djrk gS\ ppkZ dhft,A (Does Hume deny the possibility of
knowledge? ) Discuss. (150 words 2010)
18- D;k áwe ,d la'k;oknh Fks\ ;fn ugha rks n'kZu dks mudk D;k ;ksxnku gS\ mÙkj nhft;sA
Was Hume a Sceptic? If not then what is his contribution to Philosophy? (15 Marks 2012)
19- Lo ds áwe ds fl¼kar dk ,d lekspukRed fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A
Give a critical account of Hume's theory of the Self. (200 Words, 12.5 Marks 2013)
20- áwe ds }kjk dk;Zdkj.k fl¼kar dh vkykspuk dk leh{kkRed ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate critically Hume's criticisms of theory of causation. (15 Marks 2014)
21- dkj.k rFkk izHkko ds lacaèk ij áwe ds fopkjksa dk vkykspukRed ewY;kadu djsasA
Critically examine Hume’s views on the relation of cause and effect. (15 Marks 2016)
22- b Z'oj dks ysdj rdZcqf¼okfn;ksa vkSj vuqHkookfn;ksa ds fofHkUu erksa dh O;k[;k djsaA
Discuss the various stances on God taken by Rationalists and Empiricists. (15 Marks 2016)
23- dSls áwe ds vuqHko dk fo'ys"k.k fdlh LFkk;h lr~] pkgs og HkkSfrd gks ;k ekufld] esa fo'okl ds
fy, dksbZ vk/kj ugha NksM+rk gSA
Show how Hume's analysis of experience leaves no ground for belief in any permanent reality
either physical or mental. (10 Marks 2017)
24- D;k áwe osQ fy, bu nks lR;ksa — ^dy lw;ksZn; gksxk* ,oa ^2 + 2 = 4* esa leku vfuok;Zrk gS\ vius
mÙkj osQ i{k esa roZQ nhft,A
Are the two truths — ‘The Sun will rise tomorrow’ and ‘2 + 2 = 4’ of the same necessity for
Hume? Give reasons in favour of your answer. (10 Marks 2018)
25- D ;k áwe osQ vuqlkj dkj.k&laca/ksa esa dksbZ vfuok;Zrk dk rÙo gksrk gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Is there any element of necessity in causal relations according to Hume? Discuss.

23 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg  (15 Marks 2019)
Notes UPPCS .
1- Kku dh izkfIr vkSj izekf.kdrk ds lacaèk esa vuqHkookn dh leh{kk djsaA (Discuss Empiricism in
respect of attainment and ascertainment of Knowledge.) (1990)
2- ^vuqHkookn dh pje ifj.kfr lansgokn esa gksrh gSA* bl dFku dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A
'Empiricism eluminates into scepticism.' Explain and examine the statement. (1991)
3- vuqHkookn ds Kku fl¼kar dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A (Explain and examine Empiricist theory
of Knowledge.) (1994)
4- áwe dk dkj.kokn dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A (Explain and examine Hume's theory of
causality.) (1999)
5- vkReLo:i dh igpku ds fo"k; esa áwe ds er dh ijh{kk dhft;sA (Examine Hume's view of
personal identity.) (2000)
6- ^vuqHko ij vkèkkfjr lHkh vuqeku rdZ.kk ds ugha cfYd vknr ds ifj.kke gSaA* áwe ds bl er dh ijh{kk
dhft,A (Examine Hume's view that 'All inferences from experience are effects of custom not
of reasoning.') (2001)
7- áwe ds dkj.krk fl¼kar dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft,A D;k ;g muds vuqHkookn ls lqlaxr gS\
foospuk dhft,A
Examine critically Hume's theory of causation. Is it consistent with his empiricism? Discuss.
 (40 Marks 2012)
8- áwe ds la'k;okn dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A
Explain and Examine Hume's scepticism. (15 Marks 2015)
9- ¶áwe dk la'k;okn ykWd osQ vuqHkookn dh rkfoZQd ifj.kfr gSA¸ & foospuk dhft,A
“The scepticism of Hume is the logical outcome of the empiricism of Locke.” – Discuss.
(15 Marks 2018)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- dkj.k ds vfuok;Z lacaèk ds :i esa [k.Mu ds fy, áwe ds rdks± dh foospuk dhft,A (Discuss
Hume's arguments for denying cause as a necessary connection).
2- áwe fdl izdkj dkj.krk dh izkxuqHkfod èkkj.kk dh vkykspuk djrk gS\ mlds Lo;a ds dkj.krk fl¼kUr
dh O;k[;k dhft,A (How does Hume criticize the a priori notion of Causality? Explain his own
theory of Causality).
3- dkj.krk ds lacaèk esa áwe ds foospu dh rqyuk dkaV ls djsaA vki buesa ls fdldk leFkZu djsaxs vkSj
D;ksa djsaxs\ (Compare Hume's analysis of causality with that of Kant. Which do you prefer and
4- áwe tM+&nzO; vkSj vkè;kfRed nzO; dh lÙkk dk [k.Mu vuqHkookn ds vkèkkj ij fdl izdkj djrs
gSa\ (In which way Hume refutes material substance and spiritual substance on the basis of his
5- nzO; ds voyksiu ds lacaèk esa ykWd] cdZys vkSj áwe ds fopkjksa ds Øekxr fodkl dks n'kkZ,¡A (Trace
the gradual disappearance of the idea of substance in Locke, Berkeley and Hume).
6- nzO; ds lacaèk esa ykWd] cdZys vkSj áwe ds fopkjksa dh foospuk djsaA (Explain the views of Locke,
Berkeley and Hume regarding substance).
7- vuqHkookn dk D;k vFkZ gS\ fdl izdkj áwe dk la'k;okn vuqHkookn dk vfuok;Z ifj.kke gS\ vki
blls dgk¡ rd lger gSaA (What is empiricism? Explain how the scepticism of Hume was the
logical conclusion of Empiricism? How far do you agree with the above viewpoint? Discuss).
8- ykWd ls áwe rd ds vuqHkookn ds fodkl dh foospuk dhft,A (Explain the Development of
Empiricism from Locke to Hume).
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 24
9- D;k áwe iw.kZ la'k;oknh gSa\ vkykspukRed foospuk dhft,A (Is Hume a thoroughgoing sceptic? iz'u&laxzg
Discuss critically. Notes
10- What are the various arguments Hume uses to refute those who claim that God must exist
because the world must have had a cause?
11- What are the three ways in which one idea becomes associated with another idea?
12- Both Hume and Descartes see mathematics as an important kind of knowledge. But are their
respective views about mathematics the same or different? Explain.
13- Explain in your own words the distinction Hume makes between 'matters of fact' and 'relations
of ideas'. Do you agree that these are different objects of knowledge? Are there others? Why
or why not?
14- Explain why cause and effect pose such a problem for Hume. Do you think causality would
offer similar difficulties for any empiricist? Give reasons for your answer.
15- Would it be correct to say that Hume did not believe in cause and effect? If so, why? If not,
why not?
16- Do you see any way for an empiricist like Hume to avoid skepticism?

dkaV% la'ys"kkRed izkxuqHkfod fu.kZ; dh laHkkouk] fnd~ ,oa dky] inkFkZ]

rdZcqf¼ ds izR;;] foizfr"ksèk] ijekRek ds vfLrRo ds izek.kksa dh ehekalk
4 Kant : Possibility of Synthetic a priori Judgement, Space and Time, Categories,
Ideas of Reason, Antinomies, Critique of Proofs for the Existence of God

dkaV (Kant)
1- ns'k vkSj dky ds ckjs esa dk.V ds fl¼kar dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A (Give a critical account
of Kant's theory about space and time.) (1990)
2- dkaV ds ;FkkFkZrk fl¼kar dh foospuk dhft,A og foKku] n'kZu rFkk èkeZ ds nkos esa lkeatL; dSls
LFkkfir djrk gS\ fu'p;iwoZd crkb, fd og vius iz;Ru esa liQy gksrk gS ;k ughaA (Discuss Kant's
theory of reality. How does he attempt to reconcile the claims of science, philosophy and
religion? Ascertain if he succeeds in his task.) (1992)
3- D;k la'ys"k.kkRed lR; dk vuqHko fujis{k gks ldrk gS\ ;fn gk¡ rks D;k ,slk Kku loZO;kih ,oa
vko';d lR; dk gh Kku gksxk\ bl lanHkZ esa dk.V ds er dh vkykspukRed foospuk dhft,A (Can
synthetic truths be known a priori? If so, must such Knowledge be Knowledge of universal
and necessary truths? In this context critically consider Kant's view.) (1994)
4- fVIi.kh & dkaV dk izkxuqHkfod fuxeu fl¼kUr (Doctrine of transcendental deduction)A (1995)
5- dkaV ds bl fopkj ls vki D;k le>rs gSa fd fnd~ ,oa dky 'kq¼ vUrKkZu ds vkèkkj gSa\ bl lacaèk
esa vius er dks LFkkfir djus ds fy, muds }kjk fn, x, rdks± dh O;k[;k dhft,A (What do
you understand by Kant's claim that space and time are forms of pure intuition? Explain the
arguments he gives in support of his position in this regard.) (1996)
6- rdZ&cqf¼okn vkSj vuqHkookn dk vfrozQe.k djds dkaV bu nksuksa ds chp lkeatL; dSls cSBkrk gS µ
fVIi.khA (How Kant reconciles rationalism with empiricism by superseding them?) (1997)
7- cqf¼xr èkkj.kkvksa fo"k;d dkaV dh èkkj.kk Li"V dhft,A (Kant's idea of Reason.) – Notes. (1999)
8- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy, lk{;ksa dh dkaV dh vkykspuk crkb, vkSj mldk ijh{k.k dhft,A (State
and examine Kant's criticism of the proofs for the existence of God.) (2000)
9- f VIi.kh & dkaV dk ns'kdkyA (Kant's Conception of Space and time.) – Notes. (2001)
10- dkaV dk ^leh{kkRed n'kZu* rdZcfq ¼okn vkSj bfUnz;kuqHkookn ds chp ,d lekèkku gSA* bl fVIi.kh dks iwjh
25 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg rjg Li"V dhft, vkSj ikjEifjd rÙoehekalk dh lEHkkouk ds fy, ,sls lekèkku ds ifj.kke ij izdk'k
Notes Mkfy,A ('Kant's "Critical Philosophy is a reconciliation between Rationalism and Empiricism.'
Elucidate the remark fully and bring out the consequence of such a reconciliation for the
possibility of traditional metaphysics. (2002)
11- fVIi.kh & laf'y"V izkxuqHkfod fu.kZ; fdl izdkj lEHko gS\ (How is synthetic a priori judgement
possible) - Notes. (2003)
12- fVIi.kh & fiQuksfeuk vkSj U;qfeuk ds chp dkaV ds foHksn dh lkFkZdrkA (The significance of Kant's
distinction between phenomena and neumena) - Notes. (2004)
13- dkaV áwe ds la'k;okn ds izfr fdl izdkj vuqfØ;k djrk gS\ (How does Kant respond to Hume's
scepticism). (2005)
14- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds izek.kksa dh dkaV dh vkykspuk dks Li"V dhft, & fVIi.khA (Explain Kant's
criticism of the proofs for the existence of God) - Short Notes. (2006)
15- dkaV (dkar) ds vuqlkj la'ys"kd rFkk izkxuqHkfod fu.kZ; dk Lo:i & fVIi.khA (Nature of synthetic
a-priori judgement according to Kant - Notes). (2007)
16- rRoehekalk ij áwe vkSj dkaV (Hume and Kant on metaphysics) (2008)
17- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy;s izR;;&lÙkk ;qfDr ds fo#¼ dkaV dh vkifÙk;k¡A Kant's objections against
the ontological argument for the existence of God. (2009)
18- D;k dkj.k gS fd dkaV dk dguk gS fd vfLrRo ,d foèks; ugha gS\ Why does Kant Say that
existence is not a predicate? (150 Words 2010)
19- vkdk'k (varfj{k) vkSj le; dh ladYiukvksa ij ykbCkfuRt vkSj dkaV ds chp D;k vkèkkjHkwr varj gS\
What is the basic difference between Leibniz and Kant on the concepts of space and time?
 (300 words 2010)
20- ¶áwe us eq>s erkxzgh funzk ls txk fn;k gSA¸ dk.V us fdl lanHkZ esa ;g dFku dgk Fkk\ foospu
dhft,A ”Hume aroused me from my dogmatic slumber”. In what context Kant has made this
statement? Explain. (20 Marks 2011)
21- dk.V ds n'kZu dks rRoehekalk esa dksifuZdlh; Økafr ds :i esa D;ksa tkuk tkrk gS\ dk.V ds n'kZu esa
Økafrdkjh D;k Fkk\ vius mÙkj ds fy;s rdZ nhft,A
Why is Kant’s philosophy known as a Copernican revolution in metaphysics? What was
revolutionary about Kantian philosophy? Give reasons for your answer. (15 Marks 2012)
22- fo'ys"k.kkRed vkSj la'ys"k.kkRed ds Hksn dk Dokbu }kjk [k.Mu rFkk mlds vuqorhZ nk'kZfud rdks± dk
vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft,A
Explain critically Quine’s rejection of the analytic synthetic distinction and his subsequent
philosophical arguments. (15 Marks 2012)
23- foizfr"ksèk D;k gksrk gS\ dkaV }kjk pfpZr izeq[k foizfr"ksèkksa dk o.kZu dhft,A
What is an antinomy?
Describe the major antinomies discussed by Kant. (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
24- d
kaV ds dkj.krk ds fopkj dks Li"V dhft,A dkaV fdl lhek rd áwe dh vkifÙk fd dkj.k lacaèk
esa rkfdZd vo';rk dh deh gS] dk mÙkj nsus esa liQy gks ik;k gS\
State Kant's view of causality. How far is Kant able to answer Hume's objection that causal
relation lacks logical necessity? (12.5 Marks 2013)
25- dkaV ds vuqlkj vuqHko&fujis{k la'ys"k.kkRed fu.kZ; dSls leFkZuh; gSa\ Li"V dhft,A
How are the synthetic a priori judgements justifiable according to Kant? Explain.
 (10 Marks 2014)
26- dk.V }kjk izoxks± ds foHkktu dh O;k[;k dhft,A Explain Kant's division of categories. (2015)
27- dkUV ds vuqlkj ^fo'kq¼ izKfIr;k¡* D;k gSa\ Kku dh izfØ;k esa fo'kq¼ izKfIr;ksa dh Hkwfedk dk
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 26
ijh{k.k djsaA What, according to Kant, are ‘pure concepts’? Examine their role in the process of iz'u&laxzg
knowing. (15 Marks 2016) Notes
28- dkaV ds fnd~ ,oa dky ds fl¼kar dh O;k[kk dhft;sA ;g fl¼kar dk.V dks ;g O;k[kk djus esa dSls
leFkZ cukrk gS fd xf.krh; izfrKfIr;k¡ la'ys"k.kkRed vkSj vuqHkofujis{k nksuksa gks ldrh gSa\
Elaborate Kant's theory of Space and time. How does this theory enable him to explain how
mathematical prepositions can be both synthetic and a priori'? (20 Marks 2017)
29- ^cks/ izo`Qfr dk fuekZ.k djrk gS*] dkUV dh bl vH;qfDr osQ egÙo dh O;k[;k dhft,A bl ckr ls
vki dgk¡ rd lger gSa fd gsxsy dk fujis{kokn] dkUV osQ }Srokn dh ijkdk"Bk gS\ foospu dhft,A
vius mÙkj osQ i{k esa roZQ nhft,A
Explain the significance of the Kantian dictum, ‘Understanding makes Nature’. How far do
you agree that Hegel’s Absolutism is the culmination of the Kantian Dualism? Discuss. Give
reasons in favour of your answer. (15 Marks 2018)
30- ns'k ,oa dky osQ vuqHkokrhrrk osQ fy, dkUV fdl izdkj roZQ izLrqr djrs gSa\ foospuk dhft,A
How does Kant argue for the transcendence of Space and Time? Discuss. (20 Marks 2019)
31- ¶eSa Lo;a dks fdlh Hkh le; izR;{k ls jfgr ugha ikrk gw¡ rFkk u gh eSa izR;{k osQ vfrfjDr fdlh dk
voyksdu dj ikrk gw¡A¸ áwe dk ;g dFku fdl izdkj oS;fDrd rknkRE; dh nk'kZfud vo/kj.kk dk
leL;k;hdj.k djrk gS\ dkUV vius ^fozQVhd vkWiQ I;wj jhtu* esa bl leL;k dk fdl izdkj vUos"k.k
djrs gSa\
“I never can catch myself at any time without perception, and never can observe anything but
the perception.” How does this statement by Hume problematize the philosophical notion of
personal identity? How does Kant deal with this problem in his Critique of Pure Reason?
(20 Marks 2020)
32- dkUV osQ vuqlkj fo'kq¼ roZQcqf¼ dc foizfr"ks/ osQ {ks=k eas izos'k dj tkrh gS\ D;k dkUV dh fo'kq¼
roZQcqf¼ dh foizfr"ks/ dh vo/kj.kk muosQ }kjk izfrikfnr O;ogkj lr~ rFkk ijekFkZ lr~ osQ Hksn dh
izko`Qfrd ifj.kfr gS\ vius mÙkj osQ i{k esa ;qfDr izLrqr dhft,A
When does Pure Reason enter into the realm of Antinomies according to Kant? Is Kant's notion
of Antinomies of Pure Reason a natural culmination of his distinction between Phenomena and
Noumena? Give reasons in favour of your answer. (15 Marks 2020)
1- ¶Kku vuqHko ds lkFk vkjaHk gksrk gS] vuqHko ls mRiUu ugha gksrkA¸ dkaV dh Kku ehekalk ds lanHkZ esa
muds bl dFku dh O;k[;k dhft,A
"Knowledge begins with, but does not originate from experience." Discuss this statement of
Kant with special reference to his theory of Knowledge. (1993)
2- D;k la'ys"k.kkRed izkxuqHkfod fu.kZ; laHko gS\ dkaV ds er dk ewY;kadu djsa rFkk muds n'kZu esa bldh
egÙkk Hkh crk;saA (Are synthetic a priori judgements possible? Evaluate Kant's answer and show
its importance in his philosophy.) (1997)
3- dkaV ds vuqlkj foKku esa izkxquHkfod ,oa la'ys"k.kkRed fu.kZ; dSls laHko gS\ Li"V dhft,A
'According to Kant, how are synthetic a priori judgements in the sciences possible.' Explain.
4- foKku ds la'ys"k.kkRed izkxuqHkkoh izfrKfIr;ksa dh lEHkkouk fo"k;d dk.V ds er dh O;k[;k dhft;sA
Explain Kant's theory of the possibility of synthetic a priori propositions in science. (2000)
5- dkaV la'ys"kh izkxuqHkfod izfrKfIr;ksa dh lEHkkouk dks dSls fn[kkrs gSa\
How does Kant show the possibility of synthetic a priori propositions? (2001)
6- dkaV ds n'kZu esa ns'k] dky ,oa dksfV;ksa dh mikns;rk le>kb;sA
Explain the utility of Space, Time and Categories in the philosophy of Kant. (2003)
7- bZ'oj dh flf¼ ds fy, fn;s tkus okys lÙkkewyd rdZ dk dk.V D;ksa rFkk dSls [k.Mu djrs gSa\

27 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg Why and how does Kant refute the Ontological argument for the existence of God. (2004)
Notes 8- dkaV la'ys"kh izkxkuqHkfod izfrKfIr;ksa dh laHkkouk dks dSls fn[kkrs gSa\ O;k[;k dhft,A
How does Kant show the possibility of synthetic a priori propositions? Explain. (2006)
9- D;k la'ys"k.kkRed izkxuqHkfod fu.kZ; laHko gS\ dkaV ds er dk ewY;kadu djsa rFkk muds n'kZu esa bldh
egÙkk dk Hkh mYys[k djsaA Are synthetic a priori judgements possible? Evaluate Kant's view and
point out its importance in his philosophy. (40 Marks 2012)
10- dkaV ds la'ys"k.kkRed izkxuqHkfod fu.kZ; dk vkykspukRed foospu dhft,A
Discuss critically Kant's theory of synthetic a priori judgement. (40 Marks 2014)
11- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo dks izkekf.kr djus ds fy, fn;s x;s dkj.krkewyd rdZ dk [k.Mu dkaV us fdl izdkj
fd;k gS\ vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A
How has Kant refuted causal argument to prove the existence of God? Explain critically.
 (15 Marks 2015)
12- dkaV ds ns'k&dky fl¼kUr dk foospuk dhft,A
Discuss Kant's theory of space-time. (15 Marks 2015)
13- dkaV ds n'kZu esa vuqHko fujis{k la'ys"k.kkRed dFku dSls laHko gS\
How are A-priori synthetic Judgment possible in Kantian Philosophy? (15 Marks 2016)
14- dk.V dh vkykspuk osQ ifjizs{; esa g~;we osQ dkj.krk lEcU/h fl¼kUr dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss Hume's theory of causality in the light of Kant's criticism. (15 Marks 2017)
15- dk.V osQ ns'k&dky fo"k;d er dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain Kant's view of space and time. (10 Marks 2017)
16- l a'ys"k.kkRed izkxuqHkfod fu.kZ;ksa dh lEHkkouk ij dkaV osQ fopkj O;Dr dhft,A
Explain the Kant’s view on possibility of synthetic apriori judgement. (10 Marks 2018)
17- d
kaV osQ dFku & ¶cqf¼ izo`Qfr dk fuekZ.k djrh gSA¸ dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the Kant’s statement – “understanding makes nature”. (10 Marks 2018)
18- ^áwe us eq>s gBoknh funzk ls txk;k gS*A dk.V ds bl dFku ij leh{kkRed fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
'Hume has awakened me from my dogmatic slumber'. Write a critical note on this statement of
Kant.(15 Marks 2019)
19- dkaV ds bl er dh O;k[;k dhft, fd fnd~ rFkk dky izkxuqHkfod laosnu gSaA
Exaplain Kant's view that space and time are a priori intuitions. (10 Marks 2019)

20- dk.V us vUrfj{k ds vfLrRo dks dSls fl¼ fd;k gS\ D;k vki mlls lgre gSa\ dkj.k izLrqr djsaA
How has Kant proved the existence of space? Do you agree with him? give reasons.
(15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- fVIi.kh & dkaV dh dksfV;ksa dh voèkkj.kk rFkk mlls lacafèkr lÙkk lacaèkh leL;kA (Kant's concept of
categories and the ontological problem related with it) - Notes.
2- Explain and comment : 'understanding makes nature out of the materials it does not makes.'
3- fVIi.kh & ijh{kkoknA (Criticism) - Notes.
4- dk.V us vius Kku&fopkj dks leh{kkokn D;ksa dgk gS\ (Why did Kant say his knowledge of theory
as criticism?)
5- fVIi.kh & dkaV ds n'kZu esa vius vki esa oLrqA (Thing-in-itself in Kant's philosophy) - Notes.
6- la'ys"k.kkRed&fo'ys"k.kkRed fu.kZ; esa Hksn µ fVIi.khA (Synthetic-analytic distinction in judgement
– Notes.

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 28
7- ^lansgokn* ,oa ^vKs;okn* (Scepticism and Agnosticism) µ fVIi.khA iz'u&laxzg
8- dkaV dk vius n'kZu dks ^dksijfudlh; Økafr* dgus dk D;k vk'k; gS\ (Explain as to what Kant Notes
meant by calling his philosophy 'Copernican revolution'?).
9- ¶ns'k vkSj dky vkuqHkkfod :i ls ;FkkFkZ gSa rFkk vrhfUnz; :i ls izR;kRed¸A fVIi.kh djsaA (Space
and Time are empirically real but transcendentally ideal - Kant. Comment).
10- dk.V Ñr cqf¼ dh dksfV;ksa ds vrhfUnz; fuxeu ij iw.kZ fVIi.kh fyf[k,A (Write a full note on Kant's
transcendental deduction of the categories of understanding).
11- fVIi.kh & dkaV Ñr cqf¼okn rFkk vuqHkookn dk leUo;A (Kant's reconciliation of Rationalism
and Empiricism) - Notes.
12- Explain Kant's doctrine of 'synthetic unity of apperception.' - Short Notes.
13- Explain Kant's proofs for showing that Space and Time are a priori forms of perception.
14- Explain that, according to Kant, Physics is but Metaphysics is not possible.
15- What are antinomies (foizfr"ksèk)] according to Kant? What are the functions of thesis and anti-
thesis, according to him.
16- Show how criticism reconciles the conflicts of Rationalism and Empiricism.
17- Explain what Kant meant by called his approach "critical philosophy".
18- Explain Kant's view of each of the following concepts: the self, the cosmos, God. Why does
he refer to them as "transcendent illusions"?
19- In what way does Kant attempt to refute Hume's skepticism? Do you think he is successful?
20- What is an antinomy? In what circumstances does reason produce antinomies?
21- What are Kant's objections to (a) the ontological argument, (b) the cosmological argument,
and (c) the teleological argument? Is Kant's final position antagonistic or sympathetic toward
religious belief?
22- Explain what is revolutionary about Kant's 'Copernican revolution'.
23- What are the similarities, if any, between Kant's analytic and synthetic judgements and Hume's
'matters of fact" and 'relations of ideas'? Explan.
24- Do you think there are synthetic a priori judgments? Why or why not?
25- Explain what Kant meant by the statement, "Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions
without concepts are blind."
26- Explain how Kant redefined our understanding of the nature of metaphysics. How does
metaphysics in this sense relate to methaphysics in the older sense of an 'inquiry into ultimate

ghxsy% }a}kRed iz.kkyh] ijeizR;;okn

5 Hegel : Dialectical Method, Absolute Idealism

gsxy (Hegal)
1- fVIi.kh & gsxy dh }U} U;k; i¼frA (Hegal's Dialectical method ) – Notes. (1990)
2- fVIi.kh & gsxy dk er vius flj ds cy [kM+k gS_ mls iqu% Bhd dj myV nsuk gSA (Hegal's view
stands on its head; it must be turned right side up again.) – Notes. (1992)
3- }U}kRed iz.kkyh dh eq[; ckr ;g gS fd ;g izR;sd fof'k"V vfHko`fÙk ;k fo'okl ds i{kikriw.kZ nkos
dks rkfdZd vkèkkj ij gkL;kLin cukdj] mls pqukSrh nsrh gSA(fVIi.kh)A (The Dialectical method
29 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg simply consists in challenging every typical attitude or belief by rendering its partisan claims
Notes logically ridiculous.) – Notes. (1997)
4- g sxsy dh }U}kRed fofèkA (Hegel's Dialectical Method.) (2002)
5- gsxy dh }a}kRed iz.kkyh ij lekykspukRed ppkZ dhft,A (Critically discuss the Hegel's Dialectical
method). (2006)
6- g sxy dh }a}kRed i¼fr & fVIi.khA (Hegel's Dialectical method) - Short notes. (2007)
7- ¶rdZlaxr okLrfod gksrk gS vkSj okLrfod rdZlaxr gksrk gSA¸ fVIi.kh dhft,A
“The rational is real and the real is rational.” - Comment. (2009)
8- ghxy dh }U}kRed i¼fr dks Li"V dhft, rFkk ;g n'kkZb;s fd ,sfrgkfld fodkl Øe dks Li"V djus
esa ;g fdl izdkj mi;ksxh gS\
Explain Hegelian dialectical method and show how it is useful in explaining the historical
development process? (15 Marks 2012)
9- fVIi.kh dhft,% ^lapyu Lo;a O;k?kkr gSA* bl lanHkZ esa] gsxsy dh }a}kRed iz.kkyh dk ijh{k.k dhft,A
Comment: 'Movement is contradiction itself.' Examine, in this context, Hegel's dialectical
method. (200 Words, 12.5 Marks 2013)
10- b Z'oj ds fo"k; esa gsxsy dk D;k fopkj gS\ D;k mudh bZ'ojoknh O;k[;k vkSifuosf'kd rFkk lkezkfT;d
foLrkjokn fMtkbu dh izfØ;k esa lgk;d ekuh tk ldrh gS\ Li"V djsaA
What is Hegal’s view on God? Do you think that his interpretation of God was contribute to
the colonial and imperial expansionist designs? Explain. (15 Marks 2016)
11- gsxsy ds bl dFku dh O;k[;k dhft,% ¶leLr vHksn] vHksnkHksn gSA¸
Elaborate Hegel’s dictum : “All identity is identity and difference.” (10 Marks 2017)
12- g sxsy osQ n'kZu esa] lR; dh izkfIr esa] }U}kRed i¼fr dh D;k Hkwfedk gS\
What is the role of dialectics in realizing the truth in Hegel's philosophy? (10 Marks 2019)
13- gsxsy osQ fujis{k izR;;okn osQ vkyksd esa O;kogkfjd txr~ dh lR;rk dk ijh{k.k dhft,A
Examine the reality of the phenomenal world in the light of Hegel's Absolute Idealism.
(10 Marks 2020)
1- ^lr~ dh lÙkk gS rFkk lÙkk gh lr~ gSA* gsxy ds bl dFku dh O;k[;k djsaA
'Real is rational and rational is real' Explain this assertion of Hegel. (1990)
2- fdl vFkZ esa okLrfod cqf¼xE; vkSj cqf¼xE; okLrfod gS\ foospuk dhft,A
In what sense is the real rational, and the rational, real? Discuss. (1993)
3- ¶lR; izKkRed gS vkSj izKkRed lR; gS¸ & foospuk djsaA
Real is rational and rational is real. – Discuss. (1998)
4- ghxy ds fujis{k izR;;okn dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{k.k dhft,A
Explain and examine Hegel's Absolute Idealism. (40 Marks 2013)
5- gsxy dh }U}kRed fof/ dh iw.kZ foospuk dhft,A
Discuss fully Hegel's Dialectical method. (15 Marks 2017)
6- gsxy ds ^}U}kRed dk;Zi¼fr* dh vo/kj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain Hegel's concept of 'Dialectical Method'. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- fVIi.kh & gsxsy dk oLrqfu"B izR;;oknA (Hegel's objective idealism) - Notes.

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 30
ewj] jlsy ,oa iwoZorhZ foV~xsULVhu% lkekU; cqf¼ dk eaMu] izR;;okn dk iz'u&laxzg
[kaMu] rkfdZd ijek.kqokn] rkfdZd jpuk] viw.kZ izrhd] vFkZ dk fp=k
6 fl¼kUr] mfDr ,oa izn'kZu
Moore, Russell and Early Wittgenstein : Defence of Common sense, Refutation
of Idealism, Logical Atomism, Logical Constructions, Incomplete Symbols,
Picture Theory of Meaning, Saying and Showing

ewj (Moore)
1- f VIi.kh & ewj dh fo'ys"k.k i¼frA (Critical Notes on G.E. Moore's way of analysis.) (1993)
2- fVIi.kh & lkekU; cqf¼ n'kZuA (Critical Notes on Philosophy of Common-Sense.) (1994)
3- ewj izR;;okn dk [kaMu dSls djrs gSa\ vkykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft,A (How does Moore refute
idealism? Critically evaluate.) (1998)
4- lkekU; cqf¼ fo"k;d ewj dh èkkj.kk Li"V dhft, rFkk mlds leFkZu ds fy, muds rdks± dh
ijh{kk dhft,A (Clarify Moore's conception of common sense and examine his arguments in its
defence.) (1999)
5- ewj }kjk izR;;okn ds [kaMu dk ,d leh{kkRed fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A (Give a critical account of
Moore's refutation of idealism.) (2000)
6- ewj dh lkekU; cqf¼ dh izfrj{kkA (fVIi.kh)A (Moore's Defense of Common-Sense.) – Notes.
7- tc ewj tksj nsdj dgrk gS fd ^i`Foh dh vfLrRo gS* ;k ^gekjs vanj psruk gS* ds izdkj dh izfrKfIr;k¡
lkekU;ksfDr;k¡ gSa] rc og D;k LFkkfir djuk pkgrk gS\ ppkZ dhft,A What does Moore want to
establish when he asserts that propositions like ‘the earth exists’ or ‘we have consciousness’
are truisms? Discuss. (200 Words 2010)
8- izR;;okn ds fo#¼ th-bZ- ewj ds }kjk fn, x, rdZ D;k i;kZIr gSa\ Lo;a ds mÙkj ds fy, dkj.k nhft,A
Are the arguments given by G.E. Moors against Idealism, adequate? Give reasons for your
answer. (30 Marks 2011)
9- fVIi.kh dhft,% ^ewj dk lkekU; cqf¼ dk i{k&iks"k.k vko';d :i ls lkekU; Hkk"kk dk i{k&iks"k.k gSA*
Comment: 'Moore's defence of common sense essentially is defence of ordinary language.
 (12.5 Marks 2013)
10- D;k lkekU; cqf¼ esa lI+kQkbZ esa th-bZ- ewj }kjk nh xbZ ;qfDr;k¡ larks"kiznj gSa\ dkj.k nhft,A
Are G.E. Moore's arguments in defence of common sense satisfactory? Give reason. 
 (15 Marks 2014)
11- th-bZ- ewvj dk vkn'kZokn dk [k.MuA G.E. Moore's refutation of idealism. (10 Marks 2015)
12- coZQys ;g oSQls LFkkfir djrk gS fd osQoy eu ,oa blosQ fopkj gh okLrfod gSa\ ewj ,oa jlsy] coZQys
osQ bl er dh oSQls izfrfozQ;k djrs gSa\ ewj ,oa jlsy dh bl izfrfozQ;k eas D;k vkidks dksbZ fHkUurk
feyrh gS\ foospuk dhft,A
How does Berkeley established that Mind and its ideas alone are real? How do Moore and
Russel react to Berkeley’s view in this regard? Do you find any different between Moore’s
reaction and Russell’ one? Discuss.  (20 Marks 2018)
13- D ;k dkj.k gS fd ewj osQ n'kZu dks lkekU; cqf¼ okLrookn dgk tkrk gS\
Why is Moore’s philosophy called common-sense realism? (15 Marks 2019)
14- ewj osQ fuEufyf[kr dFku dh lekykspukRed foospuk dhft, %
31 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg ¶;fn dksbZ O;fDr gesa dgs fd ;g dguk fd ^uhyk fo|eku gS* ;g dgus osQ lerqY; gS fd ^uhyk
Notes rFkk psruk nksuksa fo|eku gSa*] rks og O;fDr =kqfV rFkk ,d vkRe&O;k?kkrh =kqfV djrk gSA¸
Critically discuss the following statement by Moore:
“If anyone tells us that to say ‘Blue exists’ is the same thing as to say that ‘Both blue and
consciousness exist’, he makes a mistake and a self-contradictory mistake.”(15 Marks 2020)
1- ewj izR;;okn dk [kaMu dj oLrqokn dk eaMu dSls djrs gSa\
How does Moore criticize idealism and establish Realism. (1990)
2- lkekU; cqf¼ dh LFkkiuk ds i{k esa ewj dk rdZA
Moore's arguments in defense of common sense. - Notes. (2000)
3- ewj ds izR;;okn ds [kaMu ij lekykspukRed ppkZ dhft,A
Critically discuss Moore's Refutation of Idealism. (2004)
4- ewjs }kjk izR;;okn ds [k.Mu dh leh{kk djsaA
Present a review of the refutation of Idealism by Moore. (2007)
5- ewj ds ^lkekU;&Kku leFkZu* ds fopkjksa dh foLrkj ls O;k[;k dhft;sA
Explain in detail Moor's views in the 'Defence of Commonsense'. (2008)
6- ewj&d`r izR;;okn ds [k.Mu dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{k.k dhft,A
Explain and examine Moore's refutation of Idealism. (40 Marks 2011)
7- ewj fdl izdkj izR;;okn dk [k.Mu djrs gS\
How does moore refuted idealism? (15 Marks 2016)
8- n'kZu esa ewj osQ izR;;okn osQ [k.Mu dk D;k egÙo gS\ foospuk dhft,A
What is the importance of Moore's refutation of idealism? Discuss. (15 Marks 2018)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- D;k izR;;okn ds vkarfjd lacaèkksa ds fl¼kUr dk [kaMu djus esa ewj liQy gq, gSa\ ;qfDr lfgr mÙkj
nhft,A (Has Moore been successful in refuting the principle of internal relations of idealism?
Answer logically).
2- ¶psruk vkSj psruk ds fo"k; esa vkarfjd ,oa vi`Fkd lacaèk gS¸ & bldk ewj dSls [kaMu djrs gSa\
(fVIi.kh)A ("There is Internal and Inseparable relation between consciousness and object of
consciousness." How Moore refutes it) - Short notes.
3- ¶ewj us ;|fi lkekU; cqf¼ dh j{kk dh gS] ijUrq mudh lkekU; cqf¼ dh voèkkj.kk vlkekU; gSA¸
foospu dhft;sA "Although Moore has defended common sense but his notion of common sense
is uncommon". Discuss
4- ewj vkSj jlsy oLrqoknh gksrs gq, Hkh dbZ eqíksa ij ,d&nwljs ls fHkUu gSa\ Li"V dhft;sA
5- Although Moore and Russel both are realist but they are different from each other on a number
of issues. Clarify.

jlsy ,oa iwoZorhZ foV~xsULVhu (Russel & Early Wittgenstein) rkfdZd v.kqokn
(Logical Atomism)
1- jlsy ds o.kZu fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k dhft, vkSj ih-,iQ- LVªkWlu dh vkykspuk ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa mldh
ijh{kk dhft,A (Elucidate Bertrand Russel's theory of descriptions, and examine it with special
reference to its criticism by P.F. Strawson.) (1997)
2- fVIi.kh & rkfdZd v.kqoknA (Critical Notes on Logical atomism) (1998)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 32
3- f u"ksèkkRed rRoksa fo"k;d jlsy dh ladYiukA (Russell's concept of negative facts.) (1999) iz'u&laxzg
4- jlsy dk rkfdZd jpuk dk fl¼kUrA (Russell's theory of logical constructions.) (2001) Notes

5- jlsy dk rkfdZd ijek.kqokn D;k gS\ bl lacaèk esa] blesa 'kkfey rRoehekalk dh ladYiuk dks lqLi"V
dhft,A (What is Russell's logical atomism? Bring out in this connection the conception of
metaphysics involved in it). (2003)
6- fVIi.kh& ^mfDr* vkSj ^izn'kZu* ds chp foHksnA
Distinction between 'saying' and 'showing' – Notes. (2004)
7- fuf'pr o.kZuksa ds jlsy ds fo'ys"k.k dk dFku dhft, vkSj ml ij ppkZ dhft,A
State and discuss Russell's analysis of Definite Descriptions. (2007)
8- rkfdZd fufeZfr dh fFk;ksjh dks Li"V dhft,A D;k og fFk;ksjh Hkk"kk dk i;kZIr dkj.k iznku djrh
gS\ (Explain the theory of logical construction. Does it provide a satisfactory account of
language?) (2008)
9- D;k foVxsuLVkbu ds vuqlkj iqu:fDr;k¡ vFkZghu gksrh gSa\ Are tautologies meaningless according
to Wittgenstein? (150 Words 2010)
10- jlsy ds fooj.k fl¼kar esa ^viw.kZ izrhd* dk D;k fopkj gS\ foospu dhft,A What is Russell’s idea
of ‘Incomplete symbols’ in his theory of description? Discuss. (15 Marks 2011)
11- jlsy ds vuqlkj fuf'pr fooj.kksa ds fl¼kUr dks le>kb;sA
Explain the theory of definite descriptions according to Russell. (15 Marks 2012)
12- ijek.kq vkSj lkekU; izfrKkfIr;ksa ds chp foHksnu dhft,A n'kkZb, fd mudks fdl izdkj lR; fl¼ fd;k
tkrk gSA Distinguish between atomic and general propositions. Show how they are justified
true. (200 Words, 12.5 Marks 2013)
13- VªsDVsVl ds n'kZu esa ijek.kqokn (,sVksfe”e) dh cVª±M jlsy }kjk dh xbZ O;k[;k ls foV~VxsaLVkbu D;ksa
vlger gS\ ppkZ dhft,A Why does Wittgenstein disargree with Bertrand Russell's interpretation
of atomism in the philisophy of Tractatus? Discuss. (15 Marks 2014)
14- ^viw.kZ izrhdksa* ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ jlsy ds vFkZ fl¼kar esa mudh D;k Hkwfedk gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
What do we understand by incomplete symbols? What role do they play in Russell's theory of
meaning? Discuss. (15 Marks 2015)
15- jlsy ds bl n`f"Vdks.k dh O;k[;k djsa fd ¶HkkSfrd oLrq bfUnz;&nÙk dh rkfdZd lajpuk gS¸A og vius
rÙoehekalh; n`f"Vdks.k dks ^rVLFk ,dRookn* D;ksa dgrs gSa\
Explain Russell’s view that “the physical object is a logical construction from sense-data”.
Why does he call his metaphysical view ‘neutral monism.? (15 Marks 2016)
16- ^eSa ,d euq"; ls feyk* ;g dFku dSls jlsy ds fy;s 'kCnkFkZd n`f"V ls leL;kijd gS\ jlsy bl
dFku dh lkFkZdrk dk fooj.k dSls nsrs gSa\
How is the statement, 'I met a man', semantically problematic for Russell? How does he
account for the meaningfulness of this statement? (10 Marks 2017)
17- foVxsULVkbu dk vFkZ dk fp=k fl¼kUr D;k gS\ mlds }kjk bl fl¼kUr dks NksM+us rFkk vFkZ ds mi;ksx
fl¼kUr dks izLrkfor djus ds dkj.k gSa\
What is Wittgenstein's picture theory of meaning? What are his reasons for giving up this
theory and suggesting the use theory of meaning? (15 Marks 2017)
18- jlsy dh fu'pk;d o.kZu dh fFk;ksjh] mlosQ rkfoZQd ijek.kqokn ls oSQls lEcfU/r gS\ foospu dhft,
vkSj vius mÙkj osQ i{k esa roZQ nhft,A
How is Russell’s theory of definite description related to his Logical Atomism? Discuss and
give reasons for your answer. (15 Marks 2018)

33 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 19- n'kZu dh vf/drj fu.kkZ;d leL;kvksa osQ cks/ osQ fy, ,dek=k ekxZ osQ :i esa foV~xsULVkbu ^tks dgk
Notes tk ldrk gS* vkSj ^ftls fn[kk;k tk ldrk gS* esa oSQls Hksn djrk gS\ D;k og vkSfpR;iw.kZ gS\ vius
mÙkj osQ i[k esa roZQ nhft,A
How does Wittgenstein apply the distinction between ‘saying’ and ‘showing’ to point to a
single way of apprehending the most decisive problems of philosophy? Is he justified? Give
reasons for your answer. (15 Marks 2018)
¶esjk viuh vo/kj.kk dks rkfoZQd ijek.kqokn dh laKk nsus dk dkj.k ;g gS fd fo'ys"k.k }kjk izkIr
vafre vo'ks"k osQ :i esa ftu ijek.kqvksa ij ge igqaprs gSa] os rkfoZQd ijek.kq gSa u fd HkkSfrd ijek.kqA¸
mi;qZDr dFku osQ vkyksd esa jly osQ vuqlkj ijekf.od rF;ksa osQ Lo:i ij ,d fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
“The reason that I call my doctrine logical atomism is because the atoms that I wish to arrive
at as the sort of last residue in analysis are logical atoms and not physical atoms.” Write a note
on the nature of atomic facts according to Russell in the light of the above statement.
(15 Marks 2020)
1- fVIi.kh & fuf'pr o.kZu lacaèkh jlsy dk erA (Russell's view regarding definite descriptions.)
2- jlsy ds vuqlkj ifjp;kRed vkSj o.kZukRed Kku ds varj dks Li"V dhft;sA
Make out the distinction between knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description
according to Russell. (2009)
3- jlsy ds vuqlkj ifjp;kRed vkSj o.kZukRed Kku ds varj dks Li"V dhft;sA
Make out the distinction between knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge by description
according to Russell. (40 Marks 2012)
4- foVfxLVkbu ds er ^ewy izfrKfIr;k¡ lr~ ds fp=k.k gaS* fd O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain Wittgenstein's view that the elementary propositions are the picture of reality.
 (10 Marks 2015)
5- jlsy ds o.kZu fl¼kar dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate Ressel'ss theory of description. (10 Marks 2016)
6- foV~xsULVkbu osQ ^vFkZ* fo"k;d fp=k&fl¼kUr dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss Wittgenstein's picture-theory of 'Meaning'. (10 Marks 2017)
7- foV~xsULVkbu ds n'kZu esa of.kZr vFkZ ds fp=k&fl¼kUr ij izdk'k Mkfy,A
Throw light on the picture theory of meaning as described in the philosophy of Wittgenstein.
(15 Marks 2019)
8- jlsy ds rkfdZd v.kqokn dh foospuk djsaA
Discuss Russell's logical atomism. (15 Marks 2020)
9- jlsy ds vuqlkj o.kZukRed fl¼kar dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain theory of descriptions according to Russell. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- fVIi.kh & jlsy }kjk izfrikfnr ifjp;kRed Kku rFkk fooj.kkRed KkuA (Knowledge through
acquaintance and descriptive knowledge as propounded by Russel) - Notes.
2- jlsy ds bl er dh O;k[;k dhft, fd HkkSfrd inkFkZ bfUnz; iznÙkksa }kjk izkIr ,d rkfdZd lajpuk gSA
og vius rRoehekalh; fl¼kUr dks rVLFk ,drRookn D;ksa dgrs gSaA (Explain Russell's view that the
physical object is a logical construction from sense - data. Why does he call his metaphysical
view Neutral Monism)
3- viw.kZ izrhd & fVIi.khA (Incomplete symbol (Russell) - Short Notes.

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 34
4- ¶fo'o rF;ksa dk ;ksx gS] oLrqvksa dk ugha¸ & fVIi.khA ('World is a totality of facts not things)- iz'u&laxzg
Short Notes. Notes
5- jlsy vkSj iwoZorhZ foV~xsUlVhu nksuksa rkfdZd ijek.kqokn dk leFkZu djrs gSa] fiQj Hkh nksuksa esa vUrj
fo|eku gSA foospu dhft;sA
6- foV~xsULVhu ds vFkZ ds fp=k&fl¼kUr dk dFku ,oa ijh{k.k dhft,A (State and examine Wingenstein's
picture theory of meaning).
7- Both Russel and Earlier Wittgenstein support logical atomism. What's are the important
difference between them.
8- "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent" – What it mean? How logical positivist
have eliminated metaphysics on the basis of the above statement given by Wittgenstein.

rkfdZd izR;{kokn% vFkZ dk lR;kiu fl¼kUr] rRoehekalk dk vLohdkj]

vfuok;Z izfrKfIr dk Hkkf"kd fl¼kUr
7 Logical Positivism : Verification Theory of Meaning, Rejection of Metaphysics,
Linguistic Theory of Necessary Propositions

rkfdZd Hkkookn (Logical Positivism)

1- dksbZ vkuqHkfod izfrKfIr dHkh fu'p;kRed ugha gks ldrh gSA bl dFku ij fVIi.kh dhft,A (No
empirical proposition is ever certain. Comment.) (1990)
2- rRoehekalk ds lacaèk esa ,;j ds er dk vkykspukRed foospu dhft,A (Critically discuss Ayer's
view on metaphysics.) (1998)
3- vfuok;Z izfrKfIr;ksa ds Hkk"kkbZ er ds fojksèk esa Dokbu ds rdZ dk ijh{k.k dhft,A (Examine Quine's
critique of the linguistic theory of necessary propositions.) (1999)
4- lR;kiu fl¼kUr dks Li"V dhft, vkSj n'kkZb, fd D;k ;g fl¼kUr rRoehekalk ds fujkl ij
igq¡pk nsrk gSA (Explain the verification theory and show whether it leads to the elimination of
metaphysics.) (2000)
5- rkfdZd izR;{kokfn;ksa dh rRoehekalk dh fujlu lEcUèkh ;qfDr;ksa dk ewY;kadu dhft,A (Evaluate the
logical positivists arguments for the elimination of metaphysics.) (2001)
6- rkfdZd izR;{kokfn;ksa ds rÙoehekalk dk fujkdj.k djus ds iz;klksa dk dFku dhft, vkSj mu ij ppkZ
dhft,A (State and discuss the logical positivists' attempts to eliminate metaphysics). (2005)
7- rkfdZd izR;{kokfn;ksa }kjk fd;k gqvk rÙoehekalk dk fujkdj.k & fVIi.khA (Elimination of metaphysics
at the hands of Logical Positivists) - Short notes. (2007)
8- ijh{k.k dhft, fd ,s;j rRoehekalk dk fdl izdkj fujkdj.k dj nsrk gSA (Examine how Ayer
eliminates metaphysics). (2009)
9- D;k vko';d izfrKfIr;k¡ izÑfr vuqlkj Hkk"kkbZ gksrh gSa\ rkfdZd izR;{kokn ds izdk'k esa bl ij
ppkZ dhft,A Are necessary propositions linguistic by nature? Discuss in the light of logical
positivism. (200 Words 2010)
10- lR;kiu fl¼kUr dh lhekvksa dk foospu dhft,A Discuss the limitations of verification theory.
 (20 Marks 2011)
11- ^rkfdZd Hkkookn ;g nkok djrk gS fd rRoehekalk vkSj bZ'ojehekalk vFkZghu gS D;ksafd os u rks rdZ'kkL=k
ds fo"k; gSa vkSj u gh vkuqHkfod :i ls lR;kiuh; gSA* bldk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft,A (Logical
positivism broadly claims that Metaphysics and Theology are meaningless because they are

35 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg neither matters of logic nor verifiable empirically.’ Critically examine.) (12 Marks 2012)
Notes 12- vfuok;Z izfrKkfIr;ksa dk bafnz;kuqHkfod izfrKkfIr;ksa ls foHksnu dhft,A vfuok;Z izfrKfIr dks fdl izdkj
U;k;laxr fl¼ fd;k tkrk gS\ Li"V dhft,A (Distinguish necessary from empirical propositions.
How is a necessary proposition justified?' Explain.) (10 Marks 2013)
13- D;k bafnz;kuqHkfod dFku fu.kkZ;d :i ls lR;kiuh; gSa\ ^vFkZ ds lR;kiu fl¼kar* dh ifjlhekvksa
dh ppkZ dhft,A (Are empirical statements conclusively verifiable? Discuss the limitations of
'verification theory of meaning') (20 Marks 2014)
14- lR;kiu fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k djsaA D;k ;g rÙoehekalk ds fu"dklu dh vksj vxzlj djrk gS\
Explain verification theory. Does it lead to elimination of metaphysics? (2016)
15- dSls ^lHkh nsg foLrkfjr gSa*&,d fo'ys"k.kkRed fu.kZ; gS] fdUrq ^lHkh nsg Hkkjh gS*a ,d la'ys"k.kkRed
fu.kZ; gS\ D;k ^izR;sd ?kVuk dk ,d dkj.k gS* & ,d fo'ys"k.kkRed vFkok ,d la'ys"k.kkRed
fu.kZ;\ O;k[kk dhft;sA How is all bodies are extended an analytic judgement but all bodies are
heavy a synthetic judgement? Is 'every event has a cause an analytic or a synthetic judgement?
Explain. (20 Marks 2017)
16- ^tks Hkh jaxhu gS og foLr`r gS*] D;k og okD; rkfdZd izR;{kokfn;ksa dh vFkZiw.kZrk dh dlkSVh dks lUrq"V
djrk gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A
Does the sentence, 'Whatever is coloured is extended', satisfy the criterion of meaningfulness
proposed by the logical positivists? Explain. (15 Marks 2017)
17- rkfoZQd izR;{koknh ;g oSQls n'kkZrs gSa fd rÙoehekalh; dFku fujFkZd gSa\ D;k mudh vFkZ osQ lR;kiu
dh fFk;ksjh lHkh oSKkfud dFkuksa dh lkFkZdrk gsrq ekU; gks ldrh gS\ foospu dhft,A
How do the logical positivists show that metaphysical sentences are meaningless? Can their
verification theory of meaning account for the meaningfulness of all scientific sentences?
Discuss. (15 Marks 2018)
18- r kfoZQd izR;{koknh lkekU; dFkuksa osQ vFkZ dk fooj.k fdl izdkj nsrs gSa\ D;k ogh fooj.k rÙoehekalh;
dFkuksa ij Hkh ykxw fd;k tk ldrk gS\ foospuk dhft,A How do the logical positivists account
for the meaning of general statements? Can the same account be applied to metaphysical
statements? Discuss. (20 Marks 2019)
19- ¶vfrekuo dh vkRek 'kqHk gSA¸
rkfdZd izR;{kokn osQ vkyksd esa mi;qZDr dFku dk leh{kkRed ijh{k.k dhft,A
“The Soul of Supreman is Good”
Critically examine the above statement in the light of logical positivism. (10 Marks 2020)
1- rkfdZd Hkkookn ds lR;kiuh;rk ds fl¼kUr dh leh{kkRed foospuk Li"V djsaA (Discuss critically
the theory of verification of Logical Positivism.) (1991)
2- rkfdZd Hkkookn ds vuqlkj n'kZu ds Lo:i ,oa dk;Z dk foospu dhft,A
Discuss the nature and function of Philosophy according to Logical Positivism.(1992)
3- rkfdZd Hkkookn ds lR;kiu fl¼kUr dk leh{kkRed foospu dhft,A
Discuss critically theory of verification of Logical Positivism. (1994)
4- rkfdZd Hkkookn ds vuqlkj n'kZu dk Lo:i ,oa fofèk D;k gS\ D;k vki muls lger gSaA rdZ nhft,\
What is the nature and method or philosophy according to logical positivist? Do you agree
with them? Give reasons. (1996)
5- lewph rRoehekalk dh vFkZ'kwU;rk ds gsrq rdZ dh ijh{kk djsaA
Examine arguments for the meaninglessness of all metaphysics. (1997)
6- rkfdZd Hkkookn }kjk rRoehekalk dk [k.Mu fdl izdkj fd;k x;k gS\ Li"V dhft;sA
How does logical positivism refute metaphysics? Explain. (1999)
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 36
7- vfuok;Z izKfIr;ksa ds Lo:i fo"k;d Hkk"kk;h er dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft;sA iz'u&laxzg
State and examine the linguistic theory of necessary propositions. (2000) Notes
8- D;k rkfdZd izR;{koknh ;g fl¼ djus esa liQy gksrs gSa fd leLr rRoehekalk vFkZghu gSA
Do Logical Positivists succeed in showing that all metaphysics is meaningless? (2001)
9- rkfdZd Hkkookn ds vuqlkj lR;kiu fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k ,oa leh{kk dhft;sA
Explain the verification theory according to Logical Positivism and examine it. (2003)
10- rkfdZd Hkkooknh rÙoehekalk dks D;ksa vLohdkj djrs gSa\ Li"V :i ls le>kb;sA
Why do the Logical Positivists reject Metaphysics? Explain clearly. (2004)
11- ¶rkfdZd Hkkookn }kjk n'kZu esa ;ksxnku¸ dks Li"V dhft;sA
Clarify the contribution of Logical Positivism in Philosophy. (2008)
12- D;k rRoehekalk lEHko gS\ bl er ds lacaèk esa áwe] dk.V ,oa rdhZ; izR;{kokfn;ksa ds erksa dk laf{kIr
foospu dhft,A
Is metaphysics possible? Discuss in brief the views of Hume, Kant and the logical positivists
in this connection. (2010)
13- rkfdZd Hkkookn }kjk fn, x, lR;kiu fl¼kUr dk foospu dhft,A
Discuss the verification principle given by the Logical Positivism.  (15 Marks 2015)
14- rkfdZd Hkkookn ^rRoehekalk dk fujlu* fdl izdkj djrk gS\
How does logical positivism 'refuted metaphysics'? (15 Marks 2016)
15- etcwr ,oa detksj ^lR;kiuh;rk fl¼kar* es vUrj Li"V dhft,A
Describe differences between strong and weak 'verification hteory'. (10 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- rkfdZd Hkkookn }kjk rRo&ehekalk dk [k.Mu izLrqr dhft, rFkk mldh lhekvksa dks Hkh js[kkafdr
dhft,A (Present the refutation of metaphysics by Logical Positivism and also highlight it's
2- ,-ts- ,;j ds izek.khdj.k fl¼kUr dk foospu dhft,A (Discuss A. J. Ayer's theory of verification).
3- lR;kiuh;rk ds :i esa vFkZ dh voèkkj.kk dk vkykspukRed fooj.k nhft;sA (Give a critical account
of the notion of meaning as verifiability).
4- izR;{k ,oa vizR;{k lR;kiu ds Hksn dh O;k[;k dhft,A (Explain the difference between direct and
indirect verifications).

mÙkjorhZ foV~xsULVhu% vFkZ ,oa iz;ksx] Hkk"kk&[ksy] O;fDrxr Hkk"kk dh ehekalk

8 Later Wittgenstein : Meaning and Use, Language-games, Critique of Private

1- Hkk"kk&[ksy (foV~xsaLVhu) & fVIi.khA (Language-games) - Short Notes). (1987)
2- Hkk"kk&[ksy dk fl¼kUr vkSj n'kZu esa mldk mi;ksx & fVIi.khA (The theory of language-games and
its application to philosophy - Short Notes). (1993)
3- foV~xsaLVhu ds bl fopkj dh O;k[;k ,oa foospuk dhft, fd ¶n'kZu dk ifj.kke fdlh uk fdlh iw.kZ
fujFkZdrk dk ,oa mu pksVksa dk mn~?kkVu djuk gS tks Hkk"kk dh lhekvksa ls flj Vdjkus ds dkj.k cqf¼
dks yxrh gSA¸ (Explain and discuss Wittgenstein's view that "the results of philosophy are the
uncovering of one or another piece of plain nonsense and of bum[s that understanding has got
by running its head up against the limits of language." (1995)

37 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 4- foV~xsaLVhu ds ^Hkk"kk;h [ksy* ,oa ^ikfjokfjd lkn`';* ds fopkjksa dk leh{kkRed ewY;kadu dhft,A (Give
Notes a critical evaluation of Wittgenstein's ideas of 'language game' and 'family resemblance').
5- foVxsaLVhu dk Hkk"kk&ØhM+k vfHkizk;& fVIi.khA
Wittgenstein's notion of language-game - Short Notes. (2008)
6- ¶'kCn dk vFkZ mlds iz;ksx esa fufgr gksrk gS¸ foLrkj ls le>kb,A
“Meaning of the word lies in its use”. Explain in detail. (30 Marks 2011)
7- foV~xsUlVkbu ds vuqlkj & ¶n'kZu'kkL=k Hkk"kk }kjk gekjh cqf¼ ds lEeksgu ds fo#¼ ,d la?k"kZ
gSA¸ mijksDr dFku ds lanHkZ esa n'kZu'kkL=k ds dk;Z dks le>kb;sA (According to Wittgenstein
‘Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language’.
Explain the function of philosophy in the context of above statement). (12 Marks 2012)
8- futh Hkk"kk dh laHkkouk ds fo:¼ foVxSuLVkbu ds rdks± dks Li"V dhft,A
Explain Wittgenstein's arguments against the possibility of private language.
 (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
9- foV~VxsaLVkbu ds vFkZ ds iz;ksx fl¼kar esa ^Hkk"kk;h [kssyksa* dh egÙkk Li"V dhft,A
Bring out the significance fo 'language game' in Wittgenstein's use theory of meaning.
 (10 Marks 2014)
10- H kk"kk [ksyksa vkSj thou :iksa ds chp lacaèk ij izdk'k Mkfy,A
Bring out the relationship between language games and forms of life. (20 Marks 2015)
11- futh Hkk"kk dh laHkkouk dks foV~xsUlVkbu D;ksa vLohdkj djrs gSa\
Why does Wittgenstein reject the possibility of private language? (10 Marks 2016)
12- ^Hkk"kk ,d [ksy gS* blosQ vuqeksnu esa ^oqQy&lkE;* dh ladYiuk foV~xsULVkbu dh oSQls lgk;rk djrh
gS\ foospu dhft,A
How does the notion of ‘family resemblance’ help Wittgenstein to uphold that ‘Language is a
game’? Discuss. (10 Marks 2018)
13- n 'kkZb, fd foVxsUlVkbu dh vgaek=kokn dh ehekalk dk pjeksRd"kZ fdl izdkj futh Hkk"kk dh ehekalk
eas gks tkrk gSA
Show how Wittgenstein’s critique of solipsism culminates in the critique of private language.
 (15 Marks 2019)
14- ¶fdUrq D;k ge ,d ,slh Hkk"kk dh Hkh dYiuk dj ldrs gSa ftlesa dksbZ O;fDr vius vUn:uh
vuqHkoksa— vius Hkkoksa] euksn'kkvksa vkfn — dk fyf[kr vFkok ekSf[kd lEizs"k.k vius futh iz;ksx osQ
fy, dj lds\¸ foVxsUk~LVkbu osQ }kjk bl iz'u osQ fn, x, mÙkj dh lekykspukRed foospuk dhft,A
“But could we also imagine a language in which a person could write down or give vocal
expression to his inner experiences — his feelings, moods and the rest — for his private use?’
Critically discuss the answer offered by Wittgenstein to this question.” (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- ¶,d Hkk"kk dh dYiuk djus dk vFkZ gS & thou ds ,d :i dh dYiuk djukA¸ bl lanHkZ esa
foV~xsULVhu ds er dk mYys[k djsaA ("To imagine a language means to imagine a form of life". In
this context state Wittgenstein's view).
2- foV~xsaLVhu ds ^Hkk"kh; ØhM+k* dh voèkkj.kk dks Li"V djsaA (Elucidate Wittgenstein's concept of
'Language Game'.
3- foV~xsaLVhu dh ^[ksy dh Hkk¡fr Hkk"kk* dh voèkkj.kk dk foospu djsaA (Discuss Wittgenstein

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 38
Conception of 'Language as a game'. iz'u&laxzg
4- ¶in dk vFkZ mlds iz;ksx esa fufgr gksrk gS¸A foVxsaLVhu ds bl dFku dh foLr`r foospuk djsaA (Justify Notes
in detail Wittgenstein's proposition that "the meaning of a word consists in its use").
5- ^vFkZ* dk vFkZ D;k gS\ foVxsaLVhu ds vFkZ fl¼kUr dh foospuk ,oa ijh{kk djsaA (What is the meaning
of 'Meaning'? State and examine Wittgenstein's theory of meaning).
6- Why did Wittgenstein call his own propositions in the Tractatus "nonsensical"?
7- Why does the later Wittgenstein think there is no need for a special philosophical language or
an ideal language?
8- Why does Wittgenstein speak of philosophy as a kind of therapy in his later period?
9- What is the difference between 'Picture theory of meaning 'and 'use theory of meaning'? Which
is more consistent?
10- What's are philosophical problems? Explain the views of Earlier Wittgenstein and Later

lao`fr'kkL=k (gqLlyZ)% iz.kkyh] lkj fl¼kUr] euksfoKkuijrk dk ifjgkj

9 Phenomenology (Husserl) : Method, Theory of Essences, Avoidance of

lao`fÙk'kkL=k (Phenomenology)
1- gqLlyZ dh isQukesuksykWth fo"k;d ewyHkwr ladYiukvksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A ;g dsoy ,d nk'kZfud jhfr
gS ;k bls ,d rÙoehekalk ekuk tk ldrk gS\
Explain the basic concepts of the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. Is it only a philosophical
method or can it be regarded as a metaphysics? (1997)
2- gqLlyZ dh iwoZekU;rk jfgr [kkst dh ifj;kstukA (fVIi.kh)A
Husserl's project of presupposition-less inquiry. Comment. (1999)
3- gqLlyZ dh dks"Bu iz.kkyh dh nk'kZfud egÙkk dks Li"V dhft,A
Bring out the philosophical significance of Husserl's method of bracketing. (2001)
4- dBksj foKku ds :i esa n'kZu dh glyZ dh ladYiuk ij ppkZ dhft,A
Discuss Husserl's conception of philosophy as rigorous science. (2003)
5- ^lkf{kHkko* D;k gksrk gS\ gqlyZ dh dBksj foKku dh ladYiuk ds fy, bldh lkFkZdrk ij izdk'k
Mkfy,A (What is 'epoche'? Bring out its significance for Husserl's conception of rigorous
science.) (2005)
6- gqLlyZ ds vuqlkj vuqHkokrhr vge~ dk D;k vfHkizk; gS\ og lk=ksZ ds vge~ ds vfHkizk; ls fdu ckrksa
esa fHkUu gS\
What is the notion of transcendental ego according to Husserl? How is it different from Satre's
ntion of the ego? (2008)
7- lk=kZs vkSj gkbMsxj esa vkuqHkfod vge~ fdl izdkj gqLlyZ esa vuqHkokrhr vge~ ls fHkUu gS\
How is the empirical ego in Sartre and Heidegger different from the transcendental ego in
Husserl? (300 Words 2010)
8- gqLlyZ ds vuqlkj fo"k;kis{kk D;k gS\ fo"k; ds vFkZ rd igq¡pus esa bldh D;k Hkwfedk gS\
What, according to Husserl is Intentionality? Discuss is role in arriving at the meaning of
39 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg object. (30 Marks 2011)
Notes 9- gqlyZ ds lao`fr'kkL=k (fiQuksfeukSyksth) esa ^dks"Bdhdj.k* dh egÙkk Li"V dhft,A
Explain the significance of 'bracketing' in Husserl phenomenology. (10 Marks 2014)
10- g qljsy dh ^dks"Bhdj.k* dh voèkkj.kkA Husserl's notion of 'bracketing'. (10 Marks 2015)
11- g qlyZ ds vuqlkj nk'kZfud dk D;k dk;Z gS\ D;k vki ;g ekurs gS fd mudh fofèk;k¡ n'kZu ds fy,
izklafxd gSa\ o.kZu djsaA
What, according to Husserl, is the task of a philosopher? Do you think his methods are relevant
to philosophy? Discuss. (20 Marks 2016)
12- lao`fÙk'kkL=kh; vip;okn ds leFkZu esa gqlyZ dh rdZcqf¼ dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain Husserl's reasons for advocating phenomenological reductionism. (10 Marks 2017)
13- D ;k gqLlyZ }kjk foHkzkafr dks ,d lkfHkizk; fozQ;k ekuk tk ldrk gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A
Can hallucination be regarded as an intentional act by Husserl? Explain. (10 Marks 2019)

14- gqlyZ osQ vuqlkj euksfoKkuokn esa D;k leL;k gS\ gqlyZ viuh lao`fÙk'kkL=kh; fof/ esa
euksfoKkuokn lacaf/r leL;kvksa dk D;k fuokj.k izLrqr djrs gSa\
What, according to Husserl, is wrong with psychologism? How does Husserl
address the problems with psychologism in his phenomenological method?
 (10 Marks 2020)
1- isQukesuksykWth dh ewy ekU;rkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A (Explain the basic postulates of phenomenology.)
2- lao`fr'kkL=kh; vip; rFkk rkfRod vUrcksZèk ds fo"k; esa gqLlyZ ds er dk ewY;kadu dhft;sA
Evaluate, Husserl's theory of phenomenological reduction and eidetic intuition. (1996)
3- gqlyZ dh dks"Bu&iz.kkyh dh nk'kZfud egÙkk dks Li"V dhft,A
Bring out the philosophical significant of Husserl's method of bracketing. (2006)
4- gqLlyZ ds iQsukseuksykWth ds lkekU;&Lo:i dh O;k[;k dhft;sA bl n'kZu dh ^bikdh* fofèk (vlEcUèku
fofèk) dh foospuk dhft;sA (Explain the General-Nature of Husserl's phenomenology. Discuss
the 'Epoche' method of this Philosophy). (2008)
5- lao`fÙk'kkL=kh; vip;u rFkk lqLi"V vUrcksZèk ds fo"k; esa gqLlyZ ds er dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate Husserl's theory of phenomenological reduction and eidetic intuition. (2011)
6- fiQuksfeuksykWth ds vkUnksyu dh mRifÙk dh O;k[;k djsa ,oa mldh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk djsaA
Explain the origin of the movement of phenomenology and discuss its main characteristics.
 (40 Marks 2013)
7- gqlyZ dk lao`fr'kkL=kh; vip;u ls D;k vfHkizk; gS\ vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A
What does Husserl mean by Phenomenological reduction? Explain critically. (15 Marks 2015)
8- lao`fÙk'kkL=kh; i¼fr ls gqlyZ dk D;k vk'k; gS\ foospuk dhft,A
What does Husserl mean by Phenomenological method? Discuss. (15 Marks 2017)
9- gqlyZ ds lao`fr'kkL=kh; i¼fr dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain Husserl's phenomenological method. (10 Marks 2019)
laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)
1- ^fo"k;kis{krk dk fl¼kUr* (Theory of Intentionality) & fVIi.khA
2- iQsuksesukykWth D;k gS\ gqlZy ds fopkjksa esa 'kq¼ psruk ds Lo:i vkSj lajpuk dk o.kZu dhft,A (What

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 40
is phenomenology. Explain Husserl's views on Nature and structure of pure consciousness). iz'u&laxzg
3- gqLlyZ fdl izdkj euksoSKkfudrk dk [k.Mu djrs gSa & fVIi.khA (In which way Husserl rejects Notes
psychologism) - Short Notes.
4- MsdkVZ vkSj gqLlyZ nksuksa fuf'pr] vlafnXèk ,oa oLrqfu"B Kku izkIr djuk pkgrs Fks] fiQj Hkh nksuksa dh
fofèk;ksa ,oa fu"d"kZ esa vUrj gSA foospu dhft;sA
Both Descartes and Husserl tried to find certain, undoubtable and objective knowledge but
their methodology and conclusion are different. Discuss.
5- What does Husserl mean by "bracketing" or epoche? How does it differ from Descartes's
method of doubt? Why does Husserl think it is important to do this?
6- Discuss the fundamental purpose of Husserl's phenomenology. Elaborate the various steps of
his method.
7- State and examine Husserl's doctrine of essence.
8- Are roots of Phenomenology traced in Kant's Philosophy? Explain.
9- gqLlyZ ds lkj&laca/h fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k djrs gq, mldk ewY;kadu dhft,A (Sate and examine
Husserl's doctrine of essence).

vfLrRookn (dhdsZxkMZ] lk=kZ] gkbZMsxj)% vfLrRo ,oa lkj] oj.k]

mÙkjnkf;Ro ,oa izkekf.kd vfLrRo] foÜofulr~ ,oa dkylÙkk
10 Existentialism (Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger): Existence and Essence, Choice,
Responsibility and Authentic Existence, Being-in-the-world and Temporality

vfLrRookn (Existencialism)
1- fVIi.kh & ^ekuo og ugha gS tks og gS_ ekuo og gS tks og ugha gSA*
Man is not what he is, and is what he is not. (1991)
2- fVIi.kh & vfèkdka'k euq";ksa dk thou vfLrRo ds fy, fujarj la?k"kZ gS ftlesa os varrksxRok gkj tkus dks
foo'k gSaA fiQj Hkh ge ;FkklaHko vius thou dks nh?kZ djus esa cgqr d"V >syrs gSa] Bhd oSls gh tSls
ge lkcqu ds cqycyksa dks ;FkklaHko nsj rd vkSj cM+h ek=kk esa cuk, j[krs gSa ;|fi ge fu'p;iwoZd
tkurs gSa fd os varr% {kh.k gksaxsA (The life of most men is but a continuous struggle for existence,
a struggle which they are bound to lose at last. We however take great pains to prolong our
lives as far as we can, just as we blow soap-bubbles as long and as large as we can, though we
know with absolute certainty that they must break at last.) (1992)
3- f VIi.kh & ^gj pht dh eki euq"; gSA* (Man is the measure of all things.) (1994)
4- gkbMsxj dh bl èkkj.kk dk foospu dhft, fd e`R;q vfLrRo ijd vuqHko dk ,d :i gSA (Discuss
Heidegger's notion of death as a mode of existential experience). (1994)
5- vfLrRooknh n'kZu esa ^vfLrRo* 'kCn dk D;k fo'ks"k vk'k; gS\ le>kb;sA (What especial import
does the word 'existence' have in the philosophy of existentialism? Explain.) (1996)
6- f VIi.kh & lk=kZ dh lkao`frd rRoehekalk (Phenomenological Ontology) (2000)
7- fVIi.kh & ^vfLrRo lkj ls igys vkrk gS*A ('Existence precedes essence'.) - Notes (2003)
8- lk=kZ ds Lora=krk ds laizR;; ij ppkZ dhft,A (Discuss Sartre's conception of freedom). (2004)
9- gkbMsxj dk nkok fd ^nlkbu dk lkj gh mldk vfLrRo gS* & fVIi.khA (Heidegger's contention
that essence of "Dasein is its existence" - Short Notes. (2008)
10- ¶vfLrRo lkj dk iwoZorhZ gksrk gSA¸&fVIi.kh dhft,A ("Existence precedes essence"- Comment).

