Chapter 4 System Design Phase

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4.1 System Design Phase

It is a process of planning a new business system or replacing an existing

system by defining its components or modules to satisfy the specific
requirements. Before planning, you need to understand the old system
thoroughly and determine how computers can best be used in order to
operate efficiently. System Design focuses on how to accomplish the
objective of the system. System Analysis and Design (SAD) mainly
focuses on −
1. Systems
2. Processes
3. Technology

4.1.1 Constraints of a System

A system must have three basic constraints −
1. A system must have some structure and behavior which is designed
to achieve a predefined objective.
2. Interconnectivity and interdependence must exist among the system
3. The objectives of the organization have a higher priority than the
objectives of its subsystems.
For example, traffic management system, payroll system, automatic
library system, human resources information system.

4.1.2 Properties of PFIMS

A. Organization: - Organization implies structure and order. It is the

arrangement of components that helps to achieve predetermined
B. Interaction: - It is defined by the manner in which the components
operate with each other. For example, in an organization, purchasing
department must interact with production department and payroll with
personnel department.
C. Interdependence: - Interdependence means how the components of
a system depend on one another. For proper functioning, the components
are coordinated and linked together according to a specified plan. The
output of one subsystem is the required by other subsystem as input.
E. Central Objective: - The objective of system must be central. It may
be real or stated. It is not uncommon for an organization to state an
objective and operate to achieve another. The users must know the main
objective of a computer application early in the analysis for a successful
design and conversion.

4.1.3 Elements of PFIMS

A. Outputs and Inputs: -

1. The main aim of this system is to produce an output which is
useful for its user.
2. Inputs are the information that enters into the system for
3. Output is the outcome of processing.
B. Processor(s): -
1. The processor is the element of a system that involves the actual
transformation of input into output.
2. It is the operational component of a system. Processors may modify
the input either totally or partially, depending on the output
3. As the output specifications change, so does the processing. In some
cases, input is also modified to enable the processor for handling the
C. Control: -
1. The control element guides the system.
2. It is the decision–making subsystem that controls the pattern of
activities governing input, processing, and output.
3. The behavior of a computer System is controlled by the Operating
System and software. In order to keep system in balance, what and
how much input is needed is determined by Output Specifications.
D. Feedback: -
1. Feedback provides the control in a dynamic system.
2. Positive feedback is routine in nature that encourages the
performance of the system.
3. Negative feedback is informational in nature that provides the
controller with information for action.
E. Environment: -
1. The environment is the “super system” within which an
organization operates.
2. It is the source of external elements that strike on the system.
3. It determines how a system must function. For example, vendors
and competitors of organization’s environment, may provide
constraints that affect the actual performance of the business.
F. Boundaries and Interface: -
1. A system should be defined by its boundaries. Boundaries are the
limits that identify its components, processes, and interrelationship
when it interfaces with another system.
2. Each system has boundaries that determine its sphere of influence
and control.
3. The knowledge of the boundaries of a given system is crucial in
determining the nature of its interface with other systems for
successful design.

4.1.4 PFIMS as a System Type

A. Man–Made Information System.

1. It is an interconnected set of information resources to manage data
for particular organization/Enterprises, under Direct Management
Control (DMC).
2. This system includes hardware, software, communication, data,
and application for producing information according to the need of
an organization/Enterprises.
3. Man-made information systems are divided into three types: −
1. Formal Information System: − It is based on the flow of
information in the form of memos, instructions, etc., from top
level to lower levels of management.
2. Informal Information System: − This is employee based
system which solves the day to day work related problems.
3. Computer Based System: − This system is directly
dependent on the computer for managing business
applications. For example, automatic library system, railway
reservation system, banking system, etc.

4.1.5 PFIMS System Model

A. It is a Dynamic System Model.

1. Business organizations are dynamic systems. A dynamic model
approximates the type of organization or application that analysts deal
2. It shows an ongoing, constantly changing status of the system. It
consists of −
2.1. Inputs that enter the system
2.2. The processor through which transformation takes place
2.3. The program(s) required for processing
2.4. The output(s) that result from processing.

