GraphicalPlayAid Fire in The Lake - PD

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Coup Round 6.

United States
The US is trying to stabilize the host country by building Popular Support for
Resources Phase (6.2)
the regime while keeping its force commitment as low as possible. The more
Troops and Bases the US has in its Available Forces box, the higher its score. Sabotage each unSabotaged LoC where
Insurgent Guerillas outnumber COIN pieces
or adjacent to a city without COIN Control.

Forces 1.4 Sequence of Play 2.0 ARVN Earnings

Econ Add the Aid value to ARVN Resources. Then
add the Econ value of all unSabotaged LoCs.
Troops Passing (2.3.3) Adjust Econ marker to reflect all
Ops: PATROL, SWEEP, ASSAULT If the US as a 1st or 2nd Eligible Faction opts to Pass, they unSabotaged LoCs.
Special Activities: AIR LIFT, AIR STRIKE receive +3 ARVN Resources.
Casualties and Aid
Irregulars Subtract from Aid, 3X the number of
Limited Operation (2.3.5) pieces in the Casualties box.
Ops: TRAIN, SWEEP A Limited Operation is an Operation in just 1 space, with no
Special Activities: ADVISE, AIR LIFT, AIR STRIKE Special Activity. If the Limited Operation is a PATROL,
or SWEEP, it can involve pieces from multiple spaces but only
Bases 1 destination space. Support Phase (6.3)
See Commitment Phase of Coup Round.
May enter Laos/Cambodia at risk of removal during Redeploy Pivotal Events (2.3.8) The US and then ARVN may spend ARVN
Phase (6.4) of the Coup Round. Cannot enter North Vietnam. A faction may play its Pivotal Event to cancel a currently Resources to build Support in a combined
Players may place forces from elsewhere on the map only if played Event card if meets ALL of the following: total of up to 4 Cities or Provinces.
-That faction is Eligible Cost: 3 ARVN Resources per marker/level
piece type is NOT Available. US player may do so only with
-The red pre-condition on the card is met Shift: remove Terror + shift max 2 levels
US-Irregulars, and any ARVN forces. No more than 2 Bases
-The 1st Eligible faction has not yet done anything Each space must have:
(of any Factions) may occupy a single Province or City.
-No Coup is showing as the next card

+ +
Trumping Pivotal Events
Resources 6.2.3 The US may not cancel another Faction’s Pivotal Event card.

Econ Redeploy Phase (6.4)
The Econ marker records the number of Resources Victory Conditions 7.2
that South Vietnam’s domestic economy generated Laos and Cambodia
for that campaign (up to 15 from the total value of Move all US Troops from Laos and Cambodia to the
the South’s LoCs). The US may only spend Resources Total Support Out of Play Box. Irregulars move to Available box.
above the Econ Value. Gain Support in Provinces and Cities by Pacifying
via TRAIN or during the Support Phase (6.3) of the
Aid Aid Coup Round. Commitment Phase (6.5)
Foreign assistance that is added to the remaining
ARVN Resources during Coup Rounds. The US can Availability If not final round, move 1 in 3 (round down)
US Troops and all Bases from Casualty box
add to the Aid level via ADVISE & ASSAULT. Number of US Troops + Bases in Available Forces Box.
to Out of Play box.
May move up to 10 US Troops and 2 US Bases among
The US does not track its own Resources. Some US Operations Remaining Casualties to Available.
the US Available box, any COIN-Control spaces, LoCs,
and US Pacification spend ARVN resources. ARVN Resources and Saigon during the Commitment Phase (6.5) of the
are acquired and added to the existing total during the May move up to 10 US Troops and 2 US
Coup Round. Bases among:
Resources Phase (6.2) of the Coup Round (Econ + Aid). If the
US as a 1st or 2nd Eligible Faction opts to Pass, they receive -Available Forces box
+3 ARVN Resources. -COIN-Controlled spaces

