Misfit Hatchet 2023 Season - Phase 1

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#2530 - Misfit Athletics 2022 Phase 1 Week 1 Day 1

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why
behind Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Lift 1 - For Weight

Deadlift Warm Up Protocol
Find a 1RM Deadlift
This lift is to base your percentages on – this is not a competition lift, so make sure you keep it safe

3. Interval Test - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
36/28 Calorie Air Bike
28 Thrusters 75/60lbs
Rest 4:00
36/28 Calorie Air Bike
22 Thrusters 95/70lbs
Rest 4:00
36/28 Calorie Air Bike
16 Thrusters 115/80lbs
Rest 4:00
36/28 Calorie Air Bike
10 Thrusters 135/100lbs

Further Modifications:
– Air Bike: Run 600m
– Thrusters: DB Thrusters, Heavy Wallballs, or Wallballs to a high target
Duration: Medium
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Sustain

4. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
4 Rounds
1 Smooth Set of Muscle Ups
1 Max Set of Muscle Ups
Rest 3:00 Between all sets
Choose a number you will hit for the first 4 sets and keep it there, knowing you will get more in the max set

Further Modifications:
– Bar Muscle Ups
5. Accessory - For Completion
3 Sets:
10 Pause Hip Extensions*
:30 Dead Hang
50′ Heavy Farmer Carry
:30 Dead Hang
Rest :90
*2 second hold at the tope"

#2531 - Misfit Athletics 2022 Phase 1 Week 1 Day 2

1. Morning Movement - For Completion
Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why
behind Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Lifting Test - For Weight

Back Squat Warm Up Protocol
Every :90 Until Failure
3 Back Squat @70%*
*Men add 10lbs per round.
Women add 10lbs until you’re over 80%, then start adding 5 per round

3. Metcon Test - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
12 GHD Sit Ups
10 Sandbag to Shoulder 150/100lbs
6 Sandbag Shuttle Run 150/100lbs
16 GHD Sit Ups
8 Sandbag to Shoulder 150/100lbs
5 Sandbag Shuttle Run 150/100lbs
20 GHD Sit Ups
6 Sandbag to Shoulder 150/100lbs
4 Sandbag Shuttle Run 150/100lbs
24 GHD Sit Ups
4 Sandbag to Shoulder 150/100lbs
3 Sandbag Shuttle Run 150/100lbs
20 GHD Sit Ups
6 Sandbag to Shoulder 150/100lbs
4 Sandbag Shuttle Run 150/100lbs
16 GHD Sit Ups
8 Sandbag to Shoulder 150/100lbs
5 Sandbag Shuttle Run 150/100lbs
12 GHD Sit Ups
10 Sandbag to Shoulder 150/100lbs
6 Sandbag Shuttle Run 150/100lbs
20 minute cap
Sandbag does not get thrown over the shoulder. For the shuttle runs, the sandbag may be carried anyhow.
1 Shuttle Run = 25′ out and back (50′ total).

*Further Modifications:
– GHD: Toes to bar or Ab Mat Sit Ups
– Sandbag: Power Cleans 185/125lbs
– Sandbag Shuttle: Back Rack Carry or Heavy farmers Carry
Duration: Long. Feel: Muscular Overload. Pacing: Sustain

4. Accessory - For Completion

3 sets:
10/10 Single Arm DB Seated Press*
Max Chin Over Bar Hold**
*Opposite arm stays locked out in extension with working arm presses
**1:00 cap

Pick 0-1 of the following:

5. Lift 2 - For Weight

Lunge Warm Up Protocol
6 Rounds
10 Back Rack Walking Lunges
Rest 2:00
Are you choosing this as an accessory OR to get stronger? If you’re going for total strength, make sure it’s
very very heavy.

6. Interval - For Rounds and Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
AMRAP 20 Minutes
12 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
4 Wall Walks
12 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
3 Wall Walks
12 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
2 Wall Walks
Rest 1:00
Box Jump Overs are the Open Standard (step down)

*Further Modifications:
– BJO: 3x Double Unders
Duration: Medium. Feel: Cardio. Pacing: Sustain

7. Bitch Work - For Time

Warm Up: Reach Pacing Protocol
4 Rounds
Row 1/.9k
Rest 3:00
Score is average round time.
Start near your 2K row pace and adjust round to round aiming for consistency. We’re after a steady
average, not negative splits with a final kick. Stay moving around for at least 2:00 during your rest periods.

*Further Modifications:
– C2 Bike or Air Bike 2/1.8k
Pacing: Reach

8. MAFF Session - For Reps

All on a C2 Bike:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes
Score is average Wattage.

9. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Hips/Quads
EMOM 9 Minutes – Rotate
1 – 6-10 Left Leg Pistols
2 – 6-10 Right Leg Pistols
3 – 6-10 Alternating Pistols
Directly into
EMOM 2 Minutes – Rotate
1 – Max Left Leg Pistols
2 – Max Right Leg Pistols"

"#2532 - Misfit Athletics 2022 Phase 1 Week 1 Day 3

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why
behind Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Lifting Test - For Reps

Power Snatch Warm Up Protocol
AMRAP 5 Minutes
15 Power Snatch 75/60lbs
15 Power Snatch 115/75lbs
15 Power Snatch 135/95lbs
AMRAP Power Snatch 165/110lbs
Power Clean Warm Up Protocol
AMRAP 5 Minutes
15 Power Cleans 95/70lbs
15 Power Cleans 135/95lbs
15 Power Cleans 165/110lbs
AMRAP Power Cleans 185/125lbs
Choose your weaker movement

3. Misfit Cube Test - For Reps

Warm Up: Reach Pacing Protocol
AMRAP 4 Minutes x 4
Max Distance Run
Rest 4:00
Score is total “points”. Add the total meters from all four intervals, then multiply by .085 to get your point

4. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
Until you reach 15/12 Reps:
AMRAP 1:00
Legless Rope Climbs
Rest 3:00
AMRAP 2:00
Legless Rope Climbs
Rest 3:00
AMRAP 3:00
Legless Rope Climbs
Rest 3:00
And so on

We would rather see this take more rounds with fast reps than struggle through to go faster. It’s early in the
year, train fast.

*Further Modifications:
– Strict Pull Ups (60 Reps)

5. Accessory - For Completion

4 Rounds:
:30 Front Squat Hold (moderate light load)
25 Russian Twists
10 Empty Barbell Bicep Curls"
"#2533 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 1 Day 4, Active Rest Day

Choose Swim OR MAFF for today, leaving the Flush for your rest day.

1. Recovery Flush - For Completion

5 Rounds
20/15 Calorie Row @ Forever Pace
20/15 Calorie Ski @ Forever Pace
20/15 Calorie C2 Bike @ Forever Pace

2. Swim - For Completion

15:00 Warm Up
Spend your time working on your stroke and breathing, stopping frequently to let your heart rate settle
Rest 5:00
AMRAP 15:00
Freestyle Swim for Distance*
15:00 Cool Down

Stay in the water and continue to move around to let the heart rate settle. Getting back into technique work
with your stroke and breathing one length at a time is a good way to do so.

*This is technique work for 9 out of 10 athletes. Finding your stroke and breathing cadence to become
comfortable in the water is more important than thrashing/resting and trying to see how far you can go.

3. MAFF Session - For Reps

Choose Weakest Machine or Run:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes

Score is average Wattage."

"#2534 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 1 Day 5

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why
behind Morning Movement, head HERE.
2. Metcon - For Time
Warm Up: Moderate Intensity Protocol
6 Rounds
400m Run
5 Deadlifts 275/185lbs

*Further Modifcations:
– Deadlift: Heaviest available weight if less than 275/185lbs
Duration: Long
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain

3. In WOD Lifting Test - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
3 Rope Climbs
21 Front Squats 135/100lbs
Rest 1:00
3 Rope Climbs
18 Front Squats 165/110lbs
Rest 1:00
3 Rope Climbs
15 Front Squats 185/130lbs
Rest 1:00
3 Rope Climbs
12 Front Squats 215/150lbs
Rest 1:00
3 Rope Climbs
9 Front Squats 245/160lbs
14 minute cap
Front squats are taken from the floor. If you get capped, score is 15:00 + :01 for each incomplete rep.

*Further Modifications:
– Rope Climbs: 3x CTB Pull Ups
– Front Squats: DB/KB Front Squat
Duration: Medium
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

4. Accessory - For Completion

3 Rounds;
100′ Backward Sled Drag
20 GHD Sit Ups
:30 LSit Hold
Rest as needed

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*
5. Optional Lifting Test - For Weight
Squat Snatch Warm Up Protocol
Find Your 3RM Snatch*
*Must be drop and reset, and must be completed within a :30 window.

6. Misfit Power Output Test - For Reps

Choose your weakest sprinting machine between Row, Ski, Bike Erg, Air Bike:
Warm Up: Send Pacing Protocol
3 Rounds
Sprint :20* for Average Wattage
Rest 3:00-7:00
*Air Bike Rounds are :15. All C2 machines are :20.
Score is your highest round. Program each machine to measure only the :15 window.

*Further Modifications
– Sprint :20 for average distance, or sprint 150m for average time
Pacing: Send

7. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
1 Hard Set of 10/8″ Deficit Parallette HSPU
Rest 3:00
1 Hard Set of 8/6″ Deficit Parallette HSPU
Rest 3:00
1 Hard Set of 6/4″ Deficit Parallette HSPU
Rest 3:00
1 Hard Set of 4/2″ Deficit Parallette HSPU
Hard set = Push until you start to grind, then stop. Do not go for max sets.

*Further Modifications:
– Deficit HSPU on plates"

"#2535 -Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 1 Day 6

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why
behind Morning Movement, head HERE

2. Strength - For Weight

Squat Clean Warm Up Protocol
Build up to a heavy 3 position clean
Mid Thigh* + Below Knee + From Floor

Drop and reset between reps

*Above knee/below hip.

