02-Nomenclature of Ligands

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CHEMISTRY CPP : Coordination Compounds..

TS-2 Page [3]

(A) Naming of Anionic ligands: the name of these ligands ends with –o. The name of anions can be of
following three types
1. If name of the anion ends with –ide Changed to –ido ( –e is replaced with –o )
2. If the name of anion ends with –ate Changed to –ato ( –e is replaced with –o )
3. If the name of anion ends with –ite Changed to –ito ( –e is replaced with –o )
H– hydrido
O2– Oxido
OH– Hydroxido
X– Halido(Chlorido, flourido, bromido, iodido)
O22– Peroxido
O2– Superoxido
O3– Ozonido
N3– Nitrido
N3– Azido
NH2– am ido
NH2– imido

CN– Cyanido or Cyanido–C (second is preferred)

NC– isocyanido or Cyanido–N (second is preferred)

[NCO]– Cyanato–O { O  },
 C { N

Cyanato–N { O C N }

[SCN]– Thiocyanato–N { S C { N

Thiocyanato–S { S C N }
NO2– Nitro (is common when dontion is through nitrogen)
–NO2 Nitrito–N
–ONO nitrito–O
CH3COO– Acetato
NO3– Nitrato
S2O32– Thiosulphato
SO4– Sulphato
SO3– Sulphito
HSO3– hydrogensusphito
HO2– hydrogenperoxido
(NOS)– thionitrito
S2– thio OR sulphido
HS– hydrogensulphido (mercapto)
RSH o mercatanes (greater affinity to mercury)

H2N – CH2COO– glycinato (gly)

acetyl-aceto-nato (acac)

CH3 – C = N – O– dimethyl glyoximato (dmg)

CH3 – C = N – OH (bidentate) (donor atoms – N**)

(B) Naming of Neutral ligands :

Generally names of neutral ligands are not modified except in some cases some special names are
used for soem common neutral ligands.
NH3 ammine
H2O aqua or aquo
CH3 NH2 methyl amine

The Pathshala, Ranchi Center-1: Akash Complex 5th Floor, NOP, Doranda, Ranchi, Ph: 977-165-5056;
Center-2: 4th Floor Hari Om Tower, Lalpur, Ranchi Ph: 977-165-4536
CHEMISTRY CPP : Coordination Compounds.. Page [4]
S8 Octasulphur
C5 H5 N pyridine (py)
NH2 – CH2 – CH2 – NH2 ethylene diamine (en)
O2 dioxygen
CO carbonyl
NO nitrosyl

O - phenonthraline (o-phen)


P4 tetraphosphorus

2, 2 bipyridyl (bipy)

C2H4 ethylene or ethene

C6H6 benzene


(C) Positive/Cationic ligands :

The name of these ligands ends with –nium
NO+ : nitrosonium or nitrosylium (old system)
N2H5+ : hydrazinium
NO2+ : nitronium

Naming of Central Atom/Ion

The name of central atom is not modified if the central atom is in the cationic part of the complex while
its name is modified and it ends with –ate in anionic complex ion.
Metal Name in Cationic Complex Ion Name in Anionic Complex Ion
Cu copper Cuprate
Cr chromium Chromate
Pt platinium Platinate
Ag silver Argentate
Co cobalt Cobaltate
Au gold Aurate
Ni nickel Nickelate
Fe iron Ferrate
Zn zinc Zincate
Pd palladium Palladate
Ti titanium Titanate
Va vanadium Vanadate
Mo molybdenum Molybdate
Hg mercury Mercurate
W tungstun Tungstate
Si silicon silicate
Br bromine bromate
B boron borate

Question on Nomenclature of Complex

The Pathshala, Ranchi Center-1: Akash Complex 5th Floor, NOP, Doranda, Ranchi, Ph: 977-165-5056;
Center-2: 4th Floor Hari Om Tower, Lalpur, Ranchi Ph: 977-165-4536

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