Created by Arthur Switalski (arthur09) | Ver 1.7 | 11.23.14

ASSAULT 3.2.4 TRAIN 3.2.1 ADVISE 4.2.1
1 US cube and 1 enemy piece City or Province with US piece TRAIN/PATROL
Any 2 non-TRAIN spaces

REMOVE 2 ENEMIES per (1x) PLACE (2x)

ACTIVATE / (1x) and
Destination: (US Base)
then, may
or PLACE (2x) or / (6x)
Removal: Bases last, may remove
REMOVE 1 ENEMY per (2x) Underground pieces, not Tunnels
Destination: US Base
Cost: 3 Resources
Destination: Highland (no US Base)
may in addition, or alternatively
in only 1 eligible space ASSAULT (ARVN Forces)
REMOVE 1 ENEMY per (1x)

Destination: City/LoC/Province Destination: Saigon

Destination: In place
then, may
then, may perform once


Destination: 1 US Assault space REMOVE and SHIFT 2
Cost: 3 Resources
Destination: COIN-Control
ENEMY PIECE REMOVAL ORDER : Cost: 3 Resources per marker/level AIR STRIKE 4.2.3
1) NVA Troops 2) Active Guerrillas 3) Bases
6 spaces with COIN pieces
Underground Guerrillas in a space prevent further
removal via ASSAULT of Bases. Non-Base pieces
protect the Bases of other friendly factions from
PATROL 3.2.2
TUNNELS : Follow removal order. Then, roll a die: City or LoC 1
on a 4-6, remove Tunnel marker (Base stays). SHIFT then, may

MOVE (from any space) Removal: Same as ASSAULT,

SWEEP 3.2.3 6 enemies total.
City or Province Shift: Each AIR STRIKE space
Destination: May keep entering
adjacent Cities/LoC’s until meeting then, may perform once
enemy or choosing to stop
MOVE (from any space)

Destination: Adjacent, may first ACTIVATE

move through enemy-free LoC
/ (1x) per (1x)
then AIR LIFT 4.2.2
then, may
Among a total of any 4 spaces

(1x) per (1x) ASSAULT (US Forces) MOVE

/ /
Destination: 1 LoC (any) and / / (4x)
Destination: If Jungle, activate
1Guerrilla for every 2 units
LIM OP : Single destination space. MONSOON : Among a total of any 2 spaces.

MONSOON : Not allowed.

Created by Arthur Switalski (arthur09) | Ver 1.7 | 11.23.14

Coup Round 6.0
Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN)
A partner Counterinsurgent faction to the US, the ARVN win by keeping or
Resources Phase (6.2)
expanding COIN Control and accumulating Patronage-representing the
leadership’s wherewithal to reward its friends. Sabotage each unSabotaged LoC where
Insurgent Guerillas outnumber COIN pieces
or adjacent to a city without COIN Control.

Forces 1.4 Sequence of Play 2.0 ARVN Earnings

Econ Add the Aid value to ARVN Resources. Then
add the Econ value of all unSabotaged LoCs.
Troops Passing (2.3.3) Adjust Econ marker to reflect all
Ops: All If ARVN as a 1st or 2nd Eligible Faction opts to Pass, they unSabotaged LoCs.
Special Activities: GOVERN, TRANSPORT receive +3 ARVN Resources.

Limited Operation (2.3.5)
Support Phase (6.3)
Ops: All
Special Activities: GOVERN
A Limited Operation is an Operation in just 1 space, with no Pacification
Special Activity. If the Limited Operation is a PATROL, The US and then ARVN may spend ARVN
Rangers or SWEEP, it can involve pieces from multiple spaces but only Resources to build Support in a combined
Ops: TRAIN, SWEEP 1 destination space. total of up to 4 Cities or Provinces.
Special Activities: TRANSPORT, RAID Cost: 3 ARVN Resources per marker/level
Pivotal Events (2.3.8) Shift: remove Terror + shift max 2 levels
Bases A faction may play its Pivotal Event to cancel a currently Each space must have:
Ops: TRAIN played Event card if meets ALL of the following:
See Redeploy Phase of Coup Round. -That faction is Eligible
+ +

