Onda Et Al-1959-AIChE Journal
Onda Et Al-1959-AIChE Journal
Onda Et Al-1959-AIChE Journal
in Packed Towers
University of Nogoya, Nagoya, Japan
The physical absorption of gas by water in a tower packed with Raschig rings has been For hydrogen a sample of 500 cc. was
investigated. The liquid-side mass transfer coefficient which was separated by dividing withdrawn by Swanson and Hulett's
the capacity coefficient by the wetted surface area is discussed from the standpoints of method (21) and analyzed by the explosion
the two-film and penetration theories. A new and simpler dimensionless group is pre- method.
sented which correlates about 90% of the data reported, including the author's own, As stated above, the gas used was of more
within an accuracy of f20%. than 99% purity, and therefore the gas-side
resistance could be assumed to be negligible.
T h e relation of t h e liquid-side mass about 80 cm. (2.6 ft.) long, with an inside The liquid-side capacity coefficient can
diameter of 6.0 cm. (2.4 in.), packed to a consequently be computed from
transfer coefficient t o parked-tower per-
height of 30 cm. ( I ft.) with 6- (%-in.), 8-
formance and physical properties of the
(%-in.) and 10-mm. (2/5-in.) ceramic kLa = { L / ( P1 {In
~ ) (C,
system is iniportant from the standpoint (1)
Raschig rings. The wet packing method
of packed-tower designs and interesting
was used to pack Raschig rings. Tap water - CJ/(Cs - CJI
from the viewpoint of the mechanism of was introduced from the head tank into the The saturated concentration C, at 25°C.
mass transfer. tower through the thermostat. was taken from the International Critical
M a n y investigators (7, 15, 20, 22) have The distributor was constructed as Tables*.
been studying t h e relation since Sher- follows: Seven glass tubes with an inside The results for carbon dioxide are shown
wood's (16) experimental equation was diameter of 4 mm. (x in.) were arranged in in Figures 2, 3, and 4. I n these cases it is
reported, b u t u p t o t h e present time t h e a position of an equilateral triangle. The known by previous reports ( 11, 16, 24) that
results seem t o be far from satisfactory. lower end of each distributor tube was set the gas velocity has no relation to the
I n this paper physical gas absorption as closely as possible on the top of the pack- liquid-side capacity Coefficient under its
by water in a tower packed with Raschig
rings is described, and kL is discussed.
ing t o avoid upper end effects.
The mass velocity of the liquid was
ascertained by the measurement of the
50 -
loading point, and here it was about
150 kg./(sq. m.)(hr.) [I1
(sq. ft.)(hr.)].
31 lb./
T h e relation of k L , which covers about quantity of water flowing from the tower To test the dumped packing method the
90% of the d a t a reported, including t h e bottom per unit time. The termperatures tower was repacked with 6-mm. Raschig
authors', within a 207, accuracy, was at the top and bottom of the tower were ring, and the capacity coefficient was
obtained. almost the same and were maintained a t measured. The reproducibility was good
25 f 1°C. (Figure 2).
EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS T o measure the end effect samples were The capacity coefficient increases linearly
The absorption of pure carbon dioxide by taken from the lower tower end and the with the increase of liquid velocity; that is,
water was studied. T o ascertain the expo- funnel which was placed immediately below
nent of the Schmidt number, the absorption the support plate of the packing. kLa = c'L"' (2)
of pure hydrogen was also studied. Because For carbon dioxide a sample of 50 cc.
was introduced into 0.2N barium hydroxide where for 6-, 8 , and 10-mm. Raschig rings
the degree of purity of the gas was more c' and rn" were almost the same; c' =
than 99%, the gas-side resistance was solution and then back titrated with 0.1N
hydrogen chloride solution. The end effect 0.047, and m" = 0.72. These results agree
regarded as negligible in comparison with
for 6-, &, and 10-mm. Raschig rings was with those of previous investigators (16,25).
the liquid-side resistance. Figure 1 is the
equivalent t o a packing height of 3.6, 3.5, The results for hydrogen will be described
flow sheet of the equipment. The packed
tower consists of a single glass cylinder and 3.1 cm. respectively. later.
r 4
4 + 69,0t 2 1
L (ks/#h)
Fig. 2. Relation of kLa vs. L in carbon
dioxide absorption by water; 6-mrn.
Fig. 1 . Schematic diagram of the absorption system. ceramic Raschig ring repacked.
Basic concept of kL
From the dimensional analysis and the
analogy of the heat transfer the following
equation was proposed for the gas
absorption in packed towers:
the same equation, as described later.
Dependence of Equations (5) and (7) on
Reynolds number
(6) The modified Nusselt number in
.(Dp3gp2/p2)--0.14(u~D~) 4 Equation (5), kLh/(D,u,) vs. L/(u,p),
10' 2 4 6
is plotted in Figure 7 for the authors'
This equation is only partially correct,
and moreover it is very inconvenient to r/s DL1 experimental data as well as those of
Fig. 10. Relation of k L ( p V / P ~ U ~ S ) ~ / ~ / D L , (16), Vivian-Whit-
vs. p / ( p D ~ )for the data in Figure 9 at ney (24) and Hikita et al. (5).The ranges
constant NRs= 3. of the conditions are as follows:
49 in.
8 ft.
Packing height
Tower diameter, in.
4 and 14
Hikita et al. 30 cm. ( 1 ft.) 2.8 and 5 (7 and 12.5 cm.)
The authors 30 cm. (1 ft.) 2.4 (6 cm.)
--- ---
Name Liquid velocity Gas velocity
Sherwood-Holloway 250 32,000 lb./(sq. ft.)(hr.) 36 1,320 lb./(sq. ft.(hr.)
Vivian-Whitney 970 16,000 lb./(sq. ft.)(hr.) 60 120 lb./(sq. ft.)(hr.)
Hikita et al. 380
78 -- 70,000 kg./(sq. m.)(hr.)
14,300 lb./(sq. ft.)(hr.)
4 -- 80 kg./(sq. m.)(hr.)
16 lb./(sq. ft.)(hr.)
1 2 4
2 The authors 1,500
310 - 35,000 kg./(sq. m.)(hr.)
7,200 lb./(sq. ft.)(hr.)
11 - 150 kg./(sq. m.)(hr.)
31 lb./(sq. ft.)(hr.)
k L bV / (P Pt 8I ""DL (8)
Fig. 11. Relation of kL(p/utL)1fZ/DL1/2vs. L / ( u t p ); keys
are the same as those in Figure 7. = 0.44[L/(~~,p)]~'~*
The first term of the right-hand side of
Equation (15) is the Reynolds number
based on the total area of packings in
unit volume, and the second term is
Galilei’s number. This latter number was
right, the absorption of hydrogen by introduced in Equation (15) by the
10 100 2
consideration of the dependcnce of