f1618 Ps Alarms

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Series 16/18/160/180-Model C Maintenance Manual B–62755EN

(1) Program errors /Alarms on program and operation (P/S alarm)

Number Message Contents

000 PLEASE TURN OFF POWER A parameter which requires the power off was input, turn off power.
001 TH PARITY ALARM TH alarm (A character with incorrect parity was input).
Correct the tape.
002 TV PARITY ALARM TV alarm (The number of characters in a block is odd). This alarm will
be generated only when the TV check is effective.
003 TOO MANY DIGITS Data exceeding the maximum allowable number of digits was input.
(Refer to the item of max. programmable dimensions.)
004 ADDRESS NOT FOUND A numeral or the sign “ – ” was input without an address at the beginning
of a block. Modify the program .
005 NO DATA AFTER ADDRESS The address was not followed by the appropriate data but was followed
by another address or EOB code. Modify the program.
006 ILLEGAL USE OF NEGATIVE SIGN Sign “ – ” input error (Sign “ – ” was input after an address with which it
cannot be used. Or two or more “ – ” signs were input.)
Modify the program.
007 ILLEGAL USE OF DECIMAL POINT Decimal point “ . ” input error (A decimal point was input after an address
with which it can not be used. Or two decimal points were input.)
Modify the program.
009 ILLEGAL ADDRESS INPUT Unusable character was input in significant area.
Modify the program.
010 IMPROPER G–CODE An unusable G code or G code corresponding to the function not pro-
vided is specified. Modify the program.
011 NO FEEDRATE COMMANDED Feedrate was not commanded to a cutting feed or the feedrate was in-
adequate. Modify the program.
ILLEGAL LEAD COMMAND In variable lead threading, the lead incremental and decremental out-
(T series) putted by address K exceed the maximum command value or a com-
mand such that the lead becomes a negative value is given.
014 Modify the program.
CAN NOT COMMAND G95 A synchronous feed is specified without the option for threading / syn-
(M series) chronous feed.
TOO MANY AXES COMMANDED An attempt was made to move the machine along the axes, but the num-
ber of the axes exceeded the specified number of axes controlled simul-
taneously. Alternatively, in a block where where the skip function acti-
vated by the torque–limit reached signal (G31 P99/P98) was specified,
either moving the machine along an axis was not specified, or moving
the machine along multiple axes was specified. Specify movement only
along one axis.
TOO MANY AXES COMMANDED An attempt has been made to move the tool along more than the maxi-
(T series) mum number of simultaneously controlled axes. Alternatively, no axis
movement command or an axis movement command for two or more
axes has been specified in the block containing the command for skip
using the torque limit signal (G31 P99/98). The command must be ac-
companied with an axis movement command for a single axis, in the
same block.
020 OVER TOLERANCE OF RADIUS In circular interpolation (G02 or G03), difference of the distance between
the start point and the center of an arc and that between the end point
and the center of the arc exceeded the value specified in parameter No.


Number Message Contents

021 ILLEGAL PLANE AXIS COMMAN- An axis not included in the selected plane (by using G17, G18, G19) was
DED commanded in circular interpolation. Modify the program.
022 NO CIRCLE RADIUS The command for circular interpolation lacks arc radius R or coordinate
I, J, or K of the distance between the start point to the center of the arc.
023 ILLEGAL RADIUS COMMAND In circular interpolation by radius designation, negative value was com-
(T series) manded for address R. Modify the program.
025 CANNOT COMMAND F0 IN G02/G03 F0 (fast feed) was instructed by F1 –digit column feed in circular inter-
(M series) polation. Modify the program.
027 NO AXES COMMANDED IN No axis is specified in G43 and G44 blocks for the tool length offset type
G43/G44 (M series) C.
Offset is not canceled but another axis is offset for the tool length offset
type C. Modify the program.
028 ILLEGAL PLANE SELECT In the plane selection command, two or more axes in the same direction
are commanded.
Modify the program.
ILLEGAL OFFSET VALUE The offset values specified by H code is too large.
(M series) Modify the program.
ILLEGAL OFFSET VALUE The offset values specified by T code is too large.
(T series) Modify the program.
ILLEGAL OFFSET NUMBER The offset number specified by D/H code for tool length offset or cutter
(M series) compensation is too large. Modify the program.
ILLEGAL OFFSET NUMBER The offset number in T function specified for tool offset is tool large.
(T series) Modify the program.
031 ILLEGAL P COMMAND IN G10 In setting an offset amount by G10, the offset number following address
P was excessive or it was not specified.
Modify the program.
032 ILLEGAL OFFSET VALUE IN G10 In setting an offset amount by G10 or in writing an offset amount by sys-
tem variables, the offset amount was excessive.
NO SOLUTION AT CRC A point of intersection cannot be determined for cutter compensation.
(M series) Modify the program.
NO SOLUTION AT CRC A point of intersection cannot be determined for tool nose radius com-
(T series) pensation. Modify the program.
NO CIRC ALLOWED IN ST–UP /EXT The start up or cancel was going to be performed in the G02 or G03
BLK (M series) mode in cutter compensation C. Modify the program.
NO CIRC ALLOWED IN ST–UP /EXT The start up or cancel was going to be performed in the G02 or G03
BLK (T series) mode in tool nose radius compensation. Modify the program.
CAN NOT COMMANDED G39 G39 is commanded in cutter compensation B cancel mode or on the
(M series) plane other than offset plane. Modify the program.
CAN NOT COMMANDED G31 Skip cutting (G31) was specified in tool nose radius compensation
(T series) mode. Modify the program.
036 CAN NOT COMMANDED G31 Skip cutting (G31) was specified in cutter compensation mode.
(M series) Modify the program.
CAN NOT CHANGE PLANE IN CRC G40 is commanded on the plane other than offset plane in cutter com-
(M seires) pensation B. The plane selected by using G17, G18 or G19 is changed
037 in cutter compensation C mode. Modify the program.
CAN NOT CHANGE PLANE IN NRC The offset plane is switched in tool nose radius compensation.
(T seires) Modify the program.


