Ai Paper 9
Ai Paper 9
Ai Paper 9
This paper introduces EasyInv, an easy yet novel approach
that significantly advances the field of DDIM Inversion by ad-
dressing the inherent inefficiencies and performance limita-
tions of traditional iterative optimization methods. At the core SD-XL
Table 2: A comparative analysis of half- and full-precision EasyInv utilizing the SD-V1-4.
Original image DDIM Inversion ReNoise Fixed Point EasyInv (Ours) Qualitative Results
We visually evaluate all methods using SD-XL and SD-V1-
4. Figure 3 presents a comparison of several examples across
all methods utilizing SD-XL. ReNoise struggles with images
containing significant white areas, resulting in black images.
The other two methods also perform poorly, especially evi-
dent in the clock example. Figure 4 displays the results ob-
tained from the SD-V1-4 using images sourced from the in-
ternet. These images also feature large areas of white color.
ReNoise consistently produces black images with these in-
puts, indicating an issue inherent to the method rather than
the model. Fixed-Point Iteration and DDIM Inversion also
Figure 4: A visual assessment of various inversion tech- fail to generate satisfactory results in such cases, suggest-
niques utilizing the SD-V1-4 model. ing these images pose challenges for inversion methods.
Our method, shown in the figure, effectively addresses these
challenges, demonstrating robustness and enhancing perfor-
close to ReNoise’s highest score of 31.025, indicating high mance in handling special scenarios. These findings under-
image fidelity. EasyInv completes the inversion process in score the efficacy of our approach, particularly in address-
the fastest time of 5 seconds, matching DDIM Inversion, and ing challenging cases that are less common in the COCO
significantly quicker than ReNoise (16 seconds) and Fixed- dataset.
Point Iteration (14 seconds), highlighting its efficiency with- Figure 5 presents more visual results of our method,
out compromising on quality. In summary, EasyInv performs with original images exclusively obtained from the COCO
strongly across all metrics, with the highest SSIM score indi- dataset (Lin et al. 2014). The results are unequivocal: our
cating effective preservation of image structure. Its efficient approach consistently generates images that closely resem-
inversion makes it highly suitable for real-world applications ble their originals post-inversion and reconstruction. The va-
where both quality and speed are crucial. riety of categories represented in these images underscores
the broad applicability and consistent performance of our
Table 2 compares EasyInv’s performance in half-precision
method. In aggregate, these findings affirm that our tech-
(float16) and full-precision (float32) formats. Both achieve
nique is not merely efficient but also remarkably robust,
the same LPIPS score of 0.321, indicating consistent percep-
adeptly reconstructing images with a high level of precision
tual similarity to the original image. Similarly, both achieve
and clarity.
an SSIM score of 0.646, showing preserved structural in-
tegrity with high fidelity. For PSNR, half precision slightly
outperforms full precision with scores of 30.189 and 30.184. Downstream Image Editing
This slight advantage in PSNR for half precision is note- To showcase the practical utility of our EasyInv, we have
worthy given its well reduced computation time. The most employed various inversion techniques within the realm of
significant difference is observed in the time metric, where consistent image synthesis and editing. We have seamlessly
half precision completes the inversion process in 5 seconds, integrated these inversion methods into MasaCtrl (Cao et al.
approximately 44% faster than full precision, which takes 2023), a widely-adopted image editing approach that ex-
9 seconds. This efficiency gain highlights EasyInv’s excep- tracts correlated local content and textures from source im-
tional optimization for half precision, offering faster speeds ages to ensure consistency. For demonstrative purposes, we
and reduced resources without compromising output quality. present an image of a “peach” alongside the prompt “A foot-
Original image EasyInv (Ours) Original image EasyInv (Ours)
Figure 5: More visual results of our EasyInv utilizing the SD-V1-4 model.
Our EasyInv presents a significant advancement in the field
of DDIM Inversion by addressing the inefficiencies and
Original Image (a) DDIM Inversion (b) ReNoise (c) Fixed-Point (d) EasyInv (Ours)
performance limitations in traditional iterative optimization
methods. By emphasizing the importance of the initial la-
Figure 6: Results of MasaCtrl (Cao et al. 2023) with prompt tent state and introducing a refined strategy for approxi-
“A football”, using inverted latent generated by different mating inversion noise, EasyInv enhances both the accu-
methods as input. racy efficiency of the inversion process. Our method strategi-
cally reinforces the initial latent state’s influence, mitigating
the impact of noise and ensuring a closer reconstruction to
ball.” The impact of inversion quality is depicted in Figure the original image. This approach not only matches but of-
6. In these instances, we utilize the inverted latents of the ten surpasses the performance of existing DDIM Inversion
“peach” image, as shown in Figure 4, as the input for Mas- methods, especially in scenarios with limited model preci-
aCtrl (Cao et al. 2023). Our ultimate goal is to generate an sion or computational resources. EasyInv also demonstrates
image of a football that retains the distinctive features of a remarkable improvement in inference efficiency, achiev-
the “peach” image. As evident from Figure 6, our EasyInv ing approximately three times faster processing than stan-
achieves superior texture quality and a shape most closely dard iterative techniques. Through extensive evaluations, we
resembling that of a football. From our perspective, images have shown that EasyInv consistently delivers high-quality
with extensive white areas constitute a significant category results, making it a robust and efficient solution for image
in actual image editing, given that they are a prevalent char- inversion tasks. The simplicity and effectiveness of EasyInv
acteristic in conventional photography. However, such fea- underscore its potential for broader applications, promoting
tures often prove detrimental to the ReNoise method. Thus, greater accessibility and advancement in the field of diffu-
for authentic image editing scenarios, our approach stands sion models.
out as a preferable alternative, not to mention its commend-
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