Experiment No-6 SGP
Experiment No-6 SGP
Experiment No-6 SGP
Study to different lightning arrester and identify different parts by literature survey.
To recognize and thoroughly understand different parts and their function with respect to .
Lightning arrester.
The device which is used for the protection of the equipment at the substations against travelling
waves, such type of device is called lightning arrester or surge diverter. In other words, lightning
arrester diverts the abnormal high voltage to the ground without affecting the continuity of
supply. It is connected between the line and earth, i.e., in parallel with the equipment to be
protected at the substation.
The following are the damages that are caused by the travelling wave on the substation
1. The high peak or crest voltage of the surge may cause flash-over in the internal winding
thereby spoil the winding insulation.
2. The steep wave fronts of the surges may cause external flashover between the terminal of the
3. The highest peak voltage of the surge may cause external flashover, between the terminal of
the electrical equipment which may result in damage to the insulator.
When a travelling wave reaches the arrestor, its sparks over at a certain prefixed voltage as
shown in the figure below. The arrestor provides a conducting path to the waves of relatively
low impedance between the line and the ground. The surge impedance of the line restricts the
amplitude of current flowing to ground.
The lightning arrester provides a path of low impedance only when the travelling surge reaches
the surge diverter, neither before it nor after it. The insulation of the equipment can be protected
if the shape of the voltage and current at the diverter terminal is similar to the shape shown
below .An ideal lightning arrester should have the following characteristics;
1. It should not draw any current during normal operating condition, i.e., it sparks-over voltage
must be above the normal or abnormal power frequency that may occur in the system.
2. Any transient abnormal voltage above the breakdown value must cause it to break down as
quickly as possible so that it may provide a conducting path to ground.
3. When the breakdown has taken place, it should be capable of carrying the resulting discharge
current without getting damaged itself and without the voltage across it exceeding the
breakdown value.
4. The power frequency current following the breakdown must be interrupted as soon as the
transient voltage has fallen below the breakdown value.
There are many types of lightning arrester which are used to protect the power system. The choices
of the lightning arrester depend on the factor like, voltage and frequency of the line, cost, weather
condition and reliability.
The lightning arrester is located close to the equipment that is to be protected. They are usually
connected between phase and ground in an AC system and pole and ground in case of the DC
system. In an AC system, separate arrester is provided for each phase.
In an extra-high voltage AC system the surge diverter is used to protect the generators, transformers,
bus bars, lines, circuit breakers, etc. In HVDC system the arrester is used to protect the buses, valves
converter units reactors, filter, etc.
It is one of the simplest forms of the arrester. In such type of arrester, there is an air gap between the
ends of two rods. The one end of the arrester is connected to the line and the second end of the rod is
connected to the ground. The gap setting of the arrester should be such that it should break before
the damage. When the high voltage occurs on the line, the gap sparks and the fault current passes to
the earth. Hence the equipment is protected from damage.
The difficulty with the rod arrester is that once the spark having taken place it may continue for
some time even at low voltages. To avoid it a current limiting reactor in series with the rod is used.
The resistance limits the current to such an extent that it is sufficient to maintain the arc. Another
difficulty with the road gap is that the rod gap is liable to be damaged due to the high temperature of
the arc which may cause the rod to melt.
Sphere Gap Arrester:
In such type of devices, the air gap is provided between two different spheres. One of the spheres is
connected to the line, and the other sphere is connected to the ground. The spacing between the two
spheres is very small. A choking coil is inserted between the phase winding of the transformer and
spheres is connected to the line.
The air gap between the arrester is set in such a way so that the discharge must not take place at
normal operating condition. The arc will travel up the sphere as the heated air near the arc tend to
rise upward and lengthening till it is interrupted automatically.
It consists of two horns shaded piece of metal separated by a small air gap and connected in shunt
between each conductor and earth. The distance between the two electrodes is such that the normal
voltage between the line and earth is insufficient to jump the gap. But the abnormal high voltage
will break the gap and so find a path to earth.