3. ""Tour De Misfit - Riverside Time Trial"" Test - For Time

Warm Up: Sustain Pacing Protocol
14km on a C2 Bike, switching the damper at the following marks counting down:
Begin at 14k on a 3 damper
At 12k, switch to 7
At 11k, switch to 4
At 9k, switch to 9
At 8k, switch to 1
At 7k, switch to 10
At 6k, switch to 2
At 4.5k, switch to 8
At 2.5k, switch to 5
At 0.5k, switch to 6
Pacing: Sustain

4. Accessory - For Completion

3 Rounds:
10 Tempo Bench Press*
100′ Dual KB Front Rack Carry (heavy)
1:00 Wall Sit
Rest 1:00
*3 second descent

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. Metcon - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
4 Devils Presses 60s/40s
10 Farmers Carry Lunges 60s/40s
4 Devils Presses 60s/40s
10 Farmers Carry Lunges 60s/40s
4 Devils Presses 70s/50s
10 Farmers Carry Lunges 60s/40s
4 Devils Presses 60s/40s
Duration: Short
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Reach

6. Interval - For Rounds and Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
AMRAP 30 Minutes
8/6 Muscle Ups
8 Alt. DB Snatch 70/50lbs
20/16 Calorie Row
8 Alt. DB Snatch 70/50lbs
Rest 1:1

1:1 Rest: rest for the same amount of time it took to complete the round (e.g a 2:35 round = 2:35 rest).

*Further Modifications:
– Row: Ski or Air Bike same calories or 300m Run
– Muscle Ups: Bar Muscle Ups or burpee pull ups
Duration: Long
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

7. Skill - For Completion

Perform Phase I, Week 1 from your Weakness Work Skill Progression sheet.
Remember, we recommend staying consistent with your chosen skill until you’re confident you’ve crushed it
before moving on to another skill.
– Rope Climbs
– Handstand Walk
– Double Unders
– Wall Walks
– Double DB Overhead Walking Lunge

" - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 1 Day 7 Active Rest Day

Choose Swim OR MAFF for today, leaving the Flush for your rest day.

1. Recovery Flush - For Completion

5 Rounds
20/15 Calorie Row @ Forever Pace
20/15 Calorie Ski @ Forever Pace
20/15 Calorie C2 Bike @ Forever Pace

2. Swim - For Completion

15:00 Warm Up
Spend your time working on your stroke and breathing, stopping frequently to let your heart rate settle
Rest 5:00
AMRAP 15:00
Freestyle Swim for Distance*
15:00 Cool Down

Stay in the water and continue to move around to let the heart rate settle. Getting back into technique work
with your stroke and breathing one length at a time is a good way to do so.

*This is technique work for 9 out of 10 athletes. Finding your stroke and breathing cadence to become
comfortable in the water is more important than thrashing/resting and trying to see how far you can go.
3. MAFF Session - For Reps
Choose Weakest Machine or Run:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes

Score is average Wattage."

#2536 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 2 Day 1

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Lift 1 - For Weight

Deadlift Warm Up Protocol
Work up to a heavy deadlift near 90%
Touch and Go Deadlift

3. Interval - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
3 Rounds
12 S. DB Goblet Step Ups 50/35lbs to 24/20″
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
Rest 3:00
Score is total working time not including rest.
Duration: Short
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Reach

4. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Low Back/Midline
5 Rounds
15 GHD Sit Ups for speed
Rest as little as needed to perform all 5 sets of 15 within :01-:03 of each other.
Rest 4:00, then:
35 GHD Sit Ups for time

*Further Modifications”
– Toes to Bar
– :30 L-sit Hold

5. Accessory - For Completion

3×10/10 Single Leg KB RDL
3×15/15 Pallof Press
3×15 Banded Push Ups into Max Plank hold on last rep

#2537 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 2 Day 2

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE.
2. Lift 1 - For Weight
Back Squat Warm Up Protocol
Back Squat
Work up to a single between 80 and 90%
2×3 @70% of 1RM
2×3 @67.5% of 1RM
2×3 @65% of 1RM
2×3 @62.5% of 1RM
2×3 @60% of 1RM
Tempo on the way down, speed on the way up.
After each set of back squats, perform 3 seated box jumps for maximal power. Set your “sitting” box approximately at
parallel. Landing box height does not matter, and should facilitate maximal hip/knee extension.

3. Metcon - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
Every 2 Minutes until 30 Snatches have been completed:
20/16 Calorie Row
Max Squat Snatches in remaining time 135/95lbs
A new round begins every 2:00 – there is no rest.
5 round (10 minute) cap

*Further Modifications:
– Row: 20/16 Calorie Air Bike or any other C2 machine
– Snatch: DB Squat Snatch AHAP
Duration: Short
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

4. Accessory - For Completion

4 Sets:
50′ R Waiters Walk (heavy)
50′ L Waiters Walk (heavy)
7-10 Strict Ring Dips
Rest :90

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. Lift 2 - For Weight

Lunge Warm Up Protocol
6 Rounds
10 Back Rack Walking Lunges
Rest 2:00
Are you choosing this as an accessory OR to get stronger? If you’re going for total strength, make sure it’s very very

6. Interval - For Rounds and Reps

Warm Up: Moderate Intensity Protocol
AMRAP 7 Minutes x 3
12 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
1 Rope Climb
12 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65lbs
1 Rope Climb
Rest 3:00 between AMRAPs, restart where you left off each round
Box Jumps are Open Standard (jump up, step down)

*Further Modifications:
– Rope Climb: 6 CTB Pull Ups
Duration: Long
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain

7. Bitch Work - For Reps

Warm Up: Send Pacing Protocol
Max Calorie Air Bike in :30
Rest 4:00
Max Calorie Air Bike in :25
Rest 5:00
Max Calorie Air Bike in :20
Rest 6:00
Max Calorie Air Bike in :15
Score is total Calories.

Turtles (slow twitch/endurance athletes): Let it rip
Rabbits (fast twitch/power athletes): Controlled send, aim to match average wattage or RPMs throughout.

*Further Modifications:
– Max Calories on any machine
Pacing: Send

8. MAFF Session - For Reps

All on a C2 Bike:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes
Score is average Wattage.

9. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
EMOM Until you reach 40 Reps
Max Wall Walks in :30
#2538 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 2 Day 3

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE

2. Lift 1 - For Weight

Power Clean Warm Up Protocol
Every 3:00 for 18:00
3 Power Cleans @75-85%
Power Snatch Warm Up Protocol
Every 3:00 for 18:00
3 Power Snatch @80-90%

Choose your weaker movement. Build from set 1 to set 5. Head back down to opening weight for the final set.

3. Bitch Work - For Reps

Warm Up: Reach Pacing Protocol
AMRAP 6 Minutes x 3
Run for Distance
Rest 2:00
Score is average distance in meters.
Find a pace between your 5K Pace and Cube Test average pace and hold.

Turtles (slow twitch/endurance athletes) – Make it hurt. You should get slightly slower each round.
Rabbits (fast twitch/power athletes) – Start closer to your 5K pace and aim for negative splits.
Pacing: Reach

4. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Glutes
Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes
21 Unbroken Thrusters*
*We suggest that these 5 sets are between 105-125/70-90lbs. If you struggle with thruster, aim to be smooth and fast
with 105/70lbs vs. grinding out slow reps at 125/90lbs, or failing. If you think you can crush all 5 sets at 125/90lbs, do

*Further Modifications:
– DB or KB Thrusters (choosing a weight that can be done unbroken)

5. Accessory - For Completion

3 Sets:
10 DB Prone Bench Rows
1:00 Bear Hug Sandbag Hold
:30 Chinese Plank
Rest as needed

Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 2 Day 4, Active Rest Day

Choose Swim OR MAFF for today, leaving the Flush for your rest day.

1. Recovery Flush - For Completion

On a 25 Minute Running Clock
1000m Row @ Forever Pace
:30 Handstand Hold
2000m C2 Bike @ Forever Pace
:30 Squat Hold

2. Swim - For Completion

15:00 Warm Up
Spend your time working on your stroke and breathing, stopping frequently to let your heart rate settle
Rest 5:00
AMRAP 15:00-10:00
Freestyle Swim for Distance*
15:00 Cool Down

Stay in the water and continue to move around to let the heart rate settle. Getting back into technique work with your
stroke and breathing one length at a time is a good way to do so.

*This is technique work for 9 out of 10 athletes. Finding your stroke and breathing cadence to become comfortable in
the water is more important than thrashing/resting and trying to see how far you can go.

3. MAFF Session - For Reps

Choose Weakest Machine or Run:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes

Score is average Wattage.

#2540 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 2 Day 5

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Interval - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
5 Rounds
Run 600m
10 Front Squats @ 60-70% 1RM
Rest 2:1
Score is total working time, not including rest.
Rest for twice as long as it took you to complete the round (e.g. a 4:00 round = 8:00 rest).
Percentages based on 1RM front squat and are taken from the floor. If you require more than 2 sets to complete 10
reps at any point, reduce the weight.

*Further Modifications:
– Front Squats: Double DB/KB Front Squats
Duration: Long
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Reach

3. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
4 Rounds
1 Smooth Set of Toes to Bar
1 Max Set of Toes to Bar
Rest 3:00 Between all sets
Choose a number you will hit for the first 4 sets and keep it there, knowing you will get more in the max set round.

*Further Modifications:
– V-ups

4. Accessory - For Completion

3 Sets:
50′ Heavy Suitcase Carry (right)
;20 Lunge Pulse (right)
50′ Heavy Suitcase Carry (left)
;20 Lunge Pulse (left)
Rest :90

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. Metcon - For Rounds and Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
AMRAP 8 Minutes
3 Hang Power Cleans 165/110lbs
40 Double Unders
25′ HS Walk

*Further Modifications:
– Hang Power Cleans: 6 Double KB/DB Hang Cleans
– Double Unders: 4×25′ Shuttle Sprints
Duration: Short
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain

6. Lift 1 - For Weight

Squat Snatch Warm Up Protocol
Every 4:00 for 16:00
6 Squat Snatch
Drop and Reset. Start near 60% and only move up in lifts are technically sound. If you’re choosing this non-mandatory
lift due to technique, consider starting closer to 55% and adding some tempo to your first and second pull to ensure
positional focus.

