Transportation Demand Management in A Deprived Territory: A Case Study in The North of France

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Transportation Research Procedia 4 (2014) 300 – 311

Mobil. TUM 2014 “Sustainable Mobility in Metropolitan Regions”, May 19-20, 2014

Transportation Demand Management In A Deprived Territory: A

Case Study In The North Of France
Hakim Hammadoua, Aurélie Mahieuxb*
University of Lille – EQUIPPE and Climate Economics Chair,Cité Scientifique Faculté d’Économie et de Sciences Sociales, 59655 Villeneuve
d’Ascq cedex, France
University of Lille – EQUIPPE,Cité Scientifique Faculté d’Économie et de Sciences Sociales, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq cedex, France


In this paper, we study the modal choice in an ex-mining area in the North of France. It is a deprived area under many regeneration
strategies focusing on urban projects, such as a new public transportation infrastructure. Urban public transport accounts for 3%
against the national French average of 10%. Surprisingly, this share does not proportionally change according to urban or rural
context. This territory also presents particular socio-economic and land-use characteristics. In this particular territory, is there a
potential for guiding transport demand management towards lower carbon mobility? If so, which strategy to implement? We
estimate a mode choice model with a nested logit specification for four modes: car driver, car passenger, public transport and
walking. Then, we compute demand elasticies to price and time to analyse mobility solutions. We simulate the impact of different
transport policies to shift mobility behaviors towards more sustainable ones. The results show a strong inertia in the demand for
car use. Only extreme mobility policies lead to a significant increase of the share of public transport. Conventional economic
variables are not sufficient to increase the demand for public transport. Other tools need to be implemented. Social tariffs seem to
be a relevant solution.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier B. an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
B.V. This
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Technische Universität München.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Technische Universität München
Keywords: Multinomial logit model; Mode choice; Public transportation; Private transportation; Mobility behaviors; Sustainable mobility;

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33(0)3204365 18; fax: +33(0)320337126.

E-mail address:

2352-1465 © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Technische Universität München
Hakim Hammadou and Aurélie Mahieux / Transportation Research Procedia 4 (2014) 300 – 311 301


The aim of the paper is to study the determinants of the modal choice, in order to promote a more sustainable
mobility, in the former coal mining area of the North of France. This territory corresponds to one urban transport
perimeter also called the Syndicat Mixte des Transports (SMT) Artois-Gohelle. This territory has received little
attention. The mining history of this zone has a strong influence on current mobility behaviors. This territory presents
some special features. Since the decline of the mining era in the 1990’s, this area has been the subject of several
regeneration strategies. One of them is focused on a new transport infrastructure which aims to promote a new culture
of mobility on this particular territory where car use is dominant (around 67% of modal share). After a quantitative
analysis of the data from the two available Household Travel Surveys (HTS) on our case study, we have identified
two strategies for promoting a more sustainable mobility: reducing the number of car jouneys and encouraging public
transport use. By a more sutainable motiblity we refer to a decrease in the share of car and an increase in the share of
public transport. The most important result of these two HTS analyses is the 3% share of urban public transport
observed regardless the residential location. To better understand this major result, a qualitative analysis has been
jointly made (Mahieux and Mejia-Dorantes, 2013). The focus groups methodology has been used to better understand
certain groups, especially the most vulnerable ones, in order to inform suggest and offer possible policy
recommendations to improve their situation in terms of social exclusion and transport disadvantages. The focus groups
have highlighted some mobility problems. Timetables do not seem appropriate. The bus tickets price appears too
expensive. Travel times by bus are perceived as too long, sometimes longer than by car. The most vulnerable people
walk a lot and do not know about the special reduced fares implemented by the local transport authority. Simply put,
there is no culture of public transport in this territory and people are very focused on car to realize their trips. According
to this work, if some improvements were made on the public transport network, people would use their car less and
rely more on the bus. In fact, the integration of quantitative and qualitative methodologies has been highlighted in
many studies (Sale et al., 2002, Bryman, 2006, Pronello and Rappazzo, 2014). The transport authority thinks about
the implementation of new public transport infrastructures, e.g. the Bus with a High Level of Service (BHLS) line, in
order to promote a more sustainable mobility less focused on car use. In this specific territory and in a sustainable
mobility context, is there a case for scaling-up public transport service and decreasing the share of car use? If so, which
one? To answer these questions, we develop the analysis in 3 parts. First, we describe the quality of the public transport
system on the territory to identify its lacks for meeting travelers’ needs; then we measure the potential changes in
transport demand when socioeconomic characteristics and/or transport policy control variables (time, cost, frequency,
etc.) change. Finally, we simulate the effect of implementing specific transport policies on modal shift.

