Algebra 3

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Nueva Vizcaya State University

College of Engineering
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
Course & Yr


A sequence is a set or collection of numbers
Sn =
(a1 + an ) or Sn = n 2a1 + (n − 1)d  COUNTING
2 2
arranged in an orderly manner such that the Where a1 = first term The fundamental principle of counting states
preceding and the following numbers are an = nth term that:
completely specified. n = number of terms “ If a thing can be done in m different ways
d = common difference and another thing can be done in n different
An infinite sequence is a function whose d = a2 – a1 = a3 – a4 = …. ways, then the two things can be done in mn
domain is a set of positive integer. If the different ways.”
domain of the function consists of the first n B. GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION
positive integers only, then it is said to be a A sequence is said to be in geometric III. PERMUTATION
finite sequence. progression if its succeeding terms have a Permutation is an ordered arrangement of a
common ratio. finite number of elements, either all of the
1, 3, 5, 7, 9 → finite sequence available elements or of a part of them. The
The corresponding sum of all the terms in permutations that contain exactly the same
1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ….→ infinite sequence geometric progression is called a geometric elements but not in the same order are
series. regarded as different.
Element is the term used to describe the
numbers in a given sequence. An element is Also, there are only two formulas (i.e. last term The number of permutations of n different
sometimes called a term. and sum) to remember and used in solving a things taken r at a time is
problem in geometric sequence. n!
Pr =
Series is the sum of the terms in a sequence. n
(n − 1)!
An alternating series has positive and negative nth term:
terms arranged alternately.
an = a1r n −1 If taken all at once, n Pn = n!
If an infinite series has a finite sum, it is Sum of n terms:
referred to an convergent series and divergent
Sn = =
a1 (r n − 1) a1 1 − r n ) A. INVERSION
series if it has no sum at all. r −1 1− r If two elements in a permutation of distinct
Where a1 = first term elements are in reverse order relative to their
A progression is simply another term for a an = nth term normal or natural order, they constitute an
sequence. n = number of terms inversion.
r = common ratio
The most common types of progressions are: A permutation is said to be even if it contains
1. Arithmetic Progression (AP) C. INFINITE GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION an even number of inversions; it is odd if the
2. Geometric Progression (GP) This type of progression is a geometric number of inversions is odd.
3. Harmonic Progression (HP) progression only that the number of terms (n)
is extremely large or infinity. The number of transpositions that are required
A. ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION to return a sequence o elements to their
A sequence is said to be in arithmetic If r > 1, the sum of all terms is infinite natural order is even or odd according to the
progression if its succeeding terms have If r< 1, the sum of all terms is number of inversions in the arrangement.
common difference. a1
S= Example:
The corresponding sum of all the terms in 1− r In the permutation (C, E, D, B, A)
arithmetic progression is called an arithmetic
series. D. HARMONIC PROGRESSION Element C precedes B and A, therefore has
A sequence of numbers whose reciprocals 2 inversions.
There are only two formulas (i.e. last term and form an arithmetic progression is known as Element E precedes D, B and A, therefore
sum) to remember and used in solving a harmonic progression. In solving a problem, it has 3 inversions.
problem in arithmetic sequence. would be wise to convert all given terms into Element D precedes B and A, therefore has
arithmetic sequence by getting their 2 inversions
nth Term reciprocals. Use the formulas in arithmetic Element B precedes A, therefore has 1
an = a1 + (n − 1)d
sequence and take the reciprocal of resulting inversion
value to obtain the equivalent harmonic term
for an answer.
Sum of n terms:
The total number of inversions is 8. So the 1. Experiment – is a controlled study The probability for mutually exclusive events E
permutation is an even permutation. whose outcome is uncertain but not and F is:
entirely unknown. P(E or F) = P(E) + P(F)
B. CYCLIC PERMUTATION 2. Trial – a recorded result of an
Cyclic permutation is the shifting of an entire experiment C. INDEPENDENT EVENTS
order of elements one or more steps forward 3. Outcome – is one of the possible An event is independent if the outcome of one
or backward – the first element taking the results from an experiment trial. It trial has no effect on the outcome of another