7. Bitch Work - For Reps

Warm Up: Reach Pacing Protocol
AMRAP 3 Minutes x 4
Ski for Distance
Rest 3:00
Score is total meters.
Compare to Week 1 Ski. With seven rounds of data, you should be able to predict how hard you can go with additional
minute of rest and three less rounds. As an additional nod to your Athlete IQ work, be ready to convert Cal/Hr back to
500m split. Take notes.

*Further Modifications:
– Max distance on any machine
Pacing: Reach

#2541 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 2 Day 6

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Strength - For Weight

Squat Clean Warm Up Protocol
Warm Up
EMOM 6 Minutes
3 Pause Power Position Squat Cleans
Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes
3 Mid Thigh Squat Cleans
Start near 70% of your complex from week 1 – Keep skill focus when deciding weights

3. Bitch Work - For Time

Warm Up: Reach Pacing Protocol
8 Rounds
2/1.8k C2 Bike
Rest 2:30
Score is average time per round.
Choose a pace faster than your Tour De Misfit time and hold across rounds.

*Further Modifications:
– 1k Ski or Row
– 1200m Run
Pacing: Reach

4. Accessory - For Completion

Accumulate 2:00 in GHD Hold
2:00 Reverse Sled Drag
Accumulate 1:00 in External Rotation Ring Hold
2:00 Reverse Sled Drag
Accumulate 1:00 in the bottom of a Ring Dip Hold

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. Interval - For Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
AMRAP 4 Minutes
10 Bar Facing Burpees
8 Overhead Squat 135/100lbs
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 4 Minutes
10 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Overhead Squat 115/80lbs
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 4 Minutes
10 Bar Facing Burpees
16 Overhead Squat 95/70lbs
Restart on Bar Facing Burpees each AMRAP. Score is total reps from all AMRAPs.

*Further Modifications:
– Overhead Squat: DB/KB Front Squats
Duration: Medium
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

6. "The Brown Noise" - For Rounds and Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
AMRAP 10 Minutes
Row 500m
20 Power Snatch 75/55lbs
For scoring, 100m = 1 rep (5 reps per row).

*Further Modifications:
– Row: Run 500m or Air Bike 1k
– Power Cleans: Double DB Power Snatch 40/30lbs
Duration: Medium
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Sustain

7. Skill - For Completion

Perform Phase I, Week 2 from your Weakness Work Skill Progression sheet.
Remember, we recommend staying consistent with your chosen skill until you’re confident you’ve crushed it before
moving on to another skill.
– Rope Climbs
– Handstand Walk
– Double Unders
– Wall Walks
– Double DB Overhead Walking Lunge

Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 2 Active Rest Day

Choose Swim OR MAFF for today, leaving the Flush for your rest day.

1. Recovery Flush - For Completion

On a 25 Minute Running Clock
1000m Row @ Forever Pace
:30 Handstand Hold
2000m C2 Bike @ Forever Pace
:30 Squat Hold

2. Swim - For Completion

15:00 Warm Up
Spend your time working on your stroke and breathing, stopping frequently to let your heart rate settle
Rest 5:00
AMRAP 15:00-10:00
Freestyle Swim for Distance*
15:00 Cool Down

Stay in the water and continue to move around to let the heart rate settle. Getting back into technique work with your
stroke and breathing one length at a time is a good way to do so.

*This is technique work for 9 out of 10 athletes. Finding your stroke and breathing cadence to become comfortable in
the water is more important than thrashing/resting and trying to see how far you can go.

3. MAFF Session - For Reps

Choose Weakest Machine or Run:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes

Score is average Wattage.

#2542 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 3 Day 1

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Lift - For Weight

Deadlift Warm Up Protocol
Work up to a heavy deadlift near 90% (Heavier than week 2, if it feels smooth)
Touch and Go Deadlift

3. Interval - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
Until 90 Toes to Bar are completed:
200m Forward Facing Sled Pull (Moderate weight)
1 Max Set of Toes to Bar
Rest 3:00
The sled should allow you to march steadily, but not run.
8 Round Cap

-Further Modifications:
– Toes to bar: V-Ups or GHD Sit Ups (30 rep cap)
– Sled Pull: Sandbag Bearhug Carry or Heavy Farmers Carry
Duration: Long
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Reach

4. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
3 Rounds
15′ HS Walk – Up Stairs/Down Ramp – 15′ HS Walk
Rest 1:00
15′ HS Walk – Up Ramp/Down Stairs – 15′ HS Walk
Rest 2:00

5. Accessory - For Completion

3 Sets:
:30 Banded Pulse Squats
50′ Shuttle Dumbbell Head Hold Carry
Max L Sit
Rest 1:00
#2543 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 3 Day 2

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Lift 1 - For Weight

Back Squat Warm Up Protocol
Back Squat
Work up to a single between 80 and 90%
2×3 @70% of 1RM
2×3 @67.5% of 1RM
2×3 @65% of 1RM
2×3 @62.5% of 1RM
2×3 @60% of 1RM
Tempo on the way down, speed on the way up.
After each set of back squats, perform 3 seated box jumps for maximal power. Set your “sitting” box approximately at
parallel. Landing box height does not matter, and should facilitate maximal hip/knee extension.

3. Metcon - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
8 Thrusters 135/100lbs
12/9 Calorie Air Bike
8 Thrusters 135/100lbs
12/9 Calorie Air Bike
12 Thrusters 115/80lbs
12/9 Calorie Air Bike
12 Thrusters 115/80lbs
12/9 Calorie Air Bike
16 Thrusters 95/70lbs
12/9 Calorie Air Bike
16 Thrusters 95/70lbs
We recommend staging 3 barbells before starting vs. changing weights during the workout, if possible.

*Further Modifications:
– Thrusters: DB Thrusters or 2x Wallballs
– Air Bike: Same calories on any machine or 200m Run
Duration: Short
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

4. Accessory - For Completion

3 sets:
10 Da Vinci Raises
1:00 Heavy Dual KB Front Rack Hold
Max set banded Hamstring Curl (to fatigue; light band; speedy reps)

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*
5. Lift 2 - For Weight
Lunge Warm Up Protocol
6 Rounds
10 Back Rack Walking Lunges
Rest 2:00
Are you choosing this as an accessory OR to get stronger? If you’re going for total strength, make sure it’s very very

6. Interval - For Rounds and Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
AMRAP 12 Minutes
100m Empty Sled Push
8 Deficit HSPU 2/1″
Rest :30
For scoring, 10m = 1 rep.

*Further Modifications:
– Sled Push: 200m Run or 10 Burpee Broad Jumps
Duration: Short
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Reach

7. Bitch Work - For Time

Warm Up: Reach Pacing Protocol
4 Rounds
Run 1000m
Rest 3:00
Score is average round time.
Find a pace between Week 2 6:00 Rounds and Cube Test Average.
Turtles – Push pacing early
Rabbits – Start faster than week 2 work and aim for negative splits.\
Pacing: Reach

8. MAFF Session - For Reps

All on a C2 Bike:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes
Score is average Wattage.

9. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders AND Activation Protocol: Low Back/Midline
6 Rounds
10 Devils Press AHAP
Rest 2:00
#2544 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 3 Day 3

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Lift 1 - For Weight

Power Clean Warm Up Protocol
Power Snatch Warm Up Protocol
Power Clean OR Power Snatch (choose your weakness)
Work up to a single between 80 and 90%
2×3 @70% of 1RM
2×3 @67.5% of 1RM
2×3 @65% of 1RM
2×3 @62.5% of 1RM
2×3 @60% of 1RM
After each set of cleans or snatches, perform 3 Max Height Vertical Leaps for maximal power output.
Drop and Reset – The goal is to remain snappy for all 30 reps. Choose your weaker movement.

3. Bitch Work - For Time

Warm Up: Send Pacing Protocol
Until 1/.9K is reached
Every 4:00
Ski for max distance in :30
Score it total working time to achieve target distance.
Pacing: have you ever heard of Steve Prefontaine?

*Further Modifications:
– Max distance on any machine (Distance double if on bike)
Pacing: Send

4. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
1 Hard Set of Bar Muscle Ups
Rest 3:00
1 Hard Set of CTB Pull Ups
Rest 3:00
1 Smooth Set of Bar Muscle Ups
Rest 2:00
1 Smooth Set of CTB Pull Ups
Rest 2:00
1 Easy Set of Bar Muscle Ups
Rest 1:00
1 Easy Set of CTB Pull Ups

Hard set = Push until you start to grind, then stop. Do not go for max sets.
Smooth set = Come down before you grind.
Easy set = Technique focus, nice and smooth, not for capacity.
*Further Modifications:
– BMU: Ring Muscle Ups or Legless Rope Climbs
– CTB: Rope Climbs or Heavy Double Unders

5. Accessory - For Completion

200m Farmer Carry (moderate load DBs or KBs)
5 Rounds:
:20 Hollow Hold
directly into
:30 Plank Hold
directly into
:10 Rest
This is an ongoing 5:00 rotation.
Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 3 Day 4, Active Rest Day

Choose Swim OR MAFF for today, leaving the Flush for your rest day.

1. Recovery Flush - For Completion

4 Rounds, Not For Time
40/32 Calorie Ski @ Forever Pace
50′ Spiderman Lunges
:30 Deadhang from Pull Up Bar

2. Swim - For Completion

15:00 Warm Up
Spend your time working on your stroke and breathing, stopping frequently to let your heart rate settle
Rest 5:00
AMRAP 15:00-25:00
Freestyle Swim for Distance*
15:00 Cool Down
Stay in the water and continue to move around to let the heart rate settle. Getting back into technique work with your
stroke and breathing one length at a time is a good way to do so.
*This is technique work for 9 out of 10 athletes. Finding your stroke and breathing cadence to become comfortable in
the water is more important than thrashing/resting and trying to see how far you can go.