This paper is divided into four sections. The first section presents a brief review of the literature on the determinants
of modal choice, the effects of the implementation of a new transport infrastructure (or the improvement of the existing
one) on mode choice, and the effects of different transport policies, other than infrastructural investments, on modal
shift. The second section discusses the methodology of disaggregate choice modeling approach and the multinomial
logit model. Section 3 describes the studied area and the data used in the model. Before conclusions and some policy
implications, Section 4 presents estimation results in terms of time, price and frequency elasticities and simulation

1. Literature overview

Our paper investigates the literature on the determinants of modal choice (De Witte et al., 2013) and the impacts
on this choice of network improvement or new transport infrastructure (Shen et al., 2009; Hensher and Rose, 2007),
in a territory where car use clearly dominates (Hensher, 1998).
To take adequate measures on the studied area, it is important to have a strong understanding of travel behavior and
modal choice. Travel behavior is complex. Modal choices are determined by several factors. De Witte et al. (2013)
present a review of the literature on different key determinants. They can be resumed in three families: socioeconomic
variables, spatial indicators and journey characteristic indicators. According to the spatial and historical characteristics
of the studied territory, the required transport policies are different (Buehler, 2011). The same policy carried out in
two different countries can lead to different results in terms of modal shift. Also the characteristics of the land-use
302 Hakim Hammadou and Aurélie Mahieux / Transportation Research Procedia 4 (2014) 300 – 311

environment have a strong impact on mobility behaviors too and on mode choice (Meurs and Haaijer, 2001). Based
on this literature, we test 3 families of determinants in the sensitivity analysis.
Some studies have explored the determinants of the public transport demand. Paulley et al. (2006) analysed different
types of elasticities. They show that fares, quality of service and car ownership are the most significant variables which
influence public transport demand. Other studies are based on transport demand modelling. This approach allows the
authors to better take into account the specificities of a territory population. For example, Bilbao Ubillos and Fernandez
Sainz (2004) examined the main variables that condition public transport demand of university students in Spain by
using a nested logit model. They find that more frequent underground and train services, and lower bus fares bus
should attract new public transport users. Asensio (2002) analyses through a nested logit model travel mode choices
for suburbanised commuters in Barcelone. He finds that price changing is a weaker instrument than change in travel
times. Modal choice could be seen as a constraint (O’Fallon et al., 2004).
Some authors assess the impact of a network improvement or a new transport infrastructure on transport modal
choice. Shen et al. (2009) study how environmental deterioration and network improvement should have an impact on
modal choice. They find that people are more likely to use public transport if there is a deterioration of the environment
or an accessibility improvement in public transport. Hensher and Rose (2007) propose different mode choice models,
for commuter and non-commuter, in order to assess different public infrastructure alternative projects.
The opposition between car and public transport use can be found in many empirical researchs (Hensher, 1998,
Meyer, 1999, Beirao and Cabral, 2007), as well as ways to encourage people to take public transport. Hensher (1998)
and Meyer (1999) demonstrate that, in term of transport demand management (TDM), the best action is to increase
the price of car for solo use and to reduce the overall attractiveness of the car. Hensher (1998) highlights the bus as a
more flexible mode to promote than rail for triggering modal shift. Nakamura and Hayashi (2013) define three
strategies for low-carbon urban transport: ‘avoid’ (i.e. reducing unnecessary travel demand), ‘shift’ (i.e. encouraging
modal shift in favor of public transport use) and ‘improve’ (i.e. improving fuel economy and emission intensity). This
part of the literature is particularly interesting for our work because it echoes our own concerns in the SMT Artois-
Gohelle with the BHLS line project.
Solutions are developed in the SMT Artois-Gohelle area in order to encourage public transport use – such as the
BHLS. Nowadays, BHLS (widely spred around the world) and tramways (especially in Europe) have known a
renaissance. BHLS are often preferred to tramways because of their lower cost and higher flexibility (Hidalgo and
Gutierrez, 2013, Hodgson et al., 2013). However, a good assessment of the most appropriate infrastructure is important
because impacts may not meet the expectations and fail to be implemented (Mackett and Edwards, 1998). History and
context are very important to determine the success of a new infrastructure (Pflieger et al., 2009).