The multiple gap arrester consists a series of small metal cylinder insulated from one another and
separated by an air gap. The first and the last of the series is connected to ground. The number of
gaps required depends on the line voltage.
The protective impulse gap is designed to have a low voltage impulse ratio, even less than one and
to extinguish the arc. Their working principle is very simple as shown in the figure below. It consists
of two sphere electrode S1 and S2 which are connected respectively to the line and the arrester.
The auxiliary needle is placed between the mid of two sphere S 1 and S2. At normal frequency, the
impedance of the capacitance C1 is quite large as compared to the impedance of resistor R. If C1 and
C2 are equal the potential of the auxiliary electrode will be midway between those of the S 1 and
S2 and the electrode has no effect on the flash over between them.
When the transient occurs the impedance of capacitor C 1 and C2 decrease and the impedance of the
resistor now become effective. Due to this, the whole of the voltage is concentrated across the gap
between E and S1. The gap at once breakdown, the rest of the length between E and S 2 immediately
Such Types of diverter are also known as gapless surge diverters, or Zinc oxide diverter. The base
material used for manufacturing metal oxide resistor is zinc oxide. It is a semiconducting N-type
material. The material is doped by adding some fine power of insulating oxides. The powder is
treated with some processes and then it is compressed into a disc-shaped. The disc is then enclosed
in a porcelain housing filled with nitrogen gas or SF6.
This arrester consists a potential barrier at the boundaries of each disc of ZNO. This potential barrier
controls the flow of current. At normal operating condition, the potential barrier does not allow the
current to flow. When an overvoltage occurs, the barrier collapse and sharp transition from
insulating to conducting take place. The current start flowing and the surge is diverted to ground.
1. Scope:
This section covers the specification of 11kV voltage station Lightning (Surge) Arrestors for
installation on outdoor type 11kV switchgear, transmission lines, transformers etc. 11kV
side of which is not enclosed in a cable box. Station class surge arrestors shall be complete
with fasteners for stacking units.
2. Standards:
The design, manufacture and performance of Surge Arrestors shall comply with IS: 3070
Part-3 and other specific requirements stipulated in the specification. Unless otherwise
specified, the equipment, material & processes shall conform to the latest amendments of the
IS: 2629-1985 Recommended Practice for hot dip galvanizing on Iron & Steel.
IS: 2633-1986 Method for Testing uniformity of coating of zinc coated Articles.
IS:3070-1993 (Part – Specification for surge arrestor for alternating current systems.
3) Metal-Oxide lightening Arrestors without gaps.
IS: 4759-1996 Specification for hot dip zinc coating on structural steel and
other allied products.
IS: 5621-1980 Hollow Insulators for use in Electrical Equipment.
The equipment complying with any other internationally accepted standards shall also be
considered if it ensures performance equivalent to or superior to the Indian Standards.
3. Deviation :
Normally the offer should be as per Technical Specification without any deviation. But any
deviation felt necessary to improve performance, efficiency and utility of equipment must
be mentioned in the 'Deviation Schedule' with reasons duly supported by documentary
evidences and advantages of such deviation. Such deviations suggested may or may not be
accepted. But deviations not mentioned in Deviation Schedule will not be considered.
4. General requirement:
The metal oxide gap less Surge Arrestor without any series or shunt gap shall be
suitable for protection of 11 kV side of power transformers, associated equipment and
11kV lines from voltage surges resulting from natural disturbance like lightning as
well as system disturbances.
The surge arrestor shall draw negligible current at operating voltage and at the
same time offer least resistance during the flow of surge current.
The surge arrestor shall consist of non-linear resistor elements placed in series and
housed in electrical grade porcelain housing / silicon polymeric of specified Creep age
The assembly shall be hermetically sealed with suitable rubber gaskets with effective
sealing system arrangement to prevent ingress of moisture.