41 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg  (2009)
Notes 11- ¶eSa Lo;a ds izfr ,oa izR;sd vU; ds izfr mÙkjnk;h gw¡¸ bl dFku dk lk=kZ ds vfLrRookn ds lanHkZ esa
foospu dhft,A “I am responsible for myself and for everyone else.” Discuss this statement in
the light of Sartre’s existentialism. (15 Marks 2011)
12- lksjsu dhfdZxkMZ us ;g Li"V fd;k fd &¶izkFkZuk dk dk;Z bZ'oj dks izHkkfor djuk ugha gS cfYd ml
O;fDr ds LoHkko dks ifjofrZr djuk gS tks izkFkZuk djrk gSA¸ bl dFku ij fVIi.kh dhft,A Soren
Kierkegaard clarified that “The function of prayer is not to influence God but rather to change
the nature of the one who prays”. Comment on this statement. (12 Marks 2012)
13- vfLrRookn dks le>kb;s rFkk blds lcy vkSj fucZy i{kksa dks Lo;a ds 'kCnksa esa crkb;sA
Elucidate Existentialism and indicate its strong and weak points in your own words.
 (15 Marks 2012)
14- lk=ksZ ds ^chbax&iQkWj&bVlsYiQ* vkSj ^chbax&bu&bVlsYiQ* ds chp foHksn dk ijh{k.k dhft,A
Examine Sartre's distinction between Being-for-itself and Being-in-itself. (12.5 Marks 2013)
15- oj.k dh dhdZxkMZ dh ladYiuk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft,A mlds fopkj esa] D;k lgh ;k xyr oj.k gks
ldrk gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
Analyse Kierkegaard's concept of choice. Can there be, in his view, correct or incorrect choice?
Discuss. (2013)
16- fddsZxkMZ dh oj.k dh voèkkj.kk dks Li"V dhft,A oj.k dh vfèkuhfr'kkL=k esa voèkkj.kk vkn'kZd
uhfr'kkL=k ds fdl rjg fHkUu gS\ Li"V dhft,A
Explaing Kierkegaard's concept of choice. How does the concept of choice in metaethics differ
from normative ethics? Explain. (20 Marks 2014)
17- fdlh oLrq ds vfLrRo dks tkuuk dkfydrk (VSaiksjSfyVh) ds f{kfrt ds lkeus gksrk gS] gSMsxj ds bl
nkos dks izLrqr djrs gq, mldk ewY;kadu dhft,A
State and evaluate Heidegger's claim that temporality is the horizon against which the being of
any entity is understood. (15 Marks 2014)
18- p pkZ dhft, dh gkbZMsxj fdl dkj.k viuh rÙoehekalk eas Mklkbu dh ladYiuk dks izofrZr djrs gSa\
Discuss why Heidegger introduces the concept of Dasein in his metaphysics.
 (15 Marks 2015)
19- e kuo ds lanHkZ esa vfLrRo vkSj rRo ds chp lacaèk ij izdk'k Mkfy,A Li"V dhft, fd lk=kZ ds vuqlkj]
bl lacaèk ls euq";ksa ds fy, fdl izdkj dh leL;k,a mRiUu gksrh gSa\
Bring out the relationship between existence and essence in the case of human being. Explain
the issues it gives rise to for human beings according to Sartre. (20 Marks 2015)
20- lk=kZ dh ^voLrqrk* dk cksèkkRed foospu djsaA
Discuss Sartre’s notion of ‘Nothingness’. (15 Marks 2016)
21- gkbMsxj dh izkekf.kdrk dh vo/kj.kk dk foospu dhft;s vkSj O;k[kk dhft;s fd dSls ,d vizkekf.kd
Mstkbu [kks;h vkRek dks iqu% izkIr djrk gS\
Discuss Heidegger's concept of authenticity and explain how an inauthentic Dasein regains the
lost self? (15 Marks 2017)
22- lk=kZ vizkekf.kdrk dk vkReizo ÛÓuk ls oSQls lEcU/ LFkkfir djrk gS\ lk=kZ ;g D;ksa n'kkZrs gSa fd
vizkekf.kdrk ,oa vkReizo ÛÓuk folEcU/u dh vksj ys tkrs gSa\ foospu dhft,A
How does Sartre connect inauthenticity with bad faith? Why does Sartre show that inauthenticity
and bad faith lead to alienation? Discuss. (10 Marks 2018)
23- vlEcU/u (biks[ks) D;k gS\ gkbMsxj lkao`frd (IksQukWesukWykWftdy) vip;u dh bl fof/ dks oSQls
vLoho`Qr djrk gS\ vuqHkokrhr vge~ dh ladYiuk osQ fo#¼ gkbMsxj dh ^txr~ esa gksuk* dh ladYiuk
dh O;k[;k dhft,A

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 42
What is Epoche? How does Heidegger reject this method of phenomenological reduction? iz'u&laxzg
Explain Heidegger’s concept of ‘being in the world’ as opposed to the concept of a
transcendental ego. (20 Marks 2018)
24- D ;k gsMsxj osQ fy, Ms”kkbu izkekf.kd lÙkk gS\ os Ms”kkbu dks fdl izdkj dkfydrk ls lac¼ djrs gSa\
foospuk dhft,A
Is Dasein authentic existence for Heidegger? How does he relate temporality with Dasein?
Discuss. (20 Marks 2019)
25- p ;u&Lokra=; vkSj fu;frokn dh leL;k dks lk=kZ fdl izdkj ns[krs gSa\ O;k[;k dhft,A
How does Sartre look at the problem of freedom of choice and determinism? Explain.
 (15 Marks 2019)
26- ^,dy O;fDr* dh leL;k osQ lanHkZ esa ¶vkRefu"Brk gh lR; gS¸ osQ dFku ls dhosQZxkMZ dk D;k
rkRi;Z gS\
What does Kierkegaard mean by saying “Subjectivity is the truth” in the context of the problem
of ‘the single individual’? (20 Marks 2020)

27- ¶ge ftl :i eas fufeZr gks x;s gSa ge mlesa ls lnSo oqQN vkSj dk fuekZ.k dj ldrs gSaA¸ lk=kZ osQ
bl dFku dh muosQ vfLrRookn ls lacaf/r fopkjksa osQ lanHkZ esa lekykspukRed foospuk dhft,A
“You can always make something out of what you have been made into.” Critically discuss
this statement by Sartre with reference to his views on existentialism. (20 Marks 2020)

1- vfLrRookn dh ekU;rkvksa dh leh{kk djsaA (Examine the assumptions of Existentialism.) (1990)
2- vfLrRookn dk y{; ekuo O;fDr dh Lora=krk vkSj mÙkjnkf;Ro dh izfr"Bk djuk gSA foospuk dhft,A
(Existentialism aims at indicating the freedom and responsibility of the human individuals.
Discuss.) (1992)
3- vfLrRookn ds Lo:i rFkk ekuorkokn ds lkFk blds lacaèk dh leh{kkRed foospuk dhft,A (Explain
critically the nature of Existentialism and its relation to Humanism.) (1994)
4- ^vkRefu"Brk lR;rk gS* & fddsZxkMZ ds bl er dh O;k[;k dhft,A (Examine Kierkegaards thesis
that 'subjectivity is truth.') (1996)
5- bZ'oj ds fo"k; esa muds fopkjksa dk mYys[k djrs gq, lk=kZ ds vfLrRookn dh O;k[;k djsaA (Explain
Sartre's existentialism with special reference to his views on God.) (1997)
6- lk=kZ ds ^Lora=krk ,oa mÙkjnkf;Ro* ds fopkj dh foospuk dhft;sA
(Discuss Sartre's concept of
'Freedom and Responsibility').(2008)
7- ¶vkRefu"Brk gh lR; gSA¸ fddsZxkMZ ds bl dFku dh O;k[;k dhft;sA
Explain Kierkegaard's statement that "subjectivity is truth". (2009)
8- lk=kZ ds Lora=krk ,oa mÙkjnkf;Ro dh voèkkj.kk ij iw.kZ fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
Write a full note on Sartre's notion of Freedom and Responsibility. (40 Marks 2013)
9- lk=kZ }kjk LFkkfir LorU=krk ds izR;; dks Li"Vr% le>kb,A
Clear out the concept of Freedom established by Sartre. (15 Marks 2016)
10- lk=kZ dk dFku & ¶vfLrRo lkj ls igys gS¸ dh O;k[;k djsaA ;g dFku fdl izdkj ekuo Lora=krk
vkSj nkf;Rocks/ ls tqM+k gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain Sartre’s statement – “Existence precedes Essence”. How does it is related to human
freedom and responsibility? Explain. (15 Marks 2018)
11- dhdsZxkMZ ,oa lkVªZ ds n'kZu esa ^Lora=krk ,oa p;u* dh vo/kj.kk dh rqyuk dhft,A
Compare the concepts of 'Freedom and Choice' in the philosophies of Kierkegaard and Sartre.
 (15 Marks 2019)
43 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)
Notes 1- fVIi.kh & T;k¡ ikWy lk=kZ ds fparu esa euq"; dk Lo:iA (Nature of 'Man' is Jean Paul Sartre's
thoughts) - Notes.
2- lk=kZ ds vuqlkj vfLrRookn fdl izdkj ekuorkokn gS\ foospuk dhft,A (How according to Sartre
existentialism is humanism? Discuss).
3- ^euq"; Lora=k gksus ds fy, vfHk'kIr gS* & fVIi.khA (Man is contemned to be free). - Short notes.
4- gkbMsxj ds ^Mklsu* dh voèkkj.kk dks le>kb;sA og izekf.kd ekuo vkSj vizekf.kd ekuo esa fdl
izdkj varj djrs gSa\ (Explain Heidegger's concept of 'Dasein'. How does he distinguish between
Authentic being and inauthentic being).
5- gkbMsxj ds lr~ ds fo'ys"k.k dh foospuk djsaA (Write short notes on Heidegger's analysis of
6- gqLlyZ] lk=kZ ,oa gkbMsxj rhuksa lao`fÙk'kkL=kh; fofèk dk iz;ksx djrs gSa] fiQj Hkh rhuksa ds fu"d"kZ
fHkUu&fHkUu gSa\ blds dkj.k ,oa fHkUurk ds fcanqvksa dks Li"V dhft;sA
7- Husserl, Satre and Heidegger are similar regarding use of phenomenological method but
different regarding conclusion. Find out its cause and points of differences amongs them.
8- Do you agree or disagree with Kierkegaard's claim that it is both impious and impossible to
construct rational arguments for the existence of God?
9- What are Kierkegaard's criticisms of metaphysical systems such as Hegel's?
10- How does Kierkegaard's view of the self differ from that of both Descartes and Hume?
11- Explain Kierkegaard's distinction between knowing the truth and being in the truth.
12- What does the German word 'Dasein' mean? Why does Heidegger use it to refer to human
existence? Why does Heidegger think the study of ontology should begin with an analysis of
our existence?
13- How does Heidegger's notion of being-in-the-world differ from Descates's approach to human
14- According to Heidegger, what constitutes the difference between authentic and inauthentic
15- What does Sartre mean by saying "existence precedes essence"? Why does it imply that there
is no human nature?
16- What does Sartre mean by 'bad faith'? How does it contrast with his notion of 'authenticity"?
17- Why does Sartre say that human existence is "a useless passion"? In the light of this, why does
Sartre consider himself to be an optimist?
18- Argue for or against Sartre's claim that if God existed, then humans would not be free.
19- What is the distinction Heidegger makes between 'Being' and 'beings'?
20- In the context of existentialism, explain the meaning of anguish, abandonment, despair and
bad faith.
21- lk=kZ ds ^lkj ls igys vfLrRo gS* fl¼kUr ds larki ,oa Hkxzk'kk ij dSls igqapk tkrk gS] O;k[;k dhft,A
(Explain, how Sartre's doctrine of 'existence precedes essence' lead to anguish and despair).

Dokbu ,oa LVªkWlu% bafnz;kuqHkookn dh ehekalk] ewy fof'k"V ,oa

O;fDr dk fl¼kUr
11 Quine and Strawson : Critique of Empiricism, Theory of Basic Particulars and

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 44
Dokbu (Quine) iz'u&laxzg
1- izkxuqHkfod izfrKfIr ds Hkk"kkbZ fl¼kUr dh Dokbu dh ehekalk dk foospu dhft,A (Examine Quine's
critique of the linguistic theory of a priori propositions.) (2001)
2- fVIi.kh & Dokbu dk fo'ys"kh&la'ys"kh foHksn ij izgkjA (Quine's attack on Analytic Synthetic
Distinction.) (2002)
3- fDou dh fo'ys"kh&la'ys"kh foHksn dh vkykspuk & fVIi.khA (Quine's criticism of analytic-synthetic
distinction - short notes). (2005)
4- vFkZ dh lR;kiu fFk;ksjh ds lacaèk esa fDou dh D;k vkifÙk;k¡ gSa\
What are Quine's objections with regard to the verification theory of meaning? (2009)
5- Dokbu ds ¶Vw MkWXekl vkWiQ bfEifjfl”e¸ esa nh xbZ ;qfDr;k¡ fdl lhek rd leFkZuh; gSa\ ppkZ dhft,
How far are Quine's arguments in "Two Dogmas of Empiricism" justified? Discuss.
 (10 Marks 2014)
6- ; g n'kkZus ds fy, fd fo'ys"kk.kkRedrk] i;kZ;Ro ugha gSa] DokbZu }kjk fn, x, rdks± dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Elucidate Quine's arguments to show that analyticity is not synonymity. (15 Marks 2015)
7- Dokbu }kjk izLrkfor fo'ys"k.kkRed&la'ys"k.kkRed Hksn ij vkykspukRed leh{kk izLrqr djsaA
Discuss Quine's attack on the analytic-synthetic distinction. (10 Marks 2016)
8- bafnz;kuqHkookn ds nks gB/eZ D;k gSa] ftu ij Dokbu izgkj djrk gS\ f}rh; gB/eZ ds fo:¼ mlds rdZ
D;k gSa\ What are the two dogmas of empiricism that Quine attacks? What are his arguments
against what he calls the second dogma? (15 Marks 2017)
9- Dokbu oSQls n'kkZrk gS fd dkUV }kjk foosfpr izkxuqHkfod Kku dk vfHkizk; ^rÙoehekalh; vkLFkk dk
,d fo"k;* gS\ vius mÙkj osQ i{k eas roZQ nhft,A
How does Quine show that the notion of a priotri knowledge as discussed by Kant is ‘a
metaphysical article of faith’? Give reasons for your answer. (15 Marks 2018)
10- l a'ys"k.kkRed&fo'ys"k.kkRed foHksn osQ fo#¼ dkbu osQ rdks± dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain Quine’s arguments against synthetic-analytic distinction. (10 Marks 2019)
1- Dokbu ds vuqlkj mRdV vuqokn dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain radical translation according to Quine. (10 Marks 2015)
2- dV~VjiaFkh vuqokn D;k gS\ blds xq.k ,oa nks"kksa dh O;k[;k djsaA
What is radical translation? Explain its merits and demerits. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- vuqHkookn ds nks erkxzg D;k gSa\ bl lanHkZ esa Dokbu ds fopkjksa dh foospuk dhft,A (What's are
the two dogmas of Empiricism? Explain Quine's view in this regard).
2- Dokbu }kjk vuqHkookn dk [k.Mu & fVIi.khA (Critique of Empiricism by Quine - Short Notes).

LVªkWlu (Strawson)
1- fVIi.kh & O;fDr dk fl¼kUrA (Critically comment on Theory of person.) – Notes (1998)
2- fVIi.kh & vkfne :i esa O;fDr dk LVªkWlu dk izR;;A (Strawson's notion of person as primitive)
– Notes (2003)

45 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 3- LVªkWlu ds O;fDr&fl¼kUr dk dFku dhft, vkSj ml ij ppkZ dhft,A (State and discuss Strawson's
Notes theory of Person). (2007)
4- MsLdkfVZl dk eu&'kjhj }Srokn vkSj mlds izfr LVªkWlu dh vuqfØ;kA
(Descartes' mind-body dualism and Strawson's response to it). (2009)
5- D;k O;fDr dh LVªkWlu dh ladYiuk áwe dh vkReu~ dh ladYiuk dk [kaMu gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
Is Strawson’s concept of a person a refutation of Hume’s concept of Self? Discuss.
 (300 Words 2010)
6- L VªkWlu ds }kjk O;fDr ds izÑfr dh viuh ladYiuk ds fy, fn;s x, rdks± dks Li"V dhft, vkSj mudk
ewY;kadu dhft,A Explain and evaluate Strawson's arguments for his conception of the nature of
a person. (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
7- LVªkWlu dk ^,e* vkSj ^ih* foèks;ksa ds chp foHksnA
Strawson's distinction between 'M' and 'P' predicates. (10 Marks 2015)
8- LVªklW u vius n'kZu esa O;fDr (ilZu) dh ladYiuk dh O;k[;k fdl izdkj djrk gS\ foospu dhft,A
How does Strawson explain the concept of person in his philosophy? Discuss.
 (10 Marks 2018)
9- LVªklW u osQ ekSfyd fo'ks"k fl¼kar osQ lanHkZ esa oLrqfu"B fpUru eas ns'k&dkfyd fpUru dh Hkwfedk dk ewY;kadu
Evaluate the role of spatio-temporal thinking in objective thing with reference to straswon’s
theory of basic particulars. (15 Marks 2020)
1- ^O;fDr izR;; vkfne gS* bl er ds i{k esa LVªkalu ds rdZ dh O;k[;k dhft,A
(Explain Strawson's argument for the view that the concept of a person is primitive.) (2000)
2- LVªkWlu O;fDr fl¼kar dk vkdyu fdl izdkj djrs gS\
How does Strawson assess the theory of person? (10 Marks 2016)
3- LVªklu osQ ^,e* vkSj ^ih* fo/s;ksa osQ chp Hksn Li"V dhft,A oSQls os ,d O;fDr ij iz;qDr gks ldrs
gS\ foospuk dhft,A (Explain the Strawson’s distinction between ‘M’ and ‘P’ predicates. How
they are applicable on a person? Discuss.) (10 Marks 2018)
4- O;fDr ds fo"k; esa LVªkWlu ds fopkjksa dh leh{kk djsaA
Examine Strawson's view regarding person. (10 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- ewy fo'ks"k ds lacaèk esa LVªkWlu dk er & fVIi.khA
Strawson's view regarding Basic Particulars - Short Notes.

1- vkius ftu nk'kZfudksa dk vè;;u fd;k gS muds lanHkZ esa fuEu vfHker dh O;k[;k dhft,% ¶n'kZu'kkL=k
oSKkfudksa] xf.krKksa] dyk&leh{kdksa] uSfrdrkokfn;ksa] èkeZ'kkfL=k;ksa vkfn lc ds }kjk fodflr ladYiuk
iz.kkfy;ksa dks viuh fo"k;&oLrq ds :i esa xzg.k djrk gS vkSj ,slh lHkh iz.kkfy;ksa dks iwjh rjg
cksèkxE; cukus ds fy, tks O;k[;k ;k Li"Vhdj.k vko';d gks ml izLrqr djrk gSA¸ (Discuss
the following view with reference to the philosophers whom you have studied "Philosophy
takes the conceptual systems developed by scientists, mathematicians, art critics, moralists,
theologians et al, as its subject-matter and seeks to explain and clarify what has to be explained
and clarified about such systems in order to render them fully comprehensible." (1997)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 46
Hkkjrh; n'kZu Notes


pkokZd% Kku dk fl¼kUr] vrhfUnz; lRoksa dk vLohdkj

12 Carvaka : Theory of Knowledge, Rejection of Transcendent Entities

pkokZd (Charvak)
1- vuqeku lEHko ugha gS D;ksafd mlesa pozQd nks"k gS & (fVIi.kh)A ('Inference is not possible, as it
involves the fallacy of petitio-principii.') – Notes. (1990)
2- pkokZd D;ksa ,dek=k izR;{k dks gh izek.k ekurk gS\ tSu rFkk ckS¼ rdZ'kkfL=k;ksa us mlds bl er dk
fujkdj.k dSls fd;k gS\ nksuksa n`f"Vdks.kksa dk vkykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft,A (Why does Carvaka
accept perception alone as the pramana? How have Jain and Buddhist logicians refuted his
view? Evaluate both the perspectives critically.) (1991)
3- pkokZd n'kZu lqlaxr rRoehekalk ugha gS] og lq[kokn dk ,d LFkwy izdkj gSA (fVIi.kh)
(The Carvaka
system is not a consistent metaphysic; it is only a crude form of hendonism.) – Notes. (1992)
4- ^vkRek psru 'kjhj ds vfrfjDr vkSj dqN ugha gSA* (fVIi.kh) ('The soul is nothing but the conscious
body.') – Notes. (1998)
5- p kokZd lEiznk; dk uhfr'kkL=kA (fVIi.kh)A ('Ethics of Carvaka School.')–Short Notes. (2000)
6- pkokZd dk psruk dk fl¼kUrA (fVIi.kh)A ('The Carvaka theory of consciousness.')–Short Notes.
7- pkokZd ds er dh fd izR;{k Kku gh Kku dk ,dek=k oSèk lzksr gksrk gS] dk dFku dhft, vkSj ewY;kadu
State and evaluate critically Charvaka's view that perception is the only valid source of
knowledge. (2002)
8- pkokZd ds vuqeku dk [kaMu Lo;a esa vuqeku dk ,d izØe gSA ppkZ dhft,A (Carvaka's refutation
of annumana is itself a process of annumana. Discuss). (2003)
9- f VIi.kh & pkokZd dk ^nsgkReokn*A (Dehatmavada of Carvakas) – Notes. (2004)
10- pkokZd n'kZu ds vuqlkj Kkuehekalk ij ppkZ dhft, & fVIi.khA
Discuss the theory of knowledge, according to Charvaka Philosophy. - Short Notes. (2006)
11- pkokZd ds vuqlkj vkRek dk Lo:i & fVIi.khA
Carvaka's views on the nature of soul - Short notes.(2007)
12- ¶ftl izdkj áwe ds la'k;okn us dkaV dks viuh jk¼karoknh fuæk ls ckgj fudyus esa lgk;rk dh Fkh]
mlh izdkj pkokZd n'kZu us Hkkjrh; n'kZu dks jk¼kafrdrk ls eqfDr fnykbZ FkhA¸ ppkZ dhft,A “Just as
the skepticism of Hume helped Kant to come out of his dogmatic slumber, so also the Carvaka
philosophy saved Indian philosophy form dogmatism” Discuss. (200 words 2010)
13- pkokZd vkdk'k dh voèkkj.kk dk [kaMu D;ksa djrs gSa\ foospu dhft,A
Why do Carvakas reject a the concept of Akasa. Discuss. (30 Marks 2011)
14- pkokZd vuqeku dh izkekf.kdrk esa fo'okl D;ksa ugha djrs\ og vius er ds fy;s D;k rdZ nsrs gSa\
Why do Carvakas not believe in the validity of inference? What logic do they give for their
belief? (12 Marks 2012)

47 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 15- pkokZd fdl vkèkkj ij dkj.k&dk;Z lacaèk dk [k.Mu djrs gSa\ vius mÙkj ds fy;s rdZ nhft;sA On
Notes what basis does Carvaka reject the cause-effect relationship? Give reasons for your answer.
 (15 Marks 2012)
16- ¶Kku vkSj txr~ dh lhekvksa dks esjk bafnz;&izR;{k fuèkkZfjr djrk gSA¸ pkokZd osQ bl nkos dh ppkZ
dhft,A "Limits of knowledge and world are determined by my sense perception." Discuss this
claim of Carvakas. (10 Marks 2014)
17- i zkxuqHkfod lRoksa dks vLohdkj djus ds fy, pkokZd ds rdks± dks Li"V dhft,A
Explain the arguments of Carvaka to reject transcendental entities. (15 Marks 2015)
18- O;kfIr ij pkokZd dk n`f"Vdks.k D;k gS\ D;k ;g n`f"Vdks.k uS;kf;dksa dks Lohdk;Z gS\ dkj.kksa lfgr
viuk mÙkj izLrqr djsaA What would be Carvaka’s view on Vyapti? Can this view be acceptable
on the Naiyayikas? Give reasons for your answer. (15 Marks 2016)
19- ¶pSrU; ls fof'k"V nsg ds vfrfjDr vkRek dqN ugha gSA¸ bl er dks Lohdkj djus esa pkokZd ds D;k
rdZ gSa\ "The soul is nothing but conscious body." What are the reasons for Carvaka in holding
this view? (10 Marks 2017)
20- D;k pkokZd }kjk vuqeku dk [k.Mu vU; Hkkjrh; n'kZu&lEiznk;ksa dks Lohdkj gS\ ;fn ugha] rks D;ksa\
D;k vkiosQ fopkj esa vU; lEiznk;ksa osQ fopkj vkSfpR;iw.kZ gSa\ vius mÙkj osQ i{k esa roZQ nhft,A
Is Carvaka rejection of inference acceptable to the other systems of Indian philosophy? If not,
why? Do you think the views of other systems to be justified? Give reasons for your answer.
 (15 Marks 2018)
21- t c pkokZd ekurs gSa fd vuqeku Kku dk ,d lzksr ugha gS] rc D;k os laxr gksrs gSa\ ppkZ dhft,A
Are the Carvakas consistent when they hold that inference is not a source of knowledge?
Discuss. (10 Marks 2019)
22- p kokZd osQ vuqlkj fuEufyf[kr ;qfDr esa D;k nks"k gS\
lHkh euq"; ej.k'khy gSaA
lqdjkr ,d euq"; gSA
blfy, lqdjkr ej.k'khy gSA
vius mÙkj osQ fy, roZQ nhft,A
What is wrong according to the Carvakas with the following argument?
All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man.
Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
Justify your answer with arguments. (15 Marks 2019)
23- pkokZdksa }kjk vkdk'k osQ] lr~ osQ vo;o osQ :i esa] [k.Mu dk lekykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft, rFkk
mudh vkRek osQ iqutZUe dh vkykspuk dk ijh{k.k dhft,A
Critically evaluate Carvakas rejection of Akasa as one of the elements of reality and examine
their criticism of transmigration of Soul. (15 Marks 2020)
1- pkokZd ds HkkSfrdoknh n`f"Vdks.k dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the materialistic view-point of Charvaka. (2010)
2- pkokZd d`r vuqeku ds [k.Mu dk dFku ,oa ijh{k.k dhft,A
State and examine Charvaka refutation of inference. (40 Marks 2013)
3- pkokZd d`r vuqeku ds [k.Mu dk foospu dhft,A
Discuss Charvaka refutation of inference. (10 Marks 2015)
4- pkokZd ds HkkSfrdokn dh vkèkkjHkwr fo'ks"krkvksa dk ijh{k.k dhft,A
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 48
Examine the fundamental features of Charvaka's materialism. (15 Marks 2016) iz'u&laxzg
5- pkokZd us vuqeku izek.k dk fujkdj.k oSQls fd;k\ foospuk dhft,A Notes
How did Charvak refute Anumana Pramana? Discuss. (15 Marks 2017)
6- pkokZd osQ HkkSfrdokn dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate Charvak’s Materialism. (15 Marks 2018)
7- D;k pkokZd dks HkkSfrdoknh fl¼kUr rkfdZd n`f"V ls ;qfDrlaxr gS\ O;k[;k djsaA
Is Charvaka's theory of materialism logically consistent? Explain. (15 Marks 2020)
8- ^^izR;{k gh ,dek=k vf/dkfjd izek.k gS**A pkokZd ds bl er dh O;k[;k ,oa ewY;kadu dhft,A
"Perception is the only authentic source of knowledge". Explain and evaluate this view of the
Charvaka. (15 Marks 2019)
9- pkokZd vuqeku dks izek.k ds :i esa D;ksa ugha Lohdkj djrs gSa\ O;k[;k djsaA
Why Charvaka does not accept Inference as a Pramana? Explain. (10 Marks 2020)
laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)
1- pkokZd ds izek.k fopkj dk vkykspukRed o.kZu djsaA (Give a critical exposition of Charvaka theory
of knowledge).
2- fVIi.kh & pkokZd dh rRo lacaèkh voèkkj.kkA (Charvak's metaphysics) - Notes
3- fVIi.kh & pkokZd dk tM+oknA (Charvak's Materialism) - Notes.
4- fVIi.kh & yksdk;r n'kZu esa vuqeku dh oSèkrkA (Validity of inference in Lokayat Philosophy) -
5- pkokZd n'kZu ds izeq[k fl¼kUrksa dks le>kb;s vkSj mldk ijh{k.k dhft,A (Elaborate and examine
main principles of Charvak Philosophy).
6- pkokZd dh rRoehekalk mudh Kkuehekalk dh rkfdZd ifj.kfr gSA leh{kkRed foospuk djsaA (Charvak's
metaphysics is the logical culmination of his Epistemology. Critically analyse).
7- pkokZd vrhfUnz; lÙkkvksa dk [k.Mu dSls djrs gSa\ leh{kkRed foospuk dhft,A (How does Charvaka
refute transcendental entities? Critically discuss).
8- pkokZd Kkuehekalk ,oa rRoehekalk ,d izdkj dh vfr@pje LohÑfr ;k pje fu"ks/ dks Lohdkj
djrs gSaA O;k[;k djsaA (Charvaka accepts extreme posotion regarding both epistemology and
metaphysics. Explain).
9- izR;{k ds vk/kj ij pkokZd fdl izdkj ;g fl¼ djrs gSa fd& ^lkekU; izfrKfIr dh izkfIr laHko
ugha gSA* (How Charvaka explain that no universal proposition is possible on the basis of
10- ^dsoy izR;{k izek.k gS*& pkokZd ds bl dFku ds Kkuehekalh; fufgrkFkZ dks Li"V djsaA
(Bring out the
epistemological implication of Charvaka's statement 'Only Perception is Pramana').

tSun'kZu% lÙkk dk fl¼kUr] lIrHkaxh u;] caèku ,oa eqfDr

13 Jainism: Theory of Reality, Saptabhangi Naya, Bondage and Liberation

tSu n'kZu (Jain Philosophy)

1- L ;kn~okn vkSj mldk vkSfpR;A (fVIi.kh)A (Syadvads and its justification.) – Notes. (1993)
2- tSu n'kZu esa izR;{k dk fo'ys"k.kA (fVIi.kh)A
Analysis of perception in the Jaina Philosophy. – Notes. (1994)
49 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 3- , dkUrokn rFkk vusdkUroknA (fVIi.kh)A (Ekantavada and Anekantavada.) – Notes. (1998)
Notes 4- vusdkUrokn ds i{k esa tSu rdZA (fVIi.kh)A (The Jaina arguments for anekantavada.) – Notes.
5- l IrHkaxhu;A (fVIi.kh)A (Saptabhangi Naya.) – Notes. (2000)
6- vusdkarokn vkSj lIrHkaxh u; ds chp dk lacaèkA (fVIi.kh)A (Relation between anekantavada and
Saptabhangi Naya) – Notes. (2001)
7- tSu èkeZ ds vusdkarokn dk izfriknu dhft,A D;k okLrfodrk dh ;g ,d lqlaxr fFk;ksjh gS\ dkj.k
izLrqr dhft,A (Expound Anekantavada of Jainism. Is it a consistent theory of reality? Give
reasons). (2003)
8- ^tho* ds tSu fl¼kUr dk dFku dhft, vkSj ml ij ppkZ dhft,A (State and discuss the Jaina
doctrine of jiva). (2004)
9- ^ nzO;* dh tSu ifjHkk"kk & fVIi.khA (Jaina definition of Dravya - short notes). (2005)
10- tSu n'kZu ds vuqlkj lkj&fl¼kUr dks Li"V dhft, & fVIi.khA (Explain the theory of Substance
according to Jainism) Short Notes. (2006)
11- tSu n'kZu esa iqn~xy dk Lo:i&fVIi.khA
(Nature of Pudgala in Jaina Philosophy)-Short notes.
12- v usdkarokn & fVIi.khA (Anekantavada - Short Notes). (2009)
13- D;k L;kn~okn ,d Lorksfojksèkh fl¼kar gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
Is Syadvada a self-contradictory doctrine? Discuss. (300 Words 2010)
14- tSun'kZu ds vuqlkj eks{k ekxZ D;k gS\ foospu dhft,A
What according to Jainism is Path to Liberation? Discuss. (15 Marks 2011)
15- lIrHkaxh u; dks ,d lansgoknh fl¼kUr D;ksa ugha ekuk tkrk gS\ foospu dhft,A
Why is Saptabhangi Naya not treated as a doctrine of Scepticism? Discuss. (20 Marks 2011)
16- tSu n'kZu ds lkis{k cgqrRookn ;k vusdkUrokn ds fl¼kUr dk vkykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft;sA
Critically evaluate Jaina doctrine of relative pluralism or Anekantvada. (12 Marks 2012)
17- ^ lIrHkaxhu;* vkSj ^vusdkarokn* ds fl¼kar ds chp lacaèk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft,AAnalyse the relation
between the theory of saptabhanginaya and anekantavada. (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
18- deZ dh voèkkj.kk dks Li"V dhft, ,oa tSu n'kZu osQ vuqlkj mlosQ fofHkUUk izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft,A
Explain the concept of Karma and discuss its various types according to Jain philosophy.
 (15 Marks 2014)
19- tSu&n'kZu esa nzO; dh voèkkj.kk (Jain concept of Dravya) (10 Marks 2015)
20- laoj vkSj futZjk dk D;k vFkZ gS\ tSu n'kZu ds eks{k&fl¼kar esa muds egRo dh O;k[;k dhft,A
What do Samvara and Nirjara mean? Explain their significance in Jaina theory of liberation.
 (15 Marks 2015)
21- t Su vkSj ;ksx n'kZu esa ifjpfpZr ^dSoY;* dh voèkkj.kk ds eè; Hksn LFkkfir djsaA Differentiate the
concept of ‘Kaivalya’ as discussed in Jaina and Yoga philosophies. (10 Marks 2016)
22- tSu n'kZu ds vuqlkj ^u;* voèkkj.kk dk ijh{k.k djsaA ;g fdl izdkj ^L;kn~okn* ls fHkUu gSa\
Examine Jaina stance of ‘Naya’. How does it differ from ‘Syadvada’? (10 Marks 2016)
23- D;k tSu n'kZu ds ^rRokFkZ* fl¼kUr dks oSKkfud Li"Vhdj.k dh n`f"V ls Lohdkj fd;k tk ldrk
gS\ Li"V djsaA Can the ‘Tattvartha’ theory Jainism be acceptable for scientific explanations?
Explain. (15 Marks 2016)
24- ¶tSu rÙoehekalk lkis{koknh ,oa oLrqoknh cgqrÙookn gSA¸ foospuk dhft;sA
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 50
"The Jaina metaphysics is relativistic and realistic pluralism." Discuss. (15 Marks 2017) iz'u&laxzg
25- TkSu nk'kZfud ^cU/u* dh O;k[;k oSQls djrs gSa\ muosQ vuqlkj ^eqÙkQkRek* ,oa ^c¼kRek* esa D;k fHkUurk Notes
gS\ ^eqÙkQkRek* dh voLFkk osQ fo"k; esa tSfu;ksa dk D;k fopkj gS\ foospu dhft,A
How do the Jaina philosophers explain ‘bondage’? What, according to them, is the distinction
between ‘liberated soul’ and ‘bound soul’? What do the Jainas think about the condition of the
‘liberated soul’? Discuss. (15 Marks 2018)
26- t Su n'kZu ;FkkFkZrk dks fdl izdkj ifjHkkf"kr djrk gS\ ;FkkFkZrk dh ;g fFk;ksjh muosQ fu.kZ;ksa dh n`f"V
esa fdl izdkj izfrfcfEcr gksrh gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
How is reality defined by the Jainas? How is this theory of reality reflected in their view on
judgements? Discuss. (20 Marks 2019)
27- tSu n'kZu osQ vuqlkj deZ dh vo/kj.kk dk ijh{k.k dhft,A muosQ eks{k dh vo/kj.kk ij bldk oSQls
izHkko iM+rk gS\
Examine the concept of Karma according to Jainism. How does it bear upon their conception
of Liberation? (10 Marks 2020)

28- pkokZd rFkk tSu n'kZu dh lr~ dh vo/kj.kk osQ chp varj dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the differences of conception of Reality between Carvaka and Jainism.
(15 Marks 2020)
1- tSuer ds L;knokn fl¼kUr dk lekykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft,A (Give a critical estimate to the
Jain theory of Syadvad.) (1992)
2- L;knokn ls D;k le>k tkrk gS\ ;FkkFkZ rRo dks le>us esa og fdl lhek rd lgk;d gks ldrk gS\
What is understood by 'Syadvada'? To what extent it helps in understanding reality? (1995)
3- vusdkUrokn ds i{k esa tSu n'kZu ds rdks± dk ewY;kadu djsaA (Evaluate the Jain arguments for the
view that reality is multi dimensional.) (2000)
4- t Su L;kn~oknA (fVIi.kh)A (Jain Syadvad.) – Notes. (2001)
5- tSu n'kZu ds lIrHkaxh u; dh O;k[;k ,oa leh{kk dhft,A (Explain and examine the Saptabhangi
Naya of Janisim.) (2003)
6- L;k}kn vkSj vusdkUrokn esa tSu n'kZu ds vuqlkj varj crkb;sA (Distinguish between Syadvada and
Anekantavada as per Jainism). (2004)
7- tSu vusdkUrokn fl¼kar dh vkykspukRed foospuk dhft,A ;g L;knokn ls fdl izdkj lacafèkr gS\
Discuss critically the jain doctrine of Anekantavada. How is it related with Syadavada?
 (40 Marks 2013)
8- tSu n'kZu us fdl izdkj Kku dh lkis{krk dh O;k[;k dh gS\ blds L;knokn fl¼kaar ds vkyksd esa
foospu dhft,A How has Jainism explained the relativity of knowledge? Discuss in the light of
its doctrine of Syadavada. (15 Marks 2015)
9- tSu n'kZu ds cUèku vkSj eks{k ds fl¼kUr dk lkj izLrqr dhft,A
Present the essence of Bondage and Liberation theory of jain philosophy. (15 Marks 2016)
10- tSu n'kZu esa vki L;kn~okn ls D;k le>rs gSa\ Li"V dhft,A (What do you understand by Syadvada
in the philosophy of Jainism? Elucidate.) (15 Marks 2017)
11- tSu dh rRoehekalk lkis{krkoknh ,oa oLrqoknh cgqrRookn gSA foospuk dhft,A
The Jaina’s metaphysics is relativistic and realistic Pluralism. Discuss. (15 Marks 2018)
12- tSu n'kZu ds vuqlkj ca/u vkSj eks{k dh ehekalk dhft,A
51 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg Explain Bondage and Liberation according to Jain Philosophy. (15 Marks 2020)
Notes 13- D;k tSu n'kZu ds ^L;knokn ,oa lIrHkaxhu;* fl¼kar ,d gh flDds ds nks igyw gSa\ vius mÙkj ds
i{k esa rdZ nhft,A
Are the jaina theories of 'Syadvada and Saptabhanginaya' the two sides of the same coin?
Provide arguments in favour of your answer. (15 Marks 2019)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- tSu n'kZu ds vuqlkj lr~ ds Lo:i dh O;k[;k dhft,A lr~ ds ckjs esa v}Sr vkSj ckS¼er ls ;g dSls
fHkUu gS\ (Explain Jaina concept of Reality. How it is different from Advaita and Buddhistic
views of Reality?)
2- tSuksa ds tho rFkk mlds caèku vkSj eks{k dh izfØ;k dk foospu djsaA
3- tSu n'kZu dk iqn~xy fopkj & fVIi.khA
4- L;kn~okn Kku dh lkis{krk dk fl¼kUr gS & fVIi.khA (Syadvada is a theory of Relativity of
Knowledge - Short Notes.

ckS¼n'kZu laiznk;% izrhR;leqRikn] {kf.kdokn] uSjkRE;oknA

14 Schools of Buddhism: Pratitya-Samutapada, Ksanikvada, Nairatmyavada

ckS¼ n'kZu (Buddhist Philosophy)

1- ckS¼ {k.kHkaxokn dh Li"V O;k[;k vkSj ijh{kk dhft,A (Elaborate and examine the Buddhist theory
of momentariness.) (1990)
2- izrhR;&leqRiknA (fVIi.kh)A (Pratitya Samutapada.) – Notes. (1991)
3- foKkuokn dks 'kwU;okn ds ijorhZ fodkl ds :i esa fy;k tk ldrk gSA (fVIi.kh)A (Vijnanavada can
be regarded as a later development of sunyavada.) (1992)
4- ckS¼ n'kZu ds nks izeq[k ;FkkFkZoknh fudk;ksa ds izeq[k KkuehekalkRed vkSj rRoehekalkRed fl¼kUrksa
dh O;k[;k dhft,A D;k muds er vukReokn vkSj izrhR;leqRikn ls lqlaxr gS\ iw.kZ foospu dhft,A
(Explain the main epistemological and metaphysical doctrines of the two main realist schools
of Buddhist Philosophy. Are there views consistent with anatmavada and pratitya samutpada?
Discuss fully.) (1993)
5- fuokZ.k ds ckjs esa egk;ku&voèkkj.kkA (fVIi.kh)A
The Mahayana Conception of Nirvana. - Notes. (1993)
6- i zrhR;leqRiknA (fVIi.kh)A (Pratitya Samutapada.) – Notes. (1995)
7- ekè;fed n'kZu esa ijekFkZµlR; ,oa lEo`fÙkµlR;A (fVIi.kh)A (Madhyamika notions of Paramartha-
Satya and Samvrti Satya) – Notes. (1996)
8- c ksfèklRoA (fVIi.kh)A (Bodhisattva.) – Notes.(1997)
9- 'kwU;okn ds i{k esa ukxktqZu ds rdks± dk ewY;kadu dhft,A (Evaluate Nagarjuna's arguments for
Sunyavada.) (1999)
10- { kf.kdoknA (fVIi.kh)A (Kshanikavada.) – Notes. (2000)
11- ukxktqZu }kjk 'kwU;okn dk cpkoA (fVIi.kh)A (Nagarjuna's defence of Sunya-Vada.) – Notes.
12- izrhR;leqRikn dk ckS¼ fl¼karA (fVIi.kh)A (Buddhistic doctrine of Pratityasmutpada.) – Notes.
13- fVIi.kh & ckS¼ èkeZ dk {kf.kdoknA (Ksanikavada of Buddhism) - Notes (2003)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 52
14- {kf.kdrk ds ckS¼ izR;; dk dFku dhft, vkSj ml ij ppkZ dhft,A (State and discuss the Buddhist iz'u&laxzg
notion of momentariness). (2004)
15- f VIi.kh & ^fuokZ.k* dh izÑfr ,oa izdkjA (Nature and kinds of Nirvana) – Notes. (2004)
16- ^'kwU;rk* ds ckS¼ vfHkizk; dk dFku dhft, vkSj ml ij ppkZ dhft,A (State and discuss the
Buddhist notion of 'Sunyata').(2005)
17- ckS¼ n'kZu esa izrhR;leqRikn ij ppkZ dhft, & fVIi.khA (Discuss Pratityasamutpada in Buddhism)
- Short Notes. (2006)
18- ckS¼ksa ds vuqlkj pkj vk;Z lR; & fVIi.khA (Four Arya Satya (Noble Truths) according to
Buddhism) - Short notes. (2007)
19- ckS¼ uSjkRE;okn dk ,d ijh{k.k& fVIi.khA (An examination of Buddhist Nairatmyavada - Short
Notes) (2008)
20- ¶ekè;fedk n'kZu pje vfHkiqf"V vkSj pje fu"ksèk ds chp ekè; dks viukus dh ps"Vk djrk gSA¸ fVIi.kh
dhft,A ("The Madhyamika philosophy tries to adopt the mean between extreme affirmation
and extreme negation." Comment).(2008)
21- 'kk'or thokRek dh vuqifLFkfr esa cq¼oknh iqutZUe dh laHkkouk dks fdl izdkj Lohdkj djrk gS\ ppkZ
dhft,A How does the Buddhist accept the possibility of rebirth in the absence of an eternal
soul? Discuss. (200 words 2010)
22- cq¼okn ds f}rh; èkhjksnkÙk lR; (lSdaM ukscy VªqFk) ds rRoehekalh; fufgrkFkkZsa dk mtkxj dhft,A
Bring out the metaphysical implications of the second noble truth of Buddhism.
 (300 words 2010)
23- D;k 'kwU;okn ,d nk'kZfud fl¼kUr gS\ ewY;kadu dhft,A Is Sunyavada a philosophical doctrine
Evaluate? (15 Marks 2011)
24- izrhR;leqRikn ds izfriknu esa ^uke&:i* dh ckS¼erh; voèkkj.kk dk D;k egRo gS\
What is the importance of the Buddhist concept of ‘Nama-Rupa’ in the exposition of the
Doctrine of Dependent Origination? (20 Marks 2011)
25- ckS¼ksa ds fy, fuok±.k dh voèkkj.kk D;k ,d rkfdZd vko';drk gS\ Lo;a ds mÙkj ds leFkZu esa dkj.k
nhft,A Is the concept of Nirvana a logical necessity for the Buddhists? Give reasons for your
answer. (30 Marks 2011)
26- D;k vki bl er ls lger gS fd izkjafHkd ckS¼ n'kZu esa O;ofLFkr rRoehekalk dh vis{kk pkj vk;Z
lR;ksa dks vfèkd egRo fn;k x;k gS\ viuh lgefr ;k vlgefr ds fy;s rdZ nhft;sA
Do you agree with the view that in early Buddhism more importance was given to Four Noble
Truths than to systematic metaphysics? Give reasons for your agreement or disagreement.
 (15 Marks 2012)
27- bl dFku dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;s fd ^izrhR;leqRikn dk fl¼kUr dsoy nq%[k dh leL;k
dh O;k[;k ds fy;s izLrqr fd;k x;k u fd rRoehekalk dh leL;kvksa ds lekèkku ds fy;s*A Examine
critically the statement that ‘the doctrine of paticcasamuppetda was given only to explain the
problem of sorrow and not to solve the problems of metaphysics’. (15 Marks 2012)
28- ckS¼ n'kZu ds Hkze ds fl¼kUr dk foospu dhft;sA D;k ;g muds n'kZu esa laxr gS\ vius mÙkj ds
fy;s rdZ nhft;sA Explain the theory of illusion accepted by Buddhists. Is it consistent with their
philosophy? Give reasons for your answer. (15 Marks 2012)
29- ckS¼ n'kZu ds ekè;fed lEiznk; dks ukxktqZu dh nsu ij ,d laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k;sA
Write a note on Ndgarjuna ‘s contribution to Madhyamica School of Buddhism.
 (15 Marks 2012)
30- c kS¼ksa dh ^vLFkkf;Ro* dh vofLFkfr dks Li"V dhft, vkSj n'kkZb, fd vLFkkf;Ro dk fopkj fdl
izdkj ;FkkFkZrk dh {kf.kdrk ds fl¼kar rd ys tkrk gSA
Explain the Buddhists' position of 'Impermanence' and show how the idea of Impermanence

53 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg leads to the theory of momentariness of reality. (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
Notes 31- fVIi.kh dhft,% ^'kwU;okn dks Lohdkj dj ysuk O;fDr dks èkeZ ds vuqlj.k ds izfr mnklhu cuk nsrk
gSA* bl lanHkZ esa] 'kwU;okn ds fy, ukxktqZu ds rdks± dk ijh{k.k dhft,A
Comment : 'Accepting sunyavada makes one indifferent to the pursuit of dharma. Examine, in
this context, Nagarjuna's arguments for sunyavada. (200 Words, 12.5 Marks 2013)
32- ckS¼ n'kZu osQ lkS=kkafrd ,oa oSHkkf"kd laiznk;ksa osQ eè; Kkuehekalh; (,sfiLVsekSyksftdy) Hksnksa dks Li"V
dhft,A Explain the epistemological differences between Sautrantika and Vaibhasika schools
of Buddhism. (10 Marks 2014)
33- n q%[k dh O;k[;k djus esa izrhR;leqRikn fl¼kar dh D;k Hkwfedk gS\ nqq%[k ij fot; ikus ds lkèkuksa
dh foospuk dhft,A What is the role of Pratiyasamutpada in explaining Dukha? Elucidate the
means to overcome it. (20 Marks 2015)
34- v ky;foKku Alayavijnana (10 Marks 2015)
35- ^{kf.kdokn* fdl izdkj ^uSjkRE;okn* ds fy, izLrqr ;qfDr;ksa dks izcy cukrk gS\ Li"V djsaA
How does ‘Ksanikavada’ strengthen the arguments for ‘Nairatmyavada’? Explain.
 (10 Marks 2016)
36- D;k izrhR;leqRikn dk fl¼kUr* dk;Z&dkj.krk ds fu;e ds nks vfroknh fopkj] lr~dk;Zokn vkSj
vlr~dk;Zokn esa leUo; dj ikrk gS\ vius mÙkj ds fy, rdZ izLrqr djsaA Does the ‘Docrtine
of Dependent Origination’ reconcile the two extreme view on the law of causation, namely
Satkaryavada and Asatkaryavada? Give reasons for your answer. (20 Marks 2016)
37- ekè;fedksa ds vuqlkj lr~ ds Lo:i dh O;k[;k djus esa prq"dksfV dh Hkwfedk dh O;k[;k dhft;sA
Elucidate the role of catuskoti in explaining the nature of reality according to Madhyamika
school of thought. (10 Marks 2017)
38- {kf.kdokn dks lqLFkkfir djus ds fy;s ckS¼ksa ds rdZ D;k gSa\ D;k ;s rdZ vfuok;Zr% Ñriz.kk'k
(Ñruk'k) vkSj vÑrkH;qixe dh vksj ys tkrs gSa\
What are the arguments of the Buddhists to establish Ksanikavada? Do they necessarily lead
to krtanasa and akrtabhyupagama? (15 Marks 2017)
39- ekè;fed] ;ksxkpkjoknh ,oa lokZfLroknh lr~ ds Lo:i ds lEcU/ esa dSls fHkUu er j[krs gSa\
lokZfLroknh dSls vius esa lr~ dh lqfoKrk ds fo"k; esa fHkUu er j[krs gSa\
How do Madhyamikas, Yogacaravadins and Sarvastivadins differ among themselves
concerning the nature of reality? How do Sarvastivadins differ among themselves with regard
to knowledge ability of reality? (20 Marks 2017)
40- ekè;fed ckS¼ vius ^'kwU;rk* fl¼kUr dh LFkkiuk osQ fy, ^izrhR;leqRikn* fl¼kUr dk fdl izdkj
vuqiz;ksx djrs gSa\ foospu dhft,A
How do the Madhyamika Buddhists apply the notion of Pratityasamutpada to establish their
doctrine of Sunyata? Discuss. (10 Marks 2018)
41- ckS¼ osQ fy, ^uSjkRE;okn* ,oa ^fuokZ.k* nksuksa fl¼kUrksa dks ,d lkFk Lohdkj djuk D;k lqlaxr gS\ vius
mÙkj osQ i{k esa roZQ nhft,A
Is it consistent for the Buddhists to admit the theory of Nairatmyavada and the doctrine of
Nirvana simultaneously? Give reasons in favour of your answer.  (15 Marks 2018)
42- ; ksxkpkj ckS¼ cká txr~ osQ vfLrRo dk [k.Mu fdl izdkj djrs gSa\ ppkZ dhft,A
How do the Yogacara Buddhists deny the existence of the external world? Discuss.
 (10 Marks 2019)
43- izrhR;leqRikn D;k gS\ izR;sd oLrq dh {kf.kdrk fl¼ djus gsrq ckS¼ bl ladYiuk dk fdl izdkj
vuqiz;ksx djrs gSa\
What is Pratityasamutpada? How do the Buddhists apply this concept to prove that everything
is momentary? (15 Marks 2019)
44- ckS¼ n'kZu esa {kf.kdokn dh vo/kj.kk fdl izdkj ls izrhR;leqRikn dh voèkkj.kk dk rkfoZQd izfriQyu
gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A
How is Ksanikavada a logical derivative of Pratityasamutpada in Buddhism? Explain.
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 54
(20 Marks 2020) iz'u&laxzg
45- ckS¼ n'kZu fdl izdkj vkReu~ dh iapLdU/ksa osQ :i esa O;k[;k djrk gS\ ;fn vkRek ugha gS] rks ckS¼ Notes
n'kZu esa eks{k D;k gS\
How does Buddhism explain Self in terms of Pancaskandhas? What is Liberation for Buddhism
if theiris no Soul? (15 Marks 2020)
1- ckS¼ksa ds izrhR;leqRikn fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k dhft;sA Discuss the Buddhist theory of Pratityasamutpada.
2- ckS¼ n'kZu ds ^vukReokn* dk leh{kkRed foospu dhft,A (Discuss critically the “Anatmavada of
Buddhist Philosophy.”) (1991)
3- ekè;fed er ds dsUnzh; n'kZu dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk mudh prq"dksVh; rdZ'kSyh dh foospuk
djsaA (Explain the central philosophy of Madhyemika and discuss their logic of chatushkoti.)
4- izrhR; leqRikn ds Lo:i dk foospu dhft, rFkk ckS¼ n'kZu esa blds egRo ij izdk'k Mkfy,A
(Discuss the nature of Pratitya Samutpada and throw light on its importance in Buddhism.)
5- {kf.kdokn ds e.MukFkZ ckS¼ rdZ dh ijh{kk djsaA
(Examine the Buddhist arguments for the
doctrine of momentariness.)(1997)
6- ckS¼ n'kZu ds uSjkRE;okn dh iqf"V esa fn;s x;s rdZ dh ijh{kk dhft;sA (Examine arguments for the
no-soul theory of the Buddhists.) (1999)
7- izrhR;leqRikn ds fl¼kUr ds i{k esa ckS¼ rdZA (fVIi.kh)A (The Buddhist arguments for the
doctrine of dependent origination.) – Notes. (2000)
8- ckS¼ uSjkRE;okn dh foospuk dhft,A Li"V dhft, fd izrhR;leqRikn dk fl¼kUr fdl izdkj blds
i{k esa ;qfDr iznku djrk gS\ (Discuss Buddhist Nairatmyavada. Explain how the theory of
Pratityasamutpada provides an argument in its favour.) (2001)
9- izrhR;leqRikn fo"k;d ukxktqZu dh èkkj.kk Li"V dhft;sA (Explain Nagarjuna's conception of
Pratityasamutpada.) (2002)
10- ckS¼ uSjkRE;okn dh foospuk dhft,A Li"V dhft, fd izrhR;leqRikn dk fl¼kUr fdl izdkj blds
i{k esa ;qfDr iznku djrk gSA (Discuss Buddhist Natratmyavada. Explain how the theory of
Pratityasamutpada provides an argument in its favour. (2006)
11- ukxktqZu ds 'kwU; dh voèkkj.kk esa prq"dksfVd rdZ dh Hkwfedk Li"V djsaA
Bring out the role of the four-fold logic (Catuskoti) of Nagarjuna in the formulation of the
concept of Sunya. (2007)
12- ckS¼ n'kZu ds vuqlkj {k.kHkax&okn dh O;k[;k djsaA(Explain the theory of Momentariness
(Ksanabhangavada) as per the Buddhist Philosophy).(2008)
13- ckS¼ uSjkReokn dks le>kb;s ,oa blds i{k esa rdZ izLrqr dhft;sA
(Explain the Buddhist No-soul
theory (Nairatma-vada) and give arguments in its favour.)(2009)
14- ckS¼ uSjkRE;okn dh foospuk dhft,A Li"V dhft, fd izrhR;leqRikn dk fl¼kar fdl izdkj blds i{k
esa ;qfDr iznku djrk gS\
Discuss Buddhist Nairatmyavada. Explain how the theory of Pratitya samutpada provides
argument in its favour. (40 Marks 2012)
15- izrhR;leqRikn fl¼kar ckS¼ n'kZu dk dsUnzh; fl¼kUr D;ksa le>k tkrk gS\ vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A
Why is the doctrine of conditional existence regarded as the central doctrine of Buddhism?
Explain critically. (40 Marks 2014)
16- ckS¼ n'kZu ds vukReokn fl¼kar dk foospu dhft,A
Discuss Buddhist theory of Anatmavada. (15 Marks 2015)
55 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 17- ckS¼ n'kZu ds vuqlkj izrhR;leqRikn dh voèkkj.kk dh leh{kk dhft,A
Notes Examine Buddhist Philosophical concept of Pratitya-samutpada. (15 Marks 2016)
18- ckS¼ n'kZu osQ uSjkRE;okn dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain critically Nairatmyavada of Bauddha Philosophy. (10 Marks 2017)
19- ghu;ku ,oa egk;ku osQ chp Hksnksa dks Li"V dhft,A
Elucidate the differences between Hinayana and Mahayana. (15 Marks 2017)
20- ckS¼ n'kZu osQ ^{kf.kdokn* dh O;k[;k dhft,A bl fl¼kUr osQ izdk'k esa ^oLrqvksa osQ igpku* vkSj
uSfrd nkf;Ro dh leL;k dk lek/ku dhft,A
Explain the Buddhist theory of Momentariness. Solve the problem of recognition of things and
moral responsibility in the light of this theory. (15 Marks 2018)
21- ckS¼ n'kZu ds ^uSjkRE;okn* dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the theory of 'Nairatmyavada' of the Buddhist philosophy. (10 Marks 2019)
22- ckS¼ n'kZu ds v"Vkafxd ekxZ dh O;k[;k djsa rFkk ;g ;ksx n'kZu ds ekxZ ls dSls fHkUu gS\
Explain eight fold path of Buddhism. How it is different from Yoga Philosophy marga?
(15 Marks 2020)
23- ckS¼ n'kZu ds ^izrhR;leqRikn* fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k djsaA
Exaplain the theory of 'Pratityasamutpada' of Bauddha Philosophy. (15 Marks 2020)
24- ghu;ku ,oa egk;ku ds chp Hksnksa dks Li"V dhft,A
Elucidate the differences between Hinayana and Mahayana. (10 Marks 2020)
laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)
1- izrhR;leqRikn ds lacaèk esa fofHkUu ckS¼ laiznk;ksa ds fopkjksa dh foospuk dhft,A (Discuss the different
views of Buddhism regarding Pratityasamutpada).
2- izrhR;leqRikn ds lacaèk esa ukxktqZu ds er dh foospuk djsaA (Explain Nagarjuna’s view regarding
3- ckS¼ viksgokn dk foospu dhft,A (Discuss the Buddhist 'apoha' theory of meaning).
4- ckS¼ksa ds ^vFkZfØ;kdkfjRo ds fl¼kUr* (Theory of 'Arthkriyakaritva') dh foospuk dhft,A
5- ckS¼ksa dk dkj.krk dk fl¼kUr le>kb,A (Explain Boddha theory of Causation).
6- eè;e ekxZ ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ (What do you understand by golden means?).
7- foKkuoknh ckS¼ n'kZu fdl izdkj izekf.kr djrk gS fd foKkuksa ls Lora=k dksbZ cká oLrqxr lÙkk ugha
gSA foospuk dhft,A (How does Vigyanvada Buddhism prove that there is no external objective
reality independent of Vijnanas? Discuss).
8- fVIi.kh & ^Hko* ej.kksijkUr thou dk gsrq gSA ('Bhava' is the cause of life after death).
9- fVIi.kh & }kn'k funku (ckS¼ n'kZu)A (Dvadasha Nidana (Buddhism) - Short notes.
U;k;&oS'ksf"kd% inkFkZ fl¼kUr] vkHkkl fl¼kUr] izek.k fl¼kUr] vkRek]
eqfDr] ijekRek] ijekRek ds vfLrRo ds izek.k] dk;Zdkj.k&Hkko dk
15 fl¼kUr] l`f"V dk ijek.kqoknh fl¼kUr
Nyaya-Vaiseshika : Theory of Categories, Theory of Appearance, Theory of
Pramana, Self, Liberation, God, Proofs for the Existence of God, Theory of
Causation, Atomistic Theory of Creation