2. Methodology

To study the modal choice in the SMT Artois-Gohelle, we use a disaggregate mode choice modeling approach and
estimate a multinomial logit model in this article. This methodology is developed in the following section. Mode
choice modeling is based on the discrete choice theory developed by Mac Fadden (1974) and applied to travel demand
by Ben-Akiva and Lerman (1985). The traditional economic theory of rational choice postulates that individuals can
rank different possible alternatives following their preferences. Then, they make a choice in a deterministic
environment. Individuals are supposed to be rational. They maximize their utility.
The discrete choice theory assumes the existence of a random utility function:

ܷ݅݊  ൌ ܸ݅݊  ൅ ߝ݅݊

ܸ݅݊ ൌ σ݈ ߚ݈ ݈ܺ݅݊ + σ݇ ߛ݇ ܼ

where Uin is the utility of individual n when he / she chooses the alternative i, with V deterministic part of the utility
function and İ the random part. V is a function that depends on the individual’s socio-economic characteristics X (i.e:
age, gender, income, occupation…) and on the specific characteristics of the mode Z (i.e: price, travel time,
Hakim Hammadou and Aurélie Mahieux / Transportation Research Procedia 4 (2014) 300 – 311 303

The choice of the distribution of the residuals leads to two sort of models: probit or logit models. Since it follows
a Gumbel law, we estimate a logit model.
Multinomial logit models are commonly used to study travel demand. All transport mode alternatives are assumed
to be independent (also known as the “Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives” hypothesis). Figure 1 shows the
structure the multinomial logit. We choose to study five transport mode alternatives.

Fig. 1. Structure of the multinomial logit tree (Source: own elaboration)

The model is estimated by the maximum-likelihood method. The choice probabilities of a multinomial logit are
expressed as:

݁ ௏௜௡
ܲ݊ሺ݅ሻ ൌ 
σ௝ ݁ ௏௝௡

where j represents the full range of alternatives.

3. Data

Before the implementation of the methodology, the following section presents the case study, the data and some
descriptive statistics.

3.1. Data collection

Two HTS were carried out in our studied territory: one for Béthune-Bruay-Noeux in 2005 on the western part of
this area and one for Lens-Lévin-Hénin-Carvin on the eastern part of our territory in 2006. They provide us a
representative sample of 15,628 trips into the whole studied urban transport perimeter on 1,195 zones defined by the
HTS. The main advantage of this kind of surveys is that it produces a lot of information about socioeconomic
characteristics of travelers (age, gender, income, occupation, household composition, number of cars in the
household), purposes, used modes, the origin and destination zones and the departure and arrival time of the trips.
Applying the mode choice modelling theory, all trips by all transportation modes that have happed along with those
that would have been realized were reconstructed. GIS softwares, MapInfo Professionnal 11.5 and RouteFinder Pro,
were used to model them. As indicated in the review of literature, land use provides information on mode choice. To
represent land use occupation, data from the SIGALE® base have been projected from the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region
level to our scale of investigation. We suppose that the distribution of each item is homogenous. Four items were kept:
dense urban area, residential area, school/university zones, industrial zones and commercial areas.

3.2. Presentation of the case study

The Nord-Pas-de-Calais region is located in the North of France in the heart of Europe. This area presents the
particularity to have not yet entirely recovered from the previous social and economic crises. It is an area that
304 Hakim Hammadou and Aurélie Mahieux / Transportation Research Procedia 4 (2014) 300 – 311

concentrated different social problems such as high mortality, scholar abandon and unemployment. But in spite of
socioeconomic problems, it is important to keep in mind that solidarity inherited from the mining era is still existing
and strong. We focus on the SMT Artois-Gohelle. This ex-coal mining area had a total of 594,017 inhabitants in 2011.
It also corresponds to the urban transport perimeter of the SMT Artois-Gohelle which is the regional transport
authority. Figure 2 presents the localization of the SMT Artois-Gohelle and the distribution of waste piles and the
mining habitat into this territory. The mining industry has officially finished its activities in the 90’s. Nowadays it is
still a territory under many regeneration strategies. Recently, the inauguration of the museum of Louvre-Lens, which
is linked to the famous Louvre in Paris, aims at improving the image of this former coal-mining territory. Currently,
this territory has an important transport project: the creation of one Bus with a High Level of Service (BHLS) line
from Béthune to Bruay-la-Buissière.

Fig 2. The SMT Artois-Gohelle area in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region (Source: own elaboration)

The SMT Artois-Gohelle is the local authority in charge of the transport and mobility policies in 115 towns
belonging to its territory. Few studies concerning this area with regards to transport issues exist. One study shows a
very low household motorization in Lens (Lambert et al., 1988). Furthermore, this territory presents special features.
It is a polycentric territory with two main centres: Lens (36,120 inhabitants in 2008) and Béthune (25,697 inhabitants
in 2008). It also presents suburban, peri-urban and rural belts. During the mining era, services were concentrated
around the mine shaft. Miners and their families could access all the services and jobs on foot. The social security
mining system provided many different social aids to miners’ families in terms of transport, habitat, healthcare or
education. These days, jobs and services such as education, health and shopping centres are more scattered around the
territory and hence travel distances increase.