May enter Laos/Cambodia at risk of removal during Redeploy -The red pre-condition on the card is met
Phase (6.4) of the Coup Round. Cannot enter North Vietnam. -The 1st Eligible faction has not yet done anything
Players may place forces from elsewhere on the map only if -No Coup is showing as the next card
piece type is NOT Available. No more than 2 Bases (of any Redeploy Phase (6.4)
Factions) may occupy a single Province or City. Trumping Pivotal Events
ARVN may not cancel the VC Faction’s Pivotal Event card. Laos and Cambodia
Move all ARVN pieces from Laos and Cambodia to the
Resources 6.2.3 Out of Play Box.
Victory Conditions 7.2 ARVN Redeploy
Econ Must move its Troops from LoCs and
Econ Provinces without COIN Bases, and may
The Econ marker records the number of Resources COIN
Control move other ARVN Troops to:
that South Vietnam’s domestic economy generated The US and ARVN Control a Province or City if their
-Any Cities without NVA Control
for that campaign (up to 15 from the total value of pieces there combined exceed those of the other 2 -Any US or ARVN Bases
the South’s LoCs). The ARVN may spend Resources at, factions (NVA and VC) combined. -Saigon
below, or above, the Econ value.
Patronage May move any Police to:
Aid Aid Patron
Patronage represents the wherewithal of the Saigon -Any LoCs
Foreign assistance that is added to the remaining ARVN regime to reward its friends at the expense of the -Any COIN Controlled space in SV
Resources during Coup Rounds. The ARVN can add to population, such as by diverting foreign aid. ARVN
the Aid level via GOVERN & ASSAULT. amasses Patronage mainly via the GOVERN COIN Control is adjusted only after all
Special Activity. Redeploy moves are completed.
ARVN resources are shared with the US. ARVN Resources
are acquired and added to the existing total during the
Resources Phase (6.2) of the Coup Round (Econ + Aid). If ARVN
as a 1st or 2nd Eligible Faction opts to Pass, they receive
+3 ARVN Resources.
Created by Arthur Switalski (arthur09) | Ver 1.7 | 11.23.14
ASSAULT 3.2.4 TRAIN 3.2.1 GOVERN 4.3.1
1 ARVN cube and 1 enemy piece City or Province w/out NVA Control PATROL/TRAIN
3 Resources per space 3 Resources per space Any 2 non-TRAIN spaces with:
COIN-Control + Support + Not Saigon

REMOVE 1 ENEMY per / (2x) PLACE (2x) or / (6x)

TRANSFER X (3x) to
Destination: City or LoC Destination: City or COIN Base
or may in addition, or alternatively
in only 1 eligible space TRANSFER X from
REMOVE 1 ENEMY per (3x)
TRANSFER X to Patron
REPLACE / (3x) (1x)
Destination: Highland Province 1 neutral
REMOVE 1 ENEMY per (2x) ARVN Cubes > US Cubes

Destination: Province
then if possible, may TRANSPORT 4.3.2
1) COIN-Control
2) ARVN Troop + Police Originating in 1 space, may finish
SHIFT +6 per / Cost: 3 Resources per marker/level move in 6 different destinations

Requirement: Per Base removed MOVE (6x)

