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VOL. 65 NO. 3 MARCH 2022 www.modelflying.co.uk









Editor: Kevin Crozier. MyTimeMedia Ltd. Suite 6G, Eden House,
Enterprise Way, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 6HF

ust before Christmas a clubmate at my local model gliding club Combination Loops & Rolls - take off and fly four recognisable loops,

J proposed a simple one model competition to try to stimulate some

interest in the club's internal thermal soaring events. The model
chosen was a popular 63-inch span sport electric glider, which he was
then four rolls, then land. The loops and rolls can be in any order. The
fastest time, wheels off to wheels down, wins.
ARTF or Foam Flying Scale - adapt the BMFA's Flying Only Scale rules to
already competing with in a similar event held by another nearby suit the models regularly flown at your club. The aim should be to improve
model gliding club. Graham's proposal was for an ‘All Up, Last Down’ scale flying skills amongst members rather than just hauling their models
event using the model in its ‘out of the box’ state, using the standard around the sky. Download a copy of the BMFA Scale Rule Book, which
motor and a 2S LiPo of unrestricted capacity. features diagrams that show how scale manoeuvres should be flown.
A series of summer events are planned, consisting of a synchronised
mass launch with a 30 second motor run. The first man down, landing Taking part in any model flying event, no matter how simple, is sure
anywhere in the field, earns one point, the second two points and so to help improve pilot skills and confidence, and it's also a great way to
on. A 10-minute maximum flight time will be enforced, with full points bring clubmates together at the flying field.
(equaling the number of competitors) being awarded to any pilots still If your club already hosts anything similar to the one model gliding
in the air after this time. Three rounds will be flown, one after the comp first mentioned, or a simple series of fun fly events, or even a basic
other, with a short break following to allow for battery changes and scale competition, please do email me and let me know what's going on.
recharging. A further three rounds will then be flown, and the overall If you can please also send a decent sized picture or two (1MB or above)
winner will be the one with the most points. to show our readers what's going on at your local flying patch.
Graham's idea certainly seemed to find favour with lots of members,
myself included, and so a fairly decent turnout seems assured. There Okay, let's now take a brief look at what we have lined up for you in
will not be masses of pilots, but there will certainly be a fair few more the March 2022 issue of RCM&E.
than the club's usual competitions attract, which are flown with far Starting with our regulars, in Retro Ramblings topics covered by
more expensive machines, usually moulded from carbon and other Shaun Garrity include fixed compression diesel engines and MacGregor's
composite materials. But I am glad to say that all the usual avid extensive range of DIY transmitter and receiver kits. In Aerobatic Scene,
competition pilots are not looking down on this new event, as most are Keith Jackson looks at more latest generation aerobatic aeroplanes,
looking to take part as well. including the Bionik, a fully composite F3A design, as well as the CAD
The attraction for me is the ability to use a simple glider in its basic designed Vortex, which uses more traditional building techniques. Over
form, with no modern aids allowed to assist finding and staying in lift, next to Alex Whittaker and this month's Weekenders column, in which
as well as avoiding the dreaded spot landings! I tend to wave the white he describes putting the Xmas to New Year holiday break to good use to
flag when landing my Infinity F5J model, making sure to keep it well clear out the clutter from his workshop.
away from myself and other pilots, having a vested interest in keeping Peter Miller is the designer of March issue's pull-out Pro-Plan. This
the expensive model in one piece whilst sport flying. But other time Peter offers us his Team Minimax, a 1/6th scale ultra-light aircraft
competition orientated members are not so coy and regularly fly their of 32.5” wingspan.
models in almost to their feet when practice flying, a necessary skill if Yours truly kicks off this month's reviews with an assessment of
one is to succeed in higher level thermal soaring competitions where XFly-Model's delightful Twin Nova for twin electric power. David Ashby
the models are expected to land very close to a marked spot. revels in the performance of two new handy sized EDF scale jets from
Arrows, a stylish silver T-33 and a classic all-red BAE Hawk. To wrap up
So why am I bringing this up? Well, simply to encourage other clubs our reviews Mike Freeman heads for the hills to put Vogel-Fly's
to have a go at some easy to organise and fun model flying diminutive 800mm BOO glider through its paces, complete with its
competitions. And they don't have to be gliding events either; how eye-catching geodetic wing.
about a relaxed ‘Fun Fly’ format event using members’ existing sports For his latest Model Magic walkaround Alex Whittaker looks at a
models, either IC or electric? Some ideas include: new scale masterpiece from Ian Bryant, his Zlin Z-526 AFS Akrobat. In a
Timed Flights - take off and fly around, then land closest to a similar vein, Geoff Graves describes his shared build with much missed
nominated time, say two minutes, with no visible or audio timers RR clubmate Derek Martin of their mighty Waco YMF-5 biplane. We
allowed to prompt the pilot. The pilot whose model touches down then rejoin Alex W as he travels to far West Wales for some stunning
closest to the time, from wheels off to wheels down, is the winner. The pictures of model gliders in action, slope soaring over Hell's Mouth bay.
ready availability of timer apps on smartphones should make this a
doddle to organise, even between just two or three flying chums. I hope you enjoy reading it all.

Kevin Croz i
Timed Loops - fly straight and level and when a phone timer, or a Happy Flying!
stopwatch, is started pull up into as many recognisable loops as you can in,
say, a minute.

4 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


Photo: Alex Whittaker
Last summer Alex fired up his two-seater and blasted across North
Wales to the lovely Llŷn Peninsula. He then travelled almost the full
length of the the Llŷn to Porth Neigwl, or Hell's Mouth Bay as it is
commonly known. There he joined a bunch of die-hard scale slope
soarers for a memorable day of fine flying and breathtaking views.

40 reviews
XFly-Model's latest model is a neat semi-scale twin.
Kevin Crozier takes a closer look
64 BAE HAWK & T-33
8 SWITCH ON David Ashby flies two new semi-scale arrivals joining Arrows’
popular mini Viper Jet
Our latest round up of model flying news.


Send us a pic or two of your latest or favourite model and it Mike Freeman builds a sub one-metre micro glider from
could appear in our regular readers’ aeroplane gallery Vogel-Fly

More R/C related new gadgets, kits and bits for you to buy

Have your say in RCM&E's monthly chat room

Continuing this month's model events listing

Shift those unwanted airframes and engines or maybe buy
a few new ones 64
Take a look at what's coming in the April issue of RCM&E

Chris Williams takes an evocative picture of a Short Solent
seaplane being flown by Martin Hardy



6 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

10 16

Alex Whittaker admires ‘Lord of Scale’ Ian Bryant's latest scale
22 WACO YMF-5 Shaun Garrity recalls the heyday of fixed compression
Geoff Graves describes his joint scale project, originally started with model diesel engines
his much-missed modelling buddy, Derek Martin
38 SUBSCRIBE… Aerobatic rules, motors, models & props. This month Keith
and get your hands on a Flight Lab Toys HoverCross 2-in-1 RTF Jackson covers a whole gamut of F3A flying topics
Quadcopter & Hovercraft
40 PORTH NEIGWL AWAYDAY After a six-day shed sort out in the Christmas holidays
Alex Whittaker adores seeing immaculate German 4M glass gliders Alex Whittaker resolves to be a better person...
being launched over a sheer sea cliff


Fix any damage caused to your favourite foam models.
Steve Woods shows how


free pro-plan 80
46 TEAM MINIMAX All reasonable care is taken in the preparation of the magazine contents, but the publishers
For his next design Peter Miller found an ultra-light aircraft that he cannot be held legally responsible for errors in the contents of this magazine or for any loss
just had to model however arising from such errors, including loss resulting from negligence of our staff. Reliance
placed upon the contents of this magazine is at readers’ own risk.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 7

Get in touch...



Our ‘Make It Scale’ columnist, Danny Fenton will be back next month,
EDITION 2 but in the meantime, he has sent in this update on the forthcoming
Scale Indoor Nationals:
In the September 2021 “It has been a strange few weeks, not just because of the pandemic, but
edition of Switch On we several projects have been on the go at the same time.
reviewed a new book on One such project was to get elected to sit on the Scale Technical Committee of
precision aerobatics. Written the BMFA. This is quite an honour and I thank those that voted for me. One of
by Peter Jenkins it is intended my main areas of attention will be a successful Scale Indoor Nationals, to be
as a primer for those interested held on April 23rd and 24th.
in competing in precision As you may recall a great deal of effort went into planning for the 2020
aerobatic competitions. But, as event, only for it to be cancelled due to Covid. There were preparations made to
we said in our review, it really run the event in 2021 but that was also cancelled. But we are optimistic that
has much wider appeal and the Nats will go ahead in 2022 and plans are well advanced on that basis.
would be of interest to any My main focus is on the Saturday’s scale R/C event, with Sunday being
intermediate or advanced level focussed on scale free flight.
club pilot who wishes to improve their standard of aerobatic flying. It takes an enormous amount of effort, from many people, to put on these
One of the benefits of limited run self-publishing is that is events and I know the free flight guys are looking for volunteers to help ease the
relatively easy to amend such a book and in the original book load - ‘many hands make light work’, etc.
Peter had already added two Annexes for those pilots seeking more I was delighted that RCM&E have once again joined the team of sponsors
information regarding aerobatics. Well, in this new edition, Model supporting the event.
Aircraft Precision Aerobatics Edition 2: A Guide for Beginners and If you want to get involved in any way, or just want more information, please
Improvers, Peter has gone even further and the there are now five contact the BMFA STC Secretary Paul Rich. He will be delighted to hear from
Annexes. Additional topics covered are an Explanation of Aresti you: P.Rich@sky.com
Symbols, Mini Schedule Calling Cards and the GBRCAA If you want to keep up to date with all things scale indoor R/C then join us in
Intermediate Schedule. the Facebook group; just search for Scale Indoor R/C - UK and you will pick up
The core of the book remains the same. As a recap, Peter covers all the latest news and gossip.”
the following topics:
• Getting started
• Basic concepts in aerobatics, including the effects of gravity and BMFA 100 INDOOR FLYING
• Setting up and trimming EXTRAVAGANZA!
• Flying basic aerobatic maneouvres Celebrate 100 years of the BMFA indoor style on 20th March 2022 at
• Practice routines for beginners Wycombe Leisure Centre HP11 1UP, just off M40-J4.
• Flying the GBRCAA Clubman Schedule High Wycombe and District MAC, in association with West London
• Starting to fly in competitions MAC and Hemel Hempstead MAC, will be hosting a major indoor
• Aerobatic aircraft characteristics flying event on Sunday 20th March at High Wycombe Leisure Centre
from 13:00 to 19:00. There will also be trade support from Microaces,
Peter has used the Amazon CreateSpace and Kindle Direct who make model kits of historic aircraft, many of which are flown by
Publishing platforms to publish his revised 185-page book in both club members.
paperback and e-book formats. The ISBN number for Edition 2 is: The event is being held to celebrate the BMFA Centenary and to
979-8401423078. showcase both R/C and free flight indoor models. The venue features
Peter’s book is also available to buy from specialist aerobatic a large sports hall, 30m x 60m, with a ceiling height of 9.1m, as well as
supplier Bondaero: https://www.bondaero.co.uk an on-site car park, café and toilets. Most forms of indoor and R/C
One area that has been heavily revised is the chapter on Flying model flying will be supported, specifically R/C sport and scale, R/C
the Clubman Schedule. Peter says: aerobatic (shockies), F/F sport and F/F scale. The flying will be
“At the December 2021 AGM of the GBRCAA a decision was taken to organised into slots so that dissimilar model types/disciplines do not
replace the long-standing Clubman Schedule with a longer and different interfere with each other.
version: http://www.gbrcaa.org/?page_id=84 In keeping with the BMFA Centenary the aim is to get 100 or more
The new Clubman Schedule now comprises of 15, rather than 11, attendees to fly their models - but not all at the same time! If you
manoeuvres. Some have chosen to go straight to Intermediate rather want to fly, then BMFA membership is essential.
than fly Clubman, where they feel that Clubman is too easy for them. Entry for flyers is £10. Pre-book your tickets now for a chance to win
That being the case, I now cover how to fly the Intermediate in a new a model. See www.HWDMAC.co.uk/bmfa100ife for more details or
Annex in Edition 2 of my book.” contact Brian Seymour, Chairman of HWDMAC,
email: b.s.toolbox@btinternet.com, phone: 07931 343199

8 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

If you are planning an aeromodelling event over the summer months, then
Following a year of please send details to Beth Ashby at: beth.ashby@mytimemedia.com
restrictions the Society of If you intend to visit any events listed, then please check with the
Model and Experimental organisers before travelling in case of any last-minute changes.
Engineers (SMEE) plans You can find more Going Places events on page 85 of this issue.
to run its popular training
courses for newcomers to
model engineering in
2022, starting in February. February 20
Part 1 is a three-day Hurworth Grange Aeromodellers Swapmeet at Hurworth Grange, 41
course running on So�t soldering being demonstrated on the Hurworth Road, Hurworth Place, Nr Darlington, Co Durham, DL2 2BN.
Saturdays, February to SMEE Polly Course. Open from 9:30am to 12 noon. Buyers £1 entrance fee and sellers £5 per
April. It is designed to table. Free parking and refreshments available.
introduce newcomers to model A finished
engineering, as well as helping with Polly MARCH 2022
decisions on the setting up of a engine. March 5
workshop and the purchase of Gravesend Model Flying Club Swapmeet/Auction at Istead Rise
machines and tools, as well as Community Centre, Worcester Close, Kent. DA13 9LB. From 10:00am -
introducing their use. The course 14:00pm. Doors open for setting up at 9:00am. Tables £6 each. Public £2
also deals with silver brazing, tool entry from 10am. An auction will take place at 12 noon for items not sold
sharpening, measurement and from the tables. Plenty of free parking. Refreshments available. Booking
marking out. essential. For more information, please contact Paul Holmes on 01634
Part 2 is the ‘Polly Course’, which 261113 or email pj.holmes303@btinternet.com
covers the building of a simple
model boiler and engine. This is March 13
spread over six months, again on Retford Spring Swapmeet at Babworth Road Sports & Social Club,
Saturdays. In each session the Babworth Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 7NJ. Table set up from
SMEE tutors demonstrate making a 09:30am - 10:00am (table tops supplied). Prices for advanced: small
different part of the project, which students complete in their table - £4, large table - £6, admission - £3. Doors open 10:00am -
home workshops between sessions, ending up with a working 12:00am. Hot sandwiches, tea, coffee available from 10:00am
steam model. The project involves sheet metal work, soft soldering, For further information and bookings contact Chris on 07966 764803 or
silver brazing, turning, milling and painting. It is designed to equip email secretary.rmfc@sky.com or visit www.rmfc.org.uk
students with all they need to undertake further engineering
projects and develop their skills. March 13
The Society also runs one day courses in milling and in tool grinding. Horam Swapmeet at Horam Village Hall, Horam, East Sussex, TN21 0JE.
The SMEE is based in Lambeth, South London. Access is easy via Opens from 9:00am. Sellers can gain access from 8:15am. Space available
Thameslink trains calling at Loughborough Junction station, from for 30 tables, all of which must be pre booked. Tables are £7 each and
where the building is just a few minutes’ walk. includes 1 entrance with a maximum of 1 additional helper per booking.
Full details of the courses are available on the SMEE website at: For buyers’ entrance is £3 per person. For table bookings please contact
https://www.sm-ee.co.uk Martin on 07401 914341 or email horamswapmeet@hotmail.com

Congratulations to Mr David Clelland!
He is the lucky winner of this fabulous prize and
he was randomly selected after completing the
Deluxe Materials questionnaire survey
published in RCM&E last year. This selection of
building and finishing products will certainly
keep him busy!
Good luck David and thank you for entering. Deluxe Materials take great pride
Check out the Deluxe Materials website at in caring for modellers through the
www.deluxematerials.com or scan the QR code. formulations that they make.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 9

Alex Whittaker admires ‘Lord of Scale’ Ian Bryant's latest scale masterpiece
words & photos » Alex Whittaker

The model was designed by Petr Dubrava of the Czech Republic.

10 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


Zlins have quite a wide track undercarriage, handy for a scale model. Ian's Zlin is built to 29% scale and spans 101 inches.

“The Czech Zlin was distinctive, well powered and hugely successful”
or many radio modellers of a certain

F vintage, especially those who had a

predilection for scale aerobats, the Zlin
was the epitome of European aerobatic
prowess. The Zlin made the well-known
Bücker Jungmann and Jungmeister aerobatic
aircraft of the day look positively antediluvian.
The Czech Zlin was distinctive, well powered
and hugely successful.
The Zlin 526 had a wingspan of 25 feet 7
inches and was originally fitted with a Walter
Minor 6-III air-cooled petrol engine. This
produced around 160hp. It had a top speed of
140 mph, a cruising speed of 129 mph and a
range of 310 nautical miles. It could take off in Scale spinner. On the full size the fins drive a
just 720 feet and could land in 433 feet. Its rate variable-pitch propeller via a generator.
of climb was 980 feet per minute at sea level. It
was famously agile and precise, and its The Z-526 first flew in 1959 and there was
uncluttered bubble cockpit bestowed good also a two-seater version called the Trener-
sight lines for aerobatic manoeuvres. To aid its Master. Some later examples were fitted with
aerobatic performance its dihedral wing had a tip-tanks and a constant speed propeller.
NACA 2418 aerofoil at the wing root, blending The Zlin Z-526 AFS has a lengthened Each electric undercarriage leg retracts
to a NACA 4412 at the tip. fuselage. It was in production between 1981 rearwards.

Ian built the model from a part kit. It weighs 13 kgs.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 11
Transfers were by Ian, with registration markings produced by The
Graphic Shop. Note the slim wing fillet, aerial chart in cockpit and all those canopy rivets.

“Retracts are hefty span of 101”. The Zlin weighs in at 13 kgs

and is powered by a Valach VM 60 petrol four
Fuselage - this is of open structure, but with a
fabric-covered lower half, as per the full-size
electric. Niftily, they stroke engine. That is 60cc capacity, by the
way! This mighty appliance turns a 24” x 12”

retract rearwards propeller.