4.1.6 Categories of PFIMS as a Managerial Information

There are three categories of information related to managerial levels

and the decision managers make.

Figure 4.1
A. Strategic Information.
1. This information is required by topmost management for long
range planning policies for next few years. For example, trends in
revenues, financial investment, and human resources, and
population growth.
2. This type of information is achieved with the aid of Decision
Support System (DSS).

B. Managerial Information.
1. This type of Information is required by middle management for
short and intermediate range planning which is in terms of months.
For example, sales analysis, cash flow projection, and annual
financial statements.
2. It is achieved with the aid of Management Information Systems
C. Operational Information.
1. This type of information is required by low management for daily
and short term planning to enforce day-to-day operational
activities. For example, keeping employee attendance records,
overdue purchase orders, and current stocks available.
2. It is achieved with the aid of Data Processing Systems (DPS)

4.2 System Architecture Design

4.2.0 Introduction
Software Design & Software Architecture Relationships
Software development is a complex process. Two important parts of the
process include software design and software architecture. Sometimes it
can be hard to tell the difference between the two. 
Basically, Software Design is about the individual modules and
components of the software, and Software Architecture is about the
overall structure that these components fit into.

: -
4.2.1 Software Architecture
Like a blueprint of a building, a bridge, or any other kind of structure,
software architecture is used to organize and conceptualize a system. It
includes a definition of which elements and components need to be in
the system, which components need to interact with each other, and what
type of environment the software needs to operate. Software
architecture defines the structure and constraints that the software
developers will need to work in. It includes the documentation, charts,
diagrams, and anything used to facilitate communications with

4.2.2 Software Design

While the software architecture identifies the components and
elements that need to be included in the software, the software design
focuses on how the software will be built. Software design is one of the
initial phases of the software development life cycle. In this phase you
analyze and identify the methods that your developers will use.
Additionally, you define how the software will be built according to
stakeholder and customer requirements. The software design defines: -
1. How the individual modules and components will be designed
2. Detailed software properties
3. Specifications that will help developers implement the software
4. How all components, modules, functions, and so on are being built

4.2.3 Relationship between Software (Architecture & Design)

While software architecture and design should be considered as two

separate stages in the software development process, they do tend to
overlap. For example, they are both concerned with the relationships and
interactions of various components and elements in the software

Nevertheless, they differ in their approach. Software architecture is

primarily concerned with what the components and relationships are,
and software design focuses on how the components interact. Software
architecture and design are two separate parts of one process that depend
on each other for success (2)

Figure 4.2: PFIM System Architecture

4.3 System Design Language

Nate Baldwin uses a slightly more theoretical approach by focusing on

the essential properties of languages themselves. A language is a
“formal, unified system of meanings as way to intelligibly communicate
with users”. He states that a successful, effective language needs clear
and consistent rules and makes clear that, as above, a simple pattern
library or style guide is not enough to constitute a design language.
Rather, you also need semantics, structures, and meanings behind the
individual elements.

: -
4.3.1 User Interface Language: - A System Design Language provides
a means of communicating a design and an approach to determine the
effectiveness of a design before it is built. This design language helps to
guide the decomposition of the design by asking the right questions at
the right time. The process of defining system requirements,
communicating these requirements and their chosen solutions, and
determining the effectiveness is explained within this primer (3).

4.3.2 User Interface Programming / Graphical User Interface (GUI)

GUI is an interface that allows users to interact with different electronic
devices using icons and other visual indicators. The graphical user
interfaces were created because command line interfaces were quite
complicated and it was difficult to learn all the commands in it. In
today’s times, graphical user interfaces are used in many devices such
as mobiles, MP3 players, gaming devices, smartphones etc.
For a computer application, there are two sorts of interfaces. The
Command Line Interface (CLI) is a program that allows you to write
text and have the computer reply to it. The Graphical User Interface
(GUI) is a method of interacting with a computer that uses graphics
rather than words. The following are some of the graphical user
interface components that may be used to interact with the proposed
Desktop application: −
1.Radio Button
2. Check Box
3. Text Box
4. List Box
The aforementioned items are validated by GUI testing. The below
diagram provides the position of the PFIMS graphical user interface
with respect to the Desktop Computer Application system: −

A. Elements in Graphical User Interface

: -
Graphical User Interface makes use of visual elements mostly. These
elements define the appearance of the PFIMS GUI. Some of these are
as follows: −

1. Window: - This is the element that displays the information on the

screen. It is very easy to manipulate a window. It can be opened or
closed with the click of an icon. Moreover, it can be moved to any area
by dragging it around. In a multitasking environment, multiple windows
can be open at the same time, all of them performing different tasks.
There are multiple types of windows in a graphical user interface, such
as container window, browser window, text terminal window, child
window, message window etc.