PATROL 3.2.2
1) NVA Troops 2) Active Guerrillas 3) Bases City or LoC Destination: May keep entering
Underground Guerrillas in a space prevent further adjacent Cities/LoC’s until meeting
3 Resources total
removal via ASSAULT of Bases. Non-Base pieces
protect the Bases of other friendly factions from
enemy or choosing to stop. Final
ASSAULT/ATTACK. adjacent destination may be a
MOVE / (from any space) province.
TUNNELS : Follow removal order. Then, roll a die:
on a 4-6, remove Tunnel marker (Base stays). then
Destination: May keep entering
adjacent Cities/LoC’s until meeting FLIP (all on board)
SWEEP 3.2.3 enemy or choosing to stop
City or Province
3 Resources per space
RAID 4.3.3
MOVE (from any space) / (1x) per / (1x) PATROL/SWEEP/ASSAULT
2 adjacent destinations
then, may
Destination: Adjacent, may first
move through enemy-free LoC ASSAULT (ARVN Forces) MOVE (any, if desired)
Destination: 1 LoC may alternatively, or in conjuction
LIM OP : Single destination space. ACTIVATE (1x per space)
/ (1x) per / / (1x)
Destination: If Jungle, activate 1
Guerrilla for every 2 units Remove: Underground yes,
Tunnels no, Bases last
MONSOON : Not allowed.

Created by Arthur Switalski (arthur09) | Ver 1.7 | 11.23.14

Coup Round 6.0
North Vietnamese Army (NVA)
Part of the NVA victory depends on logistical and political infrastructure they
Resources Phase (6.2)
are able to maintain-the number of their Bases. They must also seek Military
Control of as much of the South Vietnamese population as possible. Sabotage each unSabotaged LoC where
Insurgent Guerillas outnumber COIN pieces
or adjacent to a city without COIN Control.

Forces 1.4 Sequence of Play 2.0 Degrade Trail

If any Laos or Cambodia space is
COIN-Controlled, degrade the trail by 1.
Passing (2.3.3)
If the NVA as a 1st or 2nd Eligible Faction opts to NVA Earnings
Special Activities: All Number of NVA Bases in Laos and
Pass, they receive +1 NVA Resource.
Cambodia, plus 2 times the Trail Value.
Ops: All Limited Operation (2.3.5)
Special Activities: INFILTRATE, AMBUSH A Limited Operation is an Operation in just 1 space, with no Redeploy Phase (6.4)
Special Activity. If the Limited Operation is a MARCH, it can
Bases involve pieces from multiple spaces but only 1 NVA Redeploy
Ops: RALLY destination space. May move any Troops to:
Special Activities: INFILTRATE -Any NVA Bases (even COIN-Controlled)
See Redeploy Phase of Coup Round.
Pivotal Events (2.3.8)
Tunnels A faction may play its Pivotal Event to cancel a currently
Tunnel Tunneled bases are placed via Event cards only. played Event card if meets ALL of the following: Reset Phase (6.6)
-That faction is Eligible
Only NVA & VC can occupy North Vietnam. Players may place -The red pre-condition on the card is met Trail Value
forces from elsewhere on the map only if piece type is NOT -The 1st Eligible faction has not yet done anything If the Trail is 0, Improve it to 1;
Available. No more than 2 Bases (of any Factions) may -No Coup is showing as the next card If the Trail is 4, Degrade it to 3.
occupy a single Province or City.
Trumping Pivotal Events
NVA may only cancel the US Faction’s Pivotal Event card.
Resources 6.2.4
Victory Conditions 7.2
No more than 2 Bases (of any Factions) may occupy
a single Province or City. Bases may NOT occupy NVA
LoCs. NVA can add bases via RALLY & INFILTRATE. The NVA Control a Province or City if NVA pieces
exceed all other pieces (including VC) combined.
The Trail
The Trail track shows the efficiency of land and water Bases
resupply from North to South Vietnam as a value NVA can add Bases via RALLY & INFILTRATE.
from 0 to 4. Increase Trail value via RALLY. NVA can infiltrate a VC Base to make it NVA.

Resources are based on the number of NVA Bases in Laos and

Cambodia, plus 2 times the Trail value. They are acquired and
added to the existing total during the Resources Phase (6.2) of
the Coup Round. Passing when 1st or 2nd Eligible provides
+1 NVA Resource. If played by separate players, the NVA and
VC may transfer Resources to each other at any time that one
of them is executing an Operation, Special Activity, or Event.