3. MAFF Session - For Reps

Choose Weakest Machine or Run:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes
Score is average Wattage.
#2546 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 3 Day 5

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Metcon - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
7 Rounds
3 Bar Muscle Ups
6 Deadlifts 225/155lbs
500/450m C2 Bike

*Further Modificiations:
– BMU: Ring Muscle Ups
– C2 Bike: 1/2 distance on other C2 machine or 300m Run
Duration: Medium
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain

3. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
4 Rounds
1 Smooth Set of Strict HSPU*
1 Max Set of Strict HSPU*
Rest 3:00 Between all sets

Choose a number you will hit for the first 4 sets and keep it there, knowing you will get more in the max set round.
*If you’re exceeding 15 reps per round, complete at 2″ deficit. Increase deficit 2″ each time you eclipse 15+ reps
across rounds

4. Accessory - For Completion

3 Sets:
100′ Sled Push (heavy load)
10 Strict Chest to Ring Pull Ups
10 Strict Toes To Ring (control/tempo legs on way down)
Rest as needed

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. Interval - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
5 Rounds
21/18 Calorie Ski
7 Front Squats @ 70-80%
Rest 2:1
Score is total working time not including rest.

Percentages are based on 1RM Front squat and are taken from the rack. Rest for twice as long as it took you to
complete the work (e.g. a 2:00 round time = a 4:00 rest period). Adjust weights from round to round as desired, but
never require more than 2 sets to complete the squats.

*Further Modifications:
– Ski: Same calories on any machine
– Front Squat: 14 DB Front Squats 50/35s
Duration: Medium
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Reach

6. Lift 1 - For Weight

Squat Snatch Warm Up Protocol
Every 4:00 for 16:00
5 Squat Snatch
Drop and Reset. Start near 70% and only move up in lifts are technically sound. If you’re choosing this non-mandatory
lift due to technique, consider starting closer to 65% and adding some tempo to your first and second pull to ensure
positional focus.

7. Bitch Work - For Reps

Choosing the machine you used on the Misfit Power Output Test, or your biggest sprinting weakness:
Warm Up: Send Pacing Protocol
Every 6:00 for 24:00
Max Calories in :25
Score is total calories. Pacing is not an option – let it rip.
Pacing: Send
#2547 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 3 Day 6

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Strength - For Weight

Squat Clean Warm Up Protocol
Warm Up
EMOM 6 Minutes
3 Pause Power Position Squat Cleans
Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes
2 Mid Thigh Squat Cleans
Every 2 Minutes for 6 minutes
1 Below Knee Squat Clean
Start near 80% of your complex from week 1 – Keep skill focus when deciding weights

3. Bitch Work - For Reps

Warm Up: Sustain Pacing Protocol
AMRAP 7:30 x 4
Run for Distance
Rest 2:00
Score is average distance run in meters.

Turtles: Start near 5k pace and hold on.
Rabbits: Start slightly slower than 5k and work towards negative splits.
Pacing: Varies – see workout for details

4. Accessory - For Completion

2 Rounds:
100′ OH Dual KB Carry
15 Back Extensions
100′ OH Dual KB Carry
15 GHR
Rest 1:00 between rounds

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. Metcon - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
5 Rounds
18/12 Calorie Air Bike
14 OH Walking Lunges 115/75lbs

*Further Modifications:
– Air Bike: Same calories on any machine
– Lunges: Double DB/KB OH Walking Lunges
Duration: Medium
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Sustain

6. Interval - For Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
2 Rounds
AMRAP 2 Minutes
3 Burpee Muscle Ups
18 GHD Sit Ups
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 2 Minutes
8 Devil’s Presses 50s/35s
18 GHD Sit Ups
Rest 2:00
Score is total reps completed.

*Further Modifications:
– Burpee MU: Burpee Bar Muscle Up or Devils Press
– GHD: Toes to bar
Duration: Short
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Reach

7. Skill - For Completion

Perform Phase I, Week 3 from your Weakness Work Skill Progression sheet.
Remember, we recommend staying consistent with your chosen skill until you’re confident you’ve crushed it before
moving on to another skill.
– Rope Climbs
– Handstand Walk
– Double Unders
– Wall Walks
– Double DB Overhead Walking Lunge
Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 3 Rest Day

Choose Swim OR MAFF for today, leaving the Flush for your rest day.

1. Recovery Flush - For Completion

4 Rounds, Not For Time
40/32 Calorie Ski @ Forever Pace
50′ Spiderman Lunges
:30 Deadhang from Pull Up Bar

2. Swim - For Completion

15:00 Warm Up
Spend your time working on your stroke and breathing, stopping frequently to let your heart rate settle
Rest 5:00
AMRAP 15:00-25:00
Freestyle Swim for Distance*
15:00 Cool Down
Stay in the water and continue to move around to let the heart rate settle. Getting back into technique work with your
stroke and breathing one length at a time is a good way to do so.
*This is technique work for 9 out of 10 athletes. Finding your stroke and breathing cadence to become comfortable in
the water is more important than thrashing/resting and trying to see how far you can go.

3. MAFF Session - For Reps

Choose Weakest Machine or Run:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes
Score is average Wattage.
#2548 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 4 Day 1

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Lift - For Weight

Deadlift Warm Up Protocol
Work up to a heavy deadlift near 90% (Heavier than week 3, if it feels smooth)
Touch and Go Deadlift

3. Interval - For Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
AMRAP 1:30 x 6
0.4/0.3k Air Bike
Max Wallballs 25/18lbs to 10/9′ in remaining time
Rest 3:00
The goal is to try to repeat as close to the same number of wallballs in every round.
*If you do not have these weight wallballs, use your judgement to determine if you should go heavier/lighter. You
should be able to do at least 20 unbroken with chosen weight.

*Further Modifications:
– Air bike: 200/150m Row or ski, 400/300m C2 Bike
– Wallballs: 2″ Deficit HSPU
Duration: Medium
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

4. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
Until you reach 14/10 Reps:
AMRAP 1:00
Legless Rope Climbs
Rest 3:00
AMRAP 2:00
Legless Rope Climbs
Rest 3:00
AMRAP 3:00
Legless Rope Climbs
Rest 3:00
And so on
We would rather see this take more rounds with fast reps than struggle through to go faster. It’s early in the year, train

*Further Modifications:
– Weighted Strict Pull Ups

5. Accessory - For Completion

3 Rounds:
12 Half Kneeling DB Woodchop (left)
1:00 Backward Sled Drag (light)
1:00 Heavy DB Farmer Hold
#2549 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 4 Day 2

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Lift 1 - For Weight

Back Squat Warm Up Protocol
Back Squat
Work up to a single between 80 and 90%
2×3 @70% of 1RM
2×3 @67.5% of 1RM
2×3 @65% of 1RM
2×3 @62.5% of 1RM
2×3 @60% of 1RM
Tempo on the way down, speed on the way up.
After each set of back squats, perform 3 seated box jumps for maximal power. Set your “sitting” box approximately at
parallel. Landing box height does not matter, and should facilitate maximal hip/knee extension.

3. Metcon - For Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
From 0:00 – 3:00
150m Sandbag Carry 150/100lbs
Max Rep Chest to Bar Pull Ups
From 3:00 – 6:00
150m Sandbag Carry 150/100lbs
Max Rep Strict HSPU
From 6:00 – 9:00
150m Sandbag Carry 150/100lbs
Max Rep Chest to Bar Pull Ups
From 9:00 – 12:00
150m Sandbag Carry 150/100lbs
Max Rep Strict HSPU
From 12:00 – 15:00
150m Sandbag Carry 150/100lbs
Max Rep Chest to Bar Pull Ups
From 15:00 – 18:00
150m Sandbag Carry 150/100lbs
Max Rep Strict HSPU
Score is total reps of Chest to Bar and SHSPU added together
*Sandbag may be held any style.

*Further Modifications:
– Sandbag: 50′ Front Rack Walking Lunge 135/95lbs
Duration: Long
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

4. Accessory - For Completion

4 Rounds:
100m Forward Sled Drag (light load)
10 Da Vinci Raises
:30 External Rotation Ring Hold
Rest as needed

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. Lift 2 - For Weight

Lunge Warm Up Protocol
6 Rounds
10 Back Rack Walking Lunges
Rest 2:00
Are you choosing this as an accessory OR to get stronger? If you’re going for total strength, make sure it’s very very

6. Old Slappy - For Reps

Warm Up: Send Pacing Protocol
Max Calorie Row in 1:00
Rest 4:00
Max Calorie Row in :50
Rest 4:00
Max Calorie Row in :45
Rest 4:00
Max Calorie Row in :40
Score is total Calories.
We’re looking for a controlled send in round 1, with the goal of fighting like hell to hold that average Cal/Hr for the rest
of the session.

*Further Modifications:
– Max Calories on any machine
Pacing: Send

7. MAFF Session - For Reps

All on a C2 Bike:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes
Score is average Wattage.

8. Interval - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
10 Box Jump Overs 30/24″
10 Double DB Snatch 50s/35s
Rest 2:00
12 Box Jump Overs 30/24″
12 Double DB Snatch 50s/35s
Rest 2:00
14 Box Jump Overs 30/24″
14 Double DB Snatch 50s/35s
Rest 2:00
16 Box Jump Overs 30/24″
16 Double DB Snatch 50s/35s
Rest 2:00
18 Box Jump Overs 30/24″
18 Double DB Snatch 50s/35s
Duration: Short
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Reach

9. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
EMOM Until you Reach 75 Reps
1 Smooth set of HSPU
The goal of the smooth set is to keep rep ranges within 1-4 of each other every round. We would rather see more
rounds with fast reps then grind early to finish.
#2550 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 4 Day 3

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Lift 1 - For Weight

Power Clean Warm Up Protocol
Every 3:00 for 18:00
3 Tempo Pull Power Cleans
Power Snatch Warm Up Protocol
Every 3:00 for 18:00
3 Tempo Pull Power Snatch
Drop and Reset. Choose your weaker movement. Weight should start near 60% and go up or down based on feel.

