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Prabakaran Chezhian

Senior Software Test Engineer

Software Engineer holding Post Graduate Degree with 5 years of professional experience in python development and embedded
testing in the HVAC domain. +91 9500069466

Chennai, India


Senior Software Test Engineer Python R SQL Django-Basics
Trane Technologies
Flask Tkinter MySQL SQLite
08/2021 - Present, Chennai
Tech Stack: Python, Flask, MongoDB, Rabbit MQ
MongoDB API JIRA Perforce
Designed and developed the next-gen automation framework for product
owners that increased productivity by 12%. IoT EmbeddedTesting RabbitMQ
Integrated an application server with test fixtures to support remote
testing of HVAC units during the Covid pandemic.
Designed and developed an algorithm that helps to detect switch-over
valve fault in the heat pump system with 99% accuracy. Increased customer ACHIEVEMENTS
satisfaction by 8% using this algorithm.
Subject matter expert in HVAC systems such as Heat pumps, Air Pathbreaker
conditioners and Furnace. Received Pathbreaker 2021 Q4 Award at Trane

Software Test Engineer Spot Award

Trane Technologies Received Spot Award 2020 Q4 and Spot Award 2021
Q1 at Trane Technologies.
07/2018 - 07/2021, Chennai
Ingersoll Rand was spun-off to form Trane Technologies BOB 2.0 Winner
Tech Stack: Python, Tkinter, MySQL, SQLite Winner of Battle of Bots 2019 and Runner-up of
Led a team of four to develop and launch a simulation environment with IoT Navibot 2019 for designing and developing robots, at
Trane Technologies.
capability using Beaglebone-black(Linux-based single-board computer),
which decreased the costs involved in field trials by 4%.
Built a polynomial regression model using Machine Learning for simulating
sensor values in an HVAC unit. US PATENT
Recast and developed the GUI tools to control the test fixtures remotely
for a smooth testing experience.
Heat pump fault detection algorithm
(Patent Application number - 17/705849)
Switch over valve (SOV/Reversing valve) stuck issue in
Graduate Engineer Trainee heat pump system is one of the field issues that create
discomfort to user and damages the system. If the user
Ingersoll Rand demands heating during SOV stuck, the system will run
07/2017 - 06/2018, Chennai in cooling mode and vice versa. There is no mechanism
Tech Stack: Python, CTMP and I2C protocol available to detect SOV stuck issue in the existing HP
system. This patent proposes an algorithm that will
Analyzed & deployed a CTMP automation framework to automate the BLDC detect the position of the switch-over valve in the heat
motor drive testing that saved 80% of manual efforts. pump system based on the temperature difference in
Dome/discharge, indoor gas and outdoor suction
Spearheaded a motor drive project and delivered all testing activities on temperatures.
time to the stakeholders with quality.
Engineered and redesigned the park brake mechanism on Carryall LSVs
with a low-cost electric park brake.
EDUCATION Professional Working Proficiency

M.Tech in Software Systems Elementary Proficiency
Birla Institute Of Technology & Science
12/2019 - 12/2021, Pilani

B.E in Instrumentation and control Engineering

Anna University
03/2013 - 04/2017, Chennai

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