Megacosm - Order - Form

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Book Order Form

Name of the Student: ______________________________________ Enrollment Number: MCPL ________________________

Father / Legal Guardian’s Name: ____________________________________________ Location: ________________________
Mobile Number: ____________________________ Email ID: ______________________________________________________
Please select Set of Book(s) from the following Options:
Class-wise/Yearly - Number of Books
Select Student **No. of
Particulars Year Total Additional support books
(√) of Class Books
LG – Class VI One
6 20 6,000/- Mental Ability, Vedic Maths, Quicker Maths
Books Year
1st Mental Ability Volume-I, Compendium-Olympiad, Some
7 20
UDAYA – Class VII Year concept of Mathematics
& VIII Books 2nd
8 20 Mental Ability Volume-II, Compendium- Olympiad
UDAYA – Class VIII One Mental Ability Volume-I & II, Compendium- Olympiad, Some
8 20 7,200/-
Books Year concept of Mathematics
1st MAT & SAT Volume - I, Compendium-IOQJS, Review Booklet,
9 36
Year *Archive – IOQJS, MVPP
2nd MAT & SAT Volume - II, Review Booklet, *Archive-NTSE Stage-I
10 36
SUPREME – Class Year (MAT + SAT), * Archive-NTSE Stage-II (MAT + SAT)
3rd 91,900/
IX, X, XI, XII Books 11 64 Archive JEE Main, Archive JEE Advanced
4th 49 Master Assignment Booklet
Year 04 GMP
1st MAT & SAT Volume - I, Compendium- IOQJS, Review Booklet,
9 36
Year *Archive - IOQJS, MVPP
2nd MAT & SAT Volume - II, Review Booklet, *Archive-NTSE Stage-I
10 36
FOUR Year – Class Year (SAT + MAT), *Archive-NTSE Stage-II (MAT + SAT)
3rd 38,300/-
IX, X, XI, XII Books 11 49 Archive JEE Main, Archive JEE Advanced
4th 35 Review Booklet (JEE Main & JEE Advanced)
Year 04 GMP
1st MAT & SAT Volume - I, Compendium- IOQJS, Review Booklet,
9 36
ASCENT – Two Year *Archive - IOQJS, MVPP
Year 2nd MAT & SAT Volume - II, Review Booklet, *Archive-NTSE Stage-I
10 36
Year (SAT + MAT), *Archive-NTSE Stage-II (MAT + SAT)
1st MAT & SAT Volume - I, Compendium- IOQJS, Review Booklet,
9 36
Year *Archive – IOQJS
2nd MAT & SAT Volume - II, Review Booklet, *Archive-NTSE Stage-I
FOUR Year 10 36
Year (MAT + SAT), *Archive-NTSE Stage-II (MAT + SAT)
(Combined) – Class 3rd 70,300/-
IX, X, XI, XII Books 11 49 Archive JEE Main, Archive JEE Advanced
4th 35 Review Booklet (JEE Main & JEE Advanced)
Year 04 GMP
MAT & SAT Volume - I & II, Compendium- IOQJS, Review
10 36 Booklet, *Archive – IOQJS, *Archive-NTSE Stage-I (MAT + SAT),
THREE Year *Archive-NTSE Stage-II (MAT + SAT)
(Combined) – Class 2nd 63,700/-
11 49 Archive JEE Main, Archive JEE Advanced
X, XI, XII Books Year
3rd 35 Review Booklet (JEE Main & JEE Advanced)
Year 04 GMP
MAT & SAT Volume - I & II, Compendium- IOQJS, Review
10 36 Booklet, *Archive – IOQJS, *Archive-NTSE Stage-I (MAT + SAT),
*Archive-NTSE Stage-II (MAT + SAT)
THREE Year – Class 2nd
11 49 33,900/- Archive JEE Main, Archive JEE Advanced
X, XI, XII Books Year
3rd 35 Review Booklet (JEE Main & JEE Advanced)
Year 04 GMP
Class-wise/Yearly - Number of Books
Select Grand
Year Student **No. of Total
Particulars Additional support books
(√) of Class Books (₨)
MAT & SAT Volume - I & II, Compendium-IOQJS, Review
ASCENT – One Year 10 36 8,000/- Booklet, *Archive – IOQJS, *Archive-NTSE Stage-I (MAT +
SAT), *Archive-NTSE Stage-II (MAT + SAT)
11 64 Archive JEE Main, Archive JEE Advanced
PINNACLE - Class Year
49 55,700/- Master Assignment Booklet
XI, XII Books 2nd
Year 04 GMP
11 51 Archive JEE Main, Archive JEE Advanced
Two Year - Class XI, Year
35 28,900/- Review Booklet (JEE Main & JEE Advanced)
XII Books 2nd
Year 04 GMP
Archive JEE Main, Archive JEE Advanced,
Class XII Books One 84
12 16,300/- Review Booklet (JEE Main & JEE Advanced)
(CSO / SOY) Year
04 GMP
Archive JEE Main, Archive JEE Advanced,
Class XII Pass One 90
12 Pass 16,300/- Review Booklet (JEE Main & JEE Advanced)
Books (CPA) Year
04 GMP
Archive JEE Main, Archive JEE Advanced,
Class XII Pass One 90
12 Pass 14400/- Review Booklet (JEE Main & JEE Advanced)
Books (CPB) Year
04 GMP
* Applicable for the students appearing for IOQJS, MVPP, NTSE Stage-I, NTSE Stage-II # This Order Form is valid till 31st March 2023
** The number of books may change as required