2. Menu: - A menu contains a list a choices and it allows users to select

one from them. A menu bar is displayed horizontally across the screen
such as pull down menu. When any option is clicked in this menu, then
the pull down menu appears. Another type of menu is the context menu
that appears only when the user performs a specific action. An example
of this is pressing the right mouse button. When this is done, a menu will
appear under the cursor.

3. Icons: - Files, programs, web pages etc. can be represented using a

small picture in a graphical user interface. This picture is known as an
icon. Using an icon is a fast way to open documents, run programs etc.
because clicking on them yields instant access.

4. Controls: - Information in an application can be directly read or

influences using the graphical control elements. These are also known as
widgets. Normally, widgets are used to display lists of similar items,
navigate the system using links, tabs etc. and manipulating data using
check boxes, radio boxes etc.

5. Tabs: - A tab is associated with a view pane. It usually contains a text

label or a graphical icon. Tabs are sometimes related to widgets and
multiple tabs allow users to switch between different widgets. Tabs are
used in various web browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera,
Safari etc. Multiple web pages can be opened in a web browser and
users can switch between them using tabs. (4)

B. Database Programming (MYSQL DB).

Working with databases and tables is a foundational skill for any
database administrator. This ability to create multiple databases and
multiple tables within each database allows administrators to ensure that
data is grouped in a logical order (5). How can the server interact with the
database and users?
The VB.NET v15 program (Frontend) needs to be a server as it will
have other purposes (such as a chat lobby). When the user connects to
the server, the user should be able to access the database at the same
time like others can. The design process: - The design process consists
of the following steps: -

1. Determine the purpose of your database: -This helps prepare

you for the remaining steps.
2. Find and organize the information required: - Gather all of the
types of information you might want to record in the database,
such as product name and order number.
3. Divide the information into tables: - Divide your information
items into major entities or subjects, such as Products or Orders.
Each subject then becomes a table.
4. Turn information items into columns: - Decide what information
you want to store in each table. Each item becomes a field, and is
displayed as a column in the table. For example, an Employees
table might include fields such as Last Name and Hire Date.
5. Specify primary keys: - Choose each table’s primary key. The
primary key is a column that is used to uniquely identify each row.
An example might be Product ID or Order ID.
6. Set up the table relationships: - Look at each table and decide
how the data in one table is related to the data in other tables. Add
: - Graphical User Interface (GUI) (

: -
fields to tables or create new tables to clarify the relationships, as
7. Refine your design: - Analyze your design for errors. Create the
tables and add a few records of sample data. See if you can get the
results you want from your tables. Make adjustments to the design,
as needed.
8. Apply the normalization rules: - Apply the data normalization
rules to see if your tables are structured correctly. Make
adjustments to the tables, as needed.

4.4 System Database Design

Figure 4.3: PFIMS Database development life cycle

The database development life cycle has a number of stages that are
followed when developing database systems. The steps in the
development life cycle do not necessarily have to be followed
religiously in a sequential manner. On small database systems, the
process of database design is usually very simple and does not involve a
lot of steps (6).

4.4.1 Database Design: - is a collection of processes that facilitate the

designing, development, implementation and maintenance of enterprise
data management systems. Properly designed database are easy to
maintain, improves data consistency and are cost effective in terms of

: -
disk storage space. The database designer decides how the data elements
correlate and what data must be stored.
The main objectives of database design in DBMS are to produce logical
and physical designs models of the proposed database system (7).