Number Message Contents

INTERFERENCE IN CIRCULAR Overcutting will occur in cutter compensation C because the arc start
BLOCK (M seires) point or end point coincides with the arc center.
Modify the program.
INTERFERENCE IN CIRCULAR Overcutting will occur in tool nose radius compensation because the arc
BLOCK (T series) start point or end point coincides with the arc center.
Modify the program.
039 CHF/CNR NOT ALLOWED IN NRC Chamfering or corner R was specified with a start–up, a cancel, or
(T series) switching between G41 and G42 in tool nose radius compensation. The
program may cause overcutting to occur in chamfering or corner R.
Modify the program.
040 INTERFERENCE IN G90/G94 Overcutting will occur in tool nose radius compensation in canned cycle
BLOCK (T series) G90 or G94. Modify the program.
INTERFERENCE IN CRC Overcutting will occur in cutter compensation C. Two or more blocks are
(M seires) consecutively specified in which functions such as the auxiliary function
and dwell functions are performed without movement in the cutter com-
041 pensation mode. Modify the program.
INTERFERENCE IN NRC Overcutting will occur in tool nose radius compensation.
(T seires) Modify the program.
042 G45/G48 NOT ALLOWED IN CRC Tool offset (G45 to G48) is commanded in cutter compensation. Modify
(M series) the program.
043 ILLEGAL T–CODE COMMAND In a system using the DRILL–MATE with an ATC, a T code was not spe-
(M series) cified together with the M06 code in a block. Alternatively, the Tcode was
out of range.
044 G27–G30 NOT ALLOWED IN FIXED One of G27 to G30 is commanded in canned cycle mode.
CYC (M sries) Modify the program.
046 ILLEGAL REFERENCE RETURN Other than P2, P3 and P4 are commanded for 2nd, 3rd and 4th refer-
COMMAND ence position return command.
047 ILLEGAL AXIS SELECT Two or more parallel axes (in parallel with a basic axis) have been speci-
(M series) fied upon start–up of three–dimensional tool compensation or three–di-
mensional coordinate conversion.
048 BASIC 3 AXIS NOT FOUND Start–up of three–dimensional tool compensation or three–dimensional
(M series) coordinate conversion has been attempted, but the three basic axes
used when Xp, Yp, or Zp is omitted are not set in parameter No. 1022.
050 CHF/CNR NOT ALLOWED IN THRD Optional chamfering or corner R is commanded in the thread cutting
BLK (M series) block.
Modify the program.
CHF/CNR NOT ALLOWED IN THRD Chamfering or corner R is commanded in the thread cutting block.
BLK(T series) Modify the program.
051 MISSING MOVE AFTER CHF/CNR Improper movement or the move distance was specified in the block
(M series) next to the optional chamfering or corner R block.
Modify the program.
MISSING MOVE AFTER CHF/CNR Improper movement or the move distance was specified in the block
(T series) next to the chamfering or corner R block.
Modify the program.
CODE IS NOT G01 AFTER CHF/CNR The block next to the chamfering or corner R block is not G01,G02 or
(M series) G03.
052 Modify the program.
CODE IS NOT G01 AFTER CHF/CNR The block next to the chamfering or corner R block is not G01.
(T series) Modify the program.


Number Message Contents

TOO MANY ADDRESS COMMANDS For systems without the arbitary angle chamfering or corner R cutting,
(M series) a comma was specified. For systems with this feature, a comma was fol-
lowed by something other than R or C Correct the program.
TOO MANY ADDRESS COMMANDS In the chamfering and corner R commands, two or more of I, K and R
(T seires) are specified. Otherwise, the character after a comma(”,”) is not C or R
in direct drawing dimensions programming. Modify the program.
NO TAPER ALLOWED AFTER CHF/ A block in which chamfering in the specified angle or the corner R was
CNR (T series) specified includes a taper command. Modify the program.
MISSING MOVE VALUE IN CHF/CNR In the arbitrary angle chamfering or corner R block, the move distance
(M series) is less than chamfer or corner R amount.
MISSING MOVE VALUE IN CHF/CNR In chamfering or corner R block, the move distance is less than chamfer
(T series) or corner R amount.
056 NO END POINT & ANGLE IN CHF/ Neither the end point nor angle is specified in the command for the block
CNR (T series) next to that for which only the angle is specified (A). In the chamfering
comman, I(K) is commanded for the X(Z) axis.
057 NO SOLUTION OF BLOCK END Block end point is not calculated correctly in direct dimension drawing
(T series) programming.
END POINT NOT FOUND In a arbitrary angle chamfering or corner R cutting block, a specified axis
(M series) is not in the selected plane. Correct the program.
END POINT NOT FOUND Block end point is not found in direct dimension drawing programming.
(T series)
059 PROGRAM NUMBER NOT FOUND In an external program number search, a specified program number
was not found. Otherwise, a program specified for searching is being
edited in background processing. Check the program number and ex-
ternal signal. Or discontinue the background eiting.
060 SEQUENCE NUMBER NOT FOUND Commanded sequence number was not found in the sequence number
search. Check the sequence number.
061 ADDRESS P/Q NOT FOUND IN Address P or Q is not specified in G70, G71, G72, or G73 command.
G70–G73 (T series) Modify the program.
062 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN G71–G76 1. The depth of cut in G71 or G72 is zero or negative value.
(T series) 2. The repetitive count in G73 is zero or negative value.
3. the negative value is specified to Δi or Δk is zero in G74 or G75.
4. A value other than zero is specified to address U or W though Δi or
Δk is zero in G74 or G75.
5. A negative value is specified to Δd, thoughthe relief direction in G74
or G75 is determined.
6. Zero or a negative value is specified to the height of thread or depth
of cut of first time in G76.
7. The specified minimum depth of cut in G76 is greater than the height
of thread.
8. An unusable angle of tool tip is specified in G76.
Modify the program.
063 SEQUENCE NUMBER NOT FOUND The sequence number specified by address P in G70, G71, G72, or G73
(T series) command cannot be searched. Modify the program.
064 SHAPE PROGRAM NOT MONOTO- A target shape which cannot be made by monotonic machining was
NOUSLY (T series) specified in a repetitive canned cycle (G71 or G72).
065 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN G71–G73 1. G00 or G01 is not commanded at the block with the sequence num-
(T series) ber which is specified by address P in G71, G72, or G73 command.
2. Address Z(W) or X(U) was commanded in the block with a sequence
number which is specified by address P in G71 or G72, respectively.
Modify the program.