U;k; n'kZu&oS'ksf"kd n'kZu (Nyaya-Vaishesika Philosophy)

1- vykSfdd&izR;{kA (fVIi.kh)A (Alaukika-Pratyaksa.) – Notes. (1991)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 56
2- fdlh okD; ds vFkZ dks le>us ds fy;s ftu 'krks± dk iwjk gksuk t:jh gS mudks le>kb, vkSj xkS.k iz'u&laxzg
vFkZ ds izdkjksa dk foospu dhft,A (Explain the conditions that are to be fulfilled for construing Notes
the meaning and describe different types of secondary meaning.) (1991)
3- U;k; rFkk foKkuokn ds vuqlkj izR;{k&izek.k ds Lo:i] dkj.k&lkexzh rFkk izkek.; dh O;k[;k rFkk
vkykspukRed ijh{kk dhft,A (Explain and critically examine the nature, conditions and validity
of pratyaksa pramana according to the Nyaya and Vijnanavada schools.) (1992)
4- U;k; vkSj v}Sr n'kZu esa Hkze dh O;k[;k dSls dh tkrh gS\ dkSu lh O;k[;k vfèkd ;qfDrlaxr gS vkSj
D;ksa\ (How is error explained in Nyaya and Advaita Philosophy? Which explanation is more
reasonable and why?) (1993)
5- ^O;kfIr* D;k gS\ bldk Kku dSls gksrk gS\ U;k; er ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa O;k[;k dhft,A (What is
'Vyapti'? How is it known? Discuss with special reference of the Nyaya System.) (1994)
6- U;k; n'kZu ds vuqlkj izR;{k ds izdkjA (fVIi.kh)A
Modes of perception according to Nyaya. – Notes. (1995)
7- H kkjrh; rdZ'kkL=k esa ^gsRokHkkl* ls D;k vfHkizk; gS\ ;g vkdkfjd gS ;k fd okLrfod
U;k; ds vuqlkj blds D;k&D;k izdkj gSa\ Li"V dhft,A (What is meant by hetvabhasa (gsRokHkkl)
in Indian logic? Is it formal or material? What according to Nyaya are its kinds? Explain.)
8- oS'ksf"kd n'kZu ds eq[; rRoehekalh; fl¼kUrksa dk foospu dhft,A
Give an account of the chief tenets of Vaisesika metaphysics. (1995)
9- vykSfdd&izR;{kA (fVIi.kh)A (Alaukika-Pratyaksa.) – Notes. (1996)
10- Lor% izkek.; vkSj ijr% izkek.;A (fVIi.kh)A
Svatah-pramanya and paratah-pramanya. – Notes. (1997)
11- inkFkZ (fVIi.kh)A (Padartha) – Notes. (1997)
12- U;k; n'kZu ds vuqlkj vuqeku ds Lo:i ,oa lajpuk dh foospuk dhft, rFkk ijkFkkZuqeku ds fofHkUu
lksikuksa ds egRo dh O;k[;k dhft,A (Discuss the nature and structure of interference according
to the Nyaya philosophy and explain the importance of the various steps of pararthanumana.
13- dkj.krk lEcaèkh U;k; erA (fVIi.kh)A The Nyaya theory of causality. – Notes. (1999)
14- O;kfIr rFkk O;kfIr Kku fo"k;d U;k;&oS'ksf"kd er dh O;k[;k dhft,A Explain the Nyaya-Vaisesika
theory of vyapti and vyapti-jnana. (1999)
15- O;kfIr dh izÑfr ds U;k;&oS'ksf"kd fl¼kar dk ewY;kadu dhft,A Evaluate the Nyaya-vaisesika
theory of the nature of vyapti. (2001)
16- vkReu~ dh U;k; n`f"VA (fVIi.kh)A Nyaya view of Self. – Notes. (2002)
17- fVIi.kh & lkekU; dk U;k;&oS'ksf"kd fopkjA The Nyaya-vaisesika view of Samanya - Notes.
18- fVIi.kh & U;k; ds vuqlkj ^vuqekuksa* dh izÑfr ,oa izdkj (Nature and kinds of anumanas
according to Nyaya) – Notes. (2004)
19- U;k; ds vuqlkj ^izR;{k* dh izÑfr vkSj izdkj & fVIi.khA (Nature and kinds of pratyaksa according
to Nyaya - short notes). (2005)
20- oS'ksf"kdksa ds vuqlkj ^nzO;ksa* dh izÑfr vkSj izdkjksa dk dFku dhft, vkSj mu ij ppkZ dhft,A (State
and discuss the nature and kinds of Dravyas according to Vaisesikas). (2005)
21- izek.kksa dh U;k; fFk;ksjh dks Li"V dhft,A (Explain Nyaya theory of Pramanas). (2006)
22- 'kCn izek.k dk Lo:i & fVIi.khA (Nature of Sabda Pramana - Short Notes). (2007)

57 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 23- U;k; izf.kr vlr~dk;Zokn dks foLrkj ls Li"V dhft,A
(Explain fully Nyayas's Asatkaryavada).
Notes (2007)
24- oS'ksf"kd esa lkekU; & fVIi.khA (Samanya in Vaisesika - Short Notes) (2008)
25- O;kfIr ds U;k; izR;; dh lekykspukRed ppkZ dhft,A (Discuss critically Nyaya notion of Vyapti).
26- U ;k; ds vuqlkj gsRokHkkl & fVIi.khA (Hetvabhasa according to Nyaya - Short Notes) (2009)
27- vHkko ds Kku ds eqís ij U;k;] oS'ksf"kd] ehekalk vkSj ckS¼ èkeZ ds n`f"Vdks.kksa ds chp rqyuk
dhft,A (Compare the viewpoints of Nyaya, Vaisesika, Mimamsa and Buddhism on the issue
of knowledge of abhava). (2009)
28- D;k xq.krkvksa dk æO; ds fcuk dksbZ vfLrRo gks ldrk gS\ U;k;&cq¼okn fookn ds izdk'k esa] vius
er izekf.kr dhft,A
Can qualities exist without substance? Substantiate your view in the light of Nayaya-Buddhism
controversy.  (200 Words 2010)
29- U;k; Kkuehekalk esa vlkèkkj.k izR;{k ds vfHkizk; dks izkjaHk djus ds dkj.kksa dks Li"V dhft,A
Explain the reasons for introducing the notion of extraordinary perception in Nyaya
epistemology. (300 Words 2010)
30- uS;kf;dksa }kjk bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds i{k esa fn, x, rdks± esa D;k vki dksbZ viw.kZrk ikrs gSa\ vius mÙkj
ds leFkZu esa dkj.k nhft,A
Do you find any inadequacy in the proofs for the existence of God as given by Naiyayikas?
Give reasons in Support of your answer. (15 Marks 2011)
31- oS'ksf"kd nk'kZfud vHkko dks ,d Lora=k inkFkZ D;ksa ekurs gSa\ le>kb,A
Why do the Vaisesikas treat Abhava as an independent category? Explain. (15 Marks 2011)
32- thokRek ds vfLrRo ds fy, U;k;&oS'ksf"kd ds rdks± dk ijh{k.k dhft,A Examine, the Nyaya-
Vaisesika arguments for the existence of jivatma (soul). (200 Words, 12.5 Marks 2013)
33- ^O;kfIr* dh U;k; ladYiuk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, vkSj ^rdZ* ds lkFk mlds lacaèk dk ijh{k.k dhft,A
Analyse the Nyaya concept of vyapti and examine its relation to tarka. (12.5 Marks 2013)
34- ^leok;* D;k gksrk gS\ leok; dks ,d lqLi"V inkFkZ ds :i esa Lohdkj djus ds D;k vkèkkj gS\
ppkZ dhft,A What is samavaya? What are the grounds for accepting samavaya as a distinct
padartha? Discuss. (200 Words, 12.5 Marks 2013)
35- U;k; n'kZu esa vykSfdd izR;{k dks Lohdkj djus osQ nk'kZfud fufgrkFkk±s dks mn~?kkfVr dhft,A
Bring out the philosophical implications of introducing extraordinary (alaukika) perception in
Nyaya philosophy. (20 Marks 2014)
36- ¶ gekjk Kku dsoy xq.kksa rd lhfer gSA¸ bl dFku dk oS'ksf"kdksa&ckS¼ksa ds fookn ds izdk'k esa ijh{k.k
dhft,A 'Our knowledge is confined to gunas alone'. Examine this statement in the light of
Vaisesika and Buddhist controversy. (15 Marks 2015)
37- D ;k ^vU;Fkk[;kfrokn*& fl¼kar nks"k dk i;kZIr Li"Vhdj.k djrk gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A
Is anyathakhyativada and adequate explanation of error? Elaborate. (15 Marks 2015)
38- ^vHkko* dks ,d Lora=k inkFkZ ds :i esa Lohdkj djus ls lacafèkr rdZ ij uS;kf;dksa us viuh lgefr
dSls nh\ O;k[;k djsaA (How do the Naiyayikas justify the introduction of ‘Abhava’ as an
independent category? Explain.) (20 Marks 2016)
39- oS'ksf"kd n'kZu ds vuqlkj inkFkZ ds vko';d y{k.k D;k gSa\ What are the necessary characteristics
of padartha according to Vaigesika philosophy? (10 Marks 2017)
40- U;k; n'kZu esa izfrikfnr oS/ gsrq (osfyM gsrq) dh mikf/;ksa dh O;k[kk dhft,A
Explain the conditions of valid hetu as propounded in Nyaya philosophy. (10 Marks 2017)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 58
41- izR;{k dh izkphu U;k; ifjHkk"kk dh O;k[;k dhft;sA bl ifjHkk"kk dks ijoÙkhZ uS;kf;dksa }kjk D;ksa vi;kZIr iz'u&laxzg
ekuk x;k gS\ Notes
Explain the early Nyaya definition of perception. Why this definition is considered inadequate
by the later Naiyayikas? (20 Marks 2017)
42- UkS;kf;d bZ'oj osQ vfLrRo dks oSQls fl¼ djrs gSa\ D;k ;ksx nk'kZfud bZ'oj dks mlh izdkj fl¼ djrs
gSa\ ;fn gk¡] rks oSQls\ vkSj ;fn ugha] rks D;ksa\ vius mÙkj osQ i{k esa roZQ nhft,
How do the Naiyayikas prove the existence of God? Do the Yoga philosophers prove God in
the same way? If yes, how? And if no, why? Give reasons for your answer. (20 Marks 2018)
43- ckS¼ ,oa U;k; nk'kZfud] ^Vscy ij tkj dh vuqifLFkfr gS*] gekjs bl Kku dh O;k[;k fdl izdkj djrs
gSa\ foLr`r mÙkj nhft,A
How do the Buddhists and the Nyaya philosophers explain our knowledge of ‘the absence of
the jar on the table’? Answer in detail. (10 Marks 2018)
44- oS'ksf"kd nk'kZfud bu nks ekeyksa—(i) Vscy dk Hkwjk (czkmu) jax vkSj (ii) Vscy ij iqLrd] osQ chp
lEcUèkksa dh fHkUurk dh O;k[;k oSQls djrs gSa\ foospuk dhft,A
How do the Vaisesika philosophers explain the difference of the relationship in the two cases—
(i) the brown colour of the table and (ii) the book on the table? Discuss. (10 Marks 2018)
45- o S'ksf"kd n'kZu esa] inkFkZ osQ :i esa vHkko dh fLFkfr dk vkSfpR; crkb,A
Justify the status of Abhava as a category in Vaisesika philosophy. (10 Marks 2019)
46- vU;Fkk[;kfr dh O;k[;k djus esa Kkuy{k.k&izR;{k dh D;k Hkwfedk gS\
What is the role of Jnanalaksana pratyaksa in explaining Anyathakhyati? (15 Marks 2019)
47- m n;u fdl izdkj dk;kZr~] vk;kstukr~] /`R;kns% vkSj Jqrs% osQ }kjk bZ'oj osQ vfLrRo dks fl¼ djrs gSa\
foospuk dhft,A
How does Udayana prove the existence of God throught Karyat, Ayojanat, Dhrtyadeh and
Sruteh? Discuss. (20 Marks 2019)
48- vlRdk;Zokn osQ lanHkZ esa ^vU;Fkkfl¼* ,oa ^vUkU;Fkkfl¼* dh voèkkj.kkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the concepts of ‘Anyathasiddha’ and ‘Ananyathasiddha’ in the context of
Asatkaryavada. (15 Marks 2020)
49- oS'ksf"kd n'kZu osQ lanHkZ esa fo'ks"k dh rkfoZQd ,oa rÙoehekalh; fLFkfr dh leh{kkRed ewY;kadu dhft,A
Critically evaluate the logical and metaphysical status of Visesa in the context of Vaisesika
Philosophy. (15 Marks 2020)
1- U;k; ds vuqlkj O;kfIr D;k gS rFkk bldk fu'p; dSls gksrk gS\ (What is Universal relation (Vyapti)
according to the Nyaya? How is it ascertained?) (1990)
2- U;k; ds vuqlkj izR;{k ds y{k.k dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, rFkk izR;{k ds oxhZdj.k dks mnkgj.k nsdj
le>kb;sA (Analyse the definition of Perception and explain with examples the classification of
Perception according to Nyaya.) (1991)
3- U;k; n'kZu ds vuqlkj gesa oSèk Kku dSls izkIr gksrk gS\ bl lUnHkZ esa ^vuqeku* dh voèkkj.kk dks Li"V
dhft,A (How do we get valid knowledge according to Nyaya Philosophy. Explain the concept
of 'Anumana' in this context.) (1995)
4- oS'ksf"kd n'kZu ds vuqlkj nzO; dk D;k Lo:i gS\ D;k ;g dguk Bhd gksxk fd oS'ksf"kd fopkjdksa dk
vfUre nzO; dk fopkj bl lUnHkZ esa vkèkqfud oSKkfud fopkj dk iwokZHkkl gS\ foospu dhft,A (What
is the nature of ultimate substance according to vaisesika philosophy? Would it be right to any
that the idea of the ultimate substance as given by the vaisesika thinkers in an anticipation of
modern scientific in this context? Discuss.) (1995)
5- vkReu~ ds Lo:i fo"k;d v}Sfrd er ds [k.MukFkZ U;k; rdZ dh ijh{kk dhft,A (Examine the
59 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg Nyaya arguments against the Advaitic view of the nature of Atman.) (1996)
Notes 6- izek.k ds Lo:i fo"k;d U;k; er dh ijh{kk ckS¼ rdks± ds izdk'k esa dhft,A (Examine the Nyaya
theory of Pramana in the light of the Buddhist-criticism of it.) (1996)
7- U;k; ds dkj.krk ds fl¼kUr ds [k.MukFkZ ckS¼ rdZ dk ewY;kadu djsaA (Evaluate the Buddhist
critique of the Nyaya theory of causation.) (1997)
8- U;k; ds vuqlkj izR;{k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, vkSj blds fofHkUu izdkj dks lqLi"V dhft,A (Define
perception according to Nyaya and explain clearly various types of perception.) (1998)
9- Lor% izek.;okn fdls dgrs gSa\ ijUrq izkek.;okn ds fojksèk esa iwoZ ehekaldksa ds rdZ dh ijh{kk dhft,A
(What is self-validity of knowledge? Examine the Purva-Mimamsaka arguments against the
theory of extrinsic validity of Knowledge.) (1999)
10- O;kfIr Kku gsrq U;k; erA (fVIi.kh)A (The Nyaya view of our knowledge of generalizations.) –
Notes. (2000)
11- dkj.krk lEcUèkh oS'ksf"kd er dh ijh{kk dhft,A
(Examine the vaisesika theory of causality.)
12- ^O;kfIr* dk Lo:i D;k gS ,oa bldk Kku dSls gksrk gS\ bl fo"k; ij U;k; ds er dh O;k[;k dhft,A
pkokZd }kjk nh x;h vkykspuk ds izdk'k esa U;k; ds er dk ewY;kadu dhft,A (What is the nature
of 'Vyapti' and how is it known? Explain Nyaya view on this issue. Evaluate the Nyaya view
in the light of Charvaka Criticism.)(2001)
13- bZ'oj dh lÙkk ,oa Lo:i ds fy;s U;k; rdZ dk] 'kadjkpk;Z dh n`f"V ls] ewY;kadu dhft;sA
from Sankaracarya's view-point, the Nyaya argument for the existence and nature of God
(Ishvara.). (2002)
14- oS'ksf"kd n'kZu ds vuqlkj inkFkks± dh foospuk dhft,A (Discuss the categories as per Vaishesika
system.) (2003)
15- U;k; n'kZu ds vuqlkj izek.kksa dk ifjp; nsrs gq, vuqeku ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk foospu dhft,A
giving an introduction to the pramanas after the Nyaya system, discuss the various kinds of
anumana (Inference). (2004)
16- U;k; n'kZu esa ^O;kfIr* ds Lo:i dh O;k[;k dhft,A pkokZd }kjk nh xbZ vkykspuk ds izdk'k esa U;k;
ds er dk ewY;kadu dhft,A (Explain the nature of 'vyapti' in Nyaya philosophy. Evaluate the
Nyaya view in the light of Charvaka criticism). (2006)
17- oS'ksf"kd n'kZu esa ijek.kqokn dh ijh{kk djsaA
Examine the theory of Atomism of the Vaisesika school. (2007)
18- oS'ksf"kd n'kZu dh inkFkZehekalk dh foospuk dhft;sA
Discuss the 'Categories' of Vasheshik Philosophy. (2008)
19- oS'ksf"kd&n'kZu ds vuqlkj ^lkekU;* dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk ^lkekU;* vkSj ^fo'ks"k* esa vUrj crkb;sA
Explain the Vaishesika school's concept of 'Samanya' and distinguish it from 'Vishesa'.(2009)
20- ^O;kfIr dk Lo:i D;k gS ,oa bldk Kku dSls gksrk gS\ bl fo"k; ij U;k; ds er dh O;k[;k dhft,A
pkokZd }kjk dh xbZ vkykspuk ds izdk'k easa U;k; ds er dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
What is the nature of 'Vyapti' and how is it known? Explain Nayaya view on this issue. Evaluate
Nyaya view in the light of Carvaka criticism. (40 Marks 2011)
21- oS'ksf"kd n'kZu esa vHkko inkFkZ dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the category of non-existence in Vaisesika Philosophy. (40 Marks 2013)
22- oS'ksf"kd ds ijek.kqokn fl¼kUr ij iw.kZ fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
Write a full note on Vaisesika theory of atomism. (40 Marks 2014)
23- U;k; n'kZu esa vuqeku ds izdkjksa dk foospu dhft,A
Discuss the kinds of inference of Nyaya Philosophy. (15 Marks 2015)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 60
24- oS'ksf"kd n'kZu ds vuqlkj leok; inkFkZ dk foospu dhft,A iz'u&laxzg
Discuss the category of Samvaya according to Visesika Philosophy. (10 Marks 2015) Notes
25- U;k; n'kZu ds vuqlkj bZ'oj ds Lo:i dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the nature of God according to Nyaya Philosophy. (15 Marks 2015)
26- U;k; n'kZu osQ vuqlkj vuqeku izek.k osQ Lo:i ,oa lajpuk dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the nature of structure of inference according to Nyaya Philosophy.(15 Marks 2017)
27- oS'ksf"kd n'kZu osQ ijek.kqokn dh iw.kZ O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain Atomism of Vaisesika Philosophy fully. (15 Marks 2017)
28- vlRdk;Zokn osQ U;k; fl¼kar dh O;k[;k ,oa leh{kk dhft,A
State and examine the Nyaya doctrine of Asatkaryavad. (15 Marks 2018)
29- oS'ksf"kd osQ vuqlkj ^vHkko* inkFkZ dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the ‘Abhava’ according to the Vaiseshika Philosophy. (10 Marks 2018)
30- U;k; n'kZu ds vuqlkj ^vuqeku* izek.k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A vuqeku ds izdkjksa dks mnkgj.k lfgr
Define inference according to the Nyaya philosophy. State the types of inference with
examples.(15 Marks 2019)
31- oS'ksf"kd n'kZu dk ^ijek.kqokn* D;k vk/qfud HkkSfrdokn dh i`"BHkwfe gS\ vius mÙkj ds i{k esa rdZ
Is the 'Atomism' of Vaisesika philosophy the foundation of modern materialism? Provide
arguments in favour of your answer. (15 Marks 2019)
32- U;k; n'kZu ds vuqlkj bZ'oj ds Lo:i ,oa dk;Z dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the nature and function of God, according to the Nyaya philosophy.(10 Marks 2019)
33- U;k; n'kZu ds vuqlkj izR;{kKku ds Lo:i ,oa izdkj dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Expain the nature and kinds of perception according to Nyaya Philosophy. (15 Marks 2020)
laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)
1- U;k; n'kZu ds =kqfVokn er dh izLrqfr djsa ,oa ppkZ djsA (State and discuss the theory of error in
Nyaya Philosophy).
2- ^izek.k&laIyo* ,oa ^izek.k O;oLFkk* & fVIi.khA (Difference between 'Pramana-Samplava' and
'Pramana vyavastha'). Notes.
3- fVIi.kh & oS'ksf"kd dh vHkko lacaèkh voèkkj.kkA (Vaisesika's concept of 'Abhava') - Notes.
4- fVIi.kh & oS'ksf"kd n'kZu dk Hkko inkFkZA
Positive categories of Vaisheshik philosophy - Notes.
5- oS'ksf"kd ijek.kqokn ij ,d ys[k fyf[k,A (Write an essay on Vaiseshika Astomism).
6- vHkko dks inkFkZ ekuus ds D;k vkèkkj gSa\ vHkko dk Kku dSls gksrk gS\
7- U;k; n'kZu dk vkHkkl fl¼kUr &fVIi.khA (Nyaya theory of appearance - Short Notes).
8- leok; D;k gS\ la;ksx vkSj leok; esa vUrj djsaA
What is inherence. Distinguish between inherence and conjunction.
9- 'kCn fdls dgrs gSa\ ykSfdd vkSj vykSfdd 'kCn esa Hksn crkb;sA
What is testimony? Point out the distinction between Laukika and Alaukika testimony.
10- lfUud"kZ ds izdkjksa dk mYys[k djsaA (Enumerate kinds of contact).
11- oS'ksf"kd ds fo'ks"k uked inkFkZ dk o.kZu dhft,A (Explain Vaisesika's categories of ' Particular)
12- U;k;&oS'ksf"kd erkuqlkj dkj.k ds Lo:i ,oa izdkj dh foospuk djsaA (Explain nature and type of
cause according to Nyaya-Vaisesika).
13- U;k; erkuqlkj vU;Fkkfl¼ D;k gSA fdlh ?kVuk dk dkj.k gksus ds fy, fdu 'krks± dk iwjk gksuk
61 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg vko';d gSA (What do you mean by Anyathasiddha. For being a cause of an event, what kind
Notes of conditions are required).
14- U;k; erkuqlkj izR;{k ds lanHkZ esa of.kZr fuEufyf[kr nks dFkuksa ,oa muds Hksn dks Li"V djsa&
(1) ^dqN
gS* vkSj (2) ^;g xk; gS*A (According to Nyaya explain the difference between two statements:-
(1) 'There is something' and (2) 'This is a Cow').
15- D;k xkSre }kjk of.kZr izR;{k dh ifjHkk"kk esa ^vO;ins';* ,oa ^O;olk;Reda* dh vo/kj.kk ijLij fojks/
kHkk"kh gSA (Are the terms 'Avapdeshya' and 'Vyavasayatamkam' contradictory to each other used
by Gautama in process of defining perception).
16- U;kf;dksa }kjk ^ykSfdd* vkSj ^vykSfdd* izR;{k esa fd, x, Hksn dh O;k[;k dhft,A (Explain
Nyayikas distinction between 'Laukika' (ordinary) and 'Alaukika' (extraordinary) perceptions.

lka[;% izÑfr] iq#"k] dk;Zdkj.k&Hkko] eqfDr

16 Samkhya : Prakriti, Purusha, Causation, Liberation

lka[; n'kZu (Samkhya Philosophy)

1- lka[; vkSj ;ksx esa bZ'oj dh vko';drk ugha gS] D;ksafd os bZ'oj ds izR;; ds fcuk Hkh iw.kZr;k
Lo&lqlaxr gSaA (fVIi.kh)A (There is no need for God in Samkhya and Yoga systems, as these are
fully-consistent even without the idea of God.) – Notes. (1992)
2- izÑfr vkSj iq#"k ds vfLrRo ds fy, lka[; ;qfDr;ksa dh O;k[;k rFkk ijh{kk dhft,A (Explain and
examine the Samkhya arguments for the existence of Prakriti and Purusha.) (1993)
3- lka[; n'kZu esa eks{k dh voèkkj.kkA (fVIi.kh)A
The idea of Liberation (Moksha) in the Samkhya Philosophy. – Notes. (1994)
4- lka[; esa izÑfr dh voèkkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft,A lka[; rRoehekalk esa bldh tks Hkwfedk gS mldk
foospu dhft,A (Explain the Samkhya conception of Prakrti. Discuss the role it plays in the
Samkhya metaphysics.) (1996)
5- lka[; er ds vuqlkj izÑfr ds Lo:i vkSj mlds fodkl dh O;k[;k dhft,A
(Explain the nature of prakrti and its evolution according to the Samkya system. (1997)
6- i q#"k cgqRo dk fl¼kUrA (fVIi.kh)A (Doctrine of plurality of purusas.) – Notes. (1998)
7- izÑfr dh lÙkk ds fy, lka[; rdZA (fVIi.kh)A
The Samkhya arguments for the existence of prakrti. – Notes. (1999)
8- vius iq#"k fl¼kUr ds fo"k; esa lka[; ds vkSfpR; LFkkiuk dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate the Samkhya justification for their theory of purusa.(2001)
9- çÑfr ds fodkl dk lka[; fl¼karA (fVIi.kh)A
Samkhya theory of Evolution of Prakriti. Notes. (2002)
10- f VIi.kh & foeqfDr dk lka[; fl¼kUrA (The Samkhya doctrine of liberation) - Notes (2003)
11- lka[; ds ^iq#"k* dh ladYiuk & fVIi.khA (Samkhya conception of Purusa - short notes). (2005)
12- lka[; dh dk;Zdkj.k fFk;ksjh ij lekykspukRed :i ls ppkZ dhft,A
Critically discuss the Sankhya theory of Causation. (2006)
13- l ka[;ksa dk f=kxq.k fl¼kUr Li"V dhft,A (Explain the Samkhya doctrine of three gunas). (2007)
14- dk;Zdkj.k&Hkko ds lacaèk esa vjLrw ds fopkj dh] dk;Zdkj.k&Hkko ds lka[; laiznk; ds fopkj ds lkFk
rqyuk dhft,A (Compare Aristotle's view regarding causation with that of the Samkhya school's
view of causation). (2009)
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 62
15- D;k izHkko dkj.k ds vanj iwoZr% fo|eku gksrk gS\ ppkZ dhft,A iz'u&laxzg
Does the effect pre-exist in the cause? Discuss. (150 Words 2010) Notes
16- lka[; n'kZu ds cgqiq#"kokn ds leFkZd rdks± dh ijh{kk dhft,A
Examine Sankhya’s arguments for Bahupurusavada (Plurality of Purusa). (30 Marks 2011)
17- lka[; n'kZu dk dkj.krk dk fl¼kUr U;k; n'kZu ds dkj.krk&fl¼kUr ls fdl izdkj fHkUu gS\ Li"V
dhft;sA How Satnkhya theory of causation is different from that of Nyaya theory of causation?
Explain. (12 Marks 2012)
18- ^ iq#"k* vkSj ^izÑfr* ds chp lacaèk dk ewY;kadu dhft,] ;fn dksbZ gks rksA
Evaluate the relation, if any, between purusa and prakrti. (200 Words, 12.5 Marks 2013)
19- D;k lka[; n'kZu esa izÑfr osQ vfLrRo osQ i{k esa nh xbZ ;qfDRk;k¡ i;kZIr gSa\ ppkZ dhft,A
Are the arguments given in favour of existence of prakrti adequate in Samkhya philosophy?
Discuss. (10 Marks 2014)
20- ¶iq#"k u caèku gksrk gS] u eqDr gksrk gS vkSj u og lalj.k (iqutZUe) djrk gS¸µ lka[; n'kZu osQ eks{k
lEcUèkh bl er dk ijh{k.k dhft,A
Examine the Samkhya view on liberation that "the self is neither bound nor liberates, nor does
it transmigrate". (15 Marks 2014)
21- lrdk;Zokn Satkaryavada (10 Marks 2015)
22- ^iq#"k* dh lÙkk ds fy, lka[; n'kZu esa izek.kksa dk dFku vkSj ijh{k.k dhft,A
State and examine the Samkhya proofs for the existence of Purusa. (15 Marks 2015)
23- l `f"V ds fodkl dh izfØ;k esa ^izÑfr* dh Hkwfedk dk vkykspukRed ewY;kadu djsaA
Critically examine the role of ‘Prakrti’ in the process of evolution. (10 Marks 2016)
24- vius dk;Zdkj.k&Hkko ds fl¼kUr ds vkyksd esa D;k lka[; n'kZu ds fy, txr~ esa psruk dh mifLFkfr
dh O;k[;k djuk lEHko gS\ foospuk dhft;sA
Given its theory of causation, is it possible for Sarnkhya to explain the presence of consciousness
in the world? Discuss. (15 Marks 2017)
25- ^iq#"k* ,d gS ;k vusd\ bl lEcU/ esa lka[;lEer fLFkfr dh O;k[;k dhft, ,oa vius mÙkj osQ
leFkZu esa roZQ nhft,A
Is Pursua one or many? Explain the Samkhya position in this regard and give arguments in
support of your answer. (15 Marks 2018)
26- v}Sr osnkUrh lka[; n'kZu osQ ^izo`Qfrifj.kkeokn* dh oSQls izfrfozQ;k djrk gS\ bl lEcU/ esa lka[; n'kZu
viuh fLFkfr dk fdl izdkj cpko djrs gS\ foospu dhft,A
How do the Advaita Vedantins react to the Prakrtiparinamavada of the Samkhya philosophy?
How do the Samkhyas defend their own position in this regard? Discuss. (10 Marks 2018)
27- l ka[; n'kZu osQ vuqlkj] tho vkSj iq#"k dh rÙoehekalh; fLFkfr dk leh{kkRed foospu dhft,A
Critically discuss the metaphysical status of a Jiva and Purusa according to Sankhya philosophy.
 (10 Marks 2019)
28- i zo`Qfr osQ vfLrRo osQ fy, lka[; dk dkSu&lk izek.k okLro esa n'kkZrk gS fd izo`Qfr osQoy ,d gh gks
ldrh gS\ vius mÙkj osQ leFkZu esa roZQ nhft,A
Which Sankhya proof for the existence of Prakrti actually shows that there can be only one
prakrti? Justify your answer. (15 Marks 2019)
29- ¶,d vke dk o`{k vke osQ cht ls fodflr gksrk gSA¸ lka[; n'kZu vius dkj.krk fl¼kar osQ vuqlkj
bl izfozQ;k dh] vius fojks/h erksa dks Lohdkj djrs gq,] fdl izdkj O;k[;k djsxk\
“A mango tree is grown out of a mango seed.” How will Samkhya system explain this process
through their theory of causation by rejecting their rival perspectives? (20 Marks 2020)
63 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 1- lka[; n'kZu esa iq#"k ,oa izÑfr ds Lo:i rFkk lEcUèk dh leh{kkRed O;k[;k dhft;sA (Explain
Notes critically the nature and the relation between Purush and Prakriti in the Samkhya Philosophy.)
2- lka[; ds vuqlkj iq#"k ds Lo:i dk foospu dhft;s rFkk iq#"k ds vfLrRo ,oa mldh vusdrk dh
flf¼ ds fy;s fn;s x;s rdks± dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A (Discuss the nature of Purusa according
to Samkhya and Explain and examine the arguments given to prove the existence of purusa
and its plurality.) (1994)
3- lka[; er esa izÑfr dh O;k[;k dhft;s vkSj blls txr dk mRifÙkozQe js[kkafdr dhft;s\ (Explain
Samkhya view of Prakriti and trace the evolution of world from it.) (1998)
4- lka[; n'kZu esa lr~dk;Zokn dh O;k[;k dhft;s rFkk U;k; n'kZu ds dkj.kokn ds izdk'k esa bldk
ewY;kadu dhft;s\ (Explain the Satkarya theory of the Samkhya philosophy and evaluate it in
the light of the Nyaya theory of causation.) (1999)
5- iq#"k dh lÙkk ds i{k esa lka[; rdZA (fVIi.kh)A (The Samkhya arguments for the existence of
purusa.) – Notes. (2000)
6- iq#"k&cgqyrk ds i{k esa lka[; ds rdZ & fVIi.kh fyf[k;sA (Samkhya arguments for plurality of
Plurality - Notes.) (2001)
7- lka[; er esa dkj.krk&fl¼kUr dh foospuk dhft,A (Discuss the theory of causation as per
Samkhya.) (2003)
8- lka[; n'kZu ds vuqlkj lRdk;Zokn dks Li"V dhft,A vlRdk;Zoknh blesa D;k =kqfV;k¡ fu:fir djrs gSa\
(Explain the Satkarya theory according to Sankhya school. What defects do the upholders of
Asatkarya principle find in it). (2004)
9- lka[; n'kZu esa lRdk;Zokn gsrq iznÙk rdks± dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A (Explain and examine the
arguments given for Satkaryavada in Samkhya Philosophy.) (40 Marks 2011)
10- lka[; er esa izÑfr dh O;k[;k dhft, vkSj blls txr ds mRifÙk&Øe dks js[kkafdr dhft,A
Explain Samkhya view of Prakriti and trace the process of evolution of world from it.
 (40 Marks 2012)
11- lka[; n'kZu ds dkj.krk fl¼kUr dk vkykspukRed foospu dhft,A
Discuss critically Samkhya theory of Causation. (40 Marks 2014)
12- l`f"V ds fodkl esa iq#"k ,oa izÑfr dh Hkwfedk dk foospu dhft,A
Discuss the role of Purusa and Prakriti in the evolution of creation. (15 Marks 2015)
13- lka[; ds vuqlkj izd`fr ds Lo:i dk fuèkkZj.k dhft,A
Determine the Sankhya conception of Prakriti. (15 Marks 2016)
14- lka[; n'kZu osQ lRdk;Zokn dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss Sataryavada of Sankhya Philosophy. (10 Marks 2017)
15- lka[; osQ izo`Qfr dh vo/kj.kk Li"V dhft,A izo`Qfr osQ vfLrRo osQ D;k izek.k gS\
Explain clearly Sankhya’s conception of ‘Prakriti’. Whatare the proofs for existence of
Prakriti?(10 Marks 2018)
16- iq#"k&vfLrRo flf¼ gsrq lka[; n'kZu }kjk iznÙk rdksZa dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the arguments for proving the existence of 'Purush' as provided by the Samkhya
philosophy. (15 Marks 2019)
17- lka[; n'kZu ds vuqlkj ^dSoY;* dh vo/kj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the concept of 'Kaivalya' according to the Samkhya philosophy. (10 Marks 2019)
18- lka[; n'kZu }kjk izd`fr ds vfLrRo ds fy, nh xbZ ;qfDr;ksa dh O;k[;k djsaA
Exaplain the arguments for the existence of Prakriti given by Samkhya Philosophy.
(15 Marks 2020)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 64
laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions) iz'u&laxzg
1- lka[; ds }Sroknh oLrqokn dk fooj.k ,oa ewY;kadu djsaA (Explain and evaluate dualistic realism Notes
of Samkhaya).
2- lka[; n'kZu esa iq#"k rFkk izÑfr ds Lo:i ij izdk'k Mkfy, rFkk muds lacaèk ds fu:i.k esa
fo|eku folaxfr;ksa ij vius fopkj izLrqr dhft,A (Throw light, on the nature of Purusha and
Prakriti in Sankhya Philosophy and present your views on the inconsistencies present in their
3- fVIi.kh & lka[; dk }SroknA (Sankhya's dualism) - Notes.
4- lka[; ds ifj.kkeokn dks le>kdj mldh leh{kk dhft,A (Elaborate and criticize Sankhya's
5- lka[; n'kZu ds vuqlkj l`f"V dk vFkZ ,oa mldk iz;kstu D;k gS\ (What is the meaning and purpose
of creation according to Samkhya Philosophy?
6- lka[; n'kZu ds lRdk;Zokn dk foospu dhft,A ifj.kkeokn rFkk foorZokn esa Hksn dhft,A (Discuss
the Samkhya Satkaryavada. Distinguish between Parinamavada and Vivartavada).

;ksx% fpÙk] fpÙko`fÙk] Dys'k] lekfèk] dSoY;

17 Yoga : Citta, Cittavrtti, Klesas, Samadhi, Kaivalya

;ksx n'kZu (Yoga Philosophy)

1- ;ksx ds vuqlkj dSoY; dh ladYiuk & fVIi.khA
Conception of Kaivalya according to yoga - Short Notes (2009)
2- iratfy ds ;ksx dh vjfoan }kjk izfrikfnr lekdfyr ;ksx ds lkFk] lekurk vkSj vlekurk ds fcanqvksa
dks Li"Vrk ds lkFk mtkxj djrs gq, rqyuk dhft,A (Compare Patanjali's Yoga with the Integral
Yoga expounded by Aurobindo, bringing out clearly points of similarity and dissimilarity).
3- ¶;ksx euks&HkkSfrd O;k;ke ls vfèkd gSA¸ bl dFku dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, ,oa vius fu"d"kZ ds leFkZu
esa rdZ nhft,A “Yoga is more than a psycho-physical exercise”. Analyse this statement and
support your conclusion with arguments. (30 Marks 2011)
4- ¶;ksxlw=k fl¼kUr dh vis{kk deZ ij vfèkd cy nsrk gS¸ bl dFku dk vkykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft;sA
Critically evaluate the statement that “Yoga Sutra emphasises more on praxis (action) than on
theoria (reflection)”. (15 Marks 2012)
5- ¶;ksx n'kZu eksVs :i ls lka[; dh lÙkkehekalk dks Lohdkj djrk gS¸] bl vfHkdFku ij viuh
vkykspukRed fVIi.kh izLrqr dhft;sA
Give your critical comments on the assertion that the school of Yoga broadly accepts Sionkhyla
ontology. (15 Marks 2012)
6- ;ksx n'kZu esa ^fpÙko`fÙk* dh ladYiuk dk ,d lekykspukRed fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A Give a critical
account of the concept of cittavrtti in Yoga philosophy. (200 Words, 12.5 Marks 2013)
7- ^thoueqfDr* dh laHkkouk dks Li"V dhft,A bldh ^dSoY;* ds ;ksx&fooj.k ds lkFk leykspukRed
rqyuk dhft,A Explain the possibility of jivanmukti. Critically compare it with the Yoga account
of kaivalya. (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
8- l EizKkr lekfèk osQ Lo:i ,oa Lrjksa dks le>kb,A fdl izdkj izR;sd Lrj vlEizKkr lekfèk dh vksj
vxzlj djrk gS\
65 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg Explain the nature and levels of samprajnata samadhi. How does each level more towards
asamprajnata samadhi? (15 Marks 2014)
9- ; ksx&n'kZu ds vuqlkj caèku D;k gS\ iratfy ds ;ksxlw=k esa dSoY; izkfIr dh fofèk D;k gS\ O;k[;k
dhft,A What is bondage according to yoga philosophy? Explain the method of attaining
Kaivalya in Patanjali's Yogasutra. (20 Marks 2015)
10- t Su vkSj ;ksx n'kZu esa ifjpfpZr ^dSoY;* dh voèkkj.kk ds eè; Hksn LFkkfir djsaA Differentiate the
concept of ‘Kaivalya’ as discussed in Jaina and Yoga philosophies. (10 Marks 2016)
11- Dys'k D;k gSa\ mudk mUewyu dSls fd;k tk ldrk gS\ O;k[;k djsaA
What are Klesas? How can these be eliminated? Explain.  (15 Marks 2016)
12- ¶;ksxf'pÙko`fÙkfujks/%¸ ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\ fpÙko`fÙk rFkk mlds izHkkoksa dh ;ksx n'kZu ds vuqlkj
O;k[;k dhft;sA What is meant by "yogascittavrttinirodhah"? Explain cittavrtti and its effects
according to Yoga philosophy. (10 Marks 2017)
13- ;ksx n'kZu fdl izdkj ,d oSKkfud] ,d bZ'ojKku&laiUu HkDr vkSj ,d vkReKku&laiUu ;ksxh osQ
fpÙk&Lrjksa dks le>sxk\ vius mÙkj osQ fy, roZQ nhft,A
How would Yoga philosophy comprehend the Citta-levels of a Scientist, a God realized
Devotee and a Self-realized Yogi? Justify your answer. (15 Marks 2019)
14- lEizKkr lekf/ ,oa vlEizKkr lekf/ osQ Hksn dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the difference between Samprajnata Samadhi and Asamprajnata Samadhi.
(10 Marks 2020)
1- ^;ksxf'pÙk o`fÙk fujks/%* ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\ fpÙko`fÙk rFkk mlosQ izHkkoksa dh ;ksx n'kZu osQ vuqlkj O;k[;k
What is meant by ‘yogaschitta vritti nirodhah’? Explain Chittavritti and its effects according
to yoga philosophy. (15 Marks 2018)
2- ;ksx n'kZu esa of.kZr ^v"Vkax&;ksx* ds vkè;kfRed ,oa O;kogkfjd egÙo ij izdk'k Mkfy,A
Throw light upon the spiritual and practical importance of 'Ashtang-yoga' as described in the
yoga philosophy. (15 Marks 2019)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- ;ksx n'kZu esa fpÙk ds Lo:i dks Li"V djsaA Explain the nature of Chitta according to Yoga.
2- ;ksx erkuqlkj lekfèk dk vFkZ D;k gS\ blds Hksnksa dh iw.kZ:is.k O;k[;k djsaA (What is the meaning
of Samadhi according to Yoga. Explain fully its different kinds.)
3- ^fpÙk dh o`fÙk;ksa dk fujksèk gh ;ksx gS* & O;k[;k djsaA ('Yoga is Chittvriti Nirodh' - Explain.)
4- ;ksx dh ik¡p fpÙk&Hkwfe;ksa dh foospuk djsaA (Explain five Chitta-Bhumis according to the Yoga).

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 66
ehekalk% Kku dk fl¼kUr
18 Mimamsa : Theory of Knowledge

1- vFkkZifÙkA (fVIi.kh)A (Arthapatti.) – Notes. (1996)
2- ehekalk rRon'kZu ds eq[; fl¼kUr dk o.kZu djrs gq,] n`'; txr dh okLrfodrk ds lacaèk esa
blds er ij vkykspukRed fopkj dhft,A (While describing the chief tenets of the Mimamsa
metaphysics, critically consider its view in respect of the reality of the phenomenal world.)
3- izR;{kijd =kqfV dk dqekfjy HkV~V dk Li"Vhdj.kA (Kumarila Bhatta's Explanation of perceptual
error.) – Notes. (2001)
4- ehekaldksa ds vuqlkj Lor% izek.;okn D;k gS\ D;k nks"k dk mudk Li"Vhdj.k blls laxr gS\ iwjh rjg
ppkZ dhft,A
What is Svatahpramanyavada according to Mimamsakas? Is their explanation of error
consistent with it? Discuss fully. (2002)
5- ' kCn izek.k dk Lo:i & fVIi.khA (Nature of Sabda pramana) - Short notes. (2007)
6- izek.k ds :i esa vuqiyfCèk & fVIi.khA (Anupalabdhi as a pramana - Short Notes) (2008)
7- uS;kf;dksa dh vkykspuk ls ehekald Lor% izkek.;okn dh j{kk dSls djrs gSa\ foospu dhft,A How
do Mimamsakas defend Svatah Pramanyavada against the Naiyayika criticism? Discuss.
 (20 Marks 2011)
8- ehekalk n'kZu 'kCn&izek.k dks vR;fèkd egRo D;ksa nsrs gSa\ D;k bldk osnksa ls lacaèk gS\ viuh
fVIi.kh nhft;sA Why does Mimamsa give utmost importance to SHABDA-PRAMANA the
verbal testimony? Is it anything to do with Vedas? Give your comments. (15 Marks 2012)
9- izkek.;okn ds fl¼kUr ij ehekalk vkSj U;k; n'kZu ds erksa dk foospu dhft;sA vki buesa ls fdldks
mi;qDr ekurs gSa\ vius mÙkj ds fy;s rdZ nhft;sA Discuss the views of Mimamsa and Nyaya on the
theory of Pramanyavada. Which of them do you find adequate? Give reasons for your answer.
 (15 Marks 2012)
10- ^Jqfr* dks ^izek.k* :i ls Lohdkj djus ds fy, izHkkdj ehekald ds rdks± dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate Prabhakara Mimamsaka's arguments for accepting sruti as pramana.
 (12.5 Marks 2013)
11- fdlh dFku ds ^izkek.;* (oSèkrk@lR;) dk fuèkkZj.k fdl izdkj fd;k tkrk gS\ bl lanHkZ esa] ^ijr%
izkek.;okn* ds fl¼kar dk ijh{k.k dhft,A
How is the pramanya (validity/truth) of a statement determined? Examine, in this context, the
theory of paratah-pramanyavada. (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
12- f dlh oLrq osQ vHkko dks U;k; n'kZu ,oa ehekalk n'kZu esa fdl izdkj tkuk tkrk gS\ foospu dhft,A
How is an absence of an object known according to Naiyayikas and Mimamsakas? Discuss.
 (15 Marks 2014)
13- D ;k vFkkZifÙk izek.k dks vuqeku izek.k esa lekfgr fd;k tk ldrk gS\ ehekalk n'kZu osQ n`f"Vdks.k ls
foospuk dhft,A (Can Arthapatti (postulation) be reduced to Anumana (inference)? Discuss it
from the Mimamsa point of view.) (10 Marks 2014)
14- ^ izek.;okn* ij U;k;&ehekalk n'kZuksa esa oknfookn dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Elaborate Nyaya-Mimamsa debate on Pramanyavada. (20 Marks 2015)
15- ehekaldksa }kjk ^vFkkZifÙk* dks Lora=k izek.k ds :i esa le>us dh D;k rkfdZd vko';drk gS\ foospuk
djsaA (What is the logical necessity for the Mimamsakas to treat ‘Arthapatti’ as an independent
Pramana? Discuss.) (15 Marks 2016)

67 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 16- ehekaldksa ds vuqlkj Kku ds izkek.; fl¼kUr (izkek.;okn) dh O;k[;k dhft;sA U;k; ds izkEkk.; fl¼kar
Notes dh vkykspuk ehekald dSls djrs gSa\
Explain the theory of Validity of Knowledge (pramanyavada) according to Mimamsakas. How
did they criticize the Nyaya theory of Validity? (20 Marks 2017)
17- D;k ^Lo;aizdk'kokn* dh Loho`Qfr vfuok;Zr% ^Lor%izkek.;okn* dh Loho`Qfr mRiUUk djrh gS\ bl lUnHkZ
esa uS;kf;dksa] ehekaldksa ,oa v}Sr osnkfUr;ksa osQ erksa dk o.kZu dhft,A
Does the admission of Svayamprakasavada necessarily lead to the admission of
Svatahpramanyavada? Discuss after the Naiyayikas, the Mimamsakas and the Advaita
Vedantins. (20 Marks 2018)
18- e hekalk fdl izdkj oSfnd Kku dh izkekf.kdrk dks LFkkfir djrk gS\
How does Mimamsa establish the authority of Vedic knowledge? (10 Marks 2019)
19- ehekalk osQ vuqlkj Le`fr] izek D;ksa ugha gS\
Why is memory not a valid knowledge according to Mimamsa? (10 Marks 2020)
1- Lor%izkek.;okn fdls dgrs gSa\ ijr%izkek.;okn ds fojksèk esa iwoZ ehekaldksa ds rdZ dh ijh{kk dhft;sA
(What is self-validity of knowledge? Examine the Purva-Mimamsaka arguments against the
theory of extrinsic validity of knowledge.) (1999)
2- ijr% izkek.;okn ds vkyksd esa Lor% izkek.;okn dh ijh{kk dhft,A (Examine Svatahpramanyavada
in the light of Parataphramanyavada). (2005)
3- ehekalk n'kZu ds vuqlkj Lor%izkek.;okn dh foospuk djsaA (Discuss the self-validation theory
(svatah-pramanyavada) as per the Mimamsa system). (2007)
4- ehekalk n'kZu ds ^Lor% izkek.;okn* dh voèkkj.kk dh foLrkj esa foospuk dhft;sA (Discuss in detail,
the concept of 'Savtahpramanyavad' of Mimasa Philosophy). (2008)
5- ijr% izkek.;okn ds izdk'k esa Lor% izkek.;okn dh ijh{kk dhft,A
Examine Svatahpramanvavada in the light of Paratahprananvavada. (40 Marks 2012)
6- Kku ds lzksr ds :i esa vuqiyfCèk dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain non-apprehension as a source of knowledge. (10 Marks 2015)
7- Kku ds ijr% izkek.;okn ,oa Lor% izkek.;okn ds fl¼kar dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{k.k dhft,A
Explain and examine the theories of extrinsic validity and intrinsic validity of knowledge.
 (10 Marks 2015)
8- ehekalk ds Lor% izkek.;okn dk fu:i.k dhft,A
Determine Svatahpramanyavada of Mimamsa. (10 Marks 2016)
9- ehekalk ds vuqlkj ^oSèk Kku* ds lkèkuksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Discuss the source of valid knowledge as per Mimamsa. (10 Marks 2016)
10- ^izek* vkSj ^vizek* dk Hksn Li"V dhft,A
Distinguish between 'Prama' and 'Aprama'. (15 Marks 2016)
11- Kku osQ ehekalk & fl¼kUr ij izdk'k Mkfy,A
Throw light on the Mimamsa theory of Knowledge. (15 Marks 2017)
12- ehekalk osQ Lor% izek.;okn osQ fl¼kar dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the theory of Svatah Pramanyavada of Mimamsa. (15 Marks 2018)
13- ehekalk n'kZu esa ^izek* ,oa ^izek.k* ij ,d fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
Write a note on 'Prama' and 'Pramana' in the Mimansa philosophy. (15 Marks 2019)
14- ehekalk n'kZu ds vuqlkj izek vkSj vizek ds Hksn dks Li"V dhft,A
Explain difference between Prama from Aprama according to Mimansa Philosophy.
(10 Marks 2020)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 68
laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions) iz'u&laxzg
1- ehekalk ds vuqlkj izek.kksa ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dh O;k[;k djsaA (Explain various 'pramanas' according Notes
to Mimamsa).
2- U;k; vkSj iwoZ&ehekalk ds izek.k lacaèkh fl¼kUrksa dh rqyuk dhft,A (Compare the Nyaya and the
Purva-Mimamsa thesis of Validation).
3- dqekfjy vkSj izHkkdj ds Kku vkSj Hkze ls lacafèkr fopkjksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A (Explain Kumarila's
and Prabhakara's views on Knowledge and Error).
4- v[;kfrokn rFkk vU;Fkk[;kfrokn dh rqyuk ,oa foHksn dhft,A (Compare and contrast Akhyativada
and Anyathakhyativada).
5- iwoZ&ehekalk esa vFkkZifÙk rFkk vuqiyfCèk Lora=k Kku ds lzksr dSls gSa\ bl iz'u dk foospu U;k;&n'kZu
ds Kku ds lzksrksa ds lanHkZ esa dhft,A (How are 'Arthapatti' and 'Anupalabdhi' independent sources
of Knowledge in Purvamimansa? Discuss this questions in the context of Nyaya's sources of
6- ehekalk }kjk LohÑr 'kCn izek.k dh leh{kkRed foospuk djsaA (Discuss critically Sabda Pramana
expected by Mimamsa).
7- ^vfHkfgrkUo;okn* vkSj ^vfUorkfHkèkkuokn* ds chp Hksn dhft,A (Distinguish between
'Abhihitanvayavada' and 'Anvitavidhanvada').
8- vuqiyfCèk vizek dk |ksrd gS ;k izek dk\ µ fVIi.khA (Is Anupalabddhi indicative of Aprama
or of Prama? - Short Notes).

osnkUr laiznk;% czã] bZ'oj] vkReu] tho] txr] ek;k] vfo|k] vè;kl]
eks{k] vi`Fkd flf¼] iapfoèkHksn
19 Schools of Vedanta : Brahman, Isvara, Atman, Jiva, Jagat, Maya, Avidya,
Adhyasa, Moksha, Aprthaksiddhi, Pancavidhabheda

osnkUr (Vedanta)
♦ 'kadj ♦ jkekuqt ♦ eèo
1- ^czã lHkh Hksnksa ls vfuok;Zr% jfgr gS* 'kadj ds bl er dk O;k[;ku vkSj ewY;kadu dhft,A
and evaluate the view of Samkara that the Brahman must be free from all the differences
(bheda) ) (1990)
2- v}Sr osnkUr vkSj fof'k"Vk}Sr osnkUr czã vkSj tho ds lEcUèk dh O;k[;k dSls djrs gSa\ bl lEcUèk ds
ckjs esa muds fl¼kUrksa ds rRoKkukRed fu"d"kks± dk fo'ys"k.k dhft,A (How do Advaita Vedanta and
Visistadvaita Vedanta explain the relation between Brahman and Jiva? Analyse the ontological
implications of their theories of this relationship.) (1991)
3- v}Srokn dk ek;kokn ekè;fed er ds 'kwU;okn dk dqN {kqæ gsjisQj ds lkFk iqudZFku ek=k gSA (fVIi.kh)A
(Mayavada of Advaita is only a re-statement of Sunyavada of the Madhyamika System with
minor modifications.) – Notes. (1992)
4- 'kadj rFkk jkekuqt ds n'kZuksa ds izeq[k vUrjksa dks le>kb;sA
(Bring out the main points of difference
between the philosophies of Samkara and Ramanuja) (1992)
5- U;k; vkSj v}Sr n'kZu esa Hkze dh O;k[;k dSls dh tkrh gS\ dkSu&lh O;k[;k vfèkd ;qfDrlaxr gS vkSj
D;ksa\ (How is error explained in Nyaya and Advaita Philosophy? Which explanation is more
reasonable and why?) (1993)
6- jkekuqt ds vuqlkj HkkSfrd txr dk dkj.k D;k gS\ bl lanHkZ esa muds }kjk v}Sr ds ek;k ds fl¼kUr
69 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg dh vkykspuk ij fopkj dhft,A (What according to Ramanuja is the cause of the material world?
Notes Consider in this connection his critique of the Advaita theory of Maya.) (1994)
7- dHkh&dHkh ;g dgk tkrk gS fd ckS¼ n'kZu dh ekè;fed 'kk[kk ,oa v}Sr osnkUr dk Hksn lrgh
,oa 'kkfCnd gSA D;k vki bl fopkj ls lger gSa\ bl lUnHkZ esa ekè;fed 'kk[kk ,oa v}Sr osnkUr
ds eq[; Kkuehekalh; ,oa rRoehekalh; fl¼kUrksa dh rqyuk dhft,A (It is sometimes said that the
difference between Madhyamika School of Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta is only superficial
and verbal. Do you agree with this view? Compare in this context the chief episte-mological
and metaphysical tenets of the madhyamika school and of Advaita Vedanta.) (1995)
8- 'kadj dk ek;k dk fl¼kUrA (fVIi.kh)A (Samkara's doctrine of Maya.) – Notes. (1996)
9- jkekuqt ds vuqlkj czã ds Lo:i dk foospu dhft,A os 'kadj ls fdl rjg erHksn j[krs gSaA
(Give an
account of the nature of Brahman according to Ramanuja. How does he differ from Samkara?)
10- jkekuqt ds vuqlkj czã ds Lo:i dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk tho rFkk czã ds lEcaèk dk foospu
djsaA (Explain the nature of Brahman according to Ramanuja and discuss the relationship of
Brahman with Jiva.) (1998)
11- ekèo osnkUr dk vkykspukRed fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A
(Give a critical account of Madhva Vedanta.)
12- eks{k ds Lo:i fo"k;d 'kadj ds er dh O;k[;k dhft,A muds erkuqlkj deZ vkSj Kku dk eks{k ls
D;k lEcUèk gS\ vius mÙkj ds leFkZu esa rdZ nhft,A (Explain Samkara's Conception of Moksha.
What, in his view, is the relation of karma and Jnana to Moksha? Justify your answer.)(1999)
13- 'kadj dh ek;k dh ladYiuk ds fo#¼ jkekuqt }kjk mBkbZ xbZ vkifÙk;ksa dh leh{kk dhft,A (Explain
critically the objections raised by Ramanuja against Samkara's concept of Maya.) (2000)
14- osnkar ds }Sr ra=k esa iapHksn ds fl¼kUr dks crkb;s vkSj mldk ijh{k.k dhft,A (State and examine
the doctrine of Pancabheda in the Dvaita system of Vedanta.) (2000)
15- jkekuqt dh ;qfDr;ksa ds vkèkkj ij 'kadj ds eks{k ds fo'ys"k.k dk ewY;kadu dhft,A (Evaluate
Samkara's analysis of Moksha in the light of Ramanuja's arguments.) (2001)
16- ek;kokn dk jkekuqt dk [k.MuA (fVIi.kh)A (Ramanuja's Refutation of Mayavada.) – Notes.
17- fVIi.kh & ek;k dh v}Sr ladYiuk dh jkekuqt dh vkykspukA
(Ramanuja criticism of advaita
concept of Maya) - Notes.(2003)
18- 'kadj }kjk tho ds Li"Vhdj.k dk o.kZu dhft,A D;k is'k fd;k x;k vkSfpR; izfriknu rdZlaxr gS\
Li"V dhft,A (Describe Sankara's explanation of jiva. Is the justification offered rational?
Explain) (2003)
19- fVIi.kh & ekèko dh ^eks{k* dh ladYiukA (Madhva's conception of Moksha) – Notes. (2004)
20- jkekuqt ds n'kZu dks ^fof'k"V v}Sr* D;ksa dgk tkrk gS\ iwjh rjg ls ppkZ dhft,A (Why is Ramanuja's
philosophy called Visistadvaita? Discuss fully. (2004)
21- ekèko ds vuqlkj ^czãu~*] ^tho* vkSj ^txr* dh izÑfr & fVIi.khA (The nature of Brahman, Jiva
and Jagat according to Madhva- short notes). (2005)
22- 'kadj dh ^vè;kl* dh ladYiuk dks lqLi"V dhft,A
(Elucidate Sankara's conception of Adhyasa).
23- 'kadj ds ek;kokn dk ijh{k.k dhft, & fVIi.khA (Examine Sankara's Mayavada) - Short Notes.
24- v kpk;Z jkekuqt dh rRoehekalk (Metaphysics of Acharya Ramanuja) ij ppkZ dhft,A (2006)
25- lxq.k rFkk fuxqZ.k czã esa Hksn dk fooj.k nhft, vkSj ppkZ dhft,A (State and explain the difference
between Saguna and Nirguna Brahman). (2007)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 70
26- txr dh izfLFkfr ij 'kadj ds fopkj vkSj mlds izfr jkekuqt dh vuqfØ;k dks Li"V dhft,A (Explain iz'u&laxzg
Sankara's view on the status of Jagat and Ramanuja's response to it). (2008)
27- vè;kl & fVIi.kh dhft,A (Adhyasa - Short Notes) (2009)
28- jkekuqt dh èkeZHkwrKku dh ladYiuk 'kadj dh Lo:iKku dh ladYiuk ls fdl ckr esa fHkUu gS\ Li"V
dhft,A How is Ramanuja’s concept of Dharmabhutajnana different from Sankara’s concept of
Svarupajnana? Explain. (150 Words 2010)
29- D;k 'kadj dh vè;kl dh ladYiuk rkfdZd gS ;k fd euksoSKkfud\ ppkZ dhft,A
Is Sankara’s concept of Adhyasa logical or psychological? Discuss. (150 Words 2010)
30- ¶'kadj vkSj jkekuqt nksuksa gh vius&vius izfrKkuksa esa rks lgh gSa] ijUrq vLohdj.kksa esa xyr gSA¸ bl
dFku dk lekykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft,A “ Both Sankara and Ramanuja are right in their
affirmations but wrong in their denials” Critically evaluate. (300 Words 2010)
31- D;k vki jkekuqt ds bl fopkj ls lger gSa fd czã dk Li:i lfo'ks"k gS\ vius mÙkj ds fy;s rdZ
Do you agree with Ramanuj’s view that the nature of Brahman is qualified? Give reasons for
your answer. (15 Marks 2012)
32- 'kadj ds foorZokn ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k;s vkSj mls izHkkoksa dk foospu dhft;sA
Write a note on Shankara’s Vivartavada and discuss its implications. (15 Marks 2012)
33- v}Sr osnkUr esa ^ek;k* vkSj vfo|k dks vfuoZpuh; D;ksa dgk tkrk gS\ Li"V dhft;sA
Explain why Maya and Avidya are considered as Anirvacaniya (indescribable) in Advaita
Vedannta? (15 Marks 2012)
34- vgadkj dh voèkkj.kk rFkk osnkUr n'kZu esa bldh Hkwfedk dks le>kb;sA
Explain the notion of ego or ahankara and its role in the doctrine of Vedanta.(15 Marks 2012)
35- D;k v}Sr osnkar esa ^bZ'oj* vkSj ^czã* dh ladYiuk,¡ ,d gh ;FkkFkZrk dks |ksfrr djrh gS\
Do the concepts of Ishvara and Brahman signify the same reality in Advaita Vedanta?
 (12 Marks 2012)
36- ^ek;k* ds 'kadj ds fl¼kar dh jkekuqt dh ehekalk dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate Ramanuja's critique of Samkara's theory of Maya. (200 Words, 12.5 Marks 2013)
37- 'kadj ds i'pkr~ czkã.k ds Lo:i y{k.k vkSj rVLFk y{k.k ds chp foHksnu dhft,A
Distinguish between Svarupa laksana and Tatastha laksana of Brahman after Sankara.
 (200 Words, 12.5 Marks 2013)
38- ikap izdkjksa ds foHksnksa (iapfoèkkHksn) dk o.kZu dhft,A ekèko ds fl¼kar ds fy, muds nk'kZfud egRo
ij izdk'k Mkfy,A
Describe the five types of differences (Panchavidhabheda). Bring out their philosophical
significance for Madhva's theory. (200 Words, 12.5 Marks 2013)
39- ^deZ ugha] ijarq dsoy Kku eks{k rd igqapk nsrk gSA* ('kadj)A D;k vki lger gSa\ vius mÙkj dks lgh
fl¼ dhft,A 'Not karma, but knowledge alone leads to Moksha.' (Samkara). Do you agree?
Justify your answer. (200 Words, 12.5 Marks 2013)
40- ^czã* (ije) ls ^bZ'oj* dk fdl izdkj foHksnu fd;k tk ldrk gS\ bu nks ladYiukvksa esa ls dkSu
lh ladYiuk nk'kZfudr% csgrj gS\
How can lshvara (God) be distinguished from Brahman (Absolute)? Which of the two concepts
are philosophically better? (2013)
41- viuh rRoehekalk osQ fodkl esa 'kadj osQ n'kZu }kjk ^vè;kl* dh voèkkj.kk dh egÙkk dks Li"V dhft,A
Bring out the significance of the concept of Adhyasa in Sankara's philosophy to develop his
metaphysics. (10 Marks 2014)
42- ' kadj] jkekuqt ,oa eèo osQ n'kZu esa czã dh izÑfr fdl izdkj ls fHkUUk gS\ vkykspukRed foospu dhft,A
How does the Nature of Brahman differ in the philosophy of Sankara, Ramanuja and Madhya?
Discuss critically. (20 Marks 2014)

