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Enzyme Kinetics

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(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi, Approved by AICTE & ISO 9001-2008
Certified Accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with ‘A’ Grade )
Department of Chemical Engineering.
(NAAC Accredited)

Enzyme Kinetics
A Presentation by:
Nidhi Pal (1DS19CH021)

Course: Chemical Engineering

Subject Code: 19CH7DCBCE

Factor affecting enzyme kinetics
1. Enzyme concentration
2. Temperature
3. Hydrogen ion concentration or pH
4. Substrate concentration
5. Inhibitors
6. Product concentration
7. Activators
8. Physical agents
Enzyme concentration
► The rate of enzyme catalyzed reaction is directly proportional
to the concentration of enzyme.

► The plot of rate of catalysis versus enzyme concentrations a

straight line
► Increase with temperature
► Bell shape curve
► Q10 (temperature coefficient)- factor by which
the rate of biological reaction increases for a
10ºC increase in temperature
► Optimum temperature
► Mostly at body temperature
► Some enzyme may be active above body
temperature e.g. sanke venom phosphokinase,
muscle adenylate kinase, urease, enzymes in
thermophillic bacteria
? Rise or fall in enzyme activity with temperature is
prominent survival feature in “Cold blooded”
? In mammals- assumes physiological importance
e.g. fever, hypothermia
? Bell shape curve
? Optimum pH
? Most show at neutral pH (6-8)
Since enzymes are proteins pH changes affect.
1. Charged state of catalytic site
2. Conformation of enzyme molecules
Optimum pH for various enzyme
? Trypsin- 7.6
? Pepsin- 2-2.5
? Acid phosphatase- 5
? Alkaline phosphatase- 9-10
? Enzymes from fungi- 4-6
Product concentration
? Accumulation - decreases the velocity
? In biological system this is prevented by quick
removal of product
? Inorganic metallic cation/anions acts as
activators by combining with substrate, ES
complex, change in conformation of active site
? Metal activated enzymes- e.g. ATPase, Enolase
? Metalloenzyme- e.g.Pyruvate oxidase, cytochrome
? Make active site unavailable to substrate or
? Change enzyme structrure
Physical agents
? Light, radiation ( u.v., X- rays, gamma rays etc)
e.g. salivary amylase- activity increased by red/
blue light whereas decreased by u.v. light
Substrate concentration
? Rectangular hyperbola (Michaelis plot)
? Initial velocity- velocity when little substrate is
Reasons for the three phases of the curve can be
1. In the first phase, substrate concentration is low and
most of the enzyme molecules are free so they
combine with the substrate molecules. Therefore,
velocity is proportional to substrate concentration. At
this state, enzymatic reaction shows first-order kinetics

2. In the second phase, half of the enzyme molecules are

bound to substrate, so the velocity is not proportional to
substrate concentration. At this stage, enzymatic
reaction shows mixed-order kinetics

3. In the third phase, all the enzyme molecules are bound

to substrate, so velocity remain unchanged because
free enzyme is not available though the substrate is in
excess. At this stage enzymatic reaction shows zero-
order kinetics
A. Low [S] B. 50% [S] or Km C. High, saturating [S]
Steady State Assumption
► The M-M equation was derived in part by making
several assumptions. An important one was: the
concentration of substrate must be much greater
than the enzyme concentration.
► In the situation where [S] >> [E] and at initial velocity
rates, it is assumed that the changes in the
concentration of the intermediate ES complex are
very small over time (vo).
► This condition is termed a steady-state rate, and is
referred to as steady-state kinetics. Therefore, it
follows that the rate of ES formation will be equal to
the rate ES breakdown.
Michaelis-Menten Equation Derivation

2 4
Rate of ES formation = k1([ET] - [ES])[S] (where [ET]
is total concentration of enzyme E and k4 is
considered neglible)
Rate of ES breakdown to product = k 2[ES] + k3[ES]
? Thus for the steady state assumption:

? k1([ET] - [ES])[S] = k3[ES] + k2[ES]

? This equation is the basis for the final Michaelis-

Menten following algebraic rearrangement and
substitution of Km and Vmax terms
Michaelis-Menten Equation

In which:
v initial reaction velocity at [S]
KM the Michaelis constant
vmax the maximum possible initial reaction velocity
Michaelis Constant (Km )
The substrate concentration that produces half the
maximal velocity (Vmax/2) is known as Michaelis
constant (Km )
Meaninig of Km
Michaelis constants have been determined for many of the
commonly used enzymes. The size of Km tells us several things
about a particular enzyme:

1. A small Km indicates that the enzyme requires only a small

amount of substrate to become saturated. Hence, the maximum
velocity is reached at relatively low substrate concentrations.

1. A large Km indicates the need for high substrate concentrations to

achieve maximum reaction velocity.

► The substrate with the lowest Km upon which the enzyme acts as a
catalyst is frequently assumed to be enzyme's natural substrate,
though this is not true for all enzymes.

► A Km of 10-7 M indicates that the substrate has a greater affinity for

the enzyme than if the Km is 10-5 M.
Significance of Km
1. enzyme kinetic constant.
2. Indicates the substrate concentration required for
the enzyme to work efficiently
3. Low Km indicates high affinity of enzyme towards
substrate. And vice-versa. Hence,(Km α 1/affinity)
e.g. Hexokinase and glucokinase
Km of hexokinase is low (1 × 10–5 M) whereas Km of
glucokinase is high (2.0 × 10–2 M)

4. Km is required when enzymes are used as drugs

5. Use of enzymes in immunodiagnostics (ELISA)
require Km of the enzyme
The Catalytic Constant kcat

► At high substrate concentration the overall velocity of the reaction is

Vmax and the rate is determined by the enzyme concentration.
► The rate constant observed under these conditions is called the
catalytic constant, kcat, defined as:

► kcat indicates the maximum number of substrate molecules converted to

product each second by each active site. This is called turnover number.
► The catalytic constant measures how fast a given enzyme can catalyze
a specific reaction (describing the effectiveness of an enzyme)

► The unit for kcat is s-1 (for the most enzymes, kcat is 102 to 103 s-1)
Lineweaver-BurK Plot

V = reaction velocity (the reaction rate),

Km = Michaelis-Menten constant,
Vmax = maximum reaction velocity
[S] = the substrate concentration

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