3. Bitch Work - For Reps

Warm Up: Sustain Pacing Protocol
AMRAP 2:30 x 6
Run for distance
Rest 4:00
Score is average distance per round in meters.

Turtles: Start much faster than cube test pace and hold on.
Rabbits: Start just under cube test pace and push pacing further as long as you can.
Pacing: Varies – see workout for details

4. Skill - For Completion

Warm Up: Glute Activation Protocol
Every 3 Minutes for 12 Minutes
18 Unbroken Thrusters*
*We suggest that these 5 sets are between 115-145/80-100lbs. If you struggle with thruster, aim to be smooth and fast
with 115/90lbs vs. grinding out slow reps at 145/100lbs, or failing. If you think you can crush all 4 sets at 145lbs, do it.

5. Accessory - For Completion

3 Rounds (in a vest):
15 Ring Rows
:20 Bottom of Ring Dip Hold
100′ Dual KB Front Rack Carry (HAF)
Rest as needed
#2551 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 4 Day 4, Active Rest Day

Choose Swim OR MAFF for today, leaving the Flush for your rest day.

1. Recovery Flush - For Completion

Every 5 Minutes for 25 Minutes
400m Run @ Forever Pace
25′ Duck Walk
10 Push Ups w/ a twist
25′ Inchworm
C2 Bike @ Forever Pace in the remaining time

2. Swim - For Completion

15:00 Warm Up
Spend your time working on your stroke and breathing, stopping frequently to let your heart rate settle
Rest 5:00
AMRAP 15:00-30:00
Freestyle Swim for Distance*
15:00 Cool Down
Stay in the water and continue to move around to let the heart rate settle. Getting back into technique work with your
stroke and breathing one length at a time is a good way to do so.

*This is technique work for 9 out of 10 athletes. Finding your stroke and breathing cadence to become comfortable in
the water is more important than thrashing/resting and trying to see how far you can go.

3. MAFF Session - For Reps

Choose Weakest Machine or Run:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes

Score is average Wattage.

#2552 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 4 Day 5

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Interval - For Completion

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
Every :30 for 21 Minutes, rotating (14 sets of each)
– 1 Legless Rope Climb*
– 25 Double Unders
– 5 Front Squats @ 55-65% 1RM
Percentages based on 1RM front squat. Reps are taken from the floor. Weight may be adjusted from round to round,
but should always be 1 set.
If you fail to complete a movement, take the next :30 window off.
*If you aren’t proficient in legless rope climbs, go as high as you can and lock in to finish the climb when needed.

*Further Modifications:
– Rope Climb: 6 Strict Pull Ups
– Front Squats: Double DB/KB Front Squats
Duration: Medium
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain

3. Skill - For Completion

4 Rounds
18 GHD Sit Ups for speed
Rest as little as needed to perform all 4 sets of 18 within :01-:03 of each other.
Rest 4:00, then:
45 GHD Sit Ups for time
Refer to August 22nd for comparison.

*Further Modifications:
– Ab Mat Sit Ups or Toes to bar

4. Accessory - For Completion

200m Backward sled Drag
Accumulate 2:00 in the bottom of a Back Squat Hold (light moderate load), ~40% of !RM)

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. Metcon - For Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
AMRAP 6 Minutes
16 Dbl DB STOH 50s/35s
20/16 Calorie Ski
16 Dbl DB STOH 50s/35s
20/16 Calorie Ski
Max Rep Dbl DB STOH 50s/35s
Score is reps in the max rep portion.

*Further Modifications:
– Ski: Same calories on any machine
Duration: Short
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Reach

6. Lift 1 - For Weight

Squat Snatch Warm Up Protocol
Every 4:00 for 16:00
4 Squat Snatch
Drop and Reset. Start near 80% and only move up in lifts are technically sound. If you’re choosing this non-mandatory
lift due to technique, consider starting closer to 75% and adding some tempo to your first and second pull to ensure
positional focus.

7. Bitch Work - For Reps

Warm Up: Reach Pacing Protocol
AMRAP 3 Minutes
Row for Calories
Rest 3:00
AMRAP 5 Minutes
Row for Calories
Rest 3:00
AMRAP 4 Minutes
Row for Calories
Score is total calories.
Adjusting your pace to the scenario is a mandatory skill in competition. Start by identifying your 5:00 pace as
something near your 2K pace, then choose a faster pace for the 4:00 round, and lastly the fastest in your first round of
3:00. There will be a fine line between good paces to fight for and overshooting. Work that Athlete IQ.

*Further Modifications:
– Calories on any machine
Pacing: Reach,
#2553 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 4 Day 6

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Strength - For Weight

Squat Clean Warm Up Protocol
Warm Up
EMOM 6 Minutes
3 Pause Power Position Squat Cleans
Every 2 Minutes for 6 Minutes
1 Mid Thigh Squat Clean
Every 2 Minutes for 10 minutes
2 Below Knee Squat Clean
Start near 85% of your complex from week 1 – Keep skill focus when deciding weight

3. Bitch Work - For Reps

Warm Up: Reach Pacing Protocol
AMRAP 8 Minutes
Max Calorie C2 Bike
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 7 Minutes
Max Calorie C2 Bike
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 6 Minutes
Max Calorie C2 Bike
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 5 Minutes
Max Calorie C2 Bike
Score is total calories.
Start faster than your Tour De Misfit Average (Convert to Cal/Hr) and aim for negative splits on average pace as
rounds get shorter. Your speed increases should be in the 25-50 Cal/Hr range.

*Further Modifications:
– Max Calories on any machine
Pacing: Reach

4. Accessory - For Completion

4 Rounds:
15 Weighted Hip Extensions (hug a plate)
50′ Bamboo Bar Overhead Carry
:30 Supinated Grip Chin over the Bar Hold

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*
5. Metcon - For Rounds and Reps
Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
AMRAP 20 Minutes
20 Jump Squats to 6″ Target
20 Burpees to 6″ Target
400m Run
Jump squats: squat below parallel, jump and touch both hands to a target 6″ out of reach just like a burpee to 6″
For scoring, 10m = 1 rep (40 reps per run)
Duration: Long
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Sustain

6. Interval - For Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
AMRAP 4 Minutes x 2
1 Wall Walk
1 Squat Snatch 165/110lbs
2 Wall Walks
2 Squat Snatch 165/110lbs
3/3, 4/4, 5/5, etc.
Rest 4:00 between AMRAPs.
Restart at 1/1 on the second AMRAP. Score is total reps from both AMRAPs added together.

*Further Modifications:
– Snatch: Double DB Snatch
Duration: Short
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

7. Skill - For Completion

Perform Phase I, Week 4 from your Weakness Work Skill Progression sheet.
Remember, we recommend staying consistent with your chosen skill until you’re confident you’ve crushed it before
moving on to another skill.
– Rope Climbs
– Handstand Walk
– Double Unders
– Wall Walks
– Double DB Overhead Walking Lunge
#2554 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 5 Day 1

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind
Morning Movement, head HERE.

2. Lift - For Weight

Deadlift Warm Up Protocol
Work up to a heavy deadlift near 90% (Heavier than week 4, if it feels smooth)
Touch and Go Deadlift

3. Interval - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
4 Rounds
100′ Sled Push*
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
16 Thrusters 105/80lbs
Rest 3:00
*Sled weight should moderate. We are looking for you to be able to march the sled steadily, but not sprint. We are
looking for the Open Standard for the box jump overs.
Score is total working time not including rest.

*Further Modifications:
– Sled: 100 Sandbag Bearhug Carry 150/100lbs
– Thrusters: DB Thrusters or Wallballs 30/20lbs
Duration: Short
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Reach

4. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
1 Hard Set of Bar Muscle Ups
Rest 3:00
1 Hard Set of CTB Pull Ups
Rest 3:00
1 Smooth Set of Bar Muscle Ups
Rest 2:00
1 Smooth Set of CTB Pull Ups
Rest 2:00
1 Easy Set of Bar Muscle Ups
Rest 1:00
1 Easy Set of CTB Pull Ups

Hard set = Push until you start to grind, then stop. Do not go for max sets.
Smooth set = Come down before you grind.
Easy set = Technique focus, nice and smooth, not for capacity.

*Further Modifications:
– BMU: Ring Muscle Ups
– CTB: Ring Rows or Rope Climbs

5. Accessory - For Completion

3 Sets:
20 Sandbag Bear Hug Walking Lunges (70/100 lbs)
15 DB Bent Over Rows
Max Effort Chinese Plank
Rest :90

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

6. Metcon - For Time

Warm Up: Moderate Intensity Protocol
16 Rounds
Run 200m
6 Strict HSPU
Duration: Long
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain

7. Bitch Work - For Reps

Sustain Pacing Warm Up
AMRAP 7 Minutes
Run 400m
32/28 Calorie Row
Max Calorie Ski in remaining time
C2 Bike 1K @Flush Pace
AMRAP 7 Minutes
32/28 Calorie Ski
Run 400m
Max Calorie Row in remaining time
C2 Bike 1K @Flush Pace
AMRAP 7 Minutes
32/28 Calorie Row
32/28 Calorie Ski
Max Distance Run in remaining time
Score is total calories in the Max cal/distance portion (Multiply total meters by .085 to get your run “calories”).
If you were to do any of these movements for 21:00 straight, what would your pace be? Think 5K-ish if you need a
reference point. Now go hold those paces for the entire piece.