position of the last, or vice versa, without also refers to the basic unit of trial.
changing the order of the element in the possible occurrences. For example,
sequence. in tossing a coin, the outcomes are A good example is when a coin is tossed, the
n Pn = (n − 1) !
heads or tails. outcome has nothing to do with what
4. Event – is some combination of happened on the previous toss and will not
possible outcomes in one affect the next one.
C. PERMUTATION WITH IDENTICAL experimental trial. In picking a card
ELEMENTS from an ordinary deck of cards, the If two events are independent, the probability
The number of permutations is reduced when
outcomes are the 52 cards that the two events occur simultaneously of
a collection contains identical elements. The themselves. Examples of events are: one after the other is the product of their
number of permutations of n objects, p of one “Pick a 5” individual probabilities.
type, q of another, s of another, etc., is given
“Pick a heart”
“Pick a face card” The probability of independent events, E and F
n! 5. Frequency of the outcome – refers is:
n Pr =
(n − r ) ! p!q!s! to the number of times a certain P(E and F) = P(E) x P(F)
outcome will occur. For example, if
D. ASSORTMENT you roll a die 50 times, you are D. BINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION
Assortment refers to a group of objects conducting 50 trials of the same If there are two possible outcomes of an event
selected from a larger group in such a way experiment. The number of times a and the possibilities of the outcome are
that an object can be used more than once. “6” comes up is known as the independent and constant, the distribution of
frequency of the outcome. probabilities is called binomial distribution.
The number of assortments is expressed
mathematically as: The relative frequency of the Binomial or repeated trial probability:
Assortments = (No. of choices for 1st position) outcome is the ratio of the frequency P(r successes in n trials) = nCr prqn-r
x (No. of choices for 2nd position) x (No. of of the outcome to the number of
choices for the 3rd position) x … x (No. of trials. Mathematically: Where p = probability of success
choices for the last position) no. of occurrences q = probability of failure
RF =
no. of trials n = number of trials
IV. COMBINATION r = no. of successful trials
Combination is an arrangement of the A. PRINCIPLE OF PROBABILITY
selection of objects regardless of the order. If an experiment has a set of distinct E. ODDS
outcomes, each of which are equally likely to The term “odd” is an ambiguous word that may
The number of combinations of n different happen, then the probability of an event E is refer to the probability that an event occurs, or
things taken r at a time is: the ratio of the number of outcomes favourable it can be used to indicate the payoff on a
n! to the event to the total number of outcomes. winning bet. It sometimes may mean or is
Cr = synonymous to the word “chance”.
(n − r ) !r! P( E ) =
no. of favorable outcomes
total outcomes
If taken all at once then nCr = 1. The probability that it is NOT E is: If the coin is tossed, the probability of coming
P(not E) = 1 – P(E) up head is 50% and the probability of coming
The relation between permutation of n things up tail is also 50%. This is an example of 1 to
taken r at a time to the combination of n things B. MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE EVENTS 1 odds or even odds. For a game of even
taken r at a time is expressed as: Two or more events are said to be mutually odds, a 1 peso bet is paid exactly 1 peso upon
Pr exclusive if no two of them can possibly winning. This is known as “true odds”.
Cr = n
However, there are instances that 90 centavos
r! happen in the same trial.
is paid instead to a peso bet, which would give
For example, in picking a card at random from it an advantage on each game. This refers to
a deck of cards, it is not possible to pick a card the “payoff odds”. The payoff odds are not
Probability is simply defined as the numerical always the same as the true odds.
assessment of likelihood. It is expressed as a that is a diamond and a heart at the same
number between 0 and 1, where 0 means as time.
The odds of an event occurring is the ratio of
event is impossible while 1 means it is surely the probability that it will occur to the
or certainly to occur or happen. The total If two or more events are mutually exclusive,
the probability that either one or the other will probability that it will not occur.
probability of favourable and unfavourable
occur is the sum of their probabilities. P(E) P( E )
outcomes is 1. odds for E = =
P(not E) 1 − P( E )
The following are some important terms:
If the “odds for” an event is given as “a” and 4. If the 1st term of an arithmetic progression A. -280 C. – 320
“b”, then the probability of that event would be: is 7 and the common difference is -2, find B. – 300 D. – 310