Number Message Contents

066 IMPROPER G–CODE IN G71–G73 An unallowable G code was commanded beween two blocks specified
(T series) by address P in G71, G72, or G73. Modify the program.
067 CAN NOT ERROR IN MDI MODE G70, G71, G72, or G73 command with address P and Q.
(T series) Modify the program.
069 FORMAT ERROR IN G70–G73 The final move command in the blocks specified by P and Q of G70,
(T series) G71, G72, and G73 ended with chamfering or corner R.
Modify the program.
070 NO PROGRAM SPACE IN MEMORY The memory area is insufficient.
Delete any unnecessary programs, then retry.
071 DATA NOT FOUND The address to be searched was not found. Or the program with speci-
fied program number was not found in program number search.
Check the data.
072 TOO MANY PROGRAMS The number of programs to be stored exceeded 63 (basic), 125 (option),
200 (option), 400 (option) or 1000 (option). Delete unnecessary pro-
grams and execute program registeration again.
073 PROGRAM NUMBER ALREADY IN The commanded program number has already been used.
USE Change the program number or delete unnecessary programs and
execute program registeration again.
074 ILLEGAL PROGRAM NUMBER The program number is other than 1 to 9999.
Modify the program number.
075 PROTECT An attempt was made to register a program whose number was pro-
076 ADDRESS P NOT DEFINED Address P (program number) was not commanded in the block which
includes an M98, G65, or G66 command. Modify the program.
077 SUB PROGRAM NESTING ERROR The subprogram was called in five folds. Modify the program.
078 NUMBER NOT FOUND A program number or a sequence number which was specified by ad-
dress P in the block which includes an M98, M99, M65 or G66 was not
found. The sequence number specified by a GOTO statement was not
found. Otherwise, a called program is being edited in background pro-
cessing. Correct the program, or discontinue the background editing.
079 PROGRAM VERIFY ERROR In memory or program collation,a program in memory does not agree
with that read from an external I/O device. Check both the programs in
memory and those from the external device.
G37 ARRIVAL SIGNAL NOT In the automatic tool length measurement function (G37), the measure-
ASSERTED ment position reach signal (XAE, YAE, or ZAE) is not turned on within
(M series) an area specified in parameter 6254 6255 (value ε).
This is due to a setting or operator error.
G37 ARRIVAL SIGNAL NOT In the automatic tool compensation function (G36, G37), the measure-
ASSERTED ment position reach signal (XAE or ZAE) is not turned on within an area
(T series) specified in parameter 6254 (value ε).
This is due to a setting or operator error.
OFFSET NUMBER NOT FOUND IN Tool length automatic measurement (G37) was specified without a H
G37 code. (Automatic tool length measurement function) Modify the pro-
081 (M series) gram.
OFFSET NUMBER NOT FOUND IN Automatic tool compensation (G36, G37) was specified without a T
G37 (T series) code. (Automatic tool compensation function) Modify the program.
H–CODE NOT ALLOWED IN G37 H code and automatic tool compensation (G37) were specified in the
(M series) same block. (Automatic tool length measurement function) Modify the
T–CODE NOT ALLOWED IN G37 T code and automatic tool compensation (G36, G37) were specified in
(T series) the same block. (Automatic tool compensation function)
Modify the program.


Number Message Contents

ILLEGAL AXIS COMMAND IN G37 In automatic tool length measurement, an invalid axis was specified or
(M series) the command is incremental. Modify the program.
ILLEGAL AXIS COMMAND IN G37 In automatic tool compensation (G36, G37), an invalid axis was speci-
(T series) fied or the command is incremental. Modify the program.
085 COMMUNICATION ERROR When entering data in the memory by using Reader / Puncher interface,
an overrun, parity or framing error was generated. The number of bits
of input data or setting of baud rate or specification No. of I/O unit is in-
086 DR SIGNAL OFF When entering data in the memory by using Reader / Puncher interface,
the ready signal (DR) of reader / puncher was turned off.
Power supply of I/O unit is off or cable is not connected or a P.C.B. is de-
087 BUFFER OVERFLOW When entering data in the memory by using Reader / Puncher interface,
though the read terminate command is specified, input is not interrupted
after 10 characters read. I/O unit or P.C.B. is defective.
088 LAN FILE TRANS ERROR File data transfer via OSI–ETHERNET has been stopped due to a trans-
(CHANNEL–1) fer error.
089 LAN FILE TRANS ERROR File data transfer via OSI–ETHERNET has been stopped due to a trans-
(CHANNEL–2) fer error.
090 REFERENCE RETURN The reference position return cannot be performed normally because
INCOMPLETE the reference position return start point is too close to the reference posi-
tion or the speed is too slow. Separate the start point far enough from
the reference position, or specify a sufficiently fast speed for reference
position return. Check the program contents.
091 REFERENCE RETURN Manual reference position return cannot be performed when automatic
INCOMPLETE operation is halted.
092 AXES NOT ON THE REFERENCE The commanded axis by G27 (Reference position return check) did not
POINT return to the reference position.
094 P TYPE NOT ALLOWED P type cannot be specified when the program is restarted. (After the au-
(COORD CHG) tomatic operation was interrupted, the coordinate system setting opera-
tion was performed.)
Perform the correct operation according to th operator’s manual.
095 P TYPE NOT ALLOWED P type cannot be specified when the program is restarted. (After the
(EXT OFS CHG) automatic operation was interrupted, the external workpiece offset
amount changed.)
Perform the correct operation according to th operator’s manual.
096 P TYPE NOT ALLOWED P type cannot be specified when the program is restarted. (After the au-
(WRK OFS CHG) tomatic operation was interrupted, the workpiece offset amount
Perform the correct operation according to the operator’s manual.
097 P TYPE NOT ALLOWED P type cannot be directed when the program is restarted. (After power
(AUTO EXEC) ON, after emergency stop or P / S 94 to 97 reset, no automatic operation
is performed.) Perform automatic operation.
098 G28 FOUND IN SEQUENCE A command of the program restart was specified without the reference
RETURN position return operation after power ON or emergency stop, and G28
was found during search.
Perform the reference position return.
099 MDI EXEC NOT ALLOWED After completion of search in program restart, a move command is given
AFT. SEARCH with MDI. Move axis before a move command or don’t interrupt MDI op-
100 PARAMETER WRITE ENABLE On the PARAMETER(SETTING) screen, PWE(parameter writing en-
abled) is set to 1. Set it to 0, then reset the system.


Number Message Contents

101 PLEASE CLEAR MEMORY The power turned off while rewriting the memory by program edit opera-
tion. If this alarm has occurred, press <RESET> while pressing
<PROG>, and only the program being edited will be deleted.
Register the deleted program.
109 P/S ALARM A value other than 0 or 1 was specified after P in the G08 code, or no
value was specified.
110 DATA OVERFLOW The absolute value of fixed decimal point display data exceeds the al-
lowable range. Modify the program.
111 CALCULATED DATA OVERFLOW The result of calculation turns out to be invalid, an alarm No.111 is is-
–1047 to –10–29, 0, 10–29 to 1047
Modify the program.
112 DIVIDED BY ZERO Division by zero was specified. (including tan 90°)
Modify the program.
113 IMPROPER COMMAND A function which cannot be used in custom macro is commanded.
Modify the program.
114 FORMAT ERROR IN MACRO There is an error in other formats than <Formula>.
Modify the program.
115 ILLEGAL VARIABLE NUMBER A value not defined as a variable number is designated in the custom
macro or in high–speed cycle machining.
The header contents are improper. This alarm is given in the following
High speed cycle machining
1. The header corresponding to the specified machining cycle number
called is not found.
2. The cycle connection data value is out of the allowable range
(0 – 999).
3. The number of data in the header is out of the allowable range
(0 – 32767).
4. The start data variable number of executable format data is out of
the allowable range (#20000 – #85535).
5. The last storing data variable number of executable format data is
out of the allowable range (#85535).
6. The storing start data variable number of executable format data is
overlapped with the variable number used in the header.
Modify the program.
116 WRITE PROTECTED VARIABLE The left side of substitution statement is a variable whose substitution
is inhibited. Modify the program.
118 PARENTHESIS NESTING ERROR The nesting of bracket exceeds the upper limit (quintuple).
Modify the program.
119 ILLEGAL ARGUMENT The SQRT argument is negative. Or BCD argument is negative, and
other values than 0 to 9 are present on each line of BIN argument.
Modify the program.
122 FOUR FOLD MACRO MODAL–CALL The macro modal call is specified four fold.
Modify the program.
123 CAN NOT USE MACRO COMMAND Macro control command is used during DNC operation.
IN DNC Modify the program.
124 MISSING END STATEMENT DO – END does not correspond to 1 : 1. Modify the program.
125 FORMAT ERROR IN MACRO <Formula> format is erroneous. Modify the program.
126 ILLEGAL LOOP NUMBER In DOn, 1x n x3 is not established. Modify the program.


