HYROX Affiliate Programming - Block 3

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Day Warm Up Hybrid Strength Hybrid Metcon Notes

For Time:
2 Sets: 1000m Run Wall Balls (20/14)
200m Run Front Squat: 50 Wall Balls Sled Push & Pull AHAP
Monday 10 Wall Balls 3 x 8 Building 100ft Sled Push (As Heavy As Possible)
50ft Sled Push 30 Wall Balls
100ft Sled Pull
20 Wall Balls

2 Sets: 4 x 3 Min AMRAP: Each interval should be 90% effort but with the goal
100m Ski Strict Press: 3:00 on/3:00 off of consistency between rounds.
Tuesday 10 x Push Up 3 x 8 Building 10 Devils Press (50/75 x 2) Score = Cals per round
10 x Ring Row 6 Burpee Box Jump Over
10 x S/A DB Strict Press Max Cal Bike

400m Run 3 RFT: (70/53)

2 Sets: Sled Pull: 15 Headcutters
10 x Ring Row 8 x 50ft Building- Arms Only 15/12 Cal Bike Headcutters and KBS should be HEAVY
Wednesday 10 x KBS 15 KBS 1 break each set is acceptable
10 x Goblet Squat 15/12 Cal Bike
400m Run
DB Bench Press x 20
DB Rows x 15 each For Quality, not for time
20 Cal Ski Adjust weight as needed throughout sets
Thursday Accessory Work Accessory Work 2 Mins Rest

20 Cal Bike
20 x Jumping Lunge
2 Sets: 4 RFT:
10 DB Goblet Squat 8 DB Thrusters (50/35 x 2) Each set should be unbroken
Friday 10 DB Goblet Lunge Movement Review 12 Alt DB Snatch (50/35 x 1)
10 Alt DB Snatch 16 Front Rack KB Lunge (50/35 x 2)
400m Run
Hybrid Endurance
8 RFT:
200m Weighted Run Add weight any way- Can be wall ball, plate, etc
15 KB Deadlift (70/53 x 2) KB Deadlift should go right into Farmer Carry
100m Farmer Carry (Use the same weight for both)
15 Push Ups
25 Wall Balls (20/14)
Day Warm Up Hybrid Strength Hybrid Metcon
For Time: (50/35 x 2)
2 Sets: Strict Press: 50 Cals (Any)
10 x Goblet Squat 4 x 5 Building 40 Dual DB Front Squat
Monday 10 x KBS 800m Run
200m Run Back Squat: 30 Burpees
4 x 5 Building 20 DB Thrusters

For Time: (50/35 x 1)

3 Sets: Split Squat: 30-25-20
Tuesday 100m Ski 4 x 12 (each) Building Alt DB Snatch
6 Alt DB Snatch S/A OH Lunge
6 Goblet Lunge *200m Farmer Carry after each round (70/53 x 2)

15 Wall Balls (20/14)
12 DB Push Press (50/35 x 2)
3 Sets: 9 Cal Ski
50ft Sled Pull (Arms Only)
3 Sets: 10 (Low) Ring Rows 12:00-22:00
Wednesday 10 Ring Rows Max Set Strict Pull ups OR Inverted AMRAP:
Bar Row
10 Push Ups 50ft Sled Push AHAP
15 Air Squats 200m Run
8 Headcutters (70/53)
10 Burpees
A) 4x B) 4x
Bench Press 20-15-12-10 Bulgarian Split Squats x 8 each
Thursday Accessory Work 10 HR Push Ups DB RDL x 12
15 Cal Row 10 Cal Bike sprint
2 Min Rest 2 Min Rest

In Teams of 2:
2 Sets: 100 Wall Balls (20/14)
10 Goblet Squats 50 Push Ups
Friday 10 KBS Movement Review 60 KBS (70/53)
10 Push Ups 400m Farmer Carry (70/53 x 2)
20 Headcutters (70/53)
50 Cal Bike
Hybrid Endurance

For Time: (50/35 x 2)

1000m Ski
30 DB Thrusters
150ft Burpee Broad Jumps
15 Devils Press
750m Ski
25 DB Thrusters
100ft Burpee Broad Jumps
10 Devils Press
500m Ski
20 DB Thrusters
50ft Burpee Broad Jump
5 Devils Press
2k Run

Choose any machine cals

Option to modify to Goblet Squat
20 Min Time Cap

Choose a weight on Farmer Carry

that you have to break at least

Each AMRAP leads directly into

the next without programmed rest
Goal is to be working at a steady
pace for 30 minutes straight
All accessory work is for quality
not time. Adjust weight as needed

Break up work between partners

any way

One pair of DBs should be

used throughout
Day Warm Up Hybrid Strength Hybrid Metcon
2 Sets: 4 RFT:
200m Run 20 Cal Bike
10 x Goblet Squat N/A 50ft Sled Pull
Monday 10 x Goblet Lunge 50ft Burpee Broad Jump
100ft KB Lunge
800m Run

Partners: For Quality:

3 Sets: 10 x 200m Sprint 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Tuesday 100m Ski (Choose Ski/Row/Run) Bench Press
10 x Push Up Alternate Rounds with Partner Strict Press
10 x Ring Row (5 x 200m each) (Rx + sub HSPU for Strict Press)
(135/95) Bench
(95/65) Strict Press
5 RFT:
2 Sets: 50ft Sled Push
10 x Goblet Squat N/A 200m Run
Wednesday 10 x KBS 100m Farmer Carry
10 x Goblet Lunge 400m Run
2 Mins Rest
Thursday Accessory Work Accessory Work Accessory Work