5. Duty requirement :
The Surge Arrestors are being provided to protect the following equipment whose insulation
levels are indicated in the table given below:
The Lightning Arrestors shall be capable of discharging Lightning and switching surges and
temporary power frequency over voltages .The Surge Arrestor shall be capable of
discharging over voltages occurring during switching of unloaded transformers and long
The reference current of the Arrestors shall be high enough to eliminate the influence of grading and
stray capacitance on the measured reference voltages.
i) Name of device
ii) Manufacturer's name and trade mark, type and identification
iii) Year of manufacture
iv) Voltage rating & frequency rating.
v) Nominal discharge current
vi) MCOV (Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage in KV).
vii) Discharge class.
viii)Energy Discharge capability (KJ/KV rating)
ix) Purchase Order reference.
x) Applicable Standard.
xi) Pressure Relief rated current in KA rms (for arrestors fitted with Pressure Relief
xii) Serial Number
Clamp type terminal connector shall be suitable for either ACSR DOG Conductor for 42 KV
and WEASEL / RABBIT Conductor for 12 KV system voltage class L.A. having horizontal/
vertical take off. Detailed particulars have been indicated in the specification for
Clamps and Connector in this bid document.
Two ground terminal connectors suitable for G.I strip of required size shall be provided on
diagonally opposite sides.
Necessary hardware such as nuts, bolts, spring washers, etc. shall be supplied for different
7. Constructional features :
The arrestor elements shall be designed in such a way as to obtain robust construction
with excellent mechanical and electrical properties even after repeated operation. The
lightning arrestors should be adequately designed to operate satisfactorily under
temporary power frequency over voltage as given in Specific Technical Parameters,
after discharging two shots of respective long duration surges. Uniform density of zinc
oxide element shall be maintained to provide uniform current distribution.
The lightning Arrestors shall be of adequate Pressure Relief Class as per IEC-99-4 ,
fitted with Pressure Relief Devices and Arc diverting ports to minimize possibilities of
shattering of porcelain housing.
Sufficient creep age distance shall be provided to reduce excessive uneven voltages
over the porcelain due to contamination, for which the arrestor shall not fail.
Seals shall be provided in such a way that these are always effectively maintained even
when discharging the maximum rated lightning current.
Housing of Insulators shall be of Porcelain, glazed and completely vitrified and free
from blow holes, micro-cracks or void. Porcelain, housing shall be so coordinated that
external flashover will not occur due to application of any impulse or switching surge
voltage up to the maximum design value for the arrestor.
The end fittings shall be made of non-magnetic and corrosion proof material. It is
preferable that the LAs shall be hermetically sealed with inert gas (Nitrogen).
Arrestors shall be suitable for mounting on a support structure.
12 KV Class Distribution Type Lightning Arrestor should have provision for Fault
8. Application :
The lightning Arrestors are used for protection of incoming and outgoing line and also
of the power transformers from lightning surge as well as from power frequency over
500 Amps - - - 98
1000 Amps - 455 280 -
2000 Amps 750 - - -
xiii) Maxm. Steep Impulse(1/20 MS
impulse) residual voltage 1050 600 372 130
at 10 KA (KVp)
xiv) Partial Discharge(pico-
coulomb) when energized at
Not exceeding 10 PC
1.05 times its continuous
operating voltage.