Number Message Contents

127 NC, MACRO STATEMENT IN SAME NC and custom macro commands coexist.
BLOCK Modify the program.
128 ILLEGAL MACRO SEQUENCE The sequence number specified in the branch command was not 0 to
NUMBER 9999. Or, it cannot be searched. Modify the program.
129 ILLEGAL ARGUMENT ADDRESS An address which is not allowed in <Argument Designation > is used.
Modify the program.
130 ILLEGAL AXIS OPERATION An axis control command was given by PMC to an axis controlled by
CNC. Or an axis control command was given by CNC to an axis con-
trolled by PMC. Modify the program.
131 TOO MANY EXTERNAL ALARM Five or more alarms have generated in external alarm message.
MESSAGES Consult the PMC ladder diagram to find the cause.
132 ALARM NUMBER NOT FOUND No alarm No. concerned exists in external alarm message clear.
Check the PMC ladder diagram.
133 ILLEGAL DATA IN EXT. ALARM MSG Small section data is erroneous in external alarm message or external
operator message. Check the PMC ladder diagram.
ILLEGAL ANGLE COMMAND The index table indexing positioning angle was instructed in other than
(M series) an integral multiple of the value of the minimum angle.
135 Modify the program.
SPINDLE ORIENTATION PLEASE Without any spindle orientation , an attept was made for spindle index-
(T series) ing. Perform spindle orientation.
ILLEGAL AXIS COMMAND In index table indexing.Another control axis was instructed together with
(M series) the B axis.
136 Modify the program.
C/H–CODE & MOVE CMD IN SAME A move command of other axes was specified to the same block as
BLK. (T series) spindle indexing addresses C, H. Modify the program.
137 M–CODE & MOVE CMD IN SAME A move command of other axes was specified to the same block as M–
BLK. code related to spindle indexing. Modify the program.
138 SUPERIMPOSED DATA OVER- The total distribution amount of the CNC and PMC is too large during
FLOW superimposed control of the extended functions for PMC axis control.
139 CAN NOT CHANGE PMC CONTROL An axis is selected in commanding by PMC axis control.
AXIS Modify the program.
141 CAN NOT COMMAND G51 IN CRC G51 (Scaling ON) is commanded in the tool offset mode.
(M series) Modify the program.
142 ILLEGAL SCALE RATE Scaling magnification is commanded in other than 1 – 999999.
(M series) Correct the scaling magnification setting (G51 Pp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
or parameter 5411 or 5421).
143 SCALED MOTION DATA OVER- The scaling results, move distance, coordinate value and circular radius
FLOW exceed the maximum command value. Correct the program or scaling
(M series) mangification.
144 ILLEGAL PLANE SELECTED The coordinate rotation plane and arc or cutter compensation C plane
(M series) must be the same. Modify the program.
145 ILLEGAL CONDITIONS IN POLAR The conditions are incorrect when the polar coordinate interpolation
COORDINATE INTERPOLATION starts or it is canceled.
1) In modes other than G40, G12.1/G13.1 was specified.
2) An error is found in the plane selection. Parameters No. 5460 and
No. 5461 are incorrectly specified.
Modify the value of program or parameter.
146 IMPROPER G CODE G codes which cannot be specified in the polar coordinate interpolation
mode was specified. See section II–4.4 and modify the program.
148 ILLEGAL SETTING DATA Automatic corner override deceleration rate is out of the settable range
(M series) of judgement angle. Modify the parameters (No.1710 to No.1714)


Number Message Contents

149 FORMAT ERROR IN G10L3 A code other than Q1,Q2,P1 or P2 was specified as the life count type
(M series) in the extended tool life management.
150 ILLEGAL TOOL GROUP NUMBER Tool Group No. exceeds the maximum allowable value.
Modify the program.
151 TOOL GROUP NUMBER NOT The tool group commanded in the machining program is not set.
FOUND Modify the value of program or parameter.
152 NO SPACE FOR TOOL ENTRY The number of tools within one group exceeds the maximum value re-
gisterable. Modify the number of tools.
153 T–CODE NOT FOUND In tool life data registration, a T code was not specified where one should
be. Correct the program.
154 NOT USING TOOL IN LIFE GROUP When the group is not commanded, H99 or D99 was commanded.
(M series) Correct the program.
155 ILLEGAL T–CODE IN M06 In the machining program, M06 and T code in the same block do not cor-
(M series) respond to the group in use. Correct the program.
ILLEGAL T–CODE IN M06 Group No.ΔΔ which is specified with TΔΔ 88 of the machining program
(T series) do not included in the tool group in use. Correct the program.
156 P/L COMMAND NOT FOUND P and L commands are missing at the head of program in which the tool
group is set. Correct the program.
157 TOO MANY TOOL GROUPS The number of tool groups to be set exceeds the maximum allowable
value. (See parameter No. 6800 bit 0 and 1) Modify the program.
158 ILLEGAL TOOL LIFE DATA The tool life to be set is too excessive. Modify the setting value.
159 TOOL DATA SETTING During executing a life data setting program, power was turned off.
MISMATCH WATING M–CODE Diffrent M code is commanded in heads 1 and 2 as waiting M code.
T series (At two–path) Modify the program.
G72.1 NESTING ERROR A subprogram which performs rotational copy with G72.1 contains
(M series) another G72.1 command.
161 G72.1 NESTING ERROR A subprogram which performs parallel copy with G72.2 contains anoth-
(M series) er G72.2 command.
COMMAND G68/G69 INDEPEN- G68 and G69 are not independently commanded in balance cut.
DENTLY T series (At two–path) Modify the program.
169 ILLEGAL TOOL GEOMETRY DATA Incorrect tool figure data in interference check.
T series (At two–path) Set correct data, or select correct tool figure data.
175 ILLEGAL G107 COMMAND Conditions when performing circular interpolation start or cancel not
correct. To change the mode to the cylindrical interpolation mode, spec-
ify the command in a format of “G07.1 rotation–axis name radius of cylin-
IMPROPER G–CODE IN G107 Any of the following G codes which cannot be specified in the cylindrical
(M series) interpolation mode was specified.
1) G codes for positioning: G28,, G73, G74, G76, G81 – G89,
including the codes specifying the rapid traverse cycle
2) G codes for setting a coordinate system: G52,G92,
3) G code for selecting coordinate system: G53 G54–G59
Modify the program.
IMPROPER G–CODE IN G107 Any of the following G codes which cannot be specified in the cylindrical
(T series) interpolation mode was specified.
1) G codes for positioning: G28, G76, G81 – G89, including the
codes specifying the rapid traverse cycle
2) G codes for setting a coordinate system: G50, G52
3) G code for selecting coordinate system: G53 G54–G59
Modify the program.