The logical model concentrates on the data requirements and the data to
be stored independent of physical considerations. It does not concern
itself with how the data will be stored or where it will be stored

The physical data design model involves translating the logical DB

design of the database (ERD) onto physical media using hardware
resources and software systems such as MYSQL as the choosing
database management systems (DBMS).

4.5 MySQL Database & Vb.Net Communication

4.5.1 Network Design
UML provides no special kind of diagram to describe logical or
physical network architecture of the designed or existing
system. Deployment diagrams could be used for this purpose with
elements limited mostly to devices with neither artifacts nor actual
deployments shown.
The network diagram below shows network architecture with
configuration usually called "two firewall demilitarized zone".
Demilitarized zone (DMZ) is a host or network segment located in a
"neutral zone" between the Internet and an organization’s intranet
(private network). It prevents outside users from gaining direct access to
an organization’s internal network while not exposing a web, email or
DNS server directly to the Internet.

: -
A two-firewall DMZ configuration with complex security rules provides
better protection over a router firewall DMZ configuration and is often
able to analyze incoming and outgoing HTTP traffic and protect against
application layer attacks aimed at the web servers.
Load balanced web servers shown in the DMZ communicate to the
application and database servers located in the private network
4.5.2 Adding MySQL support to Visual Studio Connection
Visual Studio does not include support for MySQL by default. To add
MySQL support to Visual Studio, you must install the following
components: -

A. MySQL for Visual Studio: - This component adds MySQL support

to Visual Studio's visual database tools, such as Server Explorer.
B. Connector/Net: - This component adds .NET drivers for MySQL to
Visual Studio. If you want to write .NET code that accesses MySQL
databases, you must install this component. You should download and
install both of these components to obtain the best possible MySQL
integration with Visual Studio.
C. Using Server Explorer: - After you install the MySQL for Visual
Studio component, you can use Visual Studio's visual database tools to
access and view MySQL databases on A2 Hosting servers.
4.6 System Screen Design(s)
1: Login, Role, Permission

Figure 4.4: System Login, Role, Permission

2: User Registration
Figure 4.5: User Registration

4: Employee Class Module

Figure 4.6: Employee Record

5: Customer Class Module
Figure 4.7: Customer Record.

6: Product Class Module

Figure 4.8: Products Record

7: Stock Inventory Class Module

Figure 4.9: Stock Inventory Record

8: Order_Purchase Class Module

Figure 4.10: Order_Purchase Record

9: Customer_Order Class Module

Figure 4.11: Customer Order

10: Supplier

Figure 4.12: Supplier Records

11: Point of Sales (POS)

Figure 4.13: POS

4.7 System Report (Invoice & Receipt)

A. Credit Card
A credit card is a thin rectangular piece of plastic or metal issued by a
bank or financial services company that allows cardholders to borrow
funds with which to pay for goods and services with merchants that
accept cards for payment. Credit cards impose the condition that
cardholders pay back the borrowed money, plus any applicable interest,
as well as any additional agreed-upon charges, either in full by the
billing date or over time. A vast majority of businesses let the customer
make purchases with credit cards, which remain one of today’s most
popular payment methodologies for buying consumer goods and
services (8).

B. Invoice

An invoice is a time-stamped commercial document that itemizes and

records a transaction between a buyer and a seller. If goods or services
were purchased on credit, the invoice usually specifies the terms of the
deal and provides information on the available methods of payment.

: - Credit Card: What It Is, How It Works, and How to Get One (
Some Types of invoices may include a paper receipt, a bill of
sale, debit note, sales invoice, or online electronic record (9).

C. Sales Receipt

A Sales Receipt is simply a paper or electronic document that

acknowledges receipt of payment (in the form of money or property)
after a sale or transfer of goods or provision of a service. A sales receipt
is usually given out from a seller to a customer and consists of the
quantity of the items purchased and the price of the items. A sales
receipt may also contain a sales tax, depending on the transaction
location and the item being sold. Small business owners and freelancers
are usually responsible for ensuring their business finances are well
documented, and this includes keeping some financial records like
invoices and sales receipts. Sometimes, many people mistake a sales
invoice for a sales receipt. There are some slight but important
differences, and this article will try to break them down (10).

: - What Is an Invoice? It's Parts and Why They Are Important (
: -

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