Ian’s version is based on the full-size
Wings - are all built up in balsa, with a little
plywood, and then sheeted in balsa. Wings
in a scale like example D-EWBA, currently flying in Germany.
Up close his model has beautiful observed
and tailplane are unpluggable in two halves.

fashion” surface detailing, with every rivet, panel and

fastener exactly where it should be. Of course,
Tail Group - again, all built up with balsa
sheeting. Scale fabric covered elevators and
and 1984 and featured a 210 hp Avia M 137 A the original Zlin was designed from the outset rudder.
engine. The later Condor version featured an to be clean and functional as an aerobat. It
inverted Avia M 337 engine, which produced lacks those projections, lumpy bits and Retracts - these are electric. Niftily, they retract
210hp. In turn the 526 series was developed protuberances that many military subjects rearwards in a scale like fashion.
into the later Zlin Z-728. Over 1400 examples possess. Nope, the Zlin is slippy and
of the Zlin Z-526 were built, many finding their surprisingly minimalistic, which only adds to PROPELLER & SPINNER
way to private air schools or military training her charm. The prop is a Fiala 24” x 12”. It works very well
establishments. Finally, it is a little known fact of aerobatic indeed with this engine. Mind you, so it should
aircraft history that the Zlin 526 AFS had a - it was expressly designed for this powerplant.
THE MODEL spinner fitted with stubby little fins. More on The model has a most unusual scale spinner.
Back in the day there were many famous R/C that later… This is a design unique to the full size, with
kits of various Zlins and Pat French Models Ian built the model from a part kit to the stubby fins to drive a rotating front cone. On
(PFM), of blessed memory, famously sold their Petr Dubrava plan. Quite enormous plans for a the full-sized example this drives a generator
Giant Zlin. For a long while Zlins were cool and 1/3rd scale model. for the variable-pitch propeller.
fashionable for the R/C aerobatic blade.
However, the large and highly detailed Zlin CONSTRUCTION COVERING & PAINTING
featured here was built by none other than The model is traditionally built, except for the The lower half of the fuselage, the elevators
Lord of Scale, Ian Bryant. Ian is a regular cowl and upper fuselage decking. Therefore, and the rudder are fabric covered. The tailpipe
competitor at the BMFA Scale Nats and knows the model is of mostly balsa construction, with and wings are balsa sheeted and then glassed.
how to build and finish an excellent model. local strengthening mostly provided by Ian used two pack epoxy for all his painting,
His model is large, at 29% scale, delivering a plywood. which course is truly fuel proof.

Ian bought the basic cowl as a moulding and added all the detailing. Tail group has balsa sheeting with fabric covered elevators and rudder.

12 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


Ian's model has captured that distinctive Zlin


Nice detailing, piano hinges and rivetry around

the rear of the cockpit.

The neat transfers were produced by Ian,

and the registration markings were produced
by The Graphic Shop.
Zlin Z-526 AFS is a classic aerobat. Note the fabric covered ailerons.
The Zlin’s colour scheme is fairly
complicated. However, beyond the surface
detailing - which is truly excellent by the way
- other scale details are minimal. Of course,
this is entirely faithful to the original Zlin
designer’s intentions. This is exactly as per the
full-size example, less being more.

As mentioned, the wings plug into the
fuselage, as do the tailplane halves. Otherwise,
it would not fit into Ian’s car. Note also that
this 29% scale Zlin happens to be a very long

When I asked Ian about this, he smiled and
told me that he hadn’t had a lot of flying with
her yet. However, he reports that she is very
smooth to fly, yet very responsive. Quoth Ian:
“It's fair to say her capabilities far exceed my
own...!” ✈ Cockpit and dashboard instrument detailing on the Zlin is very pleasing.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 13

“...she is very
smooth to fly, yet
very responsive”

Rear view showing the dihedral and the

relative sizes of the ailerons and flaps.

Model name: Zlin Z-526 AFS
Designed by: Petr Dubrava
Wingspan: 101"
Scale: 29%
This is a beautiful model of an elegant civilian subject.
Weight: 13 kg
Engine: Valach VM60 60cc
four stroke petrol
Prop: Fiala 24" x 12"
Exhaust: Standard Valach
Retracts: Rearward travel, electric
The cowl neatly encloses the Valach VM 60 petrol engine and exhaust.

Ian Bryant has constructed a pukka,

traditional, high-fidelity scale model.

14 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

Front covers on early Aeromodellers were always
fantastic examples of aeromodelling art.

Shaun Garrity recalls the heyday of fixed compression
model diesel engines
words & photos  Shaun Garrity

ot as strange as may first appear, Fixed compression model diesel engines From France we had the 5cc Micron and 5cc

N because when you think about it, how

many modern diesel-powered vehicles
have compression screws to fiddle with? I'm
pretty confident the answer is none. Could you
seemed to be a fad in the mid to late 1940s. In
1947, from the USA, came the 5cc Drone (New
Jersey) additionally, I believe, available in a
ball raced version), and the 1.6cc Mite
Bonnier in 1946.
Bradford, West Yorkshire (UK) was the
home of the 5cc Owat, which appeared in late
1946 and was basically a direct copy of the
imagine trying to tweak them every time you (Brooklyn, New York), with the 1.6cc Vivell Micron.
wanted to nip down to the shops? However, (San Francisco) appearing in 1948 (this engine As a side note, another manufacturer from
the opposite is the norm for model use and was also offered with a traditional comp Bradford produced the side port 2.4cc Leesil 24
compression screws have reigned supreme, screw). in 1946/7. Made in very small numbers it
with very, very few exceptions.
From France the 1946 5cc fixed
compression Micron was a
popular engine.

2cc Swiss Dyno from 1946 was the first mass

produced diesel available to modellers.

16 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


My Owat's previous owner had lost the tank, but

this little used example runs very well.

The 5cc Owat, manufactured in Bradford, West Yorkshire, was a shameless copy of the Micron. This is
one of the few adverts they placed.

looked strikingly similar to the 2cc Swiss Dyno OWAT

of 1946, which was considered the world's first From my research, it appears that the Owat
mass produced model engine. was only manufactured between1946 to 1947
I'm fairly confident that other and this is the reason it's a fairly rare beast.
manufacturers produced fixed compression The first advert I found was in the 1947 March/
diesel engines, but my knowledge is now April Aeromodeller. At £9.9s, including the
tapped out. However, be being a Leeds lad, I prop, it wasn't cheap (according to my inflation
felt a duty to tell the story of this little known calculator that's a whopping £380.00 today).
Owat. For our non-UK readers and modellers Manufactured by Modella Engines (Bradford)
south of Sheffield, Bradford is only about 10 Ltd. and distributed by Richard Rogard Ltd,
miles away. Bradford, the first version came with a square

This sectioned drawing of the Micron's tank shows

how the fuel cut-off works. It was copied almost
exactly by Modella for the Owat.

hole cut in the prop driver to locate on the

crankshaft, the series 2 having a tapered fit
prop driver and red painted crankcase; its
performance was also improved.
Supplied with an integral fuel tank that
featured a cut-off (for connecting to a flight
timer), the Owat differed from the Micron by
having a fixed brass fuel line. The Micron used a
flexible pipe that allowed the engine to be
mounted inverted, as the tank could be rotated;
the Owat had to have the tank and needle valve
removed and an external tank and replacement
needle valve to do this. Alternatively, I suppose
you could have cut the brass tube, retaining the
original needle valve and joined a flexible fuel
line to this and the new tank.
Advertised primarily for its ‘High
performance, reliability, simplicity of operation,
easy starting and trouble-free operation’ and
pitched as the ‘Ideal power unit for Model
Aircraft’, it also suggested that it was
additionally suitable for Racing Cars and
Clockwork or Airdraulic timers were a sensible option to cut the fuel supply so you didn't lose your expensive Boats. I seem to remember reading an advert
engines. The silver one at the bottom left is a DRP camera timer that could easily be converted. Essentially inferring there was an updated, more
you would put a string loop around the fuel line. As the timer arm retracted the loop would tighten around expensive version available featuring a clutch
the line eventually cutting off the supply. It used to be referred to as the Italian Strangler by modellers; and flywheel but sadly I can't locate a copy of
alternatively, a wire pushrod to the fuel tank trip mechanism was used on the Micron / Owat. it to confirm.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 17
Leesil were another Bradford manufacturer that produced an engine strikingly similar to a The 2.4cc Leesil came supplied with a three bladed propeller.
well-established model. Again, this was one of the very few adverts placed in Aeromodeller. From my research it appears it was a great little motor, but
Like the Owat, they are very rare. I can't establish why it quickly disappeared into the ether.

As mentioned earlier the Owat was essentially a

copy of the 5cc Micron - even the mounting holes
matched - but slightly heavier, not quite as refined
externally and without the Red anodised head. But
it could turn a 14 x 6 prop at 5000 rpm.
Another obvious difference was the Owat had a
‘flip’ fuel filler flap, the Micron having a screw in
filler. The fuel mix recommended by Modella was
an interesting brew: 10% oil, 20% petrol and 70%
ether. I'm assuming they used petrol to get things
going! It seems to be well down on oil and must
have made the engine run hot. As you couldn't alter
the compression to get the motor fired up the fuel
mix was always critical for easy operation but a
commonly suggested brew back then for fixed
compression engines was simply 25% oil and 75%
ether - and a healthy clout on the prop!
If you refer to the image of the tank, you can see
how the spring loaded cut off worked. This was a
common solution of the day but would need a
timer capable of giving a reasonable ‘tug’ to release
the spring; modified camera timers were a popular
(if not slightly expensive) choice but considering
the cost of the engine skimping here could put a big
dent in your pocket if your pride and joy flew away
into the ether because the engine didn't cut out.
Although the Micron and Series 2 Owat were
able to deliver a reasonable and similar
performance they couldn't match the superior
Drone, which was without a shadow of a doubt a
better motor. I can't establish what happened to
Modella, or why the Owat didn't last long in the
market (possibly cheaper spark ignition engines
proved a better solution and would certainly run
smoother than a 5cc diesel if used in an R/C model)
but after 75 years I'm not holding my breath that
anybody can answer this.

Left: Obviously, modellers’ grey-matter was working

overtime in the 1940s. The Drome Hydroplane was one
example, and its manufacturers made some very bold
claims: ‘The World's Fastest Model’ and ‘The Easiest
Thing in the World to Build’. Hmm...

18 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


A selection of Tommy Ives transmitters and receivers kitted up by MacGregor.

Designed for the beginner (the squelch coil

came pre wound), everything was included
except the Valve and Relay.

MacGregor started regularly advertising their

products in RCM&E from the early 1960s.


Last Ramblings, I mentioned a clever
widget called the Ivistor designed by Tommy
Ives. It was basically a simple transistor
switch that replaced the often-troublesome
relay in valve (tube) single channel receivers
to operate the escapement.
In the early days (1960 I believe)
MacGregor Industries started offering a
range of kit built single channel transmitters,
receivers and the Ivistor. A number of their
early products were designed by Tommy Ives.
One very popular set up was the updated
valve Ivy Receiver (often referred to as the
Aeromodeller Rx) with the valve Ivy Carrier
Wave Transmitter (again often referred to as to hold and not get burnt to have a good The receiver kits were sold complete with a
the Aeromodeller Tx). - no prizes for guessing chance of success. In fact, if you had trouble screen-printed tag board (no printed circuit
the designer! They were targeted at getting them working, for a small fee you boards back then), pre wound quench coils,
beginners, by which I mean you basically only could send them back to MacGregor and they wire, solder, valve holder etc. but, strangely,
needed to know which end of a soldering iron would fix and tune the offending item. no valve or relay, which needed purchasing
The transmitter came in two kits;
electronics, with a ready wound tuning coil
and some hardware, plus another one that
included a bespoke aluminium case, chassis,
screws, nuts, bolts etc. Again, the valve wasn't
included. The Carrier Wave Tx could
additionally be updated to Tone operation
with yet another kit. A clever feature of these
kits was the well-spaced component layout,
making assembly easier and less intimidating.
Even home built R/C wasn't cheap back
then. The Tx electronics and case kit, plus the
Rx, would cost around £125.00 today and that
was excluding the valves and relay; the hobby
is much cheaper today.
A clever move by MacGregor was setting
As the popularity of Tommy's designs grew, MacGregor started to offer built and ready to go examples. RipMax up as their sole distributor.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 19
Due to its lower cost the valve transmitter remained popular. But as transistors
dropped in price the new updated version quickly became the preferred choice for
It certainly helped push the product out to demand must still have
the masses and made them a key player. been there. It used
By late 1963 things had moved on a pace Ivistor circuitry to
and you could now buy ready built and tested replace the relay, was
transmitters and receivers that were crystal simple to build and very
controlled and used transistors instead of easy to set up, so yet
valves. However, the cheaper valve versions again was a big hit. The
were still available as they had many fans in instructions supplied
the R/C model boat world and for modellers were detailed, logical
on a tight budget. and packed with helpful
Also offered by MacGregor were kit-built hints on soldering and
receivers by other designers, such as the tuning etc., plus they still
Terrytone, which was a relayless transistor offered the ‘fix it
receiver. Designed by Squadron Leader S.W. warranty’ if things didn't
Sarll and pitched at beginners it had many work out as expected.
fans, along with MacGregor's new and Sticking with their
extremely popular Minimac. original roots,
Although carrier wave sets were basic, MacGregor continued to offer the popular Expanding the range, MacGregor started offering
more prone to interference and could only be MACPACKS of various components for the products by other designers such as the Terrytone
operated one at a time, their popularity didn't home builder and experimenter. Rx developed by Squadron Leader S.W. Sarll.
wane, and this was no doubt due to their Thanks to this innovative company many
relative low cost and simplicity. In 1965 modellers were able to experience the thrill and receivers were reliable (for the day), so
MacGregor offered an updated Valve / of R/C flight without bankrupting themselves there was a good chance you would be
Transistor hybrid version of the Ivy Rx, so the and their Tommy Ives designed transmitters landing in the same field you took off from.

The Terrytone 2 Rx, although having many more components than the
earlier Ivy Rx, was well designed and came with a screen-printed circuit For modellers with less time but more modelling cash to spend the tiny, ready
board to ease construction and minimise errors. to use Minimac Rx was a great option.

20 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


One of my Demo Rigs. The Ivy

Rx has the optional Ivistor instead of the
relay. Battery compliment is 45V for the
Rx circuitry, 1.5V for the valve heater
and 4.5V for the escapement.

Another new product from Lemon. The Microbrick

Another rig showing the later, (all in one) Stabiliser Receiver uses their DSMP
updated Hybrid Ivy Rx. This one protocol that's fully compatible with DSM2 and
included the Ivistor circuitry on DSMX.
board. Batteries used were 22.5V for
the Rx circuitry, 1.5V for the valve
heater and 4.5V for the escapement. Why am I writing? Well, to encourage those who
have issues with an engine not to let it curtail their
enjoyment of a very rewarding hobby. My brother
and I nearly gave-up because of the E.D. Bee engine.
Our saving grace was the acquisition of a Cox Baby
Bee, and the rest is history, as they say.

I made a mistake with the eBay sellers name for
the Lemon products I reviewed last column.
Editor Kevin has already corrected this in last
month's RCM&E, but it should have been:
I have just received the new Lemon
Microbrick Stabilised Rx (includes two servos on
board), which works with a 1S or 2S LiPo
MISBEHAVING DIESELS and had a go at starting the engine out back. They (depending on the application), has a built in 5A
I received the following piece from Keith struggled and although eventually getting it to brushed speed controller and only weighs 5.5g.
Cherrington and can fully relate to the issues run, they were of the view the contra piston may be It uses Lemon's DSMP protocol that is fully
he experienced when starting in this great out of tolerance (sticking), making starting compatible with DSM2 and DSMX
hobby, because it happened to me with a very difficult. It was rumoured that around this era ED transmitters. Additionally, there's the option of
second hand and misused Frog 149: did experience quality issues with some of their connecting further external servos and a
I was re-reading the November issue of RCM&E motors though. brushless speed controller. The Stabilisation
and your reader's letter regarding the ED Super Zip Sometime later a friend of mine lent me a D.C. function is triple axis and easily set up.
diesel fuel caught my eye. I wondered whether the Sabre to go in an Aeromodeller Plans Service See the Lemon website for full details.
issue was the E.B. Bee rather than the fuel, ‘Princess’ C/L stunt model. The engine was Planesamtheman have stock and it currently
although Peter mentioned having problems with a completely reliable, starting first or second flick. It only costs £38.99 including free postage.
DC Super Merlin as well. was so good that I even jury rigged a throttle using
My brother and I joined the hobby circa 1960, a tin-plate flapper, some piano wire and a short That's it for this time. I'm currently sorting out
when my brother was given an ED Bee as a present length of brass tubing epoxied to the engine mount the dates for our next Pontefract Single Channel
for a KK Phantom C/L trainer. Try as we could, the connected to a homemade Mick Reeves three-line & Retro Fly-In and will be publishing them
engine would not start and run. In fact we hardly line bellcrank in a small scratch-built F4U Corsair ASAP so you can get planning.
got it to fire so we went back to the shop where it for carrier deck flying. To clear up any ambiguity the event was
was purchased, the Kingston Model Shop on the Prior to leaving the hobby circa 1983, I had originally for R/C models flown on converted
Portsmouth Road, Kingston-upon-Thames (long worked my way up to an OS Max 60 F-SR via a Fuji Single Channel transmitters, but it has grown
gone). They took it out to the back of the shop and, 09, Enya 29, Merco 29, Merco 49 and 61 twin-plug and now any model glider, IC or electric
after much concerted effort, did get it to run! Of engines and a Veco 61. My approach was to spend a powered plane from the birth of R/C until the
course, we took it home and failed miserably to get couple of hours on a local football pitch running in late 1970s would be appropriate. Control line is
it running again. and setting up the carburettor before venturing to also accommodated but we can't allow free
Plan B - we decided to take the engine to our the flying field for a test flight. My aim was to be flight models.
other local model shop in Addlestone. The son of the able to land and, grass permitting, taxi back to the As always, keep sending in your photos and
then owner and his friends were into C/L combat point of origin without the engine cutting. stories to: thatbloke@garritys.net ✈

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 21

Geoff Graves describes his joint scale
project, originally started with his much
missed modelling buddy Derek Martin
words » Geoff Graves photos » Geoff Graves , Stuart Mackay

he Waco YMF-5 was first started almost

T three years ago by Rolls Royce Model

Club ex-chairman Derek Martin. He had
previously owned a 1/4 scale Waco YMF-5 that
he unfortunately lost at a Rolls Royce scale day.
Geoff Graves’ 1/3rd scale WACO YMF-9 is powered
by a Moki 250 radial.

The Waco was Derek’s late wife, Mary’s,

favourite model, so he decided to set about
building another one, but this time he scaled it
up to 1/3 scale.

I had been Derek’s friend, co-pilot and helper
for a good few years, so we decided to make it
a joint project and build the new model
together. Derek did all the calculations and
measurements, and drew up all the plans,
using references and plans from the full-scale
aircraft. He also made all the fibreglass plugs
and moulds for the cowl and wheel spats, and
made the fuselage and tail, while the wings
and central section were built by me.
We had originally designed the model
around a MUSS 116 two stroke motor but at a
late stage I had the opportunity to get a Moki
250 Radial from one of my good friends, Stuart
Mackay, who has been very helpful with the
installation and set-up of the Moki. The Moki I covered the airframe using Solartex, three The cockpit dashboard was made several
250 has really added the final touch to the coats of dope, and then finished using 2k years ago by the late Harry Harland, of the
model and also helped to get the CG spot on, primer and two coats of 2k solid colour car Yorkshire Old Farts, who was a close friend
with no added nose weight. The Moki has paint. Being in the motor trade I am very lucky of Derek’s. The scale pilot was from The
plenty of power behind it and only needs to be to have access to state-of-the-art spray booths Prop Guy and had to be purchased from
at third throttle for normal flying. for the painting stages. America.