Number Message Contents

177 CHECK SUM ERROR Check sum error

(G05 MODE) Modify the program.
178 G05 COMMANDED IN G41/G42 G05 was commanded in the G41/G42 mode.
MODE Correct the program.
179 PARAM. (NO. 7510) SETTING The number of controlled axes set by the parameter 7510 exceeds the
ERROR maximum number. Modify the parameter setting value.
180 COMMUNICATION ERROR Remote buffer connection alarm has generated. Confirm the number of
(REMOTE BUF) cables, parameters and I/O device.
181 FORMAT ERROR IN G81 BLOCK G81 block format error (hobbing machine)
(M series) 1) T (number of teeth) has not been instructed.
2) Data outside the command range was instructed by either T, L, Q or
Modify the program.
182 G81 NOT COMMANDED G83 (C axis servo lag quantity offset) was instructed though synchro-
(M series) nization by G81 has not been instructed. Correct the program. (hobbing
183 DUPLICATE G83 (COMMANDS) G83 was instructed before canceled by G82 after compensating for the
(M series) C axis servo lag quantity by G83. (hobbing machine)
184 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN G81 A command not to be instructed during synchronization by G81 was
(M series) instructed. (hobbing machine)
1) A C axis command by G00, G27, G28, G29, G30, etc. was
2) Inch/Metric switching by G20, G21 was instructed.
185 RETURN TO REFERENCE POINT G81 was instructed without performing reference position return after
(M series) power on or emergency stop. (hobbing machine) Perform reference
position return.
186 PARAMETER SETTING ERROR Parameter error regarding G81 (hobbing machine)
(M series) 1) The C axis has not been set to be a rotary axis.
2) A hob axis and position coder gear ratio setting error
Modify the parameter.
190 ILLEGAL AXIS SELECT In the constant surface speed control, the axis specification is wrong.
(M series) (See parameter No. 3770.) The specified axis command (P) contains an
illegal value.
Correct the program.
194 SPINDLE COMMAND IN A contour control mode, spindle positioning (Cs–axis control) mode, or
SYNCHRO–MODE rigid tapping mode was specified during the serial spindle synchronous
control mode. Correct the program so that the serial spindle synchro-
nous control mode is released in advance.
195 MODE CHANGE ERROR Switching command to contouring mode, Cs axis control or rigid tap
mode or switching to spindle command mode is not correctly com-
(This occurs when the response to switch to the spindle control unit side
with regard to the switching command from the NC is incorrect.
This alarm is not for the purposes of warning against mistakes in opera-
tion, but because continuing operation in this condition can be danger-
ous it is a P/S alarm.)
197 C–AXIS COMMANDED IN SPINDLE The program specified a movement along the Cs–axis when the signal
MODE CON(DGN=G027#7) was off. Correct the program, or consult the PMC
ladder diagram to find the reason the signal is not turned on.
199 MACRO WORD UNDEFINED Undefined macro word was used. Modify the custom macro.


Number Message Contents

200 ILLEGAL S CODE COMMAND In the rigid tap, an S value is out of the range or is not specified.
Modify the program.
201 FEEDRATE NOT FOUND IN RIGID In the rigid tap, no F value is specified.
TAP Correct the program.
202 POSITION LSI OVERFLOW In the rigid tap, spindle distribution value is too large. (System error)
203 PROGRAM MISS AT RIGID TAPPING In the rigid tap, position for a rigid M code (M29) or an S command is in-
correct. Modify the program.
204 ILLEGAL AXIS OPERATION In the rigid tap, an axis movement is specified between the rigid M code
(M29) block and G84 or G74 for M series (G84 or G88 for T series) block.
Modify the program.
205 RIGID MODE DI SIGNAL OFF Rigid mode DI signal is not ON when G84 or G74 for M series (G84 or
G88 for T series) is executed though the rigid M code (M29) is speci-
fied.Consult the PMC ladder diagram to find the reason the DI signal
(DGNG061.1) is not turned on.
206 CAN NOT CHANGE PLANE Plane changeover was instructed in the rigid mode.
(RIGID TAP) (M series) Correct the program.
210 CAN NOT COMAND M198/M199 M198 and M199 are executed in the schedule operation. M198 is
executed in the DNC operation. Modify the program.
1) The execution of an M198 or M99 command was attempted during
scheduled operation. Alternatively, the execution of an M198 com-
mand was attempted during DNC operation. Correct the program.
2) The execution of an M99 command was attempted by an interrupt
macro during pocket machining in a multiple repetitive canned
211 G31 (HIGH) NOT ALLOWED IN G99 G31 is commanded in the per revolution command when the high–
speed skip option is provided. Modify the program.
ILLEGAL PLANE SELECT The arbitrary angle chamfering or a corner R is commanded or the plane
(M series) including an additional axis. Correct the program.
ILLEGAL PLANE SELECT The direct drawing dimensions programming is commanded for the
(T series) plane other than the Z–X plane. Correct the program.
213 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN Movement is commanded for the axis to be synchronously controlled.
SYNCHRO–MODE Any of the following alarms occurred in the operation with the simple
synchronization control.
1) The program issued the move command to the slave axis.
2) The program issued the manual continuous feed/manual handle
feed/incremental feed command to the slave axis.
3) The program issued the automatic reference position return com-
mand without specifying the manual reference position return after
the power was turned on.
4) The difference between the position error amount of the master and
slave axes exceeded the value specified in parameter NO.8313.
ILLEGAL COMMAND IN A move command has been specified for an axis subject to synchro-
SYNCHRO–MODE (T series) nous control.
214 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN Coordinate system is set or tool compensation of the shift type is
SYNCHRO–MODE executed in the synchronous control. Correct the program.
217 DUPLICATE G51.2 (COMMANDS) G51.2/G251 is further commanded in the G51.2/G251 mode. Modify
(T series) the program.
218 NOT FOUND P/Q COMMAND IN P or Q is not commanded in the G251 block, or the command value is
G251 (T series) out of the range. Modify the program.
219 COMMAND G250/G251 G251 and G250 are not independent blocks.