71 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 43- ' kadj vkSj jkekuqt ds n'kZu eas] czã dh voèkkj.kk ds chp lkE; vkSj oS"kE; crkb,A
Notes Compare and contrast the notion of Brahman in Sankara and Ramanuja. (20 Marks 2015)
44- iapfoèkkHksn Pancavidhabheda. (10 Marks 2015)
45- bZ'oj ds lanHkZ esa 'kadj fLFkfr dk ewY;kadu djsaA
Evaluate Sankara’s position on Ishvara. (10 Marks 2016)
46- 'kadj] jkekuqt vkSj ekèko ds }kjk foospuh; ^czãu~* dh voèkkj.kk dk vkykspukRed fooj.k izLrqr
djsaA Give a critical exposition of the concept of ‘Brahman’ as discussed by Sankara, Ramanuja
and Madhava. (15 Marks 2016)
47- foorZokn ,oa ifj.kkeokn ds chp dk;Zdkj.k&Hkko ds lanHkZ esa Li"V djsa rFkk bu fl¼kUrksa ds vkyksd
esa 'kadj ,oa jkekuqt] txr~ dh fLFkfr (Status) ds lEcU/ esa dSls fHkUu er j[krs gSa] O;k[;k dhft;sA
Distinguish between Vivartavada and Parinarnavada with reference to causation and explain
how in the light of these theories Sankara and Ramanuja differ on the status of the world.
 (15 Marks 2017)
48- bZ'oj ds izfr jkekuqt ds laizR;; dh O;k[kk dhft;s vkSj mu dfBukb;ksa dh tk¡p dhft;s tks HkkSfrd
nzO; ,oa fpr~ dh bZ'oj ds lkFk laca/ dh O;k[;k djrs le; muds lkeus vk;hA
Explain Ramanuja's conception of God and examine the difficulties he faced in explaining the
relation of God to matter and spirit. (15 Marks 2017)
49- 'kadj }kjk izfrikfnr ^ek;k* osQ fl¼kUr dk jkekuqt oSQls [k.Mu djrs gSa\ jkekuqt ,oa 'kadj nksuksa dks
vius&vius fl¼kUrksa dh LFkkiuk osQ fy, ^ek;k* dh D;ksa vko';drk gS\ foospu dhft,A
How does Ramanuja refute the doctrine of Maya as propounded by Sankara? Why is Maya
needed by both Ramanuja and Sankara to established their doctrines? Discuss.
 (15 Marks 2018)
50- v}Sr osnkUr n'kZu esa ^czã* dh vo.kZuh;rk (vfuoZpuh;rk) ,oa ^ek;k* dh vo.kZuh;rk (vfuoZpuh;rk)
esa D;k Hksn gS\ foospu dhft,A
What is the difference between the indescribability (Anirvacaniyata) of Brahman and the
indescribability (Anirvacaniyata) of Maya in the Advaita Vedanta system? Discuss.
 (10 Marks 2018)
51- ^fof'k"Vk}Sr*] ^}Sr*] ^'kq¼k}Sr* ,oa ^vfpUR;HksnkHksn* n'kZuksa esa ikbZ tkus okyh ^eks{k* dh ladYiuk dk
,d rqyukRed fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A
Give a comparative exposition of the concept of Moksa as found in the systems of Visistadvaita,
Dvaita, Suddhadvaita and Acintyabhedabheda. (20 Marks 2018)
52- v
}Srokn osQ rÙoehekalh; fujis{kokn osQ rkfoZQd ifj.kkeksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the logical consequences of the metaphysical absolutism of Advaitism.
 (20 Marks 2019)
53- }Sr osnkUr esa iapfo/ Hksn osQ egÙo dks n'kkZb,A
Point out the significance of the five-fold differences in the Dualistic School of Vedanta.
(10 Marks 2020)
54- fuEckoZQ osQ vuqlkj vfpr~ osQ Lo:i ,oa izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the nature and types of matter according to Nimbarka. (10 Marks 2020)
55- v}Srokn osQ vuqlkj tho ,oa tho&lk{kh osQ Lo:i ,oa laca/ dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the nature and relationship of Jiva and Jiva-saksi according to non-dualism.
(15 Marks 2020)
1- 'kadj vkSj jkekuqt ds vuqlkj vkRek vkSj czã ds lacaèk dh leh{kk djsaA (Examine the relation
between Atman and Brahman according to Shankare and Ramaunja.) (1990)
2- 'kadj ds vuqlkj ijerRo ds Lo:i dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk jkekuqt ds ijerRo ls mldk Hksn crykb;sA
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 72
(Explain the nature of Supreme Reality according to Sankara and distinguish it with that of iz'u&laxzg
Ramanuja.) (1991)
3- 'kadjkpk;Z ds vuqlkj czã ds Lo:i dk foospu dhft, ,oa ek;k ls mldk lEcUèk crkb;sA (Discuss
the nature of Brahman and its relation to Maya according to Shankaracharya.) (1992)
4- [;kfr&lEcUèkh fofHkUu Hkkjrh; erksa dk leh{kkRed foospu dhft,A vkidks dkSu&lk fl¼kUr vfèkd
rdZlaxr yxrk gS\ (Critically discuss the different Indian theories of error (Khyati). Which one
of the views seems to be logically more consistent to you? (1993)
5- ijerRo ds Lo:i ds fo"k; esa 'kadj ,oa jkekuqt ds erksa dk rqyukRed fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A
a comparative description of the views of Samkara and Ramanuja regarding the nature of
Supreme Reality.) (1994)
6- ijekFkZ rFkk O;ogkj ds chp tks Hksn v}Sr osnkUr esa fuèkkZfjr fd;k x;k gS og inkFkZ rRo ds Lo:i
ij D;k izdk'k Mkyrk gS\ vkykspukRed foospu dhft,A (What light does the distinction between
parmartha and vyavahara, as drawn in the Advaita Vedanta, throw on the nature of reality?
Discuss critically.) (1995)
7- vkReu~ ds Lo:i fo"k;d v}Sfrd er ds [k.MukFkZ U;k; rdZ dh ijh{kk dhft;sA (Examine the
Nyaya arguments against the Advaitic view of the nature of Atman). (1996)
8- jkekuqt ds Kkuehekalh; oLrqokn dh ijh{kk dhft,A (Examine Ramanuja's epistemological
realism.) (1996)
9- v}Sfrd [;kfrokn ds [k.MukFkZ uS;kf;d rdks± dk ewY;kadu dhft,A (Evaluate the Nyaya Criticism
of the Advaitic theory of error. (1996)
10- eks{k ds Lo:i ds fo"k; esa 'kadjkpk;Z dk er dk ewY;kadu djsaA Evaluate Sankaracharya's
conception of Moksha. (1997)
11- 'kadj ds ek;kokn dh O;k[;k djsa rFkk muds [k.MukFkZ jkekuqt ds rdZ dh ijh{kk djsaA (Explain
Sankara's Mayavada and examine Ramanuja's arguments against it.) (1997)
12- 'kadj ds vuqlkj txr ds Lo:i dh foospuk dhft,A muds fo:¼ izPNUu ckS¼ gksus ds vkjksi dh
ijh{kk dhft,A (Discuss the nature of the world according to Samkara and examine the charge
of being Crypto Buddhist against him) (1998)
13- jkekuqt ds ¶vi`Fkdflf¼¸ fl¼kUr dk ewY;kadu dhft;sA
(Evaluate Ramanuja's theory of
14- 'kadjkpk;Z ds erkuqlkj eks{k ds Lo:i dh foospuk dhft,A (Discuss Samkaracharya's conception
of Moksha.) (1999)
15- ek;k ds Lo:i fo"k;d 'kadj ds er ds fojksèk esa jkekuqt ds rdZ dk ewY;kadu dhft,A (Evaluate
Ramanuja's critique of Sankara's Conception of Maya.) (2000)
16- txr~ ds Lo:i ,oa mldh ;FkkFkZrk ds fo"k; esa 'kadj ds er dh leh{kkewyd foospuk dhft,A
(Discuss critically Samkara's view regarding the nature and reality of Jagat.) (2001)
17- jkekuqt ds fof'k"Vk}Sr ds fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k dhft,A os blds i{k esa D;k rdZ nsrs gSa\ (Explain
Ramanuja's theory of Visistadvaita. What are his arguments in its supports?) (2001)
18- ek;k fo"k;d 'kadj ds er ds fo:¼ jkekuqt ds rdZ dk ewY;kadu dhft;sA (Evaluate Ramanuja's
argument against Sankara's theory of Maya.) (2002)
19- 'kkÄïj osnkUr esa txr~&feF;kRo dh ;qfDr;qDrrk dk foospu dhft,A (Discuss the legitimacy of
Jagat-Mithyatwa in the Vedanta of Sankara.) (2003)
20- vè;kl D;k gS\ 'kadjkpk;Z blds fo'ys"k.k dks vko';d D;ksa ekurs gSa\ Li"V dhft,A
(What is Adhyasa (superimposition)? Why does Sankara treat its analysis as essential?
Explain). (2004)
21- ek;k fo"k;d 'kadj ds er ds fo#¼ jkekuqt ds rdZ dk ewY;kadu dhft,A (Evaluate Ramanuja's
argument against Samkara's theory of Maya). (2006)

73 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 22- jkekuqt ,oa eèo ds n'kZuksa esa bZ'oj rFkk tho ds chp ds lacaèk dk fu:i.k djsaA (Bring out the
relation between God and Soul in the systems of Ramanuja and Maddhva). (2007)
23- 'kadj ds ek;kokn dks Li"V djrs gq, jkekuqt }kjk mldk izR;k[;ku izLrqr dhft;sA (While clarifying
the Mayavada of Sankara present its criticism by Ramanuja). (2008)
24- 'kadjkpk;Z us czã dks txr~ dk l`f"V&fLFkfr&lagkjdÙkkZ fdl izdkj fl¼ fd;k gS\ le>kb;sA
How does Sankara prove Brahman as the creator, sustainer and destroyer of the world?
Explain. (Main-Special 2008)
25- 'kadj ds ^txr~&feF;kRo* fl¼kUr ij izdk'k Mkfy, rFkk tho ,oa txr~ ds chp ds lacaèk dk fu:i.k
dhft,A Throw light on the 'Jagat-Mithyatva' theory (falsity of the world) of Shankara and
illustrate the relation between Jiva and Jagat (Soul and World). (2009)
26- e èo dh }Sroknh rRo ehekalk dks le>kb,A (Explain Madhva's dualistic metaphysics). (2010)
27- fuxqZ.k czã fo"k;d 'kadj ds er ds fo#¼ jkekuqt ds rdks± dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate Ramanuja's arguments against 'Samkara's theory of Nirguna Brhman. (2011)
28- ek;k&fo"k;d 'kadj ds er ds fo#¼ jkekuqt ds rdks± dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate Ramanuja's agruments against Sankara's theory of Maya. (40 Marks 2012)
29- 'kadj izPNUu ckS¼ gSa] bl dFku ds i{k vFkok foi{k esa rdZ izLrqr dhft,A
Argue either for or against the view that Sankara is Crypto-Buddhist. (40 Marks 2013)
30- 'kadj ,oa jkekuqt ds eks{k&fo"k;d fopkjksa dh rqyuk dhft,A
Compare the views of Sankara and Ramanuja concerning liberation. (40 Marks 2014)
31- 'kadj ds ^ek;kokn* dh vkykspukRed foospuk dhft,A
Critically discuss 'Mayavada' of Sankara. (15 Marks 2015)
32- jkekuqt ds vuqlkj czã ds Lo:i dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the nature of Brahma according to Ramanuja. (15 Marks 2015)
33- eèo ds }Sroknh rRoehekalk dks le>kb,A
Explain Madhva's dualistic metaphysics. (10 Marks 2015)
34- ^vfo|k dk vHkko gh eks{k dk iz;kl gSA* 'kadj ds bl dFku dks Li"Vr% le>kb,A Clarify
Shankara's statement that, the 'absence of Avidya is the effort of liberation'. (15 Marks 2016)
35- jkekuqt us 'kadj ds ek;kokn ij D;k vkis{k mBk;s gSa\
What objection are raised by Ramanuja against Shankara's Mayavada. (15 Marks 2016)
36- eèo ds vuqlkj eks{k izkfIr ds lkèku D;k gSa\
What are the means for attainments of Liberation as per Madhva. (10 Marks 2016)
37- 'kadjkpk;Z osQ ek;k&fl¼kUr dh leh{kkRed fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A
Give a critical account of the doctrine of Maya of Sankaracharya. (10 Marks 2017)
38- ije~ lr~ osQ Lo:i osQ lEcU/ esa 'kadjkpk;Z ,oa jkekuqtkpk;Z osQ erksa dh rqyuk dhft,A
the views of Sankaracharya and Ramanujacharya regarding the nature of ultimate reality.
 (15 Marks 2017)
39- jkekuqtkpk;Z osQ vuqlkj eks{k dh O;k[;k dhft,A ;g 'kadjkpk;Z osQ eks{k ls fdl izdkj fHkUu gS\ Explain
liberation according to Ramanujacharya. How does it differ from that of Sankaracharya?
 (15 Marks 2017)
40- eèo osQ vuqlkj txr osQ Lo:i dh Li"V O;k[;k dhft,A Explain clearly the nature of Jagata
according to Madhva. (10 Marks 2017)
41- 'kadj dk n'kZu ^v}Srokn* D;ksa dgk tkrk gS\ muosQ vuqlkj bZ'oj fopkj dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Why is Sankara’s philosophy called ‘Advaitavad’? Explain according to him the conception of
God.(15 Marks 2018)
42- jkekuqt us 'kadj osQ ek;kokn dk [k.Mu fdl izdkj fd;k gS\
How does Ramanuja refute the Mayavad of Sankara? (10 Marks 2018)
43- 'kadj vkSj jkekuqt osQ czã fopkj esa Hksn crykb;sA
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 74
Distinguish between the Brahman of Sankara and that of Ramanuja. (15 Marks 2018) iz'u&laxzg
44- eèo osQ vuqlkj lr~ osQ Lo:i dh O;k[;k dhft,A Notes
Explain the nature of reality according to Madhva. (10 Marks 2018)
45- 'kadjkpk;Z ds vuqlkj ^czã* ,oa ^vkRek* ds Lo:i ,oa lEcU/ ij izdk'k Mkfy,A
Elaborate upon the nature and relation between 'Brahman' and 'Aatman' according to
Shankaracharya.(15 Marks 2019)
46- 'kadjkpk;Z ,oa jkekuqt ds eks{k lEcU/h fopkjksa dh rqyuk dhft,A
Compare the views of Shankaracharya and Ramanuja regarding 'Moksha'. (10 Marks 2019)
47- 'kadjkpk;Z ds ek;k fl¼kUr dk leh{kkRed fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A
Give a critical account of the Doctrine of Maya of Shankaracharya. (15 Marks 2020)
48- eèokpk;Z ds txr fo"k;d fopkj ij izdk'k MkysaA
Illuminate the view of Madhavacharya regarding world. (10 Marks 2020)
49- 'kadjkpk;Z ds vuqlkj ^ek;k* dh fo'ks"krkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the characteristics of 'Maya' according to Shankaracharya. (15 Marks 2020)
laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)
1- fVIi.kh & v}Sr osnkUr esa thou eqfDrA (Jivanmukti' in Advaita Vedanta) - Notes.
2- v}Sr osnkUr ds vuqlkj txr lR; gS vFkok feF;k\ iw.kZr;k le>kb,A ('World' according to Advaita
vedant, is real or unreal? Elaborate completely).
3- 'kadj ds vuqlkj czã ds Lo:i dh O;k[;k dhft,A czã rFkk bZ'oj esa D;k Hksn gS\ (Explain the
nature of Brahman according to Shankar. How are 'Brahman' and 'Ishwar' different?)
4- ;g le>kb;s fd 'kadj fdl vFkZ esa txr dks feF;k dgrs gSa\ (Clarify that in what sense does
Shankar call this world 'mithya'?)
5- D;k txr Hkze gS\ bl lanHkZ esa 'kadj vkSj jkekuqt ds er dh foospuk djsaA (Is the world and illusion?
Discuss this with reference to the views of Samkara and Ramanuja).
6- 'kadj ds vuqlkj czã ds Lo:i dk fu:i.k dhft,A D;k os nks ^czã* ds vfLrRo esa fo'okl djrs
gSa\ (Discuss the nature of Brahman according to Samkara. Does he believe in the existence of
two Brahmans).
7- 'kadj vkSj jkekuqt ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa osnkUr ds fodkl dk la{ksi esa foospu dhft,A
(Briefly discuss
the development of Vedanta with special reference to Samkara and Ramanuja).
8- jkekuqt 'kadj }kjk fn;s x;s czã fopkj dks D;ksa Lohdkj ugha djrs\
9- txr ds Lo:i ds lacaèk esa 'kadj] jkekuqt ,oa eèo ds erksa dh foospuk djsaA
10- czã&tho lacaèk ds lanHkZ esa 'kadj] jkekuqt ,oa eèo ds erksa dh foospuk djsaA
11- v}Sr dk D;k vFkZ gS\ (What is the meaning of non-dual).
12- czã ds rVLFk y{k.k vkSj Lo:i y{k.k esa vUrj djsaA (Distinguish between neutral and intrinsic
characters of Absolute).
13- izkfrHkkfld] O;kogkfjd vkSj ikjekfFkZd lÙkkvksa esa Hksn djsaA (Distinguish between apparent,
empirical and absolute realities).
14- 'kadj dks izPNUu ckS¼ D;ksa dgrs gSa\ (Why Samkara is called disguised Baudha)
15- eks{k ls lacafèkr 'kadj ,oa jkekuqt ds erksa dh rqyuk viuh ojh;rk dks bafxr djrs gq, dhft,A
(Indicating your preference, compare the views of Samkara and Ramanuja concerning
16- v}SrosnkUr ds vuqlkj vkRek ds Lo:i dh O;k[;k djsaA bldh voLFkkvksa ,oa dks'kksa dk mYys[k djsaA
(Explain the nature of self according to Advaita Vedanta. Enumerate stages and Koshas of self.
17- Define Maya as conceived in sankara vedanta. Compare and contrast it with samkhya Prakriti.

75 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
vjfoan% fodkl] izfrfodkl] iw.kZ ;ksx
Notes 20 Aurobindo : Evolution, Involution, Integral Yoga

Jh vjfoUn (Sri Aurobindo)

1- fodkl vkSj izfrfodkl dh Jh vjfoan dh ladYiukA (Sri Aurobindo's conception of evolution and
involution). (2008)
2- iratfy ds ;ksx dh vjfoan }kjk izfrikfnr lekdfyr ;ksx ds lkFk] lekurk vkSj vlekurk ds fcanqvksa
dks Li"Vrk ds lkFk mtkxj djrs gq, rqyuk dhft,A ( Compare Patanjali's Yoga with the Integral
Yoga expounded by Aurobindo, bringing out clearly points of similarity and dissimilarity).
3- Jh vjfoUn ds n'kZu esa fodkl vkSj izfrfodkl fdl izdkj ls ,d nwljs ls lacafèkr gSa\
How are evolution and involution related in Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy? (150 Words 2010)
4- ^varxzZlu fodkl dh iwokZis{kk gSA* fo'o izfØ;k esa varxzZlu dh Hkwfedk dh O;k[;k dhft,A
‘Involution is the presupposition of Evolution.’ Explain the role of involution in the world
process. (15 Marks 2012)
5- O;fDr ds vkè;kfRed fodkl ds ekè;e ls fo'o eks{k dh Jh vjfoan dh ladYiuk dks Li"V dhft,A
Explain Sri Aurobindo's conception of cosmic salvation through spiritual evolution of the
individual. (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
6- J h vj¯on dk iw.kZ ;ksx fdl izdkj ikraty ;ksx dk fodflr :i gS\ foospu dhft,A How is Sri
Aurobindo's integral yoga an advancement over Patanjala yoga? Discuss. (15 Marks 2014)
7- J h vjfoan dk iw.kZ ;ksxA Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga. (10 Marks 2015)
8- ^fodkl* vkSj ^vUryZ;u* lEcUèkh vjfoan ds fopkjksa dh foospuk djsaA ;s fdl izdkj ikjEifjd ;ksx
n'kZu ls fHkUu gSA
Discuss Aurobindo’s views on ‘Evolution’ and ‘Involution’. How do they differ from traditional
Yoga Philosophy? (20 Marks 2016)
9- vfrekufld psruk dh vuqHkwfr esa Jh vjfoUn dk lexz;ksx dSls lgk;d gS\ foospuk dhft;sA
How does Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga help in the realization of supra mental consciousness?
Discuss. (15 Marks 2017)
10- JhvjfoUn osQ vuqlkj fodkl D;k gS\ muosQ n'kZu esa of.kZr f=kfo/ :ikUrj.k osQ izoQz e vkSj izKkuh izk.kh osQ
Lo:i dk foospu dhft,A
What is Evolution according to Sri Aurobindo? Describe the process of triple transformation
and the nature of gnostic being in his philosophy. (15 Marks 2018)
11- vjfoUn osQ n'kZu dh rÙoehekalh; ;kstuk esa vfrekul dh vf}rh; fLFkfr dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the unique position of the Supermind in the metaphysical scheme of Auroindo's
philosophy. (15 Marks 2019)

12- ,d lEHkkouk ,oa vifjgk;Zrk osQ :i esa ^fnO; thou* ls vjfoUn dk D;k rkRi;Z gS\
What does Aurobindo mean by ‘life divine’ as a possibility and inevitability?
(20 Marks 2020)
laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)
1- iw.kZ ;ksx ij fVIi.kh fy[ksaA (Write a Short Notes on the Synthesis of Yoga).
2- Jh vjfoUn ds fodkl&fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k djsaA (Explain Shri Aurobindo's theory of Evolution).
3- Jh vjfoUn ds vuqlkj vojksg.k vkSj vkjksg.k ds inksa dk o.kZu djsa & fVIi.khA (Describe the steps
of descent and ascent according to Shri Aurobindo - Short Notes).
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 76
vU; (Others)
1- Hkkjrh; n'kZu ds :f<+oknh vkSj foiafFkrkoknh] nksuksa gh izdkj ds fofHkUu lEiznk;ksa ds vkRek vkSj mlds
eks{k fo"k;d fofHkUu erksa ds lkE; vkSj oS"kE; dks izLrqr dhft,A (Compare and contrast the various
views on the nature of the self and its liberation in the various schools of Indian philosophy,
both orthodox and heterodox. (1997)
2- Hkkjrh; n'kZu'kkL=k esa dkj.kokn ds fofHkUu fl¼kUrksa dk mYys[k ,oa ewY;kadu dhft,A (State and
evaluate the various theories of causation in Indian philosophy.) (1997)
3- Hkkjrh; fopkjèkkjk ds fofHkUu laiznk;ksa esa ikbZ tkus okyh dk;Zdkj.kHkko ladYiuk dk rqyukRed fooj.k
izLrqr dhft,A (Give a comparative account of the concept of causation as found in the various
schools of Indian thought.) (2000)
4- ^tcfd ukfLrd n'kZu bZ'oj ds vfLrRo dks iw.kZr;k vLohdkj dj nsrs gSa] vkfLrd n'kZu bZ'oj ds
vfLrRo dks dsUnzh; fLFkfr iznku djrs gq, izrhr ugha gksrs gSaA* bl fVIi.kh dks Li"V dhft, vkSj bldk
ewY;kadu Hkh dhft,A ('While the Nastika Darshanas reject outrightly the existence of God, the
Astika Darshanas do not seem to accord central position to his existence.' Explain and evaluate
critically the remark.) (2002)
5- f pjlEer Hkkjrh; ijEijk esa ;FkkFkZrk osQ fl¼karksa es] dk;Zdj.k dk fl¼kar fdl rjg osaQnzh; Hkwfedk
fuokZg djrk gS\ foospu dhft,A How is the theory of causation central to the theories of Reality
in classical Indian tradition? Discuss. (20 Marks 2014)
6- D;k ^vkReokn* dk fl¼kUr vkèkqfud oSKkfud o rdZ ds ;qx ds ifjizs{; esa Lohdk;Z gS\ Hkkjrh; n'kZu
ds lanHkZ esa bldh leh{kk djsaA Is the doctrine of ‘Self’ acceptable in the modern age of science
and reason? Examine the view in the light of Indian Philosophy. (15 Marks 2016)
1- izkek.;okn lacaèkh fofHkUu fl¼kUrksa dh ijh{kk djsaA (Examine the different theories of the validity
of knowledge (Pramanyavada).) (1990)
2- izek ds fofHkUu y{k.kksa dk fo'ys"k.k ,oa ewY;kadu dhft, rFkk izkek.; lEcUèkh fookn dk leh{kkRed
foospu dhft,A (Analyse and evaluate the various definitions of Prama and discuss critically
the controversy regarding the validity of Knowledge. (Pramanya). ) (1991)
3- ^lRdk;Zokn* dks Li"V dhft;s rFkk ifj.kkeokn ,oa foorZokn esa vUrj crykb,A (Explain clearly
'Satkaryavada' and distinguish between Parinamavada and Vivartavada.) (1991)
4- izek.;okn lEcUèkh fofHkUu fl¼kUrksa dk foospu dhft,A (Discuss the different theories of the
validity of knowledge (Pramanyavada).) (1992)
5- D;k Hkkjrh; n'kZu esa thou vkSj txr~ dk fu"ksèk izfrikfnr fd;k x;k gS\ vius mÙkj ds i{k esa rdZ
izLrqr dhft,A (Has Indian Philosophy propounded the negation of life and world? Give reasons
to support of your answer.) (1993)
6- Hkkjrh; n'kZu ds izeq[k dkj.krk&fl¼kUrksa dh Li"V O;k[;k dhft, vkSj mu ij viuk ewY;kadu
dhft,A (Explain clearly the main theories of causation in Indian philosophy and give your
own estimate of them.) (1993)
7- [;kfr&lEcUèkh fofHkUu Hkkjrh; erksa dh leh{kkRed foospuk dhft,A vkidks dkSu&lk fl¼kUr vfèkd
rdZlaxr yxrk gSA Critically discuss the different Indian theories of error (Khyati) Which one
of the views seems to be logically more consistent to you? (1993)
8- izek ds y{k.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk izkek.;okn lEcUèkh fofHkUu fl¼kUrksa dk foospu dhft,A
(Explain the definition of Prama and discuss the various theories of Pramanyavada.) (1994)

77 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 9- D;k vki bl er ls lger gSa fd Hkkjrh; n'kZu esa uhfr fopkj ds fy, dksbZ LFkku ugha gSA mi;qZDr
Notes ;qfDr;ksa lfgr mÙkj nhft,A (Do you agree with the view that there is no room for ethics in Indian
Philosophy? Support your answer with suitable arguments.) (1995)
10- ^Hkkjr esa n'kZu O;fDr vkSj lekt ds thou ls tqM+k gS] dksjk Kku ek=k ugha gSA* foospuk dhft,A
('Philosophy in India is integrated with the life of both the individual and society, It is not mere
knowledge." Discuss.) (1996)
11- ^Hkkjrh; n'kZu dksjk vkè;kReokn gS* foospu djsa vkSj vius er ds i{k esa rdZ nsaA (Indian Philosophy
is nothing but spiritualism. Comment and Justify your view.) (1997)
12- Hkkjrh; n'kZu dh izeq[k fo'ks"krk,¡ lqLi"V dhft;s vkSj blds fo:¼ ijyksdoknh gksus ds nks"kkjksi.k dh
ijh{kk dhft;sA (Bring out the salient features of Indian Philosophy and examine the charge of
being other worldly against it.) (1998)
13- deZokn dks Hkkjrh; n'kZu dk es#n.M D;ksa tkuk tkrk gS\ le>kb;sA (Why is the Karma theory
treated as the spinal cord of Indian Philosophy? Explain.) (1999)
14- Lor% izek.;okn ds fy, fn;s x;s rdZ dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A (Explain and examine the
arguments for self-validity of knowledge.) (2000)
15- L or% izkek.;okn & fVIi.kh fyf[k;sA (Svatahpramanyavada – Notes.) (2001)
16- ijr%izkek.;okn ds izdk'k esa Lor%izkek.;okn dh ijh{kk dhft;sA (Examine Svatahpramanyavada
in the light of Paratahpramanyavada.) (2002)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- ehekalk ds v[;kfrokn dh rqyuk jkekuqt ds lr~[;kfrokn ls dhft,A (Compare Mimamsa's
'Akhyativada' with Ramanuj's 'Satkhyativada').
2- Kku ds Lo:i ,oa izkek.; ij U;k; ,oa ehekalk ds erksa dh rqyuk dhft,A (Compare the views of
Nyaya and Mimasa on the nature and validity of knowledge).
3- Hkkjrh; n'kZu dh :f<+oknh i¼fr rFkk :f<+eqDr i¼fr esa foHksn dhft;sA (Distinguish between
Orthodox system and Non-orthodox system of Indian Philosophy).
4- gsRokHkkl rFkk [;kfrokn esa foHksn dhft,A D;k nksuksa fdlh u fdlh izdkj dh xyrh ls lEc¼ gSa\
(Distinguish between Hetvabhasa and Khyativada. Are they both error-related?)


iratfy ifCyds'kUl 78
lkekftd&jktuhfr n'kZu Notes


lkekftd ,oa jktuSfrd vkn'kZ% lekurk] U;k;] Lora=krk

1 Social and Political Ideals : Equality, Justice, Liberty

lekurk (Equality)
1- dqN mnkjoknh jktuhfrd fopkjdksa ds vuqlkj lkekftd ,oa vkfFkZd vlekurk dsoy bl 'krZ ij
U;k;ksfpr gS fd mudk ykHk lekt ds fuEurj Lrj ds lnL;ksa dks feyrk gSA D;k ;g fopkj mnkjokn
ds O;fDr&Lokra=; dh lS¼kafrd fgek;r ds lkFk laxr gS\ foospu dhft,A (According to some
Liberal Political thinkers social and economical inequalities can be justified only if they work
to the advantage of the least advantaged members of society. Is this view consistent with
Liberalism's cardinal advocacy of individual freedom? Discuss). (2007)
2- lerk vkSj Lora=krk ds chp ds lacaèk ij fVIi.kh dhft,A
(Comment on the relationship between equality and freedom. (30 Marks 2009)
3- Lora=krk vkSj lerk ds chp ds lEcUèk dh izÑfr ij ppkZ dhft,A
Discuss the nature of relationship between liberty and Equality. (150 Words 2010)
4- ¶ lerk dk vFkZ izR;sd ds lkFk le cjrko djuk ugha gSA¸ ppkZ dhft,A
"Equality does not mean treating everyone equal." Discuss. (10 Marks 2015)
5- yksdrkaf=kd lerk vkSj lerk dh ekDlZoknh /kj.kk ds chp ekSfyd fHkUurk ds fofHkUUk i{kksa ij ppkZ
Discuss the different aspects of the fundamental distinction between democratic equality and
the Marxian notion of equality. (10 Marks 2017)
6- D;k lkekftd U;k; ds laj{k.k ds uke ij ekDlZokn O;fDrxr Lora=krk dks izfrcfU/r djrk
gS\ foospuk dhft,A Does Marxism curb individual freedom in the name of protecting social
justice? Discuss. (20 Marks 2017)
1- lekurk dh èkkj.kk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, rFkk bl èkkj.kk dk U;k; dh èkkj.kk ls lacaèk] ;fn dksbZ gS]
rks og Hkh Li"V dhft,A
Analyze the idea of equality and show its relation. If any, to the concept of justice. (2001)
2- fVIi.kh & lerk ds vkn'kZ dk rc rd dksbZ fuf'pr dysoj ;k varoZLrq fuèkkZfjr ugha fd;k tk ldrk
tc rd fd bls jktuhfr ,oa lekt ds fdlh O;kid fl¼kUr ds varxZr lekfgr u fd;k tk,A
(Unless the ideal of equality is embedded within a broader theory of politics and society, it can
be given no specific content.) – Notes. (2004)
3- lekurk ds lEizR;; dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, rFkk lekurk vkSj U;k; ds ikjLifjd lacaèkksa dk foospu
dhft,A (Analyze the concept of equality and discuss the relationship between equality and
justice). (2008)
4- lekurk ds fofoèk i{kksa dks mnkgj.k lfgr le>kb;sA
Explain with example the various dimensions of equality. (15 Marks 2016)
5- lkekftd U;k; dk vkn'kZ D;k gS\ D;k ;g lekurk osQ vf/dkj dk mYya?ku djrk gS\ foospu dhft,A
What is the ideal of social justice? Is it violate the right to equality? Discuss. (15 Marks 2017)

79 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 6- lkekftd&jktuhfrd vkn'kZ osQ :i esa ^lekurk* dh vo/kj.kk dh foospuk dhft,A
Notes Discuss concept of ‘Equality’ as a socio-political ideal. (15 Marks 2018)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- ¶ge bl lR; dks Lohdkj djrs gSa fd lc euq"; leku cuk, x, gSaA¸ µ vesfjdh Lora=krk dk
?kks"k.kk&i=kA (fVIi.kh)A ("We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal."
(American Declaration of independence) - Notes.
2- ¶lekurk dk vFkZ leku tuksa ds lkFk leku vkSj vleku tuksa ds lkFk vleku O;ogkj djuk gSA¸ &
vjLrwA (fVIi.kh)A ("Equality stands for equal treatment with equals and inequal treatment with
unequals." - Aristotle). Short Notes.

U;k; (Justice)
1- U;k; dh voèkkj.kk dks izk;% forj.kkRed ,oa izfrdkjh (retributive) U;k; esa
foHkkftr fd;k tkrk gSA bl Hksn dh O;k[;k dhft, ,oa ftl vkèkkj ij ;g Hksn fd;k tkrk gS]
mldk vkykspukRed foospu dhft,A (The notion of justice is usually divided into distributive
and retributive justice. Explain the distinction and critically discuss the grounds on which the
distinction is made.) (1998)
2- U;k; dk vFkZ gS ;ksX;rkuqlkj izfriQy izkIr djukA tks O;fDr lekt dks ftruk nsrk gS mlh ds vuq:i
izfriQy dk og Hkkxh gSA lekt dks vfèkd nsus okyk O;fDr ml O;fDr ls vfèkd izfriQy dk Hkkxh
gS tks lekt dks mlls de nsrk gSA fdlus lekt dks fdruk fn;k] bldks fuèkkZfjr djus dk ,dek=k
fu"i{k rjhdk gS fd yksx lkewfgd :i ls eqDr cktkj ds ekè;e ls bls fuf'pr djsaA vr,o eqDr
cktkj U;k; izkfIr dk ,dek=k rjhdk gSA D;k vki mi;qZDr er ls lger gSa\ vius mÙkj dks izfrikfnr
Consider the following argument: Justice means getting what one deserves. A person who
contributes more to society deserves more than a person who contributes less to society. The
only fair way to determine how much a person has contributed to society is to let people as
a whole decide through free market. Therefore, free market is the only way to attain justice.
3- U;k; ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\ bldh izkI;rk dh D;k vfuok;Z ,oa i;kZIr n'kk;sa gksrh gSa\ foospu dhft;sA
What is meant by justice? What are the necessary and sufficient conditions for its availability?
Discuss. (2002)
4- lkekftd U;k; izkfIr dk ,d ek=k lkèku eqDr&cktkj vFkZO;oLFkk gS & fVIi.khA
Free-market economy is the only way to attain social justice. - Short notes. (2007)
5- ^U;k; leoxks± ds lkFk leoxks± dh Hkkafr vkSj vleoxks± ds lkFk vleoxks± dh Hkkafr cjrko djuk gSA*
fVIi.khA 'Justice is treating equals as equals and unequals as unequals.' - Short Notes. (2008)
6- U;k; dh voèkkj.kk dk vkèkkjHkwr fopkj fu"i{krk gSA ppkZ djsaA The Fundamental idea of the
conception of justice is fairness. Discuss. (20 Marks 2011)
7- D;k lkekftd fyax HksnHkko ds eqís U;k; fu"i{krk ds fopkj ls fuLrkfjr fd, tk ldrs gSa\ ppkZ djsaA
Can issues relating to gender discrimination be met by the conception of justice as fairness?
Discuss. (20 Marks 2011)
8- vkids vuqlkj U;k; dk dkSu&lk fl¼kUr tkfr HksnHkko dh leL;k dk lekèkku djus esa lokZfèkd lgk;d
gksxk vkSj D;ksa\ Which principle of justice can, in your view, be most helpful in addressing the
issues related to caste discrimination and why? (20 Marks 2011)
9- vjLrw dh U;k; dh voèkkj.kk le>kb, vkSj mldk ewY;kadu dhft,A Explain and evaluate
Aristotle’s conception of justice. (Not more than 250 words, 15 marks 2013)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 80
10- ^fu"i{k U;k;* ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ jkWYl ds U;k; ds fl¼kar ds ewy fcanqvksa dks le>kb,A iz'u&laxzg
What is meant by justice as fairness’? Explain the basic tenets of Rawls’ theory of justice. Notes
 (Not more than 250 words, 15 marks 2013)
11- U;k; ds izfr veR;Z lsu vkSj jkWYl dh lksp esa D;k varj gS\
How is Amartya Sen’s approach to justice different from that of Rawls? (2013)
12- ^U;k;* dh ehekalk ds :i esa] veR;Z lsu ds ^uhfr* ds fl¼kar dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss Amartya Sen's principle of 'Niti' as a critique of 'Nyaya'. (15 Marks 2014)
13- j kmYl ds vuqlkj lqO;ofLFkr lekt U;k; dh tu voèkkj.kk }kjk izHkkoh :i ls fu;fer gksrk gSA D;k
vki blls lger gSa\ dkj.k Li"V dhft,A
A well-ordered society , according to Rawls, is effectively regulated by a public conception of
justice. Do you agree? Give reasons. (10 Marks 2016)
14- Hkkjrh; yksdra=k esa U;k; dh ladYiuk ij ekDlZ] xka/h vkSj veR;Z lsu fdl gn rd lger ;k vlger
gS\ foospuk dhft,A
How far do Marx, Gandhi and Amartya Sen agree and disagree on the concept of justice in the
Indian democracy? Discuss. (15 Marks 2017)
15- vkiosQ fopkj esa] tkWu jkWYl IysVks dh U;k; dh ladYiuk dks fdl lhek rd tkjh j[ks gq, gS\
far do you think John Rawls is continuing with Plato's concept of justice?)
 (150 Words/10 Marks 2019)
1- U;k; ds laizR;; dks lqLi"V dhft, rFkk U;k; ,oa lekurk ds lacaèk dh foospuk djsaA
Elucidate the concept of justice and discuss the relationship between justice and equality.
2- ¶U;wure cfgosZ'ku U;k; dh fu"i{krk dh iwoZ 'krZ gS¸µ lkekftd U;k; ds fl¼kUr ds fo'ks"k lUnHkZ esa
bl dFku dh O;k[;k dhft;sA "Minimum exclusion is the pre-condition of justice as fairness".
– Explain this statement with special reference to the theory of social justice. (2008)
3- lkekftd U;k; ds vkn'kZ dh O;k[;k dhft,A D;k ;g lekurk ds fl¼kUr dk mYya?ku djrk gS\
foospu dhft,A
Explain the ideal of social justice. Does it violate the principle of equality? Discuss.(2010)
4- fu"i{k U;k; fl¼kar dk dFku ,oa ijh{k.k dhft,A
State and examine the theory of Justice as fairness. (40 Marks 2013)
5- tkWu jkWYl ds U;k; fl¼kar dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate John Rowl's theory of justice.  (15 Marks 2016)
6- IysVks osQ U;k; fl¼kar dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate Plato's theory of justice. (15 Marks 2017)
7- ^forj.kkRed U;k;* vkSj ^izfrdkjh U;k;* osQ chp foHkktu osQ vk/kj ij ,d vkykspukRed fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
Write a critical note on the ground of the distinction between ‘Distributive justice’ and
‘Retributive justice’. (15 Marks 2018)
8- tkWu jkWYl ds ^foHksn ds fl¼kUr* ij ,d vkykspukRed fVIi.kh fyf•,A
Write a critical note on the John Rawl's difference principle. (15 Marks 2018)
9- U;k; ds vkn'kZ rFkk lekt esa bldh Hkwfedk dh foospuk djsAa
Illustrate the ideal of justice and its role in the society. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- jkWYl dk U;k; fl¼kUr & fVIi.khA (Rawl's theory of justice) - short notes.
2- ^vkSfpR; dks gh U;k; dgrs gSa* & bl er dh O;k[;k djsaA (Explain the theory of 'Justice as
81 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 3- ¶lkE;okn U;k; ls ijs gSA¸ fVIi.khA ("Communism is beyond justice." - Short notes).
Notes 4- ¶U;k; fu"i{krk ds :i esa¸ ("Justice are fairness.") & tkWu jkWYlA fVIi.khA
5- ¶U;k; iqjLdkj dk fl¼kUr u gksdj {kfriwfrZ dk fl¼kUr gS¸ & jkWYlA (fVIi.kh)A ("Justice is not an
ethic of rewards but an ethic of redress." - Rawls. Short notes).
6- ¶ftu jkT;ksa esa U;k; ugha jg tkrk] os Mkdqvksa ds >q.M ek=k dgs tk ldrs gSa¸ & lUr vkxLVkbuA
(fVIi.kh)A ("Set justice aside then, and what are kingdoms but fair thevish purchases" - St.
Augustine. Short notes).
7- ¶U;k; gh og vafre fl¼kUr gS tks Lora=krk vkSj lekurk vkSj bu nksuksa ds fofoèk nkoksa ds chp rky&esy
mRiUu djrk gS¸ & ckdZjA (fVIi.kh)A ("The final principle is justice, which balances and thus
reconciles the different claims." - Barker. Short notes).
8- ¶U;k; ds vfèkÑrrk dk fl¼kUr¸ (Theory of entitlement of justice)A & uksftd (fVIi.kh)A
9- U;k; ds vjktdrkoknh fl¼kUr dh vkykspukRed foospuk djsa (fVIi.kh)A (Examine critically
Anarchist Theory of Justice) - Short Notes.

Lora=krk (Liberty)
1- Lora=krk & (fVIi.kh)A (Write Critical notes on Liberty.) (1997)
2- Lora=krk ij ts-,l-fey dk fopkj & (fVIi.kh)A (J.S. Mill on liberty.) – Notes. (2000)
3- dqN fopkjd Lora=krk ds nks ijLij vifjorZuh; vFkksZ] ^fu"ksèkkRed* Lora=krk ,oa ^ldkjkRed* Lora=krk
esa foHksnu djrs gSaA bl foHksnu dh O;k[;k ,oa ewY;kadu dhft,A (Some thinkers distinguish
between two mutually irreducible senses of freedom and "positive" freedom. Explain and
critically consider the distinction.) (2001)
4- fVIi.kh & ^ls Lora=krk* vkSj ^dh Lora=krk* ijLij vuU; gSaA ('Freedom from' and 'freedom to' are
mutually exclusive) - Notes. (2003)
5- fVIi.kh & Lora=krk lalkj ls eqfDr ds :i esaA (Freedom as liberation from Samsara) - Notes.
6- oS;fDrd Lora=krk ds vkn'kZ ds izfr lektokn ,oa mnkjokn] nksuksa dh Lo&?kksf"kr izfrc¼rk ds ckotwn
bu fopkjèkkjkvksa ds chp ;g vkn'kZ?kksj fookn dk elyk gSA D;ksa\ foospu dhft,A (Despite their
self-proclaimed commitment to the ideal of individual freedom, this ideal is one of the most
contentious issues between socialism and liberalism. Why? Discuss).(2004)
7- dnkfpr fu"ksèkkRed Lora=krk pquus dh Lora=krk dks rks lqfuf'pr dj ldrh gS] ijUrq fcuk fdlh
fo'oluh; Hkjksls ds fd ,slh Lora=krk dk okLrfod lEiknu gksxkA & fVIi.khA (Negative freedom
can, perhaps, ensure freedom to choose, but without any credible assurance for its actual
fulfilment) - Short notes. (2007)
8- ¶ HkkbZpkjk vkSj Lora=krk ds fcuk lerk dk dksbZ ewY; ugha gksxkA¸ foospuk dhft,A
"Equality will be of no value without fraternity and liberty." Discuss. (15 Marks 2015)
9- D ;k Lora=krk vkReKku izkfIr ds fy, ldkjkRed ,oa leku volj gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Is liberty a positive and equal opportunity of self-realization? Discuss. (15 Marks 2016)
10- ¶Lora=k Hkk"k.k ds vfèkdkj esa U;k;ikfydk dh izkekf.kd Lora=krk varfuZfgr gS vkSj ;g mls dk;Zikfydk
ls iw.kZr% vyx djrk gSA¸ ewY;kadu dhft,A
“The right of free speech implies the genuine independence of the judiciary and its complete
separation from the executive.” Evaluate. (20 Marks 2016)
11- D;k Lora=krk] lerk dks ifjlhekvksa esa cka/rh gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
Does liberty put limitations of equality? Discuss. (15 Marks 2019)
12- D;k vk/qfud izkS|ksfxdh; lekt esa ^eqfDr* dh ladYiuk izkI; gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A
Is the concept of ‘liberty’ realizable in the modern technological society? Explain.

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 82
(10 Marks 2020) iz'u&laxzg
UPPCS . Notes
1- Lora=krk dh voèkkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk U;k; ,oa Lora=krk ds lacaèk dk foospu dhft,A
Explain the concept of liberty and discuss the relationship between justice and liberty.(1999)
2- Lora=krk ds lkekftd&jktuhfrd vkn'kZ ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ vkids er esa dkSu&lh jktuhfrd
O;oLFkk Lora=krk ds jktuhfrd vkn'kZ dks lokZfèkd :i ls lqfuf'pr djrh gS\ (What do you
understand by socio-political ideal of Liberty? In your opinion which political system does
ensure political ideal of liberty maximally). (2004)
3- L ora=krk & fVIi.khA (Liberty - Short Notes) (2007)
4- Lora=krk ds vkn'kZ dh O;k[;k dhft,A Lora=krk rFkk U;k; esa D;k lacaèk gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Explain the ideal of liberty. How are liberty and justice related? Discuss. (2011)
5- Lora=krk ds fofHkUu izdkj D;k gS\ Lora=krk dh j{kk ds mik; D;k gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A What are the
different types of Liberty? How can liberty be safeguarded? Explain. (40 Marks 2014)
6- ukxfjd Lora=krk rFkk vkfFkZd Lora=krk ,d&nwljs ds iwjd gSaA foospu dhft,A
Civil liberty and Economic liberty are supplementary of each other. Discuss.(10 Marks 2015)
7- D;k O;fDrxr Lora=krk jktuSfrd vkn'kZ ds :i esa vfuok;Z gS\ rdZ lfgr mÙkj fnft,A
Is individual freedom acceptable as political ideal? Answer with argument. (10 Marks 2016)
8- D;k lekurk vkSj Lora=krk ,d nwljs osQ ijLij fojks/h gS\ roZQ lfgr mÙkj nhft,A
Are equality and liberty opposed to each other? Answer with arguments. (10 Marks 2017)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- ¶euq"; vius 'kjhj] efLr"d vkSj vkRek ij laizHkq gS¸ & fey (fVIi.kh)A ("Man is Sovereign over
his body, mind and soul" - Mill)- Short notes.
2- ¶euq"; Lora=k mRiUu gksrk gS ysfdu loZ=k og caèkuksa esa tdM+k gqvk gS\¸ & :lksA (fVIi.kh)A ("Man
is born free but everywhere he is in chains" - Rousseau) - Short notes.
3- ¶euq"; Lora=k gksus ds fy, vfHk'kIr gS\¸& vfLrRookn (lk=kZ)A (fVIi.kh)A ("Man is condemned to
be free"- Existentialism) - Short notes.
4- ¶Lora=krk lHkh izdkj ds izfrcaèkksa dk vHkko ugha vfirq vuqfpr izfrcaèkksa ds LFkku ij mfpr izfrcaèkksa
dh O;oLFkk gS¸ & eSdsUth (fVIi.kh)A ("Freedom is not the absence of all restaints but rather the
substitution of rational ones for the irrational" - Mackenzie) Short notes.
5- D;k ;g dguk lgh gS fd ¶LorU=krk iw.kZ jkT; ds iw.kZ dkuwuksa ds iw.kZ ikyu esa fufgr gSA¸ vius mÙkj
dks Li"V dhft,A ("Is it correct to say that "freedom consists on the perfect obedience to the
perfect laws of the perfect state." Explain your answer clearly.
6- ¶fey [kks[kyh Lora=krk vkSj vewrZ O;fDr dk elhgk gSA¸ & ckdZjA (fVIi.kh)A ("Mill is the prophet
of empty liberty and abstract individual." - Borker. Short notes.
7- ¶Lora=krk ls rkRi;Z neuewyd 'kfDr dk vHkko vkSj fodklewyd 'kfDr dh mifLFkfr gSA¸ fVIi.kh dhft,A
("Freedom means absence of extractive power and existence of developmental power."(Notes)
8- ¶Lora=krk dk ewY; fujUrj lrdZrk gSA bl dFku dh O;k[;k djsa¸A ("External vigilance is the price
of Liberty" - Discuss this Statement)
9- ¶Lora=krk yksdra=k dh vko';d 'krZ gS¸A

izHkqlÙkk% vkfLVu] cksnk¡] ykLdh] dkSfVY;

2 Sovereignty : Austin, Bodin, Laski, kautilya

laizHkqrk (Sovereignty)
83 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 1- l aizHkqrk ij dkSfVY; & (fVIi.kh)A (Write critical notes on Kautilya on 'Sovereignty'.) (1997)
Notes 2- cksnk¡ ds fujis{k (Absolute) izHkqlÙkk ds fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k dhft,A iztkrkaf=kd izHkqlÙkk dh rqyuk esa
jktra=kh; (monarchical) izHkqlÙkk dks ojh;rk nsus ds fy, mudk D;k rdZ Fkk\ bl lanHkZ esa fopkj
dhft, fd D;k mudh vfoHkkT; izHkqlÙkk dh odkyr lafoèkkuokn ij muds fo'okl ds lkFk laxfriw.kZ
Fkh\ (Explain Bodin's principle of absolute sovereignty. What was his argument for preferring
monarchical sovereignty over democratic sovereignty? Consider in this context whether
his advocacy of undivided sovereignty was consistent with his belief in constitutionalism.)
3- ^'kfDr (power) gh laizHkqrk dk fuèkkZjd rRo gSA* vkWfLVu ds bl er dk vkykspukRed foospu
izLrqr dhft,A (Give a critical account of Austin's view that power is the determining factor of
sovereignty.) (1999)
4- lEizHkqrk dh voèkkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft,A bl lanHkZ esa bl dFku dh vkykspukRed leh{kk dhft, fd
lEizHkqrk vlhfer ,oa rdZr% vfoHkkT; gSA (Explain the notion of sovereignty. Critically consider,
in this context, the claim that sovereignty is illimitable and logically indivisible). (2006)
5- dkSfVY; dh izHkqrklaiUu jkT; dh ^lIrkax* fFk;ksjh & fVIi.khA Kautilya's Saptanga theory of
Sovereign State - Short Notes. (2008)
6- lEizHkqrk ij cksnk¡ vkSj vkWfLVu ds fopkjksa dh rqyuk dhft, & fVIi.khA Compare Bodin's and
Austin's views on sovereignty - Short Notes. (2009)
7- dkSfVY; dk ;g fopkj D;ksa Fkk fd izHkqrk lksikfud gksrh gS\ Li"V dhft,A
Why did Kautilya think that sovereignty is hierarchical? Explain. (150 Words 2010)
8- D;k izHkqrk dh cksfMu dh fFk;ksjh ^gok esa rSjrh gS*\ lekykspukiwoZd ijh{k.k dhft,A
Does Bodin’s theory of sovereignty ‘float in the air’? Critically examine. (200 Words 2010)
9- dkSfVY; ds laizHkqrk ds lIrkax fl¼kUr ,oa cksnk¡ ds jkT; ds laizHkqrk ds fl¼kUr dh rqyuk djsaA
Compare and contrast Kautilya’s Saptanga Theory of the Sovereign State with Bodin’s theory
of Sovereignty. (15 Marks 2011)
10- vkWfLVu] cksfMu vkSj ykLdh esa ls dkSu laizHkqrk dh ladYiuk ds vius fo'ys"k.k esa lcls vfèkd laxr
gS\ Who amongst Austin, Bodin and Laski, is the most consistent in his analysis of the concept
of sovereignty? (12 Marks 2012)
11- t kWu vkWfLVu ds lEizHkqrk ds fl¼kUr ds egÙo dks Li"V dhft,A ;g gkWCl ds fl¼kUr ls fdl izdkj
fHkUu gS\ Explain this significance of John Austin's theory of sovereignty. How does it differ
from that of Hobbes? (10 Marks 2014)
12- ¶'kfDr Hkz"V cukrh gS] iw.kZ 'kfDr iw.kZ:is.k Hkz"V cukrh gS¸µbl dFku dk rdZ is'k djrs gq, fo'ys"k.k
dhft,A Analyse the statement with reasons that "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts
absolutely". (20 Marks 2014)
13- l aizqHkrk dh gSjkWYM ykLdh dh ehekalk dh foospuk dhft,A
Explain Harold Laski's critique of sovereignty. (10 Marks 2015)
14- ¶ laizHkqrk ukxfjdksa rFkk iztk ij loksZPp 'kfDr gS] tks fofèk }kjk ifjckfèkr ughas gS¸ foospuk dhft,A
“Sovereignty is the supreme power over citizens and subjects, unrestrained by law”. Discuss.
 (10 Marks 2016)
15- fdu vkèkkjksa ij ySLdh us laizHkqrk ls lac¼ vkWfLVu dh voèkkj.kk dh vkykspuk dh\
On what grounds does Laski criticize Austin’s concept of sovereignty? (15 Marks 2016)
16- ppkZ dhft, fd D;k lEizHkqrk dh dkSfVY; dh ladYiuk LosPNkpkjh 'kklu esa ifjofrZr gks tkrh gSA
cksfMu dh ladYiuk ls ;g fdl gn rd rqyuh; gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Discuss whether Kautilya's concept of sovereignty turns into a despotic rule. How far is it
comparable to Bodin's Concept? Discuss. (15 Marks 2017)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 84
17- ^n.M&uhfr* osQ vkyksd esa] dkSfVY; dh laizHkqrk dh ladYiuk ij ppkZ dhft,A iz'u&laxzg
Discuss Kautilya’s concept of sovereignty in the light of ‘Danda-neeti’. (10 Marks 2018) Notes
18- laizHkqrk ij ykLdh osQ fopkj dk] jktuhfrd fFk;ksjh esa ,d larks"ktud fLFkfr osQ :i esa] lekykspukRed
ewY;kadu dhft,A (Critically evaluate Laski’s view on sovereignty as a satisfactory position in
political theory.) (15 Marks 2018)
19- ppkZ dhft, fd vkWfLVu dh laizHkqrk dh ladYiuk dkSfVY; dh laizHkqrk dh ladYiuk osQ lkFk dgk¡ rd
esy [kkrh gSA (Discuss how far does Austin's concept of sovereignty go along with Kautilya’s
concept of sovereignty.) (20 Marks 2019)
20- cksfnu osQ laizHkqrkoknh fl¼kar osQ egÙo dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the importance of Bodin’s theory of sovereignty. (10 Marks 2020)
21- oS'ohdj.k osQ dky esa laizHkqrk osQ fl¼kar dh izklafxdrk dks vfHkO;Dr ,oa mldh O;k[;k dhft,A
State and explain the relevance of the doctrine of sovereignty in times of globalization.
(15 Marks 2020)
1- izHkqrk ds fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft;s rFkk tura=k ds fl¼kUr ls bldh rqyuk dhft;sA
Explain and examine the principle of sovereignty and compare it with that of democracy.
2- l oZlÙkkRed jkT; dh èkkj.kk & (fVIi.kh)A (Write short notes on Concept of sovereignty.)(2001)
3- lEizHkqrk ds izR;{k dh O;k[;k dhft,A ledkyhu Hkkjrh; jktO;oLFkk esa lEizHkq dkSu gS vkSj D;ksa\
(Explain the concept of sovereignty. Who is sovereign in the contemporary Indian political
system and why). (2003)
4- l EizHkqrk & fVIi.khA (Sovereignty - Short Notes) (2007)
5- ^yksd laizHkqrk* ds fl¼kar dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A
Explain and examine the theory of 'Popular Sovereignty'  (2014)
6- foospu dhft, dh lEizHkqrk jkT; dk ,d vfuok;Z rRo gSA
Sovereignty is an essential element of State. Explain. (2015)
7- vkWfLVu ds laizHkqrk fl¼kar dh O;k[;k vkSj leh{kk dhft,A
Explain and examine Austin's theory of sovereignty. (15 Marks 2016)
8- lEizHkqrk dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy,A
Elaborate the major characteristics of sovereignty. (15 Marks 2017)
9- ^'kfDr gh lEizHkqrk dk fu/kZjd rÙo gS*] vkfLVu osQ bl er dh vkykspukRed fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
Write a critical note on Austin’s view that, ‘Power is the determining factor of sovereignty’.
(10 Marks 2018)
10- ,dy lEçHkqrk fl¼kUr ds fo#¼ nh xbZ çeq• ;qfDr;ksa dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the main arguments against monestic theory of sovereignty. (15 Marks 2019)
11- jktuSfrd vkn'kZ ds :i esa lEizHkqrk dh leh{kk djsaA
Analyse sovereignty as an political ideal. (10 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- tkWu vkWfLVu dks ^ldkjkRed dkuwu* vkSj ^fuf'pr lEizHkqrk* dk firk dgk tkrk gSA D;k ;g dFku lR;
gS\ foLrkj ls crkb,A (John Austin has been called the father of 'Positive Law and 'Determinate
Sovereignty'. Does the statement go correct? Explain fully).
2- ¶fofèk lEizHkq dk vkns'k gSA¸ & vkfLVuA (fVIi.khA) ("Law is the command of Sovereign" -
Austin. Short notes).

85 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 3- ¶lEizHkqrk jkT; dh loksZPp bPNk gSA¸& foyksch (fVIi.khA ("Sovereignty is the supreme will of the
Notes state" - Willoughby. Short notes).
4- ¶lEizHkqrk ,d laiw.kZ oLrq gSA mls foHkkftr djuk mls u"V djuk gSA ftl izdkj ge ,d v¼Z&oxZ
vFkok v¼Z&f=kHkqt dh dYiuk ugha dj ldrsA mlh izdkj vkèkh vFkok frgkbZ lEizHkqrk dh dYiuk
ugha dh tk ldrhA¸ & dSyguA (fVIi.kh)A
"Sovereignty is an entire thing. To divide it, is to destroy it. We might just as well speak of half
a square or half a triangle an half sovereignty." - Calhoun. Short notes.
5- ¶rF;r% vkSj fofèkr% lEizHkqrkA¸ fVIi.khA ("De facto and de jure sovereignty" - Short notes).
6- ¶lEizHkqrk dh èkkj.kk oS'ohdj.k ds nkSj esa VwV pqdh gSA¸ fVIi.khA ("The concept of sovereignty has
broken down in the era of globalization". Short notes).
7- ¶;fn dksbZ fuf'pr ekuo Js"B] tks Lo;a fdlh mPp lÙkkèkkjh dh vkKkikyu dk vH;Lr ugha gS] fdlh
lekt ds vfèkdka'k Hkkx ls vius vkns'kksa dk ikyu djokrk gS rks ml lekt esa og fuf'pr ekuo
Js"B izHkqRo'kfDr lEiUu gksrk gS rFkk og lekt ml fuf'pr ekuo Js"B lfgr jktuhfrd vkSj Lora=k
lekt gSA¸ & vkfLVuA (fVIi.kh)A
"If a determinate human superior, not in the habit of obedience to a like superior, receives
habitual obedience from the bulk of given society, that determinate superior is the sovereign
in the society and the society including the sovereign is a society political and independent."
- Austin. (Notes).
8- cksnka ds laizHkqrk fl¼kUr dh vkWfLVu ds laizHkqrk fl¼kUr ds lkFk rqyuk dhft,A
9- laizHkqrk lacafèkr cgqyoknh fl¼kUr dk o.kZu djsaA blds xq.k vkSj nks"kksa dk mYys[k djsaA
the pluralistic theory of Sovereignty or Pluralism. What are the defects and good points in it?)