22 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

FEATURE | Fine scale

“...we decided to make it a joint project

and build the new model together”

Geoff and Derek spent almost ten years on design and build from start to finish. Geoff spent the last two Fuselage nearly complete and showing off its
years finishing the model off. shapely stringers.

Fine planking results in a smooth, round body shape. A wing panel nears completion.

The fuselage was constructed with the aid of a jig.

The radio is controlled by Futaba, with two 2S LiPos

feeding a Powerbox power supply system, for all flight
controls. There is a separate 6V 5-cell NiMH battery for
engine ignition and an 800 mAh NiMH for the landing
The model was registered with the LMA with a target
weight of 20kg, with Glenn Masters as the inspector.
However, the LMA now has a new limit of 25kg before
CAA exemption is required and the final weight of the
Waco comes out at 23.5kg with fuel, so no exemption is

Unfortunately, Derek’s health took a turn for the
worst in the last 18 months of the build, so he didn’t
get to see the model fly. But he did see it almost
finished and painted and was very satisfied with the Bare bones airframe on
outcome. I wanted to honour his memory and display at the LMA
decided to add Derek’s name to the artwork on the Show, Gaydon.
Waco, by signing his name on the side of the cockpit.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 23
Covering and priming nearly complete. The Waco is 10 feet wingspan and is almost 8 feet long from the front of the spinner to the elevator cowling.

Rear view gives a good view of all the rigging wires.

The cockpit dashboard was made several years

ago by the late Harry Harland.

Pre-first flight ground runs of Geoff’s scratch-built Waco.

The maiden flight was carried out in July 2021 at the BMFA
headquarters in Buckminster, by myself, with Glenn Masters at my side
for support. Although it was a nerve wracking build up, the model flew
superbly, with only a couple of clicks of down elevator required for
straight and level flight.
I have now had several flights with the Waco and have started to
explore the acrobatic capabilities a bit more by performing loops, rolls
and stall turns, testing the rigging wires, with no issues to date.

“The Moki has plenty of

power behind it and only
needs to be at third throttle
There’s no mistaking the name of this aeroplane! for normal flying”
24 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022
FEATURE | Fine scale

“Although it
was a nerve
wracking build
up, the model
flew superbly”
Left: All static and flying shots are
courtesy of Stuart Mackay.

The maiden flight was carried out last July at

BMFA Buckminster. With the Moki on tick over the Waco lines up for landing. A fine sight!

The model has been a pleasure to build and

I picked up a lot of tips and experience along
the way from Derek. I hope to enjoy flying it
for many years to come and remembering my
good friend and master aero modeller Derek
Martin. ✈

No wonder Geoff is
smiling as he shows off his
lovely third scale Waco.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 25


XFly-Model’s latest model is a neat semi-scale twin. Kevin Crozier takes a closer look
words » Kevin Crozier photos » Kevin Crozier, Frank Skilbeck

e have recently reviewed several Now there’s nothing wrong in that, and workout in these pages very soon. But first

W XFly-Model kits, a new brand of

foam aircraft that are being
imported into the UK by CML Distribution.
The models we have tested so far have proven
we’ve had a real blast (sorry for the pun!)
when flying them, but it’s good to see XFly
spreading their wings and starting to tackle
some prop driven subjects. XFly’s first prop
CML have asked us to show you the 1400mm
wingspan Twin Nova, a stylish twin electric
affair based on the full-size Vulcanair P68C.

to be very well made and, without exception, aircraft to reach CML’s warehouse was a cute VULCAN WHO?
they have all flown well. They also all have Glastar bushplane, adorned with in vogue I’ll be the first to admit that my knowledge of
one other thing in common - they are all EDF jumbo wheels, and Mike Freeman will be current full-size aircraft is a little rusty, so
jets... giving this smart cabin model a thorough when I read the reference to Vulcanair in the

This stylish twin is perfect for circuit bashing

and practicing flying with flaps.

28 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

TESTING, TESTING | Electric twin

“...it’s good to see XFly starting to tackle some

prop driven subjects”

Twin Nova has a close likeness to the Vulcanair P68C.

P68C. I’m guessing it has something to do with anyone thinking of tackling their first twin
licensing, or maybe XFly simply wanted to give aircraft, or someone who wants to learn all
it a snappier name? about using flaps. In both respects the Twin
But it’s what’s in the box that really counts Nova really does excel.
and as we’ve come to expect from this She’s also a fast build, as I was just about to
manufacturer the contents are all top grade. find out...
And that includes the box too, the lower half of
26-page bi-lingual instruction manual I was which is closely moulded to protect the ASSEMBLY TIME
left wondering if some mistake had been airframe parts during transit, assisted by some By following the clear instructions and
made. Surely this was a model of a Partenavia cleverly designed additional protective pieces. associated diagrams in the manual the model
P.68? The effort that goes into XFly’s packaging is went together exceedingly quickly. The main
Well, according to a popular search engine, very worthwhile as all the parts arrived in fine undercarriage is attached first using some of
my hazy memory wasn’t so far off-track, as this fettle, apart from an ESC cover plate that had the excellent 3mm hex socket head screws
stylish twin was indeed first built by fallen off the underside of one engine nacelle. included in the hardware pack. Next up is the
Partenavia before being transferred to This was quickly glued back in place, backed tailplane, which simply slots into place and is
Vulcanair in the late 1990s. up by some clear tape around the edges. held firm by another, longer, hex socket screw.
Aimed at intermediate to experienced To check it was sitting square to the wing I
NAME CHANGE model pilots, Twin Nova is actually a bit of a inserted the wing spar tube and used this to
I’m not sure why this model is called the Twin pussycat and I have found her very easy to fly. check that the tailplane was level, which
Nova as it claims to be a scale replica of the She would be an ideal training machine for proved to be spot on.

This kit is very well protected during transit, but one ESC cover did need gluing
Spread of kit parts sans port wing. back on.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 29
“Each servo lead is equipped with a lead lock, which makes sure that
they stay well connected”

Ball links are used throughout. The short fixing

Main undercarriage and its hold-down strap. screws were replaced with through bolts and Inner wing showing a motor nacelle and the power
keeper nuts, just to make them 100% secure. and R/C connections.

rotate contra to each

other so it’s very
important to keep an
eye on the instructions
to make sure that the
correct prop is fitted to
each motor.
All that remains is to
slide your chose LiPo into
the generous battery
bay, accessed through a
hatch in the top of the
fuselage just ahead of
the wing centre section.
The pack can then be
Plenty of room in
repositioned until the
there for a
model balances correctly,
variety of LiPo’s!
making sure to mark the
battery plate to ensure
Servo leads are fitted with lead locks. But they were that it goes back in the
backed up with tape after one didn’t latch securely. also need to be connected to service the same place each time it is fitted; I made some
aileron, flap and throttle channels on each simple pen marks to show the location of the
The elevator pushrod is also attached at this side. Each servo lead is equipped with a lead LiPo’s front edge.
time. A Z-bend is used at the servo, with a ball lock, which makes sure that they stay well
link connector at the control surface end. The connected when hidden inside the wings. It’s a CONTROL CHECKS
balls are simply screwed onto the control nice touch, however, one lead lock didn’t latch The instructions say: ‘Based on XFly-Model's
horns but since I have had a similar ball link very well so I ended up wrapping the servo testing experience the following rates are
knock off from a previous model (thankfully, connectors on that side with black electrician’s recommended for optimum performance.’
on the ground), I decided to replace the screws tape. I then repeated it on the other wing Well, I don’t know about optimum, but my
with small nuts and bolts for extra security. connections, just to be on the safe side... own testing experience with previous XFly
The wing panels go on next. EC3 leads are The wings are secured with four more of models had taught me that their suggested
used to connect power to the ESCs tucked those neat little screws, two on each side, after control throws are indeed quite close to my own
behind each motor and a bundle of servo leads which the propellers can be fitted. The props preferred settings, especially on higher rates.

Props are supplied in clockwise and anticlockwise

configurations so be sure to fit them as per the Close up on the fin and rudder servo and showing Twin Nova is fitted with a sprung CNC machined
instructions. the tailplane slot. steerable noseleg. Very neat!

30 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

TESTING, TESTING | Electric twin

At 55-inch wingspan it’s a nicely compact model.

It fits in the Editor’s estate car with ease when fully
Twin Nova basks in the sun during a static photo shoot at the local gliding club. Shame it didn’t last for the in a scale fashion and in return she will
flying session! reward you with a most satisfying, yet
relaxing performance. As I said at the start of
this review, I found the Twin Nova to be very
easy to fly. She also has very benign handling
at slow speeds and at the stall she simply
waffled a bit, with no nasty wing drops to
This is a model where the effects of flap are
highly apparent so do put in a bit of practice
with them to see what suits you the best. I
tend to use half flap for take-off, although the
model lifts off just fine without them, and full
flap for landing.
Twin Nova is an excellent STOL model and
can pull off truly great short landings, just like
First take off, tracking straight and true. you see similar twin aircraft making in TV
documentaries at the mountainous Tenzing-
And so it proved this time; I generally just flick I raised the throttle stick and as expected Hillary Airport in Lukla, Nepal. From a high
to high rates from the off and just enjoy flying the pretty twin accelerated straight and true. circuit feed in full flap on the downwind leg and
the Twin Nova. I do like a bit of expo though so The two 8” x 5” props were giving plenty of urge let the model settle. As you come off the base
just dial in what suits you. and Twin Nova was soon up and away, ready leg you can start to push the nose down and
With final checks completed, including for trimming. A touch of left rudder and a really let the flaps start to bite. After a steep and
setting failsafe and ranging the ESCs, following couple of clicks of up trim were all that were slow descent let the nose come up just above
the notes at the end of the instructions, it was needed for straight and level flight. the runway and flare for a short roll out - lovely!
time to head to the flying field. There’s power a plenty on tap if you want it I use a flap/elevator mix to stop the nose
but this sleek semi-scaler is best flown at from rising as the flaps are deployed; 15% for
UP AND AWAY mid-power settings at which the two motors half flap and 20% for full flap is what I have
Twin Nova is fitted with a rather fine sprung settle into a nicely hamonised beat and you currently set on my Tx. But I’d suggest starting
CNC machined steerable noseleg and a quick can enjoy some leisurely circuits of the field, off with, say, 5 and 10 percent and making
trundle along the patio at home had indicated interspersed with practicing touch and goes some high passes whilst deploying the
that it was set nice and straight, so I wasn’t whilst getting used to the flaps. This is a different stages of flap and seeing what your
expecting any dramas during the first take off. model that you’ll most likely want to try to fly model does, adjusting the settings as needed.

Landing and nav lights show up well in the overcast conditions that rolled in
during flight testing. Approaching for a clean, flaps up pass.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 31

TESTING, TESTING | Electric twin

She can pull off much steeper approaches than this. Lukla style landings are a
With full flaps deployed Twin Nova retains her ease of handling. speciality!

If you get bored with all that circuit bashing for excellent short field performance, then the
and your inner Bob Hoover starts to want to XFly-Model ‘Twin Nova’ has to be high on your
come out and play, then the Twin Nova has wish list.
plenty of grunt for all the usual club aerobatics. Overall, she is an excellent model and a
Loops, rolls, inverted etc. are all well within its first-class example of her type. In fact, I reckon
capabilities and it would be fun to put together that there’s only one way that she could be
a Hoover style twin flying display, inspired by improved, just to satisfy my new found love of
the great pilot and his Shrike Commander. waterplane flying, and that would be the
ability to fit a pair of floats so I could practice
SUMMARY those steep, fun filled, full flap landings and
If you are looking for a fast build electric twin end them with a satisfying, gentle splash. How
with stylish good looks and fitted with flaps about it, XFly-Model? ✈

Twin Nova can rock and roll if you get bored with
staying on the straight and level!

Name: Twin Nova
Model type: ARTF electric twin
A bit of up elevator and TN arrives for another easy landing.
Manufactured by: XFly-Model
UK distributor: CML Distribution
A final look at Twin Nova. Highly recommended as www.cmldistribution.co.uk
a quick way to enjoying some twin prop flying. RRP: £224.99
Wingspan: 1400mm (55")
Fuselage length: 1066mm (42")
Flying weight: 1550g (54.7oz)
Wing area: 24 dm² (372 sq.in.)
Wing loading: 64.6 g/dm² (21.2 oz/sq.ft.)
Motors: 2 x 2212-KV1400
ESC: 2 x 20A
Recommended battery:
3S 2200-5000mAh
(3S 2700 used for review)
Connector type: EC3
Functions (servos): Ailerons (2), elevator (1),
rudder (1), flaps (2),
nose leg steering (1),
throttle (via ESC)
“Twin Nova is an excellent STOL model and Required to fly: Transmitter, receiver
can pull off truly great short landings” and battery

32 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

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Get your planes in print! Get in touch... kevin.crozier@mytimemedia.com


A 2017 issue of RCM&E had
an article and plans for a
retro-looking sport plane
named ‘Tiger 72’. This was a RECESS 17 AT THIS
plane I couldn't pass up POINT TO ALLOW
building and flying. After CANOPY TO SIT FLUSH
copying the magazine
plans for building patterns,
I bought some balsa and
FORMED started on it. The only
E CONE change was to convert it to
electric power, with the
necessary mods, like a
removable battery
compartment cover. After WING MADE FROM 6.5mm x 100mm
completing the plane, I MEDIUM BALSA SHEET
searched for a suitable
pilot figure, but my wife SH
thought that since the BA
name was ‘Tiger 72’ it should have a tiger as the pilot, and she cameN
22 CE
up with the same. So, a harness was fabricated, and the new ‘pilot’
0m PO
was strapped in. m IN 1
The Tiger flies beautifully and I find it's more capable than me T
at performing aerobatics. Landings are a breeze, too. Power comes
from an E-flite Power 60 outrunner, a 4200 mAh 6-cell LiPo and a
Castle Creations 90A ESC turning a 15 x 7 Falcon wood prop. This
combination gives it a great performance including unlimited
vertical climbs when desired and easy fi
CHAMFERED ve-minute flights when
performing aerobatics, TO or eight
BE to ten minutes when flying more


mildly. I am fully satisfiTOP

ed with
aeroplane and it was an
enjoyable build.
Ron Dulinsky




WING AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN I'm tempted to build
Sizzles and put a nitro
.15 in it. A few years ago,
I built his Size Zero with
INDICATED a handful, but lots of
OF 50g/m2 GLASS CLOTH AROUND THE JOIN TOP AND BOTTOM first couple of flights!

34 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022




6g 0.8kg/cm

6g 0.8kg/cm

This KeilKraft Falcon was built from a Ben Buckle kit and took 16 months during the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021. It was a very traditional build,
with the 1949 plan updated by Ben Buckle about 40 years ago to allow for radio control - it was originally a free flight design! The covering is Oratex;
the covering cost as much as the kit!
Power is from an O.S. FSa-56 turning a 14 x 4 prop. It only goes above one-third throttle for the occasional out-of-character loop or roll.
Photographs are by Nigel Castle.

Steve Dunne
3.2mm BALSA
My Carl Goldberg
Chipmunk was built HATCHING DENOTES
from an old kit and AREA OF CHAMFER
HE was a great
ET traditional build,
JO although I modified 2
it for
LI electric rather SECURED WITH GLUE AND
than N the
E usual IC, PINNED
saving a lot of
weight. While
overdone, I couldn't
resist the Art Scholl
scheme, all BIZ JET
airbrushed. I am not a prolific builder by any means, so I was delighted and
I originally built surprised when my most ambitious build actually flew! It is a
the Extra as a Gulfstream IV at 1/20 scale, being about 1.2m span with twin 4-Max
prototype for a PowerFun 64 EDFs. Designed myself from an A4 picture of the
David Boddington plane, I was the most thrilled I can remember being at seeing it fly.
plan back in the 1990s, when it was the subject of an article in Model Chris Mucklow took these pictures at the South
3mm BIRCHWarwickshire
Flyer magazine. The original had a .70 Surpass and was a brilliant flier, Electric Flyers club. I was very lucky he was there snapping away as I
meeting its demise at a fly-in in Switzerland. I decided I'd like to build had been unaware of what he was doing. This was the maiden
another, but electric, and so used the ADH plan and cowl. flight, flown by clubmate Will while I looked on in sheer delight!
Jeff Barringer Will remarked how stable it was; the CG was spot on, with just a bit
of aileron to correct - we think one of the flaps was slightly open!
One of the main undercarriage wheels did not retract when we
tested them, so we flew with them down all the time.
Robin Child


April 2021
March 2022| www.modelflying.co.uk
| www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 35

0mm x 12mm FIN MADE FROM 3.2mm BAL


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Whittaker gets the call and blasts across
Wales in his two-seater
words & photos » Alex Whittaker AWAYDAY
ockdown slightly eased, it was midweek road, which soon became a track, then just Porth Neigwl. We tend to forget just how

L and high summer. Since there were no

modelling shows, I was doing what I do
best. Precisely naff all. The sun was cracking
the flags, the sky was blue, and the beer was
heather and turf. Now this part of the world is
exceedingly comely, truly an area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty. As I crested the
last rise, I could see the whole of the Llŷn
exotic Britain really is.
A few more steps and here were all my slope
buddies camped out on the grass. Very big
models were strewn everywhere, as well as
chilled. I was lazing on the back deck of my Peninsula below me in a vast panorama. A many ‘my size’ slopers. The vista was beautiful
boat just off Puffin Island when my favourite patchwork of green fields, stone walls, blue beyond description and soarers were climbing
scale man (and airline pilot) Steve Rickett skies and an even bluer sea. At this point I had out far across the waves. I looked down and
gave me a bell. I’ll cut to the chase. to park because I had run out of track. Slope there was that famous bay, bordered by its
Essentially, he told me get my cameras over soaring certainly gets you out to high places in equally famous beach. An Englishman here on
to the Llŷn Peninsula on the morrow, where the fresh air. I suddenly got my bearings and missionary work amongst my Welsh mates
everyone would be mid-week slope soaring. realised that I knew exactly where I was. As I these past forty years, the beauty of North
Talk about the leisured classes! trundled on foot with my camera roller bag, I Wales still takes my breath away. On top of
soon got a glimpse of the scarab blue waters of this, there were model aeroplanes. Lots of ‘em!
I got up early next morning. I fired up the
two-seater, dropped the hardtop, and blasted
across North Wales. My boat is about an hour’s
drive from the lovely Llŷn Peninsula. I took the
Expressway to Caernarfon and then travelled
almost the full length of the the Llŷn to Porth
Neigwl. Or Hell’s Mouth Bay as my Admiralty
Chart calls it.
Being mid-week, the summer traffic was light
and, frankly, the trip was a delight. Mind you, I
thought Young Rickett was pulling my leg
when, instead of a post code for my Sat Nav, he
gave me a map reference. I thought it might be
some sort of commercial pilot type joke. Then I
realised that my little two-seater and I were
clearly going off-piste. No too far I hoped, since
my MX5 is delicately low slung. I didn’t fancy
bottoming out on some Welsh sheep track.
I pressed on through lovely Abersoch and
Sarn, and then turned left, where the road
soon climbed. Next, I was on a single lane back Porth Neigwl is a stunning location for flying gliders.