3.3. Descriptive statistics of the sample

A first analysis of the considered sample (see Fig. 3) of trips shows that car use is the predominant transport mode
(69%). If we consider car driver distinct from car passenger, walking ranks at the second place (25%). Public transport
has a very low share (3%) which is very much in line with observations on the real network. According to the trip
length distribution, the shortest distances traveled are made on foot. Public transport starts to be relevant from a fourth
kilometer distance. Car use is constant and dominant from distances of two kilometers. The urban organization has
created many trips mostly done by car (63% around Lens, 71% around Béthune against 60% for the French average).
In the SMT Artois-Gohelle, car ownership rate is under the regional and the French average (77.2% in 2006, against
respectively 77.6% and 81.1%). Despite that, its growth is higher than at the regional or the French level (+5.5% in
2006 compared to 1999, against respectively +2.6% and +3%). In 2006, diesel vehicles represented 66% of the car
Hakim Hammadou and Aurélie Mahieux / Transportation Research Procedia 4 (2014) 300 – 311 305

fleet in our studied territory (against 49% at the French level). If this trend continues, we can expect an increasing
number of private vehicles in circulation.

Fig 3. Mode split (Source: own elaboration from the two Household Travel Surveys)

Besides going back home trips (40% of the sample trips), trip purposes are equally shared between school and work
purposes (see Table 1). The more frequent purpose is recreational trips followed by shopping trips.

Table 1. Distribution of the trip purposes

Trip purpose Observations Percentage

School 1,907 18.01%
Work 2,098 19.81%
Shopping 2,941 27.78%
Recreational 3,642 34.40%
(Source: own elaboration from the two Household Travel Surveys)

Table 2 presents some summary statistics of different socioeconomic variables.

Concerning gender parity, men represent 45% of the sample and women 55%. In France in 2006, these percentages
were 48 and 52% respectively. The considered sample includes 32% of individuals between 19 and 39 years-old, 37%
between 40 and 65 years-old, 22% between 5 and 18 years-old, and 9% over 65 years-old in our studied territory. This
is consistent with national statistics in 2006 with the respective shares of 53% for the 20 to 59 years-old group, 25%
of less than 20 years-old and 21% for over 60 years-old, the latter being significantly higher than the one from our
19% of the sample individuals earn less than 10,000 Euros per year and 42% between 10,000 and 20,000 Euros per
year. Such percentages are over the national average (where “only” 8.1% earn less than 10,000 Euros per year and
less than a third of the population, 28% earn between 10,000 and 20,000 Euros per year). For the high income classes,
the sample is below national averages. In our studied area, 5% of the sample individuals earn between 40,000 and
60,000 Euros per year (against 15% in France) and 1% of the sample individuals earn more than 60,000 Euros of
annual income (against 7% in France).
Employers, workers and pupils are the dominating occupation with respectively 23, 22 and 22%. For the
comparison, national average shows 13% of intermediate professions and 8% of liberal, 16% of employees 13% of
blue collars and 26% of inactive.
Couples with one or two children are dominant in the sample (about a third) and this is also true at the national
level (27% of couples with children in 2010), followed by large family and couple without children (respectively 21
and 20% which in lower than the national average of 26% in 2010 for couple without child). Single persons represent
306 Hakim Hammadou and Aurélie Mahieux / Transportation Research Procedia 4 (2014) 300 – 311

9% of the sample (17% at the national scale in 2010). Lone parents account for 12% of the population versus 8% at
the national scale in 2010.

Table 2. Summary statistics of some socioeconomic variables

Variables Number of Percentage

Gender balance
Male 11,786 44.56%
Female 14,664 55.44%
Between 5 and 18 years old 450 22.36%
Between 19 and 39 years old 700 31.97%
Between 40 and 65 years old 780 36.75%
More than 65 years old 759 8.92%
Farmers 87 0.33%
Artisans 674 2.56%
Liberal profession 1,365 5.19%
Intermediate profession 3,024 11.50%
Employees 6,301 23.96%
Workers 5,694 21.65%
Inactive people 2,617 9.95%
Scholars 5,951 22.63%
Students 583 2.22%
Income class
Less than 10,000€ 3,704 18.83%
Between 10 and 20,000€ 8,192 41.65%
Between 20 and 30,000€ 4,370 22.22%
Between 30 and 40,000€ 2,103 10.69%
Between 40 and 60,000€ 1,073 5.46%
More than 60,000€ 225 1.14%
Household composition
Single person 2,642 9.99%
Couple without children 5,489 20.75%
Couple with 1 or 2 children 9,037 34.17%
Large family 5,779 21.85%
Lone parents with 1 or 2 children 2,518 9.52%
Lone parents with more than 2 children 985 3.72%
(Source: own elaboration from the two Household Travel Surveys)