O;fDr ,oa jkT;% vfèkdkj] dÙkZO; ,oa mÙkjnkf;Ro

3 Individual and State : Rights, Duties and Accountability

O;fDr ,oa jkT; (State and Individual)

1- ^O;fDr u dsoy?kVd gS] cfYd og jkT; ds fodkl esa va'knku djus okyk ,d egRoiw.kZ?kVd gSA*
Li"V dhft, vkSj ijh{kk dhft,A (The individual is not merely a constituent, but a significant
constituent contributing to the development of the State.' Explain and examine.) (1997)
2- ^ge jkT; dh vkKk dk ikyu blfy, djrs gSa D;ksafd jkT; varr% gekjh gh vkRek dk lPps vFkks± esa
izfrfufèk gSA* jkT; dh mi;qZDr voèkkj.kk ds izdk'k esa O;fDr rFkk jkT; ds lacaèk dk foospu dhft,A
("We obey the state because in the end it most truly represents ourselves." Discuss the relation
of the individual and the state in the light of the above concept of the state.) (1999)
3- jkT; rFkk O;fDr dh ekaxsa D;k okLro esa vkil esa Vdjkrh gSa\ foospu dhft,A (Are the claims of
the State and the Individual really mutually conflicting? Discuss.) (2000)
4- ¶jkT; ^ewrZ Lora=krk dh okLrfodrk* gSA¸ & fVIi.khA ("State is the actuality of concrete freedom'."
- short notes). (2005)
5- ¶jkT; lHkk ds vkfèkiR; dks Lohdkjuk ml dÙkZO; ls vlaxr gS ftlds vuqlkj Lora=krk dk vuqdj.k
djuk euq";&tkfr dk ije dÙkZO; gSA¸ & jkWcVZ ikWy oqYiQ (fVIi.kh)A ("Acceptance of authority
of the state is inconsistent with the highest duty of mankind, the duty to act autonomously." -
Robert Paul Wolff (Short Notes). (2006)
6- ^jkT; lÙkk ds vkfèkiR; dks Lohdkjuk euq"; tkfr ds ml mRd"kZ drZO; ls vlaxr gS ftlds vuqlkj
¶Lok;Ùkrk¸ dk vuqdj.k djuk mldk drZO; gSA* & fVIi.khA ('Acceptance of authority of the state
is inconsistent with the highest duty of mankind, "the duty to act autonomously".' (Robert Paul
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 86
Wolff) - Short notes. (2007) iz'u&laxzg
7- D;k vfèkdkjksa dk vko';d :i ls fufgrkFkZ rnuq:i nkf;Roksa dk gksuk gS\ izkFkfed :i ls nkf;Ro Notes
fdlds izfr gksrs gSa & O;fDr ds ;k fd jkT; ds\ ppkZ dhft,A (Do rights necessarily imply
corresponding obligations? To whom does one primarily own obligations - individuals or
State? Discuss). (2008)
8- ¶vfèkdkj vkSj dÙkZO; ,d&nwljs ds iwjd gksrs gSaA¸ Li"V dhft, & fVIi.khA "Rights and duties are
complementary." Explain (2009)
9- D;k tokcnsgh vko';d :i ls uSfrd iw.kZrk esa ;ksxnku nsrh gS\ vius fopkj jf[k,A
Does Accountability necessarily contribute to moral perfection? Offer your views.- Short
Notes. (150 Words 2010)
10- vkids fopkj esa fdl izdkj O;fDr& mnkjoknh ;k lektoknh& jkT; dks vfèkd 'kfDr'kkyh cukus esa
vis{kkÑr vfèkd ;ksxnku ns ldrk gS\ Which type of individual, according to you, can contribute
more to strengthen the State- a liberalist or a socialist? (200 Words 2010)
11- tura=k esa ukxfjd dks D;k dHkh Hkh dkuwu ds mYya?ku dk uSfrd vfèkdkj gksrk gS\ ukxfjdksa ds lfou;
voKk ds vfèkdkj ij ppkZ djsaA (In a Democracy does a citizen ever have the moral right to
break a law? Discuss citizens right to civil disobedience). (15 Marks 2011)
12- D;k ukxfjdksa dks dÙkZO;ksa ds fcuk vfèkdkj izkIr gks ldrs gSa\ mnkgj.kksa lfgr ppkZ djsaA
Can citizens
have rights without duties? Discuss with examples. (20 Marks 2011)
13- dkaV }kjk fn, x, dÙkZO; ds laiw.kZ ,oa vlaiw.kZ nkf;Ro ds fl¼kUr dh ppkZ djsaA Discuss Kants’s
distinction between duties of perfect and imperfect obligation. (20 Marks 2011)
14- D;k ge ukxfjdksa ds vfèkdkjksa dks muds dÙkZO;ksa ls fo;ksftr dj ldrs gSa\
Can we dissociate rights of citizens from their duties? (12 Marks 2012)
15- H kkjrh; lafoèkku esa ukxfjdksa ds drZO;ksa ds lekos'k dk D;k egRo gS\ What is the significance of
including duties of citizens in the Indian Constitution? (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
16- ¶lHkh ekuo vfèkdkj O;fDrd vfèkdkjksa ij dsafnzr gSaA¸ ppkZ dhft,A
"All human rights are centred on individual rights." Discuss. (20 Marks 2014)
17- y
ksdra=k esa O;fDrxr ,oa lkewfgd vfèkdkjksa dk fdl izdkj lekèkku fd;k tkrk gS\ Li"V dhft,A
How are individual and group right reconciled in democracy? Explain. (10 Marks 2015)
18- b l dFku dk ewY;kadu dhft, fd izR;sd ekuo dks dqN vfoPNs| (vns;) vfèkdkj izkIr gSaA
Evaluate the statement that all human beings have certain unalienable rights. (10 Marks 2016)
19- vf/dkjksa vkSj drZO;ksa esa ls dkSu nwljs dk izkFkfed gS\ tokcnsgh ds lanHkZ esa foospuk dhft,A
Out of rights and duties, which one is prior to the other? Discuss in the context of accountability.
 (10 Marks 2017)
20- ¶ekuo vf/dkj vkSj ekuo xfjek vc Hkfo"; esa fdlh ,d fo'ks"k laLo`Qfr dh mit ugha gksaxs] cfYd
os ,d vkn'kZ fo'o osQ fy, lkewfgd ekuoh; vfHkyk"kk dh mit gksaxsA¸
“Human rights and human dignity would no longer be the product of a particular culture,
rather a common human aspiration of an ideal world.” Discuss. (20 Marks 2018)
21- D;k vf/dkj ukxfjdksa dks jkT; osQ izfr tokcnsg cukrs gSa\ orZeku Hkkjrh; ifjn`'; osQ lanHkZ esa roZQ
izLrqr dhft,A
Do rights make citizens accountable to the State? Argue in the context of the present Indian
scenario. (20 Marks 2019)
22- D;k Hkkjrh; ijaijk oS;fDrd vf/dkjksa dh izfrjks/h gS\ ^ekuo vf/dkjksa* osQ fl¼kar dh lgk;rk ls
bl ij fopkj dhft,A
Is Indian tradition antagonistic to Individual Rights? Consider it by taking recourse to the
doctrine of ‘Human Rights’. (15 Marks 2020)
87 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg UPPCS .
Notes 1- (a) O;fDr ,oa jkT; ds chp lacaèkksa dh foospuk dhft;sA (Discuss the relations between individual
and State.)
(b) buds chp fudVrk ls ekuookn dSls fodflr gks ldrk gS\ (How can humanism be developed
through their closeness?)
(c) laiznk; fujis{krk dk fl¼kUr bu nksuksa ds lacaèkksa dks fdl izdkj vfèkd vPNk cuk ldrk gSA (In
what way secularism is conducive to the betterment of their relations?) (2000)
2- O;fDr ,oa jkT; esa lacaèk & (fVIi.kh)A (Write critical notes on Relation between the Individual
and the State) (2001)
3- jkT; ds Lo:i dh O;k[;k dhft,A jkT; ,oa O;fDr ds lacaèk dk foospu dhft,A Explain the nature
of State. Discuss the relation between State and Individual. (2007)
4- O;fDr ,oa jkT; ds lEcUèk ds fo"k; esa ^lkè;&lkèku&fookn* dk dFku dhft, vkSj rdZ ds lkFk viuh
ojh;rk dks bafxr dhft,A
State the 'End-Means-Controversy' regarding the relation between Individual and State and
indicate your preference with reasons. (40 Marks 2013)
5- jkT; vkSj O;fDr esa lEcUèk D;k gS\ foospuk dhft,A
What is the relation between State and Individual? Discuss (15 Marks 2015)
6- D;k vkafxd fl¼kar O;fDr o jkT; ds lacaèk dh ,d vkn'kZ O;k[;k gS\ Is organic theory an ideal
explanation of the relation between the state and the individual? (15 Marks 2016)
7- D;k dY;k.kdkjh jkT;] O;fDr vkSj jkT; osQ lEcU/ksa dh ,d vkn'kZ O;oLFkk gks ldrk gS\ Li"V
dhft,A Is welfare state can be an ideal system regarding the relation between the state and the
individual. Explain. (15 Marks 2017)
8- yksdra=k esa O;fDrxr ,oa lkewfgd vf/dkjksa dk lek/ku fdl izdkj fd;k tkrk gS\ Li"V dhft,A
How are individual and group rights reconciled in democracy? Explain. (10 Marks 2017)
9- ^O;fDr* vkSj ^jkT;* osQ laca/ dh O;k[;k osQ fy, izfrikfnr fofHkUu erksa dh laf{kIr vkykspukRed
foospuk dhft,A (Discuss critically in brief the different theories propounded to explain the
relationship between ‘individual’ and ‘State’.) (15 Marks 2018)
10- ^jkT; O;fDr dk o`gn :i gS*] IysVks ds bl er dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain Plato's view that 'State is individual writ large'. (10 Marks 2019)
11- ^O;fDr dks izkIr fof/d vf/dkjksa esa Lora=krk lokZf/d egÙoiw.kZ gSA* foospu djsaA
'Liberty is one of the most important statutory rights obtained by the man.' Discuss.
(15 Marks 2020)
12- lekt ds vk/kj vkSj mlds izeq[k rRoksa dh ppkZ djsaA
Discuss the basis and main elements of the society. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- vkids vuqlkj jkT; ds izeq[k dk;Z D;k gSa\ D;k mls O;fDrxr Lora=krk ds fujksèk dk vfèkdkj gksuk
pkfg,\ (Which are the main functions of state according to you? Should it have the right to
cease individual liberty?)
2- ¶jkT; dk mís'; gS vfèkdre izlUurk] vfèkdre Lora=krk ugha¸ & fVIi.khA ("The end of state in the
maximum hapiness not the maximum liberty") - Short notes.
3- ¶jkT; dk vkèkkj 'kfDr ugha] bPNk gSA¸ ("Will, not force is the basis of state.") & fVIi.khA
4- ¶jkT; ,d vuko';d cqjkbZ gSA¸ & fVIi.khA ("State is an unnecessary evil." - Notes).
5- ¶jkT; èkjrh ij bZ'oj dh 'kksHkk ;k=kk gSA¸ & ghxy (fVIi.kh)A ("State is the march of God on
earth" - Hegel. Short notes).
6- ¶jkT; ,d vko';d cqjkbZ ds :i esa¸ & fVIi.khA ("State an a necessary evil." - Notes).
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 88
7- ¶jkT; ,d oxZ ds }kjk nwljs oxZ ds 'kks"k.k dk lkèku gSA¸ & fVIi.khA iz'u&laxzg
"State is a means of exploitation of one class by the other class." - Notes.
8- jkT; dk eq[; mís'; O;fDr ds uSfrd thou ds ekxZ esa vkus okyh ¶ckèkkvksa dks ckfèkr djuk¸ gSA
(fVIi.kh) (The main purpose of the State is to "hinder the hindrances" of good life. Notes).
9- ¶jkT; Lo;a viuk lkè; gSA¸ & fVIi.khA
10- vfèkdkj dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, vkSj blds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft,A (Define rights and discuss
its different kinds).
11- vfèkdkjksa ds fo"k; esa fofHkUu fl¼kUrksa dk o.kZu dhft,A (Discuss the various theories concerning
the rights).
12- dÙkZO;ksa dk vFkZ Li"V djrs gq, vfèkdkjksa ,oa dÙkZO;ksa ds ikjLifjd lacaèk ij izdk'k Mkfy;sA
the meaning of Duties and give an account of the mutual relationship of the rights and duties).
13- ¶vfèkdkj vkSj dÙkZO; ,d gh flDds ds nks igyw gSaA¸ Li"V dhft;sA
Rights and duties are the two sides of the same coin." Explain the statement in brief.
14- ¶vfèkdkjksa dh ifj.kfr dÙkZO;ksa esa gksrh gS¸ & fVIi.kh ("Rights end in duties" - Comment.
15- vfèkdkj ,oa mÙkjnkf;Ro ds varl±caèkksa dh foospuk djsaA lekt ds fodkl esa buds lkisf{kd egRo
dks Li"V djsaA (Discuss the inter-relations between right and obligation and their respective
significance in the growth of society.)

'kklu ds izdkj% jktra=k] èkeZra=k ,oa yksdra=k

4 Forms of Government : Monarchy, Theocracy and Democracy

jktra=k (Monarchy) $ èkeZra=k (Theocracy)

1- jktra=k dh ifjHkk"kk nhft,A D;k ;g uSfrdr% rdZlaxr gS\ & fVIi.khA Define Monarchy. Is it
ethically justified? - Short Notes. (2009)
2- D;k èkeZea=k ,d iqjkuh fopkjèkkjk gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
Is Theocracy an outdated ideology? Discuss. (30 Marks 2009)
3- v
k/qfud /eZfujis{k jkT; eas] /eZra=k dh fLFkfr ij ppkZ dhft,A
Discuss the status of theocracy in the modern secular state. (150 Words/10 Marks 2019)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- jktra=k dk Lo:i & fVIi.khA (Nature of Monarchy - Short Notes).
2- èkeZra=k ds Lo:i dks Li"V djsaA èkeZra=k èkeZfujis{krk ds lkFk fdl :i esa lacafèkr gSA leh{kk djsaA
Explain nature of Theocracy? In which way it is related to Secularism. Critically analyse.

yksdra=k (Democracy)
1- yksdra=k dk fojksèkkHkkl D;k gS\ mldk lekèkku djus ds fy, dkSu&dkSu ls iz;Ru fd;s x;s gSa\ (What
is the paradox of democracy? What attempts have been made to resolve it?) (1989)
2- ^yksdra=k dsoy ljdkj dk ,d izdkj ugha gS] cfYd og ,d thou i¼fr Hkh gSA* ppkZ dhft,A
"Democracy is not merely a form of Government, but a way of life as well." Discuss.(1997)
3- m nkj yksdra=k & (fVIi.kh)A (Write critical notes on Liberal Democracy.) (1999)
4- iztkra=k dh voèkkj.kk fojksèkkHkklh gS & fVIi.khA (Write critical notes on The idea of democracy is
paradoxical.) (2001)

89 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 5- mnkjoknh iztkra=k ds vkèkkjHkwr fl¼kUrksa dk O;k[;kRed mYys[k dhft,A bl lanHkZ esa bl fo"k;
Notes ij fopkj dhft, fd U;k;] tks fd mnkjoknh iztkra=k dk ,d ewyHkwr vkn'kZ gS] dks fdl gn rd
blds vUrxZr lkdkj fd;k tk ldrk gSA (Explain the fundamental tenets of liberal democracy.
Consider in this context the extent to which justice, which is one of the basic ideals of liberal
democracy, can be realized.) (2001)
6- fVIi.kh & yksdrkaf=kd jkT; esa ljdkjh deZpkfj;ksa }kjk gM+rky dk dksbZ vkSfpR; ugha gSA ('In a
democratic State strike by government employees is unjustified') - Notes. (2003)
7- fVIi.kh& iztkra=k dh voèkkj.kk lkjr% fookfnr voèkkj.kk gSA (The concept of democracy is an
essentially contested concept) - Notes. (2004)
8- ¶vkfFkZd {ks=k esa 'kfDr ds lkFk ds fcuk jktuhfrd yksdra=k [kks[kyk gksrk gSA¸&fVIi.khA
democracy is hollow unless accompanied by power in the area of economics". – short notes).
9- ¶iztkra=k] tks fd izR;sd O;fDr dh èkkj.kk dks ,dleku ekurk gS] ;g fuèkkZfjr djus esa v{ke gS fd
D;k djuk mfpr gSA¸ & fVIi.khA ("Democracy, which treats everybody's opinion equally, is
inefficient in determining the right thing to do") - Short notes. (2006)
10- iztkra=k tks izR;sd O;fDr dh èkkj.kk dks ,d leku egÙo nsrk gS og ;g fuèkkZj.k djus esa l{ke ugha
gksrk fd D;k mfpr ;k vuqfpr gSA & fVIi.khA (Democracy that gives equal weight to every one's
opinion is inefficient in determining the right or wrong thing to do) - Short notes. (2007)
11- ^yksdrkaf=kd ljdkj yksdra=k ds jktuhfrd n'kZu ds fl¼karksa dh izksUufr djus dk nkok djrh gSA*
('Democratic government claims to be promoting the principles of political philosophy of
democracy).' (2008)
12- D;k orZeku yksdra=kh; ljdkjksa esa cgqla[;d 'kklu vFkZiw.kZ rjhds ls izfrfcafcr gS\ mi;qDr mnkgj.kksa
ds lkFk vius mÙkj dks izekf.kr dhft,A Is majority- rule meaningfully reflected in present-d ay
democratic governments? Substantiate your answer with suitable examples. (200 Words 2010)
13- ¶yksdra=k] tks izR;sd O;fDr ds lkFk lerk dk cjrko djus ds fy, izfrc¼ gS] ljdkj dh ,d iz.kkyh
ds :i esa vizHkkoh gSA¸ “Democracy, committed to treating everybody equally, is ineffective as
a system of government.” (12 Marks 2012)
14- ^iztkra=k* ls D;k vfHkizk; gS\ iztkrkaf=kd ljdkjksa ds dkSu&dkSu ls fofHkUu :i gksrs gSa\
What is meant by ‘democracy’? What are the various forms of democratic governments?
 (Not more than 250 words, 15 Marks 2013)
15- D;k iztkrkaf=kd ljdkj vYila[;dksa ds fgrksa dh j{kk djus esa leFkZ gksrh gS\
Is a democratic government able to represent the interests of minority groups? (15 Marks 2013)
16- D;k iztkrkaf=kd ljdkj mnkjoknh rkuk'kkgh ls csgrj gksrh gS\ vius mÙkj ds dkj.k crkb,A
Is a democratic government better than a benevolent dictatorship? Give reasons for your
answer. (15 Marks 2013)
17- D;k iztkra=k o lektokn dk la;ksx vfèkd lekurk dk lekt cukrk gS\ Does the combination of
democracy and socialism lead to a more equitable society? (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
18- èkeZra=k dh rqyuk esa] yksdra=k fdl ek;us esa ljdkj dk ,d csgrj :i gS\
In what sense is democracy a better form of Government that theocracy? (15 Marks 2014)
19- D ;k yksdrakf=kd jkT; esa lfou; voKk rdZlaxr gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Is civil disobedience in a democratic State justifiable? Discuss. (10 Marks 2015)
20- l alnh; yksdra=k ds Lo:i vkSj izdk;ks± dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate the nature and functions of parliamentary democracy. (20 Marks 2015)
21- ppkZ dhft, dh D;k ukxfjdksa vkSj jkT; ds fy, 'kklu dks csgrj cukus gsrq] jktra=k dk yksdra=k ds
lkFk lfEeJ.k dj nsuk] mudh vokaNuh; =kqfV;ksa ls cpus ds fy,] dYiuh; gSA
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 90
Discuss whether a blending of monarchy with democracy is conceivable to avoid their iz'u&laxzg
undesirable defects for making the governance better for citizens and State.  (10 Marks 2017)
22- m nkjoknh yksdra=k ls D;k vfHkizk; gS\ D;k lkekftd lalfDr dk oS;fDrd vf/dkjksa dh viuh izcy
vfHkiqf"V osQ lkFk larqyu cSBkus osQ fy,] bldks vis{kko`Qr vf/d xgu fl¼karksa dh vko';drk gS\
Hkkjrh; lUnHkZ osQ dkj.k izLrqr dhft,A
What is meant by liberal democracy? Does it require deeper principles for social cohesion to
balance its own strong affirmation of individual rights? Give reasons from the Indian context.
 (10 Marks 2018)
23- L ora=krk vkSj lerk dks fdl lhek rd yksdra=k osQ fof'k"V vfHky{k.kksa osQ :i esa ekuk tk ldrk
gS\ foospuk dhft,A How far can liberty and equality be considered an distinctive features of
democracy? Discuss. (20 Marks 2018)
24- ijh{k.k dhft, fd D;k /eZfujis{k yksdra=k dh nk'kZfud vk/kjHkwfe osQ ckjs esa egkRek xk¡/h vkSj MkW-
ckcklkgsc vkacsMdj osQ fopkjksa eas dksbZ Hksn gS vFkok ugha gSA
Examine whether there is any difference between the views of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar on the philosophical foundations of secular democracy.
 (20 Marks 2019)
25- mnkjoknh yksdra=k vYila[;dksa osQ fgrksa dh j{kk fdl lhek rd djrs gSa\ lekykspukRed ewY;kadu
How far do the liberal democracies safeguard the interests of minorities? Evaluate critically.
(10 Marks 2020)
1- jktuhfrd vkn'kZ ds :i esa iztkra=k dh O;k[;k dhft;s rFkk Hkkjrh; ifjisz{; esa blds xq.k&nks"kksa dk
foospu dhft;sA (Explain. Democracy as political Ideology and discuss its merits and demerits
in Indian context.) (1990)
2- ¶yksdra=k loZJs"B 'kklu&i¼fr gSA¸ leh{kkRed foospuk dhft;sA ("Democracy is the best form of
government." Discuss critically.) (1991)
3- iztkra=k dh voèkkj.kk dk foospu dhft;sA mldh liQyrk fdl izdkj lEHko gS\ (Discuss the
concept of Democracy. How can it be successful?) (1993)
4- yksdra=k esa fufgr jktuSfrd vkn'kks± dh O;k[;k dhft;sA D;k lalnh; iz.kkyh dh ljdkj bu vkn'kks± dh
ewrZ :i nsrh gS\ fo'ks"kdj Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa fopspuk dhft;sA (Explain the political ideal enshrined
in democracy. Does a parliamentary form of government embody these ideals? Discuss with
special reference to India.) (1994)
5- izR;sd O;fDr ds oksVksa ds leku ewY; ds fl¼kUrksa ij vkèkkfjr iztkrkaf=kd 'kklu O;oLFkk vius mís';ksa
esa dgk¡ rd liQy gks ldrh gS\ Hkkjrh; lUnHkZ esa foospu dhft;sA (How far can the democratic
form of governance based on the principle of the equal value of each vote succeed in its goals?
Discuss in the Indian context.) (1996)
6- lalnh; turkaf=kd iz.kkyh dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft;sA Hkkjr esa vf'k{kk ,oa lkekftd
fo'ks"krk,¡ bl iz.kkyh dh liQyrk esa fdl izdkj ckèkd gSa\ Li"V dhft;sA (Explain the main features
of parliamentary form of democracy. Clarify how illiteracy and social inequities hinder the
success of this system in India?) (1997)
7- lalnh; tura=k ds Lo:i dk foospu blds xq.kksa ,oa nks"kksa ds lkFk dhft;sA (Discuss the parliamentary
form of democracy with its merits and demerits.) (1999)
8- cgqer dh rkuk'kkgh dh leL;k dk lekèkku mnkjoknh x.kra=k fdl izdkj djrk gS\ foospuk dhft,A
(How does liberal democracy solve the problem of the tyranny of majority? Discuss.) (2002)
9- yksdra=k dh èkkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk mls laHko cukus dh vfuok;Z 'krks± dk fo'ys"k.k dhft;sA
(Explain the notion of democracy and analyze the necessary conditions of its possibility.)

91 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 10- yksdrkaf=kd jkT; ,oa lekt ds vFkZ dh O;k[;k djsaA fo'o esa] orZeku esa fØ;k'khy fofoèk yksdrkaf=kd
Notes jkT; izdkjksa dh x.kuk djsaA vki fdls lokZfèkd ilUn djrs gS\ dkj.k crk,¡A (Explain the meaning of
democratic State and Society. Also enumerate different forms of democratic state functioning
at present in the World. Which do you like most? Give reasons. (2005)
11- yksdra=k ds fofHkUu :i D;k gSa\ lalnh; rFkk vè;{kh; yksdra=k esa Hksn dhft, rFkk muds xq.k&nks"k ij
fopkj dhft,A What are the various forms of democracy? Distinguish between the Parliamentary
and the Presidential forms of democracy and consider their merits and demerits. (2009)
12- rdZ ds lkFk viuh ojh;rk dks bafxr djrs gq, yksdra=k ds fofHkUUk izk:iksa dk dFku ,oa ijh{k.k dhft,A
State and examine the various forms of democracy indicating your preference with reasons.
 (40 Marks 2012)
13- yksdra=k ds fofHkUu :iksa dh foospuk dhft,A Hkkjro"kZ esa orZeku yksdrkaf=kd iz.kkyh dh eq[; fo'ks"krk,¡
D;k gS vkSj bls l'kDr cukus ds mik;ksa dk o.kZu dhft;sA Discuss the various forms of Democracy.
What are the salient features of democratic system present in India and illustrate the ways to
make its strong. (40 Marks 2014)
14- yksdra=k ds fofoèk izdkjksa ij izdk'k Mkfy;saA
Elaborate the various forms of Democracy. (10 Marks 2016)
15- D;k yksdrkaf=kd jkT; esa xka/hoknh lfou; voKk roZQlaxr gS\ foospu dhft,A
Is Gandhian civil disobedience in a democratic state justifiable? Examine. (15 Marks 2017)
16- ^yksdra=k osQoy ljdkj dk ,d izdkj ugha gS] vfirq ;g ,d thou i¼fr Hkh gSA* foospuk dhft,A
‘Democracy is not merely a form of government but a way of life as well’. Discuss.
(15 Marks 2018)
17- mnkjoknh yksdra=k dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
Discuss the main characteristics of liberal democracy. (15 Marks 2019)
18- jktuhfrd iztkra=k dh vo/kj.kk dh leh{kk djsAa
Give a critical account of the concept of the Political Democracy. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- iztkra=k ds vFkZ dh O;k[;k dhft,A iztkra=k ds nk'kZfud vkèkkjksa dk ijh{k.k djsaA (Explain the
meaning of Democracy. Examine the philosophical foundations of Democracy).
2- ,d jktuhfrd fopkjèkkjk ds :i esa iztkra=k dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A (Explain and examine
Democracy as a political ideology).
3- iztkra=k dk uSfrd vkSfpR; D;k gS\ iztkra=k ds vFkZ dks Li"V djrs gq, mÙkj nhft,A
(What is the
moral justification of Democracy? Answer while explaining the meaning of Democracy).
4- ¶iztkra=k dsoy ljdkj dk gh :i ugha gS oju~ jkT; vkSj lekt dk :i vFkok bu rhuksa dk feJ.k
Hkh gSA¸&,aFkksuh\ fxfMaXl (fVIi.kh)A ("Democracy may be either a form of government, a form of
state, a form of society or a combination of the three." - Anthony Giddings. Notes).
5- ¶yksdra=k turk dk] turk ds }kjk vkSj turk ds fy, 'kklu gSA¸&vczkge fyadu (fVIi.kh)A
(Democracy is a government of the People, by the People and for the People." - Abraham
Lincon. Short Notes).
6- yksdra=k ¶nq"Vksa dk dqyhura=k¸ gS& Vsyhjs.M (fVIi.kh)A (Democracy is "an aristocracy of
blackguards." - Telleyrand. Short notes).
7- ¶yksdra=k fuèkZure] vufHkKre vkSj v;ksX;re yksxksa dh ljdkj gS] tks cgqla[;k esa gksrs gSaA¸µ
ysdh (fVIi.khA) ("Democracy is the government by the poorest, the most ignorant, the most
incapable who are necessarily the most numerous." - Lecky. Short Notes).
8- ¶izfØ;kRed vkSj rkfRod yksdra=k dh voèkkj.kkA¸ (fVIi.kh)A ("The concept of procedural and
substantive Democracy." Notes).
9- yksdra=k ds xq.k ,oa nks"kksa dh la{ksi esa ppkZ djsaA (Briefly enumerate merits and demerits of

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 92
democracy). iz'u&laxzg
jktuSfrd fopkjèkkjk,¡% vjktdrkokn] ekDlZokn ,oa lektokn
5 Political Ideologies : Anarchism, Marxism and Socialism

vjktdrkokn (Anarchism)
1- vjktdrkokn dh ^jktuhfrd fopkjèkkjk* & lekykspukRed fVIi.khA
The ‘political ideology’ of Anarchism – Critically notes. (15 Marks 2012)
2- vjktdrk ds lanHkZ esa ppkZ dhft, fd D;k O;fDr dh Lora=krk jkT; dh laizHkqrk ds laxr gS vFkok
ughaA Discuss in the context of anarchy whether the freedom of an individual is consistent with
the sovereignty of the State. (10 Marks 2017)
3- D;k vki vjktdrkokfn;ksa dh jktuhfrd fopkj/kjk dk leFkZu djrs gSa\ vius mÙkj dh iqf"V dhft,A
(Do you subscribe to the political ideology of Anarchists? Justify your answer.)
 (15 Marks 2018)
4- jktuhfrd vjktdrkoknh osQ :i esa] egkRek xk¡/h dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate Mahatma Gandhi as a political anarchist. (150 Words/10 Marks 2019)
5- D;k vki lksprs gSa fd fo|eku egkekjh lekt esa vjktdrkokn dks vxzlj djsxh\ foospuk dhft,A
Do you think that the prevailing pandemic will lead to anarchism in society? Discuss.
(10 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- ¶vjktdrkokn gj izdkj dh lÙkk ds fo#¼ gSA¸ foospuk dhft,A
2- ¶vjktdrkokn dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A (Explain critically the chief
characteristics of Anarchism).
3- vjktdrkokfn;ksa }kjk izLrkfor lekt fdl izdkj dk gS\ og lkE;okn ls fdl izdkj fHkUu gS\)(What
is the kind of society envisaged by the Anarchists? How does it differ from communism?
4- ¶vjktdrkokn O;oLFkk dk vHkko ugha gS oju~ 'kfDr dk vHkko gS¸ (fMfdUlu) fVIi.kh dhft,A
("Anarchism is not the absence of order. It is the absence of the force" - Discuss).
5- vjktdrkoknh ds i{k rFkk foi{k esa rdZ nhft,A (State the case for and against Anarchism).
6- jkT; lacaèkh vjktdrkokfn;ksa ds n`f"Vdks.k dh O;k[;k dhft,A vjktdrkoknh vius lekt dk laxBu
fdl izdkj djsaxs\ (Discuss the Anarchist view of the State. How could the Anarchist organize
their society?)
7- ¶vjktdrkokn ds vuqlkj jktuhfrd lÙkk izR;sd :i esa vuko';d o vokaNuh; gSA¸ dqdj ds bl
dFku dk foospu dhft,A (Anarchism is the doctrine that political authority in any of its forms,
is unnecessary and undesirable. Explain this statement of F.W. Coker)
8- ¶vjktdrkoknh vkSj lektoknh ds leku y{; gSa & ,d oxZfoghu jkT;foghu lekt dh LFkkiuk djukA
ijUrq muds jkLrs iwjh rjg ls ijLij fHkUu gSaA¸ dqdj ds bl dFku dh foospuk djsaA ("Anarchists
and Socialists have the same goal - a classless and stateless society but their roads diverge
sharply". (Coker) Explain.)
9- ¶lkE;okn ;fn lkèku gS] rks vjktdrkokn y{; gSA¸ bl dFku ds vkèkkj ij lkE;okn o vjktdrkokn
dh rqyuk dhft,A
10- ¶vjktdrkokn lekt dh og fLFkfr gS] ftlesa izR;sd viuk 'kkld gksxkA¸ bl dFku ds vkèkkj ij
vjktdrkoknh lekt dk fp=k.k dhft,A

93 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 11- vjktdrkokn ds izeq[k ekU;rkvksa dh ppkZ djsaA blds fl¼kUr dkSu&ls gSa\ vki blls dgk¡ rd lger
Notes gSa\ (Discuss basic assumptions of Anarchism. What are its principles? How far do you agree
with them?)
12- ¶vkèkqfud 'kklu dk vfHkizk; gS cUèku] ladqpu] fopyu] i`FkDdj.k] tcfd vjktdrkokn dk vFkZ
gS Lora=krk] ,drk o iszeA¸ yksosy fMfdu ds bl dFku ds vkèkkj ij jkT; ds izfr vjktdrkoknh
n`f"Vdks.k dh O;k[;k dhft,A
13- Give a critical estimate of Anarchism. What has been its contribution to mankind?

lektokn rFkk ekDlZokn (Socialism and Marxism)

1- ekDlZokn vkSj loksZn; ds vkn'kZ ds chp lekurk,¡ vkSj fofHkUurk,¡ crkb,A (Compare and contrast
Marxism with the ideal of 'Sarvodaya'.) (1997)
2- lektokn ,oa ekDlZokn ds lS¼kfUrd Hksnksa dk mYys[k dhft,A (Point out the doctrinal differences
between Socialism and Marxism.) (2001)
3- ^lektokn lkE;okn dh lokZfèkdkjh foo{kkvksa ls cprk gS vkSj mnkj yksdrkaf=kd lafoèkkuksa ds nk;js esa
dk;Z djrk gSA¸ & fVIi.khA ("Socialism avoids the totalitarian implications of Communism, and
works within liberal democratic Constitutions" - short notes). (2005)
4- lektokn ls vki D;k le>rs gSa] bldk mYys[k dhft,A D;k ;g vko';d gS fd lektokn dks
mu ewY;ksa ,oa vkn'kks± ds ekudh; (normative) inksa ls ifjHkkf"kr fd;k tk,] ftudh izkfIr ds fy,
lektoknh iz;kljr gSa] ;k fd mu o.kZukRed inksa ls tks lektoknh O;oLFkk ds vkfFkZd ,oa jktuhfrd
laLFkkvksa ds pkfjf=kd y{k.kksa dk mYys[k djrs gSa\ D;k bu nksuksa ds chp ds ruko dk leqfpr lekèkku
fd;k tk ldrk gS\ fopkj dhft,A (Describe your understanding of socialism. Must it be
defined in normative terms of a set of values and ideals which socialists seek to realize, or in
descriptive terms of the specific character of the economic and political institutions of socialist
society? Can the tension between the two be adequately resolved? Discuss). (2006)
5- lektokn ls vki D;k le>rs gSa] bldk mYys[k dhft,A D;k ;g vko';d gS fd lektokn dks
mu ewY;ksa ,oa vkn'kks± ds ekudh; (normative) inksa ls ifjHkkf"kr fd;k tk,] ftudh izkfIr ds fy,
lektoknh iz;kljr gSa] ;k fd mu o.kZukRed inksa ls tks lektoknh O;oLFkk ds vkfFkZd ,oa jktuhfrd
laLFkkvksa ds pkfjf=kd y{k.kksa dk mYys[k djrs gSa\ D;k bu nksuksa ds chp ds ruko dk leqfpr lekèkku
fd;k tk ldrk gS\ fopkj dhft,A (Describe your understanding of socialism. Must it be
defined in normative terms of a set of values and ideals which socialists seek to realize, or in
descriptive terms of the specific character of the economic and political institutions of socialist
society? Can the tension between the two be adequately resolved? Discuss). (2007)
6- vkids fopkj esa fdl izdkj dk lektokn Js"B gS& dYiukyksdh ;k yksdra=kh;\ D;ksa\ Which type
of Socialism, according to you, is superior- Utopian or democratic? Why?
 (200 Words 2010)
7- ekDlZokn ,oa lektokn ds ekSfyd Hksn D;k gS\
What are the basic differences between Marxism and Socialism? (20 Marks 2011)
8- D;k ;g dgk tk ldrk gS fd lektokn ekDlZokn dk ,d detksj laLdj.k gS\ ppkZ djsaA
Can it be said that Socialism is a weaker version of Marxism? Discuss. (20 Marks 2011)
9- D;k turkaf=kd lektokn ,d vkReO;k?kkrh voèkkj.kk gS\ ppkZ djsaA
Is Democratic Socialism a contradiction in terms? Discuss. (20 Marks 2011)
10- ¶ lektokn Lo;a es yksdra=k dh iw.kZrk gSA¸ fo'ys"k.k dhft,A
“Socialism itself in the fulfillment of democracy.” Analyse. (10 Marks 2016)
11- D;k ge jkT; dks 'kkld oxks± dh bPNkvksa dks O;Dr djus dh laLFkk ekurs gSa\ ijh{k.k dhft,A
Is the State an agency for expressing the will of the ruling classes? Examine.

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 94
 (20 Marks 2016) iz'u&laxzg
12- D;k ekDlZoknh lektokn vkSj OkS;fDrd Lora=krk lqlaxr gSa\ lekuykspukRed foospuk dhft,A(Are Notes
Marxian Socialism and individual freedom consistent? Discuss critically.) (15 Marks 2018)
13- vkiosQ fopkj esa izpfyr eqDr cktkj vFkZO;oLFkk osQ lanHkZ esa] ekDlZokn dk Hkfo"; D;k gS\
What do you consider to be the future of Marxism in the context of the prevalent free market
economy? (15 Marks 2019)
14- orZEkku lanHkZ esa ekDlZookn ,oa nk'kZfud fl¼kar osQ :i esa fdl lhek rd ,d izklafxd gS\ vius
mÙkj dks U;k;ksfpr fl¼ dhft,A
How far is Marxism as a philosophical doctrine relevant in the present context? Justify your
answer. (15 Marks 2020)
1- lektokn D;k gS\ Hkkjrh; lkekftd ifjisz{; esa D;k ;g mi;qDr gks ldrk gS\ foospuk dhft;sA (What
is socialism? Can it be fit in the context of Indian Society? Discuss.) (1990)
2- tks lektoknh vkUnksyu iw.kZr% jk"Vªh; gks pys gSa os lektoknh ugha jg x;s gSaA vkykspukRed O;k[;k
dhft;sA (The Socialist movements which have become nationalist have cease to be socialist.)
3- ekDlZoknh fl¼kUr ij vkèkkfjr lektokn ds ewyrRoksa dks Li"V dhft;sA D;k HkwriwoZ lksfo;r
x.kjkT; (;w-,l-,l-vkj-) esa gqbZ?kVuk;sa lektokn dh vliQyrk izekf.kr djrh gSa\ foospuk dhft;sA
(Clarify the essential elements of socialism based on the Marxist theory. Do the developments
in erstwhile U.S.S.R. constitute failure of socialism? Discuss.) (1994)
4- usg:th ds lektokn dks le>kb;s rFkk fouksck Hkkos ds loksZn; ds fl¼kUr ls mldk la{ksi esa
vUrj Li"V dhft;sA (Explain the Socialism of Jawaharlal Nehru. How does it differ from the
'Sarvodaya' doctrine of Vinoba Bhave. Explain briefly.) (1996)
5- usg: dh lektokn dh voèkkj.kk dh foospuk dhft;sA xk¡èkh rFkk ekDlZ ds erksa us mls fdl izdkj
izHkkfor fd;k Fkk\ (Discuss Nehru's concept of Socialism. How did the views of Gandhi and
Marx influence it?) (1997)
6- ^euq"; ds bfrgkl esa iw¡thokn ,d vLFkk;h voLFkk gS rFkk blds LFkku ij lektokn dk vkuk lqfuf'pr
gSA* orZeku fo'o ds lanHkZ esa ekDlZ ds bl er dh leh{kk djsaA (Capitalism is a passing stage in
the human history and it is destined to be replaced by socialism. Examine this view of Marx in
the context of the present world.) (1998)
7- ekDlZokn lektoknh fopkjèkkjk ds fy, vkt dgk¡ rd mi;ksxh gS\ Li"V dhft;sA
(How far Marxism is relevant today to socialistic ideology? State clearly.) (2000)
8- l ektokn & ekDlZokn (fVIi.kh)A (Socialism - Marxism (short notes). (2004)
9- ekDlZokn ds vko';d y{k.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A ekDlZokn lektokn ls dSls fHkUu gS\
(Explain the essential features of Marxism. How is Marxism different from Socialism?(2007)
10- lektokn D;k gS\ mlds mís'; D;k gS\ og ekDlZokn ls dSls fHkUu gS\ le>kb;sA
What is Socialism? What are its aims? How is it different from Marxism? Explain. (2011)
11- ekDlZokn viuh izklafxdrk [kks pqdk gS] bl er ds i{k vFkok foi{k esa rdZ izLrqr dhft,A
Argue either for or against the view that Marxism has lost its relevance. (40 Marks 2012)
12- lektokn rFkk ekDlZokn esa Hksn dhft,A
Distinguish between Socialism and Marxism. (10 Marks 2015)
13- D;k lektokn vkSj ekDlZokn ,d nwljs ds iwjd gSa\ le>kb;sA
Are Socialism and Marxism complimentary each other? Explain (15 Marks 2016)
14- ekDlZokn viuh izklafxdrk [kks pqdk gS] bl er osQ i{k vFkok foi{k esa roZQ izLrqr dhft,A Argue
either for or against the view that Marxism has lost its relevance. (15 Marks 2017)
95 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 15- ^ekDlZokn* vkSj ^loksZn;* osQ vkn'kZ osQ chp rqyuk vkSj vUrj dhft,A
Notes Compare and contrast ‘Marxism’ with the ideal of ‘Sarvodaya’. (10 Marks 2018)
16- ,sfrgkfld HkkSfrdokn ds oSKkfud vk/kjksa dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the scientific basis of historical materialism. (10 Marks 2019)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- iztkrkaf=kd lektokn D;k gS\ ;g vU; izdkj ds lektokn ls dSls fHkUu gS\ (What is Democratic
Socialism? How is it different from other kinds of Socialism?)
2- lkE;okn vkSj loksZn; dh rqyuk ,oa muds chp Hksn jktuhfrd fopkjèkkjkvksa ds :i esa n'kkZb;sA D;k
lkoZHkkSfed lkekftd U;k; laHko gS\ fVIi.kh dhft,A (Compare and contrast Communism and
Sarvodaya as political ideologies. Is universal social justice possible?) - Comment.
3- lkE;okn vkSj loksZn; esa D;k vUrj gS\ vkids er esa bu nksuksa esa dkSu&lk csgrj fodYi gS vkSj D;ksa\
O;k[;k dhft,A (What is the difference between Communism and Sarvodaya? In your opinion
which of the two is better alternative and why?) - Explain.
4- jktO;oLFkk ds :i esa lkE;okn dh vliQyrk ds dkj.kksa dk foospu dhft,A (Discuss the causes
of the failure of Communism as a political system).
5- lektokn dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa (Distinctive features of Socialism) dk foospu dhft,A
6- lkE;okn yksdra=k dk fojksèkh gSA bl dFku dh foospuk yksdra=k ds izfr lkE;okn ds n`f"Vdks.k ds
lanHkZ esa dhft,\
7- ¶ekDlZ ds fopkjksa dks LohÑfr rFkk vLohÑfr nh tk ldrh gS] fdUrq okLrfodrk ;g gS fd tc rd
;g 'kks"k.k ,oa vaèkfo'okl gS] ekDlZ dk vkSfpR; cuk jgsxkA¸ foospuk dhft,\
8- Discuss salient features of 'Democratic socialism'.
9- Distinguish between Socialist Democracy and Democratic Socialism?
10- How can 'Equality' and 'Liberty' be reconciled? In what way democratic socialism has solved
this problem?
11- Determine relationship between 'Democracy' and 'Socialism'. Are they contradictory?

ekuookn] èkeZfujis{krkokn] cgqlaLÑfrokn

6 Humanism, Secularism, Multiculturalism

ekuookn (Humanism)
1- lektoknh ekuookn & (fVIi.kh)A (Write critical notes on Socialistic Humanism.) (1998)
2- ekuookn dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk mRdV (mxz) ekuookn ds ewyHkwr y{k.kksa dk foospu dhft,A
(Explain humanism and discuss the essential features of radical humanism.) (1999)
3- ekuorkokn D;k gS\ mlds fofHkUu izdkj dkSu&ls gSa\ ,e-,u- jk; dk mxz ekuorkokn ekDlZokn ls fdl
izdkj fHkUu gS] ;fn og fHkUu gS rks] ppkZ dhft,A (What is humanism? What are its different kinds?
In what way, if any, is M.N. Roy's Radical Humanism different from Marxism? Discuss).
4- ¶bZlkbZ ekuorkokn* Lo}U}kRed in gSA¸ & fVIi.khA ("Christian Humanism' is a contradiction in
terms.") - Short notes. (2006)
5- ekuorkokn fdu&fdu ckrksa esa ekDlZokn ls fHkUu gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
In what ways is humanism different from Marxism? Discuss. (20 Marks 2012)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 96
6- m nkjoknh ekuookn vkSj ekDlZoknh ekuookn esa ge fdl izdkj foHksnu djrs gSa\ iz'u&laxzg
How do we distinguish Liberal humanism and Marxist humanism? (10 Marks 2014) Notes
7- o rZeku dky osQ lanHkZ esa] ekuorkokn osQ fdl :i dks] vki izklafxd ekurs gSa\ foLrkj ls foospuk
dhft,A What form of humanism do you approve as relevant in the present day context?
Discuss in detail. (15 Marks 2018)
1- ekuookn dh laizsj.kk dk vkykspukRed C;kSjk nsaA bl lanHkZ esa ,e-,u- jk; ds oSKkfud ekuookn dk
ewY;kadu djsaA (Give a critical account of the humanistic movement Evaluate in this context
M.N. Roy's scientific humanism.) (1998)
2- ,e-,u- jk; dk ekSfyd ekuookn & (fVIi.kh)A (Write critical notes on M.N. Roys tradical
humanism.) (2001)
3- iqutkZxj.k dkyhu ekuookn ds vkèkkjHkwr fl¼kUrs D;k gSa\ D;k ;g loZnk ekuorkoknh jgk gS\ foospuk
dhft;sA (What are the basic principles of Renaissance Humanism? Was it always humanitarian?
Discuss.) (2002)
4- f VIi.kh & ekDlZokn ,oa ekuooknA (Marxism and Humanism) - Notes. (2005)
5- ekuookn ls D;k vfHkizk; gS\ blds ewyHkwr y{k.kksa dk foospu dhft,A
What is meant by Humanism? Discuss its essential features. (2009)
6- ,eú ,uú jk; ds ^uo&ekuorkokn* dh vkykspukRed foospuk dhft,A
Critically discuss M.N. Roy's New Humanism. (15 Marks 2015)
7- ekuorkokn dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy;sA
Elaborate upon the major characteristics of Humanism. (15 Marks 2016)
8- ekuookn ,oa ekuorkokn esa foHksn dhft,A
Distinguish between Humanism and Humanitarianism. (15 Marks 2017)
9- ^ekuookn* dh ize[q k fo'ks"krkvksa dk mYys[k dhft, rFkk ^lektoknh ekuookn* dh foospuk dhft,A
Point out the salient features of ‘Humanism’ and discuss ‘Socialistic Humanism’. (15 Marks 2018)
10- vFkZfØ;koknh ekuorkokn dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft,A
Critically examine pragmatic humanism. (15 Marks 2019)
11- /eZfujis{k ekuookn ds ewy rRoksa dh O;k[;k djsAa
Explain the basic concepts of secular humanism. (15 Marks 2020)

èkeZfujis{krk (Secularism)
1- ¶Hkkjr esa èkeZfujis{krk dk iz;ksx foèkeZ ds vFkZ esa u fd;k tkdj xgu èkkfeZd cksèk ds vFkZ esa fd;k
tkrk gSA¸ bl dFku dh foospuk dhft,A ("Secularism in India stands not for irreligion but for
deep religious understanding". Discuss this statement.) (1988)
2- Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa èkeZfujis{krk (fVIi.kh)A
(Write critical notes on Secularism in Indian Context.)(2000)
3- D ;k èkeZfujis{krk fujh'ojokn ds ln`'k gS\ Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa bl ckr dk ijh{k.k dhft,A
Is Secularism analogous to Atheism? Examine in the Indian context. (30 Marks 2009)
4- ¶Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa] èkeZfujis{krkokn èkeZ dh vLohÑfr ugha gS] cfYd og èkeks± dk eS=khHkko gSA¸ ppkZ
dhft,A “Secularism in the Indian context is not a rejection of religion but a fellowship of
religions.” Discuss. (20 Marks 2012)
5- D;k lHkh èkeks± dks leku vknj dk Hkko ,d laxr o dk;kZRed jk"Vªh; uhfr iznku djrk gS\
97 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg Does the idea of equal respect to all religions provide a consistent and viable state policy?
 (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
6- è kkfeZd jk"Vªokn èkeZfujis{k jkT; ds fy, fdl izdkj [krjk gksrk gSA Li"V dhft,A
How is religious nationalism a threat to secular State? Explain. (20 Marks 2015)

7- D;k vki lksprs gSa fd /eZfujis{kokn ^/eZ* vkSj ^jkT;* osQ iw.kZ ikFkZD; dh ekax djrk gS\ foospuk
Do you think that secularism requires complete separation of ‘religion’ and ‘state’? Discuss.
(10 Marks 2020)

1- èkeZ&fujis{krkokn D;k gS\ Hkkjr esa mldh dkSu&dkSu lh eq[; O;k[;k,¡ izpfyr gSaA vkykspukRed
foospu dhft;s\ (What is Secularism? What are its main interpretations prevalent in India?
Discuss critically.) (1991)
2- ^èkeZfujis{krkokn* ds vFkZ dh O;k[;k dhft;sA Hkkjrh; lanHkZ esa vki ,d èkeZfujis{k jkT; dh D;k
Hkwfedk ekurs gSaA foospuk dhft;sA (Explain the meaning of 'Secular'. How do you perceive the
role of a Secular State in the Indian context. Discuss.) (1994)
3- èkeZfujis{krk ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ D;k èkeZfujis{krk èkeZ rFkk vkè;kfRedrk dh fojksèkh gSa\
vkykspukRed foospuk dhft;sA (What do you understand by Secularism? Is Secularism opposed
to religion and spirituality? Discuss critically.) (1997)
4- Hkkjrh; jktuhfr ,oa lkekftd thou ds lanHkZ esa èkeZfujis{krk dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A
Explain and examine secularism in the context of Indian politics and social life. (1999)
5- èkeZfujis{krk dh laHkkouk dh 'krs± & (fVIi.kh)A (Write critical notes on Conditions for the
possibility of secularism.) (2001)
6- èkeZfujis{krk dh èkkj.kk Li"V dhft,A Hkkjr ds fy;s bl èkkj.kk dk egRo D;k gS\ vius mÙkj esa rdZ
is'k dhft,A (Explain the concept of secularism. What is its importance for the Indian society?
Justify your answer). (2003)
7- f VIi.kh&èkkfeZd Lora=krk ,oa dV~VjrkA (Religious Freedom and Fundamentalism) - Notes.(2005)
8- ik'pkR; fopkjèkkjk esa èkeZfujis{krk ds vFkZ ,oa mlds vfoHkkZo dk laf{kIr fooj.k nhft,A Hkkjrh;
ifjizs{; esa èkeZfujis{krk dh izklafxdrk ij Hkh fopkj dhft,A (Give a brief account of the meaning
and origin of secularism in the western thought. Also consider the relevance of secularism in
the Indian Context). (2011)
9- èkeZ&fujis{krkokn ds ekuooknh fo'ks"krkvksa dks mn~?kkfVr dhft,A
Elucidate the humanistic features of Secularism.  (40 Marks 2013)
10- èkeZfujis{krkokn ls D;k vk'k; gS\ Hkkjrh; jktuhfr ds lanHkZ esa mldk ewY;kadu dhft,A
What is meant by Secularism? Evaluate it in the context of Indian Politics. (15 Marks 2015)
11- è keZfujis{krkokn ij laf{kIr fVIi.kh fyf[k,A Write a short note on 'Secularism'. (10 Marks 2016)
12- /kfeZd jk"Vªokn /eZ&fujis{k jkT; osQ fy, fdl izdkj ls [krjk gksrk gS\ Li"V dhft,A
How is religious nationalism a threat to secular state? Explain. (10 Marks 2017)
13- Hkkjrh; jktuhfr ,oa lkekftd thou osQ lanHkZ esa ^/eZfujis{krk* dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A
Explain and examine ‘Secularism’ in the context of Indian politics and social life.
(15 Marks 2018)
14- /eZfujis{krk vUrj&lkeqnkf;d vkSj vUrjk&lkeqnkf;d 'kks"k.k dks jksdrh gSA O;k[;k dhft,A
Secularism prevents inter-communal and intra-communal exploitation. Explain.

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 98
 (10 Marks 2019) iz'u&laxzg
15- /eZfujis{krkokn dh foospuk djsaA Hkkjrh; /eZfujis{krkokn vkSj ik'pkR; /eZfujis{krkokn dh rqyuk Notes
Describe secularism. Also compare the Indian secularism with western secularism.
(15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- èkeZfujis{krk ds vkn'kZ dh izkfIr esa èkkfeZd lfg".kqrk dh Hkwfedk ij izdk'k Mkfy,A (Explain the role
or religious tolerance in reaching the ideal of secularism).
2- èkeZfujis{krk ds vFkZ ,oa egRo dks ik'pkR; rFkk Hkkjrh; lanHkks± esa Li"V dhft,A (Clarify the meaning
and importance of secularism in Western and Indian contexts.
3- èkeZ fujis{krk ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ D;k blls fofHkUu èkeks± ds lkFk ,drk vkSj lfg".kqrk LFkkfir
djus esa Hkkjr esa lgk;rk feyh gS\ foospuk dhft,A (What do you understand by Secularism? Did
it help to establish unity and tolerance among different religions in India? Discuss).

cgq&laLÑfrokn (Multiculturalism)
1- D;k cgqlaLÑfrokn ,d ojnku gS ;k fd ,d vfHk'kki\ ppkZ dhft,A (Is multiculturalism a boon
or a bane? Discuss). (2008)
2- ^cgqlaLÑfrokn* in dk iz;ksx fooj.kkRed ,oa ewY;kRed nksuksa :i esa gqvk gS\ ppkZ djsaA
The Term ‘multiculturalism’ has been used in both a descriptive and a normative sense.
Discuss. (15 Marks 2011)
3- cgqlaLÑfrdrk ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\ D;k ;g fodkl ,oa izxfr esa ,d ckèkk gks ldrh gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
What is multiculturalism? Can it be an impediment for development and progress? Discuss.
 (20 Marks 2012)
4- c gqlaLÑfrokn fdl izdkj igpku] Lora=krk vkSj lerk tSlh mnkjoknh èkkj.kkvksa dks iquHkkZf"kr djrk gS
rFkk mlds vfHkx`ghrksa dh iqujZpuk djrk gS\
How does multiculturalism redefine liberal notions like identity, freedom and equality and
reformulate its assumptions? (10 Marks 2014)
5- c gqlaLÑfrokn ij o.kZukRed vkSj vkn'kZd lan'kks± dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain descriptive and normative perspectives on multiculturalism. (15 Marks 2014)
6- D ;k cgqlaLÑfrokn oSf'od lekt dh ,d vko';drk gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Is multiculturalism a need of global society? Discuss. (15 Marks 2015)
7- ¶izHkqRo ls eqfDr¸ dks D;k ge cgqlkaLÑfrdokn ds fy, ,d otg (vkSfpR;) eku ldrs gSa\ dkj.kksa
lfgr viuk mÙkj izLrqr dhft,A (Can we consider “Freedom form Domination” as one of the
justifications for multiculturalism? Give reasons for your answer.) (15 Marks 2016)
8- D;k vki bl ckr ls lger gS fd ik'pkR; vkn'kZ ds :i esa /eZfujis{krk Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa vuko';d
gSa\ cgq&lkaLd`frd Hkkjrh; lekt ds lanHkZ esa bl ij ppkZ dhft,A
Do you agree with the view that secularism as a western ideal is redundant in the Indian
context? Discuss in the context of the multicultural Indian society.  (20 Marks 2017)
9- D;k vki bl er dk leFkZu djrs gSa fd Hkkjrh; lkaLo`Qfrd igpku osQ fy,] cgqlaLo`Qfrokn osQ fl¼karksa
rFkk izR;sd O;fDr dh xfjek osQ izfr vknjHkko dk lekdyu djus dh vko';drk gS\ vius mÙkj dh
iqf"V dhft,A
Do you subscribe to the view that Indian cultural identity needs to integrate the principles of
multi-culturalism and respect for the dignity of each person? Justify your answer.
 (10 Marks 2018)

99 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 10- cgqlaLo`Qfrokn ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ oS'ohdj.k vkSj cgqlaLo`Qfrokn fdl izdkj ,d&nwljs ls lacaf/r
Notes gS\ mudk laca/ fdl izdkj lkaLo`Qfrd ifjorZuksa dks izHkkfor djrk gS\
What do you understand by multi-culturalism? How are globalization and multi-culturalism
related? How does their relationship affect cultural changes? (20 Marks 2018)
11- cgqlkaLo`Qfrdrk osQ fopkjksa ij o.kZukRed ,oa vkn'kZd ifjizs{; D;k&D;k gSa\
What are the descriptive and normative perspectives on ideas of multiculturalism?
 (15 Marks 2019)
12- cgqlaLo`Qfrokn ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ ,d cgqlkaLo`Qfrd jk"Vª dks fufeZr djus okyh lajpukRed
fo'ks"krkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A
What do you understand by multiculturalism? Explain the structural characteristics that make
a nation multicultural. (15 Marks 2020)
1- çfrfuf/Ro ds fl¼kUr esa cgqlaLÑfroknh gLr{ksi dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain multi-culturalist intervention in the theory of representation. (15 Marks 2019)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- cgq&laLÑfrokn D;k gS\ blds fofHkUu :iksa dks Li"V djsaA (What is Multiculturalism? Explain
different models of Multiculturalism)
2- cgq&laLÑfrokn ds i{k vkSj foi{k esa fn, x, rdks± dh foospuk djsaA bl lanHkZ esa vki vius fopkjksa
dks Li"V djsaA

vijkèk ,oa naM% Hkz"Vkpkj] O;kid fgalk] tkfrlagkj] izk.knaM

7 Crime and Punishment : Corruption, Mass Violence, Genocide, Capital
3- tulagkj dh vuqefr nsus okyh fofHkUu ^vuq'kkfLr;ksa* dh lwph cukb, vkSj izR;sd fojksèk esa uSfrd
izfr;qfDr;ksa ij izdk'k Mkfy,A
List the various ‘sanctions’ permitting genocide and clearly bring out the ethical counter-
arguments against each. (200 Words 2010)
4- D;k e`R;qn.M vkSfpR;iw.kZ gS\ naM ds fl¼karksa ds lanHkZ esa mÙkj nhft,A Can capital punishment be
justified? Answer with reference to the theories of punishment. (15 Marks 2011)
5- lkewfgd fgalk ds D;k dkj.k gks ldrs gS\ D;k lkewfgd fgalk dks uSfrd vkèkkjksa ij dHkh mfpr Bgjk;k
tk ldrk gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
What can be the causes for mass violence? Can mass violence ever be justified on moral
grounds? Discuss. (30 Marks 2012)
6- D;k Hkz"Vkpkj ls dsoy uSfrd igyw gh ugha oju~ vkfFkZd igyw Hkh tqM+k gS\
Does corruption have
not only a moral dimension but also an economic dimension? (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
7- D ;k ge dg ldrs gS fd iztkrh; loksZPprk (jsf'k;y lqfizeslh) tulagkj dk eq[; dkj.k gS\ vius
mÙkj ds dkj.k crkb,A Can we say that racial supremacy is the main reason for genocide? Give
reasons for your answer. (10 Marks 2014)
8- ^ n.M dk mís'; uSfrd dkuwu dh j{kk djuk vkSj vijkèkh ds lkFk U;k; djuk gSA¸ foospuk dhft,A
"The aim of punishment is to defend the moral law and to do justice to criminal." Discuss.
 (15 Marks 2015)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 100

9- cykRdkj] gR;k vkSj Hkz"Vkpkj tSls vijk/ksa ds fy, D;k e`R;qnaM dks mfpr fl¼ dj ldrs gSa\ foospuk iz'u&laxzg
dhft,A Can you justify capital punishment for crimes like rape, murder, and corruption? Notes
Discuss. (15 Marks 2017)
10- D;k efgykvksa ds fo:¼ vijk/ksa ds fy, dBksj n.M lekt dh ekufldrk dks cny nsxk\ vius i{k
ds vkSfpR; dks izekf.kr dhft,A (Will a severe punishment for crimes against women change the
mind-set of society? Justify your position.) (15 Marks 2017)
11- Hkkjr osQ yksdra=k eas Hkz"Vkpkj osQ mUewyu osQ fy, vki D;k mik; lq>krs gSa\
What measures do you suggest to eradicate corruption in Indian democracy?(10 Marks 2018)
12- D;k Hkz"Vkpkj lkewfgd fgalk dk ,d :i ugha gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
Is corruption not a form of mass violence? Discuss. (150 Words/10 Marks 2019)
13- D;k e`R;qn.M lkekftd U;k; osQ fl¼kar dks fucZy cukrk gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
Does capital punishment weaken the doctrine of social justice? Discuss. (15 Marks 2019)
14- ,d jk"Vª&jkT; esa lkekftd vkSj jktuhfrd O;oLFkk,¡ Hkz"Vkpkj dks fdl lhek rd vuqowQfyr djrh
gSa\ foospuk dhft,A
How far do the social and political regimes condition corrupt practices in a nation-state?
Discuss. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- vijkèk ,oa iki esa D;k vUrj gSA (What's the different between Crime and Sin)
2- Hkz"Vkpkj ewY;foghu HkkSfrd fodkl dk ifj.kke gS & fVIi.khA
3- Hkz"Vkpkj dk vk'k; D;k gS\ blds fuokj.k gsrq dkSu&lk fl¼kUr vfèkd laxr gSA (What do you mean
by corruption? Which theory is more consistent to remove this evil.
4- Hkz"Vkpkj lekt ds lok±xh.k fodkl esa ckèkd gS & fVIi.khA
5- O;kid fgalk dk vk'k; D;k gS\ blds fofHkUu izdkj dkSu ls gSa\ D;k tkfr lagkj bldh LokHkkfod
ifj.kfr gS\ (What do you mean by mass violence? How many types of mass violence? Is
Genocide is the natural culmination of mass violence).
6- D;k fuokj.kkRed n.M ds fl¼kUr ds vkèkkj ij e`R;q&n.M dks U;k;ksfpr Bgjk;k tk ldrk gSA vius
mÙkj ds leFkZu esa rdZ nhft,A (Can Capital Punishment be justified on the basis of Deterrent
Theory of Punishment? Explain your reasons in this regard).
7- e`R;q&n.M ds i{k vkSj foi{k esa rdZ nhft,A