a the sum of the first fifteen terms.
P( E ) = A. – 104 C. – 105 15. The sum of the first 10 terms of a
B. – 103 D. – 106 geometric progression 2, 4, 8, 16,… is
5. Find the sum of the first 100 positive A. 2046 C. 2050
A mathematical expectation is the average
amount a player can expect to win or lose on integers. B. 2052 D. 2048
A. 5010 C. 5000
one play in any game of chance.
B. 5050 D. 5100 16. If the 8th term of a geometric progression
It can be found by multiplying the probability of is 16 and the common ratio is -3, what is
6. How many terms of the sequence 26, 21, the 12th term?
each possible outcomes by its payoff, and
16,… must be taken to amount to 74? A. 1276 C. 1296
then adding these results.
A. 3 C. 5 B. 1266 D. 1286
B. 4 D. 6
If the expectation is positive, the player will win
in the long run and lose if the expectation is 17. Find the sum of the first four terms of the
7. Find the 100th term of the sequence 1.01, geometric series 2 + (- 1/3) + 1/18 +…
1.00, 0.99,… A. 175/108 C. 165/108
VI. CENTRAL TENDENCIES A. 0.03 C. 0.02 B. 185/108 D. 155/108
B. 0.04 D. 0.01
Central tendency refers to a measure of the
18. A piece of paper is 0.05 in. thick. Each
“middle “ of the data set.
8. A seating section in a certain athletic time the paper is folded into half, the
stadium has 30 seats in the first row, 32 thickness is doubled. If the paper was
Arithmetic mean or simply mean is the sum of seats in the second row, 34 seats in the folded 12 times, how thick in feet would
third row and so on, until the tenth row is the folded paper be?
all measurements divided by the number of
reached. After which there are ten rows A. 16.34 ft C. 17.07 ft
observations in the data set.
each containing 50 seats. Find the total B. 16.83 ft D. 17.43 ft
number of seats in the section.
A. 860 C. 880 19. What is the smallest of the three numbers
Median is the middle value that separates the
B. 870 D. 890 in geometric progression if their sum is 19
higher half from the lower half of the data set.
and their product is 216?
C. MODE 9. Find the general term, an, of the A. 3 C. 5
arithmetic sequence, - 8, - 3, 2,… B. 4 D. 6
Mode is the most frequent value in the data
A. an= 5n – 13 C. an= 4n – 13
B. an= 5n – 11 D. an= 4n – 11 20. A person has two parents, 4
grandparents, 8 great grandparents, and
10. Find the 6th term in the arithmetic so on. Find the number of ancestors
Venn diagram is a rectangle (the universal set)
sequence if a1 = 11 and d = 4. during the eight generations preceding
that includes circles depicting subsets. This
A. 33 C. 29 his own, provided there are no
diagram, named after the English logician
John Venn (1834 – 1923) in 1880, is a ay of B. 31 D. 35 duplications.
displaying the events or an experiment. A. 2040 C. 510
11. In 1970, the family membership in a B. 205 D. 1020
PRACTICE EXAM country club cost P 650. This cost
increased P 35 each year since 1970. 21. If one-third of the air in a tank is removed
How much will a 1990 membership cost? by each stroke of an air pump, what is the
1. Find the 30th term of the arithmetic
A. P 1315 C. P 1385 fractional part of the total air is removed
progression 4, 7, 10,…
B. P 1350 D. P 1420 in 6 strokes?
A. 87 C. 93
B. 89 D. 91 A. 672/729 C. 615/729
12. Find the next term of the geometric B. 665/729 D. 605/729
progression 27, -9, 3, -1,…
2. If the term of an arithmetic progression
is 8 and the 11th term is -2, what is the A. 1/5 C. ¼ 22. Suppose an antique car you own
B. 1/6 D. 1/3 appreciates in value at a rate of 8%
first term?
annually. If the car was purchased for
A. 20 C. 18
13. The third term of the geometric sequence P12,000, what will it be worth during the
B. 14 D. 16
is 32 and the 5th term is 128. Find the first eight year?
3. If the first term of an arithmetic term. A. P22,010 C. P22,100
A. 4 C. 6 B. P22,314 D. P22,211
progression is -4 and the 12th term is 32,
B. 10 D. 8
find the common difference.
A. 34/11 C. 38/11 23. Determine x so that x, 2x + 7, 10x – 7 will
14. The fourth term of a geometric sequence be a geometric progression.
B. 36/11 D. 40/11
is -10 and the 6th term is -40. Find the 9th A. 7, 7/6 C. -7,- 7/6
term of the sequence. B. 7, - 7/6 D. -7, 7/6
24. Find the sum of the infinite geometric indistinguishable blue flags, two B. 12 D. 35
progression 2, 1, ½, ¼,… indistinguishable white flags and one
A. Infinity C. 4 black flag? 43. A man and his wife decide to entertain 24
B. 5 D. 6 A. 1280 C. 1080 friends by giving 4 dinners with 6 guests
B. 1480 D. 1680 each. In how many ways can the first
25. Find the sum of the infinite geometric group be chosen?
progression 6, -2, 2/3,… 34. If 15 people won prizes in the state lottery A. 134, 596 C. 154,596
A. 5/2 C. 7/2 (assuming there are no ties), how many B. 144,596 D. 164, 596
B. 11/2 D. 9/2 ways can these 15 people win first
second, third, fourth and fifth prizes? 44. If in a series of license plates, the letters I