*Further Modifications:
– Substitute any machine into this piece. If 3 machines are not available, double the mandatory distances. i.e 60
Calories on machine into max calorie on another machine.
Pacing: Varies – see workout for details
#2555 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 5 Day 2

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind Morning Movement,
head HERE.

2. Lift 1 - For Weight

Back Squat Warm Up Protocol
Back Squat
Work up to a single between 80 and 90%
2×3 @70% of 1RM
2×3 @67.5% of 1RM
2×3 @65% of 1RM
2×3 @62.5% of 1RM
2×3 @60% of 1RM
Tempo on the way down, speed on the way up.
After each set of back squats, perform 3 seated box jumps for maximal power. Set your “sitting” box approximately at parallel.
Landing box height does not matter, and should facilitate maximal hip/knee extension.

3. Bitch Work - For Reps

Warm Up: Reach Pacing Protocol
5 Rounds
Max Calorie Air Bike in 2:00
2:00 Flush Pace C2 Bike
Rest/Walk 2:00
Score is total Calories.
Find your target Wattage or RPMs and hold across. The high athlete IQ does not allow for over or under pacing. Collect data and
use it.

*Further Modifications:
– Max calorie on any machine
Pacing: Reach

4. Accessory - For Completion

3 Rounds:
10 Ring Roll Outs
10/10 DB Single Arm Upright Row
Max DB Head Hold
Rest as needed

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. Metcon - For Rounds and Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
AMRAP 12 Minutes
12 Double KB Front Rack Step Ups
12 GHD Sit Ups
12 Double KB Front Rack Step Ups
20 GHD Sit Ups
12 Double KB Front Rack Step Ups
28 GHD Sit Ups
12 Double KB Front Rack Step Ups
36 GHD Sit Ups
12 Double KB Front Rack Step Ups
44 GHD Sit Ups
Women: 26lb KBs to 20″
Men: 35lb KBs to 24″

*Further Modifications::
– Double KB: Single KB or DB Goblet Step Ups
– GHD: Sit Ups or V-ups
Duration: Medium
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

6. MAFF Session - For Reps

All on a C2 Bike:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes
Score is average Wattage.

7. Lift 2 - For Weight

Lunge Warm Up Protocol
6 Rounds
10 Back Rack Walking Lunges
Rest 2:00
Are you choosing this as an accessory OR to get stronger? If you’re going for total strength, make sure it’s very very heavy.

8. Interval - For Time

Warm Up: Moderate Intensity Protocol
9 Rounds
50′ Sandbag Carry 150/100lbs (25′ out and back)
4 Sandbag to Shoulder 150/100lbs
50′ Sandbag Carry 150/100lbs (25′ out and back)
40 Double Unders
Rest 3:00 after every 3 rounds.
Perform 3 Rounds, Rest 3:00, Perform 3 Rounds, Rest 3:00, Perform 3 Rounds

*Further Modifications:
– Sandbag: Heavy Farmers Carry or Back Rack Carry (185/115lbs)
Duration: Long
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain

9. Skill - For Completion

3 Rounds
10 Left Arm KB Snatch AHAP
Rest :30
10 Right Arm KB Snatch AHAP
Rest 1:30
#2556 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 5 Day 3

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind Morning Movement,
head HERE.

2. Lift 1 - For Weight

Power Clean Warm Up Protocol
Every 3:00 for 18:00
2 Power Cleans @85-95%
Power Snatch Warm Up Protocol
Every 3:00 for 18:00
2 Power Snatch @90%+
Drop and Reset. Choose your weaker movement. Build from set 1 to set 5. Head back down to opening weight for the final set.

3. Bitch Work - For Reps

Warm Up: Send Pacing Protocol
AMRAP 1:00
C2 Bike Calories
Rest 5:00
C2 Bike Calories
Rest 5:00
C2 Bike Calories
Score is total calories.
Spend at least 4:00 of rest period flushing on a 1 damper.
Round 1 should be a controlled send. Aim to match average Cal/Hr average in rounds 2 and 3.

*Further Modifications:
– Max calories on any. machine
Pacing: Send

4. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
3 Rounds
15′ HS Walk – Up Stairs/Down Ramp – 15′ HS Walk
Rest 1:00
15′ HS Walk – Up Ramp/Down Stairs – 15′ HS Walk
Rest as needed

*Further modification:
Set up plates to a level of difficulty where you feel a challenge on the second half of each round. Ideally, you have at least 2 or 3
sets to climbs, but keep it manageable to your ability.

If you are currently working on HS walking in general, perform 3 rounds of 1:00 on 1:00 off for max distance , resting as needed
between full rounds (after second 1:00 window)

5. Accessory - For Completion

3 Rounds:
10 RDL (moderate load)
100′ Waiters Walk (left)
:30 Hollow Rock
100′ Waiters Walk (right)
Rest as needed
#2557 - - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 5 Day 4 Active Rest Day

Choose Swim OR MAFF for today, leaving the Flush for your rest day.

1. Recovery Flush - For Completion

5 Rounds, Not For Time
2:00 Row @ Forever Pace
1:00 Plank
2:00 C2 Bike @ Forever Pace
1:00 Wallsit

2. Swim - For Completion

15:00 Warm Up
Spend your time working on your stroke and breathing, stopping frequently to let your heart rate settle
Rest 5:00
AMRAP 15:00-35:00
Freestyle Swim for Distance*
15:00 Cool Down

Stay in the water and continue to move around to let the heart rate settle. Getting back into technique work with your stroke and
breathing one length at a time is a good way to do so.

*This is technique work for 9 out of 10 athletes. Finding your stroke and breathing cadence to become comfortable in the water is
more important than thrashing/resting and trying to see how far you can go.

3. MAFF Session - For Reps

Choose Weakest Machine or Run:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes

Score is average Wattage.

#2558 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 5 Day 5

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind Morning Movement,
head HERE.

2. Interval - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
7 Rounds
50 Double Unders
2 Front Squats @ 85%+
2 Rope Climbs
1 Front Squat @ 85%+
Rest 2:1
Score is working time.
Percentages are based on 1RM Front squat and are taken from the rack. Rest for twice as long as it took you to complete the work
(e.g. a 2:00 round time = a 4:00 rest period). Adjust weights from round to round as desired.

*Further Modifications:
– Front Squats: DB Front Squats (Increase reps to 8/4 if weight is light)
– Rope Climbs: 8 Strict Pulls Ups or 4 Muscle Ups
Duration: Medium
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

3. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
4 Rounds
1 Smooth Set of Toes to Bar
1 Max Set of Toes to Bar
Rest 3:00 Between all sets

Choose a number you will hit for the first 4 sets and keep it there, knowing you will get more in the max set round.

*Further Modifications:
– V- Ups or Sit Ups

4. Accessory - For Completion

3 Rounds:
10/10 Pallof Press
1:00 Backward Sled Drag (light)
Max Sandbag Bear Hug Hold (HAF)
Rest as needed

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. Metcon - For Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
Every :90 for 15 Minutes
8 Deadlifts 205/145lbs
8 Deficit HSPU 2″
Max Calorie Air Bike in remaining time
No rest between intervals.
Score is total calories.
*Further Modifications:
– Deadlifts: DB/KB Deadlifts AHAP
– Air Bike: Max calories on any machine
Duration: Medium
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain

6. Lift 1 - For Weight

Squat Snatch Warm Up Protocol
Every 4:00 for 16:00
5 Squat Snatch
Drop and Reset. Start near 70-75% and only move up in lifts are technically sound. If you’re choosing this non-mandatory lift due to
technique, consider starting closer to 65% and adding some tempo to your first and second pull to ensure positional focus.

7. Bitch Work - For Reps

Warm Up: Send Pacing Protocol
Choosing the machine you used on the Misfit Power Output Test, or your biggest sprinting weakness:
Every 6:00 for 30:00
Max Calories in :20
Score is total calories. Pacing is not an option – let it rip.
Pacing: Send
#2559 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 5 Day 6

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind Morning Movement,
head HERE.

2. Strength - For Weight

Squat Clean Warm Up Protocol
Warm Up
EMOM 3 Minutes
3 Pause Power Position Squat Cleans
EMOM 3 Minutes
3 Pause At Knee Squat Cleans
Every 2 Minutes for 12 minutes
3 Below Knee Squat Cleans
Start near 80% of your complex from week 1 – Keep skill focus when deciding weights

3. Bitch Work - For Time

Warm Up: Sustain Pacing Protocol
6 Rounds
Run 800m
Rest 2:00
Score is average time per round.

Turtles: Aim to hold cube test average or faster.
Rabbits: Use the information from all previous sessions to see what is possible to hold across all rounds.
Pacing: Sustain

4. Accessory - For Completion

3 sets:
10/10 Single Arm DB Benchpress
100m Farmer Carry
:45 Side Plank (each side)

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. Interval - For Rounds and Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
AMRAP 3 Minutes x 6
450/400m Ski
75′ Handstand Walk
Rest 3:00
Resume where you left off each AMRAP
10m = 1 Rep for Ski
10′ = 1 Rep for HS Walk
Score is Ski meters + HS Walk feet

*Further Modifications:
– Ski: 450/400m Row or 2x distance on Air Bike or C2 Bike
Duration: Long
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

6. Metcon - For Rounds and Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
AMRAP 6 Minutes
20 Sandbag Lunges 70/50lbs
6 Sandbag Get Overs 48/40″
Sandbag may be lunged with anyhow, but may not rest on the lunging thigh.

*Further Modifications:
– Sandbag: DB Front Rack Lunges
– Get Overs: Devils Press
Duration: Short
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Reach

7. Skill - For Completion

Perform Phase I, Week 5 from your Weakness Work Skill Progression sheet.
Remember, we recommend staying consistent with your chosen skill until you’re confident you’ve crushed it before moving on to
another skill.
– Rope Climbs
– Handstand Walk
– Double Unders
– Wall Walks
– Double DB Overhead Walking Lunge
#2560 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 6 Day 1

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind Morning Movement,
head HERE.

