Monovit: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation With A Vision Transformer
Monovit: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation With A Vision Transformer
Monovit: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation With A Vision Transformer
Chaoqiang Zhao1,2,∗ Youmin Zhang2,∗ Matteo Poggi2 Fabio Tosi2 Xianda Guo3
3 3 1‡
Zheng Zhu Guan Huang Yang Tang Stefano Mattoccia2
East China University of Science and Technology 2 University of Bologna 3 PhiGent Robotics
arXiv:2208.03543v1 [cs.CV] 6 Aug 2022
Mono2 Image HR-Depth
DiffNet MonoViT
Figure 1. Effects of global reasoning on self-supervised monocular depth estimation. The limited receptive field of
existing solutions (e.g. HR-Depth [30], in the middle) often yields inaccurate depth estimation, losing fine-grained details
Mono2 (like the car and cyclist over imposed in yellow). On the contrary, our MonoViT architecture
DiffNet (right) achieves superior results.
constrained monocular videos [71]. The latter configuration popular KITTI dataset, using the standard split by Eigen
turns out to be the preferred choice for practical deployment et al. [12]. The comparison to SoTA solutions highlights
since it simply requires a single moving camera for gather- the constantly superior accuracy of our framework. More-
ing training data. For this reason, we stick to monocular over, we also analyze the generalization capability of self-
videos for training purposes. However, view reconstruction supervised monocular depth estimation networks across dif-
based losses suffer from occlusions, dynamic objects and ferent datasets. Purposely, we compare MonoViT with
photometric changes, which severely limit the performance its main competitors on the Make3D [42] and Driving-
of the network [66]. Therefore, novel constraints [17] and Stereo [58] datasets, highlighting, even in this case, the su-
additional cues [22, 64] (like semantic segmentation, opti- perior generalization capacity of MonoViT.
cal flow and surface normals) are often used to reduce the
shortcomings mentioned above. 2. Related works
Improving the network backbone of depth networks is This section reviews the literature concerning self-
another well-known effective way to gain accuracy. Re- supervised monocular depth estimation and ViT architec-
cent research has shown that the encoder is crucial for tures, being both relevant to our work.
achieving this [71, 17]. Different kinds of backbone, such Monocular Depth Estimation. Estimating depth from a
as VGGNet, ResNet, HRNet and PackNet, made their single image is a challenging, inherently ill-posed problem.
way into the self-supervised monocular depth estimation Nonetheless, the many learning-based approaches aimed at
task [71, 17, 69, 18]. Moreover, to improve the feature ex- addressing it [66] enabled significant progress in the field.
traction and processing ability, new frameworks like HR- As fully supervised techniques [24, 27, 13, 3] for depth esti-
Depth [30] and CADepth [57] also introduced attention mation advanced rapidly, the availability of precise depth la-
modules. However, we argue that a shared shortcoming of bels in the real world became a major issue. Hence, more re-
existing self-supervised models falls in the reduced recep- cent self-supervised works provided alternatives to remove
tive field of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). This it, avoiding the need for hard-to-source ground-truth depth
fact represents an implicit bottleneck for current dense es- annotations. This goal is feasible by casting the depth esti-
timation methods, dampening accuracy, and the capacity to mation task as a view-synthesis problem between adjacent
generalize to different domains. Specifically, the local na- views, in space or time, of the same observed scene. Pre-
ture of convolutions leads CNNs in their first layers – i.e., cisely, training single-view depth estimation network with
those in charge of modeling fine-grained details – to ex- stereo images [14, 16], monocular videos [71], or a com-
tract features missing long-range relationships across the bination of both [65, 17]. The supervisory signal based
same image. Going deeper with convolutions makes the on the photometric difference between real and synthesized
receptive field wider, yet it does not reach the whole im- images enables training in a self-supervised manner.