40 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

EVENT REPORT | Hell’s Mouth

Paul Jubb launches John Mansley’s superb 4m span

Grunau Baby.
I want to start with a health warning. I own
quite a few slope soarers and have even had one
of my own designs published as a free plan in Ray Watts’ 1/3rd scale, 5m span ASW 28
this Great Organ. However, today I was trying sweeping out over the beach.
very hard not to mix up my ASWs and my ASHs,
my Grunaus and my Scheibes, but German
Gliderdom often confuses me. On top of all this,
at some attitudes in the sky, one sleek modern Lidl means a lot! The Lidl Luft
white glass ship can look very much like Squadron get airborne.
another, especially if you can’t read the
registration letters. I have done my best, gentle
reader, so please don’t smirk if I drop a clanger.


Okay, put your hands up if you have always
secretly fancied owning an immaculate German
four metre glass ship? Right, that’s all of us
then! I will never own one, but I adore seeing
them lying in the heather and then being
launched over a sheer sea cliff. Somehow such
madness seems like magic. Especially if the
wind is really blowing and the pilot has to add
more ballast. These elegant gliders look so fine
in the air. Also, they are powerful appliances.
Their wings and weight store so much energy,
that when they dive, loop, and roll the power is
obvious. Physics can be very beautiful. Anyhow,
look at my snaps to get the idea.
Just for example, Ray Watts’ one-third scale
5 metre span ASW 28 was flying miles away, LIDL MEANS A LOT launch was like a swarm of foam locusts, but of
deep and low over the beach for my aerial More German gliders! This Llŷn event is course they can’t really damage each other.
shots, and he easily climbed back up to a high happily laid back and low key, and flying was They fly well and are hugely entertaining. They
altitude. So dramatic to watch. continuous. There were really amusing are also easily fixed. I have two un-flown
Another very large model that caught my eye moments, such as the mass launch of the Lidl examples in my shed that I have been
was Martin Gough’s quarter scale ASW 20. This Luft Squadron (UK radio modellers adapt practicing my airbrushing upon. Must get
works out to a 5 metre span! Incidentally, it was these gliders to R/C whenever the Lidl mine converted to R/C and throw them off a
great to see this design from the great Pat Teakle. supermarket reissues them). Their mass handy sea cliff!

Simon’s ASH 26 FES

equipped glider floats past
with its prop folded.

Simon Cocker and his 1/4 scale ASH 26.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 41
John Mansley with his 4 metre Grunau Baby Simon Lawson’s lovely 3.5 metre Scheibe Spatz.

Steve Rickett’s intriguing Horten Ho 229 - Hitler’s

secret stealth bomber.

Above: Alan Jones with his 4.1m Purbeck ASW 27.

Right: Alan’s ASW 27 banking elegantly high over
the beach.

Of course, my favourites were the large
traditional scale gliders. I actually learned to fly
in a German full-size glider many moons ago, so
I love the aesthetic. There is something so
simple about these elegant old ladies wafting
about the firmament. I loved watching John
Mansley’s superb 4m span Grunau Baby aloft in
the blue. My personal idea of a slope beauty.
Utterly mesmerising to behold and a structure
so beautifully built. The lad is a maestro.
Mind you he was not alone; Simon Lawson’s
lovely 3.5 metre span Scheibe Spatz was in a
similar ilk. Big, bold and beautiful, if you ask
me. Flew like a cloud. There were others big
models so check out my snaps.

Steven Rickett’s own design and smartly USAF F-U2
scratch-built Ho 229 Horten was utterly Adrian Carnally was flying his heavily
intriguing. The Horten really was Hitler’s secret modified V-tail US Air Force F-U2. It was
stealth bomber. Steve’s scale marvel flew very beautifully built and had great graphics.
Adrian Carnally was flying his much modified well indeed. Mind you, it looked oddly Covered in two pack epoxy, it spanned 50” and
V-tail US Air Force F-U2. menacing with familiar Welsh hills behind. really looked the business.

42 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

EVENT REPORT | Hell's Mouth

Simon Cocker launches Ray Watts’ 1/3rd scale, 5m

span ASW 28.

Morage Reid with fiancé David Fettes’ Ka7 in a Swiss scheme. David scanned Morag’s head for his scale pilot.

David Fettes’ YT international Ka7 (similar to
- and a lot better - than the full-size glider I
learned on) was a smart aircraft. His model was
complete with a scale 3D printed pilot, which he
said was based on his fiancée, Morag Reid.
I was chatting to Morag (all the way from
Bonnie Scotland) who is charming, by the way. Ray Watts’ 1/3rd scale, 5m span ASW 28
Trust me, the 3D pilot nowhere near did her skimming the cliffs.

Right: Paul Jubb launches John Mansley’s superb

4m span Grunau Baby.

Paul Jubb launches John Mansley’s superb 4m

span Grunau Baby.

That’s how to launch a PSS Hawk!

Ian McKenzie’s Ka6e turning cross wind over the waves.

One of my oldest flying mates

in Wales, Paul Jubb.
Look at that view!

Peter Franken’s neat 1/5th scale Pilatus B4 gets

away in the buttery smooth lift.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 43
EVENT REPORT | Hell's Mouth

Simon Lawson with his 3.5m Scheibe Spatz. Steve Rickett launches the Spatz and gets airborne too!

THE VERDICT bubbly, cooked some chicken ping in the

Well, to be truthful, I felt a bit guilty microwave and fell asleep in my cozy little bunk
enjoying all these lovely slope soarers in the to the measured tones of ‘The Shipping
hot sunshine mid-week when others were Forecast’, dreaming of my great day on the hills.
working. It all felt a bit naughty, like afternoon
drinking. Then I remembered I was actually ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
working, so the mood lifted. Thanks to Steve Rickett and the lads for the
You cannot beat a hot day on a stunning invitation to their informal but not at all
Welsh sea cliff with good lift, fine models and exclusive gathering. Thanks also to Ray Watts
even better company. It really was idyllic, and and Simon Cocker for positioning their gliders
like an impromptu party with your mates, all exactly where I needed them for some of my
the more uplifting for being unscripted. photos. Simon and Steve also helped me later
Late afternoon, I packed up my cameras in over the interweb with details that I had
the boot of the two-seater and drove back to my forgotten or did not know. Any mistakes are
boat. That night I opened a bottle of Tesco my own. ✈ One of my old friends, John Beech with his
Multiplex Lentus Thermic.

The turnout was superb. Days of sunning, eating and model flying.

44 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

For his next design Peter Miller found an ultra-light aircraft that he just had to model
words  Peter Miller  photos  Peter Miller, Stuart Pickett

love homebuilt aircraft. They always have

I a great range of colour schemes and they

tend to be built like models. For that
reason, they also fly well.
After my Rans S-9 Chaos I looked for another
ultra light aircraft using Google Images and
found the Team Minimax. And then I found
one in a colour scheme that I just had to
model. By coincidence, many years ago, a
Minimax landed at the strip where we were
flying at the time and I took some photos. I
then acquired some good works drawings,
which I still had on file.
Like most homebuilt aircraft there are a Homebuilt aircraft tend to be built like models and they always have a great range of colour
huge range of different versions and colour schemes to replicate.
schemes. There is one in the UK with half a
Union Jack on the top of the wing. In many
cases there is a large two stroke engine The open cockpit allows access to
sticking out of the top of the cowl, which connect up the Y lead and the wing
makes them perfect for IC power. retaining spring.
The version that I chose has an open
cockpit, which is very handy because I have
used plug in wings and the cockpit allows
access to connect up the Y lead and the
retaining spring. Mine also has spats, which
are a pain in the neck, but many of the
versions do not.
If you want to convert the plan to IC, you
can happily have the cylinder sticking out of
the top of the cowl.
My model is 1/6 scale, with a fraction under
500 square inches of wing area and it weighs
a mere 3 lbs 5 ounces, giving a wing loading of
under 16 ounces per square feet. My Minimax
is true scale apart from one modification; the
wing section is Clark Y, which is set at positive
incidence. I have altered this to give true zero
degrees incidence. It now works like a
symmetrical section.

46 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

FREE PRO-PLAN | Ultra-light aircraft

Low rates are smooth and positive, and perfect for take offs and cruising During Minimax's first flight Peter flew it through loops, rolls, inverted,
round. flick rolls, spins and vertical upward rolls!

"Like most homebuilt aircraft there are a huge range of

different versions and colour schemes"
FLYING seconds. In that first short flight I flew it The model is very simple to build, however
In the middle of a long spell of wet and windy through loops, rolls, inverted, flick rolls, there is one area that needs some care in the
weather we got a cloudy but dry day that was spins, vertical upward rolls and it never tried early stages and that is in aligning the formers
flat calm. A quick phone call and a couple of us to bite once. with the wing tubes.
went to the field. I must confess that I did misjudge my Plans can stretch and shrink for various
I checked that the controls were in low landing; I thought that I was out over the reasons. In my case I had the tracings of the
rates and travelling in the right direction ploughed field, opened up and then got the original drawings printed to build over and
and opened up the power. Take off was final landing messed up. This did show up a found slight variations. I developed a
smooth and only needed a touch of right weak spot when the nylon clevises that hold sequence to allow for this...
rudder. Once in the air I added a little up the struts to the undercarriage broke. Metal
trim, and the Minimax was flying perfectly. ones have now been fitted. STAGE 1: FUSELAGE
This was one of those models where one has The second flying session was on a cold Cut out the fuselage sides and 1/32” ply
complete confidence in it within a few Sunday afternoon. I flew a couple of flights, doublers, the formers and the ply root ribs.
which confirmed my satisfaction with the Glue the doublers to the sides. When marking
model. Going to slightly higher rates made the out the sides be sure to mark the locations for
aerobatics even better. I also found that the tubes and then use the ply root ribs to
keeping a touch of power on during landings check the rear hole and if it is out then correct
was a good idea, although due to the wind it. I found that the plan showed the hole a
direction I was landing up a slight hill. fraction too far forward. This has been
When I handed over to Stuart Pickett, who corrected on my final drawing but double
flies my models while I take the flying shots, check on your plan.
he liked it. He did ask for high rates on ailerons Bind and solder the brass tubes to F-3 and
but soon asked for that to be removed. F-4 as shown on the plan. These tubes must

Tubes and front U/C leg fixed to their formers.

Fuselage assembled with the battery

platform, servo mount and rear U/C leg
Dry fitting the ribs and wire dowels to the mount installed.
fuselage to make sure everything is accurate.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 47
FREE PRO-PLAN | Ultra-light aircraft

Stringers are fitted, with sheet infill used to support the headrest. Build the cowl attached to C-2 on the front of the fuselage
using the keyhole slots. When the glue has dried it can be
extend beyond the sides of the formers by 1/8” such parts as the battery platform removed to make shaping easier.
each side. and servo mounts added. The sides
Now do a dry assembly of the sides, F-3, F-4, will need to be pulled into F-1; a couple of large hold that on with screwed on nylon hinges at
the wire wing joiners and the ply root ribs. This G clamps will help with this. the rear and a nylon latch at the front
is key to making sure that everything goes The rear end can be pulled together and The cowling uses my favourite method,
together and that the wings will be set at the joined. Fit the rear formers and the tailplane which is simple and very positive. Make four
correct incidence. platform. The servo mount, the battery keyhole slots in C-2 and fit four small round
The front undercarriage legs are now bound platform and the mount for the rear U/C leg head screws into the front of F-1. C-1 can now
and soldered to F-3 and the sides, and F-3 and can be fitted now. I also installed the snakes at be mounted on these. Fit the motor and then
F-4 can be glued together. this stage. The rudder snake comes out mount C-1 to the spinner backplate with 1/16”
Once the assembly has dried the rest of the through the top of F7 and over the top of the scrap balsa spacers all held together with a
formers can be added in the usual way and tailplane, when this is fitted. spot of CA. Fit the spinner back plate to the
Add the stringers. These are made from 1/8” motor. You can now build up the cowl with 1/2”
sq. spruce. Then fit the sheet to support the and 3/8” sheet between C-1 and C-2. Once this
head rest. has all dried it can be shaped with a razor
Install the blind nuts for the motor mount plane and sandpaper.
and then make the front turtle deck. Since the The cowl can now be removed by just lifting it
sides curve in this is slightly more complicated, slightly and pulling forward - after removing
but not difficult. Glue the turtle deck sheet to the pop and spinner of course! It will need a
the sides and let the glue dry. Next wet the small catch to stop it rising up in flight; a simple
sheet and apply heat with a heat gun or iron strip of metal screwed to a scrap of hardwood in
and bring it over and glue it to the formers the bottom of the cowl works perfectly.
that it touches and, once again, allow it to dry. The undercarriage is a little more complex
Now simply cut narrow vees out of the front than usual. The front legs are fitted to F-3
of the sheet and you will be able to bring the before this former is built into the fuselage.
sheet down to the front former and glue it The rear legs are fitted after covering. The axle
down. After a little filling and sanding you will is held between the two leg units by binding
have a perfect nose shape. and soldering. This is a little more complicated
Cooling air inlets. Mine are probably not scale. The underside of the nose is just 1/8” sheet than most but is not difficult. The axle is made
Check yours using photos of your chosen while the battery hatch is from 1/8” lite ply. I from 10 SWG wire and once soldered in place

Underside view showing the battery hatch

and fixings. Fuselage with tail framework dry fitted.

48 | RCM&E
www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022
1/16” PLY

OVER SCREWS IN F1 PLAN No: RC2236 No. OF SHEETS: 1 OF 2 RCM&E March 2022
1/4” SQ. & 1/4” x 1/8” BALSA


1/8” SQ.
1/8” BALSA
1/8” PLY
1/4” SQ. & 1/4” x 1/8”
1/8” BALSA
1/16” PLY 3/32” SHEET SIDES TO
1/4” SQ. BALSA
WITH SOFT 1/2” 1/16” SHEET
C1 & 3/8” SHEET CG


C2 F6


1/4” x 3/16” REAR SPARS
1/8” LITE PLY 1/4” SQ.


1/4” SHEET

1/4” PLY U/C 1/4” SHEET



1/4” SHEET
FIRMLY 1/4” x 3/8” SPRUCE


1/16” x 1/4” Ø2 1/2” WHEELS WITH 1/8” LITE PLY HATCH
1/4” SQ. & 1/4” x 1/8”



Ø2 1/2” WHEELS
5/8” T.E. SHAPED F7





1/4” PLY U/C WITH 1/8” SHEET
C2 F1 F2 F3 PLATE F4 F5 F6


The wings after lifting from the board. Note the small hardwood Close up showing the servo mount etc.
blocks for the strut mounts and the wing retaining hooks.

10 SWG brass tubes are sweated onto the ends

of the axle. These tubes extend beyond the
end of the wire. Note that 10 SWG tube fits the
holes on the wheels as it is the same outside
diameter as 8 SWG wire.
Next take some 8 SWG brass tube and make
up the axle ends as shown on the plan. Fit it to
the axle and drill through both to take a 1/16”
split pin. This is used to retain the wheel and is
also the attachment for the bottom end of the
wing struts.
You could solder it all together, however I
would suggest doing it my way because if
anything needs adjustment or repair it is
easier to just pull out the split pin and make
new parts.
My own model has spats. They are a pain to
mount and retain. I made up a brass strip, which Test fitting the wings. STAGE 2: WINGS
is bent at right angles and slides over the axle. It The wings are nice and simple but there are
is bound underneath at the same time as the fitted back to front to allow for this. They are one or two areas where you need to follow
legs are bound and soldered together. This strip now held to the strip with nuts. All this is very the sequence carefully.
has a hole in it, and I installed 3 mm caphead much 'cut and try'. I can say that the spats have Start off by laying down the leading edge
screws in the spats to match the hole. These are been 'tested' quite firmly on the grass and they sheet, the trailing edge spar capstrip and the
epoxied to the inside of the spat so that the are very secure. aileron leading edge capstrip. Also, the
heads are in the recess of the wheels, which are This takes care of the fuselage. aileron rib lower capstrips. Glue the spars to
the capstrips. The second spar, which is 1/4”
x 3/16”, must be supported on scrap 1/16”
Shape the trailing edge and cut the slots
for the rear of the aileron ribs. Pin that down.
Glue on the all the ribs and when dry fit
the top spar. Fit the webs to the front spar
and the 1/32” ply webs to the front spar
where the wires go in. Also add the ply webs
to the second spar where the wire dowels go.
Glue the wire dowels in place with epoxy
and infill between them and the spars with
scrap balsa.
Shape the lower surface of the 1/8” leading
edge and glue in place flush with the
bottom of the ribs. When dry bring the
leading edge sheet up and glue it to the
bottom of the leading edge and the ribs. I
use Superphatic glue for this job.
The top of the trailing edge spar and
aileron leading edge are shaped to match
the ribs and then their capstrips are added.
Fit the top leading edge sheet. Lots of
Wings ready for covering. clamps and map pins help with this stage.

50 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

FREE PRO-PLAN | Ultra-light aircraft

Tail frameworks. Note the

hardwood blocks and extra
material at the hinge locations. "The wings are
nice and simple"

Take note of the wing tips on the particular

aircraft that you are modelling because they
all vary. Mine has shaped tips from 1/2” sheet.
Others have end plates or just the end rib.


The tail surfaces are simply built up as shown.
Use hard balsa wood for the trailing edges of
the fixed surfaces and the leading edges of the
control surfaces.
The hardwood blocks for the struts are
important as the struts between fin and
tailplane are functional. The struts are simply
1/8” aluminium tubes with the ends flattened
and drilled for 2 mm nuts and bolts.