2. Lift - For Weight

Deadlift Warm Up Protocol
Work up to a heavy deadlift near 90% (Heavier than week 5, if it feels smooth)
Touch and Go Deadlift

3. Interval - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
4 Rounds
400m Run
15 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″
21 Push Presses 115/75lbs
Rest 3:00
Score is total working time.

*Further Modifications:
– Push Press: DB/KB Push Press
Duration: Long
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Reach

4. Skill - For Completion

3 Rounds
30 GHD Sit Ups for speed
Rest as little as needed to perform all 3 sets of 30 within :05 of each other.
Rest 4:00, then:
60 GHD Sit Ups for time
Refer to September 9th for comparison.

*Further Modifications:
– Sit Ups, V-ups or Toes to bar

5. Accessory - For Completion

4 Rounds:
10/10 Bicep Curl (non working arm holding bell at 90 degrees)
50′ Sled Push (HAF)
#2561 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 6 Day 2

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind Morning Movement,
head HERE.

2. Lift 1 - For Weight

Back Squat Warm Up Protocol
Back Squat
Work up to a single between 80 and 90%
2×3 @70% of 1RM
2×3 @67.5% of 1RM
2×3 @65% of 1RM
2×3 @62.5% of 1RM
2×3 @60% of 1RM
Tempo on the way down, speed on the way up.
After each set of back squats, perform 3 seated box jumps for maximal power. Set your “sitting” box approximately at parallel.
Landing box height does not matter, and should facilitate maximal hip/knee extension.

3. Bitch Work - For Reps

Warm Up: Send Pacing Protocol
Every 6 Minutes for 30 Minutes
Max Distance Air Bike in :45
Score is total distance.
How fast can you go without ruining future rounds? Go that fast. If done properly you will get only slightly slower each round. Stay
moving for at least 3:00 of rest period on Air Bike/Rower/Bike Erg.

*Further Modifications:
– Max distance on any machine
Pacing: Send
4. Accessory - For Completion
3×10/10 Single Leg KB RDL
3x 20 Banded Resisted Push Ups into Max Plank hold on last rep

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. MAFF Session - For Reps

All on a C2 Bike:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes
Score is average Wattage.

6. Lift 2 - For Weight

Lunge Warm Up Protocol
6 Rounds
10 Back Rack Walking Lunges
Rest 2:00
Are you choosing this as an accessory OR to get stronger? If you’re going for total strength, make sure it’s very very heavy.
#2562 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 6 Day 3

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind Morning Movement,
head HERE.

2. Lift 1 - For Weight

Power Clean Warm Up Protocol
Power Snatch Warm Up Protocol
Power Clean OR Power Snatch (choose your weakness)
Work up to a single between 80 and 90%
2×3 @70% of 1RM
2×3 @67.5% of 1RM
2×3 @65% of 1RM
2×3 @62.5% of 1RM
2×3 @60% of 1RM
After each set of cleans or snatches, perform 3 Max Height Vertical Leaps for maximal power output.
Drop and Reset – The goal is to remain snappy for all 30 reps. Choose your weaker movement.

3. Bitch Work - For Reps

Warm Up: Reach Pacing Protocol
AMRAP 5 Minutes x 3
C2 Bike Calories
Rest 3:00
Score is total Calories.
Refer to 2/1.8k repeats from week 2 – Translate pacing from split time to Cal/Hr then aim to hold faster throughout.

*Further Modifications:
– Calories on any machine
Pacing: Reach

4. Skill - For Completion

Every 3 Minutes for 9 Minutes
15 Unbroken Thrusters*
*We suggest that these 5 sets are between 125-155/90-110lbs. If you struggle with thruster, aim to be smooth and fast with
125/90lbs vs. grinding out slow reps at 155/100lbs, or failing. If you think you can crush all 3 sets at 155/100lbs, do it.

5. Accessory - For Completion

2 Rounds:
100′ Waiters Walk (right)
10 GHR
100′ Waiters Walk (left)
20 Top Half V Ups
#2563 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 6 Day 4 Active Rest Day

Choose Swim OR MAFF for today, leaving the Flush for your rest day.

1. Recovery Flush - For Completion

On a 25 Minute Running Clock
1000m C2 Bike @ Forever Pace
10 Hip Extensions
1000m C2 Bike @ Forever Pace
:30 OH Squat Hold

2. Swim - For Completion

15:00 Warm Up
Spend your time working on your stroke and breathing, stopping frequently to let your heart rate settle
Rest 5:00
AMRAP 15:00-40:00
Freestyle Swim for Distance*
15:00 Cool Down

Stay in the water and continue to move around to let the heart rate settle. Getting back into technique work with your stroke and
breathing one length at a time is a good way to do so.
*This is technique work for 9 out of 10 athletes. Finding your stroke and breathing cadence to become comfortable in the water is
more important than thrashing/resting and trying to see how far you can go.

3. MAFF Session - For Reps

Choose Weakest Machine or Run:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes

Score is average Wattage.

#2564 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 6 Day 5

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind Morning Movement,
head HERE.

2. Interval - For Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
5 Rounds
12 Bar Facing Burpees
1 Max set of Front Squats*
Rest 4:00
*R1: 70%
R2: 75%
R3: 80%
R4: 85%
R5: 85%+
Take your front squats from the floor for as many of the rounds as you can without it seriously infringing on your ability to
accumulate front squats. We expect you to have to take the bar from the rack for the final 2 intervals.
Burpees should be done at a sustain pace. Not slow, but not a sprint. Begin your Front Squats within :10 of finishing your final
burpee. Score is total squats.

*Further Modifications:
– Front Squats: DB Front Squats (Either increasing weight each round or decreasing reps. I.e 10-8-6-4-2)
Duration: Short
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

3. Accessory - For Completion

3 Sets:
10 Pause Hip Extensions*
:30 Dead Hang
50′ Heavy SB Bear Hug Carry
:30 Dead Hang
Rest :90
*2 second hold at the top

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

4. Metcon - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
30 Pistols
30 KB Deadlifts 60s/44s
300m Farmers Carry 60s/44s
20 Pistols
20 KB Deadlifts 60s/44s
200m Farmers Carry 70s/44s
10 Pistols
10 KB Deadlifts 60s/44s
100m Farmers Carry 60s/44s

*Further Modifications:
– DB Deadlifts and Farmers Carry
Duration: Long
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain
5. Skill - For Completion
Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
1 Hard Set of 10/8″ Deficit Parallette HSPU
Rest 3:00
1 Hard Set of 8/6″ Deficit Parallette HSPU
Rest 3:00
1 Hard Set of 6/4″ Deficit Parallette HSPU
Rest 3:00
1 Hard Set of 4/2″ Deficit Parallette HSPU
Hard set = Push until you start to grind, then stop. Do not go for max sets.

*Further Modifications:
– Deficit HSPU on plates

6. Lift 1 - For Weight

Squat Snatch Warm Up Protocol
Every 4:00 for 16:00
4 Squat Snatch
Drop and Reset. Start near 80-85% and only move up in lifts are technically sound. If you’re choosing this non-mandatory lift due to
technique, consider starting closer to 75% and adding some tempo to your first and second pull to ensure positional focus.
#2565 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 6 Day 6

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind Morning Movement,
head HERE.

2. Strength - For Weight

Squat Clean Warm Up Protocol
Warm Up
EMOM 6 Minutes
3 Pause Power Position Squat Cleans
Every 2 Minutes for 10 minutes
3 Mid Thigh Squat Cleans
Every 2 Minutes for 8 minutes
2 Below Knee Squat Cleans
Every 2 Minutes for 6 minutes
1 Squat Clean
Start near 70% of your complex from week 1 – Keep skill focus when deciding weights

3. Interval - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
2 Rounds
30 DB Goblet Step Overs 50/35lbs to 24/20″
30 Push Ups
300m Run
30 Toes to Bar
30 Wallballs 20/14lbs to 10′
Rest 1:1
Score is total working time.
1:1 rest: rest for the same amount of time it took you to complete the round before repeating. Score is total working time, not
including rest. Aim for round 2 to be as close to your round 1 time as possible.

*Further Modifications:
– Toes to bar: GHD Sit Ups or V-Ups
– Wallballs: Single Arms DB thrusters
Duration: Medium
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

4. Accessory - For Completion

3 sets:
10/10 Single Arm DB Seated Press*
Max Chin Over Bar Hold**
*Opposite arm stays locked out in extension with working arm presses
**1:00 cap

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. Bitch Work - For Time

Warm Up: Sustain Pacing Protocol
6. Bitch Work – For Time
3 Rounds
6/5.4k C2 Bike
1/.9k C2 Bike @ 1 Damper, Forever pace
Score is total time from the three 6/5.4k rounds.
Start faster than your Tour de Misfit pace and use information from round 1 to get best overall time for your 18/16.2k.

*Further Modifications:
– 3/2.5k on other C2 Machine
– 6/5.5k Air Bike
– 1.5 Mile Run
Pacing: Sustain

6. Skill - For Completion

Perform Phase I, Week 6 from your Weakness Work Skill Progression sheet.
Remember, we recommend staying consistent with your chosen skill until you’re confident you’ve crushed it before moving on to
another skill.
– Rope Climbs
– Handstand Walk
– Double Unders
– Wall Walks
– Double DB Overhead Walking Lunge
#2566 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 7 Day 1

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind Morning Movement,
head HERE.