In Teams of 2:
800m Slam Ball Run (200m Relays)
400m Run 100 Wall Balls
2 Sets: 50 Alt DB Snatch
Friday 10 Wall Balls Movement Review 400ft Sled Pull
10 Alt DB Snatch 50 Head Cutters
50ft Sled Pull 100 Wall Balls
800m Slam Ball Run

Hybrid Endurance

800m Farmer Carry

*Every break, 20 Wall Balls
3 Rounds:
20 Cal Ski
15 Headcutters (70/53)
10 Burpee Pull Ups
Sled Pull AHAP
KB Lunges can be done in
Front Rack position or to your sides
Option to modify to one KB in Goblet

A. You rest while your partner works

B. For Quality, not for time
Adjust weight as needed throughout

The goal is consistency throughout

rounds. Each round should be a
building effort to all out
Back Squat:
12-10-8-6-4 Building
Super Set with 10 Cal Bike after each
14 DB Box Step Up
14 Front Rack Lunges
20 DB Bench
20 Push Ups

One partner is working at a time,

split work any way

Farmer Carry should be out and back

Every time you set KBs down,
retrace your path back to the gym
and complete wall balls

Pull Ups can be jumping pull ups

Day Hybrid Strength Hybrid Metcon
25 Min AMRAP:
1 Mile Run Buy in, then:
Strict Press: 5-10-15-20-etc
Monday 3 x 10 Building Headcutter (70/53)
Cal Bike
Push Ups
4 x 4 Min AMRAP:
Back Squat: 4:00 on/2:00 off
Tuesday 6-8-10-12 50ft Sled Push
Building 200m Run
Max Wall Balls
For Time:
Bench Press: Cal Ski
Wednesday 5 x 5 Building DB Push Press (50/35 x 2)
DB Lunge (50/35 x 2)
Goblet Squat (70/53 x 1)
Thursday Accessory Work Accessory Work

For Time:
70 DB Walking Lunges (50/35 x 2)
60 Burpees
50 KBS (70/53 x 1)
Friday Movement Review 400m Farmer Carry
30 Cal Row
20 Push Ups
300ft Sled Pull AHAP
Hybrid Endurance

In Teams of 2:
800m Med Ball Run
2 Mile Echo Bike
600ft Sled Push
1000m Row
400ft Burpee Broad Jump
1000m Ski
200 Wall Balls

Continue increasing reps

until 25 minutes are up

Score = wall ball reps per round

Goal is consistency each round
Each round should be a HARD effort
Focus is on pacing

Can do front rack hold or DBs to your

sides on lunges
Goblet Squat is with 1 KB

3 Sets:
Bulgarian Split Squat x 10 each
Seated DB curl and press x 12
20/15 Cal Bike Sprint
2 Min Rest
3 Sets:
Barbell Curl x 10
Chin Ups x 8
10 Cal Ski Sprint
2 Min Rest

DB Lunges can be front rack or

to your sides

Farmer carry should be HEAVY- break

at least 2-3 times

Both partners run together, one partner

holds med ball at a time

Split reps any way for the remainder

While one partner works, the other is

resting (except for the run)
Day Hybrid Strength Hybrid Metcon
5 RFT:
50ft Sled Push
Front Squat 200m Run
Monday 6 x 6 Building 15 DB Push Press (50/35 x 2)
15 DB Front Squat (50/35 x 2)
15 Cal Bike
4 x 3 Min AMRAP
Push Press: 3:00 on/2:00 off
Tuesday 10-8-6-4-2 200m Run
Building 10 Headcutters
9 KBS (70/53)
Max Cal Bike
800m Run Buy In
DB Thruster (50/35 x 2)
Wednesday Barbell Row: Alt DB Snatch (50/35 x 1)
4 x 12 Building *200m Farmer Carry after each round (70/53 x 2)
800m Run Cash Out
Thursday Accessory Work Accessory Work

For Time:
400m Run
100ft Sled Push
400m Run
Friday Movement Review 100ft Burpee Broad Jump
400m Run
100m Weighted Lunge
400m Run
50 Wall Balls
Hybrid Endurace

For Time:
1 Mile Run
100 Front Rack Walking Lunges
100/75 Cal Bike
100 Heavy Wall Balls
100/75 Cal Ski
600m Farmer Carry (every break 20 Goblet Squats)

Sled Push AHAP

Push Press and Front Squats should be unbroken

Each AMRAP should be a 90% effort

Score = cals
Shoot for consistency each round, focus is PACING

Challenge yourself with Farmer Carry weight

Should need to break 1-2 times

Bench Press:
Work up to heavy set of 5
Then do 3 x 12 at 80 percent
250m Row Sprint after each round
DB RDL x 12
DB Alternating Rows x 12 each
DB Curl and Press x 10

1k Row

Sled Push as heavy as possible (AHAP)

Weight lunges as way, use sandbag if you have it

"Heavy" wall balls means heavier than what

you usually train with
If you aren't able to get below parallel do not go

Every time you break on Farmer Carry use 1 KB

to do 20 Goblet Squats

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