As shown in Table 3, public transport is mostly used by young people. Young people cannot have a driving license
because of their age. This is why these people walk more and are more often accompanied than the other age classes
(highest car passenger share in the sample). They are more captive of public transport. For the other age classes, car
driver is the predominant transport mode.
Hakim Hammadou and Aurélie Mahieux / Transportation Research Procedia 4 (2014) 300 – 311 307

Table 3. Distribution of the main transport mode according to the age of the individual

Transport modes
Walking Public transport Car driver Car passenger
Between 5 and 18 years old 44.13% 9.61% 1.00% 45.25%
Between 19 and 39 years old 20.82% 1.63% 62.91% 14.64%
Between 40 and 65 years old 18.06% 1.08% 67.90% 12.96%
More than 65 years old 20.28% 1.26% 63.41% 15.05%
(Source: own elaboration from the two Household Travel Surveys)

According to land-use, residential areas are clearly dominant in our sample (around 77%). This is why we choose
this land use category as reference. Dense urban areas, school and university areas, commercial and industrial zones
are respectively occupying 6, 6, 3 and 8% of the land.

4. Results analysis

4.1. Multinomial logit regression results

To analyse which variables have an impact on mobility behaviors, a multinomial logit model is estimated on our
sample. Results are presented in Figure 4.

Walk Publictransport Cardriver Bike

Coefficient (tͲstat) Coefficient (tͲstat) Coefficient (tͲstat) Coefficient (tͲstat)
Age 0,0118 *** 2,85 Ͳ0,019 * Ͳ1,86 0,00758 *** 2,79 0,0324 *** 3,17
Male 1,18 *** 12,04 0,107 0,51 1,25 *** 16,03 4,09 *** 16,82

Travelcost Ͳ6 *** Ͳ21,31 Ͳ1,13 *** Ͳ10,79

InͲvehicletraveltime Ͳ0,18 *** Ͳ48 Ͳ0,0589 *** Ͳ16,59 Ͳ0,115 *** Ͳ30,44 Ͳ0,276 *** Ͳ24,47
Parkingtime 8,65 0,35
Walkingtimetoandfromstops Ͳ0,0426 *** Ͳ14,36
Pupils Ͳ0,918 *** Ͳ4,7 Ͳ2,48 *** Ͳ4,73 Ͳ2,88 *** Ͳ13,55 Ͳ2,91 *** Ͳ6,31
Students 0,291 0,81 Ͳ2,53 *** Ͳ3,08 Ͳ0,526 *** Ͳ2,7 Ͳ1,04 Ͳ1,06
Intermediateprofession 0,265 1,41 Ͳ0,887 Ͳ1,39 0,288 *** 2,52 Ͳ0,118 Ͳ0,27
Liberalprofession 1,35 *** 5,39 Ͳ5,28 *** Ͳ3,84 0,546 *** 2,93 Ͳ4,63 *** Ͳ4,76