26. Find the ratio of an infinite geometric A. 360,360 C. 340,340 and O are not used and if four successive
progression if the sum is 2 and the first B. 350,350 D. 330,330 zeroes cannot be used as the four digits,
term is ½. how many different license plates can be
A. ¾ C. 2/3 35. How many telephone numbers of four made if a license plate consists of two
B. ½ D. 3/5 different digits each can be made from letters and four digits?
the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9? A. 5,459,424 C. 5,659,424
27. The end of the pendulum of a clock A. 5240 C. 5040 B. 5,559,424 D. 5,759,424
travels 40 cm on its first swing. One each B. 5140 D. 5200
succeeding swing, it travels 0.8 as far as 45. Six people are on a sinking boat. There
it did on the preceding one. If it continues 36. In how many ways can the letters in the are only four life jackets. How many
in this manner, how far will the end of the word “MONDAY” be arranged? combinations of survivors are there?
pendulum travel? A. 720 C. 680 A. 13 C. 15
A. 230 cm C. 210 cm B. 540 D. 820 B. 14 D. 16
B. 220 cm D. 200 cm
37. In how many ways can the letters in the 46. What is the possible outcome of an
28. A ball is tossed up to 22 ft rebounds to word “TENNESSEE” be arranged? experiment called?
9/10 of the height from which it falls on A. 3740 C. 3760 A. Sample space C. random pt
each bounce. What is the total distance B. 3780 D. 3720 B. Finite set D. event
(up and down) it will travel?
A. 440 ft C. 450 ft 38. In how many ways may a party of four 47. In probability theory, what is the set of all
B. 445 ft D. 455 ft women and four men be seated at a possible outcomes of an experiment
round table if the women and men are to called?
29. Triangle ABC is equilateral with each side occupy alternate seats? A. Sample space
of length 40 cm. The midpoints of the A. 424 C. 144 B. Fuzzy set
sides are joined to form a second B. 372 D. 576 C. Set of random variables
equilateral triangle DEF, and so on. If this D. Set of random events
midpoint joining process continues 39. Seven leaders from different political
without end, find the sum of the parties entered a circular room. The only 48. How can the values of a random variable
perimeters of all the triangles formed. furnishings are seven chairs arranged defined over a sample space be
A. 240 cm C. 250 cm around a circular table. How many ways described?
B. 230 cm D. 260 cm are there of arranging the leaders? A. Always continuous
A. 720 C. 520 B. Always numerical
30. Find the mean proportional between -12 B. 680 D. 620 C. Strictly non-zero
and – 108. D. Always mutually exclusive
A. – 38 C. – 34 40. How many triangles are formed by 10
B. – 36 D. – 32 distinct points no three of which are 49. Find the probability of getting exactly 12
collinear? out of 30 questions on a true or false test.
31. Find the 9th term of the harmonic A. 240 C. 60 A. 7% C. 9%
progression 3, 2, 3/2… B. 120 D. 30 B. 8% D. 10%
A. ¾ C. 5/6
B. 3/5 D. 3/8 41. From six history books and eight 50. Find the probability of getting a prime
economics books, in how many ways can number thrice by tossing a die 5 times.
32. In how many ways can 9 books be a person select two history books and A. 0.3325 C. 0.3125
arranged on a shelf so that 5 of the books three economics books and arranged B. 0.3425 D. 0.3225
are always together? them on a shelf?
A. 14,300 C. 14,500 A. 90,800 C. 100,800 51. Determine the probability of getting 6 or 7
B. 14,400 D. 14,600 B. 120,800 D. 110,800 in a toss of two dice.
A. 11/36 C. 13/36
33. How many different signals, each 42. How many committees of four members B. 9/36 D. 15/36
consisting of eight flags hung above the each can be formed from a group of
other, can be formed from a set of three seven persons? 52. The probability of getting a credit in an
indistinguishable red flags, two A. 24 C. 60 examination is 1/3. If there are three
students selected at random, what is the 61. The probability that A wins a certain
probability that at least one of the game is 2/3. If A plays 5 games, what is
students get a credit? the probability that A will win exactly 3
A. 16/27 C. 18/27 games?
B. 17/27 D. 19/27 A. 74/243 C. 78/243
B. 80/243 D. 76/243
53. A person draws 3 balls in succession
from a box containing 5 red balls, 6 62. A coin is tossed 3 times, and two heads
yellow balls and 7 green balls. Find the and 1 tail fall. What is the probability that
probability of drawing the balls in order the first toss was a head?
red, yellow, green. A. 3/5 C. ¼
A. 4.3% C. 5.2% B. 2/5 D. 2/3
B. 6.7% D. 7.1%
63. In a dice game, one fair die is used. The
54. An urn contains four black balls and six player wins P10 if he rolls either a 1 or a
white balls. What is the probability of 6. He losses P 5 if he turns up any other
getting one black ball and one white ball face. What is the expected winning for
in two consecutive draws from the urn? one roll of his die?
A. 0.33 C. 0.28 A. P3 C. P 1
B. 0.53 D. 0.48 B. P 2 D. P 0