xv) Rated Frequency (Hz) 50
Minm. visible corona
xvi) - - -
discharge voltage (KVrms) 320
xvii) Min. Bending load (kgm) 1000 1000 500 500
1 min. p.f. withstand (KVrms)
xviii) voltage (dry & wet) for 630 460 275 70
arrestor housing
Switching Impulse withstand
voltage (250/2500 micro
xix) ±1050 - - -
second) dry & wet for
arrestor housing (KVp)
Pressure relief Current
40 40 40 40
i) High Current (KA rms)
Polymer Arrester Outline Drawings (mm):
12 12 9.6 372 378 13.8 13.2 26.3 26.6 27.6 28.9 35.0 26.9 27.4 29.3 31.2 35.0 39.0
12 15 12 372 378 17.3 16.5 32.8 33.2 34.5 36.2 43.8 33.6 34.3 36.7 39.0 43.8 48.7
17.5 15 12 542.5 551 17.3 16.5 32.8 33.2 34.5 36.2 43.8 33.6 34.3 36.7 39.0 43.8 48.7
17.5 18 14.4 542.5 551 20.7 19.8 39.4 39.8 41.4 43.4 52.5 40.3 41.2 44.0 46.8 52.5 58.5
17.5 21 16.8 542.5 551 24.2 23.1 46 46.5 48.2 50.6 61.3 47.0 48.0 51.3 54.6 61.3 68.2
17.5 24 19.2 542.5 551 27.6 26.4 52.5 53.1 55.1 57.9 70.0 53.7 54.9 58.7 62.4 70.0 78.0
24 18 14.4 744 755 20.7 19.8 39.4 39.8 41.4 43.4 52.5 40.3 41.2 44.0 46.8 52.5 58.5
24 21 16.8 744 755 24.2 23.1 46 46.5 48.2 50.6 61.3 47.0 48.0 51.3 54.6 61.3 68.2
24 24 19.2 744 755 27.6 26.4 52.5 53.1 55.1 57.9 70.0 53.7 54.9 58.7 62.4 70.0 78.0
24 27 21.6 744 755 31.1 29.7 59.1 59.7 62 65.1 78.8 60.5 61.7 66.0 70.3 78.8 87.7
24 30 24 744 755 34.5 33.0 65.6 66.4 68.9 72.3 87.5 67.2 68.6 73.3 78.1 87.5 97.5
30 24 19.2 930 944 27.6 26.4 52.5 53.1 55.1 57.9 70.0 53.7 54.9 58.7 62.4 70.0 78.0
36 27 21.6 1116 1133 31.1 29.7 59.1 59.7 62 65.1 78.8 60.5 61.7 66.0 70.3 78.8 87.7
36 30 24 1116 1133 34.5 33.0 65.6 66.4 68.9 72.3 87.5 67.2 68.6 73.3 78.1 87.5 97.5
36 33 26.4 1116 1133 38.0 36.3 72.2 73 75.8 79.6 96.3 73.9 75.5 80.7 85.9 96.3 107
36 36 28.8 1116 1133 41.4 39.6 78.8 79.7 82.7 86.8 105 80.6 82.3 88.0 93.7 105 117
36 39 31.2 1116 1133 44.9 42.9 85.3 86.3 89.6 94 114 87.3 89.2 95.4 101 114 127
36 42 33.6 1116 1133 48.3 46.2 91.9 92.9 96.5 101.3 123 94.0 96.0 103 109 123 136
36 45 36 1116 1133 51.8 49.5 98.5 99.6 103.4 108.5 131 101 103 110 117 131 146
36 48 38.4 1116 1133 55.2 52.8 105 106 110.3 115.7 140 107 110 117 125 140 156
48 36 28.8 1488 1510 41.4 39.6 78.8 79.7 82.7 86.8 105 80.6 82.3 88.0 93.7 105 117
48 39 31.2 1488 1510 44.9 42.9 85.3 86.3 89.6 94 114 87.3 89.2 95.4 101 114 127
52 42 33.6 1612 1636 48.3 46.2 91.9 92.9 96.5 101 123 94.0 96.0 103 109 123 136
52 45 36 1612 1636 51.8 49.5 98.5 100 103 109 131 101 103 110 117 131 146
52 48 38.4 1612 1636 55.2 52.8 105 106 110 116 140 107 110 117 125 140 156
52 51 40.8 1612 1636 58.7 56.1 112 113 117 123 149 114 117 125 133 149 166
52 54 43.2 1612 1636 62.1 59.4 119 119 124 130 158 121 123 132 141 158 175
52 60 48 1612 1636 69.0 66.0 132 133 138 145 175 134 137 147 156 175 195
52 63 50.4 1612 1636 72.5 69.3 139 139 145 152 184 141 144 154 164 184 205