Workers Ͳ0,483 *** Ͳ3,24 Ͳ0,901 ** Ͳ2,33 Ͳ0,395 *** Ͳ4,26 Ͳ0,635 * Ͳ1,89
Inactivepeople Ͳ0,496 *** Ͳ2,91 Ͳ1,42 *** Ͳ3,01 Ͳ1,21 *** Ͳ11,85 0,273 0,65
Workpurpose 0,761 *** 4,01 2,54 *** 6,38 0,67 *** 5,88 2,21 *** 5,63
Schoolpurpose 0,855 *** 5,65 3,15 *** 10,6 Ͳ0,743 ** Ͳ2,34 0,164 0,46
Shoppingpurpose Ͳ0,229 * Ͳ1,89 0,227 0,62 Ͳ0,0898 Ͳ1,09 1,22 *** 4,35
Couplewithoutchildren Ͳ0,63 *** Ͳ3,14 Ͳ0,761 * Ͳ1,66 Ͳ1,34 *** Ͳ9,09 Ͳ1,99 *** Ͳ4,19
Couplewith1or2children Ͳ0,361 * Ͳ1,71 Ͳ0,64 Ͳ1,45 Ͳ0,634 *** Ͳ4,12 Ͳ1,26 *** Ͳ2,82
Largefamily Ͳ0,0228 Ͳ0,1 Ͳ0,317 Ͳ0,68 Ͳ0,367 ** Ͳ2,18 Ͳ3,18 *** Ͳ6,46
Loneparentswith1or2children Ͳ0,125 Ͳ0,52 Ͳ3,39 *** Ͳ6,37 0,206 1,1 Ͳ1,06 ** Ͳ1,92
Loneparentswithmorethan2children 0,485 1,6 1,32 *** 2,55 0,594 ** 2,05 0,232 0,37
Lessthan10000€ Ͳ0,262 * Ͳ1,66 0,763 *** 2,53 Ͳ0,278 ** Ͳ2,3 Ͳ1,57 *** Ͳ4,12
Between10and20000€ 0,34 *** 2,93 Ͳ0,1 Ͳ0,38 Ͳ0,116 Ͳ1,38 0,755 *** 2,77
Between20and30000€ Ͳ0,108 Ͳ0,79 0,967 *** 3,41 Ͳ0,0194 Ͳ0,21 Ͳ0,378 Ͳ1,16
Between30and40000€ Ͳ0,0668 Ͳ0,38 Ͳ0,0304 Ͳ0,07 0,00614 0,05 Ͳ1,18 ** Ͳ2,13
Busfrequency(origin) Ͳ0,00667 *** Ͳ7,25 0,00122 0,73 Ͳ0,00237 *** Ͳ4,13 Ͳ0,0138 *** Ͳ7,93
Numberofbusstopsat5minutes(destination) Ͳ0,443 *** Ͳ7,52 1,21 *** 10,71 0,149 *** 3,59 0,281 ** 2,19
Numberofbusstopsat5minutes(origin) Ͳ0,259 *** Ͳ4,6 Ͳ0,0215 Ͳ0,18 Ͳ0,0612 Ͳ1,52 Ͳ0,269 ** Ͳ2,2
Denseurbanarea Ͳ0,569 ** Ͳ2,28 0,363 0,56 Ͳ0,184 Ͳ1 2,1 *** 3,41
Commercialarea Ͳ1,83 Ͳ1,57 Ͳ0,159 Ͳ0,09 Ͳ0,709 ** Ͳ1,93 8,79 *** 4,83
School/universityarea Ͳ0,428 Ͳ0,92 3,72 *** 5,98 1,9 *** 4,08 5,35 *** 7,01
Industrialarea Ͳ1,01 * Ͳ1,91 Ͳ0,409 Ͳ0,39 Ͳ0,0989 Ͳ0,36 1,57 * 1,71
Constant 4,38 *** 12,75 Ͳ1,42 * Ͳ1,66 1,43 *** 6,41 Ͳ3,95 *** Ͳ4,75

Fig 4. Estimation results from the multinomial logit model

308 Hakim Hammadou and Aurélie Mahieux / Transportation Research Procedia 4 (2014) 300 – 311

Age influences the transport demand. Elderly people seem to use public transport less. Gender seems to have a
positive effect on transport demand except for public transport demand.
Work purpose positively influences all the transport modes demand. For school purpose, we find a negative
coefficient for car driver demand. This can be explained by the fact that a lot of pupils and students are underage and
cannot have a driving license. On the contrary, it tends to encourage public transport use. Indeed, on our studied
territory, public transport trips are free for school purpose.
Travel time and cost have a negative and significant effect on all the transport mode demands. Furthermore, we
find a negative and significant correlation for walking time to and from bus stops. Parking time has no influence on
the demand for car use. It could be explained by the free parking space available in the studied territory at the time of
the surveys.
Low income, those of less than 10,000 Euros per year, more use public transport and less use car compared to the
other income classes. It is in line with the focus groups results in Mahieux and Mejia Dorantes (2013) and it might be
due to the fact that obtaining the driving license and buying a car is too expensive for this income class. They are more
captive of public transport than the other income classes.
Accessibility is a key variable to understand mobility behaviors and the demand for public transport. The bus
frequency does not seem to influence public transport use but it decourages walking, car driving and bike use. The
number of bus stops at the origin has a negative impact on the demand for walking and bike use. Nevertheless, it does
not influence the demand for public transport and car driving. From these results, a BHLS line based on higer bus
frequencies and more bus stops does not seem to be a suitable project to stimulate the public transport demand.
Nevertheless, it could slow down the car driver demand.