Created by Arthur Switalski (arthur09) | Ver 1.7 | 11.23.14

1 NVA Troop or City or Province without Support RALLY/MARCH
1 Underground NVA Guerrilla 1 Resource per space 2 spaces
1 Resource per City/Province (0 LoC)

PLACE (1x) PLACE = (#) +

ACTIVATE (1x if present)
or then, may
then REPLACE (x) (x)
REPLACE (2x) (1x)
or Destination: NVA Base

Destination: LoC or
PLACE = (#) +
or 1 neutral
Destination: NVA Base
then, may once
SHIFT 1 neutral
Destination: City/Province Destination: NVA > VC
Cost: 2 Resources Bases: Tunnels may be infiltrated
TERROR/SABOTAGE : One marker per space.
Do not place a Terror/Sabotage marker if all
are already on the board.

MARCH 3.3.2 AMBUSH 4.4.3

Adjacent, move as single group ATTACK/MARCH
ATTACK 3.3.3 1 Resource per destination 2 spaces used for MARCH or ATTACK
2 NVA Troops or 1 NVA Guerrilla (0 LoC) by NVA Guerrillas (not yet resolved)
1 Resource per space
ATTACK (modified)
MOVE / (any)
REMOVE 1 ENEMY per (2x)
then if possible, must REMOVE 1 ENEMY and must
ACTIVATE (all moving)
ACTIVATE (all in space) and
ROLL ≤ (#) Destination: If has Support or
LoC, and moving pieces plus ROAD/RIVER : If Ambush space is LoC, NVA may
COIN cubes + Special Forces remove enemy from any adjacent space instead.
Remove: Up to 2 enemy pieces, if exceeds 3
roll is less than or equal to NVA ATTRITION : Not applicable.
Guerrillas in space
LAOS & CAMBODIA : If previous destination
was Laos or Cambodia, the Trail is above 0
ENEMY PIECE REMOVAL ORDER : and March is not a LIM OP, NVA forces may BOMBARD 4.4.2
1) May belong to any COIN faction. continue moving into additional spaces
2) May be Underground Special Forces.
2 spaces with 3 NVA Troops
(paying once for each added destination). If
3) Remove bases last. Trail value is 4, NVA March into or out of (Troops may be in adjacent space)
Laos & Cambodia costs 0 Resources.
US CASUALTIES : Place any US pieces removed by
ATTACK into the Casualties box. LIM OP : Single destination space.
MONSOON : Not allowed. REMOVE / (1x)
ATTRITION : For each US Troop cube or US Base
removed, NVA must remove 1 of its Attacking
pieces from the space. Destination: Minimum of 3 COIN
Troops, or a COIN Base

US CASUALTIES : Place any US pieces removed by

BOMBARD into the Casualties box.

Created by Arthur Switalski (arthur09) | Ver 1.7 | 11.23.14

Coup Round 6.0
Viet Cong (VC)
The VC’s pursuit of Active Opposition to the puppet Saigon regime and the
Resources Phase (6.2)
development of VC infrastructure-Bases-is key if they are going to succeed
in South Vietnam. Sabotage each unSabotaged LoC where
Insurgent Guerillas outnumber COIN pieces
or adjacent to a city without COIN Control.

Forces 1.4 Sequence of Play 2.0 VC Earnings

Number of VC Bases on the map.

Guerrillas Passing (2.3.3)

Ops: All If the VC as a 1st or 2nd Eligible Faction opts to Pass, they
Special Activities: All receive +1 VC Resource. Support Phase (6.3)
Bases Agitation
Limited Operation (2.3.5) The VC may spend Resources to gain
Ops: RALLY A Limited Operation is an Operation in just 1 space, with no
See Support Phase of Coup Round. Opposition in up to 4 spaces.
Special Activity. If the Limited Operation is a MARCH, it can Cost: 1 VC Resource per marker/level
involve pieces from multiple spaces but only 1
VC Tunnels Shift: remove Terror + shift max 2 levels
destination space. Each space must have:
Tunnel Tunneled bases are placed via Event cards only.

