كلمات الاستماع في ٢٠٢٢ هام للغاية لدراسة الايلتس
كلمات الاستماع في ٢٠٢٢ هام للغاية لدراسة الايلتس
كلمات الاستماع في ٢٠٢٢ هام للغاية لدراسة الايلتس
woodshed مكان ٌتم تخزٌن الخشب فٌه The woodshed burned down in half an hour.
Seals and whales are marine animals
Part 2
ham لحم خنزٌر Ham is forbidden for Muslims.
chop ٌمطع Chop the meat into cubes before frying it.
convict ٌُحكم علٌه بالسجن The robbers were convicted of the robbery
كائنات Human beings are the only creatures capable of
penguin البطرٌك The penguin is a flightless bird.
Part 3
livestock الماشٌة Farmers refuse to leave their homes and livestock.
oil spills تسرب النفط Oil spills pose a serious threat to marine life.
رسالة علمٌة (ماجستٌر او
dissertation He wrote his Master's dissertation on rats.
Part 4
He found himself in enormous buildings with a
Labyrinth متاهة
labyrinth of rooms.
Maze متاهة The building is a maze of corridors.
The farmers use an intricate system of drainage
Intricate معمد
Hedge طوق Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation.
The author uses disease as a metaphor for the
Metaphor استعارة – كناٌة على
corruption in society.
Spiral حلزونى Her hair was styled into a cascade of spiral curls.
The spiritual life is more important than material
Spiritual روحانى
meditation التؤمل Learning meditation changed her life.
Her paintings depict the lives of ordinary people in
depict ٌوصف
the last century.
Modern cosmology believes the Universe to have
cosmology علم الكونٌات
come into existence about fifteen billion years ago.
tombs الممابر Jewels and precious metals decorated the tombs.
حلبة من الحشٌش محاطة
turf He feels more confident on home turf.
لغرض ما
Most traditional societies have transition rites at
rites طموس
the wedding.
The fertility of the soil has been greatly improved
fertility الخصوبة
by the use of pesticides ()المبٌدات الحشرٌة.
Recently, there has been some revival of ancient
revival إحٌاء
healing الشفاء She seems to have a vocation for healing
Bring mindfulness to each activity throughout your
mindfulness الٌمظة و االنتباه
Not all the healing springs and spas were under
spas المنتجعات الصحٌة
governmental supervision.
The college has established a wellness program
wellness الصحة
for its students.
midst خالل- وسط The house is set in the midst of large gardens.
sketchy سطحى I have only a sketchy knowledge of geography.
Part 1
When Jim's uncle retired from the railway company,
Retired متماعد على المعاش
he was given a gold watch.
Voluntary work can provide a framework for job-
voluntary work ًعمل تطوع
Finding a volunteer to write the computer program is a
volunteer متطوع
The appeal for people to donate blood was very
donate ٌتبرع
ٌصمم عن طرٌك Recently, most companies have tried to create their
الكمبٌوتر own computerized database.
It's raining, which presumably means that your football
presumably المحتمل- المفترض
match will be cancelled.
وجبات طعام او شراب After two hours of the meeting we stopped for liquid
خفٌفة refreshment.
We stopped for refreshment halfway through the
halfway through خالل منتصف الطرٌك
The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that
in advance ممدمآ
you get better seats.
اختناق بسبب تجمع عدد
To prevent a bottleneck, we begin to assemble more
bottleneck كبٌر من االشخاص
right up my street مناسب جدا لمهاراتى The job was right up my street.
Part 2
brief مختصر A brief summary is given on a separate sheet.
dates back to ٌعود تارٌخها الى The town dates back to Roman times.
dominate ٌهٌمن على He never let his work dominate his life.
plough ٌحرث األرض We're going to plough the top field next week.
Part 3
impression إنطباع She gives the impression of being very busy.
The court has many cases to handle.
handle ٌتعامل معها
The programme contains some creative and visually
visually بصرٌآ
stimulating material.
stunning مذهآل She was 55 and still a stunning woman.
memorable ًجدٌر بالذكر – ال ٌنس This was indeed the most memorable day of my life.
A nightlight glowed dimly in the corner of the children's
dimly خافت
The museum contains 6,000 contemporary and
contemporary معاصر- حدٌث
modern artworks.
Internet connections through conventional phone lines
conventional عادي- تملٌدي
are fairly slow.
tension التوتر Massage helps relieve the tension in one's muscles.
Markets intensify economic inequality and add to the
intensify ٌزٌد- ٌكثف
numbers of the poor.
Part 4
millennium األلفٌة As the new millennium opened, money talked.
Part 1
The campsite is in a beautiful location next to the
campsite المخٌم
لارب لابل للطىء
Part 2
Make sure you insure your camera against loss or
insure ًٌؤمن عل
ً اساس- جوهري There are substantial differences between the two
Allergies الحساسٌة Allergies to milk are quite common in childhood.
The hotel has a varied programme of nightly
varied متنوع
well worth جدٌرة و تستحك This idea is well worth considering.
So we must warn that percussion can easily be
percussion ًاإلٌماع الموسٌم
overworked and become annoying.
delighted مسرورو و مبتهج I was delighted to be invited to her party.
Part 3
attract ٌجذب The museum is trying to attract a wider audience.
boundary الحدود The river is the boundary between the two countries.
Part 4
Wipe ٌمسح Wipe out the bath before you use it.
bear it in mind ٌضعها بعٌن اإلعتبار That's sound advice - I'll definitely bear it in mind.
You may have to undergo disappointment and failure
undergo ًالخضوع إل
before experiencing success.
thorough شامل The doctor gave him a thorough check-up.
Part 2
turnover معدل دوران The factory has a high turnover of staff.
Civilization does not remian static, but changes
constantly بإستمرار
frequently فً كثٌر من االحٌان He frequently donates large sums to charity.
The police are trying to recruit more black and Asian
recruit توظٌف
immediate فوري She felt an immediate attraction for him.
colleagues زمالء Many women earn less than their male colleagues.
At first I felt very resentful and angry about losing my
resentful إستٌاء
preferential تفضٌلة Bank employees usually get { rates of interest.
We cannot accept his findings without tangible
tangible ملموس
retention I have a real problem with retention of information.
The brewery had 25 heavy horses delivering beer in
brewery مصنع البٌرا
prospect إحتمالٌة The prospect of war really frightens me.
Part 3
athlete ًالعب رٌاض The athlete broke an arm while climbing a cliff.
Part 4
شراب مركز The high concentration of sugars forms a syrup when
the sap evaporates.
fluid سائل- رشٌك- سلس The weather is fluid in summer.
indigenous ًأصل Each country has its own indigenous cultural tradition.
لحاء الشجر You cannot judge a tree by its bark.
scorch ٌحترق The meat will scorch if you don't lower the gas.
drilling الحفر After drilling for several weeks they finally struck oil.