Number Message Contents

220 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN In the synchronous operation, movement is commanded by the NC pro-
SYNCHR–MODE (T series) gram or PMC axis control interface for the synchronous axis.
221 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN Polygon machining synchronous operation and axis control or balance
SYNCHR–MODE (T series) cutting are executed at a time. Modify the program.
222 DNC OP. NOT ALLOWED IN Input and output are executed at a time in the background edition.
BG.–EDIT (M series) Execute a correct operation.
RETURN TO REFERENCE POINT Reference position return has not been performed before the automatic
(M series) operation starts. Perform reference position return only when bit 0 of pa-
224 rameter 1005 is 0.
TURN TO REFERENCE POINT Reference position return is necessary before cycle start.
(T series)
225 SYNCHRONOUS/MIXED CONTROL This alarm is generated in the following circumstances. (Searched for
ERROR during synchronous and mixed control command.
T series (At two–path) 1 When there is a mistake in axis number parameter setting.
2 When there is a mistake in control commanded.
Modify the program or the parameter.
226 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN SYNCHRO– A travel command has been sent to the axis being synchronized in syn-
MODE T series (At two–path) chronous mode. Modify the program or the parameter.
229 CAN NOT KEEP SYNCHRO–STATE This alarm is generated in the following circumstances.
(T series) 1 When the synchro/mixed state could not be kept due to system over-
2 The above condition occurred in CMC devices (hardware) and syn-
chro–state could not be kept.
(This alarm is not generated in normal use conditions.)
230 R CODE NOT FOUND The infeed quantity R has not been instructed for the G161 block. Or
(GS series) the R command value is negative. Correct the program.
231 ILLEGAL FORMAT IN G10 OR L50 Any of the following errors occurred in the specified format at the pro-
grammable–parameter input.
1 Address N or R was not entered.
2 A number not specified for a parameter was entered.
3 The axis number was too large.
4 An axis number was not specified in the axis–type parameter.
5 An axis number was specified in the parameter which is not an axis
type. Correct the program.
6 An attempt was made to reset bit 4 of parameter 3202 (NE9) or
change parameter 3210 (PSSWD) when they are protected by a
password. Correct the program.
232 TOO MANY HELICAL AXIS Three or more axes (in the normal direction control mode two or more
COMMANDS (M series) axes) were specified as helical axes in the helical interpolation mode.
233 DEVICE BUSY When an attempt was made to use a unit such as that connected via the
RS–232–C interface, other users were using it.
239 BP/S ALARM While punching was being performed with the function for controlling ex-
ternal I/O units ,background editing was performed.
240 BP/S ALARM Background editing was performed during MDI operation.
241 ILLEGAL FORMAT IN G02.2/G03.2 The end point, I, J, K, or R is missing from a command for involute inter-
(M series) polation.


Number Message Contents

242 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN An invalid value has been specified for involute interpolation.
G02.2/G03.2 S The start or end point is within the basic circle.
(M series)
S I, J, K, or R is set to 0.
S The number of rotations between the start of the involute curve and
the start or end point exceeds 100.
243 OVER TOLERANCE OF END POINT The end point is not on the involute curve which includes the start point
(M series) and thus falls outside the range specified with parameter No. 5610.
244 P/S ALARM In the skip function activated by the torque limit signal, the number of ac-
(T series) cumulated erroneous pulses exceed 32767 before the signal was input.
Therefore, the pulses cannot be corrected with one distribution.
Change the conditions, such as feed rates along axes and torque limit,
and try again.
245 T–CODE NOT ALOWEE IN THIS One of the G codes, G50, G10, and G04, which cannot be specified in
BLOCK (T series) the same block as a T code, was specified with a T code.
250 Z AXIS WRONG COMMAND (ATC) A value for the Z–axis has been specified in a block for the tool ex-
(M series) change command (M06T_) on a system with DRILL–MATE ARC
251 ATC ERROR This alarm is issued in the following cases (DRILL–MATE):
(M series) S An M06T_ command contains an unusable T code.
S An M06 command has been specified when the Z machine coordi
nate is positive.
S The parameter for the current tool number (No. 7810) is set to 0.
S An M06 command has been specified in canned cycle mode.
S A reference position return command (G27 to G44) and M06 com-
mand have been specified in the same block.
S An M06 command has been specified in tool compensation mode
(G41 to G44).
S An M06 command has been specified without performing reference
position return after power–on or the release of emergency stop.
S The machine lock signal or Z–axis ignore signal has been turned on
during tool exchange.
S A pry alarm has been detected during tool exchange.
Refer to diagnosis No. 530 to determine the cause.
252 ATC SPINDLE ALARM An excessive error arose during spindle positioning for ATC. For details,
(M series) refer to diagnosis No. 531. (Only for DRILL–MATE)
253 G05 IS NOT AVAILABLE Alarm details
(M series) Binary input operation using high–speed remote buffer (G05) or high–
speed cycle machining (G05) has been specified in advance control
mode (G08P1). Execute G08P0; to cancel advance control mode, be-
fore executing these G05 commands.
4500 REPOSITIONING INHIBITED A repositioning command was specified in the circular interpolation
(G02, G03) mode.
4502 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN BOLT In a bolt hole circle (G26) command, the radius (I) was set to zero or a
HOLE negative value, or the number of holes (K) was set to zero. Alternatively,
I, J, or K was not specified.
4503 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN LINE AT In a line-at-angle (G76) command, the number of holes (K) was set to
ANGLE zero or a negative value. Alternatively, I, J, or K was not specified.

4504 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN ARC In an arc (G77) command, the radius (I) or the number of holes (K) was
set to zero or a negative value. Alternatively, I, J, K, or P was not speci-


Number Message Contents

4505 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN GRID In a grid (G78, G79) command, the number of holes (P, K) was set to
zero or a negative value. Alternatively, I, J, K, or P was not specified.
4506 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN SHARE In a shear proof (G86) command, the tool size (P) was set to zero, or the
PROOFS blanking length (I) was 1.5 times larger than the tool size (P) or less. Al-
ternatively, I, J, or P was not specified.
4507 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN SQUARE In a square (G87) command, the tool size (P,Q) was set to zero or a neg-
ative value, or the blanking length (I, J) was three times larger than the
tool size (P, Q) or less. Alternatively, I, J, P, or Q was not specified.
4508 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN RADIUS In a radius (G88) command, the traveling pitch (Q) or radius (I) was set
to zero or a negative value, or the traveling pitch (Q) was greater than
or equal to the arc length. Alternatively, I, J, K, P, or Q was not specified.
4509 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN CUT AT In a cut-at-angle (G89) command, the traveling pitch (Q) was set to zero,
ANGLE negative value, or another value larger than or equal to the length (I).
Alternatively, I, J, P, or Q was not specified.
4510 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN In a linear punching (G45) command, the traveling distance was set to
LINE-PUNCH zero or a value 1.5 times larger than the tool size (P) or less. Alternative-
ly, P was not specified.
4511 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN In a circular punching (G46, G47) command, the same position was
CIRCLE-PUNCH specified for both start and end points of the arc, radius (R) of the arc was
set to zero, or the pitch (Q) was set to a value exceeding the arc length.
Alternatively, R or Q was not specified.
4520 T, M INHIBITED IN T code, M code, G04, G70 or G75 was specified in the nibbling mode.
4521 EXCESS NIBBLING MOVEMENT In the nibbling mode, the X-axis or Y-axis traveling distance was larger
(X, Y) than or equal to the limit (No. 16188 to 16193).