age. Fig. 1 highlights the effect of this shortcoming. CNNs Although stereo pairs enable scale recovery, with further
based frameworks sometimes fail to estimate foreground- improvements achievable by leveraging noisy proxy labels
background structures due to the lack of global perceiving [46, 54, 6], guidance from visual odometry [1] or trinoc-
and long-range relationship among modelled pixels. Vision ular assumptions [37], unlabeled video sequences repre-
Transformers (ViTs) [11, 56, 9] recently showed outstand- sent a more flexible alternative at the expense of learning
ing results on tasks such as object detection [9] and se- camera poses alongside depth. Several frameworks have
mantic segmentation [56], thanks to their capacity to model advanced this line of research by incorporating additional
long-range relationships between pixels and thus a global losses and constraints such as those based on direct visual
receptive field. The popularity of ViTs has also reached su- odometry [49], adversarial learning[68], ICP [31], normal
pervised depth estimation as well [38, 26], yet being not consistency [63, 62], semantic segmentation [23, 19] and
adopted for self-supervised monocular depth estimation. uncertainty [35, 60]. Another notable example is given
This paper takes this missing step and explores ViTs for in [17] where the authors introduced a minimum reprojec-
self-supervised monocular depth estimation by proposing tion loss between frames and an auto-masking strategy to
the MonoViT architecture. It combines both convolutional handle both occluded regions and static camera situations
layers and state-of-the-art (SoTA) Transformer blocks [25] that violate the main constraints of the view-synthesis for-
within its backbone to model both the local information mulation and, as a consequence, cause poor network con-
(objects) and global information (relationship among fore- vergence. Other works, instead, directly tackle highly com-
ground and background, among objects) within the same plex scenarios [67] and model rigid and non-rigid compo-
image. This strategy allows us to remove the bottleneck nents present in the scene using the estimated depth, relative
caused by the limited perceptive fields of CNNs encoders, camera poses, and optical flow in order to handle indepen-
leading to naturally finer-grained predictions, as shown in dent motions [47, 64, 72, 5, 39, 61] or by means of scene
Fig. 1. We evaluate the performance of MonoViT on the decomposition [41].
× × × 𝑾×𝑯
𝟖 𝟖 𝟒 𝟒 𝟐 𝟐
Figure 2. Attention maps of SoTA methods and our MonoViT. The first row shows the RGB image, and the highlighted car is the region
we want to analyze. In the next two rows, we report multiscale disparity predictions and attention maps of each method. For an object that
is small in size and hard to distinguish from the background, such as the car highlighted, we notice how MonoViT can predict its disparity
even at the lowest resolution (i.e. H
×W 8
). At the same time, other methods fail to capture it.
Network architectures. Playing with different archi- ing Transformer architectures [38, 59, 26]. However, these
tectures used as backbone showed a significant impact on methods focus on the supervised setting only.
the performance of monocular depth estimation itself. Yin
et al. [64] replaced the VGG encoder used by [71] with a 3. Proposed framework
ResNet. Guizilini et al. [18] designed a novel model, Pack-
Net, to learn detail-preserving compression and decompres- This section analyzes the necessity for introducing a
sion of features by using 3D convolutions. Lyu et al. [51] Transformer for self-supervised monocular depth estima-
worked on the features decoding, implementing an atten- tion. Then, we describe our MonoViT network architecture
tion module for multi-scale feature fusion. Because of the and the loss functions used for the self-supervised training
limited receptive field of CNNs, the network performance of our framework.
still has room for further improvement. To extract the long-
range relationships between features, Yan et al. [57] pro- 3.1. Motivations
pose a channel-wise attention-based network to aggregate Unlike supervised depth estimation methods, the super-
discriminated features in channel dimensions. Consider- visory signal of self-supervised approaches derives from
ing the ability of HRNet [51] at modeling multi-scale fea- image reprojection across different, nearby viewpoints.
tures, Zhou et al. [69] introduced HRNet for self-supervised Thus, to achieve good performance, this formulation re-
monocular depth estimation. Other works, instead, focused quires the network to accurately perceive the scene struc-
on the design of efficient and fast networks suitable for low- ture: a challenging task, especially for regions with hard to
powered embedded devices [34, 33, 55]. Despite the in- distinguish foreground objects from the background. Cur-
creased accuracy achieved by the above networks, the issue rent SoTA networks [57, 30] rely on traditional convolu-
concerning long-range relationships persists [26]. tional layers for aggregating context information and grad-
Transformers in Depth Estimation. Recently, inspired ually lift the receptive field of the network through a cascade
by the success of the attention mechanism on modeling of layers and strided convolution [40]. However, given the
global context perception, ViTs [11, 28] showed great po- intrinsic locality of the convolution operator, CNNs hardly
tential in tasks such as image classification [28, 25], ob- model long-range appearance similarity among objects, in
ject detection [9, 4], and semantic segmentation [50, 56]. A particular within the shallowest features. An example of
few works also tackled monocular depth estimation by us- this occurs when the foreground objects have a texture sim-
Transformer based Depth Network
R, t Up Sample
Conv Conv Skip Connection
Atten Conv
Block 3x3 3x3 3x3
S Connection
Image splits Pose Network Upconv Layer Disparity Head S Sigmoid
Figure 3. Overview of our MonoViT architecture. Our MonoViT consists of two parts, Depth Network and Pose Network. For Depth
Network, both Transformer [25] and convolutional layer are adopted to enhance the feature modeling and depth inferring. For pose
estimation between temporally adjacent images, we use a lightweight PoseNet as in previous works [17, 30, 69, 57].
