I hereby declare that the report is based on my original work except where assistance and sources of
information have been suitably acknowledged. I also declare that none of the work in this report has
been previously or concurrently submitted for any other assignment reports at UniMAP or any other
Student Signature
To summarize it all up, Nowadays the study focuses exclusively on car drivers in
urban areas. However, it is most likely that the phenomena discussed here are
relevant also in other settings – long-distance trips and public transit trips. It is also
likely that similar valuations apply to those kinds of trips as well. Measuring those
valuations, however, is not part of the present study.
Valuations of travel time variability, delays and queue driving have now been study in
quite a few studies. With this paper, we want to further underpin the conclusion that
delays and travel time variability should be included in cost-benefit analysis.
Valuations of queue driving, provided similar “comfort factors” for other modes are
also included)
In my opinion, this increase the credibility of both our and previous findings. We feel
that we are now reaching a point where we can be sufficiently sure on what the
valuations are to include them in formal cost-benefit calculations
The main advantage of monitoring congestion using GPS is that real-time
information on travel time and speed can be obtained in an accurate, economical,
and expeditious manner. This technology can be used for annual congestion mon-
itoring with periodic data collection during a particularseason or infrequently
throughout the year. It can also beused for daily congestion measurements with
data being collected on a daily basis. In addition to recording data, the re-ceivers
can be used to precisely locate any incidents that occur on the freeway.
This paper reviews travel time reliability studies in the context of passenger transport
(car, rail and bus). Three types of empirical models designed to capture travel time
reliability (i.e., the mean-variance model, the scheduling model and the mean
lateness model) are presented, including associated theoretical issues, experiment
design, and practical applications. Travel time variability is a characteristic of any
transport system, which has a significant impact on travellers’ decision making.
3. Study Significance
The main significance of this delay
study is :
1- Improving the
public transit system.
Attracting and convincing the public
to use the public transit system
instead of their private cars. And if
was achieved it would lead to the
following advantages:
Reducing the number of vehicles
using road network.
b- Reducing the
cost of transportation for the public
Journal of Environment and Earth
Dwell time at bus stops, which is
the amount of time that buses spend
at specific stops, reflects the time of
es, and the number of
interchanging transit lines. Each
bus requires a
certain amount of service time at
stops that varies with the number of
boarding and alighting passengers,
Traveling from one place to
another is very essential in our
modern life. There are many ways
to travel, called
traveling modes. There are five main
traveling modes choice alternatives
available to commuters. These
The most important of public transit
system modes is buses. Our concern
in this study will be buses. The
Omar 1994):
he above is work trips. Work trips
are considered as the largest
generator for trips in urban
areas. Work trips are considered as
the main cause of traffic problems
especially during the peak hours.
There are
ship; people who own private cars
and people who do not own
any. People who do not own a car are
forced to use the public transit
system or any other mode rather than
ir cars in their trips or use any
other mode listed above. There are
many people who use their own cars
in traveling from one place to
iables affecting it. This study was
done for
Sweileh line is a busy, essential,
and vital line connecting major
areas inside
Attracting and convincing the public
to use the public transit system
instead of their private cars. And if
3. Study Significance
The main significance of this delay
study is :
1- Improving the
public transit system.
Attracting and convincing the public
to use the public transit system
instead of their private cars. And if
was achieved it would lead to the
following advantages:
Reducing the number of vehicles
using road network.
b- Reducing the
cost of transportation for the public
Journal of Environment and Earth
Dwell time at bus stops, which is
the amount of time that buses spend
at specific stops, reflects the time of
es, and the number of
interchanging transit lines. Each
bus requires a
certain amount of service time at
stops that varies with the number of
boarding and alighting passengers,
Traveling from one place to
another is very essential in our
modern life. There are many ways
to travel, called
traveling modes. There are five main
traveling modes choice alternatives
available to commuters. These
The most important of public transit
system modes is buses. Our concern
in this study will be buses. The
Omar 1994):
he above is work trips. Work trips
are considered as the largest
generator for trips in urban
areas. Work trips are considered as
the main cause of traffic problems
especially during the peak hours.
There are
ship; people who own private cars
and people who do not own
any. People who do not own a car are
forced to use the public transit
system or any other mode rather than
ir cars in their trips or use any
other mode listed above. There are
many people who use their own cars
in traveling from one place to
iables affecting it. This study was
done for
Sweileh line is a busy, essential,
and vital line connecting major
areas inside
Attracting and convincing the public
to use the public transit system
instead of their private cars. And if