52 66 52.8 1612 1636 75.9 72.6 145 146 152 159 193 148 151 161 172 193 214
72 54 43.2 2232 2265 62.1 59.4 119 119 124 130 158 121 123 132 141 158 175
72 60 48 2232 2265 69.0 66.0 132 133 138 145 175 134 137 147 156 175 195
72 63 50.4 2232 2265 72.5 69.3 139 139 145 152 184 141 144 154 164 184 205
72 66 52.8 2232 2265 75.9 72.6 145 146 152 159 193 148 151 161 172 193 214
72 72 57.6 2232 2265 82.8 79.2 158 159 165 174 210 161 165 176 187 210 234
72 75 60 2232 2265 86.3 82.5 165 166 172 181 219 168 172 183 195 219 244
72 78 62.4 2232 2265 89.7 85.8 172 173 179 188 228 175 178 191 203 228 253
72 81 64.8 2232 2265 93.2 89.1 178 179 186 195 236 181 185 198 211 236 263
72 84 67.2 2232 2265 96.6 92.4 185 186 193 203 245 188 192 205 219 245 273
C62.11 ED ED .25 .50 1.0 2.0 .5 US CURRENT (KV)
1s 10s 1.5 2.5 10 20 40
U Ur Uc mm mm kVrm kVrm kV kV kV kV kV 5
kA kA kA kA kA
m s s kA
72 87 69.6 2232 2265 100 95.7 191 193 200 210 254 195 199 213 226 254 283
72 90 72 2232 2265 104 99.0 198 199 207 217 263 202 206 220 234 263 292
72 93 74.4 2232 2265 107 102.3 205 206 214 224 271 208 213 227 242 271 302
72 96 76.8 2232 2265 110 105.6 211 212 221 231 280 215 220 235 250 280 312
100 75 60 3100 3147 86.3 82.5 165 166 172 181 219 168 172 183 195 219 244
100 78 62.4 3100 3147 89.7 85.8 172 173 179 188 228 175 178 191 203 228 253
100 81 64.8 3100 3147 93.2 89.1 178 179 186 195 236 181 185 198 211 236 263
100 84 67.2 3100 3147 96.6 92.4 185 186 193 203 245 188 192 205 219 245 273
100 87 69.6 3100 3147 100 95.7 191 193 200 210 254 195 199 213 226 254 283
100 90 72 3100 3147 104 99.0 198 199 207 217 263 202 206 220 234 263 292
100 93 74.4 3100 3147 107 102 205 206 214 224 271 208 213 227 242 271 302
100 96 76.8 3100 3147 110 106 211 212 221 231 280 215 220 235 250 280 312
123 90 72 3813 3870 104 99.0 198 199 207 217 263 202 206 220 234 263 292
123 93 74.4 3813 3870 107 102 205 206 214 224 271 208 213 227 242 271 302
123 96 76.8 3813 3870 110 106 211 212 221 231 280 215 220 235 250 280 312
123 102 81.6 3813 3870 117 112 224 226 234 246 298 228 233 249 265 298 331
123 108 86.4 3813 3870 124 119 238 239 248 260 315 242 247 264 281 315 351
123 114 91.2 3813 3870 131 125 251 252 262 275 333 255 261 279 297 333 370
123 120 96 3813 3870 138 132 264 266 276 289 350 269 274 293 312 350 390
123 126 100.8 3813 3870 145 139 277 279 289 304 368 282 288 308 328 368 409
145 114 91.2 4495 4562 131 125 251 252 262 275 333 255 261 279 297 333 370
145 120 96 4495 4562 138 132 264 266 276 289 350 269 274 293 312 350 390
145 126 100.8 4495 4562 145 139 277 279 289 304 368 282 288 308 328 368 409
145 132 105.6 4495 4562 152 145 290 292 303 318 385 296 302 323 343 385 429
145 138 110.4 4495 4562 159 152 304 305 317 333 403 309 316 337 359 403 448
145 144 115.2 4495 4562 166 158 317 319 331 347 420 322 329 352 375 420 468