2. Lift 1 - For Weight

Deadlift Warm Up Protocol
Work up to a heavy deadlift near 90% (Heavier than week 6, if it feels smooth)
Touch and Go Deadlift

3. Interval Test - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
36/28 Calorie Air Bike
28 Thrusters 75/60lbs
Rest 4:00
36/28 Calorie Air Bike
22 Thrusters 95/70lbs
Rest 4:00
36/28 Calorie Air Bike
16 Thrusters 115/80lbs
Rest 4:00
36/28 Calorie Air Bike
10 Thrusters 135/100lbs

*Further Modifications:
– Air Bike: Same calories on any machine
– Thrusters: Wallballs or DB Thrusters
Duration: Medium
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Sustain

4. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
4 Rounds
1 Smooth Set of Muscle Ups
1 Max Set of Muscle Ups
Rest 3:00 Between all sets
Choose a number you will hit for the first 4 sets and keep it there, knowing you will get more in the max set round.

*Further Modifications:
– Bar Muscle Ups

5. Accessory - For Completion

4 Rounds:
15 Good Mornings (light weight)
25 Russian Twists
10 Empty Barbell Bicep Curls
#2567 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 7 Day 2

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind Morning Movement,
head HERE.

2. Lifting Test - For Reps

Power Snatch Warm Up Protocol
AMRAP 5 Minutes
15 Power Snatch 75/60lbs
15 Power Snatch 115/75lbs
15 Power Snatch 135/95lbs
AMRAP Power Snatch 165/110lbs
Power Clean Warm Up Protocol
AMRAP 5 Minutes
15 Power Cleans 95/70lbs
15 Power Cleans 135/95lbs
15 Power Cleans 165/110lbs
AMRAP Power Cleans 185/125lbs
Choose your weaker movement (but re-test the same one you tested

3a. Metcon Retest, Part 1 - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
12 GHD Sit Ups
10 Sandbag to Shoulder 150/100lbs
6 Sandbag Shuttle Run 150/100lbs
16 GHD Sit Ups
8 Sandbag to Shoulder 150/100lbs
5 Sandbag Shuttle Run 150/100lbs
20 GHD Sit Ups
6 Sandbag to Shoulder 150/100lbs
4 Sandbag Shuttle Run 150/100lbs
24 GHD Sit Ups
4 Sandbag to Shoulder 150/100lbs
3 Sandbag Shuttle Run 150/100lbs
20 GHD Sit Ups
6 Sandbag to Shoulder 150/100lbs
4 Sandbag Shuttle Run 150/100lbs
16 GHD Sit Ups
8 Sandbag to Shoulder 150/100lbs
5 Sandbag Shuttle Run 150/100lbs
12 GHD Sit Ups
10 Sandbag to Shoulder 150/100lbs
6 Sandbag Shuttle Run 150/100lbs
20 minute cap
Sandbag does not get thrown over the shoulder. For the shuttle runs, the sandbag may be carried anyhow.
1 Shuttle Run = 25′ out and back (50′ total).

3b. Metcon Retest, Part 2 – For Weight
Immediately upon completion of Part 1:
In a 5 Minute window,
Find a 1RM Front Squat
Your 5-minute window begins immediately upon completion of your final Sandbag Shuttle Run, or at the 20:00 mark if you hit the
time cap.

*Further Modifications:
– GHD: Toes to bar or Sit Ups
– Sandbag: DB/KB Power Cleans to Farmers Carry
Duration: Long
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

4. Accessory - For Completion

4 Rounds
15 GHR
10/10 Split Goblet Squat
Rest as needed

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. Lift 2 - For Weight

Lunge Warm Up Protocol
6 Rounds
10 Back Rack Walking Lunges
Rest 2:00
Are you choosing this as an accessory OR to get stronger? If you’re going for total strength, make sure it’s very very heavy.

6. Interval - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
Every 5 Minutes for 20 Minutes
Bar Facing Burpees
Rest remainder of each interval
Score is total working time added together.
Duration: Medium
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain

7. Bitch Work - For Time

Warm Up: Reach Pacing Protocol
3 Rounds
3/2.7k C2 Bike
Rest 2:30
Score is average round time.
This is your final tune-up before we tackle the Tour De Misfit – Riverside Time Trial re-test. You’ve tackled just about every
combination of time domain, pacing, and rest period. If you took notes, you will know what to try and hold to achieve the best
average across all three rounds.

*Further Modifications:
– 3/2.7k Air Bike
– 1.2 Distance on other C2 Machines
Pacing: Reach

8. MAFF Session - For Reps

All on a SKI ERG:
MAFF Session
Warm Up
5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)
5:00, Heart Rate @ (165-age)
5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)
Rest/mobilize/hydrate for 5:00
45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age
Cool Down – SAF (slow af) 12-15 Minutes
Score is average Wattage.

9. Skill - For Completion

Every :30* until you reach 10/7 Reps
1 Legless Rope Climb
*Skip a full round any time there is any question about hitting the next one. Offseason = train fast.

*Further Modifications:
– Strict Muscle Ups
– Strict Pull Ups (4 reps until 40 reps)
#2568 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 7 Day 3

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind Morning Movement,
head HERE.

2. Lifting Retest - For Weight

Back Squat Warm Up Protocol
Every :90 Until Failure
3 Back Squat @70%*
*Men add 10lbs per round.
Women add 10lbs until you’re over 80%, then start adding 5 per round

3. Misfit Cube Test Retest - For Reps

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
AMRAP 4 Minutes x 4
Max Distance Run
Rest 4:00
Score is total “points”. Add the total meters from all four intervals, then multiply by .085 to get your point score.

4. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
AMRAP 3:00
Max 25′ UB Handstand Walks

5. Accessory - For Completion

3 Rounds:
10 Tempo Bench Press*
100′ Dual KB Front Rack Carry (heavy)
1:00 Wall Sit
Rest 1:00
*3 second descent
#2569 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 7 Day 4

#2570 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 7 Day 5

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind Morning Movement,
head HERE.

2. In WOD Lifting Retest - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
3 Rope Climbs
21 Front Squats 135/100lbs
Rest 1:00
3 Rope Climbs
18 Front Squats 165/110lbs
Rest 1:00
3 Rope Climbs
15 Front Squats 185/130lbs
Rest 1:00
3 Rope Climbs
12 Front Squats 215/150lbs
Rest 1:00
3 Rope Climbs
9 Front Squats 245/160lbs
14 minute cap
Front squats are taken from the floor. If you get capped, score is 15:00 + :01 for each incomplete rep.

*Further Modifications:
– Front Squats: 21 DB Front Squats x 5
– Rope Climbs: 6 Muscle Ups or Bar Muscle Ups
Duration: Medium
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

3. Skill - For Completion

Activation Protocol: Upper Back/Shoulders
4 Rounds
1 Smooth Set of Strict HSPU*
1 Max Set of Strict HSPU*
Rest 3:00 Between all sets
Choose a number you will hit for the first 4 sets and keep it there, knowing you will get more in the max set round.
*If you’re exceeding 15 reps per round, complete at 2″ deficit. Increase deficit 2″ each time you eclipse 15+ reps across rounds

4. Accessory - For Completion

3 Rounds:
100′ Backward Sled Drag
20 GHD Sit Ups
:30 LSit Hold
Rest as needed

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. Metcon - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
7 Rounds
5 Deadlifts 205/145lbs
10 Bar Facing Burpees
5 Deadlifts 205/145lbs
35 Double Unders

*Further Modifications:
– Deadlifts: DB Deadlifts HEAVY
Duration: Medium
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain

6. Optional Lift Retest - For Weight

Squat Snatch Warm Up Protocol
Find Your 3RM Snatch*
*Drop and reset, but must be completed within a :30 window.

7. Misfit Power Output Retest - For Reps

Warm Up: Send Pacing Protocol
Retest using the same machine as during test week. If you did not perform this during test week, choose your weakest sprinting
machine between Row, Ski, Bike Erg, Air Bike:
3 Rounds
Sprint :20* for Average Wattage
Rest 3:00-7:00
*Air Bike Rounds are :15. All C2 machines are :20.
Score is your highest round. Program each machine to measure only the :15 window.
#2571 - Misfit Athletics 2023 Phase 1 Week 7 Day 6

1. Morning Movement - For Completion

Choose 1 Heart Rate Spike, 1 Mobility/Stability exercise, and 20 deep breaths. For options and the why behind Morning Movement,
head HERE.

2. Strength - For Weight

Squat Clean Warm Up Protocol
Build up to a heavy 3 position clean
Mid Thigh* + Below Knee + From Floor
Drop and reset between reps
*Above knee/below hip.

3. "Tour De Misfit - Riverside Time Trial" Retest - For Time

Warm Up: Sustain Pacing Protocol
14km on a C2 Bike, switching the damper at the following marks counting down:
Begin at 14k on a 3 damper
At 12k, switch to 7
At 11k, switch to 4
At 9k, switch to 9
At 8k, switch to 1
At 7k, switch to 10
At 6k, switch to 2
At 4.5k, switch to 8
At 2.5k, switch to 5
At 0.5k, switch to 6
Pacing: Sustain

4. Accessory - For Completion

4 Sets:
50′ R Waiters Walk (heavy)
50′ L Waiters Walk (heavy)
7-10 Strict Ring Dips
Rest :90

Pick 0-1 of the following:

*Swipe to see options*

5. "Tears" - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
3 Rounds
500m Row
18 Hang Power Snatches 75/55lbs
500m Row
18 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Rest 1:1
Score is total working time.

*Further Modifications:
– Row: 500m Ski, 1k Air Bike
– Hang Power Snatch: DB Hang Snatch
– CTB: Heavy Double Unders or SDHPL 75/55lbs
Duration: Long
Feel: Muscular Overload
Pacing: Sustain

6. Metcon - For Time

Warm Up: High Intensity Protocol
Ski Calories
DB Farmer’s Carry Lunges 50s/35s

*Further Modifications:
– Ski: Calories on any machine
Duration: Short
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Reach

7. Skill - For Completion

Perform Phase I, Week 7 from your Weakness Work Skill Progression sheet.
Remember, we recommend staying consistent with your chosen skill until you’re confident you’ve crushed it before moving on to
another skill.
– Rope Climbs
– Handstand Walk
– Double Unders
– Wall Walks
– Double DB Overhead Walking Lunge

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