Fitting the motor, ESC and radio is very simple.
Once dry the wings can be lifted off the semi-circular patches over the strut mounts, The motor is a 4-Max 3541 1070 motor turning
building board. which are there to support the covering. an 11 x 5E prop and control is via a 40-amp ESC.
At this stage do a trial fit of the wings to the Finally, apply the 1/8” sheet leading edge The motor simply screws to F-1 with blind nuts
fuselage. The wire dowels should slide capstrip and when it is dry shape it to match behind the former. The ESC is fed through from
smoothly into the tubes. the wing. At the same time, you can shape the the cockpit and sits on top of the battery
Fit the 1/4” sq. spruce rails for the servo leading edge of the aileron. platform.
mounts and add the spruce blocks for the strut The ailerons are top hinged. This is so that it The battery is held to the battery platform
mounts. Also, the small spruce blocks for the looks scale because the full-size aircraft has with very strong Velcro; I also use a Velcro strap
screw hooks that take the spring or elastic aileron shrouds that cover any gap and trying round the battery. I fix the Velcro in the
bands that hold the wings tight to the fuselage. to model that is a pain with a sport scale following way: I apply epoxy glue to a piece of
With this design the paper tubes for the model. I used SLEC flocked Mylar hinges bent clear plastic (an off-cut from the windscreen
servo leads don't have to be installed until in the middle and inserted into the corners of material) and press it firmly down onto the
this stage. Then you can sheet over the wing the wing trailing edge and the aileron leading battery platform, squeezing out all the air.
roots and add all the capstrips. Note the edge. When the epoxy has cured, I peel off the plastic

The pilot is highly

visible in this model
so fit a decent one.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 51
FREE PRO-PLAN | Ultra-light aircraft

"With the open cockpit it is easy to

connect the wing servos with a Y lead"
Hawker Hunter on a fast and low fly past.

and the Velcro can be stuck down. It won't move

The two servos in the fuselage are screwed to
their plywood mount and connected to the tail
with snakes. The wing servos are mounted on ply
plates as shown.
My Spektrum receivers are mounted on Velcro
patches on each side of the fuselage. With the
open cockpit it is easy to connect the wing servos
with a Y lead. Although no
The pilot is glued to a ply plate, which screws to slouch on low
small blocks glued to the fuselage sides. This is so rates, going to
that he can be removed easily to service the slightly
servos if needed. higher rates
made the
STAGE 5: SETTING UP aerobatics
The battery used is a 3S 2200mAh LiPo. You even better.
might be able to find a 3000mAh pack but
mine are a fraction too long. With this set up I
checked the balance point, which should be at I set up the control throws for low rates. to do: ailerons 1/4” each way, elevators 3/8” each
25% chord. I was amazed and delighted when I When I flew the model, it was absolutely way and rudder 3/4” each way.
found that it was spot on the mark! I must just perfect on these. Smooth and positive for take My pilot, Stuart, who flies for the camera, did
live right! The final weight came out at 3 lbs 5 offs and cruising round, and the same throws ask for high rates on the ailerons but soon asked
ounces. were perfect for any aerobatics you could want for it to be removed again. However, for those
who want to go berserk the high rates are:
aileron 1/2” each way, elevator 5/8” each way,
rudder 1” each way. ✈

Model name: Team Minimax
Model: 1/6th scale ultra-light
Designed by: Peter Miller
Length: 32.5"
Wingspan: 52"
Wing Area: 500 sq. ins.
Weight: 53 ozs.
Wing loading: 15.26 oz. per sq. ft.
Power: 4-Max 3541 1070 motor,
Battery: 3S 2200mAh LiPo
Stars and stripes make Pete's Minimax a stand out model in the air! Propeller: 11 x 5.5E

52 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

£17.99 I www.airbrushes.com
Colour selection is a primary consideration when
finishing a scale model, indeed a splash of the
correct hue to a pilot figure can do much to brighten
up the most run-of-the-mill sportster. New from
The Airbrush Company come four sets of LifeColor
acrylics, each of which contain 6 x 22ml containers
of high-quality paint in a variety of colours. For
both brush and low-pressure airbrush application
(suitable thinners is also available) onto plastic, resin,
metal, vinyl, wood, cloth & ceramic, each set is priced
at £17.99. Check out airbushes.com for more info’.
£599.99 I www.cmldistribution.co.uk
Developed with a high level of attention to design and detail, the sleek, stylish J-65 Twin
70mm EDF business jet from XFly Model sports a scale outline and trim scheme, rivet-detailed
window frames, factory-installed landing and navigation LEDs, removable winglets, scale
retractable u/c and doors (compression strut nose gear and trailing link mains), plus removable
nacelles and wings. A 3-axis stabilisation system with SBUS functionality and fully adjustable
gains brings the promise of a smooth, assured flight performance. Powered by a pair of 2860-
KV2200 motors and 70mm EDF units fuelled by your choice of a 6S 5000 – 6000mAh LiPo via a
pair of (supplied) 60A ESCs, expect flight times of around 5 - 8 minutes. Every inch the executive
jet, just add your own Tx, Rx, LiPo and charger.


£10.99 I www.airbrushes.com
A timely release in conjunction with their
LifeColor acrylics, The Airbrush Company have also
announced the
first instalment
of this painting,
and finishing
book series
that includes
£319.99 I www.cmldistribution.co.uk
and general
Gorgeously finished in the schemes
of Blue Thunder II, Miss America and
Voodoo, these three 43.3” (1100mm)
covering a
span Reno style P-51 racers from FMS are
wide variety
robustly crafted from EPO and feature
of scale
scale detailing, a realistic four-bladed
propeller, forward tilting landing gear,
Volume 1 of
functional flaps, engine exhausts, air intake and wing fences. Upgraded electronics
this 36-page
featuring FMS’ Reflex Gyro system help keep these beauties on the straight and narrow,
A4 publication includes step-by-step
which is just as well considering that speeds in excess of 90mph are possible with the
guides in painting a pair of 1/35 scale military
highly efficient prop, 900kV motor, 80A ESC and recommended 4S 2600mAh LiPo - they
figures, and how to replicate rust, mould and decay
are guaranteed to get your heart pounding! Check them out now at your local CML
– an essential reference for the avid scale modeller.
Distribution stockist.

56 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

Robert Hirsch with his new Bionik design, as
discussed later in this month's column.


This month Keith Jackson covers a whole gamut of F3A flying topics

words » Keith Jackson photos » Keith Jackson, Robert Hirsch, Malte Schmidt, Alexandru Voicu, Ralph Schweizer

T he Federation Aeronautique
Internationale (FAI), which is the world
air sport’s governing body, have
released the latest guidance for 2022
concerning F3A competition and this may
the model is required not to exceed 94
dBA noise level measured at 3m to the
right-hand side of the model. This
protocol, where models are noise tested
at the beginning on the competition in a
major events. However, at the end of each
pilot’s competition flight the judges now
have the requirement to state whether
the model was deemed ‘noisy’ and if the
majority agree that it was then the model
be downloaded from the GBRCAA website procedure known as model processing, will be tested in the normal way.
at: https://www.fai.org/sites/default/files/ has been deleted. This does not remove
sc4_vol_f3_aerobatics_22.pdf the requirement for F3A models to 2. Score normalisation is to return to the
This document details all the adhere to the 94 dBA limit; the rule stays convention where the winner of each
requirements to be involved with in place, just that models will not be round is awarded 1000 points. After the
competitive F3A, from model specifications, automatically tested at the start of the competition flight ‘raw points’ awarded
manoeuvre and schedule descriptions, competition and I’m guessing this is to by the judges for each pilot are
competition rules and judging save time and resources at the start of normalised so that the winner of each
requirements. What appears to be quite a
dull read is actually very informative and
essential to understand if you are serious
about F3A. In particular several important
changes have been made in this edition,
which are listed at the beginning of the
document. They will affect all F3A pilots
significantly and these include:

1. Section 5.1.2.f, 5.1.2.g and 5.1.8.k relate to

noise measurement, specifically where Roll rates of part and continuous rolls within a manoeuvre do not have to match. See next page.

58 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


round is given 1000 points and all other

Original belt driven Adverun Single Drive.
competitors scores are scaled
accordingly. For example, if the winner
attained 500 raw points and the next
competitor gained 480, then that pilot
would be given 480 / 500 x 1000 = 960
points. So, in a three round competition
it is again possible to win the event if
you score 1000 points for rounds one
and two.

3. Judging criteria is changed to include

constant speed and remove references
to smoothness and gracefulness. The
FAI states: ‘The model aircraft shall
maintain a constant flight speed throughout
the various manoeuvre components, for
example, in climbing and descending
sections. For significant differences up to one
point is subtracted.’

4. Clarification of roll rates in manoeuvres

containing part rolls and continuous
rolls. The roll rates for these components NEW ADVERUN SINGLE DRIVE gears instead of the more traditional gear
do not have to be the same throughout A number of years ago Adverun, at the request and belt approach. The drive uses the same
the whole manoeuvre. For example, a of several high profile F3A pilots, produced a Kontronik Pyro 650-78 motor as previously,
manoeuvre with three consecutive limited number of single propeller drives with a slightly reduced gear ratio of 4:1 (60:15
quarter rolls followed by a three-quarter utilising the Kontronik Pyro 650-78 motor and teeth), which now matches the ratio used in
continuous roll opposite; the roll rate of a single belt. The drive was compact, very their Contra drive unit. The gears feature the
the three-quarter rolls must be the same powerful and a gear ratio of 4.3:1 allowed it to familiar helical teeth to allow higher loads to
but do not have to match the roll rate turn a 22 x 12 propeller in excess of 6500 rpm. pass. According to Malte Schmidt, who is one
used for the opposite three quarter roll. Although there was demand for this drive unit of the directors at Adverun:
This statement removes any confusion Adverun took the decision to discontinue it in “The gear system is more forgiving in terms of
that all rolls in a manoeuvre must have preference to a different approach. vibration and durability. We also found that noise
the same roll rate regardless of whether Finally, the new single drive has emerged is not an issue as the gearbox noise is masked by
they are continuous or part rolls. in a slightly different format, now using two the sound of the propeller. We created this drive
because we kept getting questions about our
single drive and saw some market demand. It was
very important to us to build it in a way that it
would just work from the beginning. We have the
aspiration to deliver products that work, and we
have fixed problems in the field in the past. In this
particular case we wanted to avoid that if
possible. We ship these drives all over the world
and if you need to recall a drive from Asia for some
necessary product updates this is just too time
consuming and expensive.

Rear view of the Adverun Single Drive using twin

Prototype Adverun Single Drive using twin gears. gears.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 59
Pre-mould version of the new Bionik design for contra drives. Side view of the Bionik showing its fuselage stiffening structure.

I like to state a weight range of 430 - 480g.

The 430g is without accessories and this is Front detail of the Bionik.
typically how our competitors measure weight.
This is intended for comparing with other
alternatives. The 480g includes everything (e.g., Battery and switch location.
prop drivers, spinner, rubber mounts, etc) and is a
more realistic weight intended for estimating
final weight of the plane.”
So, in a nutshell it’s a bullet-proof,
high-power design that can handle up to 3.5
kW of power driving propellers from 21 x 14
to 22 x 14 sizes. If you are aiming for a single
propeller drive for your latest F3A model,
then this has surely got to be the top

Also coming from Robert Hirsch at Adverun
is his new Bionik monoplane design. A
totally new model, still in the concept stage stiffening structure to keep it absolutely rigid the fin structure. It will also be a fully
of production, this airframe features the now during high G and knife edge manoeuvres. composite model and the first prototype is
familiar swept wings to aid rolling The rudder is internally hinged in the mould expected from Falcon in February or March
manoeuvres along straight lines. Also, the using Kevlar cloth so no further work will be 2022. I look forward to hearing of its
fuselage is heavily ‘grooved’ with a significant required once it is cut top and bottom from progress.

Vortex concept in CAD

60 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


Basic framework of the Vortex showing the cowl support. Side sheeting added.

VORTEX several of the build steps, to show exactly

The Vortex F3A design has been in the public what was involved in bringing the Vortex to
eye since designer Alexandru Voicu first life. The final ready to fly model shown was
posted a build thread of the fully built-up actually another Vortex built by Kristoffer
aircraft on the RC Universe forum. This article Gustafsson from Sweden.
was novel, not only because the Vortex was Aside from a brilliant read of how to make
one of the first really deep monoplane your own design F3A model, the additional
designs that are now commonplace in F3A, reason to include the Vortex in this edition is
but for the amazing amount of detail that that the design lives on! It is now available as
Alexandru included in the build process. The a ready built model from RC-Composite.com
thread shows in crystal clarity each step and it can also be purchased in the UK.
required to build from a basic framework RC-Composite are well known for the
right up to the finished model. production of high quality fully composite
If you’ve ever wondered how much effort models and this includes the recent Glacial
goes into models like this then reading this by Lassi Nurilla. Several of these kits are now
thread will certainly enlighten you: in circulation and even Bondaero proprietor
https://www.rcuniverse.com/forum/ Chris Bond is having a go at this particularly
rc-pattern-flying-101/11665994-vortex-f3a- vogue F3A model. Chris will be using the
build-thread.html Adverun XS v2 contra drive for propulsion
I have included several pictures of the and has kindly sent some pictures detailing
Tailplane half structure. Vortex, from the concept CAD image to his progress. Jeti radio control will be used

Finished tailplane.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 61
Wing half sheeted.

for guidance along with MKS servos for the

control functions. Airborne power to the
radio system is provided by an Optipower 850
mAh 2S receiver LiPo, regulated by a
PowerBox DigiSwitch V2 and with back up
provided by an Optipower Ultraguard. These
latter items are so standard now and provide
fantastic fit and forget reliability. Nearly
The model is not yet finished but I will finished.
show the completed model in a future
edition, along with any information from its
initial flight tests. Weighing just 65g the three blade RS M² 3-2 Stefan Kaiser was keen to use it in competition
carbon propeller was developed mostly for two after he had tested the prototype.
RALPH SCHWEIZER PROPELLER reasons: When competing as an active F3A pilot I had
The following text was received by Ralph Firstly because of the lousy braking abilities always had problems finding a perfect set up
following my request for technical exhibited in down lines when using modern F3A compromise for both windy and calm conditions.
information on his new M² 3-2 Carbon out-runners (compared to in-runners fitted with One of my ideas was to make the propeller useable
Propeller: planetary gearboxes). Secondly top F3A pilot over a wide range of speed, for different flying

Ready to fly! Kristoffer Gustafsson’s

Vortex awaits its first flight.

62 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


MKS 737 HV servo mounted in wing for aileron


styles, different models and different motor

concepts. It should have exceptional ‘throttle-
ability’. In my definition this means easy to
handle, with some fault-tolerant abilities to
support even the average pilot. Christophe
Paysant Le Roux’s work on the throttle stick is
outstanding and I watched it many times - simply Compliantly mounted motor plate bonded into MKS 747 HV servo used for rudder control.
amazing. But I have not met many pilots who are place. Cooling slots cut out. Looking a little lost in the cavernous fuselage!
able to do this, so the idea was to have some
forgiving and easy-going characteristics built into I do love sincere feedback; this is the only way comprising Thomas David, Kevin Caton and
the propeller. we learn effectively. If you have any comments, Malcolm Balfour will hopefully have been
Everybody should get along with its behaviour please let us learn together. ratified by the BMFA at their Full Council
easily. No judge should see immediately that you Ralph Schweizer Meeting at the end of January, along with
are nervous - at least not on the throttle stick! ralph@ralphschweizer.com new UK Team Manager, Adrian Harrison. In
We initially tested it extensively on the Hacker the next edition I hope to introduce these
Q80, but we also learned that some pilots even NEXT EDITION three pilots in the build up to the European
tried it on in-runners like the Plettenberg As I mentioned in my last article the UK F3A Championships to be held in Zamora, Spain
Advance or a Leomotion L90 and that it really team were provisionally selected after a from the 21st - 28th August 2022.
worked well. Sebastiano Silvestri even tried it on Team Trial was held in 2021. This included Also, continuing the home building
a Hacker C54 2YL with a planetary gearbox, but both the P-21 and F-21 schedules at the time theme from this article, I’ll be featuring
I have not seen many pilots with a three-blade and also two Unknown schedules to add to prodigious builder Dan Workman’s new
prop and a gearbox based in-runner since then.
So, this propeller offers a good compromise for
the difficulty of the event. Our team, Bifinity design. ✈
a lot of different pilots. Why compromise?
Everything comes at an expense. In our design
considerations we sacrificed a bit of top end
power to build in harmonic abilities, helping you
about 80% of the time in competition. Top end
power in my understanding has to be provided
from the motor, not from the propeller. So, the
idea was to use a rather strong motor with a
wide range and a forgiving propeller rather than
a weak motor with an aggressive propeller
where every rpm is needed to do the job. It is
fantastic to get very similar feedback from all
over the world and from pilots with different
skill levels.

As used by top F3A pilot Stefan Kaiser from

Lichtenstein. M² 3-2 Carbon Propeller by Ralph Schweizer.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 63

Flying wise there’s little to choose between them
and both make great grab ‘n’ go sport jets.

BAe HAWK & T-33

David Ashby flies the new arrivals joining Arrows’ popular mini Viper Jet
words & photos » David Ashby

“...the EPO foam is strong and densely moulded”

rrows’ little 50mm EDF Viper Jet has sold like

A hot cakes and deservedly so. So, no surprise

that it is joined by these two new models and,
in the true spirit of ‘if it ain't broke…’, the Viper’s design
methodology has been transferred to a pretty BAe
Hawk and a Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star.
Like the Viper these are hand launch/belly land
models but, where necessary, reinforcement does a
good job of minimising wear and tear. For instance,
the Hawk has strong plastic under-fins at the tail and
both models use aileron servo output protectors and
excellent underside finger grips that help get ‘em up
without mishap.
First impressions are very good; the moulding and
finish are crisp and blemish free. Perhaps the only
appearance tweak many will make is to paint the
canopy frames, something I’ll attend to post review.
That aside, the EPO foam is strong and densely
moulded, while several paint layers do a good job in
disguising the material. So good in fact that, at a
glance, the uninitiated might assume these are balsa
models from a Tony Nijhuis plan. Incidentally, the
row of holes in the T-33’s wing tip tanks are there just
to save a bit of weight. Refreshingly different, this T-33 looks great in the air too.

64 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


Lightening holes in the T-33's tip tanks.

The Hawk is a well-modelled subject, albeit rarely in this compact size.