170 132 105.6 5270 5349 152 145 290 292 303 318 385 296 302 323 343 385 429
170 138 110.4 5270 5349 159 152 304 305 317 333 403 309 316 337 359 403 448
170 144 115.2 5270 5349 166 158 317 319 331 347 420 322 329 352 375 420 468
170 150 120 5270 5349 173 165 330 332 345 362 438 336 343 367 390 438 487
170 162 129.6 5270 5349 186 178 356 358 372 391 473 363 370 396 422 473 526
170 168 134.4 5270 5349 193 185 370 372 386 405 490 376 384 411 437 490 546
245 180 144 7595 7709 207 198 396 398 414 434 525 403 412 440 468 525 585
245 186 148.8 7595 7709 214 205 409 412 427 449 543 416 425 455 484 543 604
245 192 153.6 7595 7709 221 211 422 425 441 463 560 430 439 469 500 560 624
245 198 158.4 7595 7709 228 218 435 438 455 477 578 443 453 484 515 578 643
245 210 168 7595 7709 242 231 462 465 482 506 613 470 480 513 546 613 682
245 216 172.8 7595 7709 248 238 475 478 496 521 630 484 494 528 562 630 702
245 222 177.6 7595 7709 255 244 488 491 510 535 648 497 508 543 578 648 721
245 228 182.4 7595 7709 262 251 501 505 524 550 665 511 521 557 593 665 741
STATION .25 .50 1.0 2.0 .5 US
12 15 12 372 378 17.3 16.5 29.0 29.6 30.9 32.1 46.4 31.4 32.1 34.3 36.5 40.6 44.9
17.5 15 12 542.5 551 17.3 16.5 29.0 29.6 30.9 32.1 46.4 31.4 32.1 34.3 36.5 40.6 44.9
17.5 18 14.4 542.5 551 20.7 19.8 34.7 35.5 37.1 38.5 55.6 37.7 38.5 41.2 43.8 48.7 53.9
17.5 21 16.8 542.5 551 24.2 23.1 40.5 41.4 43.3 45.0 64.9 44.0 44.9 48.1 51.2 56.8 62.9
17.5 24 19.2 542.5 551 27.6 26.4 46.3 47.3 49.5 51.4 74.2 50.3 51.3 54.9 58.5 64.9 71.9
24 18 14.4 744 755 20.7 19.8 34.7 35.5 37.1 38.5 55.6 37.7 38.5 41.2 43.8 48.7 53.9
24 21 16.8 744 755 24.2 23.1 40.5 41.4 43.3 45.0 64.9 44.0 44.9 48.1 51.2 56.8 62.9
24 24 19.2 744 755 27.6 26.4 46.3 47.3 49.5 51.4 74.2 50.3 51.3 54.9 58.5 64.9 71.9
24 27 21.6 744 755 31.1 29.7 52.1 53.2 55.6 57.8 83.5 56.5 57.8 61.8 65.8 73 80.9
24 30 24 744 755 34.5 33.0 57.9 59.1 61.8 64.2 92.7 62.8 64.2 68.6 73.1 81.1 89.9
30 24 19.2 930 944 27.6 26.4 46.3 47.3 49.5 51.4 74.2 50.3 51.3 54.9 58.5 64.9 71.9
36 27 21.6 1116 1133 31.1 29.7 52.1 53.2 55.6 57.8 83.5 56.5 57.8 61.8 65.8 73 80.9
36 30 24 1116 1133 34.5 33.0 57.9 59.1 61.8 64.2 92.7 62.8 64.2 68.6 73.1 81.1 89.9
36 33 26.4 1116 1133 38.0 36.3 63.7 65.0 68.0 70.7 102 69.1 70.6 75.5 80.4 89.2 98.9
36 36 28.8 1116 1133 41.4 39.6 69.5 70.9 74.2 77.1 111 75.4 77.0 82.4 87.7 97.4 108
36 39 31.2 1116 1133 44.9 42.9 75.3 76.8 80.4 83.5 121 81.7 83.4 89.2 95.0 105 117
36 42 33.6 1116 1133 48.3 46.2 81.1 82.8 86.6 89.9 130 88 89.9 96.1 102 114 126
36 45 36 1116 1133 51.8 49.5 86.9 88.7 92.7 96.4 139 94.2 96.3 103 110 122 135
36 48 38.4 1116 1133 55.2 52.8 92.7 94.6 98.9 103 148 101 102.7 110 117 130 144
48 36 28.8 1488 1510 41.4 39.6 69.5 70.9 74.2 77.0 111 75.4 77.0 82.4 87.7 97 108
