Estimation of Cu (II) in Given Solution
Estimation of Cu (II) in Given Solution
Estimation of Cu (II) in Given Solution
So, the experiment involves double titration. In the first titration the exact
normality of a given thiosulfate solution is calculated by titrating against a given
standard (known strength) solution of K2Cr2O7. Then this thiosulfate solution of
known normality is used in the second titration for calculating the normality of the
given sample of Cu (II) of unknown strength.
Cu (II) reacts with iodide and the liberated I2 is titrated with thiosulfate solution
using starch as indicator (End Point: Blue to White)
From the normality equation, normality of Cu2+ and hence the strength of Cu2+ in
hydrated CuSO4 crystals is determined.
(b) Determination of strength of Cu(II) solution: Pipette out 5ml Cu(II) solution
in a clean conical flask. Neutralise any free acid present by adding Na 2CO3
solution drop by drop till a faint permanent precipitate remains even on shaking.
Add dil. Acetic acid drop wise until the precipitate just dissolves. Then add 10-15
drop of KI solution. Cork the flask and leave in dark for 2-5 min. The solution in
the titration flask will now become dark brown and is titrated against Na 2S2O3 till a
pale brown colour is obtained. Add 2 drop starch. The solution turns blue. Now
titrate it further to get the end point. Repeat and get the concordant reading.
Table 1 for Procedure (a)