Only NVA & VC can occupy North Vietnam. Players may place Pivotal Events (2.3.8)
+ /

forces from elsewhere on the map only if piece type is NOT A faction may play its Pivotal Event to cancel a currently
Available. No more than 2 Bases (of any Factions) may occupy a played Event card if meets ALL of the following:
single Province or City. -That faction is Eligible
-The red pre-condition on the card is met
-The 1st Eligible faction has not yet done anything
-No Coup is showing as the next card
Resources 6.2.4
Trumping Pivotal Events
Bases The VC may cancel all other Factions’ Pivotal Event cards.
No more than 2 Bases (of any Factions) may occupy
a single Province or City. Bases may NOT occupy
LoCs. VC can place Bases via RALLY. Victory Conditions 7.2
Resources are based on the number of VC bases on the map.
They are acquired and added to the existing total during the Total Opposition
Resources Phase (6.2) of the Coup Round. Passing when 1st or Gain Opposition in Provinces and Cities by TERROR
2nd Eligible provides +1 NVA Resource. The VC can also TAX to Operations or by Agitation during the Support Phase
gain additional resources. If played by separate players, the (6.3) of the Coup Round.
NVA and VC may transfer Resources to each other at any time
that one of them is executing an Operation, Special Activity, Bases
or Event. VC can place Bases via RALLY. NVA can infiltrate a VC
Base to make it NVA.

Created by Arthur Switalski (arthur09) | Ver 1.7 | 11.23.14

TERROR 3.3.4 RALLY 3.3.1 SUBVERT 4.5.2
1 Underground VC Guerrilla City or Province without Support TERROR/RALLY/MARCH
1 Resource per City/Province (0 LoC) 1 Resource per space 2 spaces with 1 Underground VC


REMOVE / (2x) or
then or

REPLACE / (1x) (1x)

then if possible, may
Destination: LoC
SHIFT Patron -1 per / (2x)
or PLACE = (#) + X

Requirement: Per 2 ARVN Cubes

PLACE and Destination: VC Base removed/replaced
SHIFT 1 or

FLIP (all in space) AMBUSH 4.5.3

Destination: City/Province
TERROR/SABOTAGE : One marker per space. Destination: VC Base 2 spaces used for MARCH or ATTACK
Do not place a Terror/Sabotage marker if all by VC Guerrillas (not yet resolved)
are already on the board.

MARCH 3.3.2 ATTACK (modified)

ATTACK 3.3.3 Adjacent, move as single group
1 VC Guerrilla 1 Resource per destination REMOVE 1 ENEMY and must
1 Resource per space (0 LoC) ACTIVATE (1x)

ACTIVATE (all in space) and MOVE (any) ROAD/RIVER : If Ambush space is LoC, VC may
remove enemy from any adjacent space instead.
then if possible, must ATTRITION : Not applicable.

Remove: Up to 2 enemy pieces, if ACTIVATE (all moving)

roll is less than or equal to VC TAX 4.5.1
Guerrillas in space 4 spaces with no COIN-Control +
Destination: If has Support or
LoC, and moving pieces plus Underground VC Guerrilla
1) May belong to any COIN faction. COIN cubes + Special Forces
2) May be Underground Special Forces. exceeds 3
3) Remove bases last. ACTIVATE (1x)

US CASUALTIES : Place any US pieces removed by LIM OP : Single destination space.

MONSOON : Not allowed. and
ATTACK into the Casualties box.

ATTRITION : For each US Troop cube or US Base TRANSFER X

removed, VC must remove 1 of its Attacking
pieces from the space.
Destination: LoC



Created by Arthur Switalski (arthur09) | Ver 1.7 | 11.23.14

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