48 39 31.2 1488 1510 44.9 42.9 75.3 76.8 80.4 84.0 121 81.7 83.4 89.2 95.0 105 117
52 42 33.6 1612 1636 48.3 46.2 81.1 82.8 86.6 90.0 130 88.0 89.9 96.1 102 114 126
52 45 36 1612 1636 51.8 49.5 86.9 88.7 92.7 96.0 139 94.2 96.3 103 110 122 135
52 48 38.4 1612 1636 55.2 52.8 92.7 94.6 98.9 103 148 101 103 110 117 130 144
52 51 40.8 1612 1636 58.7 56.1 98.4 100 105 109 158 107 109 117 124 138 153
52 54 43.2 1612 1636 62.1 59.4 104 106 111 116 167 113 116 124 132 146 162
52 60 48 1612 1636 69.0 66.0 116 118 124 128 185 126 128 137 146 162 180
52 63 50.4 1612 1636 72.5 69.3 122 124 130 135 195 132 135 144 153 170 189
52 66 52.8 1612 1636 75.9 72.6 127 130 136 141 204 138 141 151 161 178 198
72 54 43.2 2232 2265 62.1 59.4 104 106 111 116 167 113 116 124 132 146 162
72 60 48 2232 2265 69.0 66.0 116 118 124 128 185 126 128 137 146 162 180
72 63 50.4 2232 2265 72.5 69.3 122 124 130 135 195 132 135 144 153 170 189
72 66 52.8 2232 2265 75.9 72.6 127 130 136 141 204 138 141 151 161 178 198
72 72 57.6 2232 2265 82.8 79.2 139 142 148 154 223 151 154 165 175 195 216
72 75 60 2232 2265 86.3 82.5 145 148 155 161 232 157 160 172 183 203 225
72 78 62.4 2232 2265 89.7 85.8 151 154 161 167 241 163 167 178 190 211 234
72 81 64.8 2232 2265 93.2 89.1 156 160 167 173 250 170 173 185 197 219 243
72 84 67.2 2232 2265 96.6 92.4 162 166 173 180 260 176 180 192 205 227 252
72 87 69.6 2232 2265 100 95.7 168 171 179 186 269 182 186 199 212 235 261
Class 4 Ratings (Porcelain and Polymer) (Cont'd):
STATION CREEP .25 .50 1.0 2.0
1s 10s 1.5 2.5 10 20 40
Um Ur Uc mm mm kVrm kVrm kV kV kV kV kV 5 kA
kA kA kA kA kA
s s
72 90 72 2232 2265 104 99.0 174 177 185 193 278 188 193 206 219 243 270
72 93 74.4 2232 2265 107 102.3 180 183 192 199 287 195 199 213 227 252 279
72 96 76.8 2232 2265 110 106 185 189 198 206 297 201 205 220 234 260 288
100 75 60 2500 2538 86.3 82.5 145 148 155 161 232 157 160 172 183 203 225
100 75 60 3100 3147 86.3 82.5 145 148 155 161 232 157 160 172 183 203 225
100 78 62.4 2500 2538 89.7 85.8 151 154 161 167 241 163 167 178 190 211 234
100 78 62.4 3100 3147 89.7 85.8 151 154 161 167 241 163 167 178 190 211 234
100 81 64.8 2500 2538 93.2 89.1 156 160 167 173 250 170 173 185 197 219 243
100 81 64.8 3100 3147 93.2 89.1 156 160 167 173 250 170 173 185 197 219 243
100 84 67.2 2500 2538 96.6 92.4 162 166 173 180 260 176 180 192 205 227 252
100 84 67.2 3100 3147 96.6 92.4 162 166 173 180 260 176 180 192 205 227 252
100 87 69.6 2500 2538 100 95.7 168 171 179 186 269 182 186 199 212 235 261
100 87 69.6 3100 3147 100 95.7 168 171 179 186 269 182 186 199 212 235 261
100 90 72 2500 2538 104 99.0 174 177 185 193 278 188 193 206 219 243 270
100 90 72 3100 3147 104 99.0 174 177 185 193 278 188 193 206 219 243 270
100 93 74.4 2500 2538 107 102 180 183 192 199 287 195 199 213 227 252 279
100 93 74.4 3100 3147 107 102 180 183 192 199 287 195 199 213 227 252 279