chitectures – i.e., MPViT [25], in which a Multi-Path Trans-
Global-to-Local Feature Interaction 1 x 1 Conv
former Block is proposed for simultaneously representing
local and global context extracted from images – we fol-
low such a design to build the key components of our depth
Figure 4. Joint CNN & Transformer Layer used in depth
encoder. Each Transformer block contains M Transformer lay-
encoder in five stages. Given the current input image, we
ers, consisting of a Layer Normalization (LayerNorm) module, a adopt a Conv-stem block consisting of two convolutions
Factorized Multi-head Self Attention (MHSA) layer [25], another with kernel size 3×3 and stride of 2 only at the first convolu-
Layer Normalization and a Feed-forward Network (FFN). tion, generating features with size H W
2 × 2 . From stage two
to stage five, we stack the Multi-Path Transformer Blocks in
each stage, shown as “Joint CNN & Transformer Layer” in
ilar to the one of the background. In such a case, the feature Fig. 3. Precisely, each “Joint CNN & Transformer Layer”
backbone tends to embed them in the same semantic con- (shown in Fig. 4) consists of a Multi-Scale Patch Embed-
text, and the whole architecture cannot distinguish between ding layer, used to embed various-sized visual tokens in par-
foreground and background depths. Fig. 2 shows this be- allel – in our case, four parallel convolutional blocks extract
haviour; we can notice that the car in the middle of the road features with a receptive field of 3 × 3, 3 × 3, 5 × 5 and 7 × 7
is hard to spot from the ground due to the strong sunlight. pixels by stacking multiple 3×3 convolutional layers. Then,
CNNs such as CADepth [57] and DIFFNet [69] predict a considering the advantage of ViT at building global depen-
depth for the car similar to the one of the ground plane. This dencies while shows limitations modeling local details [25],
fact is due to their encoder network paying more attention extracted tokens are processed through both convolutional
to the ground than the car itself. Hence, we propose inte- layers and Transformers blocks, in a parallel and comple-
grating convolutions and ViT blocks to address the standard mentary manner – i.e., using the four branches shown in
limitation of the former, since the latter has more significant Fig. 4, respectively three parallel Transformer blocks and
potential for modeling long-range correlation. a convolutional block, this latter made of 1×1, 3×3 depth-
Driven by this rationale, we design our Monocular Vi- wise and 1×1 convolutions. While the convolutional branch
sion Transformer framework, MonoViT in short, as shown constructs the local relationship between neighbors within
in Fig. 3. It includes a DepthNet and a PoseNet, respec- features L, the three Transformer Blocks model the infor-
tively, designed for depth prediction of each input image mation interaction over the whole input space within fea-
and pose estimation and trained through image reconstruc- tures G0 , G1 , G2 , thanks to the self-attention mechanism.
tion losses. Specifically, these latter take a sequence of visual tokens
3.2. DepthNet Architecture embedded by the Multi-Scale Patching Embedding mod-
ule and project them into a query (Q), key (K), and value
As typical in previous works [71, 17], we design our (V ∈ RN ×C ) vectors through three separated but structure
DepthNet as an encoder-decoder architecture.
same heads (where N denotes the number of visual tokens, View reconstruction loss. By knowing camera intrin-
equal to the total number of pixels in the input space). The sics k and the predicted pose T between two nearby views,
self-attention mechanism is implemented in an efficient fac- a reconstructed target image Ĩ is obtained as a function π of
torized way [25]: intrinsics, pose, source image I † and depth D. A loss signal
Lss is computed as a function F of inputs Ĩ and I:
FactorAtt(Q, K, V) = √ (softmax(K)T V), (1)
Lss = F(Ĩ, I) = F(π(I † , T, k, D), I). (4)
where C refers to the embedding dimension. Finally, a fea-
F is usually obtained as a weighted sum between a struc-
ture fusion block is used to collect and further enhance the
tural similarity term and an intensity difference term. Popu-
interaction between local and global features extracted by
lar choices for these two terms are the Structured Similarity
the “Joint CNN & Transformer Layer” at stage i.