Both models have aileron servo output protectors.

pack to extend duration. The popular 3S
2200mAh is an obvious alternative but, for me,
an 1800mAh 3S hits the spot, with extended
duration and a modest weight gain that
Again, both have good finger holds. The Hawk's forward cooling air intake is from doesn’t lend a heavy feel or compromise
strong plastic and doubles by helping preserve the agility. I know some flyers have tried a 4S pack,
ASSEMBLY underside. but I really can’t see the point as, for their size,
The manual is excellent but largely both models fly enjoyably fast enough using
superfluous. You’ll have these models ready to stabilisation gyro that Arrows fit to many of three cells.
fly in 20 minutes or so after gluing the their models - these two don’t have that As for control surface deflections, in both
stabiliser in place (I used UHU Por) and widget onboard. That’s nothing to worry cases the high rates suggested confer a very
screwing down the one-piece wing. about, mainly because these models fly sensitive feel that will require some
Thoughtfully, the gluing areas have been left perfectly well without, just as the Viper Jet did. exponential at the transmitter to make things
unpainted. Each uses a 50mm 11-blade EDF unit, with comfortable (30% in my case). So, start with
It’s sensible to check the servo arm quick power from a small 3S LiPo; in other words, the the low rates and go from there; they should
link connectors to ensure they’re secure (one of same combination that pushes the Viper along be enough for most people.
mine needed a nip), perhaps adding some so well. Lifting the magnetically retained Do balance both models at the forward
thread lock while you’re at it. canopy hatches reveals good size interiors with point of their suggested C of G ranges for the
plenty of room for a receiver and a bit of LiPo first few flights. That’s especially important for
PRE-FLIGHT shifting to hit the suggested C of G. Arrows say the T-33; a friend also has one and we’ve both
Now, while it may say ‘Vector’ on the box - a 30C 3S 1300mAh pack is required but, as with settled on 70mm back from the leading edge
Vector being the name of the switchable the Viper, some will be tempted to use a larger at the wing root compared to the 75 - 85mm

Horns and clevises are perfectly good. Both models use a twin wire pushrod to
Strong plastic again at the Hawk's tail end fins. move the elevators.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 65
…and a receiver further back. Do check the servo arm quick link grub screw
Plenty of room for a LiPo at the T-33’s sharp end… before flying; it may need a nip. Adding thread lock is sensible too.

“Do balance both Hawk’s battery area isn’t quite so

models at the forward large as the T-33 but my 1800mAh
3S packs slip in easily enough.
point of their suggested
C of G ranges for the
first few flights”
mentioned in the manual. The Hawk flies
nicely when balanced at the forward point of
the 65 - 75mm range suggested.

While the finger grips help get the models
away safely, I find that an overarm launch is
easier as it provides the altitude the model
needs that allows time for my fingers to find
the transmitter sticks.
If you’re expecting the horrible high-pitched
noise some smaller ready-to-fly EDF jets have
made in the past then prepare to be very have elapsed, which allows for a mixture of energy management will be far less effective
pleasantly surprised. An 11-blade impeller spirited and relaxed flying. and flight times truncated.
means both models deliver that pleasant Weather wise, the calmer the better. These A higher wing loading and slightly slimmer
jet-like whoosh from their little 50mm fans. are lightweight machines so although they’ll profile mean the Hawk has a faster feel when
Flying with an 1800mAh 3S battery, I set my cut through a 10-12mph breeze well enough, the throttle stick is advanced all the way. It also
timer at four minutes and land before five you’ll use more power to make headway, shares the traits I’ve noticed flying larger EDF

Although it’s nicer to get someone else to launch, both models are easy to get
I’ve taped the ESC lead to prevent it fouling the elevator servo arm. away if you are by yourself.

66 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


Fast and agile, both models sound good thanks to

those 11-blade fans.
The Hawk seems to get away slightly faster. Both models need a second or two to really get going after launch.
Although there are modest differences in feel
and behaviour between each model in the air,
I’d hesitate to select a favourite; neither is
better than the other, just a little different.
Essentially, if you have a Viper then you’ll know
what to expect and any intermediate or
experienced pilot who has yet to fly one of the
trio will love either of these new arrivals.
They’re a good introduction for anyone
tempted to try EDF jets for the first time too.
Compact, nippy, smooth flying, well behaved
Why not get a few mates together with their Hawks and very pretty. They’ll sit in the corner of your
and have fun trying to emulate the famous display Perhaps the T-33 looks a tad nicer in the air? car ready for an impromptu flying session and,
team? trust me when I say, I think they’ll get more

Hawks; for instance, the nose can dig in a little

of rudder, quick point rolls can be flown. You
have to search hard for a stall response, but a
airtime than anything else you have. ✈
through tight turns and a decent amount of relatively fast wing drop will be found after
down elevator is required to hold the nose up
when flying inverted.
In both cases roll rates are as sparkly as you
want to make them and, despite the absence
some provocation. That’s nothing to worry
about though and either model can be flown
in slowly for landing. Just keep ‘em moving and
you won’t have a problem.
Name: Ready-to-fly electric
ducted fan jets
Manufacturer: Arrows Hobby
UK distributor: J.Perkins Distribution
RRP: £149.99 (each)
Power system: 2627-size 4500kV
outrunner, 30A ESC,
50mm 11-blade fan,
1300mAh 3S LiPo battery
ESC connector type: XT60
Functions (servos): Ailerons (2), elevator (1),
throttle (via ESC)
Req’d to fly: Receiver and LiPo
Wingspan: 800mm (31.5”)
Fuselage length: 750mm (29.5”)
Wing area: 11.2dm² (173 sq.in.)
All-up weight: 495g (17.5oz)
Wing loading: 44.2g/dm² (14oz / sq.ft.)

BAe Hawk
Wingspan: 661.5mm (26”)
The Viper Jet paved the way for these new arrivals. Identical power systems fly each. Fuselage length: 725mm (28.5”)
Wing area: 8.6dm2 (133 sq.in.)
“I’d hesitate to select a favourite; neither is All-up weight: 475g (16.7oz)
better than the other, just a little different” Wing loading: 55.2g/dm2 (18oz / sq.ft.)

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 67

All Write
Get in touch...


TOP LETTER For his letter this month Je�f James wins a very popular LiPo and low
self-discharge receiver pack combo courtesy of Overlander Batteries
- www.overlander.co.uk

During my winter build, a Carl Goldberg Super Chipmunk dating from 1991, I had
an idea that I thought might be of interest to some readers.
I am sure that fellow modellers who enjoy a good traditional build will have found
the bending of sheet balsa over the leading edge of a built-up wing a frustrating work
stage. I generally use aliphatic resin but even after wetting the upper surface it can still
be tricky to hold the sheeting evenly in place, particularly in the case of the Chipmunk
build, which required the leading-edge strip wood to be fixed after the upper and
lower sheeting.
I was thinking about how I might make life easier by pre-forming the curvature
when I hit upon the idea of using the front vertical corner of a standard domestic
wheelie bin as a template. To my delight it works really well for material up to about
850mm in length and because the bin has straight sides, which lead gently and evenly
into the curved front corners, the sheeting can be positioned as necessary to achieve
the perfect amount of curvature to suit the wing whilst staying flat where it fixes to
the main spar.
As per the picture, I simply lightly wet the outer face and fix it with 50mm wide
decorators’ masking tape, which sticks really firmly to the plastic bin walls. Leave it to
dry thoroughly and the job of attaching it to the wing structure becomes a real
Hands up anyone who does not have at least one wheelie bin!
Je�f James

Thank you, Mike, for your kind comments. I am pleased you enjoyed the article.
REYNOLDS NUMBERS On your first question about biplanes, my comment about them not making
good gliders was in reference to all the struts and rigging wires, each of which has
Could you please forward this to Mike Freeman? I learnt lots from Mike’s their own Re resulting in increased overall drag for the airframe. Add to this the
article on Reynolds Numbers (Oct 21) and would like to ask him the induced drag of the four wing tips and a gliding biplane would need a very steep
following: glide angle to make any headway! I’m not sure whether you are planning on
He mentioned the problem with Reynolds Numbers for biplanes and designing a gliding biplane but here are my thoughts on your questions...
that biplanes don’t make good gliders. Each wing will have its own Re and if they have the same chord the Re’s will be the
If he was looking at a biplane with two wings of similar size, including the same. Minimising the drag of the wings will require careful consideration of a raft of
chord, same Clark Y airfoil, with the lower wing staggered rearwards with other parameters such as air speed, wing aspect ratio, spacing between the wings,
respect to the upper wing, and all the moving surfaces were in the lower wing stagger, to mention a few. You mentioned the downwash from the top wing
wing (aileron, flaps) how would he deduce the Re for each wing, and in turn a�fecting the performance of the lower wing, which is typically addressed by giving
calculate the angle of attack of each wing to maximise lift over drag e�fect, the top wing a slightly lower angle of attack than the lower wing and this
and stability between both the wings? I understand that the upper wing has di�ferential in angle of attack between the wings also needs to be taken into account.
a down thrust e�fect on the lower wing, which presumably will need to be Onto the KFm2 wing section. This section was developed thanks to paper
taken into consideration. aeroplanes and it is ideal for foamies built out of slabs of foam. But I’ve also seen
The other question - back to a mono-wing aircraft: if the aim is to induce balsa models with this section too. The step in these sections is di�ferent to a
turbulent flow at the boundary layer over the upper surface of a wing to traditional turbulator on a wing in as much as it doesn’t trip up the air and promote
increase lift, should the leading-edge step (down) in the upper surface of a turbulent �low. On the KFm sections a little vortex forms behind the step and the
Klein Fogelman 2 (KFm2) wing be closer to the leading edge, rather than lamina of the laminar �low away from the section ‘thinks’ there is a smooth curve
starting at (approx.) 50% of the chord? Does the angle of attack in a KFm2 down to the trailing edge and the air�low stays laminar. In fact, I think the KFm
a�fect the development of turbulent flow similar to a ‘standard’ airfoil? sections need the �low to remain laminar because any turbulent �low behind the
RCM&E keeps me in touch with modelling trends and events on the step will destroy the vortex, resulting in a very draggy, ine�ficient wing section.
other side of the world, and I always learn something new each month. I hope this answers your questions -
Mike Anderson, New Zealand Mike Freeman

70 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

I thought your readers and Alex Whittaker might be interested to know
that on reading the article in which Alex describes the all-metal Beagle
Pup 100 model of G-AVZM built by Syd Holloway (Weekenders, Nov 21),
I find that the full-size version features in my pilot’s logbook, having
been checked out to fly it in 1968 from Shoreham.
I look forward to reading the follow-on article that Alex has promised.
It should make for a very interesting read as the detail on the model
looks very authentic - a real credit to the builder.
Malcolm Black


Attached is a picture of my building table. It is mounted on ‘rise and fall’
legs and can be adjusted height wise at the touch of a button. The cork
covered top measures 770mm x 2100mm, so is plenty big enough for
Photo: Alex Whittaker

most models. I use it at desk height if I am sitting and waist height or

more if I am walking around it.
The rise and fall legs came to me from a clearance sale. They were
new, but not attached to a desk. I sourced the controller from a window/
awning company. The table itself is an interior door with cork tiles glued
on. A bit of simple engineering and there you have it.
Richard Smith, Australia


I very much enjoyed writing
Recently, while programming my transmitter, I wondered if anyone had
the same problem that I was having, and it occurred to me that it would
be good to have a ‘Questions & Answers’ page in the magazine where
my short story in the January people could leave details of a problem and their e-mail address for
issue (All Write, Gipsy Trainer) anyone out there to answer. Typically programming, availability of
and even more to see new spares, aerodynamics etc.
blood coming into our A recent problem I had was programming elevons. I had done this
aeromodelling circle. many times with previous radios so it should have been easy. I plugged
I hope you like the attached one servo into the aileron channel and one into the elevator channel,
photo which shows what we then scrolled through to wing type and engaged elevon. I now had
sometimes do when the aileron okay, but the elevator was reversed. No problem, into servo set
weather is fine this time of up to reverse. However, reverse had disappeared from the menu!
year (December) and the Okay, out of elevon and into servo set up. Elevator reversed and back
model is as nice a flying one as to elevon. Now elevator and aileron were okay, but elevator was on the
the Gipsy. By the way, I am aileron stick and elevator was on the aileron stick! So, I put the elevator
actually controlling the Gipsy, back where it was... By then, desperate, I reversed both aileron and
not merely admiring its flight! elevator, and again received a garbled response. So, I went to the
Arnaldo Correia, Portugal workshop and sulked!
Then I woke up in the middle of the night and remembered that
when I used a JR PCM9 the left aileron was always the master in mixes.
So, I used model reset, started from scratch using servo set up with left
1 - A model aeroplane does not know that it's windy!
aileron in the aileron channel instead of right aileron and elevator in the
elevator channel and it all worked first time.
Lessons learned? First, it’s a computer so it’s doing what you tell it.
This has caused some heated exchanges in our club. My reasoning Second read the *******! instructions thoroughly and assume nothing.
is that it is only us pilots on the ground who perceive that the model John Evans
is not behaving itself in a breeze. How many times have models been
throttled back on the downwind leg only to fall out of the sky! A ‘Q&A’ section in the magazine sounds like a great idea, John. But by giving
out email addresses people could answer directly and so we may never get to see
2 - A model aeroplane needs reverse as it can save one a lot of walking. any responses in the magazine! But let’s give it a try and see what happens. So,
I recently bought a Grand Tundra, which has an ESC with this facility. If if anyone has an R/C aeromodelling related question that they have been
you manage to get in a tight corner when taxiing out, you can always do pondering recently then please write in and let us know. And, if you’ve
a three-point turn! This has led to the belief that I have been converted answered your own question after a bit of thought, just like John has done here,
to electric and foam, and I must admit that there are certain then please let us have that too, as there are sure to be other people in the same
advantages, especially in the winter, but you cannot beat an IC powered position. If we receive enough Q & As to make such a feature worthwhile then
balsa and ply model for the sound, smell, oily fingers, stains on clothes we may consider giving it a regular slot. But this will take time so in the
and car seats of a true aeromodeller! meantime we will probably publish any reader generated advice right here in
Mike (Fuzz) England All Write - KC

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 71

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Mike Freeman puts together
a sub one-metre micro glider
from Vogel-Fly
words & photos » Mike Freeman

The end result is a little gem, as Mike proudly shows

at the slope.

t’s been a while since I’ve seen an R/C

I model designed by someone else and

thought to myself, ‘What a little beauty!’

Well, that was my reaction the first time I saw
the BOO, a sweet little slope soarer from
German manufacturer Vogel-Fly. The BOO
comes from the same stable as the Batwing,
which I reviewed in the July 2020 issue so I
knew the BOO would be jam packed with
innovative design and be a great flyer too.
Needless to say, I jumped at the chance of
reviewing it here. I mean, who wouldn’t want
the opportunity to build those exquisite wings!

Don’t be fooled by the very small, plain brown
box the BOO kit arrives in. Even this was
designed by Vogel-Fly to ensure worldwide
carriage costs were kept to a minimum! Inside
the timber and other components are well
packed. Pretty much everything is included
except glue, covering and radio gear.
There are no instructions included but they
can easily be downloaded from the Vogel-Fly
website where English and German versions are
available. Notably there is no plan, the wings
and tailplane are built direct on the building
board and self-jig into place. The fuselage is
assembled over a ply building jig, which is
included in the kit - an interesting concept.
The fuselage pod is accurately made with a
good surface finish. It is tiny but there are still
strips of carbon tow built in, to stress areas such
as the canopy opening and the boom
connection point. The snazzy carbon fibre
canopy looks great and is pre-cut to shape.
The BOO is built mainly from ply with a small
amount of balsa. The quality of the laser cutting
is quite sublime. The components pop out of A very complete kit. Just add glue, covering material and radio gear.

74 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


Wing joiner boxes are built up around the joiner from carbon fibre
strips cut off the end of each wing spar, and ply. Square doughnuts 27 ribs fit into a 400mm panel! Separate them into ‘unders’ and ‘overs’. Overs are easily
hold it together while the glue dries and are then discarded. identified by the bulge at the TE. Don’t worry, these get snipped off later.

First ribs laid out to get a feel for how they slot together. When dry the TE bulges can be snipped off and filed flush.
the sheets easily, even the ply ones, although BUILDING A BOO • A bit of enabling works is required before
the GRP and thicker ply parts need a bit of help The 28-page manual takes the builder the geodetic wing construction can start.
with side cutters to break up the surrounding methodically through the build. For most of The wing joiner boxes need to be
material. Just a light rub over with a sanding the assembly the components are simply fabricated and the root ribs assembled.
block removes the little pips that held them in slotted together, and the joints flooded with • When adding the Kevlar string it is
place. cyano. The manual is very comprehensive and important to ensure there are no overlaps
Anyone who has built a V-tail model will doesn’t need repeating but here are some otherwise the joiner will not fit between
know how difficult it is to accurately align the points I noted which you might find helpful: the wing spars properly. The tolerances are
tail to the fuselage and wing. No problem here quite close!
as the building jig ensures perfect alignment! • I soon noticed that the fit of the • That geodetic rib arrangement looks fab
But there’s more… there’s a balancing frame components is very good - sometimes too and the attention to detail during the
included to accurately set the CG. These are good and a light rub with the sanding block design process meant it went together
both fabulous additions to the kit and an was required to get a good fit without too perfectly. The components are slotted
indication of Vogel-Fly’s attention to detail. much force. Of course, it is always a good together first and cyano wicked into all the
Just handling the components and dry fitting idea to sand the surfaces of ply and GRP to joints later, so it is essential a good release
parts together suggested this was going to be remove the surface finish from sheet is used under the wing to stop it
an enjoyable build. So, let’s get cracking! manufacture to improve the glue bond. being glued to the board.

A 1mm carbon fibre rod is glued onto the leading edge and round the tip to the
Wing tips need a channel forming for the spars to slot into. trailing edge tip. A 0.5mm groove is filed into the tip for the rod to slot into.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 75
Joiner boxes are wrapped with Kevlar tows and glued in with epoxy. Laser cut Time to separate the ailerons using a mini tenon saw, lined up using laser cut
webs need cutting to fit between the first four rib bays. guidelines on the top and bottom of the wing.

Aileron facing strips are glued on with wood glue. Pin the components down Wing fixing tongues are made up from GRP parts. The tongues slide over one
while the glue dries to keep everything true. another as the wings are joined and the wing fixing holes line up.

• The ribs are labelled R and L, and I • Gently nudge the components into place. align with the LE accurately and check that
recommend you only separate the ribs for Ensure all the ribs are flat to the board and R23 lines up with the end of the bottom
one wing at a time - there are a lot for such fitted to the bottom sheeting and spar sheeting. The wing is so well designed, and
a small wing! Sort the ribs into ‘unders’ and properly. I found a few strips of lead laid on the laser cutting is so accurate that
‘overs’. The ‘overs’ are easily identified by top of the wing helped. Check the rib LE’s anything that doesn’t fit perfectly means
the bulge at the TE. Now sort each set into
number order.
• Here is the building sequence I found best,
I started with the right wing….
 Lay R6, R8 and R10 (these are all ‘unders’)
onto the board roughly in the right
location over the spar.
 Slot upper R3 into lower R10 and slot
upper R4 into lower R8 & R10. Slot this
little assembly into the tabs in the root rib.
 Slide lower R12 into the TE of R4.
 Slot in upper R5, picking up lower R6 at
the LE.
 Slide R14 into the TE of R5.
 Slot in upper R7.
 Slide in R16.
 Then slot ‘n slide until you get to the tip. It
sounds tricky but it isn’t when you get the
• Once slotted together the ribs can be
gently manoeuvred into place - a bit like a
concertina! The end rib is lined up with the
end of the lower aileron sheeting and the
leading edge slotted into place. A handy LE
jig is included which helps insert the LE
and ensures it maintains the correct curve. A clever mounting frame means the aileron servos are accessible in the future, if necessary.