100 96 76.8 2500 2538 110 106 185 189 198 206 297 201 205 220 234 260 288
100 96 76.8 3100 3147 110 106 185 189 198 206 297 201 205 220 234 260 288
123 90 72 3075 3121 104 99.0 174 177 185 193 278 188 193 206 219 243 270
123 90 72 3813 3870 104 99.0 174 177 185 193 278 188 193 206 219 243 270
123 93 74.4 3075 3121 107 102 180 183 192 199 287 195 199 213 227 252 279
123 93 74.4 3813 3870 107 102 180 183 192 199 287 195 199 213 227 252 279
123 96 76.8 3075 3121 110 106 185 189 198 206 297 201 205 220 234 260 288
123 96 76.8 3813 3870 110 106 185 189 198 206 297 201 205 220 234 260 288
123 102 81.6 3075 3121 117 112 197 201 210 218 315 214 218 233 248 276 306
123 102 81.6 3813 3870 117 112 197 201 210 218 315 214 218 233 248 276 306
123 108 86.4 3075 3121 124 119 208 213 223 231 334 226 231 247 263 292 324
123 108 86.4 3813 3870 124 119 208 213 223 231 334 226 231 247 263 292 324
123 114 91.2 3075 3121 131 125 220 225 235 244 352 239 244 261 278 308 342
123 114 91.2 3813 3870 131 125 220 225 235 244 352 239 244 261 278 308 342
123 120 96 3075 3121 138 132 232 236 247 257 371 251 257 275 292 325 360
123 120 96 3813 3870 138 132 232 236 247 257 371 251 257 275 292 325 360
123 126 100.8 3075 3121 145 139 243 248 260 270 389 264 270 288 307 341 377
123 126 100.8 3813 3870 145 139 243 248 260 270 389 264 270 288 307 341 377
145 114 91.2 3625 3679 131 125 220 225 235 244 352 239 244 261 278 308 342
145 114 91.2 4495 4562 131 125 220 225 235 244 352 239 244 261 278 308 342
145 120 96 3625 3679 138 132 232 236 247 257 371 251 257 275 292 325 360
145 120 96 4495 4562 138 132 232 236 247 257 371 251 257 275 292 325 360
145 126 100.8 3625 3679 145 139 243 248 260 270 389 264 270 288 307 341 377
Electromagnetic Interference:
Many general surge arresters and electricity filtering devices used in homes feature small-scale
lightning arrester structures in combination with more advanced feature sets. This can help clean
so-called ‘dirty’ power and keep your lines operating as they should even when storms roll in or
other electromagnetic sources contaminate them. If you’re interested in EMI filtration, make
sure you discuss the best solution to the problem with a qualified electrician.
Ease Of Use:
Compared to other solutions for dealing with surges, interference, and natural electrical
phenomena, a basic lightning arrestor is usually far simpler to install and utilize to full effect. A
licensed electrician can quickly install a lightning arrestor with no trouble, allowing you to reap
the benefits of the system as soon as possible with minimal investment.
CONCLUSION: By this experiment we have thoroughly researched different articles and materials
available both in book or in internet regarding lightning arrester and prepared a report on it.