101 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

iz'u&laxzg naM ds fl¼kUr (Theory of Punishment)
1- naM dk lqèkkjkRed fl¼kUr & (fVIi.kh)A (Reformative theory of punishment.) – Notes. (1997)
2- naM dk izfrdkjoknh fl¼kar & (fVIi.kh)A (Retributive theory of punishment.) – Notes. (1998)
3- n.M dk lqèkkjkRed fl¼kUr & (fVIi.kh)A (Reformative theory of punishment.) – Notes. (1999)
4- n.M dk izfrdkjkFkZ fl¼kUr & (fVIi.kh)A (Retributive theory of punishment.) – Notes. (2000)
5- n.M ds fuokjd fl¼kUr dk dksbZ vkSfpR; ugha gS& (fVIi.kh)A (The deterrent theory of punishment
has no justification.) - Notes. (2001)
6- fVIi.kh & naM dh ^izfrdkjkRed* vkSj ^fuokj.kkRed* fFk;ksfj;ka ijLij iwjd gSaA ('Retributive' and
'deterrent' theories of punishment are mutually complementary) - Notes (2003)
7- naM dh voèkkj.kk dk foospu dhft,A bl lanHkZ esa naM dh vuqikfrdrk ds fl¼kUr ds egRo
,oa fufgrkFkks± ij fopkj dhft,] ftlds vuqlkj naM dh rhozrk vijkèk dh xEHkhjrk ds vuqikr esa
gksuh pkfg,A (Discuss the notion of punishment Consider in this context the importance and
implications of the principle of proportionality of punishment, which requires that the severity
of punishment be proportionate to the seriousness of the crime).(2004)
8- n.M ds iQykRed ,oa izfrjksèkkRed fl¼kUrksa ds chp ijLij ruko dk o.kZu dhft,A bl lanHkZ
esa ml er dk vkykspukRed foospu dhft, ftldk rdZ gS fd pwafd fdlh Hkh izpfyr vijkèk
fujksèkd dkuwuh O;oLFkk dk leqfpr vkSfpR; ugha gS] blfy, jkT; lHkk }kjk fuèkkZfjr fdlh Hkh naM
dk vkSfpR; fl¼ ugha fd;k tk ldrkA vr% jkT; lHkk }kjk lapkfyr naM O;oLFkk dks iw.kZr% lekIr
dj nsuk pkfg,A (Describe the tension between consequentialist and retributivist theories of
punishment. Discuss critically, in this context, the view that argues that since no existing penal
system for crime prevention has adequate justification, state punishment can not be justified
and therefore, it should be completely abolished. (2006)
9- bl ij fopkj dhft, fd n.M ds vkSfpR; dk izfriknu lkekU;r% vko';d D;ksa ekuk tkrk gSA
bl lanHkZ esa vki n.M ds eq[; fl¼karksa dh viuh vkykspukRed foospuk dhft,A (Consider why
punishment is generally thought to require justification. In this context give your critical and
comparative account of the main theories of punishment). (2007)
10- ^naM lHkh thoksa ij 'kklu djrk gS_ naM mu lHkh dk ifjj{k.k djrk gSA* & fVIi.khA ('Punishment
rules all creatures; punishment preserves them all.' - Short Notes). (2008)
11- ¶vkidks n.M blfy, ugha fn;k tkrk gS fd vkius dksbZ HksM+ pqjkbZ gS] cfYd vkidks n.M blfy,
fn;k tkrk gS fd dksbZ Hkh HksM+ u pqjkbZ tk;A¸ ppkZ dhft, fd ;g dFku n.M ds fdl fl¼kUr ls
lacafèkr gSA & fVIi.khA ("You are not punished for stealing the sheep, but you are punished so that
no sheep is stolen." Discuss as to which theory of punishment the statement belongs- Short
Notes). (2009)
12- vkids fopkj esa D;k e`R;qn.M uSfrd n`f"V ls rdZlaxr gS\ (Is capital punishment, in your view,
ethically justified?) (2009)
13- ;fn e`R;qnaM oSèk :i ls vfèkfu.khZr fd;k x;k gks] rks fdlh Hkh uSfrd&jktuhfr fopkj dks mldk èoal
ugha djuk pkfg,A blds i{k ;k foi{k esa viuh jk; vfHkO;Dr dhft,A If capital punishment is
legally awarded, then no ethico-political consideration should subvert it. Express your opinion
for or against. (200 Words 2010)
14- naM dh fFk;ksfj;ksa esa ls dkSu&lh fFk;ksjh Hkkjrh; lekt esa Hkz"Vkpkj ds vijkèk ds fuokj.k esa gekjh
lgk;rk djsxh\ (Which of the theories of punishment would help us prevent the crime of
corruption in Indian society? Discuss.) (20 Marks 2012)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 102

15- n aM ds fdl fl¼kar] izfr'kksèkkRed ;k lqèkkjoknh dk vki leFkZu djrs gSa vkSj D;ksa\Which theory iz'u&laxzg
of punishment, retributive or restorative, do you recommend and why? (20 Marks 2014) Notes
16- ¶ nafMr djus dk mn~ns'; O;fDr esa lqèkkj ykuk gksuk pkfg,A¸ fVIi.kh izLrqr dhft,A
“The goal in punishing should be to reform the individual.” Comment. (10 Marks 2016)

17- D;k vki lksprs gSa fd n.M dk izfrdkjkRed fl¼kar ekuo vf/dkjksa osQ fo#¼ gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Do you think that retributive theory of punishment is against human rights? Discuss.
(15 Marks 2020)
1- vkèkqfud vijkèkksa dks è;ku esa j[kdj n.Ms ds fl¼kUrksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A (Explain and examine
the theories of punishment keeping in mind the modern crimes.) (1999)
2- izfrdkjkRed n.M dh èkkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk bl lacaèk esa izfrdkjkRed
(retributive) n.M ds er dk ewY;kadu djsaA (Explain the concept of retribution and evaluate in
this context the retributive theory of punishment.) (2001)
3- n.M ds lqèkkjoknh fl¼kUr dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A D;k bls n.M ds vU; fl¼kUrksa ls
Js"B dgk tk ldrk gS\ (Explain critically the reformative theory of punishment. Can it be
considered to be superior to the other theories of punishment?) (2007)
4- naM ds lqèkkjkRed fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A (Explain and evaluate the reformative
theory of punishment). (2009)
5- naM ds lqèkkjkRed fl¼kUr dh leh{kk dhft,A
Examine the reformative theory of punishment. (15 Marks 2016)
6- D;k n.M dk lq/kjkRed fl¼kUr U;k;laxr gS\ roZQ lfgr mÙkj nhft,A
Is reformative theory of punishment judicious? Answer with arguments. (10 Marks 2017)
7- vk/qfud vijk/ksa dks è;ku esa j[krs gq, n.M osQ fl¼kUrksa dh ijh{kk dhft,A
Examine the theories of punishment keeping in mind the modern crimes. (10 Marks 2018)
8- nafMr fd;s tkus dk ladYi lkekU;&bPNk ds fl¼kUr dh vfHkO;fDr gSA foospuk dhft,A
To be punished is the will derived from the theory of general-will. Discuss. (15 Marks 2019)
9- n.M dh uSfrd vko';drkvksa ij ppkZ djrs gq, lq/kjkRed n.M fl¼kar ij fVIi.kh djsaA
Discuss the moral necessity of punishment and comment on its Reformative Punishment
Theory. (10 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- D;k e`R;q&n.M uSfrd n`f"V ls U;k;ksfpr gS\ vius mÙkj ds i{k esa rdZ nhft,A (Is Capital Punishment
morally, Justified? Give reasons in support of your answer).

fodkl ,oa lkekftd mUufr

8 Development and Social Progress

1- D;k ekuookn ds fcuk lkekftd izxfr laHko gS\ ijh{k.k dhft,A
Is social progress possible without Humanism? Examine.  (150 Words 2010)
2- D ;k ge ijdh;u (,fyus'ku) ds foyksiu ds }kjk lkekftd izxfr izkIr dj ldrs gSa\ lekykspukRed
fo'ys"k.k dhft,A
By eliminating alienation can we bring social progress? Critically analyse. (15 Marks 2014)

103 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

iz'u&laxzg 3- ¶ vlkfE;d fodkl lkekftd izxfr ds ctk; lkekftd la?k"kks± dh vksj ys tkrk gSA¸ O;k[;k dhft,A
Notes "Inequitable development leads to social conflicts rather than social progress." Explain.
 (10 Marks 2015)
4- D;k ;g laHko gS fd lkekftd izxfr dk ekiu vkfFkZd fodkl ds brj (Lora=k) dj fy;k
tk,\ foospuk dhft,A Is it possible to measure social progress independent of economic
development? Discuss. (15 Marks 2016)
5- lekykspukiwoZd ewY;kadu dhft, fd D;k lkekftd izxfr dk vkn'kZ vius drZO;ksa ij O;fDr dh
Lora=krk dks xkS.k egRo nsrk gSA
Critically evaluate whether the ideal of social progress gives a secondary significance to an
individual's freedom over his duties. (15 Marks 2017)
6- vkfFkZd ,oa jktuhfrd vkn'kks± ij vk/kfjr lkekftd izxfr dh ladYiuk ds fo:¼ uSfrd fl¼krksa esa
fufgr lkekftd fodkl dh ladYiuk dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate the concept of social development as rooted in ethical principles against the concept
of social progress being based on economic and political ideals. (20 Marks 2017)
7- D;k izkS|ksfxdh; fodkl] lekt osQ uSfrd ekudksa esa izxfr dh vksj ys tkrk gS\ Li"V dhft,A
Does techhnological development lead to progress in the ethical standards of the society?
Explain. (15 Marks 2019)
8- lkekftd fodkl dh xk¡/hoknh ladYiuk dks vfHkO;Dr ,oa mldk ijh{k.k dhft,A
State and examine the Gandhian concept of social development. (20 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- fodkl dh voèkkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft,A fodkl ds D;k izeq[k y{; gksus pkfg,A D;k fodkl lnSo
lkekftd izxfr dks bafxr djrk gS\ (Discuss the concept of Development? What should be the
goals of Development. Is Development always indicates Social Progress?
2- lkekftd izxfr dk D;k vFkZ gS\ lkekftd izxfr ds fofHkUu dkjdksa dh foospuk djsaA (What is the
meaning of Social Progress? Discuss its different factors).
3- D;k Hkkjrh; lekt izxfr'khy gS\ lkekftd izxfr ds fuèkkZj.k ds fy, fdu ekunaMksa dk mi;ksx fd;k
tk ldrk gS\ (Is Indian Society progressive? What criteria may be used for assessing social

oSKkfud eukso`fÙk rFkk izxfr (Scientific Temper and Progress)

1- oSKkfud izxfr & (fVIi.kh)A (Scientific Progress.) – Notes. (1998)
2- oSKkfud eukso`fÙk (Temper) & (fVIi.kh)A (Scientific Temper.) – Notes. (1999)
3- laiks"; fodkl dh voèkkj.kk (Concept of sustainable Development) & (fVIi.kh)A (2000)
4- ki ^izxfr* 'kCn ls D;k le>rs gSa\ D;k ekuoksa us vius fØ;kdykiksa ds lHkh {ks=kksa esa izxfr dh gS\
ppkZ dhft,A (What do you understand by 'progress'? Have human beings made progress in all
fields of their activity? Discuss).(2005)
1- ekuo lekt dh izxfr esa oSKkfud euksn'kk fdruh lgk;d gS\ Li"V djsaA (To what extent scientific
temper is helpful in the progress of human society? Explicate.) (2000)
2- oSKkfud vfHko`fÙk ds eq[; y{k.k D;k gSa\ ekuo lekt ds fodkl esa bl vfHko`fÙk dk ;ksxnku le>kb;sA
(What are the main characteristics of scientific temper? Explain its contribution to the progress
of human society). (2003)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 104

3- oSKkfud izxfr ,oa vfHkgfr ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\ lekt vFkok jk"Vª ds Lo:i dks ;s fdl izdkj izHkkfor iz'u&laxzg
djrs gSa\ mnkgj.k lfgr le>k;saA (What is meant by scientific progress and temper? How do they Notes
influence the nature of Society or Nation? Explain with examples). (2004)
4- oSKkfud eukso`fÙk vkSj vkèkqfud rduhdh fodkl ij ,d leh{kkRed fucUèk fyf[k;sA
Write a critical essay on the scientific temper and modern technological development. (2010)
5- izxfr dk vFkZ le>kb,A oSKkfud n`f"V blesa fdl izdkj lgk;d gS\
Explain the meaning of progress. How is scientific temper helpful in it? (10 Marks 2015)
6- oSKkfud vfHko`fÙk ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ izxfr osQ lkFk bldk D;k laca/ gS\ foospuk dhft,A
What do you understand by scientific temper? What is its relation with progress? Discuss.
(10 Marks 2018)

fyax Hksn% L=khHkwz.k gR;k] Hkwfe ,oa laifÙk vfèkdkj] l'kfDrdj.k

9 Gender Discrimination : Female Foeticide, Land and Property Rights,
1- Hkkjr esa efgykvksa ds Hkwfe vkSj lEifÙk vfèkdkjksa dk ijh{k.k dhft,A efgykvksa ds l'kDrhdj.k esa
mudk fdruk ;ksxnku gS\ Examine the Land and Property Rights of women in India. How far do
they contribute to empower women? (2009)
2- D;k laifÙk dk vfèkdkj vkfFkZd vlekurk iSnk djrk gS vkSj ekuo caèkqRo ds fy, [krjk gksrk gS\ ppkZ
dhft,A Does the right to property bring economic disparity and threatened human fraternity?
Discuss. (200 Words 2010)
3- D;k efgykvksa dk dsoy jktuhfrd l'kfDrdj.k iq#"k&izèkku Hkkjrh; lekt esa L=kh&iq#"k HksnHkko dks
feVk ldrk gS\ Can only the political empowerment of women wipe out gender discrimination
in a male-dominated Indian society? (200 Words 2010)
4- efgyk l'kDrhdj.k ,oa lkekftd U;k; & lekykspukRed fVIi.kh dhft,A (Woman empowerment
and Social Justice - Critical Notes). (12 Marks 2012)
5- D;k lkekftd izxfr vkSj eknk Hkwz.kgR;k ls lqj{kk ds chp dksbZ vko';d lacaèk gS\ ppkZ dhft,A Is
there a necessary connection between social progress and protection against female foeticide?
Discuss. (20 Marks 2012)
6- ¶Hkwfe ,oa laifÙk dh igq¡p ,oa mÙkjkfèkdkj dk efgykvksa dks oapu] ekuoksa ds :i esa muds ewy vfèkdkjksa
dk oapu gSA¸ ppkZ dhft,A “Denial of access and inheritance of land and property to women is
a denial of their fundamental rights as humans.” Discuss. (20 Marks 2012)
7- ¶ dksbZ Hkh ukjh iSnk ugha gksrh gS] ijarq og ukjh cu tkrh gSA¸ bl dFku dh lekykspukRed O;k[;k
dhft,A ("One is not born a woman, but she becomes a woman". Critically comment on it.)
 (15 Marks 2014)
8- L =kh&iq#"k HksnHkko dh rkRi;Z D;k gS\ D;k ;g lerk vkSj lkekftd U;k; dk mYya?ku ugha gS\ foospuk
dhft,A What does gender discrimination means? Is it not a violation of equality and social
justice? Discuss. (15 Marks 2015)
9- D ;k efgykvksa dk vkfFkZd l'kfDrdj.k L=kh&iq#"k HksnHkko dk foyksiu dj nsrk gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Does economic empowerment of women eliminate gender discriminiation? Discuss.
 (15 Marks 2015)
10- D;k efgykvksa dk l'kfDrdj.k] Hkwfe] lEifÙk vkSj fookg&foPNsn ds fy, muds leku vfèkdkjksa dk
,d i;kZIr lk/u gS\ /kfeZd laLohd`fr;ksa ds lanHkZ esa foospuk dhft,A
Is empowerment of women a sufficient mean to their equal rights to land] property and divorce?
Discuss in the context of religious sanctions. (15 Marks 2017)
105 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 11- D;k ukjh vf/dkjokn l'kfDrdj.k osQ fy, ;k fd lerk osQ fy, ,d fopkj/kjk gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Notes Is feminism an ideology for empowerment or for equality? Discuss. (15 Marks 2018)
12- lekykspukiwoZd fopkj dhft, fd L=kh&iq#"k HksnHkko okLro esa euq";&fufeZr ladYiuk gS u fd izo`Qfr
osQ }kjk iznku fd;k x;k gSA
Consider critically, that gender discrimination is a rather man-made concept but not naturally
endowed. (15 Marks 2019)
13- D;k vki lger gSa fd efgyk l'kfDrdj.k fyaxh; foHksnu dk mUewyu dj ldrk gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Do you agree that empowering women can eliminate gender discrimination? Discuss.
(20 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- L=khHkwz.k gR;k fir`lÙkkRed lekt dk nq"ifj.kke gS & leh{kk djsaA
2- Hkwfe ,oa laifÙk ds vfèkdkjksa ds lacaèk esa efgykvksa dh okLrfod fLFkfr dk foospu djsaA
3- efgyk l'kfDrdj.k & fVIi.khA
4- ukjh l'kfDrdj.k ls lacafèkr fofHkUu eqíksa dh foospuk djsaA

fyax lekurk (Gender Equality)

1- y Safxd vU;k; (Gender injustice) & (fVIi.kh)A (Gender injustice.) – Notes. (1998)
2- ¶tks ckr fL=k;ksa dks vHkh lh[kuh gS og ;g gS fd dksbZ Hkh vkidks 'kfDr ugha nsrkA vkidks Lo;a mls
ysuk gSA fVIi.kh djsaA ("The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just
take it." Comment.) (2000)
3- vkids fopkj esa L=kh&iq#"k vlerk dk (ds) D;k lzksr gS (gSa)\ D;k bldh tMs+a izkFkfed :i ls ekuo
thofoKku esa gSa\ bl vlerk dks fdl rjhds ls] ;fn fd;k tk ldrk gks rks] lekIr fd;k tk ldrk
gS\ bu eqíksa ij viuh fLFkfr dks le>kb, vkSj mlds i{k esa rdZ nhft,A (What in your view is the
source(s) of gender inequality? Is it primarily rooted in human biology? In what way, it at all,
can this inequality be bridged? Explain and defend your position on these issues). (2003)
4- fVIi.kh & L=kh&iq#"k dh lekurk dh izkfIr dsoy lektoknh lekt es gh gks ldrh gSA* (Gender
equality can be realized only within a socialist regime.) – Notes. (2004)
5- ¶lsDl ,d tSfod laoxZ gS] tcfd fyax (tSaMj) ySafxd varj dh lkaLÑfrdr% :fir vfHkO;fDr gSA¸
& fVIi.khA ("Sex is the biological category, whereas gender is the culturally shaped expression
of sexual difference"). (2005)
6- ^fyax lekurk* ls vki D;k le>rs gSa vkSj ;g D;ksa egRoiw.kZ gS\ What do you understand by
‘gender equality’ and why is it important? (Not more than 250 words, 15 marks 2013)
7- iq#"k o efgyk esa cjkcjh ds fy, D;k vkfFkZd Lora=krk vko';d gS\ Is economic independence
essential for equality between men and women? (250 words, 15 marks 2013)
8- bl lanHkZ esa jktuSfrd laxBuksa esa efgykvksa dk ;Fks"V izfrfufèkRo D;ksa egRoiw.kZ gS\
Why is adequate representation of women in political institutions important in this context?
 (Not more than 250 words, 15 marks 2013)
9- ¶tgk¡ rd esjk lEcaèk gS eSa ukjhRo dks detksj fyax ugha ekurkA ;g nksuksa esa ls vfèkd egku~ gSaA¸ xkaèkh
ds bl dFku dk ewY;kadu dhft,A “To me the female sex is not the weaker sex. It is the nobler
of the two.” Evaluate this statement of Gandhi. (15 Marks 2016)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 106

10- D;k vki lger gS fd lkewfgd ehekalk rFkk fu.kZ;u ds }kjk efgyk,¡ l'kDr gks ldrh gS\ foospuk iz'u&laxzg
dhft,A Do you agree that women become empowered through collective reflection and Notes
decision-making? Discuss. (15 Marks 2016)
11- L=kh&Hkwz.kgR;k osQ lUnHkZ esa] L=kh&iq#"k HksnHkko dk vki fdl izdkj ewY;kadu djrs gSa\
How do you evaluate gender discrimination in the context of female foeticide?
 (15 Marks 2018)
12- D;k L=kh&iq#"k lekurk dks lektoknh 'kklu&iz.kkyh esa lkdkj fd;k tk ldrk gS\ fo'ks"k.k dhft,A
Can gender equality be realised within a socialist regime? Analyse.
 (150 Words/10 Marks 2019)
1- fyax&lekurk dh èkkj.kk Li"V djsaA bl lanHkZ esa fyaxHksn ds i{k esa izeq[k rdZ dh ijh{kk djsaA
(Explain the concept of gender equality. Examine is this context the major arguments for
gender-inequality.) (1998)
2- L=kh&iq#"k vlerk dk dkj.k loZFkk tSfod gS & (fVIi.kh)A (The cause of gender inequality is
entirely biological.) – Notes.(2001)
3- L=khokn esa ^lekurk* rFkk ^Hksn* ds leFkZdksa ds okn&fookn us fdl izdkj L=khoknh dk;ZØe ds fy,
lkekftd&fyax lacaèkksa ds vkn'kZ dks ewrZ :i fn;k gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A (How has the debate among
supporters of 'equality' and 'difference' in feminism given shape to the ideal of gender relations
for feminist agenda? Explain.) (2002)
4- ySafxd&lekurk ds i{k ,oa foi{k esa ;qfDr;k¡ & fVIi.khA (Arguments for and against Gender-
equality - short notes). (2004)
5- iq#"k&L=kh vlekurk ds fofoèk izk:iksa ds dkj.kksa ,oa muds fufgrkFkks± dks crk,¡ ,oa ewY;kafdr djsaA
(State and evaluate the causes and implications of the different forms of Gender Inequalities).
6- ¶fyaxh; foHksn ,d ;FkkFkZ gS] tcfd fyaxh; lekurk ,d vkn'kZA¸µHkkjrh; lkekftd lajpuk ds lUnHkZ
esa bl dFku dk ijh{k.k dhft;sA "Gender discrimination is reality, whereas gender equality is
an ideal." Examine this Statement in the context of Indian Social Structure. (2008)
7- fyaxh; lekurk ds ekuooknh vkèkkjksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A Hkkjrh; èkkfeZd n`f"V fyaxh; lekurk ds iz'u
ij dgk¡ rd ekuorkoknh gS\ foospu dhft,A (Explain the humanistic basis of gender equality. To
what extent is the Indian religious view-point humanistic on the question of gender equality?
Discuss). (2010)
8- fyaxHksn efgyk l'kfDrdj.k dks fdl izdkj ckfèkr djrk gS\ foospuk dhft,A
How does gender discrimination hamper women empowerment. Discuss. (40 Marks 2012)
9- fyax lekurk dk D;k vFkZ gS\ ;g dgk¡ rd okaNuh; gSA
What is the meaning of gender equality? How far is it desirable? (10 Marks 2015)
10- D;k ^fyax lekurk* ^lekftd U;k;* dk ,d egRoiw.kZ vkèkkj gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Is 'Gender Equality' and important basis of 'Social Justice'? Discuss. (15 Marks 2016)
11- fyaxHksn efgyk l'kfDrdj.k dks fdl izdkj ckf/r djrk gS\ ge fyax lekurk dks fdl izdkj ls izkIr
dj ldrs gSa\ Li"V dhft,A How does gender discrimination hamper women empowerment?
How can gender equality be achieved? Explain. (15 Marks 2017)
12- fyax&lekurk dk D;k vFkZ gS\ efgyk l'kfDrdj.k osQ fy, D;k ;g ,d vko';d 'krZ gS\ O;k[;k
What is the meaning of Gender-equality? Is it an essential condition for women – empowerment?
107 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg Explain.(15 Marks 2018)
Notes 13- fyax&Hksn dks tUe nsus esa Hkk"kk vkSj laLÑfr dh Hkwfedk dk mYys• dhft,A
Write the role of language and culture in the formation of gender inequality. (15 Marks 2019)
14- ^fyax lekurk fodflr vkSj laosnu'khy lekt gsrq vifjgk;Z gSA* fVIi.kh djsaA
'Gender equality is inevitable for a developed and sensitive society.' Comment on it.
(10 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- O;fDrxr jktuhfr gS & fVIi.khA (Personal is political) - short notes.
2- ukjhokn (Feminism) & fVIi.khA
3- ¶L=kh eqfDr ,oa fyax lekurk gsrq dsoy izfØ;kxr lqèkkj gh i;kZIr ugha gSa cfYd blds fy, <k¡pkxr ;k
lajpukRed ifjorZu dh vko';drk gSA¸ ukjhoknh vkanksyuksa ds ifjisz{; esa bldk mÙkj nsaA
4- ¶efgyk,¡ iSnk ugha gksrh cfYd cukbZ tkrh gSaA¸ & fVIi.khA
5- ¶efgyk mRihM+u dk ewyHkwr dkj.k fir`lÙkkRed laLÑfr esa fufgr gSA¸ & fVIi.khA

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 108

tkfr Hksn% xk¡èkh ,oa vacsMdj
10 (Caste Discrimination : Gandhi and Ambedkar)

1- tkfr foHksnhdj.k & ldkjkRed ;k vU; izdkj ls & dk lexz lekt dh lejlrk ij iM+us okys izHkko
ij ppkZ dhft,A Discuss the impact of caste discrimination - affirmative or otherwise, on the
harmony of the society as a whole. (2008)
2- ¶tkfr iki ugha gS] ijarq tkrh; HksnHkko iki gSA¸ ,d fpafrr ukxfjd gksus ds ukrs] bl dFku ij
lekykspukRed fVIi.kh dhft,A (“Caste is not a sin, but caste discrimination is” As a concerned
citizen, comment critically on this statement.) (200 Words 2010)
3- D;k tkfrizFkk ls xzLr lekt esa ukxfjdksa ds vfèkdkj dk izR;; fuokZfgr fd;k tk ldrk gS\ ppkZ
djsaA Can the conception of ‘rights’ of citizens be sustained in a society characterized by caste
discrimination? Discuss. (20 Marks 2011)
4- o.kZ vkSj tkfr ij xk¡èkh ds fopkj D;k Fks\ o.kZ ds xk¡èkh ds izfriknu ds lkFk vEcsMdj dh vlgefr
ij lekykspukRed fVIi.kh dhft,A
What were Gandhi’s views on varna and jeiti? Critically discuss Ambedkar’s disagreement
with Gandhi’s treatment of varna. (30 Marks 2012)
5- Hkkjrh; lanHkZ esa] D;k tkfrHksn us iztkrkaf=kd iz.kkyh dks izHkkfor fd;k gS\
Is there any impact of
caste discrimination on democracy in Indian context? (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
6- ; fn tkfr HksnHkko esa fujarjrk vkSj lksiku gS] rks U;k; dk dkSu&lk fl¼kUr bl leL;k dks lekIr dj
ldrk gS\
If caste discrimination has continuity and hierarchy, which principle of justice can dissolve
this problem? (10 Marks 2014)
7- Hkkjr esa tkfr&O;oLFkk ij xk¡èkh ,oa vEcsMdj ds chp cqfu;knh Hksn D;k gS\
What are the basic differences between Gandhi and Ambedkar regarding caste system in India?
 (15 Marks 2014)
8- t kfr&O;oLFkk dh vEcsndj dh lekykspuk dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate Ambedkar's critique of caste system. (20 Marks 2015)
9- ¶ ekuo ds fy, vko';d gS fd og HkkSfrd vkSj lkFk&gh&lkFk vkè;kfRed :i ls fodflr gksrk tk;A¸
vEcsndj ds bl dFku dk ewY;kadu dhft,A "Man must grow materially as well as spiritually."
Evaluate this statement of Ambedkar. (15 Marks 2015)
10- ,sfrgkfld rFkk lkekftd ifjizs{;ksa ds vkèkkj ij vEcsMdj us tkfr O;oLFkk dk fdl izdk'k fo'ys"k.k
fd;k\ O;k[;k dhft,A How did Ambedkar analyse the caste system from the historical and
social perspectives? Explain. (20 Marks 2016)
11- D;k tkfr HksnHkko lekt ds fo'ks"kkf/dkj izkIr oxZ dh ;k /kfeZd vuq"Bkuksa dh Js"Brk euksxzafFk dk
urhtk gS\ MkW- ch-vkj- vEcsMdj }kjk izfrikfnr fopkjksa ds lanHkZ esa ppkZ dhft,A
Is caste discrimination a result of the superiority complex of a privileged class of the society
or of religious rituals? Discuss the reference to the views propounded by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
 (10 Marks 2017)
12- ;g dgk tkrk gS fd Hkkjr osQ lkekftd O;ogkj ij tkfr&vk/kfjr lewgksa dh ikjaifjd idM+] fodYih
igpkuksa dk fuekZ.k djus osQ lHkh iz;klksa osQ ckotwn] cuh jgh gSA eksgunkl djepan xk¡/h osQ vkyksd
esa ppkZ dhft,A (It is said that the traditional hold of caste-based groups on Indian social
behaviour has survived all attempts to build alternate identities. Discuss in the light of M.K.
Gandhi.) (10 Marks 2018)

109 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

iz'u&laxzg 13- Lok/hu Hkkjr esa lkekftd ifjorZuksa dh fn'kk esa ch-vkj- vEcsMdj osQ ;ksxnku dks vfHkO;Dr ,oa
Notes mldk ijh{k.k dhft,A
State and examine B.R. Ambedkar’s contribution towards social changes in Independent India.
 (20 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- oxZ ,oa tkfr ds lanHkZ esa xk¡èkh ,oa vacsMdj ds fopkjksa dks Li"V djsaA
2- Hkkjr esa tkfr O;oLFkk ds ykHk ,oa nks"kksa dks crk,¡A (What are the advantages and disadvantages
of caste system in India).
3- tkfr D;k gS\ oxZ ls bldh fHkUurk dks crk,¡A (Define caste? Distinguish it from class.
4- ¶tkfr&O;oLFkk o.kZ&O;oLFkk dh foÑfr dk ifj.kke gS¸ µ fVIi.khA
5- ¶tkfr foHksn ds cht tkfrokn esa fufgr gSa¸ & fVIi.khA

vU; i{k%& lgvfLrRo rFkk fgalk] loksZn; (Co-existence, Violence and Sarvodaya)
1- ekDlZokn vkSj loksZn; esa lekurk vkSj fofHkUurkA (Compare and contrast Marxism with the idea of
'Sarvodaya.') (1997)
2- loksZn; & (fVIi.kh)A (Sarvodaya.) – Notes. (1999)
3- ^èkeZ foghu jktuhfr furkUr fuanuh; gS ftlls ges'kk cpuk pkfg,A*& egkRek xkaèkh (fVIi.kh)A
bereft of religion are absolute dirt, ever to be shunned.– Mahatma Gandhi.) – Notes. (2001)
4- vki ^loksZn;* ls D;k le>rs gSa\ bl lacaèk esa] egkRek xkaèkh ds fuEufyf[kr dFku ij fopkj dhft,%
¶izR;sd O;fDr ds ikl] vius iM+ksfl;ksa ds }kjk cjkcj mi;ksx ds laxr] viuh izfrHkkvksa dks bLrseky
djus dh iw.kZ Lora=krk dk gksuk t:jh gS] ijUrq fdlh dks Hkh izfrHkkvksa ls ykHkksa ds euekus mi;ksx dk
gd ugha gSA og jk"Vª dk ,d Hkkx gksrk gS] ;k ;ksa dfg, fd pkjksa vksj dh lkekftd lajpuk dk ,d
HkkxA blfy,] og viuh izfrHkkvksa dk bLrseky vius fy, ugha] cfYd ml lkekftd lajpuk ds fy,]
ftldk og dsoy ,d Hkkx gS vkSj ftldh ekSu vuqefr ls og thrk gS] dj ldrk gSA¸ D;k vki
mijksDr n`f"Vdks.k ls lger gksaxs\ laHko vkifÙk;ksa ds fo#¼] vki viuh fLFkfr ds i{k esa rdZ nhft,A
(What do you understand by 'Sarvodaya'? Consider in this connection the following statement
of Mahatma Gandhi : "Every individual must have fullest liberty to use his talents consistently
with equal use by neighbours, but no one is entitled to the arbitrary use of the gains from the
talents. He is part of the nation or, say, the social structure surrounding him. Therefore, he can
use his talents not for self but for the social structure of which he is but a part and on whose
sufferance he lives." Would you agree with the above points of view? Defend your position
against possible objections.). (2003)
1- loksZn; fl¼kUr ds ØkfUrdkjh i{kksa dk leh{kkRed foospu dhft;sA (Discuss critically the
revolutionary aspect of Sarvodaya theory.) (1991)
2- loksZn; n'kZu dh lkjHkwr fo'ks"krk,¡ D;k gSa\ D;k ;g gekjs ns'k dh lkekftd o jktuhfrd leL;kvksa
dk lekèkku dj ldrk gS\ iw.kZ O;k[;k dhft;sA (What are the essential features of Sarvodaya
Philosophy? Can it solve the social and political problem of our country? Explain fully.)
3- fouksck Hkkos dh loksZn; dh èkkj.kk dk vkykspukRed fooj.k nhft;sA D;k loksZn; ,d jktuSfrd
fopkjèkkjk gS vFkok jktuSfrd dk;Zokgh dh ,d fofèk\ izR;qÙkj esa rdZ nhft;sA (Give a critical
account of Vinoba Bhave's conception of sarvodaya. Is sarvodaya a Political Ideology or a
method of political action? Justify your answer.) (1996)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 110

4- loksZn; dh voèkkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk orZeku fo'o ds lanHkZ esa bldh izklafxdrk dh foospuk iz'u&laxzg
dhft,A Notes
Explain the concept of 'sarvodaya' and discuss its relevance in the context of the present world.
5- vfgalk dh voèkkj.kk dks le>kb;s rFkk lelkef;d fo'o esa mldh vFkZoÙkk dh foospuk dhft,A
Explain the concept of Ahimsa (non-violence) and discuss its meaningfulness in the
contemporary world. (2000)
6- vkradokn dh èkkj.kk Li"V dhft;sA yksdrkaf=kd lekt esa jktuSfrd izfrokn dks izdV djus ds ,d
:i esa vkradokn dk ewY;kadu Hkh dhft,A
What is terrorism? Evaluate terrorism as a form of political protest in a democratic society.
7- l oksZn; & fVIi.khA (Sarvodaya - Short Notes) (2007)
8- oSKkfud vkSj rduhdh izxfr ds lacaèk esa egkRek xk¡èkh ds fopkjksa dk vkykspukRed fo'ys"k.k dhft;sA
Critically analyse Mahatma Gandhi's views regarding scientific and technological progress.
9- egkRek xk¡èkh dh vfgalk dh voèkkj.kk dks lqLi"V dhft,A og mls lR; rFkk isze ds lkFk dSls tksM+rs
gSa\ foospu dhft,A
Elucidate Mahatma Gandhi's concept of non-violence. How does he relate it to truth and love?
Discuss. (2011)
10- xk¡èkh ds loksZn; fopkj dh izlkafxdrk ij izdk'k Mkfy;saA
Elaborate upon the relevance of the idea of Sarvodya of Gandhi. (10 Marks 2016)
11- mi;ksfxrkokn vkSj lokZsn; ds chp vo/kj.kkRed vUrjksa dks Li"V dhft,A
State and clarify conceptual differences between Utilitarianism and Sarvodaya.
(10 Marks 2019)
12- ^loksZn; dk fopkj jkT; ds dY;k.kdkjh :i dh iw.kZrk gSA* ppkZ djsaA
"The thought of Sarvodaya is the completion of the welfare face of the State." Dicuss.
(15 Marks 2020)
13- ^vfgalk Js"Bre vkrafjd ewY;ksa dk leUo;u gSA* fVIi.kh djsaA
'Non-violence is the co-ordination of noblest internal values.' Comment. (10 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- oS;fDrd lEifÙk ,oa laj{krk (VªLVhf'ki) ds fl¼kUr ds izeq[k fu;eksa dh foospuk dhft;sA (Discuss
the main principles of the Doctrine of Trusteeship).
2- lR;kxzg dh jktuSfrd deZ&i¼fr ds :i esa O;k[;k djsaA (Explain the concept of Satyagraha as a
method of political action).
3- loksZn; ds vFkZ dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk mlds nk'kZfud vkèkkjksa dks Li"V dhft,A (Explain the
meaning of Sarvodaya and elucidate its philosophical foundations).
4- xk¡èkhokn jktuhfrd n'kZu ds fl¼kUrksa dh foospuk dhft,A egkRek xk¡èkh fdl n`f"V ls lektoknh Fks
vkSj fdl n`f"V ls ugha\ (Discuss the principles of Gandhian Political Philosophy. In which sense
was he a socialist and in which sense he was not?)
5- ¶xk¡èkhth us jktuhfr dks vkè;kfRedrk ls vkSj èkeZ dks mnkjrk ls vksr&izksr fd;kA¸ foospuk dhft,A
("Gandhiji spiritualised Politics and liberalized religion". Comment).
6- ¶lkèku ,d cht dh rjg gS vkSj mís'; ,d isM+A lkèku vkSj mís'; esa Hkh ogh lacaèk gS tks cht vkSj
isM+ esa¸ & xk¡èkhthA xk¡èkhth ds lkèkuksa vkSj lkè;ksa lacaèkh fopkjksa dks Li"V dhft,A ("The means may
be likened to a seed, the end to a tree; and there is just the same inviolable connection between
the means and the end as there is between the seed and the tree" - Gandhiji. Discuss Gandhiji's
views about means and ends.

111 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

iz'u&laxzg 7- ¶jkT; ,d la;ksftr ,oa lqO;ofLFkr fgalk dk izrhd gS¸ & xk¡èkhthA Li"V dhft,A ("The state
represents violence in a concentrated and organized form" - Gandh. Comment.
8- ¶jkT; euq"; thou ds gj {ks=k esa mldks mUur cukus okys lkèkuksa esa ls ,d gS¸ & xk¡èkhthA
foospuk dhft,A ("State is one of the means of enabling people to better their condition in every
department of life." - Gandhi. Comment.
9- tkWtZ lksjsy dk fgalk lacaèkh fopkj & fVIi.khA
10- ¶fgalkjfgr lkE;okn gh xk¡èkhokn gSA¸ bl dFku dh leh{kk djrs gq, rFkk lkE;okn ds chp Hksn Li"V
11- ¶lR;kxzg ,d vfgald Økafr gSA¸ & fVIi.khA
12- loksZn; ds fl¼kUr dh ijh{kk dhft,A D;k yksdra=k vkSj o.kZO;oLFkk ds lkFk bldh izklafxdrk gS\
Li"V dhft,A (Discuss Sarvodaya Theory. Does it have relevance with democracy and Varna

vU; i{k%& ikfjfLFkfrdh dk n'kZu (Philosophy of Ecology)

1- i kfjfLFkfrdh dk n'kZu & (fVIi.kh)A (Philosophy of Ecology) – Notes. (1997)
2- ikfjfLFkfrd&n'kZu dk D;k vFkZ gksrk gS\ bl lanHkZ esa ikfjfLFkfrd ekuookn dh dsUnzh; LFkkiuk ij
ppkZ dhft, vkSj lkFk gh ikfjfLFkfrd cksèk vkSj ikfjfLFkfrd psruk ds chp foHksn dks Li"V dhft,A
(What does Eco-philosophy mean? Discuss in this context the central thesis of ecological
humanism and also explain the distinction between 'ecological understanding' and 'ecological
3- i;kZoj.k n'kZu ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ bl lanHkZ esa mu eq[; elyksa dk foospu dhft, ftuls bldk
lacaèk gSA (What do you understand by the philosophy of ecology? In this context, discuss its
main concerns). (2004)
4- ikfjfLFkfrdh ds n'kZu esa dsanzh; eqíksa dk ijh{k.k dhft,A D;k ;s ljksdkj dsoy mi;ksfxrkoknh gSa\ ppkZ
dhft,A (Examine the central issues in the philosophy of ecology. Are these concerns merely
utilitarian? Discuss). (2005)
1- izÑfr vkS|ksfxd mRikn dk ,d lzksr ek=k gSA ewY;kadu dhft,A (Nature is only a resource for
industrial production.) (1998)
2- D;k i;kZoj.k lacaèkh gekjh fpark ij rRoehekalk dk izHkko iM+rk gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A (Does
metaphysics influence our ecological concerns? Explain.) (2002)
3- ikfjfLFkfrdh ls tqMs+ uSfrd iz'u D;k gSa\ D;k vkt ikfjfLFkfrdh uhfr 'kkL=k vfuok;Z gS\ rdZ
izLrqr dhft,A (What are the ethical issues related with ecology? Is ecological ethics necessary
today? Give reasons). (2004)
4- ikfjfLFkfrdh fo"k;d ekudh vfHkxe ls D;k le>k tkrk gS\ Hkkjrh; lkekftd&èkkfeZd O;oLFkk ds
i;kZoj.kh; n`f"Vdks.k dh O;k[;k dhft;sA
What is meant by the Normative Approach to Ecology? Explain the environmental view-point
of Indian socio-religious system. (2010)
5- ikfjfLFkfrdh&n'kZu ,oa ikfjfLFkfrdh&foKku osQ vUrj dks Li"V dhft,A ikfjfLFkfrdh&n'kZu ls lEc¼
izeq[k uSfrd eqís D;k gSa\ O;k[;k dhft,A
Clarify the difference between Philosophy of Ecology and Science of Ecology. What are the

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 112

chief ethical issues related with philosophy of ecology? (15 Marks 2018) iz'u&laxzg
6- i;kZoj.k dh j{kk esa vfgalk dh Hkwfedk dh O;k[;k dhft, A Notes
Explain the role of non-violence in the preservation of ecology. (15 Marks 2019)
7- ikfjfLFkfrdh ,d oSKkfud vo/kj.kk ds lkFk&lkFk ,d nk'kZfud vo/kj.kk Hkh gSA ppkZ djsaA
'Ecology is a philosophical as well as scientific concept.' Discuss. (15 Marks 2020)

1- dqN nk'kZfudksa ds er esa jktuhfrd&n'kZu dk dk;Z dsoy lEizR;kRed gS] vFkkZr~ mu laizR;;ksa dk
fo'ys"k.k djuk tks fof'k"Vr% jktuhfrd gSa] tSls fd ^U;k;*] ^lekurk*] ^vfèkdkj* vkSj blh izdkj ds
vU;A dqN vU; er gS fd jktuhfr n'kZu dk dk;Z vifjgk;Zr% ekudh; (normative) gS ftlds fy,
vko';d gS fd jktuhfrd nk'kZfud ,sls lÙkklwpd (Substantive) fl¼kUrksa dk xBu ,oa izfriknu
djsa ftuds vkèkkj ij fofHkUu jktuhfrd vkn'kks±] tSls fd lkekftd U;k;] O;fDr&Lokra=; ,oa vfèkdkj
vkfn ds lacaèk esa ekudh; iz'uksa dk mÙkj fn;k tk ldsA
mi;qZDr lanHkZ esa vkids fopkj esa jktuhfrd&n'kZu dk D;k mi;qDr dk;Z gSA bldk mYys[k ,oa izfriknu
Some philosophers believe that the task of political philosophy is only conceptual i.e., to
analyse concepts which are typically political, such as 'justice', 'equality', 'right' and the like.
Some others believe that the task is inescapable normative which requires political philosophers
to formulate and defend substantive principles which can serve to answer normative questions
concerning different political ideals such as social justice, individual freedom and rights and
the like.
In the above context state and defend what you think is the proper task of political philosophy.
2- fVIi.kh & ekuo izÑfr dk dksbZ Hkh ys[kk&tks[kk jktuhfrd n'kZu dk Bksl vkèkkj ugha gks ldrkA
account of human nature can provide a secure foundation for political philosophy) – Notes.
3- ¶vPNh jktuhfrd O;oLFkk ekuo izÑfr dh oLrqfu"B ,oa lgh le> ij vkèkkfjr gksrh gSA¸&fVIi.khA("The
conception of a good political order rests upon an objectively true account of human nature").
- Short notes. (2006)
1- O;kogkfjd n'kZu dks ifjHkkf"kr djsa ,oa mldh 'kk[kkvksa @ izdkjksa dks crk,¡A D;k vki le>rs gSa fd
O;kogkfjd n'kZu dk vè;;u ijEijkxr ifjdYiukRed n'kZu ds vè;;u ls vfèkd izklafxd gS\ dkj.k
crk,¡A (Define applies Philosophy and state its branches/types. Do you think that the study of
applied Philosophy is more relevant than the study of traditional speculative Philosophy? Give
reasons). (2005)


113 iratfy ifCyds'kUl


èkeZ&n'kZu dk Lo:i ,oa {ks=k (vUr%lacafèkr ikB~;Øe)

Nature and Scope Philosophy of Religion (Inter-related Topic)
1- èkeZn'kZu èkeZ ugha gS& fVIi.kh dhft;sA
Comment on Philosophy of religion is not religion.(1988)
2- èkeZ ehekalk rFkk èkeZ n'kZu ds varj dk vkykspvukRed foospu dhft, rFkk èkeZehekalk ds foLrkj
{ks=k dk o.kZu dhft,A (Discuss critically the distinction between Theology and Philosophy of
Religion and bring out the range of the former.) (1992)
3- è keZ esa izkFkZuk dk LFkkuA (Place of prayer in religion.) – Notes. (1998)
4- èkeZ] èkeZ'kkL=k vkSj èkeZ n'kZuA (Religion, Theology and Philosophy of Religion.) – Notes.(1999)
5- èkkfeZd gksus dk vFkZ gS fdlh laLFkkfir èkeZ dk lnL; gksukA (To be religion means to belong to
some religious order). (2001)
6- orZeku oSKkfud vkSj izkS|ksfxdh; fodkl osQ lEeq[k ^/eZ* osQ egÙo dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the significance of ‘Religion’ vis-a-vis the present scientific and technological
development. (10 Marks 2020)
7- D;k ;g Lohdk;Z gS fd /eks± dk bfrgkl la?k"kks± dk bfrgkl gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Is it acceptable that the History of Religions is the History of Conflicts? Discuss.
(10 Marks 2020)
1- èkeZ&n'kZu ds Lo:i dk foospu dhft;s rFkk bZ'oj ehekalk (Theology) ls bldk vUrj crykb,A
Discuss the nature of Philosophy of Religion and distinguish it from Theology. (1990)
2- èkeZ n'kZu ds foèkku esa n'kZu ,oa bZ'oj ehekalk ds ;ksxnkuksa dk Li"V fu:i.k dhft,A
What contributions philosophy of religion? Bring out this clearly. (1991)
3- èkeZ n'kZu ds Lo:i dk foospu dhft, rFkk bZ'oj ehekalk ls blds Hksn dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Discuss the nature of philosophy of Religion and explain its difference from Theology. (1992)
4- èkeZ n'kZu u rks n'kZu gS] u èkeZ & bl dFku ds lUnHkZ esa èkeZn'kZu dk lgh vFkZ crkb;sA
of Religion is neither Philosophy, nor Religion." Point out the exact meaning of Philosophy of
Religion in the light of this statement.) (1993)
5- èkeZn'kZu ds Lo:i rFkk {ks=k dh O;k[;k dhft;s rFkk bZ'oj&ehekalk ls mldk foHksn dhft;sA (Explain
the nature and scope of Philosophy of religion and distinguish it from Theology.) (1994)
6- èkeZ n'kZu dh izeq[k leL;k,¡ crkbZ;sA ;s bZ'ojehekalk dh vkèkkjHkwr leL;kvksa ls fdl izdkj fHkUu gSa]
lksnkgj.k mÙkj nhft,A (Identify the main problems of the philosophy of religion. How are they
different from the core questions of theology? Give examples.) (1995)
7- ^èkeZ* vkSj ^fjyhtu* esa D;k varj gS\ èkeZ dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, rFkk thou esa mlds egRo
dks crkb;sA (What is the difference between 'Dharma' and 'Religion'. Explain the characteristics
of Dharma and its importance in life.) (1996)
8- èkeZ n'kZu dk D;k rkRi;Z gS\ budh dqN izeq[k leL;kvksa dk fooj.k nhft,A èkeZn'kZu èkeZ'kkL=k ls fdl
izdkj fHkUu gS\ (What is meant by Philosophy of Religion? Describe some of its main problems.
How does philosophy of Religion differ from theology.) (1998)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 114

9- Hkkjrh; n'kZu rdZ ,oa uSfrdrk dk vfrozQe.k djrk gS] foospu djsaA iz'u&laxzg
“Indian Philosophy transcends logic and morality.” — Discuss.(1998)
10- 1- èkeZ n'kZu ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ (What do you understand by Philosophy of Religion?)
2- D;k ;g bZ'oj&foghu èkeZ dks izfrikfnr djrk gS\ (Does it profess religion without God?)
3- ;g fdl Hkk¡fr èkkfeZd lg".kqrk dks izksRlkfgr djrk gS\ Li"V djsaA
In what way does it promote religious tolerance? State clearly. (2000)
11- fVIi.kh& èkeZ rFkk bZ'ojehekalk esa HksnA (Distinguish between religion and theology.) – Notes.
12- èkeZ rFkk èkeZ n'kZu esa Hksn dhft,A bl lacaèk esa èkeZ&n'kZu dh fo"k;oLrq dh O;k[;k dhft;sA
Distinguish religion from Philosophy of Religion. Explain, in the context, the subject matter
of the philosophy of religion. (2001)
13- ^èkeZ'kkL=k* ,oa ^èkeZ&n'kZu* ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ bZ'oj dh lÙkk dh flf¼ ds fy, dkj.kewyd
;qfDr dk vkykspukRed foospu dhft,A (What do you mean by 'Theology' and 'Philosophy of
Religion'? Discuss critically the causal argument to prove the existence of God). (2004)
14- èkeZ&n'kZu ds Lo:i dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk èkeZ ,oa bZ'oj fo|k ls mldk Hksn le>kb;sA
Explain the nature of philosophy of religion and distinguish it from religion and theology.
15- èkeZn'kZu D;k gS\ èkeZn'kZu ,oa èkeZ'kkL=k esa D;k varj gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A
What is philosophy of Religion? What is the difference between Philosophy of Religion and
Theology? Explain. (40 Marks 2014)
16- èkeZ n'kZu ds Lo:i vkSj {ks=k dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the nature and scope of Philosophy of Religion. (15 Marks 2015)
17- izdkf'kr bZ'oj'kkL=k vkSj izkd`frd bZ'oj'kkL=k esa D;k varj gS\ le>kb;sA What is the difference
between Revealed Theology and Natural Theology? Explain. (10 Marks 2015)
18- èkeZ'kkL=k ,oa èkeZn'kZu ds lacaèk dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the relationship between Theology and Philosophy of Religion. (15 Marks 2016)
19- /eZ'kkL=k ,oa /eZn'kZu eas foHksn dhft,A
Distinguish between Theology and Philosophy of religion. (15 Marks 2017)
20- ^/eZ n'kZu* osQ Lo:i vkSj {ks=k dh foospuk dhft,A ^/eZ* vkSj ^/eZ n'kZu* osQ laca/ dh O;k[;k
Discuss the nature and scope of ‘Philosophy of Religion’. Explain the relation between
‘Religion’ and ‘Philosophy of Religion’. (15 Marks 2018)
21- dêðjrk ds ;qx esa /eks± ds nk'kZfud vè;;u ds egRo dh foospuk dhft,A
Explain the importance of the philosophical studies of religions in the age of fundamentalism.
(15 Marks 2019)
22- /eZ'kkL=k ds Lo:i dh foospuk dhft,A çdkf'kr /eZ'kkL=k vkSj nk'kZfud /eZ'kkL=k esa vUrj Li"V
Discuss the nature of theology. State and clarify the difference between revealed theology and
philosophical theology. (15 Marks 2019)
23- /eZ dh lkFkZdrk lekt lsok esa gSA lEHkor% ;gh mldk loksZRÑ"Vrk uSfrd i{k Hkh gSA fVIi.kh djsaA
Meaningfulness of Religion is in social service. Possibly this is its finest moral aspect also.
Comment on it. (15 Marks 2020)
24- /eZ vkSj n'kZu dh rqyuk djsaA
Distinguish between Religion and Philosophy. (10 Marks 2020)

115 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

iz'u&laxzg laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)
Notes 1- D;k èkkfeZd gksus ds fy, èkeZ&n'kZu dk vè;;u vko';d gS\ èkeZ&n'kZu ds mís'; ,oa Lo:i ds lanHkZ
esa viuk mÙkj nhft,A (Is the study of Philosophy of Religion must for being religious? Answer
in context of the objective and nature of Philosophy of religion).
2- èkeZ&n'kZu ds {ks=k dks Li"V djrs gq, mlds vè;;u dh mi;ksfxrk n'kkZb;sA (By classifying the scope
of philosophy of religion, point out the utility of its study).
3- vkèkqfud ifjofrZr lanHkZ esa èkeZ ds vè;;u ds egRo rFkk mi;ksfxrk dk fo'ys"k.kkRed foospuk dhft,A
(Evaluate the importance and utility of the study of Religion in the modern changing context).

bZ'oj dh èkkj.kk% xq.k] euq"; ,oa fo'o ls lacaèk (Hkkjrh; ,oa ik'pkR;)
1 Notions of God : Attributes, Relation to Man and the World (Indian and Western)

bZ'oj fo"k;d èkkj.kk,¡ (Notions of God)

1- fVIi.kh & bZ'oj dh oS;fDrd èkkj.kkA (Personalistic notion of God.) – Notes. (1997)
2- fVIi.kh & bZ'oj dh izÑfroknh fopkjA (Naturalistic notion of God.) – Notes. (1999)
3- fVIi.kh & bZ'oj dh fuoSZ;fDrd voèkkj.kkA (Impersonalistic conception of God.) – Notes.
(2000, 2002)
4- fVIi.kh & ;fn bZ'oj loZK gS] rks euq"; Lora=k ugha gSA (If God is omniscient, then humans are not free).
5- bZ'oj dh fuoSZ;fDrd (impersonalistic) voèkkj.kk ,oa izÑfroknh (naturalistic) voèkkj.kk ds chp
HksnA (The difference between impersonalistic and naturalistic conceptions of God). (2006)
6- ijEijkxr :i esa bZ'oj dk ,d xq.k mldk loZ'kfDreku gksuk ekuk x;k gSA ijUrq dqN vkykspdksa
ds vuqlkj loZ'kfDreku bZ'oj dh voèkkj.kk fojksèkkHkklh gSA izR;qÙkj esa dqN bZ'ojokfn;ksa us dfFkr
fojksèkkHkkl ds lekèkku dk iz;kl fd;k gSA fojksèkkHkkl dks of.kZr dhft, ,oa blds lekèkku ds fy,
fd, x, iz;klksa dk foospu dhft,A (Traditionally omnipotence has been regarded as one of the
attributes of God. But according to some critics, the notion of omnipotent being is paradoxical.
In response, some theists have tried to resolve the alleged paradox. Describe the paradox and
explain the attempts to resolve it.(2006)
7- ijEijkxr~] bZ'oj dk ,d xq.k mldk loZ'kfDreku gksuk ekuk x;k gSA ijUrq dqN vkykspdksa ds vuqlkj
loZ'kfDreku bZ'oj dh voèkkj.kk fojksèkkHkklh gSA izR;qÙkj esa dqN bZ'ojokfn;ksa us dfFkr fojksèkkHkkl
ds fuokj.k dk iz;kl fd;k gSA loZ'kfDreku bZ'oj lacafèkr dfFku fojksèkkHkkl dks of.kZr dhft, ,oa
blds lekèkku ds fy, fd, x, iz;klksa dk foospu dhft,A (Traditionally omnipotence has
been regarded as one of the attributes of God. But according to some critics, the notion of
omnipotent being is paradoxical. In response, some theists have tried to resolve the alleged
paradox. Describe the paradox and explain the attempts to resolve it. (2007)
8- Ñik vkSj HkfDr ds bZ'oj ds lanHkZ esa] D;k rVLFks'ojokn ,d larks"ktud fFk;ksjh gks ldrh gS\ ppkZ
dhft, & fVIi.khA (Can Deism be a satisfactory theory in the context of God of grace and
devotion? Discuss. - Short Notes). (2008)
9- èkeZ ds ^bZ'oj* dh igpku D;k n'kZu ds ^ijerÙo* ls dh tk ldrh gS\
Can the 'God' of Religion be identified with the 'Absolute' of Philosophy? (2009)
10- ¶euq"; gksus dk vFkZ bZ'oj gksus dk iz;kl djuk gSA¸ & fVIi.khA
"To be Man is to strive to be God." Comment. (30 Marks 2009)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 116

11- rVLFks'ojokn (MkbT+e) vkSj bZ'ojokn (FkhbT+e) ds chp foHksn Li"V dhft,A iz'u&laxzg
Explain the distinction between Deism and Theism. (20 Marks 2012) Notes
12- ; fn bZ'oj dks ^,d* ekuk tk,] rks D;k blls èkkfeZd }a} mRiUu gksaxs\
If God is regarded as 'One', will it give rise to religious conflicts? (10 Marks 2014)
13- ^ varoZfrZrk* (beusZl) vkSj ^vuqHkokrhrrk* (VªkalsaMsal) ds eè; txr~ esa euq"; dh izfLFkfr dks
lfoLrkj Li"V dhft,A Elucidate the status of Man in the realm between 'immanence' and
'transcendence'. (20 Marks 2014)
14- b Z'oj ds xq.kksa ij ,d leh{kkRed fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
Write a critical note on the attributes of God. (10 Marks 2015)
15- ¶vkèkqfud laosnu'khyrk rFkk fujadq'k bZ'oj ds izfr iw.kZ leiZ.k¸ ,d lkFk ugha py ldrs gSA bl
fopkj ij viuh lekykspuk izLrqr dhft,A
Critically discuss the view that ‘modern sensibility and total obedience to a despotic God’ do
not go hand in hand. (10 Marks 2016)
16- izkP; (iwohZ) èkeks± esa ekuo vkSj lalkj dh rqyuk rFkk fo"kerk izLrqr dhft,A
Compare and contrast the relation of man to the world in the oriental religions.
 (20 Marks 2016)
17- n 'kkZb, fd bZ'oj ds vUr;kZfeRo (varoZfrZrk) rFkk bafnz;krhr xq.k fdl rjg muds loZO;kidrk rFkk
vuUrrk dks iznf'kZr djrs gSaA (Show how the attributes of immanence and transcendence of God
go with omnipresence and infinitude.) (15 Marks 2016)
18- n'kZu dh ;ksx iz.kkyh esa euq"; ds bZ'oj ds lkFk laca/ ij lekykspukRed ppkZ dhft,A
Critically discuss the relationship of man with God in the Yoga system of philosophy.
 (10 Marks 2017)
19- bZ'oj dh xSj&/eZ'kkL=kh; ladYiuk D;k gS\ og bZ'oj dh /eZ'kkL=kh; ladYiuk ls dSls fHkUu gS\ rdZ
lfgr foospuk dhft,A (What is a not-theological concept of God? How is it different from
theological concept of God? Discuss with arguments.) (15 Marks 2017)
20- D;k fgUnw/eZ cgqnsooknh gS\ vius mÙkj osQ fy, dkj.k nhft,A
Is Hinduism poly-theistic? Give reasons for your answer. (10 Marks 2018)
21- bZ'oj osQ oS;fDrd ,oa voS;fDrd Lo:iksa dk dFku dhft, vkSj ewY;kadu dhft,A
State and evaluate the personalistic and impersonalistic aspects of God. (15 Marks 2019)
22- Hkkjr esa fdlh ,d /eZ osQ vuqlkj] ekuo vkSj bZ'oj osQ chp laca/ ij ppkZ dhft,A
Discuss the relationship between man and God according to any one of the religions in India.
 (15 Marks 2019)
23- D;k ^ladYi&Lokra=;* rFkk ^loZ'kfDreku~ bZ'oj* esa dksbZ laxfr gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Is there any compatibility between ‘Freedom of Will’ and ‘Omnipotent God’? Discuss.
(10 Marks 2020)
24- fof'k"Vk}Sr osQ fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa fgUnw /eZ esa] bZ'oj dh izo`Qfr dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the nature of God in Hinduism with special reference to Vishishtadvaita (Qualified
non-dualism). (20 Marks 2020)

1- vorkjokn fdl izdkj bZ'oj dh oS;fDrd ,oa izÑfroknh èkkj.kkvksa dk leUo; djrk gS\ Li"V dhft,A
(How does theory of incarnation harmonise the personalistic and the naturalistic concepts of
God? Explicate.) (2000)
2- f VIi.kh & izkÑfrdrkewyd èkeZ ds :iA (Forms of naturalistic religion.) – Notes. (2001)
3- bZ'oj dh O;fDrRoewyd voèkkj.kk dh O;k[;k rFkk ijh{kk dhft,A (Explain and examine the
personalistic conception of God). (2002)
117 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 4- bZ'oj dk vorkjokn fdl izdkj mldh oS;fDrd ,oa izÑfroknh èkkj.kkvksa dk leUo; djrk gS\ vius
Notes mÙkj dh iqf"V esa rdZ izLrqr dhft;sA (How does the theory of God's incarnation harmonise his
personalistic and naturalistic concepts? Support your answer with arguments). (2003)
5- bZ'oj O;fDrRoiw.kZ gS ;k O;fDrRo jfgr\ nksuksa fopkjksa esa ls dkSu&lk èkkfeZd ekaxksa ds fy;s vfèkd
mi;qDr gS\ foospuk dhft,A (Is God personal or impersonal? Which of these two views is more
suited to religious needs? Discuss. (2007)
6- bZ'oj dh izd`frokn voèkkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Discuss the naturalistic notion of God. (15 Marks 2015)
7- bZ'oj rFkk fujis{k rRo esa Hksn dhft,A
Distinguish between God and Absolute element.  (10 Marks 2015)
8- O;fDrxr bZ'oj ds laizR;; dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the concept of personal God. (10 Marks 2016)
9- bZ'oj dh izd`frokn voèkkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Discuss the naturalistic notion of God. (10 Marks 2017)
10- bZ'oj O;fDrRoiw.kZ gS ;k O;fDrRojfgr\ nksuksa fopkjksa esa ls dkSulk /kfeZd ek¡xksa osQ fy, vf/d mi;qDr
gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Is God personal or impersonal? Which of these two views is more suited to religious demands?
Discuss.(10 Marks 2018)
11- bZ'oj ds rÙoehekalh; xq.kksa dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A
Critically explain the metaphysical attributes of God. (15 Marks 2019)
12- bZ'oj dh loZ'kfDrerk le>krs gq, /eZ n'kZu esa bldk ewY; crk;saA
Sketch the Omnipotence of God and place its value in philosophy of Religion.
(10 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- ¶;fn cSyksa]?kksM+ksa vkSj 'ksjksa ds gkFk euq"; ds leku gksrs vkSj mu gkFkksa ls os fp=k cuk ldrs rks os bZ'oj
dks Øe'k% cSy]?kksMs+ vkSj 'ksj ds :i esa fpf=kr djrs¸ (tsuksiQsuht) fVIi.khA
2- ¶bZ'oj dh O;fDrRoiw.kZ voèkkj.kk vkRe&fojksèkkHkk"kh gSA¸ foospu djsaA ("The concept of Personalistic
notion of God is self contradictory". Explain).
3- vuh'ojokn ,oa bZ'ojokn esa vUrj crkb;s rFkk bZ'ojokn ds Hksnksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A (Distinguish
between Atheism and Theism. Explain the kinds of Theism).
4- bZ'oj vkSj fo'o ds lacaèk esa izpfyr fofHkUu fl¼kUrksa dh foospuk djsaA buesa dkSu&lk fl¼kUr vfèkd
laxr gS\ (Explain different theories regarding the relation between God and World. Which one
of them is more consistent?).
5- bZ'oj vkSj euq"; ds lacaèk esa izpfyr fofHkUu fl¼kUrksa dh leh{kkRed foospuk djsaA
6- èkkfeZdrk dh O;k[;k gsrq bZ'oj dks lxq.k ekurk vko';d gS ijUrq rkfdZd n`f"Vdks.k ls ;g vlaxfr
iSnk djrk gS To explain religious activities it is must to accept determinate God but logically
it leads to inconsistency.

bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds izek.k vkSj mldh ehekalk (Hkkjrh; ,oa ik'pkR;)

2 Proofs for the Existence of God and their Critique (Indian and Western)

bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy, çek.k (Proofs For the Existence of God)


iratfy ifCyds'kUl 118

1- D;k bZ'oj dh lÙkk ds fy, jgL;kRed vuqHkwfr i;kZIr izek.k gSa\ foospuk dhft,A iz'u&laxzg
Is mystical experience adequate evidence for the existence of God? Discuss. (1988)
2- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy;s nh xbZ lÙkkewyd ;qfDr dk O;k[;ku vkSj ewY;kadu dhft,A
Explain and evaluate the ontological argument for the existence of God. (1990)
3- fVIi.kh & bZ'oj ds fy, l`f"VoSKkfud ;qfDrA
Cosmological argument for the existence of God. – Notes. (1993)
4- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy, izfrikfnr fofHkUu ;qfDr;ksa dk mYys[k rFkk ewY;kadu dhft,A
State and evaluate the various arguments for the existence of God. (1994)
5- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo dh l`f"V&dkj.k ;qfDr crkb, vkSj mldh ijh{kk dhft,A
State and examine the cosmological arguments for the existence of God. (1997)
6- eku ysa fd bZ'oj dks izekf.kr djus gsrq tks Hkh ijEijkxr rdZ fn;s tkrs gSaA os lHkh nks"kiw.kZ gSaA D;k
blls bZ'oj dk u gksuk fl¼ gksrk gS\ ;fn vkidk mÙkj udkjkRed gS rks fopkj dhft, fd D;k bZ'oj
ds u gksus dk dksbZ izek.k gks ldrk gS\
Suppose the traditionally received argument for the existence of God are all fallacious. Would
that prove non-existence of God? If your answer is in the negative then consider whether there
can be a proof for God's non-existence. (1998)
7- f VIi.kh& bZ'oj ds gksus ds fy, loZ lgefr (Common consent) rdZA (Common consent argument
for the existence of God.) – Notes. (1998)
8- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo gsrq izR;;&lÙkkewyd ;qfDr dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk bl ;qfDr esa fufgr rdZ nks"kksa dh
ijh{kk dhft,A (Explain the ontological argument for God's existence and examine the fallacies
involved in this argument.) (1999)
9- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy, fn, x, ijaijkxr izek.kksa dk foospu dhft, rFkk izR;sd ij vkykspuk
nhft,A Discuss traditional proofs for the existence of God and give your own criticism on
each. (2000)
10- loZ'kfDreku 'kSrku dh LFkkiuk gsrq izR;;lÙkk&;qfDr dh lEHkkO;rk µ fVIi.khA
The possibility of ontological argument for the existence of supremely powerful devil - Short
Note. (2001)
11- bZ'oj dh lÙkk LFkkiu gsrq iz;kstu&lkis{k&;qfDr dk mYys[k ,oa ewY;kadu dhft,A txr mRifÙk ds lacaèk
esa blls D;k fufnZ"V gS\ D;k txr jpukdkj dh izkDdYiuk ;qfDr;qDr gS\ vFkok] D;k txr lqO;oLFkk
dks la;ksx ,oa vko';drk dh izfØ;k ds :i esa le>k tk ldrk gS\ foospuk dhft,A (State and
evaluate the teleological argument for the existence of God. What does it indicate about the
origin of the Universe? Is the hypothesis of the Designer plausible? Or, can the orderliness of
the Universe be accounted in terms of the process of chance and necessity? Discuss). (2001)
12- fVIi.kh & bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy;s lÙkkehekalh; lk{;A (Ontological proof for the existence of
God) – Notes. (2002)
13- D;k bZ'oj e`r (uhR'ks) ;k thfor (vkLFkkoku yksx) gS\ (Is God dead (Nietzsche) or living (faithful
people). (2003)
14- bZ'oj dh ppkZ esa varoZfrZrk vkSj vuqHkokrhrrk ds D;k vFkZ gksrs gSa\ D;k bZ'oj oLrqr% varoZrhZ gS ;k
vuqHkokrhr gS\ (What do immanence and transcendence mean in talking about God? Is God
really immanent or transcendent?) (2003)
15- fVIi.kh & bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds lacaèk esa lÙkkehekalh; rdZ fdl izdkj oLrqr% vekU; gS\
Is the ontological argument for the existence of God really invalid?.(2003)
16- D;k bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy, izkIr gq, ^lk{;ksa* esa ls dksbZ bZ'oj ds vfLrRo dks fl¼ djus esa liQy
gksrk gS\ ppkZ dhft,A bl lanHkZ esa] fo'ks"kdj l`f"V&dkj.k ;qfDr ij lekykspukRed :i ls fopkj
dhft,A (Does any of the received "proofs" for the existence of God succeed in proving God's
existence? Discuss. In this context critically consider especially the cosmological argument.