DECLARATIONS / UNDERTAKINGS by the Student & Parent/ Guardian

1) The order once placed can’t be cancelled or modified for any reason. The money paid is nonrefundable.
2) In addition to the above, I/we (student/parents) understand without any ambiguity that the Books Price once paid is not refundable whatever the reasons be.
3) I/We acknowledge that the books provided to the student by MEGACOSM Cognitions Pvt. Ltd. (MCPL) are the intellectual property of MCPL and solely for
personal purposes and not for commercial use. We further undertake that we shall not make copies of the books provided by MCPL nor shall provide / give /
distribute it to anyone else.
4) I/We undertake that we shall not indulge in any illegal / unethical / immoral activities which may cause loss of reputation and goodwill of MCPL. We further
undertake that we indemnify MCPL against any loss /damage caused to MCPL.
5) I/We hereby severally and jointly declare unambiguously that we have read and understood all the clauses contained in this Order Form and Declarations and
agree to abide by them without any reservation or ambiguity.
6) I/We further undertake to ensure that cheques / drafts including postdated cheques if any given by us will be honoured by our bankers. In the event of these
cheques/drafts being dishonoured, MCPL is at liberty to initiate any action against us including legal proceedings under section 138 of Negotiable Instruments
Act or other appropriate law.
7) I/We agree & understand that on the basis of our order, the Set of Books will be printed & the Books Price is payable even though we don’t collect the books.
These set of Books will not be sent by courier & hence it will be our responsibility to collect our Set of Books from the location stated above.
8) I/We know that registered office of MCPL is situated at New Delhi.
9) I/We understand that in case of any dispute, the jurisdiction will be an appropriate court/forum in Delhi/New Delhi only.
10) I/We promise to abide by all rules and regulations of MCPL declaration in true letter and spirit.
11) In the event of any dispute between the parties regarding the interpretation of clauses of order form or any claim etc. the matter shall be referred to the Sole
Arbitrator appointed by MCPL. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 and
statutory modification thereof & rules made thereunder. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final & binding on both parties. The venue of Arbitration shall be Delhi
/ New Delhi only.
12) I/We declare that we have retained a photocopy of this document before submitting it to MCPL.

Signature of the Student: _____________________ Signature of Parent / Guardian: ____________________________

Name: _____________________________________ Name: ________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________ Date: _________________________________________________
Place: _____________________________________ Place: ________________________________________________
1. I declare that under no circumstances I will be liable for refund of Books Price and withdrawal of post dated cheque(s) issued by me in favour
of MCPL.
2. I declare and agree that all post dated cheques issued by me shall be honoured and cleared.

I agree that, I will make arrangement for below stated Post Dated Cheque(s) to get honoured and will keep sufficient funds on or before the
due date for the same.

Books Price
S. No. Cheque No. Dated Issuing Bank Total Amount


I further agree to get above Post Dated Cheque(s) cleared irrespective of any reasons.

In the situation of bouncing of the Cheque, the bouncing charges will be Rs 100/- (Rupees Hundred) per day. If the parent / guardian fails to honour
his/her commitment, then MCPL shall proceed to recover the Books Price due by the process of law as well as proceed with complaint under section
138 for dishonour of the said cheque(s).

Signature of the Student Parent / Guardian’s Signature

{Who has issued the cheque(s)}

Name: __________________________________ Name: _________________________________________

Date: ___________________________________ Date: __________________________________________
Place: __________________________________ Place: _________________________________________

I understand that non-clearance of any of the Post Dated Cheque(s) submitted for payment of Books Price (on installment basis) as mentioned in
this Order Form is punishable under Sec. 138 of the Negotiable Instrument Act. I understand that MCPL shall be entitled to proceed and initiate
appropriate legal action against me to recover the amount of the Post Dated Cheque(s) along with the legal expenses and out of pocket expenses
incurred by MCPL.

In case any of my Post Dated Cheque(s) bounces for any reason whatsoever, I undertake to submit a DD/Pay-Order in favour of “MEGACOSM
Cognitions Pvt. Ltd. ” payable at New Delhi, within four days of the bouncing of the Cheque(s) at my bank, together with late payment of Rs. 100/-
(Rupees one hundred only) per day upto 10 (Ten) days from the due date of payment of instalment. I shall have no claim for refund of Books Price
or any support in studies besides Legal action inter alia action under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instrument Act may be initiated against me.

I further agree & understood that on the basis of our order the Set of Books will be printed & the Books Price is payable even though my ward
doesn’t collect the books. These set of Books will not be sent by courier & hence it will be my responsibility to collect Set of Books from your delivery

Signature of the Student Signature of the Parent / Guardian

Name: ______________________________ Name: __________________________________
Date: _______________________________ Date: ___________________________________
Place: _______________________________ Place: ___________________________________
For Office Use only:

Name of the MCPL official processing the Form: TIMIR BARAN MAHAPATRA
Employee Code: 91008


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