Index Measure (SSIM) [53] and the L1 difference, as pro-
posed in [17]:
Ai = Concat([Li , Gi,0 , Gi,1 , Gi,2 ]), (2)
Monodepth2 [17] MS 640×192 0.106 0.818 4.750 0.196 0.874 0.957 0.979 Monodepth2 [17] MS 1024×320 0.106 0.818 4.750 0.196 0.874 0.957 0.979
HR-depth [30] MS 640×192 0.107 0.785 4.612 0.185 0.887 0.962 0.982 HR-Depth [30] MS 1024×320 0.101 0.716 4.395 0.179 0.892 0.966 0.984
CADepth? [57] MS 640×192 0.102 0.752 4.504 0.181 0.894 0.964 0.983 CADepth? [57] MS 1024×320 0.096 0.694 4.264 0.173 0.908 0.968 0.984
DIFFNet† [69] MS 640×192 0.101 0.749 4.445 0.179 0.898 0.965 0.983 DIFFNet† [69] MS 1024×320 0.094 0.678 4.250 0.172 0.911 0.968 0.984
MonoViT (ours) MS 640×192 0.098 0.683 4.333 0.174 0.904 0.967 0.984 MonoViT (ours) MS 1024×320 0.093 0.671 4.202 0.169 0.912 0.969 0.985
Table 1. Results on the KITTI benchmark using the Eigen split [15]. Each method is grouped by input resolution (low: left, high: right)
and training methodology (M: monocular videos, MS: binocular videos, Se: trained with semantic labels). The best scores are in bold. ?
refers to the current SoTA self-supervised method on the KITTI depth benchmark. † stands for the novel results from the official Github
repository, better than published ones. ‡ refers to the model pretrained on Cityscapes [8], while the others are pretrained on ImageNet [10].
Figure 5. Qualitative results on KITTI. Top row, input images. Then, predictions by SoTA methods (Mono2 [17], HR-Depth [30],
CADepth [57], DIFFNet [69]) and MonoViT (Ours). For each method, we show the depth map and the corresponding error map.
lower is better lower is better higher is better
Method Abs Rel Sq Rel RMSE RMSE log Domain Method Abs Rel Sq Rel RMSE RMSE log δ1 δ2 δ3
Monodepth2 [17] 0.125 1.514 7.927 0.195 0.849 0.950 0.980
Monodepth2 [17] 0.321 3.378 7.252 0.163 HR-Depth [30] 0.131 1.504 8.023 0.199 0.828 0.949 0.982
HR-Depth [30] 0.305 2.944 6.857 0.157 foggy CADepth [57] 0.126 1.375 7.585 0.187 0.845 0.956 0.986
CADepth [57] 0.319 3.564 7.152 0.158 DIFFNet [69] 0.111 1.232 7.047 0.169 0.869 0.966 0.989
DIFFNet [69] 0.298 2.901 6.753 0.153 MonoViT (ours) 0.096 0.934 6.313 0.150 0.893 0.974 0.993
MonoViT (ours) 0.286 2.758 6.623 0.147 Monodepth2 [17] 0.155 1.900 6.976 0.209 0.813 0.943 0.979
HR-Depth [30] 0.149 1.656 6.658 0.204 0.815 0.945 0.981
Table 3. Quantitative results on the Make3D Dataset [42]. Mod- cloudy CADepth [57] 0.147 1.811 6.785 0.201 0.832 0.948 0.981
els trained on KITTI with 640 × 192 images. DIFFNet [69] 0.140 1.571 6.298 0.192 0.837 0.950 0.983
MonoViT (ours) 0.125 1.300 5.970 0.177 0.861 0.958 0.986
Monodepth2 [17] 0.240 3.339 11.040 0.301 0.591 0.857 0.952
(left) or high resolution (right) images. We report re- HR-Depth [30] 0.222 2.962 10.494 0.281 0.631 0.868 0.959
sults for methods trained both using monocular (‘M’, top), rainy CADepth [57] 0.221 3.072 10.681 0.277 0.632 0.879 0.963
DIFFNet [69] 0.191 2.411 9.626 0.244 0.679 0.914 0.978
and binocular videos (‘MS’, bottom) for completeness. MonoViT (ours) 0.169 1.925 8.604 0.219 0.733 0.934 0.985
MonoViT significantly outperforms existing SoTA meth- Monodepth2 [17] 0.155 1.740 6.744 0.214 0.819 0.941 0.977
HR-Depth [30] 0.153 1.546 6.505 0.212 0.812 0.942 0.978
ods for any training resolution and setting on all metrics. sunny CADepth [57] 0.145 1.518 6.485 0.202 0.827 0.949 0.982
In particular, we also highlight how MonoViT greatly out- DIFFNet [69] 0.142 1.457 6.165 0.197 0.835 0.950 0.982
MonoViT (ours) 0.130 1.266 6.109 0.186 0.851 0.956 0.985
performs MonoFormer [2], a concurrent attempt to deploy
Table 4. Results on DrivingStereo Dataset [58]. Models trained
Transformers in self-supervised monocular depth estima- on KITTI with 640×192 images and tested on four different com-
tion. Tab. 2 reports the same metrics computed over the plex scenarios (foggy, cloudy, rainy and sunny).