119 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

iz'u&laxzg 17- dqN bZ'ojoknh bZ'ojijd fo'okl ds lanHkZ esa izek.k ,oa rdZ dh lkFkZdrk ij iz'ufpg~u yxkrs gSaA
Notes muds fopkj ls bZ'oj ij fo'okl djus okyk vius fo'okl ds fy, izek.k ds vHkko esa vfoosdh
ugha gks tkrk D;ksafd èkkfeZd thou ds fy, izek.k u rks vko';d gS vkSj u gh i;kZIrA D;k vki bl
izdkj ds er ls lger gksaxs\ foospu dhft,A (Some theists question the relevancy of proofs and
arguments for theistic beliefs. Believers, in their view, are not irrational for want of proof for
their belief in God, because proofs are neither necessary nor sufficient for religious life. Would
you agree with such a view? Discuss). (2004)
18- ¶ bZ'oj oLrqvksa dk vkfn dkj.k gSA¸ (“God is the first reason of things”) & fVIi.khA (2005)
19- ¶;fn bZ'oj dk vfLrRo dsoy fdlh ds eu ds Hkhrj gS rks ,sls esa egÙke dYiuh; lÙkk vkf[kjdkj
egÙke dYiuh; lÙkk ugha gSA¸ & fVIi.khA ("If God exists only in someone's mind, the greatest
conceivable being is not after all the greatest conceivable being" – short notes). (2005)
20- bZ'oj dh lÙkk LFkkiu gsrq txr&dkj.k&;qfDr dk mYys[k ,oa ewY;kadu dhft,A bl ;qfDr ds nks :i
D;k gSa\ vkJ; tfur lÙkk (dependent being ,oa Lotfur lÙkk esa D;k Hksn gS\ Lotfur lÙkk bZ'kdsafnz;
gh D;ksa gks\ D;k izÑfr dks gh Lotfur lÙkk ds :i esa ugha ekuk tk ldrk\ fopkj dhft,A (State and
evaluate the cosmological argument for the existence of God. What are its two forms? What is
the difference between a dependent being and self-existent being? Why the self-existent being
be theocentric? Can't the nature itself be conceived as self-existent being? Discuss). (2007)
21- lÙkkehekalh; rdZ ds fofHkUu :i vkSj dkaV dh bl rdZ dh ehekalk & fVIi.khA
Different versions of ontological argument and Kant's critique of this argument - Short Notes
22- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds ,d izek.k ds :i esa ^dkj.kkRed* rdZ dk lekykspukRed :i ls ijh{k.k dhft,A
Critically examine the 'Causal' argument as a proof for the existence of God. Answer. (2009)
23- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds izek.k ds :i esa ^iz;kstuijd* ;qfDr dk fo'ys"k.k dhft,A
Analyze the 'Teleological' argument as a proof for the existence of God. (30 Marks 2009)
24- D;k bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy, izklafxd rdZ] ,d rkfdZd dljr ls dqN vfèkd gS\ ppkZ dhft,A Is
contingent argument for the existence of God anything more than a logical exercise? Discuss.
 (200 Words 2010)
25- ;fn izR;sd rdZ ds fy, ekuuk t:jh gks fd mldh vkèkkfjdk,¡ lR; gSa] rks bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy,
izFke dkj.k ds :i esa D;k dk dkj.kkRed rdZ] mldks lgh eku ysus ls fHkUu gksxk\ viuh fLFkfr ds
i{k esa rdZ nhft,A (If each and every argument has to take that its premises are true, would the
causal argument for the existence of God as First Cause be different form assuming that it is
true? Argue in favor of your position.) (200 Words 2010)
26- ekuo eu gh ,slk gS fd og LokHkkfod :i ls izÑfr esa O;oLFkk dk izs{k.k djrk gSA bl ckr dks
Lohdkj dj ysus ds mijkar] D;k bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy,] vfHkdYiuk ls izkIr rdZ dk mi;ksx fd;k
tk ldrk gS\ ppkZ dhft,A Human mind is such that it naturally observes order in nature. Given
this, can one use argument from Design of the existence of God? Discuss. (200 Words 2010)
27- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo dks fl¼ djus ds izek.k] èkeZ ds fodkl ds fy, D;ksa vko';d gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
Why is a proof for the existence of God necessary for the growth of a religion? Discuss.
 (15 Marks 2011)
28- D;k bZ'oj ds vfLrRo dks vdkV~; ,oa fo'oklizn rdZlaxr ;qfDr;ksa ds }kjk fl¼ fd;k tk ldrk
gS\ ppkZ dhft,A Can the existence of God be proved with cogent and convincing rational
arguments? Discuss. (12 Marks 2012)
29- ik'pkR; o Hkkjrh; n'kZu esa Hkxoku ds vfLrRo ds i{k esa fn, czãkaM lacaèkh rdZ crkb, vkSj mldh
foospuk dhft,A State and elucidate the cosmological argument for the existence of God in

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 120

Western and Indian philosophy. (Not more than 250 words, 15 marks 2013) iz'u&laxzg
30- bl rdZ ds fo:¼ nks eq[; vkifÙk;ksa dh foospuk dhft,A D;k vkfLrd yksx budk larks"ktud mÙkj Notes
ns ik, gSa\ Discuss two main objections against this argument. Are theists able to answer these
satisfactorily? (Not more than 250 words, 15 marks 2013)
31- Hkxoku ds vfLrRo ds fy, x<+s x, rdZ ds fo:¼ rhu eq[; vkifÙk;ksa dk lekykspukRed ewY;kadu
dhft,A Critically evaluate three major objections against the argument from design for the
existence of God. (Not more than 250 words, 15 marks 2013)
32- D;k bZ'oj ds ^izR;;* dks rks Lohdkj djuk ijarq bZ'oj dks ^vfLrRo* dks udkjuk vkRe&O;k?kkrh gks
ldrk gS\ Can it be self-contradictory to accept the 'idea' of God but deny the 'existence' of
God? (15 Marks 2014)
33- b Z'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy, fo'o&dkj.k&;qfDr (dkWLeksykWftdy vkxqZesaV) dh foospuk dhft, rFkk
mlds xq.k o nks"k crkb,A Discuss cosmological argument for the existence of God, and show its
merits and demerits. (15 Marks 2014)
34- D ;k fdlh èkeZ dh vfrthfork ds fy, bZ'oj dk vfLrRo ,d vko';d 'krZ gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A
Is existence of God a necessary condition for the survival of religion? Explain.
 (10 Marks 2015)
35- b Z'oj dh lÙkk ds i{k esa ^U;k;* ds rdks± dk ijh{k.k dhft,A
Examine the Nyaya arguments in favour of the existence of God. (20 Marks 2015)
36- ¶;g dguk gh Lor% fojksèkkHkklh gksxk fd dYiuk dh tk ldus okyh lokZfèkd fl¼ lÙkk esa vfLrRo
esa gksus ds y{k.kksa dk vHkko gksrk gSA¸ fo'ys"k.k dhft,A
“It would be self-contradictory to say that the most perfect conceivable beings lacks the
attribute of existence.” Analyse. (15 Marks 2016)
37- ¶izÑfr dh nqfu;k mruh gh tfVy rFkk Li"Vr% :ikafdr gS ftruh fd ,d ?kM+hA¸ ewY;kadu dhft,A
“The natural world is as complexly and manifestly designed as a watch.” Evaluate. 
 (15 Marks 2016)
38- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy, l`f"V&dkj.k ;qfDr ds fofHkUu :iksa ds chp lekurk vkSj oS"kE; fn[kkb,A
Compare and contrast the different forms of cosmological argument for the existence of God.
 (15 Marks 2017)
39- D;k bZ'oj dh ladYiuk osQ fy, bZ'oj dk vfLrRo vko';d gS\ lÙkkewyd (izR;;&lÙkk) ;qfDr osQ
lanHkZ ls ijh{k.k dhft,A (Does the concept of God entail the existence of God? Examine from
the perspective of ontological argument.) (15 Marks 2018)
40- lUr FkkWel ,fDoukl osQ bZ'ojh; Kku osQ ik¡p ekxks± dh Hkkjrh; n'kZu osQ U;k; laiznk; osQ bZ'oj osQ
vfLrRo osQ rdks± osQ lkFk rqyuk dhft,A
Compare St. Thomas Aquinas’ five ways of knowing God with the arguments of the Nyāya
School of Indian Philosophy for the existence of God. (20 Marks 2018)
41- txr osQ l`f"VdrkZ osQ :i esa] bZ'oj osQ vfLrRo osQ fo#¼] ckS¼er osQ rdks± dk lekykspukRed
ewY;kadu dhft,A (Critically evaluate the Buddhistic arguments against the existence of God as
the creator of the world.) (15 Marks 2018)
42- tSu /eZ esa bZ'oj osQ vfLrRo osQ fy, izfrikfnr izek.kksa dk dFku dhft, vkSj ewY;kadu dhft,A
and evaluate the proofs for the existence of God as propounded in Jainism.)
 (150 Words/10 Marks 2019)
43- D;k bZ'oj osQ vfLrRo osQ fy, lar ,Uly~e }kjk fn;k x;k lÙkkehekalh; izek.k rkfoZQd gS\ foospuk
121 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg dhft,A
Notes Is the ntological proof for the existence of God by St. Anselm logical? Discuss.
(20 Marks 2020)
1- bZ'oj ds Lo:i rFkk mlds xq.kksa dk fu:i.k dhft;s rFkk èkeZ esa bZ'oj ds LFkku ,oa egRo dh O;k[;k
dhft;sA (Elucidate the nature and qualities of God and explain the place and significance of
God in Religion.) (1990)
2- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy;s uSfrd ;qfDr dh Li"V O;k[;k vkSj vkykspuk dhft;sA
Clearly explain and examine the Moral Argument for the existence of God. (1991)
3- bZ'oj ds fy, lÙkkewyd ;qfDr dh O;k[;k vkSj ijh{kk dhft,A
State and examine the ontological argument for the existence of God. (1992)
4- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds izek.kksa dh ijh{kk dhft;sA D;k os mlds vfLrRo dks okLro esa fl¼ djrs gSa\
Examine the proofs for the existence of God. Do they really prove his existence? (1993)
5- D;k bZ'oj ds vfLrRo dks txr~ ds dkj.k ds :i esa fl¼ fd;k tk ldrk gS\ foospuk dhft;sA
Can the existence of God be proved as the cause of the world? Discuss. (1994)
6- bZ'oj dh lÙkk ds i{k esa vksUVksykWftdy rdZ dh dkUV }kjk nh xbZ vkykspuk dh ijh{kk dhft;sA
“Examine Kant's critique of the ontological argument for the existence of God.” (1995)
7- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo dks fl¼ djus ds fy, nh xbZ fo'odkj.k ewyd ;qfDr dk ijh{k.k dhft;sA
Examine the cosmological argument for the existence of God. (1996)
8- bZ'oj&vfLrRo ds fy, iz;kstuewyd ;qfDr ds fo:¼ dqN eq[; vkifÙk;ksa dh foospuk dhft;sA
Discuss some of the major objections against the Teleological Argument for existence of God.
9- izR;;&lÙkkewyd ;qfDr ds foi{k esa dkaV ds rdZ dh ijh{kk djsaA
Examine Kant's critique of the ontological argument. (1998)
10- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo lkèkd ;qfDr;ksa dk leh{kkRed foospu dhft;sA
Discuss critically the arguments to prove the existence of God. (1999)
11- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo dh flf¼ ds fy, lÙkkewyd rdZ dh foospuk dhft;sA
Discuss the ontological proof for the existence of God. (2000)
12- bZ'oj dh lÙkk izn'kZd lÙkkewyd rdZ esa vfHkx`ghr ekU;rk,¡ Li"V dhft;sA bl lUnHkZ esa] bl rdZ ds
dkUV }kjk fn;s x;s [k.Mu dk ewY;kadu Hkh dhft;sA
Bring out the assumptions underlying the ontological argument for the existence of God.
Evaluate in this context. Kant's critique of the argument.(2001)
13- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy;s iz;kstu ewyd ;qfDr dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft, rFkk l`f"Vewyd ;qfDr
ls bldk lacaèk fn[kkb;sA (Explain and examine the Teleological Argument for the existence of
God and show its relation to the Cosmological Argument.) (2007)
14- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fy, iznÙk lÙkkewyd ;qfDr dk vkykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft,A (Evaluate
Critically the ontological argument given for the existence of God). (2008)
15- bZ'oj dh lÙkk dks izekf.kr djus d fy, dkj.krkewyd rdZ dk dFku ,oa ijh{k.k dhft,A
State and examine the causal argument to prove the existence of God. (40 Marks 2012)
16- izkd`frd èkeZ'kkL=k D;k gS\ izkd`frd èkeZ'kkL=k ds vkyksd esa bZ'oj dh lÙkk dks izekf.kr djus ds fy,
lÙkkewyd rdZ dk dFku ,oa ijh{k.k dhft,A
What is Natural Theology? State and examine ontological argument to prove the existence of
God in the light of Natural Theology. (40 Marks 2013)
17- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo gsrq izR;;&lÙkkewyd ;qfDr dk foospu dhft,A
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 122
Discuss the ontological argument for God's existence. (15 Marks 2015) iz'u&laxzg
18- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo gsrq iz;kstuewyd rdZ dk ijh{k.k dhft,A Notes
Examine the Teleological argument of god's existence. (15 Marks 2016)
19- bZ'oj osQ vfLrRo fo"k; lÙkkewyd ;qfDr dh ijh{kk dhft,A
Examine the ontological arguments for the existence of God. (15 Marks 2017)
20- bZ'oj osQ vfLrRo osQ fy, nh xbZ uSfrd ;qfDr dh vkykspukRed foospuk dhft,A
Discuss critically moral argument given for the existence of God. (15 Marks 2018)
21- D;k bZ'oj osQ vfLrRo dks ;qfDr;ksa }kjk fl¼ fd;k tk ldrk gS\ bl laca/ esa vki vius er dk mYys[k
dhft,A (Can the existence of God be proved by arguments? Point out your views regarding it.)
(10 Marks 2018)
22- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo dh flf¼ gsrq uSfrd izek.k dh ppkZ djsaA
Discuss the moral argument for the proof of God's existence. (10 Marks 2018)

23- bZ'oj ds leFkZu esa fn;s x;s ç;kstuewyd ;qfDr dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft,A Critically examine
teleological argument given in favour of God. (15 Marks 2019)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- bZ'oj dh flf¼ ds fy, Hkkjrh; vkSj ik'pkR; nk'kZfudksa }kjk leku :i ls fn;s x;s fdUgha nks rdks±
dk foospu dhft,A (Explain 'any two' arguments which are advanced to prove the existence of
God by Indian and Western Philosophers alike).
2- nsdkrZ ds vuqlkj bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds izek.kksa dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A (Critically explain
the proofs for the existence of God according to Descartes).
3- bZ'oj dh lÙkk fl¼ djus ds fy, iz;qDr fofHkUu rdks± dk leh{kkRed foospu dhft,A (Discuss
critically the various arguments to prove the existence of God).
4- U;k;&n'kZu ,oa ;ksx&n'kZu esa bZ'oj ds vfLrRo&flf¼ lacafèkr fn;s x;s izek.kksa dh leh{kkRed foospuk
5- bZ'oj ds vfLrRo dks fl¼ djus ds fy, nh xbZ ;qfDr;ksa dks crkb;sA fdlh ,d ;qfDr dh dkaV }kjk
dh xbZ leh{kk dh foospuk dhft,A (Explain the arguments given in favour of the existence of
God. Critically examine Kant's arguments against any one of them).
6- State in your own words the feature of an argument for God's existence that makes it a
cosmological argument.
7- Does the theory of evolution undercut the argument from design? Why or why not?
8- Does the argument from design lead to the same conception of God as does the ontological
argument? Give reasons for your answer.
9- Of the arguments for God's existence we have surveyed, which do you find most convincing?
Least convincing?
10- A common objection to the ontological argument is that the fact that we can think of something
is not proof that it exists. What would be Anselm's response to this objection?
11- Do you agree with Kant's claim that existence is not a predicate? Why or why not?
12- Is there a difference between viewing God as the supreme being and the greatest conceivable
being? Give reasons for your answer.

v'kqHk dh leL;k
3 Problem of Evil

123 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

iz'u&laxzg v'kqHk dh leL;k (The Problem of Evil)
1- v'kqHk dh leL;k dk D;k rkRi;Z gS\ D;k bldk lekèkku gks ldrk gS\
What is the problem of evil? Can it be solved? (1988)
2- v'kqHk dh leL;k D;k gS\ bPNk dks Lora=k ekuus okys bldk D;k lekèkku nsrs gSa\ og lekèkku dgk¡
rd mfpr gS\ (What is the problem of evil? What is the free-will solution of the problem? How
far is this solution justified?) (1989)
3- ;fn bZ'oj dk iz;kstu gesa Lora=k cukuk Fkk vkSj rn~}kjk gesa mÙkjnk;h izkf.k;ksa dh ifjiDork rFkk izfr"Bk
izkIr djus ds fy, lkeF;Zoku cukuk Fkk] rks fiQj mls gesa iki djus dh vuqefr nsuh gh FkhA (If God
was to create us free and enable us thereby to have the maturity and dignity of responsible
beings. He had to allow us to Sin.) (1990)
4- D;k ge vf'ko dk fgrdkfjrk vkSj bZ'oj dh loZ'kfDrerk (Omnipotence) ds lkFk lkeatL;
LFkkfir dj ldrs gSa\ ppkZ dhft,A (Can we reconcile evil with benevolence and omnipotence
of God? Discuss.(1997)
5- v'kqHk dh leL;k D;k gS\ bl leL;k ds bZ'ojoknh lekèkku dh foospuk dhft,A
(What is the
problem of evil? Discuss the theistic solution to this problem.)(1999)
6- ¶;fn bZ'oj dh lÙkk ugha gS rks lc dqN vuqer gSA¸µ nkWLrksoLdhA (If God does not exist,
everything is permissible." - Dostoevsky). (2001)
7- v'kqHk dh leL;k dks of.kZr dhft,A dqN bZ'ojoknh bl leL;k ds lekèkku ds fy, ladYi&Lokra=;
rdZ dk mi;ksx djrs gSaA dSls\ foospu dhft,A (Describe the problem of evil. Some theologians
utilize the free-will argument to resolve this problem. How? Discuss). (2004)
8- ¶cqjkbZ dh leL;k viw.kZ lalkj ds bZ'oj dh vPNkbZ ds lkFk lekèkku djus dh leL;k gSA¸ & fVIi.khA
("The Problem of evil is the problem of reconciling the imperfect world with the goodness of
God" - short notes). (2005)
9- ¶bZ'oj vfèkd 'kqHk dks ykus ds fy, v'kqHk dks tUeus nsrk gS] vkne dk fxjuk ,d eaxye; iki
(happy sin) FkkA¸ & ykbCuht (fVIi.kh) ("God permitted evil to exist in order to bring about
greater good, Adam's fall was felix culpa (happy sin)." - Leibniz (Short notes). (2006)
10- ¶bZ'oj vfèkdre 'kqHk dks ykus ds fy, v'kqHk dks tUeus nsrk gS] vkne dk fxjuk ,d eaxye; iki
(happy sin) FkkA¸& ykbCuht (fVIi.kh) ("God permitted evil to exist in order to bring about
greater good, Adam's fall was Felix culpa (happy sin)."- Leibniz (Short notes). (2007)
11- bZ'ojoknh ^vfu"V* dh leL;k dk fdl izdkj gy fudky ldrk gS\ D;k vfu"V bZ'oj dh loZ'kfDreÙkk
vkSj loZKrk ij cV~Vk ugha yxkrk gS\ D;k bl ckjs esa bZ'oj dks viw.kZ vkSj 'kfDrghu ekuk tk ldrk
gS\ nks laHko ijLij fojksèkh erksa ds i{k vkSj foi{k esa lekykspukRed ppkZ dhft, vkSj viuh Lo;a
dh fLFkfr ds i{k esa nyhysa nhft,A (How can a theist resolve the problem of evil? Does evil
not tell upon omnipotence and omniscience of God? Can God be thought of as imperfect and
powerless in this regard? Discuss critically for and against the two possible opposite views and
justify your own position). (2008)
12- ;fn vfu"V vkSj nq[kHkksx O;fDr;ksa ds vius&vius ;FkkFkZ vuqHko gksrs gSa] rks Lokfrxrk flf¼ esa os D;k
Hkwfedk fuHkkrs gSa\ If evils and sufferings are the real experiences of individual selves, what role
do they play in realizing self-transcendence?  (2009)
13- ¶veaxy dh leL;k rHkh mBrh gS tc ge funkZs"k O;fDr;ksa ds d"VHkksx ds rF; dks Lohdkjrs gq,
bZ'oj ij vuar Kku] 'kfDr ,oa mÙkerk dk xq.kkjksi.k djrs nsrs gSaA vius Lo;a ds vuqHko ds lacaèk esa
dksbZ xyrh ugha dj ldrk vkSj d"VHkksx ,d vuqHko gh gSA vr,o] bZ'oj ij vuar Kku] 'kfDr vkSj

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 124

mÙkerk bu rhu xq.kjksi.kksa esa ls de&ls&de ,d rks ugha gks ldrk gSA¸ bl rdZ dk ewY;kadu dhft,A iz'u&laxzg
“The problem of evil arises when we attribute infinite knowledge, power and goodness to God
acknowledging the fact of innocent persons’ suffering. One cannot be mistaken about one’s
own experience, and suffering is an experience. Hence, God cannot have at least one of the
three attributes: infinite knowledge, power and goodness.” Evaluate this argument.
 (150 Words 2010)
14- bZ'oj us ekuo dks vuq'kkflr djus ds fy, nq%[kHkksx dh vuqefr nh FkhA¸ ppkZ dhft,A
“God permitted suffering to discipline the human being.” Discuss.  (12 Marks 2012)
15- D;k vkfLrd yksx lalkj esa nSoh cqjkbZ dks vPNkbZ dk gh nwljk vko';d igyw crkus esa liQy gq,
gSa\ Do theists succeed in explaining the natural evil in the world as a necessary counterpart to
good? (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
16- D;k fgrdkjh bZ'oj ds lkFk v'kqHk (bfoy) lekèks; gS\
Is evil reconcilable with benevolent God? (20 Marks 2014)
17- D ;k bZ'oj ^izkÑfrd v'kqHk* dk dkj.k gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
Is God the cause of natural evil? Explain. (10 Marks 2015)
18- D ;k vkids fopkj esa cqjkbZ ,d ,slh dM+oh nokxksyh gS] ftldks dksbZ Hkh bZ'ojoknh vklkuh ls fuxy
ugha ldrk gS\ foospuk dhft,A Do you think that evil is a bitter pill which no theist can easily
swallow? Discuss. (15 Marks 2015)
19- ¶;fn bZ'oj loZ'kfDreku gS] rc rks lHkh izdkj dh cqjkbZ;ksa dks lekIr djus dh bZ'oj dh bPNk vo';
jgh gksxh_ ijUrq lalkj esa uSfrd rFkk izkÑfrd cqjkb;k¡ mxz :i ls izpfyr gSA¸ ,d bZ'ojoknh@vkfLrd
dh bl ij D;k izfrfØ;k gksxh\
“If God is all-powerful, God must wish to abolish all evils; but more, and natural evils are
rampant in the world.” How would a theist react to this? (20 Marks 2016)
20- vki vfu"V ds v&/eZ'kkL=kh; laizR;; dks fdl izdkj ifjHkkf"kr djrs gSa\ O;k[;k dhft,A
How do you define a non-theological concept of evil? Explain. (10 Marks 2017)
21- vfgr ,oa vifo=k dh vo/kj.kk,¡ /eZ dks etcwr uhao iznku djus esa D;k Hkwfedk fuHkkrh gS\
What role do the concepts of evil and profane play to provide a firm foundation to religion?
 (15 Marks 2019)
22- v'kqHk dk rkfoZQd leL;k D;k gS\ foospuk dhft,A
What is the logical problem of evil? Discuss. (15 Marks 2020)
1- D;k txr esa v'kqHk dh mifLFkfr bZ'oj ds vfLrRo ds fo#¼ izek.k izLrqr djrh gS] foospuk dhft,A
Does the presence of evil in the world provide a proof against the existence of God? Discuss.
2- bZ'ojokn fdl izdkj v'kqHk dh leL;k dk lekèkku djrk gS\ le>k,¡A (How does theism solve the
problem of evil? Explain.) (2000)
3- vfu"V dh leL;k dk Lo:i Li"V dhft, rFkk fLiukstk }kjk fd;s x;s bl leL;k dk lekèkku dh
ijh{kk dhft,A (What is the problem of evil? Examine spinoza's solution of it.) (2001)
4- D;k txr~ esa v'kqHk dh mifLFkfr bZ'oj dh lÙkk dks udkjrh gS\ ;fn ugha] rks dSls\ Li"V dhft;sA
Does the presence of evil in the world negate the existence of God? If not, how? Explain.
5- f VIi.kh & v'kqHk dh leL;kA Problem of Evil - Short notes.(2004)
6- v'kqHk dh leL;k D;k gS\ blds fy, bZ'ojoknh lekèkkuksa dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A
What is the problem of evil? Explain critically the theistic solutions for it. (2007)
7- bZ'ojokn fdl izdkj v'kqHk dh leL;k dk lekèkku djrk gS\ foospu dhft,A
How does theism solve the problem of evil? Discuss. (2008)

125 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

iz'u&laxzg 8- v'kqHk dh leL;k ds fofHkUu lekèkku D;k gSa\ vkids vuqlkj dkSu lk lekèkku lcls vfèkd larks"ktud
Notes gS vkSj D;ksa\ foospuk dhft,A
What are the various solutions to the problem of evil? Which solution, according to you, is the
most satisfactory and why? Discuss. (40 Marks 2012)
9- bZ'ojokn ds vuqlkj txr esa ^v'kqHk dh mifLFkfr dh leL;k dk lekèkku fdl izdkj fd;k x;k gS\
vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A How has theism solved the problem of presence of evil in the
world? Explain critically. (40 Marks 2014)
10- v'kqHk dh leL;k D;k gS\ v'kqHk ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk mYys[k dhft,A
What is the problem of Evil? Explain its various kinds. (15 Marks 2015)
11- D;k bZ'ojoknh ds fy, v'kqHk ,d leL;k gS\ rdZ lfgr mÙkj nhft,A
Is 'Evil' a problem for the theists? Answer with arguments. (15 Marks 2016)
12- bZ'ojoknh v'kqHk dh leL;k dk lek/ku fdl izdkj djrs gSa\ ewY;kadu dhft,A
How does the theist solve the problem of evil? Evaluate. (15 Marks 2017)
13- v'kqHk osQ Lo:i vkSj izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft,A blosQ fy, fn, x;s bZ'ojoknh lek/kuksa dh ijh{kk
dhft,A (Discuss the nature and kinds of Evil. Examine the theistic solutions given to solve it.)
(15 Marks 2018)
14- uSfrd v'kqHk ls D;k le>k tkrk gS\ D;k çkÑfrd v'kqHk uSfrd v'kqHk dk ifj.kke gS\ O;k[;k
What is understood by moral evil? Is natural evil result of moral evil? Explain.
 (15 Marks 2019)
15- D;k v'kqHk dk mÙkjnkf;Ro ekuo ij gS ;k bZ'oj ij Hkh\ ppkZ djsaA
Is the responsibility of evil on Human or on God also? Discuss. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- v'kqHk ,oa iki dh leL;k D;k gS\ deZ fl¼kUr mldk dgk¡ rd lekèkku djrk gS\ (What is the
problem of evil and sin? How far does the theory of Karma present its solution?)
2- D;k v'kqHk vlr~ gS\ v'kqHk dh leL;k ds fofHkUu lekèkkuksa dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A (Is evil non-
existent? Present the description of various solutions for the problem of evil).
3- bZlkbZ er ds vuqlkj v'kqHk dh leL;k ds Lo:i ,oa egRo dh O;k[;k dhft,A (Explain the nature
and importance of the problem of evil according to Christianity).
4- v'kqHk dh leL;k fdu dkj.kksa ls ,d nk'kZfud leL;k curh gS\ bl leL;k dk tks lekèkku 'kadj us
fn;k gS vFkok fLiukstk us fn;k gS] muesa ls fdlh ,d lekèkku dk ewY;kadu djsaA (What factors make
the problem of evil a philosophical problem? Evaluate Sankara's solution of it or Spinoza's
solution of it).

vkRek% vejrk] iqutZUe ,oa eqfDr

4 Soul : Immortality, Rebirth and Liberation

vkRek dh vejrk $ iqutZUe (Immortality of Soul + Rebirth)

1- fVIi.kh & vkRek dk vejRoA (Immorality of Soul.) – Notes. (1997)
2- Hkkjrh; èkkfeZd erksa esa iqutZUe ds fl¼kUr dh egÙkk dks le>k;saA bl fl¼kUr ds i{k esa fn;s x;s eq[;
rdks± dk ijh{k.k dhft,A (Explain the significance of the doctrine of reincarnation in the Indian
religious thought. Examine the chief arguments give in support of the doctrine.) (1998)
3- fVIi.kh & vkRek dh vejrkA (Immorality of Soul.) – Notes.(2000)
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 126
4- vkRek dh vejrk ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\ bl lacaèk esa Hkxon~xhrk ds rdks± dk fo'ys"k.k dhft,A
(What iz'u&laxzg
is meant by immortality of soul? Analyse the argument of the Bhagvat Gita in this regard). Notes
5- fVIi.kh & D;k fdlh O;fDr ds ifjfer dk;Z (deZ) ds ifj.kke vej vkReu~ dh izÑfr dk fuèkkZj.k
dj ldrs gSa\ (Can the results of a finite action of an individual (karma) determine the nature
of the immortal soul (Atman)?) (2003)
6- D;k vkRek ds vejRo dk bZlkbZ fl¼kar xhrk ds vkReu~ ds fl¼kar ds lkFk laxr gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
(Is Christian doctrine of the immortality of the soul compatible with Gita's doctrine of Atman?
Discuss). (2005)
7- ¶vkRek dh vejrk dh voèkkj.kk ds vHkko esa èkeZ fujFkZd gSA¸ & fVIi.khA ("Without some
conceptions of immortality of soul, religion is meaningless". - Short notes. (2006)
8- ¶fcuk vejRo dh fdlh voèkkj.kk ds èkeZ dk dksbZ vFkZ ugha gSA & fVIi.khA ("Without some
conceptions of immortality, religion has no meaning - Short notes. (2007)
9- deZ&foèkku ds fl¼kUr dh O;k[;k dhft,A D;k ;g fl¼kUr ladYi&Lokra=; dh voèkkj.kk ds lkFk
laxriw.kZ gS\ fopkj dhft,A (Explain the doctrine of the Law of Karma. Is it compatible with the
freedom of the will? Discuss) (2007)
10- vejRo vkSj eks{k ds rkfdZd cksèk dh laHkkouk & fVIi.khA (Possibility of rational understanding of
immortality and liberation- Short Notes). (2008)
11- ijh{k.k dhft, fd euq"; esa vejRo dh bPNk dk dkj.k D;k gSA (Examine why Man has a desire
for Immortality. (30 Marks 2009)
12- tUe ds eqdkcys iqutZUe dks igpkuus ds fy, fdl izdkj dh dlkSVh izLrqr dh tk ldrh gS\ ppkZ
dhft,A What sort of criterion can one provide for identifying rebirth as opposed to birth?
Discuss. (150 Words 2010)
13- ^thokRek dh Hkkjrh; ladYiuk vkSj ^vkRek* dh IysVks dh ladYiuk ds chp foHksnu dhft,A
Distinguish between Indian concept of ‘Jivatma’ AND Plato’s concept of ‘Soul’.
 (200 Words 2010)
14- ;fn d"VHkksx dk dkj.k vKku gS] rks Kku ls d"VHkksx feV tkuk pkfg,A eqfDr&izkIr O;fDr ftl Kku
dks izkIr dj ysrk gS] ml Kku ls D;k vfHkizk; gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
If ignorance is the cause of suffering, knowledge should remove suffering. What is the notion
of knowledge which a liberated person acquires? Discuss. (200 Words 2010)
15- D;k vkRek dh vejrk esa fo'okl èkeZ dh iwoZekU;rk gS\ ppkZ djsaA
Is a belief in the immortality of the soul a necessary precondition for religion? Discuss.
 (20 Marks 2011)
16- D;k iqutZUe ,oa iqujDrj.k dk fo'okl vkRek ds vejRo ds fopkj ds vHkko esa laHko gS\ ppkZ djsaA
Is a belief in rebirth and reincarnation possible without a belief in the immortality of the soul?
Discuss. (20 Marks 2011)
17- D;k iqutZUe vkSj eqfDr ln`'kkFkZd ladYiuk,¡ gSa\ Li"V dhft,A
Are rebirth and liberation analogous concepts? Explain. (12 Marks 2012)
18- D;k vkRek ds vejRo dk fopkj dYiukyksdh gS ;k fd izki.kh; gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
Is the idea of immortality of the soul utopian or it is realizable ? Discuss. (20 Marks 2012)
19- vkRek dh vejrk ds i{k esa dkSu&ls rdZ fn, tkrs gSa\
What are the arguments given in favour of the immortality of the Soul? (10 Marks 2014)
20- ^ iqutZUe* dks vkRek ds lkFk ;k mlds fcuk vki fdl izdkj fl¼ dj ldrs gSa\
How do you justify 'rebirth' with or without the Soul? (10 Marks 2014)
21- ¶ vejrk dk rkRi;Z ^deZ* vkSj ^iqutZUe* dh vuqifLFkfr dk gksuk gSA¸ foospuk dhft,A
"Immortality means absence of Karma and Rebirth." Discuss. (15 Marks 2015)

127 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

iz'u&laxzg 22- ckS¼ èkeZ vkRek ds vejRo ij fo'okl ugha djrk] ijUrq iqutZUe dh ?kVuk ij fo'okl djrk gSA
Notes ijh{k.k dhft,A Buddhism disbelieves in the immortality of soul, but accepts the phenomenon
of rebirth. Examine. (10 Marks 2016)
23- ppkZ dhft, fd D;k vkRek ds vejRo dk fl¼kar /eZ ds fy, vifjgk;Z gSA
Discuss whether the doctrine of immortality of soul is indispensable for a religion.
 (10 Marks 2017)
24- D;k thou ds izfr /eZ'kkL=kh; vkSj xSj&/eZ'kkL=kh; n`f"Vdks.kksa esa eks{k dh ladYiuk esa dksbZ ekSfyd Hksn
gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
Is there an essential difference between the concept of Liberation in theological and non-
theological approaches to life? Discuss. (20 Marks 2017)
25- ;g roZQ izLrqr djuk fd iqutZUe dh ladYiuk ij bZ'oj&fojks/h /kfeZd fopkj nk'kZfud :i ls egRoiw.kZ gS]
fdl lhek rd ;qfDrlaxr gS\
How far is it plausible to argue that the anti-theistic religions’ stand on the concept of rebirth
is philosophically significant? (10 Marks 2018)
26- ^vejRo* dh ladYiuk /eZ dh ,d ekSfyd iwoZekU;rk gSA vius mÙkj dh foLr`r O;k[;k dhft,A
The concept of ‘Immortality’ is a basic presupposition of religion. Elaborate your answer.
(10 Marks 2020)
1- v kRek dh vejrk & fVIi.khA (Immortality of Soul - Short Notes.) (1990)
2- vkRek dh vejrk dks fl¼ djus ds fy, Kkuehekalh; ;qfDr dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A
and examine the epistemological argument to prove the immortality of soul.)(1991)
3- vkRek rFkk mlds vejRo dh voèkkj.kk dks Li"V dhft,A (Elucidate the concept of Soul and its
immortality. (1992)
4- oS;fDrd vejrk ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ D;k vkRek dk ej.kksijkar thou O;fDr dk mÙkj thou
ekuk tk ldrk gS\ bl fo"k; ij viuk er Li"V dhft,A (What do you understand by personal
immortality? Does survival of the soul after death constitute survival of the person? Clarify
your view on this issue.) (1994)
5- vkRek ds vejRo dh O;k[;k èkeZ ,oa uSfrdrk ds lanHkZ esa dhft,A (Explain the immortality of soul
in the context of religion and morality.) (1999)
6- f VIi.kh & vkRek dh vejrk dh èkkj.kkA (The Concept of Immorality of Soul.) – Notes. (2001)
7- vkRek ,oa vkRek dh vejrk gsrq iznÙk rdks± dk dFku ,oa ijh{k.k dhft,A (State and examine the
arguments given for Soul and the immortality of Soul). (2004)
8- ijEijk esa vkRek ds Lo:i ls lacafèkr fofoèk erksa dh ppkZ djsaA Ñf=ke cqf¼ ds izdk'k esa vkè;kfRed
ewY;ksa dk ewY;kadu djsaA (Discuss various views on the nature of soul in the tradition. Evaluate
spiritual values in the light of Artificial intelligence). (2005)
9- vkRek dh vejrk fo"k;d uSfrd ;qfDr dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft;sA
Critically examine the moral argument regarding the immortality of soul. (2008)
10- vkRek dh vejrk ds i{k esa nh x;h uSfrd ;qfDr dh O;k[;k vkSj ijh{kk dhft;sA
Explain and examine the moral argument for the immorality of soul. (2010)
11- vkRek dh vejrk ds fofHkUu vFkks± dk dFku dhft,A vkRek dh vejrk dk dkSu&lk vFkZ vkids
vuqlkj uSfrdrk dh iwoZekU;rk ds fy, mi;qDr gS\
State the different meanings of the immortality of Soul. Which sense of the immortality of soul
according to you is appropriate for the postulate of morality? (40 Marks 2013)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 128

12- vkRek dh vejrk ds i{k esa fn;s x;s rdks± dh ijh{kk dhft,A iz'u&laxzg
Examine the arguments for the immortality of soul. (15 Marks 2015) Notes
13- vkRek dh vejrk ls lacafèkr rdks± dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate the argument for the Immortality of the Soul. (10 Marks 2016)
14- vejrk dk D;k vFkZ gS\ D;k vejrk dk fopkj /eZ osQ fy, vko';d gS\ What is the meaning of
immortality? Is the idea of immortality essential for religion? (15 Marks 2017)
15- vkRek osQ Lo:i dh O;k[;k dhft,A vkRek dh vejrk dks fl¼ djus osQ fy, nh xbZ ;qfDr;ksa
dh ijh{kk dhft,A (Explain the nature of soul. Examine the arguments given to prove the
immortality of soul.) (15 Marks 2018)
16- vkRek dh vejrk ls D;k le>k tkrk gS\ vkRek dh vejrk ds i{k esa fn;s x;s Kkuehekalh; ;qfDr;ksa dh
foospuk dhft,A (What is meant by immortality of soul ? Discuss epistemological arguments
given in favour of immortality of soul.) (15 Marks 2019)
17- D;k vkRek vej gS\ O;k[;k djsaA
Is soul immortal ? Explain. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- iqutZUe D;k gS\ blds ekuus ds D;k vkèkkj gSa\ D;k iqutZUe dh O;k[;k gsrq vkRek dh vejrk dks
ekuuk vko';d gS\
2- deZ&fu;e dh O;k[;k gsrq iqutZUe dks ekuuk vko';d gS µ leh{kkRed fVIi.khA
3- vkRek dh vejrk ds èkkfeZd ,oa uSfrd i{kksa dk leh{kkRed foospu dhft,A (Discuss critically the
religious and moral aspects of Immorality of Soul).

eks{k (Liberation)
1- eks{k czãHkko gS & vkykspukRed fVIi.kh fyf[k,A
Moksha is the being of Brahman - Comments.(1990)
2- bZ'ojoknh vkSj vuh'ojoknh eks{k&ekxks± esa lekurk rFkk vlekurk dk foospu dhft,A
Compare and contrast the theistic and atheistic paths leading to Moksha. (1991)
3- f VIi.kh & vuklDr deZ dh jkgA (The path of Disinterested Action.) – Notes. (1997)
4- fVIi.kh & thou eqfDrA (Jivan Mukti.) – Notes. (1999)
5- v}Sr osnkUr ds vuqlkj eks{k ds Lo:i dk foospu dhft,A (Elaborate the nature of Liberation
according to Advaita Vedanata.) (2000)
6- fVIi.kh & v}Sr osnkUr dk thou eqfDr dk fl¼kUrA (Advaita Vaidanta theory of Jivan Mukti) –
Notes. (2002)
7- ^eqfDr* ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ D;k blh thou esa eqDr gks tkuk fdlh O;fDr ds fy, laHko gS\
;fn ,slk gksuk laHko gS rks eqDr gq, O;fDr ds D;k vfHky{k.k gksrs gSa\ ppkZ dhft,A (What do you
understand by 'Liberation'? Is it possible for one to be liberated in this very life? If it is, what
are the characteristics of a liberated person? Discuss).(2005)
8- e ks{k izkfIr ds fy, bZ'oj dh Ñik dh vko';drk D;kas gksrh gS\ ,d mnkgj.k izLrqr djrs gq, bl ij
ppkZ dhft,A
Why is grace of God needed for liberation? Discuss with an example. (200 words 2010)
9- D;k ekuoh; iz;klksa ls fHkUu dksbZ vU; lkèku eks{k izkfIr ds fy, izsjd gS\
Is there anything else other than human efforts which may be conducive to attainment of
liberation? (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)

129 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

iz'u&laxzg 10- ^ v}Sr* rFkk ^fof'k"Vk}Sr* ds vuqlkj eks{k (fycjs'ku) dh ladYiuk ds chp lkE; vkSj oS"kE; n'kkZb,A
Notes Compare and contrast the concept of liberation according to 'Advaita' and 'Visistadvaita'.
 (15 Marks 2014)
11- e ks{k izkfIr osQ iFk osQ :i esa] HkfDr dh ladYiuk dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate the concept of Bhakti (Devotion) as a pathway to attain liberation.(15 Marks 2018)

12- izkFkZuk vkSj mikluk osQ chp Hksn dhft, rFkk /eZ esa muosQ LFkku dks fu/kZfjr dhft,A
Distinguish between prayer and worship and determine their place in religion.
(15 Marks 2020)
13- D;k vki Lohdkjrs gSa fd Hkkjrh; ijaijk esa Kku] deZ vkSj HkfDr eks{k izkfIr osQ lk/u gSa\ foospuk
Do you accept that Knowledge, Action and Devotion are the means to attain liberation in
Indian tradition? Discuss. (15 Marks 2020)
1- eqfDr ds fo"k; esa 'kadj vkSj ukxktqZu ds erksa esa lS¼kafrd Hksn Li"V djsaA (Explain the major
conceptual differences between Sankara's and Nagarjuna's theory of liberation.) (1998)
2- eks{k ,oa fuokZ.k dh voèkkj.kkvksa dh rqyukRed O;k[;k v}Sr osnkar ,oa ckS¼ n'kZu ds lanHkZ esa dhft,A
(Give a comparative explanation of the concepts of Mokshas and Nirvana in the context of
Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism.)(1999)
3- t hoUeqfDr dh èkkj.kk dk fo'ys"k.k djsaA (Analyse the concept of liberation in life). (2003)
4- eqfDr ds fofoèk fl¼kUrksa dks crk,¡ ,oa ijh{kk djsaA izkS|ksfxdh; lekt esa bldh izklafxdrk ,oa egRo
dh Hkh ppkZ djsaA (State and examine the different theories of liberation. Also discuss the
relevance and the importance of liberation in a technological society). (2005)
5- eks{k dk D;k vFkZ gS\ eks{k ds fofHkUu ekxks± dk laf{kIr foospu dhft,A
What is the meaning of liberation? Discuss briefly the various paths of liberations. (2009)
6- eks{k D;k gS\ Hkkjrh; èkeZ&n'kZu esa eks{k&izkfIr ds izeq[k mik; D;k gSa\ le>kb,A
What is liberation? What are the prominent means of attaining liberation in Indian Philosophy
of religion? Explain.(2011)
7- eks{k D;k gS\ D;k blesa xq.kkèkku vkSj@vFkok nks"kkou;u fufgr gS\ foospuk dhft,A
What is liberation? Does it involve accumulation of excellences and/or removal of blemishes?
Discuss. (40 Marks 2012)
8- ^eks{k* ds Lo:i ,oa mldh izkfIr ds mik; ds fo"k; esa ^v}Sr osnkUr* ds er dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the view of 'Advaita Vedanta' on the nature and means to obtain. 'Liberation'.
 (40 Marks 2014)
9- ckS¼ n'kZu dh fuokZ.k dh voèkkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Discuss the Buddhist concept of nirvana. (15 Marks 2015)
10- eks{k ds fofoèk ekxks± dk laf{kIr fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A
Provide a brief description of the various paths of liberation. (15 Marks 2016)
11- eks{k izkfIr osQ lk/u osQ :i esa Kku dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss knowledge as a means of attaining Moksa. (10 Marks 2017)
12- ekuo thou osQ loksZPp y{; osQ :i esa ^eks{k* dh /kj.kk dh foospuk dhft,A ;g ^eks{k* dh izkfIr
osQ fy, Kku dks gh ,dek=k lk/u ekuk tk ldrk gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A
Discuss the concept of ‘Liberation’ as the highest goal of human life. Can knowledge alone
can be accepted as a means to attain ‘Liberation’? Explain. (10 Marks 2018)
13- pje iq#"kkFkZ ds :i esa ^^eqfDr** ds Lo:i dks Li"V dhft,A vU; iq#"kkFkZ eqfDr :ih pje iq#"kkFkZ
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 130
ls fdl çdkj lEcfU/r gSa\ foospuk dhft,A iz'u&laxzg
Clarify the nature of liberation as the highest Purushartha. How other Purusharthas are related Notes
to liberation as the highest Purushartha ? Discuss. (10 Marks 2019)
14- eks{k çkfIr ds lk/u ds :i esa ^HkfDr* ds Lo:i vkSj egRo dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the nature and importance of 'Bhakti' as a means for the attainment of Liberation.
(10 Marks 2019)
15- HkfDr dh O;k[;k djsaA
Explain the Bhakti. (10 Marks 2020)
16- eks{k gsrq deZ;ksx dh Hkwfedk dh ppkZ djsaA
Discuss the role of Karm Yoga for Moksha. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- eks{k D;k gS\ mls izkIr djus ds lkèku ds :i esa deZ] HkfDr rFkk Kku dh Hkwfedkvksa dh ppkZ dhft,A
(What is Liberation? Discuss the role of 'Karma', 'Bhakti' and 'Gyana' as the means to achieve
2- D;k eks{k dh lÙkkRed fLFkfr gS\ Hkkjrh; nk'kZfud ijEijk esa izkIr eks{k lacaèkh fofHkUu èkkj.kkvksa dh
rqyuk dhft,A (Does Moksha have an ontological status? Compare different conceptions of
Moksha in Indian philosophical tradition).
3- eks{k izkfIr ds izeq[k ekxks± dh Li"V O;k[;k dhft,A vkidh jk; esa eks{k dh izkfIr dk Js"B lkèku
dkSu&lk gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A (Explain and elucidate the main paths leading to Moksha). (Which
one is the best path to achieve Moksha in your opinion?) - Explain.
4- fVIi.kh & ^Hko* ej.kksijkUr thou dk gsrq gSA ('Bhava' is the cause of life after death)
5- eks{k D;k gS\ v}Sr osnkUr ds eks{k fl¼kUr dh leh{kk dhft,A D;k bLyke vkSj bZlkbZ èkeZ esa Hkh ;g
èkkj.kk gS\ (What is Moksha (Liberation)? Examine Advaitic Theory of Moksha. Is this theory
present in Islamic and Christian religions?)
6- fVIi.kh & eqfDrA (Liberation) - Short notes.
7- fVIi.kh & HkfDrA (Devotion) - Short notes.
8- eks{k&izkfIr ds izeq[k iFk ds :i esa HkfDr dh vo/kj.kk dk dFku Li"V djsa rFkk bldk ijh{k.k djsaA
(State and examine the concept of devotion as a major path leading to salvation (Moksha).

131 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

rdZcqf¼] Jqfr ,oa vkLFkk
Notes 5 Reason, Revelation and Faith

èkkfeZd Kku & rdZcqf¼] Jqfr rFkk vkLFkk

(Religious Knowledge - Reason, Revelation & Faith)
1- èkkfeZd Kku esa rdZcqf¼ (Reason) vkSj bygke (Revelation) dh Hkwfedkvksa dks mtkxj dhft,A
Bring out the roles of Reason and Revelation in Religious Knowledge.(1997)
2- èkkfeZd Kku ds Lo:i dks lqLi"V dhft,A D;k Jqfr èkkfeZd Kku dk i;kZIr vkèkkj gSA foospuk dhft,A
Elucidate the nature of religious Knowledge. Is revelation a sufficient source of religious
knowledge? Discuss. (1999)
3- f VIi.kh & rdZ cqf¼ rFkk fnO; KkuA (Reason and Revelation.) – Notes. (2000)
4- èkeZ esa rdZ&cqf¼ rFkk bZ'ojh; mn~?kkVu (Jqfr) ds lkisf{kd egRo dks crkb;sA D;k ;s nksuksa laxr gSa\
foospu dhft,A (Point out the relative importance of reason and revelation in religion. Are the
two compatible? Discuss). (2002)
5- bZ'ojh; mn~?kkVu dh voèkkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft,A D;k bZ'ojh; mn~?kkVu dks laiqf"V
(confirmation) dh vko';drk gS\ fopkj dhft, ,oa lkFk gh bZ'ojh; mn~?kkVu ,oa Jqfr ds chp
Hksn&vHksn dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the notion of revelation. Does revelation stand in need of confirmation? Discuss and
also explain the difference or similarity between revelation and 'Shruti'. (2006)
6- bZ'oj rdZ foèkku ds vkèkhu ugha gSA & fVIi.khA (God is not subject to the Laws of Logic) - Short
notes. (2007)
7- èkeZ ds {ks=k esa rdZcqf¼] bygke vkSj vkLFkk dh Hkwfedkvksa ij ppkZ dhft,A D;k os lqlaxr gSa\ ;fn ugha]
rks mudh vkHkklh vlaxrrk dk fdl izdkj lekèkku fudkyk tk ldrk gS\ Discuss roles of reason,
revelation and faith in the sphere of religion. Are they compatible? If not, how to resolve their
apparent inconsistency? (2008)
8- bygke dh ladYiuk vko';d :i ls èkkfeZd cgqRookn ds foijhr gSA D;k vki lger gSa\ vius mÙkj
ds dkj.k crkb,A
The concept of revelation is essentially opposed to religious pluralism. Do you agree? Give
reasons for your answer. (30 Marks 2012)
9- D ;k èkkfeZd vkLFkk rdZ ds fo:¼ gS\
Is religious faith opposed to reason? (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
10- D;k vkLFkk dks mfpr fl¼ djus ds fy, rdZ dk mi;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gS\
Can reason be used to justify faith? (15 Marks 2014)
11- D ;k ^vkLFkk* vkSj ^rdZcqf¼* lkFk&lkFk pyrs gSa\ ppkZ dhft,A
Do faith and reason go together? Discuss. (10 Marks 2015)
12- D ;k ^Jqfr ;k bygke* dks ^rdZcqf¼* ds }kjk rdZlaxr fl¼ fd;k tk ldrk gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Can revelation be justified by reason? Discuss. (15 Marks 2015)
13- vkLFkk dk vFkZ bZ'oj ds izfr ekuo dh tkx:drk gS_ ijUrq ;g foosdghu ugha gks ldrkA fo'ks"k.k
dhft,A (Faith means human awareness of God; but it cannot be irrational. Analyse.)
 (10 Marks 2016)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 132

14- Jqfr ewrZ :i esa oDrO;ksa ;k izfrKfIr;ksa esa O;Dr dh xbZ lR;ksa ls cuh gksrh gSA ijUrq ;g rdZ ls ijs iz'u&laxzg
ugha gks ldrh gSA foospuk dhft,A Notes
The content of revelation is a body of truths expressed in statements or propositions. But it
cannot be against reason. Discuss. (15 Marks 2016)
15- ppkZ dhft, fd D;k vkLFkk dh LoSfPNdrkoknh fFk;ksfj;k¡ i;kZIr gSak
Discuss whether the voluntarist's theories of faith are adequate. (15 Marks 2017)
16- vkRekuqHkwfr izdVu esa lk/u:i D;k gS % vkLFkk ;k roZQ \ vius er dh iqf"V dhft,A
What is instrumental of self-revelation : Faith or Reason? Justify your position.
 (150 Words/10 Marks 2019)
17- fgUnw /eZ esa deZ] iqutZUe ,oa iqu%vorj.k osQ fl¼karksa dk dFku dhft, vkSj mudks Li"V dhft,A
State and explain the doctrines of Karma, Rebirth and Reincarnation in Hinduism.
 (20 Marks 2019)

18- vkLFkk osQ ekSfyd vfHker D;k gSa\ vkLFkk vkSj fo'okl osQ chp izHksn dhft,A
What are the basic tenets of faith? Distinguish between faith and belief. (15 Marks 2020)
1- Jqfr(Revelation) fdls dgrs gSa\ mldh O;k[;k ds fofHkUu fl¼kUr dk foospu dhft,A
What is Revelation? Discuss the various theories of its interpretation? (1991)
2- èkkfeZd fo'okl ds vkèkkj ds :i esa cqf¼ ,oa nSoh izdk'ku ds egRo dk foospu dhft,A
Discuss the importance of Reason and Revelation as foundations of religious belief. (1992)
3- èkkfeZd fo'okl esa rdZcqf¼ D;k Hkwfedk fuHkkrh gS\
What role does Reason play in religious belief.(1993)
4- ^vkLFkk* ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ D;k vkLFkk dks rdZcqf¼ ds vxzleFkZu dh vko';drk gS\ foospuk
dhft,A (What is meant by 'faith'? Does faith need validation by reason? Discuss.) (1994)
5- èkkfeZd Kku ds fy, rdZ ,oa Jqfr dh Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft,A (Discuss the role of reason and
revelation for religious knowledge.) (1999)
6- nSoh Kku (Revelation) dh èkkj.kk Li"V dhft,A D;k nSoh Kku Lo:ir% èkeZ Kku gS\ vius mÙkj esa rdZ
nhft,A (Explain the concept of revelation. Does revelation constitute religious Knowledge?
Justify your answer.(2001)
7- èkkfeZd Kku esa nSoh izdk'kuk ds Lo:i rFkk Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft,A (Discuss the nature and
role of revelation in religious knowledge.) (2002)
8- èkkfeZd&vkLFkk ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\ D;k bl vkLFkk dks rdZcqf¼ ds leFkZu dh vko';drk gS\ vius
mÙkj esa rdZ is'k dhft;sA
What is meant by religious-faith? Does it need the support of reason? Justify your answer.
9- èkkfeZd Kku ds fofoèk lzksr D;k gSa\ oSKkfud Kku dh izkfIr ds lzksrksa ls ;s fdl izdkj fHkUu gSa\ foospu
dhft,A (What are the various sources of Religious knowledge? How do they differ from the
sources of attaining scientific knowledge? Discuss). (2004)
10- f VIi.kh & èkkfeZd Kku ,oa mlds lzksrA (Religious knowledge and its sources) - Notes.(2005)
11- èkkfeZd Kku ds vkèkkj ds :i esa vkLFkk vkSj rdZcqf¼ ds lacaèk dk foospu dhft,A
Discuss, the relation between faith and reason as ground of religious knowledge. (2008)
12- èkkfeZd Kku dh vkèkkjf'kyk ds :i esa nSoh izdk'kuk dh izÑfr vkSj izkekf.kdrk dh foospuk dhft;sA
Discuss the nature and validity of revelation as a foundation of religious knowledge. (2008)
13- jgL;okn D;k gS\ D;k jgL;okn èkkfeZd Kku dk fo'oluh; vkèkkj ekuk tk ldrk gS\ foospu dhft,A
133 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg What is mysticism? Can mysticism be taken to be a reliable ground of religious knowledge?
Notes Discuss. (2011)
14- èkeZ Kku esa rdZ rFkk nSoh izdk'kuk dh Hkwfedk dk vkykspukRed foospuk dhft,A
Discuss critically the role of reason and revelation in religious knowledge. (40 Marks 2012)
15- v}Sr osnkUr ds vuqlkj ^ije lr~* dk Kku izkIr djus ds fy, ^rdZ* ,oa ^Jqfr* dh egÙkk dh foospuk
Discuss the significance of 'reason' and 'revelation' to know the ultimate Reality according to
Advaita Vedanta. (40 Marks 2014)
16- èkkfeZd Kku esa ^rdZ ,oa Jqfr* ds egÙo ij izdk'k Mkfy,A (Elaborate upon the imporatence of
'Reason' and 'Revelation' in religious knowledge.) (15 Marks 2016)
17- èkkfeZd Kku ds Lo:i dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the nature of religious knowledge. (10 Marks 2016)
18- /eZ esa vkLFkk vkSj roZQ cqf¼ dh Hkwfedk dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the role of faith and reason in religion. (15 Marks 2017)
19- /eZ esa nSoh&izdk'kuk vkSj jgL;kuqHkwfr dh Hkwfedk dh ijh{kk dhft,A
Examine the role of revelation and mystical experience in religion. (15 Marks 2018)
20- /kfeZd Kku ds Lo:i vkSj lzksrksa dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the nature and source of religious knowledge. (15 Marks 2018)
21- ^euq"; ,d lhfer bZdkbZ gS blfy, nSo izdk'kuk /kfeZd Kku dk etcwr vk/kj gSA* fVIi.kh djsaA
'Man is a limited entity so the Revelation is a strong base of Religious knowledge.' Comment
on it. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- Jqfr dks izek.k ekuus esa rdZ dh D;k Hkwfedk gS\ bls Li"V djsaA (State clearly the role of reason in
accepting revaluation as a valid means of knowledge).
2- fVIi.kh & rdZ vkSj fo'oklA (Reason and faith) - Notes.