4.2. Elasticities

To identify the sensibility of the population, modal elasticities are calculated. They represent the percentage change
in the probability of choosing the alternative i. Such elasticities are a first approach to determine which type of
transport or mobility policies should be implemented in order to promote a more sustainable mobility in our particular
case study. Table 4 presents the results.
Elasticities are easy to calculate when operating with a multinomial logit model. The direct elasticity of logit is
given by:

‫ܧ‬௫௜௡௞ ൌ  ሾͳ െ ܲ௡ ሺ݅ሻሿ‫ݔ‬௜௡௞ ߚ௞

where xink is one of the independent variable of the model and ȕk the coefficient related to this variable.

Table 4. Price, time and frequency elasticities

Elasticities Walking Car Public transport Bike

Price elasticity - -0.22 -5.3 -
Time elasticity -9.9 -0.84 -1.58 -11.74
Frequency elasticity - - 0.05 -

Price is found to have a negative impact both on car and public transport demands. The coefficient is very high for
public transport. Hence, according to these results people are more sensible to the cost of public transport use than to
the cost of car use. It is in line with the structure of the population: in our studied territory 61% of individuals earn
less than 20,000 Euros per year against 36% for the national average. For the most vulnerable people, the ticket price
may represent a significant portion of their budget. In our model, a bus ticket costs 0.95 Euros if the individual buys
single tickets and 0.65 Euros if the individual has a subscription. This is in line with the fares charged in the urban
transport perimeter when realizing the two HTS. This is coherent with the findings of the literature. For example,
Paulley et al. (2006) and Asensio (2002) find bus fare elasticities between -0.21 and -0.51 depending on the studied
area. Asensio (2002) find a price elasticity with respect to car demand of -0.09. Ubillos and Sainz (2004) find a high
Hakim Hammadou and Aurélie Mahieux / Transportation Research Procedia 4 (2014) 300 – 311 309

coefficient (-3.943) for price elasticity with respect to bus demand when studying the case of university students. It
means that a change in the price of public transport (decrease) will have a greater effect on the mode use than a change
(increase) in the price of car use.
Not surprisingly, time elasticity is negative for the four transport modes. The value of these elasticities is very high
for walking and bike. Travel time is a brake for the use of walking and bike because it depends on human energy. The
value of these elasticities for car and public transport is less negative. Asensio (2002) finds time elasticities for car
demand and public transport demand respectively of -0.271 and -0.504. Ubillos and Sainz (2004) find a time elasticity
with respect to bus demand of -0.106. Comparing time elasticity for car and for public transport allows us to conclude
that people are more sensible to the time spent in public transport than in a car. This confirms the lack of a public
transport mobility culture in this studied territory.
Demand elasticity with respect to frequency is positive but close to zero. An increase of the public transport
frequency will have a positive but limited effet on public transport demand. This coefficient is very low compared to
other studies. For example, Paulley et al. (2006) find a bus frequency elasticity of 0.38. But, it is in line with Asensio
(2002) who finds a bus frequency elasticity of 0.088. Ubillos and Sainz (2006) find a negative coefficient for frequency
elasticity with respect to bus demand (-0.328) when studying university students.
Regarding these elasticities, people are more sensible to the cost of public transport than to the frequency or to the
time spent in a bus. To encourage public transport use, it is therefore preferable to implement policies which have an
impact on the cost of the public transport use. Public transport fares seem to be a key variable to encourage the public
transport use.

4.3. Policy-scenarios and simulation results

According to elasticities results, we test certain transport and mobility policies by simulating different scenarios.
Table 5 indicates the results of these different simulations and the comparison with the initial situation in terms of
modal split. These different scenarios are based on recent literature about modal shift (Nakamura and Hayashi, 2013).
• Scenario (1) assesses the modal shift when free public transport is implemented.
• Scenario (2) tests the effects of a 10% higher frequency of public transport.
• Scenario (3) estimates the effects of a 50% higher frequency of public transport.
• Scenario (4) represents a 25% longer car travel times.

We also test different scenario combinations. (1) + (3) could be seen as a strong transport policy which encourage
the public transport use. (1) + (3) + (4) could be seen as combination of one policy which is in favour of public
transport ((1) + (3)) and one which discourages the use of the car (4). (3) + (4) could be seen as a BHLS scenario.