55. A box contains 4 black marbles, 3 red 64. In a club of 40 executives, 33 like to
marbles and 2 white marbles. What is the smoke Marlboro and 20 like to smoke
probability that a black marble, then a red Philip Morris. How many like to smoke
marble, then a white marble is drawn both cigarettes?
without replacement? A. 10 C. 12
A. 2/21 C. 4/21 B. 11 D. 13
B. 1/21 D. 3/21
65. There are 200 graduating students in a
56. What is the probability that the sum 11 certain school. The following data were
will appear in a single throw of 2 dice? obtained as to the number of graduating
A. 1/24 C. 1/18 students enrolled in Math, Physics and
B. 1/12 D. 1/36 Chemistry. The number of student
enrolled in Math is 90, Physics 80,
57. If two dice are cast, what is the probability Chemistry 55, Math and Chemistry 16,
that the sum will be less than 5? Math and Physics 32, Chemistry and
A. ¼ C. 1/6 Physics 23, and Math, Chemistry and
B. 1/10 D. 1/8 Physics 8. How many are not taking any
of these subjects?
58. Two six-sided dice one collared green A. 36 C. 38
while the other white, are rolled at the B. 42 D. 40
same time. What is the probability of
getting a total of 10?
A. ¼ C. 1/12
B. 1/10 D. 1/8

59. John draws two cards from a pack of

playing cards (jokers excluded). If John
will not replace the first drawn card back
to pack before drawing the second card,
what is the probability that both cards are
face cards?
A. 11/241 C. 11/122
B. 11/210 D. 11/221

60. The probability that both stages of a two-

stage rocket will function correctly is 0.95.
The reliability of the first stage is 0.98.
What is the reliability of the second
A. 0.97 C. 0.96
B. 0.95 D. 0.94

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