èkkfeZd vuqHko% izÑfr ,oa oLrq (Hkkjrh; ,oa ik'pkR;)

6 Religious Experience : Nature and Object (Indian and Western)

1- jgL;okn fdls dgrs gSa\ jgL;kuqHkoh dh vuqHkwfr dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk foospu dhft,A
What is mysticism? Discuss the chief characteristics of mystic experience. (1990)
2- fVIi.kh & rdZ ,oa jgL;oknA (Logic and Mysticism. – Notes.)(1997)
3- jgL;okn ds izeq[k fl¼kUrksa dk mYys[k rFkk mudh O;k[;k dhft,A
State and explain the chief doctrines of Mysticism. (2000)
4- ¶jgL;okn lkekU; fopkj ds fy, can Kku ds iz{ks=kksa rd vkè;kfRed igq¡p dh 'kfDr gSA¸& fVIi.kh
"Mysticism is the power of spiritual access to domains of knowledge closed off to ordinary
thought" - short notes. (2005)
5- nSoh vuqHkwfr ,oa jgL;kRed vuqHko esa Hksn& fVIi.khA
The difference between 'numinous' and 'mystical' experience)- Short notes. (2007)
6- èkkfeZd vuqHko dh izÑfr dks Li"V dhft,A D;k bl vuqHko dk izek.khdj.k fd;k tk ldrk gS\
Explain the nature of religious experience. Can this experience be validated?(2009)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 134

7- ;fn èkkfeZd vuqHko vf}rh; gks] rks D;k pht gS tks mldks vuqHko cukrh gS\ rkfdZd :i ls] ;g iz'u&laxzg
vuqHko vdsykiu] lq[k vkfn ds vuqHko ls fdl izdkj fHkUu gS\ Notes
If religious experience is unique, what makes it an experience? How is this experience logically
different form the experience of loneliness, happiness, etc. (200 Words 2010)
8- èkkfeZd vuqHko dk D;k mís'; gS\ D;k og bafnz;kuqHkfod gS ;k fd og bafnz;kuqHkokrhr gS\ foLrkj ls
Li"V dhft,A
What is the object of religious experience? Is it empirical or trans-empirical? Explain in detail.
 (30 Marks 2012)
9- nSoh vuqHko dh izÑfr D;k gksrh gS\
What is the nature of mystical experience? (15 Marks 2013)
10- D;k nSoh vuqHko dh fHkUu&fHkUu :iksa esa O;k[;k dh tk ldrh gS\ Is mystical experience open to
different interpretations? (Not more than 250 words, 15 marks 2013)
11- D;k nSoh vuqHko dks Kku dk vfèkÑr lzksr ekuk tk ldrk gS\
Can mystical experience be regarded as a valid source of knowledge?
 (Not more than 250 words, 15 marks 2013)
12- ckS¼ ,oa tSu n'kZu ds fo'ks"k mYys[k ds lkFk] èkkfeZd vuqHkoksa dh ijLij fojksèkh izÑfr ij ppkZ
Discuss the conflicting nature of religious experiences with special reference to Buddhism and
Jainism. (15 Marks 2014)
13- f gUnw èkeZ vkSj bLyke esa jgL;okn ds Lo:i dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the nature of mysticism in Hinduism and Islam. (15 Marks 2015)
14- jgL;oknh vuqHko dh izÑfr rFkk oSèkrk dk mYys[k ,oa ewY;kadu dhft,A
State and evaluate the nature and validity of mystic experience. (20 Marks 2016)
15- /kfeZd vuqHkwfr;ksa dh vfHkO;fDr;ksa dks laizs"k.kh; cukus ds fy, fdl izdkj dh Hkk"kk dh lajpuk djus
vkSj mi;ksx djus dh vko';drk gS\ O;k[;k dhft,A
In order to make expressions of religious experiences communicable, what kind of language
needs to be constructed and used? Explain. (15 Marks 2017)
16- /kfeZd vuqHko dks fdl lhek rd lkoZtfud laokn dk ,d fo"k; cuk;k tk ldrk gS\ fo'ys"k.k
How far can religious experience be made a topic of public discourse? Analyse.
 (15 Marks 2019)
1- jgL;kRed vuqHkwfr dh èkkfeZd Kku ds fu"d"kZ ds :i esa foospuk dhft,A
Discuss mystic experience as the epitome of religious knowledge. (2000)
2- fVIi.kh & jgL;okn dh eq[; fo'ks"krk,¡A (Salient features of mysticism.) – Notes. (2001)
3- jgL;kuqHkwfr ds izeq[k y{k.kksa dk foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the salient features of mystical experience. (10 Marks 2015)
4- jgL;okn dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dk foospu dhft,A
Discuss the chief characteristics of 'Mysticism'. (15 Marks 2016)
5- /kfeZd vuqHkwfr D;k gS\ jgL;kuqHkwfr ls bldk foHksn dhft,A
What is religious experience? Distinguish it from mystical experience. (15 Marks 2017)
6- jgL;okn D;k gS\ bldh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk mYys[k dhft, vkSj Li"V dhft, fd D;ksa jgL;okn
dks vckSf¼d ekuk tkrk gSA (What is mysticism? Point out its salient features and clarify why

135 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

iz'u&laxzg mysticism is regarded as irrational.) (10 Marks 2018)
Notes 7- ^jgL;okn ,slh izfof/ gS] tgk¡ euq"; bZ'oj ds izfr izseiw.kZ lexzrk esa izdkf'kr gksrk gSA* fVIi.kh
'Mysticism is a methodology where the man is illuminsed in totality of love for God.' Comment
over it. (15 Marks 2017)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- fnO; vuqHkwfr D;k gS\ èkeZ ds vkèkkj ds :i esa fnO; vuqHkwfr dh Hkwfedk dh O;k[;k dhft,A (What
is divine experience (Mysticism)? Explain the role of mysticism as a base of religion).
2- èkkfeZd vuqHko ds Lo:i dk o.kZu djsaA Hkkjrh; n'kZu ds fo'ks"k lanHkZ esa bls Li"V djsaA
(Explain the
nature of religious experience. Clarify it in context of Indian Philosophy particularly).
3- èkkfeZd vuqHkwfr dh D;k fo'ks"krk,¡ gSa\ ;g gekjs lkèkkj.k vuqHko fdl izdkj fHkUu gS\

bZ'ojjfgr èkeZ
7 Religion without God

bZ'oj jfgr èkeZ (Religion without God)

1- dksbZ Hkh O;fDr èkeZ dks Lohdkj djrs gq, Hkh bZ'oj dks vLohdkj dj ldrk gS & fVIi.khA
One can affirm religion and deny God – Notes. (1988)
2- f VIi.kh & vuh'ojoknh èkeZA (Atheistic Religion.) – Notes. (1998)
3- èkeZ dks izk;% vykSfdd lÙkk esa fo'okl ij vkèkkfjr ekuk tkrk gS ijUrq dqN fopkjd (mnkgj.kr%µvkWxLV
dkWEV] tku Mwoh] gDlys] ,fjd izQke) vykSfdd@ijkykSfdd dks udkjrs gSa ,oa èkeZ ds izÑfroknh
iqufuekZ.k dk iz;kl djrs gSaA bl fn'kk esa fd;s x;s dfri; eq[; iz;klksa dh vkykspukRed foospuk
dhft,A (Religion is generally viewed to be based on beliefs in the supernatural. But some
thinkers (e.g. Auguste Comte, John Dewey, Huxley, Erich Fromm) reject the supernatural and
try naturalistic reconstruction of religion. Critically consider some of the major attempts in this
direction.) (1998)
4- èkeZ ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ D;k vkids vuqlkj bZ'oj ds vfLrRo esa fo'okl èkeZ dk vko';d vax
gS\ foospuk dhft,A (What do you understand by religion? Do you think that the belief in the
existence of God is an essential feature of religion? Discuss).(2001)
5- f VIi.kh & bZ'ojfofgu èkeZA (Religion without God) – Notes. (2002)
6- tc èkeZ dh ifjHkk"kk ^jSfyxs;j* dh tkrh gS] rc D;k cq¼okn vkSj tSuokn èkeZ gSa\ fdlh laxBu ds
èkeZ dgykus ds fy, D;k dlkSfV;ka gSa\ D;k èkeZ esa bafnz;krhr ;FkkFkZrk gksuh pkfg,\ ppkZ dhft,A
(When religion is defined as religare, is Buddhism or Jainism a religion? What are the criteria
for an organization to be called a religion? Should there be a transcendent reality in a religion?
Discuss). (2003)
7- f VIi.kh & èkeZ ,oa eqfDr ls lacaèkA (Relation between religion and salvation) – Notes. (2004)
8- D;k fujh'ojokn Hkh ,d èkeZ gks ldrk gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
Can Atheism be a religion? Discuss.(2005)
9- bZ'oj ds fcuk èkeZ esa dsaæh; ladYiuk D;k gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
What is the central concept in a religion without God? Discuss. (150 Words 2010)
10- ijaijkxr 'kkL=kh; èkeZ ds ewy y{k.kksa ij ppkZ dhft,A
Discuss the salient features of traditional orthodox religion. (15 Marks 2011)
11- D;k ckS¼er] vius ^vuÙk ds fopkj ds dkj.k] èkeZ ekuk tk ldrk gS vFkok ugha\ ppkZ djsaA
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 136
Can Buddhism, because of its doctrine of ‘Anatta’, be regarded as a religion or not? Discuss. iz'u&laxzg
 (20 Marks 2011)
12- D;k èkeZ Hkxoku dk ifjR;kx ugha dj ldrk\
Is God indispensable for religion? (10 Marks 2013)
13- D;k /eZ ds fy, bZ'oj dk gksuk vko';d gS\ vius mÙkj ds i{k esa rdZ nhft,A
Is God necessary for religion? Justify your answer. (10 Marks 2017)
14- D;k vki bZ'ojfoghu /eZ dks mfpr fl¼ dj ldrs gSa\ vius mÙkj osQ fy, leFkZu (vkèkkj) izLrqr
dhft,A Can you justify religion without God? Support your answer. (10 Marks 2018)
15- ^ifo=k* vkSj ^ikou* 'kCn /eZ osQ mís'; osQ fy, tkfrokpd uke osQ rkSj ij bLrseky fd, tkus yxs
gSaA D;k vki lger gSa fd /eZ osQ mís'; (fo"k;&oLrq) osQ :i esa] bZ'oj dks Lohdkjk tk ldrk gS\
foospuk dhft,A
The terms ‘Sacred’ and ‘Holy’ have come to serve as generic names for the object of religion.
Do you agree that one can have God as the object of religion? Discuss. (20 Marks 2018)
16- ,d /kfeZd O;fDr oSQls bZ'ojfoghu /eZ dh laHkkouk ls budkj djsxk\ ppkZ dhft,A
How would a religious person deny the possibility of a religion without God? Discuss.
 (15 Marks 2019)
17- D;k /kfeZd thou iz.kkyh esa fu"Bkoku~ izfrc¼rk euq"; dks lkekftd uSfrdrk ls iFkHkz"V dj nsrh gS\
ijh{k.k dhft,A
Does a devoted commitment to a religious way of life make man go astray from social
morality? Examine. (150 Words/10 Marks 2019)
18- ,d /eZ dh iwokZis{kk osQ :i esa bZ'oj dh ladYiuk dk lekykspukred ijh{k.k dhft,A
Critically examine the concept of God as prerequisite for a religion. (15 Marks 2020)
1- euq"; ds thou esa èkeZ dh vko';drk dh O;k[;k djsaA D;k bZ'oj foghu èkeZ bl vko';drk dh iwfrZ
dj ldrk gS\ foospuk djsaA (Explain the need of religion in man's life. Can a religion without
God fulfill this need? Discuss.) (1998)
2- D;k bZ'oj ds fcuk èkeZ gks ldrk gS\ foospuk dhft,A (Can there be a religion without God?
Discuss). (2002)
3- uSfrd rFkk vkè;kfRed ewY;ksa esa foHksn dhft, rFkk bZ'oj jfgr èkeZ ds i{k vFkok foi{k esa rdZ izLrqr
Distinguish between moral and spiritual values and argue either for or against religion without
4- O;fDrRoiw.kZ bZ'oj foghu èkeZ ds i{k ,oa foi{k esa ;qfDr;ksa dh ppkZ djsaA
Discuss argument for and against religion without personalistic God. (2005)
5- bZ'oj foghu èkeZ dk D;k vfHkizk; gS\ D;k bZ'oj foghu èkeZ euq"; dh èkkfeZd vkdka{kkvksa dks larq"V
dj ldrk gS\ foospu dhft;sA
What is meant religion without God? Can religion without God satisfy the religious aspirations
of man? Discuss. (2010)
6- D;k èkeZ bZ'oj ds fcuk laHko gS\ leh{kkRed foospuk dhft,A
Is Religion without God possible? Discuss critically. (15 Marks 2015)
7- D;k bZ'oj jfgr èkeZ laHko gS\ rdZ lfgr mÙkj nhft,A
Is religion possible without god? Answer with argument. (15 Marks 2016)
8- D;k bZ'oj foghu /eZ laHko gS\ bZ'oj foghu /eks± dk mYys[k djrs gq, buosQ }kjk Loho`Qr loksZPp
ewY; dh foospuk dhft,A

137 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

iz'u&laxzg Is religion without God possible? Discuss the highest value accepted by religions without God
by pointing out their names. (15 Marks 2018)
9- bZ'oj foghu /eZ ds uSfrd vk/kjksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the moral foundations of religion without God. (10 Marks 2019)
10- lansgoknh vuh'ojokn dh ppkZ djsaA
Discuss the sceptical atheism. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- D;k èkeZ ds fy, bZ'oj esa fo'okl vfuok;Z gS\ ppkZ djsaA (Is belief in God necessary for religion?
2- èkkfeZd thou thus ds fy, D;k bZ'oj esa fo'okl vko';d gSA èkkfeZd thou dh viuh èkkj.kk ds
ifjizs{; esa bl iz'u dk mÙkj nhft,A (Is belief in God necessary for leading religious life. Answer
this question in the light of your own understanding of religious life).

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 138

èkeZ ,oa uSfrdrk
8 (Religion and Morality)

èkeZ vkSj uSfrdrk (Religion & Morality)

1- èkeZ uSfrdrk ls c`gÙkj gS& vkykspukRed fVIi.kh fyf[k,A (Write critical comments on Religion is
more than morality). (1990)
2- f VIi.kh & èkeZ vkSj uSfrdrkA (Religion and Morality.) – Notes. (1997)
3- fVIi.kh & èkeZ vkSj uSfrdrkA (Religion and Morality.) – Notes. (1999)
4- fVIi.kh & èkeZ vkSj uSfrdrkA (Religion and Morality.) – Notes. (2000)
5- èkeZ ,oa uSfrdrk ds ikjLifjd lacaèk ds lanHkZ esa nks fojksèkkHkklh er gSaA ,d er ds vuqlkj uSfrdrk
mn~xe ds fy, fnO;] vuqHkokrhr lzksr dh vko';drk gS rkfd uSfrdrk ckè;dkjh rFkk oLrqfu"B gksA
nwljs er dk rdZ ,slh uSfrdrk ds i{k esa gS tks fo'kq¼ :i ls èkeZ fujis{k rFkk iw.kZr% ekuo&rdZ.kk
ij vkèkkfjr gksA vkids vuqlkj bu nks erksa esa dkSu&lk ,d er lgh gS rFkk D;ksa\ foospuk dhft,A
(There are two incompatible views regarding the relationship between religion and morality.
According to one view morality requires some divine transcendental source in order that it
be binding and objective. The second view argues in favour of purely secular morality, based
entirely on human reason. Which one of these two views is correct in your opinion and why?
6- ¶uSfrdrk ds fcuk èkeZ [kks[kyk gksrk gS vkSj èkeZ ds fcuk uSfrdrk vaèkhA¸ D;k vki bl fopkj ls
lger gSa\ vius er ds leFkZu esa rdZ nhft,A ("Religion without morality is empty and morality
without religion is blind." Do you agree with this contention? Give reasons in support of your
view). (2002)
7- D;k bZ'oj vkSj èkeZ uSfrdrk dh vko';d iwoZekU;rk,a gSa\ vki dkaV ds vuqlkj vius mÙkj dks lksnkgj.k
Li"V dhft,A blh lanHkZ esa] fujh'ojoknh ds fy, uSfrdrk ds laHko dkj.kksa ij lekykspukRed fopkj
dhft,A (Are God and religion necessary presuppositions of morality? Elucidate your answer
following Kant. Also consider critically in this context the possible ground(s) of morality for
an atheist). (2003)
8- fVIi.kh & èkeZ&fujis{k uSfrdrk bl iz'u dk larks"ktud mÙkj ugha ns ldrh gS fd] ^eSa lnSo uSfrd D;ksa
jgw¡\¸ (Secular ethics cannot satisfactorily answer the question, 'Why should I be moral all the
time?') (2004)
9- èkkfeZd ,oa èkeZfujis{k uSfrdrk esa Hksn dhft,A bl lanHkZ esa ml er dk foospu dhft, ftlds vuqlkj
èkeZfujis{k uSfrdrk èkkfeZd uSfrdrk ls Js"B gS D;ksafd èkkfeZd uSfrdrk lkjr% fu;e vkèkkfjr gksrh gS
ftlds varxZr iQy dh dksbZ fu.kkZ;d Hkwfedk ugha gksrhA blds foijhr èkeZfujis{k uSfrdrk] vius mRÑ"V
:i esa] loZJs"B iQy izkfIr dk mís'; j[krh gSA
Distinguish between religious and secular ethics. Discuss, in this context, the view that holds
that secular ethics are superior to religious ethics because religious ethics are essentially based
on rules without decisive regard for consequences, whereas secular ethics, at their best, aim at
producing the best overall consequences. (2006)
10- u Sfrdrk ds fcuk èkeZ dk vkSfpR;A (Propriety of religion without morality). (2008)
11- bl dFku ij fVIi.kh dhft, fd ¶èkeZ us dsoy ok;nk fd;k Fkk ysfdu dHkh Hkh ml ok;ns dks iwjk
ugha fd;k¸A (Comment on the statement that "Religion only promised but never fulfilled the
promise." (30 Marks 2009)
12- ;fn uSfrdrk dks èkeZ dk vuqxeu djuk vko';d gks] rks uSfrd dk;kZsa ds fy, D;k dksbZ ;qfDrlaxr
vkSfpR; gks ldrk gS\ ppkZ dhft,A If morality has to follow from religion, can there be rational
justification or moral actions? Discuss. (150 Words 2010)
139 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 13- ml fopkj dh ijh{kk djsa ftlds vuqlkj uSfrdrk dk vkèkkj dsoy èkkfeZd lajpuk esa gh laHko gSA
Notes Examine the view that the foundation of morality is possible only in a religious framework.
 (15 Marks 2011)
14- ¶eSa èkkfeZd gq, fcuk uSfrd gks ldrk gw¡] ijUrq eSa uSfrd gq, fcuk èkkfeZd ugha gks ldrkA¸ D;k vki
lger gSa\ vius mÙkj ds dkj.k izLrqr dhft,A (“I can be moral without being religious, but I
cannot be religious without being moral.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer).
 (20 Marks 2012)
15- ¶;fn bZ'oj dk vfLrRo gh ugha gS] rks O;fDr lHkh le; uSfrd gh D;ksa cuk jgs\ ppkZ dhft,A
“If God does not exist then why should one be moral all the time?” Discuss.(20 Marks 2012)
16- D ;k èkkfeZd uSfrdrk O;fDrxr Lora=krk dh laxr gS\
Is religious morality consistent with individual freedom? (150 Words, 10 Marks 2013)
17- fdu vkèkkjksa ij ^gS* vkSj ^pkfg,* dk fojksèkkHkkl Lohdkj ;k vLohdkj fd;k tk ldrk gS
On what grounds, the dichotomy between 'is' and 'ought' can either be justified or rejected?
 (10 Marks 2014)
18- è kkfeZd uSfrdrk fdl lhek rd O;fDrxr Lora=krk dks lekfgr dj ldrh gS\
How far can religious morality incorporate individual freedom? (20 Marks 2014)
19- D ;k uSfrdrk vko';d :i ls èkeZ ij vkèkkfjr gksrh gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Is morality necessarily based on religion? Discuss. (10 Marks 2015)
20- ¶uSfrdrk ds fl¼kUr rc vfèkd dkjxj gksaxs tc os fdlh èkeZ ls Lokèkhu rFkk vlEc¼ gksaA¸ foospuk
dhft,A “Moral principles function better when they remain independent and unconnected
with religion.” Discuss. (15 Marks 2016)
21- D;k izfrc¼ /kfeZd O;fDr lkekftd uSfrdrk ds fo:¼ vkpj.k djrk gS\ uSfrd n`f"V ls foospuk
dhft,A (Does a committed religious person go against social morality? Discuss from the moral
perspective.) (10 Marks 2017)
22- D;k 'kk'or ekus tkus okys /kfeZd vkn'kks±] fl¼karksa vkSj jhfr;ksa] vkfn ds ckjs esa dksbZ /kfeZd O;fDr
yphyk n`f"Vdks.k viuk ldrk gS\ D;k ;g /eZ dks izxfr'khy cuk,xk ;k mlds izkf/dkj dks èoLr
dj nsxk\ leh{kkRed foospuk dhft,A
Can a religious person take an elastic view about religious ideals, principles and practices, etc.
which are supposed to be eternal? Will it make the religion progressive or will it demolish its
authority? Discuss critically. (20 Marks 2017)
23- D;k dksbZ ;g nkos osQ lkFk dg ldrk gS fd ^èkkfeZdrk* vkSj ^vuSfrdrk* osQ chp vUr%laca/ gS\
foospuk dhft,A Can one claim that there is an inter-relatedness between ‘religiosity’ and
‘immorality’? Discuss. (10 Marks 2018)
24- D;k /eZ osQ uke ij fgalk osQ leFkZu esa dksbZ nk'kZfud roZQ laHko gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
Can there be a philosophical argument to support violence in the name of religion? Discuss.
 (150 Words/10 Marks 2019)
25- lHkh le; uSfrd fdl dkj.k cuk jgs] bl ckr dks iw.kZ:is.k lek/ku /eZfujis{k uSfrdrk ugha fudky
ldrh gSA ijh{k.k dhft,A
Secular ethics cannot fully resolve as to why one should be moral all the time. Examine.
 (15 Marks 2019)
26- D;k /kfeZd vkLFkk,¡ vkSj O;ogkj uSfrd vkpj.k ls vlaxr gksrs gSa\ foospuk dhft,A
Are religious beliefs and practices incompatible with moral behaviour? Discuss.
(15 Marks 2020)
1- ¶uSfrdrk èkeZ dh vkèkkjf'kyk gS] bZ'oj ughaA¸ bl dFku dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A
"The foundation stone of religion is morality, not God." Explain and examine the statement.
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 140
(1999) iz'u&laxzg
2- dkaV ds vuqlkj uSfrdrk rFkk èkeZ ds lacaèk dh ijh{kk dhft,A Notes
Examine the relation between morality and religion according to Kant. (2002)
3- èkeZ ,oa uSfrdrk ds vFkZ dh ppkZ djsaA lkFk gh] buds varl±caèk dks crk,¡A D;k ge ,d ds fcuk
nwljs dks lksp ldrs gSa\ (Discuss meaning of Religion and Morality. Also state their inter-
relationship. Can we think of one without the other?) (2005)
4- f VIi.kh & èkeZ vkSj uSfrdrkA (Religion and morality) - Short notes. (2004)
5- èkeZ rFkk uSfrdrk ds eè; lacaèk dk foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the relation between Religion and Morality. (40 Marks 2013)
6- D;k èkeZ uSfrdrk dh iwokZis{kk gS\ rdZ lfgr mÙkj nhft,A
Is religion a presupposition of morality? Answer with arguments. (15 Marks 2016)
7- D;k uSfrdrk vko';d :i ls /eZ ij vk/kfjr gksrh gS\ foospuk dhft,A
Is morality necessarily based on religion? Discuss. (15 Marks 2017)
8- D;k /eZ bZ'oj osQ fcuk laHko gS\ leh{kkRed foospuk dhft,A
Is religion without God possible? Discuss critically. (10 Marks 2017)
9- /eZ* vkSj ^uSfrdrk* osQ laca/ dh foospuk dhft,A D;k ^uSfrdrk* foghu ^/eZ* laHko gS\ O;k[;k
dhft,A (Discuss the relationship between ‘Religion’ and ‘Morality’. Is ‘Religion’ without
‘Morality’ possible? Explain.) (15 Marks 2018)
10- bl dFku dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft, fd ^^O;fDr vFkok lekt ftruk gh vf/d /kfeZd
gksxk] mruk gh vf/d uSfrd gksxkA** Critically explain the statement that the more religious an
individual or a society will be more moral an individual or a society". (10 Marks 2019)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- uSfrdrk dk vkèkkj nSoh vkns'k esa fufgr gksrk gS ;k ekuoh; lacaèkksa esa\ viuk er nhft,A
(Does the
basic of morality rest in divine sanction or in human relationship? Give your own view).
2- Who do you think is in a better position to understand a particular religion - a believer who
accepts the claims of that religion or a nonbeliever who has some distance from that religion?
3- From your own analysis and experience, what do you think are the most important issues in
the study of religion?

èkkfeZd 'kqfprk@cgqyrkokn ,oa ije lR;rk dh leL;k

9 Religious Pluralism and the Problem of Absolute Truth

1- èkkfeZd vusdRookfn;ksa ,oa èkkfeZd O;korZokfn;ksa (religious exclusivists) ds chp cgl dk eqík D;k
gS\ bl lanHkZ esa os vius er ds leFkZu esa tks rdZ nsrs gSa mudk foospu dhft,A (What is the
central issue in the debate between religious pluralists and religious exclusivists? Discuss in
this context the arguments they advance in support of their views). (2004)
2- cgqyoknh lekt esa] èkkfeZd cgqyokn dk fdl izdkj ls vuqlj.k fd;k tk ldrk gS\ (In a pluralistic
society how can religious pluralism be practised? Point out distinction among)
(a) loZèkeZleUo; (Sarvadharmasamanvaya),
(b) loZèkeZleHkko vkSj (Sarvadharmasamabhava and)
(c) loZèkeZln~Hkko (Sarvadharmasadbhava).
ds chp vFkZ&foHksnksa dks crkb,A (2008)
3- ¶iw.kZ lR; ugha gksrs gSa] lHkh lR; vèkZ lR; gksrs gSaA mudks iw.kZ lR; ekudj pyus dh dksf'k'k djuk
gh nkuo cuk nsrk gSA¸ ("There are no whole truths; all truths are half truths. It is trying to treat
141 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg them as whole truths that plays the devil.") (2009)
Notes 4- ;g rF; fd fofHkUu èkekZsa dh mRifÙk fofHkUu LFkkuksa ij vkSj fofHkUu 'krkfCn;ksa esa gqbZ Fkh] lkfcr djrk
gS fd èkekZsa dk vusdRo Hkh ,d rF; gSA ;g dguk dgk¡ rd lgh gksxk fd lHkh vko';d :i ls
,d gh gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
The fact that different religions originated at different places and in different centuries proves
that plurality of religions is a fact. How correct would it be to say that all religions are
essentially the same? Discuss.  (200 Words 2010)
5- ¶èkeZ u dsoy vlR; gS] og gkfudkjd Hkh gSA¸ ppkZ djsaA “Religion is not just false, it is harmful.”
Discuss. (15 Marks 2011)
6- D;k fofy;e tsEl dk ;g dguk lgh gS fd èkkfeZd fookn lkSUn;Z cksèk ds fookn ds leku gksrs gSa\
ppkZ djsaA Is William james right in holding that religious disputes are like conflicts in aesthetic
appreciation? Discuss. (20 Marks 2011)
7- bl èkkj.kk dh ppkZ djsa ftlds vuqlkj èkkfeZd fl¼kUr ^Nn~e&oSKkfud* fl¼kUr u gksdj thou 'kSyh
dk izfrfufèkRo djrs gSaA Examine the view that, religious doctrines are not ‘quasi-scientific’
doctrines. But represent a form of life. (20 Marks 2011)
8- lR; ds bl fl¼kUr dh ppkZ djsa% ¶,da lr~ foizk% cgqèkk onfUrA¸
Explain the notion of truth as “Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudha Vadanti” (Truth is one, the learned
interpret it differently. (20 Marks 2011)
9- D;k fujis{k lR; dk fopkj vlfg".kqrk ,oa èkkfeZd fooknksa dks mRiUu djrk gS\ ppkZ djsaA
Does the notion of absolute truth give rise to intolerance and religious conflicts about truth be
resolved? Discuss. (20 Marks 2011)
10- lR; ds lacaèk esa èkkfeZd fooknksa dk lekèkku fdl izdkj fd;k tk ldrk gS\ ppkZ djsaA
How can religios conflicts about truth be resolved? Discuss. (20 Marks 2011)
11- D;k fujis{k lR; (,sClksY;wV VwzFk) ds vfHkizk; dks rkfdZd vkèkkjksa ij mfpr Bgjk;k tk ldrk gS\
Can the notion of absolute truth be justified on rational grounds? (12 Marks 2012)
12- bygke dh ladYiuk vko';d :i ls èkkfeZd cgqRookn ds foijhr gSA D;k vki lger gSa\ vius mÙkj
ds dkj.k crkb,A (The concept of revelation is essentially opposed to religious pluralism. Do
you agree? Give reasons for your answer. (30 Marks 2012)
13- D;k cgqrRooknh (Iyqjfy"V) n`f"Vdks.k fujis{k lR; dh izfrj{kk dj ldrk gS\
Can pluralist perspective vindicate Absolute Truth? (10 Marks 2014)
14- D;k èkkfeZd fujis{kokn èkkfeZd cgqRookn ds ds fy, [krjk gSA ijh{k.k dhft,A
Is Religious absolutism a threat to Religious pluralism? Discuss. (10 Marks 2016)
15- ¶fo'o&èkeZ ,d izdkj ls vkè;kRe ,oa ekuork dk lfEeJ.k gSA¸ ewY;kadu dhft,A
“World-religion is a spiritualistic and humanistic composite.” Evaluate. (10 Marks 2016)
16- D;k /eZ ije lR; dh xkjaVh iznku djrk gS\ /kfeZd cgqyokn ds lanHkZ esa foospuk dhft,A
Does religion guarantee the absolute truth? Discuss in the context of religious pluralism.
 (15 Marks 2017)
17- lkekftd jhfr;ksa dh xSj&/eZ'kkL=kh; iz.kkyh esa ije uSfrd ewY;ksa dk izkf/dkj vkSj LohÑfr D;k gksxh\
ppkZ dhft,A
What will be the authority and acceptance of the absolute ethical values in the non-theological
system of social practices? Discuss. (15 Marks 2017)
18- fofHkUu /eks± osQ ijLij&fojks/h lR;rk nkoksa osQ laca/ esa vUkU;rrk] lekosf'krk vkSj cgqRkÙookn osQ chp
foHksnu dhft,A
Distinguish between Exclusivism, Inclusivism and Pluralism with regard to the conflicting
truth-claims of different religions. (20 Marks 2018)

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 142

19- ¶lR; ,d gS] fiQj Hkh yksx bldks vyx&vyx :iksa esa vuqHko djrs gSaA¸ vk/qfud Hkkjrh; lUnHkZ dks iz'u&laxzg
è;ku esa j[krs gq, bldk lekykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft,A Notes
“Truth is one, yet people perceive differently.” Critically evaluate by considering the present
Indian context. (15 Marks 2018)
20- D;k vkt osQ oS'ohdj.kh lalkj esa /eZ ekuork osQ fy, ,d ,dhdkjh cy gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
Is religion a uniting force for humanity in the globalizing world as of today? Discuss.
 (150 Words/10 Marks 2019)
21- /kfeZd cgqrÙookfn;ksa ,oa /kfeZd vuU;rkokfn;ksa osQ chp okn&fookn esa osQUnzh; leL;k dks izfrikfnr
dhft, vkSj Li"V dhft,A
Expound and explain the central problem in the discussion between religious pluralists and
religious exclusivists. (20 Marks 2019)
22- ,d cgqlkaLo`Qfrd cgqyoknh lekt esa /kfeZd lfg".kqrk dk D;k egÙo gS\ vius mÙkj dks U;k;ksfpr
fl¼ dhft,A
What is the importance of religious tolerance in a multicultural pluralistic society? Justify your
answer. (10 Marks 2020)
1- cgqèkkfeZd lekt esa èkkfeZd lfg".kqrk dks c<+kok nsus okys fofHkUu dkjdksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft;sA
Analyse the various factors for promoting religious tolerance in a multi-religious society.
2- bZ'oj ,oa ijerÙo osQ laca/ dk foospu dhft,A
Discuss the relation between God and the absolute. (15 Marks 2017)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- èkkfeZd cgqyrkokn ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ D;k ,d vPNs fo'o ds fuekZ.k ds fy, fofHkUu èkeks± ds
eè; dksbZ lkekU; vkèkkj gks ldrk gS\ (What do you mean by Religious Pluralism). Is it possible
to find common ground in building a better world among different reason?).
2- izR;sd èkeZ ,d gh ije lÙkk ds fofHkUu izdkj dh O;k[;k,¡ gSa µ fVIi.khA (Each major religion has
been a different interpretation of the same ultimate reality) - Short Notes).
3- vkèkqfud lanHkZ esa èkkfeZd cgqyrkokn vkSj èkkfeZd lfg".kqrk dh vko';drk dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
(Evaluate the necessity of Religious pluralism and Religious tolerance in modern context).
4- No one religion can be a 'World Religion'. Explain.

èkkfeZd Hkk"kk dh izÑfr% lkn`';ewyd ,oa izrhdkRed] laKkuoknh ,oa

10 Nature of Religious Language : Analogical and Symbolic, Cognitivist and

1- èkkfeZd Hkk"kk ds fofHkUu fl¼kUrksa dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft, vkSj muesa ls fdlh ,d ds izfr
viuh ilUn ds fy, ;qfDr nhft,A (Critically explain the various theories of religious language,
giving your reasoned preference for one of them).(1991)
2- èkkfeZd Hkk"kk dh O;k[;k ds eq[; fl¼kUrksa dk foospu dhft,A (Discuss the main theories of the
interpretation of religious language). (1992)
3- jgL;kRed vuqHko dh vfHkO;fDr ds :i esa èkkfeZd Hkk"kk dk Lo:i & fVIi.khA
The nature of religious language as expression of mystical experience - Short Notes.(1993)
143 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg 4- D;k èkkfeZd Hkk"kk vFkZghu gksrh gS\ ;Fks"V rdZ nsdj vius mÙkj dh iqf"V dhft,A
Notes Is religious language meaningless? Justify your answer by adequate arguments. (1995)
5- fVIi.kh & ¶euq"; ds ije lkè; dh vfHkO;fDr dsoy izrhdkRed gks ldrh gS D;ksafd dsoy
izrhdkRed Hkk"kk gh mldks O;Dr djus esa l{ke gS tks fd ije gS¸ µ iky fVfypA (Notes – "Man's
ultimate concern must be expressed symbolically, because symbolic language alone is able to
express the ultimate.") – Paul Tillich (2004)
6- ¶èkkfeZd fo'okl rRor%(profoundly) vfHkF;hÑr (unfalsifiable) vfHkxzgksa (assumptions) dk la?kVu
gS tks O;fDr dh vU; lHkh ekU;rkvksa (beliefs) dk lapkyu djrk gSA¸ & vkj-,e- gsvj (fVIi.khA
("Religious faith consists of a set of profoundly unfalsiable assumptions that govern all of a
person's other beliefs." - R.M. Hare (Short notes). (2006)
7- D;k èkkfeZd Hkk"kk izrhdkRed gksrh gS\ ppkZ dhft,A
Is religious language symbolic? Discuss. (2009)
8- èkkfeZd Hkk"kk dk;Z djus ds fy, lkn`'; vkSj izrhd ds fy, izkÑfrd Hkk"kk ij vkfJr gSA ,slh fLFkfr
esa èkkfeZd Hkk"kk dks rkjizs"k.kh Hkk"kk dh Hkk¡fr] ,d fo'ks"khÑr Hkk"kk ds :i esa D;ksa ugha le>k tkuk
Religious language is dependent on natural language for an analogy and a symbol to work.
Why not then treat religious language as a specialized language like telegraphic language?
Discuss. (200 Words 2010)
9- D;k èkkfeZd fl¼kUr ,oa fookn lR;kiuh; gSa\ ppkZ djsaA
Are religious doctrines and debates verifiable? Discuss. (20 Marks 2011)
10- èkkfeZd Hkk"kk dh izÑfr ds laKkukFkZd fooj.k ij ppkZ dhft,A
Discuss the cognitivist account of the nature of religious language. (20 Marks 2012)
11- ikWy fVfyd ds bl dFku dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, fd ¶dsoy izrhd Hkk"kk gh pje rRo dh vfHkO;fDr
djus esa l{ke gSA¸ Analyse Paul Tillich’s statement that “symbolic language alone is able to
express the ultimate.” (20 Marks 2012)
12- ¶èkkfeZd Hkk"kk xSj&laKkukRed gSA¸ bl dFku dk D;k vk'k; gS\ What is meant by saying that
religious language is non-cognitive? (Not more than 250 words, 15 marks 2013)
13- D;k èkkfeZd Hkk"kk dks lR;kiu&;ksX; dgk tk ldrk gS\ Can religious language be said to be
verifiable? (Not more than 250 words, 15 marks 2013)
14- D;k laKkukRedrkoknh >wB ij vkèkkfjr vkifÙk dk leqfpr mÙkj ns ikrs gSa\
Do cognitivists provide a cogent answer to the objection based on falsifiability?
 (15 Marks 2013)
15- èkkfeZd Hkk"kk dk vki fuLlaKkukRed (ukWu~&dkWx~fufVo) :i esa fdl izdkj fu:i.k djrs gSa\
How do you formulate religious language as non-cognitive? (15 Marks 2014)
16- è kkfeZd Hkk"kk dks fdl izdkj LkR;kfir fd;k tk ldrk gS\ D;k ;g dguk lgh gS fd èkkfeZd Hkk"kk
lR;kfir gksrh gS] D;ksafd bls feF;kfir ugha fd;k tk ldrk gS\ foospuk dhft,A
How can the religious language be verified? Is it correct to say that religious language is
verified because it cannot be falsified? Discuss. (20 Marks 2015)
17- èkkfeZd Hkk"kk ls lEcfUèkr fofHkUu fopkjksa ds eè; dkSu&lk fopkj vfèkd larks"ktud gS rFkk D;ksa\
Among the different views of religious language, which one is more satisfactory and why?
 (15 Marks 2016)
18- D;k lkn`';ksa dh Hkk"kk vf/d laHkzkafrdkjh vkSj izrhdksa dh Hkk"kk vf/d vcqf¼xE; ugha gksrh gS\ èkkfeZd
Hkk"kk ds ekeys esa bldk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Is not the language of analogies more confusing and the language of symbols more
iratfy ifCyds'kUl 144
unintelligible? Evaluate it in the case of a religious language. (20 Marks 2017) iz'u&laxzg
19- fdl vFkZ esa] Hkk"kk dk /eZfujis{k mi;ksx Hkk"kk osQ èkkfeZd mi;ksx ls fHkUu gS\ ppkZ dhft,A In what Notes
sense is the secular use of language different from the religious use of language? Discuss.
 (10 Marks 2018)
20- /kfeZd Hkk"kk dh czsFkosV dh vlaKkukRed fFk;ksjh dk lekyksPkukRed ijh{k.k dhft,A
Critically examine Braithwaite’s non-cognitive theory of religious language.(15 Marks 2018)
21- /kfeZd izrhdksa osQ oSf'k"V~; osQ fo'okrhr lUnHkZ osQ :i esa egÙo dks Li"V dhft,] tks lkaLo`Qfrd]
vkdk'kh; o ikfFkZd txr esa eè;LFkrk LFkkfir djrs gSaA
Explain the significance of the religious symbols as transcendent referent that mediates into
the cultural, spatial and temporal world. (15 Marks 2018)
22- ppkZ dhft, fd /kfeZd izrhdokn jgL;okn dks tUe nsrk gS vFkok ugha vkSj oSQls tUe nsrk gSA
Discuss whether and how does religious symbolism lead to mysticism. (20 Marks 2019)
23- D;k /kfeZd Hkk"kk esa laKkukRed fo"k;&oLrq gksrh gS\ foLrkjiwoZd lqLi"V dhft,A
Does religious language carry cognitive content? Elucidate in detail. (20 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- Explain the significance of myths and symbols in religious language.
2- Are religious statements verifiable? How do we ascertain the meaning of key-terms of religious
3- /kfeZd Hkk"kk esa ^fCyd&fl¼kar* ij ppkZ dhft,A (Discuss the 'Blick theory' of religious language).

oqQN vU; i{k % èkkfeZd lfg".kqrk (Religious Tolerance)

1- èkeZfujis{krk ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ D;k èkeZfujis{krk èkeZ rFkk vkè;kfRedrk dh fojksèkh gS\
vkykspukRed foospuk dhft;sA
What do you understand by secularism? Is secularism opposed to religion and spirituality?
Discuss critically. (1997)
2- è kkfeZd lfg".kqrk dh èkkj.kk dk fo'ys"k.k djsaA Analyse the concept of religious tolerance.(1998)
3- èkkfeZd lfg".kqrk ds Lo:i dh foospuk dhft,A bldh izkfIr ds mik;ksa dks Hkh crkb;sA
Discuss the nature of religious tolerance. Also state the means for its attainment. (2007)
4- èkkfeZd lfg".kqrk D;k gS\ cgqèkehZ lekt esa bls fdl izdkj lqn`<+ fd;k tk ldrk gS\ What is
religious tolerance? How can it be strengthened in 'Multi-Religious Society'?
 (40 Marks 2013)
5- èkkfeZd lfg".kqrk lekt ds fy, vko';d gSA foospuk dhft,A
Religious tolerance is necessary for society. Discuss. (10 Marks 2015)
6- orZeku le; esa èkkfeZd lfg".kqrk dh izklafxdrk ij fopkj dhft,A
Consider the relevance of 'Religious-tolerance' in the present era. (10 Marks 2016)
7- /kfeZd lfg".kqrk dh /kj.kk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft,A
Analyse the concept of religious tolerance. (10 Marks 2017)
8- ^/kfeZd lfg".kqrk* osQ Lo:i dh foospuk dhft,A bldh izkfIr osQ fy, vko';d mik;ksa dh O;k[;k
Discuss the nature ‘Religious Tolerance’. Explain the necessary means to attain it.
(15 Marks 2018)
9- /kfeZd lfg".kqrk ds uSfrd vk/kjksa dks O;k[;kf;r dhft,A
145 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg Explain the moral foundations of religious tolerance. (15 Marks 2019)
Notes 10- /kfeZd lfg".kqrk dh O;k[;k djsaA D;k ;g fo'o /eZ dh laHkkouk gS\ ppkZ djsaA
Explain Religious Tolerance. Is it a possibility of World Religion ? Discuss. (15 Marks 2020)

laHkkfor iz'u (Probable Questions)

1- fVIi.kh & èkkfeZd lfg".kqrkA (Religious tolerance) - Notes.
2- vkèkqfud lanHkZ esa èkkfeZd cgqyrkokn vkSj èkkfeZd lfg".kqrk dh vko';drk dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
(Evaluate the necessity of Religious pluralism and Religious tolerance in modern context).


iratfy ifCyds'kUl 146

60-62nd BPCS (Mains) Exam 2018 iz'u&laxzg
n'kZu'kkL=k (PHILOSOPHY)
fu/kZfjr le; % rhu ?kaVs vf/dre vad % 300
Time allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 300
• lHkh iz'uksa osQ eku cjkcj gSaA (The questions are of equal value)
• izR;sd [k.M ls rhu iz'uksa dks pqurs gq, oqQy N% iz'uksa osQ mÙkj nsaA (Answer six questions, selecting three
from each Section.)
• ijh{kkFkhZ ;FkklEHko vius 'kCnksa esa gh mÙkj nsaA (Candidates are required to give their answers in their own
words as far as practicable.)
• lHkh iz'u fgUnh vkSj vaxt
sz h nksuksa Hkk"kk esa Nis gSAa ;fn fgUnh Hkk"kk esa dksbZ langs gS] rks vaxt
sz h Hkk"kk dks gh izkekf.kd
ekuk tk,xkA (All questions have been printed both in Hindi and English. In case of any ambiguity in Hindi
version, the English version shall be considered authentic.)
• ,d gh iz'u osQ fofHkUu Hkkxksa osQ mÙkj vfuok;Z :i ls ,d lkFk gh fy[ks tk,a rFkk muosQ chp esa vU; iz'uksa
osQ mÙkj u fy[ks tk,¡A (Parts of the same question must be answered together and must not be interposed
between answers to other questions.)

[k.M-I / Section-I
1- d
kVsZfl;u lansg&i¼fr dh vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft,A
Critically examine Cartesian method of Doubt.
2- g sxsy osQ ^fujis{k&izR;;okn* dh laf{kIr foospuk dhft,A
Describe in brief Hegel's ‘Absolute Idealism’.
3- , ;j osQ lR;kiu&fl¼kar dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A
State and examine Ayer's theory of Verification.
4- vfHkrkUo;okn ,oa vfUorkfo/kuokn osQ chp Hksn dhft,A
Distinguish between Abhitanvayavada and Anvitavidhanvada.
5- jkekuqtkpk;Z us fdu vk/kjksa ij ek;kokn osQ fl¼kar dk [k.Mu fd;k gS\
On what grounds Ramanujacharya has refuted the theory of Mayavada?
6- u kxktqZu osQ 'kwU;okn osQ fl¼kar dk laf{kIr fooj.k nhft,A
Give a brief account of Nagarjuna's theory of Shunyavada.

[k.M-II / Section-II
7- n 'kZu'kkL=k fdl izdkj fdlh ns'k dh lkaLo`Qfrd fojklr dks izHkkfor djrk gS\ fVIi.kh dhft,A
How does Philosophy affect the cultural heritage of a country? Comment.
8- x k¡/h osQ lR;kxzg&fl¼kar dh vkykspukRed ijh{kk dhft,A
Critically examine Gandhi's theory of Satyagraha.
9- i jEijk vkSj vk/qfudrk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A blosQ ewy fcUnqvksa ij ppkZ Hkh dhft,A
Define Tradition and Modernity. Also discuss its basic tenets.
10- / kfeZd Hkk"kk esa ^fCyd&fl¼kar* ij ppkZ dhft,A
Discuss the 'Blick theory' of religious language.
11- v
'kqHk dh leL;k D;k gS\ bZlkbZ /eZ v'kqHk dh leL;k osQ fuokj.k osQ fy, D;k lek/ku izLrqr djrk
gS\ (What is problem of Evil? What solutions does Charistianity give for the eradication of
12- e ks{k osQ Lo:i ,oa ifjHkk"kkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A eks{k&izkfIr osQ fy, 'kadjkpk;Z us fdl ekxZ dk
leFkZu fd;k gS\ (Explain nature and definitions of Moksha. Which path has been advocated by
Shankaracharya for the attainment of Moksha?)

147 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

iz'u&laxzg 63rd BPCS (Mains) Exam 2018
n'kZu'kkL=k (PHILOSOPHY)
fu/kZfjr le; % rhu ?kaVs vf/dre vad % 300
Time allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 300
• lHkh iz'uksa osQ eku cjkcj gSaA (The questions are of equal value)
• izR;sd [k.M ls rhu iz'uksa dks pqurs gq, oqQy N% iz'uksa osQ mÙkj nsaA (Answer six questions, selecting three
from each Section.)
• ijh{kkFkhZ ;FkklEHko vius 'kCnksa esa gh mÙkj nsaA (Candidates are required to give their answers in their own
words as far as practicable.)
• lHkh iz'u fgUnh vkSj vaxt
sz h nksuksa Hkk"kk esa Nis gSAa ;fn fgUnh Hkk"kk esa dksbZ langs gS] rks vaxt
sz h Hkk"kk dks gh izkekf.kd
ekuk tk,xkA (All questions have been printed both in Hindi and English. In case of any ambiguity in Hindi
version, the English version shall be considered authentic.)
• ,d gh iz'u osQ fofHkUu Hkkxksa osQ mÙkj vfuok;Z :i ls ,d lkFk gh fy[ks tk,a rFkk muosQ chp esa vU; iz'uksa
osQ mÙkj u fy[ks tk,¡A (Parts of the same question must be answered together and must not be interposed
between answers to other questions.)

[k.M-I / Section-I
1- j lsyo`Qr'The Problems of Philosophy' osQ vk/kj ij oLrqokn D;k gS Li"V dhft,A
Give an exposition of Russel's realism as found in his 'The Problems of Philosophy'.
2- r kfoZQd izR;{kokn fopkj osQ vuq:i mfÙkD;ksa osQ Kkuxr vFkZiw.kZrk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft,A
Explain the logical positivist criteria of cognitive meaningfulness of statements.
3- l ao`fÙk&'kkL=k osQ vk/kj ij vfHkizk;xr psruk dh vkykspuk dhft,A
Discuss the intentionality thesis of consciousness as found in phenomenology.
4- i zek.k vkSj izes; osQ chp varj D;k gS\ U;k; n'kZu osQ vuqlkj izek.k dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Distinguish between Pramana and Prameya. Discuss the Pramana as accepted by the Nyaya
5- [ ;kfrokn dh fHkUurk osQ mÙkj laf{kIr O;k[;k dhft,A
Briefly explain the different Khyativadas.
6- c kS¼ n'kZu {kf.kdRookn dks fdl&fdl vk/kj ij Lohdkj fd;k x;k\ vkykspukRed fopkj dhft,A
What are the main grounds for accepting the Buddhist position that everything is momentary?
Discuss critically.

[k.M-II / Section-II
7- b Z'oj osQ vfLrRookn dks ysdj izeq[k ;qfDr;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain the main types of arguments in favour of God's existence.
8- x k¡/hth osQ loksZn; fopkj osQ mQij vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft,A
Critically examine Gandhiji's conception of Sarvodaya.
9- / ehZ; Hkk"kk dk Kkuewyd rkRi;Z gS ;k ugha] ijh{k.k dhft,A
Examine whether religious language has cognitive significance or not.
10- x .kra=k D;k gS O;k[;k dhft,A ;fn blesa dksbZ =kqfV gS] rks D;k gS\
Explain what democracy is. What are the demerits of it, if any?
11- j gL;oknh vfHkKrk osQ fofHkUu fcUnqvksa osQ mQij O;k[;k vkSj ijh{k.k dhft,A
State and examine the difference marks of mystical experience.
12- l ekurk ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ Hkkjrh; lafo/ku osQ vuqlkj lekurk dh vo/kj.kk osQ mQij O;k[;k
vkSj ijh{k.k dhft,A
What do you mean by equality? Explain and examine the concept of equality as selected in
Indian Constitution.

iratfy ifCyds'kUl 148

64th BPCS (Mains) Exam 2019 iz'u&laxzg
n'kZu'kkL=k (PHILOSOPHY)
fu/kZfjr le; % rhu ?kaVs vf/dre vad % 300
Time allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 300
• lHkh iz'uksa osQ eku cjkcj gSaA (The questions are of equal value)
• izR;sd [k.M ls rhu&rhu iz'uksa dks pqurs gq, oqQy N% iz'uksa osQ mÙkj nsaA (Answer six questions, selecting
three from each Section.)
• ijh{kkFkhZ ;FkklEHko vius 'kCnksa esa gh mÙkj nsaA (Candidates are required to give their answers in their own
words as far as practicable.)
• lHkh iz'u fgUnh vkSj vaxt
sz h nksuksa Hkk"kk esa Nis gSAa ;fn fgUnh Hkk"kk esa dksbZ langs gS] rks vaxt
sz h Hkk"kk dks gh izkekf.kd ekuk
tk,xkA (All questions have been printed both in Hindi and English. In case of any ambiguity in Hindi version,
the English version shall be considered authentic.)
• ,d gh iz'u osQ fofHkUu Hkkxksa osQ mÙkj vfuok;Z :i ls ,d lkFk gh fy[ks tk,a rFkk muosQ chp esa vU; iz'uksa
osQ mÙkj u fy[ks tk,¡A (Parts of the same question must be answered together and must not be interposed
between answers to other questions.)

[k.M-I / Section-I

1- Hkkooknh dkSu gSa\ mu yksxksa osQ nk'kZfud erokn D;k gSa\ D;k Hkkooknh ^nwljs eu* rFkk ^okátxr~* osQ
vfLrRo dks Lohdkj dj ldrs gSa\ O;k[;k vkSj ijh{k.k dhft,A
Who are Idealists? What are their philosophical outlooks? Can Idealist admit the existence of
‘other minds’ and 'the external world'? Explain and examine.
2- c qf¼okfn;ksa osQ erkuqlkj Kku D;k gS\ D;k ;qfDr ;k cqf¼ Kku dk iz;kZIr lzksr gS\ fdl vkèkkj ij
cqf¼oknh] vuqHkooknh ls fHkUu gSa\ vkykspukRed fopkj dhft,A
What is knowledge according to retionalists? Is reason or intellect an adequate source of
knowledge? On what grounds rationalists are different from empiricists? Discuss critically.
3- v
ki lao`fr'kkL=k vkSj vfLrRookn osQ chp varj oSQls djrs gSa\ lk=ksZ osQ vuq:i lÙkk] v/ZlÙkk ,oa
oLrq&vkRelÙkk dk o.kZu dhft,A
How do you draw the distinction between phenomonology and existentialism? Discuss Sartre’s
notion of being, qua-being and thing-in-itself.
4- i zek vkSj vizek osQ chp vUrj Li"V dhft,A vuqiyfC/ izek.k ls D;k vfHkizk; gS\ D;k vuqiyfC/
dks LorU=k izek.k osQ :i esa Lohdkj fd;k tk ldrk gS\ dkj.k nhft,A
Distinguish between Prama and Aprama. What is ment by Anupalabdhi Pramana? Can
Anupalabdhi be considered as a distinct Pramana? Give reasons.
5- U ;k; n'kZu osQ vuqlkj izR;{k izek.k D;k gS\ lfodYid vkSj fufoZdYid izR;{k osQ chp vUrj Li"V
dhft,A fufoZdYid izR;{k dks uS;kf;dksa us D;ksa Lohdkj fd;k\ o.kZu dhft,A
What is Pratyaksa Pramana according to Nyaya philosophy? Distinguish between Savikalpaka
and Nirvikalpaka Pratyaksa. Why do the Naiyayikas admit Nirvikalpaka Pratyaksa? Explain.
6- o S'ksf"kdksa osQ vuqlkj nzO; D;k gS\ nzO; osQoy xq.klfUufo"V gS] ckS¼ksa osQ bl er dk oS'ksf"kdksa us oSQls
[k.Mu fd;k\ roZQ lfgr O;k[;k dhft,A
What is Dravya (Substance) according to the Vaisesikas? How do the Vaisesikas refute the
Buddhist confession that there is not Dravya (Substance) over and above its different Gunas
(qualities)? Discuss reasonably.
149 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg [k.M-II / Section-II
7- thou ls euq"; dks lcls egÙoiw.kZ f'k{kk D;k feyrh gS\ D;k thou laLo`Qfr dk vax gS\ Hkkjr esa
lkaLo`Qfrd cgqRookn oSQls lajf{kr fd;k tk,\ ;qfDr;ksa osQ lkFk mÙkj nhft,A
What is the most important lesson that man can learn from the life? Is life become a part of
culture? How is cultural pluralism to be maintained in India? Answer with arguments.
8- D;k fpÉ vkSj laosQr osQ chp dksbZ vUrj gS\ D;k /ehZ; Hkk"kk lkaosQfrd gS\ /ehZ; Hkk"kk dh eq[;
leL;k,¡ D;k gSa\ dkj.kksa osQ lkFk foLr`r O;k[;k dhft,A
Is there any difference between sign and symbol? Is religious language symbolic? What are the
main problems of religious language? Discuss fully with reasons.
9- jgL;okn dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A D;k jgL;okn] fujk'kkokn dks c<+krk gS\ fgUnw jgL;okn vkSj bLkykeh
jgL;okn osQ chp rqyukRed fopkj izLrqr dhft,A
Define mysticism. Is mysticism indulge pessimism? Compare and contrast Hindu mysticism
with Islamic mysticism.
10- D;k vki tkurs gSa fd cqjkb;k¡ vizfrgr gSa\ cqjkb;k¡ dkSu iSnk djrk gS\ D;k ge lHkh cqjkbZ;ksa ls eqDr
vius txr~ dh jpuk dj ldrs gSaA dkj.k nhft,A
Do you think that evils are inevitable? Who is the creator of evils? Can we construct our world
in freeing all evils? Given reasons.
11- lerkokn ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ cgqRooknh lekt esa lerkokn oSQls lajf{kr fd;k tk,\ D;k vki
ekurs gSa fd lerkokn jk"Vªh; izxfr vkSj ,drk osQ laj{k.k osQ fy, lcls vPNk rjhdk gS\ mi;qDr
rdks± osQ lkFk fo'ys"k.k dhft,A
What do you mean by equality? How is equality to be maintained in a pluralistic society? Do
you think that equality is the best way to maintain national progress and unity? Analyze with
suitable arguments.
12- vkradokn osQ ewy dkj.k D;k gS\ ge vkradokn dh pqukSfr;ksa ls oSQls fuiV ldrs gSa\ vkykspukiw.kZ
O;k[;k dhft,A
What are the main causes of terrorism? How can we meet the challenges of terrorism? Discuss
fully with criticism.


iratfy ifCyds'kUl 150

65th BPCS (Mains) Exam 2020 iz'u&laxzg
n'kZu'kkL=k (PHILOSOPHY)
fu/kZfjr le; % rhu ?kaVs vf/dre vad % 300
Time allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 300
• lHkh iz'uksa osQ eku cjkcj gSaA (The questions are of equal value)
• izR;sd [k.M ls rhu&rhu iz'uksa dks pqurs gq, oqQy N% iz'uksa osQ mÙkj nsaA (Answer six questions, selecting
three from each Section.)
• ijh{kkFkhZ ;FkklEHko vius 'kCnksa esa gh mÙkj nsaA (Candidates are required to give their answers in their own
words as far as practicable.)
• lHkh iz'u fgUnh vkSj vaxt
sz h nksuksa Hkk"kk esa Nis gSAa ;fn fgUnh Hkk"kk esa dksbZ langs gS] rks vaxt
sz h Hkk"kk dks gh izkekf.kd ekuk
tk,xkA (All questions have been printed both in Hindi and English. In case of any ambiguity in Hindi version,
the English version shall be considered authentic.)
• ,d gh iz'u osQ fofHkUu Hkkxksa osQ mÙkj vfuok;Z :i ls ,d lkFk gh fy[ks tk,a rFkk muosQ chp esa vU; iz'uksa
osQ mÙkj u fy[ks tk,¡A (Parts of the same question must be answered together and must not be interposed
between answers to other questions.)

[k.M-I / Section-I

1- r kfdZd vuqHkookn~ osQ mn~Hko osQ dkj.kksa dk laf{kIr C;ksjk nhft,A mlosQ ewy ;qfDrokn dh ppkZ dhft,A
Sketch briefly the reasons behind the emergence of logical positivism. Discuss the basic
argument involved in it.

2- o kLrokn osQ fofHkUu :iksa dh foLr`r ppkZ dhft,A

Discuss fully various forms of Realism.

3- v
FkZfozQ;kokn D;k gS\ Kku&fl¼kar osQ fodkl esa mldh Hkwfedk Li"V dhft,A
What is Pragmatism? Bring out its role in the development of theory of knowledge.

4- O;kfIr D;k gS\ uO;U;k; rFkk ckS¼ n'kZu esa mldk O;ogkj fdl rjg gksrk gS\
What is Vyapti? How does it function in Navyanyaya and Buddhist philosophy?

5- U;k;] iwoZehekalk rFkk O;kdj.k bu n'kZuksa osQ vuqlkj vFkZ dk okD; ls fdl rjg lEizs"k.k gksrk
gS bldk foLr`r fooj.k nhft,A
Explain fully the conditions of conveying meaning through sentences according to Nyaya,
Purva Mimamsa and Vyakarana.

6- eks{k dh ladYiuk D;k gS\ /eZ ls og fdl rjg tqM+h gS\ ;qfDr;k¡ nhft,A
What is the concept of Moksa? How far is it related to religion? Give reasons.

[k.M-II / Section-II

7- loksZn; dks jktuSfrd vkn'kZ iz.kkyh osQ :i esa foLrkjiwoZd Li"V dhft,A lkaizfrd ;qx esa
mldh izLrqrrk dh leh{kk dhft,A
Explain fully the Sarvodaya as a political ideology. Show its relevance to modern times.

151 iratfy ifCyds'kUl

iz'u&laxzg 8- vkt osQ Hkkjr osQ lkekftd fodkl dh izfozQ;k esa ikjaifjdrk vkSj vk/qfudrk dk lek;kstu
Notes fdl rjg fd;k tk ldrk gS\
How can we blend tradition with modernity in the social development of present India?

9- vkt osQ Hkkjr osQ mUu;u esa D;k tura=k dh dksbZ lhek,a gSa\ ppkZ izLrqr dhft,A
Are there limitations of democracy for the development of modern India? Discuss.

10- lkekftd mfí"Vksa dh izkfIr esa ckS¼/eZ osQ lkeF;ks± ,oa iQk;nksa dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Evaluate strengths and advantages of Buddhism to achieve social goals.

11- D;k vkRek osQ vejRo dk fl¼kUr vfuok;Z rRo gS\ ;qfDr;k¡ nhft,A
Is the doctrine of immortality of soul an inevitable principle? Given reasons.

12- jkT; esa vfgald fo/k ls ifjorZu ykus esa lkaoS/kfud o`Qfrdk;ZozQeksa dh ifj.kkedkjdrk vkSj
O;kidrk dh leh{kk dhft,A
Examine the strengths and scope of constitutionalism as a desirable mode for bringing a non-
violent change in the State.


iratfy ifCyds'kUl 152

66th BPCS (Mains) Exam 2021 iz'u&laxzg
n'kZu'kkL=k (PHILOSOPHY)
fu/kZfjr le; % rhu ?kaVs vf/dre vad % 300
Time allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 300
• lHkh iz'uksa osQ eku cjkcj gSaA (The questions are of equal value)
• izR;sd [k.M ls rhu iz'uksa dks pqurs gq, oqQy N% iz'uksa osQ mÙkj nsaA (Answer six equations, selecting
three from each Section.)
• ijh{kkFkhZ ;FkklEHko vius 'kCnksa esa gh mÙkj nsaA (Candidates are required to give their answers in
their own words as far as practicable.)
• lHkh iz'u fgUnh vkSj vaxzsth nksuksa Hkk"kk esa Nis gSaA ;fn fgUnh Hkk"kk esa dksbZ lansg gS] rks vaxzsth Hkk"kk dks
gh izkekf.kd ekuk tk,xkA (All questions have been printed both in Hindi and English. In case of
any ambiguity in Hindi version, the English version shall be considered authentic.)
• ,d gh iz'u osQ fofHkUu Hkkxksa osQ mÙkj vfuok;Z :i ls ,d lkFk gh fy[ks tk,a rFkk muosQ chp esa vU;
iz'uksa osQ mÙkj u fy[ks tk,¡A (Parts of the same question must be answered together and must not
be interposed between answers to other questions.)

[k.M-I / Section-I

1- vuqHkookfn;ksa ds vuqlkj Kku dks le>kb,A D;k vuqHko Kku dk leqfpr ,oa i;kZIr lzksr gS\
vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft,A
Explain knowledge according to empiricists. Is experience an adequate the sufficient source of
knowledge? Critically examine.
2- lao`fr'kkL=k dks foLrkj ls le>kb,A blosQ nk'kZfud egÙo ij izdk'k Mkfy,A
Explain Phenomenology in detail. Elucidate its philosophical significance.
3- ¶Lora=krk vfLrRo gS¸] bl lw=k dks Li"V dhft,A ;g Li"V dhft, fd Lora=krk fdl :i esa
mÙkjnkf;Ro ls vko';d :i esa lcaf/r gSA
“Freedom is existent”, explain the dictum. State that how freedom is necessarily related to
4- izek.k vkSj izkek.; dk foospu dhft,A vuqiyfC/ izek.k ls D;k vfHkizk; gS\ foospu dhft,A
Discuss Pramanas and Pramanyas. What is meant by Anupalabdhi Pramana? Discuss.
5- Hkkjrh; n'kZu esa ^lR; vkSj =kqfV* osQ fl¼kar ([;kfrokn) dks le>kb,A blosQ fofHkUu fl¼karksa dk
foopsu dhft,A
Explain the theories of ‘Truth and Error’ (Invalid Perception) in Indian Philosphy. Discuss its
various theories.
6- Hkkjrh; n'kZu esa ^Hkk"kk vkSj vFkZ* dh leL;k dk foLrkj ls foopu dhft,A
Discuss the problem of ‘Language and Meaning’ in Indian Philosophy in detail.

[k.M-II / Section-II

7- n'kZu D;k gS\ ;g ekuo osQ thou rFkk laLo`Qfr ls fdl rjg lacaf/r gS\ foospu dhft,A
What is Philosophy? How is it related with life and culture of man? Discuss.
8- iztkra=k osQ eq[; erksa dks le>kb,A D;k cksyus vkSj vfHkO;fDr dh Lora=krk fujis{k vf/dkj gS\ fVIi.
kh djrs gq, viuh jk; dks Li"Vrk ls O;Dr dhft,A
153 iratfy ifCyds'kUl
iz'u&laxzg Explain in main tenets of democracy. Is freedom of speech and expression absolute right?
Notes Comment and express your view clearly.
9- lR;kxzg dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A xka/h osQ lR;kxzg fl¼kar dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft,A
Define Satyagraha. Critically examine Gandhi's theory of Satyagraha.
10- tSu /eZn'kZu osQ vusdkarokn dh vo/kj.kk dk ewY;kadu dhft,A blosQ tSu/eZ osQ ^lIrHkafxu;* fl¼kar
osQ lkFk laca/ksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Evaluate the concept of Anekantavada of Jain Philosophy of religion. Explain its relationship
with ‘Saptabhanginaya’ of Jainism.
11- /eZ osQ {ks=k esa rdZcqf¼] bygke vkSj vkLFkk dh Hkwfedkvksa dh ppkZ dhft,A D;k os lqlaxr gSa\ ;fn
ugha] rks mudh vkHkklh vlaxrrk dk fdl izdkj lek/ku fudkyk tk ldrk gS\
Discuss the role of reason, revelation and faith in the sphere of religion. Are they compatible?
If not, how to resolve their apparent inconsistency?
12- /ekZUrj.k dh leL;k ij vkykspukRed fuca/ fyf[k,A bls fdu igyqvksa ;k vk/kjksa ij vkSfpR;iw.kZ
ekuk tk ldrk gS\
Critically write an essay on problem of conversion. On what aspects it can be justified?


iratfy ifCyds'kUl 154

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