76 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


Components for the tailplane slot together well. Be frugal with the pine strip
as there isn’t a lot spare! The correct angle is guaranteed using the building jig.
GRP fixtures are glued into the tailplane and the matching carbon fibre parts
Once the aileron servos are in place the output arms can be fitted. are glued into the fuselage boom. The wire peg holds it all together in flight.

there is a mal adjustment somewhere and the fixing holes line up for the wing inserted to hold the tailplane in place. I
else! bolts. Once fitted the wing cannot come had to sand the fixing pin down slightly for
• Once happy the cyano can be added. I apart. a perfect fit, but what a clever solution!
glued the TE and the LE joints first, then • The building jig for the fuselage goes • The aileron servos are tucked away at the
took the lead weights off and worked together quite easily following the back of the fuselage pod and to make
methodically through all the cross over photograph in the manual. Make sure all these accessible for future replacement a
joints and spar locations. What joy! the parts are fitted together properly as clever mounting frame is employed which
• Don’t forget to add the triangular block of this jig determines the rigging of the slides into place and is fixed by two screws.
balsa in the first aileron rib bay, which is model and needs to be accurate. The servo output arms can then be fitted.
the reinforcement for the aileron horn. • Tailplane halves and ruddervators are • With that fabulous wing structure, the
• Once the tip is added a 1mm carbon fibre easily assembled; there is even a little covering has just got to be transparent!
rod is glued onto the wing LE and building jig to accurately set the angle of The instructions recommend Oracover
continues around the tip. This is a nice the control horns in the ruddervators. Lite, but this isn’t strong enough for the
feature, which gives a good strong wing • The pine strip for the tailplane false TE and thistle covered slopes I occasionally fly
that should stand the rigours of any rough cross brace is only just long enough so cut from so I used full fat Oracover. I checked
slope site. this accurately. Ignore the 117mm in the the weight penalty of doing this and the
• I used a mini tenon saw to cut the ailerons manual as that’s slightly too long! extra 3.3g was well worth the hit for me.
away. Make sure the saw blade lines up with • The V-tail seat and fixing method
the laser cut guidelines on the top and the employed to make the tailplane SHOEHORN
bottom of the wing. As the material is quite removable is worth a closer look. The That tiny fuselage pod holds all four servos,
thin (once you get past the root rib) a whole arrangement is assembled on a the Rx and flight pack so it should come as no
fine-toothed blade is essential - mine has short carbon fibre tube which is later glued surprise that micro gear is essential. A little
30TPI and worked fine. into the tail boom of the fuz. The V-tail 200 - 400mAh 2S LiPo pack is recommended
• A clever wing locking and fixing system is dihedral braces have lugs that slot in and there isn’t really any room for anything
used. Tongues built into each wing slide between the blocks glued to the carbon else. I have a couple of 280mAh 2S LiPo packs
over each other as the wings are joined fibre tube. When fitted a wire pin is that I use in UMX models, which fit perfectly.

The fuselage pod is simply gorgeous, with carbon fibre reinforcement at the
canopy opening and the boom attachment spigot at the rear. The building jig
ensures the tailplane seat and tailplane are accurately aligned as they are Finished airframe ready for covering. That elegant wing structure is just crying
glued in. out for a transparent covering!

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 77

Ruddervator connections line up perfectly thanks
to the building jigs included in the kit.

It's tight in there, but it all fits!

flick rolling of the top. Rolls are nice and crisp slope with an arrow like flight path, but you’ll
Short and direct! Aileron pushrod details. and relatively axial thanks to the differential need to be quick on the sticks as it soon gets
recommended. While flying inverted only a very small! Whilst I prefer to fly the BOO in
The BOO was designed around the Ripmax slight forward pressure is required for level Normal or Speed phase it is very satisfying to
SD100 servo (aka HEPF H47 and Dymond flight. All told, BOO has a fabulous sports fly it in Thermal phase. The BOO’s small size
D47), which is suitable for a 2S LiPo pack and it aerobatic vibe and will be great fun for fliers of means you can get into all the lifty nooks and
seemed right to use these for the review, but at that persuasion. crannies of a slope that bigger soarers cannot
£25 each they are a bit pricy. I got mine from I was impressed with how the very small reach.
those nice people at www.hyperflight.co.uk wing section responded to camber changes. With adequate height I checked out the
but Hyperflight also do a cheaper alternative, With the recommended CG there is a gentle stall. Easing back on the stick the BOO
the BMS-101HV, which is a similar size and pull out from a dive when flying in ‘Normal’ becomes sluggish and uncomfortable, but
suitable for the 2S flight pack. If you go the flight phase, but this reduces to a more neutral you’ll need almost full up and minimal speed
101HV route, you’ll need to slightly modify the recovery in ‘Speed’ phase. With ‘Thermal’ to get an adverse reaction. Go too far and a
servo mounts and slots for the aileron servos phase switched in there is a noticeable drop in wing will drop, and it’ll enter a spiral dive but
to suit. I used a little Multiplex RX-5 Light speed and BOO climbed nicely up the wind there is an almost instant recovery when the
receiver, which fitted nicely. There isn’t room gradient. The movements may be small, but elevator stick is released. There is no
for a switch, so powering on/off is achieved via they certainly have an effect and broaden the recommendation for spoilerons in the
the battery plug. Remember to double check BOO’s flight envelope. manual, but I had dialled some in any way!
your chosen Rx is 2S LiPo compatible before When in ‘Speed’ flight phase BOO has a mini When deployed the glide angle increases
plugging in! It’s a bit of a fiddle installing the F3F feel to it and zips back and forth across the slightly but there isn’t much change in speed.
gear but with care and a bit of tweaking it all
fits in fine.

Balancing a small model can be a nightmare
but Vogel-Fly have addressed this by including a
balancing jig, which slots into the building jig.
This accurately sets the CG to the recommended
39mm. My BOO only needed a 3.8g blob of Blu
Tack in the nose to balance correctly and with
the throws set to the recommended values we
were ready to go flying.

BOO gets away nicely from a good toss and is
soon in its element. It looks great in the air,
especially on a sunny day with the sun shining
through the transparent covering showing off
that lovely wing structure!
The recommended control throws are pretty
much spot on. I may think about increasing
the rudder throw slightly to improve the
authority a bit but, for now, I’ll leave it as it is.
Nice tight loops are possible without a risk of One final use of the clever jig - a perfectly balanced BOO!

78 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


The 10-18mph wind range is where

BOO is really in its element and soars With that fabulous wing structure, the
around like a model twice its size. covering has just got to be transparent!

More importantly, the increased washout The pull-out from a dive is reduced slightly recommended for experienced fliers and I’d
helps prevent a low-level stall in tricky and, in Speed phase, the BOO becomes more say that’s about right. It’s not tricky to fly; it
landing areas and they work a treat. I was pitch neutral - just how I like my slope soarers just likes to fly fast and gets small very soon,
pleased to see that with 100% spoileron to groove. I only needed to dig 2g of BluTack requiring regular attention on the sticks.
deployed there is no change in pitch, so no out of the nose to achieve the 41mm CG. Everyone who sees my BOO says how cute it is
elevator compensation was required. I’ve flown my BOO in a variety of wind speeds and how well it flies, but I’ve only entrusted
Whilst the recommended CG at 39mm is from around 5mph up to around 20mph and the sticks to one fellow glider guider, Jonathan
fine for first flights I found the BOO flew to my although it copes admirably with the Markovitz, whilst I took the flying photos -
personal liking with the CG set at 41mm. I extremes, I much prefer the 10-18mph range thanks Jon. He enjoyed flying the BOO so
know this is only a 2mm movement but on where the BOO is really in its element and much the first thing he did when he got home
such a small model it does make a difference. soars around like a model twice its size. It’s was order one for himself!

The BOO might be small in stature but it’s big
in design/build innovation and great fun to fly.
It’s definitely one for the modeller who enjoys
building but the quality of the design and
manufacture makes the assembly a pleasant
experience for anyone. The end result is a little
gem and I reckon the BOO definitely lives up to
Vogel Fly’s promise of it being a ‘tiny little fun
slope glider’. BOOtiful!✈

Name: BOO
BOO might be small in stature but it’s big in design/build innovation. Model type: Micro slope soarer
Manufacturer: Vogel–Fly
RRP: €120 + €9 shipping
Wingspan: 31.5" (800mm)
Wing area: 124in² (7.8dm²)
Fuselage length: 18.9" (480mm)
Weight: 5.82oz (165g) with
280mAh 2S LiPo
Wing loading: 6.76oz/ft² (21g/dm²)
Wing section: Vogel–Fly Low Re Special,
flat bottomed, 8% thickness
Functions (servos): Ailerons (2),
Ruddervators (2)
BOO is not tricky to fly but it likes to fly fast and gets small very quickly, requiring regular attention on Requires: Micro radio gear, glue
the sticks. & covering

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 79

I did a bit on my Phantom
control liner over Xmas!


Whittaker resolves to be a better person, but not just yet…
words & photos » Alex Whittaker

ell, as you know, I gave myself a

W good telling off in late December.

This was because the state of my
shed was an utter disaster. Not only were all of
my building benches strewn with wood,
wings, fuzzes, engines, servos and tools - all
the Amazon boxes for the family Xmas
presents had found their way onto my shed
floor. The minimal walkway between the piles
of boxes soon became impassable. The
Blonde Person refused to enter the shed with
her immaculate footwear. Something had to
be done. I made the bold decision to bite the
metaphorical bullet. I wanted a clean, airy,
efficient, clinically bright shed for The New
Year. Amazing myself, I actually got stuck in. I
then spent no less than six days visiting the
council tip, sorting my way through all my
modelling items and generally imposing
order. The effect on my modelling morale has
been electric. I really can’t wait to finish
building my stalled own-design scale projects. My shed was - and some parts still are - a disaster. This is my model store.

HEARTACHES BY THE NUMBER that particular broken / incomplete / slightly sensitive times in a modeller’s life, such as
Mind you, this shed sorting process was not faulty item at some future date. this, one has to be hard with oneself. I was
without heartache. Like most modellers, I During my six-day sorting sojourn I ruthless with my emotional pain. I bagged
hate throwing modelling things away. I know discovered boxes and boxes of ‘come in up the excess stuff in huge black bin liners,
that without doubt, as soon as I do, I will need handy one day’ items. Now, at difficult and ready for the tip. Much to The Blonde

80 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


The ‘funny little hammer’ - my lost and found bore

Things had to be junked in bin bags. gauge!

Found when tidying - a new set of lathe tooling

Person’s amusement I first filled the hall with BENCH SPACE that I had forgotten I had bought.
them. Mrs. Whittaker then laughed because So, after almost a week of sorting I can now
she could see I was having trouble parting actually get around my shed. I even found some This means that, besides actually
with any of it. In my mind, putting the bags in really useful items that I must have bought and designing and building, I like dabbling in
the hall made them psychologically closer to forgotten during Covid. These included a simple machining, circuit electronics, gas
the front door - and therefore the tip. brand-new collet chuck for the lathe, complete hearth work and silver soldering, spray
At this point I noticed that a particularly with a set of metric collets. There was also an painting and airbrushing, and lathe work
important item that I had thought lost - and unopened foamie jet, an unopened tranny and milling. As things move on, I no longer
then found in the tidy-up - was missing from adapter and an unopened Flight Sim. Wow! get heavily involved with my AF and RF
the newly cleared bench. I could not find one of Anyway, back to the task, and frankly my oscilloscopes, sig-gens and mini RadioSpares
my best tiny telescopic bore gauges! I have a full renewed energy surprised me. The fact that I PCB production plant. I am no longer trying
set that I use for checking piston bores, bearings had actually dragged myself out of my New to build home brew radio control equipment,
and the like. One was missing from its place in Year stupor to tackle it has given me a big but I am often still soldering up and testing
its blue plastic wallet. My heart slumped. There boost. I had kept putting it off. Now it’s done simple circuits and batteries. Likewise, these
was nothing else for it - I had to go through and I walk into the shed and feel good about days I will only occasionally be silver
each and every of those freshly sealed bin bags! myself, rather than guilty at all the mess. soldering up undercarriages and exhaust
This pantomime put Mrs. Whittaker in fits systems. However, airbrushing is still quite
of amusement. I checked them all, and, sure FIVE BENCHES new to me and these days I like getting stuck
enough, none of the bags yielded the missing Anyhow, yonks ago I arranged my shed into into that too.
item. Half a morning wasted on re-bagging seven nominal spaces: five benches, plus an My current bench usage reflects my
and the errant bore gauge was still absent impromptu model storage space on the floor evolving interests. Here are my benches
without leave. (!) and a conveniently large table to charge with a bit of my rationale for their use. You
and store the current models in use. may find my choices interesting...
AT THE TIP Obviously, these choices of spaces and
I packed all the bin bags into Fat Albert, my benches reflect my own view of traditional 1. Fitting Bench
ancient and cheap Ford Galaxy, and cruised ‘multi-discplinary’ aeromodelling. This This was my first ever all-purpose
down to the Council tip. At the gate a chap in encompasses the traditional ideal of striping aeromodelling bench when we moved into
day-glo attire, complete with a clipboard, to be at least competent in a number of the house forty-odd years ago. I recycled the
waved me down. He explained that the aeromodelling disciplines. As Boddo once existing Hygena kitchen units that we had
Council had introduced a new ‘Meet & Greet’ wrote: ‘The sky is the limit.’ just stripped-out from of the kitchen. There is
policy. Household rubbish had to be strictly
sorted according to new ecologically sound
principles. Apparently there had been some
backsliding by some of of us Band F Council
Tax payers. He pointed ominously at a new
Council sign, to the effect that all sealed bags
would be opened to check their contents.
I drove over to the correct skip. Once there,
another day-glo attired operative put my bags
on a big table. He started slitting them open.
Being British we chatted about the falling rain,
the price of petrol and who’d won the 3.30 at
Chester. We both inhaled the deeply pungent
aroma of the immediately adjacent (and
gently steaming) Council compost plant. One
by one he opened each bag, then after a quick
delve he threw the contents into the
appropriate eco-skip. He got all the way to the
last bag when he said to me,
‘Do you want this funny little hammer...?”
I looked and sure enough, there in his hand
was my missing bore gauge! My fittings bench. Very handy when other benches are full. Note the drill.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 81

My main L-shaped bench with lots of storage below.
considerable storage under this long bench, became too small for building the bigger
including all my substantial discrete radio stuff. Still, it is a handy space for, say, I keep my electronics test gear under Bench 2.
electronics component stock (I keep my fettling carbs, assembling engines, testing
electronics test kit elsewhere). I have all my batteries and doing the odd bit of small- rattle cans. The easily moved commercial
electric flight chargers, batteries, scale soldering. It is especially convenient plywood tool caddy (from eBay) is a
transmitters and sundries stored here in the when the main building bench is full. I often godsend. I should have made one years
lower cabinets. My indoor and outdoor braze small things here in my mini firebrick ago.
flying items are stored here in their hearth. My happy space, I keep most of my The bench itself was made for me by my
travelling alloy cases - Grab and Go, Baby! charging gear, servers, batteries and son. It is essentially two large kitchen units,
This means that I never arrive at the flying receivers in drawers at this bench. Most of with vast storage underneath. All my model
field or indoor flying venue without all I my trannies are stored on my sagging engines, spray gear, compressors and spare
need to sustain my models. Naturally, I have bookcase top. hand tools live below. There are no doors for
discrete boxes for glow and electric flight. I speedy access. A row of plastic mini crates
also store my ultrasonic cleaner bath here. 2. Main L-Shaped Building Bench set back from the bench top house my
This bench top houses my most used and I didn’t have enough room for a pukka wheels, scale pilots, engine mounts, test
versatile machine tool - my drill press. I have walk-around central island bench, which meters and light soldering gear.
lots of drill press accessories, from drum is the best solution. However, my The big shed window really helps with
sanders to a huge variety of specialist drills, L-shaped bench is a good compromise. It seeing colours better. The large shelf
profiling tooling and rotary flap wheel is very handy and stores all my hand tools above the window houses many of my
types. Great fun! The wall houses all my for building, plus building accessories unbuilt classic kits. Much of my balsa is
beloved R/C components and fasteners in a such as scribers, squares, glues and stored alongside this bench on a simple
number of very handy drawer units. V-blocks. I have a removable ply worktop flat shelving unit. I also do all my bench
I used to build all my .40 sized balsa to throw on top when I am drilling, top photography on this bench, with my
models here, and still build the odd control soldering or doing anything oily, or when I coloured card and butcher’s grass
liner on this worktop. However, it long ago use my mini spray booth, airbrush or backgrounds, lit by two large soft boxes.

Plywood tool caddy. Easy to move around and everything to hand. All my power saws are stored on this end bench. Note the SLEC jig above.

82 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022


My lathe / milling machine bench. Tooling is kept below. Resolution 1: There are too many classic kits and engines in my shed
gathering dust.

Resolution 2: Taking less cash to swap meets

might slim down my classic kit collection!

3. Machine Tools & Electronics Bench

Yet more recycled Hygena units comprise Resolution 3: I
Bench 3 and these have vast storage below for have resolved to
pistol drills, hand grinders, hand jigsaws etc. get my First Five
My PCB making kit is stored here. On top I engines up and
keep my Clarke’s band saw, my ancient Dremel running properly
scroll saw and my truly fab little Proxxon table in 2022.
saw. These are simply pulled onto the
neighbouring L-shaped bench to use. This idea
works really well. Much better than storing on 5. Bench Five
the floor or below the bench. My trusty SLEC Err… Bench 5 is about six feet long and two
building jig is stored handily on top of the wall foot deep and has lots of open storage
units. Handy since it is huge. Half-built kits underneath. I built it from a cheap B&Q
adorn that top space, too. wooden kit many moons ago. Currently it
houses all my lathe tooling overspill - and a
4. Lathe / Milling Bench few model boats - with the vast bulk of my
I keep the superb W*nkie W*nkie machine extensive fresh balsa stock below.
here. This is my combined milling machine Unfortunately, as you can see from my hasty
and lathe. It’s an affordable solution and I snaps, it is covered in old models and not at
have made a number of home-brew glow, all accessible. Tidying up and access is a
diesel and Mamod-style marine steam ‘Work In Progress’.
engines on it. Essentially, you can make Getting at my new wood from Bench 5 is Resolution 5: Just two scale projects left to
most metal glow or diesel engine spares on murder so I have a ready-use stash by the finish. This is my funny Fokker.
it. It has also been used to repair itself once L-shaped bench. Not ideal. Needs some
or twice! However, it does need to be set up thought... 3. Get my ‘Heritage Engines’ - my five first
very carefully before each cut. It is no model engines - all back up to running
Myford but the milling machine is a NEW YEAR, NEW IDEAS specification. Almost there.
godsend. Beyond that it is compact, Finally, here are my Solemn 2022
powerful and hugely versatile. Resolutions: 4. Ditto my first five ‘Heritage’ R/C sets.
I have gathered a lot of lathe and milling 1. Try to stick to my ‘One In, One Out’ shed Nowhere near there.
tooling over the years and it all resides here. policy. One new kit or engine in, then one
Under this bench I store my white firebricks goes out, etcetera. 5. No more ‘Schuberts’. No more unfinished
and brazing hearth, which I tend to transfer own-design scale aircraft, until I complete
to the fittings bench to use. 2. Take less cash to swap meets. all my current projects. Two to go!