Table 5. Simulation results of different scenarios

Transport Initial Scenario Scenario Scenario (3) (1) + (3) (4) (3) + (4) (1) + (3) +
modes modal split (1) (2) (4)
24.00% 19.98% 23.84% 23.41% 19.17% 24.82% 24.34% 19.82%
(-4.02) (-0.16) (-0.59) (-4.83) (+0.82) (+0.34) (-4.18)
2.83% 14.42% 2.89% 2.89% 15.27% 2.98% 3.06% 16.72%
(+11.59) (+0.06) (+0.06) (+12.44) (+0.15) (+0.23) (+13.89)
56.17% 52.61% 56.25% 56.25% 52.38% 55.45% 55.48% 50.81%
Car driver
(-3.56) (+0.08) (+0.08) (-3.79) (-0.72) (-0.69) (-5.36%)
15.06% 11.41% 15.46% 15.46% 11.56% 14.65% 14.99% 10.92%
Car passenger
(-3.65) (+0.40) (+0.40) (-3.50) (-0.41) (-0.07) (-4.14)
1.95% 1.58% 2.00% 2.00% 1.63% 2.10% 2.13% 1.73%
(-0.37) (+0.05) (+0.05) (+0.32) (+0.15) (+0.18) (-0.25)
310 Hakim Hammadou and Aurélie Mahieux / Transportation Research Procedia 4 (2014) 300 – 311

As shown in Table 5, the first and most extreme scenario has a positive and strong effect on public transport use.
All the other transport mode shares are decreasing. But in spite of the free public transport simulated policy
intervention, the share of car use is still high, around 64%. The second scenario (10% higher frequency of public
transport) has no effet on the public transport use. Surprisingly, it encourages bike and car use. The third scenario
(50% higher frequency of public transport) assumes a greater increase of public transport frequency than the second
one. In spite of the greater frequency than in the second scenario, there is a little effect on the share of public transport.
The difference between these three scenarios could be explained by the frequency and cost elasticities. According to
these elasticities, a change in the price of public transport will have a greater effect than a change in the frequency. It
is important to note that even if the local transport authority implements a transport policy in favour of the transport
public use, the car share is still high, above the French average (60%).
The last scenario (4) has a little negative effect on the car driver and the car passenger shares and a positive one on
the other transport mode shares. As a result, there is a little effect on the public transport use. Nevertheless, this type
of transport policy seems to encourage low-carbon modes such as walking and bike. The impact of this scenario on
public transport demand is weak.
The combination of scenarios 1, 3, and 4 has a very strong and positive effect on the share of public transport. Car
share significantly decreases around 60%. The BHLS scenario ((3)+(4)) has little impact on public transport and car
shares. The BHLS scenario does not seem to be appropriate for this type of territory, particularly if nothing is done
concerning public transport price.


In this paper, we calculate a multinomial logit model to better comprehend the determinants of modal choice in
this particular territory. Walking time to and from bus stops has a positive impact on public transport demand.
Surprisingly, frequency of bus has no influence on public transport demand but it has a negative influence on demand
for all other transport modes. Parking time has no influence on demand for car. It is probably due to free parking space
on the entire urban transport perimeter.
To assess the population sensitivity to cost and travel times, price, time and frequency elasticities had been
calculated. High price and time elasticities have been found for public transport demand. Time and price elasticities
for car demand are negative and between zero and one in absolute value. Frequency elasticity is positive and close to
zero. It means that people are less sensible to change in cost of using car or car travel times than to change in bus
ticket price or bus travel times. So, there are real opportunities to increase public transport share. Nevertheless, these
changes have to be extreme to lead to a significant impact on car demand.
Simulations were used to test different transport policies. According to elasticities, higher bus frequencies (10% or
even 50% more) have little effect on public transport demand. On the contrary, free public transport, which can be
seen as an extreme transport policy, has significant impact public transport demand and car use. This type of policy
confirms that the problem is the cost of public transport and not its frequency.
A new transport infrastructure, such a BHLS with more bus frequencies and faster travel times will have little effect
on public transport demand, as shown by simulations. To be effective, this type of service should be coupled to a
strong transport policy againt solo car use. Besides, this type of combination (scenario 3 + 4) should lead to a higher
public transport share and a decrease of the share of car driver. Whatever the considered scenario, it seems to have a
strong inertia in car driver use, confirming the mobility patterns of our studied population. Conventional economic
instruments (travel times, travel cost) are not sufficient and other tools are needed to increase the demand for public
A further work would consist in comparing the obtained results with those from a nested logit estimation.
Regression coefficients between multinomial and nested logits will be compared to those obtained with the
multinomial logit model. Indeed, the nested logit is expected to better reproduced travel behaviors by introducing
correlation among alternatives.
Hakim Hammadou and Aurélie Mahieux / Transportation Research Procedia 4 (2014) 300 – 311 311


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