4522 EXCESS NIBBLING MOVEMENT In the circular nibbling (G68) or usual nibbling mode, the C-axis traveling
(C) distance was larger than or equal to the limit (No. 16194).

4523 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN In a circular nibbling (G68) command, the traveling pitch (Q) was set to
CIRCLE-NIBBL zero, a negative value, or a value larger than or equal to the limit (No.
16186, 16187), or the radius (I) was set to zero or a negative value. Al-
ternatively, I, J, K, P, or Q was not specified.
4524 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN In a linear nibbling (G69) command, the traveling pitch (Q) was set to
LINE-NIBBL zero, negative value, or a value larger than or equal to the limit (No.
16186, 16187). Alternatively, I, J, P, or Q was not specified.
4530 A/B MACRO NUMBER ERROR The number for storing and calling by an A or B macro was set to a value
beyond the range from 1 to 5.
4531 U/V MACRO FORMAT ERROR An attempt was made to store a macro while storing another macro us-
ing a U or V macro.
A V macro was specified although the processing to store a macro was
not in progress.
A U macro number and V macro number do not correspond with each
4532 IMPROPER U/V MACRO NUMBER The number of an inhibited macro (number beyond the range from 01
to 99) was specified in a U or V macro command.
4533 U/V MACRO MEMORY OVERFLOW An attempt was made to store too many macros with a U or V macro
4534 W MACRO NUMBER NOT FOUND Macro number W specified in a U or V macro command is not stored.
4535 U/V MACRO NESTING ERROR An attempt was made to call a macro which is defined three times or
more using a U or V macro command.
An attempt was made to store 15 or more macros in the storage area
for macros of number 90 to 99.


Number Message Contents

4536 NO W, Q COMMAND IN W or Q was not specified in the command for taking multiple workpieces

4537 ILLEGAL Q VALUE IN MULTI-PIECE In the command for taking multiple workpieces (G73, G74), Q is set to
a value beyond the range from 1 to 4.
4538 W NO. NOT FOUND IN Macro number W specified in the command for taking multiple work-
MULTI-PIECE pieces (G73, G74) is not stored.

4539 MULTI-PIECE SETTING IS ZERO The command for taking multiple workpieces (G73, G74) was specified
although zero is specified for the function to take multiple workpieces
(No. 16206 or signals MLP1 and MLP2 (PMC address G231, #0 and
4540 MULTI-PIECE COMMAND WITHIN The command for taking multiple workpieces (G73, G74) was specified
MACRO when a U or V macro was being stored.

4542 MULTI-PIECE COMMAND ERROR Although G98P0 was specified, the G73 command was issued.
Although G98K0 was specified, the G74 command was issued.
4543 MULTI-PIECE Q COMMAND Although G98P0 was specified, the Q value for the G74 command was
ERROR not 1 or 3.
Although G98K0 was specified, the Q value for the G73 command was
not 1 or 2.
4544 MULTI-PIECE RESTART ERROR In the command for resuming taking multiple workpieces, the resume
position (P) is set to a value beyond the range from 1 to total number of
workpieces to be machined.
4549 ILLEGAL TOOL DATA FORMAT The quantity of tool data patterns to be saved is too large to fit the usable
area (16 KB).
4600 T, C COMMAND IN In the linear interpolation (G01) mode or circular interpolation (G02,
INTERPOLATION G03) mode, a T command or C-axis command was specified.

4601 INHIBITED T, M COMMAND In the block of G52, G72, G73, or G74, a T or M command was specified.
4602 ILLEGAL T-CODE The specified T command is not cataloged on the tool register screen.
4603 C AXIS SYNCHRONOUS ERROR The difference between the position deviation value of C1 axis and C2
axis exceeds the parameter value (No. 16364, 16365) with the C–axis
synchronous control function.
4604 ILLEGAL AXIS OPERATION A C-axis command was specified in the block containing a T command
for multiple tools.
4630 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN LASER In the laser mode, a nibbling command or pattern command was speci-
MODE fied.
In the tracing mode, an attempt was made to make a switch to the
punching mode.
4631 ILLEGAL COMMAND IN PUNCH In the punching mode, a G code of laser control (G13, G24, G31, etc.)
MODE was specified.

4650 IMPROPER G-CODE IN OFFSET In the cutter compensation mode, an inhibited G code (pattern com-
MODE mand, G73, G74, G75, etc.) was specified.

4700 PROGRAM ERROR (OT +) The value specified in the X-axis move command exceeded the positive
value of stored stroke limit 1. (Advance check)
4701 PROGRAM ERROR (OT –) The value specified in the X-axis move command exceeded the nega-
tive value of stored stroke limit 1. (Advance check)
4702 PROGRAM ERROR (OT +) The value specified in the Y-axis move command exceeded the positive
value of stored stroke limit 1. (Advance check)
4703 PROGRAM ERROR (OT –) The value specified in the Y-axis move command exceeded the nega-
tive value of stored stroke limit 1. (Advance check)
4704 PROGRAM ERROR (OT +) The value specified in the Z-axis move command exceeded the positive
value of stored stroke limit 1. (Advance check)