improved ground truth labels processing 640 × 192 images.
Again, MonoViT is constantly more accurate. in [17, 30, 69, 57], we firstly train our model on KITTI using
Fig. 5 reports a comparison between MonoViT and some images at 640 × 192 resolution and, then test on Make3D
of its competitors, showing that our model can get a much without a fine-tuning procedure. For fairness, we evaluate
lower RMSE and proving that MonoViT is more powerful MonoViT and the existing self-supervised networks using
at modeling relations between objects than existing models. the same evaluation code provided by [17]. Tab. 3 demon-
Results on Make3D. We run experiments on the strates how our proposed architecture allows us to outper-
Make3D dataset [42] in order to evaluate the capability form other strategies by a large margin and to achieve SoTA
of our model to generalize on different real-world en- generalization results.
vironments. By following the same protocol indicated Results on DrivingStereo. Additionally, to further
network, thanks to the long-range relationships among fea- Table 5. Ablation study on KITTI. Trans. refers to Transformer.
tures modeled by the Transformer blocks themselves. Input is 640×192, runtime measured on RTX 3090 GPU. En-
coders are pre-trained on ImageNet.
Qualitative results. Fig. 6 reports some qualitative
examples from the Make3D dataset, with MonoViT being Block in the decoder and the CNN path/Transformer path in
able to model the structures of objects more accurately than the “Joint CNN & Transformer Layer” (Fig. 4). As shown
its competitors. Fig. 7 shows a further qualitative com- in the table, both CNN path, Transformer path and Atten.
parison between MonoViT and SoTA frameworks on some Blocks play an important role in the architecture.
challenging images from KITTI (top) and some even more
challenging samples from DrivingStereo (bottom). For both 5. Conclusion
datasets, we notice that MonoViT can effectively model the
foreground and background because of the global receptive This paper proposed MonoViT, a new architecture for
field, resulting in more precise, finer-grained estimation. self-supervised monocular depth estimation. By combining
both convolutions and Transformers block inside the net-
4.4. Ablation study work encoder, MonoViT can model the local and global
Finally, to further validate the effectiveness of our depth context of images jointly, overcoming existing solutions
architecture, we report an ablation study in Tab. 5. com- based on CNNs. Our proposal vastly and consistently out-
paring the results yielded by MPViT variants (tiny, xsmall, performs the SoTA on the KITTI dataset. Moreover, exper-
small, base) and different recent Transformer encoders, iments on Make3D and DrivingStereo datasets show that
SwinT-tiny [28] and PVT [52] (which counts a similar num- MonoViT achieves better generalization performance than
ber of parameters compared to MPViT-small) on top, also SoTA architectures for self-supervised depth estimation.
Acknowledgements: This work was supported in part by na-
by reporting the amount of parameters and FPS for each.
tional Key Research & Development Program - National Key Re-
Benefiting from the combination of CNNs and Transform-
search and Development Program of China (2021YFB1714300),
ers, the MPViT backbone outperforms the other two SoTA National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Schol-
pure Transformer backbones (SwinT [28], PVT [52]) and ars (61725301), Programme of Introducing Talents of Discipline
the pure CNN one (ResNet34 [20]) in the self-supervised to Universities (the 111 Project) under Grant B17017, Innova-
monocular depth estimation task. Besides, we assess the tion Research Funding of China National Petroleum Corporation
impact of the different modules on bottom, like the Atten. (2021D002-0902) and Shanghai AI Lab.
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