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 83


Resolution 6: I intend to go to even more shows in 2022. Resolution 7: One New Year’s resolution is to fly more slope soarers.

6. Attend more shows. As Covid recedes, I

gotta get back in the saddle!

7. Do more slope soaring. I have a sheaf of

models and live close to The Great Orme.
No excuses.

8. Start using all the lathe tooling I have

bought, some of which are still in their boxes.

9. Repair my battered indoor electric fleet

and fly more indoors.

10. Build a Free Flight / R/C assist cabin

model for my ‘New In Box’ Boddo diesel
twin. Had it yonks and still not started it.

Happy New Year, gentle reader. You are

important to me.

I am immensely sad to inform you that the
celebrated but reclusive scale modeller Resolution 9: I fixed my crashed indoor bipe over Xmas, now again ready for the fray.
Spartacus (John Simpson) has passed away.
It’s a huge blow to the UK large scale R/C Chris Peers were both exceedingly over many years. I shall miss John’s dry
community and all those on the show generous to me for many years. We have sense of humour. I will return to John’s
circuit. He and his great pal and co-builder, featured John’s models in Model Magic amazing legacy next month. ✈

Resolution 10: I fancy a classic F/F or R/C Assist cabin model for the summer, ideally powered by my un-run Boddo Twin. It must be used this year!

84 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

GOING PLACES For more events go to modelflying.co.uk

Diary dates for the coming season

If you are planning an aeromodelling event over the summer months, then please send details to Beth Ashby at: beth.ashby@mytimemedia.com
If you intend to visit any events listed, then please check with the organisers before travelling in case of any last-minute changes.
You can find more early season Going Places events on page 9 of this issue.

MARCH 2022 traders are welcome from 08:45am onwards. Hot and cold refreshments will
be available during the course of the morning. Admission is £2.00pp at the
Mar 20 door for adults with under 15s free entrance. Tables are available at £5.00 each
Southern Counties Spring Swapmeet, Mountbatten School, Romsey, if you wish to wish to book a table please ring Dave Moore on 07793 815654
Hampshire, SO51 5SY. One of the largest swapmeets in southern England
with over 50 tables. From 08:30am till noon. Admission only £4, under 16s
free. First table costs £9 (including one admission), additional tables cost APRIL 2022
£5 each. Refreshments will be available. For more details and up to date April 9
information visit hmfa.bmfa.org/ CADMAC Swapmeet at Stannington Village Hall at the back of Ridley Arms
To pre-book tables only call Mike Stokes on 07702 742647 Pub Car Park, Stannington, Northumberland, NE61 6EL. Open to all but
aeromodelling items only. Sellers fee £5 per table including one entrance, all
Mar 20 tables are provided, buyers admission £2, ladies and under 16's free. Sellers
BMFA 100 Indoor Flying Extravaganza! at Main Sports Hall, Wycombe set up at 2:00pm. Buyers enter at 3:00pm. All proceeds go to Northumbrian
Leisure Centre, Handy Cross, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP11 1UP. Just Off Air Ambulance. Facemasks must be worn, and hand gel will be provided. For
M40, J4. From 13:00pm to 19:00pm. Celebrate 100 years of the BMFA at the more information, please contact Bob Brown on rwbrown17@gmail.com or
BMFA 100 Indoor Flying Extravaganza! being backed by the BMFA South 07515 682543 to book a table or for directions, Stannington is easily accessed
Midland Area and organised by High Wycombe MAC, Hemel Hempstead from the A1.
MFC, and West London MAC. The event features a big flying hall with a
high ceiling which makes for a much forgiving venue than the most regular April 9
club events. Entry fee is £10 for adults, juniors are free with a paying adult. PSSA ‘Fly for Fun’ event at The Great Orme, Llandudno, North Wales. Meet at
Pre-entry available with online booking at www.ticketsource/bmfa100ife/. the ‘Tank Track’ car park for pilots brief 10:00am each day. Proof of BMFA (or
Pre-entry tickets include a chance to win a Microaces Albatross D.V kit equivalent) Insurance and Pilot Competency certificate required. All models
with choice of flight pack, RRP £135. There will be separate flying slots to be fitted with compliant CAA Op ID number. For more information
for: sports free flight, scale free flight, scale R/C (limited to small, slow, contact Phil Cooke on 07772 224719 or email webmaster@pssaonline.co.uk
and delicate models), sports/aerobatic R/C (for bigger and faster models,
especially shockies). BMFA Membership is required. Further information is April 27
available from: www.hwdmac.co.uk/bmfa100ife or call Brian Seymour on Phoenix MAC NW area Spring Swap Meet at Deanwater Hotel, Woodford,
07931 343199 or email b.s.toolbox@btinternet.com Cheshire, SK7 1RJ (on A5012 Wilmslow to Poynton road). Our long running
NW area event. Bar and seating in swap meet room. Food available. Entry
Mar 27 £2 tables £4 (plus entry fee) Doors open 7:30pm. Table holders 7:00pm. NB:
King's Lynn Aero Model Club Aero Swapmeet at West Winch Village If, just before the event, things are still not back to normal please do phone
Hall, Watering Lane, West Winch, King's Lynn, PE33 0JY. Vintage, Sports, me to check it is on before travelling. Contact Terry Mason 07950 052039
Scale, Classic, ARTF's, IC, Gas, Electric, Rubber, Turbine jet etc. All types of or 0161 439 3816. Email pmaccheshire@virginmedia.com or visit http://
flying models, engines, radio control equipment and associated model pmaccheshire.bmfa.org/
flying paraphernalia. Building materials, balsa kits, books & magazines -
bargains for all! Book your tables in advance: Good sized tables supplied
at £5.00 each or take a chance on the day at £6.00. This includes admission
MAY 2022
of one Stall Holder. Additional helpers £2.00 each. Entry & setting-up for May 7-8
Stall Holders from 8.15 - 8.45am BST. Entry for buyers is strictly 9.00am Modelair Festival of Flight at Shuttleworth, Old Warden Park, Biggleswade,
-12.00pm, £2.00 per person. Ladies & under 15's accompanied by a paying Bedfordshire, SG18 9DX. Come and enjoy the unique atmosphere of Old
adult - FREE! Jumbo Raffle! Bacon butties, teas & coffee will be available. Warden with our season opener. Open from 9:00am - 6:00pm. As always,
Please note that times shown are British Summer Time and clocks go we are running our relaxed RC Fly-In Flightline so come and fly, plus RC
forward 1 hour! Subject to Covid restrictions in force at the time of event, competitions: Bierton Plate (RC Vintage) & BMFA Centenary Competition
with possible cancellation at short notice. For further information and TBA. Enjoy the FF Flying Field and adjoining CL Areas where competitions
booking form contact: Gerry on 01945 582023 or email: klamc.2009@ include Ebenezer, SAM35, Control Line & Carrier Deck. Junior Build & Fly
btinternet.com Competition plus BMFA Centenary competitions where possible, including
‘Flight Fest’ in May - watch this space! The Trade line and Bring & Buy have
Mar 27 been returned to their original location in the paddock adjacent to the FF
Leafields Spring Swapmeet, Pinxton Miner's Welfare, Wharf Road, Pinxton, Field. Admission £TBA, includes entry to the Shuttleworth Collection and
Derbyshire, NG16 6NY. We have been holding our swapmeet now twice Swiss Garden. Camping available for four nights, Wild Campsite opposite RC
yearly for a number of years and have established a good trading record line, advance booking link TBC. Free buggy service around the airfield. For
with consistent numbers of traders and attendees. Come to one of the best more information please visit www.modelair.info, join our Facebook group
swapmeets in the area. Doors will be open to the public at 10:00am and or contact Sheila on modelair@oldwarden@gmail.com or 07799 132999

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 85

n this article Steve Woods shows how

I easy it is to fix any broken or damaged

foam models - but only when you have
the right products!
In this case Steve has chosen a delta wing
model from Ripmax, the Axion RC Laser Arrow
and a bruised and battered Wot 4 Foam-E.

Laser Arrow looking

a bit sad for itself
after a prang with a
wire fence removed
part of the left wing.


Steve Woods shows how to fix any damages to your favourite foam models
words & photos » Steve Woods

1 A quick repair was needed in

order to get the Laser Arrow
back into the air, so out came
the Deluxe Materials 20 Minute
Epoxy and a block of blue foam.
The damaged area was cut out
square and straight, and the
blue foam was cut to match the
hole and the wing tip. Deluxe
Materials 20 Minute Epoxy was
squeezed onto a mixing pallet
in equal amounts, mixed
thoroughly and applied to the
damaged area, after which the
blue foam was pushed into the
hole and a separate piece fixed
onto the wing tip and allowed
to set.

86 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

FOAM REPAIRS | Advertising feature

After approximately 20 minutes the blue foam was sanded to shape. Any dings and
dents were filled with Deluxe Materials Wonderfill.

Once dried the whole area was lightly sanded in preparation for paint.

After the paint had dried the last stage was a coat of Deluxe Materials Foam Armour,
which is a ding and knock resistant exoskeleton covering, ideal for protecting foam
models against those hard landings.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 87

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FOAM REPAIRS | Advertising feature

Ready for take-off, after the Wonderfill and Foam Armour treatment.

Next up is the Chris Foss

designed Wot 4 Foam-E, another
excellent moulded model from
Ripmax. This one needs a new
nose, after carefully cutting away
the damaged area

7 Suitably shaped pieces of blue foam

were Speed Epoxied in place and then
sanded to shape after the epoxy had set.

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 89
To use our FREE READERS’ AD SERVICE simply fill in the coupon provided and we'll print your advert
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3 X TURNIGY TGY1A6B, 6-channel, 2.4 RX, new in packets and never used - sport model, requires covering with 2 x OS46. 01592 840316 - for details and
£10 each. Call Ray on 02087 771508 (Kent). price (Scotland).

SKYWAY STAMPE SV4B, 60” wingspan, foam veneer wings, top deck etc. SEAGULL EDGE 540 AGM 30cc, complete. ARTF Beaver 88” span, RCGF 26cc,
Fibre glass cowl pre-bent. Untouched kit, box is okay, just a little tatty - £75 plus complete. Hangar 9 Tiger Moth 88” wingspan, Evolution 26cc, complete.
P&P. Call Ray on 02087 771508 (Kent). 01592 840316 - for details and price (Scotland).

INDIAN MILLS 1.3S F/F or R/C, last four, new in box - £70 for F/F and £75 for FOKKER DVII 6ft span, Hangar 9 kit - £850. Airframe only - £550. Hannibal 6ft
R/C. R/C Corb - £16. All plus postage. Many new Indian Mills spares, both sizes span - £165. Barnstormer 6ft span - £165. Sport 40 4 ft span - £60 for 2. Bolero 6
except for CYL and crank cases. Used engines for sale list on request. ft span foam wings and body – offers? 02380 263068 (Hants).
01908 617015 (Bucks).
BALSA USA EINDECKER III 80” span, Laser 80, all servos, Futaba 2.4 R617-RX,
FLAIR PUPPETEER KIT, still in its box with fuel tanks, wheels, cowl and all antique Solartex covered. Pilot, Spandau gun, Dubro wheels, 2500 N.M HYD
fittings - £130. Buyer to collect or P&P + £20. Call Dave on 01934 260458 battery, prop and spinner - £400. Buyer to collect. 01506 822066 (Scotland).
(North Somerset).
BUZZARD FOAM KIT, not started. Instruction disc printed out. Selling as lost
A10 WARTHOG 52” span, foam kit by Combat Models USA with 2 Electro-Jet interest - £50. Buyer to collect or can post. 01248 681466 (Conwy).
Cobalt ducted fans (no motors). Instructions and video – offers? - 01382 580161
(Dundee). BOOKS, Engines for Ducted Fans 1990, David James. Speed Control Line
Models, R.H. Warring. Control Line Model Aircraft, D.J. Laidlaw-Dickson and
FLAIR TIGER MOTH ¼ scale built but not covered with new Laser engine - D.A. Russell, both 1949. All in excellent condition - £20 plus postage. Call
£275. Steve 01323 892659 (Sussex). Richard on 01989 564932 (Hereford).

E-FLITE SABRE EDF 860mm complete RFT all E-Flite electrics 3200kv fan
motor sprung oleo mains unflown rare quality model – offers? 07443 578018
(Chesterfield). GREAT PLANES Bird of Time electric glider. 07596 949764 (Stranraer).

GREAT PLANES SUPER STEARMAN, Zenoah 38, RTF, 1815mm span. ALL RC MODELS, new or old wanted. Planes, gliders, kits, engines, boats,
DB 1⁄4 scale Moth, Laser 100, built and painted, needs fuel proofing. BJ cars, radios. Complete collections or job lots. Countrywide collection, no
Craft Monolog RTF. Dumas Dragon Rapide kit. Pichler Top Speed RTF – offers? hassle, cash buyer. Email David at deserteagle357@hotmail.com or call
07443 578018 (Chesterfield). 07940791959 (Clevedon).

PARKZONE RADIAN in mint condition, in box. Only flown once - £100. Buyer RC1198 EKKO 50 ½ “ 40 size aerobat by Mr Hoh Fang-Chuin. Old RCM&E
to collect. 01282 431070 (Lancs). plan, mid-70's. Will buy or borrow and copy. Call Brian on 02380 732794 or
email b.phillips62@btinternet.com (Hants).
WATT 4 lookalike 74” wingspan, RCGF 26cc, complete. Elderly Yak, Zenoah
26cc complete. Elderly 80” Hurricane ASP 120 retracts complete. Twin engine BRIAN TAYLOR 64” Spitfire MK 1 plans. Call Gary on 07779 897033 (Notts).


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90 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

FOAM REPAIRS | Advertising feature

After epoxying on the plywood motor mount the surface of the blue foam was
toughened with a coat of Foam Armour and allowed to dry.

Eze-Kote to the rescue! When brushed onto a covering of 0.6 oz glass cloth it easily
adds strength and dries within minutes and without mess.


The quickly finished repair ready for reassembly of the powerplant. This Wot 4 Foam-E
will be up and flying again very soon!

March 2022 | www.modelflying.co.uk RCM&E | 91

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In his regular Weekenders
column Alex Whittaker takes
steps to protect himself from
mutterings of supply problems
of a modelling necessity - the
humble glow plug! But how
many new glow plugs is
April 2022 ‘enough’? As he pondered this
JET PROVOST issue on sale existential question, he fished
Following on from the Hunter ‘Pro Plan’ in the February 18th March in the bottom of his field
RCM&E, here is the latest and last offering in the Tony box, which yielded a good number of discarded plugs. Most
Nijhuis 70mm ‘Midi’ Jet series - the 37" span Jet Provost. were thrown out, but a few were kept for experiments in plug
Once again, the model is powered by the 70mm, 4S FMS/ ‘refurbishment’. Follow Alex as he reveals how to give those
Powerfun EDF unit and a single 4S 4000 - 5000 mAh LiPo. With an all up weight of oiled up ignition coils a second lease of life.
under 3.25 lbs the Jet Provost is still very easy to hand launch and small enough to
fit in the boot of a car when fully assembled.

In recent years a side-shoot of the model flying hobby has
been rapidly growing, with a wide range of small pusher prop
KEIL KRAFT GYRON models being developed for First Person View flying. Chances
With lots of time on his hands Stephen Jones decided to get out an old Keil Kraft are that you will have seen one or two in action at your local
kit that he was given many years ago. The kit in question was a Gyron, a single club. But if you stripped one of these technological marvels
channel trainer for an .049 engine with a wingspan of 36 inches. This is a very back to basics, how would it perform as a standard fun foam
rare kit as no plans were supplied for it. So rather than just build the original kit, sports model? We asked John Freeman to build an Atomic RC
Steve decided to scan all the parts and then print out his own plan. Dolphin to find out.

Editor: Kevin Crozier
Web Editor: Beth Ashby © MyTimeMedia Ltd. 2021. All rights reserved ISSN 0269-8307
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The Short Solent was a passenger flying boat that was produced by Short Brothers in the late 1940s. It was developed
from the Short Seaford, itself a development of the Short Sunderland military flying boat design. Between 1948 and 1950
BOAC operated Solents on a three-times weekly service from Southampton to Johannesburg, a journey that took four
days, including overnight stops. The last Solent service on the route departed from Berth 50 at Southampton on 10
November 1950, bringing BOAC's flying boat operations to an end.
Photographed by Chris Williams, the Mark 3 captured here is by Martin Hardy, whose Solent is based on the Ivan
Pettigrew Solent Mk.4 plan, with modifications to allow operation from grass as well as water. The model is to 1:14.6 scale,
giving a wingspan of 8ft 4 in (2.5 m). Flying weight is 4.5 kg (10 lb). Two 3S-3300 LiPos are mounted in the nose and each
motor produces 260W into a GWS three blade prop, giving 1kg of static thrust. One battery powers the inner motors, the
other the outer motors; the motors are counter-rotating, with differential throttles for flying from water. Martin says:
“Ivan Pettigrew designs originate from the time when electric models were powered by NiCads and used brushed motors, usually
with gear boxes. They were designed with very light structures, giving good flight
performance even in those days. Updated to brushless motors and LiPos they build Main Photo: Chris Williams
into models with very low wing loadings, slow scale like flying speeds and excellent Camera: Canon EOS 70D
flying characteristics. Lens: EF70 - 300mm f/4 - 5.6L IS USM
This model is a particular favourite due to its presence and stately transit across
the sky. In order to operate from grass as well as water it is fitted with discrete Aperture: f/5.6
wheels in the keel and the tip floats. Nose wheel steering is not required as the Focal length: 229mm
differential throttle works as well on grass as on the water.” Shutter speed: 1/2000
ISO: 200

98 | RCM&E www.modelflying.co.uk | March 2022

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