Number Message Contents

4705 PROGRAM ERROR (OT –) The value specified in the Z-axis move command exceeded the nega-
tive value of stored stroke limit 1. (Advance check)
5000 ILLEGAL COMMAND CODE The specified code was incorrect in the high–precision contour control
(M series) (HPCC) mode.
5003 ILLEGAL PARAMETER (HPCC) There is an invalid parameter.
(M series)
5004 HPCC NOT READY (M series) High–precision contour control is not ready.
5006 TOO MANY WORD IN ONE BLOCK The number of words specified in a block exceeded 26 in the HPCC
(M series) mode.
5007 TOO LARGE DISTANCE (M series) In the HPCC mode, the machine moved beyond the limit.
5009 PARAMETER ZERO (DRY RUN) The maximum feedrate (parameter No. 1422) or the feedrate in dry run
(M series) (parameter No. 1410) is 0 in the HPCC model.
5010 END OF RECORD The end of record (%) was specified.
I/O is incorrect. modify the program.
5011 PARAMETER ZERO(CUT MAX) The maximum cutting feedrate (parameter No. 1422)is 0 in the HPCC
(M series) mode.
5012 G05 P10000 ILLEGAL START UP Function category:
(HPCC) High–precision contour control
(M series) Alarm details:
G05 P10000 has been specified in a mode from which the system can-
not enter HPCC mode.
5013 HPCC: CRC OFS REMAIN AT CAN- G05P0 has been specified in G41/G42 mode or with offset remaining.
CEL (M series)
5014 TRACE DATA NOT FOUND Transfer cannot be performed because no trace data exists.
(M series)
5015 The specified rotation axis does not exist for tool axis direction handle
(M series) feed.
5016 ILLEGAL COMBINATION OF M M codes which belonged to the same group were specified in a block.
CODE Alternatively,an M code which must be specified without other M codes
in the block was specified in a block with other M codes.
5018 POLYGON SPINDLE SPEED ER- Function category:
ROR Polygon turning
(T series) Alarm details:
In G51.2 mode, the speed of the spindle or polygon synchronous axis
either exceeds the clamp value or is too small. The specified rotation
speed ratio thus cannot be maintained.
5020 PARAMETER OF RESTART ERROR An erroneous parameter was specified for restarting a program.
A parameter for program restart is invalid.
5030 ILLEGAL COMMAND (G100) The end command (G110) was specified before the registratioin start
(T series) command (G101, G102, or G103) was specified for the B–axis.
5031 ILLEGAL COMMAND (G100, G102, While a registration start command (G101, G102, or G103) was being
G103) (T series) executed, another registration start command was specified for the B–
5032 NEW PRG REGISTERED IN B–AXS While the machine was moving about the B–axis, at attempt was made
MOVE (T series) to register another move command.
5033 NO PROG SPACE IN MEMORY B– Commands for movement about the B–axis were not registered be-
AXS (T series) cause of insufficient program memory.
5034 PLURAL COMMAND IN G110 Multiple movements were specified with the G110 code for the B–axis.
(T series)
5035 NO FEEDRATE COMMANDED B– A feedrate was not specified for cutting feed about the B–axis.
AXS (T series)


Number Message Contents

5036 ADDRESS R NOT DEFINED IN Point R was not specified for the canned cycle for the B–axis.
G81–G86 (T series)
5037 ADDRESS Q NOT DEFINED IN G83 Depth of cut Q was not specified for the G83 code (peck drilling cycle).
(T series) Alternatively, 0 was specified in Q for the B–axis.
5038 TOO MANY START M–CODE COM- More than six M codes for starting movement about the B–axis were
MAND (T series) specified.
5039 START UNREGISTERED B–AXS An attempt was made to execute a program for the B–axis which had
PROG (T series) not been registered.
5040 CAN NOT COMMANDED B–AXS The machine could not move about the B–axis because parameter
MOVE (T series) No.8250 was incorrectly specified, or because the PMC axis system
could not be used.
5041 CAN NOT COMMANDED G110 Blocks containing the G110 codes were successively specified in tool–
BLOCK (T series) tip radius compensation for the B–axis.
5043 TOO MANY G68 NESTING Three–dimensional coordinate conversion G68 has been specified
(M series) three or more times.
5044 G68 FORMAT ERROR A G68 command block contains a format error. This alarm is issued in
(M series) the following cases:
1. I, J, or K is missing from a G68 command block (missing coordinate
rotation option).
2. I, J, and K are 0 in a G68 command block.
3. R is missing from a G68 command block.
5046 ILLEGAL PARAMETER (ST.COMP) The parameter settings for straightness compensation contain an error.
Possible causes are as follows:
1. A parameter for a movement axis or compensation axis contains an
axis number which is not used.
2. More than 128 pitch error compensation points exist between the
negative and positive end points.
3. Compensation point numbers for straightness compensation are
not assigned in the correct order.
4. No straightness compensation point exists between the pitch error
compensation points at the negative and positive ends.
5. The compensation value for each compensation point is too large
or too small.
5050 ILL–COMMAND IN CHOPPING A command for switching the major axis has been specified for circular
MODE threading. Alternatively, a command for setting the length of the major
(M series) axis to 0 has been specified for circular threading.
5051 M–NET CODE ERROR Abnormal character received (other than code used for transmission)
5052 M–NET ETX ERROR Abnormal ETX code
5053 M–NET CONNECT ERROR Connection time monitoring error (parameter No. 175)
5054 M–NET RECEIVE ERROR Polling time monitoring error (parameter No. 176)
5055 M–NET PRT/FRT ERROR Vertical parity or framing error
5057 M–NET BOARD SYSTEM DOWN Transmission timeout error (parameter No. 177)
ROM parity error
CPU interrupt other than the above
5058 G35/G36 FORMAT ERROR A command for switching the major axis has been specified for circular
(T series) threading. Alternatively, a command for setting the length of the major
axis to 0 has been specified for circular threading.
5059 RADIUS IS OUT OF RANGE A radius exceeding nine digits has been specified for circular interpola-
(T series) tion with the center of the arc specified with I, J, and K.


Number Message Contents

5063 IS NOT PRESET AFTER REF. Function category:

(M series) Workpiece thickness measurement
Alarm details
The position counter was not preset before the start of workpiece thick-
ness measurement. This alarm is issued in the following cases:
(1) An attempt has been made to start measurement without first estab-
lishing the origin.
(2) An attempt has been made to start measurement without first pre-
setting the position counter after manual return to the origin.
5064 DIFFERRENT AXIS UNIT (IS–B, Circular interpolation has been specified on a plane consisting of axes
IS–C) having different increment systems.
(M series)
5065 DIFFERENT AXIS UNIT (PMC AXIS) Axes having different increment systems have been specified in the
(M series) same DI/DO group for PMC axis control. Modify the setting of parameter
No. 8010.
5066 RESTART ILLEGAL SEQUENCE Sequence number 7xxx has been read during search for the next se-
NUMBER quence number at program restart for the return/restart function.
(M series)
5068 G31 P90 FORMAT ERROR No movement axis or more than one movement axis has been speci-
(M series) fied.
5073 NO DECIMAL POINT No decimal point has been specified for an address requiring a decimal
5074 ADDRESS DUPLICATION ERROR The same address has been specified two or more times in a single
block. Alternatively, two or more G codes in the same group have been
specified in a single block.
5082 DATA SERVER ERROR This alarm is detailed on the data server message screen.

HPCC : High precision contour control

(2) Background edit alarm

Number Message Contents

??? BP/S alarm BP/S alarm occurs in the same number as the P/S alarm that occurs in
ordinary program edit. (070, 071, 072, 073, 074 085,086,087 etc.)
140 BP/S alarm It was attempted to select or delete in the background a program being
selected in the foreground. (Note)
Use background editing correctly.

Alarm in background edit is displayed in the key input line of the background edit screen instead
of the ordinary alarm screen and is resettable by any of the MDI key operation.


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