Whole School Read Year 7
Whole School Read Year 7
Whole School Read Year 7
Dear Parent/Carer
Our choice this year has been really well received by all the early birds who have
been clamouring to get their hands on it. Covering themes and issues such as
racism, identity, coping with (and recovering from) various forms of trauma and loss,
as well as exploring the powerful impact that exercise can have on an individual, The
Boxer is a choice that seems particularly apt this year.
However, it is clear that some of these current themes and issues may require a level
of maturity from the reader and in fact, the book has been classified as being
appropriate for students aged 12 onwards. I appreciate that some of our Year 7
students may not have had their 12th birthdays yet, and as parents you might prefer
to read along with your child and make the most of the opportunity to discuss the
issues as they appear in the novel.
Alternatively, student may like to ‘keep this one for later’ and instead, dip into some
of our previous reads: Apple and Rain by Sarah Crossan; Counting by Sevens by
Holly Goldberg Sloan; The Giver by Lois Lowry, I Have No Secrets by Penny Joelson
and Animal Farm by George Orwell (all of which are still readily available from our
school library). Reading, reviewing and collecting our book related badges has
become a happy tradition, with many year 7 students reading the back catalogue and
wearing their badges with pride.
We are launching the Whole School Read in tutor time on Thursday 10 December
2020 where students will participate in activities related to the book, and read/listen
to the opening chapter. Taking the age classification into consideration, I have
carefully vetted the appropriateness of the extract Year 7 students will encounter and
am confident that all students will be able to access and relate to the text in a positive
Our launch will coincide with DEAR day: for approximately 10 minutes of each
lesson, teachers will Drop Everything And Read, reading to, reading with and
listening to the specially recorded audio books of our back catalogue of Whole
School Reads (featuring the vocal talents of Beaumont teaching staff). By the end of
the day, year 7 students will have a flavour of the range of books we have enjoyed
together as a school, and will hopefully be inspired to reserve one from our library at
Yours sincerely
Mrs S Cripps
Literacy Coordinator